POP :: Volume #8

#163: 【Few sovereigns】? Wang Shouzhe

...... …… During control plate troubled. 就在主宰槃陷入困境的同时。 Demon Race elite Personal Guard that these four dissipations open, is the morale drops sharply, the heart envelopped the terrified mood, some have little partially started to have other thoughts, had to escape from the plan of battlefield. 那些四下散逸开的魔族精锐亲卫们,也均是士气大跌,心头笼上了惶惶不安的情绪,有少部分已经开始怀揣其他心思,有逃脱战场的打算了。 White bones Demon Monarch is. 白骨魔君便是其中一员。 A Demon Race Great Commander title powerhouse as 19th stage , even in the powerhouse floating about like clouds control Personal Guard team, could still be called is existence of backbone level. 身为一名十八阶魔族大统领封号强者,即便是在强者如云的主宰亲卫队伍中,也称得上是顶梁柱级的存在了。 Once he, is the oneself status is proud, was loyal to the great control. 曾经的他,也为自己的身份感到自豪,对伟大主宰忠诚无比。 May with the change of current political situation, as the great control becomes even more hot tempered and is subject to changing moods, and swallows consanguineous vital essence therapy repeatedly, in some under hearts including him has become terrified. 可随着时局的变动,随着伟大主宰变得愈发暴躁和喜怒无常,且多次吞噬同族精元疗伤,包括他在内的一部分麾下心中早已变得惶恐不安。 Moreover white bones Demon Monarch was ordered by the one's superior official, did deal that injures the same clan much. 而且白骨魔君本身受上峰命令,做了不少戕害同族的勾当。 In addition revolts against the organization Bloody Daybreak activity to be even more rampant, stirs the entire Demon Realm internal chaotic image frequency to send, is chaotic, lets many Demon Race members, gave birth to a control plate to be incapable of controlling the general situation, the feeling of soon clouding over. 再加上反抗组织血色黎明活动愈发猖獗,搅得整个魔界内部乱象频发,时局动荡,自是让许多魔族成员,生出了一种主宰槃无力掌控大局,即将变天的感觉。 But this time. 这一次 The control plate was the Immortal Clan ambush, saw with own eyes that must be killed at the scene, white bones Demon Monarch then thought it was necessary is oneself plans a escape route. 主宰槃更是中了仙族埋伏,眼见就要被击毙当场,白骨魔君便觉得有必要为自己筹谋一条后路了。 He was chasing down Wang Songyi, Wang Jinna and the others, now saw that the situation is not quite right, he then slowed down to chase down the speed intentionally, prepared to look for a time to escape to go, looks for the covert space slit first to hide, after the situation was clear, or escaped or falls makes the plan again. 原本他正在追杀王宋一王瑾娜等人,现在眼看着局势不太对,他便故意放缓了追杀速度,准备找个时机远遁而去,找个隐蔽的空间缝隙先躲起来,等局势明朗后,或逃或降再做打算。 Actually unexpectedly. 却不料。 White bones Demon Monarch just now slows down the speed, the surroundings then presented several small-scale space vortex. 白骨魔君这边才刚放缓速度,周围便出现了数道小型空间漩涡。 In each vortex, has person's shadow together to take a step. 每一道漩涡之中,都有一道人影迈步而出。 These person's shadow young, male handsome charming, female divine and charming, the beautiful appearance is moving, one after another is impressive, the elegant demeanor remarkably, just like this time god child Divine Maiden that attended Zhuanxu Divine Palace trial. 这些人影都非常年轻,男的英俊帅气,女的钟灵毓秀,美貌动人,一个个皆是气度不凡,风采卓然,俨然都是此次参加颛顼神宫试炼的神子神女 And a back hangs the handsome youth of sword box, saw white bones Demon Monarch shouts excitedly: Immortal Emperor Senior Transmission Array is really easy-to-use, came to bump into a prey. Qing Li Divine Maiden, class/flow moon/month Divine Maiden, our three form a team, takes this demon jointly.” 其中一位背悬剑匣的俊朗青年,一见到白骨魔君就兴奋地嚷嚷起来:“一阵仙帝前辈传送阵果然好用,一过来就撞见了个猎物。青璃神女,流月神女,咱们三个组队,联手把这个魔头拿下。” The voice falls. 话音一落。 The young men then pinches the sword secret art, precious sword in sword box such as the angry dragon has the box immediately, changes to the startled day bolt of white silk to cut to kill to white bones Demon Monarch to go together. 青年男子便一掐剑诀,剑匣内的宝剑顿时如怒龙出匣,化作一道惊天匹练向白骨魔君斩杀而去。 Qing Li Divine Maiden, class/flow moon/month Divine Maiden follows closely, but, also launched the ferocious attack to white bones Demon Monarch at the same time. 青璃神女,流月神女紧随而至,亦是同一时间对白骨魔君发动了猛烈进攻。 White bones Demon Monarch had a scare. 白骨魔君被吓一跳。 Although he does not have the heart of prolonging contact, actually also resists hastily, after preparing to drive back them, runs away again. 他虽无恋战之心,却也连忙招架,准备逼退他们后再行逃遁。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” The one after another energy impact noise resounds, the impact wave direction delays in all directions. 一道道能量撞击声响起,冲击波向四面八方延展开来。 However just battles, white bones Demon Monarch felt not right. 然而甫一交战,白骨魔君就感觉到了不对劲。 These youngster unexpectedly are excessively strong, short fight, he cannot successfully drive back these three youngster unexpectedly. 这几位年轻人竟然强得过分,一番短暂的交手,他竟然没能成功逼退这三位年轻人 How possibly? 怎么可能? He is the solemn 19th stage powerhouse, even if to Immortal Clan common Chaos Origin Boundary initial stage Dao Lord, can many not drop the wind by an enemy. 他乃是堂堂十八阶强者,哪怕是对上仙族的寻常混元境初期道主,也能以一敌多而不落下风。 