POP :: Volume #8

#18: Robs the supreme den

ancient deep pool Heavenly River. 古渊天河 This is very ancient giant Heavenly River. 这是一条非常古老的巨型天河 Its history is very remote, long ago, in this world overwhelming majority world had not been born, it has existed. 它的历史十分久远,久远到,这世上绝大部分的世界还没有诞生之时,它就已经存在了。 Because of its source, is the present already very broken Tianyuan (Heavenly Origin) beginning sea. 因为它的源头,就是如今已然十分残破的天元始海。 In ancient deep pool Heavenly River, the life and energy substance rush like the tide, billowing such as the void sea storm falls in torrents , the bolt of white silk cut the endless void sea, then branched out the innumerable branches, spread to approach in the boundless universe. 古渊天河之中,生命和能量物质澎湃如潮,滚滚如虚空海风暴般倾泻而下,匹练般斩开了无尽虚空海,而后又分出无数条支流,蔓延向了茫茫宇宙之中。 This giant Heavenly River, is one of the World of Immortals three big origin of life Heavenly River, once bred the radiant Immortal Clan civilizations and various powerful life races. 这条巨型天河,乃是仙界三大生命起源的天河之一,曾孕育出过璀璨的仙族文明和各种强大的生命种族。 However, present ancient deep pool Heavenly River, has actually become one of Lord frontline battlefields Demon Race and Immortal Clan resist. 然而,现在的古渊天河,却已然成为了魔族仙族对抗的主前线战场之一。 Two clans are the main force completely leave, confronts near boundless ancient deep pool Heavenly River for a long time, each other goes on a punitive expedition against! Many years go on an expedition, large quantities of armies are buried in ancient deep pool Heavenly River, changed into the dust of history. 两族均是主力尽出,在茫茫古渊天河附近长期对阵,彼此征伐!多年征战下来,大批大批的军队葬身于古渊天河,化为了历史的尘埃。 At this moment. 此刻。 One side of ancient deep pool Heavenly River Demon Realm, in Demon Race army supreme headquarters headquarters. 古渊天河魔界一侧,魔族大军大本营指挥部中。 As ancient deep pool Heavenly River front commander-in-chief, Supreme You at will by sitting on representative seat of command. 作为古渊天河战线最高统帅,至尊幽正随意地靠坐在代表统帅的座位上。 His stance at will and lazy, the terrifying darkness can cover in his body week quiet, thick like fog, looks from afar, even makes his figure seem somewhat fuzzy, only has that pair of eyes pupil, like Dark Void Realm, has the shock and awe will of the people terrifying deterrent force profoundly. 他的姿态随意而慵懒,恐怖的黑暗幽能笼罩在他身周,浓稠如雾,远远看去,甚至让他的身形都显得有些模糊,唯有那一双眼眸,深邃如黑暗虚界,带着震慑人心的恐怖威慑力。 Is centered on him, the pressure of moving mountains fills the air in the headquarters, making the air of entire headquarters as if viscous. 以他为核心,排山倒海的威压弥漫在指挥部中,让整个指挥部的空气都仿佛变得粘稠起来。 This, is the terrifying deterrent force of 19th stage super powerhouse. 这,便是十九阶超级强者的恐怖威慑力。 In its, is standing two rows of higher Demon Race. 在其下方,站着两排高等魔族 This each Demon Race image and makings all kinds different, contains the suffocating demon prestige without exception. 这每一个魔族的形象与气质各样不同,却无一例外蕴藏着令人窒息的魔威。 Each, is the Demon Race Great Commander rank, an overlord of Commander side. 他们每一个,都是魔族大统领级别,统领一方的霸主。 Again downward, is one group of dense Demon Lord level powerhouses. They are the nucleus of Demon Race army, the mainstay! 再往下,便是一群黑压压的魔主级强者。他们都是魔族大军的中坚力量,中流砥柱! Naturally, at present participates in conference in the headquarters, majority is the projection arrives. 当然,目前在指挥部中参与会议者,大部分都是投影降临。 Various Great Commander this Venerable/main body have to be responsible for the place of guarding, easily cannot leave, but the supreme headquarters headquarters are away from each Demon Territory distance really remotely, opens Transdimensional Corridor also to require the time, is in against battlefield has any situation to hurry back without enough time, meeting this matter is only the projection arrives. 各部大统领本尊都有负责驻守之地,轻易不能离开,而大本营指挥部距离各个魔域的距离又实在遥远,开启超空间走廊也需要时间,为防战场上有什么突发情况来不及赶回来,开会这种事情便都只是投影到场。 reporting is supreme.” Demon Race Great Commander respectful reporting reported, our department guards North deep pool Demon Territory, Suffered the Immortal Clan crape myrtle group army's 13 th regiment and seventh regiment collaborates the converging attack, although our department resists the enemy with all streng, lost 30% control areas as before. Moreover, at present our department logistical materials serious deficiency! Our department requested earnestly to dispatch the reinforcements to support supremely, and supplemented the logistical materials. Otherwise, perhaps our department could not insist that was too long.” 启禀至尊。”一位魔族大统领恭敬的禀报道,“我部驻守的【渊北魔域】,遭受了仙族紫薇集团军第十三军团和第七军团联手夹击,尽管我部竭力抵抗,依旧损失了30%控制区。而且,目前我部后勤物资严重匮乏!我部恳请至尊调遣援军支援,并补充后勤物资。否则,我部恐怕坚持不住太久了。” The figure fine motion of Supreme You, in the terrifying eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly wipes the anger: Thunder Horn.” 至尊幽的身形微动,恐怖的眼眸中掠过一抹怒意:“雷角。” The voice falls, Demon Race Great Commander goes forward to say immediately respectfully: Subordinate.” 