POP :: Volume #8

#17: Wang Clan luck

Originally, in that flash, in soul of Holy Venerable Old Ancestor sea of consciousness deep place, transmitted the severe pain a moment ago suddenly. 原来,就在刚才那一瞬间,圣尊老祖意识海深处的神魂之中,忽然传来了剧痛。 That is one type, soul is soon supported the severe pain of exploding. 那是一种,神魂都快要被撑爆的剧痛。 Probably has rampant growth of anything in his soul, must drill from his soul, his spiritual sense intensity also rampant growth starting from this flash, but this growth makes him absolutely terrified, even the soul stops trembles freely. 就好像有什么东西在他的神魂中疯狂增长,要从他的神魂里钻出来似的,他的神念强度也在这一瞬间开始疯狂增长,但这种增长却让他毛骨悚然,连灵魂都止不住地颤栗。 He has an intense premonition, if makes that thing continue to grow, he meets soul to rupture to perish absolutely. 他有一种强烈的预感,要是让那东西继续生长下去,他绝对会神魂爆裂而亡。 When the time comes, perhaps True Spirit is even not necessarily able to be successfully reincarnated. 到时候,说不定连真灵都未必能成功转世。 The intense sense of fear raids that Holy Venerable whole body, he is the fear is angrily, the whole body shivers excitedly: Crystal 5, you had attempted to pervert to me in secret.” 强烈的恐惧感袭遍那圣尊全身,他又是害怕又是愤怒,激动地浑身都颤抖起来:“晶五,原来你早就对我暗中做了手脚。” soul flying upwards itself/Ben is the strong point of our Crystal Ancient Race.” The Crystal 5 tone is indifferent, you, since accepted our Crystal Ancient Race the type of soul to break through spiritual sense, naturally must take the risk and consequence.” 神魂飞升本就是我们晶古族的强项。”晶五语气冷漠,“你既然接受了我们晶古族神魂之种来突破神念,自然要承担风险和后果。” During the speeches, it lifted the hand at will, the Holy Venerable Old Ancestor soul type of soul then stopped the growth, the severe pain that type several wanted to rupture also vanished suddenly. 说话间,它随意一抬手,圣尊老祖神魂中的神魂之种便停止了生长,那种几欲爆裂的剧痛也随之乍然消失。 Holy Venerable Old Ancestor slightly relaxes, the complexion was still difficult to see the pinnacle, the sound hoarse say/way: „, Elite juniors of our clan these key trained, move?” 圣尊老祖略松了一口气,脸色却依旧难看到了极致,声音嘶哑道:“如此说来,我们家族那些重点培养的精英子弟,也都中招了?” Naturally.” The Crystal 5 tone is light, this matter you can think toward the advantage, so long as our plan successes, you will certainly become the powerful god clan in the future! Strives to excel on many compared with Xuanyuan Imperial Family. Moreover you know, our Crystal Ancient Race most pays great attention to pledge, kept promises.” “自然。”晶五语气淡淡,“这件事你可以往好处去想,只要我们的计划成功,你们未来必将成为强大的神族!比起轩辕皇室都要强上许多。而且你知道,我们晶古族最注重承诺,说一不二。” Snort, in the future will have what using again?” Holy Venerable Old Ancestor annoyingly, „, once were checked me and you by Absolute Beginning Dao Palace plots together, will certainly be attacked! At the appointed time can maintain the Holy Clan title is an issue, where also has what in the future?” “哼,未来再强又有何用?”圣尊老祖懊恼不已,“一旦被太初道宫查到我与你合谋,必将遭到打击!到时能不能保住圣族头衔都是个问题,哪里还有什么未来?” You could rest assured that after this time plans to be successful, you may lead the entire clan elites to enter my forbidden area, transfers World of Immortals with me together.” Crystal 5 misled in a tone with, starts to give him to draw the pie, Absolute Beginning Dao Palace was strong, could not manage World of Immortals to go. When the time comes, your my two clan lives are connected, I help you obtain Dao Book, turns into truly powerful clan, even if in World of Immortals will also be a super overlord!” “你放心,这一次计划成功之后,你可率领全族精英进入我的禁区,跟着我一起挪移去仙界。”