POP :: Volume #8

#165 Part 2: Big result

Same time. 同一时间段。 God error. 界神阙。 Outside gate. 界门之外。 Tactical situation as before frigid incomparable. 战况依旧惨烈无比。 Monster god golden hair hou was ordinary like an ancient times giant beast, leading subordinate monster army to keep off outside the gate, is resisting the demon tide one after another. 妖神金毛犼如同一头远古巨兽一般,率领着麾下妖军挡在界门之外,抵挡着一波又一波的魔潮。 Roar!” “吼!” The golden hair hou anger sound shouts, the whole body golden color grows hair radiance to past, is sending out just like the gold-plated radiant ray. 金毛犼怒声嘶吼,浑身金色长毛光华流转,散发着宛如镀金般的璀璨光芒。 Because the whole body is bathed in blood, the golden hair formed one one, looks somewhat distressed, is lossless his power and influence, instead sets off his whole body fiendish qi to be imposing, awe-inspiring, has the one man holds the pass, blocking ten-thousand imposing manner. 因为浑身浴血,金色毛发结成了一绺一绺的,看起来有些狼狈,却无损他的威势,反而衬得他周身煞气凛然,威风八面,颇有种一夫当关万夫莫开的气势。 However he is so imposing, relies upon the touchdown advantage advantage. 不过他如此威风,也是仰仗着地利优势。 In the gate, altogether set up 18 defense. They start the one after another chaos purple gold thunder one after another, is shelling the Demon Race army by the gate. 界门之内,一共设立了十八座防御阵。它们接连发动一道又一道的混沌紫金雷,透过界门轰击着魔族大军。 So long as Heavenly Monster Demon Army approaches the gate, will face the bombardment of chaos purple gold thunder. 只要天妖魔军一靠近界门,就会面临混沌紫金雷的轰击。 This makes Heavenly Monster Demon Army feel extremely disgusting. 这让天妖魔军感到极为恶心。 Does not attack the crossing the worlds gate, they are unable to destroy these defense, but gate is not only difficult to hit, in the gate will have the powerhouse to command the army to clash unceasingly! 不攻破界门,他们就无法摧毁那些防御阵,可界门非但难打,界门之内还会不断有强者率军出来冲阵! They want to destroy these defense is not more impossible, can only come under attack passively. 他们想要摧毁那些防御阵就更不可能了,只能被动挨打。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 As some monster god golden hair hou strength use up, the greatly comfortable Buddha will then lead Buddha soldier Buddha to kill from the gate, will shield golden hair hou to retreat, will guard outside the gate for him. 随着妖神金毛犼有些力竭,大自在佛祖便率领着佛兵佛将从界门杀了出来,掩护金毛犼撤退,替他镇守界门之外。 When comfortable after greatly Buddha strength is weak, will have the shy-high demon emperor to lead Demon Army to kill. 等大自在佛祖力量不支后,又会有重霄魔帝率领魔军杀出。 In addition, pretended to be Southern Ming Immortal Emperor flame Immortal Emperor urgently, pretended to be remote antiquity Immortal Emperor daylight Immortal Emperor, once for a while came out to present. 此外,还有冒充南明仙帝的亟焱仙帝,冒充太上仙帝的辰光仙帝,时不时出来亮亮相。 Moreover Demon Race has not dared to attack comprehensively, after all the Lord great wild goose is not a vegetarian, is even the Heavenly Monster control collects, in a short time also can only come under attack passively. 而且魔族还不敢全面进攻,毕竟界主鸿可不是吃素的,便是连天妖主宰凑过去,短时间内也只能被动挨打。 So under situation. 如此局势下。 Among attack and defense both sides, naturally also fell into the deadlock war. 攻防双方之间,自然也就陷入了僵持战。 In day Evil Spirit palace. 妖魔殿之中。 Sits just like the Heavenly Monster control that the innumerable dark tentacle dragons tie on the throne, black demon qi of innumerable dark terrifying like the seaweed ascension, are sending out the anger. 宛如无数黑暗触手虬结的天妖主宰坐在宝座上,无数幽暗恐怖的黑色魔气如海藻般升腾,散发着愤怒的情绪。 He has not thought, small Immortal Spirit was so hard to take unexpectedly, suffered heavy casualties so many, the gate was entirely still unexpectedly as before. 他没想到,一个小小的仙灵界竟然如此难以拿下,损兵折将了那么多,界门居然依旧纹丝不动。 Under the throne, Heavenly Monster controls subordinate everyone supreme level to arrive, all keeps silent, does not dare to talk too much, for fear that touched reverse scale of Heavenly Monster control. 宝座下方,天妖主宰麾下诸位至尊级降临,个个噤若寒蝉,不敢多言,生怕触动了天妖主宰的逆鳞。 