POP :: Volume #8

#20: Crystal ancient revival samsara plan

Qing Li Divine Maiden Teacher named Ni fine jade Dao Lord, cultivation base has reached the Chaos Origin Boundary peak, is the entire World of Immortals extremely rare half step Immortal Emperor level powerhouse. 青璃神女师尊名为【霓璇道主】,修为已然达到了混元境巅峰,乃是整个仙界都极为少见的半步仙帝级强者。 For many years, because had her to support, the Wu Yue temple has not declined thoroughly, can still enjoy the remaining prestige that several points of Wu Yue Immortal Emperor left behind. 多年来,也正是因为有她撑着,武岳神殿才没有彻底没落,仍能享有几分武岳仙帝留下的余威。 Regarding the powerhouse of this grade of rank, its spiritual sense keen at all is not the average man can imagine. Even if both sides separated such far distance, the dialogue of Qing Li Divine Maiden and Wang Lici cannot escape her ear from the start. 对于这等级别的强者而言,其神念之敏锐根本不是常人能够想象的。哪怕双方隔了这么远的距离,青璃神女王璃慈的对话也压根就没能逃得过她耳朵。 Your this bastard thing, dares to intrude Demon Realm secretly, deserves what crime you to be clear?” “你这混账东西,竟敢私自闯入魔界,该当何罪你可清楚?” Ni fine jade Dao Lord penetrates void transmits from afar, sound cold like ice, sounds very severe. 霓璇道主穿透虚空远远传来,声音冷冽如冰,听起来十分严厉。 Almost was that flash that the sound resounded, near Heavenly River Ni fine jade Dao Lord form shook slightly, then such as flickered to move general, then appeared in front of Wang Lici and Qing Li Divine Maiden directly. 几乎是声音响起的那一瞬间,天河边霓璇道主的身影微微晃了一下,而后便如瞬移一般,直接便出现在了王璃慈青璃神女面前。 By near, Wang Lici saw clearly this Ni fine jade Dao Lord appearance finally. 靠得近了,王璃慈才终于看清楚了这位霓璇道主的容貌。 She lives extremely beautifully, is actually not the common Fairy clear water has the cotton rose beauty like that instead such as in snow cold plum, brings bone-chilling cold and dignity that absorbs the person heart and soul, that feared that an immortal clothes is floating, cannot cover up her grace and talent. 她生得极美,却不是寻常仙子那般清水出芙蓉般的美,反而如雪中寒梅,带着摄人心魄的凛冽和威严,那怕一袭仙衣飘飘,也遮掩不住她的风华。 With her arrival, a powerful dignity and constriction also covered Qing Li Divine Maiden. 随着她的到来,一股强大的威严和压迫感也随之笼罩住了青璃神女 Ni fine jade Dao Lord white delicate arms lift, catch Qing Li Divine Maiden to punch the person. 霓璇道主玉臂抬起,逮着青璃神女就要揍人。 Teacher, was Qing Li made a mistake ~!” 师尊,是青璃错了~!” Qing Li Divine Maiden throws to go forward immediately, the knees one soft knelt in front of Teacher hangingly, grasped her thigh to wail. 青璃神女立刻扑上前去,双膝一软悬空跪在了师尊面前,抱住她的大腿就嚎啕大哭起来。 Qing Li thousand should not ten thousand not should, should not not to listen to Teacher to teach, to excel at rushing to Demon Realm to lead to the blunder. No matter Teacher must hit to scold must punish, Qing Li does not have the complaint certainly.” 青璃千不该万不该,不该不听师尊教诲,擅闯魔界酿成大错。不管师尊要打要骂还是要罚,青璃绝无怨言。” What thing? 啥玩意? The arm that Ni fine jade Dao Lord lifts stopped quickly, some doubt uncertain looks that this oneself places the great expectations treasure Apprentice/Disciple. 霓璇道主抬起的手臂倏地停住了,有些狐疑不定的看着这个自己寄予厚望的宝贝徒儿 Until now, the personality of Qing Li this girl is stubborn and some rebels, the matter nine god cows that once sometimes decides cannot pull back, even hits her, closes her confinement, she stubborn stickling. 一直以来,青璃这丫头的性格都是倔强而又有些叛逆的,有的时候一旦决定的事情九头神牛都拉不回来,即便是打她,关她禁闭,她都会倔强的坚持己见。 this time will she so admit mistakes unexpectedly fast? Did the tour of this Demon Realm really make her grow up? Mature? Understood that to was wrong? 