POP :: Volume #8

#165: Big result

...... …… Was caught along with all remaining soul. 伴随着所有残魂被捕获。 Team all member shoulder pines, unloaded a mountain probably, whole body relaxed. 团队所有成员肩膀一松,都像是卸下了一座大山般,浑身都轻松了起来。 The remote antiquity Immortal Emperor expression is slightly excited. 太上仙帝表情微微激动。 How many years? How many years is this? 多少年了?这已经是多少年了? Since he becomes Immortal Emperor, no, since he becomes the remote antiquity Divine Palace disciple to start, the Demon Race control plate then covers the huge shadow in everyone top of the head, after he promotes is Immortal Emperor, is throughout the intense sense of crisis, lingers in his heart. 从他成为仙帝,不,从他成为太上神宫弟子开始,魔族主宰槃便是笼罩在所有人头顶上的巨大阴影,而在他晋升为仙帝之后,更是始终有一股强烈的危机感,萦绕在他心头。 Everyone said, the remote antiquity old ghost is too careless, always careful careful again discrete. 所有人都说,太上老鬼太苟,总是小心小心再谨慎。 But several people can be truly clear, his remote antiquity Immortal Emperor is not really careless, but is the responsibility that on the shoulder shoulders is too heavy is too heavy. 可又有几人能真正明白,他太上仙帝不是真苟,而是肩膀上承担的责任太重太重。 He cannot lose, is refuses stubbornly. 他输不起,更是死不起。 But now, all finished. 而现在,一切都结束了。 He wants tears, may blink, unexpectedly is no tears intent. 他想要老泪纵横一番,可眨了眨眼,竟是毫无泪意。 „The feeling is not very eventually grand, was too calm, lacked a sense of reality.” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor deeply sighs with emotion, this fight, does not have the solemn and stirring epic feeling.” “终究还是感觉不够壮阔,太波澜不惊了,缺乏了点真实感。”太上仙帝不由深深感慨,“这场战斗,一点都没有悲壮的史诗感。” Southern Ming Immortal Emperor that hearing this, just collects ill-humoredly white his eyes: Is good your remote antiquity old ghost, can fire off peacefully, how are you unsatisfied? Must our wave of Immortal Emperor die 70-80%, you thought that gets a grip?” 闻言,刚好凑过来的南明仙帝没好气地白了他一眼:“好你个太上老鬼,能太太平平打完,你还不满意了怎么的?是不是非得咱们这波仙帝死上个七八成,你才觉得得劲?” „It is not true.” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor has not thought that thinking aloud of oneself listened to by Southern Ming unexpectedly, embarrasedly, burnt with great difficulty one time, the result had not burnt. The Shouzhe boy also is really, cannot make the old man burn one wave, solemn and stirring?” “并非如此。”太上仙帝没想到自己的自言自语居然被南明听了去,不由讪讪,“只是好不容易燃了一次,结果没燃起来。守哲小子也真是的,就不能让老夫燃上一波,悲壮一番?” Hehe the ~ Heavenly Monster control has not died, you must want, can ask him to burn one wave momentarily, no one is blocking you.” Southern Ming Immortal Emperor instigated to say. “呵呵~天妖主宰还没死呢,你要愿意,随时可以找他燃一波,没人拦着你。”南明仙帝怂恿道。 Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor swallows however speechless, expressed does not want with Southern Ming Immortal Emperor speech. 太上仙帝咽然无语,表示不想和南明仙帝说话。 Exactly in this time. 恰在此时。 The power deity child and king Hanxia rushes hurriedly, all was fills with encircle side the remote antiquity anxiously kindly: Teacher / remote antiquity Grandfather, are you all right?” 权天神子和王珺霞急匆匆赶至,俱是满怀焦急关切地围到了太上身边:“师尊/太上爷爷,您老没事吧?” They saw the eruption of remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, it is fortunate that was pressed, does not know the sequela. 他们都看到了太上仙帝的爆发,得亏被压了下来,也不知有没有后遗症。 Might as well, might as well.” