POP :: Volume #8

#15: Wang Clan clan troop! Loves for one another 1 family member

Scarlet cauldron Chen Clan main house. 赤鼎陈氏主宅 Chen Clan True Immortal Boundary Old Ancestor Chen Tingwei comes the safe/without matter idly, is taking the small comb, gives mount Golden Feather Gem Pheonix carding wool of oneself in the courtyard. 陈氏真仙境老祖陈霆威闲来无事,正拿着小梳子,在院子里给自己的坐骑金羽琉凤梳毛。 He seemingly obvious has gotten old, the figure does not have youngster is so tall and straight, on the face also appeared the obvious senile, an eye also somewhat muddy, vigor actually also good, when carding wool movement not anxiously not slow, appearing is very leisurely and carefree and satisfied, looks like the ordinary neighbor old men to be the same. 他看起来明显已经上了年纪,身形已经没有年轻人那么挺拔,脸上也显出了明显的老态,一双眼睛也有些浑浊,精气神却还不错,梳毛时动作不急不缓,显得很是悠闲和惬意,就像是个普普通通的邻家老头一般。 Can look, his twilight years must be enjoyable. 看得出来,他的晚年生活应当还算舒心。 In the Chen Zhengyang crumb jade talisman flash, in his heart has the induction, in the senile muddy double pupil jumped suddenly projected none. 就在陈正阳捏碎玉符的一瞬间,他心中生出感应,原本老态浑浊的双眸中蓦然迸射出了道道精光。 Puts down the small comb, he patted Golden Feather Gem Pheonix, hints oneself to leave, along with, even if wields the long wide sleeve, rips open together the space crack directly, raised legs to enter into. 放下小梳子,他拍了拍金羽琉凤,示意自己离开一下,随即便一挥广袖,直接撕开一道空间裂缝,抬腿迈入了其中。 Among next instant. 下一瞬间。 The Chen Tingwei form then appeared above the arena. 陈霆威的身影便出现在了擂台上方。 Compared with that leisurely and carefree optional appearance in Chen Clan main house, he at this moment kept a serious look, the back supported straightly, a white robe dragged against the wind, the imposing manner was dignified, where also had the least bit neighbor old man's appearance? 比起在陈氏主宅中那悠闲随意的模样,此刻的他表情严肃,脊背挺得笔直,一袭白袍迎风摇曳,气势威严,哪里还有半点邻家老头的模样? With his appearance, the power and influence of his True Immortal Boundary powerhouse blots out the sky to fill the air just like the great waves, covered the audience instantaneously. 随着他的现身,他那一身真仙境强者的威势宛如浪涛般铺天盖地弥漫开来,瞬间笼罩了全场。 Suddenly, around the arena air as if became stagnated. 一时间,擂台周围的空气都仿佛变得凝滞了起来。 Surrounding watches the fun or related Void Soaring Boundary cultivator sees that quickly collects the aura, the expression on face also restrained, does not dare to touch his mildew head. 周围一些看热闹或是相关的凌虚境修士见状急忙将气息一敛,脸上的表情也收敛了起来,不敢触他霉头。 Do not look at Wang Shouzhe to hit Dungeon anything, often is this Dao Lord that Dao Lord, inferiorly is also Holy Venerable accompanying, probably True Immortal Boundary is not very valuable is the same. 别看王守哲打个副本什么的,动不动就是这个道主那个道主,最次也得是圣尊相伴,好像真仙境很不值钱一样。 However on this world, True Immortal Boundary cultivator as before is the position extremely high mainstay. 然而这世界上,真仙境修士依旧是地位极高的中流砥柱。 At scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion closed regions Eastern Rosy Cloud Central Land eight Holy Mansion, in government authorities, army, aristocratic family, Heavenly Grotto Holy Land wait/etc influences all True Immortal Boundary powerhouses add, the total quantity also less than hundred, each naturally is the illustrious generation. 东霞中土圣府之一的赤鼎圣府全域而言,官府的、军队的、世家的、洞天圣地等等势力中所有的真仙境强者加起来,总数量也不足百名,每一个自然都是赫赫有名之辈。 Scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion big of territory range, is not completely inferior in Holy Dynasty. In the so big range point(s) True Immortal Boundary, the average the density is not really high, usually in wants to meet one is not easy. 要知道,赤鼎圣府的疆土范围之大,完全不逊色于一个圣朝。如此大的范围内就这么点真仙境,平均下来密度真的不高,平日里想要遇到一个都不容易。 Scarlet cauldron Chen Clan is called Immortal Clan, naturally is also because in the clan has True Immortal to assume personal command! But Chen Clan Tingwei Old Ancestor, is the prestigious not low great person. 赤鼎陈氏之所以被称作仙族,自然也是因为族内拥有真仙坐镇!而陈氏霆威老祖,也自是名望不低的大人物。 