POP :: Volume #8

#162: Advantage in me! Suppression control plate

...... …… The control plate has to conceive the Wang Shouzhe subsequent hand, to prevent oneself was planned again, he even has made contribution the method that Wang Shouzhe can resort to high toward the estimate. 主宰槃并非没有设想过王守哲的后手,为了防止自己再被算计,他甚至已经尽力把王守哲能动用的手段都往高了估算。 After all according to the reliable information showed, the World of Immortals renowned Immortal Emperor powerhouses, resist the Heavenly Monster control in god error now, otherwise only great wild goose, even if he has been promoted to the lord, is impossible to shoulder the Heavenly Monster army. 毕竟根据可靠情报显示,仙界著名的仙帝强者们,现在都在界神阙抵抗天妖主宰,否则单凭鸿,哪怕他已晋升为界主,都不可能扛得住天妖大军。 However, the control plate has not thought, oneself had estimated toward tall inside, the situation unexpectedly also becomes so bad. 然而,主宰槃没想到,自己都已经往高里估计了,情况居然还会变得如此恶劣。 Depending on these subsequent hand strengths that Immortal Clan sets out, it controls the plate, even if in intact state, dealing is still quite strenuous, the idle talk, his present physical condition is quite worse. 就凭仙族出动的这些后手战力,它主宰槃即便是在完好状态,应对起来也会相当吃力,更遑论,他如今的身体状况还极为糟糕。 Damn Wang Clan puppy! 该死的王氏小狗! If were not that puppy stole food supreme yi the strength of chaos Primordial Yin, disrupted his deployment, he can close right up against swallow the strength of Primordial Yin to restore in peak condition in certain time, at the appointed time, even if faced with present, the strength of his still war! 如果不是那小狗偷吃了至尊嬟的混沌元阴之力,打乱了他的部署,他就可以靠着吞噬元阴之力在一定时间段内恢复到巅峰状态,届时,就算面临眼下局面,他也还有一战之力! When control plate not only anger and startled. 就在主宰槃既怒又惊之时。 Immortal Emperor wields, in the sky, was then revealed the figure by Shenzhou of array camouflage. 一阵仙帝手一挥,天空之中,一艘被阵法遮蔽的神舟便显露出了身形。 Immortal Emperor promotes the Immortal Emperor process to be very difficult, what he walks is a predecessor has not passed through the road that all the way thorn numerous, needs to compare the broken difficulty to be countless, after may promote Immortal Emperor, the rise in strength is also very huge. 一阵仙帝晋升仙帝的过程十分艰难,他走的是一条前人没有走过的路,一路上荆棘重重,需要勘破的难关不计其数,可晋升仙帝之后,实力上的提升也是十分巨大的。 Previously periphery everyone Immortal Emperor had the opportunity to go into hiding, but was not discovered, depends on a Immortal Emperor method. 先前诸位仙帝有机会隐匿周围而不被发现,就是靠着一阵仙帝的手段。 At the present, this Shenzhou is also. 而今,这艘神舟也是。 Excels at the space class and concealment class array Immortal Emperor regarding the essence simultaneously, hiding a Shenzhou is not difficult. 对于同时精擅空间类和隐匿类阵法的一阵仙帝来说,藏一艘神舟并不算难。 In this Shenzhou bridge ship, is standing in great numbers many strengths to achieve the 19th stage powerhouse at this moment, they assume to surround and protect the stance, the encirclement are protecting two young man in the control tower. 这艘神舟桥舰之中,此刻正林立着不少实力达到十八阶的强者,他们呈拱卫姿态,环绕护卫着指挥台上的两位年轻男子。 One in this two young man, is famous Wu Yue Immortal Emperor reincarnation Wang Youyue. 两个年轻男子中的一个,正是大名鼎鼎的武岳仙帝转世王宥岳 His attitude respectfully toward side young man cups the hands: Grandfather, the control plate has fallen into a trap, please conduct the next instruction.” 他态度恭敬地朝身旁的年轻男子拱手:“爷爷,主宰槃已落入了陷阱,请您进行下一步指示。” A Grandfather immortal robe in his mouth, the makings are calm, the cheeks somewhat are slightly clear, seem quite prosperous-looking, making one be able not help then to have intimate and trust. 