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor is stroking the beard, the old bosom opens consoles saying that your two child's performance is very good. Especially authority heaven, these years makes you and Demon Race empty with the winding, put in great inconvenience to you.” “无妨,无妨。”太上仙帝捋着胡须,老怀开慰道,“你们两个孩子的表现都很不错。尤其是权天,这些年来让你与魔族虚与委蛇,着实委屈你了。” Many thanks Teacher praised, can protect Immortal Clan strives, the disciple was bounden.” The power deity child look is slightly excited, the guarantee said with deep veneration, disciple in the position of Divine Palace Palace Lord, ~ ~ will certainly carry forward our remote antiquity Divine Palace diligently in the future, protects the peace, upholds justice!” “多谢师尊夸赞,能为守护仙族出一份力,弟子义不容辞。”权天神子神色微微激动,肃然保证道,“弟子在神宫宫主之位上,一定会更加努力~~在接下来的日子里将我们太上神宫发扬光大,守护和平,匡扶正义!” Palace Lord?” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor slightly one stunned, but as if remembers anything at once, immediately laughs, „right, but our remote antiquity Divine Palace holds the first organization of World of Immortals ear, the Palace Lord inheritance always this matter of great substance, we must go back to study, convene Elders to meet to discuss.” 宫主?”太上仙帝微微一错愕,但旋即似乎想起了什么,顿时哈哈一笑,“对的对的,不过咱们太上神宫乃是执仙界牛耳的第一组织,宫主传承向来兹事体大,咱们还得回去研究研究,召集长老们开会商议。” Right, Master must ask Secretary-General Fugui/riches and honor to discuss that assisting god error, tidies up survives the Demon Race following matters concerned wait/etc, busy, this was too busy! authority heaven, including the mist, you hurries to participate in the trial, do not delay the time, affected the position, weak our remote antiquity marvelous ability prestige......” “对了,为师还要找富贵秘书长商讨协防界神阙,收拾残存魔族的后续事宜等等,忙啊,这太忙了!权天,珺霞,你们赶紧去参与试炼,别耽搁时间,影响了名次,弱了咱们太上神功威名……” Then, the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor then direct impact clouds, then vanish quickly without a trace. 说罢,太上仙帝便直冲云霄,很快便消失得无影无踪。 „This this...... not, Teacher?” “这这这……不是吧,师尊?” Power deity stares dumbfounded, wants to cry but have no tears. 权天神子瞠目结舌,欲哭无泪。 Sentimental Teacher before exploding plants the words that spoke, is all giving him the pictures of cakes? 感情师尊在爆种前说的话,全是在给他画饼? Also cannot say, perhaps, indeed plans in that moment Teacher. But this is not, explodes to plant not to explode? 也不能这么说,或许,在那一刻师尊的确是那么打算的。可这不是,爆种没爆成么? Good ~ Southern Ming Immortal Emperor looked at his pitiful appearance, somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, your Teacher has a few words not to speak incorrectly actually. You must attend the trial.” “行了~”南明仙帝看他这副可怜兮兮的样子,也是有些哭笑不得,“你师尊有一句话倒是没说错。你们得去参加试炼了。” Although the middle hit lively, but Zhuanxu Divine Palace trial, but had not finished ~ 虽说中间热热闹闹打了一场,但颛顼神宫的试炼,可还没结束呢~ But when they spoke, another side, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor fell from the sky floating, falls , was injured in front of heavy Emperor Vast Sky Sword. 而就在他们说话的时候,另一边,紫薇仙帝从天空中飘然而落,落在了受伤不轻的昊天剑帝面前。 She looks at Emperor Vast Sky Sword, the look is slightly complex: Sky, although in you idea, some suspects were stupid. But said no matter how, you to save me eventually the fell into a trap, I receive your sentiment.” 她看着昊天剑帝,神色略显复杂:“昊天,虽然你中了计,有些犯蠢。但不管怎么说,你终究是为了救我才中计,我承你这情。” Emperor Vast Sky Sword hearing this, look slightly loosen. 昊天剑闻言,神色微松。 