Has seen Tingwei Old Ancestor.” “见过霆威老祖。” The Chen Clan juniors salute in abundance solemnly and respectfully. Many position youngster not obviously have not even seen Tingwei Old Ancestor, is only through the portrait understanding. 现场的陈氏子弟们都纷纷肃穆行礼。很多地位不显的年轻人甚至都未曾见过霆威老祖,只是通过画像了解。 Chen Zhengyang saw that Old Ancestor appears promptly, under the heart also relaxes. 陈正阳见到老祖及时出现,心下也是松了一口气。 He cannot attend to other, is busy at rushing to salute saying: Tingwei Old Ancestor, rescues Brother Yanjiao quickly, he is Man's azure fiance, the Divine Martial Changning Wang Clan juniors!” 他顾不上别的,忙冲上去行礼道:“霆威老祖,快救一救宴骄兄弟,他是曼青的未婚夫,神武长宁王氏子弟!” Divine Martial Changning Wang Clan? 神武长宁王氏 By the Tingwei Old Ancestor words have not listened, is Divine Martial Changning several characters, is to make his complexion change. 霆威老祖旁的话没听进去,可是“神武长宁”几个字,却是令他脸色一变。 Before he quickly fell the arena, vast Immortal Spirit Qi input Wang Yanjiao within the body, the look ties tight immediately slightly: This injury may be heavy, did Zhengyang, what matter have?” 他急忙落到了擂台前,一股浩瀚的仙灵之气输入王宴骄体内,眼神登时微微紧绷:“这伤势可不轻啊,正阳,出什么事情了?” During the speeches, he pulled out several ninth grade treatment medicinal pill conveniently, squeezed in the Wang Yanjiao mouth. 说话间,他顺手掏出了几枚九品疗伤丹药,塞入了王宴骄嘴里。 This is on he on hand best treatment medicinal pill, usually oneself is injured is not necessarily willing to use, obviously to regarding as important of Wang Yanjiao. 这已经是他手头上最好的疗伤丹药了,平时自己受伤都未必舍得用,可见对王宴骄的看重。 Nearby Chen Manqing heard that the Wang Yanjiao injury is quite serious, is the eye one black, almost faints. 一旁的陈曼青听说王宴骄伤势颇重,则是眼一黑,差点晕厥过去。 Suddenly, she thinks in oneself storage ring also to save a life treasure. 忽而,她一想到自己储物戒中还有一件救命宝物 She was busy at putting out the vigorous sign of life abundant leaf from storage ring, gave Chen Tingwei to say anxiously: Tingwei Ancestor, you try this piece of Tree of Life leaf.” 她忙从储物戒里拿出了一片生机盎然的树叶,焦急地递给陈霆威道:“霆威老祖宗,您试一试这片生命树叶。” „Is this......? Very powerful life aura!” Tingwei Old Ancestor takes the leaf, in the heart has then been startled immediately. “这是……?好强的生命气息!”霆威老祖拿过树叶,心中当即便是一惊。 He has a mind to ask, but the injury does not wait for the person, he has first taken leaf crumb, draws in which energy, infiltrated Wang Yanjiao within the body all. 他有心想要问一问,但伤势不等人,他还是先拿过了树叶一把捏碎,将其中的能量收拢住,尽数打入了王宴骄体内。 Immortal Spirit Qi of luxuriant green ties Wang Yanjiao together immediately. 一道绿意盎然的仙灵之气登时将王宴骄拢住。 Thus and such and such, Wang Yanjiao stupor, but the pale complexion political ability restored. 如此这般,王宴骄昏迷而惨白的脸色才略恢复了些。 Chen Manqing sees that finally relaxes: This piece of Tree of Life leaf, is I in Wang Clan Remaining Immortal Valley closes up, maintaining life leaf that the Old Ancestor Lixian distribution rewards. Thanks to having it.” 陈曼青见状,终于松了一口气:“这片生命树叶,是我在王氏留仙谷中闭关时,璃仙老祖分发赏赐的保命树叶。多亏有它。” Each through the child of Old Ancestor Shouzhe graduation ritual inspection, has the opportunity to enter Remaining Immortal Valley to close up. As for can attain the Tree of Life leaf of Old Ancestor Lixian, must look at Old Ancestor Lixian own mood. 每一个通过守哲老祖毕业礼考核的孩子,都有机会进入留仙谷闭关。至于能不能拿到璃仙老祖生命树叶,就得看璃仙老祖自个儿的心情了。 You must find the way to display well, to understand to flatter while convenient. Without doubt, Chen Manqing is higher than emotional quotient of common contemporaries. 你得想办法表现好一点,顺便懂拍马屁。无疑,陈曼青比一般同龄人的情商更高些。 Tree of Life leaf of Changning Wang Clan? This is clan young one generation of maintaining life good cards in a hand.” In the eye pupil of Tingwei Old Ancestor revealed the color of envying. 长宁王氏生命树叶?这可是家族年轻一代保命的好底牌啊。”霆威老祖的眼眸中露出了羡慕之色。 He naturally knows the Tree of Life leaf. 他自然知道生命树叶。 The Tree of Life leaf to Purple Mansion Boundary following cultivator, absolutely is the most precious object of dead flesh white bones. 生命树叶对紫府境以下的修士而言,绝对是起死人肉白骨的至宝。 