POP :: Volume #8

#21: My parents I take responsibility

However, Holy Venerable Old Ancestor knew in the heart that oneself and clan core level with Crystal 5 thorough binding, has raised the ability of table not to have continually. Therefore, even if in his heart has many ideas, still can only endure. 不过,圣尊老祖心知自己家族核心层已经与晶五彻底绑定,连掀桌子的能力都没有。因此,即便他心中有再多的想法,也只能忍着。 But, he has to admonish said: Sir, these ordinary resumes, screens by you under slowly. You will turn in the future, look at that group of high-quality candidates.” 无奈之下,他只得谏言道:“大人,这些普通简历,还是由您麾下慢慢筛选吧。您往后翻一翻,看一看那一批优质的候选人。” Crystal 5 turns the resume the movement to catch unexpectedly. 晶五翻简历的动作蓦地卡住。 As a heavy obsession, jumps over the resume of middle part to make him feel very uncomfortable obviously, however is the time is really limited, he decides to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones finally, first is under oneself that some fifteenth stage to the elite of 19th stage chooses the high-quality parents. 作为一个重度强迫症,跳过中间部分的简历显然让他觉得很难受,然而实在是时间有限,他最终还是决定抓大放小,先为自己麾下那部分十五阶十八阶的精英挑选优质父母。 After all this Crystal Ancient Race revival plan, in one single day cannot be completed, needs to divide the raid, anxiously is also anxiously. 毕竟此次晶古族复兴计划,可不是一朝一夕能够完成,需要分批次来进行,急也是急不来的。 He one turns toward behind , youngster in following resume was more outstanding, has young many outstanding person in one generation, in the future will have existence of opportunity achievement True Immortal Seed. 他往后面一翻,果然,后续简历中的年轻人优秀了许多,其中不乏有年轻一代中的佼佼者,未来有机会成就真仙种的存在。 This couple, although only then Void Soaring Boundary potential, but the semblance and individuality are good, may become Crystal smokes Parents.” “这对夫妻虽然只有凌虚境潜力,但是外表和个性都不错,可成为【晶熏儿】的父母。” The crystal smokes is a fifteenth stage Commander level clansman, in the future the potential will be good, will promote 17th Stage to become Captain Crystal Ancient Race hopefully! 晶熏儿是一位十五阶统领级族人,未来潜力不错,有希望晋升十七阶成为晶古族首领! This is the first group of samsara clansmen who Crystal 5 chooses. 这是晶五挑选出来的第一批轮回族人。 Once she will achieve 17th Stage in the future, then had the qualifications to obtain a noble series number. 一旦她未来达成十七阶,便有资格得到一个高贵的序列号了。 Very rare praise a couple, Crystal 5 continued to look downward, quick picked up several pairs of good Mr. and Mrs. young, decided but not yet announced gave subordinate elite them respectively. 很难得的夸赞了一对夫妇,晶五又继续往下看,很快就挑出了几对不错的年轻夫妇,分别将他们内定给了麾下精英。 Well? Wang Yanjiao Mr. and Mrs. Chen Manqing? Is this Changning Wang Clan child?” “咦?王宴骄陈曼青夫妇?这是长宁王氏的孩子?” Suddenly, Crystal 5 read a quite good resume. 忽然,晶五翻看到了一份相当不错的简历。 Careful after having looked at one, he could not bear approve one: Their bloodline potential is good , to promote slightly again is pair of True Immortal Seed! What is rarer, their school records and knowledge, and individuality personal history is extremely good! Can become the parents of first group of leaders.” 仔仔细细的看过一遍之后,他忍不住赞了一声:“他们血脉潜力不错,略微再提升一下就是一对真仙种!更难得的是,他们的学历和知识,以及个性履历都极佳!可以成为第一批首领的父母。” Pours the bottom to Crystal 31, is to Crystal 47? Or, making Crystal 68 be reincarnated also good, his soul potential is good, in the future hopeful 19th stage !” “倒底是给晶三十一呢,还是给晶四十七?要不,让晶六十八转世也行,他的灵魂潜力不错,未来有望十八阶!” Suddenly, Crystal 5 somewhat acts bashful erratically. 一时间,晶五有些拿捏不定。 Intertwined the moment, he decides to put, perhaps behind also has better choice that ~ 纠结了片刻,他决定还是放一放,说不定后面还有更好的选择那~ Continues to turn in the future, Crystal 5 turned out a more outstanding couple personal history in the next to last act part quickly. 继续往后翻去,晶五很快就在压轴部分翻出了一份更加优秀的夫妻履历。 The man in couple, is this cooperation Holy Venerable Old Ancestor direct line bloodline descendant, was one has inherited clan Holy Picture True Immortal Boundary outstanding talent, bloodline has issued Holy Child second grade in careful training. 夫妻中的男子,是这位合作圣尊老祖的直系血脉后裔,乃是一位已经继承了家族圣图真仙境俊杰,血脉更是在精心培养下达到了圣子乙等 But her wife is also very outstanding, is the day of Wei Holy Mansion Holy Clan Diao Clan daughter of first wife, after resources training that Holy Venerable Old Ancestor gives in secret, the assistance of in addition Holy Picture, its bloodline aptitude has achieved Holy Child third grade! 而她的妻子也十分出色,乃是天渭圣府圣族刁氏的嫡女,在经过圣尊老祖暗中给与的资源培养,外加一部圣图的辅助,其血脉资质已然达到了圣子丙等 two has Holy Picture accurate Holy Venerable Mr. and Mrs. young, stands mutually hand in hand, seriously is extremely rare deity family companion. 两位拥有圣图的准圣尊年轻夫妇,互相携手而立,当真是极为难得的神仙眷侣。 