他口中的爷爷一袭仙袍,气质沉稳,脸颊微微有些圆润,显得颇为富态,让人情不自禁便生出亲近和信任感。 This person, naturally is of Wang Fugui Wang Clan orthodox lineage backbones. 此人,自然就是王氏嫡脉中的顶梁柱之一王富贵 Until now, Wang Fugui is representative of Wang Clan in official system, is called secretary-general in the position that in the immortal commission holds the post. 一直以来,王富贵都是王氏在官方体系中的代表,在仙委会中担任的职位叫做“秘书长”。 This sounds like a position that carries out the service and does odd jobs, but is actually one comes between actually the overall plan, coordinates various interests and contradictory core position. In recent years, he with the rich experience and method, is affecting the decision in immortal commission. 这听起来好像是一个搞服务和打杂的职位,可实则却是一个居中统筹,协调各方利益和矛盾的核心位置。这些年来,他凭着丰富的经验和手段,影响着仙委会方方面面的决策。 From the plant root, this is the character who in the immortal commission decides truly. 从根子上而言,这才是仙委会中真正说了算的人物。 This time the program of action of encircling the control plate, the planned layout, is actually Wang Fugui and his secretary-general team in an overall plan dispatch. 此次围剿主宰槃的行动方针,规划布局,实则都是王富贵和他的秘书长团队在一手统筹调度。 This small scale encircles the fight, is under the charge of on -the-spot direction to you.” Wang Fugui turns around saying that after all, you continued exterminates the control plate holds father system main line mission, once succeeds, then can obtain the large amount of reward.” “这场小规模围剿战斗,由你负责现场指挥。”王富贵转身说道,“毕竟,你可是承接了剿灭主宰槃的扶爹系统主线任务,一旦成功,便能获得巨额奖励。” They had once made various tests to the mission system, confirmed Wang Yinxuan that mission system, although was made the fragment derive by palm, the strength of good fortune but because in that fragment contained, was born actually the unique rule, mission that as long as presented that was completed by Wang Yinxuan either, either must complete by his father Wang Youyue. 他们此前曾对任务系统做过各种测试,确认王寅轩那个任务系统虽然是由掌界令碎片衍生出来的,但由于那块碎片中蕴含的造化之力,实则已诞生出独特的规则,但凡出现的任务,要么是由王寅轩自身完成,要么得由他爹王宥岳完成。 As for is completed by Wang Fugui,...... this is not one holds the Great Grandfather system after all, at the appointed time when system settlement, Wang Youyue and Wang Yinxuan can only be in mission completes plays the subsidiarity, although mission can be as before completes, that but is rewarded will be short. 至于由王富贵完成,呃……这毕竟不是一个扶太爷爷系统,届时系统结算时,王宥岳王寅轩就只能算是在任务完成中起到了辅助作用,虽然任务依旧可以算是完成,但获得的奖励就会少了许多。 Therefore, from the perspective of maximum benefit, the direction of this group war, must be Wang Youyue. 所以,从利益最大化的角度来说,这次团战的指挥,必须是王宥岳 Yes, Grandfather.” “是,爷爷。” The Wang Youyue spirit inspires greatly, on the face revealed the happy expression immediately. 王宥岳精神大振,脸上顿时露出了喜色。 He has not declined, first his previous life dies in the Demon Race hand, dies extremely frigidly, has the hatred of remembering with eternal gratitude to Demon Race. 他没有推辞,一来是他前世死在魔族手中,死得极为惨烈,对魔族也有刻骨铭心的仇恨。 Second, this type of small scale pushes the BOSS group war, he most excels. 二来是,这种小规模的推BOSS团战,正是他最为擅长的。 After he is reincarnated, whole time are playing Divine Martial glory, Directs the brothers to fight wars of the glory for a long time. 他转世之后,大部分时间都在玩【神武荣耀】,长期指挥兄弟们打一场场荣耀之战。 However, he does not like the full-dress operation directing, that was too tired, what he excels is 40 humanities, 80 humanities and other tactical books. 