POP :: Volume #8

#19: Big harvest! Lici arrives at World of Immortals

Too house arrest area achievement Supreme You den, defense, although is lax, was actually insufficient to hit to some people a response not to have laxly flagrantly. 太幽禁区作为至尊幽的老巢,防守虽然松懈,却也不至于松懈到有人明目张胆地打过来了还一点反应都没有。 The clear to see Qing Li Divine Maiden army attacks, in the forbidden area has the response immediately. 眼见得青璃神女大军攻打过来,禁区内立刻就有了反应。 Almost is the flash. 几乎是一瞬间。 The black giant energy protected the shield to cover the entire forbidden area together. 一道黑色的巨型能量护盾就笼罩住了整座禁区。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 A whole body sends out black gray aura Demon Race Great Commander also to lead the numerous from the forbidden area, killed toward the Qing Li Divine Maiden rebellious army. 一位浑身散发着黑灰色气息的魔族大统领也自禁区中率众而出,朝着青璃神女的反抗军杀了过去。 Big courage, which group of bandit army you are, dares to attack the supreme forbidden area!” “好大的胆子,你们是哪路贼军,竟敢攻打至尊禁区!” Lead Demon Race Great Commander wears the fierce Demon Race armor, the whole body is sending out the black grey unclear air/Qi, a pair of scarlet demon eye bloodthirsty is cruel, just appeared to send out the terrifying demon prestige. 领头的魔族大统领身着狰狞的魔族铠甲,浑身散发着黑灰色的不详之气,一双猩红的魔眼嗜血残忍,甫一出现就散发出了恐怖的魔威。 He, is the protector in this too house arrest area, 17th Stage Demon Race Great Commander Source of Calamity. 他,就是这太幽禁区的守护者,十七阶魔族大统领灾厄之源】。 As the forbidden area protector, he is grasping in the forbidden area all array control, may mobilize the strength of forbidden area at any time. 作为禁区守护者,他掌握着禁区内所有阵法的控制权,可随时调动禁区的力量。 Demon a in addition in the supreme forbidden area holds, his aura increases upwardly, suddenly arrived at the 17th Stage peak strength. 在至尊禁区内部魔阵的加持下,他的气息一路向上攀升,眨眼间就到了十七阶巅峰战力。 This time he, strikes conveniently, then can hit to explode not a weak battleship! 此时的他,随手一击,便能打爆一艘不弱的战舰! Also because has this grade of strength, Supreme You can feel relieved that gives him to protect the forbidden area. Has him, even if runs into the powerhouse who cannot be victorious, can still support Supreme You to come back by the strength of forbidden area. 也正是因为有着这等战力,至尊幽才能放心将禁区交给他守护。有他在,就算是遇到打不过的强者,也能凭借禁区之力撑到至尊幽回来。 Traded usually, such arrangement was naturally enough. 换了平时,这样的安排自然是足够了。 What a pity, Qing Li Divine Maiden is prepared early, came up to press the complete strength, for fought a battle to force a quick decision. 可惜,青璃神女对此早有准备,一上来就压上了全部战力,为的就是速战速决。 Follows in her side these, is elite in Demon Race dependency race. Everyone trusts her potential and position, is willing to follow she to do the enterprise together, race overlord who many Holy Venerable level strength, have several the Dao Lord rank. 追随在她身边的这些,全都是魔族附庸种族中的精锐。大伙儿信任她的潜力和地位,愿意一起跟着她干事业,其中不乏圣尊级战力,更有数位道主级别的种族霸主。 Source of Calamity Just a appearance, three same level powerhouses kill immediately jointly to it! 灾厄之源】刚一出现,就立刻有三位同级强者联手向它杀去! What is the head is a build is big, whole body like refined copper casting 17th Stage Barbarian Giant King. 为首的是一位体型高大,浑身如同精铜浇注的十七阶蛮巨人王 Barbarian giant who is famous as the by brute force, his whole body is sending out the overbearing incomparable terrifying power and influence, was vertically and horizontally ordinary just like the ancient times period void wild giant beast, only then can dominate the universe depending on the fists and feet, preyed on dragon and phoenix, tore the stars. 