Sir Crystal 5, my bloodline descendant couple how?” Holy Venerable Old Ancestor sees Crystal 5 to look is dedicated and careful, slightly somewhat is self-satisfied, in the tone also took several points of showing off meaning. 晶五大人,我这血脉后裔夫妇如何?”圣尊老祖晶五看得专注而仔细,不由微微有些得意,语气中也带上了几分炫耀的意思。 Is outstanding.” Then is Crystal 5, sees this personal history not parsimonious eulogy, „your bloodline descendant, is you choose, prepares to inherit me to give you Dao Book that descendant?” “非常优秀。”便是晶五,看到这履历也不吝啬赞词,“你这血脉后裔,便是你选出来,准备继承我给你道书的那位后裔吧?” In order to win over Holy Venerable Old Ancestor, making him cooperate with oneself, Crystal 5 has naturally given a number of resources, includes Dao Book, as well as several Holy Picture wait/etc. 为了拉拢圣尊老祖,让他跟自己合作,晶五自然是给出过一批资源的,其中就包括一部道书,以及数部圣图等等。 Right!” A Holy Venerable Old Ancestor face is proud, „, since 1000 several hundred years ago, I and Sir you reach the agreement, and after being indebted you granted some resources, I then designated originally very outstanding Wenbai as the potential leader, and be selective gave him to choose the marrying object.” “没错!”圣尊老祖一脸自傲,“自从一千几百年前,我与大人您达成协议,并承蒙您赏赐了一部分资源后,我便选定了本就十分优秀的文柏作为培养对象,并且精挑细选般给他挑选了联姻对象。” Also this Holy Venerable Old Ancestor is no wonder proud, the descendant who he trains has endured compared with these Dao Sect and Divine Dynasty accurate inheritor! 也难怪这圣尊老祖自傲,他培养出来的后裔已经堪比那些道宗神朝的准传承者了! He also includes the list oneself this descendant, naturally was the consideration until now oneself clan already with Crystal 5 thorough binding, covered up with it, might as well showed good will thoroughly. 他将自己这后裔也列入名单,自然是考虑到如今自己家族已经和晶五彻底绑定,与其遮遮掩掩,还不如示好得更彻底一点。 Crystal 5 nods slightly, immediately considered an access road/simply said slightly: Mr. and Mrs. Wenbai is so outstanding, can make Crystal 13 be reincarnated actually ahead of time.” 晶五微微颔首,随即略微斟酌了一下便道:“文柏夫妇如此优秀,倒是可以让晶十三提前转世。” In he planned, subordinate strength strongest 19th stage peak powerhouse Crystal 13, cannot the reincarnation samsara, probably with him for the time being escorts for the new student/life clansman together. 在他原本的计划中,麾下实力最强的十八阶巅峰强者晶十三,暂且不能转世轮回,须得和他一起为新生族人保驾护航。 However the high-quality parents are rare, if the Crystal 13 reincarnation becomes Mr. and Mrs. Wenbai son, inevitably very outstanding starts, if in the future the chance will be appropriate, perhaps will have the opportunity to become the Crystal Ancient Race sixth leader, Crystal 6. 不过优质的父母非常难得,如果晶十三投胎成为了文柏夫妇之子,势必会有一个非常优秀的起步,未来若是机缘得当,或许有机会成为晶古族的第六位领袖,【晶六】。 Such opportunity, is worth wrestling. 这样的机会,还是值得搏一搏的。 cough cough!” That Holy Venerable Old Ancestor suddenly coughed lightly two, the respectful opens the mouth, does not know Sir Crystal 5, can you have the plan of reincarnation rebirth? Wenbai and hasn't Wanyu that two child, entered your eye?” 咳咳!”那圣尊老祖忽的轻咳了两声,恭敬开口,“不知晶五大人,您可有转世重生的计划?难道说,文柏婉玉两个孩子,还不入您的眼么?” A Crystal 5 silence. 晶五一阵沉默。 Originally according to truth, so long as the strength achieves 19th stage, theoretically can be aloof the samsara, since condition that in the eternal life does not die. 原本按照道理,只要实力达到十九阶,理论上就能超脱轮回,进入永生不死的状态中。 However, the fact showed that is the perfect condition. 然而,事实证明,那不过是理想状态。 After 19th stage, the life had had the qualitative change, although no longer receives the life the shackles, but after injury , the treatment that can use also becomes extremely scarce, and request is mostly harsh, once is injured, restoring quite is not then easy. 到了十九阶后,生命已经发生了质的变化,虽然不再受到寿元的桎梏,但受伤之后所能使用的治疗手段也变得极为稀少,且多半要求苛刻,所以一旦受伤,恢复便极为不易。 In addition, Heavenly Dao also frequently in view of unique samsara, once begins in ordinary world, definitely will lower the heavenly thunder penalty. 此外,天道也会时时刻刻的针对超脱轮回者,一旦在普通世界中动手,必然会降下天雷惩罚。 Only if its long-term nest does not go out in the small forbidden area, otherwise, even if will be the 19th stage powerhouse definitely will also encounter the crisis and difficult position! 除非它长期窝在小小的禁区不出门,否则,哪怕是十九阶强者也必然会遇到危机和困境! Crystal 5 is clearer, even long anticipates in the forbidden area, actually still not necessarily absolute safety. 晶五更明白,即便长期待在禁区之中,其实也不见得绝对安全。 The time was long, is very likely by 19th stage that in Endless Heaven Abyss is born Cataclysm beast Stares. 时间久了,极有可能会被无尽天渊中诞生的十九阶【灾变兽】盯上。 The cataclysm beast is extremely powerful ferocious beast, is much harder to deal with than Heavenly Abyss Demon Fiend, almost only moves in Endless Heaven Abyss. But the surroundings of cataclysm beast will often gather many Heavenly Abyss Demon Fiend, group action, vast momentum, may be called the Endless Heaven Abyss local bully, is quite hard to deal with. 