POP :: Volume #8

#164: The death of control plate!

...... …… Inherits Zhuanxu Divine Palace same time in Wang Shouzhe. Thinking. Rabbit 520 read latest correct novel chapter 就在王守哲继承颛顼神宫的同一时间段。思.兔520阅读最新无错小说章节 On the main battlefield, the tactical situation constantly is deteriorating. 主战场上,战况正在不断恶化。 Indeed, this relatively evenly matched fight, the who wins and who lose still do not know. 诚然,这一场相对势均力敌的战斗,孰胜孰败犹未可知。 However our personnel heterogeneous, the strength strong and weak varies, even won this fight, how many finally can injure? How many dead? 然而我方人员驳杂,实力强弱不一,即便是赢得这场战斗,最终又会伤多少?死多少? With continuing of fight, Immortal Emperor that these recent several thousand years just now promote, the physical strength and profound qi somewhat does not continue gradually, the condition obviously had slowdown. 随着战斗的持续,那些个最近数千年才刚晋升的仙帝,体力和玄气渐渐有些接续不上,状态都明显有了下滑。 Arrived Immortal Emperor this rank, profound qi does not know that has had many qualitative changes high, the energy density to make the blood boil. Under the fight of so high intensity, the profound qi consumption is big, even if cracks with the teeth once for a while the medicinal pill supplementary energy, is unable to make ends meet gradually. 到了仙帝这级别,玄气早已不知发生过多少次质变,能量密度高到令人发指。如此高烈度的战斗下,玄气消耗自是不小,哪怕时不时嗑丹药补充能量,也渐渐入不敷出。 Unexpectedly. 蓦地。 The control plate seizes an opportunity, shoulders the front to be fierce hardly assumes an awe-inspiring pose, a claw grasps fiercely to unexpected crape myrtle Immortal Emperor. 主宰槃逮住一个机会,硬扛前排猛得发威,一爪猛地向猝不及防的紫薇仙帝抓去。 Is sending out the evil clutches passing over gently and swiftly space of red glow, the power and influence terrifying, seeming to pinch to explode the stars, just like got down the cruel methods. 散发着红芒的魔爪掠过空间,威势恐怖,好似能捏爆星辰,俨然是下了狠手。 The control plate scarlet eye pupil coming under a spell different ray blazing greatly, obviously wants to defeat a powerful enemy. 主宰槃猩红的眼眸中邪异光芒大炽,显然是想拼掉一个强敌。 It is not good! 不好! Emperor Vast Sky Sword who is responsible for walking randomly the harassment in seeing that heart one cold, quickly advances forward, in controlling the plate behind, a sword cuts to his head, plans to one to attack the enemy's rear in order to compel him to give up his own attack. 正负责游走骚扰的昊天剑帝见状心中一凛,急忙向前突进,于主宰槃身后,一剑斩向他的头颅,欲图来一个围魏救赵。 Who would imagine. 岂料。 His sword light just dispatched. 他的剑光才刚刚递出。 The control plate is expected probably movement paused, has turned the huge body fiercely, on the fierce face appears to wipe the expression that the sinister plot works. 主宰槃便像是早有所料般动作一顿,猛地扭过庞大身躯,狰狞脸庞上浮现出一抹奸计得逞的表情。 next instant. 下一瞬 In his strange demon eye blooms the radiant red glow, the red glow vine crosses the space, covers Emperor Vast Sky Sword instantaneously. 他诡异的魔眼中绽放出璀璨红芒,红芒蔓过空间,瞬间将昊天剑帝笼罩在内。 Fell into a trap!” “中计了!” Emperor Vast Sky Sword in the heart thump, understands instantaneously. 昊天剑帝心中“咯噔”一下,瞬间明白过来。 What control plate this clearly plays is the idea of besieging a stronghold in order to strike at the reinforcements, grasps makes a feint to crape myrtle that claw, the goal is actually his sky! 主宰槃这分明玩的是围点打援之计,抓向紫薇那一爪不过是虚晃一招,目标实则是他昊天! But understands at this time, Emperor Vast Sky Sword had only felt late head buzz, consciousness a fuzziness. 可此时明白过来已经晚了,昊天剑帝只觉得脑袋“嗡”的一声,意识一片模糊。 The body of he big and palatial Immortal Emperor stiffens suddenly, seemed a sculpture to maintain the posture of sword to stop in the sky, a two stars eye became the delay absent-minded, no longer spirit light appearance. 他高大而巍峨的仙帝之躯蓦然僵住,就好似一尊雕塑般保持着出剑的姿势停在了天空之中,一双星目变得呆滞失神,不复灵光神采。 Suddenly, on his face presented the panic-stricken flurried color, loudly shouted: Crape myrtle Younger Sister, does not want, like this!” 忽而,他脸上出现了惊恐慌乱之色,大呼:“紫薇妹妹,不要,不要这样!” Obviously, his was by the desire control domain principle affecting, caused short controlled and absent-minded, does not know that Emperor Vast Sky Sword saw anything in the illusion. 很显然,他这是被欲望主宰领域的法则给影响了,导致了短暂的受控和失神,也不知昊天剑帝在幻境中见到了什么。 However, this comes is not the home game of desire control, in desire control crystal core wipes remaining soul, the desire principle strength that even if unable to contain the crystal core by the body of control plate displays the pinnacle. 不过,这一来不是欲望主宰的主场,二来,欲望主宰晶核之中的到底不过是一抹残魂,哪怕借由主宰槃的身躯也无法将晶核中蕴含的欲望法则力量发挥到极致。 Therefore, is only the short 2-3 breath times, Emperor Vast Sky Sword then sobers. 因此,只是短短2-3息功夫,昊天剑帝便清醒过来。 But during the fight of so high intensity, even if accused 2-3 breaths the time, enough has affected the war. 但在如此高烈度的战斗之中,哪怕只是被控2-3息的时间,也已经足够影响战局。 Emperor Vast Sky Sword just now sobers. 