作为以蛮力著称的蛮巨人,他浑身都散发着霸道无比的恐怖威势,宛如远古时期纵横虚空的蛮荒巨兽一般,仅凭拳脚便能叱咤宇宙,搏杀龙凤,撕裂星辰。 The second 17th Stage powerhouse, is a young man who is growing a pair of white wing. 第二位十七阶强者,是一位长着一对白色羽翼的年轻男子。 His semblance seems like with Immortal Clan is close, but lived mild-mannered golden hair, one pair like the sea deep blue eye pupil, the five senses is also three-dimensional and handsome, conducted the back that pair of white wing is also pure white just like the snow initially, frequently is sending out the soft light. 他的外表看起来和仙族很接近,只是生了一头柔顺的金发,还有一双如大海般碧蓝的眼眸,五官也是立体而英俊,背上的那一双白色羽翼也是宛如初雪般洁白,时时刻刻散发着柔光。 He grasps a great sword, the whole body sends out the white golden ray to mump, the great sword sways imitates, if can cut off the galaxy. 他手持一柄巨剑,浑身都散发着白金色的光芒斗气,巨剑挥洒间仿若能斩断星河。 That power and influence, is frightening. 那一身的威势,也是让人胆战心惊。 He, yes White Feather Wing King, Also is the Winged Person Race king. 他,是【白羽翼王】,也是翼人族的王。 As a White Feather powerhouse who has the wing person Imperial Clan bloodline, he has the White Feather purest bright strength, the battle efficiency is very powerful. 作为一位拥有翼人皇族血统的白羽氏强者,他拥有着白羽氏最为纯正的光明之力,战斗力十分强大。 Winged Person Race once was also various void quite powerful races, what a pity afterward the ethnic group disintegrated, various branch lineage also scattered in various void places. 翼人族曾经也是虚空中较为强大的一各种族,可惜后来族群分崩离析,各支脉也散落在了虚空中各处。 His White Feather attached to the World of Immortals survival, what a pity afterward World of Immortals was captured a large number of regions by Demon Race, world that his Winged Person Race dwells was also seized by Demon Race. 他这一支白羽氏原本是依附仙界生存的,可惜后来仙界魔族攻陷了相当一部分区域,他这一支翼人族栖息的世界也被魔族所占领。 For extension and survival of race, his Winged Person Race has to endure humiliation to become the Demon Race dependency, until now crosses very difficultly! 为了种族的延续和生存,他这一支翼人族才不得不忍辱负重成为魔族的附庸,一直以来都过得很艰难! this time he seized the opportunity to follow Qing Li Divine Maiden to rebel against Demon Race together, was the hope can with the oneself strength, gives him this White Feather to prey on a future, can have the habitat that an independence based in the future in World of Immortals. 这一次他逮住了机会追随青璃神女一起反叛魔族,便是希望能凭着自己的实力,给他这一支白羽氏搏杀出一个未来,在未来于仙界能有一处独立立足的栖息地。 But the third 17th Stage powerhouse, the main body is Fire Phoenix. 而第三位十七阶强者,本体乃是一尊火凰 She is Demon Race dependency race Fire Phoenix phoenix clan Queen, its named Blazing Pheonix Queen. 她是魔族附庸种族火凤一族女王,其名为【炽凰女王】。 The Fire Phoenix phoenix clan talent strength is actually very strong, particularly the talent flame, the striking power is quite powerful, if not the ethnic group quantity are too few, in addition gets sucked into Demon Realm to be unable to do it alone, is insufficient to degenerate into the dependency race, crosses so difficultly. 火凤一族天赋战力其实还是很强的,尤其是天赋火焰,攻击力极为强大,如果不是族群数量太少,再加上深陷魔界孤掌难鸣,也不至于沦为附庸种族,过得如此艰难。 Although her strength has not reached the 17th Stage peak, but also had 17th Stage intermediate stage to control, in addition she talent flame strength of as Fire Phoenix phoenix clan, once displayed full power, but destroying heaven and extinguishing earth, burnt to boil the galaxy. 