灾变兽是一种极为强大的凶兽,比天渊魔煞要难缠得多,几乎只在无尽天渊之中活动。而灾变兽的周围往往会聚集很多天渊魔煞,集群行动,声势浩大,堪称无尽天渊的地头蛇,极为难缠。 Once stared by the cataclysm beast, starts the impact on the forbidden area, wants to get rid is often difficult. 一旦被灾变兽盯上,对禁区发动冲击,想要摆脱往往非常艰难。 Moreover, compares in such as Immortal Clan and Demon Race 19th stage powerhouse, Crystal Ancient Race are has to be hard to make up, and flaw that is unable to reverse. 而且,相比于诸如仙族魔族十九阶强者,晶古族自身更是有着难以弥补,且无法逆转的缺陷。 This is because, when Crystal Ancient Race promotes 19th stage will discard the mortal body thoroughly, conducts the soul to fly upwards! 这是因为,晶古族晋升十九阶时就会彻底舍弃肉身,进行灵魂飞升! Right, Crystal 5 has been the pure soul condition, is powerful fine God Physique! 没错,晶五早就已经是纯灵魂状态,乃是强大的精神体 He must depend upon extremely powerful crystal ancient leader battle armor, can display the true 19th stage strength. 他必须依靠极为强大的晶古领袖战甲,才能发挥出真正十九阶的战力。 Before that in view of the Crystal Ancient Race big cataclysm, was Immortal Alliance Alliance Lord does not hesitate to take itself as the bait, guiding the cataclysm beast to attack his Crystal 5 forbidden area. 之前那一场针对晶古族的大灾变,便是仙盟盟主不惜以自身为饵,引导灾变兽去进攻他晶五的禁区。 Finally, although Crystal 5 struck to kill Immortal Alliance Alliance Lord by the defensive advantage finally, the pursuit Cataclysm beast. 最终,晶五虽然凭借防守优势最终击杀了仙盟盟主,驱逐了【灾变兽】。 However that war, Crystal 5 of soul condition is injured also heavily. 但是那一战,灵魂状态的晶五受伤也不轻。 Moreover, on damage compared with mortal body, soul condition Crystal 5, once is injured, restoring the difficulty is bigger. 而且,比起肉身上的损伤,灵魂状态的晶五一旦受伤,恢复难度更大。 Then his condition was bad, to avoid chasing down of cataclysm beast, he has to use crystal ancient secret technique to transfer the forbidden area position, then sealed up the forbidden area thoroughly, other Crystal Ancient Race clansmen in oneself and forbidden area were also forced to fall into the deep sleep. 当时的他状态非常糟糕,为了避免灾变兽的追杀,他不得不使用晶古秘术挪移了禁区位置,而后将禁区彻底封闭,就连自己和禁区内的其他晶古族族人也被迫陷入了沉睡。 To a short time ago, the forbidden area in the experimental equipment of automatic performance received one group of experiment signals suddenly, he was awakened from the deep sleep. 一直到前不久,禁区中自动运转的实验仪器忽然收到了一组实验讯号,他才从沉睡中被唤醒。 What a pity, even after these years deep sleep, the injury in his soul has not recovered as before, he also therefore has to start him to study Crystal Ancient Race samsara revival plan. 可惜,哪怕经过这些年的沉睡,他灵魂上的伤势也依旧未曾痊愈,他也因此不得不启动了他一直研究的【晶古族轮回复兴计划】。 But experiment news that group of instruments feed in automatically, just can apply. 而那一组仪器自动传回的实验讯息,也刚好能派上用场。 This leader must participate in the samsara.” In the Crystal 5 mind flashes through various thoughts rapidly, cold sound said, in the earlier period of plan, this responsibility of leader promising clansman escorting, after the second group of clansmen grow, I will feel relieved the samsara. Waited for that time, we have long entrenched in some World of Immortals corner.” “本领袖必然是要参与轮回的。”晶五脑海中飞速闪过各种念头,冷声说道,“不过在计划的前期,本领袖有为族人保驾护航之责,直至第二批族人成长之后,我才会放心去轮回。等那个时候,我们早就在仙界某个角落里站稳脚跟了。” Although that Holy Venerable Old Ancestor knew perfectly well that is this result, actually cannot bear somewhat disappointedly. 那位圣尊老祖虽然明知是这个结果,却还是忍不住有些失望。 If Crystal 5 reborn through reincarnation becomes the Wenbai child, their clan really thorough was developed. 如果晶五转世投胎成为文柏的孩子,那他们家族就真的彻底发达了。 However now is not bad, that Crystal 13 should be the powerhouse of half step Immortal Emperor rank, in the future the reincarnation becomes the Wenbai child, since childhood builds up the sentiment together quite, even if will awaken in the future the memory, will still have very deep sentiment to clan. 不过现在也不差,那个晶十三应该是半步仙帝级别的强者,将来投胎成文柏的孩子,从小一起好生培养感情,即便将来觉醒了记忆,对家族也会有很深的感情。 When the time comes, clan naturally can benefit. 到时候,家族自然会得到好处。 Since this, that obsolete first asks to be excused, continued the implementation plan.” In that Holy Venerable Old Ancestor eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly wipes firmly. “既然这样,那老朽就先告退,继续执行计划去了。”那位圣尊老祖眼眸中掠过一抹坚定。 When to this time, was can only arrive inevitably black. 时至此时,必然是只能一条道儿走到黑了。 Slow!” “慢着!” Crystal 5 spoke him suddenly stops by calling out. 晶五忽而出言将他叫住。 Does not know that Sir Crystal 5 also does have what kind of instruction?” Holy Venerable Old Ancestor stops the footsteps, salutes respectfully. “不知晶五大人还有何等吩咐?”圣尊老祖止住脚步,恭敬行礼。 