这一次她竟会如此快速认错?难道,此次魔界之行真让她长大了?成熟了?懂得对错了? Teacher, I really made a mistake, or you punch me one to vent anger ruthlessly.” Qing Li Divine Maiden dies to rigidly adhere to the Teacher thigh, crying is the tears splash, a regret appearance extremely. 师尊,我真的错了,要不您狠狠揍我一顿出出气吧。”青璃神女死死抱着师尊大腿,哭得是眼泪飞溅,一副懊悔万分的模样。 Snort!” “哼!” Ni fine jade Dao Lord over and over, put down the hand hesitant eventually, but the scowl on face has not dispersed as before. 霓璇道主犹豫再三,终究是放下了手,只是脸上的怒容依旧未散。 Calculates that your also some rescue, after returning to the Wu Yue temple, you give me to reflect on one's mistakes in seclusion well. You are my Wu Yue temple future hope, is to inherit your Master Ancestor dao lineage accurate Divine Maiden, does not permit to cry!” “算你还有的救,等回了武岳神殿后你给我好好闭门思过。你是我武岳神殿未来的希望,是要继承你师祖道统的准神女,不准哭!” Yes, Teacher.” “是,师尊。” Qing Li Divine Maiden reveals one to endure gladly immediately, to the clever appearance of Teacher handling, then wipes tears honestly, showed a face firm expression. 青璃神女立刻露出一副甘之如饴,任凭师尊处置的乖巧模样,然后老老实实地擦干眼泪,露出了一脸坚定的表情。 In her heart is actually blossoms happily. 她心中却是乐开了花。 These moves of Lici instruction are really effective! 璃慈传授的那些招数还真管用! It is said that she at home, copes with oneself Fourth Uncle. No matter made the mistake anything, once were seized on the earliest possible time sheds bitter tears to admit mistakes, cannot the stubborn stubborn brain, otherwise decided is punched miserably. 据说她在家里,就是这么对付自己四叔的。甭管做错了什么事情,一旦被逮住就得第一时间痛哭流涕认错,千万不能犟头犟脑,否则定会被揍惨了。 After having shouldered the Teacher first wave of anger, Qing Li Divine Maiden started the second wave of skill of Lici instruction, grabbed the Teacher arm soft sound soft and gentle words to scatter tenderly: Teacher, Apprentice/Disciple this time, although has the thousand faults, but, I eventually Immortal Emperor Master Ancestor jade pendant along bringing.” 扛过了师尊的第一波怒火后,青璃神女又开始了璃慈传授的第二波技巧,抓着师尊胳膊软声软语撒起了娇:“师尊,徒儿这一次虽然有千错万错,不过,我终究是将仙帝师祖的随身玉佩给带了回来。” Saying, she pulled out one to be rustically shaped, the aura vigorous yao yellow jade pendant, offered valuable advice gave Teacher. 说着,她就掏出了一块造型古朴,气息浑厚的垚黄色玉佩,献宝似的给了师尊 This jade pendant, was collected in the Thunder Horn Great Commander treasure house. This was they depended on the Wang Lici move to kidnap Gong Gaga Young Lord initially, intruded the spoils of war that its treasure house plundered depending on this. 这玉佩,原本被收藏在雷角大统领的宝库之中。这还是当初他们靠着王璃慈的招数绑架了贡嘎嘎少主,凭此闯入其宝库搜刮出来的战利品。 This......” Ni fine jade Dao Lord look drastic change, grasped the jade pendant immediately, the look becomes especially complex, this is really Teacher his jade pendant along, you, you really looked unexpectedly.” “这……”霓璇道主神色剧变,当即一把将玉佩抓了过来,眼神变得格外复杂,“这果然是师尊他老人家的随身玉佩,你,你竟然真的找了回来。” I listened to Teacher saying that if can find treasure that Master Ancestor carried for a long time along, then can depend upon ancient great array in temple, sought the Master Ancestor reborn through reincarnation whereabouts.” A Qing Li Divine Maiden weak appearance said, Apprentice/Disciple obtained this news, decided that the Demon Realm adventure wrestled, harms Teacher you to worry.” “我听师尊说过,若是能找到师祖长期随身携带的宝物,便能依靠神殿内的古老大阵,寻求师祖转世投胎的下落。”