晶五语带蛊惑,开始给他画起了大饼,“太初道宫再强,也管不到仙界去。到时候,你我两族性命相连,我助你们获得更多道书,变成真正强大的家族,哪怕在仙界也将是一方超级霸主!” hearing this, that Holy Venerable Old Ancestor eye narrows the eyes, deeply inspires opens the mouth slowly: Sir Crystal 5, hopes that you mean what he says.” 闻言,那位圣尊老祖眼睛一眯,深吸了一口气才缓缓开口:“晶五大人,希望您说话算话。” When to this time, he also understood, since had boarded Crystal 5 this pirate ship, wants to withdraw not to have the possibility again. 时至此时,他也明白了,既然已经上了晶五这条贼船,再想脱身已经没了可能性。 Crystal 5 is a lunatic, for his big plans anything to do. 晶五是个疯子,为了他的大计划什么事情都干得出来。 Now, he can only send to hope that Crystal 5 can be successful. After all although Crystal Ancient Race working style extreme, but indeed Shounuo, the prestige is good. 如今,他只能寄希望晶五能够成功。毕竟晶古族虽然做事风格极端,但的确守诺,信誉还是不错的。 ...... …… Same time. 同一时间段。 Scarlet cauldron Immortal Clan Chen Clan main house. 赤鼎仙族陈氏主宅 This moment dim light of night has arrived, in Chen Clan main house actually the brilliantly illuminated, innumerable clansman retinue janitors bustled about as before, is busy the time-honored main house reorganization cleaning, puts in order one newly, to greet honored guest. 此刻夜色已经降临,陈氏主宅内却依旧灯火通明,无数族人仆从杂役都忙碌了起来,忙着将历史悠久的主宅整理打扫,整饬一新,以迎接贵客。 Honored guest who they greet, naturally is Absolute Beginning Dao Palace Young Palace Lord and Wang Clan orthodox lineage Mr. and Mrs. Wang Baosheng. 他们迎接的贵客,自然便是太初道宫少宫主王氏嫡脉王宝圣夫妇。 The guest who Chen Clan clan history be continuous more than 20 ten thousand years, welcomed and saw off in this period there are numerous similar cases, welcomed the so honored guest for the first time. 陈氏家族历史绵延二十余万载,期间迎来送往的宾客不知凡几,却还是第一次迎来如此尊贵的客人。 In this most of the day, Chen Tingwei Old Ancestor looked like eats peaches of immortality to be the same, the whole person was full of energy, bursting with energy, seemed all of a sudden young several thousand years old general. 这大半天里,陈霆威老祖就像是吃了仙桃一般,整个人都精神抖擞,浑身是劲,好似一下子年轻了数千岁一般。 However, busy and excited belongs to Chen Clan, arrives in Chen Clan Wang Baosheng and the others, the attention of this little while with emphasis on injured Wang Yanjiao. 不过,忙碌和激动都是属于陈氏的,抵达陈氏王宝圣等人,这会儿的关注重点还是在受伤的王宴骄身上。 Remaining unconscious Wang Yanjiao, was returned to them in the courtyard that Chen Clan lives, placed on a style plain bed. 昏迷不醒的王宴骄,被送回了他们在陈氏住的院子里,安置在了一张风格古朴的床上。 This little while. 这会儿。 Wang Baosheng is standing in the bedside, just finished one round for treating, evacuates from Wang Yanjiao oneself boundless Wood Department profound qi slowly. 王宝圣正站在床边,刚刚结束一轮治疗,将自己磅礴的木系玄气王宴骄身上缓缓撤离。 Wang Yanjiao wakes up from the stupor finally leisurely. 王宴骄终于从昏迷中悠悠醒来。 Actually he was not clear what happened, the consciousness stayed as before resisting Murong Gaoda struck. 他还不清楚究竟发生了什么事情,意识依旧停留在抵挡慕容高达一击之时。 Husband!” 夫君!” Chen Manqing excited throws to go forward, when must determine that his intelligence has restored, the matter that will then have rapidly said briefly. 陈曼青激动的扑上前去,待得确定他神智已经恢复,便飞速将发生的事情简短说了一遍。 Wang Yanjiao absent-minded. 王宴骄不由一阵恍惚。 He has not thought that because oneself has an accident, triggered so a series of things unexpectedly, finally also alarmed Old Ancestor Luojing unexpectedly! 