I hear the Wang Clan eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein Mr. and Mrs. Wang Youyue Passed by scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wang Baosheng in Chen Clan.” The Crystal 5 sound is desolate, in the tone passes is wiping warning meaning, you can tell this leader, why in the resume list doesn't have Wang Youyue and Mr. and Mrs. Linglong Princess ? They get married are about several hundred years, sentimental agreeing with is high, and has not bred the heir......” “我听说王氏的嫡长脉【王宥岳夫妇】路过赤鼎圣府,正在陈氏探望王宝圣夫妇。”晶五声音冷淡,语气中透着一抹警告意味,“你能告诉本领袖,为什么简历名单上没有王宥岳玲珑公主夫妇?他们成亲不过数百年,感情契合度高,且还未孕育子嗣……” Holy Venerable Old Ancestor heart one cold. 圣尊老祖心头一凛。 Mr. and Mrs. Wang Youyue comes very low-key, the entire scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion insider is few. Also does not know this Crystal 5, information that actually where must come? 王宥岳夫妇来得十分低调,整个赤鼎圣府知情者寥寥无几。也不知道这晶五,究竟是从哪里得来的情报? Was he looked down on the Immortal Emperor rank Crystal 5 ability? Also or...... Crystal 5 collaborator not just his?! 是他小瞧了仙帝级别晶五的能力?亦或是……晶五的合作者并非只他一家?! A series of guesses, making the back of this Holy Venerable Old Ancestor start to send gradually coolly, the heart also inundated gradually scared. 一连串的猜测,让这位圣尊老祖的脊背渐渐开始发凉,心头也渐渐漫起了恐慌。 He is hurried forehead perspiration, a face salutes flustered respectfully: reporting Sir Crystal 5, has not placed in Mr. and Mrs. Wang Youyue the list, first has scruples them is eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan the lineage/vein, once missing, must make Wang Clan not dead continuous tracing.” 他急忙“额头流汗”,一脸慌张地恭谦行礼:“启禀晶五大人,没有将王宥岳夫妇放在名单中,一来是顾忌他们乃是王氏嫡长脉,一旦失踪,必会引起王氏不死不休的追踪。” Secondly, is considered that the Wang Youyue two mothers are Feifei Princess, is Sir your daughter, must care about her feeling!” “二来,也是考虑到王宥岳的二娘是‘菲菲公主’,是大人您的女儿,总得顾及一下她的感受!” Snort!” Crystal 5 sound one cold, Wang Clan, although is powerful, but we in the Holy Territory long-term stay, do not need scruples....... Also has anything to compare favorably with Crystal Ancient Race to revive as for the feeling of Feifei! Cao Yunlie, this leader hopes that you understand oneself standpoint, knows that anything is called takes the larger situation into account! Otherwise......” “哼!”晶五声音一寒,“王氏虽然实力强大,但是我们并不会在圣域长期逗留,无需顾忌。至于菲菲的感受……又有什么比得上晶古族复兴!曹云烈,本领袖希望你明白自己的立场,知道什么叫做‘以大局为重’!否则……” Yes, Sir Crystal 5!” “是,晶五大人!” In this Holy Venerable Old Ancestor heart one cold, quickly salutes again, vowed solemnly that guarantees saying: I will certainly complete mission, assistance Crystal Ancient Race revive!” 这位圣尊老祖心中一寒,急忙再次行礼,信誓旦旦地保证道:“我一定会完成任务,协助晶古族复兴!” ****** ****** After some time . 一段时间之后。 Scarlet cauldron Holy Clan Cao Clan main house. 赤鼎圣族曹氏主宅 Jixian garden. 集仙园。 Under the great kindness invitation of Cao Clan Holy Venerable cloud Lie Old Ancestor, Wang Baosheng, Ying Lingzhu as well as Mr. and Mrs. Yun Yuhe three people, in addition Wang Youyue and Mr. and Mrs. Linglong Princess , as well as Wang Youxuan and other Wang Clan core clansmen is a guest of the Jixian garden again. 曹氏圣尊云烈老祖的盛情邀请下,王宝圣嬴灵竹以及妘玉河夫妻三人,外加王宥岳玲珑公主夫妇,以及王宥玄王氏核心族人再次作客集仙园。 In the Jixian garden, that giant peaches of immortality tree still stood and waited for a long time above spirit vein, swaying shadows of the trees, sprinkle the next place grass. 集仙园中,那棵巨大的仙桃树仍旧伫立在灵脉之上,树影婆娑,洒下一地绿茵。 Near the stone table under tree, Wang Clan people have sat in a circle, Cao Clan cloud Lie Old Ancestor were beaming with health, is entertaining a Wang Clan numerous passionate. 树下的石桌边,王氏一众人已经围坐成了一圈,曹氏的云烈老祖正满面红光,热情洋溢地招待着王氏一众。 Yuhe Grand Princess arrives my scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion, my Old Cao must completely perform the duties of a host in any event. Your Highness Linglong Princess , Youyue Imperial Son-in-law your excellency, your two are also the honored guests. Can result in several to accept this invite, my Jixian garden is also you honor my humble home ~ 玉河长公主驾临我赤鼎圣府,我老曹无论如何都要尽一尽地主之谊。还有玲珑公主殿下,宥岳驸马阁下,您二位也是贵客。能得几位赏脸,我这集仙园也是蓬荜生辉啊~” For the entertainment of this time, cloud Lie Old Ancestor took off one batch to be drunk peaches of immortality, Yun Yuhe, Wang Youyue and Linglong Princess three everyone. 为了这一次的招待,云烈老祖又是摘下了一批醉仙桃,其中妘玉河王宥岳玲珑公主三个每人一颗。 In addition, cloud Lie Old Ancestor gives four additionally, has not come Jing Feifei Princess and Wang Jinlu of scene, and Wang Clan Old Ancestor Wang Shouzhe couple, entrusting Yun Yuhe to go back to the belt/bring. 除此之外,云烈老祖又额外给出四颗,是给没有来现场的晶菲菲公主王瑾璐,以及王氏老祖王守哲夫妇俩的,委托妘玉河给带回去。 