POP :: Volume #8

#159: Self-torture in 3000 Golden Toad Dao Book effect

Chapter 1105 第1105章 Self-torture in 3000 Golden Toad Dao Book effect 苦修三千年金蟾道书的效果 ...... …… Supreme yi sees this scene, is the complexion big change. 至尊嬟见到这一幕,也是脸色大变。 She cannot attend to again is oneself mistakes an enemy for a friend, but the pain, the black membrane wing inspires, the figure shoots up to the sky instantaneously, suddenly then penetrates Kong Jian (Space), appears before that Kong Jian (Space) vortex. 她再也顾不得为自己认贼作父而痛苦,黑色膜翅一振,身形瞬间冲天而起,眨眼间便穿透空间,出现在那空间漩涡之前。 Her demon body also inflates in this flash fast increases, suddenly turned into the supreme demon body condition of being indomitable spirit. 她的魔躯也在这一瞬间飞快膨胀变大,眨眼间就变成了顶天立地的至尊魔躯状态。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 One set of model complicated actually fine supreme demon armor covered her body surface, in her palm, presented a dark heavy flinty demon whip. 一套式样繁复却精致的至尊魔甲覆盖到了她的体表,她的掌心之中,也出现了一柄黝黑沉重的硬质魔鞭。 These two equipment are sending out the terrifying power and influence, rich demon qi spreads, had increased her to the pinnacle demon prestige serves as contrast even more withers, powerful, just like some ancient times Demon God arrives. 这两件装备都散发着恐怖的威势,浓郁的魔气扩散开来,将她本就已经攀升到极致的魔威衬托得愈发肃杀,威风凛凛,宛若是某个远古魔神降临。 These two equipment are supreme demon item. 这两件装备都是至尊魔器 And, that demon whip named Shadow judgement, Is her original weapon, might is very powerful. 其中,那柄魔鞭名为【暗影裁决】,是她原本的武器,威能十分强大。 Under the power and influence erupts, supreme yi without delay, raises in the hand the shadow judgement then to pound ruthlessly to the control plate. 威势爆发之下,至尊嬟二话不说,扬起手中暗影裁决便狠狠向主宰槃砸去。 This strikes, is mixing with her angry and panic, as well as that burns to the pinnacle hatred. 这一击,夹杂着她的愤怒、恐慌,以及那燃烧到极致的恨意。 So many years, the control plate deceives her good painstakingly good pain. 这么多年,主宰槃骗得她好苦好苦。 So long as thinks oneself is mistaking an enemy for a friend for these years, was not only wrong treated as the personal enemy the great wild goose, but also did that many matters for the true personal enemy, she then felt the incomparable pain, incomparable lamentation. 只要一想到自己这么多年以来都在认贼作父,不仅错误得将鸿当作了仇人,还替真正的仇人做了那么多事,她便感觉无比痛苦,无比悔恨。 She does not know why Dao Lord butchered the plate to after killing mother, but also met to control the Demon Palace foster oneself, but she knows, to control the death of plate her mother's to the attitude that showed that does that definitely is not because regretted, had other reason inevitably. 她不知道主宰槃为什么要在杀死了母亲之后,还将自己接回主宰魔殿抚养,但她知道,以主宰槃对她母亲的死展现出来的态度,这么做肯定不会是因为后悔,必然是有别的原因。 But this is unimportant. 但这不重要。 Killing the enmity of mother is absolutely irreconcilable, today, she must revenge for mother! 杀母之仇不共戴天,今天,她就要为母亲报仇! In a twinkling. 霎时间。 Shadow judgement whip shadow, condenses a body instantaneously, changed into a huge whip shadow loudly. 暗影裁决化出层层迭迭鞭影,又瞬间凝聚成一体,化为了一道巨大的鞭影轰然而出。 The whip shadow , the powerful spiritual impact shake wave surges, the terrifying power and influence as if can easily crush the stars. 鞭影所至,强大的精神冲击震荡波激荡而起,恐怖的威势仿佛能轻易击碎星辰。 The power and influence that from this strikes can also obviously see, supreme yi these for several thousand years the day of assiduous cultivation Golden Toad Dao Book last volume, is not wasting time. 从这一击的威势也能明显看出,至尊嬟这数千年来勤勉修炼金蟾道书下卷的日子,绝非是在虚度光阴。 Power and influence that notices this to strike, is the even/including is still at the exciting control plate is also startled slightly, surprise well. 注意到这一击的威势,便是连犹自处在兴奋中的主宰槃也是微微一怔,诧异地“咦”了一声。 He receives the heart of contempt immediately, the look of eyeground also left wiped dignifiedly. 他立刻收起了轻视之心,眼底的神色也多出了一抹凝重。 Welcomes whip shadow that is raiding, a claw lays out full power. 迎着袭来的鞭影,一爪全力拍出。 The terrifying claw shadow sweeps away in the sky, is coercing the strength of vigorous overbearing Hundun (Primal Chaos), the scary power and influence as if can grind world all. 恐怖的爪影当空横扫,裹挟着浑厚霸道的混沌之力,骇人的威势仿佛能碾碎世界一切。 