He had heard that Divine Martial Wang Clan has Life Immortal Tree, not only the leaf can be used to give in the clan the junior to maintain life, Immortal Spirit Qi that Life Immortal Tree sends out also has extremely strongly cures with the health effect. 他早就听说神武王氏有一株生命仙树,不仅树叶可以用来给族中小辈保命,生命仙树散发出的仙灵之气也有着极强的愈疗和养生效果。 Also because of existence of this Life Immortal Tree, the powerhouses of many getting old arrived at the old age to choose the Wang Clan retirement, in order to prolonging the life, lived for several years, now Divine Martial Wang Clan Remaining Immortal Valley has become recognized retirement Holy Land, the quota was very scarce. 也是因为这株生命仙树的存在,有不少上了年纪的强者到了晚年都会选择去王氏养老,以求延年益寿,多活几年,如今神武王氏留仙谷已经成了公认的养老圣地,名额十分紧俏。 Ordinary Immortal Clan True Immortal Boundary like him, wants to snatch the qualifications of entering Remaining Immortal Valley are not easy. 像他这样的普通仙族真仙境,想抢到一个进入留仙谷的资格都不容易。 Tingwei Old Ancestor also responds now. Child who this girl then clan sent to the Divine Martial Changning abroad study some time past, his Chen Tingwei also went through many places for her initially personally passes through the method, asking Wang Clan elite juniors to be completes. 霆威老祖现在也反应了过来。这丫头便是前些时候家族送去神武长宁留学的孩子,他陈霆威当初还亲自为她辗转走过门路,求了一位王氏的精英子弟才算办成。 However he has not truly thought, during the short dozens years this child grew unexpectedly so the situation, but also brought Wang Clan juniors Husband. 不过他确实没想到,短短数十年间这孩子居然就成长到了如此地步,还带回来了一个王氏子弟夫君 At this time, Chen Manqing saw the Wang Yanjiao situation to stabilize to get down and improve slightly, originally the mind of flurried no handling also gradually calm, recalled Husband once urging. 这时,陈曼青见得王宴骄情况稳定了下来且略有好转,原本慌乱无措的心神也渐渐冷静了下来,回想起了夫君曾经的叮嘱。 She said a situation with the communication wrist watch in the small clan group hastily simply. 她连忙用通讯腕表在小家族群里简单的说了一下情况。 The member in this small clan group, is the Wang Yanjiao Great Grandfather Wang Hongshuo direct line descendant, the total number of people does not calculate too, her news round, is noticed immediately by Wang Hongshuo. 这个小家族群里的成员,全都是王宴骄太爷爷王宏烁的直系后裔,总人数不算太多,她的消息一发出去,就立刻被王宏烁注意到了。 Wang Hongshuo knew after the situation, distressed, quickly related clan senior! 王宏烁得知情况之后心焦不已,急忙联系了家族长辈 Quick, the Chen Manqing wrist watch then received a strange message: I called Wang Anyao, sent me the position data.” 很快,陈曼青的腕表便收到了一条陌生消息:“我叫王安曜,把位置坐标发我。” Is an generation Old Ancestor relates unexpectedly personally, Chen Manqing hurried according to request, issued Wang Anyao the position. 竟是“安”字辈老祖亲自联系,陈曼青急忙按照要求,将位置发给了王安曜 Quick, an appearance bearing quite good middle-aged man, brings young Miss to tear the space transmission together, but. 很快,一位模样气度都颇为不俗的中年男子,就带着一个年轻姑娘一起撕裂空间传送而至。 Obviously, he gave a Chen Manqing round of news a moment ago Wang Anyao. 很显然,他就是刚才给陈曼青发消息的“王安曜”。 Wang Anyao is the Changning Wang Clan an generation descendant, the peer second 15, is the Wang Shouzhe second son Wang Zongrui lineage closely related times grandson, his father is Wang Shixin. 王安曜乃是长宁王氏“安”字辈后裔,同辈排行第二十五,是王守哲次子王宗瑞一脉的嫡次孙儿,其父亲是王室新 Therefore, do not look at reputation of this Wang Anyao in clan not obviously, almost does not have the presence frequency, actually is really one of the Wang Shouzhe and Liu Ruolan Great Grandson! 因此,别看这王安曜家族中“名声不显”,几乎没有出场频率,却实实在在是王守哲柳若蓝重孙儿之一! But his own Aunt, is Wang Clan famous female Army God Wang Yingxuan! 而他的亲姑姑,便是王氏大名鼎鼎的女军神王璎璇 But Wang Anyao, although was well below that an generation Old Seventh Wang Anye is like that brilliant, performance until now also can only be fair, always placed the clan fifth sixth sequence, but is 2600-year-old now he, cultivation base had also arrived at Void Soaring Boundary late stage. 王安曜,虽远远不如安字辈老七王安业那般光彩夺目,一直以来的表现也只能算是中规中矩,始终排在家族的第五第六序列,但如今2600余岁的他,修为也已然到了凌虚境后期 Such he, without a doubt is one of the clan main force elites. 