POP :: Volume #8

#160: Primordial Yin? Your Yinxuan Grandfather, helped you eat ahead of time

Chapter 1106 第1106章 Primordial Yin? Your Yinxuan Grandfather, helped you eat ahead of time 元阴?你寅轩爷爷,提前帮你吃了 ...... …… Power day God Child/Seed look one cold, the whole body remote antiquity profound qi extreme speed passes, in his hand had had a Profound sword. 权天神子神色一凛,周身太上玄气极速流转间,他手中已多出了一柄【道玄剑】。 This is a half step divine sword. 这是一柄半步神剑。 In the remote antiquity Divine/God Palace long history, in this sword most situations is by most well-respected, is most likely to inherit the God Child/Seed use of Divine/God Palace, the position in remote antiquity Divine/God Palace is special. 在太上神宫漫长的历史中,这柄剑大多数情况下都是由最受重视,最有可能继承神宫神子使用,在太上神宫内的地位非常特殊。 In some sense, this profound sword, is the remote antiquity Divine/God Palace crown prince command. 从某种意义上来讲,这道玄剑,便是太上神宫的太子令。 Power day God Child/Seed grasps an profound sword, whole body profound qi rushes, in an instant then imitates, if melts with the heaven and earth universe for a body. 权天神子手握道玄剑,周身玄气澎湃,刹那间便仿若与天地宇宙融为了一体。 His light sword cuts, the whole body presented the phantom scenes of seven stars immediately. 他轻飘飘的一剑斩出,周身顿时出现了七道星辰的虚影景象。 This is World of Immortals most famous jade pivot shaft 7 Star/Big Dipper . They according to the fixed shape arrangement, as if have some invisible tie link, the one after another most profound implication from blooms, was attracted was integrating in an profound sword. 这是仙界最著名的玉枢七星。它们按照固定的形状排列,相互间仿佛有某种无形的纽带链接,一道道玄之又玄的意蕴自其中绽放而出,被吸引着融入了道玄剑中。 This sword, if still Heavenly River hangs upside down, bolt of white silk unparalleled. 这一剑,犹若天河倒挂,匹练无双。 Bang!” “轰!” Only in a flash, sword glow and blade glow hit ruthlessly in one. 只一瞬间,剑芒和刀芒就狠狠撞击在了一起。 The terrifying energy shock-wave blasts out loudly, sweeps across instantaneously, shakes periphery the Kong Jian (Space) radical distortion, loomed the faint trace crack. 恐怖的能量冲击波轰然炸开,瞬间席卷而出,震得周围空间剧烈扭曲,隐隐出现了丝丝裂纹。 This is in Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace, stable far ultra hundredth times Kong Jian (Space), the fight between common Great Principle boundaries is not enough to shake this piece of Kong Jian (Space). 要知道,这可是在颛顼神宫之内,空间之稳固远超外界百倍,寻常大罗境之间的战斗根本不足以撼动这片空间 Obviously their strikes, not only has far exceeded the might of Great Principle boundary, even exceeded the common Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm cultivator strength. 可见他们这一击,非但已远远超出了大罗境的威力,甚至于超过了寻常混元境修士的力量。 Under the strength of huge counter- shaking. 巨大的反震之力下。 The power day God Child/Seed whole body shakes, in the mouth overflowed fiercely wiped the blood, the figure will not be controlled makes will back up to go in the future. 权天神子浑身一震,口中猛地溢出了一抹鲜血,身形也不受控制得往后倒退而去。 Looks body that king Hanxia is entirely still, his look, in the heart is with amazement unassuageable for a very long time. 看着王珺霞纹丝不动的身躯,他神色骇然,心中久久难以平静。 Is impossible! This is impossible!! 不可能!这不可能!! After the god beautiful jade list fights a decisive battle shortly, he also uses a say/way to change the essence version, pondered bloodline to surpass God Child/Seed first grade, compared with the once initial generation Lord great wild goose, still went beyond. 在神瑛榜决战之后没多久,他也使用过一支道改精华版,自忖血脉已经超过了神子甲等,比起曾经的初代界主鸿,犹有过之而无不及。 Compared with past king Hanxia , has no time to let absolutely. 比起当年的王珺霞,绝对也是不遑多让。 Has not actually thought, oneself is meeting the tough head-on with toughness unexpectedly is repelled by king Hanxia! 却不曾想,自己竟然在硬碰硬中被王珺霞击退了! Did Wang Clan give king Hanxia to provide the bloodline in addition to hold, making her bloodline aptitude achieve the few Lord ranks? 难道,王氏又给王珺霞提供了血脉加持,让她的血脉资质达到了少界主级别? What a pity, power day God Child/Seed does not know from the start, king Hanxia the bloodline awakening degree at this moment actually could not be higher than many him. She can have such performance in the fight, many taking advantage are actually Immortal and Demon nine change This set of cultivation technique. 可惜,权天神子压根就不知道,此刻的王珺霞血脉觉醒程度其实比他高不了多少。她能在战斗中有如此表现,更多的依仗其实是【仙魔九变】这套功法 This set of cultivation technique is specially is tailor for king Hanxia, agrees with completely her bloodline characteristics, deduction difficulty very high, but after completion, the start under general high-level Dao Book, in addition that almost percentage hundred conjunction, the might that can play is not far from common Dao Book may compare. 