But these youngster in Great Principle boundary late stage, have not obviously arrived at Chaos Origin Boundary from the start, under can meet as an equal to him jointly unexpectedly! 可这几个年轻人明显还在大罗后期,压根还没到混元境,联手之下竟然能与他分庭抗礼! Unexpectedly is title level Demon Race Great Commander! The idea pricks the hand, swings the person quickly.” “竟是个封号级魔族大统领!点子扎手,快摇人。” Monarch white god child hand pinches the sword secret art, governing causes white bones Demon Monarch that the half step divine sword is blocking wanted to flee, the tone is excited. 君皓神子手捏剑诀,御使着半步神剑拦住了想要逃离的白骨魔君,语气兴奋不已。 Obviously, this title Great Commander in his eyes, is a rich meritorious value. 显然,这封号大统领在他眼里,就是一笔丰厚的功勋值。 Also is no wonder. 也是难怪。 These several thousand years whets laboriously, these god child Divine Maiden not only the strength increase is huge, has achieved Great Principle boundary late stage, the bloodline aptitude had also reached the god child first grade level under the stacks of innumerable resources, bloodline awakened tenth five layers Beginning of the universe said body When high stage, compared with initial generation Lord great wild goose young also has no time to let. 这数千年的辛苦磨砺下来,这些神子神女们非但实力增幅巨大,已然达到了大罗后期,血脉资质也在无数资源的堆砌下先后达到了神子甲等水准,血脉觉醒到了第十五重【混元道躯】高段,比起初代界主鸿年轻之时也不遑多让。 Immortal Clan these common beginning of the universe Dao Lord, bloodline awakening is also ten five layers beginnings of the universe says body initial stage, missed the number slightly to plan compared with these youngster. 要知道,仙族那些寻常的混元道主,血脉觉醒度也不过就是十五重混元道躯初段,比起这些年轻人来还差了数小筹。 Therefore, they three real synthesis battle efficiencies, is to surpass common Dao Lord to plan. 因此,他们三个的真实综合战斗力,是要超过寻常道主一筹的。 But this white bones Demon Monarch, although the strength has achieved 19th stage , but pure from the bloodline intensity, slightly is worse than these god child Divine Maiden plans less than half. 而这位白骨魔君,虽然实力已然达到十八阶,可单纯从血脉强度而言,比这几个神子神女还略差小半筹。 As Qing Li Divine Maiden swings the person, quick, then god child Divine Maiden of two Luming Institute has shuttled back and forth through Transmission Array that Immortal Emperor arranged ahead of time the scene, joined in the encircling team of Monarch white god child. 随着青璃神女摇人,很快,便已有两名鹿鸣学院的神子神女通过一阵仙帝提前布置的传送阵穿梭到了现场,加入到了君皓神子的围剿队伍之中。 Five dozens one, white bones Demon Monarch fell immediately leeward. 五打一,白骨魔君顿时落入了下风。 If trades to do beside Zhuanxu Divine Palace, perhaps he can also waits for an opportunity to escape to go with more excellent space method or the card in a hand, is separated from the fight. 若是换作在颛顼神宫之外,他或许还能凭着更高超的空间手段或底牌伺机远遁而去,脱离战斗。 And yet, free-air anomaly in Zhuanxu Divine Palace is reliable, the range that the battlefield transfers was reduced the pinnacle, he organized the booklet to flash several times, cannot get rid of encircling of five god child Divine Maiden, final suffering a defeat and fleeing is only the time issue! 可眼下,颛顼神宫内的空间异常牢固,战场挪移的范围被压缩到了极致,他数次腾挪折闪,都没能摆脱五位神子神女的围剿,最终的败亡只是时间问题! Similar situation, but is one of the entire big battlefield miniatures. 类似的情况,不过是整个大战场的缩影之一。 The war fragment scene that in Zhuanxu Divine Palace scatters everywhere does not know when has vanished, what replaces it is one after another deploys the good transmission point ahead of time. 颛顼神宫内四处散落的战争碎片场景不知何时已经消失,取而代之的是一个个提前部署好的传送点。 God child Divine Maiden strength that this time attended the trial not weak, with the support of intercom system, forming a team to swing the person is very convenient, at this time the multi- points have blossomed, encircles Demon Race elite Personal Guard that these fled in all directions the arrival to various battlefields. 这次来参加试炼的神子神女们实力就没有弱的,在内部通讯体系的支持下,组队摇人也都很方便,此时已然多点开花,驾临到各处战场围剿起了那些流窜过来的魔族精锐亲卫们。 Except that beside the Wang Clan juniors, is these family background established influences, early then joins god child Divine Maiden of Luming Institute to be display most outstanding. 除开王氏子弟之外,就属那些出身老牌势力,早期便加入鹿鸣学院的神子神女们表现最为出众。 star billows Divine Maiden and crown prince hou and profound light god child, no absurd god child and clear(ly) Zhe god child and Cloud Crane god child and vegetarian dawn Divine Maiden, five do not abstain from the bodhisattva and Luo Ting Demon Child and huang god child wait wait/etc. etc., in addition has not come secure Jun Divine Maiden of scene, their bloodline aptitude are close, more or less surpassed the initial generation Lord great wild goose of young time. 星澜神女、太子犼、玄光神子、无妄神子、明喆神子、云鹤神子、素昕神女、五不戒佛子、罗霆魔子、楻神子等等等等,再加上没来现场的安筠神女,他们的血脉资质都非常接近,或多或少都超过了年轻时候的初代界主鸿。 This loses concentration Divine Maiden, is the promising youth who the immortal commission attaches great importance, Immortal Emperor Emperor Seal preferred successor. 这部分神子神女们,也是仙委会最为重视的后起之秀,仙帝帝印的优先继承者。 