他是万万没想到,因为自己出了事,竟然引发了如此一系列的事情,最终竟然还惊动到了珞静老祖 When he blushes with shame, quickly sets out, draws Chen Manqing one by one to thank politely to the elders on the scene: Yanjiao thanks politely Baosheng Old Ancestor and Lingzhu (spirit bamboo) Old Ancestor, thanks politely Anyao Old Ancestor, thanks politely Yueying Grandaunt, thanks politely Tingwei Old Ancestor!” 他汗颜之余,急忙起身,拉着陈曼青一一向在场的长辈们拜谢:“宴骄拜谢宝圣老祖灵竹老祖,拜谢安曜老祖,拜谢玥英姑奶奶,也拜谢霆威老祖!” Since the body the safe/without matter, that Yanjiao you have rested quite then good, had free time is drunk peaches of immortality to eat this.” Wang Baosheng will be drunk peaches of immortality to give Wang Yanjiao with a smile, later then leaves with Ying Lingzhu, for the time being lives in the Chen Clan arrangement in the dwelling. “既然身体已经无事了,那宴骄你就好生休息便行,得空将这枚醉仙桃吃了。”王宝圣笑着将醉仙桃给了王宴骄,随后便与嬴灵竹离开,暂且住到陈氏安排的宅院中去了。 Their rank and position are too high, if continues to keep this, Wang Yanjiao feared that had no way well the training. 他们俩辈分和地位都太高,若继续留在这,王宴骄怕是就没法好好修养了。 Wang Anyao remained. 王安曜却是留了下来。 The Wang Yanjiao young couple just arrived at scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion time has visited him, he is good to this boy impression, now sees his body to restore, but also turns misfortune into a blessing, the mood is also good. 王宴骄小夫妻俩刚到赤鼎圣府的时候就去拜访过他,他对这小子印象还不错,如今见他身体恢复,还因祸得福,心情也是不错。 Your this boy, must be so rash next time not!” He patted the shoulder of Wang Yanjiao to say with a smile, „, but, your this time was also turns misfortune into a blessing, this was drunk peaches of immortality to envy me seriously.” “你这小子,下次莫要如此莽撞了!”他拍了拍王宴骄的肩膀笑道,“不过,你这一次也算是因祸得福,这醉仙桃当真羡慕死我了。” So peaches of immortality, Murong Clan bright Old Ancestor does not hate to eat, naturally is not the common thing. 如此仙桃,连慕容氏的明亮老祖都不舍得吃,自然不是寻常之物。 Had this peaches of immortality, this boy the road of practicing can walk inevitably smoothly. This is the chance that usually strove for not being able to strive. 有了这枚仙桃,这小子的修行之路必然能走得更加顺畅。这可是平时求都求不来的机缘。 In the Wang Yanjiao hearing this heart moves, quickly said: Yanjiao is willing to give to Anyao Old Ancestor this Tao'er.” 王宴骄闻言心中一动,急忙说道:“宴骄愿意将这桃儿献给安曜老祖。” Saying, he handed over that Tao'er. 说着,他就将那颗桃儿递了上去。 When this time Anyao Old Ancestor with enough time, constrained Murong Clan Yuzhu Old Ancestor, cannot wait for Old Ancestor Luojing and Baosheng Old Ancestor arrives, Anyao Old Ancestor is also injured not to mention for this reason, his peaches of immortality also hands over has nothing does not prefer. 这次要不是安曜老祖来得及时,拖住了慕容氏玉柱老祖,也等不到珞静老祖宝圣老祖抵达,更别提安曜老祖还为此受了伤,他这枚仙桃递得倒也没什么不情愿的。 „......” Wang Anyao actually should not be quickly beckon with the hand the rejection, „my time thanks to your, suffered a palm of the hand to spit several blood, gained dozens Immortal Spirit Stone, is enough. I must dare to take your drunk peaches of immortality, turn head by my Great Grandfather not pulling out?” “千万别……”王安曜却是急忙摆手拒绝,“我这次托你的福,挨了一巴掌吐了几口血,也是赚了几十个仙灵石,已经足够了。我要敢拿你的醉仙桃,回头还不被我太爷爷给抽死?” The Wang Clan clan regulations are quite stern, particularly, invades other clansman resources in view of plundering the behavior, the clan regulations are quite severe, once will find out to be heavily fined. 王氏族规极为森严,尤其是针对掠夺、侵占其他族人资源的行为,族规更是相当严苛,一旦查出必会遭到重罚。 Let alone, will his Wang Anyao clan tenth generation of an generation elder, how occupy one feast the small advantage of character generation of junior? 