But has not waited for his one breath thorough Matsushita to come, the crape myrtle Immortal Emperor then delicate eyebrows select, sneer: But, this Immortal Emperor has a small puzzled place. After you at that time spiritual illusion technique of control plate, actually to see what? This Immortal Emperor in illusion how to you?” 可还没等他这一口气彻底松下来,紫薇仙帝便秀眉一挑,冷笑起来:“不过,本仙帝有个小小的不解之处。你当时中了主宰槃的精神幻术后,究竟看到了什么?本仙帝在幻境里怎么对你了?” cough cough coughs ~ ~!” 咳咳~~!” As soon as Emperor Vast Sky Sword listens to this saying, immediately coughs fiercely. 昊天剑帝一听这话,立刻剧烈咳嗽起来。 Also does not know that was coughs fiercely, did not affect the injury carefully, he coughed is coughing is starting the hemoptysis, the complexion also rises red, appearance that a wound wanted seriously. 也不知道是咳得太剧烈了,还是不小心牵动了伤势,他咳着咳着就开始咯血,脸色也涨得通红,一副伤重欲死的模样。 My situation is not right , at that time move was controlled the plate to get down the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator covertly?” Emperor Vast Sky Sword the expression is panic-stricken, Shouzhe, I must see Shouzhe...... I to go to therapy.” “我情况不对,难道,当时中招之时被主宰槃偷偷摸摸下了黑手?”昊天剑帝表情惊恐,“守哲,我要见守哲……我要接受治疗。” Hehe, can go to therapy? I look at your sickness, this Immortal Emperor can govern to you.” The crape myrtle Immortal Emperor corners of the mouth brought back wiped to sneer. “呵呵,要接受治疗是吧?我看你的病,本仙帝就能给你治了。”紫薇仙帝嘴角勾起了一抹冷笑。 The hand wields, palatial imperial palace phantom then appeared in the sky, indistinctly, just like appeared from the endless time. 手一挥,一座巍峨的金阙虚影便显现在了天空之中,影影绰绰,宛如自无尽光阴中浮现而出。 Also, her fingertip point, then has the shackles that the golden energy together forms to appear gently suddenly, ties up Emperor Vast Sky Sword firmly. 随之,她指尖轻轻一点,便有一道金色能量形成的枷锁蓦然出现,将昊天剑帝牢牢捆住。 Then, she lifts conveniently, then curled up Emperor Vast Sky Sword to vanish in together at the scene. 而后,她随手一抬,便卷起昊天剑帝一同消失在了当场。 next moment. 下一刻 In the palatial imperial palace in sky then spread the pitiful yell sound of Emperor Vast Sky Sword. 天空中的巍峨金阙中便传出了昊天剑帝的惨叫声。 Does not want ~ crape myrtle Younger Sister like this! 不要啊~紫薇妹妹不要这样子! Not far away, also finished fight vegetarian dawn Divine Maiden and Monarch white god child seeing this scene, look at each other in blank dismay. 不远处,同样也结束了战斗的素昕神女、君皓神子见到这一幕,不由面面相觑。 This this...... respective Teacher, suddenly such bold? 这这这……自家各自的师尊,忽然间这么奔放的么? As if can also understand.” Vegetarian dawn Divine Maiden blushes slightly, pulls to revere to say for Teacher forcefully, actually their sentiments are good, but before , has been pressing to each other feelings, after all probably which day must die a martyr's death, maintaining a distance is good to both sides.” “似乎也能理解。”素昕神女微微脸红,强行替师尊挽尊道,“其实他们的感情还是不错的,只是以前一直压着对彼此的情愫,毕竟说不定哪一天就要慷慨就义,保持一点距离对双方都好。” Now controlled the plate dead, a situation excellence, slightly was also bolder, the release one was not strange.” “现在主宰槃死了,形势也一片大好,略微奔放一些,释放一下自我也不奇怪。” Monarch white god child nods the agreement: Is quite reasonable. Vegetarian dawn Elder Sister, our can two release? What to be in love?” 君皓神子颔首同意:“颇有道理。素昕姐姐,咱们两个要不要释放一下?谈个恋爱什么的?” Hehe, did you determine? I do not have the opinion.” The vegetarian dawn Divine Maiden eye pupil narrows the eyes slightly, the faint smile took a look at Monarch white god child one eyes, „, but, is it possible that you forgot you are a kid time, has experienced these matters?” “呵呵,你确定?