Control plate?” “主宰槃呢?” The sound of Heavenly Monster control somewhat is gratingly incisive: His that side situation? This how long...... also does not have any news?” 天妖主宰的声音有些尖锐刺耳:“他那边情况如何了?这都有多久了……还没有任何消息吗?” reporting control.” The supreme prison braces oneself report/give report, subordinate has contacted the control plate repeatedly, in addition has not received the response.” 启禀主宰。”至尊狱硬着头皮禀报,“属下已多次联络主宰槃,尚且没有收到回应。” Snort, this control has diverted the World of Immortals main force for him, should he unable to be defeated like this?” Mood of Heavenly Monster control somewhat manic. “哼,本主宰已为他牵制住了仙界主力,他该不会这样还能失败吧?”天妖主宰的情绪有些狂躁。 If he is reckless, does not count to lose, not necessarily hits the non- world of mortals gate, but he must bear the massive loss in that case inevitably, even overcame the gate, what does he following also take to go to and control plate fights? 若是他不顾一切,不计损失,未必打不下界门,但那样一来他也势必要承受巨大的损失,就算打下了界门,他后续又拿什么去和主宰槃斗? Report!” “报!” Exactly in this time, before having the trusted aide, your letter report: „The reporting control, the subordinate of control plate sends in the request contact the news, whether must put through.” 恰在此时,有心腹前来禀报:“启禀主宰,主宰槃的属下发来请求联络的消息,是否要接通。” Snort!” “哼!” The Heavenly Monster control sinking sound sneers: Has the present communication in this demon palace, this control must have a look but actually, control plate this time also has what trick.” 天妖主宰沉声冷笑:“就在这魔殿内具现通讯,本主宰倒要看看,主宰槃这一次又有什么花样。” Quick. 很快。 In the day Evil Spirit palace, has a nightmare with supreme yi phantom supremely also appears. 妖魔殿之中,至尊魇和至尊嬟的虚影同时显现。 They look all around, see the Heavenly Monster control on throne, immediately salutes toward it respectfully: Pays a visit, Heavenly Monster control.” 他们环顾四周,见到宝座上的天妖主宰,立即朝其恭敬行礼:“拜见,天妖主宰。” The Heavenly Monster control did not wield the tentacle patiently: „Did you control the action of plate? Did not say, when he attacked exterminated Immortal Clan young one generation of cores, then collaborated from outside with the inside with this control, breaks through the Immortal Spirit gate?” 天妖主宰不耐烦的挥了挥触手:“你们主宰槃的行动如何了?不是说,等他突袭剿灭了仙族年轻一代核心,便与本主宰里应外合,攻破仙灵界界门?” reporting Heavenly Monster control.” Has a nightmare to lower the head to say supremely, our actions, although some twists and turns, but had completed the plan successfully, but......” 启禀天妖主宰。”至尊魇低着头颅说道,“我们的行动虽有些波折,但已成功完成了计划,不过……” Supreme yi does right after something else saying: Our control were ambushed, received the heavy wound, requires some time to recuperate, can you collaborate from outside with the inside with Sir Heavenly Monster.” 至尊嬟接茬说道:“不过我们的主宰遭受埋伏,受了不轻的伤,需要一定的时间来休养,才能与天妖大人您里应外合。” hearing this, terrifying aura fills the air from the Heavenly Monster control. 闻言,一股恐怖的气息自天妖主宰身上弥漫而起。 He gets angry: You control the plate, is playing tricks on this control?” 他怒道:“你们主宰槃,是不是在戏弄本主宰?” Sir Heavenly Monster appeases anger.” 天妖大人息怒。” Has a nightmare with supreme yi supremely rushes to kneel to bend down in the place, the tone is terrified: I lord sincerely cooperate with the Sir, but this war indeed is injured very heavily, attacks rashly, fears the big trouble.” 至尊魇和至尊嬟赶忙跪伏在地,语气惶恐不安:“吾主诚心与大人合作,只是此战的确受伤很重,贸然出击,恐有大患。” The Heavenly Monster control also knows that this two is phantom, even if he gets angry again, does not have the means with others. 天妖主宰也知道这两个不过是虚影而已,他就算再怒,拿人家也毫无办法。 After one vented, he repressed the mood eventually, the sinking sound said: How long does he need to recuperate?” 一番发泄之后,他终究还是按捺下了情绪,沉声道:“他需要休养多久?” 10,000 years, no, in 8000!” Supreme yi said respectfully, only needs in 8000. After 8000, we then can restart the cooperation program.” “一万年,不,八千年!”至尊嬟恭敬说道,“只需要八千年。八千年后,我们便能重启合作计划。” „In 5000, no, in 3000!” The Heavenly Monster control sound is even more incisive, this control will only wait for in 3000, after 3000 , if will be again inactive, the both sides cooperation program will immediately cancel.” “五千年,不,三千年!”