更何况,他王安曜一个家族第十代“安”字辈的长辈,岂会占一个“宴”字辈小辈的便宜? When Wang Yanjiao prepares to say anything again, Wang Anyao with a smile pats his shoulder saying: Your boy do not want is too many, quite recuperation body, when was much healthier, coming the communication division to look for me, at the appointed time I directed your cultivation.” 就在王宴骄准备再说些什么的时候,王安曜笑着拍了拍他肩膀道:“你小子别想太多,好生调养身体,等身体好得差不多了,来通讯司找我,届时我指点一下你修炼。” He thought that Wang Yanjiao this child moral behavior is good, moreover luck as if also good, is worth supporting quite, in the future will become clan great contributor hopefully. 他觉得王宴骄这孩子人品不错,而且运气似乎也挺好,值得好生扶持一把,将来有希望成为家族的栋梁之材。 Thanking politely of again Wang Yanjiao hurried gratitude. 王宴骄急忙感激的再次拜谢。 But Anyao Old Ancestor clan True Immortal Seed, present cultivation base had arrived at Void Soaring Boundary late stage, could not need several hundred years then proper can become True Immortal Boundary cultivator, can result in him to direct, seriously was unexpected joy. 安曜老祖可是家族真仙种,如今的修为都已经到了凌虚境后期,要不了数百年便妥妥的能成为真仙境修士,能得他指点,当真是喜从天降了。 The words confess, sees the Wang Yanjiao complexion to be very pale, supports by hard and stubborn effort obviously is greeting them, Wang Anyao has not disturbed again, exchanged greetings several then to bring secretary Wang Yueying to turn around at will to leave. 话交代完,见王宴骄的脸色还是苍白得很,显然是硬撑着在招呼他们,王安曜也没再打扰,随意又寒暄了几句便带着秘书王玥英转身离开了。 After the person walk, Wang Yanjiao relaxed greatly, supports the sides of the bed to sit. 等人都走后,王宴骄才大松一口气,撑着床沿重新坐了下来。 Although the elders are very kind, but these elder top is the big shot, he stood before them still thought that pressed strength mountain to be big, this little while was lax, he only thought that the whole body was light, seemed still has not waked up from the dream. 虽然长辈们都很亲切,但这些长辈个顶个的都是大佬,他站在他们面前仍是觉得压力山大,这会儿松懈下来,他只觉得浑身轻飘飘的,好似犹未从梦中醒来。 Husband.” Chen Manqing asked kindly, where can you have are uncomfortable?” 夫君。”陈曼青关切地问道,“你可还有什么地方不舒服?” Has not obstructed greatly.” Wang Yanjiao comforts her with a smile, has the Tree of Life leaf and dual treatments of Baosheng Old Ancestor, I feel that now the whole body was full of the energy, but the courage vigor did not have to supply quickly, the complexion looks that somewhat is pale. Right, Senior Sister, this drunk immortal Tao'er your I ate together.” “已经没有大碍。”王宴骄笑着安抚她,“有生命树叶和宝圣老祖的双重治疗,我现在感觉浑身充满了精力,只是血气还没那么快供上,脸色看着才有些苍白。对了,学姐,这枚醉仙桃儿你我一起分食了吧。” Husband, you eat alone, the effect can many.” Chen Manqing declines repeatedly. 夫君,你还是单独吃吧,效果会更好些。”陈曼青连声推辞。 Senior Sister, your my couple is a body, how could do I keep everything for oneself?” 学姐,你我夫妻乃是一体,我岂能吃独食?” The Wang Yanjiao attitude is very firm, Chen Manqing he, two people will be drunk stubborn finally together peaches of immortality your I eating. 王宴骄的态度十分坚决,陈曼青拗不过他,最后两人一起将醉仙桃你一口我一口的分食了。 As -and-a-half people of Tao'er get into the stomach, two people only thinks that a share of warm cold energy flows from the stomach to the whole body, unknowingly, the body as if becomes lither, the makings of whole person also become if lightly immortal, were many several points of bright feeling. 随着一人半枚桃儿下肚,两人只觉有一股温凉的能量自胃部流淌向全身,不知不觉中,身体仿佛变得更加轻盈,整个人的气质也变得翩然若仙,多了几分剔透感。 Is drunk peaches of immortality to prolong the life, strengthens the physique, warm Bu meridians and other effects, are nutritious, and effect is temperate, is most suitable to be used to lay the foundation. 