青璃神女一副弱弱的模样说道,“徒儿正是得到了这个消息,才决定去魔界冒险一搏,害得师尊您担忧了。” Your this child!” Ni fine jade Dao Lord horizontal her eyes, in look, although was full of the blame, actually took a gratified color unavoidably, later does not have permission of Master, does not permit to handle the dangerous matter again.” “你这孩子!”霓璇道主横了她一眼,眼神中虽是充满了责备,却又不免带上了一丝欣慰之色,“以后没有为师的允许,不准再做危险的事情。” Yes, Teacher. You could rest assured that later cannot.” “是,师尊。您放心,以后不会了。” Qing Li Divine Maiden earns neatly. 青璃神女应得干脆利落。 Under these disappear and hits, she successfully reduces and solves the evil consequence of being beaten mercilessly and closing the confinement directly, before this is her, situation that never dares to imagine. 这一番连消带打之下,她直接成功化解了被毒打和关禁闭的恶果,这可是她以前从来不敢想象的情况。 The severity that her Teacher temperament becomes famous, she caused trouble in the past, may from having no time can be put light. 要知道,她师尊的脾气可是出了名的严厉,她以往闯了祸,可从没有哪次能这么轻飘飘就被放过去。 She was secret toward Wang Lici caused a grateful look. 她不禁暗暗朝王璃慈使了个感激的眼神。 Has the direction of Wang Lici fortunately, in addition this period of time the experience and maturity, making her understand so long as originally can sacrifice the facial skin, entire world will suddenly see the light. 亏得有王璃慈的指点,再加上这段时间来的历练和成熟,让她明白了原来只要能豁出脸皮,整个世界都会豁然开朗。 cough cough!” 咳咳!” Suddenly, a female cough sound gets up. 忽而,一个女子咳嗽声响起。 The cough sound just resounded, sounding is very far, when last falls, the crape myrtle Immortal Emperor form has then appeared in front of Ni fine jade Dao Lord: Ni fine jade, Qing Li girl this time, although takes risk rashly, but indeed performed the illustrious meritorious service.” 咳嗽声刚刚响起的时候,听起来还很远,最后一声落下之时,紫薇仙帝的身影便已然出现在霓璇道主面前:“霓璇啊,青璃丫头这一次虽然莽撞冒险,但的确是立下了赫赫功勋。” Her voice is gentle, in the tone has several points to commend. 她声音和缓,语气中带着几分赞许。 Pays a visit crape myrtle Immortal Emperor.” “拜见紫薇仙帝。” Ni fine jade Dao Lord sees is she, the hurried austere body salutes, being grateful of face: You must praise that girl not, if not you this time make a move to rescue, Qing Li this girl is mostly more unfortunate than fortunate.” 霓璇道主见是她,急忙肃身行礼,一脸的感激涕零:“您也莫要夸那丫头了,若非您此番出手相救,青璃这丫头多半凶多吉少。” Crape myrtle Immortal Emperor is World of Immortals established Immortal Emperor, purely is higher than by the rank and age Wu Yue Immortal Emperor, but her aptitude is outstanding, when building Immortal Emperor was not still old, when the appearance was still maintaining the young appearance. 紫薇仙帝乃是仙界的老牌仙帝,纯以辈分和年龄而言比武岳仙帝还高很多,但她资质卓绝,修成仙帝之时年龄尚不算大,因此容貌仍旧保持着年轻时的模样。 She at this moment has not put on that bright light yan yan the golden armor, only wore an indistinct purple immortal clothes, being short of several points of dignity was overbearing, were many elegant and charming of several points of daughter family/home, appearing the dust is refined, beautiful not local products. 此刻的她没有穿那一身明光滟滟的金色铠甲,只穿了一袭缥缈的紫色仙衣,少了几分威严霸道,却多了几分女儿家的摇曳生姿,显得出尘脱俗,美艳不可方物。 Stands side Ni fine jade Dao Lord, she seems like resembles unexpectedly is must slightly young some. 站在霓璇道主身旁,她看起来竟似是还要略微年轻一些。 Hears Ni fine jade Dao Lord words, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor beckons with the hand, says with a smile: This Immortal Emperor has not helped her anything busy, instead is Qing Li and Lici this two girl, helped my busy. If not they do the movement to divert in the Demon Race center unceasingly, ancient deep pool Heavenly River war zone frontline disadvantageous war not so rapid is switched.” 