天妖主宰声音愈发尖锐,“本主宰只等三千年,三千年后若再无行动,双方合作计划立即取消。” Sir Heavenly Monster, this, the time also too......” supreme yi showed a startled expression. 天妖大人,这,时间也太……”至尊嬟露出了一副惊慌的表情。 But the Heavenly Monster control was actually disinclined to listen to them rubbish again, the tentacle wielded, then cancelled their phantom, cut off the relation unilaterally, is only willing to give in 3000 the stance. 天妖主宰却懒得再听他们废话了,触手一挥,便将他们的虚影抹去,单方面斩断了联系,一副只肯给出三千年时间的架势。 After relation . 等断了联系后。 Heavenly Monster controls subordinate supreme then opens the mouth, reported the report: Control, according to the subordinate looked, the control plate decided took some Immortal Spirit sources, gave a pretext oneself injured the protracted time, wants to digest the advantage slowly! We cannot to the opportunity that he pants for breath, must break through the Immortal Spirit gate immediately, the influence of annexation control plate!” 天妖主宰麾下的至尊这才开口,禀报道:“主宰,依属下看,主宰槃定是拿了部分仙灵界本源,借口自己受伤拖延时间,想慢慢消化好处!咱们不能给他喘息的机会,必须立即攻破仙灵界界门,吞并主宰槃的势力!” May not!” “不可!” This saying, the supreme exits refute immediately: „The Immortal Spirit gate is extremely difficult to attack, if we want to break through recklessly in a short time, losing will be very inevitably huge.” 这话一出,立刻有一位至尊出口反驳:“仙灵界界门极难攻打,若是咱们不顾一切想在短时间内攻破,损失势必会十分巨大。” In my opinion, the control plate is injured mostly is real, took the advantage also real.” At this time, another supreme say/way, now he deliberately delays the time, wants to make us make a move to consume Immortal Clan. So not Shouxin/keep one's word uses, but how also to cooperate? In my opinion, we withdraw troops simply, do not accompany him to play.” “依我看,主宰槃多半受伤是真,拿了好处也是真的。”这时候,另一位至尊道,“现在他故意拖延时间,就是想让咱们出手消耗仙族。如此不守信用,还怎么合作?依我看,咱们干脆撤兵,别陪他玩了。” Fart, our Demon Army put in so many resources and military, sacrificed also much, now said that removes removes?” This saying, has immediately supremely is not dry. “放屁,咱们魔军投入了那么多资源和兵力,牺牲了也不少,现在说撤就撤?”这话一处,立刻就有至尊不干了。 Suddenly, in main hall various discussions, argument chaotically continuous. 一时间,大殿内各种议论,争论纷乱不休。 The supreme prison ponder moment, comes out to report the report: Controls the Sir, how regardless of the situation, we to continue to attack the gate now cheaply only the control plate. Might as well withdraw troops temporarily, lets guard these Immortal Clan of gate indigenous to gasp for breath, transfers the spear head to aim at the control plate. So, instead can make them each other exhauste the strength!” 至尊狱思考片刻,出来禀报道:“主宰大人,无论情况如何,咱们现在继续攻打界门都只会便宜了主宰槃。不如暂时撤军,让镇守界门的那些仙族土著喘口气,调转枪头去针对主宰槃。如此,反而能让他们彼此消耗实力!” The voice falls, then has to respond supremely: This idea is good, these Immortal Spirit indigenous to our hatreds are far less than to controlling 1% of plate! So long as we temporarily give up attacking the gate, how could they do forgive the control plate? We can also a seizing the chance recuperation wave, observe the behind situation, makes the next action plan again.” 话音一落,便有至尊响应道:“这主意不错,那些仙灵界土著对我们的仇恨远不如对主宰槃的百分之一!只要咱们暂时放弃攻打界门,他们岂能饶过主宰槃?咱们也能趁机休整一波,观察一下后面局势,再做下一步行动规划。” The Heavenly Monster control hesitates, a moment later the sinking sound ordered: Withdrawal of troops. Temporarily gives up attacking the Immortal Spirit gate! In addition, thinks the means and other Demon Race of Immortal Spirit relates, this control does not believe the subordinate of plate is a sheet iron piece. We must clarify, Immortal Spirit interior true condition.” 天妖主宰沉吟,片刻之后沉声下令:“撤军。暂时放弃攻打仙灵界界门!此外,想办法与仙灵界的其他魔族联系上,本主宰不信槃的麾下是铁板一片。我们必须弄清楚,仙灵界内部真正的状况。” Yes, control.” “是,主宰。” With order, is attacking Immortal Spirit gate Demon Army to retreat like the tide generally backward. 