POP :: Volume #8

#16: Wang Clan current strength and position!

Dissolute, draws back!” “放肆,退开!” Murong Clan Yuzhu Old Ancestor eventually is Holy Clan Elder, usually was also used to overbearingly. So sees Wang Anyao not to him the face, his complexion one cold, the long gown sleeves wield, vast True Immortal profound force the volume to Wang Anyao, shook him to fly upside down immediately. 慕容氏玉柱老祖终究是圣族长老,平日里也是骄横惯了。见得王安曜如此不给他面子,他脸色一寒,长袍衣袖一挥,一股浩瀚的真仙玄劲当即卷向王安曜,震得他倒飞了出去。 Although Divine Martial Wang Clan is quick in the recent 1,000-2,000 years of swift and fierce rises, is well known, but fame again greatly how? When his achievement True Immortal, which horn corner Divine Martial Wang Clan has not known in the nest. 神武王氏虽然在最近1,000-2,000年凌厉崛起很快,名气不小,但名气再大又如何?他成就真仙之时,神武王氏还不知在哪个犄角旮旯里窝着呢。 Let alone, River Crossing Dragon is fierce, can press his local bully to be inadequate? 更何况,过江龙再猛,难道还能压他这地头蛇不成? Wang Anyao has not expected Murong Yuzhu to begin unexpectedly directly, but also starts is so heavy, unexpected under was struck to fly several feet away the staggering whereabouts place. 王安曜也没料到慕容玉柱竟然会直接动手,还下手这么重,猝不及防下被打飞出去好几丈远才踉跄着落地。 Under the internal organs surges, a wisp of blood falls from his corners of the mouth, looks especially dazzling. 內腑翻腾之下,一缕鲜血自他嘴角滑落,看起来格外刺眼。 Also exactly simultaneously. 也恰在同时。 In the sky, was ripped open a giant space slit fiercely. 天空中,猛地被人撕开了一道巨大的空间缝隙。 Flap flap in the astral wind, a makings mysterious and profound black clothes female takes a step. 猎猎罡风中,一位气质神秘而深邃的黑衣女子从中迈步而出。 Also does not know that shuttled back and forth the far distance, spanned many spaces, her from head to toe seemed binds completely the wind and frost, among the steps, a black long skirt high and low fluttered, the skirt displayed the decorative design in a utensil various strange Chongyi gus to send out the secretive fluctuation of energy just like the living creature generally, making person scalp tingles, being able not help be inspired. 也不知穿梭了多远的距离,跨越了多少空间,她浑身上下好似裹满了风霜,步履间,一袭黑色长裙上下翻飞,裙摆上纹饰的各种奇虫异蛊宛若活物一般散发出诡秘的能量波动,让人头皮发麻,情不自禁心生敬畏。 This female, is Wang Clan seventh generation of luo generation Old Fifth, Wang Luojing. 此女,正是王氏第七代“珞”字辈老五,王珞静 In present Divine Martial Changning Wang Clan, she is the character of Ancestor level! 在如今的神武长宁王氏,她可是老祖宗级的人物! Just arrived, was shaken by a Old Man True Immortal on clear to see Wang Anyao flies to spit blood, her delicate eyebrows one pressed, in heart immediately unchecked anger ascension. 刚一抵达,就眼见得王安曜被一个真仙老头震飞吐血,她秀眉一蹙,心中顿时有一股不可遏制的怒意升腾而起。 Dares to bully my Wang Clan clansman, courts death!” “敢欺我王氏族人,找死!” The lotus root arm lifts, she just like truncating scallion white hands fiercely to a that side racket, a vast strength of hidden in the shade, will then change to the energy palm of the hand to work as under the air attack turbulently shortly together! 藕臂一抬,她宛如削葱般的玉手猛地向那边一拍,一股阴翳的浩瀚之力汹涌而出,顷刻间便化作一道能量巴掌当空击下! Bang!” “轰!” Under the terrifying power and influence, Murong Clan Yuzhu Old Ancestor only lifted the hand to resist with enough time, was rumbled by that palm of the hand ruthlessly pounds in the arena. 恐怖的威势下,慕容氏玉柱老祖只来得及抬手抵挡了一下,就被那一巴掌轰得狠狠砸在了擂台上。 Rumble ~ ~!” “轰隆隆~~!” In a heavenshaking loud sound sound, the entire scarlet cauldron arena was rumbled the fragment. 一阵震天的巨响声中,整座赤鼎擂台都被轰成了碎片。 The so unexpected accident, shakes a scene complete silence! 如此猝不及防的变故,震得现场一片鸦雀无声! Actually this female is what origin, can a palm of the hand hit to fall face down unexpectedly Murong Yuzhu? 此女究竟是何来历,竟能一巴掌打趴下慕容玉柱 Murong Yuzhu is the established True Immortal Boundary powerhouse, wanting a palm of the hand to make into this him, must have the strength of absolute steamroll to be good inevitably. This is not the common True Immortal Boundary powerhouse can achieve. 要知道,慕容玉柱乃是老牌的真仙境强者,想要一巴掌将他打成这样,势必要有绝对碾压的实力才行。这可不是寻常真仙境强者能够做到的。 During a piece is silent. 一片寂静之中。 Also is the space crack appears in together in the air, the impressive bearing form takes a step from inside together, fell toward under. 又是一道空间裂缝出现在空中,一道气宇轩昂的身影从里面迈步而出,朝着下方落了下来。 Comes, is Wang Clan young one of one generation outstanding people, Wang Youxuan. 来的,正是王氏年轻一代中的佼佼者之一,王宥玄 Notices the present situation, his footsteps were also, on the face showed the surprise expression. 注意到眼前的情况,他的脚步也是一顿,脸上露出了诧异的表情。 He has not thought, oneself is the time of Jixian garden, the situation unexpectedly is merely earth-shaking. 