不过,他并不喜欢大规模作战指挥,那太累了,他更擅长的是四十人本,八十人本等战术本。 this time exterminates in the combat plan of control plate, Wang Youyue also once acted according to the different situations, has made many tactical plans, and submitted to Grandfather. 这一次剿灭主宰槃的作战计划中,王宥岳也曾根据不同情况,做出过多种战术预案,并提交给了爷爷 The voice falls. 话音一落。 Shenzhou directs indoor crystal brain, then with various combat unit periods in one. 神舟指挥室内的晶脑,便与各作战单位紧密联系在了一起。 Wang Youyue holds the breath with rapt attention, quick enters the condition, starts the immediate direction: Emperor Vast Sky Sword Senior, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor Senior, please continue to constrain your opponents to have a nightmare with supreme wang supremely, did not strive for winning, only strove for dragging heaven barren and earth old.” 王宥岳屏息凝神,很快就进入状态,开始即时指挥:“昊天剑前辈,紫薇仙帝前辈,请继续拖住你们的对手至尊魇和至尊尫,不求获胜,只求拖到天荒地老。” On main battlefield, Immortal Emperor Senior first opens in a big way, strengthens nearby space again stably, the ability to act of limit control plate.” “主战场上,一阵仙帝前辈先开大,再度稳固强化附近空间,限制主宰槃的行动能力。” With three Array Dao Lord promotions is Immortal Emperor, achieved three uniting boundary. 随着三阵道主晋升为一阵仙帝,达到了三阵合一的境界 Attainments of Immortal Emperor on array, has surpassed actually all previous array Mighty Figure, after all he also gained a massive demon principle from Demon Race, particularly understanding of Demon Race to Space Principle, and melts these theory and World of Immortals Array Dao for a body. 一阵仙帝阵法上的造诣,实则已超过历代阵法大能,毕竟他从魔族那边也获取了大量的魔阵原理,尤其是魔族空间法则的理解,并将这些理论与仙界阵道融为了一体。 Why this is also, the immortal commission to support three Array Dao lords vigorously attacks one of the Immortal Emperor reasons, the resources that in this process consumes are the huge volume. 这也是为何,仙委会为大力扶持三阵道主冲击仙帝的原因之一,这过程中耗费的资源可谓是海量。 To Immortal Emperor sent mission, Wang Youyue to start the fight mobilization: everyone Senior please note, us the comprehensive strength far ultra control plate, has the enormous advantage, to avoid suffering backlash that perishes together, we hit slowly, do not worry, achieves the zero casualty as far as possible!” 给一阵仙帝派完任务,王宥岳又开始了战斗动员:“诸位前辈请注意,咱们这边的综合战力远超主宰槃,拥有着极大优势,为避免遭受同归于尽的反噬,咱们慢慢打,不要着急,尽可能做到零伤亡!” You do not think that the excellent aspect, the endless future, kills, in control plate at the point of death backlashes on? Boundless vast foreign land can world, look?” “你们也不想大好的局面,无尽的前途,就断送在主宰槃的临死反噬上吧?无垠浩瀚的异域世界,总得去看一看吧?” Wang Youyue is reincarnated as Immortal Emperor, naturally knows the dispositions of these Immortal Emperor big shot. 王宥岳作为仙帝转世,自然知道这些仙帝大佬们的脾性。 As World of Immortals strength peak a group of powerhouses, they are powerful at present, the background is vigorous, treated in high for a long time, some people can provide lodging they, therefore somewhat was somewhat willful, in the bone was unruly, might hit is hitting on above, got up on the wave, did not listen to direct. 作为仙界目前实力最顶尖的一批强者,他们实力强大,底蕴浑厚,又在高位上待久了,鲜少有人能管得住他们,因此多多少少都有些任性,骨子里更是桀骜,有可能打着打着就上头了,就浪起来了,就不听指挥了。 Therefore, calls to inoculate them ahead of time, smartly the cold water, avoiding them hotheadedly strong acts unreasonably headstrongly is very necessary. 因此,也提前给他们打打预防针,泼泼凉水,避免他们头脑发热强莽乱来是很有必要的。 Regarding the this time group war, he has prepared to be very long. 