随着一声令下,正在攻打仙灵界界门的魔军如同潮水一般向后退去。 Heavenly Monster controls army also slowly pull Dong, displays an appearance of withdrawal of troops. 天妖主宰大军也缓缓拔动,表现出一副撤军的模样。 As Heavenly Monster Demon Army retreats, nerve tight our military also relaxes. 随着天妖魔军退去,神经紧绷的我军也松了一口气。 Before do not visit them, dozen methodically, but is actually raising the one breath at heart. 别看他们之前打得有条不紊,但其实心里都提着一口气。 The army of Heavenly Monster control is extremely huge and elite, they cope is not actually relaxed. 天妖主宰的大军太过庞大和精锐,他们对付起来其实一点也不轻松。 ****** ****** World of Immortals. 仙界 Some northern heavens city residents. 玄天城某民宅。 Dongfang Zhaixing from Divine Martial world sits on the sofa, is watching news broadcast of immortal new stage. 来自神武世界东方摘星坐在沙发上,正在观看仙新台的新闻播报。 In the crystal curtain, as before is a man and a woman two renowned host. 晶幕之中,依旧是一男一女两位著名主持人。 two people sits well after the table, is facing the lens, kept a serious look, meticulous is reporting the news. 两人端坐在桌后,正面对着镜头,表情严肃,一丝不苟的播报着新闻。 Content that at this moment disseminates news, is god error and Heavenly Monster Demon Army war news, in picture Heavenly Monster Demon Army offensive like tide, but our god error is impregnable, monster god golden hair hou initiates an attack, kills the enemy innumerably. 此刻播报的内容,正是界神阙和天妖魔军的战争新闻,画面上天妖魔军攻势如潮,但我方界神阙固若金汤,妖神金毛犼主动出击,毙敌无数。 Good!” “好!” A Dongfang Zhaixing look loosen, in the tone took for several points to be relaxed and joyful: Frontline war is good. However, this inevitably is a prolonged war, we must try hard to accumulate some resources to deliver to the frontline.” 东方摘星神色一松,语气中带上了几分轻松和愉悦:“前线战局还算不错。不过,这势必是一场旷日持久的战争,咱们还得努力多攒一些资源送到前线去。” The Dongfang Clan overall strength is weak, wanting the organization civilian troops to go to the frontline support, that without doubt is dream of a fool, but performs oneself the energy, many contributes resources to achieve to the frontline. 东方氏总体实力偏弱,想要组织民兵队伍去前线支援,那无疑是痴人说梦,但是尽自己所能,多给前线贡献一点资源还是能做到的。 Eastern summer Xue sits side Dongfang Zhaixing, similarly also in attention news. 东方夏雪就坐在东方摘星身旁,同样也在关注新闻。 This time period school has a vacation, she then comes back to accompany Ancestor. However, compared with frontline situation, what she pays more attention is the Zhuanxu Divine Palace trial mission related news, what a pity the Zhuanxu trial is far less than the frontline to be important, therefore the daily news quantity is limited. 这阵子学院放假,她便回来陪陪老祖宗。不过,比起前线局势,她更关注的是颛顼神宫试炼任务的相关新闻,可惜颛顼试炼远不如前线重要,因此每天的新闻数量有限。 Even so, Eastern summer Xue does not want to miss few words about Zhuanxu Divine Palace. 但即便如此,东方夏雪也不想错过关于颛顼神宫的只言片语。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Is broadcasting the frontline to interview the male management of news, receives a paper that the program director handed over. 正在播放前线采访新闻的男主持,收到了导播递过来的一张纸条。 His paused, lowered the head to sweep paper one then to take back the vision rapidly, then gave nearby female management the paper, oneself was the clear pronunciation and mellow voice starts to disseminate news: This receives the important news temporarily, presently an emergency broadcast news.” 顿了一下,低头扫了纸条一眼便迅速收回目光,而后将纸条递给了一旁的女主持,自己则是字正腔圆地开始播报:“本台临时收到重要消息,现插播一条新闻。” The female management also received the paper to sweep one, on the face the look eight winds are motionless , to continue to disseminate news with the calm tone: According to this latest news, in the Zhuanxu trial process, one group of Demon Race militants intrudes Zhuanxu Divine Palace suddenly, tries to make the terror attack......” 女主持同样接过纸条扫了一眼,脸上神色八风不动,用波澜不惊的语气继续播报:“据本台最新消息,颛顼试炼过程之中,忽然有一伙魔族武装分子闯入颛顼神宫,试图制造恐怖袭击……” What?” Eastern summer snow complexion one stiff, how can like this? My purple reveal Elder Sister will not have the danger!?” “什么?”东方夏雪脸色一僵,“怎么会这样?