Even if lacked Immortal Emperor Emperor Seal, the immortal commission will still supply the resources in the future additionally , helping their bloodline break through again, they then have the big probability to take oneself the road of Immortal Emperor. 即便缺了仙帝帝印,仙委会在未来也会额外供应资源,助他们血脉再度突破,如此他们便有较大概率可以走出自己仙帝之路。 But meanwhile, the Wang Clan young elites also arrive in the battlefield in abundance, joined to the elimination action of Demon Race elite Personal Guard during. 而同时,王氏年轻精英们也纷纷抵达战场,加入了对魔族精锐亲卫们的清剿行动之中。 In them many, are stronger compared with front these god child Divine Maiden bloodline, a few have the Emperor Seal inheritance, or took the oneself emperor road. 他们中的不少,比起前面那些神子神女血脉更强,少数已经有了帝印传承,或是走出了自己的帝路。 For example Wang Liyao, has then digested the Ancient God mang inheritance, harvested mang to leave her many advantage, including and was not restricted in the surplus Immortal Spirit source, the bloodline aptitude also achieves few to advocate second grade, the strength was quite intrepid. 例如王璃瑶,便已经消化了古神娏传承,收获了娏留给她的不少好处,包括且不限于剩余的仙灵界本源,血脉资质也达到了少界主乙等,实力极为强悍。 Again downward some, are the second-tier students in Luming Institute, the young elites of Wang Clan third fourth sequence. They encircle Demon Race elite Personal Guard that these are completing the order form in the form of forming a team, grasps the opportunity to render meritorious service. 再往下一些的,便是鹿鸣学院的二线学员,王氏第三第四序列的年轻精英们。他们以组队的形式围剿着那些落单的魔族精锐亲卫,抓紧机会立功。 But when various battlefields hit like a raging fire, another side, somewhat is gradually weak with power deity that king Hanxia battles. 而就在各处战场打得如火如荼的时候,另一边,正在和王珺霞交战的权天神子已经渐渐有些不支。 The clear to see control plate has arrived thoroughly, these god child Divine Maiden also start to encircle Demon Race elite, he cannot endure patiently finally, great shout: Including mist Junior Sister, does not hit, I do not hit. I laid cards on the table, we are the oneself people!” 眼见得主宰槃已经彻底降临,那些神子神女们也开始围剿魔族精锐,他终于忍耐不住,大声呼喊起来:“珺霞师妹,不打了,我不打了。我摊牌了,咱们是自己人!” I! Who with you are the oneself person? Who is your Junior Sister?!” In king Hanxia the eyes gets angry, in the hand the offensive does not reduce. “我呸!谁跟你是自己人?谁是你师妹?!”王珺霞眼中冒火,手中攻势不减。 Including mist Junior Sister, Senior Brother my is also ordered to handle affairs, really does not betray Immortal Clan ~ power deity child fights while escapes, breaks down the face do best to convince to explain, situation is this, your family Ancestral Grandfather saves the strength with great difficulty, collected so many Immortal Emperor level powerhouses to come in this Zhuanxu Divine Palace to ambush, naturally must try to tempt the control plate to fall into our traps. However you also saw, supreme yi betrayed the control plate.” “珺霞师妹,师兄我这也是奉命行事,不是真的背叛仙族~”权天神子边战边逃,垮着脸苦口婆心地解释,“情况是这样的,你家老祖爷爷好不容易积攒实力,凑出了这么多仙帝级强者来这颛顼神宫内埋伏,自然要设法引诱主宰槃落入咱们的陷阱。但是你也看到了,至尊嬟背叛了主宰槃。” Therefore your family Ancestral Grandfather prepared my subsequent hand, assigns/life me to try to gain the trust of control plate, then looked that the situation revealed for supreme yi, so as to avoid she really blocked the control plate beside Zhuanxu Divine Palace, that troubled.” “所以你家老祖爷爷就准备了我这个后手,命我设法获取主宰槃的信任,然后看情况替至尊嬟兜个底,免得她真把主宰槃拦在了颛顼神宫之外,那就麻烦了。” This but actually indeed is the Ancestral Grandfather style. 这倒的确是老祖爷爷的行事风格。 In king Hanxia the heart has believed 67, but looked to the power deity look still somewhat the doubt: You added a moment ago hates me......” 王珺霞心中已然信了六七分,但看向权天神子的眼神仍有几分狐疑:“那你刚才还说怨恨我……” This rubbish ~ I , if not display various types in secret discontented and enmity, how to have the opportunity to be developed the rebel?” Power deity is resigned-looking, you think that I am easy? In order to win the control plate, I have to temper the performing skill laboriously, hypnosis oneself, feared repeatedly did not give oneself away to delay the plan of Dean carefully, finally did oneself with embittered wife.” “这不废话嘛~我若不暗中表现出各种不满和怨怼,岂会有机会被发展成叛徒?”权天神子一脸无奈,“你以为我容易吗?为了取信主宰槃,我不得不辛苦磨炼演技,反复催眠自己,就怕不小心露出马脚耽误了院长的计划,结果搞得自己跟怨妇似的。” Senior Brother, you did not hate my family Ancestral Grandfather, does not hate me.” king Hanxia likes immediately, a moment ago you may develop really has the sense of reality, I also think that you are very repugnant I.” 师兄,原来你一点都不恨我家老祖爷爷,也不恨我。”王珺霞顿时欢喜起来,“你刚才可演的真有真实感,我还以为你真的很讨厌我。” „......, I indeed somewhat do not dislike you, very uncomfortable Shouzhe Dean, this point control plate has not misread me.” Power deity silent flickered, immediately sighed, said truthfully, looked like your super second generation of rich, a birth had the infinite resources pile to you, made me envy the envy.” “……不,我的确有些讨厌你,也挺不爽守哲院长,这一点主宰槃并没有看错我。”