POP :: Volume #8

#158: Control plate! You have to plant to hit me

...... …… The supreme yi eye pupil swept his one eyes lightly, later looks all around, finally the line of sight fell to encircle on Ji day Yang side one group of young rebels. 至尊嬟眼眸淡淡的扫了他一眼,随后又环顾一圈,最终视线落到了围在姬天阳身边的一群小叛徒们身上。 She nods slightly, resembles saying that has referred to: Person is very complete, very good, good that you make, so as to avoid this supreme again spending many hands and feet.” 她微微颔首,似有所指的说道:“人很齐全嘛,很好,你做的不错,免得本至尊再多费手脚了。” Was praised, Ji Tianyang was more excited: Many thanks Lord praise. Also asked Lord to instruct the next action.” 受到夸赞,姬天阳更激动了:“多谢主上夸赞。还请主上指示下一步行动。” In this time. 正在此时。 In the head a confusion, mood some Wang Yinxuan of out-of-control rush goes, anger and startled say/way: „The yi treasure, you know that what you are making? How can you like this? Do we, what to do we play?” 脑袋中一片混乱,情绪有些失控的王寅轩冲上前去,又怒又惊道:“嬟宝,你知道你在做什么吗?你怎么可以这样?咱,咱们嬉儿怎么办?” Halts!” “站住!” Ji Tianyang seeing that complexion sinks, the figure flashed then to stretch across in front of supreme yi instantaneously, exhibited one to protect the Lord appearance loyally, lifts the hand blocked to go crazy Wang Yinxuan, a fist bang in his abdomen. 姬天阳见状脸色一沉,身形一闪便瞬间横跨到了至尊嬟面前,摆出了一副忠心护主的模样,抬手挡住发了疯般的王寅轩,一拳轰在了他腹部。 „!” “呃!” The unexpected Wang Yinxuan whole body shakes, immediately the pain moaned is falling to kneel in the place. 猝不及防的王寅轩浑身一震,登时痛苦呻吟着跌跪在地。 this scene, making supreme yi the eye pupil delay flicker slightly, at once reveals wiped the color of heart pain. 这一幕,让至尊嬟的眼眸微微呆滞了一瞬,旋即露出了一抹心痛之色。 When she makes reaction time, Ji Tianyang is also reprimands the sound to curse angrily: Wang Yinxuan, you were saying that what loses the soul talk? What yi treasure, anything plays, anything at sixes and sevens!” 正待她作出反应时,姬天阳又是斥声怒骂起来:“王寅轩,你在说什么失心话?什么嬟宝,什么嬉儿,什么乱七八糟的!” Several other rebel little friends see that also raise legs to go forward, prepare to a Wang Yinxuan lesson ruthlessly, to flatter Lord. 其余几个叛徒小伙伴见状也纷纷抬腿上前,准备给王寅轩一个狠狠的教训,以讨好主上 Bastard, dares to hit my brother!” “混蛋,敢打我哥!” Sees this scene, king Hanxia the complexion instantaneously changed. 见到这一幕,王珺霞的脸色瞬间变了。 The steaming anger sticks out suddenly from her heart, her whole body imposing manner also erupts loudly, the black and white two color energies sweep across just like the storm, the long hair calm automatic hikes up backward. 腾腾怒意自她心头暴起,她周身气势也随之轰然爆发,黑白二色的能量宛如风暴般席卷开来,长发无风自动向后飘起。 In her opinion, although Wang Yinxuan gruff silly, but eventually is oneself Elder Brother, she can dirty, but does not allow others to bully him absolutely! 在她看来,王寅轩虽然憨憨傻傻的,但终究是自己哥哥,她可以埋汰,但绝对不允许别人欺负他! But has not waited for king Hanxia to begin. 可还没等王珺霞动手。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Ji Tianyang is flown by the giant palm direct racket that black demon qi condensed together, hit on the cliff wall near the valley, pounded a deep pothole on the cliff wall. 