醉仙桃本就有延年益寿,增强体质,温补经脉等奇效,非常滋补,且功效温和,最适合用来夯实根基。 These half peaches of immortality gets down, although could not have seen the too tangible effect in a short time, actually strengthened their potential, making them have the infinite possibility in the future. 这半枚仙桃下去,虽然短时间内还看不出太明显的效果来,却增强了他们的潜力,让他们未来拥有了无穷的可能性。 Then, Wang Yanjiao and Chen Manqing continue to live in Chen Clan. 接下来,王宴骄陈曼青继续在陈氏生活。 Stated differently, their position as if all of a sudden become out of the ordinary. 不同的是,他们的地位仿佛一下子变得非同凡响起来。 Tingwei Old Ancestor summoned their once for a while, directed cultivation personally, said whoever happens to come that initially delivered Chen Manqing to go to the Divine Martial world abroad study, is wisest decision that his this lifetime made. 霆威老祖时不时就召见他们一番,亲自指点修炼,逢人就说当初送陈曼青神武世界留学,乃是他这辈子做的最英明之决定。 But peer, these Chen Clan clansmen of a similar age, displays especially awes to them, is even Chen Zhengyang, was also more affectionate than before to their attitudes. 而同辈的,还有年龄相仿的那些陈氏族人们,也都表现得对他们格外敬畏,便是连陈正阳,对他们的态度也比之前更加亲昵了。 Also so, is after a period of time. 如此,又是过了一段时间。 The Wang Yanjiao parental elder then arrived in Chen Clan one after another. 王宴骄的父母长辈便陆陆续续抵达了陈氏 Their this time comes, is the matter of discussion wedding, then is both parents met with, crosses hiring, the suggestion, decides the wedding wait/etc a series of flows. 他们这一次过来,便是商议婚礼之事的,接下来便是双方父母会面,过聘,请期,商定婚礼等等一系列流程。 Chen Clan this good son-in-law naturally is happy, Tingwei Old Ancestor takes responsibility personally, the Chen Manqing dowry besides her parents give, clan other has one again, the specification is seen as clan orthodox lineage eldest daughter! 陈氏得此良婿自然是万般高兴,霆威老祖亲自做主,陈曼青的陪嫁除她父母给与的之外,家族另外再出一份,规格视同家族嫡长女 But because of two people the wedding, then Chen Clan was living it up very much. 而因着两人的这一场婚礼,接下来陈氏很是热闹了一番。 The so following all sorts, do not raise for the time being. 如此后续种种,暂且不提。 ...... …… Almost same time. 差不多同一时间段。 Remote Demon Realm. 遥远的魔界 In plan that the Wang Lici ghosts and gods measure not, as well as under direction of Qing Li Divine Maiden, this named Qing Li Divine Maiden rebellious army The Demon Race interior rebel army, completed the big alternation action once again, went to enter swept several Demon Lord territories, rescuing and attracted many Demon Race dependencies and slaves. 王璃慈鬼神莫测的策划,以及青璃神女的指挥之下,这支名为【青璃神女反抗军】的魔族内部叛军,又一次完成了大穿插行动,趁虚而入地扫荡了数位魔主的领地,“解救”并吸纳了不少魔族附庸和奴隶。 After the campaign ended, they stay in one far away from the Heavenly River broken star belt/bring, avoids the Demon Race army encircles at the same time, is digesting the fruits of victory rapidly. 战役结束之后,他们停留在一处远离天河的碎星带中,躲避魔族大军围剿的同时,也迅速消化着胜利果实。 At this moment. 此刻。 Together on meteor. 一块陨星上。 A burning flaming flame giant bakes by the frame, Wang Lici is boiling with single-hearted devotion is roasting a pair of void Demon Dragon wing. 一个正燃烧着熊熊火光的巨型烧烤架旁,王璃慈正专心烹烤着一对虚空魔龙翅。 Her technique is quite earnest and specialized, regarding the assurance of crucial moment with the utilization of seasoning, has reached nearly in say/way the level. 她的手法极为认真和专业,对于火候的把握与调料的运用,都已经达到了近乎于道的层次。 Trash Mouse squats like a greedy cat before the Lici foot, extends the head to stare at her movement eagerly, the corners of the mouth saliva tick-tock tick-tock is dripping downward. 