听到霓璇道主的话,紫薇仙帝摆了摆手,笑道:“本仙帝可没帮她什么忙,反而是青璃璃慈两个丫头,帮了我一个大忙。若非她们在魔族腹地不断搞动作牵制,古渊天河战区前线不利的战局也不会如此迅速的得以扭转。” During the speeches, she could not bear cough two, the sound also slightly somewhat hoarse. 说话间,她忍不住咳嗽了两声,声音也略有几分嘶哑。 Carefully looks, although she at this moment the appearance is still eye-catching, the aura charm actually must miss compared with the prosperous period on plans. 仔细看去,此刻的她虽说依旧神采夺目,气息神韵却比鼎盛时期明显要差上一筹。 Well, Immortal Emperor were you injured?” Ni fine jade Dao Lord then discovered crape myrtle Immortal Emperor is not right, immediately don't the tight ten thousand skip roads, how know the injury?” “咦,仙帝您受伤了?”霓璇道主这才发现紫薇仙帝的不对劲,当即紧张万分道,“不知伤势如何?” Since her Teacher Wu Yue Immortal Emperor falls from the sky, the World of Immortals aspect is even more bad, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor is a few can haunch the scene, may be called existence of World of Immortals courtyard column. If she has what accident/surprise again, entire World of Immortals feared that was really more unfortunate than fortunate. 自从她的师尊武岳仙帝陨落之后,仙界局面愈发恶劣,紫薇仙帝已经是少数能撑得起场面,堪称仙界庭柱的存在。若是她老人家再出点什么意外,整个仙界怕是真要凶多吉少了。 Might as well. However slightly received several points of wound.” Crape myrtle Immortal Emperor has not actually cared about the oneself injury, smiles frank gives birth for the first time, you could rest assured that this time Supreme You that old dog wound is only heavily heavier than me, our wave took many advantages.” “无妨。不过略受了几分伤。”紫薇仙帝却是没怎么在意自己的伤势,笑得十分爽朗开怀,“不过你放心,这一次至尊幽那条老狗伤的比我只重不轻,咱们这一波算是占了不少便宜。” The Supreme You strength is tyrannical, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor to divert it, resorted to many going all out methods. But afterward the forbidden area was attacked, Supreme You to get rid of going all out of crape myrtle Immortal Emperor, the paid price at least is crape myrtle Immortal Emperor several times. 至尊幽实力强横,紫薇仙帝为了牵制它,也是动用了不少拼命手段。但后来禁区遇袭,至尊幽为了摆脱紫薇仙帝的拼命,付出的代价至少是紫薇仙帝的数倍。 Moreover two people pesters for more than ten years, has gone against the pressure that Heavenly Dao is making a false counter- accusation against hit, how to be relaxed? 而且两人纠缠十余年,一直都是顶着天道反噬的压力在打,岂会轻松? hearing this, the Ni fine jade Dao Lord tight mind was really relaxed, joined to say voluntarily: Immortal Emperor your injury, although is not heavy, actually must return to the forbidden area to heal from a wound quite. That side the ancient deep pool war zone, then first withstand/top some time by the younger generation.” 闻言,霓璇道主紧绷的心神才算是真的放松了下来,主动请缨道:“仙帝您的伤势虽不重,却还是要回禁区好生养伤。古渊战区那边,便由晚辈先去顶一段时间。” Crape myrtle Immortal Emperor slightly ponders over, then joyfully agreement: Supreme You this injury is heavy, lost the huge resources, if the strength wants to restore to be inevitably slower to most flourishing condition this/Ben Immortal Emperor. If I make the best use of the time to restore the injury, returns to the frontline as soon as possible, must be able to start a wave of advantage to attack!” 紫薇仙帝略一琢磨,便欣然同意了:“至尊幽此次伤势不轻,又损失了大量资源,实力要想恢复至全盛状态必然比本仙帝慢许多。若是我抓紧时间恢复伤势,尽快重归前线,必能发动一波优势进攻!” So, the frontline you goes against direct by Ni fine jade for the time being. Remember, before this Immortal Emperor injury, all has not been primarily defends safely.” “如此,前线就暂且由霓璇你顶上指挥。