昊天剑帝才刚清醒。 Control plate that long has the sawtooth hangnail and shape with the alligator giant tail, has pulled out to pat in front of him! 主宰槃那根长有锯齿倒刺、形同鳄鱼般的巨大尾巴,已经抽拍到了他面前! Bang!” “砰!” A loud sound. 一声巨响。 Emperor Vast Sky Sword looked like by the baseball that the baseball stick selected is howled is flying upside down went. 昊天剑帝就像是被棒球棍抽中的棒球般呼啸着倒飞了而去。 Rumble ~!!” “轰隆隆~!!” In the stuffy thunder -like loud sound sound, a standing tall and erect mountain range was hit to collapse by him directly, giant rock disruption collapse flying. 闷雷般的巨响声中,一座高耸的山峦直接被他撞塌,巨大的山石碎裂崩飞。 His figure passes through from the rock, hit ruthlessly on the following mountain peak, this stopped the potential of flying upside down. 他的身形从山石中穿过,又狠狠撞在了后面一座山峰上,这才停下了倒飞之势。 The mountain in this Zhuanxu Divine Palace is not the ordinary mountain, before so many god child Divine Maiden fought here is all right, the complementary waves that Immortal Emperor fought made them tremble crazily, ruthlessly actually obviously this hit. 要知道,这颛顼神宫内的山可不是普通的山,之前那么多神子神女在这边战斗都没事,就连仙帝们战斗的余波都只是让它们疯狂震颤,可见这一撞究竟有多狠。 When the figure stops, brings back the control of body, on Emperor Vast Sky Sword the body of Immortal Emperor covered with blood, the whole body skeleton many breaks, the internal organs have damaged, the dripping blood dyed a scarlet the whole body clothes robe. 待身形停下,重新拿回身体的掌控权,昊天剑帝的仙帝之躯上已然血肉模糊,浑身骨骼多处断裂,内脏破损,淋漓的鲜血将浑身衣袍都染成了一片猩红。 The bonus is the Immortal Emperor vitality is extremely powerful, caused heavy losses by this is also insufficient to perish, but must restore the injury in a short time, returning to the battlefield extremely for is not easy. 饶是仙帝生命力极为强悍,遭此重创也不至于殒命,可要在短时间内恢复伤势,重归战场就殊为不易了。 After all to Immortal Emperor this rank, once is injured too heavily, will restore becomes extremely difficult. 毕竟到了仙帝这级别,一旦受伤太重,恢复就会变得极难。 Oh no!” “糟糕!” Venus Azure Emperor response is extremely quick, suddenly then speeds along, but. 长庚青帝反应极快,眨眼间便飞驰而至。 The one after another azure glow sways from his hand, falls on Emperor Vast Sky Sword, covers it, is repairing his injury unceasingly. 一道道青芒自他手中挥洒而出,落在昊天剑帝身上,将其笼罩,不断修复着他的伤势。 What a pity previously for a long time under the fierce battle, Venus Azure Emperor consumption was also many, let alone Emperor Vast Sky Sword was injured too heavily, even if he used the milk strength, was impossible to make him recover in a short time. 可惜先前长时间恶战之下,长庚青帝消耗也是不少,何况昊天剑帝受伤太重,哪怕他倾尽奶力,也不可能令他在短时间内痊愈。 Immediately, he can only give Emperor Vast Sky Sword to treat carelessly, loses to his ten fourth grade treatment medicinal pill, making him slowly restore, then returns to the battlefield, supports other Immortal Emperor. 当即,他只能草草给昊天剑帝治疗了一下,又丢给他一枚十四品疗伤丹药,让他自行慢慢恢复,便重新返回战场,去支援其他仙帝了。 this scene, looks that the crape myrtle Immortal Emperor skull hurts. 这一幕,看着紫薇仙帝脑壳直疼。 The fellow of sky is not careful. 昊天的家伙也太不小心了。 Controlled the plate to grasp a moment ago to her claw blusters, can unexpectedly the fell into a trap. Moreover was the fellow under the spiritual influence of desire principle, actually evoked what inexplicable desire? 刚才主宰槃抓向她的那一爪不过是虚张声势,竟然还能中计。而且那家伙在欲望法则的精神影响下,究竟是被勾起了什么莫名欲望? This lets crape myrtle Immortal Emperor, not only not rescued move, but also a little wants to punch his ruthlessly. 这让紫薇仙帝非但没有被救的感动,还有点想狠狠揍他一顿。 „The everyone Senior attention, please fight steadily, don't again wave!” 诸位前辈注意,请稳扎稳打,千万别再浪了!” In Shenzhou, as the group fights the direction Wang Youyue also to be made massive headache by this scene. 神舟之中,身为团战指挥的王宥岳也被这一幕弄得头大无比 Bewildered, was short of a strong strength suddenly, this will make the following situation without doubt more difficult. 莫名其妙的,就忽而少了一尊强大战力,这无疑会让接下来的局势变得更为艰难。 Naturally, control plate to discard Emperor Vast Sky Sword, paid some prices. 当然,主宰槃为了废掉昊天剑帝的,也是付出了一些代价的。 He by several Immortal Emperor collection fires, under a round of attack was rumbled to rub to back up, many received some wounds. 他被数位仙帝集火,一轮攻击下被轰得“蹭蹭蹭”倒退,多少受了些伤。 What control plate cultivation is the chaos demon body, the strength, the thick-skinned meat coarse fight hits the ability, made one praise to the heavens. 只是主宰槃修炼的乃是混沌魔躯,无论是力量、还是皮厚肉糙的抗击打能力,都令人叹为观止。 Now he integrates the desire principle of desire control temporarily, were many powerful controls a method, what end is very hard to deal with. 现在他又临时融入了欲望主宰的欲望法则,多了一门强大的控场手段,端的是十分难缠。 Situation again bad several points. 局势再度恶劣几分。 At this time, as Lord frank master control king Dachu, hits strenuously, most difficult one without doubt. 此时,作为主坦主控的王大触,无疑是打得最吃力,最艰难的一位。 