我是没有意见。”素昕神女眼眸微微眯起,似笑非笑地瞅了君皓神子一眼,“不过,你莫非忘记你还是个小屁孩的时候,经历过的那些事儿了?” Monarch white god child hit to tremble, then shook the head decisively: That even. I think, thought Younger Sister are good, they will only admire me, to worship me, moreover this god child now is so rich, for how possibly a tree does give up the trim forest? I not like my Teacher such, superficial such, actually such...... ~ 君皓神子打了个寒颤,而后果断摇头:“那就算了。我想了想,觉得还是妹妹们好,她们只会仰慕我、崇拜我,而且本神子现在这么有钱,怎么可能为了一棵树放弃整片森林?我又不像师尊那样,表面那样,实际又那样……啧啧~ Very good.” In the vegetarian dawn Divine Maiden eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly wipes the dangerous ray, Monarch white boy, you successfully aroused my victory and defeat desire.” “很好。”素昕神女眼眸中掠过一抹危险光芒,“君皓小子,你成功激起了我的胜负欲。” Hey, vegetarian dawn Elder Sister do you do? Are you doing? Like this, I do not warn that you...... save a life......” “喂喂,素昕姐姐你干什么?你在干什么?你不要这样子,我警告你啊……救命……” On the hillside of not far away. 不远处的山坡上。 Considerable amount of Demon Race elite Personal Guard are lying down one pile. Some of them had died, some were actually bundled the immortal rope to tie up, looks like the wild animal that treats butchers to be lost on the ground. 数量不少的魔族精锐亲卫们正躺成一堆。他们有的已经死了,有的却被捆仙索捆住,就像是待宰的野兽般被丢在地上。 By the Demon Race pile, Qing Li Divine Maiden and Lici Divine Maiden are arranging the platoon to sit, holds is not knowing the melon where makes puffs and blows just to gnaw happy, while is staring two fiery big eyes, looks at distant place those scenes vicissitudes of life. 魔族堆旁边,青璃神女璃慈神女正排排坐,一边捧着不知从哪里弄来的瓜吭哧吭哧啃得正欢,一边瞪着两双炯炯有神的大眼睛,看着远处那一幕幕的悲欢离合。 This scene , is the eternity is rare. 这场面,啧啧,可是千古难得一见。 Similar scene, sometimes happened. 类似的一幕一幕,时有发生。 For example, the Wang Shouzhe three big gods planted soon to hit. 例如,王守哲的三大神植快要打了起来。 They declared that oneself is the god who Lord most trusts and most has a high opinion of plants, refuses to compromise mutually, found Lord Wang Shouzhe consistently, making him figure out to them! 他们都宣称自己主上最信任、最倚重的神植,互相僵持不下,就一致找到了主上王守哲,让他给他们评评理! Then the first time even Wang Shouzhe, this whole life is met the scene of carnage between spirit plant, was done some big. 便是连王守哲,这辈子都是第一次遇到灵植间的修罗场,被搞得有些头大。 Gave a wave of reward in a hurry, praised three, he then gave a pretext must meet to travel in advance, preparation turn head in secret again one after another comforting. 匆匆给予了一波奖励,把三个都夸了一遍,他便借口要开会先行跑路,准备回头私底下再一个一个安抚。 Another side. 另一边。 Supreme yi stands in the control plate before the mountain range head, is silent and vertical, for a very long time has not spoken. 至尊嬟站在主宰槃如同山峦般的头颅前,默然而立,久久不曾说话。 The control plate has died, although the big enmity must report, may know the truth suddenly, the impact that she is , the suffered wound will actually not vanish quickly. 主宰槃已死,大仇虽然得报,可骤然得知真相,她内心受到的冲击,遭受的创伤却不会这么快消失。 star dust Princess and Wang Yinxuan stand side her one on the left and other on the right, accompanies silently has not been speaking. 星尘公主王寅轩一左一右站在她身旁,都默默地陪着没有说话。 Long time later, Wang Yinxuan goes forward to comfort to say in a low voice: „The yi treasure, matter ended. I will arrange a grand wedding, announced to entire world, you and star treasure are my Wang Clan wives, is my Wang Yinxuan wife.” 良久之后,王寅轩才上前低声安慰道:“嬟宝,事情都结束了。