话音落下,一位魔族大统领当即上前恭敬道:“属下在。” This supreme, no matter you use what way, immediately helps the wicked prison section supplement logistical materials, and dispatches the reserve duty to assist north its control deep pool Demon Territory.” Supreme You cold sound said. “本至尊不管你用什么方式,立即助恶狱部补充后勤物资,并调遣预备役协助其控制渊北魔域。”至尊幽冷声说道。 This......” “这……” Even if Thunder Horn Great Commander the projection attended the meeting, was still frightened the whole body to tremble to palpitate by the Supreme You power and influence. 雷角大统领即便是投影参会,也是被至尊幽的威势吓得浑身颤悸。 He quickly said: reporting is supreme, our department rear recent quilt Qing Li bandit army Confuses, the main force is also participating to encircle mission of rebel army, if sets aside the hand to go reinforcements to provide the commodity at this moment, perhaps, perhaps......” 他急忙说道:“启禀至尊,我部后方最近被【青璃贼军】搅乱,主力也在参与围剿叛军的任务,若是此刻腾出手前去支援兵提供物资,恐怕,恐怕……” Scoundrel!” Supreme You got angry, „haven't your crowd of incompetent waste, exterminated that rebel army to the present unexpectedly?” “混账!”至尊幽怒了,“你们这群无能废物,居然到现在还未剿灭那支叛军?” The Demon Race center presented the matter of rebel army he naturally is early morning knew, but this matter also happened in the past occasionally, he has not cared from the beginning from the start. 魔族腹地出现叛军的事情他自然是一早就知道了,但这种事情以往也偶有发生,他一开始压根没放在心上。 Gang of unpromising irregular troops, exterminating are. This minor matter, has not been worth his unfaithful/stamen Stee intent attention. 一股不成气候的杂牌军而已,剿灭了就是。这种小事,还不值得他花心思特意关注。 But he has not thought, this rebel army is so unexpectedly tenacious, their encircled the under-bracing to not to say in Thunder Horn forcefully now, even also affected the frontline war? 可他没想到,这股叛军居然如此顽强,硬生生在雷角他们的围剿下支撑到了现在不说,甚至还影响到了前线的战局? Clear to see Supreme You gets angry, several participate in Great Commander that the taking in a net type encircles being frightened with Thunder Horn Great Commander is pale, trembles. 眼见得至尊幽发怒,几位和雷角大统领一起参与拉网式围剿的大统领都被吓得脸色发白,瑟瑟发抖。 They knew in the heart that this matter somewhat is indeed odd, not strange supreme vitality/angry, but simultaneously in their hearts also full is suffering. 他们心知这事儿的确有些离谱,不怪至尊生气,可同时他们心中也满是委屈。 Their rear military forces were void, but big alternation sneak attack tactic that Qing Li bandit army is good at mysteriously appearing and disappearing extremely, although they encircle several times, almost succeed several times, the moment actually is actually slipped away like the loach by the opposite party finally slyly. 他们后方军力本就空虚,而那支青璃贼军又极为擅长神出鬼没的大穿插偷袭战术,尽管他们几次进行围剿,好几次都差点成功,却最后关头却总是被对方狡猾如泥鳅般溜掉。 But a more disgusting place is, this Qing Li bandit army place visited, but also agitates the dependency race to rebel unceasingly, making the backyard be on fire everywhere, let encircle the army to be tired out from the press. 而更恶心的地方在于,这支青璃贼军所过之处,还不断鼓动附庸种族作乱,令后院四处起火,也让围剿大军疲于奔命。 Naturally, the most important reason or the rebel army active area are too broad, but their rear guard is void, the military force is insufficient, is unable to pull out the big net to wrap up entire bandit army! 当然,最重要的原因还是叛军活动区域太广,而他们后防空虚,军力不足,无法拉出大网将整个贼军兜住! reporting is supreme.” But, Thunder Horn Great Commander has bracing oneself to stand saying that according to the Qing Li bandit army trend that we investigate at present, they are penetrating Immortal fog islands The direction escapes to the World of Immortals border, only depending on our these manpower, blocks the environment complex immortal fog islands very much difficultly comprehensively!” 启禀至尊。”无奈之下,雷角大统领只好硬着头皮站出来说道,“根据我们目前侦查到的青璃贼军的动向,他们正在透过【仙雾群岛】方向逃向仙界边境,仅凭我们这些人手,很难全面封锁住环境复杂的仙雾群岛!” Once by them across the immortal fog islands, bandit army can enter the endless void sea, goes straight to the World of Immortals border! Therefore, the subordinate requested earnestly first to dispatch the main force to support supremely, blocked the immortal fog islands together, exterminated Qing Li bandit army thoroughly!” “一旦被他们穿过仙雾群岛,贼军就能进入无尽虚空海,直抵仙界边境!因此,属下恳请至尊优先派遣主力支援,一起封锁仙雾群岛,将青璃贼军彻底剿灭!” „It is not good!” “不行!” The Thunder Horn Great Commander words just now say, has Great Commander to jump the opposition immediately. 雷角大统领的话才刚说完,就立刻有大统领跳出来反对。 This Qing Li bandit army is the illness/quick of mustard moss, since must run away to make them run away, at present what is most important is the frontline war. Recently crape myrtle Immortal Emperor jumped very much, started the war in various frontline places repeatedly, if cannot selecting her color takes a look, definitely will affect our department army morale.” “这支青璃贼军不过是芥藓之疾,既然要逃走就让他们逃走好了,眼下最重要的还是前线战事。最近紫薇仙帝很跳,于前线各处频频开启战端,若是不能给点她颜色瞧瞧,势必会影响我部全军士气。” The opinion of this Great Commander wins the approvals of several colleagues immediately, expressed that must focus on tidying up crape myrtle Immortal Emperor. 