渣渣鼠如同一只馋猫般蹲在璃慈脚边,伸着脑袋眼巴巴地盯着她的动作,嘴角地口水滴答滴答往下淌。 Then is the even/including does not seek after desire of food and drink Qing Li Divine Maiden, is the unrestrained light peak the wing of the nose, is moved by the glutton who that wonderful fragrance entices greatly, cannot bear make noise the urging: Lici, did you roast?” 便是连并不怎么贪图口腹之欲的青璃神女,都是情不自禁的轻耸着鼻翼,被那美妙的香味勾引的馋虫大动,忍不住出声催促:“璃慈,你烤好了没?” These days, forcefully forced somebody to do something he incapable of Qing Li Divine Maiden, after experiencing limit operation and direction time and time again, she also grows in the test of life and death fast, the makings of whole person had the transformation, becoming maturely was steadier. 这段时间来,被强行赶鸭子上架的青璃神女,在经历了一次又一次的极限操作和指挥后,她也在生与死的考验中飞快成长,整个人的气质都产生了蜕变,变得成熟稳重了许多。 Present Qing Li Divine Maiden has understood the burden/shoulder pole on oneself shoulder, her any decision will concern to life and death of big group of people, will concern these, because trusts her, trusts the Wu Yue temple to follow her dependency race with revolting against the destiny of slaves. 如今的青璃神女已经明白了自己肩膀上的担子,她的任何一个决策都会关乎到一大堆人的生死存亡,也会关乎到那些因为信任她,信任武岳神殿而追随她的附庸种族与反抗奴隶们的命运。 Compared with that her who once impulsed immaturely, present she poured really had several points of Divine Maiden appearance. 比起曾经稚嫩冲动的那个她,如今的她倒真有了几分神女的样子。 Good ~ do not urge not to urge ~ “好了好了~别催了别催了~” Wang Lici is also actually greedy, saw that the crucial moment arrived finally, she acts immediately cut a bulk meat deftly, apportioned Trash Mouse and Qing Li Divine Maiden, oneself grasps remaining half dragon wing(s), directly in gulps very happy ate. 王璃慈其实也早就馋了,眼看着火候终于到了,她立刻动作麻利地割下了一大块肉,分给了渣渣鼠青璃神女,自己则是抓起剩下的半边龙翅,直接大口大口美滋滋的吃了起来。 Enjoys the good food, is the Wang Lici happiest time, each meat gets down, her whole body seems like is happy shines. 享用美食,乃是王璃慈最幸福的时刻,每一口肉下去,她浑身都像是在幸福得发光。 Qing Li Divine Maiden eats is roasting the wing meat, appreciates being sated expression that Wang Lici that is wolfing down. 青璃神女边吃着烤翅肉,边欣赏着王璃慈那狼吞虎咽的餍足表情。 This girl eats the thing, very can transfer the appetite of person. 这丫头吃起东西来,也忒能调动人的胃口了。 She cannot bear speak thoughtlessly to ask: Lici, you tell your Fourth Uncle story with me again ~ he makes me feel too mysterious! Can small clan, develop the widely-noted situation unexpectedly, the ability, so the achievement, is really so unthinkable.” 她忍不住随口问道:“璃慈,你再与我讲讲你四叔的故事呗~他让我感觉到太神奇了!竟然能将一个小小的家族,发展到举世瞩目的地步,如此能力,如此成就,着实匪夷所思。” Good ~ “好啊~” One speaking of Fourth Uncle, Wang Lici also came the spirit, ate while to boast fierce of Wang Shouzhe. 一说到四叔,王璃慈也是来了精神,一边吃一边就吹嘘起了王守哲的厉害。 She left Holy Territory time Wang Shouzhe 1000 several hundred years old, great achievements of this whole life were innumerable, selected to take to say casually, was very splendid stories. 她离开圣域的时候王守哲都一千几百岁了,这辈子的丰功伟绩数不胜数,随便挑拣一些拿出来说,都是十分精彩的故事。 These things have some are she have personally experienced, some are listen, the detail is very detailed, one hear does not make out of whole cloth to arrange. 这些事情有一些是她亲身经历过的,有一些是听来的,细节却都十分详实,一听就不是瞎编能编出来的。 After a boast, she summary drew the conclusion: In brief, under does not have the difficulty that my Fourth Uncle could not solve on this day. Only pitifully, he has no way Demon Realm......” 