Usually cloud Lie Old Ancestor is drunk peaches of immortality to look very tightly regarding these, in the junior on including the family wants one is not easy, now is generous so, obviously this cloud Lie Old Ancestor treats the Wang Clan attitude, seriously is extremely warm. 要知道,平时云烈老祖对于这些醉仙桃还是看得很紧的,就连家中的小辈想要一颗都不容易,如今出手却如此大方,可见这云烈老祖对待王氏的态度,当真是极为热情。 1000 several hundred years pass by, present Wang Youyue and past difference was not big, was mixes to be liberal with the appearance that a not remote antiquity entered as before. 一千几百年过去,如今的王宥岳和当年差别不大,依旧是一副不太上进的混不吝模样。 But accompanies in his side beautiful appearance female, naturally was his wife, Linglong Princess . 而陪伴在他身边的美貌女子,自然便是他的结发妻子,玲珑公主了。 Approximately is the aptitude is too high, the practicing speed too quick reason, she seems like completely not like is married woman, seeming like 28 young girls is ordinary. 大约是资质太高,修行速度太快的原因,她看起来完全不像是已婚的妇人,反倒像是个二八少女一般。 Moreover, her body has an imperial Princess noble air and impressive and dignified manner, not ordinary daughter family/home like that gentle mild-mannered and tactful, is passing the stock heroic spirit on the contrary, even if wears the noble air the Princess casual cloth, cannot cover up that share valiant graceful bearing from inside to outside. 而且,她的身上自有一种皇家公主的贵气和威仪,不似普通的女儿家那般温柔和婉,反倒是透着股英气,哪怕是身着贵气的公主常服,也遮掩不住那股子由内而外的飒爽风姿。 More than 300 years ago, Wang Youyue and Linglong Princess receive orders to get married, held a grand wedding in Luojing and Wang Clan respectively. 三百多年前,王宥岳玲珑公主奉旨成婚,于洛京王氏各举办了一场盛大的婚礼。 The marriage on the same day, that scene could be said as everybody turning out, the major video platforms and media magazines also reported, first even/including passed/lived was very long, but also some people loved to talk about for this reason, said that occasion unmatched in grandeur was not overrated certainly. 结婚当天,那场面可以说是万人空巷,各大视讯平台和媒体杂志也都是争相报道,一连过了很久,还有人为此津津乐道,说一句“盛况空前”绝不为过。 However, two people has not given birth until now. 不过,两人迄今为止还未生育。 Naturally, to their cultivation base strengths and bloodline, the pregnant difficult itself/Ben is the normal state, two people this situation is not unusual. 当然,到了他们这种修为实力和血脉,怀孕困难本就是常态,两人这情况也不稀奇。 Xuanyuan Imperial Family and Wang Shouzhe to their requests, as far as possible before promoting Holy Venerable under birth eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan lineage/vein. 轩辕皇室王守哲对他们的要求,就是尽量在晋升圣尊之前诞下王氏嫡长脉。 By Wang Youyue bloodline talent and not too diligent cultivation attitude, if wants cultivation to Holy Venerable also to more than 1000 years, not need to worry actually. 王宥岳血脉天赋和不太勤快的修炼态度,要想修炼圣尊还得一千多年,倒是也不用那么着急。 Sees cloud Lie Old Ancestor to be drunk peaches of immortality to present as a gift, Wang Youyue and Linglong Princess set out, to cloud Lie Old Ancestor politely good a ritual: Multi- Xie Yun fierce Senior grants to be drunk peaches of immortality.” 见云烈老祖以醉仙桃相赠,王宥岳玲珑公主起身,对云烈老祖客气地行了一礼:“多谢云烈前辈赐予醉仙桃。” Couple two sees the good thing, did not decline, very happily being drunk peaches of immortality eats. 夫妻两个都是见惯了好东西的,也不推辞,美滋滋地将醉仙桃吃了下去。 Has saying that is drunk the peaches of immortality great reputation to have the reason outside. Really is the taste is good, is worth tasting. 不得不说,醉仙桃盛名在外不是没有理由的。果然是滋味不错,值得一尝。 Just, was drunk effect of peaches of immortality to the powerhouses of their grade of rank is quite weak, can under at most the recuperation the vitality, what were more was tastes not to taste the delicacy. 只不过,醉仙桃对他们这等级别的强者而言效果就比较微弱了,至多是能调理下气血而已,更多的还是尝一下未曾尝过的美味。 two people one is the Wang Clan eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein successor, one is Eastern Rosy Cloud Imperial Family Xuanyuan Clan Princess, by Wang Clan and Xuanyuan Clan family property, although has not been drunk peaches of immortality this variety treasure, but the same rank or high-grade spirit food is not rare, is naturally insufficient to make much ado about nothing for this reason. 两人一个是王氏的嫡长脉继承人,一个是东霞皇室轩辕氏公主,以王氏轩辕氏的家底,虽没有醉仙桃这个品种的宝物,但同等级或更高等级的灵食并不少见,自然不至于为此大惊小怪。 After Yun Yuhe is thanked one, the backhand then pulled out some approximately value equal returning a courtesy. 至于妘玉河则是感谢一番后,反手便掏出了些大约价值相等的回礼。 But her mood is very ordinary, even if drunk the delicacy of peaches of immortality unable to make on her face relax. 只不过她的情绪很一般,就算是醉仙桃的美味也没能让她脸上放松下来。 A short time ago, just came scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion shortly, she did one with Wang Baosheng. 前不久,刚来赤鼎圣府没多久,她就和王宝圣干了一架。 This matter, but must mentions from the next plan of Wang Baosheng and Ying Lingzhu. 这件事,还得从王宝圣嬴灵竹的下一步计划说起。 