他也没想到,自己仅仅就是出个集仙园的功夫,情况居然就已经天翻地覆。 He takes a look float in spatial Wang Luojing, looks again was hit exploded the arena, touches the nose reluctantly. 他瞅了瞅悬浮在空的王珞静,再看一看被打爆了的擂台,不由无奈地摸了摸鼻子。 Old Ancestor Luojing in this? 珞静老祖怎么会在此? Good, he acknowledged that oneself came late one step, matter became worse. 好吧,他承认自己晚来了一步,事情变得更加糟糕了。 Many thanks Luojing Great Grandaunt rescue.” “多谢珞静祖姑奶奶救援。” At this time, injured Wang Anyao has also gotten back one's composure. He swallowed medicinal pill then to go forward to salute hurriedly quickly, looked that passed to the Wang Luojing look is wiping the awe. 这时候,受伤的王安曜也已经回过了神来。他匆匆忙忙吞服了一枚丹药便快步上前行礼,看向王珞静的眼神中透着一抹敬畏。 But Luojing Great Grandaunt the clan legend level character, in the clan the junior is it can be said that known to everybody, is known to everybody. 珞静祖姑奶奶可是家族传奇级人物,族中小辈可以说是无人不知,无人不晓。 But her whereabouts always drifts from place to place, most likes wandering world to seize various strange Chongyi gus. Has not actually thought, she appears in scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion unexpectedly fortunately. 只不过她老人家的行踪向来飘忽不定,最喜欢云游世界抓捕各种奇虫异蛊。却不曾想,她老人家竟然凑巧出现在赤鼎圣府 Youxuan has seen Old Ancestor Luojing.” 宥玄见过珞静老祖。” Late comes step Wang Youxuan is also rushes to go forward to salute, respectful that the attitude could not say. 晚来一步的王宥玄也是赶忙上前行礼,态度说不出的恭敬。 He is reincarnated as Dao Lord Mighty Figure, the bloodline start is innate Holy Child, the cultivation base naturally hurricane advances vigorously, is the having god-given wisdom rare talent in the world eyes, the God's favored one. But in clan, always has Ancestor of such a batch of terrifying strengths, when lets he can not hold a candle, in the heart is also the awe! 他作为道主大能转世,血脉起步便是先天圣子,修为自然是一路狂飙猛进,是世人眼中的天纵奇才,天之骄子。但家族之中,始终有那么一批恐怖实力的老祖宗们,让他望尘莫及之余,心中也是敬畏不已! When wants initially, to be young he once was also smug, wants they to make a startled heaven and earth indescribably tragic big enterprise with big brother Second Sister together, what a pity, the reality often makes people helpless. 想当初,年少时的他也曾经踌躇满志,想要和大哥二姐他们一起做出一番惊天地泣鬼神的大事业,可惜,现实却往往让人无奈。 Compared with these abnormal elders, their achievements are really...... 跟那些变态的长辈们一比,他们的那点成就实在是…… Might as well.” Wang Luojing waves indifferently, I passed by scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion exactly.” “无妨。”王珞静淡然挥了挥手,“我不过是恰好路过赤鼎圣府而已。” Present her cultivation base has achieved True Immortal Boundary late stage, in the Divine Martial Changning True Immortal list occupied in the first ten people to have her one for a long time. 如今的她一身修为早已经达到了真仙境后期,神武长宁真仙榜上长期占据前十的人之中就有她一个。 Not to mention, her skill mostly also on the insect clan armies, arena duel is not her strong point! 更别提,她一身本事多半还在虫族大军上,擂台单挑绝非她的强项! Commonplace True Immortal Boundary cultivator, insufficiently she tidies up! 等闲真仙境修士,自是不够她收拾的! During the speeches, Murong Clan Yuzhu Old Ancestor has been carrying heir Murong Gaoda, extremely distressed crawled from the ruined arena. 说话间,慕容氏玉柱老祖已经拎着自家子嗣慕容高达,极为狼狈的从破败擂台中爬了起来。 Was just floating compared with presence fashionable clothing sleeve, the bearing good appearance, his clothes robe at this moment was shattered, in the clothes and face moistened the sully, was carried Murong Gaoda in hand to look deathly pale by him, looks very distressed. 比起刚出场时衣袂飘飘,气度不俗的样子,此刻的他衣袍破碎,衣服上和脸上都沾了脏污,被他拎在手里的慕容高达更是脸色惨白,看起来好不狼狈。 The Murong Yuzhu complexion unusual hidden in the shade is staring at Wang Luojing: Your excellency bullies my Murong Clan no one?” 慕容玉柱脸色异常阴翳地盯着王珞静:“阁下是欺我慕容氏无人吗?” What thing are you? How bullies you?” The Wang Luojing delicate eyebrows select slightly, was a palm of the hand patted, dares to bully my Wang Clan juniors, hit you one to calculate lightly!” “你算是什么东西?欺你又如何?”王珞静秀眉微微一挑,又是一巴掌拍了过去,“敢欺负我王氏子弟,打你一顿都算轻了!” This, Murong Yuzhu has guarded, quickly draws Murong Gaoda to move sideways to avoid, was the danger avoided the palm of Wang Luojing finally. 这一下,慕容玉柱已经有所防备,急忙拉着慕容高达闪身躲避,总算是险险躲开了王珞静的这一掌。 Meanwhile, he was also the hurrying crumb communication jade talisman swung the person. 与此同时,他也是赶忙捏碎了通讯玉符摇人。 The strength of this woman is too abnormal, the present situation had surpassed his control completely, if Ancestor does not come, feared that could not end. 这女人的实力太变态,眼前的局势已经完全超出了他的掌控,要是老祖宗不来,怕是收不了场了。 But also in this flash. 而也就是在这一瞬间。 