对于这一次团战,他已经准备很久了。 He has a custom. 他有个习惯。 Before each group fights, he under each strength to command system, will conduct the deep research, understands the ability and killing move in their aspects, one set of the strength appraisal method of belonging to oneself. 在每一次团战之前,他都会对己方指挥体系下的每一个战力,都进行深入研究,了解他们方方面面的能力和杀招,也有一套属于自己的战力评估手段。 Researches and develops in Wang Youyue and Younger Brother Wang Youxuan together high stage strength simulator After compares notes the combat example massively, the actual combat combat example, as well as to the samples of lots of character, has gradually improve improved one set of oneself rating rule. 王宥岳弟弟王宥玄共同研发的【高阶战力模拟器】中,经过大量切磋战例,实战战例,以及对大量人物的采样,已逐渐完善出一套自己的评级规则。 For example, they in push after massive evaluations spreads out, Immortal Emperor that many just promoted, supreme and so on strengths of 19th stage powerhouse, establishing for the strength rating is 1 unit foundation value. 例如,他们在经过大量评测推衍后,将诸多刚晋升的仙帝、至尊等等十九阶强者的战力,设定为了战力评级为“一单位”的基础值。 This is a new 19th stage average strength index, in non- peculiar circumstance, individual high and low fluctuation often not over 1 unit. 这是一个新十九阶的平均战力指数,非特殊情况下,个体上下浮动往往不超过一单位。 But before, is right Great wild goose Senior After conducting the multiple data acquisitions, finally gave his strength appraisal for 9 units the index, in which meaning, does not refer to Great wild goose Senior The strength achieved new promote Immortal Emperor nine times. 而之前,在对【鸿前辈】进行多次数据采集后,最终给出了他一个战力评价为“九单位”的指数,其中的意思,并非指【鸿前辈】的力量达到了新晋仙帝的九倍。 The actual situation refers, in the normal environment, the great wild goose Senior independent person, can in facing nine new promote Immortal Emperor situation jointly, makes aspect that the victory and defeat 55 open. 实际的情况是指,在正常的环境中,鸿前辈单独一人,就可以在面对九位新晋仙帝联手的情况下,打出胜负五五开的局面。 Moreover the strength evaluation system, has collaborated in many strengths the situation, calculated because of all sorts of unfavorable situations that the degree of adaptability insufficient and other situations caused, the unification takes the degree of adaptability ordinary as the evaluation foundation. 而且战力评价体系,已经将多名战力联手情况下,因配合度不足等情况导致的种种不利局面计算了进去,统一以配合度普通为评定基础。 If nine new promote Immortal Emperor coordinated intimately, the intention was interlinked, and there is under a direction of unification powerful, the victory and defeat from 55 will open rises to six quartos, even 73 opened. 倘若九位新晋仙帝彼此间配合亲密无间,心意相通,且有统一强力的指挥下,胜负会从五五开升到六四开,甚至七三开。 On the contrary, if presents the degree of adaptability to be extremely bad, each other will not trust and so on situations, the victory and defeat less than 55 will also open. 相反,若是出现配合度极差,彼此不信任等等情况,胜负也将会不足五五开。 When Great wild goose Senior After promoting Lord, his strength data rose dramatically all of a sudden 23 units. 而等到【鸿前辈】晋升成界主后,他的战力数据就一下子飙升到了“23单位”。 Please note! Please note! Please note! 请注意!请注意!请注意! This did not refer to the absolute strength of Lord great wild goose is new promote Immortal Emperor 23 times, in fact, the absolute strength was 23 times is not possible! 这也并不是指界主鸿的绝对力量是新晋仙帝的23倍,事实上,绝对力量为23倍是绝不可能的! When this also refers to 23 new promote Immortal Emperor encircled the Lord great wild goose, the both sides strength nearly is equivalent, the victory and defeat in the degree that 55 opened. 