她的实力虽然还没达到十七阶巅峰,但也有十七阶中期左右了,再加上她身为火凤一族天赋火焰之力,一旦全力施展起来,可毁天灭地、焚煮星河。 Three big 17th Stage powerhouses jointly to Source of Calamity, even if the opposite party has the restricted area array in addition to hold to reach the 17th Stage peak, has completely the advantage instantaneously, hits Source of Calamity retreats in defeat again and again. 三大十七阶强者联手对上灾厄之源,哪怕对方有禁地阵法加持达到十七阶巅峰,也是瞬间占尽优势,将灾厄之源打得节节败退。 The 17th Stage peak is no doubt powerful, but also is Chaos Origin Boundary fourth layer to fifth layer. 十七阶巅峰固然强大,但也不过是混元境第四层第五层之间而已。 The synthesis strength is similar to Southern Ye Divine Continent Extreme Happiness Cult Master, one dozen two also good, one dozen three at all are not the opponents. 其综合战力不过与南烨神洲极乐教主差不多,一打二还行,一打三根本不是对手。 In addition. 除此之外。 Qing Li Divine Maiden is also leads personally elite, with supreme remained behind Personal Guard to launch intense battle. 青璃神女也是亲率精锐,与至尊的留守亲卫展开了激烈的厮杀。 Qing Li Divine Maiden is not general Great Principle Golden Immortal( Holy Venerable), she is Wu Yue temple careful training accurate Divine Maiden, will be the Wu Yue temple future hope. 青璃神女可不是一般的大罗金仙(圣尊),她乃是武岳神殿精心培养的准神女,是武岳神殿未来的希望。 The bloodline has achieved extremely rare Dao Daughter first grade! 血脉已经达到了极为罕见的道女甲等 If following successfully inherited Wu Yue Immortal Emperor dao lineage, then can leap for true Divine Maiden at one fell swoop, was very fierce Divine Maiden third grade. 若是后续成功继承到了武岳仙帝道统,便能一举跃为真正的神女,还是十分厉害的神女丙等 Initially Lici and rebellious army to enhance the rallying point, was called Divine Maiden it directly, although there are from lifting the suspicion of worth, was actually not the blunder. 当初璃慈和反抗军为了提高号召力,将其直接称为神女,虽有自抬身价之嫌,却也不算大错。 After all Wu Yue temple also no one can compete for dao lineage with her, in addition this time is World of Immortals makes the extreme great merit, in the future will become true Divine Maiden is the matter of being settled. 毕竟武岳神殿也无人能与她争夺道统,再加上她此次为仙界立下泼天大功,未来成为真正的神女是板上钉钉的事情。 But even Dao Daughter first grade, she to same step powerhouse, still absolutely is steamroll -type existence, even if to 16th Stage enemy, strength of the war. 但即便还是道女甲等,她对上同阶强者,也绝对是碾压式的存在,哪怕是对上十六阶的敌人,也有一战之力。 So a fierce battle. 如此一场恶战。 The forbidden area remains behind the military to be hit retreats in defeat again and again. 禁区留守兵力被打得节节败退。 When injured Source of Calamity is wild, quickly relates Supreme You with the method with a sense of urgency, asking its elderly man to come back to exterminate the chaotic army. 受伤的灾厄之源狂暴之余,也急忙用手段抓紧联系至尊幽,请它老人家回来清剿乱军。 But receives the message Supreme You, naturally is a wildness. 而收到消息的至尊幽,自然又是一阵狂怒。 He then understands that must design for He Ziwei Immortal Emperor its interception here, but also so displays is unforgiving, originally is having the idea of its den forbidden area unexpectedly. 他这才明白为何紫薇仙帝要设计将其拦截在此,还表现得如此不依不饶,原来竟是在打它老巢禁区的主意。 But it wants completely all means that does not have the means to get out of the entanglement of crape myrtle Immortal Emperor, can only angry roar repeatedly, goes all out with crape myrtle Immortal Emperor! 可它想尽一切办法,也没办法摆脱紫薇仙帝的纠缠,只能连声怒吼,与紫薇仙帝拼命! No one can think, places the forbidden area in Dark Void Realm center, will be attacked, moreover Supreme You was also diverted by the same step expert, is unable to return to the forbidden area. 