In the Jixian garden, has the induction with communication jade talisman spiritual sense connected Murong Clan Holy Venerable Old Ancestor, immediately the complexion slightly changes, interrupted meeting with big shot, considered a crime to rip open the space to rush to the scene. 集仙园中,与通讯玉符神念相连的慕容氏圣尊老祖心生感应,当即脸色微微一变,中断了与一众大佬的开会,告了个罪撕开空间赶至现场。 When to this time, Ying Lingzhu and Wang Baosheng, as well as several other Holy Venerable big shot also discovered is not right. 时至此时,嬴灵竹王宝圣,以及其余几个圣尊大佬也是发现了不对劲。 They looked at one mutually, does not meet simply, the simultaneously tearing space follows closely to go. 他们互相望了一眼,干脆也不开会了,齐齐撕裂空间紧随而去。 Quick, one crowd of Great Principle Holy Venerable then arrived neatly had turned into the ruins sky over the arena, the terrifying power and influence filled the air, entire sky for it wind and cloud changes countenance. 很快,一群大罗圣尊便齐刷刷降临了已经变成废墟的擂台上空,恐怖的威势弥漫开来,整个天空都为之风云变色。 But after this group of big shot arrive, first sees, is the Wang Luojing violent punches the Murong Yuzhu scene. 而这群大佬抵达后第一眼看到的,便是王珞静暴揍慕容玉柱的场面。 That scene, how a miserable character. 那场面,怎一个惨字了得。 Murong Clan Holy Venerable Old Ancestor Murong Mingliang sees that the complexion immediately changes: Stop!” 慕容氏圣尊老祖慕容明亮见状,脸色当即就是一变:“住手!” The voice drops at the same time, his right hand extends, has swung a claw to seize to Wang Luojing! 话音落下的同时,他右手一伸,已经摇摇一爪向王珞静擒去! That grasps, naturally is illustrious Holy Might, overbearing. 那一抓,自然是赫赫圣威,霸道非常。 Under the terrifying power and influence, the surrounding space starts to collapse, downcast. By comparing near surrounds cultivator to be frightened again and again retrocedes. 恐怖的威势下,就连周围的空间都开始崩溃,陷落。靠比较得近的围观修士被吓得连连后退。 However, Wang Luojing is not common True Immortal Boundary late stage cultivator. 不过,王珞静可不是寻常的真仙境后期修士 Circling facing the Great Principle boundary powerhouse power and influence so terrifying offensive, she also is still unhurriedly, saw that claw soon fell to oneself on, the figure in a flash, curled just like wisp of cool breeze floatingly avoids that grasped. 绕是面对大罗境强者威势如此恐怖的攻势,她也依旧不慌不忙,眼看着那一爪就快要落到自己身上了,才身形一晃,宛如一缕清风般飘飘袅袅地躲开了那一抓。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In the Wang Luojing hand the jade bracelet shines, the space fluctuation ripples together, one crowd of enough eight contour fierce swift and violent insect clans jump out, change to afterimages to encircle to Murong Mingliang kill to go. 王珞静手中玉镯亮起,一道空间波动荡漾开来,一群足足八头外形狰狞的迅猛虫族从中窜出,化作一道道残影慕容明亮围杀而去。 And the fiercest two heads, actually have the fourteenth stage strength! 其中最凶猛的两头,竟然已经拥有了十四阶的战力! These, are the elite insect clan guards of Wang Luojing careful trained, is good at attacking a fortified position to encircle extremely, even if can also fierce not fear the deathtrap to go all out to prey facing the Holy Venerable level powerhouse! 这些,都是王珞静精心培养的精锐虫族护卫,极为擅长攻坚合围,哪怕是面对圣尊级强者也能悍不畏死地拼命搏杀! Not only so, in her hand also had/left a rootworm flute, profound qi then crosses from the flute body average, shakes the high-frequency sound that a person of ear is unable to catch. 非但如此,她手中还多出了一根虫笛,玄气自笛身中流转而过,震荡出了人耳无法捕捉到的高频声音。 In the insect whistle sound, the air swings the intermittent ripples. 虫笛声中,空气荡开阵阵涟漪。 It seems blocks the sky a great butterfly pays in cash suddenly in Wang Luojing behind. 一只好似遮天蔽日般的巨蝶蓦然付现在王珞静身后。 That is a giant dark golden butterfly, the edge of butterfly wing is surrounding the mysterious golden pattern, when fans slightly, seems the fine gold gold/metal twinkle, is magnificent and brilliant. 那是一只巨大的暗金色蝴蝶,蝶翅的边缘环绕着玄奥的金色花纹,微微扇动之时,好似鎏金闪烁,辉煌而绚烂。 Both wings center, is a pair of huge ghost eye pattern, appears mysterious and strange. 双翅中央,则是一对巨大的鬼眼花纹,显得神秘而又诡异。 This is Wang Luojing natal spirit gu Heavenly Sovereign Butterfly that attains from Holy Gu Clan! 这是王珞静圣蛊族拿到的本命灵蛊天皇蝶 Heavenly Sovereign Butterfly is Heavenly Silkworm Holy Gu, inherited the appearances of many generation of precious silkworms in Holy Gu Clan , after to Wang Luojing, with her strength growth, transforms little, finally melts cocoon to become butterfly, turned into Heavenly Sovereign Butterfly. 天皇蝶原本是天蚕圣蛊,在圣蛊族传承了许多代都还是蚕宝宝的模样,也是到了王珞静手里之后,随着她的实力增长,才一点点蜕变,最后化茧成蝶,变成了天皇蝶 This Heavenly Sovereign Butterfly inborn variation, very mystical, when each time its strength achieves the bottleneck then again pupation to become Can, once the emergence transforms again, the strength will then progress by leaps and bounds, the potential is very huge. 天皇蝶天生异种,十分神异,每次当它实力达到瓶颈时便会重新化蛹成蚕,而一旦再次羽化蜕变,实力便会突飞猛进,潜力十分巨大。 