我会安排一场盛大的婚礼,向全世界宣告,你和星宝是我王氏的媳妇,是我王寅轩的老婆。” Also, the children also grow up now. After waiting for the wedding, our shuttle domain goes travelling, goes to the star treasure the hometown to have a look together.” “还有,现在孩子们也长大了。等婚礼之后,咱们就穿梭界域出去旅行,一起去星宝的家乡看看。” The words that pull out the pit of the stomach, let supreme yi and star dust Princess feel warmly, the body and soul as if melted. 一句句掏心窝子的话,让至尊嬟和星尘公主都感觉暖洋洋的,身体和灵魂都仿佛融化了。 two people snuggled up to one on the left and other on the right in the Wang Yinxuan bosom, the atmosphere was warm and happy. 不知不觉间,两人一左一右偎依在了王寅轩怀里,气氛温馨而幸福。 Suddenly. 忽然间。 Wang Yinxuan at present the scenery changes, appeared in the familiar hatred prisoner's cage again. 王寅轩眼前景色一变,再度出现在了熟悉的仇恨囚笼之中。 No, the present hatred prisoner's cage as if had changed, becomes no longer cold and gloomy, inside were many a warm hut, woof Juanjuan mountain stream flows before the hut, after the room , the peach blossom is bright, as beautiful as a painting, tall and pleasing to the eye. 不,现在的仇恨囚笼仿佛已变了,变得不再森冷,里面多了一栋温馨的小屋,有一汪涓涓溪水在小屋前流淌而过,屋后桃花灿烂,风景如画,美轮美奂。 But Wang Yinxuan sees this scene, actually stared in a big way the eyes, panic-stricken inexplicable. 王寅轩见到这一幕,却瞪大了双眼,惊恐莫名。 When the two wife draws he is entering the hut, he furiously struggles: „It is not good, I really already......” 两个老婆拉着他进入小屋时,他奋力挣扎:“不行了,我真的已经……” Did not have control plate pressure in the top of the head mountain, everyone spirit relaxes, one after another starts to be dissolute. 没有了主宰槃这个压在头顶的“大山”,大家精神放松,一个个都开始放肆起来。 Does? Is doing? Also wanted the trial?” “都干什么?都在干什么?还要不要试炼了?” Zhuanxu Divine Palace item spirit is unable to continue watching, the intention moves, the sound then ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) multi-colored sunlight that fluctuated from the sky passed on, spread over entire Zhuanxu Divine Palace like the broadcast. 颛顼神宫器灵看不下去,心念一动,声音便从天空中变幻的万丈霞光中传了出来,如同广播般传遍了整个颛顼神宫 Everyone hurries to take the stations, re-enters arrives in the trial flow. Doesn't divine item want? Doesn't the Emperor Seal inheritance want?” “所有人赶紧各就各位,重新进入到试炼流程之中。神器不要了?帝印传承不要了?” That tone, seems beforehand all , is a small interlude is ordinary. 那口气,好似之前发生的所有一切,都不过是个小小的插曲一般。 Quick. 很快。 In Zhuanxu Divine Palace, entered in the bustling smelting trials again. 颛顼神宫之中,再次进入到了热火朝天的试炼之中。 ...... …… Same time. 同一时间段。 The place of Demon Realm secret. 魔界隐秘之地。 Blood-color Demon Palace, peaceful float in endless dark void. 一座血色魔宫,正安安静静悬浮在无尽黑暗的虚空之中。 The Demon Palace entrance, huge space Transmission Array is sending out the ray, the intermittent energy overflows to disperse from array, sky over array, the space is turbulent, has the intermittent space ripples unconstrainedly continuous. 魔宫门口,一座巨大的空间传送阵正散发着光芒,阵阵能量从阵法中溢散开来,阵法上空,空间动荡,有阵阵空间涟漪跌宕不休。 Obviously, this space Transmission Array opens the condition, can start the transmission momentarily. 很显然,这空间传送阵是开启状态,随时可以开启传送。 In Demon Palace main hall, an atmosphere dreariness. 魔宫大殿内,气氛一片沉寂。 Strength growth many, imposing manner even more low and deep supreme sits on the seat of honor deeply, the semi-closure focuses on the pupil, seems waiting for anything. 实力增长了不少,气势愈发幽沉的至尊冥坐在主座上,半闭着眼眸,仿佛在等待着什么。 On his lower left throne, sits his good brothers Dragon Blood. But on his lower right throne, is sits the supreme plaster and supremeness. 