POP :: Volume #8

#161: Wang Shouzhe to the feast that the control prepares.

...... …… Is Husband!” “是夫君!” The supreme yi pupil trembles. 至尊嬟瞳孔震颤。 Wang Yinxuan this angrily roars, such as together startling thunderclap in her mind loudly crack, fierce entrained from the despair and pain her. 王寅轩这一声怒吼,就如一道惊雷在她脑海中轰然炸响,猛的将她从绝望和痛苦之中拽了出来。 Her state of mind restored slightly some, in the meantime, in the heart also has the intermittent warm feeling to well up, originally lingering heart these frightened, angry, desperate, no use and other negativities scattered. 她的神志稍稍恢复了些许,同时,心中也是有阵阵暖意涌上,将原本萦绕心头的那些恐惧、愤怒、绝望、无助等负面情绪驱散了许多。 This feeling, seems the hand to stretch out suddenly, held was crashing into her in ice-cold endless abyss, forcefully her from perishing drawing. 这种感觉,就好似有一只手骤然伸出,一把抓住了正在坠入冰冷无尽深渊中的她,硬生生将她从沉沦中拉了出来。 In is so together long with Wang Yinxuan, supreme yi this is the first time, feels the so strong security sense. 王寅轩在一起那么久,至尊嬟这还是第一次,感受到如此浓烈的安全感。 This is her supreme yi Husband Wang Yinxuan. 这就是她至尊嬟的夫君王寅轩 Her supreme yi is not lonely, she also has the family member. 她至尊嬟并不孤单,她还有家人。 But in a flash, she realized anything suddenly, the heart shrinks suddenly tightly, the whole body could not bear tremble to palpitate. 可转瞬之间,她就忽然意识到了什么,心脏骤然缩紧,全身都忍不住颤悸了起来。 Husband, your fool! You should not clash to rescue my! By your strength, how possibly to fight the control plate?” 夫君,你这个傻子!你不应该冲上来救我的!以你的实力,怎么可能斗得过主宰槃?” Sober supreme yi gets angry suddenly and startled, struggles furiously in the palm of control plate, shouts difficultly: Wang Yinxuan, you walk quickly!” 陡然清醒的至尊嬟又怒又惊,在主宰槃的掌心中奋力挣扎起来,艰难嘶吼:“王寅轩,你快走!” Is you?!” “是你?!” Notices the response of supreme yi, didn't relates to the Wang Yinxuan words, where control plate have again clearly? 注意到至尊嬟的反应,再联想到王寅轩刚才的话,主宰槃哪里还有不明白的? In a flash, the dreadful anger direct impact brain, making his ya zi want to crack, wishes one could to rip Wang Yinxuan. 一瞬间,滔天怒意直冲大脑,让他睚眦欲裂,恨不得撕了王寅轩 Is this boy! 是这小子! Right! Was this boy stole food supreme yi the strength of chaos Primordial Yin! 没错!就是这小子偷吃了至尊嬟的混沌元阴之力! This is he controls the extreme grade demon medicine that the travel expenses with all one's heart strength and resources train. Usually, he treats as the treasure general to protect her carefully, wholeheartedly is thinking keeps the critical moment to enjoy. 这可是他主宰槃费尽心力和资源培养出来的极品魔药。平日里,他都是将她当做宝贝一般小心呵护着,一心想着留在关键时刻才享用。 Has not actually thought that the strength of Primordial Yin his has not hated to eat, stole food unexpectedly cleanly by this boy! 却不曾想,他一口都没舍得吃的元阴之力,竟然被这小子偷吃得一干二净! In this moment, the control plate the brain has made up an entire drama, about Wang Yinxuan and supreme yi, how at the back of the grief and indignation scene that he steals food. 在这一刻,主宰槃已经脑补出了一整场大戏,都是关于王寅轩和至尊嬟,如何背着他偷吃的悲愤场面。 Whatever but how controls the plate imagination again richly, its odd degree compares with the actual situation, has a big disparity as before. 可任凭主宰槃想象力再如何丰富,其离谱程度跟实际情况比起来,依旧有着不小的差距。 Even so, the control plate felt never to have as before is intensely angry and unwilling. 但即便如此,主宰槃依旧感受到了从未有过强烈愤怒和不甘。 Even if were planned by the Lord great wild goose in the past, when was only hit comes to the verge of death, can by the remaining soul condition lives on dishonorably distressedly, its anger is also inferior to at present 10%! 哪怕当年被界主鸿算计,被打得濒临死亡,只能以残魂状态狼狈苟活之时,其怒意也不如眼下的10%! At this moment, in his heart only has a thought. 此刻,他心中只有一个念头。 He must grasps supreme yi this cheap demon and this Wang Clan puppy, imposes all sorts of capital punishment, making them live is suffered for 100,000 years, 1 million years, until forever. 他要将至尊嬟这贱魔和这王氏小狗抓起来,处以种种极刑,让他们活着受折磨十万年,百万年,直至永远。 As if, only then this can disappear hate of his heart. 仿佛,只有这样才能消他心头之恨。 But this mood just raised, the expression of control plate fiercely changes, in the eye pupil revealed wiped alarmed and afraid and does not dare to believe the color. 可这份情绪才刚刚升起,主宰槃的表情就猛地一变,眼眸中露出了一抹惊惧和不敢置信之色。 Because he saw Wang Yinxuan cuts that wipes sword glow. 因为他见到了王寅轩斩出的那一抹剑芒 Beginning this dao sword glow when common, but the hand that as Wang Yinxuan wields a sword cuts to fall ruthlessly, actually suddenly becomes incomparably huge, is very vigorous. 这一道剑芒初时并不起眼,但随着王寅轩挥剑的手狠狠斩落,却陡然间变得无比巨大,无比浑厚。 The power and influence is boundless and vast. 