没有人能想到,身处黑暗虚界腹地中的禁区,会被人攻打,而且至尊幽还被同阶高手牵制住,无法返回禁区。 In addition, because the forbidden area places in Dark Void Realm, is unable to build the Transdimensional Corridor base, is not naturally able to obtain the prompt support of other Great Commander. 除此之外,禁区因为身处黑暗虚界之中,无法建立超空间走廊基地,自然也无法得到其他大统领的及时支援。 Actually in the final analysis, the forbidden area avoids the Heavenly Dao den supremely, in the strict sense is not what strategic point. When supreme is also living, but also really no one hits the restricted area the idea. 其实说到底,禁区不过是至尊躲避天道的老巢而已,严格意义上而言并非是什么战略要地。在至尊还活着的时候,还真没人来打禁地的主意。 Quick. 很快。 The defense does not calculate that the powerful forbidden area was captured rapidly. 防守不算强大的禁区就被迅速攻陷了。 Then, Qing Li Divine Maiden is leading the army, started the beating , smashing and looting in forbidden area. In the violent style, broke open too the treasure house in house arrest area. 然后,青璃神女就率领着大军,开始了在禁区内的打砸抢。更是以暴力方式,破开了太幽禁区的宝库。 Sees the Supreme You collection dazzling treasure, circling was Qing Li Divine Maiden these years is steadier, could not bear smile to make noise as before! 看到至尊幽收藏的琳琅满目的宝物,绕是青璃神女这些年稳重了许多,依旧忍不住笑出了声! Got rich! 发财了! This wave got rich ~!! 这一波可是发大财了~!! She the big hand wields immediately, the direction manpower starts to move outward, complete moving out that can move. 她当即大手一挥,指挥人手开始往外搬,把能搬的全部搬走。 Her these alien race elite these years hand/subordinate had also been practiced, could not be more familiar to this set of flow, do not need the Qing Li Divine Maiden direction to perform its own functions to bustle about. 她手下的这些异族精英这些年也早就被练出来了,对这一套流程熟得不能再熟,不需要青璃神女指挥就全都各司其职忙碌起来。 Quick, resources were registered to compile a register to move flying boat rapidly. 很快,一桩桩资源就被迅速登记造册搬上了飞舟 Your Highness Qing Li wise Divine Martial!” 青璃殿下英明神武!” Human form that Blazing Pheonix Queen changes, is an attractive female who wears the scarlet long skirt. 炽凰女王化作的人形,是一位身穿赤红长裙的漂亮女子。 On her pitch-black beautiful hair is falling the scarlet red feather, a pair of clear golden eye pupil gloss circulation, is seemingly graceful, beautiful not local products. 她乌黑的秀发上坠着赤红色的羽毛,一双澄金色的眼眸光泽流转,看起来仪态万方,美艳不可方物。 But this little while, looks the spoils of war that was moved unceasingly, she actually excited to being hard to practice moderation: Really worthily is the Supreme You private treasure house, is only chaos demon crystal over ten thousand, Primal Chaos Spirit Stone also has several thousand!” 但这会儿,看着那不断被搬出来的战利品,她却是激动到难以自持:“真不愧是至尊幽的私人宝库,光是混沌魔晶就足足有上万枚,混沌灵石也有好几千枚!” Chaos demon crystal invaded demon qi Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, more suitable Demon Race or demon cultivator are used for cultivation, its value theoretically and Primal Chaos Spirit Stone same level. 混沌魔晶是侵染了魔气混沌灵石,更适合魔族魔修用来修炼,其价值理论上而言与混沌灵石同级。 Blazing Pheonix, you calmly.” Barbarian Giant King changes the guard stands in the Qing Li Divine Maiden body side dignifiedly, the look is staring at Blazing Pheonix Queen, all resources unification compile a register, if you dare to have half a point greed, do not blame my this Royal to strike to kill you at the scene!” 炽凰,你镇定一点。”