这套功法乃是专门为王珺霞量身打造,完全契合她的血脉特性,推演难度非常之高,但完成之后,起步就不下于一般的高级道书,再加上那几乎百分百的契合度,所能发挥出的威力远非寻常道书可比。 After all, generally, that Dao Book that inherits to come, with bloodline conjunction also about 50-60%, can achieve 70-80% generally is agreeing with is extremely high, extremely rare situation. 毕竟,一般情况下,那种继承而来的道书,和自身血脉的契合度一般也就在50-60%左右,能达到70-80%都算是契合度极高,极为罕见的情况了。 In addition divine item in her hand, is tailor for her, can the incisiveness of her strength display. 再加上她手中的神器,也是为她量身打造,能够将她自身的力量发挥的淋漓尽致。 The rooms on either side union, the might is out of the ordinary. 两厢结合,威力自是非同凡响。 However the situation cannot allow power day God Child/Seed to think much, his thought just got up, king Hanxia has then raised the blade to kill again. 不过局势也容不得权天神子多想,他念头刚起,王珺霞便已经再度提刀杀了过来。 In a flash, two people then pingpong fought one group. 转瞬间,两人便乒乒乓乓战成了一团。 And king Hanxia, although slightly gets the advantage, but power day God Child/Seed experiences after all always said that and cultivation base level also be higher than one section compared with her, in a short time cannot decide the victory and defeat. 其中王珺霞虽然略占优势,可权天神子毕竟经验老道,且修为层次也要比她高出一截,短时间内也分不出胜负。 Sees that Wang Yinxuan shouts: king Hanxia, wants us to help together, first took authority heaven said again?” 见状,王寅轩喊道:“王珺霞,要不要我们一起帮忙,先把权天拿下再说?” Wang Yinxuan, this matter and you have not related.” king Hanxia hits while roars, this is my remote antiquity Grandfather matter, kills!” 王寅轩,这事儿和你没关系。”王珺霞边打边吼,“这是我太上爷爷的事情,杀杀杀!” She in remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, drowns to grow up with favoring of Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor since childhood, to their sentiments naturally is not general. 她从小在太上仙帝,和南明仙帝的宠溺下长大,对他们的感情自然是不一般。 Wang Yinxuan observed, sees Younger Sister slightly to get the advantage, then also no longer reluctantly, but exhorts Wang Songyi they saying: Songyi, Jinna Aunt, you help me stare are selecting king Hanxia. Moreover, hurries to inform Ancestral Grandfather, reports the news to swing the person, I go to my wife that side to have a look at the situation.” 王寅轩观察了一番,见妹妹略占优势,便也不再勉强,而是嘱咐王宋一他们道:“宋一,瑾娜姑姑,你们帮我盯着点王珺霞。另外,赶紧通知老祖爷爷,多发消息多摇人,我去我老婆们那边看看情况。” Wives...... 老婆们…… Wang Songyi and Wang Jinna are taking a look at him, is the appearances that has no alternative. 王宋一王瑾娜瞅着他,均是一副无可奈何的模样。 Wang Yinxuan is not in no mood to respond them, confessed, then launches the escape technique extreme speed flies immediately to the two the direction of wife and control plate battle. 王寅轩也没心情搭理他们,交代完后便立刻施展开遁法极速向两个老婆和主宰槃交战的方向飞去。 Although he is only Great Principle boundary late stage cultivation base, the Immortal Emperor rank above fight he cannot meddle theoretically, but he has the system approaching body, then wants to have a look to transfer the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command strength, pulls out to hail covertly , helping busy of wives. 他虽然仅是大罗后期修为,仙帝级别以上的战斗他理论上是插不上手的,可他到底有系统傍身,便想看看能不能调用掌界令的力量,偷偷摸摸抽个冷子,帮一下老婆们的忙。 But at the same time. 而与此同时。 Control plate and supreme yi and other fierce combat of battlefields, had the change. 主宰槃和至尊嬟等激战的战场,也出现了变化。 Has a nightmare with supreme wang supremely, does not know when appeared in the control plate behind. They dig up to hold on Kong Jian (Space) slit side respectively, stirs the complete strength to tear furiously outward. 至尊魇和至尊尫,不知何时出现在了主宰槃身后。他们各自扒拉住空间缝隙的一边,鼓荡起全部的力量奋力向外撕扯。 Has them to help, although is unable to control the plate to be relieved by the condition of card in Kong Jian (Space) vortex from half body all of a sudden completely, can actually let control Demon Race elite Personal Guard in Demon Palace, forces to squeeze out from the slit, enters in Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace to rush to rescue the control plate. 有他们帮忙,虽然无法一下子将主宰槃从半个身子被卡在空间漩涡内的状态完全解除,却能让主宰魔殿中的魔族精锐亲卫们,勉强从缝隙中挤出,进入颛顼神宫内驰援主宰槃。 At this time Wang Yinxuan has dived to the wives behind, but sees the fight to be extremely intense, the complementary waves are too strong, does not dare to collect is too near. 此时王寅轩已潜至老婆们身后,只是见战斗太过激烈,余波太强,并不敢凑太近。 Sees Demon Race elite Personal Guard to kill, his complexion immediately changes, the secretly thought/passage was not good. 见得魔族精锐亲卫们杀出,他脸色顿时一变,暗道了一声不好。 Elite Personal Guard as control, how can the strength the commonplace? 