威势磅礴而浩瀚。 When cuts the sky, in hundred times of reliable the spaces this Zhuanxu Divine Palace cut unexpectedly. 划破天空之时,竟将这颛顼神宫内百倍牢固的空间都切割了开来。 The margin silk slides smoothly, separated space, looks like the silk skirt to pull open gently, curls to fall to the two sides in following the fragrant shoulder, reveals the space true feature, is radiant and mysterious. 切口丝滑平整,断开的空间,就像是罗裙轻轻拉开,顺着香肩向两边袅袅滑落,露出内空间的真正面目,璀璨而神秘。 This sword, then even controlled the plate to feel the thick danger. 这一剑,便是连主宰槃都感受到了浓浓的危险。 When he is panic-stricken, is too busy to want toward the space vortex another side to retreat, actually already late one step. 他惊骇之余,忙不迭想要往空间漩涡另一边退去,却已经晚了一步。 This dao sword glow slow reality is quick, only the flash then arrived in front of him. 这一道剑芒似慢实快,只一瞬间便到了他面前。 A sword. 一剑。 Cut ruthlessly on his arm. 狠狠斩在了他手臂上。 Tittered!” “噗嗤!” Demon blood splash. 魔血飞溅。 Control plate that giant arm cut off by this sword unexpectedly forcefully, was cut the half arm that falls to grip supreme yi in palm to crash to go unceasingly downward. 主宰槃那巨大的手臂竟硬生生被这一剑斩断,被斩落的半截胳膊攥着掌心中的至尊嬟不断向下坠落而去。 The fracture place blood such as wells up, the innumerable bright red bloody water splash, in sky just like having scarlet blood rain. 断口处鲜血如涌,无数鲜红的血水泼洒而下,天空中宛如下了一场猩红血雨。 „!” “嗷!” Is half beat behind, the control plate realized that had anything, the severe pain also erupted, making him send out a pain to be incomparable , the angry incomparable startled day angrily roared. 慢了半拍,主宰槃才意识到发生了什么,剧烈的痛楚随之爆发,让他发出了一声痛苦无比,也愤怒无比的惊天怒吼。 He has a dream has not thought, the oneself solemn Demon Race control, will be similar to the ants common Wang Clan puppy to cut off an arm by that unexpectedly! 他做梦都没想到,自己堂堂魔族主宰,竟会被那如同蝼蚁一般的王氏小狗斩断一条胳膊! The pain, the humiliation, anger wait/etc mood came in waves, making the whole piece face of control plate the distortion to be fierce. 痛苦,屈辱,愤怒等等情绪纷沓而至,让主宰槃的整张脸都变得扭曲狰狞起来。 But at the same time. 而与此同时。 Cut Wang Yinxuan of this startled day sword as if to be found time the strength to be the same all of a sudden, the whole person crashed from the sky like the kite of broken line generally suddenly. 斩出这惊天一剑的王寅轩仿佛一下子被抽空了力气一般,整个人如同断线的风筝一般蓦然从天空坠落。 That weak appearance, looks with great difficulty gets rid of the evil clutches immobilization the supreme yi heart to clutch, cannot bear call out in alarm makes noise: Husband!” 那无力的样子,看得好不容易摆脱魔爪钳制的至尊嬟心头一揪,忍不住惊呼出声:“夫君!” She clenches teeth to open hastily has lost the strength the control evil clutches, ignores the injury, grazes to go to Wang Yinxuan swayingly. 她连忙咬牙撑开已失去力量的主宰魔爪,不顾伤势,晃晃悠悠地向王寅轩飞掠而去。 She must catch Wang Yinxuan. 她要接住王寅轩 Because, that is her Husband. 因为,那是她的夫君 Even if dies, they must die together. 哪怕是死,她们也要死在一起。 Almost at the same time. 几乎与此同时。 A space in sky bang blasts open. 天空中的一处空间“轰隆”一声炸裂开来。 The innumerable invisible space barrier fragment scatters in all directions collapse flying, like the stars refraction that falls broken fluorescence, immediately changes into the nihility. 无数无形的空间壁垒碎片四散崩飞,如同碎落的星辰般折射出点点荧光,随即化为虚无。 During radiance complements. 光华掩映之中。 The silver hair dances in the air together, the ear slightly sharp female form, as if broke some barrier, reappears in the people field of vision. 一道银发飞舞,耳朵微尖的女子身影,仿佛打破了某种屏障,重新出现在众人视野之中。 Is star dust Princess! 是星尘公主 She breaks the desire prisoner's cage that the black demon bell released finally, works loose the bird cage, regained the freedom. 她终于打破了黑色魔铃释放的欲望囚笼,挣脱樊笼,恢复了自由。 She four sweeps like the colored glaze bright eye pupil, then all integrates in the condition the mind immediately. 她如琉璃般剔透的眼眸四下一扫,便立刻将现场的状况悉数纳入了脑海之中。 Immediately, her figure then appeared side supreme yi in a flash, put out a hand to grasp this weak condition close good ally. 当即,她身形一晃便出现在了至尊嬟身边,伸手抱住了这位虚弱状态的亲密好战友。 Immediately, she also had supreme yi one to glitter side Wang Yinxuan, put out a hand again, caught Wang Yinxuan that fell unceasingly. 随即,她又带着至尊嬟一个闪烁到了王寅轩身边,再次伸手,接住了正不断下坠的王寅轩 Couple three, reunite finally again, for the time being is out of the crisis. 夫妻三口,终于再度团聚,暂且脱离了危机。 The entire process is also in a twinkling, from all sides less than ten breath times. 整个过程也是说时迟那时快,前前后后不足十息功夫。 Distant place. 远处。 When is tired out from the press, escapes from Chen Zilu, Wang Songyi, Wang Jinna who and the others Demon Race Personal Guard chase down to turn head suddenly, glimpses this scene, the expression on face all fills was shocking and excited. 