这位大统领的意见立刻得到了数位同僚的赞同,纷纷表示现在应当集中精力收拾紫薇仙帝 After all, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor is their Demon Realm archenemy, what rebel army as for that ran even can how? 毕竟,紫薇仙帝才是他们魔界大敌,至于那支什么叛军,就算跑了又能如何? Even some Great Commander felt, the big fee/spent like the present encircles with it flustered, might as well makes them return to World of Immortals to consider as finished. 甚至有大统领觉得,与其像现在这样大费周章地围剿,还不如让他们逃回仙界去算了。 About is irregular troops, can stir the wind to stir the rain in the defensive weak Demon Realm center, to the frontal battlefield, including ordinary regular army cannot compare, where was worth treating seriously? 左右不过是一支杂牌军,在防守薄弱的魔界腹地还能搅风搅雨,到了正面战场上,连支普通的正规军都比不上,哪里值得这么郑重对待? But a Thunder Horn Great Commander numerous has the diverse opinion. 雷角大统领一众则是持相反意见。 They think, if makes this rebel army successfully return to World of Immortals, that is hitting the face of their Demon Race. In the future, where their does Demon Race have what reputation before these alien races of dependency? 他们认为若是让这支叛军成功逃回仙界,那就是在打他们魔族的脸。往后,他们魔族在那些附庸的异族面前哪里还有什么威信? Related to the Demon Race face countenance, cannot appease absolutely. 事关魔族颜面,绝对不能姑息。 Let alone, if not tidy up Qing Li bandit army, but whatever they return to World of Immortals, perhaps their which days will stage a comeback again, making Demon Realm always not probably be peaceful! 何况,如果不收拾青璃贼军,而是任由他们逃回仙界,说不定他们哪天就会再度卷土重来,让魔界永世不得安宁! Even, a Thunder Horn numerous also requested earnestly Supreme You to intend to tidy up Qing Li bandit army personally! 甚至,雷角一众还恳请至尊幽亲自出手收拾青璃贼军 This proposition, naturally encountered an opposition of vigorously numerous frontline Great Commander. 此提议,自然遭到了一众前线大统领的极力反对。 Once Supreme You left the frontline, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor is very likely to attack comprehensively, causes the inestimable consequence. 一旦至尊幽离开了前线,紫薇仙帝极有可能会全面出击,造成不可估量的后果。 Is listening to under conniption, Supreme You complexion even more haze. 听着麾下们的激烈争吵,至尊幽的脸色愈发阴霾。 His overall strength was vigorous, had the overwhelming superiority with crape myrtle Immortal Emperor to the line. However in previous time, to support border region tribe saves the aspect, seeks for Wu Yue Immortal Emperor the body of reincarnation while convenient, he sent subordinate efficient trusted subordinate Queen of Pain and tyrannical Lord Monarch goes to support. 原本他的总体实力非常雄浑,与紫薇仙帝对线也占据了绝对优势。然而就在上一次,为了支援边陲部族挽回局面,顺便寻找武岳仙帝的转世之身,他派遣了麾下得力亲信痛苦女王和暴虐主君前去支援。 According to original tentative plan, Queen of Pain and tyrannical Lord Monarch, once arrives, can easily accomplished conquer that Immortal Clan to lose the people inevitably, later coerces Immortal Clan to lose the people resources and dependency, the return support main battlefield, later turns down crape myrtle Immortal Emperor horizontally. 按照原本的设想,痛苦女王和暴虐主君一旦抵达,必然能摧枯拉朽般征服那支仙族遗民,随后再裹挟仙族遗民资源和附庸,回归支援主战场,随后横推掉紫薇仙帝 Has not actually thought, the entire plan crashes unexpectedly thoroughly, not only one folded four Great Commander tribe, even Queen of Pain and tyrannical Lord Monarch, as well as a projection of oneself built. 却不曾想到,整个计划竟然彻底崩盘,非但一下折了四支大统领部族,甚至连痛苦女王、暴虐主君,以及自己的一道投影都搭了进去。 The one who made Supreme You incomparably be furious, he wants to arrive that side world to retrieve the losing battle personally, has not actually thought, unexpectedly by one with the Immortal Clan female who World Extinguishing colluded with exploding, not only made him receive some wounds, but also rooting out finger. 更令至尊幽无比震怒的是,他原本想亲自驾临那方世界挽回败局,却不曾想,竟然被一个和灭世勾结的仙族女子给炸了回来,非但令他受了些伤,还断了根手指。 Received the great shame not saying that but also was instead seized the opportunity by crape myrtle Immortal Emperor, reversed the disadvantageous aspect little. Recently was because Qing Li bandit army ignited in the rear area everywhere, causing the frontline war to be even more disadvantageous, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor was also getting more and more rampant! 受到如此奇耻大辱不说,还反被紫薇仙帝抓住了机会,一点点扭转了不利的局面。最近更是因为青璃贼军在后方四处点火,导致前线战事愈发不利,紫薇仙帝也越来越嚣张! If continue, his Supreme You will certainly become the entire Demon Realm laughingstock. 照此下去,他至尊幽必将成为整个魔界的笑柄。 When two groups of troops, for must continue to encircle the Qing Li bandit army quarrel continuous, enduring patiently of Supreme You also soon reaches the limit. 就在两拨人马为了要不要继续围剿青璃贼军争吵不休,至尊幽的忍耐也快要到达极限之时。 Suddenly. 忽而。 Thunder Horn Great Commander also said: reporting is supreme, in odd the hearsay about Qing Li bandit army, the subordinate in must also raise hesitant.” 雷角大统领又说道:“启禀至尊,关于青璃贼军中还有一个离谱的传闻,属下正在犹豫要不要提。” Since there is an information, why doesn't raise?” The Supreme You look is quiet, in the tone has taken the dense chill in the air. “既然有情报,为何不提?”