Yun Yuhe as the Wang Baosheng wife, is Holy Venerable of Great Principle boundary, naturally knows many inside stories, therefore after knowing plan, is not willing to make the son daughter-in-law adventurous. This order is Old Ancestor Shouzhe personally, therefore she can only have a foul odor on Wang Baosheng. 妘玉河作为王宝圣的发妻,又是大罗境的圣尊,自然知道不少内幕,因此在得知计划之后,并不是很愿意让儿子儿媳妇冒险。只是这命令乃是守哲老祖亲自下的,因此她只能将一口恶气出在了王宝圣身上。 Wang Baosheng these punches, may suffer heavily. 王宝圣这一顿揍,可挨得不轻。 Without means that Wang Baosheng strength, although is strong, but can also bully ordinary Holy Venerable reluctantly, bumps into the Yun Yuhe such hard stubble, he may not can be victorious. 没办法,王宝圣实力虽强,可也就是能勉强欺负欺负普通圣尊而已,碰到妘玉河此等硬茬,他可打不过。 The idle talk does not raise. 闲话不提。 In cloud Lie Old Ancestor entertains Wang Clan people warmly. 就在云烈老祖热情地招待王氏一众人时。 Suddenly. 忽而。 handsome and makings demeanor excellent young men appeared in the Jixian garden. 一位面若冠玉、气质风度绝佳的青年男子出现在了集仙园中。 He wears the jade crown, wears a Zhijin to embroider the jade the exquisite silk white robe, during walking the step is calm, the demeanor is outstanding, seriously is a handsome good Young Master appearance. 他头戴玉冠,身着一袭织金绣玉的锦绣白袍,行走间步履从容,风度卓绝,当真是一副翩翩佳公子的模样。 He comes trippingly across the peaches of immortality tree tree shade, near a people cups the hands ritual toward stone table, the attitude is humble, is very courteous: Cao Clan Wenbai has seen Yuhe Your Highness Grand Princess and Young Palace Lord...... the Youyue brother......” 他穿过仙桃树树荫翩然而至,朝着石桌边的众人拱手一礼,态度谦逊优雅,十分有礼:“曹氏文柏见过玉河长公主殿下、少宫主……宥岳兄……” Is Wenbai ~ cloud Lie Old Ancestor smiles, you come are......” “是文柏啊~”云烈老祖笑了笑,“你来是……” He is very obviously familiar with Cao Wenbai, tone very warm feelings of speech and at will. 他跟曹文柏显然很熟悉,说话的口吻十分热络和随意。 Cao Wenbai is not cautious, hearing this explained with a smile: Scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion youth outstanding talent that Ancestor, this our Cao Clan management prepares meets has prepared appropriately, but also asked Ancestor to visit the scene to everyone saying that several encouraged.” 曹文柏也没太拘谨,闻言笑着解释道:“老祖宗,此次我们曹氏主持筹办的赤鼎圣府青年俊杰会已经准备妥当,还请老祖宗莅临现场给大家说几句鼓鼓劲。” „Can outstanding talent be today convenes?” cloud Lie Old Ancestor pats the forehead, an appearance suddenly, ~ what a bad memory I have. Old, outstanding talent will almost even open forgets. However, today this Old Ancestor is entertaining the honored guest, Wenbai you first deals with several......” 俊杰会是今天召开吗?”云烈老祖一拍额头,一副恍然的模样,“哎哟~瞧我这记性。老了老了,差点连俊杰会开幕都忘记了。不过,今日本老祖正在招待贵客,文柏你先去应付几句……” Yes, Ancestor.” Cao Wenbai receives an order, prepares to depart. “是,老祖宗。”曹文柏领命,准备离去。 Wait.” “等等。” Wang Baosheng stopped by calling out him, said with a smile: I hear scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion youth outstanding talent to meet for several hundred years to convene one time, is conducted by various Holy Clan in turn, to encourage the outstanding talent youth benignity competition of scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion, and gives some outstanding candidate benefits. Such important grand occasion, cloud Lie Old Ancestor must delay for several of us not.” 王宝圣却是叫住了他,笑着说道:“我听闻赤鼎圣府青年俊杰会数百年才召开一次,由各圣族轮流举办,为的是鼓励赤鼎圣府俊杰青年们良性竞争,并给与其中的优秀者一些福利。如此重要的盛举,云烈老祖莫要为了我们几个而耽搁了。” Haha, is some children, making them wait a while also to might as well.” cloud Lie Old Ancestor said with a smile, actually said that conducted in turn, but recent several youth outstanding talent are almost our Cao Clan will conduct by one's effort, the gap also promoted for 200 years! Without the means that who called scarlet cauldron Murong Clan and scarlet cauldron Jiang Clan this two Holy Clan day passes too hard.” “哈哈,都是些孩子们,让他们多等一会儿也无妨。”云烈老祖笑道,“其实说是轮流举办,可最近数届青年俊杰会几乎都是我们曹氏以一己之力举办,间隔也提升到了两百年一届!没办法,谁叫赤鼎慕容氏和赤鼎姜氏两个圣族日子过得太紧巴巴了。” When Wang Baosheng hearing this, cannot help but remembers the previous Jixian garden got together, Murong Old Ancestor and Jiang Clan Old Ancestor do not hate to eat to be drunk peaches of immortality, prepares to leave in the clan children's scene. 王宝圣闻言,不由得想起了上一次集仙园聚会之时,慕容老祖姜氏老祖都不舍得吃醉仙桃,准备留给族中孩子们的场面。 He smiles: Then must learn from cloud Lie Old Ancestor, how to grow strong clan.” 他莞尔一笑:“回头要向云烈老祖学习学习,如何发展壮大家族。” Haha, Baosheng Young Patriarch chatted.” cloud Lie Old Ancestor smiles doubles with laughter, my Cao Clan rapid development , because turns to the morning that various Wang Clan industries turn, seized many opportunities, for example the communication, grain seed, smelting wait/etc, we carried out the cooperation with the Wang Clan relevant unit. Really must discuss to make money, our trivial Cao Clan, how could compared with Wang Clan?” “哈哈,宝圣少族长说笑了。”