正在疲于奔命,逃脱魔族亲卫们追杀的陈紫露、王宋一王瑾娜等人骤然回头,瞥见这一幕时,脸上的表情皆是充满了震惊和兴奋。 Wang Jinna was results in the eye to stare the circle shocking, the screams blurted out: Yinxuan that boy was also too fierce, a startled day sword caused heavy losses to the control plate unexpectedly!” 王瑾娜更是震惊得眼睛都瞪圆了,惊呼声脱口而出:“寅轩那小子也太猛了吧,如此惊天一剑竟然重创了主宰槃!” Everyone age differs not in a big way, only his is Wang Yinxuan so why outstanding?! 大家年龄相差不大,为何独独他王寅轩如此优秀?! The sudden change, these are so chasing down Demon Race elite Personal Guard of people naturally also to see. 如此骤变,那些正在追杀众人的魔族精锐亲卫们自然也都看到了。 Year to year in control deterrent under they, shock in this moment heart are only many compared with Wang Jinna, one after another is in the heart with amazement, panic-stricken inexplicable, the imposing manner of chasing down voluntarily was not weaker. 常年处于主宰威慑下的他们,此刻心中的震撼比起王瑾娜只多不少,一个个都是心中骇然,惊恐莫名,就连追杀的气势都不自觉弱了许多。 How possibly? 怎么可能? Did the great and invincible control plate, cut off an arm by a trash small sun-dried shelled shrimp unexpectedly?! 伟大而战无不胜的主宰槃,竟然被一个垃圾小虾米斩断了一条胳膊?! Morale of both sides rises falls, Wang Songyi and the others seized the chance to spread out with the pursuing troops actually, the posture that as if escaped continually led. 双方的士气一涨一跌,王宋一等人倒是趁机和追兵拉开了距离,仿佛连逃跑的姿势都帅了许多。 ...... …… Another side. 另外一边。 Is noticing this scene in king Hanxia and power deity of fierce battle, stopped the movement subconsciously, in the respective look filled was vacant and shocking. 正在激烈交战的王珺霞和权天神子注意到这一幕,也是下意识停住了动作,各自眼神中都充满了茫然和震惊。 Does Wang Yinxuan that boy, want is so exaggerating? 王寅轩那小子,要不要如此夸张? The power deity child innermost feelings cannot bear the moan constantly. 权天神子内心忍不住呻吟不迭。 king Hanxia this girl is abnormal enough, has not actually thought, in her ordinary day usually low-key Elder Brother, wanted odd ten times compared with her unexpectedly. 王珺霞这妮子已经够变态了,却不曾想,她那平日里素来低调的的哥哥,居然比她还要离谱十倍。 Is impossible, this is impossible! Certainly was my brother cheat.” king Hanxia the star pupil circle stares, the look somewhat straightens faintly, as if the feeling was under the huge spiritual impact, hateful ~ ~ is he possibly so how strong?!” “不可能,这不可能!一定是我哥开挂了。”王珺霞星眸圆瞪,眼神隐隐有些发直,仿佛感觉受到了巨大的精神冲击,“可恶啊~~他怎么可能这么强?!” Under the mind suffers setbacks, on king Hanxia blew out a stronger aura unexpectedly, the strength of Immortal and Demon interwove in her whole body vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, „” crack. 心神受挫之下,王珺霞身上竟是爆出了更强的气息,仙魔之力在她周身纵横交织,“噼里啪啦”炸响。 Wang Yinxuan, I will not admit defeat, I will certainly surpass your!” 王寅轩,我不会认输的,我一定会超过你的!” king Hanxia is staring a two stars pupil, the eyeground seems the flame combustion, observed closely opposite power deity unexpectedly, wields Immortal and Demon to cut the divine blade to rush over toward him again. 王珺霞瞪着一双星眸,眼底似有火焰燃烧,蓦地盯住了对面的权天神子,挥着仙魔斩神刀就再次朝他冲了过去。 She is crying out the chuuni lines, while launched a crueler fierce and brutal attack to power deity. 她一边呐喊着中二台词,一边对权天神子展开了更为残忍凶暴的进攻。 Facing that squally shower attack, power deity deals reluctantly, fights while draws back, in heart both panic-stricken and bitter and astringent. 面对那狂风骤雨般的进攻,权天神子勉强应对,边战边退,心中既惊骇又苦涩至极。 king Hanxia, you have the temperament you to have the skill to scatter toward your Elder Brother, what do you hit me to make ominously? 王珺霞,你有脾气你有本事朝你哥哥撒去啊,你打我这么凶做什么? But when everyone shocks inexplicably. 而就在所有人震撼莫名的时候。 demon qi that in the space vortex, the control plate whole body fills just like the substantive circulation, floods into right arm the place of break crazily. 空间漩涡之中,主宰槃周身弥漫的魔气正如实质般流转,疯狂涌入右胳膊的断裂之处。 Breaks in the flesh of arm place to have the one after another granulation to fly to flee, twists crazily is insanely long. 断臂处的血肉中有一个个肉芽飞窜而出,疯狂扭曲疯长。 During this short moment, these granulations has grown into a brand-new arm unexpectedly, the surface looked that is was almost unexpectedly exactly the same. 就在这短短片刻之中,这些肉芽竟已经长成了一条全新的胳膊,表面看去竟是和原本几乎一模一样。 This is the Demon Race fearful place, even if is only left over wisp of remaining soul, has the possibility rebirth, the arm of being cut off grows, is the base exercise. 这就是魔族的可怕之处,哪怕仅剩下一缕残魂,都有可能重生,断掉的胳膊重新长出,也不过是基操而已。 However, this to the control plate is also a huge consumption. 