Suddenly, the whip shadow and claw shadow then flew high to hit one. 眨眼间,鞭影和爪影便凌空撞到了一起。 Bang ~!!” “轰隆~!!” In the fierce impact noise, the terrifying energy storm blasts out loudly, surrounding Kong Jian (Space) will disintegrate shortly. 剧烈的撞击声中,恐怖的能量风暴轰然炸开,周围的空间顷刻间分崩离析。 The core place, was exploded a black hole, just like together the fierce wound secretive fearsome. 核心处,更是被炸出了一个黑色的洞,犹如一道狰狞的伤口般诡秘可怖。 The invisible energy shock-wave sweeps across toward the surroundings crazily, if still the tsunami sweeps across, the strong winds transit is ordinary, the place visited, these thick qualitative immortal fog were scattered truthfully immediately forcefully, entire heaven and earth for a it clear. 无形的能量冲击波朝着周围疯狂席卷,犹若海啸席卷,狂风过境一般,所过之处,那些浓如实质的仙雾登时被强行驱散,整个天地都为之一清。 In the Wang Clan numerous youngster seeing that heart in canyon with amazement, quickly crawls in the place, the avoidance impact. 峡谷内的王氏年轻人们见状心中骇然,急忙匍匐在地,躲避冲击。 Only feels sorry for these by the rebel little friends who supreme yi controls, cannot move unable revolution profound qi, one after another to be curled to fly directly, pounded ruthlessly on the cliff wall, dislodged the one after another pothole. 只可怜那些被至尊嬟控住的叛徒小伙伴们,不能动也无法运转玄气,一个个直接就被卷飞出去,狠狠砸在了崖壁上,撞出了一个个坑洞。 It is fortunate that this also in Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace, here energy density and Kong Jian (Space) firmness wants the far ultra outside world, this made the destructive power that among the big shot fought be defined in certain range. 这也得亏是在颛顼神宫内,这里的能量密度和空间牢固度都要远超外界,这才使得大佬之间战斗的破坏力被限定在了一定范围之内。 If this is not the case, when existence of such rank fights the complementary waves that produces, will definitely cause Kong Jian (Space) to be stave, the Heavenly River closure, the world avalanche, is common just like World Extinguishing, is impossible merely is this degree. 若非如此,此等级别的存在交手时产生的余波,必然会造成空间破碎,天河断流,世界崩塌,宛如灭世一般,绝不可能仅仅是这种程度。 In sky. 天空中。 The energy that feels in the demon whip to transmit the strength of huge counter- shaking as well as accompanies to come to backlash, a supreme demon body of supreme yi complexion white, huge flew upside down immediately. 感受到魔鞭中传来的巨大反震之力以及随同而来的能量反噬,至尊嬟脸色一白,巨大化的至尊魔躯登时倒飞了出去。 Although supreme demon armor kept off most impacts for her, but the other strength of counter- shaking were still to let her whole body shake, spouted a blood, obviously received some wounds. 身上的至尊魔甲虽然替她挡掉了大部分冲击,但余下的反震之力仍是让她浑身一震,喷出了一口鲜血,显然是受了些伤。 This also no wonder, supreme yi strength, although promotes to be very big in these years, but in the 19th stage category, is still not able to place on a par with the control plate as before. 这也难怪,至尊嬟的实力虽然在这些年里提升很大,但仍旧是在十九阶的范畴内,依旧无法与主宰槃相提并论。 Even if the present control plate injury is heavy, the condition has not arrived at the peak, is so. 哪怕现在的主宰槃伤势不轻,状态远未到巅峰,亦是如此。 However, supreme yi is expected, even if the supreme demon body were shaken to fly upside down, the complexion has not changed. 不过,至尊嬟对此早有所料,哪怕至尊魔躯被震得倒飞出去,脸色也没有丝毫变化。 Because in this flash. 因为就在这一瞬间。 She has prepared the good second move, has acted! 她早已准备好的第二招,已然出手! That is her signboard skill hates Prison Cage. 那是她的招牌技能仇恨囚笼 This is one has had many stories, or may be called the skill of accident. 这是一个发生过很多故事,或是堪称事故的技能。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 The tyrannical principle strength is centered on selecting the outward diffusion, will then control the Kong Jian (Space) gap coefficient that the plate and that were exploded to cover suddenly. 强横的法则力量以点为中心向外扩散,眨眼间便将主宰槃和那个被炸出的空间缝隙系数笼罩在内。 But the distortion under the wall of function invisible Prison Cage, surrounded control plate seemed is deleted baseless generally, strangely to making the will of the people trembled. 扭曲而无形的囚笼之壁作用下,被困住的主宰槃好似被凭空擦去了一般,诡异到令人心颤。 But this tranquil scene, actually maintained merely flickered. 可这平静的一幕,却仅仅维持了一瞬。 After flickering . 一瞬之后。 