Then, the butterfly egg of this Heavenly Sovereign Butterfly Blood Venerable obtained from a Crystal Ancient Race experiment vestige initially, was obtained by Blood Venerable with it together, bloodline transplant technology. 说起来,这天皇蝶的蝶卵还是当初血尊者从一处晶古族实验遗迹之中获得的,和它一起被血尊者得到的,还有血脉移植技术。 Because of material defect, Blood Venerable not too clear Heavenly Sovereign Butterfly true origin, even the name took afterward. 但因为资料的缺失,就连血尊者也不太清楚天皇蝶的真正来历,甚至连名字都是后来取的。 Until after Wang Luojing obtained the inheritance of Insect Sovereign Hall, she knows, originally the oneself natal Heavenly Silkworm gu itself/Ben is one of several Holy Gu Insect Sovereign Hall have several, even if were prosperous when past Insect Sovereign Hall, the quantity was also very scarce. 直至王珞静得到了虫皇殿的传承后,她才知道,原来自己本命天蚕蛊本就是虫皇殿有数的几种圣蛊之一,哪怕是在当年虫皇殿鼎盛之时,数量也是非常稀少的。 As Wang Luojing natal Holy Gu appears, its spiritual sense rises dramatically again a big truncation, the women's clothing of no hard luck insect different gu from her drills, such as the violent storm kills to Murong Mingliang Old Ancestor! 随着王珞静本命圣蛊出现,其神念再次暴增一大截,无数奇虫异蛊从她身上衣裙中钻出,如狂风暴雨般向慕容明亮老祖杀去! Murong Mingliang immediately some scalp tingles. 慕容明亮登时有些头皮发麻。 Said actually not his solemn Holy Venerable really feared that Wang Luojing, but the quantity of this insect was a little were too many . Moreover the strength of single insect was not also weak, even the homicide got up is not easy. 倒不是说他堂堂圣尊就真的是怕了那王珞静,只是这虫子的数量实在是有点太多了,而且单只虫子的实力也并不算弱,就算是他杀起来也没那么容易。 Depending on the opposite party so fight method, wants to take her is not possible strangely in a short time! 凭对方如此诡异的战斗手段,想要在短时间内拿下她几无可能! Holy Venerable to previous True Immortal Boundary late stage, was unable to take unexpectedly in a short time smoothly, naturally is extremely disgraced. 一个圣尊对上一个真仙境后期,竟然还无法在短时间内顺利拿下,自然是极为丢人。 Sees this scene, Holy Lord of purple Li Holy Venerable complexion Ling Creek Heavenly Grotto slightly somewhat strange looks to Wang Baosheng: „The Baosheng boy, looks at the vivid method of that governing insect female, is it possible that is in your Divine Martial world True Immortal list insect sovereign Holy Daughter Wang Luojing ranked the eighth?” 见到这一幕,灵溪洞天圣主紫黎圣尊脸色略有些古怪的看向王宝圣:“宝圣小子,看那御虫女子的形象手段,莫非就是你们神武世界真仙榜上排名第八的虫皇圣女王珞静?” Nowadays, the expert custom of entire Holy Territory goes to Divine Martial world to struggle the list, represents Divine Martial world the highest specification list True Immortal list naturally is being the fame is at present enormous! 现如今,整个圣域的高手都习惯去神武世界争榜,代表着神武世界目前最高规格榜单的真仙榜自然是名气极大! However regarding many Holy Venerable big shot, is listens to that True Immortal list. They do not believe so-called True Immortal first ten, have with common Holy Venerable fights the strength the rumor. 但是对于很多圣尊大佬而言,对那真仙榜也就是听一听而已。他们是绝不相信所谓的真仙前十,均有与寻常圣尊一战实力的传言的。 Naturally, that is before. 当然,那是以前。 Nowadays, sees the Wang Luojing this somewhat abnormal strength, they felt suddenly, the rumor not necessarily is absurd. 现如今,看到王珞静这有些变态的实力,他们忽然觉得,传言未必就是荒谬。 Even if this Wang Luojing does not beat Murong Mingliang, but still is very in a short time difficult to be defeated, only if the Murong Mingliang non- care for reputation surface goes all out a round of big move! 王珞静即便不敌慕容明亮,但短时间内也很难落败,除非慕容明亮不顾脸面拼命发大招! But in that case , he even if won finally, still no face. 但那样一来,他就算最终赢了,也没什么脸了。 That my family Old Ancestor Luojing.” The Wang Baosheng expression nods slightly dignifiedly. “那正是我家珞静老祖。”王宝圣表情微微凝重地点头。 He called Wang Youxuan, knits the brows to ask: Why did Old Ancestor Luojing have the conflict with Murong Clan?” 他将王宥玄叫了过来,皱眉问道:“珞静老祖为何与慕容氏起了冲突?” Father, your oneself looks Loving for one another whole family The group......” Wang Youxuan said reluctantly. “爹,您自己看一下【相亲相爱一家人】群……”王宥玄无奈地说道。 Wang Baosheng and Ying Lingzhu were meeting a moment ago, without the attention group, listening to Wang Youxuan to raise, their then speed looked at a group. 王宝圣嬴灵竹刚才在开会,没关注群,听王宥玄提起,他们这才速度的看了一下群。 Finally, group inside information explodes ~ ~ ~ to discuss this matter extremely. 结果,群里面信息极为爆炸~~~都是在议论这件事情。 Wang Clan is comprehensive regarding the utilization of communication wrist watch, the communication division was also in Wang Clan the group provided the optimal communications circuit. 王氏对于通讯腕表的运用非常全面,通讯司也为王氏内部群提供了最优的通讯线路。 Naturally, so far, enlivens in the group frequently is actually some young one generations, but these lived for a long time True Immortal, Holy Venerable wait/etc, uses these to the present also not too custom! 