She was shouting at the same time for Lord, then the tentacle broke long, long mediates, did not know many times back and forth. 她一边喊着“为了主上”,然后触手断了长,长了断,来来回回也不知多少次了。 Others fight a bloody battle, she whole body mucilage is actually fighting bravely in the bath, the appearance is quite frigid, seemed to the spent force. 人家是浴血奋战,她却是在浴着浑身粘液奋战,模样极为惨烈,就好似是到了强弩之末。 If this war triumphs, she must be the audience is best. 此战若是得胜,她必是全场最佳。 Pitifully the both sides power gap is only big, if not there is Wang Changsheng and Venus Azure Emperor stares at her to brush the treatment, her oneself can also depend upon the talent ability to absorb the vitality to restore little, perhaps had been controlled the plate to kill forcefully. 只可惜双方实力差距较大,若非有王长生和长庚青帝盯着她刷治疗,她自己也能依靠天赋能力汲取生机恢复少许,恐怕早就被主宰槃硬生生打死了。 „The everyone Senior attention ~ this weaponry projects on the present, spelled is the final will.” The Wang Youyue look is dignified, regulative direction, while is raising the morale to many Immortal Emperor, „the consumption of control plate is also very big, the injury is also aggravating unceasingly, the condition is sliding rapidly. Everyone spells, is persists in insisting again!” 诸位前辈注意啊~这场仗打到现在,拼的就是最后的意志。”王宥岳神色凝重,一边调控指挥,一边给诸多仙帝鼓舞着士气,“主宰槃的消耗也很大,伤势也在不断加重,状态正在迅速下滑。大家拼的,就是坚持再坚持!” Although the Wang Youyue words are very reasonable. 尽管王宥岳的话很有道理。 But scene everyone Immortal Emperor is the operational experience very rich big shot, has the judgment of oneself to the war. 但现场诸位仙帝都是作战经验十分丰富的大佬,对战局都有自己的判断。 In their hearts understands, then the fight must enter turned red-hot, wants to obtain wins finally, fills in the life mostly! 他们心中都明白,接下来战斗就要进入白热化了,想要取得最终胜利,多半得用命去填! However, this is one epic level fight that concerns the World of Immortals destiny transition, is trillion Immortal Clan life and death, not being able to allow them to flinch. 不过,这是一场关乎到仙界命运转折的史诗级战斗,身后是亿万仙族的生死存亡,容不得他们退缩。 Let alone was remote antiquity Immortal Emperor these Immortal Emperor, even if were king Dachu, meaning that star dust Princess, as well as supreme yi, has not flinched. 别说是太上仙帝这几位仙帝了,哪怕是王大触,星尘公主,以及至尊嬟,都没有丝毫退缩的意思。 Is looking at the power and influence dreadful control plate. 望着威势滔天的主宰槃。 In a crape myrtle Immortal Emperor two stars pupil exudes intermittent golden glow. 紫薇仙帝一双星眸中泛起阵阵金芒 Emperor Seal inheritance of crape myrtle Divine Palace Imperial palace god standard, Appears from her sea of consciousness Purple Mansion. 紫薇神宫帝印传承【金阙神典】,从她识海紫府内浮现而出。 Meanwhile, her behind, presented one with her looks appearance quite similar golden body phantom. 与此同时,她的身后,出现了一尊和她长得模样较为相似的金身虚影 Just appears, that golden body phantom then covered a leaping gold/metal flame, seems is ordinary in the combustion. 甫一出现,那金身虚影便蒙上了一层跃动的金焰,就好似是在燃烧一般。 As the gold/metal flame leaps, the terrifying power and influence fills the air rapidly. 随着金焰跃动,恐怖的威势迅速弥漫开来。 Crape myrtle Immortal Emperor understands. 紫薇仙帝明白。 Now controls the plate to walk the condition be at the violent, the momentum is too fierce, must suppress its arrogance, otherwise the following situation will be inevitably less optimistic. 现在主宰槃处于暴走状态,势头太猛,必须将它的气焰打压下来,否则接下来的情况势必不容乐观。 Since is the sky for the mistake that she violates, that is made up for this mistake by her. 既然是昊天为她犯的错,那就由她来弥补这个错误。 In the crape myrtle Immortal Emperor pupil Golden Light surges, has just like set firm resolve, prepares to go all out. 紫薇仙帝眸中金光涌动,俨然已是下定了决心,准备拼命了。 However. 然而。 Crape myrtle Immortal Emperor the big move has not formally started, a spoken parts robe old man figure kept off before her. 紫薇仙帝这边大招还未正式启动,一道白袍老者身形就挡在了她面前。 His back is tall and straight, sends like the silver thread, the white beard is floating, seems a benign countenance obtaining enlightenment old deity to be the same. 他背影挺拔,发如银丝,白色胡须飘飘,就好似一尊慈眉善目的得道老神仙一般。 World of Immortals touches third expert remote antiquity Immortal Emperor besides the great wild goose and king big at present. 正是仙界目前除了鸿、王大触之外的第三高手太上仙帝 Crape myrtle, then must go all out, must first come by my this immortal commission's first committee member.” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor is stroking the beard lightly, the look is gentle, relaxed free is staring at the control plate. “紫薇,便是要拼命,也得由我这个仙委会第一委员先来。”太上仙帝轻捋着胡须,眼神平和,轻松自若的盯着主宰槃。 His whole body jade pivot shaft Big Dipper phantom even more is brightly radiant, seems seven groups of scorching sun, scalding hot as fire, glow Yi Yi. 他周身玉枢七星虚影愈发璀璨明亮,好似七团骄阳,灼热似火,辉光奕奕。 Bang!” “砰!” The first stars of jade pivot shaft Big Dipper do not have the omen to blast open suddenly, changed to the radiant star light to submerge in the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor body little. 