这样的他,毫无疑问是家族的主力精英之一。 His look sweeps in the audience, then said to Tingwei Old Ancestor cups the hands: „ Tingwei Old Ancestor, below is Wang Clan Eastern Rosy Cloud communication Main Division Scarlet cauldron divides division Head Wang Anyao, I received the clan message saying that had the clansman to have an accident. 他眼神在全场一扫,便对霆威老祖拱手道:“霆威老祖,在下乃是【王氏东霞通讯总司】【赤鼎分司】的负责人王安曜,我收到家族消息说是有族人出事了。 Originally is Mr. Anyao.” “原来是安曜老总。” Chen Tingwei also recognizes Wang Anyao, knows that the opposite party status is extraordinary, in the future also will inevitably be True Immortal. 陈霆威也认得王安曜,知道对方身份非凡,未来也必然是一介真仙 He does not dare to have the half a point to pull rank returns salute saying that the child who has an accident called Wang Yanjiao, but the injury has stabilized now. Zhengyang, Man is blue, happen, you come to explain the situation.” 他不敢有半分托大地还礼道,“出事的孩子叫王宴骄,不过现在伤势已经稳定了。正阳,曼青,正好,你们过来将情况说明一番。” During the speeches, Wang Anyao also saw Wang Yanjiao that still remained unconscious. 说话间,王安曜也看到了仍旧昏迷不醒的王宴骄 He quickly inspected a Wang Yanjiao injury, discovered that he indeed does not have the danger, side this entrusts an attractive female who brings saying: Yueying, you first consider this child.” 他急忙检查了一下王宴骄的伤势,发现他的确没有生命危险,这才嘱托身边带来的一个漂亮女子说道:“玥英,你先照顾一下这孩子。” Yes, Anyao Old Ancestor.” “是,安曜老祖。” Wang Yueying receives an order, then fast launched a marching tent from storage ring, places Wang Yanjiao, so that he can rest to restore, used the Wang Clan private a series of treatment, helped its quick recovery. 王玥英领命,而后快速从储物戒中展开了一个行军帐篷,将王宴骄安置好,以便他休息恢复,同时也用上了王氏自用的一系列治疗手段,助其快速恢复。 Wang Yueying is the clan 18 th generation Yue character generation of elite juniors, at present over 800 years old, Divine Ability Boundary late stage, follows Wang Anyao to be the secretary at present. 王玥英家族第十八代“玥”字辈的精英子弟,目前八百多岁,神通境后期,目前跟着王安曜当秘书。 When she bustles about, another side Chen Tingwei Old Ancestor and Wang Anyao, understood the cause and effect of matter through the narration of Chen Zhengyang and Chen Manqing. 而在她忙碌的时候,另一边的陈霆威老祖王安曜,也通过陈正阳陈曼青的叙述明白了事情的前因后果。 The two people vision observed closely immediately shrank in the one side, was pale, the leg and foot became tender, wants to run Murong Gaoda that actually does not dare to run. 两人的目光登时盯住了缩在一旁,脸色发白,腿脚发软,想跑却又不敢跑的慕容高达 Obviously, this little while Murong Gaoda had also realized that oneself causes trouble. 很显然,这会儿慕容高达也已经意识到自己闯了祸。 However Wang Anyao looked at his one eyes at will, will then look at Murong Clan that Void Soaring Boundary Elder. 不过王安曜只是随意看了他一眼,便将目光对准了慕容氏的那位凌虚境长老 His sinking sound opens the mouth, the complexion is solemn: Was you prevented the rescue of Chen Clan Void Soaring Elder?” 他沉声开口,面色冷峻威严:“是你阻止了陈氏凌虚长老的救援?” That Murong Clan Void Soaring Elder complexion is very ugly. 慕容氏凌虚长老的脸色十分难看。 If there is Chen Clan, he did not fear, but he has not expected that Chen Clan girl unexpectedly and Divine Martial Wang Clan does not involve clear, what is odder also injures Wang Clan juniors unexpectedly. 若是只有陈氏,他自是不怕,可他万万没料到那个陈氏的女孩竟然和神武王氏牵扯不清,更离谱的是居然还伤到了一个王氏子弟。 Wang Clan these years develop at the height of power, although were inferior that Ancient Holy Clan is like that time-honored, the foundation is solid, is actually not his such small Void Soaring Boundary cultivator can incur to stir up. 王氏这些年发展得如日中天,虽不如古圣族那般历史悠久,底蕴深厚,却也不是他这么一个小小的凌虚境修士能招惹得起的。 What a pity matter has happened, they have the unimportant person who has not been surnamed, runs also uselessly, two people also then has to brace oneself to remain, simultaneously informed clan in secret, asking clan senior to process this matter. 可惜事情已经发生,他们也不是没名没姓的小人物,跑也没用,两人也便只好硬着头皮留了下来,同时暗中通知了家族,请家族长辈过来处理此事。 But requests reinforcements jade talisman to be extremely precious, he does not give up, therefore sends people to invite clan senior, has not arrived. 