当然,到目前为止,最经常活跃在群里面的其实都是些年轻一代,而那些活得久了的真仙圣尊等等,多数到现在还不太习惯用这些! The big shot dive year to year, there are partially is the reason in this aspect. 大佬们常年潜水,也有部分是这方面的原因。 Naturally, can span the large space distance instant messenger like this type the group, the cost is also high, after all has involved part of uses Dark Void Realm The mechanics of communication, the common group may not have such method in addition to hold! 当然,像这种能跨越大空间距离即时通讯的群,成本也非常高昂,毕竟其中已经涉及到了一部分利用【黑暗虚界】的通讯技术,外界的寻常群可没有如此手段加持! So that's how it is! 原来如此! Wang Baosheng glanced over around probably the news, cannot bear knits the brows slightly: That is surnamed the Murong boy indeed is too much, but, must first make them stop, then solves the problem.” 王宝圣大概浏览了一下前后的讯息,就忍不住微微皱眉:“那姓慕容的小子的确有点过分,不过,还是得先让他们停下来,再解决问题。” Then, the Wang Baosheng figure in a flash, then appeared between Wang Luojing and Murong Mingliang. 说罢,王宝圣身形一晃,便出现在了王珞静慕容明亮之间。 Vast boundless Wood Department profound qi ascends, changes to the energy great shield the two people isolation! 一股浩瀚无垠的木系玄气升腾起来,化作一面能量巨盾将两人隔绝! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The attack of one after another falls on the great shield, surged the one after another rough sea wave ripples. 一道道的攻击落在巨盾上,激荡起了一道道巨浪般的涟漪。 But that Wood Department great shield as before is not shatter! 可那木系巨盾依旧是未曾破碎! This......” “这……” The scene everyone Holy Venerable big shot is the pupil shrinks, does not dare to believe looks at Wang Baosheng. 现场诸位圣尊大佬均是瞳孔一缩,不敢置信的看着王宝圣 Everyone knows that the Wang Baosheng actual battle efficiency is very strong, actually does not want to be able so to shoulder the Holy Venerable rank attack unexpectedly hardly. 大家都知道王宝圣实际战斗力恐怕很强,却不曾想竟然能如此硬扛圣尊级别攻击。 Naturally, is most speechless regarding present this scene, naturally was Chen Clan Chen Tingwei Old Ancestor! 当然,对于眼下这一幕最为无语的,自然是要数陈氏陈霆威老祖了! He in the junior by the family/home was drawn...... the result of keeping up appearances obviously, the scene has not supported, actually instead attacked heavy. 他明明是被家里小辈拉过来撑场面的……结果,场面没撑起来,却反而被打击的不轻。 He confessed that serves as evidence the oneself strength, when is similar to Murong Yuzhu, hitting is also 55 opens. 他自认为凭自己的实力,当与慕容玉柱差不多,打起来也是五五开。 Finally, Wang Clan comes out the True Immortal late stage female, a palm of the hand Murong Yuzhu clapping, then even met the tough head-on with toughness and Murong Clan Holy Venerable Old Ancestor hit! 结果,王氏出来个真仙后期女子,一巴掌就把慕容玉柱给拍了,而后甚至硬碰硬地和慕容氏圣尊老祖打了起来! But this has not ended. 可这还没完。 Hits is hitting, unexpectedly braves young True Immortal suddenly, can insert unexpectedly begins mediates a quarrel, moreover blocked forcefully. 打着打着,居然又忽然冒出来一个年轻真仙,竟然能插得上手劝架,而且还硬生生拦住了。 Is everyone True Immortal Boundary cultivator, why the disparity is so giant? 大家都是真仙境修士,差距为何如此巨大? Murong Senior, Old Ancestor Luojing, first stops for the time being!” Wang Baosheng has not actually cared about people's response, keeps off said in two people indifferently, has the matter we to discuss the solution.” 慕容前辈,珞静老祖,暂且先住手!”王宝圣却没在意众人的反应,挡在两人中间淡然说道,“有事咱们商量着解决。” Snort!” “哼!” The Wang Luojing heart actually also has the anger not to vent cleanly, from the start does not want to call a halt. 王珞静心头其实还有火气没发泄干净,压根不想停手。 However, the one who sees the stop is Wang Baosheng, looks in the Fourth Elder Brother surface, she endured patiently, a backhand then received various insects and insect flutes, coldly casts a sidelong glance Murong Mingliang saying: If this is a war, was not so simple.” 不过,看到阻拦的是王宝圣,看在四哥哥的面上,她到底还是忍耐住了,一反手便收起了各种虫子和虫笛,冷冷地瞟了一眼慕容明亮道:“倘若这是一场战争,就不是如此简单了。” This saying to be not the rampant word. 这话倒绝非是嚣张之言。 Her Wang Luojing is the governing insect master, most excels is one person forms an army, in true battlefield, once gives her the time to train the insect clan army, the female sovereign swallows the production continuously, definitely will more hit is stronger, must be able to pose the threat to Holy Venerable. 王珞静乃是御虫师,最擅长的便是一人成军,在真正的战场上,一旦给她时间培养出虫族大军,母皇源源不断吞噬生产的话,必然会越打越强,对圣尊也必能造成威胁。 This independent combat arena, really big limited her display. 这种单打独斗的擂台,是真的大大限制了她的发挥。 Snort ~ ~ this Old Ancestor also looks in the Wang Clan face, not under cruel methods.” Murong Mingliang sees that also receives the hand at the right moment, sneered was losing an aggressive statement. “哼~~本老祖也是看在王氏面子上,并没有下狠手。”