玉枢七星的第一颗星辰忽然毫无预兆地炸裂开来,化作璀璨星光一点点没入了太上仙帝身躯之中。 His body rapid rise becomes big, the imposing manner increased suddenly upwardly a section. 他的身躯迅速膨胀变得高大,气势陡然间向上攀升了一截。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “轰!轰!轰!” , Another...... the jade pivot shaft Big Dipper blasts open one after another, every time explodes one, the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor imposing manner rises suddenly a point. 一枚,一枚,又一枚……玉枢七星接连炸裂,每爆一枚,太上仙帝的气势就暴涨一分。 Under the power and influence increases successively, on the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor white robe is calm, the whole person as if had some nondescriptive relation with entire heaven and earth. 威势节节攀升下,太上仙帝身上的白袍无风自动,整个人仿佛与整个天地产生了某种难以名状的联系。 Has the vast mighty force to fill the air, in short then covered this side heaven and earth in a minute. 有浩瀚伟力弥漫开来,在短短片刻间便笼罩了这方天地 Teacher!” 师尊!” The distant place, hides in the corner king Hanxia with the power deity child complexion that watches the fun together changes, cannot bear exude one to call out in alarm. 远处,躲在角落里和王珺霞一起看热闹的权天神子脸色一变,忍不住发出一声惊呼。 He understands, this was Teacher is really going all out! 他明白,这是师尊真的在拼命了! Teacher, does not want!” 师尊,不要啊!” He is pale. king Hanxia is pressing him in one side stubbornly, he almost went out on the strategic place. 他脸色发白。要不是王珺霞在一旁死死按着他,他几乎就要冲出去了。 This jade pivot shaft Big Dipper is Teacher one practices, condensed the strength and magnanimous profound qi tyrannical principle, one, but explodes, then can have the enormous increase to own strength. 这玉枢七星乃是师尊一身修行所化,其中凝聚了强横的法则之力和海量的玄气,一但爆开,便能对自身实力产生极大的增幅。 This is also remote antiquity Divine Palace lineage presses one of the bottom killing move. 这也是太上神宫一脉压箱底的杀招之一。 But once this jade pivot shaft Big Dipper explodes completely, the Teacher strength no doubt can rise suddenly in a short time a big truncation, causes massive damage taking advantage of this power and influence on the control plate, but the side effect also is extremely also huge. 可一旦这玉枢七星全部爆完,师尊的实力固然能在短时间内暴涨一大截,借此威势对主宰槃造成大量伤害,可副作用也同样极其巨大。 This wave explodes plants, Teacher is light , then cultivation base and vitality damage greatly, living is too long, heavy perished at the scene! 这一波爆种下,师尊轻则修为和元气大损,活不了太久,重则当场殒命! Ha!” “哈哈哈!” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor heard the Apprentice/Disciple sound obviously. 太上仙帝显然听到了徒儿的声音。 His moment whole body aura rushes wells up violently, obviously does not feel better, in the surface actually cannot see the slightest, instead haha the clear and resonant voice smiled: Power day my Apprentice/Disciple, you have not complained that Teacher won't inherit to give you?” 他此刻周身气息澎湃激涌,显然并不好受,面上却看不出分毫,反而哈哈朗声笑了起来:“权天我徒儿,你不是一直埋怨师尊不将传承给你吗?” The remote antiquity Immortal Emperor sound resounded through the trim sky and land. 太上仙帝的声音响彻了整片天空和大地。 Your Teacher position safety first, careless for a lifetime, now, was the time burns one!” “你师尊主张安全第一,苟了一辈子,现在,是时候燃烧一把了!” Later, this time gave you youngster. Starting today, the power day you are remote antiquity Divine Palace Palace Lord!” “以后,这时代就交给你们年轻人了。从今天开始,权天你就是太上神宫宫主!” Teacher!” 师尊!” In an instant, power deity has tears streaming down the face. 刹那间,权天神子泪流满面。 Teacher! Was I misunderstands you.” 师尊!是我误会你了。” Bang!” “轰!” In a twinkling. 说时迟那时快。 The jade pivot shaft Big Dipper has exploded fifth. 玉枢七星已爆到了第五枚。 The manic, vigorous and overbearing strength emerges in remote antiquity Immortal Emperor within the body vigorously, he is feeling this unprecedented powerful feeling, the smile on face becomes makes widely known gradually gets up recklessly: Ha, father this whole life never has felt heroically like this! The control plate, then, making you feel hot tempered that came from your remote antiquity Grandfather.” 狂躁、浑厚、霸道的力量在太上仙帝体内蓬勃涌现,他感受着这前所未有的强大感觉,脸上的笑容渐渐变得张扬肆意起来:“哈哈哈,老子这辈子从未感受过这样的豪迈!主宰槃,接下来,让你感受一下来自你太上爷爷的暴躁。” At this moment, no one prevents remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, but is in a pupil is burning the anger, outputs or controls whole-heartedly, strives for the best making a move time for remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, in order to avoid disappointed his sacrifice! 此时此刻,没有人去阻止太上仙帝,而是眼眸中燃着怒火,全力以赴输出或控制,为太上仙帝争取最佳的出手时机,以免辜负了他的牺牲! Roar!” “吼!” So terrifying power and influence, even if controls the plate consciousness at this moment manic, is not sober, feels the thick threat as before. 如此恐怖的威势,哪怕主宰槃此刻意识狂躁,并不算清醒,依旧是感觉到了浓浓的威胁。 