那我紫露姐姐不会有危险吧!?” Dongfang Zhaixing was still a unperturbed appearance, the least bit was unhurried: Summer snow girl you felt relieved that ~ Zhuanxu Divine Palace trial personally is presided over by Family Head Shouzhe, how possibly to present the big danger? Let alone if really has the danger, the expression of host so will not be relaxed.” 东方摘星却仍是一副老神在在的模样,半点不慌:“夏雪丫头你就放心吧~颛顼神宫试炼可是由守哲家主亲自主持的,怎么可能出现大危险?何况如果真有危险,主持人的表情不会如此轻松。” An Eastern summer snow complexion slightly loosen. 东方夏雪脸色微微一松。 But next instant, the male host broadcasts the report on the connection: According to a reliable source, the Demon Race militant leader is the Demon Realm control plate, as well as under him the trusted aide, has a nightmare with supreme wang supremely. It is well known, control plate in the warrant for arrest that in the immortal commission issues ranks first......” 下一瞬,男主持人就接口播报道:“据可靠消息,魔族武装分子首领是魔界的主宰槃,以及他麾下心腹,至尊魇和至尊尫。众所周知,主宰槃在仙委会发布的通缉令中排名第一……” Right now, the Dongfang Zhaixing complexion also changed. 这下子,东方摘星脸色也变了。 Does the control plate personally lead the trusted aide to attack Zhuanxu Divine Palace? This this...... didn't this have the danger Family Head Shouzhe? 主宰槃亲自率心腹突袭颛顼神宫?这这这……这不是连守哲家主都有危险了? However, has not waited for him to start to worry. 然而,还没等他开始着急。 The female host is also rapid with the tranquil intonation continues to broadcast the report: In immortal commission Secretary-General Wang Fugui under leadership of wise Divine Martial, our militants launched the ambush to the Demon Race militants. After a fight, the terrorist act of Demon Race militants were disintegrated at the scene, its Lord butchers the plates and some diehard is killed at the scene, the surplus members were also arrested at the scene.” 女主持人又迅速用平静的语调继续播报道:“在仙委会王富贵秘书长英明神武的领导下,我方武装人员对魔族武装人员展开了狙击。经过一番战斗,魔族武装人员的恐怖行动当场被瓦解,其首领主宰槃和部分顽固分子被当场击毙,剩余成员也被当场逮捕。” What? 啥? Kills at the scene? 当场击毙? Grandparent and grandchild two look at each other in blank dismay. 祖孙两个面面相觑。 Did the Demon Race control plate die? Was killed? 魔族的主宰槃死了?就这么被击毙了? Has not waited for them to respond, the male host continues saying: Concrete details, may pay attention to this forthcoming column program. Now reports the next news normally.” 还没等他们反应过来,男主持人又继续说道:“具体详情,可留意本台即将推出的专栏节目。现在正常播报下一条新闻。” During the new round of grain production competes, ascends the sky by the indisputable advantage gains first, the ten thousand th island northern heavens are the yield per mu list first place by the advantages of average yield per mu.” “在新一轮产粮竞争之中,太上天以无可争议的优势获取第一,万岛玄天则以平均亩产的优势位列亩产榜榜首。” Various day of top schools said, will then conduct a round increased enrollment, be please ambitious to register for excellent youth outstanding talent of top school......” “各天顶级学院纷纷表示,接下来会进行一轮扩招,请有志报考顶级学院的优秀青年俊杰……” The men and women manage disseminates news, while turns the news prompt manuscript that in the hand writes, expression throughout tranquil calm, eight winds are motionless, a moment ago probably disseminated news is a very ordinary news is the same. 男女主持一边播报,一边翻着手中写好的新闻提示稿,表情始终平静淡定,八风不动,好像刚才播报的就是一个非常普通的新闻一样。 This is also a specialized news host should have specialty that. 这也是一个专业的新闻主持人应该有的专业度。 After all, can in the news that in the evening news column of immortal new stage reports, usually is the national headlines, either is the national headlines in frontline battlefield, either is related to the national headlines of livelihood of the people and development, either is the heat degree extremely high hot news...... wait wait/etc. etc., in brief is unimportant. 毕竟,能在仙新台的晚间新闻栏目上播报的新闻,通常都是重要新闻,要么是前线战场上的重要新闻,要么是事关民生和发展的重要新闻,要么是热度极高的热点新闻……等等等等,总之就没有不重要的。 When the host reports the news one startled one for the first time, that entire news column had no way to look. 要是主持人播报新闻时一惊一乍的,那整个新闻栏目就没法看了。 