蛮巨人王化作护卫站在青璃神女身侧,眼神威严的盯着炽凰女王,“所有的资源统一造册,你若敢有半分贪念,别怪我本王将你当场击杀!” I, this Queen does not need you to remind.” Blazing Pheonix Queen is showing the whites of the eyes saying that these treasure, although is very precious, this Queen is the heart movement is also incomparable, but I must dare to take, Immortal and Demon two did not have my foothold. old white, your eye twinkle what vigor? To these treasure.” “我呸,本女王不需要你来提醒。”炽凰女王翻着白眼说,“这些宝物虽然无比珍贵,本女王也是心动无比,但是我要敢拿,仙魔两界就都没有我立足之地了。老白,你眼睛闪烁个什么劲?离那些宝物远一点。” Among next instant, Barbarian Giant King and Blazing Pheonix Queen will look at lived in White Feather Wing King. 下一瞬间,蛮巨人王炽凰女王都将目光锁定住了白羽翼王 White Feather Wing King quickly withdrew several steps, raises both hands saying: I am have a look to satisfy a craving, does not dare to touch with the hand, does not dare to touch with the hand absolutely! These are the spoils of war of Your Highness Qing Li.” 白羽翼王急忙退后了几步,举起双手道:“我就是看看过过瘾,不敢沾手,绝对不敢沾手!这些都是青璃殿下的战利品。” Must say the heart movement, White Feather Wing King naturally is also the incomparable heart movement, but said like Blazing Pheonix Queen, since has followed Qing Li Your Highness Divine Maiden to prepare to make an enterprise, naturally cannot make such self-destruction future the matter. 要说心动,白羽翼王自然也是无比心动,但是诚如炽凰女王所言,既然已经跟着青璃神女殿下准备做出一番事业,自然不能做出此等自毁前程的事情。 Everyone felt relieved.” Qing Li Divine Maiden said with a smile indifferently, everyone Senior trusted Qing Li, hit to live to kill with Qing Li together, Qing Li was naturally impossible to disappoint everyone. These treasure are everyone works as one to take together, naturally is everyone has the share. However, the offensive talk said in front, according to the beforehand agreement, I and Lici must take the big end.” “大家放心。”青璃神女淡然一笑道,“诸位前辈信任青璃,跟着青璃一起打生打死,青璃自然不可能辜负大家。这些宝物是大家一起齐心协力拿下,自然是人人有份。不过,丑话说在前面,依照之前的约定,我与璃慈可是要拿大头的。” The 17th Stage powerhouses of three alien races the eye shines immediately. 三位异族的十七阶强者登时眼睛发亮。 Your Highness Divine Maiden worthily is Your Highness Divine Maiden, this breadth of spirit is strong! not like is Demon Race, regarded the dog their dependency races completely! 神女殿下不愧是神女殿下,这气魄就是强!不像魔族,完全是把他们这种附庸种族当成了狗! Really cannot cross in the Demon Race squeezing next day, they will not so choose to go to Qing Li Divine Maiden neatly. 要不是在魔族的压榨下日子实在过不下去了,他们也不会如此干脆利落地选择投奔青璃神女 We returned to the World of Immortals Wu Yue temple, this Divine Maiden will also delimit three domains to you as agreed that dwells for your clans autonomous. However, in name must accept the governance of our Wu Yue temple as before.” In the Qing Li Divine Maiden foreheads is passing an interrupted dignity. “等咱们回了仙界武岳神殿,本神女也会依约给你们划出三块地盘,供你们各族栖息自治。不过,名义上依旧是要接受我们武岳神殿的统辖。”青璃神女眉宇之间透着一股不容置喙的威严。 These years were being compelled the fast growth, present she also learned to drive a horse technique. 这些年被逼着快速成长,如今的她也是学会了驭下之术 Respectfully follows the Divine Maiden will.” “谨遵神女意志。” Three alien race powerhouse leaders take a stand to will certainly take Divine Maiden as to follow the lead. 三位异族强者首领纷纷表态必将以神女为马首是瞻。 At this moment, their respective moods are incomparably excited. Had the habitat in World of Immortals, some resources that in addition obtain, in the future the day of ethnic group will get better and better. 此时此刻,他们各自的心情都是无比激动。在仙界有了栖息地,再加上分得的一部分资源,未来族群的日子会越过越好。 