只不过求援玉符太过珍贵,他舍不得,所以只是派人去请家族长辈,迄今尚未抵达而已。 Facing the Wang Anyao pressure, Murong Clan Void Soaring Elder braces oneself the reply: Mr. Anyao, this is a misunderstanding.” 面对王安曜的威压,慕容氏凌虚长老硬着头皮回答:“安曜老总,这是一个误会。” Misunderstanding?” Wang Anyao sneers saying that your Murong Clan juniors arena contends in martial arts, the use far exceeds the cultivation base Void Soaring sword talisman sneak attack opponent, you not only do not prevent, instead also obstructs others to rescue! You me tell that now is the misunderstanding? Is it possible that hehe ~ does ~, treat as the fool our Changning Wang Clan?” “误会?”王安曜冷笑道,“你们慕容氏子弟擂台比武,动用远超自身修为凌虚剑符偷袭对手,你非但不阻止,反而还阻扰旁人救援!你现在跟我说是误会?呵呵~~莫非,是把我们长宁王氏当作傻子吗?” Wang Clan Eastern Rosy Cloud communication Main Division, was initially Wang Fugui in the large-scale communication division that on Eastern Rosy Cloud court proposed and was established, earlier then always invested enough seven thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone! 王氏东霞通讯总司,是当初王富贵东霞朝堂上提出并成立的大型通讯司,前期便总投入了足足七千混沌灵石 So many years later, Wang Clan Eastern Rosy Cloud communication Main Division has developed to become a jumbo, running water that every year produces, the tax money is the astronomical figures, and drove the development of various places! 这么多年下来,王氏东霞通讯总司早已经发展成为了一个巨无霸,每年产生的流水,税金都是天文数字,并带动了各地方的发展! Although Wang Anyao has not become True Immortal, but by his Void Soaring Boundary late stage strength and Divine Martial Wang Clan background, in addition the status of communication Mr. Si, the position in scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion this domain is not low, has no clan that does not enlarge ones vision, will be all right will provoke the communication division! 王安曜虽还未成为真仙,但以他凌虚境后期的实力和神武王氏的背景,再加上通讯司老总的身份,在赤鼎圣府这一块地盘上地位并不低,也没有哪个不开眼的家族,没事会去招惹通讯司! With getting angry of Wang Anyao, Chen Clan Tingwei Old Ancestor also sneers to start to give that Murong Clan Void Soaring Elder to exert pressure: If not today the Yanjiao boy has good luck ever, also there are Tree of Life Kyounosuke, he feared that is difficult to escape the danger of perishing. Now although he saved the life reluctantly, but an internal injury is actually very serious, following has not known how long must recuperate! This matter, your Murong Clan must give a confession.” 随着王安曜的发怒,陈氏霆威老祖也冷笑开始给那慕容氏凌虚长老施压:“今天若非宴骄小子命大,又有生命树叶之助,他怕是难逃殒命之危。如今他虽然勉强保住了性命,但一身内伤却是十分严重,后续还不知要调养多久!这件事情,你们慕容氏必须给出一个交代。” But he finishes speaking, then has a sneering sound to get up: Chen Tingwei, your big tone.” 可他话音刚落,便有一个冷笑声响起:“陈霆威,你好大的口气。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 Above the arena space was ripped open a space crack again, together person's shadow from takes a step, blocked in Murong Gaoda and that Murong Clan Void Soaring Elder front. 擂台上方的空间再次被撕开了一道空间裂缝,一道人影从其中迈步而出,拦在了慕容高达和那慕容氏凌虚长老前方。 That is a beard and hair is all white, the clothes sleeve floating old man, aura rushes to be vast, is clearly same as Chen Tingwei, is a True Immortal Boundary powerhouse. 那是一个须发皆白,衣袂飘飘的老者,一身的气息澎湃而浩瀚,分明和陈霆威一样,也是一位真仙境强者。 He looks at Chen Tingwei indifferently, returns to the resentment on the angry sound at the scene: Person who does not know, but also thinks that your Chen Clan is Holy Clan, our Murong Clan is trivial Immortal Clan.” 他冷眼看着陈霆威,当场就怒声回怼:“不知道的人,还以为你们陈氏圣族,我们慕容氏乃是区区仙族呢。” Murong Gaoda sees this old man, immediately looked like saw the pillar was ordinary, quickly went forward to complain tearfully: Yuzhu Ancestor, I was wrong! I am desperate for a while, made the filling the heavens huge mistake, asking Old Ancestor to punish.” 慕容高达一见到这老者,顿时就像是见到了主心骨一般,急忙上前哭诉道:“玉柱老祖宗,我错了!我就是一时情急,才犯下了弥天大错,求老祖责罚。” This True Immortal old man, is of Murong Yuzhu Holy Clan Murong Clan True Immortal Elder! But that Murong Gaoda, is the Murong Yuzhu this lineage outstanding descendant. 