这同样只是指二十三位新晋仙帝围剿界主鸿时,双方战力近乎相当,胜负在五五开的程度。 Even if that 23 new promote Immortal Emperor won by luck, the casualties price that finally needs to pay will be quite still huge, can live half is very difficult, cannot do well possibly perishes together. 只是那二十三位新晋仙帝就算侥幸赢了,最终需要付出的伤亡代价也会极为巨大,能活下来一半都很难,一个搞不好可能就是同归于尽。 In this set of strength evaluation system, Wang Youyue estimates the control plate, if has not been injured, under peak condition, strength possibly over 25 units. 在这套战力评价体系中,王宥岳预估主宰槃如果没有受伤,处在巅峰状态下,战力可能会超过25单位。 This was recorded some material ancient books that the control plate and Lord great wild geese fought to estimate between the past years, because material not entire, estimates the result also to have certain difference. 这是根据当年记录了主宰槃和界主鸿之间战斗的一些资料典籍估算出来的,由于资料不全,估算结果也会存在一定出入。 The estimate must in 25 units to 30 units. 预估应当在25单位至30单位之间。 However the current control plate strength cannot reach the peak by far, according to the beforehand all sorts of performance estimates, in 13 units to 15 units. 不过目前的主宰槃战力远远达不到巅峰,根据之前的种种表现估算,也就在13单位到15单位之间。 Also can see from this point, generations of great wild geese in view of the control plate, truncate his strength decisively by any means possible, is very effective. 从这一点也能看出,一代代鸿矢志不渝地针对主宰槃,千方百计地削他战力,还是很有效的。 The a few years ago several pointedness attacked, was the result is striking. 前些年的几次针对性打击,也是成效斐然。 That wave that in addition Mr. and Mrs. Wang Yinxuan three previously weakened, current control plate strength appraisal mostly in 10 units to 13 units. 再加上王寅轩夫妻三个先前削弱的那一波,目前的主宰槃战力评价多半在十单位到13单位之间。 However, in our member strength appraisal. 但是,我方成员战力评估中。 At present strongest is two tenth stage Demon God plants king Dachu, that is a two tenth stage senior powerhouse, the strength appraisal is 5 units, her can hit five new promote Immortal Emperor. 目前最强的是二十阶魔神植王大触,那是一个二十阶的资深强者,战力评估为五单位,她一个能打五个新晋仙帝 In addition, ranked the second is remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, he at present the strength appraisal is 8 units. 除此之外,排名第二的是太上仙帝,他目前战力评价为八单位。 Ranked the third was Southern Ming Immortal Emperor, just promoted him who four plundered the Immortal Emperor strength, the strength appraisal was 2 units. 排名第三的是南明仙帝,刚刚晋升四劫仙帝战力的他,战力评价为二单位。 In the future Emperor Vast Sky Sword is 8 units, supreme yi is 7 units, star dust Princess similarly is also 7 units, to crape myrtle Immortal Emperor only then 6 units, then surface Immortal Emperor, although was only new promote Immortal Emperor, but his strength appraisal also had 5 units. 再往后的昊天剑帝是八单位,至尊嬟是七单位,星尘公主同样也是七单位,到了紫薇仙帝就只有六单位,而后面的一阵仙帝虽然只是新晋仙帝,可他的战力评估也有五单位。 These beginning day Immortal Emperor and Ni fine jade Immortal Emperor and king Dalong, Wang Changsheng, king Taiming, Venus Immortal Emperor, variable demon emperor these seven, the average will be only 1 unit strength again in the future respectively, beginning day Immortal Emperor slightly tall some, actually also high limited. 再往后那些始天仙帝、霓璇仙帝、王大龙、王长生,王太嫇、长庚仙帝,无常魔帝这七位,平均下来各自只有一单位战力,始天仙帝略高些,却也高的有限。 And is quite special, is his family/home Ancestor Wang Anye. At present Wang Anye actual cultivation base or Great Principle boundary late stage, but the strength appraisal had also arrived at 1 unit! 其中还有一个比较特殊的,就是他家老祖宗王安业。目前王安业的实际修为还是大罗后期,但战力评价也已经来到了一单位! Therefore. 