不过,这对主宰槃而言也是一次巨大的消耗。 The control demon body of his present is his main body, its body is constitution by the pure incomparable Demon Race source energy and principle strength, Wang Yinxuan cuts that arm that falls to be possible not only to be his mortal body, inside also contained the powerful Demon Race source energy and strength of many years of concise principle. 他如今的这具主宰魔躯乃是他的本体,其身躯乃是由精纯无比的魔族本源能量和法则之力构成,王寅轩斩落的那一臂可不仅仅是他的肉身,里面还蕴含了强大的魔族本源能量和多年凝练的法则之力。 The arm can fast long come out, the loss of source strength is actually not in the short time can make up. 手臂可以快速长出来,本源力量的亏损却不是短时间内能补上的。 His imposing manner obviously declined one to plan in a big way, appearance that a vitality damaged severely. 他的气势明显衰落了一大筹,一副元气大伤的模样。 Controls in the core manic incomparable, wishes one could to tear to shreds Wang Yinxuan and the others immediately. May considering the present situation, he repress the mood eventually. 主宰槃心中狂躁无比,恨不得立刻将王寅轩等人碎尸万段。可考虑到眼下的局势,他终究还是按捺住了情绪。 Was attracted by Wang Yinxuan while supreme yi and star dust Princess attention completely, he stirs all strengths, two giant arms will support in the future pull, unexpectedly forcefully opened a big truncation the space vortex. 趁着至尊嬟和星尘公主的注意力完全被王寅轩吸引,他鼓荡起所有的力量,两条巨大的胳膊往后一撑一扯,竟硬生生的将空间漩涡撑开了一大截。 Has prepared the good supremeness to have a nightmare with supreme wang, seized the chance to drill fast, arrives in Zhuanxu Divine Palace. 早已准备好的至尊魇和至尊尫,趁机快速钻出,降临到了颛顼神宫之内。 They also follow behind dozens, was stopped up in space slit later Demon Race elite Personal Guard. 他们身后还跟着数十位,原本被堵在空间缝隙之后的魔族精锐亲卫 These Demon Race Personal Guard strength strongest achieved half step to be supreme, worst also had the 17th Stage Great Commander rank. 这些魔族亲卫实力最强的达到了半步至尊,最差的也有十七阶大统领级别。 Killed them!” “杀了他们!” The control plate sound is cold and gloomy, is angry and terrifying. 主宰槃声音森冷,愤怒而恐怖。 Has a nightmare with supreme wang supremely looks one mutually. The latter sinking sound told Demon Race elite Personal Guard: You disperse entirely, strikes god child Divine Maiden that kills these to leave behind specially.” 至尊魇和至尊尫互相对望一眼。后者沉声吩咐魔族精锐亲卫们:“你们通通散开,专门去击杀那些落单的神子神女们。” Demon Race elite Personal Guard receives an order in abundance dispersing. 魔族精锐亲卫纷纷领命散开。 two then leaps the demon body supremely, kills in a threatening manner to the Wang Yinxuan family of three. 两位至尊这才腾起魔躯,气势汹汹地向王寅轩一家三口杀去。 But at this moment. 可就在这时。 Buzz!” “嗡!” A bright sword recited the sound to get up. 一声明亮的剑吟声响起。 A powerful divine sword suddenly but air-splitting, direct impact supreme wang goes. 一柄强大的神剑骤然破空而至,直冲至尊尫而去。 In this divine sword does not know that adhered to stick cohere many energies, the fearful energy undulatory motion the surrounding space is trembling crazily. 这神剑中也不知附着了多少能量,可怕的能量波动震得周围的空间都在疯狂震颤。 The sword has not arrived, the threatening point has let supreme wang scalp tingles. 剑还没到,逼人的锋芒就已经让至尊尫头皮发麻。 He does not dare to meet hardly, is too busy lives in the figure, avoids the divine sword to plunder to return full power backward. 他不敢硬接,忙不迭顿住身形,全力躲开神剑向后倒掠而回。 When stop, he fixes the eyes on looked, actually sees one to wear the white sword robe, the appearance handsome natural middle-aged man does not know when appeared in the sky of not far away. 待重新停稳,他定睛一看,却见一位身穿白色剑袍,模样俊朗潇洒的中年男子不知何时出现在了不远处的天空之中。 His foot steps on flying sword float in empty/sky, fearful sword intent takes him to fill the air in the sky as the center of circle, is similar to a human form divine sword to be the same, the imposing manner is imposing, the point compels the person. 他脚踩飞剑悬浮于空,可怕的剑意以他为圆心在天空中弥漫开来,就如同一柄人形神剑一般,气势凛然,锋芒迫人。 Supreme wang?” He shoulders both hands to look, the look proudly, heard you are Demon Race control subordinate Personal Guard Commander, a strength is immeasurably deep., Making your family sky Grandfather ask for advice fiercely.” “至尊尫是吧?”他背负着双手看过来,神色傲然,“听说你是魔族主宰麾下亲卫统领,一身实力深不可测。来来来,让你家昊天爷爷领教领教厉害。” Originally is Emperor Vast Sky Sword!” Supreme wang one will also respond from now on, Jie Jie Jie smiles strangely, that tries your method.” “原来是昊天剑帝!”至尊尫一愣过后也反应过来,桀桀桀怪笑起来,“那就试试你的手段。” Then, Emperor Vast Sky Sword and supreme wang then war made one group, hits in sky within, more is farther. 说罢,昊天剑帝与至尊尫便战作了一团,在天空中越打越远。 Also is at the same time, has a nightmare supremely is also blocked by emerging out of thin air crape myrtle Immortal Emperor. 