这位真仙老者,便是圣族慕容氏真仙长老之一慕容玉柱!而那个慕容高达,正是慕容玉柱一脉的优秀后裔。 Can achieve True Immortal Elder of ten thousand years regarding a life limit, the bloodline descendant's number often can achieve a very fearful digit, the not possible each descendant to have the True Immortal Seed potential. 对于一个寿元极限能达到万载的真仙长老而言,血脉后裔的数量往往能达到一个非常可怕的数字,自不可能每一个后裔都拥有真仙种的潜力。 In fact, let alone True Immortal Seed, can have the descendant of Void Soaring Boundary potential to be outstandingly, is paid attention by the key point, key training. 事实上,别说真仙种,能拥有凌虚境潜力的后裔就已经算得上十分优秀,会被重点关注,重点培养了。 After all, is not every aristocratic family will be the same to Wang Clan, causes so many different types of Dungeon all of a sudden, specifically is used to test and subsidize the later generation heir. 毕竟,不是每个世家都会跟王氏一样,一下子弄出那么多个不同类型的副本,专门用来考验和补贴后辈子嗣的。 Like the descendant of Murong Gaoda this grade of aptitude, in Murong Yuzhu this lineage is very outstanding, naturally is subject to the love of Murong Yuzhu. 慕容高达这等资质的后裔,在慕容玉柱一脉里已经算是十分优秀的了,自然是备受慕容玉柱的宠爱。 Let alone Murong Gaoda studies under Heavenly Grotto Holy Land purple rainbow Immortal Monarch, with the future growth, the chance, will not necessarily have the hope of achievement True Immortal. 更何况慕容高达师从洞天圣地的紫虹仙君,随着未来的成长,机缘,未必就没有成就真仙的希望。 Therefore Murong Gaoda complained tearfully, Murong Clan Yuzhu Old Ancestor tenderhearted several points, cold snort/hum was hiding shortcomings to say immediately: You are indeed absurd enough, after this time goes back, decided unable to forgive you.” 因此慕容高达如此一哭诉,慕容氏玉柱老祖登时就心软了几分,冷哼着护短道:“你的确够荒唐的,此次回去后,定饶不了你。” After saying, Yuzhu Old Ancestor coldly shot a look at Chen Tingwei, has not actually cared him, the look that but with dreaded looked to Wang Anyao, pulled a smile hardly: This matter was our Murong Clan the young brat is indeed wrong. However, he eventually is a less than hundred -year-old child, but your children have not really had an accident. Mr. Anyao you are also the great person in this scarlet cauldron prefectural city, has the friendship with my Murong Clan, was inferior, gives a banquet obsolete......” 说完之后,玉柱老祖冷冷地瞥了一眼陈霆威,却没把他放在心上,而是用略带忌惮的眼神看向了王安曜,硬扯出一股笑容道:“此事的确是我们慕容氏的这小兔崽子错了。不过,他终究还是个不到百岁的孩子,而贵方的孩子也未曾真的出事。安曜老总您也是这赤鼎府城中的大人物,与我慕容氏也有交情,不如,老朽设宴……” Absurd!” “荒唐!” Clear to see Murong Yuzhu tries to uncover this matter unexpectedly light, Wang Anyao complexion one cold, gets angry: „The children of our family/home were almost killed. Yuzhu Old Ancestor do you also want to hide shortcomings unexpectedly? You felt, this matter light/only did give a banquet to apologize can pass?” 眼见得慕容玉柱居然试图将此事轻飘飘揭过,王安曜脸色一寒,怒道:“我们家的孩子差点被打死。玉柱老祖你竟然还想护短?你觉得,此事光设宴赔罪就能过去了吗?” Yuzhu Old Ancestor be relentless was reprimanded by him face to face, look one stiff, the smile on the face hardly pulling also collects gradually: Wang Anyao, I respect behind you am Divine Martial Wang Clan, gives you several points of face! What's wrong, do you also want to reach out for a yard after taking an inch inadequately?” 玉柱老祖被他这么毫不留情地当面斥责,神色一僵,脸上硬扯出的笑容也是渐渐地敛去:“王安曜,我敬你背后是神武王氏,才给你几分面子!怎么,你还想得寸进尺不成?” In this scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion, our Holy Clan Murong Clan is the local tyrants overlord! Without our assisting, can these industries of your Wang Clan base are an issue!” “在这赤鼎圣府,我们圣族慕容氏才是当地豪强霸主!没有我们的相助,你们王氏的这些产业能不能立足还是个问题!” The Divine Martial Wang Clan industry does is very big, Family Head Wang Shouzhe the layout world, had even once saved entire world in secret! However, these after all are dense hard who the high-end small people group knows, this and other ordinary True Immortal Old Ancestor in common Holy Venerable like Murong Yuzhu, from does not have the opportunity to know. 神武王氏产业做的很大,家主王守哲甚至曾暗中布局天下,拯救过全世界!