He knows, if to the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor display, will become the enormous trouble to other party inevitably. 他知道,若是任由太上仙帝发挥,势必会给他造成极大的麻烦。 Angrily roars, he goes all out to break king Dachu the entanglement, kills to remote antiquity Immortal Emperor. 一声怒吼,他拼命冲开王大触的纠缠,向太上仙帝杀去。 Bang!” “砰!” The sixth stars explode. 第六枚星辰爆裂。 The imposing manner increases again, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor one's blood bubbles up to the brim, similarly exclaimed: Come, war!” 气势再次攀升,太上仙帝热血沸腾,同样吼道:“来吧,战吧!” Remote antiquity old ghost!” “太上老鬼!” The crape myrtle pupil light surges, coordinates on, the preparation burns momentarily her does not extinguish the golden body, coordinating remote antiquity Immortal Emperor to come to the control plate ruthlessly, creates enough advantage for the following war. 紫薇眸光涌动,策应而上,准备随时燃烧她的不灭金身,配合太上仙帝给主宰槃来一下狠的,为后续战局创造出足够的优势。 Another side Southern Ming Immortal Emperor was also ya zi wants to crack. 另一边的南明仙帝也是睚眦欲裂。 His whole body burns flaming Li Fire, the terrifying power and influence rushes like the wave, similarly prepared going all out. 他周身燃烧起熊熊离火,恐怖的威势如同潮涌般澎湃而起,同样是做好了拼命的准备。 In this is at a crucial moment. 就在这千钧一发之际。 Suddenly. 忽而。 The sky changes color suddenly. 天空骤然变色。 The thick dark clouds as if were ripped open by a mysterious strength forcefully, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) multi-colored sunlight penetration cloud layer falls under. 浓密阴云仿佛被一股神秘力量强行撕开,万丈霞光穿透云层倾洒而下。 The brilliant seven color rays covered the entire main battlefield, illuminated all Immortal Emperor, including control plate. 绚烂的七彩光芒笼罩了整个主战场,照亮了所有仙帝,也包括主宰槃。 The accident, is so startled everyone to stare immediately. 如此变故,顿时惊得所有人都是一愣。 The people look up, sees in that radiant bright multi-colored sunlight, indistinct float the appearance is together fuzzy, is slender, wears the person's shadow of wide becoming known robe. 众人抬头望去,就见那璀璨明亮的霞光之中,隐隐绰绰悬浮着一道面目模糊,身材颀长,身穿宽大白袍的人影。 That form serene wielded the sleeves. 那身影云淡风轻般挥了挥衣袖。 Unexpectedly, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) multi-colored sunlight condenses the bunch, changes to the colorful multi-colored sunlight to crash from the sky one after another, shells to go toward the control plate on. 蓦地,万丈霞光凝聚成束,化作五颜六色的霞光一道接一道从天空坠落而下,朝着主宰槃身上轰击而去。 Rumbling ~ ~ ~ “轰轰轰~~~ In the deafening bellow, the control plate was shelled unceasingly by the continuous light beam backs up. During the ray twinkles, the control plate eats the pain shouting sound penetrating heaven and earth. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声中,主宰槃被连绵的光束轰击得不断倒退。光芒闪烁间,主宰槃吃痛的嘶吼声响彻天地 Intermittent burnt/anxious Xiangwei scatters in the air. 阵阵焦香味在空气中飘散开来。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Under that spoken parts robe form in the multi-colored sunlight covers drops from the clouds, light float in front of remote antiquity Immortal Emperor. 那道白袍身影在霞光笼罩下从天而降,轻飘飘的悬浮在了太上仙帝前面。 This is a form of young man, the surface like Guanyu/hat's jade pendant, the makings is mild, makings are genial just like the spring breeze, resembles Gao Tian/high heaven light indistinct. 这是一个年轻男子的身影,面如冠玉,气质温润,一身的气质宛如春风般和煦,也似高天般轻缈。 His power and influence and not like remote antiquity Immortal Emperor rush like that vastly, aura actually seems with entire heaven and earth colludes, seems is the control of this heaven and earth is unclearly ordinary, makes one be inspired inexplicably. 他身上的威势并不像太上仙帝那般浩瀚澎湃,一身的气息却好似与整个天地相勾连,隐隐然好似是这天地的主宰一般,莫名让人心生敬畏。 In his right hand is grasping a construction plain long sword, seems optional cuts toward the control plate light sword. 他右手中握着一柄形制古朴的长剑,好似随意般朝着主宰槃轻飘飘一剑斩出。 The half step basic shell that just inherited armed Zhuanxu divine sword Seemed in this flash lives came general, had the complicated engraved inscription gloss to flow in the divine sword surface, the point that immediately changed into the terrifying bloomed. 刚继承来的半步界主级武装【颛顼神剑】在这一瞬间好似活了过来一般,有繁复的铭文光泽在神剑表面流淌而过,随即化为恐怖的锋芒绽放而出。 Eye-catching sword glow crosses the sky. 夺目的剑芒横贯天空。 Originally was rumbled the control plate that has a dizzy spell to avoid by the multi-colored sunlight light beam, chest immediately by the sword glow stroke a huge fierce opening. 本就被霞光光束轰得头晕目眩的主宰槃躲避不及,胸口登时被剑芒划出了一道巨大狰狞的口子。 Blood whirlwind shoots. 鲜血飚射而出。 His figure also backs up to go uncontrolled backward. 他的身形也不受控制地向后倒退而去。 Lord!” 主上!” Exhausted king Taiming, Wang Changsheng and other spirit plant big shot at present one bright, first recognized Wang Shouzhe. 已经疲惫不堪的王太嫇,王长生灵植大佬眼前一亮,第一时间认出了王守哲 Their spirit inspires, seemed stimulant instantaneously. 