也是同一时间,至尊魇也被凭空出现的紫薇仙帝挡住。 The both sides each other battle battle, projected on the Zhuanxu Divine Palace above cloud layer suddenly. 双方彼此交战争斗,眨眼间就打到了颛顼神宫上方的云层之中。 However, although supreme wang and had a nightmare supremely is blocked. 不过,虽然至尊尪和至尊魇都被挡住了。 But meets the time. 可就这么会功夫。 The control plate had opened the space vortex thoroughly, pushed from the opposite. 主宰槃就已经彻底撑开了空间漩涡,从对面挤了过来。 His huge body stands baseless in void, the sturdy long-tail is winding behind, was ordinary just like prehistoric ferocious beast, the power and influence was dreadful, fierce fearsome. 他巨大的身躯凭空立在虚空之中,粗壮的长尾在身后蜿蜒,宛如一头史前凶兽一般,威势滔天,狰狞可怖。 In him behind, space vortex slowly closed, until vanishing does not see. 在他身后,空间漩涡缓缓闭合,直至消失不见。 He, arrived finally. 他,终于降临了。 Even if Immortal Clan obstructs in every possible way, hadn't he arrived at Zhuanxu Divine Palace successfully? Now, in this Zhuanxu Divine Palace, who is his opponent? 纵然仙族百般阻挠,他还不是成功降临了颛顼神宫?如今,在这颛顼神宫之中,又有谁是他对手? The control plate sank the cold vision to fall on the Wang Yinxuan family of three, the cold and gloomy aura that is coercing the anger filled the proliferation from him unceasingly, just like substantive covers to go. 主宰槃沉冷的目光落在了王寅轩一家三口身上,一股裹挟着怒意的森冷气息从他身上不断弥漫扩散,犹如实质般笼罩而去。 His sound hoarse deep to pinnacle: Wang Clan puppy, supreme yi, star dust Princess! You dare to tarnish this control unexpectedly the strength of chaos Primordial Yin! Good, very good, this control must have a look but actually, Wang Shouzhe also has what method to save you!” 他的声音沙哑深沉到了极致:“王氏小狗,至尊嬟,星尘公主!你们居然胆敢玷污本主宰的混沌元阴之力!好,很好,本主宰倒要看看,王守哲还有什么手段救你们!” Although eats to mediate owing of arm, but arrives him completely, the strength naturally cannot compare a moment ago! 虽然吃了断臂之亏,可完整驾临现场的他,实力自然不是刚才可以比拟! He now, only wants to swallow the Wang Yinxuan family of three completely, when the time comes, even if might as well swallow the strength of like that effect powerful pure chaos Primordial Yin, but many can still make up for his loss. 他现在,只想将王寅轩一家三口全部吞掉,到时候,即便不如吞噬纯粹的混沌元阴之力那般效果强力,但多少也能弥补一下他的损失。 Facing the control plate that so threatens, Wang Yinxuan actually does not fear quite the same as. 面对如此气势汹汹的主宰槃,王寅轩却浑然不惧。 That sword that he cut a moment ago, obviously is the system automatic performance, very obviously, that is the Ancestral Grandfather use palm command grants his strength. 刚才他斩出的那一剑,明显是系统自动运转,十分显然,那是老祖爷爷动用掌界令赐予他的力量。 This showed sufficiently, all during the control of Ancestral Grandfather. 这足以证明,一切都在老祖爷爷的掌控之中。 Sure enough, he received the system prompt a moment ago , indicating that the system just renovated new mission, wants on a hatred value of his steady wave of control plate. 果不其然,刚才他又收到了系统提示,表示系统刚刚刷新出一个新任务,要他稳上一波主宰槃的仇恨值。 This mission is in his opinion simple, keeps in line with the Wang Yinxuan wish. 这个任务在他看来非常简单,也符合王寅轩的心意。 What big are you hot-tempered? Said that what day of desire demon art, trained the Peerless demon medicine, finally also wasn't cheap my Wang Yinxuan?” He sneered, be relentless satirized the control plate loudly, right, said me also to thank you. Thanks politely the control plate gracious gift my yi treasure like this good wife.” “你脾气大什么大?说什么天欲魔功,培养了绝世魔药,最终还不是便宜了我王寅轩?”他冷笑了一声,毫不留情地放声讽刺起了主宰槃,“对了,说起来我还得谢谢你。拜谢主宰槃恩赐我嬟宝这样的好老婆。” At this time. 此时。 Supreme yi under the clothing/taking the demon medicine, had restored slightly. 至尊嬟已经服下魔药,略微恢复了些。 Her ill-humored horizontal Wang Yinxuan, but under the heart is warm, as if has put down all obstructions, accepted Wang Yinxuan this Husband truly. 她没好气的横了王寅轩一眼,不过心下却是暖洋洋的,似乎已放下所有的芥蒂,真正接受了王寅轩这个夫君 This saying, the control plate immediately been mad going crazy, the wild imposing manner ascends suddenly, a fierce palm of the hand snoring. 这话一出,主宰槃顿时被气的发狂,狂暴的气势骤然升腾而起,猛的一巴掌呼噜了过来。 The terrifying evil clutches block the sky, the place visited, Zhuanxu Divine Palace space cannot even withstand its devastation, cuns (2.5 cm) under the attack of claw blade cracks. 恐怖的魔爪遮天蔽日,所过之处,连颛顼神宫的空间都承受不住它的摧残,在爪刃的侵袭下寸寸崩裂。 star dust Princess and supreme yi complexion big change, holds Husband to flee hastily rapidly. 星尘公主和至尊嬟脸色大变,连忙抱上自家夫君急速遁逃。 On the contrary is Wang Yinxuan, in three people the strength is obviously weakest, on the contrary is calmest. 反倒是王寅轩,明明三人中实力最弱,却反倒最为淡定。 Without the subsequent hand, how the system to make him draw the hatred? 