在他左下方的宝座上,坐着他的好兄弟龙血。而在他右下方宝座上,则是坐着至尊垩和至尊。 In throne below demon palace, is building up an entire elite team, Demon Race in team each one is the Great Commander rank, this moment one after another armor is clear, atmosphere desolate kills, as if prepares to enter the war at any time. 宝座下方的魔殿之中,则正集结着一整支精锐队伍,队伍中的魔族个个都是大统领级别,此刻一个个铠甲鲜明,气氛萧杀,仿佛随时准备参战。 The numerous demons are waiting, no one has started talking. 众魔就这么等待着,谁也没有开口说话。 The entire main hall was covered silent. 整个大殿都被沉默笼罩。 Also has not known how long, took the lead unable to repress supremely, is knitting the brows to open the mouth saying: That Wang Shouzhe what's the matter? How to have sent to dispatch troops to the signal to the present? Can it be that to shut out the military that we can collect to be a little few, wants kill the donkey when the grinding is done? Snort, these years, without us diverts the control plate, how he can develop calmly and steadily?” 也不知过了多久,至尊率先按捺不住,皱着眉开口道:“那王守哲是怎么回事?怎么到现在还不发来出兵信号?莫不是嫌弃咱们能凑出的兵力有点少,想要卸磨杀驴了?哼,这些年,若没有我们牵制主宰槃,他又如何能安稳发展?” Three supremeness, a elite team, this is Bloody Daybreak can push now, supported the Wang Shouzhe complete strength. 三位至尊,一支精锐队伍,这就是血色黎明现在能挤出来,支援王守哲的全部力量了。 After all, even to the present, as before many Demon Territory and supreme still favored giving loyalty to the control plate, Bloody Daybreak strives for the military and accumulating with great difficulty, each other is confronting with them, impedes mutually. 毕竟,即便到了如今,依旧有诸多魔域和至尊仍是倾向于效忠主宰槃,血色黎明好不容易争取和积累出来的兵力,正在与他们彼此对峙,互相掣肘。 Also therefore, the control plate can transfer finally, or can feel relieved the transfer , has a nightmare with supreme wang as well as subordinate elite Personal Guard merely supremely. 也正是因此,主宰槃最终能调用,或是能放心调用的,也仅仅是至尊魇和至尊尫以及麾下精锐亲卫 Supreme, you are patient, I believe that the Wang Shouzhe few lords are not such person.” Supreme plaster complexion calm urged one. “至尊,你稍安勿躁,我相信王守哲少界主并不是这样的人。”至尊垩面色沉稳的劝了一句。 However, his heart at this moment is not quiet. 然而,此刻的他内心并不平静。 Once he, to controlling the plate was loyal and devoted, when went separate ways initially, he was does not want with the control plate to be an enemy as before from the bottom of the heart. 曾经的他,对主宰槃忠心耿耿,甚至当初分道扬镳之时,他依旧是打心底里不想与主宰槃为敌。 These for several thousand years, the control plate retaliates crazily, does not know that exterminated and swallowed his many members of the same family and under! 只是,这数千年来,主宰槃疯狂报复,不知剿灭和吞噬了他多少亲族和麾下! Under the hatred unceasing accumulation, this time supreme plaster and control plate had moved toward the opposition thoroughly! 仇恨不断积累下,此时的至尊垩和主宰槃已经彻底走向了对立! Dragon Blood Great Commander also opens the mouth to back up: everyone felt relieved, Wang Shouzhe always abides by the person of commitment. Otherwise, he is impossible to unite World of Immortals various big influences, pulls together to do something them. He knows certainly, without our Bloody Daybreak helps impede the control plate, the aspect that he faces so will not be simple.” 龙血大统领也开口帮腔道:“诸位放心,王守哲向来是信守承诺之人。否则,他也不可能团结仙界诸大势力,将他们拧成一股绳。他当然知道,若没有我们血色黎明帮忙掣肘主宰槃,他面临的局面绝不会如此简单。” Hears the discussions of numerous demon, on the seat of honor supreme opens the eyes that gather deeply, opens the mouth to say calmly: Without the news, is the best news. We exist as one of the cards in a hand. If one's turn us to go on stage seriously, perhaps the situation on some out-of-control, must faced with struggling hard.” 