However, management people can maintain calmly by the professionalism, the person who hears this news actually no one can be calm. 然而,主持人们能凭借专业素养维持镇定,听到这新闻的人却没有人能淡定得了。 Quick, the death of control plate started the giant unrest in World of Immortals, the major media record at length from media this matter, what gains is full! 很快,主宰槃之死就在仙界掀起了巨大的风潮,各大媒体自媒体纷纷就此事大书特书,赚的是盆满钵满! Even the bookman promoted such as «Control Plate Evil Life», «by Control Plate Decision to with Wrong», «Dashing Control Plate» wait/etc a series of irritable books, making the control plate now the most irritable current capacity. 甚至还有书商推出了诸如《主宰槃的罪恶一生》、《论主宰槃决策的对与错》、《风流潇洒主宰槃》等等一系列的火爆书刊,让主宰槃成为了当今最火爆的流量。 The rapidness that but the tide comes, often draws back also quick. 但潮水来的快,往往退的也快。 Short millennium, under rounds of round of irritable news bombing, control plate current capacity essential factor become insipid tasteless, by abandoning, if shade the shoes. 短短千年时间,在一轮轮火爆的新闻轰炸下,主宰槃这流量要素就变得寡淡无味,被人弃之若蔽履。 Also crosses the millenniums, almost no one has mentioned the control plate again, many youngster forgot control plate role gradually. 又过得千年,几乎已经没有人再提起主宰槃,很多年轻人都渐渐忘记了主宰槃这个角色。 Time points pasts. 时间一点点过去。 Yong'an in the spring of 14730. 雍安14730年春。 Northern heavens city. 玄天城。 Wang Yinxuan the classics and commentaries have given the son in king Huanxing the Daping level. 王寅轩早已经传给儿子王寰星的大平层中。 Wang Clan ninth generation of eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein king Huanxing, lead generation after generation, is congratulating the birthday in the small range. 王氏第九代嫡长脉王寰星,带着一众子子孙孙们,正在小范围庆贺着生日。 Although his generation after generation number are not many, actually also many, pushes chock full this Daping level. 他子子孙孙们数量虽不多,却也不少,将这大平层挤得满满当当。 Ancestor, your ear some points are sharp, was too attractive.” Feast a character generation of fat boy sneaked in king Huanxing the arms, scattered tenderly to Ancestor. 老祖宗,您的耳朵有些尖尖的,太好看了。”一位“宴”字辈的胖小子钻进了王寰星的怀里,冲着老祖宗撒起了娇。 As the star dust Princess this lineage child, king Yanchu star dust clan bloodline is pale, the ear also no longer point, looks that has almost no difference from ordinary human. 作为星尘公主一脉的孩子,王宴初身上的星尘族血统已经非常淡了,耳朵也不复尖尖,看着跟普通人类几乎没什么差别。 Looks at this scene, in king Huanxing the heart sighs gently. 看着这一幕,王寰星心中轻轻一叹。 After Zhuanxu Divine Palace fights shortly, his father mother and yi mother officially hold the wedding, after announcing to the public the marriage news, then left Immortal Spirit through the domain slit, since then has more than 8000 years. 颛顼神宫一战之后没多久,他父亲母亲和嬟娘正式举行完婚礼,对外公布了婚讯之后,便通过界域缝隙离开了仙灵界,迄今已有八千余年。 Also didn't know mother their situation? 也不知母亲他们情况如何了? In this time. 正在此时。 The immortal new stage started today's news broadcast. 仙新台又开始了今天的新闻播报。 Male management humanity: To congratulate the Immortal and Demon alliance association 6000 th anniversary, the Demon Race autonomous region prepared the ten-year gourmet festival, welcome regional passengers to go to play. It is well known, Immortal Spirit Demon Race and Demon Race are different, they are one can sing and dance well, hospitable race......” 男主持人道:“为庆贺仙魔同盟会成立6000周年,魔族自治区准备了为期十年的美食节,欢迎各地旅客前去游玩。众所周知,仙灵魔族和外界魔族不一样,他们是一个能歌善舞,热情好客的种族……” The female host continues saying: Major top school enrollment thresholds climb the peak, according to the relevant authority statistics, this had assumed the rise trend for successive 3000 years. The experts urged, when each region guardian for child register top school must do what one can......” 女主持继续说道:“各大顶级学院录取线又攀高峰,据相关部门统计,这已经是连续3000年呈上涨态势。