权天神子沉默了一瞬,随即叹了口气,如实说道,“像你这种超级富二代,一出生就有无穷的资源堆给你,太让我羡慕嫉妒了。” But, my authority heaven how uncomfortable immortal commission, does not like Shouzhe Dean again, but eventually is also Immortal Clan one...... let alone, I will not believe control plate that fellow to mean what he says from the start!” “只不过,我权天再怎么不爽仙委会,不喜欢守哲院长,但终究也是仙族一员……何况,我压根就不信主宰槃那家伙会说话算话!” „......” king Hanxia a face is speechless. “……”王珺霞一脸无语。 If controls the plate to mean what he says, power day Senior Brother, you won't really revolt? 若是主宰槃说话算话,权天师兄,你不会真的叛了吧? Distant place. 远处。 The control plate is carrying various bombardments hardly, falls into struggles hard. 主宰槃正硬扛着各种轰击,陷入苦战。 Various group of Immortal Emperor under the Wang Youyue director act in harmony, to press him to hit completely , his injury is getting more and more serious, the appearance is also getting more and more distressed. 各路仙帝王宥岳的指挥下配合默契,完全是在压着他打,不知不觉间,他身上的伤势便越来越重,模样也越来越狼狈。 This time he does not have the idea that continues to hit, hits, while looks for the opportunity to be separated from the battlefield unceasingly. 此时的他已然没有了继续打下去的想法,一边打,一边不断寻找机会想要脱离战场。 His powerful spiritual sense covers in all directions, tries to find out the Zhuanxu Divine Palace space weakness, actually unexpectedly, this sensation, he happen to sensation to power deity child and king Hanxia dialogue. 他强大的神念笼罩四面八方,试图探出颛顼神宫的空间薄弱之处,却不料,这一感知,他正好就感知到了权天神子和王珺霞的对话。 This flickers, the innermost feelings only belief thorough avalanche of control plate. 这一瞬,主宰槃的内心仅有的一丝信仰彻底崩塌了。 False! 假的! Originally is false! 原来都是假的! Harbors intentions to betray Immortal Clan power deity continually, unexpectedly is the bait that Wang Shouzhe emits! 连心心念念要背叛仙族的权天神子,居然都是王守哲放出的诱饵! All, to tempt him enters Zhuanxu Divine Palace. 所有的一切,都只是为了引诱他进入颛顼神宫 But he, once again Wang Shouzhe snare! 而他,又一次中了王守哲的圈套! The control plate mentality collapsed thoroughly. 主宰槃心态彻底崩了。 Why? 为什么? Why?!! 到底为什么?!! He is unable to understand, oneself is obviously careful, overestimated Wang Shouzhe, why will fall into his trap? 他无法理解,自己明明已经非常小心,非常高估王守哲了,为什么还是会落入他的陷阱之中? Under the collapse, the mood of control plate fell into thoroughly demented: Wang Shouzhe, is you compels my! All these are you compel my!!” 崩溃之下,主宰槃的情绪彻底陷入了癫狂:“王守哲,是你逼我的!这一切都是你逼我的!!” Whooshes in the sound, his evil clutches raise, in the hand does not know when had/left an demon bell. 嘶吼声中,他魔爪一扬,手中不知何时多出了一枚魔铃。 Previously actuated the desire principle, surrounds star dust Princess, and to the demon treasure that supreme yi causes the damage. 正是先前驱动欲望法则,困住星尘公主,并对至尊嬟造成伤害的魔宝。 Previously this demon bell after using twice, the scarlet water crystal of seal then started the rebellion, tried to backlash the difficulty-relief, therefore control plate before coping with supreme yi, has advanced one step to receive it. 先前这一枚魔铃在使用过两次后,其中封印的赤红色水晶便开始暴动,试图反噬脱困,因此主宰槃在对付至尊嬟之前,已先行一步将它收起。 Now just puts out, that demon bell trembles fiercely, has the intermittent special principle implication to spread, seems revolting against the control plate. 现在刚一拿出,那枚魔铃就剧烈震颤起来,有阵阵特殊的法则意蕴从中蔓延而出,仿佛是在反抗着主宰槃。 However, it trembled two, the control plate giant beast claw had not gripped it to pinch ruthlessly. 然而,它才颤了没两下,主宰槃巨大的兽爪就握住它狠狠一捏。 „!” “啪!” The demon bell was pinched to explode instantaneously. 魔铃瞬间被捏爆。 Seal scarlet water crystal whiz a whirlwind flies, tries to shake off the control of control plate, was actually controlled the plate opens mouth fiercely attracts, it inhaled in the abdomen forcefully. 封印其中的赤红色水晶“嗖”一下飚飞而出,试图挣脱主宰槃的控制,却被主宰槃张嘴猛的一吸,硬生生将它吸入了腹中。 Desire control, haven't you wanted to escape, want to revenge?!” The control plate laughs, the expression on face is fierce and crazy, this control gives you an opportunity, releases your strength, fuses together with this control, we first solve the foreign aggression, then divides the victory and defeat!” “欲望主宰,你不是一直想逃,想要报仇吗?!”主宰槃哈哈大笑,脸上的表情狰狞而疯狂,“本主宰给你一个机会,把你的力量释放出来,与本主宰融为一体,咱们先解决外患,再分胜负!” Obviously, under this red crystal, the famous desire control leaves behind the crystal core, is also hiding desire control remaining soul. 显然,这枚赤色水晶,正是大名鼎鼎的欲望主宰遗留下的晶核,其中还藏着欲望主宰的一道残魂 As for the origin of this desire control crystal core, but also before must trace for a long time is very very long . 至于这枚欲望主宰晶核的来源,还要追溯到很久很久以前。 In the past after the chaos control defeated was separated from Immortal Spirit, everywhere goes on an expedition to swallow other races to heal from a wound, but at that time was also called the control plate of supreme plate, was the chaos controls subordinate trusted subordinate. 当年混沌主宰战败脱离仙灵界后,就四处征战吞噬其他种族养伤,而当时还被称作为至尊槃的主宰槃,则是混沌主宰麾下的亲信。 The supreme plate is in conspiracy with several supremeness, sets up the trap, tempts the desire control sneak attack chaos control in secret, is actually guiding the victory in secret, causes the desire control although finally defeated the chaos control, actually also fell under the casualties hard victory completely, oneself were in a state of being on the verge of death. 