一通吹嘘之后,她才总结般地下了定论:“总之,这天底下没有我四叔解决不了的困难。只可惜,他没法来魔界……” Qing Li Divine Maiden listens to her to narrate, suddenly also yearns for the color eyeful: If there is an opportunity, I must know your Fourth Uncle. By under 3000-year-old young, can achieve so the degree unexpectedly, was very inconceivable.” 青璃神女听着她的叙说,一时间也是满眼向往之色:“若有机会,我一定要认识一下你的四叔。以不到3000岁的稚龄,竟然能做到如此程度,忒不可思议了。” Arrived Qing Li Divine Maiden this grade of family background and status, from family background to whole time of present actually in cultivation, even if became Great Principle Golden Immortal at age 3000, because walks smoothly, without experiencing many twists and turns and tempering, psychologically and in the self- cognition also as before is a child. 到了青璃神女这等出身和身份,从出身到现在的大部分时间其实都是在修炼,哪怕是3000岁前成了大罗金仙,因为走得过于顺风顺水,没经历过多少波折和磨砺,心理上和自我认知上也依旧是个孩子。 Did not have the means that in the family/home and sect lived for tens of thousands years, even was 100,000 years of elders are too many! 没办法,家里和宗门里活了几万年,甚至是十万年的长辈们太多了! You also talk about the World of Immortals matter with me.” Wang Lici also yearned to World of Immortals obviously very, your previous time has said that crape myrtle Immortal Emperor planted a 19th stage beginning of the universe innate grapevine, drinks one with the wine that it makes, then wants to want the immortal.” “那你也与我讲讲仙界的事情呗。”王璃慈仙界显然也是十分向往,“你上次说过,紫薇仙帝种了一株十八阶的混元先天葡萄藤,用它酿出来的葡萄酒喝上一口,便欲死欲仙。” One speaking of this, the Wang Lici saliva was about to flow. 一说到这个,王璃慈的口水都快流了出来。 World of Immortals various good food are many, rare and precious food that has many Chaos Origin Boundary ranks many.” Qing Li Divine Maiden said, we returned to World of Immortals, I asked you to taste various types of good food.” 仙界的各种美食很多,不乏有很多混元境级别的珍稀食材。”青璃神女说道,“等咱们回了仙界,我请你尝遍各种美食。” Okay good! I have wanted World of Immortals impatiently.” Wang Lici one hear of this saying, rouse immediately. “好好好!我已经迫不及待想要去仙界了。”王璃慈一听这话,顿时振奋不已。 oneself chose to rescue Qing Li Elder Sister initially, was really rescues right ~ 自己当初选择救青璃姐姐,果然是救对了~ However at this time, she remembered another matter, immediately gnawed a dragon wing, full of enthusiasm said/tunnel: Before World of Immortals, my also big plans must do.” 不过这时候,她又想起了另一件事,当即啃了一口龙翅,兴致勃勃地道:“不过在去仙界之前,我还有一个大计划要做。” What plans greatly?” Qing Li Divine Maiden is slightly stunned. “什么大计划?”青璃神女微微错愕。 Heard that in the Supreme You den has many good things......” Wang Lici to mention this matter then eyes to shine, we came to come Demon Realm, cannot begin spatially. You felt relieved, I planned!” “听说至尊幽的老巢里有不少好东西……”王璃慈说起这事便双眼放光,“咱们来都来魔界了,可不能空着手回去。你放心好了,我都计划好了!” Looked the stance that her is ready to fight, wrote impatient four characters on the difference on the face directly. 看她那摩拳擦掌的架势,就差把“迫不及待”四个字直接写在脸上了。 Attacks the Supreme You den?” “袭击至尊幽的老巢?” Qing Li Divine Maiden covered the chest subconsciously, was even frightened the heart and liver to shiver. 青璃神女下意识地捂住了心口,被吓得连心肝都在颤抖。 Did this Wang Lici life, actually experience what? How what can think, what dares to do, even the idea of Supreme You den dares to hit, she does not know the fear? 王璃慈的人生,究竟是经历了什么呀?怎么什么都敢想,什么都敢做,连至尊幽老巢的主意都敢打,她都不知道害怕的吗? This, this was also too exciting! 这,这也太刺激了! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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