身为主宰的精锐亲卫,实力又岂会等闲? Their leaders are supreme wang, the subordinate many half step supreme level powerhouses, worst is the 17th Stage Great Commander powerhouses. 他们的领袖是至尊尫,麾下又有好多位半步至尊级强者,最差的都是十七阶大统领强者。 Once were swarmed by them, in situation that our reinforcements have not arrived, definitely will affect the present war enormously. 一旦被他们蜂拥而出,我方援军尚未抵达的情况下,必然会极大影响眼前的战局。 Moreover, what is most essential, perhaps had supreme wang and has a nightmare supremely the help, the control plate can crawl from the Kong Jian (Space) vortex. 而且,最关键的是,有至尊尪和至尊魇帮忙,主宰槃或许就能从空间漩涡里爬过来了。 The yi treasure and star treasure can divert the control plate now , because the most strengths of control plate were used to open the Kong Jian (Space) vortex . Moreover the body cannot move in the middle by the card, became the stationary target, can only come under attack passively. 要知道,嬟宝和星宝现下之所以能牵制住主宰槃,就是因为主宰槃的大部分力量都被用来撑开空间漩涡了,而且身体被卡在中间不能动,成了固定靶子,只能被动挨打。 Once were controlled the plate to drill the Kong Jian (Space) vortex, the consequence is dreadful. 一旦被主宰槃钻出空间漩涡,后果不堪设想。 item spirit......” 器灵……” Wang Yinxuan summoned item spirit in the mind, is preparing to let the system call Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command jurisdiction, stirred the muddy situation. 王寅轩在脑海中呼唤器灵,正准备让系统调用掌界令权限,搅浑一下局势。 At this time, another side Wang Songyi and Wang Jinna they also discovered here situation, flushed simultaneously toward here, said toward Wang Yinxuan: Wang Yinxuan, these Demon Race Personal Guard give us to be good.” 这时,另一边的王宋一王瑾娜他们也发现了这边的情况,同时朝这边冲来,朝王寅轩道:“王寅轩,这些魔族亲卫们交给我们就行。” Gives them? 交给他们? Wang Yinxuan stares slightly, but thinks at once when the beforehand several people are discussing the tactic together, discussion a combination technique. 王寅轩微微一愣,但旋即就想到了之前几人在一起商量战术时,讨论出来的一个组合技。 Immediately, he then repressed the figure to be dormant, prepared to seek for a better fighter aircraft. 当即,他便按捺住身形重新蛰伏了下来,准备寻找更好的战机。 Wang Songyi and Wang Jinna speed is also extremely quick. 王宋一王瑾娜的速度也是极快。 aowu ~ ~ 嗷呜~~” Flew to escape the halfway, Wang Jinna then face upwards to send out a low and deep length to recite. 飞遁到半途,王瑾娜便仰天发出了一声低沉的长吟。 Long recited in the sound, the Wang Jinna figure started to elongate rapidly, the change, short then changed into a conditions slender ancient times ice Divine Dragon appearance in a minute, in in the air rapid roaming drag, towed to entrain the one after another frost flame tail. 长吟声中,王瑾娜的身形开始迅速拉长,变化,短短片刻间便化为了一条体型修长的远古冰神龙模样,在空中迅速游曳,拖拽出一道道冰霜焰尾。 Obviously, this was activated within the body ancient times ice Divine Dragon the strength of bloodline. 很显然,她这是激活了体内远古冰神龙的血脉之力。 However, Wang Jinna now the strength is too weak, even activated the ice god Dragon Blood lineage/vein, how long cannot maintain. 不过,王瑾娜现在实力还太弱,即便是激活了冰神龙血脉,也维持不住多久。 But that side Wang Songyi also has the action. 王宋一那边也有行动。 When does not know, on him has put on one set to be close to the body fitting, like silver battle armor that the crystal stone builds. 不知何时,他身上已经穿上了一套与身体贴合紧密,如同晶石打造的银色战甲 That is Crystal Ancient Race leader battle armor, is Wang Songyi previous life oneself battle armor. 那是晶古族的领袖战甲,也是王宋一上一世自己战甲 By his present strength, is not certainly able to actuate this leader battle armor too for a long time. 以他如今的实力,当然也无法驱动这领袖战甲太长时间。 However their to combining, can actually complete a marvelous combination technique. 但是他们这对组合,却能完成一个奇妙的组合技。 A leader battle armor upper body, the Wang Songyi speed then rises dramatically suddenly, the figure in a flash, then ripped open Kong Jian (Space) to flicker to transfer to the Kong Jian (Space) slit edge, shouted to start the group to jeer the skill: Hey, Demon Race grandsons!” 领袖战甲一上身,王宋一的速度便陡然飙升,身形一晃,便撕开空间瞬移到了空间缝隙边缘,扯着嗓子发动了群嘲技能:“嘿,魔族的孙子们!” Speech at the same time, leader battle armor surges his psychic force. 说话的同时,领袖战甲将他的精神力激荡而出。 What these psychic forces simulate is a unique high-frequency, may make people think that instantaneously is exceptionally agitated and angry, short losing reason. 这些精神力模拟的是一种独特的高频率,可瞬间让人觉得异常烦躁、愤怒,短暂的失去理智。 Sure enough. 果不其然。 These Demon Race elite Personal Guard were affected in abundance, encircles to kill to Wang Songyi, in the heart only then thought first killed this son of a bitch! 