因此。 The top powerhouse total strength that we set out at present is: 1 unit, the far ultra current control plate and under him two is supreme. 我方目前出动的顶级强者总战力为:一单位,已远超当前的主宰槃和他麾下两位至尊。 Therefore, in tactic of Wang Youyue overall plan, even if controls the plate to restore the peak strength now, if we can coordinate intimately, everyone obeys the unification command and adjustment, not necessarily does not have the odds of success, but must sacrifice many people when the time comes, did not say. 因此,在王宥岳统筹的战术中,哪怕现在主宰槃恢复到了巅峰实力,我方若是能配合得亲密无间,大家听从统一指挥调度,也未必就没有胜算,只是到时候要牺牲多少人,就不好说了。 But at present, advantage in me. 但眼下,优势在我。 Various data flow in the Wang Youyue mind rapidly, he had entered the direction condition at this moment completely, kept a serious look, the look concentrated on, is issuing the one after another direction order through the command system of Shenzhou crystal brain rapidly. 各种数据在王宥岳的脑海中飞速流淌,他此刻已然完全进入了指挥状态,表情严肃,眼神专注,通过神舟晶脑的指挥系统飞速下达着一道道指挥命令。 Under the advantage, World of Immortals naturally is irritable that hits, has the front to shoulder hardly, has to walk randomly the harassment, there is a firepower output, Array Dao Lord this controls, as well as Venus Azure Emperor and Wang Changsheng strong wife strength. 优势之下,仙界这边自然是打的不急不躁,有前排硬扛,有游走骚扰,也有火力输出,还有一阵道主这种强控,以及长庚青帝王长生的强大奶力。 Reviews that side the control plate, actually hits is extremely aggrieved. 反观主宰槃那边,却打得是极为憋屈。 He wants to tear the space to flee the scene repeatedly, but the space in this moment Zhuanxu Divine Palace becomes under a Immortal Emperor reinforcement even more stable, he is impossible to rip open instantaneously, often just now goes all out to pull out a space gap opening, has to give up by the collection fire. 他多次想撕裂空间逃离现场,但此刻颛顼神宫内的空间在一阵仙帝加固下变得愈发稳固,他根本不可能在瞬间撕开,往往才刚拼命拉出一条空间间隙口子,就被集火不得不放弃。 Similarly, control plate , to hit king big to touch this front hardly, kills her forcefully, is absolutely impossible. 同样,主宰槃若是想硬打王大触这个前排,硬生生将她击毙,也绝无可能。 First, by his current condition and strength, even without disturbance, wants to kill king Dachu still to quite spend a hands and feet, cannot achieve at least in a short time. 一来,是以他目前的状态和战力,即便是在没有干扰的情况下,想要击毙王大触也得颇费一番手脚,至少短时间内做不到。 Secondly, is in this process, not only some people disturb, the strong milk strength helps king Dachu restore. 二来,则是这过程中非但有人干扰,还有强大的奶力帮助王大触恢复。 Therefore, if controls the plate resentment king Dachu to hit wholeheartedly, without doubt is the stupidest tactic. 因此,若是主宰槃一心怼着王大触打,无疑是最愚蠢的战术。 He has to manage Face back row, particularly first cuts away Venus Azure Emperor and Wang Changsheng. 他不得不想办法切后排,尤其是优先切掉长庚青帝王长生 But that king big touched was too disgusting, she was not responsible for attacking, only concentrated on the winding and control, shouted all these is being master mission, surrounded the control plate with a lot of tentacles stubbornly, the tentacle is broken many, she grew many. 可那王大触太恶心了,她不负责攻击,只专注于缠绕和控制,边喊着“这一切都是主人任务”,边用大量触手死死困住主宰槃,触手被打断多少,她就又长出多少。 Meanwhile, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor this partly outputs the vice- front unceasing roaming to tow the jamming, the action of limit control plate! 同时,还有太上仙帝这个半输出副前排不断游曳卡位,限制主宰槃的行动! Others walk randomly unceasingly, are responsible for the firepower output. 其余人不断游走,负责火力输出。 