Under such condition, naturally cannot some people dare to have the disloyalty. 此等状况下,自然不会有人敢生出异心。 Also, everyone counted most valuable resources. 随之,大家又统计了一番最值钱的资源。 17th Stage Demon Race Great Commander crystal core three! 十七阶魔族大统领晶核三枚! This obviously is the collection of Supreme You, if there is an opportunity then to reward to some Demon Lord, will cultivate Great Commander again. 这显然是至尊幽的收藏,若是有机会便会赏赐给某个魔主,再培植出一位大统领来。 Ordinary 17th Stage Psuedo Divine Beast crystal core five. 普通的十七阶伪神兽晶核五枚。 Compares in Demon Race own crystal core, Demon Race , to depend on the Psuedo Divine Beast crystal core to promote Great Commander, the difficulty wants on big many, requests to be higher to Demon Lord talent bloodline, even so, has Demon Race Great Commander to depend on the Psuedo Divine Beast crystal core promotion many! 相较于魔族自身的晶核,魔族要想靠着伪神兽晶核晋升大统领,难度要大上许多,对魔主本身的天赋血脉要求更高,但即便如此,也不乏有魔族大统领就是靠着伪神兽晶核晋升的! For example, once resisted in Western Divine Continent and Holy Territory Spider Queen, Then is depends on the Psuedo Divine Beast crystal core to become Great Commander. 例如,曾经在西若神洲圣域对抗的【蛛后】,便是靠着伪神兽晶核成为了大统领 This type of thing places World of Immortals, naturally is also very valuable, often an auction price of Psuedo Divine Beast crystal core can more than 3000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. These five, are enough 15,000 thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 这种东西放在仙界,自然也是非常值钱,常一枚伪神兽晶核的拍卖价格能到三千多混沌灵石。这五枚,便是足足一万五千混沌灵石 In addition, Qing Li Divine Maiden also discovered belongs to giant tribe Giant king bloodline Totem. 除此之外,青璃神女还发现了一部属于蛮巨人部族的【巨人王血脉图腾】。 According to the appraisal of Barbarian Giant King, this is giant tribe Golden Tribe bloodline Totem! 根据蛮巨人王的鉴定,这是蛮巨人部族黄金部族血脉图腾 So-called bloodline Totem, Actually is giant tribe one unique bloodline inheritance way. 所谓【血脉图腾】,其实就是蛮巨人部族的一种特有的血脉传承方式。 Giant clan believes in the ancestor and bloodline strength, 17th Stage above Barbarian Giant King will get down strength of brand mark own complete bloodline in the bloodline Totem way, to inherit to give the descendant. 蛮巨人一族信奉先祖和血脉的力量,十七阶以上的蛮巨人王会以血脉图腾的方式将自身的全部血脉之力烙印下来,以传承给后代。 Although the principle is different, but on the essence, bloodline Totem of giant is actually and Human Race Dao Book similar thing. 虽然原理不同,但就本质而言,蛮巨人的血脉图腾其实是和人族道书差不多的东西。 In legend this named Golden Tribe Barbarian giant tribe is not willing surrender Supreme You, to be extinguished by Supreme You killed the entire clan. Cannot think that this bloodline Totem also keeps in the hand of Supreme You unexpectedly. 传说中这一支叫做【黄金部族】的蛮巨人部族不肯投降至尊幽,被至尊幽灭杀了全族。想不到这血脉图腾居然还留在至尊幽的手里。 Your Highness Divine Maiden, this Golden giant king bloodline Totem, Very suitable Young Lady Lici.” Barbarian Giant King said, what Young Lady Lici cultivated/repaired is Barbarian King Holy Body, if can successfully accept the inheritance of this bloodline Totem, in the future can practice successfully Golden Barbarian King God Physique, That may really be overbearing unparalleled.” 神女殿下,这部【黄金巨人王血脉图腾】,非常适合璃慈小姐。”蛮巨人王说道,“璃慈小姐本就修的是蛮王圣体,若是能成功接受这部血脉图腾的传承,未来能修成【黄金蛮王神体】,那可真是霸道无双了。” Although giant clan bloodline Totem properly speaking only then giant clan can inherit, but Wang Lici and giant clan fate is very deep, only needs enough many barbarian giants to take the strength of bloodline as to direct, obtains the approval of ancestor should not be the issue. 