慕容明亮见状也是适时收手,冷笑着丢了句狠话。 The polite speech said attractively, but he looks to the eye pupil of Wang Luojing, brings deep dreading. 场面话说得漂亮,但他看向王珞静的眼眸之中,却带着深深的忌惮。 The True Immortal list's eighth is so hard to deal with, if Wang Clan these rank near the top perhaps where...... will not really compare Holy Venerable to be bad to goes. 一个真仙榜第八就已经如此难缠了,若是王氏那些排名更靠前的……恐怕真的不会比圣尊差到哪里去。 The Wang Clan background, feared that is goes far beyond his estimate and imagination ~ 王氏的底蕴,怕是远远超过他的预计和想象啊~ But made Murong Mingliang feel what palpitation was, once these evildoer/monstrous talent True Immortal Boundary cultivator cultivation to the Holy Venerable rank, their common Holy Venerable can be suppressed? 而更令慕容明亮感到心悸的是,一旦这些妖孽般的真仙境修士修炼圣尊级别,他们这种寻常的圣尊岂不是统统都要被镇压? What a pity, Murong Mingliang does not know from the start, after does not use, by Wang Clan Family Head Wang Shouzhe at present True Immortal Boundary late stage cultivation base, and god child aptitude, does not need cultivation from the start to Great Principle Holy Venerable, has been able its suppression! 可惜,慕容明亮压根就不知道,不用等以后,以王氏家主王守哲目前真仙境后期修为,以及神子资质,压根就无需修炼大罗圣尊,就已经能将其镇压了! Murong Yuzhu, this what's the matter?” Murong Mingliang this little while has not fantasized are too many, for the time being abandons the distracting thoughts, the angry sound reprimanded. 慕容玉柱,这到底是怎么回事?”慕容明亮这会儿也没空想太多,暂且抛开了杂念,怒声斥道。 In his heart gets angry ~ in good condition this, how to so offend Wang Clan? 他心中怒啊~这好端端的,怎么会如此得罪王氏 This......” “这……” Murong Yuzhu experienced this every time, the whole person some are not good! 慕容玉柱经历了这一遭遭,整个人都有些不好了! He thinks that outside Divine Martial Wang Clan depends entirely on Holy Venerable that hires to keep up appearances, the powerhouse of this clan also on some True Immortal Boundary. Has not actually thought, Divine Martial Wang Clan comes out casually True Immortal late stage, unexpectedly can do the frame with his Old Ancestor...... 他原以为神武王氏全靠外面雇来的圣尊撑场面,本族的强者也就一些真仙境。却没想到,神武王氏随便出来一个真仙后期,居然都能和他老祖干架…… This where is what River Crossing Dragon, clearly is River Overturning Dragon! 这哪里是什么过江龙,分明是翻江龙啊! Suddenly, he is some does not know unexpectedly slow of speech how to explain. 一时间,他竟是讷讷地有些不知道怎么解释。 Chen Clan Tingwei Old Ancestor responded quickly, immediately is drawing Chen Zhengyang and Chen Manqing goes forward, is in front of big shot, 1510 places narrated the entire process, has not concealed, has not added inflammatory details. 还是陈氏霆威老祖反应快,立刻拉着自家陈正阳陈曼青上前,当着众大佬的面,一五一十地将全过程叙述了出来,既没有隐瞒,也没有添油加醋。 He is clear, so many big shot face to face, said instead was easy to add something superfluous and ruin the effect, said the truth already enough. 他心里清楚,这么多大佬当面,说多了反而容易画蛇添足,将事实真相说出来就已经够了。 This flash, Murong Mingliang somewhat creakies unavoidably. 这一刹那,慕容明亮不免有些摇摇欲坠。 This matter, if his Murong Clan said rational fortunately, he can also unyieldingly and Wang Clan quarrels. But that Murong Gaoda behavior...... even his Holy Venerable Old Ancestor feels excessively and stupid! 此事,若是他慕容氏有理还好说些,他还能硬气地和王氏吵一架。可那慕容高达的行为……连他这个圣尊老祖都觉得过份和愚蠢! Has flash that he wishes one could to choke to death this Murong Clan junior! 有那么一瞬间,他恨不得掐死这个慕容氏的小辈! Young Palace Lord, Baosheng Young Master.” The Murong Mingliang expression is embarrassed, actually can only brace oneself with Ying Lingzhu and Wang Baosheng couple said, this matter indeed is the mistake of my clan, this Is drunk peaches of immortality Gives to that injured little elder brother to build up one's health, as for Murong Gaoda and Murong Yuzhu, our clan will certainly handle severely, to an expensive/noble clan satisfactory confession.” 少宫主,宝圣少爷。”慕容明亮表情难堪,却还是只能硬着头皮和嬴灵竹王宝圣夫妻俩说道,“此事的确是我族的错,这枚【醉仙桃】就送给那受伤的小哥补补身体,至于慕容高达慕容玉柱,我们家族一定会从重处置,给贵家族一个满意的交代。” Pitiful Murong Mingliang, oneself does not hate to eat this to be drunk peaches of immortality, but hid, prepared to the clan most outstanding junior eats, has not actually thought, was folded unexpectedly here. 可怜的慕容明亮,自己舍不得吃这枚醉仙桃而藏了起来,是准备给家族最优秀的小辈吃的,却不曾想到,竟然在这里被折了出去。 „......” “……” Wang Baosheng took a look at Murong Mingliang one, does not dare to take responsibility, but looks to Wang Luojing, cups the hands said: Old Ancestor Luojing, how do you feel?” 王宝圣瞅了慕容明亮一眼,没有敢做主,而是看向王珞静,拱手道:“珞静老祖,您觉得怎么样?” Wang Luojing is the rank is highest, according to her temperament is certainly unforgiving. 王珞静是现场辈分最高的,依照她的脾气当然是不依不饶。 She just wants to speak, actually received the Wang Shouzhe message. 