Rumbling ~!!” “轰轰轰~!!” Hates Prison Cage that invisible no qualitative outer wall to start to shiver fiercely, surrounding trim Kong Jian (Space) is vibrating, sends out sound that extremely carried a heavy load. 仇恨囚笼那无形无质的外壁就开始剧烈颤抖,连带着周围的整片空间都抖动起来,发出了不堪负重的吱呀声。 This is controls the plate without doubt in the interior, to hating Prison Cage launches the attack. 这无疑就是主宰槃在内部,对仇恨囚笼发动攻击。 Three breaths! 三息! Short three breath time. 短短三息时间。 This is condensed hatred Prison Cage then cuns (2.5 cm) of becoming to crack by the strength of principle, changes into the nihility. 这座由法则之力凝聚而成的仇恨囚笼便寸寸崩裂,化为虚无。 Just likes the world scar Kong Jian (Space) slit, as well as drills half body the control plate, appears in front of supreme yi again. 犹如世界伤痕般的空间缝隙,以及钻出半个身躯的主宰槃,再次出现在至尊嬟面前。 His expression distortion is fierce, looks the scarlet ray twinkle to the supreme yi look, look resenting, but the hatred, is hates to the marrow of the bones about supreme yi obviously. 他的表情扭曲而狰狞,看向至尊嬟的眼神中猩红光芒闪烁,神色愤恨而怨毒,显然是对至尊嬟恨之入骨。 Inexpensive demon, you cannot escape from this control palm......” “贱魔,你逃不出本主宰掌心……” The control plate grins fiendishly is stretching out the right claw, prepares to act to supreme yi. 主宰槃狞笑着伸出右爪,就准备对至尊嬟出手。 But has not waited for him to begin. 可还没等他动手。 Suddenly. 忽而。 The control plate behind, wipes coldly such as the star light Yuehua (Moonlight) ray to flash through, selects the pretty female form to emerge out of thin air high. 主宰槃身后,一抹冷冽如星光月华的光芒闪过,一道高挑靓丽的女子身影凭空出现。 The female has a Touwan like the silver hair of Yuehua (Moonlight) gloss circulation, the appearance is fine, in the ear slightly sharp, slender white hands is grasping one lightly just like the deadwood common god stick, pair of beautiful pupil limpid Mingliang, is exuding just like the colored glaze bright gloss. 那女子有着一头宛如月华般光泽流转的银发,容貌精致,耳朵微尖,纤纤玉手中轻握着一根宛如枯枝一般的神杖,一双美眸清澈明亮,泛着宛如琉璃般剔透的光泽。 One set incomparably magnificent, incomparably fine stars god armor covered her body, outlined her proud stature , the dust refined makings served as contrast incisively her. 一套无比华丽,无比精致的星辰神甲覆盖了她的身躯,勾勒出了她傲人的身材,也将她那一身出尘脱俗的气质衬托得淋漓尽致。 This female, naturally is star dust Princess that following supreme yi ambushes together. 此女,当然是跟着至尊嬟一起潜伏过来的星尘公主 She has been protecting the natal ally to provide against contingencies in secret, but now, if had come, she naturally must make a move. 她一直在暗中守护着本命战友以防万一,而现在,万一已经来了,她自然要出手。 She rubbish, just appears, then lifted the ups and downs god stick in hand. 她也不废话,甫一出现,便抬起了手中的枯荣神杖。 Wells up being enthralled stick just like the desert boundless strength. 宛如瀚海般磅礴的力量涌入神杖。 God stick that has the sight of green to burst out just like the deadwood branch peak suddenly, several small green leaf extensions. 神杖那宛如枯枝般的枝桠顶端蓦然有绿意迸发,几片小小的绿叶伸展而出。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 The aura that the ups and downs god stick lends then changes, suddenly became from the dry defeat deathly stillness rich to the fearful vigor. 枯荣神杖散发出的气息便为之一变,陡然间由枯败死寂变为了浓郁到可怕的蓬勃生机。 The strength of invisible no qualitative principle, will also control the plate to cover in turbulently like lightning. 无形无质的法则之力也随之汹涌而出,闪电般将主宰槃笼罩在了其中。 In a twinkling. 霎时间。 Extremely strange terrifying scene appeared. 极为诡异恐怖的一幕出现了。 On the control plate split open one suddenly tenderly and beautifully such as the safflower of blood, is second, third, fourth...... spreads crazily. 主宰槃身上蓦然绽开了一朵娇艳如血的红花,而后是第二朵,第三朵,第四朵……疯狂蔓延开来。 Almost is suddenly, the safflower of tender and beautiful desire drop covered entirely the control plate to find out the Kong Jian (Space) vortex that half body. 几乎是眨眼间,娇艳欲滴的红花就布满了主宰槃探出空间漩涡的那半个身躯。 These tender and beautiful flowers are deriving the control plate flesh and vitality crazily, is greedy and fierce. They willfully and are growing cheerfully, being in full bloom, is showing the oneself blood-color to be enchanting heartily. 这些娇艳的花朵疯狂汲取着主宰槃血肉和生机,贪婪而凶猛。它们恣意而欢快的生长着,盛开着,尽情展现着自己的血色妖娆。 