记住,在本仙帝伤势未愈之前,一切以稳妥防守为主。” Ni fine jade Dao Lord receives an order respectfully: Respectfully follows the Immortal Emperor decree.” 霓璇道主恭敬领命:“谨遵仙帝旨意。” Crape myrtle Immortal Emperor lifts the hand to make her get up, granted Ni the fine jade Dao Lord together crape myrtle Immortal Emperor command, exhorted some words, this feels relieved to depart. 紫薇仙帝抬手让她起来,又是赐予了霓璇道主一道紫薇仙帝令,嘱咐了一些话,这才放心离去。 When she leaves, not Dao Lord like that shuttle space, but ripped open the space to enter directly Endless Heaven Abyss In space. 她离开时,也不似道主那般穿梭空间,而是直接撕开空间进入到了【无尽天渊】空间之中。 Flies in that high dimension space, is equal flickers to move to the shuttle in ordinary world unceasingly, the overall speed flew to escape to in ordinary world compared with it quickly. 在那种高维度空间中飞行,等同于在普通世界中不断地瞬移穿梭,总体速度比之在普通世界中飞遁要快多了。 However, is the powerhouse of Immortal Emperor rank can so fly, fearless these Heavenly Abyss Demon Fiend. Also is therefore, the Immortal Emperor ability to act is abnormal, during the short 2-3 ten years then can stretch across entire World of Immortals! 不过,也就是仙帝级别的强者才可以如此飞行,又无惧那些天渊魔煞。也是因此,仙帝的行动能力非常变态,短短2-3十年之间便能横跨整个仙界 If common Dao Lord, without using Transmission Array, even if whole-heartedly, without several hundred years is impossible to span World of Immortals, this is the vast gap! 若是寻常道主,在不使用传送阵的情况下,哪怕是全力以赴,没有个数百年时间也不可能跨越仙界,这就是巨大的差距! After crape myrtle Immortal Emperor walks . 等紫薇仙帝走后。 Ni fine jade Dao Lord then spared some time specially, received these alien race Dao Lord levels and Holy Venerable level powerhouses who follows Qing Li, and by the Wu Yue temple agent Hall Lord status, transferred to their territory officially, enabling them to be able multiplied to live, and gave them the autonomous race related power. 霓璇道主这才专门腾出了一些时间,接见了追随青璃的那些异族道主级和圣尊级强者,并以武岳神殿代理殿主的身份,正式划拨给了他们一块领地,让他们可以在其中繁衍生息,并给与了他们自治种族的相关权力。 This is Qing Li accepts their conditions, Ni fine jade Dao Lord will naturally reveal for the treasure apprentice, let alone this is not the misdemeanor, instead strengthened the overall strength of Wu Yue temple in disguised form. 此乃青璃答应他们的条件,霓璇道主自然会替宝贝徒弟兜底,何况这也不是什么坏事,反而是变相增强了武岳神殿的总体实力。 These alien race followers facing Ni fine jade Dao Lord, are the attitude are naturally trembling, respectful incomparable. 那些异族追随者面对霓璇道主,自然是态度战战兢兢,恭敬无比。 Even if three big 17th Stage powerhouses, is respectful to Ni fine jade Dao Lord. 哪怕是三大十七阶强者,也都对霓璇道主毕恭毕敬。 But the opposite party the powerhouse of Dao Lord peak rank, can press their three to punch with ease. 对方可是道主巅峰级别的强者,可以轻松摁着他们三个揍。 But the Wu Yue temple is known as has declined, again no longer in the past the grand occasion, actually as before was one of the World of Immortals top influences, its overall strength and background, were not their these wild alien race can compare. 武岳神殿虽然号称已经没落,再不复当年盛况,却依旧是仙界的顶尖势力之一,其总体实力和底蕴,可不是他们这些“蛮荒异族”可以比拟的。 Teacher, I accompany on your together frontline.” Qing Li Divine Maiden one hear of Teacher must replace crape myrtle Immortal Emperor to guard the ancient deep pool war zone, eyes emits the light immediately. 师尊,我陪您一起上前线。”青璃神女一听师尊要代替紫薇仙帝镇守古渊战区,两眼立刻放出了光。 Since this period of time, she also tasted the benefit of going to war, naturally quite anticipated. 