那些魔族精锐亲卫们纷纷受到影响,向王宋一围杀过来,心中只有一个念头先杀了这个狗东西! Actually solely is not they, is pulling the Kong Jian (Space) slit furiously has a nightmare with supreme wang supremely, received this crowd of some influences that jeered the skill. 其实不单单是他们,便是正在奋力拉扯空间缝隙的至尊魇和至尊尫,都受到了这群嘲技能的些许影响。 They had one, wants to go forward the impulsive thought that son of a bitch tears to shreds. 他们生出了一股,想要上前将那狗东西碎尸万段的冲动念头。 This thought that in their hands movement paused, made the Kong Jian (Space) slit contract toward in immediately, will control the plate card to tighten, blocked the gap channel that Demon Race Personal Guard following pushed. 这念头一起,他们手中动作一顿,登时让空间缝隙又往内收缩了许多,将主宰槃卡得更紧了些,也堵住了魔族亲卫后续挤进来的间隙通道。 two tears the Kong Jian (Space) slit is so strenuous supremely, because naturally Kong Jian (Space) extremely consolidating in this Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace, therefore, moreover this may supply the control plate through the Kong Jian (Space) vortex was too big, even if controls the plate to take some efforts to rip open, not to mention was they. 两位至尊扯开空间缝隙如此吃力,自然还是因为这颛顼神宫中的空间太过稳固之故,而且这道可供主宰槃通过的空间漩涡太大了,即便是主宰槃都得费些力气才能撕开,更别提是他们了。 But the control plate at this moment ties down by supreme yi and star dust Princess stubbornly, cannot move out both hands. 可偏偏此刻的主宰槃被至尊嬟和星尘公主死死缠住,腾不开双手。 The good opportunity, Wang Jinna will not so miss. 如此良机,王瑾娜自不会错过。 While all hatreds were attracted on Wang Songyi, the ancient times ice Divine Dragon that Wang Jinna changes to aowu, spouted one to ice dragon Tuxi. 就在所有仇恨被吸引到王宋一身上的同时,王瑾娜化作的远古冰神龙“嗷呜”一声,喷出了一口冰龙吐息。 With the dragon's head rotation, frost dragon Xicheng fan-shaped sweeps across, will control the plate and Demon Race elite Personal Guard, even is Wang Songyi all covers. 随着龙头转动,冰霜龙息呈扇形席卷而出,将主宰槃、魔族精锐亲卫,甚至是王宋一都悉数笼罩在内。 Unexpectedly is no difference attack! 竟是无差别攻击! These frost dragon breath, but made the control plate body cover light frost, affected not in a big way, to had a nightmare with supreme wang supremely, made them feel the whole body to be stiff, the speed became slow. 这些冰霜龙息,只是让主宰槃身躯蒙上了一层薄薄的冰霜,作用不大,对至尊魇和至尊尫,也只是让他们感觉全身僵硬,速度变缓。 But regarding these 17th Stage to 19th stage Demon Race elite Personal Guard, this iced dragon Tuxi the influence enormous. 但对于那些十七阶十八阶魔族精锐亲卫们来说,这冰龙吐息的影响就极大了。 Spits after the breath, their body surfaces covered thick frost, the movement instantaneously became stiff, the speed slow ten times continued. 吐息过后,他们的身体表面覆盖上了一层厚厚的冰霜,动作瞬间变得僵硬起来,速度慢了十倍不止。 In comparison, wears leader battle armor Wang Songyi, although was also affected by, but cold resistance capability actually compared with these Demon Race elite Personal Guard, but stopped 12 breath times, vanishes on the figure in a flash on the spot. 相比之下,身穿领袖战甲王宋一虽然也遭受了影响,但抗寒能力却比这些魔族精锐亲卫们强了许多,只是停顿了一两息功夫,就身形一晃消失在原地。 Flickered to move away. 瞬移走了。 Sees that the Wang Jinna spitting breath also receives fiercely. 见状,王瑾娜的吐息也猛地一收。 She looked like completes mission to be common, dragon mouth shut, a Dragon's Tail swayed, transferred the dragon's head instantaneously, ran away to the distant place like a frightened loach crazily. 她就像是完成了任务一般,龙嘴一闭,龙尾一摆,瞬间就调转龙头,像一条受了惊的泥鳅般疯狂向远处逃窜。 That stance, looks like the escape to be the same simply. 那架势,简直就像是逃命一般。 In fact, indeed escapes. 事实上,也的确是逃命。 Because Wang Songyi, although walked, but kept a thing at the scene. 因为王宋一虽然走了,但在现场留了点东西。 That is five huge, the glittering and translucent carving white crystal shape goods, replaced the Wang Songyi position, seeming is several giant white crystals is ordinary. 那是五枚巨大的,晶莹剔透的白色晶体状物品,取代了王宋一的位置,好似是几颗巨型白水晶一般。 Sees that many Demon Race elite Personal Guard gawked. 见状,很多魔族精锐亲卫都愣了一下。 Wait, this is...... 等等,这是…… Creation Crystal! 创世水晶】! These Demon Race were not familiar with Creation Crystal, but since the control plate had been exploded twice, this thing becomes the contraband goods that entire Demon Realm becomes angry while talking about it thoroughly. 原本这些魔族创世水晶并不熟悉,但自从主宰槃先后被炸过两次后,此物就彻底成为了整个魔界都谈之色变的违禁品。 It is not good! 不好! This crowd of Demon Race elite Personal Guard are the complexion big changes, later is also the same as Wang Jinna and Wang Songyi, immediately transfers the body, runs away crazily. 这群魔族精锐亲卫均是脸色大变,随后也是跟王瑾娜王宋一一样,立刻调转身体,疯狂逃遁。 But they have not broken out of the frost dragon breath influence, could not mention the speed. 可他们还未摆脱冰霜龙息的影响,根本提不起速度来。 They can only stare the big eye panic-stricken, listens behind to transmit bang a loud sound , the dazzling eye-catching white ray covers all. 