至尊槃伙同几位至尊,设下陷阱,暗中引诱欲望主宰偷袭混沌主宰,却又在暗中引导战果,导致欲望主宰最后虽然战胜了混沌主宰,却也落了个麾下伤亡殆尽的惨胜,自身陷入了濒死状态。 While this good opportunity, the supreme plate and partner started to kill the desire control in secret, and won in the following internal strife, successfully inherited chaos control all. 趁此良机,至尊槃和同伙暗中下手弄死了欲望主宰,并在接下来的内讧中胜出,成功继承了混沌主宰的一切。 But desire control crystal core and remaining soul, fell in the control plate hand since then, by his seal, was acted as one of the cards in a hand! 而欲望主宰的晶核与残魂,也从那时起就落在了主宰槃手中,被他封印了起来,充当底牌之一! Depends on this desire control crystal core, the control plate can control the desire principle to a certain extent, controls the desire servant, including through swallowing the desire servant returns nurturing to parents itself to treat the injury the method, similarly depends upon this desire control crystal core to complete. 靠着这枚欲望主宰晶核,主宰槃可以在一定程度上控制欲望法则,控制欲望奴仆,包括通过吞噬欲望奴仆来反哺自身治疗伤势的手段,同样是依靠这枚欲望主宰晶核来完成的。 Why before this is also , this demon bell, the supreme yi pain is then unusual, absolutely did not have the strength of resistance. 这也是为何之前这枚魔铃一出,至尊嬟便痛苦异常,完全没有了反抗之力。 demon art that because she practices was the past desire control creates for the desire servant specially, natural received the desire control crystal core restraint. 因为她修行的魔功便是当年欲望主宰专门为欲望奴仆创造的,天然就受到欲望主宰晶核克制。 Pitifully only two control crystal core strengths clash, melts forcefully, will inevitably cause the principle to backlash, light, then the severe wound, serious even possibly caused the foundation completely to destroy, demon soul entirely to extinguish, by controlling plate, although obtained the desire control crystal core, actually not its smelting. 只可惜两枚主宰晶核力量相冲,强行相融,势必会引起法则反噬,轻则重伤,严重了甚至可能导致根基尽毁,魔魂俱灭,是以主宰槃虽然获得了欲望主宰晶核,却一直没有将其熔炼。 But at present, the control plate could not have attended to these. 但眼下,主宰槃已然顾不得这些了。 Wang Shouzhe thinks of every means to bring in this Zhuanxu Divine Palace oneself, for extinguishes here kills oneself. He does not believe Wang Shouzhe not to prepare other subsequent hands. 王守哲费尽心思将自己引来这颛顼神宫,为的就是在这里灭杀自己。他不信王守哲会没准备其他后手。 Under the mentality collapse, in his heart had given birth to thick fearing intent to Wang Shouzhe. 心态崩溃之下,他心中已然对王守哲生出了浓浓的惧意。 He cannot stay here. 他不能留在这里。 He must take risk to wrestle! 他必须冒险一搏! Even if must pay the serious price afterward inevitably, still always compared with falls from the sky at the scene well! After all if really has an accident as Zhuanxu Divine Palace of trap in this, he is very difficult to escape from soul. 就算事后势必要付出惨重的代价,也总比当场陨落来得好!毕竟若真在这作为陷阱的颛顼神宫内出事,他恐怕连神魂都很难逃脱出去。 Deal!” “成交!” The control plate demented sound just now falls, the evil different sound resounds in his mind together suddenly. 主宰槃癫狂的声音才刚落下,一道邪异的声音蓦然在他脑海中响起。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 A strange and wild strength erupts in control plate within the body suddenly loudly. 一股诡异而狂暴的力量蓦然在主宰槃体内轰然爆发。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Strange red light then incarnadine his body, he huge body inflated several tenths again, the demon prestige all through also becomes strange measures suddenly not. 道道诡异的红光便染红了他的身体,他本就巨大的身躯再度膨胀了数成,通身的魔威也陡然间变得诡异莫测起来。 His that to cold and gloomy demon eye, also caught the scarlet color rapidly, but bewitching evil charm! 就连他那对森冷的魔眼之中,也飞速染上了赤红之色,妖异而邪魅! Boils under the strength surges, the imposing manner of control plate whole body increases crazily, as if the flash restored in peak condition from the severely wounded weakening condition. 沸腾般的力量涌动之下,主宰槃周身的气势疯狂攀升,仿佛一瞬间就从重伤的削弱状态恢复到了巅峰状态。 But the terrifying the wild pressure takes him to proliferate as center of circle Bobo, shortly will then cover to present all Immortal Emperor level powerhouses. 恐怖而狂暴的威压以他为圆心一波波地扩散开来,顷刻间便笼罩住了在场所有仙帝级强者。 Under the strength violent walks, during his entire demon as if fell into was demented. 力量暴走之下,他整个魔似乎都陷入了癫狂之中。 His scarlet eye pupil has swept periphery everyone, sent out one not only familiar, and strange shouting: You! Must die!” 他赤红的眼眸扫过周围所有人,发出了一道既熟悉,又陌生的嘶吼:“你们!都得死!” The voice drops at the same time, his huge body advantage of terrain has vanished in same place, accompanied the terrifying power and influence toward encircling the team threw. 话音落下的同时,他庞大的身形便已经消失在了原地,伴着恐怖的威势朝着围剿队伍扑了过去。 Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor and the others the complexion crazily changes, immediately makes to deal. 太上仙帝等人脸色狂变,立刻做出应对。 However, had the strength help in desire control crystal core, control plate at this moment it past in peak condition also wants to be stronger than some, rapidly to encircling the team formed the counter- suppression. 然而,有了欲望主宰晶核中的力量帮助,此刻的主宰槃比之当年的巅峰状态还要强出些许,迅速对围剿队伍形成了反压制。 In Shenzhou. 神舟之中。 