听得众魔的讨论,主座上的至尊冥睁开微合的双眼,语气平静地开口道:“没有消息,就是最好的消息。咱们只是作为底牌之一存在。若当真轮到咱们上场,恐怕局势就有些失控,要面临苦战了。” Such remarks, the atmosphere in demon palace was relaxing immediately. 此言一出,魔殿内的气氛顿时轻松了些。 Thinks carefully, that side Wang Shouzhe does not pass on the news to come, explained that war also in controllable range, cannot use them, isn't the good deed? 仔细想想,王守哲那边不传消息过来,就说明战局还在可控范围内,用不上他们,可不就是好事吗? However cannot sit still no wonder supremely, the innermost feelings are on nettles. 不过也难怪至尊坐不住,内心惴惴不安。 The present situation, is Wang Shouzhe and control plate is then betting table of two heads, stakes everything on a single throw of the dice respectively. 如今的局势,便是王守哲和主宰槃在赌桌两头,各自孤注一掷。 If Wang Shouzhe smiled finally, everyone naturally was happy. 若是王守哲笑到了最后,那大家自然是皆大欢喜。 But if controlled the plate to win, their troubles may be big. 可倘若主宰槃赢了,那他们的麻烦可就大了。 First the present domain definitely cannot continue to treat, can only take off to travel immediately, finds the place to hide, then finds the way to flee Immortal Spirit, went to other border areas to roam about. 首先现在的地盘肯定是不能继续待下去了,只能立刻卷铺盖跑路,找地方躲起来,然后想办法逃离仙灵界,去其他界域流浪了。 In slightly dignified atmosphere. 在略显凝重的气氛中。 Time points pasts. 时间一点点过去。 Also has not known how long, Transmission Array of demon palace entrance bloomed suddenly together the bright ray. 也不知过了多久,魔殿门口的传送阵忽然绽放出一道明亮的光芒。 The attention of numerous demon are attracted the past immediately. 众魔的注意力立刻被吸引了过去。 This Transmission Array is Immortal Emperor constructs, they and beyond control, can only wait for the response passively. 这座传送阵乃是一阵仙帝所建,他们并无法控制,只能被动等待响应。 Obviously, this is Wang Shouzhe control situation one of the one methods. 十分显然,这是王守哲掌控局势的一种手段之一。 But at present, Transmission Array had the response, is actually to make them dispatch troops, is...... 而眼下,传送阵有了反应,究竟是来让他们出兵的,还是…… In the hearts of numerous demon unavoidably not only anxious and anticipates. 众魔的心中不免既紧张又期待。 After seeing an intense spatial warping, a immortal appearance floating female form appears in Transmission Array slowly. 就见一阵强烈的空间扭曲后,一位仙姿飘飘的女子身影在传送阵中缓缓显现而出。 The female to the demon palace, collected the body toward the numerous demons floating good a ritual, said politely courteous: Concubine body Wang Mei, comes to convey a message for Lord Wang Shouzhe. The control plate has beheaded, has a nightmare with supreme wang supremely has also submitted to punishment.” 那女子飘然到了魔殿之中,朝着众魔敛身行了一礼,温文有礼道:“妾身王梅,替主上王守哲前来传话。主宰槃已枭首,至尊魇和至尊尫也已伏法。” Such remarks. 此言一出。 Explodes together in the demon palace like the startling thunderclap. 如同一道惊雷在魔殿中炸起。 Control plate died, really died?” “主宰槃死了,真的死了吗?” Supreme leaping stands up, the attractive eye pupil stares enormously, as to confirm this news over and over. 至尊“腾”的一声站起,漂亮眼眸瞪得极大,仿佛想再三确认这个消息。 Also is no wonder, even if has become the rebel, she was full of the fear to the control plate as before. 也是难怪,哪怕已经成了叛徒,她依旧对主宰槃充满了恐惧。 Supreme deep and supreme plaster, although performance she is not exaggerating, actually also the spirit ties tight suddenly, very cares. 至尊冥和至尊垩,虽然表现没有她那么夸张,却也是陡然精神紧绷,十分在意。 