But accordingly, control plate that quiet black glossy, majestic incomparable demon body surface, became at the visible speed motley pale, was similar the Shengming (Life) energy of his within the body to change into the nourishment, nourished even more tenderly and beautifully the blood-color flowers. 而相应的,主宰槃那幽黑油亮,雄壮无比的魔躯表面,也以肉眼可见的速度变得斑驳苍白了起来,就仿佛他体内的生命能量都化为了养料,将血色花朵滋养得愈发娇艳。 As the star dust clan taboo weapon, might of ups and downs god stick stronger compared with common Immortal Emperor level divine item, implication the strength of principle mainly contained might in two aspects. 作为星尘一族的禁忌武器,枯荣神杖的威能远比寻常的仙帝神器要强,其中蕴含的法则之力主要蕴含了两方面的威能 First is dry, the correspondence withers, on the wane, the death, may make the plant Shengming (Life) vitality cut off, shortly will wither on the wane, annihilates for the fragment powder. 其一为“枯”,对应枯萎,凋零,死亡,可令植物生命生机断绝,顷刻间枯萎凋零,湮灭为齑粉。 Second are glory, corresponds the vitality, may absorb the strength of Shengming (Life) flesh, until the strength of aimed at Shengming (Life) within the body flesh exhausts, the vitality cuts off. 其二为“荣”,对应生机,可汲取生命血肉之力,直至被针对的生命体内血肉之力耗尽,生机断绝。 These two principle strengths are very overbearing, and is hard to control, one does not pay attention also the easy wound to oneself, but the might is also. 这两种法则力量都十分霸道且难以掌控,一不留神还容易伤到自身,但威力也是实打实的强。 Both coincide, might is ever changing, can play many different patterns, only looked whether the user can control. 两者相合,威能更是千变万化,可以玩出许许多多种不同的花样,只看使用者是否能驾驭得住。 Initially, is dry the principle of when star dust Princess coped with two tenth stage Demon God to plant king big touched uses, but now, used was glory the principle. 当初,星尘公主对付二十阶魔神植王大触时用的便是“枯”之法则,而如今,用的便是“荣”之法则。 In order to guarantee this move of might can entire Tribe to the tangible, star dust Princess not only choose the sneak attack, the choice of making a move time was also very ingenious, making the control plate withstand the strength of complete principle solid. 为了确保这一招的威力能全部落到实处,星尘公主不仅选择了偷袭,出手时机的选择也十分巧妙,让主宰槃结结实实承受了全部的法则之力。 Controlling Pan responded that is extremely quick. 主宰槃反应极快。 Almost is immediately, he felt the change of body, the complexion will change shortly. 几乎是立刻,他就感受到了身体的变化,脸色顷刻间大变。 Even by his experience, has never seen the strength of so strange and terrifying principle. 即便是以他的见多识广,也从未见过如此诡异而恐怖的法则之力。 Roar!” “吼!” He howled angrily, planned to ignite Demon Flame to attach the body surface together, flower of burning down these evil filthy parasitic completely. 他愤怒的吼叫一声,欲图燃起一道魔焰附着体表,将那些邪秽的寄生之花焚烧殆尽。 However. 然而。 next instant. 下一瞬 The star dust Princess right hand wields, on the ups and downs god stick the rich vigorous vitality then changed for the breath of fearsome deathly stillness suddenly. 星尘公主右手一挥,枯荣神杖上原本浓郁蓬勃的生机便陡然变化为了可怖的死寂之息。 Inconceivable scene also appears. 不可思议的一幕随之出现。 Sees only on the control plate, these vitality abundant enchanting flowers simultaneously stagnate, blood-color like surging tides rapid retreat, in a flash dim on the wane, changed to the color of pale deathly stillness, lent the strong dismal aura. 只见主宰槃身上,那些生机盎然的妖娆花朵齐齐一滞,血色如潮水般迅速退去,转瞬间黯淡凋零,化作了苍白的死寂之色,散发出了浓烈的悲凉气息。 This is the flower of deathly stillness, is one of the ups and downs god stick terrifying abilities. 这是死寂之花,也是枯荣神杖的恐怖能力之一。 Just arrived in Immortal Spirit in star dust Princess, in addition is unable to display might of ups and downs god stick completely, can only the simple and crude with principle strength bombing, as nearly 3000 attendance cultivates to train hard, her strength rose dramatically a big truncation, to grasping and understanding of ups and downs god stick also deepens, has been able to display principle might of ups and downs god stick thoroughly. 在星尘公主刚刚抵达仙灵界时,尚且无法完全施展出枯荣神杖的威能,只能简单粗暴地用法则力量轰炸,但随着近三千年的勤修苦练,她的实力暴增了一大截,对枯荣神杖的掌握和了解也加深许多,已然能彻底发挥出枯荣神杖的法则威能了。 Almost was the flash, the control plate body surface overspread the flower of ice-cold deathly stillness. 几乎是一瞬间,主宰槃体表就铺满了冰冷的死寂之花。 They blast open, the ice-cold deathly stillness strength on the wane changes to the innumerable acupuncture and sharp blade, goes toward the control plate attack. 