至尊幽眼神幽冷,语气中已然带上了森森寒意。 Yes, supreme.” “是,至尊。” Thunder Horn Great Commander heart one cold, some not wonderful premonition, actually did not dare not to say unclearly, has to consider, said: Recently some hearsay and rumors said, Qing Li bandit army can be so fierce , because in bandit army has a female military strategist. That female military strategist to stir up the bandit army will of the people, actually declared that she had injured to your father, added that anything shattered to pieces you, cuts off your finger to do to warn.” 雷角大统领心头一寒,隐隐然有些不妙的预感,却又不敢不说,只得斟酌了一番,说道:“最近有传闻和谣言说,青璃贼军之所以能如此厉害,是因为贼军中有一位女军师。那位女军师为了煽动贼军人心,竟然宣称她曾经打伤过至尊大人,还说什么把您打得落花流水,斩断了您一根手指以作警告。” Speaking of behind, Thunder Horn Great Commander this projection fear results in the body to shiver. Because he remembers that oneself a while ago had heard, has really been injured to your father, but also has broken the root finger. 说到后面,雷角大统领这具投影害怕得身体都颤抖起来。因为他记得自己“前段时间”听说过,至尊大人真的受过伤,还断过根手指。 „!!!” “!!!” The Supreme You complexion changes, incomparably depressing angry aura takes him to sweep across as the center of circle instantaneously. 至尊幽脸色一变,一股无比压抑的愤怒气息瞬间以他为圆心席卷而出。 Suddenly, the entire headquarters seem shiver under this angry pressure faintly. 一时间,整座指挥部好似都在这股愤怒的威压下隐隐颤抖。 He resounds in the headquarters to the pinnacle sound cold and gloomy. 他森冷到极致的声音在指挥部中响起。 Is she, she has not died unexpectedly!” “是她,她竟然还没死!” Until now, Supreme You thinks that explodes his cheap person, definitely dies in space vortex that in the Transdimensional Corridor explosion caused. 一直以来,至尊幽都认为那个炸他的“贱人”,肯定死在了超空间走廊爆炸导致的空间漩涡之中。 Has not thought, in that case, that human female also has the skill to live unexpectedly! 万万没想到,在那种情况下,那人类女子居然还有本事能活下来! Scoundrel! This matter, why haven't you reported earlier?” “混账!这种事情,你为何没有早点汇报?” The Supreme You swift and fierce quiet cold vision shot at Thunder Horn Great Commander suddenly. 至尊幽凌厉幽冷的目光陡然间射向了雷角大统领 The anger in his heart has ascended the pinnacle. His this lifetime most hates naturally is Wu Yue Immortal Emperor, placed second hates, is that explodes his cheap person. 他心中的愤怒已然升腾到了极致。他这辈子最恨的当然是武岳仙帝,排在第二恨的,就是那个炸他的“贱人”。 Must know early is she, he is impossible to tolerate her to jump to stumble to the present! 要早知道是她,他绝不可能容忍她蹦跶到现在! You have not asked ~ 您也没问啊~ Thunder Horn Great Commander had a scare, kneels down to beg for mercy hastily: Forgives supremely.” 雷角大统领被吓了一跳,连忙跪下求饶:“至尊恕罪。” Head expression that he hangs down sends painstakingly, the entire Demon Capital some were not quite good. 他低垂的头上表情发苦,整个魔都有些不太好了。 This matter was really odd. 这件事情着实是太离谱了。 He actually also knows that Wang Lici, even also knows how she mixes the same place to go with that Qing Li Divine Maiden, after all they met in his territory initially. 他其实也知道那个王璃慈,甚至还知道她跟那个青璃神女是怎么混到一起去的,毕竟她们当初就是在他的领地上遇到的。 But he thinks that Wang Lici is by the barbarian giant tribe young girl who Qing Li Divine Maiden coerces, is no different from other these alien races. 可他原以为王璃慈不过是个被青璃神女裹挟的蛮巨人部族少女,跟其他那些异族没什么不同。 , That Barbarian Clan young girl unexpectedly is the true secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. 没想到啊,那个蛮族少女居然才是真正的幕后黑手。 But what he has not thought that these even he listened to feel ten discrete spectra rumors, unexpectedly probably also somewhat authenticity?! 而他更没想到的是,那些连他听了都觉得十分离谱的传言,居然好像还有几分真实性?! Snort ~ right that you said.” Supreme You pupil color cold Chen, restrains by force the torrential anger that the heart turned wells up with great difficulty finally, indifferent opens the mouth, whatever, if Qing Li bandit army returns to World of Immortals, that is our great shames. Let alone, they of getting to know the benefits of will definitely stage a comeback, let our constant disorder and unrest!” “哼~你们说的对。”至尊幽眸色冷沉,好容易才终于强压下了心底翻涌的滔滔怒意,冷漠开口,“如果任由青璃贼军逃回仙界,那就是我们的奇耻大辱。何况,尝到甜头的他们肯定会卷土重来,让我们永无宁日!” this time, this supreme will intend to intercept Qing Li bandit army personally. Thunder Horn, your several logistics Great Commander are responsible for coordinating to be supreme, exterminates Qing Li bandit army thoroughly!” 这一次,本至尊将亲自出手拦截青璃贼军雷角,你们几位后勤大统领负责配合本至尊,将青璃贼军彻底剿灭!” Yes, supreme!” Thunder Horn Great Commander should say. “是,至尊!”雷角大统领应道。 Frontline Great Commander hearing this was actually anxious, immediately proposes the anxiety. 前线的大统领闻言却是急了,立刻提出了疑虑。 After all, although Supreme You few acts, is actually the battlefield soul, has him to assume personal command, the Demon Race army can be as stable as the rock of Gibraltar, does not fear any provocation of crape myrtle Immortal Emperor. 毕竟,至尊幽虽然鲜少出手,却是战场的灵魂,有他坐镇,魔族大军才能稳如泰山,不惧紫薇仙帝的任何挑衅。 If leaves supremely, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor while supreme not in frontline, wantonly what to do seizes the chance to attack? 