云烈老祖笑得前仰后合,“我曹氏之所以发展迅猛,是因为投靠王氏各项产业投靠的早,占了不少先机,例如通讯、粮种、冶炼等等,我们都与王氏相关单位进行了合作。真要论起赚钱,我们区区曹氏,岂能和王氏相比?” Ancestor, since Baosheng Young Patriarch and Lingzhu (spirit bamboo) Young Palace Lord, might as well ask two to go to outstanding talent by chance to be able simply to visit to direct on the spot, how encourages to youngster?” Cao Wenbai proposed suddenly with a smile. 老祖宗,既然宝圣少族长灵竹少宫主恰巧都在,不如干脆请两位俊杰会现场莅临指点一番,给年轻人们鼓鼓劲如何?”曹文柏忽而笑着提议道。 Wonderful ~ ~ this idea is quite good.” cloud Lie Old Ancestor at present one bright, immediately very invited a Wang Clan numerous to have a look happily on own initiative. “妙啊~~这主意相当不错。”云烈老祖眼前一亮,当即十分高兴地主动邀请王氏一众去看看。 His attitude is very warm, the expression is also very sincere. 他的态度十分热情,言辞也很是恳切。 The great kindness invited, in addition Mr. and Mrs. Wang Baosheng three books were a guest, slightly pondered over, then complied simply. 如此盛情相邀,加上王宝圣夫妻三个本就是来做客的,略一琢磨后便干脆答应了下来。 Afterward knew, this time youth outstanding talent meeting conducts in the Holy Clan Cao Clan clan big mystical place. 随后才得知,这一次青年俊杰会的举办点就在圣族曹氏家族大秘境之中。 Cao Clan as established Holy Clan, the history is very glorious, the clan mystical place under the relay development of generations of Holy Venerable Old Ancestor, has become Heavenly Grotto. 曹氏作为一个老牌圣族,历史十分悠久,家族秘境在一代代圣尊老祖的接力开拓下,早就已经成为了【洞天】。 Position, sky over scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion prefectural city Heavenly River. 位置,就在赤鼎圣府府城上空的天河附近。 Holy Territory present Heavenly Grotto, actually many come. 圣域如今的洞天,其实许多都是这么来的。 True Immortal Boundary cultivator can develop the mystical place, Great Principle boundary Holy Venerable can develop small Heavenly Grotto, Chaos Origin Boundary Dao Lord can develop Heavenly Grotto, this is the situation of direct development. 真仙境修士就能开拓秘境,大罗圣尊就能开拓小洞天,混元境道主就能开拓洞天,这是直接开拓的情况。 The time that but the mystical place has was long, might become small Heavenly Grotto, the time that small Heavenly Grotto will have was long, might become Heavenly Grotto, looked whether the following successor is willing to spend the time to spend the energy to continue to develop. 但秘境存在的时间久了,也有可能会成为小洞天,小洞天存在的时间久了,也有可能会成为洞天,就看后续的继承者是否愿意花时间花精力继续开拓了。 This Cao Clan opens the clan big mystical place to take youth outstanding talent to meet the conference site, and invested a lot of prizes, naturally brought in many youth outstanding talent participation. 此次曹氏开放家族大秘境作为青年俊杰会会场,并投入了大量奖品,自然引来了不少青年俊杰参与。 Even, has many from nearby several Holy Mansion is invited, but to youngster. 甚至,不乏有从附近数个圣府受邀而至的年轻人 But Cao Clan this clan elite also gets together now in the clan big mystical place, or attended the grand meeting as outstanding talent, or makes the entertainment and manages to work. 曹氏本族精英如今也都齐聚在了家族大秘境中,或作为俊杰参加盛会,或是做招待和主持工作。 The entrance of Cao Clan clan big mystical place has several, then in this Jixian garden. 曹氏家族大秘境的入口有好几个,其中一个便在这集仙园中。 Under the great kindness invitation of cloud Lie Old Ancestor, after slightly prepares, the Wang Clan people then with cloud Lie Old Ancestor and Cao Wenbai together transmit arrived in the Cao Clan big mystical place. 在云烈老祖的盛情邀请下,略作准备后,王氏众人便与云烈老祖曹文柏一起传送抵达了曹氏大秘境中。 As Heavenly Grotto, the itself/Ben becomes side small world, spirit vein, various types of marvelous sights are vertically and horizontally densely covered, is not only growing various rare and precious animals, and is planting the innumerable rare plants, spirit medicine, the spirit valley wait/etc. 作为一个洞天,本就是自成一方小世界,其中灵脉纵横,各种奇景密布,既生长着各种奇珍异兽,又种植着无数奇花异卉、灵药、灵谷等等。 After youth outstanding talent met the conference site, the discovery conference site sea of people, the participant number is extremely numerous, is not the Cao Clan elite, at least also about over ten thousand people. 到了青年俊杰会会场后,发现会场人山人海,参会者数量极多,不算曹氏精英,起码也得上万人左右。 Moreover, the proportion considerably large part probably is the lover or the couple, each other is holding hands doubling many. 而且,其中占比相当大的一部分好像都是情侣或夫妇,彼此牵着手儿成双成对者诸多。 Then is these single young men and women , the elegant bearing, or the appearance is extraordinary, seems has carefully chosen general. 便是那些单身的年轻男女,也都风度翩翩,或者长相气质出众,就好似精心挑选过的一般。 During walks, is to make people pleasant seriously. 行走其间,当真是让人赏心悦目。 Pays a visit Baosheng Old Ancestor and Lingzhu (spirit bamboo) Old Ancestor......” “拜见宝圣老祖灵竹老祖……” Suddenly, the Wang Yanjiao sound resounds in not far away. 