Wang Youyue observes this scene through the crystal curtain, the complexion also changes: „ 王宥岳通过晶幕观测到这一幕,脸色也是微变:“ Boss entered two mutation conditions, everyone was careful, the following fight was primarily defending! Old Ancestor Longyan, Ancestral Grandmother, Old Ancestor Lici, Old Ancestor Luoqiu, wife...... ” Boss进入到了二段异变状态,所有人都小心了,接下来的战斗以防守为主!珑烟老祖,老祖奶奶,璃慈老祖,珞秋老祖,老婆……” During the speeches, he read a powerhouse name of big pile of Wang Clan sequences near the top, the direction said: You replace Emperor Vast Sky Sword and crape myrtle Immortal Emperor, diverts to have a nightmare with supreme wang supremely, extricates their strength. All careful!” 说话间,他念出了一大堆王氏靠前序列的强者名字,指挥道:“你们去接替昊天剑帝和紫薇仙帝,牵制住至尊魇和至尊尫,解脱出他们的战力。一切小心!” These Wang Clan members are young in one generation the highest level powerhouse, almost each one bloodline aptitude achieved the few Lord ranks, the real battle efficiency at least achieved the half step Immortal Emperor rank. 那些王氏成员都是年轻一代中最顶级的强者,几乎个个血脉资质都达到了少界主级别,真实的战斗力都至少达到了半步仙帝级别。 A few like Wang Anye, depends on the terrifying sword array, has been able to force to marking weakest Immortal Emperor, unifies the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage, the strength is unusual. 少数如王安业,靠着恐怖的剑阵,已经能勉强对标一下最弱的仙帝,结合仙帝囚笼,战力非同寻常。 However, now Wang Anye at the scene, cannot only depend on the population advantage to constrain two Demon Race to be supreme. 不过,现在王安业并不在现场,只能靠着人数优势拖住两个魔族至尊。 Meanwhile, in Shenzhou, there is in one after another powerful Dao Lord late stage, even these cannot promote Immortal Emperor half step Immortal Emperor successively to leave, arrives at the battlefield, starting to assist the Wang Clan main force to divert two Demon Race to be supreme! 同时,神舟之中,也有一个个实力强大的道主后期,甚至那些没能晋升仙帝半步仙帝们陆续离开,降临战场,开始协助王氏主力牵制两位魔族至尊! Had arrived at this/should fighting tooth and nail at this moment time, cannot keep the hand again! 此时此刻已然到了该搏命的时候,自不能再留手! Wang Yinxuan, your family of three do not play, making your two wife hurry to join the battlefield.” Wang Youyue also ordered. 王寅轩,你们一家三口别玩了,让你两个老婆赶紧加入战阵。”王宥岳又是下令。 With the one after another order and battlefield dispatch. 随着一道道命令和战场调度。 Supreme wang and has a nightmare supremely takes over rapidly, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor and Emperor Vast Sky Sword set aside the hand, joined the battlefield, another side supreme yi and star dust Princess also joined the battlefield rapidly. 至尊尪和至尊魇迅速被接手,紫薇仙帝昊天剑帝先后腾出手来,加入了战场,另一边至尊嬟和星尘公主也迅速加入了战场。 Many Immortal Emperor level powerhouses use the full power, finally resisted the control plates of two explosion strokes reluctantly. 诸多仙帝级强者倾尽全力,才终于勉强抵挡住了二段爆发期的主宰槃。 Holds in in addition of desire control crystal core, the present control plate not only excels at the mortal body attack of chaos class, the good spiritual shake wave and attracts disturbance and other methods. 在欲望主宰晶核的加持下,现在的主宰槃非但擅长混沌类的肉身攻击,还有不俗的精神震荡波和魅惑干扰等手段。 Is good because of even the desire control, is unable to attract Immortal Emperor instantaneously, these methods can only be the disturbance and control short. 好在即便是欲望主宰,也无法瞬间魅惑住一位仙帝,这些手段只能作为干扰和短控。 Perhaps under the judgment of Wang Youyue, this time control plate strength has endured compared with the true control, the battle efficiency appraisal has surpassed 25 points, is exceptionally hard to deal with and terrifying! 王宥岳的判断下,此时的主宰槃实力已经堪比真正的主宰,战斗力评价恐怕已超过了25点,异常难缠和恐怖! Only what rejoices is. 唯一庆幸的是。 The control plate present condition is very unusual, within the body two will not only coordination with each other and holds back mutually, is unable to coordinate, causing the behavior to fall into the chaotic situation tacitly frequently. 主宰槃现在的状态十分异常,体内两个意志既相互配合又互相扯后腿,无法默契配合,导致行为经常会陷入混乱状态。 Even so, numerous Immortal Emperor big shot deal is quite strenuous, if continue, even if can drag the dead control plate finally reluctantly, the casualties are not World of Immortals can withstand. 但即便如此,一众仙帝大佬们应对起来也极为吃力,照此下去,即便最终能勉强拖死主宰槃,伤亡也不是仙界能承受的。 Ancestor, presented the bad accident on the spot.” Wang Youyue after the situation stabilizes slightly, then informed Old Ancestor Shouzhe the situation immediately. 老祖宗,现场出现了恶劣变故。”王宥岳在局势略微稳定下来之后,便立即将情况通知了守哲老祖 ...... …… In Zhuanxu Divine Palace core main hall. 颛顼神宫核心大殿内。 Wang Shouzhe naturally was also the earliest possible time knew the battlefield mutation. 王守哲自然也是第一时间就知道了战场的异变。 His brow slightly wrinkle. 他眉头微微一皱。 Although completed the subsequent hand arrangement of so bad aspect early, but that several methods, will pay a big price. 虽然早做好了如此恶劣局面的后手布置,但那数种手段,都会付出不小的代价。 In fact, if not for Zhuanxu Divine Palace in the time limit that World of Immortals stays, he actually does not want decisive battle in the present condition and control plate. According to his consistent repertoire, how long can definitely drag to drag how long, best drag heaven barren and earth old, has towed till to be able relaxed to push the control plate horizontally. 