若是至尊离开,紫薇仙帝趁着至尊不在前线,趁机大肆进攻怎么办? Regarding this, Supreme You indicated, can leave behind a projection, finding the way to build Supreme You still to guard the frontline false appearance. 对此,至尊幽表示,可以留下一具投影,想办法营造至尊幽还在镇守前线的假象。 Time exterminates Qing Li bandit army as for this, he has not prepared to spend how much time, when the time comes fast returns at once, cannot have problems inevitably. 至于此次清剿青璃贼军,他也没准备花多少时间,到时候速去速回,必然出不了问题。 After all is only an inferior brand rebel army, his supreme acted personally, if was unable to take with ease, that Demon Race did not need to mix. 毕竟只是一支杂牌叛军而已,他这个至尊都亲自出手了,若是还不能轻松拿下,那魔族也不用混了。 Most essential, must find that to explode his cheap person, intercepts that rebel army, as for exterminates the process specifically, has Thunder Horn Great Commander wait/etc. to be responsible. 最关键的,还是要找到那个炸他的贱人,将那支叛军拦截住,至于具体清剿过程,自有雷角大统领等负责。 With acting arbitrarily of Supreme You, gives the final word, all objections are pressed immediately. 随着至尊幽的独断专行,一锤定音,所有异议立刻被压了下去。 Supreme You as the highest level powerhouse, few will have the situation that the need acts personally, so long as the false appearance builds appropriately, deceiving the crape myrtle Immortal Emperor issue is not big. 至尊幽作为最顶级的强者,鲜少会有需要亲自出手的情况,只要假象营造妥当,骗过紫薇仙帝问题不大。 Let alone, even if reveals the secret incautiously, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor launches the general attack seriously, they can still enter the defensive condition, in a short time crape myrtle Immortal Emperor could not have overturned the heavens. 何况,即便一不小心露了馅,紫薇仙帝当真发动全面进攻,他们也能进入防守状态,短时间内紫薇仙帝还翻不了天。 ****** ****** Under the criterion of universe sea, passing of time often in carelessly. Especially the contradictions of Immortal and Demon two clans are long-standing, once hits, gets several thousand years, tens of thousands years are the normal conditions. 在宇宙海的尺度之下,时间的流逝往往就在不经意之间。尤其仙魔两族的矛盾由来已久,一旦打起来,打上个几千年,几万年都是正常情况。 Ten years then flash by. 不知不觉间,十年时间便一晃而过。 The immortal fog islands, are World of Immortals and a Demon Realm natural isolation boundary. 仙雾群岛,乃是仙界魔界的一处天然隔绝界限。 Here Heavenly Lake is densely covered, various small world stand in great numbers, whether there is spirit fog completely filled, the environment incomparably did not say complex, the spirit fog city that in the air filled somewhat was quite special, as if can disturb spiritual sense to be the same. 这里天湖密布,各种小世界林立,更有无尽的灵雾弥漫其中,环境复杂无比不说,就连空气中弥漫的灵雾都颇有些特异,仿佛能干扰神念一般。 Often has Demon Race and Immortal Clan astrays, then lost the trace thoroughly, has not come out again. 时常有魔族仙族误入其中,便彻底失去了踪影,再也没有出来过。 Astrays battleship, it is reported that also has to be missing occasionally. 就连误入其中的战舰,据传也偶有失踪的。 The innumerable legends, making this region fill were mystical and strange, made innumerable Immortal and Demon shrink back at the sight. 无数的传说,使得这一片区域充满了神秘和诡异,也让无数仙魔望而却步。 Naturally, although the legend passes on strangely, but many dangers, in the final analysis are also only because the strength is insufficient. 当然,传说虽然传得离奇,但很多危险,说到底也只是因为实力不足而已。 Regarding strength tyrannical existence, here natural moat that although the danger, is actually not able to overstep. 对于实力强横的存在而言,这里虽然危险,却也不是无法逾越的天堑。 Because Immortal and Demon two during the war, the Immortal and Demon two clans relate intense, the transport hubs of two edges, and important defense area has is stationed in the defense with large army, to communication crosses the boat to regulate strict questioning and void. 由于仙魔两界正值大战期间,仙魔两族关系紧张,两界边缘的交通枢纽,以及重要防区都有重兵驻扎防守,对来往的虚空渡舟都会进行严格的盘查和监管。 Normally, battleship a large number of fleets, want to pass through the border line to arrive in World of Immortals from Demon Realm, is unlikely. 正常情况下,一支战舰数量众多的舰队,想要穿过边境线从魔界抵达仙界,根本就不太可能。 Only has this immortal fog islands, because the Heavenly River branch is densely covered, is environmentally complex, without the obvious hub, stations the difficulty, waits for many reasons, was only stationed in a security team in the peripheral zone, therefore, became Demon Realm to defend the weakest place. 唯有这仙雾群岛,由于天河支流密布,环境复杂,没有明显的枢纽,驻防困难,等等诸多原因,只在边缘地带驻扎了一支警戒队伍,因此,也就成了魔界防守最薄弱的地方。 At this moment. 此刻。 Void fleets comprised of various types of inferior brand void battleships, quiet navigation in this immortal fog islands. 一支由各种杂牌虚空战舰组成的虚空舰队,正静谧的航行在这片仙雾群岛之中。 Their directions and goals, are the World of Immortals borders. 他们的方向和目标,正是仙界边境。 The camouflage and array protection of this void fleet do very well, shuttles back and forth in the immortal fog islands, seems one crowd of quiet spirits to be the same, has not caused slightly the sound. 这支虚空舰队的伪装和阵法防护做得很好,穿梭在仙雾群岛中,就好似一群悄无声息的幽灵一般,没有引起丝毫动静。 