这段时间以来,她也算是尝到了打仗的甜头,自然颇为期待。 Ni fine jade Dao Lord actually stared her one eyes, be relentless rejected: „It is not good, you and Lici first return to the Wu Yue temple together, the resources that must come divide a point according to the custom well, digests, particularly you, need to close up cultivation well.” 霓璇道主却是瞪了她一眼,毫不留情地拒绝了:“不行,你和璃慈一起先回武岳神殿,将得来的资源按规矩好好分一分,消化消化,尤其是你,需要好好闭关修炼。” Although Qing Li Divine Maiden is extremely strong in the contemporaries, actually eventually is only the child who 3000 years old has not arrived. Her trivial Great Principle Golden Immortal strength is staying extremely dangerously in the main battlefield, has the possibility of falling from the sky anytime, Ni fine jade Dao Lord did not feel relieved she goes to the battlefield adventure. 青璃神女虽说在同龄人中实力很强,却终究只是个三千岁都没到的孩子。她区区大罗金仙的实力在主战场待着太过危险,随时都有陨落的可能性,霓璇道主自是不放心她去战场上冒险。 Qing Li Divine Maiden did not dare disobedient Teacher at this time, has to lead Lici and followers together set off honestly, goes toward the Wu Yue temple. 青璃神女这时可不敢忤逆师尊,只得老老实实带着璃慈和追随者们一起出发,朝着武岳神殿而去。 But at the same time, Ni fine jade Dao Lord was advances the ancient deep pool Heavenly River war zone frontline, replace crape myrtle Immortal Emperor maintained the aspect. 而与此同时,霓璇道主则是先行去了古渊天河战区前线,替代紫薇仙帝维持局面。 ****** ****** Same time. 同一时间段。 Holy Territory, Eastern Rosy Cloud Divine Dynasty, scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion. 圣域,东霞神朝,赤鼎圣府 Wang Baosheng and Ying Lingzhu couple just finished one wave of taking year exploring mission for the void sea of unit of time, returns to live in a strange or foreign place in Chen Clan main house that for the time being. 王宝圣嬴灵竹夫妇俩刚结束了一波以年为时间单位的虚空海探索任务,回到暂且客居的陈氏主宅之中。 At this moment. 此刻。 They are drinking tea in the institute that the Wang Baosheng couple live in a strange or foreign place, each other is exchanging this period of time harvest and information. 他们正在王宝圣夫妻俩客居的院内喝着茶,彼此交流着这段时间的收获和情报。 This courtyard is one of the Chen Clan best courtyards, in the institute spirit qi is very abundant, even if the True Immortal Boundary powerhouse lives will feel very comfortably. 这座院子乃是陈氏最好的院落之一,院中灵气十分充沛,即便是真仙境强者生活在其中都会觉得十分舒适。 Approximately arranged for the elder, in this institute spirit plant complements, swaying shadows of the trees, seem very quiet. 大约原本是为长辈布置的,这院中灵植掩映,树影婆娑,显得十分静谧。 In their forests the stone pavilion, is static takes calmly, quite sinuous when the somewhat ideal condition, is a leisure drinks tea the hear of winds good destination. 他们所处的林中石亭,更是静中取静,颇有几分曲径通幽的意境,不失为一个闲暇时喝茶听风的好去处。 In recent years, the scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion three Great Sage clans and Residence Lord coordinate our actions.” Ying Lingzhu carried immortal tea to sip one gently, the brow was slightly pressed, „the hidden maps of various influences also conformed, coordinating us to investigate the search together. More than ten suspicion regions that until now the position selected, is not the entrance of Crystal 5 forbidden area.” “这些年来,赤鼎圣府大圣族和府主都十分配合我们的行动。”嬴灵竹端着仙茶轻轻抿了一口,眉头微微蹙起,“各势力的隐藏地图也都整合了起来,配合咱们一起调查搜索。