然而,这些毕竟是高端小众人群才知晓的密辛,像慕容玉柱这等寻常圣尊内的普通真仙老祖,自是没有机会知道的。 But Wang Clan is also very low-key, has never publicized these, to the strongest strength that abducting appears is also several Holy Venerable Consecrate. 王氏本身也十分低调,从未宣扬过这些,对外展现出的最强实力也不过是几个圣尊供奉而已。 Only by Wang Clan this clan clansman, fiercest „was also” at present the strength still in True Immortal big late stage Wang Longyan. 仅以王氏本族族人而言,最厉害的“也不过是”目前实力仍在真仙后期王珑烟而已。 Naturally, this did not say that Holy Clan Murong Clan does not pay attention to Divine Martial Wang Clan. 当然,这也不是说圣族慕容氏不将神武王氏放在眼里。 As extending to count hundred thousand years Holy Clan, they have the oneself arrogance and card in a hand, although dreads Wang Clan, will not actually represent to encounter a difficulty will admit mistakes to Wang Clan. 只是身为延绵数十万载圣族,他们自有自己的傲气和底牌,虽然忌惮王氏,却不代表遇事会向王氏低头认错。 This matter makes big, during the speeches, the surroundings have encircled completely various group of watching the fun crowds. This was also Murong Yuzhu Old Ancestor wants to deceive the past reason superficially. 这件事情闹得不小,说话间,周围已经围满了各路看热闹的人群。这也是慕容玉柱老祖想要轻描淡写糊弄过去的原因。 But Wang Anyao hears this saying, is actually the anger instead smiles extremely: Okay good, hears the Yuzhu Old Ancestor tone, my Wang Clan daughter-in-law and heir were almost killed, unexpectedly our Wang Clan was wrong. Your this is thought that my Wang Anyao is Void Soaring Boundary late stage, rank cultivation base is insufficient, without the qualifications processes this matter is right?” 王安曜听得这话,却是怒极反笑:“好好好,听得玉柱老祖的口气,我王氏的儿媳妇和子嗣差点被打死,竟还是我们王氏的错了。您老这是觉得我王安曜不过是凌虚境后期,辈分修为不够,没资格处理此事对吧?” Ok! You are waiting.” “行!你等着。” Then, he then lifted the communication wrist watch, selected named Loving for one another whole family The clan Elder group, starts to swing the person: In family/home which True Immortal Elder, or elder near scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion? I met a matter scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion prefectural city here, requests reinforcements! Anxiously! Online!” 说罢,他便抬起了通讯腕表,点进了一个名为【相亲相爱一家人】的家族长老群,开始摇人:“请问家里哪位真仙长老,或是长辈在赤鼎圣府附近?我在赤鼎圣府府城这里遇上了点事,求援!急!在线等!” This group is Wang Clan highest rank a group of one, entering crowd of qualifications is harsh, requesting cultivation base to be lowest must achieve Void Soaring Boundary! 这个群是王氏最高等级的大群之一,入群资格苛刻,要求修为最低也得达到凌虚境 Also is therefore, in the group often has the big shot to appear and disappear, True Immortal Boundary Elder, Wang Clan orthodox lineage some weight figures will also froth over occasionally. If really has the important matter, swings the person usually to solve the problem in the group. 也是因此,群内经常有大佬出没,真仙境长老,王氏嫡脉的一些重量级人物偶尔也会冒泡。若是真有要紧事,在群里摇人通常都能解决问题。 This is also the Wang Clan handling matters policy until now, loves for one another, strengthens cooperation and solidarity. 这也是王氏一直以来的处事方针,相亲相爱,团结互助。 Therefore, his news sends out, in the clan Elder group in an uproar, what matter many did Elder froth over to closely examine Wang Anyao to have immediately in abundance? 因此,他这消息一发出,家族长老群里登时一阵哗然,有很多长老纷纷冒泡追问王安曜出什么事情了? Wang Anyao explained two fast. 王安曜飞快解释了两句。 Quick, named Wang Zongcai the Clan Elder bubbling said: My Jintao Holy Mansion management in the next door, catches up to require some time. The Anyao boy you first go against, I come quickly.” 很快,就有一个叫“王宗才”的族老冒泡说道:“我在隔壁的金涛圣府办事,赶过来需要些时间。安曜小子你先顶一下,我很快就来。” After him, soon also has many Wang Clan Clan Elder bubblings, expressed that in nearby Holy Mansion, or in Luojing, prepares to catch up to help. 在他之后,很快又有多个王氏族老冒泡,表示就在附近圣府,或是在洛京,准备赶过来助拳。 Looks at the speeches of these Clan Elder, a Wang Anyao heart warmth, only thinks steadfastly incomparable, the angry mood dispelled much. 看着这些族老的发言,王安曜心头一阵温暖,只觉踏实无比,就连原本愤怒的心情都消解了不少。 