Just like the beforehand each action, they march forward every time a distance, will try the trace that eliminates on the line of march to leave, and often meets the fluctuation course of action, mysteriously appears and disappears in the immortal fog, is hard to trace. 和之前的每一次行动一样,他们每行进一段距离,都会设法消除掉行进路上留下的痕迹,且时常会变幻行动路线,在仙雾中神出鬼没,难以追踪。 Superficially, this void fleet and beforehand and does not have any difference, however, this is only the representation. 从表面上看,这支虚空舰队和之前并没有任何区别,然而,这只是表象。 In the flagship of head. 为首的旗舰内。 In the lively flagship is once peaceful now, except for the most essential post, almost could not see half taking a walk person's shadow, only had the person who on the bridge gathered to be most. 曾经热闹的旗舰内如今安静无比,除了最为关键的岗位,几乎看不到半个走动的人影,唯有舰桥上聚集的人最多。 And is most conspicuous, naturally was crowd central Wang Lici. 其中最为显眼的,自然便是人群中央的王璃慈了。 Wang Lici this little while is fiddling with oneself that specially-made grill along, the point gets angry, the preparation bakes. Various types fresh, the character of souse good food side her exhibits, the assorted seasoning also places her convenient position, just like a preparation eats a stance greatly. 王璃慈这会儿正在捣鼓自己那个特制的随身烧烤炉,点上火,准备烧烤。各种新鲜的、腌制好的食材在她身旁一字摆开,各色调料也都放在她顺手的位置,俨然是一副准备大吃一顿的架势。 Giant tribe Uncle Steeltooth and a giant guard sit in a circle side her, is crowding around her like the stars surrounding the moon generally, appearance that ate. 蛮巨人部族钢牙大叔和一众巨人护卫都围坐在她身边,如同众星拱月一般簇拥着她,一副等吃的模样。 However, words that carefully looks , the looks on their face are very tight, in the eye pupil has the obvious anxiety and gloomy mood, obviously is the mood of nothing eating meal. 然而,仔细看的话,他们脸上的神色却都十分紧绷,眼眸中带着明显的焦虑和愁绪,显然是没什么吃饭的心情。 Lici.” Uncle Steeltooth in the tone has the anxiety, we soon ran up to the void sea of World of Immortals border, why hasn't the fish swallowed the bait?” 璃慈。”钢牙大叔语气中带着疑虑,“我们都快要跑到仙界边境的虚空海了,为何鱼儿还没上钩?” Can be our whereabouts concealment was good, has really hidden the truth from the big fish?” “会不会是我们的行踪隐匿的太好了,真的瞒过了大鱼?” We must show a flaw intentionally, is good to entice the big fish to swallow the bait?” “咱们要不要故意露出点破绽来,好勾引大鱼上钩?” Regardless what Wang Lici makes is anything plans, he supports unconditionally, and always defends side her silently, but for a long time in the past, the fish had not swallowed the bait, the suffering in his heart and increases day by day disturbedly, cannot bear start to indulge in flights of fancy. 无论王璃慈做出的是什么计划,他都无条件支持,并且始终默默守在她身边,可这么久过去,鱼儿始终没有上钩,他心中的煎熬和忐忑与日俱增,忍不住就开始胡思乱想起来。 Uncle Steeltooth, this goes to war , like fishing, needs the patience.” Wang Lici is a face is calm, the condition seems like with usually does not have any difference, the movement of barbecue as always adept, big fish is very slyly is very often vigilant, less than does not nip the hook at the last minute. If we divulge the whereabouts intentionally, instead may work just the opposite, alarms the big fish. Was at this time, we more must be able to calm down, display discretely.” 钢牙大叔,这打仗呢,就和钓鱼一样,需要有耐心。”王璃慈却是一脸淡定,状态看起来跟平时没有任何区别,烤肉的动作一如既往地娴熟,“大鱼往往都是很狡猾很警觉的,不到最后一刻不咬钩。我们如果故意泄露行踪,反而有可能适得其反,惊动大鱼。越是这种时候,咱们越是要沉得住气,表现得更加谨慎。” Lici Fourth Uncle Wang Shouzhe, once invention the lure fishing pole, simulated the prey with the false bait, tempts the fish to nip the fishing technique of hook. 璃慈四叔王守哲,曾经“发明”了路亚鱼竿,就是用假饵来模拟猎物,引诱鱼儿咬钩的钓术。 Some sly big fish will often tag along after the false bait in secret for a long time, observes the flaw, less than does not launch the attack at the last minute, at this time spelled was the strength in meditation. 一些狡猾的大鱼往往会暗中尾随假饵许久,观察破绽,不到最后一刻不发动进攻,这种时候拼的就是定力。 Who first exposes weaknesses, who lost. 谁先露出破绽,谁就输了。 The void fleet is navigating cautiously, unknowingly, was six months passes. 虚空舰队就这么小心翼翼地航行着,不知不觉,又是半年时间过去了。 During this period, the Wang Lici fleet concealment whereabouts, moves aside unceasingly, is approaching toward the World of Immortals border line unceasingly little. 在这期间,王璃慈的舰队不断地隐匿行踪,左躲右闪,也在不断地朝着仙界的边境线一点点靠近。 Saw, the fleet must be separated from the immortal fog islands, enters the World of Immortals area. 眼看着,舰队就要脱离仙雾群岛,进入仙界疆域。 Suddenly. 忽而。 A terrifying dark energy covered. 一股恐怖的幽暗能量笼罩了过来。 The fleet front space was torn suddenly, revealed the giant vortex that Dark Void Realm and ordinary space interwove to form! 舰队前方的空间被陡然撕裂,露出了黑暗虚界与普通空间交织形成的巨型漩涡! In the vortex, great face of a package in fierce armor drilled. 漩涡中,一张包裹在狰狞铠甲中的巨脸钻了出来。 The pressure of rushing also blots out the sky to fill the air, shortly will then flood this side space. Even unclearly, there is a feeling that the space seemed imprisoned. 澎湃的威压也随之铺天盖地弥漫而出,顷刻间便充斥了这一方空间。隐隐然,甚至有中空间都仿佛被禁锢住的感觉。 Supreme You! 至尊幽 His pupil light cold severe, the low and deep dignified angry roaring acoustic shock periphery the space is clearing away: Qing Li bandit army, Wang Lici! You cannot escape from our Demon Realm!” 