只是迄今位置圈定的十多个嫌疑区域,都不是晶五禁区的入口。” „The suspicion region that I am responsible for searching, checked two actually in the ancient times the vestige, but was uninterested with the Crystal 5 forbidden area.” Wang Baosheng is drinking immortal tea, in the look somewhat is also exhausted, has a possibility, the Crystal 5 forbidden area has nothing to do with scarlet cauldron several Great Sage influences?” “我负责搜查的嫌疑区域,倒是查出来两个古代遗迹,但是都与晶五禁区毫无关系。”王宝圣喝着仙茶,眼神中也有些疲惫,“有没有一种可能性,晶五禁区与赤鼎几大圣尊势力无关?” Possibility is not big.” Ying Lingzhu shakes the head, in the eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly together severe glow, „, no matter purchases the material that the directional samsara instrument needs for a long time in secret, is the few excellent youth men and women missing case, aimed at the plan of Crystal 5. By the Crystal 5 status, with the Holy Clan cooperation is the limit, not possible by Immortal Clan implementation plan.” “可能性不大。”嬴灵竹摇了摇头,眼眸中掠过一道厉芒,“不管是长期暗中购买定向轮回仪器所需的材料,还是少量的优秀青年男女失踪案,都指向了晶五的计划。以晶五的身份,与圣族合作已经是极限,不可能靠仙族来执行计划。” Initially, they from testing the base vestige obtained the clue, suspected after Crystal 5 is possibly also living, then does not have to publicize for the time being, but was dormant low-key some time, conducted some time secret agent to scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion that the clue aimed. 当初,他们从实验基地遗迹之中获得线索,怀疑晶五可能还活着之后,便暂且没有对此进行宣扬,而是低调蛰伏了一段时间,对线索所指向的赤鼎圣府进行了一段时间的暗查。 Also is these investigates in secret, making them discover in scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion some people have needed the material in the long-term purchase manufacture direction detection samsara meter in secret. 也是这一番暗中调查,让他们发现了赤鼎圣府之中一直有人在暗中长期购买制作定向轮回仪所需材料。 This was Wang Clan had also obtained wreckage of directional samsara meter, and extracted many useful data, otherwise was also not necessarily able to detect this point. 这也就是王氏曾经获得过一个定向轮回仪的残骸,并从中提取出了不少有用的数据,否则还未必能察觉到这一点。 But the material that this manufacture direction detection samsara meter needs is not common, by the Immortal Clan background, was impossible to support such long-term purchase in secret. 而这制作定向轮回仪所需的材料可不一般,以仙族的底蕴,根本不可能支持得了这样长期的暗中采购。 Three Great Sage clans operated in the area counted hundred thousand years, naturally was deep-rooted, the relationship network was very intriguing. If really goes all out to hide something, we want to investigate such as to ascend to heaven in a short time difficultly.” “三大圣族在当地经营了数十万载,自然是根深蒂固,关系网无比错综复杂。若真是拼命想隐藏一些东西,我们在短时间内想要调查出来难如登天。” This matter cannot drag again, I have the premonition, the action of Crystal 5 am accelerating.” “这件事情不能再拖下去了,我有预感,晶五的行动正在加速。” Couple two looked one mutually, as if decides to start the alternative plan simultaneously. 夫妻两个互相对望了一眼,仿佛是同时决定启动备选方案。 ****** ****** Scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion somewhere. 赤鼎圣府某处。 In the dim secret room, only had the array ray to past slightly, illuminated the entire secret room. 昏暗的密室之中,唯有阵法的光芒在微微流转,照亮了整个密室。 That Holy Venerable Old Ancestor, stands before the Crystal 5 projection body as before servilely, the vision sags, the look is respectful. 依旧那位圣尊老祖,卑躬屈膝地站在晶五投影身前,目光下垂,神色恭敬。 But stands in his front Crystal 5, this little while is reading one stack of thick resumes. 而站在他面前的晶五,这会儿则正在翻看着一沓厚厚的简历。 