虽说蛮巨人一族血脉图腾按理来说只有蛮巨人一族能够继承,但王璃慈和蛮巨人一族缘分很深,只需要有足够多的蛮巨人以血脉之力为引,获得先祖的认可应该不是问题。 Good thing, that to give Lici to remain.” Qing Li Divine Maiden is also the eye shines the brilliance greatly, as if will see Lici in the future the incarnation is Golden Barbarian King, dominated appearance vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. “好东西,那就给璃慈留着了。”青璃神女也是眼睛大放光彩,仿佛看到了璃慈未来化身为黄金蛮王,叱咤纵横的模样。 In addition, two beginning of the universe Dao Book fall starts. 此外,还有两部混元道书落入手中。 These two Dao Book once were the World of Immortals famous Dao Book inheritance, its original master also once was earthshaking Dao Lord, actually died in the Demon Race hand, even Dao Book fell into the Supreme You storehouse. 这两部道书都曾经是仙界大名鼎鼎的道书传承,其原主人也曾是叱咤风云的道主,却死在了魔族手中,连道书都落入了至尊幽的库房之中。 Besides the inheritance of these 17th Stage, Great Principle Golden Immortal Holy Picture inheritance 26, Holy Clan Totem also more than ten of giant section, all sorts of inheritance of fifteenth stage are also many. 除了这些十七阶的传承之外,大罗金仙圣图传承也有二十六部,蛮巨人部的圣族图腾也有十多部,十五阶的种种传承不少。 As for Immortal Scripture and so on ten three fourth stage inheritance, that was the huge quantity. 至于仙经之类的十三四阶传承,那就更是数量庞大了。 In addition, various heavenly materials and earthly treasures are also innumerable, what is most noticeable is some 13th grade wonder drugs, for example Yin Yang Profound Ginseng, Primal Chaos Golden Lotus, Undying Divine Grass Wait, the grand total have five 13th grade wonder drugs. 除此之外,各种天材地宝也是数不胜数,其中最引人注目的是一些十三品神药,例如一株【阴阳玄参】,一株【混沌金莲】,【不死神芝】等等,总计有五支十三品神药。 Even in the deep place of treasure house, but also is sealing ten fourth grade wonder drugs, named Reincarnation Divine Fruit,】! 甚至在宝库的深处,还封存着一枚十四品神药,名为【轮回神果、】! treasure of this rank, is even Qing Li Divine Maiden has not then seen. 此级别的宝物,便是连青璃神女都没见过。 She does not dare to neglect, receives cautiously the thing, after the preparation goes back, asks the Teacher concrete effect. 她不敢怠慢,小心翼翼地把东西收好,准备回去之后问问师尊具体功效。 This wave of spoils of war harvest, seriously is incomparably rich, besides these top treasure, various time first-level treasure and resources is innumerable. 这一波的战利品收获,当真是无比丰厚,除了那些顶级宝物之外,各种次一级的宝物和资源更是数不胜数。 Receives Wang Lici profound influence Qing Li Divine Maiden, will not naturally let off any commodity. 受到王璃慈深刻影响的青璃神女,自然也是不会放过任何物资。 She starts to conduct relocation in the forbidden area, everything can open opened the shipment pack to carry off ~ ~ 她开始在禁区内大搞拆迁活动,凡是能拆的都拆了装船打包带走~~ flying boat when brings really could not install, will be then massive does not stabilize demon crystal to place the space node in forbidden area, in the god lineage/vein node, then started to travel. 等带来的飞舟实在装不下了,便将大量不稳定魔晶安置在禁区内的空间节点,神脉节点上,然后开始跑路。 When they run the forbidden area range, after returning to normal world . 等他们跑出禁区范围,重新回归到正常世界后。 Bang!” “轰!” The forbidden area in Dark Void Realm blasts out, the shock-wave shakes in ordinary world some to tremble faintly. 黑暗虚界中的禁区炸开,冲击波震得普通世界内都有些隐隐发颤。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In the remote immortal fog islands, was also exploded the Supreme You sensation to the oneself forbidden area, naturally is incompetent wild with rage roaring. 