若是没有后手,系统岂会让他拉仇恨? Sure enough. 果不其然。 The evil clutches have not plundered front. 魔爪还没掠到面前。 Is gray-haired, the makings are thin, such as the old deity old man form, then outlined before them baseless. 一位头发花白,气质清癯,如老神仙般的老者身影,便在他们面前凭空勾勒而出。 The old men to refer to the controlling sword, the jade pivot shaft Big Dipper if still substantive phantom appears in his whole body immediately, the light shadow wound around to lend the mysterious incomparable aura. 老者以指驭剑,玉枢七星犹若实质般的虚影顿时在他周身浮现而出,光影缭绕间散发出了玄妙无比的气息。 Holds in overlap energy in addition, sword glow shoots up to the sky, then hit one with the evil clutches of control plate instantaneously ruthlessly. 在重重迭迭的能量加持下,剑芒冲天而起,瞬间便与主宰槃的魔爪狠狠撞击到了一起。 Was and a power deity similar style, the might is actually big ten times continued obviously! 明明是和权天神子同样的一记招式,威力却是大了十倍不止! Bang! 轰隆! The evil clutches crack, sword glow dissipates. 魔爪崩裂,剑芒消散。 The terrifying energy blasts out, then changes into the shock-wave to sweep across to wreak havoc suddenly. 恐怖的能量炸开,瞬息间便化为冲击波席卷肆虐开来。 The old deity was only the figure in a flash, actually stands slightly as before steadily in the sky. 老神仙只是身形微微一晃,却依旧稳稳立在了当空。 Well!?” “咦!?” Sees him, baseless however the vertical control plate pupil concentrates, the eyeground exudes surprised suddenly: Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, can't you at this moment in god error?” 见到他,凭空而立的主宰槃瞳孔一凝,眼底蓦然泛起一丝惊疑:“太上仙帝,你此刻不是应当在界神阙?” The one who made him somewhat surprised was, this Immortal Clan famous Immortal Emperor, the strength as if compared to before a big truncation, seemed achieved two tenth stage! 更令他有些吃惊的是,这位仙族著名的仙帝,实力似乎比起之前强了一大截,好似达到了二十阶 God error? Right, this Immortal Emperor must go to god error assisting.” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor is stroking white reckless lightly, hehe smiles, „, but, limitless Divine Palace daylight Immortal Emperor transforms the obsolete appearance, assisted for obsolete.” “界神阙?对对对,本仙帝应当去界神阙协防的。”太上仙帝轻捋着白胡,呵呵一笑,“不过,无极神宫的辰光仙帝幻化成老朽的模样,替老朽去协防了。” Daylight Immortal Emperor? 辰光仙帝 The control plate complexion sinks. 主宰槃脸色一沉。 Limitless does Divine Palace have new Immortal Emperor born unexpectedly? 无极神宫居然已经有新的仙帝出世了? He thinks was exchanged limitless Emperor Seal that” Immortal Clan goes. He also thinks, even if World of Immortals retrieved limitless Emperor Seal, does not have a big several ten thousand years, cannot train next absolutely limitless Immortal Emperor! 他想到了被交换到仙族去的“无极帝印”。原本他还以为,就算仙界找回了无极帝印,没有个大几万载,也绝对培养不出下一位“无极仙帝”! Has not actually thought, limitless Divine Palace trained new Immortal Emperor unexpectedly quickly. 却不曾想,无极神宫居然这么快就培养出了新的仙帝 Daylight? He remembers vaguely, this name seems limitless Divine Palace generation of Palace Lord, half step Immortal Emperor. 辰光?他依稀记得,这名字仿佛是无极神宫的代宫主,一个半步仙帝 Immortal Clan does not hesitate to consume the valuable incomparable resources unexpectedly, piled new Immortal Emperor daylight Dao Lord?! 仙族竟然不惜耗费珍贵无比的资源,将辰光道主堆成了新仙帝?! Good, very good! Is this Wang Shouzhe subsequent hand?” Controls in the core slightly heavy, is still unhurried, sneers saying that remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, how even if you were five tribulation the Immortal Emperor strength? However also can only be just advanced into two tenth stage. Depending on you, but also cannot block this control!” “好,很好!这就是王守哲的后手是吧?”主宰槃心中微微沉重,却依旧不慌,冷笑道,“太上仙帝,就算你达到了五劫仙帝的实力又如何?不过也只能算是刚刚跻身于二十阶而已。凭你,还挡不住本主宰!” Until now, the control plate is guessing the Wang Shouzhe subsequent hand, because ate too owed repeatedly, unavoidably will be somewhat on nettles, but the boots fall to the ground now, he instead felt relieved. 一直以来,主宰槃都在猜测王守哲的后手,由于吃了太多次亏,难免会有些惴惴不安,但现在靴子落地,他反而放心了。 Initially enters two tenth stage remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, although is thorny, but can cope eventually. 初入二十阶的太上仙帝虽然棘手,但终究还是能对付的。 Right, controlled you to say right.” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor expressed the support, „, therefore, this Immortal Emperor has not planned and you independent combat. Southern Ming, you also gawked are making anything, has not paid a visit the control plate quickly.” “对对对,主宰您说得对。”太上仙帝表示十分赞同,“所以,本仙帝也没打算和你单打独斗。