他们精神一振,仿佛瞬间被注入了一针强心剂。 Other Immortal Emperor big shot see this scene, revealed the color of pleasant surprise. 其余仙帝大佬们见到这一幕,也纷纷露出了惊喜之色。 Shouzhe brat!” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor is pleasantly surprised, wants to cry but have no tears, „did fathers explode plant you to appear, are up to mischief?” 守哲臭小子!”太上仙帝既是惊喜,又是欲哭无泪,“老子都爆种了你才出现,搞什么鬼?” He felt that whole body hot tempered strength nowhere divulges, wants to rush and control the plate to fight to the death, may think that oneself sacrificed in vain. 他感到满身暴躁之力无处宣泄,想要冲上去与主宰槃决一死战,可又觉得自己是白白牺牲了。 Wang Shouzhe shoots a look at his one eyes ill-humoredly, seemed was saying. Who wanted you to sacrifice? 王守哲没好气的瞥他一眼,好似在说。谁要你牺牲了? Is the hand wields as before, huge palm made phantom then appear above the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor top of the head. 依旧是手一挥,一道巨大的掌界令虚影便出现在了太上仙帝头顶上方。 Vast might covers under. 浩瀚的威能笼罩而下。 The strength of principle is doping Wang Shouzhe Life Source Strength, such as a great hand strokes generally to remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, invested his within the body in abundance. 法则之力掺杂着王守哲生命本源之力,如一只巨手一般拂向太上仙帝,纷纷投入到了他体内。 Suddenly. 眨眼之间。 The remote antiquity Immortal Emperor within the body hot tempered and boundless strength was comforted, that jade pivot shaft six stars that previously exploded, flows backwards general like the time, condensed one after another. 太上仙帝体内暴躁而磅礴的力量就被安抚了下去,先前爆掉的那玉枢六星,也如同时光倒流一般,一颗接一颗地重新凝聚了起来。 Quick, the jade pivot shaft Big Dipper homing, starts to linger remote antiquity Immortal Emperor to revolve again slowly. 很快,玉枢七星重新归位,开始萦绕着太上仙帝缓缓旋转。 Is this also good? 这也行? Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor stared in a big way the eye, the innermost feelings rushed, but does not dare to believe. 太上仙帝瞪大了眼睛,内心澎湃而不敢置信。 Did Wang Shouzhe this brat, all of a sudden become extremely abnormal? 王守哲这臭小子,是不是一下子变得太过变态了? Actually pours is not Wang Shouzhe is extremely abnormal. 其实倒也不是王守哲太过变态。 His Life Source Strength was wonderful measures not, when bloodline is not high some all sorts of wondrous uses, the bloodline awakening level achieve the tenth eight layers unsurpassed god body now, points to source Grand Dao. 他的生命本源之力本就神妙莫测,血脉不高时就有种种妙用,如今血脉觉醒层次达到了第十八重无上神躯,更是直指本源大道 Moreover this time, he used palm to make the jurisdiction. 而且这一次,他动用了掌界令权限。 Present palm made to gather star dust Princess that fragment, complete has achieved 88%, might was not the initial fragment can compare, the effect was also even more mysterious. 如今的掌界令早就凑到了星尘公主的那块碎片,完整度已然达到了百分之八十八,威能自不是当初的碎片能比,效果也是愈发神奇。 But at this time, battle loss very serious king Dachu had also responded, in the sound filled pleasantly surprised and pays homage to: Really worthily is my king Dachu Lord, was too graceful!” 而这时候,已然战损十分严重的王大触也反应了过来,声音中充满了惊喜和膜拜:“真不愧是我王大触的主上,太帅了!” After turning aesthetically, king Dachu now to Wang Shouzhe is even more loyal. 审美扭过来后,王大触如今对王守哲是愈发忠诚。 Wang Shouzhe hearing this, smiles to nod to king Dachu, said: Touches greatly, this time was laborious you.” 王守哲闻言,也向王大触微笑点了点头,称赞道:“大触,这一次辛苦你了。” Then, his hand wields again, one after another pure incomparable Life Source Strength, then submerged in king Dachu the body. 说罢,他手再度一挥,一道道精纯无比的生命本源之力,便没入了王大触的身体之中。 king Dachu only thinks that from head to toe seemed bathes when the sea of life, there is planted as if returned young, in mother arms feeling. 王大触只觉浑身上下好似沐浴在了生命的海洋之中,有种仿佛回到了年幼之时,在母亲怀抱中的感觉。 Her condition quickly restores, felt that the whole body was full of the strength, cannot bear cry out loudly, the sound is forceful: All for Lord!” 她的状态迅速恢复,感觉浑身都充满了力量,忍不住高声呐喊起来,声音铿锵有力:“一切为了主上!” Appears from Wang Shouzhe now, seemingly has seemed like long time, but in fact 2-3 words times. 王守哲出现到现在,看似好像过了很长时间,但实际上不过2-3话的功夫而已。 At this time, the control plate just stood firm the figure, got strength back from the injured pain. 这时候,主宰槃才刚刚稳住身形,从受伤的痛苦中缓过劲来。 Sees Immortal Clan here response, his where can also not know the youth who this presents suddenly who is? 见到仙族这边的反应,他哪里还会不知道这忽然出现的青年是谁? Wang Shouzhe!” 王守哲!” Control plate ya zi wants to crack. 主宰槃睚眦欲裂。 Is this person, designs oneself time and time again, harms the recovery plan of oneself repeatedly to be blocked, not only cannot restore the injury, instead injures one by one heavily! 就是这个人,一次又一次地设计自己,害得自己的恢复计划反复受阻,不仅没能恢复伤势,反而伤得一次比一次重! this time was stranded Zhuanxu Divine Palace, was designed by this person! 就连这一次被困颛顼神宫,也是被这个人设计的! He, oneself where will reduce until now this situation?! 