他眸光冷厉,低沉威严的怒吼声震得周围空间都在涤荡:“青璃贼军,王璃慈!你们逃不出我们魔界的!” Three years ago, he has shuttled back and forth through Dark Void Realm the immortal fog islands, and found the Wang Lici fleet. 早在三年前,他就已经通过黑暗虚界穿梭到了仙雾群岛,并找到了王璃慈的舰队。 This is not very to him difficult. 这对他而言并不算特别困难。 Although the Wang Lici fleet is surreptitious, covers up very well, hides the truth from the search of general Great Commander to have more than enough to spare, but regarding 19th stage Supreme You, these has covered up the method actually not major role, so long as he is willing to spend the time, can always find their. 王璃慈的舰队虽然行踪诡秘,遮掩得很好,瞒过一般大统领的搜查绰绰有余,但对于已然十九阶至尊幽而言,那些遮掩手段却并没有多大作用,只要他愿意花时间,总是能找到他们的。 He comes to the interception until the present, stemming from discrete, was worried that this can be a trap. 他之所以直至现在才现身拦截,也是出于谨慎,担心这会是一个陷阱。 Before that Immortal Clan lost in the people hand he has eaten to owe one time, he will not underestimate sinister and deceit of these Immortal Clan again. 之前在那支仙族遗民手里他已经吃过一次亏了,他可不会再低估这些仙族的阴险和狡诈。 However in the three years, this fleet went into hiding by array throughout, throughout hidden the whereabouts to go toward World of Immortals stealthily, all the way not slightly lax! 但是这三年来,这支舰队始终被阵法隐匿,始终鬼鬼祟祟隐藏行踪往仙界而去,一路上没有丝毫松懈! Look to the final moment, he could not repress finally. 这不,到了最后关头,他终于按捺不住了。 Big fish, bit the hook finally!” “大鱼,终于咬钩了!” In the flagship, Wang Lici wielded a fist excitedly. 旗舰内,王璃慈兴奋的挥了一下拳。 She has not actually grasped certainly to fish Supreme You. So long as the opposite party swallows the bait, all value. 她其实也没有把握一定能钓来至尊幽。但是只要对方上钩,一切就都值了。 In the flash that Supreme You presents. 就在至尊幽出现的这一刹那。 In the Wang Lici fleet, the aura of another similar terrifying ascends suddenly. 王璃慈的舰队之中,另一道同样恐怖的气息骤然升腾而起。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The vast golden energy spews out just like the volcanic eruption, in an instant then the vast soup broke through the imprisonment of space, filled the entire sky. 浩瀚的金色能量宛如火山爆发般喷涌而出,转眼间便浩浩汤汤地冲破了空间的禁锢,弥漫了整个天空。 However in the wink of an eye, huge magical form phantom then appears during was void. 不过瞬息之间,一道巨大的法相虚影便出现在了虚空之中。 That is one wears purple Immortal Skirt, the shell golden color battle armor female, the eyebrow flies into the temple, the graceful bearing soughs, is sending out a dignified and overbearing terrifying pressure all through. 那是一个身着紫色仙裙,外罩金色战甲的女子,眉飞入鬓,风姿飒飒,通身都散发着一股威严而霸道的恐怖威压。 The power and influence of that terrifying, comes compared with Supreme You unexpectedly is also not inferior. 那恐怖的威势,比起至尊幽来竟也是毫不逊色。 She laughs saying: „When Supreme You, this Immortal Emperor wait/etc. you were many.” 她哈哈大笑道:“至尊幽,本仙帝等你多时了。” Then, she wields conveniently, golden sword light then rips open the rich dense fog together, cuts to Supreme You just like the Heavenly River bolt of white silk. 说罢,她随手一挥,一道金色的剑光便撕开浓郁的迷雾,宛若天河匹练般向至尊幽斩去。 That sword light is swift and fierce, brings just like the parting heaven and earth terrifying power and influence, as if must tear two halves this universe unexpectedly! 剑光凌厉霸道,带着宛若开天辟地般的恐怖威势,竟仿佛要将这宇宙都撕裂成两半! Crape myrtle Immortal Emperor!” On the Supreme You face changes color suddenly, is not good, this worked as to High Venerable!” “紫薇仙帝!”至尊幽脸上骤然变色,“不好,本至尊上当了!” Hasty, he only condenses huge quiet to be able the shield to keep off in front of oneself with enough time at the same time. 仓促之下,他只来得及凝聚出一面巨大的幽能盾挡在自己面前。 next moment. 下一刻 Ling very cold sword light has then fallen on can quiet the shield. 凌冽的剑光便已经落在了幽能盾上。 Bang!!!” “轰!!!” Two incomparably powerful energies collide fiercely, the surroundings space starts to collapse immediately crazily, the innumerable debrises bind the wild energy to sweep across, the trim starts to tremble void fiercely. 两股无比强大的能量剧烈碰撞,周围空间登时开始疯狂坍塌,无数空间碎片裹着狂暴的能量席卷而出,整片虚空都开始剧烈震颤。 That stance, seems void wants the disintegration to be the same. 那架势,就仿佛虚空都要崩碎一般。 The energy place visited, the Wang Lici fleet seems like in the leaf that in the ocean waves was thrown to fly is coerced to fly to swing generally, scatters faded and fallen. 能量所过之处,王璃慈的舰队像是在海浪中被抛飞出去的树叶一般被裹挟着飞荡开来,散落飘零。 Is good is prepared because of crape myrtle Immortal Emperor early, acts promptly, waved then to transmit the safety zone of distant place the flagship that Wang Lici was. 好在紫薇仙帝早有准备,及时出手,一挥手便将王璃慈所在的旗舰传送到了远处的安全地带。 This is supreme or the prestige of Immortal Emperor. 这就是至尊或仙帝之威。 As soon as they under striking, often can breaking starry sky Heavenly River, command world World Group collapse to change into the nihility shatter! 他们一击之下,往往能破碎星空天河,令世界群都破碎坍塌化为虚无! Also because to the powerhouse of this rank, can easily grind world, destroys all living things, in the ancient times period, will be called god! 