姬天阳就被一道黑色魔气凝聚的巨掌直接拍飞了出去,撞在谷边崖壁上,在崖壁上砸出了一道深深的坑洞。 But was patted the place that flies in Ji day Yang, the supreme yi whole body demon qi ebullition, a air/Qi field does not know when becomes the terrifying to be unusual, looked that also took cold fiendish qi to the Ji day Yang look, looks like provoked anger the female lion to be the same. 而在姬天阳被拍飞的地方,至尊嬟周身魔气沸腾,一身的气场不知何时变得恐怖异常,看向姬天阳的眼神中也带上了冷冽的煞气,就像是一头被惹急了的母狮子一般让人毛骨悚然。 Obviously, that palm of the hand was she clapped a moment ago. 显然,刚才那一巴掌是她拍的。 What?!” “什么?!” What's wrong, how can?!” “怎,怎么会?!” That several rebel little friends look at dumbly at the scene, one after another was frightened like the quail trembles, from the start actually did not make clear what happened. 那几个叛徒小伙伴呆立当场,一个个如同鹌鹑般被吓得瑟瑟发抖,压根搞不清楚究竟发生了什么情况。 Was this Lord acts leaning the dozen? 这是主上出手打偏了吗? How to fly to the racket day Yang eldest child? 怎么把天阳老大给拍飞了? king Hanxia who is preparing to act was also shocked, suddenly somewhat does not understand that this female Demon Race is up to mischief supremely. 就连正准备出手的王珺霞也愣住了,一时间有些搞不明白这个女性魔族至尊到底在搞什么鬼。 cough cough coughs!” 咳咳咳!” In a deathly stillness, in the pothole heard Ji Tianyang fiercely cough sound. 一片死寂之中,坑洞中传来了姬天阳剧烈的咳嗽声。 Crossed some little time, cultivation base has marched into Great Principle boundary late stage Ji day Yang Cai to crawl from the pothole distressedly, the look looks terrifiedly to supreme yi: Lord, Lord, you, your is...... this is......” 过了好一会儿,修为已经步入大罗后期的姬天阳才狼狈地从坑洞中爬了出来,眼神惊恐不安地看向至尊嬟:“主,主上,您,您这是……这是……” He is not clear, actually oneself where made the mistake, unexpectedly stirs up Lord is so angry. You told me, did I change is not good? 他不明白,自己究竟是哪里做错了,居然惹得主上如此生气。您告诉我,我改还不行吗? At this time, king Hanxia, Wang Jinna, Wang Songyi, Chen Zilu and other also responded, rushes to side Wang Yinxuan to protect fast all round him, simultaneously looks with the amazed and vigilant look to supreme yi. 此时,王珺霞、王瑾娜王宋一、陈紫露等几个也反应了过来,飞快冲到王寅轩身边将他团团护住,同时用惊诧而又警惕的眼神看向至尊嬟。 Although supreme yi that palm indeed had revenged for Wang Yinxuan a moment ago, but this behavior is really strange, actually they do not make clear supreme yi to prepare to do. 虽然至尊嬟刚才那一掌的的确确是替王寅轩报了仇,可这行为实在诡异,他们都搞不清楚至尊嬟究竟准备干什么。 Wang Songyi put out a hand to hold Wang Yinxuan, looked that actually did not show a doubt to his look voluntarily, the eye belt/bring pondered over. 王宋一伸手将王寅轩扶了起来,看向他的眼神中却不自觉透出了一丝狐疑,眼带思忖。 yi treasure? Plays? 嬟宝?嬉儿? yi treasure name, he is listening somewhat familiar-soundingly, probably when the brothers of hear of alcoholic intoxications verbose. 嬟宝这个名字,他听着有些耳熟,好像什么时候听醉酒的兄弟絮叨过。 As for playing, he naturally is incomparably familiar. 至于嬉儿,他自然是无比熟悉。 Own brothers' treasure daughter ~ 自家兄弟的宝贝女儿嘛~ Plays, although expensive/noble is Wang Clan orthodox lineage eldest daughter, but is always very low-key, never openly makes an appearance outside, then the clansmen does not know that who her mother is. 