要不是他,自己哪里会沦落到如今这地步?! In a flash, new hatreds on top of old simultaneously well ups, the control plate can ignore the oneself injury again, roars then to go toward the Wang Shouzhe rush lowly! 一瞬间,新仇旧恨齐齐涌上心头,主宰槃再顾不得自己伤势,低吼一声便朝着王守哲冲杀而去! In his eye pupil the red light different glow twinkle, is sending out ice-cold killing intent. 他眼眸中红光异芒闪烁,散发着冰冷的杀意 Killed him! 杀了他! Only then killed him, can retrieve all losing battles! 只有杀了他,才能挽回一切败局! Although this Wang Shouzhe displays very powerful, but he can feel, the cultivation base background of this boy only has Chaos Origin Boundary, can how long, in he does control in the hand to support solemnly? 这个王守哲虽然表现得十分强大,可他能感觉到,这小子的修为底子只有混元境,又能在他堂堂主宰手中撑得住多久? Rests injures me to advocate!” “休伤我主!” king Dachu sees that is not dry immediately. Her violent anger bellowed, myriad tentacles erupt instantaneously, such as the squally shower blocked the way of control plate. 王大触见状立刻不干了。她暴怒地大吼了一声,万千触手瞬间爆发,如狂风骤雨般拦住了主宰槃的去路。 Facing killing intent of control plate, Wang Shouzhe is still calm and calm. 面对主宰槃的杀意,王守哲依旧从容而淡定。 He toward a everyone Immortal Emperor ritual, said temperately: Senior and family members were laborious, we work overtime again, do this ticket to stop work for the day, afterward Shouzhe asked everyone to drink tea.” 他朝诸位仙帝一礼,温和道:“各位前辈和家人们辛苦了,咱们再加个班,干完这票就收工,事后守哲诸位喝茶。” So the appearance of joke wind sound/rumor in the battlefield, makes the member big feeling relieved immediately, the morale increases sharply instantaneously. 如此在战场上笑谈风声的模样,顿时让己方成员大感安心,士气瞬间激增。 Meanwhile. 同时。 Wang Shouzhe selected the brow to the sky: Wang Youyue, what do you stare are making? Continues to direct the combat. First, one ; second, two, you when I am team one, must have anything to restrict not.” 王守哲又对上空挑了挑眉头:“王宥岳,你愣着做什么?继续指挥作战。一是一,二是二,你就当我是团队一员,莫要有什么拘束。” Wang Shouzhe initially being near battlefield, is impossible to snatch the Wang Youyue group to fight the command jurisdiction. 王守哲初临战场,自不可能抢王宥岳的团战指挥权。 The Wang Shouzhe voice falls, his ear bank resounds the Wang Youyue sound immediately: „Is is, right that Ancestor you criticize.” 王守哲话音落下,他耳畔立刻响起了王宥岳的声音:“是是是,老祖宗您批评的对。” next instant. 下一瞬 Wang Youyue then switch over the direction condition, the hot tempered craziness spurted: Ancestor you come up, outputs without delay crazily, the crazy treatment, boss overflows to your hatred value now are too many, OT, OT did you understand? You had not noticed that king big did touch cannot hold on the control plate quickly?” 王宥岳便切换了指挥状态,暴躁的狂喷了起来:“老祖宗您一上来,二话不说就疯狂输出,疯狂治疗,现在boss对您的仇恨值溢出太多,OT了,OT了你明白吗?你没看到王大触都快拉不住主宰槃了吗?” You now Chaos Origin Boundary, inevitably is a big brittle skin. Are you also staring doing? Hurries to remove in the future, returning to you should the Lord milk position to come up.” “您现在才混元境,必然是个大脆皮。你还愣着干什么?赶紧往后撤一撤,回到你该回的主奶位上去啊。” Crape myrtle Immortal Emperor, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, are you stupidly also gawking doing? A proceeding top wave stands firm the formation, shares a wave of pressure for king Dachu ~ “紫薇仙帝,太上仙帝,你们还傻愣着干什么?往前顶一波稳住阵型,替王大触分担一波压力啊~” yi, star, your does two stick to stick nearly does do? About is more scattered, be not controlled the range style of plate to affect, spreads out, maintains the stable output.” “嬟儿,星儿,你们两个黏糊那么近干什么?左右分散一些,别被主宰槃的范围招式波及到,拉开距离,保持稳定输出。” „Others take the stations, should take a drug, this/should output output, this/should milk on the milk, do not think that now had the advantage to relax vigilantly.” “其余人各就各位,该吃药吃药,该输出输出,该奶就奶,别以为现在有了优势就能放松警惕了。” this time, what we strive is lossless BOSS! Lossless what meaning knows? The remote antiquity Immortal Emperor private self-detonation type, did not obey the director a moment ago, buckled the group war to contribute 30 points. Everyone paid attention, this is the team war, does not install the bi show personally!” 这一次,咱们争取的是无损过BOSS!‘无损’什么意思知道吗?刚才太上仙帝自爆种,不听指挥,扣团战贡献30点。所有人都注意了,这是团队战,不是个人装哔秀!” Wang Youyue suppressed obviously had one to meet, the mood was hot tempered and angry, during the speeches the tone was more and more is impolite, is almost pointing at the nose roll-call to curse at people. 王宥岳显然是憋了有一会了,情绪暴躁而愤怒,说话间语气也是越来越不客气,几乎就是在指着鼻子点名骂人了。 Obviously, he was extremely humble to these big shot attitudes before, causing is unable to direct like the arm. Now since Ancestral Grandfather speaks, stood to set an example, he spurted the nature on no psychological barrier. 显然,他之前对这些大佬们态度太过谦卑了,导致无法指挥如臂。现在既然老祖爷爷都发了话,站出来以身作则了,他喷起来自然就毫无心理障碍了。 Wang Shouzhe touches the nose, the little darling removes the back row. 王守哲摸了摸鼻子,乖乖撤到了后排。 