Who is injured, will draw back immediately in the future goes to therapy, does not prolong contact. Even if there does not want to draw back, Wang Youyue will still stare at them to retrocede the treatment. 谁受了伤,就立即往后退接受治疗,绝不恋战。就算有不想退的,王宥岳也会盯着他们后退治疗。 Aggrieved. 憋屈。 The control plate only thinks that this whole life has not fought such aggrieved war, escapes to have no way to escape, hits not to be victorious, the situation is so disadvantageous, unexpectedly even/including thinks kills two to give vent to indignation is extremely difficult. 主宰槃只觉这辈子都没打过这么憋屈的仗,逃没法逃,打打不过,局势如此不利也就罢了,居然连想杀死一两个泄愤都极难。 From this point. 从这一点看。 If no accident, falling from the sky of control plate as if has been settled. 若无变故,主宰槃的陨落仿佛已板上钉钉。 Distant place. 远处。 Under supreme yi and escorting of star dust Princess, the Wang Yinxuan family of three had fallen back on the safe area successfully. 在至尊嬟和星尘公主的护送下,王寅轩一家三口已经成功退到了安全区。 Wang Yinxuan looks at the battlefield of distant place, the expression feels relieved, in the look also glittered the exciting ray: My father directs well, although hits slow, but this wave was steady!” 王寅轩看着远处的战场,表情如释重负,眼神中也闪烁起了兴奋的光芒:“我爹指挥得不错,虽然打的慢了点,可这一波稳了!” Husband.” Supreme yi stares at the control plate, in the pupil is exuding the thick hatred, I want to join to encircle the regiment, revenges for my mother personally.” 夫君。”至尊嬟盯着主宰槃,眸中泛起浓浓的恨意,“我想加入围剿战团,亲自为我母亲报仇。” In the command system of her father-in-law Wang Youyue, because the strength is enough, then excludes temporarily their family of three, tacitly approved them to complete the duty-bound work. 在她公公王宥岳的指挥体系中,因为战力已足够,便将他们一家三口暂时排除在外,默认他们已完成了分内工作。 Their family of three must do now, looks after good oneself, do not let the control plate have the opportunity. 他们一家三口现在要做的,就只是照顾好自己,别让主宰槃有可乘之机。 yi treasure.” Some Wang Yinxuan worries look at her complexion, comforts her saying that you and star treasure consume very in a big way, particularly you, was injured a moment ago heavily, is extremely weak, but life God Tree Senior and Venus Azure Emperor Senior treatment, is not quite good because of your treatment result, we not on, clever ~ “嬟宝。”王寅轩有些担心地看着她的脸色,安抚她道,“你和星宝都消耗很大,尤其是你,刚才受伤不轻,身体还太过虚弱,而生命神树前辈和长庚青帝前辈的治疗手段,在你身上的治疗效果也不太好,咱们就不上了,乖啊~” But he finishes speaking. 可他话音刚落。 „”. “啪”的一声。 Supreme yi then shot a sound to refer. 至尊嬟便弹了一下响指。 Wang Yinxuan only thought that at present the scene changes, next instant, he appears , in a hatred prisoner's cage that seems like very familiar place supreme yi. 王寅轩只觉得眼前景象一变,下一瞬,他就出现在了一个看起来非常熟悉的地方至尊嬟的仇恨囚笼之中。 He is startled immediately dumbfoundedly: „The yi treasure, you, do you want to do?” 他登时惊得目瞪口呆:“嬟宝,你,你这是要干什么?” „The method of Golden Toad, can quickly restore my strength, relieves my bad condition.” Supreme yi looks at Wang Yinxuan, indifferent brutal like the machine, Wang Yinxuan, you point(s) the time with a sense of urgency, do not compel me to begin.” 金蟾之法,能迅速恢复我的力量,解除我的不良状态。”至尊嬟看着王寅轩,冷漠无情的就像个机器,“王寅轩,你抓紧点时间,别逼我动手。” Wang Yinxuan air/Qi well hangs one not to carry but actually at the scene: Supreme yi, what tone are you? You regarded the medicine that the restoration and therapy...... my Wang Yinxuan not to want the surface me...... wait/etc! Do not act unreasonably, outside so many Senior and little friends...... have, my father and Great Grandfather also look in the space......” 