专家呼吁,各地家长为孩子报考顶级学院时需量力而行……” Ten thousand island northern heavens house prices rise in successive years, the people urged that the immortal commission intervenes the house price.” “万岛玄天房价连年攀升,民众呼吁仙委会出手干预房价。” God error had the Heavenly Monster Demon Army fifth impact tide. Many struggle hard after our frontline officers, finally drove back Heavenly Monster Demon Army again. Many professionals criticize the immortal commission to be extremely weak when the strategy that dealing with the Heavenly Monster Demon Army issue formulates, when our military initiates an attack, gives Heavenly Monster Demon Army to deal a head-on blow.” “界神阙发生了天妖魔军第五次冲击浪潮。经过我方前线将士多番苦战,终于再次逼退了天妖魔军。不少专业人士批评仙委会在处理天妖魔军问题时制定的策略太过软弱,我军当主动出击,给予天妖魔军迎头痛击。” „......” “呃……” Sees here, king Huanxing cannot bear the forehead fall the cold sweat. 看到这里,王寰星忍不住额头滑落冷汗。 He the lineage/vein as eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan, knows certainly that at the World of Immortals present strength, the thorough settlement day of Evil Spirit disaster is not a problem. 他身为王氏嫡长脉,当然知道以仙界如今的力量,彻底解决天妖魔灾已不成问题。 However their family/home Ancestral Grandfather always indicated, the present is not a good opportunity, must continue to conceal one's abilities and bide one's time, saves the strength. 不过他们家老祖爷爷却始终表示,现在并非良机,应当继续韬光养晦,积攒实力。 king Huanxing cannot express, but he does not dare to interrupt. 王寰星表示不懂,可他也不敢插嘴。 ...... …… Time like shuttle. 时光如梭。 The time then arrived at the Yong'an Era 30014 years. 不知不觉间,时间便来到了雍安历30014年。 In this year the biggest news is, few sovereign Wang Shouzhe success promotes the Immortal Emperor boundary, becomes most quickly powerhouse who in the Immortal Clan history promotes the Immortal Emperor boundary, and does not have one. 这一年最大的新闻是,少界皇王守哲成功晋升仙帝境,成为仙族历史上最快晋升仙帝境的强者,且没有之一。 Beyond Heavenly Monster Demon Army as for god error, no one seems to have mentioned. 至于界神阙之外的天妖魔军,似乎已没人提及。 At least, happening in this year's 19 th day Evil Spirit disaster, newly published the common plate to announce merely in the immortal, and topic that caused was few. 至少,发生在今年的第十九次天妖魔灾,仅仅是在仙新刊不起眼的板块公告了一番,且引起的话题寥寥无几。 ...... …… Yong'an Era 71387 years. 雍安历71387年。 Great Emperor Yong’an resists heavenly tribulation, succeeds to promote Immortal Emperor, Great Qian toward promotes for officially Great Qian god courtyard. 雍安大帝抵御天劫,成功晋升仙帝,大乾道朝正式晋升为【大乾神庭】。 In the same year, god Que Jiemen because in disrepair after many years, loses the function shortly, the Heavenly Monster Demon Army main force makes use to capture god error. 同年,界神阙界门因年久失修,短暂失去功能,天妖魔军主力趁势攻入界神阙。 The Heavenly Monster control pushes to the front, plans to raise reign of terror in Immortal Spirit. 天妖主宰一马当先,欲图在仙灵界掀起一场腥风血雨。 The reportage is as follows. 新闻报道如下。 Harasses Immortal Spirit repeatedly Beyond-Territory Demon Race, rushes to Immortal Spirit god error, was garrisoned the successful interception, simultaneously killed the demon bandit leader Heavenly Monster control, seized a number of commodities. 有一股屡屡骚扰仙灵界的域外魔族,强闯仙灵界界神阙,被驻军成功拦截,同时击毙了魔匪首领天妖主宰,缴获了一批物资。 This event, was regarded as fifth Immortal and Demon War the war of receiving officer by some Immortal Spirit historians, strongly requests to read in the teaching material. 这一事件,被仙灵界部分史学家视作第五次仙魔大战的收官之战,强烈要求写入教材之中。 However the non-government figure responded few. Also some historians believe, absolutely does not have so-called fifth Immortal and Demon War, has never opened fifth Immortal and Demon War! 不过民间人士对此响应寥寥。也有史学家认为,根本就没有所谓的第五次仙魔大战,也从未开启过第五次仙魔大战 In the following year, Yong'an Era in the spring of 71388. 次年,雍安历71388年春。 World of Immortals largest clan, Divine Martial Wang Clan Patriarch Wang Shouzhe, resigns from the position of Patriarch officially, then holds the post of the duty of clan remote antiquity Elder, Wang Clan takes over the Patriarch position by Young Patriarch Wang Zong'an officially. 仙界第一大家族,神武王氏族长王守哲,正式辞去族长之位,转而担任家族太上长老之职,王氏少族长王宗安正式接任族长职位。 Next year. 翌年。 