它们纷纷炸裂,冰冷的死寂凋零之力化作无数根针刺和利刃,朝着主宰槃侵袭而去。 If flower of solely one deathly stillness, the might feared that only enough gives control plate flexure to be itchy. 倘若单单一朵死寂之花,威力怕是只够给主宰槃挠痒痒。 But the flowers of millions of deathly stillness explode simultaneously, under the linkage effect, will control the plate half body to explode bumpy unexpectedly, covered with blood. 可千千万万朵死寂之花同时炸起,联动效应下,竟然将主宰槃半个身躯都炸了个坑坑洼洼,血肉模糊。 Under the strength of attack deathly stillness, wound nearby flesh unceasingly becomes pale, grey defeat, this receives the sign that the strength of death principle corroded, the appearance looks extremely frigid. 死寂之力侵袭下,伤口附近的血肉不断变得苍白,灰败,这是受到了死亡法则之力侵蚀的迹象,模样看起来极为惨烈。 ~ ~ ~ “嗷~~~ The control plate calls out angrily, in the sound is passing the intense pain. 主宰槃愤怒暴吼,声音中透着强烈的痛苦。 His originally thought, this time transmits, deciding to tidy up supreme yi rapidly, and controls the audience, later calmly deals with Wang Shouzhe and his all sorts of arrangement. 原本以为,这次传送过来,定能迅速收拾至尊嬟,并掌控住全场,随后再从容应对王守哲和他的种种布置。 May control the plate not to think. 可主宰槃万万没想到。 He then just found out half body, then suffered the continuous fierce attack . Moreover, unexpectedly also really made them injure him! 他这才刚探出半个身躯,便遭受了连绵不绝的猛烈打击,而且,居然还真的让她们伤到了他! However at present, even if controls the plate to get angry again angrily, roared again, supreme yi and star dust Princess will not be used to him. 不过眼下,即便主宰槃再愤怒怒,再咆哮,至尊嬟和星尘公主也不会惯着他。 Looks one, two females as if are of one mind Shuangshuang/pair to go forward, gets up with the control plate dogfight jointly. 对望一眼,两女仿佛心有灵犀般双双上前,联手与主宰槃缠斗起来。 Their two was too familiar, and collaborates the fight experience to be very abundant, in addition has divine item and god armor respectively, suddenly will really control the plate to constrain unexpectedly temporarily. 她们两个彼此间太熟悉了,且联手战斗经验十分充沛,加上各有神器和神甲,一时间竟然真的暂时将主宰槃拖住了。 Obviously their about since 3000, is what kind of attendance cultivates to train hard. 可见她们这将近三千年来,是何等的勤修苦练。 Naturally, during this process, their respective god armor also established the illustrious merit. 当然,在此过程中,她们各自的神甲也立下了赫赫之功。 Supreme yi that wraps Demon God armor, named Shadow Demon God armor, Is supreme demon item that involves the shadow principle. 至尊嬟那套魔神甲,名为【影魔神甲】,乃是一件涉及到暗影法则的至尊魔器 This is Wang Yinxuan when one of the rewards completing supreme yi mission harvesting. 这是王寅轩在完成至尊嬟任务时收获的奖励之一。 At that time with Immortal and Demon two clan love crystallization king Peixi The birth, the system then prompts to capture/raid supreme yi branch mission to be completed. 那时候随着仙魔两族爱情结晶【王珮嬉】的诞生,系统便提示攻略至尊嬟的支线任务已经完成。 That divine item in reward rewards, was substituted supreme demon item that by the Wang Yinxuan request suits supreme yi. 奖励中的那件神器奖励,被王寅轩要求替代成了一件适合至尊嬟的至尊魔器 Then, the system also really made unexpectedly to him. 然后,系统竟然还真的给他弄来了。 However that time, the system also explained reason rarely. Wang Yinxuan through completing salvation mission, the system will obtain the strength of massive good fortune from Immortal Spirit Heavenly Dao, uses the strength of these good fortunes, can collect the lost from the Immortal Spirit range treasure. 不过那一次,系统也难得解释了一下其中原因。王寅轩通过完成救世任务,系统会从仙灵天道中获得大量造化之力,动用这些造化之力,便可从仙灵界范围内搜罗遗失的宝物 But this shadow Demon God armor, obviously is this tens of millions years, treasure that some Demon Race leaves behind supremely. 而这件影魔神甲,明显就是这数千万年来,某个魔族至尊遗留下来的宝物 This collecting seeks the way and baseless gaining, was directly more cost-effective than with the strength of synthesis good fortune. 这种搜罗寻找并凭空获取的方式,比直接用造化之力合成划算多了。 Only pitifully, collects the corresponding rank treasure, needs the strength of corresponding good fortune, but the strength of good fortune gains is difficult, otherwise, Wang Yinxuan will think that oneself is good at cleaning up the trash compared with Anye Old Ancestor. 只可惜,搜罗相应级别的宝物,就需要相应的造化之力,而造化之力的获取非常困难,要不然,王寅轩会觉得自己安业老祖更擅长捡垃圾。 For does not favor one and discriminate against the other, triggers the domestic dispute. 