His corners of the mouth twitch slightly, always feels that Installs the bi show personally Several characters, Wang Youyue is not saying remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, but is saying him. 他嘴角微微抽搐,总觉得那【个人装哔秀】几个字,王宥岳不是在说太上仙帝,而是在说他。 Other Immortal Emperor level powerhouses have not thought obviously Wang Youyue really is so unexpectedly impolite, one after another gawked. 其他仙帝级强者显然都没想到王宥岳居然真这么不客气,一个个都是愣了一下。 However, takes a look at Wang Shouzhe, they have not said anything, stood the position that oneself should stand to come up honestly. 不过,瞅瞅王守哲,他们到底没说什么,都是老老实实站到了自己该站的位置上去了。 At this time. 这时候。 The Wang Youyue sound resounds again: Ancestor, a present report your skill approximate data, I quite plan and arrange.” 王宥岳的声音再次响起:“老祖宗,现在报一下您的技能大致数据,我好统筹和安排。” His tone is still sharp, the sound had actually restored the beforehand calmness and calmness, obviously has re-entered the direction condition. 他的语气依旧犀利,声音却已经恢复了之前的冷静和镇定,显然已经重新进入了指挥状态。 In Shenzhou. 神舟内。 The Wang Fugui pupil trembles, looks in the Wang Youyue look full is shocking. 王富贵瞳孔震颤,看着王宥岳的眼神中满是震惊。 He lived was so long, has not dared to speak with Ancestor. My family grandson, really has the capital of Great Emperor. 他活了那么久,还没敢跟老祖宗这么说话过。我家孙儿,果然有大帝之资。 Another side, Wang Shouzhe hears the Wang Youyue words, although some want to pull out that boy, but also understands at heart Wang Youyue does that is right. 另一边,王守哲听到王宥岳的话,虽然有些想抽那小子,可心里也明白王宥岳这么做是对的。 Crape myrtle Immortal Emperor and remote antiquity Immortal Emperor they made not a good start a moment ago, now just should press their imposing manners, so as to avoid they then acted unreasonably. 紫薇仙帝和太上仙帝他们刚才算是开了个不好的头,如今正应该压一压他们的气势,免得他们接下来再乱来。 As for the oneself present skill data, itself should compile to directing there. Otherwise the strength appraisal of Wang Youyue to oneself makes a mistake, may have the unnecessary trouble in the following fight. 至于自己如今的技能数据,本身就是应该汇总到指挥那里的。否则王宥岳自己的战力评估出错,在接下来的战斗中可能会产生很多不必要的麻烦。 He has to hold one's nose to recognize, after the oneself skill data and bloodline promoted the strength change, the report gave Wang Youyue truthfully. 他只好捏着鼻子认了,如实将自己技能数据及血脉晋升后的实力变化,报给了王宥岳 However, in his heart actually remembered this stubble narrow-mindedly, ponders ruthlessly secretly, if the Youyue boy really can take lossless this, that his great merit! 不过,他心中却小心眼地记住了这个茬,狠狠暗忖,若是宥岳小子真能无损拿下这场,那就记他一大功! If middle, as long as presents any mistake, that must let he tastes from Ancestor spoiling. 若是中间但凡出现任何一点差池,那就得让他尝尝来自老祖宗的“溺爱”了。 With joining of Wang Shouzhe, as well as continuation direction of Wang Youyue, the following war became calm. 随着王守哲的加入,以及王宥岳的继续指挥,接下来的战局就变得波澜不惊了。 Under the direction of Wang Youyue, the following fight is arid and tasteless, is one pushes the boss process completely steady. 王宥岳的指挥下,接下来的战斗枯燥而乏味,完全就是一个稳健地推boss过程。 Although in the process of fight, control plate also several small card in a hand one by one puts forth, slightly erupted several waves, has not actually turned out the too big storm. 尽管在战斗的过程中,主宰槃还有几个小底牌一一使出,小小地爆发了几波,却也还是没翻出太大风浪来。 After all, this little while did not compare before. 毕竟,这会儿不比之前。 Wang Shouzhe controlled Zhuanxu Divine Palace jurisdiction, controlled the palm command, simultaneously the bloodline aptitude also achieved few sovereign rank, has the strong dominant strength in this battlefield, particularly in this Zhuanxu Divine Palace, is completely his home game. 王守哲掌控了颛顼神宫权限,掌控了掌界令,同时血脉资质还达到了少界皇级别,在这战场上拥有着强大的统治力,尤其是在这颛顼神宫之内,完全就是他的主场。 Has him to join, the original these risks naturally do not exist. 有他加入,原本的那些风险自然也就不存在了。 For a long time later. 许久之后。 Bang!” “轰!” The control plate broken body falls down loudly, died! 主宰槃残破的身躯轰然坠地,就这么死了! Anye Great Grandfather, Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage.” 安业太爷爷,仙帝囚笼。” Senior, strict control all spaces.” “一阵前辈,严控所有空间。” Ancestor, uses the Divine Palace jurisdiction, palm made the jurisdiction, cannot let remaining soul and another remaining soul of control plate has the opportunity to escape.” 老祖宗,动用神宫权限,掌界令权限,绝不能让主宰槃的残魂和另外一道残魂有机会逃脱。” Wang Youyue continues to direct calmly. 王宥岳继续冷静指挥。 Takes strict precautions against cling to tenaciously in various types, under plan function that the environment advantage, as well as arranges ahead of time, the control plate and desire control has remaining soul together to be caught respectively. 在各种严防死守,环境优势,以及提前布置的预案作用下,主宰槃和欲望主宰各自有一道残魂被捕获。 Hence. 至此。 Finally can announce, control plate death! 终于可以宣告,主宰槃死亡! ...... ……
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