事实上,若不是颛顼神宫仙界停留的时间限制,他其实也不想在如今的状态下和主宰槃决战。按照他一贯的套路,肯定能拖多久就拖多久,最好拖到天荒地老,一直拖到可以轻松横推主宰槃为止。 Only pitifully, how could does the human affairs perform like the intention? 只可惜,世事岂能尽如心意? His complexion sinks to congeal slightly, caused under the meaningful glance toward side Wang Anye. 他脸色微微沉凝,朝身旁的王安业使了下眼色。 Wang Anye is understanding immediately, shows the expression that renounces heavily, said toward attractive item spirit Elder Sister cups the hands: Zhuanxu Elder Sister, I cannot accompany you to chat again, I must rush to rescue the battlefield.” 王安业顿时会意,露出沉重而决绝的表情,朝着身旁一位漂亮的器灵姐姐拱手道:“颛顼姐姐,我不能再陪您聊下去了,我要去驰援战场了。” Saying, his crumb is transmitting jade talisman together. 说着,他捏碎一块传送玉符 The jade talisman radiance splits open, with Immortal Emperor the prepare Transmission Array system resonance, among next instant, he appears in the main battlefield ahead of time, joined during the fight. 玉符的光华绽开,和一阵仙帝提前布置好的传送阵体系共鸣,下一瞬间,他就出现在主战场,加入到了战斗之中。 Anye, Anye......” Zhuanxu item spirit whole face is anxious, has no alternative. 安业,安业……”颛顼器灵满脸焦急,却又无可奈何。 Zhuanxu Elder Sister.” Wang Shouzhe then cups the hands said, „the present situation you also saw, the situation could not have allowed us to pester the flow again, please immediately start Zhuanxu inheritance well, Shouzhe also to reverse the aspect immediately.” “颛顼姐姐。”王守哲这才拱手道,“现在的情况您也看到了,局势已容不得咱们再纠缠流程,请您立即启动颛顼传承,守哲也好立即去扭转局面。” Obviously, he has treated in this had one, this should not be for the first time he tries to convince Zhuanxu Divine Palace item spirit to start Zhuanxu inheritance ahead of time. 很显然,他已经在这待了有一阵了,这应该也不是他第一次试图说服颛顼神宫器灵提前启动颛顼传承。 But, but......” on the Zhuanxu item spirit fine face the look intertwines, as before some resistances and hesitations, you now, have not completed mission, obtains the Zhuanxu trial first ~ order of master, oh......” “可,可是……”颛顼器灵精致的脸上神色纠结,依旧有些许抵抗和犹豫,“你现在,并没有完成任务,获得颛顼试炼的第一啊~主人的命令,唉……” According to the flow of Zhuanxu trial, Wang Shouzhe , to inherit Zhuanxu Divine Palace all, naturally must complete corresponding mission, achieves a series of prerequisite conditions. 按照颛顼试炼的流程,王守哲要想继承颛顼神宫的一切,自然得完成相应的任务,达成一系列的前置条件。 mission Wang Shouzhe naturally is capable of completing, but this process range from dozens years, to for hundred years, the present situation naturally was. 任务王守哲自然是有能力完成的,只是这个过程少则数十年,多则百年,眼下的局势自然是等不起了。 Zhuanxu Elder Sister, you do not think that Anye does have an accident?” Wang Shouzhe sighed, calm sent out fatally struck. “颛顼姐姐,你也不想安业出事吧?”王守哲叹了口气,气定神闲的发出了致命一击。 This......” “这……” The look on Zhuanxu item spirit face even more vacillates. 颛顼器灵脸上的神色愈发动摇。 As Divine Palace item spirit, all she in Divine Palace naturally can induce, is therefore, she can feel the control plate at this moment clearly is how abnormal, is powerful. 作为神宫器灵,神宫内的一切她自然都能感应到,也是因此,她能清晰感受到此刻的主宰槃是多么变态,多么强大。 She ponders over, considers over and over, sighs eventually: „. Actually, can inherit Zhuanxu to inherit by Shouzhe few Lord such Peerless talent, old master knows certainly will also be very gratified. We start!” 她思前想后,思虑再三,终究还是叹了口气:“也罢。其实,能由守哲少界主这样的绝世天才来继承颛顼传承,老主人知道了也一定会十分欣慰。咱们开始吧!” hearing this, in the Wang Shouzhe heart relaxes slightly. 闻言,王守哲心中微微松了一口气。 Was convinces this hard to deal with item spirit Little Elder Sister finally ~ this may not be easy. 总算是说服这难缠的器灵小姐姐了~这可太不容易了。 If she does not comply, he can only give up this line, then other start reserve plans coped with the control plate. Although such is not cannot hit, but will have many casualties at the appointed time, did not say! 她要是再不答应,他就只能放弃这条线,转而启动其他后备方案来对付主宰槃了。虽然那样也不是不能打,只是届时会有多少伤亡,就不好说了! However, Wang Shouzhe somewhat grasps, and has planned the layout for today from the beginning. 不过,王守哲到底还是有几分把握的,并从一开始就已经为今日谋划布局。 He the oneself cultivation base continuously card in the Great Principle boundary peak, and depends on comprehends Life Source Emperor Seal embryonic form Obtained a baptism of wave of Heavenly Dao praise, broke through few to advocate third grade intermediate stage the bloodline aptitude. 他将自己修为一直卡在大罗境巅峰,并靠着自行领悟【生命本源帝印雏形】获得了一波天道嘉奖的洗礼,将血脉资质突破了少界主丙等中段 After entering Zhuanxu Divine Palace, he gave Wang Fugui and Wang Youyue other things, oneself closes up immediately, first becomes Chaos Origin Boundary Dao Lord on the promotion , to promote single layer bloodline again. 进入颛顼神宫之后,他就将其他事情都交给了王富贵王宥岳,自己立刻闭关,第一时间就晋升成为了混元境道主,再次提升一重血脉 And, after the promotion, he took to prepare immediately Ten fifth grade Spirit Pill With God changes fluid, Advanced Dao Lord few to advocate first grade bloodline aptitude one more. 并且,在晋升之后,他立即服用了早就准备好的【十五品神丹】和【神改液】,将血脉资质一具推到了道主少界主甲等还多一些。 