Beyond god error, in boundless endless Beyond-Territory void sea. 界神阙外,茫茫无尽的界域外虚空海中。 A refitted boat, gallops at the extreme speed in the endless darkness. 一艘改装后的界舟,以极速驰骋在无尽的黑暗之中。 Before the porthole . 舷窗前。 Mr. and Mrs. Wang Shouzhe stands depending on the window, is looking in that endless darkness the bit by bit weak rays, if still a pair of perfect deity family companion. 王守哲夫妇凭窗而立,望着那无尽黑暗中点点滴滴的微弱光芒,犹若一对完美的神仙眷侣。 Wang Shouzhe holds the hand of Liu Ruolan gently, the eye pupil tender feelings is being moved: Many thanks the wife, is willing to accompany me to return to the hometown to look.” 王守哲轻轻拉着柳若蓝的手,眼眸柔情而感动:“多谢娘子,愿意陪我回家乡看一看。” Although obtains a sign from Lord great wild goose there, but the time passed by for a long time was too too long, no one knows that his once hometown now is what condition. 虽然早就从界主鸿那里得到了道标,但时间过去太久太久了,谁也不知道他曾经的家乡现在是什么状况。 This is also one of primary causes Wang Shouzhe has avoided. 这也是王守哲一直回避的主要原因之一。 However this time, he retired officially. 但是这一次,他正式退休了。 Moreover there is Liu Ruolan to accompany, regardless of what situation he can accept. 而且有柳若蓝陪着,无论什么情况他都能接受。 My returning the thoughts place is the hometown, Divine Martial world is the root system of his Wang Shouzhe is. 正所谓吾心归处是家乡,神武世界才是他王守哲的根系所在。 Yes, what I also want to take a look at the Little Xue prototype to be long.” Liu Ruolan is winking the beautiful pupil, gentle saying, but the pupil deep place, cannot keep that spooky color. “是啊,我也想看看小雪的原型到底长什么样。”柳若蓝眨着美眸,温柔的说道,可眼眸深处,却藏不住那幽幽之色。 Wang Shouzhe drop of cold sweat. 王守哲一滴冷汗。 This how many years, gathered the wife also to overflow his Wang Shouzhe first love ridge? 这都多少年了,合着娘子还没过他王守哲的初恋坎啊? Let alone this was the previous life matter. 何况这都是上一世的事了。 This, he is also the pure clean body gives her. 这一世,他也是清清白白干干净净的身子给她的呀。 In a flash. 一晃眼。 The time arrived at the Yong'an Era 71593 years. 时间又是来到了雍安历71593年。 More than 500 years passed by, in the speed extremely quick boat, will soon arrive in saying mark before who the Lord great wild goose provides. 五百多年过去了,就在速度极快的界舟,即将抵达界主鸿提供的道标前。 In boat, „”, has the baby crying aloud sound to get up. 界舟之内,“哇”的一声,有婴孩啼哭声响起。 That is the new life under Liu Ruolan birth. 那是柳若蓝诞下的新生命。 These for 500 years, were their couple journeys were extremely perhaps boring, perhaps were the Golden Toad god standard reach to great accomplishment, after breaking through basic shell cultivation technique, broke the original Heavenly Dao principle. 这五百年来,或许是他们夫妻旅途太过无聊了,或许是金蟾神典臻至大成,突破到了界主级功法后,打破了原有的天道法则。 Naturally, there is a possibility merely is the luck bursting. 当然,也有可能仅仅是运气爆棚。 In brief, Wang Shouzhe Mr. and Mrs. Liu Ruolan two, harvested the sixth biological child, naming is king Zongyun. 总之,王守哲柳若蓝夫妻两个,收获了第六个亲生孩子,取名为王宗运。 Wang Shouzhe remembered to be called king Zongqiu The couple leave after finally Shenzhou fought one, officially gives a name to call king Zongyun. 原本王守哲想起名叫【王宗球】的,结果夫妻俩出神舟打了一架后,正式起名叫王宗运。 After for several years . 数年之后。 Before the porthole, Wang Shouzhe and Liu Ruolan are pulling a young male baby one on the left and other on the right, saw that piece of deep blue beautiful world distantly. 舷窗前,王守哲柳若蓝一左一右牵着一个几岁大的男娃娃,遥遥看到了那个一片蔚蓝的美丽世界 This flickers, the Wang Shouzhe innermost feelings incomparably rush, mood myriad. 这一瞬,王守哲内心无比澎湃,情绪万千。 next instant, three people vanished in Shenzhou. 下一瞬,三人消失在了神舟之中。 ...... …… ( The book ends, the Old Ao 360 degrees thank politely without dead angle!) (全书完,老傲360度无死角拜谢!) ( New book announced: Makes in late February 2024, for details see following ends this words expressing feelings. In addition, after ending this, has beyond to renew non-periodically, everyone wants to look at beyond what, can propose.) (新书预告:约2024年2月下旬,详情见后续完本感言。另,完本后不定期有番外更新,大家想看什么番外,可以提出。)
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