他们只能惊恐地瞪大眼睛,听着背后传来轰隆一声巨响,随之,刺眼夺目的白色光芒将所有一切都笼罩在内。 Also fortunately this is in Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace, Kong Jian (Space) is especially stable, the range that the explosion affects is not then broad. 也亏得这是在颛顼神宫内,空间格外稳固,爆炸波及的范围这才没有太广。 Only felt sorry for these Demon Race elite Personal Guard, escapes, all has bad luck. 只可怜了那些魔族精锐亲卫们,逃跑不及,全都倒了血霉。 And, ran slowest Personal Guard to be exploded the powder much directly, minority distances were far, can hide Personal Guard in control plate protection, lived by luck , the one after another appearance was distressed, is injured heavily. 其中,不少跑得最慢的亲卫直接被炸成了粉末,少数距离较远,又能躲在主宰槃防护中的亲卫,才侥幸活了下来,却也一个个模样狼狈,受伤不轻。 Is supporting the Kong Jian (Space) slit has a nightmare with supreme wang supremely sees this power and influence, instinct loosened the hand, retracted behind the Kong Jian (Space) slit. 就连正支撑空间缝隙的至尊魇和至尊尫见到这威势,也本能的松开了手,缩回了空间缝隙后方。 Otherwise, their hands and heads will also suffer a big wound absolutely. 否则,他们的手和脑袋绝对也会遭受不小创伤。 However, as they let go, the Kong Jian (Space) slit heals to tighten again inward, will control the plate to lock in again firmly. 不过,随着他们一松手,空间缝隙再度向内愈合收紧,再度将主宰槃牢牢锁住。 Under the roadlessness may draw back, the control plate naturally can only , helpless received the Creation Crystal explosive shock wave hardly. 无路可退之下,主宰槃自然只能无奈硬接下了创世水晶的爆炸冲击波。 Under the shock-wave wreaks havoc, his rout decayed wound was blasted open again, suddenly the demon blood splash, the huge pain stimulates his aowu to call. 冲击波肆虐之下,他原本溃败腐朽的伤口再次被炸裂,一时间魔血飞溅,巨大的痛苦刺激得他嗷呜直叫。 Only has supreme yi and star dust Princess responds rapidly, dodged another side of the control plate promptly, took controlling the plate as the meat shield, has supported this explosion relatively with ease. 唯有至尊嬟和星尘公主反应迅速,及时躲闪到了主宰槃另外一侧,以主宰槃为肉盾,相对轻松撑过了这一场爆炸。 If makes the control plate display the lifetime most repugnant thing, Creation Crystal is first absolutely. 若是让主宰槃罗列毕生最讨厌之物,创世水晶绝对名列第一。 He has not thought, the oneself lifetime, will be exploded the third time by Creation Crystal unexpectedly! 他万万没想到,自己有生之年,竟然会被创世水晶炸第三次! The past painful memory and current pain interwined, making the control plate leave to was angry, the hissing roared: Killed them!” 过去的痛苦记忆和当前的痛苦交织在一起,让主宰槃出离愤怒了,不由嘶声咆哮起来:“杀了他们!” The control has the command, surviving nine Demon Race elite Personal Guard do not dare to be disobedient, immediately then chased down in the direction that ice dragon and taunt face ran away. 主宰有令,残存的九位魔族精锐亲卫自是不敢忤逆,当下便朝着那条冰龙和嘲讽脸逃遁的方向追杀了过去。 But at this time. 而这时候。 Wang Jinna has abolished the ancient times ice god dragon form condition, Wang Songyi had also closed leader battle armor, only runs away with own strength crazily. 王瑾娜已经撤销了远古冰神龙形态,王宋一也关闭了领袖战甲,仅凭着自身实力疯狂逃遁。 Without the means. 没办法。 Depending on their two current actual cultivation base, cannot maintain the strongest condition is too long, usually is known as ten seconds of real woman, ten seconds of real man title , can only play this wave of coordination to combine the technique, fired off immediately by the striking back original form. 凭他们两个目前的实际修为,根本维持不住最强状态太久,平日里素有“十秒真女人”,“十秒真男人”的称谓,也就是只能打这一波配合组合技,打完就立刻被打回原形了。 On this combination technique, they want to come out with great difficulty. 就这组合技,还是他们好不容易才想出来的。 Has not thought that this first use, the effect is unexpectedly good, got rid of several 17th Stage and 19th stage Demon Race Great Commander directly, clan contribution points gained simply turns. 没想到这第一次使用,效果竟然非常不俗,直接干掉了好几个十七阶十八阶魔族大统领,家族贡献点简直赚翻了。 In the Wang Yinxuan seeing that heart could not bear shout sound six, saw them to escape distressedly, then prepares to go forward to help them prevent chasing down of Demon Race elite Personal Guard. 王寅轩见状心中也忍不住喊了声六,见他们逃得狼狈,便准备上前帮他们阻挡一下魔族精锐亲卫们的追杀。 Who knows, in this time, the mutation is living suddenly. 谁知,正在这时,异变骤生。 The control plate anger of one after another suffering a loss launches a psychological attack extremely, during has fallen into was crazy, is getting angry the angry sound to roar. 接连吃亏的主宰槃怒极攻心,已然陷入了疯狂之中,红着眼怒声咆哮起来。 Is you compels my!” “是你们逼我的!” In the roaring sound, in his giant evil clutches presented one somewhat to seem like black demon item of demon bell suddenly. 