Wang Mei has not talked too much, but said lightly: Then, the Lord please expensive/noble section according to the union agreement, carry out the second stage mission goal, stills the Demon Race civil strife, builds the Immortal and Demon peaceful alliance.” 王梅没有多言,只是平淡说道:“接下来,主上请贵部按照同盟协议,执行第二阶段任务目标,平定魔族内乱,共建仙魔和平联盟。” Passes on the news, gives the faith token and Shouzhe hand-written letter, Wang Mei then leaves lightly, has not stopped. 传完消息,给出信物和守哲的手书,王梅便翩然离开,并未多做停留。 When the Wang Mei form disappears in Transmission Array again. 待得王梅的身影再次消失在传送阵中。 In the demon palace the depressing atmosphere sweeps away immediately. 魔殿之内压抑的气氛顿时一扫而空。 Laughs wildly supremely deeply: Ha, the gambling won, this we bet to win. Since controls the plate to behead, remaining these diehard , will how many be blindly devoted?” 至尊冥狂笑不已:“哈哈哈,赌赢了,这一把咱们赌赢了。既然主宰槃已经枭首,剩下的那些顽固分子,又有多少还会愚忠?” With is Demon Race, he is clear, Demon Realm other these supreme to controlling plate actually also not necessarily loyally, but is taken in controlling the power and influence of plate, does not dare to disobey the order of control plate visibly. 同为魔族,他再清楚不过,魔界其他那些至尊对主宰槃其实也未必有多忠心,只不过摄于主宰槃的威势,不敢明着违逆主宰槃的命令而已。 Also is therefore, although controls Pan ordering to make these divert Bloody Daybreak supremely, but they on set the example outwardly, in fact has not striven. 也是因此,虽然主宰槃下令让那些至尊牵制血色黎明,但他们只是明面上做做样子,实际上并没怎么出力。 If this is not the case, how can they such as the present be so relaxed? 若非如此,他们又怎会如现在这般轻松? Oh ~ this supreme was somewhat worried as before, Wang Shouzhe can bide one's time for punishment.” “唉~本至尊依旧有些担心,王守哲会不会秋后算账。” Joyful, in the supreme heart had several points of smouldering anxiety unavoidably, after all she and Immortal Clan battle for a long time, enemies that becomes may be many. 欣喜过后,至尊心中又不免生出了几分挥之不去的忧虑,毕竟她和仙族交战许久,彼此间结下的梁子可不少。 everyone please feel relieved supremely.” Dragon Blood Great Commander said with a smile, present Wang Clan may not only then contained mist Young Lady. According to a reliable source, supreme yi and eldest sons of legal wife Wang Clan lineage/vein Wang Yinxuan , the birth got down eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein that has both the Immortal and Demon two clan bloodlines!” 诸位至尊请放心。”龙血大统领笑道,“现在王氏内部可不仅仅只有一位珺霞小姐。据可靠消息,至尊嬟和王氏嫡长脉的王寅轩,也诞下了一位兼具仙魔两族血统的嫡长脉!” This news, has buried in the Dragon Blood heart for a long time, has been able to reveal at this time finally. 这个消息,在龙血心中已埋了许久,这时候总算能吐露出来了。 Such remarks. 此言一出。 In the demon palace rouses immediately. 魔殿内顿时又振奋不已。 Originally supreme yi has also ganged up with Wang Clan. No wonder, control plate this time loses is not undeserved. 原来至尊嬟也早就和王氏勾搭上了。难怪,主宰槃这一次输的不冤枉。 Then is sweeps continually supremely dejected, chuckle: In view of this, I also felt relieved. Actually, is stabler for the Demon Race general situation, I supremely was not cannot sacrifice, selected one to look that from Wang Clan the pleasing to the eyes young fellow married.” 便是连至尊都一扫颓然,轻笑了起来:“既如此,我也就放心了。其实,为了魔族大局更加稳固,我至尊也不是不可以牺牲一下,从王氏挑一个看着顺眼的小伙子联姻一番。” Haha, supreme, this looked supremely you want to study supreme yi old ox to eat the tender grass.” “哈哈,至尊,本至尊看你是想学至尊嬟老牛吃嫩草。” Suddenly, in this blood sex fiend palace happy talks and laughters. 一时间,这血色魔殿之中一片欢声笑语。 ****** ******
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