遥远的仙雾群岛之中,至尊幽也感知到了自己禁区被炸,自然又是一阵无能狂怒的咆哮。 However crape myrtle Immortal Emperor was more excited, sent out one after another quack Jie Jie Jie the strange laughter, diverts Supreme You at the same time, but also keeps spurting the trash words taunt. 但是紫薇仙帝却更加兴奋了,发出了一连串“嘎嘎嘎桀桀桀”的怪笑声,牵制至尊幽的同时,还不停地喷垃圾话嘲讽。 Afterward, Qing Li Divine Maiden starts to retreat as scheduled rapidly. 随后,青璃神女按照原定计划开始飞速撤退。 This removes, removed for more than ten years. 这一撤,就是足足撤了十多年的时间。 But Supreme You, is diverted more than ten years by crape myrtle Immortal Emperor forcefully. Finally, she depended on goes all out to get rid of impeding of crape myrtle Immortal Emperor finally. 至尊幽,也是硬生生被紫薇仙帝牵制了十多年。最后,她还是靠着拼命才终于摆脱了紫薇仙帝的掣肘。 The result he returned to the forbidden area to look, discovered the oneself den was exploded 70-80% unexpectedly! 结果等他回到了禁区一看,才发现自己老巢竟然被炸了七八成! He from is violent anger. 他自又是一通暴怒。 After this one time, Qing Li Divine Maiden has become him to kill in the list to exist ranked the first, has surpassed Wang Lici and crape myrtle Immortal Emperor. 经此一遭,青璃神女已经成为了他必杀榜上名列第一的存在,已经超过了王璃慈和紫薇仙帝 Also so, is the answer year scene. 如此,又是过得数年光景。 Qing Li Divine Maiden and Wang Lici, as well as crape myrtle Immortal Emperor successfully converges finally. 青璃神女王璃慈,以及紫薇仙帝终于成功汇合。 With the help of crape myrtle Immortal Emperor, fleet following all the way smooth, successfully across Demon Realm and World of Immortals border, finally smoothly entered in World of Immortals. 在紫薇仙帝的帮助下,舰队接下来的一路上都顺风顺水,成功穿过魔界仙界边境,最终顺利进入了仙界之中。 Lici.” Qing Li Divine Maiden patted the Wang Lici shoulder saying that to World of Immortals, is my Qing Li domain. After this, my Qing Li is covering you, has me, as soon as stuttered, must have you......” 璃慈。”青璃神女拍着王璃慈肩膀说,“到了仙界,便是我青璃的地盘了。从此之后,我青璃罩着你,有我一口吃的,少不了你……” The Qing Li Divine Maiden words have not said, suddenly discovered distant place Heavenly River bank, the immortal clothes is floating, is standing just like the goddess female lightly, vision solemn is staring at this direction. 青璃神女的话还未说完,就忽然发现远处天河畔,有一位仙衣飘飘,宛若女神的女子正翩然而立,目光冷峻的盯着她这方向。 The Qing Li Divine Maiden heart and liver trembles, the complexion was all of a sudden white: Master, Teacher...... bad, was bad.” 青璃神女心肝一颤,脸色一下子就白了:“师,师尊……糟,糟糕了。” Teacher?” Wang Lici blinked a big eye, a curious appearance, Qing Li Elder Sister, that was you often said that has serious love master complex Teacher?” 师尊?”王璃慈眨巴了一下大眼睛,一副好奇的模样,“青璃姐姐,那位就是你常说的,有着严重恋师情结的师尊吗?” She may listen to Qing Li Elder Sister to raise her Teacher a lot, such as what Wu Yue temple present actual being in power person, half step Immortal Emperor battle efficiency! Once was personal inheritance disciple that Wu Yue Immortal Emperor most loved wait wait/etc. etc.. 她可没少听青璃姐姐提她师尊,诸如什么武岳神殿现在的实际掌权人,半步仙帝的战斗力!曾经是武岳仙帝最疼爱的亲传弟子等等等等。 And most gossips, naturally is Qing Li Elder Sister Teacher has been admiring Wu Yue Immortal Emperor this point silently. 其中最八卦的,当然是青璃姐姐师尊一直都默默地爱慕着武岳仙帝这一点。 But she also heard, Wu Yue Immortal Emperor also very admires his oneself Teacher probably! 而她还听说,武岳仙帝好像也挺爱慕他自己师尊 Oh ~ ~ this Wu Yue temple lineage, but also is really very chaotic. ~~武岳神殿一脉,还真是挺乱的。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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