咆哮声中,他巨大的魔爪中忽然出现了一个有些像是魔铃的黑色魔器 The demon bell flies outward, namely rises against the wind, then changed to one to be similar to the small mountain range giant black demon bell in a flash. 魔铃向外飞去,迎风即涨,转瞬间便化作了一只如同小山峦般巨大的黑色魔铃。 The demon bell seems like the scarlet red crystals, even if by the seal in the demon bell, that were been indistinct the strange fluctuation of energy that sends out, lets the palpitation that the person cannot stop as before. 魔铃内部似乎有一枚赤红色的晶体,哪怕是被封印在魔铃内部,那隐隐约约间散发出的诡异能量波动,依旧让人止不住的心悸。 Clang!” “铛!” The scarlet crystal rocks, sent out a clear hit to resound in the demon bell. 赤红晶体晃动,在魔铃内部发出了一道清脆的撞击鸣响。 An invisible strength proliferation, shortly supreme yi and star dust Princess, even hidden in Wang Yinxuan of hidden place covers. 一道无形的力量扩散而出,顷刻间将至尊嬟、星尘公主,甚至是隐藏在暗处的王寅轩都笼罩在内。 Wang Yinxuan and in star dust Princess heart one tight, but actually discovered immediately oneself feels a mind slightly dusk, less differences. 王寅轩和星尘公主心中一紧,可随即却发现自己只是觉得头脑微微一昏,并无更多异样。 Another side supreme yi actually complexion changing suddenly, sent out a sad and shrill pitiful yell fiercely, at once curls up painfully one group, in the ear nose throat eye flowed out the blood. 另一边的至尊嬟却脸色陡变,猛地发出了一声凄厉的惨叫,旋即痛苦地蜷成一团,耳鼻喉眼中均是流出了鲜血。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Wang Yinxuan and star dust Princess complexion changes, simultaneously blows out the speed, goes forward to rescue supreme yi. 王寅轩和星尘公主脸色一变,同时爆出速度,上前想要营救至尊嬟。 The star dust Princess speed is faster, suddenly before arrived at the supreme yi body . 星尘公主速度更快,眨眼间就到了至尊嬟身前。 But has not waited for her to have an action to perform. 可还没等她有所动作。 Clang ~ “铛~” Also is a clear bell sound. 又是一声清脆的铃响。 star dust Princess only thought that strength of the indescribable principle covered oneself, surrounding Kong Jian (Space) rapid distortion, present supreme yi and control plate, even was Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace scene vanishes rapidly does not see. 星尘公主只觉得一股难以描述的法则之力笼罩住了自己,周围的空间迅速扭曲,眼前的至尊嬟、主宰槃,甚至是颛顼神宫的场景都迅速消失不见。 This feeling, looked like entered in supreme yi hatred Prison Cage, oneself isolated by the Prison Cage strength and outside world. 这种感觉,就像是进入了至尊嬟的仇恨囚笼之中,自己囚笼的力量与外界隔绝了开来。 „It is not good!” “不好!” In star dust Princess heart one tight. 星尘公主心中一紧。 She knows, oneself this was controlled to lend money by some similar Prison Cage in! Moreover, the strength of principle in this Prison Cage contains formed certain suppression to her, obviously hating Prison Cage is much fiercer than! 她知道,自己这是被主宰槃放逐进了某个类似的囚笼之中!而且,这囚笼中蕴含的法则之力对她形成了一定的压制,显然要比仇恨囚笼厉害得多! She quickly holds up the ups and downs god stick, prepares to break open Prison Cage forcefully. 她急忙举起枯荣神杖,准备强行破开囚笼 But at this time, the strength was worse, being half beat behind Wang Yinxuan just rushed to side supreme yi. 而这时候,实力差了许多,慢了半拍的王寅轩才刚刚冲到至尊嬟身边。 He looks helplessly star treasure in oneself at present vanishes the trace, seemed is erased baseless generally. 他眼睁睁地看着星宝就在自己的眼前消失了踪影,就好似被凭空抹除了一般。 Not only, the evil clutches of control plate had so searched, prepares to catch supreme yi. 非但如此,主宰槃的一只魔爪已经探了过来,准备将至尊嬟一把擒住。 At this time. 这时。 The control plate naturally also discovered Wang Yinxuan. 主宰槃自然也发现了王寅轩 He wants to continue to stimulate to movement demon bell, similarly surrounds and exile Wang Yinxuan this ants. 他原本想继续催动“魔铃”,同样困住并放逐王寅轩这只蝼蚁。 This time giant demon bell the internal strange scarlet red crystal, has started to shake fiercely, as if there is big terrifying that what seal lives to exist is resisting the will of control plate, tries to get out of trouble. 只是此时的巨型“魔铃”内部的诡异赤红色晶体,已经开始自行剧烈震荡了起来,仿佛有什么封印住的大恐怖存在正在抗拒主宰槃的意志,试图脱困而出。 In fact also indeed so, this demon bell originally controls one of trump card the plate keeps secretly, is the preparation remains the following method that is used to cope with Wang Shouzhe, is compelled now anxiously, ahead of time uses. 事实上也的确如此,这件“魔铃”本是主宰槃暗留的杀手锏之一,是准备留着用来对付王守哲的后续手段的,现在被逼急了,才提前用出。 Troublesome.” “麻烦。” Seeing the demon bell is not obedient, control plate cold snort/hum, gave up stimulating to movement the demon bell instantaneously again, but counts on the fingers conveniently a ball, „” flies Wang Yinxuan this ants ball, then the speed did not reduce, takes advantage of opportunity to grasp supreme yi in the hand! 见魔铃不听话,主宰槃冷哼了一声,瞬间放弃再度催动魔铃,而是随手屈指一弹,“啪”的一声将王寅轩这只蝼蚁弹飞,而后速度不减,顺势一把将至尊嬟抓在了手中! Even if appears supreme demon body supreme yi, its build is unable by far compared with the palatial body of control plate. 