忽而,王宴骄的声音在不远处响起。 Originally, the Wang Yanjiao couple also attended this time youth outstanding talent meeting. He discovered by far after Old Ancestor harnesses, draws Chen Manqing to come to salute upon meeting immediately. 原来,王宴骄夫妻俩也来参加了这次的青年俊杰会。他远远发现老祖驾到后,就立即拉着陈曼青前来见礼。 Yanjiao, Man is blue.” 宴骄,曼青。” Wang Baosheng nods slightly returns a courtesy. 王宝圣微微颔首回礼。 His vision has swept on two people, revealed wiped the smile of applause: Then more than ten years have not seen, your cultivation base broke through to Purple Mansion Boundary quickly, made the painstaking effort on cultivation evidently.” 他目光在两人身上扫过,不由露出了一抹赞许的笑容:“这才十几年未见,你们这修为都快突破至紫府境了,看样子在修炼上是下了苦功的。” Many thanks Old Ancestor praise. Actually also has nothing, hehe ~ ~ “多谢老祖夸奖。其实也没什么,嘿嘿~~” Was praised by the elder of oneself respect face to face, Wang Yanjiao was excited the expression unable to stretch quickly. Nearby Chen Manqing is also a joy of face. 自己敬仰的长辈这么当面夸奖,王宴骄兴奋得表情都快绷不住了。旁边的陈曼青也是一脸的欣喜。 Is speaking, Chen Zhengyang leads the fiancee, as well as Murong Clan Murong Gaoda also collected. 正说话间,陈正阳带着未婚妻,以及慕容氏慕容高达也都凑了过来。 Chen Zhengyang as the clan elite of Chen Clan careful trained, had actually been engaged, because the two sides age is small, temporarily has not gotten married. Today this is the youngster grand meeting, he and fiancee naturally also came. 陈正阳作为陈氏精心培养的家族精英,其实早就已经定亲了,不过由于两边年纪都还小,暂时还没成亲。今天这一场是年轻人的盛会,他和未婚妻自然也都来了。 As for Murong Gaoda, he as young one generation of eminents, naturally also came. 至于慕容高达,他作为年轻一代的翘楚,自然也是来了。 Because of the beforehand matter, he received to punish by the family/home is closed/pass the long-term confinement, until was put recently. 因为之前的事,他受到惩罚被家里关了好长时间的禁闭,直到最近才被放了出来。 Because in the clan the request of Old Ancestor, he arrived at the conference site to look for the Wang Yanjiao couple, the attitude suspended extremely humbly, wanted to restore the appearance of relations diligently. Looks at such, quite some meanings of changing external appearances only, it is estimated that had been tidied up one at home ruthlessly. 由于族中老祖的要求,他一来到会场就找上了王宴骄夫妻俩,态度摆得极为谦卑,一副努力想要修复关系的模样。看那样子,颇有些改头换面的意思,估计在家里已经被狠狠收拾过一顿了。 Chen Zhengyang leads the oneself fiancee, is respectful salutes toward two people. 陈正阳带着自己的未婚妻,也是恭敬朝两人行礼。 Murong Gaoda follows in behind, is tian the face is saluting, does not seem to seen the supercilious look that Chen Zhengyang glances secretly slightly. 慕容高达跟在后头,也是觍着脸行了个礼,仿佛丝毫没看见陈正阳偷偷瞟过来的白眼。 Wang Baosheng and Ying Lingzhu saw after them delivered the betrothal gifts looked at one mutually, under the heart understands that this finds right the place mostly. 王宝圣嬴灵竹跟他们见过礼后互相望了一眼,心下明白这多半是找对了地方。 two people is preparing with the communication wrist watch and Old Ancestor Shouzhe communicates, in discovery this big mystical place the least bit signal does not have unexpectedly. 两人正准备用通讯腕表和守哲老祖沟通一番,却发现这大秘境中居然半点信号都无。 The wrist watch that they use is not the ordinary model, even if the surroundings do not have the base depot, their wrist watches can also use everywhere Dark Void Realm Gives the information. 他们用的腕表可不是外界的普通型号,哪怕周围没有基站,他们的腕表也能利用无处不在的【黑暗虚界】来传递信息。 Now does not have the signal, only is possible, after they come , the entire big mystical place was covered, in isolated in array! 如今没信号,唯一一个可能,就是在他们进来之后,整座大秘境都被笼罩在了隔绝阵法之中! Wang Baosheng then launches powerful spiritual sense to search immediately toward the big mystical place outside. 王宝圣当即便展开强大的神念往大秘境外探去。 Sure enough, spiritual sense is unable the shuttle space barrier, just to touch by a powerful and pliable but hard to break array strength keeping off. 果不其然,神念无法穿梭空间壁垒,刚一触及就被一股强大而柔韧的阵法力量给挡了回来。 His action has not hidden the truth from the person, cloud Lie Old Ancestor was then discovering immediately the action of Wang Baosheng, said with a smile: What Baosheng is Young Patriarch looking for? Is it possible that where is looking for Sir Crystal 5?” 他这举动也没瞒着人,云烈老祖当即便发现了王宝圣的行动,不由笑道:“宝圣少族长在找什么?莫非,是在找晶五大人在哪里?” Wang Baosheng looked at his one eyes, the expression as before calm as usual, the corners of the mouth even also bring to wipe the happy expression: Evidently, Cao Clan really already in secret and Crystal 5 colluded.” 王宝圣看了他一眼,表情依旧淡定如常,嘴角甚至还带着一抹笑意:“看样子,曹氏果然早就暗中和晶五勾结上了。” The dialogue of two people is seemingly light, contained invisible storm, making surrounding spirit qi as if stagnate suddenly! 两人的对话看似平淡,却蕴藏了一股无形的风暴,让周围灵气都仿佛骤然一滞! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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