只是,她刚想说话,却收到了王守哲的消息。 She opened the news to look at one, the look moves, finally deeply inspires, from repressing angry gas channel/angrily said: Baosheng you look to manage on the line. However, Anyao was also injured, cannot consider as finished.” 她打开消息看了一眼,眼神动了动,最终还是深吸了一口气,强自按捺住怒气道:“宝圣你看着办就行。不过,安曜也被打伤了,不能就此算了。” Wang Anyao is moved immediately. 王安曜登时一阵感动。 Really worthily is Luojing Great Grandaunt, now is also keeping thinking about him. 真不愧是珞静祖姑奶奶,现在还惦记着他。 Murong Mingliang has to brace oneself, decides to pull out three ten Immortal Spirit Stone compensations again to Wang Anyao, and apologized for Murong Yuzhu personally, over and over expressed can quite the disciplinary punishment. 慕容明亮只得硬着头皮,决定再次掏出三十仙灵石赔偿给王安曜,并且亲自替慕容玉柱致歉,再三表示一定会好生惩戒。 Took a stand, was the apology sincerity is seriously full. 如此表态,当真算是道歉诚意满满了。 Really poor...... Holy Clan...... Wang Luojing sees his appearance fortunately, sneered suddenly. “真穷……亏得还是圣族呢……”王珞静见他这副样子,忽的冷笑了一声。 She was also disinclined to stay again at the scene, moved sideways then to vanish in same place. 她也懒得再在现场待下去了,一个闪身便消失在了原地。 She spoke the sound, although was small, but the Great Principle boundary powerhouse on the scene actually heard clearly. 她说话声音虽小,但在场的大罗境强者却都听清了。 That tone taunted, the Murong Mingliang complexion became flushed all of a sudden. 那语气嘲讽得,慕容明亮的脸色一下子就涨红了。 Void Soaring Boundary is cultivator injured, compensates three ten Immortal Spirit Stone also to be said poorly? This enough bought quality very good immortal item! 一个凌虚境修士受了点伤,赔偿三十仙灵石还被说穷吗?这都够买一件品质非常不错的仙器了! However, is good works completely because of Wang Baosheng this eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein. 不过,好在王宝圣这个嫡长脉做事周全。 He coughed, does not seem to heard the Wang Luojing words to be the same, said to scene everyone big shot cups the hands: This matter many thanks Senior uphold the justice. Before at the matter that in the conference raised, but also asked everyone Senior to assist.” 他咳嗽了一声,就仿佛没听到王珞静的话一般,向现场诸位大佬拱手道:“此事多谢前辈们主持公道。之前在会议上提起的事情,还请诸位前辈鼎力相助。” Thanks for the compliment!” “好说好说!” Scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion numerous Holy Venerable big shot surrounded a farce, one after another has mixed feelings, on the face actually stacked the smile of warm feelings, agrees, this goes back to prepare. 赤鼎圣府的一众圣尊大佬们围观了一场闹剧,一个个心情都相当复杂,脸上却都堆起了热络的笑容,纷纷表示同意,这就回去准备一番。 If before, they also looked in Absolute Beginning Dao Palace and Ying Lingzhu face, looks at one to Wang Baosheng high, from starts at this moment, they were actually do not dare to belittle Wang Baosheng. 如果说之前,他们还只是看在太初道宫嬴灵竹的面子上,对王宝圣高看一眼的话,从此刻开始,他们却是再也不敢小觑王宝圣了。 But in Divine Martial Wang Clan regarding that legend, they do not dare to take lightly the half a point. 而对于那个传说中的神武王氏,他们也再不敢看轻半分。 After a smalltalk, numerous Great Principle Holy Venerable then walked one after another. 一番客套之后,一众大罗圣尊便陆陆续续走了。 When the person all dispersed cleanly. 等人全散干净了。 Ying Lingzhu passes message to Wang Baosheng in secret said: Husband, this move of alerting the enemy idea has put forth, you may once see that is who colludes in the back and Crystal 5?” 嬴灵竹才暗中向王宝圣传音说道:“夫君,这一招打草惊蛇之计已经使出,你可曾看出是谁在背后与晶五勾结?” Actually at present could not have seen is. However, since is the idea of alerting the enemy, this pole hits, so long as the opposite party were alarmed, definitely will give oneself away.” The Wang Baosheng look is motionless, is passes message saying that following, we only need to continue to observe in secret. However, at present first handles the Yanjiao that child's matter.” “眼下还看不出究竟是谁。不过,既然是打草惊蛇之计,这一杆子打下去,对方只要被惊动了,就必然会露出马脚。”王宝圣神色不动,也是传音回道,“接下来,咱们只需要继续暗中观察。不过,眼下还是先将宴骄那孩子的事处理一番。” Then, he then falls toward, said to Chen Clan Chen Tingwei Old Ancestor cups the hands: Many thanks Tingwei Old Ancestor lends a hand to assist to my clan Yanjiao.” 说罢,他便朝下方落去,对陈氏陈霆威老祖拱手道:“多谢霆威老祖对我族宴骄出手相助。” Chen Tingwei is very of a sudden excited, the whole person was light, quickly returns salute to him: Doesn't dare, Yanjiao that is to save our family/home Man azure is injured, he is really a good child. If there is an opportunity, but also invited Baosheng Young Master and Young Palace Lord goes to my Chen Clan to chat.” 陈霆威一下子无比激动,整个人都轻飘飘了起来,急忙给他还礼:“不敢不敢,宴骄那是为了救我们家曼青才受了伤,他真是个好孩子。若有机会,还请宝圣少爷少宫主去我陈氏一叙。” „, That talked on endlessly Chen Clan.” Wang Baosheng genial saying with a smile. “也罢,那就去叨唠一下陈氏了。”王宝圣和善的笑道。 