哪怕是显现出了至尊魔躯的至尊嬟,其体型也远远无法和主宰槃的巍峨身躯相比。 Control plate that giant evil clutches hold the supreme yi appearance, seemed like an adult to hold a toy Barbie to be the same. 主宰槃那巨大的魔爪抓住至尊嬟的样子,就好像是一个成年人抓住了一个玩具芭比娃娃一般。 But at this time, was shot the Wang Yinxuan even also decline place that flies. 而这时候,被弹飞的王寅轩甚至都还没落地。 Bang!” “砰!” Wang Yinxuan hit ruthlessly in the Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace hard ground, pounded a big hole, in the mouth the blood spurted to continue crazily. 王寅轩狠狠撞击在了颛顼神宫坚硬的地面上,砸出了一个大坑,口中鲜血狂喷不止。 It is fortunate that also the critical moment, Wang Yinxuan activated the protecting shield of dao item level, saved the life reluctantly. 也得亏关键时刻,王寅轩激活了道器级的护盾,才勉强保住了性命。 But after anti- under this strikes, that dao item protected on the shield also to present a crack trace! 可抗下这一击后,那道器护盾上也出现了一道龟裂痕迹! A finger/refers that obviously control plate this springs conveniently, the might is so strong. 可见主宰槃这随手弹出的一指,威力是何等之强。 Jie Jie Jie ~ ~!” “桀桀桀~~!” The control plate eyeground red light twinkle, the expression on face is crazy and fierce, grips the supreme yi evil clutches also more to grip is tighter. 主宰槃眼底红光闪烁,脸上的表情疯狂而狰狞,攥着至尊嬟的魔爪也是越攥越紧。 Supreme yi in his palm looks deathly pale, the whole body skeleton was gripped exuded the intermittent fricative, the body has the blood to seep out unceasingly, exudes the intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. 他掌心中的至尊嬟脸色惨白,浑身的骨骼都被攥得发出了阵阵摩擦声,身上不断有鲜血渗出,发出阵阵凄厉的惨叫声。 But she is this, the control plate is happier. 但她越是这样,主宰槃就越开心。 He looks like an unprincipled person, fermented for a long time sinister plot to work finally general, looks that supreme yi grinned fiendishly crazily: Jie Jie Jie ~ supreme yi, you knows that you why so painful, lost the strength of resistance all of a sudden?” 他就像是一个坏人,酝酿了许久的奸计终于得逞一般,看着至尊嬟疯狂狞笑起来:“桀桀桀~至尊嬟,伱知道你为什么如此痛苦,一下子就失去了反抗之力吗?” Does not wait for supreme yi to reply, the control plate looks like divulge continues to laugh wildly: Because your revolting demon mother personal inheritance gives you Day wants demon body crystal core With Day desire demon art, Is called actually Desire cauldron furnace demon art, Is the inheritance from the desire control, is the desire control specifically is used to give oneself to train cauldron furnace cultivation technique.” 不等至尊嬟回答,主宰槃就像是宣泄般继续狂笑起来:“因为你那叛魔母亲传给你的【天欲魔体晶核】和【天欲魔功】,实则叫做【欲望鼎炉魔功】,都是传承自欲望主宰,乃是欲望主宰专门用来给自己培养鼎炉功法。” As long as cultivation this demon art, within the body will then be of concise the strength pure incomparable Hundun (Primal Chaos) Primordial Yin under the cultivation technique function. This strength may nourish the demon body, the improvement potential, is the strength of rare big making up, but cultivator is actually not able to use. In other words, cultivation this demon art, in fact is a human form of strength of implication boundless Hundun (Primal Chaos) Primordial Yin makes up the demon medicine greatly, the strength is stronger, the nutritious effect is better.” “但凡修炼这一门魔功者,体内便会在功法作用下凝练出精纯无比的混沌元阴之力。这力量可滋养魔躯,提升潜力,乃是不可多得的大补之力,但修炼者本身却无法动用。换句话说,修炼这一魔功者,实际上便是一个蕴含磅礴混沌元阴之力的人形大补魔药,实力越强,滋补效果越好。” But, agrees with day of a physique that wants the crystal core is extremely scarce, this supreme found your revolting demon mother with great difficulty, trained her, treats as restores with reserve demon medicine.” “只不过,契合天欲晶核的体质太过稀少,本至尊好不容易才找到了你那叛魔母亲,将她培养了起来,当做恢复用的储备魔药。” hearing this, supreme yi stopped struggling unexpectedly. 闻言,至尊嬟蓦地停止了挣扎。 Got it, she all understood all of a sudden. 明白了,她一下子就全明白了。 She could not think through, why mother can rebel against the control plate with Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Immortal Emperor. Controls Pan clearly to know mother to betray, why must bring back to her controls the Demon Palace foster. 她一直想不通,母亲为什么会和无极仙帝一起反叛主宰槃。主宰槃明知道母亲背叛,又为什么要把她带回主宰魔殿抚养。 Now wants to come, mother decided discovered cultivation technique secret, knows that oneself just controls the restoration demon medicine that the plate stockpiled, sooner or later will be swallowed to sacrifice, this counter- the control plate, actually does not want still unable to escape from the evil clutches of control plate in secret finally. 如今想来,母亲定是发现了功法的秘密,知道自己只不过是主宰槃储备的恢复魔药,迟早会被吞噬牺牲掉,这才暗中反了主宰槃,却不想最终仍旧未能逃脱主宰槃的魔爪。 