为了不厚此薄彼,引发家庭矛盾。 Similarly, Wang Yinxuan after completing branch mission that captures star dust Princess, the divine item reward that will also obtain changed into god armor that suits star dust Princess, is she puts on now on the body Stars god armor. 同样的,王寅轩在完成了攻略星尘公主的支线任务后,也将得到的神器奖励换成了适合星尘公主的神甲,就是现在她穿在身上的【星辰神甲】。 At that time when searched, stars god armor is broken. 当时搜回来时,星辰神甲还是一件残破品。 However, the system consumed strength of restore massive good fortune to complement it, and also made certain revision to it especially, making it agreeing with star dust Princess slightly to be partial to two dimensions the statures. 不过,系统耗费了大量的造化之力修复补全了它,并且还特地对其进行了一定的修改,让它变得更加契合星尘公主略偏向二次元的身材。 So the situation stands firm scene, naturally is looks that our numerous youngster one's blood bubbles up to the brim, bloodline Ben stretch/open, previously also therefore swept away because of the Fear/Dread feeling that the control plate arrival created. 如此局势稳住的一幕,自然是看着我方一众年轻人热血沸腾,血脉贲张,先前因为主宰槃驾临而造成的恐惧感也因此一扫而空。 Only has Wang Yinxuan, is still silent. 唯有王寅轩,依旧默然不语。 He knows that the oneself two wife is very fierce, theoretically must with having the glory. But the wives too fierce words, in the life are also everywhere inconvenient. 他知道自己两个老婆很是厉害,理论上应当与有荣焉。可老婆们太厉害的话,在生活中也是处处不便。 Cites a simplest example, in process of fight, once confiscates the vigor, the consequence is quite serious. 举个最简单的例子,在战斗的过程中,一旦没收住劲,后果就相当严重。 In addition, when everyone together is calm the speech fortunately, but if was saying was saying wool, that also inevitably is a disaster. 此外,大家一起心平气和说话时还好,可若是说着说着毛了,那也必然是一场灾难。 But at this time. 而这时候。 Because lingered a lot of white immortal fog in surroundings Kong Jian (Space) washes out by the fight complementary waves, because originally the immortal fog covers, but the fuzzy field of vision also becomes clear, all becomes takes in everything at a glance. 由于原本萦绕在周围空间中的大量白色仙雾被战斗余波冲散,原本因为仙雾笼罩而模模糊糊的视野也变得清晰起来,所有的一切都变得一览无余。 An appearance is handsome, is impressive, young men who is avoiding the shock-wave, also mapped the people view. 一位长相英俊,气度不凡,正在躲避冲击波的青年男子,也随之映入了众人眼帘。 Power day Senior Brother, how can you here?” king Hanxia looks at him, in the look was full of the surprise, I remember what you walk is another line, without absurdly Senior Brother their together......” “权天师兄,您怎么会在这里?”王珺霞看着他,眼神中充满了诧异,“我记得你走的是另外一条线路,和无妄师兄他们一起的……” Comes the person, is remote antiquity Divine/God Palace illustrious power day God Child/Seed. 来人,正是太上神宫赫赫有名的权天神子 This is God Child/Seed that quite some legends mean. Before Wang Clan starts is involution, he is the present age list first, historical list seventy, are the scenery is it may be said that infinite for a while. 这是一位颇有传奇意味的神子。在王氏发动内卷之前,他名列当代榜第一,历史榜七十几位,可谓是一时风光无限。 But king Hanxia as the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor half apprentice, naturally also in remote antiquity Divine/God Palace young one generation of chat groups, usually in also has to do a lot, is quite familiar. 而王珺霞作为太上仙帝的半个徒弟,自然也在太上神宫年轻一代的聊天群里,平日里也没少打交道,还是相当熟悉的。 Sees king Hanxia to prepare to pass. 见王珺霞准备过去。 Wang Jinna holds on her suddenly, later look sharp staring approached power day God Child/Seed: authority was heaven, a moment ago you controlling Pan summons?” 王瑾娜忽然一把拉住她,随后眼神锐利的盯向了权天神子:“权天,刚才是你把主宰槃召唤过来的?” She has observed the surroundings, besides the power day, the surroundings has not seen any God Child/Seed form. This is not absolutely normal! 她已经观察过周围,除了权天之外,周围没有见到任何一位神子的身影。这绝对不正常! What?” king Hanxia had a scare, stares in a big way a pupil to look at power day God Child/Seed, resembles does not dare to believe that is impossible, our family/home power day Senior Brother is mild, is impossible to betray Immortal Clan.” “什么?”王珺霞被吓了一跳,瞪大了眼眸看着权天神子,似是不敢置信,“不可能,我们家权天师兄温润宽厚,不可能背叛仙族的。” Hehe!” “呵呵!” Wang Songyi hearing this, sneered. 王宋一闻言,不禁冷笑了一声。 