也正是因为到了这种级别的强者,能够轻易碾碎世界,毁灭众生,在远古时期,才会被称之为“神”! But also therefore, the powerhouse of this grade of rank, once begins in ordinary world, brings in Heavenly Dao immediately in view and repels! 而也正是因此,这等级别的强者一旦在普通世界中动手,就会立刻引来天道的针对和排斥! With fight conducts, the energy between heaven and earth as if felt the threat to shake generally. 随着战斗的进行,天地间的能量都仿佛感受到了威胁一般震荡起来。 Under the Heavenly Dao mechanism, the one after another purple crazy thunder condenses, such as the squally shower goes to Supreme You and crape myrtle Immortal Emperor no difference bombing. 天道机制之下,一道道紫色狂雷凝聚而成,如狂风骤雨般向至尊幽和紫薇仙帝无差别轰炸而去。 However, even so, the meaning that Supreme You and crape myrtle Immortal Emperor has not called a halt, is refuting these purple crazy thunder unexpectedly, makes into one group in the immortal fog islands. 然而,即便如此,至尊幽和紫薇仙帝也没有停手的意思,竟是硬顶着那些紫色狂雷,在仙雾群岛中打成一团。 Suddenly, the innumerable space avalanche downcast, the one after another giant space vortex forms gradually, the one after another black giant space crack was ordinary just like the numerous rivers, proliferated the surrounding space. 一时间,无数空间崩塌陷落,一道道巨型空间漩涡渐次形成,一道道黑色的巨型空间裂缝宛如千沟万壑一般,遍布了周围的宇宙空间。 Jie Jie Jie ~ ~ Supreme You, you run anything to run, remain to accompany your crape myrtle Grandaunt to play ~ ~ ~ the crape myrtle Immortal Emperor rampant big laughter resounds in void. “桀桀桀~~至尊幽,你跑什么跑,留下来陪你紫薇姑奶奶玩玩呀~~~”紫薇仙帝嚣张的大笑声在虚空中响起。 Crape myrtle Immortal Emperor, you special is a lunatic! What advantage your my life wrestles to you have!? Heavenly Dao will aim at more and more our.” “紫薇仙帝,你特么是个疯子!你我性命相搏对你有什么好处!?天道会越来越针对我们的。” I, no matter, the old lady kills you today either, either the old lady was killed by you!” “我不管,今天要么老娘打死你,要么老娘被你打死!” As their fierce combat get stronger and stronger, entire immortal fog islands almost by wreaking havoc space storm disintegration. 随着他们的激战愈演愈烈,整个仙雾群岛几乎都被肆虐的空间风暴崩碎。 But while crape myrtle Immortal Emperor diverts Supreme You. 而就在紫薇仙帝牵制住至尊幽的同时。 Remote house arrest area too. 遥远的太幽禁区。 Den of this Supreme You in Dark Void Realm, is he to avoid universe Heavenly Dao aims at the construction habitat. 这个至尊幽黑暗虚界中的老巢,便是他为了躲避宇宙天道针对而修建的栖息地。 As long as to 19th stage, will receive the repel of universe Heavenly Dao, once begins fiercely, will inspire various heavenly tribulation to add the body. 但凡到了十九阶,就会受到宇宙天道的排斥,一旦剧烈动手,更会引动各种天劫加身。 The best way, is the long anticipation in Dark Void Realm( Endless Heaven Abyss)】 In, in this full is in dark energy substance higher dimension world, the universe Heavenly Dao principle majority lost the function. 最好的办法,便是长期待在【黑暗虚界(无尽天渊)】之中,在这个满满都是黑暗能量物质的更高维度世界中,宇宙天道的法则大部分都失去了作用。 At this moment. 此刻。 Too in house arrest area outside area Dark Void Realm. 太幽禁区外地黑暗虚界之中。 A fleet has ambushed nearby the forbidden area quietly. 一支舰队已经悄无声息的潜伏到了禁区附近。 The battleship number of this fleet are not many, was actually on each battleship crowded the person. 这支舰队的战舰数量并不多,却是每一艘战舰上都塞满了人。 Some Wang Lici cover outside, this fleet has no one to discover, all the way is, present to forbidden area outside, has no Demon Race to discover as before unusually. 王璃慈在外面打掩护,这支舰队的存在没有任何人发现,一路上都是神不知鬼不觉,如今到了禁区外,也依旧没有任何魔族发现异常。 After all, outside the forbidden area is Dark Void Realm, except for Heavenly Abyss Demon Fiend, for several million years has not presented other enemy. Also is therefore, the defense in forbidden area is lax. 毕竟,禁区外就是黑暗虚界,除了天渊魔煞,几千万年来根本就没有出现过别的敌人。也是因此,禁区内的防御非常松懈。 In the fleet flagship, Qing Li Divine Maiden looks at the close house arrest area too, breathes somewhat to be rapid excitedly. 舰队旗舰内,青璃神女看着近在咫尺的太幽禁区,兴奋地呼吸都有些急促起来。 Feels in soul, the energy mark that crape myrtle Immortal Emperor plants shivers slightly, her white delicate arms wield, ordered decisively: Transmitted orders, general attack too house arrest area! Lici said that can snatch snatches completely, complete blasting that cannot snatch!” 感觉到神魂之中,紫薇仙帝种下的能量印记微微颤动,她玉臂一挥,果断下令:“传令下去,全面进攻太幽禁区!璃慈说了,能抢的全部抢掉,抢不掉的全部炸掉!” Order. 一声令下。 Qing Li Divine Maiden rebellious army Immediately calls to kill to too the house arrest area! 青璃神女反抗军】立刻嗷嗷叫着向太幽禁区杀去! But during Qing Li Divine Maiden was also at was extremely at this moment stimulated, looked that is exuding the dim light to too the look of house arrest area. 青璃神女此刻也处在了极度亢奋之中,看向太幽禁区的眼神里都泛着幽光。 This is too the house arrest area, the Supreme You den ~! 这可是太幽禁区,至尊幽的老巢啊~! Who can think, oneself some day can lead the person to kill here to rob?! 谁能想到,自己有朝一日能带着人杀到这里来抢劫呢?! Such life was really exciting ~ ~! Compared with the present, in front of her about 3000 life, simply will be white living! 这样的人生实在是太刺激了~~!跟现在一比,她前面将近三千年的人生,简直是白活了! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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