南明,你还愣着做什么,还不快来拜见主宰槃。” Came!” “来了来了!” Accompanies one should with, the blazing flame blasts out in the sky suddenly, the billowing heat wave also sweeps across. 伴着一声应和,炽烈的火光蓦然在天空中炸开,滚滚热浪随之席卷而出。 Suddenly, the entire heaven and earth temperature seemed rose several degrees. 瞬息间,整个天地的温度都好似升高了好几度。 In the flame, there is a person's shadow together to condense the formation fast, the whole body scarlet fire winds around, the billowing power and influence blots out the sky to bloom, imitates, if an desolate ancient fire god visits the human world. 火光中,有一道人影飞快凝聚成型,周身赤火缭绕,滚滚威势铺天盖地绽放开来,仿若一尊荒古火神莅临人间。 Suddenly, the flame person's shadow then dropped from the clouds, falls the control plate behind, changed into a red robe, the careless handsome youth, to controlling Pan teased smiles: Southern Ming paid a visit the control plate.” 眨眼之间,火焰人影便从天而降,落到了主宰槃身后,化为一个一身红袍,吊儿郎当的英俊青年,冲着主宰槃戏谑一笑:“南明拜见主宰槃。” Control plate look slightly one cold: Southern Ming Immortal Emperor, did you also break through four tribulation the Immortal Emperor strength? Since you in this, who that were went to god error for you?” 主宰槃神色微微一凛:“南明仙帝,你也突破到了四劫仙帝实力?既然你在这,那又是谁替你去了界神阙?” Also is not the flame boy of urgently our family/home.” Southern Ming Immortal Emperor hehe smiled, „, since I broke through four tribulation the Immortal Emperor strength, knew that hopeless to go a step further again, will then inherit to give urgently the flame early.” “还不是我们家的亟焱小子。”南明仙帝呵呵一笑,“自从我突破到了四劫仙帝实力,自知无望再进一步,便早早将传承给了亟焱。” Urgently flame Old Ancestor, that was Ancestor of clear(ly) Zhe god child, one of the Southern Ming temple vice- Hall Lord, when young bloodline was also very powerful, only pitifully at that time Southern Ming Emperor Seal not in inheritance period. 亟焱老祖,那是明喆神子的老祖宗,南明神殿的副殿主之一,年轻血脉也是十分强大,只可惜当时南明帝印并不在传承期。 this time, because of general situation, therefore, flame Old Ancestor walked the huge luck urgently, becomes one of the secret training new Immortal Emperor. 这一次,因为大局之故,亟焱老祖算是走了天大的运气,成为了秘密培养的新仙帝之一。 Another new Immortal Emperor? 又一个新仙帝 The look of control plate is even more dignified. 主宰槃的神色愈发凝重。 He felt, the situation becomes even more thorny. 他感觉,事态变得愈发棘手起来。 However, at present this aspect, he can also deal with. 不过,眼下这局面,他还能应付的来。 But has not waited for him to start talking. 可还没等他开口说话。 The sound that is female and male difficult to distinguish resounds: Remote antiquity old ghost, is this control plate that my Lord must cope with? looks may be really ugly enough.” 一个雌雄难辨的声音响起:“太上老鬼,这就是我主上要对付的主宰槃吗?长得可真够丑陋的。” During the speeches, the terrifying power and influence sweeps across the sky again. 说话间,恐怖的威势再次席卷天空。 Both hands are twist the black fatty of tentacle to drop from the clouds, with remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, Southern Ming Immortal Emperor assumed the potential of triangle to sphere the control plate. 一个双手都是扭曲触手的黑胖子从天而降,和太上仙帝,南明仙帝呈三角之势围住了主宰槃。 This black fatty, naturally is under Wang Shouzhe the first goon, two tenth stage Demon God plant tentacle strange king Dachu. 这黑胖子,当然就是王守哲麾下第一打手,二十阶魔神植触手怪【王大触】了。 Once king big touched aesthetic very unique, may with be getting more and more long in the time that World of Immortals treated, she realized that the original oneself Form Changing condition was odd. 曾经的王大触审美十分独特,可随着在仙界待的时间越来越久,她才意识到原来自己化形状态有多么离谱。 Pitifully what is done cannot be undone, all could not only go back. 只可惜木已成舟,一切都回不去了。 Another powerhouse? 又一个强者? The control plate pupil shrinks fiercely, looked that is quite dignified to king Dachu the look. 主宰槃瞳孔猛缩,看向王大触的眼神极为凝重。 The imposing manner that this ugly fellow, the whole body releases unexpectedly faintly is in a big way stronger than one to plan remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, does not enter two tenth stage is so simple initially. 这丑陋的家伙,周身释放出的气势竟然隐隐比太上仙帝还强一大筹,绝非是初入二十阶那么简单。 Under three big powerhouses encircle, controlled in the core not to have self-confidence from the beginning, had the impulsion of turning around faintly. 三大强者合围之下,主宰槃心中已然没有了一开始的自信,隐隐有掉头的冲动。 Only pitifully, the space vortex has closed! 只可惜,空间漩涡已经关闭! He could not go back! 他回不去了! But has not waited for the control plate to set the mind, the aura of one after another powerhouse, from has then come in waves in all directions. 可还没等主宰槃定下心神,一道又一道强者的气息,便已经从四面八方纷沓而至。 Obviously, they in Zhuanxu Divine Palace had waited there for some time, to wait for him to come. 