His has seen through all expressions, looks to the power day God Child/Seed look full is cold intent: Is a rebel, cannot light/only look at usually in performance. authority heaven, after you pinched to explode the control summon to make, did not wash? Demon bashful position of one share control plate!” 他一副早已看穿一切的表情,看向权天神子的眼神中已然满是冷意:“是不是叛徒,可不能光看平日里的表现。权天,伱捏爆了主宰召唤令后也不洗洗的么?身上一股子主宰槃的魔臊位!” The power day God Child/Seed complexion slightly changes, immediately is subconscious toward the oneself body on smelled smelling. 权天神子脸色微微一变,立刻下意识朝自己身体上嗅了嗅。 But the movement made half, he stopped fiercely, the complexion gradually became gloomy: Wang Songyi, do you cheat me?” 可动作才做了一半,他就猛地停顿住了,脸色渐渐变得阴沉起来:“王宋一,你诈我?” What cheats to cheat? Since you dare to stand to betray Immortal Clan, naturally should be psychologically prepared corresponding.” Wang Songyi is calm, „, let alone nearby this on your God Child/Seed, is not you puts the control plate to come , but who can also?” “诈什么诈?你既然敢站出来背叛仙族,自然应该做好相应的心理准备。”王宋一语气平静,“何况这附近就你一个神子,不是你放主宰槃进来的,还能有谁?” When to this time, the people responded even again slowly, can still determine that power day God Child/Seed was the Immortal Clan rebel. 时至此时,众人就算反应再迟钝,也能确定权天神子就是仙族叛徒了。 king Hanxia stared in a big way a pupil, in the look exuded to wipe to be confused and pain: Power day Senior Brother, why your you...... are you? You are our remote antiquity Divine/God Palace big Senior Brother, everyone is very respectable you.” 王珺霞瞪大了眼眸,眼神中泛起一抹迷茫和痛苦:“权天师兄,你你你……你这是为什么?你是咱们太上神宫的大师兄,大家都很尊敬你。” Big Senior Brother? Respect!!!?” Power day God Child/Seed hearing this, the smile on face becomes twists suddenly. “大师兄?尊敬!!!?”权天神子闻言,脸上的笑容蓦然变得扭曲起来。 When to the present, he is also disinclined to do to conceal again, the expression on face may be called fierce: Perhaps, once I was very indeed respected, but now, how many people also there are to pay attention to me? Catching up that I go all out, desperate pursuing, in the end is also god beautiful jade list history total list 36!” 时至如今,他也懒得再做掩饰,脸上的表情堪称狰狞:“也许,曾经的我的确很受尊敬,但是现在,又有几人会把我放在眼里?我拼命的赶,拼命的追,到头来也不过是神瑛榜历史总榜三十六位!” Is laughable my Teacher, told me since childhood, called me well cultivation, said that I was his legacy successor, in the future surely will be the lord of remote antiquity Divine/God Palace. May rise with Wang Clan, my ranking suffers a disastrous decline, Teacher then stops talking no longer mentions the matter of Emperor Seal inheritance, even if I asked that still always attended to about him.” “可笑我那师尊,从小就告诉我,叫我好好修炼,说我是他的衣钵传人,未来必定是太上神宫之主。可随着王氏崛起,我的排名一落千丈,师尊便绝口不再提帝印传承之事,就算我问起,也总是顾左右而言他。” If so , the god beautiful jade Bang list plays in the finals merely these days, I requested earnestly Teacher to help me exchange one Say/Way changes essence version, But Teacher told me the resources to be on hand anxious, must first supply the older generation to attack Immortal Emperor, turn head he will certainly prepare for me.” “若是仅仅如此也就罢了,神瑛榜总榜决赛那些日子,我恳请师尊帮我兑换一支【道改精华版】,但师尊却告诉我手头资源紧张,要优先供应老一辈冲击仙帝,回头他一定会替我准备的。” Finally, your king Hanxia acts like a spoiled brat with Teacher, he turned the head to give Chen Zilu to exchange one.” “结果呢,你王珺霞跟师尊撒个娇,他转头就给陈紫露兑了一支。” More said, the expression on power day God Child/Seed face is ugly/difficult to look at, the body also ascended one after another strong complaint. 越是说,权天神子脸上的表情越是难看,身上也升腾起了一股又一股浓烈的怨念。 „It is not such......” king Hanxia must stamp the feet anxiously, remote antiquity Grandfather has paid attention very much your. After god beautiful jade list, wasn't he also borrows a say/way to change the essence version to my Ancestral Grandfather to you?” “不是这样的……”王珺霞急得直跺脚,“太上爷爷一直是很关注你的。神瑛榜之后,他老人家不是也向我老祖爷爷借了一支道改精华版给你吗?” „Is that also useful?” The power day God Child/Seed expression twists, the look also gradually becomes crazy, in his eyes, my your king Hanxia toe cannot compare, even, even/including Chen Zilu, the ginger does not have absurdly these trash goods, crawled my head. Why? Because Chen Zilu is your follower! But the ginger does not have absurdly, closed right up against kneel to lick to hold the thigh of Wang Anye!” “那又有什么用?”