王寅轩气得好悬没一头载倒当场:“至尊嬟,你这是什么口气?你这是把我当成恢复和疗伤的药了吗……我王寅轩不要面……等等!你别乱来呀,外面那么多前辈和小伙伴们……还有,我爹和太爷爷也在天上看着呢……” Here hates the prisoner's cage, no one can see.” “这里是仇恨囚笼,没人看得见。” Even if no one can see, they guess that can still guess correctly......” “就算没人看得见,他们猜也能猜到了……” Wang Yinxuan, I, no matter, I must restore the strength now, I must revenge for mother!” 王寅轩,我不管,我现在就要恢复力量,我要为母亲报仇!” Wait! The star treasure, what the star treasure do you come to make? This , can't you let me and yi treasure are together one time alone?” Wang Yinxuan is incapable of resisting gradually, only when can yield with a show of reluctance, discovery star dust Princess appeared in him like a spirit behind, immediately the startled full cold sweat. “等等!星宝,星宝你进来做什么?这都什么时候了,你就不能让我和嬟宝单独相处一次吗?”王寅轩渐渐无力抵抗,只能半推半就之时,却发现星尘公主如幽灵般出现在了他身后,顿时惊的满头冷汗。 I must recover the energy. Demon Race destroyed my homeland, killed my father sovereign!” star dust Princess cold sound said that similarly likely not sentimental machine. “我也要恢复体力。魔族毁了我的家园,杀了我父皇!”星尘公主冷声说道,同样像个莫得感情的机器。 Wang Yinxuan: „......” 王寅轩:“……” ****** ****** Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Hates beside the prisoner's cage. 仇恨囚笼之外。 Because this weaponry hits is quite relaxed, the scene everyone Immortal Emperor big shot when the fight, actually the leisure pay attention to this scene. 因为这场仗打的比较轻松,现场诸位仙帝大佬们在战斗之余,竟然还有余暇关注到这一幕 Our family/home Yinxuan Young Lord can also play.” Life God Tree Wang Changsheng is brushing the treatment to the people, the old bosom consoles greatly says with emotion, this during, unexpectedly this grade of thoughts...... ~ present youngster, can pursue the stimulation.” “咱们家寅轩少主也太会玩了。”生命神树王长生边给众人刷着治疗,边老怀大慰地感慨道,“这当口,竟然还有这等心思……啧啧~现在的年轻人呀,太会追求刺激了。” If my Shouzhe Lord, was so loose with Yinxuan Young Lord clean is good.” Sees this scene, moon deep soul Demon God sets up king Taiming the look to be spooky, the sound becomes the hidden bitterness to get up. “要是我那守哲主上,也和寅轩少主这般风流倜傥就好了。”瞅见这一幕,太阴冥魂魔神树王太嫇眼神幽幽,就连声音都变得幽怨起来。 What is good from Family Head on, and turns a blind eye to her beautiful appearance enchantingly, is not good. 家主上什么都好,就是将她的美貌和妖娆视若无睹这一点,不好。 Did her king Taiming face not to have. 搞得她王太嫇一点面子都没了。 In heart spooky, she starts also to make a determined effort to burn, one after another powerful spiritual sense attack like squally shower thorn to control plate, in the meantime, but also increased the negative condition in addition of Yin deep strength to controlling plate holds. 心中幽幽,她下手也愈发狠辣起来,一道道强大的神念攻击如狂风骤雨般刺向主宰槃,同时,还加大了阴冥之力对主宰槃的负面状态加持。 All for Lord!” “一切为了主上!” king big who falls into error aesthetically triggered the scream, fierce of innumerable tentacle dance, went all out to pester the control plate, seemed to the appearance that he strangled. 审美误入歧途的王大触发出了尖叫,无数触手狂舞的更加剧烈,拼命纠缠主宰槃,好似一副要将他勒死的模样。 Roar!” “吼!” The control plate also sent out shouting of violent anger. 主宰槃也发出了暴怒的嘶吼。 They steal food, also dares to be in front of this control unexpectedly! 他们偷吃也罢了,竟然还敢当着本主宰的面! The control plate is hot tempered, the control plate is angry, the control plate angrily roars unceasingly, actually can only incompetent wild with rage. 主宰槃暴躁,主宰槃恼怒,主宰槃怒吼不断,却只能无能狂怒。 ...... ……
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