Chen Tingwei suddenly feels to like incomparably, felt that perhaps this time turns misfortune into a blessing, Chen Clan was developed! 陈霆威顿觉欢喜无比,感觉这一次恐怕是因祸得福,陈氏要发达了! ****** ****** But while Wang Baosheng and the others went to Chen Clan to be a guest. 而就在王宝圣等人去陈氏作客的同时。 Holy Venerable Old Ancestor brought the haze of whole face to return to the main house secret room. 一位圣尊老祖则是带着满脸的阴霾回到了主宅密室之中。 This is the secret room that suffers injustice dimly, the secret room area is not big, inside and does not have any arrangement suspend, only has above the secret room central ground, carved completely the dense and numerous strange writing symbols. 这是一座昏暗不见天日的密室,密室面积并不算大,里面并没有任何的陈设摆件,唯有密室中央的地面之上,刻满了密密麻麻的诡异文字符号。 That symbol is special, is not any human writing, is not the Demon Race writing, has some type seems being the regular mysterious strength. These strengths collude mutually, the mutual winding, composed structure meticulous array. 那符号非常特殊,不属于任何一种人类文字,也不属于魔族文字,却带着某种仿佛是规则的神秘力量。这些力量相互勾连,相互缠绕,组成了一个结构缜密的阵法 After entering the secret room, that Holy Venerable Old Ancestor confirmed a security of secret room, then mounts into Immortal Spirit Stone in array, proficiently started array! 进入密室之后,那位圣尊老祖确认了一番密室的安全,便在阵法中镶嵌入仙灵石,熟练地启动了阵法 Among next instant. 下一瞬间。 On array has the misty ray to shine. 阵法上有蒙蒙光芒亮起。 Quick, a slender form then appeared in array. 很快,一个纤长的身影便出现在了阵法之中。 That figure seems like human at first sight, the body quantity actually selects compared with the common human man high, the figure also compares the common human female to be slender, will seem like a as if wind blows but actually the emaciated feeling. 那身形乍一看像是人类,身量却远比一般的人类男子高挑,身形也比一般的人类女子还要纤细,看起来给人一种仿佛风一吹就会倒的羸弱感。 This is very typical Crystal Ancient Race man image. 这是非常典型的晶古族男子形象。 This form appearance is fuzzy, making one unable to see clearly the expression, but by that fuzzy facial features, actually as if can see he ice-cold indifferent look vaguely. 这身影面目模糊,让人看不清表情,但透过那模糊的面容,却依稀仿佛能看到他冰冷漠然的眼神。 He took a look at that Holy Venerable Old Ancestor one, the sound is indifferent: You call me to come out, was the matter handles?” 他瞅了那圣尊老祖一眼,声音冷漠:“你唤我出来,是事情办好了吗?” Sir Crystal 5.” 晶五大人。” That Holy Venerable Old Ancestor complexion dignifiedly to this man good a ritual, looked that passes to his look is wiping deeply dreaded and dreaded. 圣尊老祖脸色凝重地冲着这男子行了一礼,看向他的眼神中透着一抹深深地畏惧和忌惮。 Perhaps our plans, must stop. Absolute Beginning Dao Palace and Divine Martial Wang Clan person, as if discovered your whereabouts, is investigating this matter.” “我们的计划,恐怕要停一下了。太初道宫神武王氏的人,似乎发现了你的行踪,正在调查此事。” Absolute Beginning Dao Palace and Wang Clan?” The Crystal Ancient Race man hesitates saying that looks like, should be Crystal 39 and Feifei, leading them to find me to stay in the Immortal Alliance secret base, followed up a clue to perceive my some plans.” 太初道宫王氏?”晶古族男子沉吟道,“看来,应该是晶三十九菲菲,带着他们找到了我留在仙盟的秘密基地,顺藤摸瓜觉察到了我的一些计划。” Right, heard that they still attained Dao Book in your secret base!” That Holy Venerable Old Ancestor thinks Yun Tiange that a while ago gives full play of power and strength, the eyeground could not bear reveal the color of endless envying. “没错,听说他们还在您的秘密基地中拿到了一部道书!”那圣尊老祖想到前阵子大发神威的妘天歌,眼底忍不住露出了无尽的羡慕之色。 However quick, he recovers, shows the expression that even more dreads: This matter we cannot expose absolutely, we must suspend all plans.” 不过很快,他就回过神来,露出愈发忌惮的表情:“此事我们绝对不能暴露,我们必须暂停一切计划。” „It is not good! Now plans to be at the most critical moment, cannot stop.” The Crystal 5 sound indifferent rejection, the tone is categorical, must continue.” “不行!现在计划正处在最关键时刻,不能停。”晶五声音冷漠的拒绝,语气斩钉截铁,“必须继续进行。” Snort ~ we have not wanted dead!” Holy Venerable Old Ancestor hearing this, sound also cold, looked that took to the Crystal 5 look wiped strongly, Sir Crystal 5, we were the collaborators, you cannot order me directly.” “哼~我们还不想死!”圣尊老祖闻言,声音也冷了下来,看向晶五的眼神中带上了一抹强硬,“晶五大人,我们不过是合作者,您并不能直接命令我。” hearing this, Crystal 5 lifted the pupil to sweep his one eyes, the bringing back corners of the mouth suddenly smiled: Collaborator? Yes?” 闻言,晶五抬眸扫了他一眼,忽的勾起嘴角笑了起来:“合作者?是么?” Why does not know, his sound becomes somewhat moves fast suddenly, if as if has referred. 不知为何,他的声音忽然变得有些飘忽,似乎若有所指。 Among next instant. 下一瞬间。 That Holy Venerable Old Ancestor complexion drastic change: You......” 圣尊老祖脸色剧变:“你……” ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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