权天神子表情扭曲,眼神也渐渐变得疯狂起来,“在他眼里,我连你王珺霞一根脚趾头都比不上,甚至,连陈紫露,姜无妄这些垃圾货色,都爬到了我头上去。为什么?就因为陈紫露是你的追随者!而姜无妄,靠着跪舔抱上了王安业的大腿!” king Hanxia the whole face is anxious and pain. 王珺霞满脸焦急和痛苦。 She also wants to say anything again, actually held on by Wang Jinna: Including the mist, what you mental Immortal Clan rebel rubbish wordy so many to make with this confusing? Did matter to this situation, what significance the discussion to wrong have?” 她还想再说些什么,却被王瑾娜一把拉住了:“珺霞,你和这种迷了心智的仙族叛徒废话啰嗦那么多做什么?事情到了这地步,讨论对错还有什么意义?” Jinna Aunt.” king Hanxia puts in great inconvenience to the tears to fall, I, I am quite uncomfortable.” 瑾娜姑姑。”王珺霞委屈得眼泪都掉了下来,“我,我好难受。” Right. Matter to this situation, there is no to wrong.” “没错。事情到了这个地步,本就没什么对错可言。” Saw king Hanxia this expression, power day God Child/Seed laughed at one, the expression on face gradually was instead calm. 见到王珺霞这副表情,权天神子嗤笑了一声,脸上的表情反而渐渐平静下来。 By this time, he did not need that continues to conceal. 到了这时候,他也没有了继续掩饰的必要。 He looks to the control plate in sky, the look said excitedly: „The great control, can give World of Immortals means of livelihood. He pledged, when the victory, will delimit a bulk domain to us autonomous, but I am the future World of Immortals lord, will follow control expedition foreign land world! I keep the life of remote antiquity old ghost, quite makes him know, he has eyes but fails to see, his wrong is odd!” 他看向天空中的主宰槃,眼神兴奋道:“只有伟大的主宰,才能给仙界一条活路。他承诺,待战争胜利,就会划出一大块地盘给咱们自治,而我就是未来的仙界界主,将会追随主宰征战异域世界!我会留着太上老鬼的命,好让他知道,他是多么有眼无珠,他错的有多么离谱!” You, your bastard!” “你,你混蛋!” king Hanxia violent anger, terrifying aura ascended from her finally suddenly. 王珺霞终于暴怒了,一股恐怖的气息蓦然从她身上升腾而起。 Her physique is gradually tall and straight, full beautiful hair insanely is backward long, and in black and white between non-stop transforming, until framing for snow white color. 她的身姿渐渐挺拔,满头秀发向后疯长,并在黑与白之间不停转化,直至定格为雪白之色。 The makings of her whole person also become sacredly are also grave, like an immortal or a sage. 她整个人的气质也随之变得神圣庄重起来,如仙如圣 This is Immortal and Demon nine change Sixth changes Saint immortal changes. 这是【仙魔九变】第六变【圣仙变】。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In her hand had/left a blade. 她手中多出了一柄刀。 That is the blade that a very dazzles. 那是一柄非常酷炫的刀。 On the knife twines the complicated black and white two color patterns, the white pattern is sending out elegant lithe Immortal Spirit Qi, the black pattern is sending out cold and gloomy heavy/thick Demon Fiend Qi, both pester mutually, the mutual chase, the mutual transformed fusion, the aura was mysterious, seems contains some extremely tyrannical terrifying the strength of principle to be common. 刀身上缠绕着繁复的黑白两色花纹,白色花纹散发着飘逸轻盈的仙灵之气,黑色花纹散发着森冷厚重的魔煞之气,两者相互纠缠,相互追逐,相互转化融合,气息玄奥无比,好似蕴含了某种极其强横恐怖的法则之力一般。 This blade built up the Immortal and Demon two clan highest level materials, under protecting and sustaining of Wang Shouzhe Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command, is collaborated the wholehearted casting by Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor and great wild goose, specially is tailor for king Hanxia, is a is born in divine item of present age extremely rarely. 这柄刀集结了仙魔两族最顶级的材料,是在王守哲掌界令的护持下,由南明仙帝和鸿联手呕心沥血铸造而成,专为王珺霞量身打造,是一柄极为难得诞生在当代的神器 king Hanxia took very chuuni name to it Immortal and Demon cuts divine blade. 王珺霞给它取了一个很中二的名字仙魔斩神刀】。 authority heaven, I must for the remote antiquity Grandfather cleaning up gateway.” “权天,我要替太上爷爷清理门户。” king Hanxia the star pupil circle stares, in the look as if contained the flaming roaring flame. 王珺霞星眸圆瞪,眼神中仿佛蕴含了熊熊烈焰。 A blade cuts. 一刀斩出。 The terrifying blade glow, imitates vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, if cut a gully in heaven and earth, unmatched to kill to authority heaven! 恐怖的刀芒纵横而出,仿若在天地间切出了一道沟壑,无可匹敌地向权天杀去! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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