But the control plate trains her, is training the second reserve to restore the demon medicine. 而主宰槃培养她,也不过是在培养第二株储备恢复魔药而已。 Suddenly, the mood of grief and indignation, painful and hatred surges in the supreme yi heart like vast ocean, rushes. 一时间,悲愤、痛苦、仇恨的情绪如汪洋大海般在至尊嬟心中激荡,澎湃。 Her whole body restrains to shiver freely. 她全身都克制不住地颤抖起来。 Ha ~ you shiver!” The control plate said with a smile carefree crazily, and other control swallowed the strength of your within the body all Hundun (Primal Chaos) Primordial Yin, can restore major part injuries, in a short time returned to the control strength.” “哈哈哈~你就颤抖吧!”主宰槃畅快地狂笑道,“等本主宰吞噬了你体内所有的混沌元阴之力,就能恢复一大部分伤势,短时间内重归主宰实力。” Before reason that had not used supreme yi this reserve demon medicine, first his injury was too serious, after using up , can only restore the peak strength in a short time. 之前之所以一直未曾动用至尊嬟这株储备魔药,一来是他伤势太重,用完后也只能在短时间内恢复巅峰实力。 Secondly, is this demon medicine is too rare, only then in most critical moment use, will have the effect. 二来,则是这株魔药太难得,只有在最关键时刻使用,才会有奇效。 For example, copes with the great wild goose previous time, this time copes with Wang Shouzhe! 例如,上一次对付鸿,这一次对付王守哲 Especially this time , he so long as restores to the control strength temporarily, can sweep away Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace, solves troublesome all. 尤其是这一次,他只要临时恢复至主宰战力,就能横扫颛顼神宫,解决一切麻烦。 When the time comes, he swallows Immortal Spirit Source Strength in Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace again, can thoroughly restore to control the strength. 到时候,他再吞掉颛顼神宫之内的仙灵本源之力,就能彻底恢复主宰实力。 Why this is also, he has been staring at supreme yi! 这也是为何,他一直在盯着至尊嬟! But he bore patiently was so long, waited was this flickers. 而他隐忍了这么久,等的就是这一瞬。 However. 然而。 , The laughter of control plate stops suddenly with a smile suddenly. 笑着笑着,主宰槃的笑声忽然戛然而止。 He lowers the head is staring at supreme yi stubbornly, surprised uncertain angry sound said: Wait! The strength of Hundun (Primal Chaos) Primordial Yin? Supreme yi, which did the strength of your Primordial Yin go?” 他低头死死盯着至尊嬟,惊疑不定的怒声道:“等等!混沌元阴之力呢?至尊嬟,你身上的元阴之力去哪了?” Also at this time. 也就是在这时。 The young sound that clenches jaws together conveys from side suddenly, in the sound is full of the anger, the hatred and killing intent. 一道咬牙切齿的年轻声音蓦然从旁边传来,声音中饱含着愤怒,恨意和杀意 „The strength of Primordial Yin? Your family Yinxuan Grandfather, helped you eat ahead of time!” 元阴之力?你家寅轩爷爷,提前帮你吃了!” The control plate then notices, Wang Yinxuan does not know when had crawled from the ground unexpectedly, at this moment is entraining the long flame tail just as a round of missile, grazes toward his extreme speed. 主宰槃这才注意到,王寅轩不知何时竟已经从地上爬了起来,此刻正像一发导弹般拽着长长焰尾,朝他极速飞掠而来。 He is getting angry, on the pretty face the expression is fierce. 他红着眼,俊秀的脸上表情狰狞。 On him, an incomparably boundless and powerful strength is ascending under the transfer of system, and all integrated in his hand that Cangwu divine sword In. 在他身上,一股无比磅礴而强大的力量正在系统的调用下升腾而起,并悉数融入了他手中那柄【苍梧神剑】之中。 The Cangwu divine sword blooms immediately the brilliant incomparable ray, the sword blade is shivering together slightly, has the terrifying incomparable power and influence on bloom from the sword blade. 苍梧神剑顿时绽放出一道绚烂无比的光芒,剑身微微颤抖着,有恐怖无比的威势从剑身中绽放开来。 This is the prestige of true divine item! 这是真正的神器之威! Is present Great Principle boundary cultivation base Wang Yinxuan should not the strength of grasping. 是如今不过大罗修为王寅轩本不该掌握的力量。 But at this moment, this strength was actually grasped by him clearly in the hand, cuts ruthlessly to the control plate. 但此刻,这股力量却真真切切地被他握在手中,狠狠向主宰槃斩去。 Cuts this sword at the same time. 斩出这一剑的同时。 Wang Yinxuan also thoroughly understood, why when Ancestral Grandfather passed on his Golden Toad Dao Book at that time, the expression starts to speak but hesitates, is somewhat dignified, but also sighed. 王寅轩也彻底明白了,为何老祖爷爷当时传他金蟾道书时,表情欲言又止,有些凝重,还叹息了一声。 Also understands why Ancestral Grandfather must say, the yi treasure was also the destiny erroneous child. 也明白老祖爷爷为何要说,嬟宝也是个命运多舛的孩子了。 Loves dearly, Wang Yinxuan incomparably loves dearly! 心疼,王寅轩无比心疼! Angry, Wang Yinxuan exceedingly indignant! 愤怒,王寅轩无比愤怒! He all mood, integrated in this sword. 他将所有的一切情绪,都融入了这一剑里面。 The control plate, you give Yinxuan Grandfather dead! 主宰槃,你给寅轩爷爷去死! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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