These Clan Elder ranks are either high, either strength, before having him, simply has not contacted, now listens to his a few words, actually must catch up to support for him from afar. This is Changning Wang Clan, lets he proud and proud Wang Clan. 这些族老要么辈分高,要么实力强,有很多他以前根本没怎么接触过,如今听他一句话,却都要万里迢迢赶来替他撑腰。这就是长宁王氏,让他自豪又自傲的王氏 Wang Anyao, was preparing to put down the wrist watch confident. 王安曜心里有底了,正准备放下腕表。 Suddenly. 忽然。 In group one named Wang Youxuan The name bubbling said: Anyao Old Ancestor, I in scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion, the coordinates send me by chance, I immediately!” 群里一个叫【王宥玄】的名字冒泡说道:“安曜老祖,我恰巧在赤鼎圣府,坐标发我,我马上到!” Youxuan? 宥玄 As he opens the mouth, in the group many Clan Elder felt relieved immediately. 随着他开口,群里很多族老登时都放下心来。 Although Youxuan is also less than 1600 years old, is actually True Immortal Boundary initial stage cultivator! 宥玄虽然还不到一千六百岁,却已经是真仙境初期修士了! Moreover, because its bloodline talent is extremely high, has achieved the Daoist Seed aptitude, therefore he just now True Immortal Boundary initial stage, is the battle efficiency to be very strong in True Immortal Boundary even if, can hit! 而且,因为其血脉天赋极高,已经达到了道子资质,因此哪怕他才刚真仙境初期,在真仙境中也属于战斗力很强,非常能打的! Has him, this matter proper. 有他在,这事儿妥了。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Jixian garden. 集仙园内。 Just finished eating is drunk Wang Youxuan of peaches of immortality to receive the coordinates, then to is meeting to discuss that with the everyone big shot parental Ying Lingzhu and Wang Baosheng of matter sent greetings please go through: Father, mother, you continues to meet. In the clan had the junior to have an accident in neighbor, I processed.” 刚吃完醉仙桃的王宥玄收到坐标,便向正在和诸位大佬开会商议事情的父母嬴灵竹王宝圣传音请假道:“爹,妈,你们继续开会。族里有小辈在附近出事了,我去处理一下。” Saying, he toward looking the everyone Holy Venerable big shot very polite sent a apology, then turned around to leave the immortal garden. 说着,他又朝看过来的诸位圣尊大佬很有礼貌的致了声歉,便转身离开了仙园。 Waited for the immortal garden, he ripped open the space to go to the relevant position. 等出了仙园,他才撕开空间去了相应位置。 But Wang Youxuan has not thought, leaves the moment time of immortal garden in him, Loving for one another whole family In the group the name of long-term diving braved the bubble: I also in nearby. Immediately!” 可就连王宥玄也没想到,就在他离开仙园的这片刻功夫,【相亲相爱一家人】群里又有一个长期潜水的名字冒了泡:“我也在附近。马上到!” With this name emergence, in the group boiled immediately. 随着这个名字一出现,群里登时沸腾了。 Even also quickly compelled another diving specialized household Wang Shouzhe to brave the bubble: Wang Luojing, you pay attention to the discretion to me.” 甚至逼得另外一个潜水专业户王守哲也急忙冒了泡:“王珞静,你给我注意分寸。” What a pity, when his news sends, Wang Luojing that frothed over a moment ago did not have the sound, obviously has started to hurry along. 可惜,等他的消息发出来,刚才冒泡的王珞静却是没声了,显然已经开始赶路了。 But at this time. 而这时候。 Yuzhu Old Ancestor also noticed the Wang Anyao action. Although his oneself not the custom uses, but about the function of communication wrist watch knew, looked his stance knows he is requesting reinforcements to swing the person. 玉柱老祖也注意到了王安曜的举动。他自己虽然不怎么习惯用,但对通讯腕表的功能还是了解的,一看他这架势就知道他是在求援摇人。 He sneered: Since you must be noisy the matter, called me your family elder Murong Clan. I may not have the time in this grade of person.” 他不禁冷笑了一声:“既然你要将事情闹大,就把你家长辈叫来我慕容氏吧。我可没工夫在这等人。” Saying, he grasps Murong Gaoda to prepare to rip open the space to leave. 说着,他一把抓起慕容高达就准备撕开空间离开。 Waits for, in my family elder immediately!” “等一下,我家里长辈马上就到!” Wang Anyao where agrees asked them to leave? 王安曜哪里肯让他们就这么走了? Immediately, his twinkle then kept off in front of Yuzhu Old Ancestor, simultaneously lifted the hand to wield, the space fluctuation rippled together, broke the Murong Yuzhu tearing space movement instantaneously. 当即,他一个闪烁便挡在了玉柱老祖面前,同时抬手一挥,一道空间波动荡漾开来,瞬间打断了慕容玉柱撕裂空间的动作。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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