Then, the Wang Shouzhe bloodline awakening degree, then achieved ten seven layers eternal god body high stage. 如此一来,王守哲血脉觉醒程度,便达到了十七重永恒神躯高段 This bloodline awakening level, is higher than common Immortal Emperor, purely by bloodline awakening, already and nine tribulation the Immortal Emperor great wild goose to be equivalent. 血脉觉醒层次,已然比寻常仙帝还高了,纯以血脉觉醒度而言,已经和九劫仙帝的鸿相当。 What is worth mentioning is, these years he drains the top resources, urged Southern Ming Immortal Emperor and clan Research Institute, altogether exercised two Ten fifth grade Spirit Pill, About two God changes fluid. 值得一提的是,这些年来他耗尽顶级资源,敦促南明仙帝家族研究院,一共练就了两枚【十五品神丹】,合出了两支【神改液】。 And ten fifth grade Spirit Pill and a god change the fluid, gave the great wild goose Senior. 其中一枚十五品神丹和一支神改液,给了鸿前辈 Depends on them, great wild goose Senior can break through the bloodline shackles smoothly, the bloodline aptitude from god child first grade, broke through the few Lord ranks, the bloodline awakening level also broke through ten eight layers unsurpassed god bodies levels. 靠着它们,鸿前辈才能顺利突破血脉的桎梏,将血脉资质从神子甲等,突破到了少界主级别,血脉觉醒层次也突破到了十八重无上神躯的层次。 This his following crossing the worlds lord laid the foundation suddenly. 这位他后续突破界主奠定了基础。 In addition following does not hesitate closing up of resources to practice, the great wild goose in entered into the Lord level finally a short time ago smoothly. 再加上后续不惜资源的闭关修行,鸿终于在前不久顺利迈入了界主层次。 After becoming Lord, his bloodline awakening level rises the single layer again, has achieved 【The tenth nine layers immortal body Degree. 成为界主后,他的血脉觉醒层次再升一重,已然达到了【第十九重不朽之体】的程度。 Looks over the entire World of Immortals history, only then three exist to be such degree, the present age Lord great wild goose is fourth! 纵观整个仙界历史,也只有三位存在达到过此等程度,当代界主鸿乃是第四位! But at this time. 而此时。 With Zhuanxu item spirit start inheritance, passed to Wang Shouzhe Zhuanxu inheritance ahead of time. 随着颛顼器灵启动传承,提前将颛顼传承传给了王守哲 In an instant, the heaven and earth essence from basic shell inheritance, the Immortal Spirit source that as well as in Zhuanxu Divine Palace stores, then performed all flooded into Wang Shouzhe within the body, started to conduct a Bobo baptism. 刹那间,来自界主级传承的天地精华,以及颛顼神宫内贮存的仙灵界本源,便尽皆涌入了王守哲体内,开始对其进行一波波的洗礼。 Under the baptism of these energies, he had achieved ten seven layers high stage bloodline, starts to push upward! 在这些能量的洗礼下,他原本已达到十七重高段血脉,开始一路往上推! Ten eight layers initial stage. 八重初段 Ten eight layers initial stage peaks! 八重初段巅峰! When baptism thorough conclusion time, the Wang Shouzhe bloodline awakening level, has achieved 【The tenth eight layers unsurpassed god body initial stage peak. 待洗礼彻底结束的时候,王守哲血脉觉醒层次,已然达到了【第十八重无上神躯初段巅峰】。 The common beginning of the universe Dao Lord bloodline awakening level also arrives at tenth five layers, Wang Shouzhe this had been higher than entire three layers compared with common Dao Lord. 要知道,寻常的混元道主血脉觉醒层次也就到第十五重,王守哲这已经比寻常道主高出了整整三重 This means that his bloodline aptitude, had broken through the few Lord limits, entered the next level. 这意味着,他的血脉资质,已然突破了少界主的极限,进入了下一个层次。 This situation, has never happened in the entire World of Immortals history. 这种情况,在整个仙界历史中都从未发生过。 In fact, even if to the Immortal Emperor level, the bloodline awakening level can achieve tenth eight layers, is counted present age great wild goose also four. 事实上,哪怕是到了仙帝级,血脉觉醒层次能达到第十八重的,算上当代鸿也就四个。 They under that condition, are generally called „the Immortal Emperor level few lords. 那种状态下的他们,统称为“仙帝级少界主”。 If the Wang Shouzhe present bloodline few Lord ranks, naturally should be called „the Chaos Origin Boundary few lords, but this situation, this name is obviously inappropriate at present. 若是王守哲如今的血脉还是少界主级别,自然应该被称为“混元境少界主”,但眼下这情况,这称呼显然就不合适了。 However also because just this is some people have never reached the altitude, Wang Shouzhe does not ravel for a while, how oneself this grade of bloodline aptitude should call. 不过也正因为这是一个从未有人达到过的高度,王守哲一时也弄不明白,自己这等血脉资质该如何称呼。 When he hesitates. 正当他沉吟之际。 Nearby Zhuanxu item spirit as if did an important matter, the spirit becomes extremely stimulated: „When Lord, your bloodline awakening degree has surpassed the past Chaos Origin Boundary Zhuanxu Great Emperor entire single layer! With few Lord described when you, were no longer inferior obviously...... is called Few sovereigns?” 一旁的颛顼器灵仿佛干了一件大事,精神变得极为亢奋:“主上,您的血脉觉醒程度已经超过了当年混元境时的颛顼大帝整整一重!用少界主来形容您显然不再何时,不如……就叫做【少界皇】吧?” Few sovereigns? 少界皇? The Wang Shouzhe corners of the mouth pull out. 王守哲嘴角一抽。 This name was very vulgar. 这名字忒俗了点。 However, at present does not haggle over these times, he needs to gain the Zhuanxu Divine Palace complete jurisdiction immediately, again with joining the palms in greeting the command, gives the control plate to be little. 不过,眼下并不是计较这些的时候,他需要立即获取颛顼神宫的完整权限,再配合掌界令,来给予主宰槃一点点惊喜。 ...... ……
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