On this resume is entire scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion, or peripheral region some just got married soon young one generation. These materials are these years they send people to collect to come specially, the content is exhaustive. 这简历上面都是整个赤鼎圣府,或是周边区域一些刚成亲不久的年轻一代。这些资料都是这些年来他们专门派人搜集而来,内容非常详尽。 This pair is not good.” Crystal 5 treats a matter seriously drew a fork in a resume, „before this man gets married , is a womanizer, the later marriage has the hidden danger.” “这一对不行。”晶五郑重其事的在一份简历上画了一个叉,“此男子成亲之前便沾花惹草,之后的婚姻生活有隐患。” The Holy Venerable Old Ancestor eye hides shakes, could not bear raise a mouth really: young one generation of it quantities that Sir Crystal 5, got married recently are not many, you also want various types to delete elect nitpickingly, how could it not be does mission complete the difficulty to increase? In my opinion, on the young men and women who might as well not get married from some begins, so the selection scope then broad...... we can use illusion technique......” 圣尊老祖眼皮子一抖,着实忍不住提了一嘴:“晶五大人,最近成亲的年轻一代本身数量就不多,您还要各种删选挑剔,任务完成难度岂非大增?依我看,不如从一些未成亲的年轻男女身上着手,如此选择范围便广了……我们可以用幻术……” May not!” Crystal 5 cold sound interrupted his words, „my several tens of thousands of subordinate who falls into the death, each is the Crystal Ancient Race elite, I as the leader, have the duty to screen the outstanding parents to them.” “不可!”晶五冷声打断了他的话,“我那数万陷入永眠的属下,每一个都是晶古族的精英,我作为领袖,有义务给他们筛选出优秀的父母。” As parental carrier of our Crystal Ancient Race samsara plan, both families matching, wisdom and school record, bloodline talent, as well as each other individuality agreeing with must have certain request. Otherwise, how can give the child a healthy growth environment?” “作为我们晶古族轮回计划的父母载体,无论是双方家庭匹配度、智慧和学历、还是本身的血脉天赋,以及彼此的个性契合度都必须有一定要求。否则,如何能给孩子一个健康的成长环境?” „, My elite subordinates, once the reincarnation samsara, will then have is unable awakening to remember a long time. If the family of origin is unhappy, the parents do not relate harmoniously, might unable to forecast the negative impact that the formation of personality will in turn affect! I as the leader, am unable not to accept perfectly!” “要知道,我那些精英属下一旦转世轮回,便会有很长一段时间无法觉醒记忆。如果原生家庭不幸福,父母关系不和谐,有可能会无法预测的负面影响,进而影响的人格的形成!我作为领袖,无法接受不完美!” „This character to/clashes to Mr. and Mrs. young, gets married for three years to quarrel already nine times, removes!” “这对年轻夫妇性格相冲,成亲三年吵架已经九次,排除掉!” This young man appearance is extremely ordinary, forks the fork to fall!” “这年轻男子外貌太过普通,叉叉掉!” This female bloodline is good, the intelligence is insufficient, the fork falls!” “此女子血脉还行,智力不够,叉掉!” This male school record is too low, the individuality thinks oneself infallible, the fork falls.” “这男子学历太低,个性自以为是,叉掉。” Crystal 5 incomparably is screening each resume earnestly, is a little not slightly right, then forks the fork to fall, performs to reveal the obsession style. 晶五无比认真的筛选着每一份简历,稍有点不对,便叉叉掉,尽显强迫症风格。 That Holy Venerable Old Ancestor looks at the corners of the mouth unceasingly to twitch in side. 圣尊老祖在旁边看得嘴角不断抽搐。 really wants to spit a Crystal 5 face ~ 真特么的想啐晶五一脸啊~ According to your standard, electing tens of thousands pairs of Mr. and Mrs. young to elect to go lord knows when? He really wants to upset the table is not dry/does! 按照你这标准,选几万对年轻夫妻得选到猴年马月去?他真想掀桌子不干了! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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