很显然,他们早已在颛顼神宫内等候多时,就等着他过来呢。 Again next Immortal Emperor, see control plate.” “再下一阵仙帝,参见主宰槃。” Immortal Emperor? 一阵仙帝 Controls in the core slightly one suddenly. Was this three Array Dao lords breaks through Immortal Emperor boundary? 主宰槃心中微微一突。这难道是三阵道主突破到了仙帝境界 „Below king Dalong.” Golden Divine Dragon king Dalong breaks open the fog, winds, but , the sound belt/bring smiles, I believe that the control should have the impression to me.” “在下王大龙。”金色神龙王大龙破开云雾,蜿蜒而至,声音带笑,“我相信主宰对我应该有印象。” Is you! Aren't you supreme deep subordinate?” “是你!你不是至尊冥的手下吗?” The control plate eye was unexpectedly red, in the chest also tumbled the turbulent anger. 主宰槃眼睛蓦地红了,胸中也翻滚起了汹涌怒意。 He remembers this fellow! It steals his treasure house, but also leaves behind the Creation Crystal scoundrel Divine Dragon! 他记得这家伙!它就是偷他宝库,还留下创世水晶的混账神龙! I! How is supremely deep to match to work as this master of Divine Dragon?” king Dalong sends out low and deep dragon cry, the tone is arrogant, my master, is king Young Lady Lilong.” “我呸!至尊冥怎么配当本神龙的主人?”王大龙发出一声低沉的龙吟,语气趾高气扬,“我的主人,可是王璃珑小姐。” The voice falls. 话音一落。 Also another side, there is a charming female voice to resound together: Concubine body king Taiming, has seen the control plate. Thank you demon palace core entertainment.” 另一边,又有一道娇媚的女子声音响起:“妾身王太嫇,见过主宰槃。谢谢您的魔殿核心招待。” Is you!” The control plate anger, „are you also the Wang Lilong subordinate?” “是你!”主宰槃怒意更甚,“你也是王璃珑的手下?” No. master of concubine body is the Shouzhe few lords, I am his subordinate spirit plant ranked the second.” “不。妾身的主人乃是守哲少界主,我是他麾下排名第二的灵植。” king Taiming the voice is somewhat spooky. 王太嫇的声音有些幽幽。 originally thought, her king Taiming should be under Lord most spirit plant, has not actually thought, Lord turned two tenth stage Demon God to plant unexpectedly, but also the ugly fearfulness, pushed forcefully from the first spirit plant position her. 原本以为,她王太嫇应该是主上麾下的最灵植,却不曾想,主上竟然拐回了一株二十阶魔神植,还丑的可怕,硬生生把她从第一灵植的位置上挤下来了。 But her voice falls. 可她话音一落。 Another side resounded an uncomfortable old man voice: king Taiming, if you are under Lord second spirit plant, my Wang Changsheng does arrange several?” 另一边就响起了一道略带不爽的老者声音:“王太嫇,如果你是主上麾下第二灵植,那我王长生排第几?” Obviously, comes person life God Tree main body Wang Changsheng! 十分明显,来人正是生命神树的本体王长生 Beginning day and Ni fine jade and Venus, black variable.” After Wang Changsheng, four sounds almost also resound, pays a visit to control Sir Pan.” “始天、霓璇、长庚、黑无常。”王长生之后,又有四道声音几乎同时响起,“拜见主宰槃大人。” Is accompanying the sound, four person's shadows also come in waves, power and influence illustrious, similarly is also the Immortal Emperor rank. 伴着声音,四道人影也纷纷而至,威势赫赫,同样也都是仙帝级别。 And what is worth mentioning is Variable demon emperor. 其中最为值得一提的是【无常魔帝】。 He once was one of the ten thousand day Demon Palace vice- Palace Lord, a few years ago World of Immortals planned several times, obtains many supreme crystal cores, finally was ten thousand day Demon Palace epic level enhancement. 他曾经是万化天魔宫的副宫主之一,前些年仙界数次谋划,获得多枚至尊晶核,结果便是万化天魔宫史诗级增强。 However, is more difficult compared with the normal promotion through the supreme crystal core promotion demon emperor, currently also only has variable demon emperor one, is successfully promoted through the supreme crystal core for the demon emperor. 不过,通过至尊晶核晋升魔帝比起正常晋升要困难许多,目前也仅有无常魔帝一个,成功通过至尊晶核晋级为了魔帝。 Obviously, usually looks the black variable foundation that very flattered was very solid, without was so certainly simple. 可见,平常看着十分谄媚的黑无常底蕴十分深厚,绝没有那么简单。 In addition, Ni fine jade Dao Lord of Wu Yue temple, Wang Youyue previous life young apprentice, success promotion for Ni fine jade Immortal Emperor. 此外,武岳神殿的霓璇道主,王宥岳上一世的小徒弟,也成功晋升为了霓璇仙帝 Venus said that ancestor similarly also already smooth promotion in these years, becomes Azure Emperor of new generation. 长庚道祖同样也已经在这些年里顺利晋升,成为了新一代的青帝 Suddenly, ten Immortal Emperor level powerhouse forms will control the plate to encircle, the terrifying power and influence, continuous Large expanse, space as if cannot withstand to shake slightly. 一时间,十多道仙帝级强者身影将主宰槃团团围住,恐怖的威势层层迭迭,连绵成片,就连空间的仿佛承受不住般微微震荡起来。 The complexion of control plate was difficult to see the pinnacle! 主宰槃的脸色难看到了极致! Is this, the subsequent hand who Wang Shouzhe gives him to prepare? 这,就是王守哲给他准备的后手吗? Left the big spectrum simply. 简直是离了大谱。 ...... ……
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