只是嬉儿虽然贵为王氏嫡长女,但向来十分低调,从不在外公开露面,便是连族人都不知她母亲是何人。 In secret, clansmen each few speculation, thought that the type that after playing mostly is Wang Yinxuan this brat is outside dissolute, leaves behind, by Ancestral Grandfather is known , in met to go home to enter the genealogy. 私下里,族人们每少猜测,觉得嬉儿多半是王寅轩这臭小子在外浪荡后留下的种,被老祖爷爷知道后接回家里入了族谱。 However, king Peixi usually in follows Wang Yinxuan to live together, most clansmen are not familiar. 不过,王珮嬉平日里都跟着王寅轩一起生活,大部分族人并不熟悉。 But the issue is, what oneself brothers and supreme do yi raise to play? 但问题是,自家兄弟和至尊嬟提什么嬉儿? Wait!! 等等!! Does the yi treasure, play...... the yi treasure? 嬟宝,嬉儿……嬟宝? Difficult, yes...... 难,难道是…… The Wang Songyi pupil enlarges suddenly. 王宋一瞳孔骤然放大。 Wipes the shock and delay appears in his eyeground gradually, making his expression rarely look a little dull. 一抹震惊和呆滞渐渐在他的眼底浮现,让他的表情难得看起来有点呆。 ~ ~ is not I imagines such? Wang Yinxuan, can your son of a bitch play such ominously?! 不是吧~不是吧~不是我想象中那样的吧?王寅轩,你这狗东西要不要玩这么凶?! cough cough!” 咳咳!” Wang Yinxuan coughed two, the eye pupil passing over gently and swiftly pain and puzzled color, is staring at supreme yi stubbornly, as if and other answer. 王寅轩咳嗽了两声,眼眸掠过痛苦和不解之色,死死盯着至尊嬟,仿佛在等她的答案。 The anger of supreme yi restraining, forwards gradually, is gazing at Wang Yinxuan. 至尊嬟收敛的怒意,缓步向前,注视着王寅轩 Suddenly, her tail speeds away to flash, such as a sharp arrow thorn to the head of Wang Yinxuan, the rapidness of speed, made people unexpected simply. 忽而,她的尾巴疾驰闪动,如一根利箭般刺向了王寅轩的脑袋,速度之快,简直让人猝不及防。 But Wang Yinxuan slightly gawked flickered, had nothing to evade and move aside, but looked at dumbly same place, in the look revealed wiped to feel relaxed and extricate. 王寅轩只是略愣了一瞬,却没有任何逃避和躲闪,而是呆立原地,眼神中露出了一抹释然和解脱。 This is also good...... this is also good. 这样也好……这样也好。 Zheng!” “铮!” The tail of supreme yi, stopped suddenly the stay in the Wang Yinxuan forehead previous inch position, the tail shivered sharp slightly. 至尊嬟的尾巴,戛然而止般停留在了王寅轩脑门前一寸的位置,尾尖微微颤抖。 She knits the brows cold snort/hum: Snort, doesn't your fool, why hide?” 她皱眉冷哼:“哼,你这傻子,为什么不躲?” In the Wang Yinxuan eye pupil appears to wipe bitterly and astringently: This...... at least does not need to experience the couple to quarrel again, the wife leaves the female loose scene. Moreover in recent years, I am the shame am too eventually many to you and star treasure am too many. Can die in your hands, repaid part of debts.” 王寅轩眼眸中浮现出一抹苦涩:“这样……至少不用再经历夫妻反目,妻离女散的场面。而且这些年来,我终究是愧对你和星宝太多太多。能死在你手中,也算是偿还了一部分债。” Was a pity...... owes the star treasure , can only next generation also she.” “只是可惜……欠星宝的还不了了,只能下辈子还她了。” Snort ~ your fool, you can not want the life, why can't believe me?” Supreme yi tender snort/hum, in the vision was passing the disaffection. “哼~你这傻子,你连命都可以不要,为什么就不能相信我?”至尊嬟娇哼了一声,目光中透着不满。 Wang Yinxuan dumbfounded. 王寅轩呆住了。 At once, an intense pleasant surprise fully occupied his expression: Old, the wife...... you, you...... you come are......” 旋即,一股强烈的惊喜占满了他的表情:“老,老婆……你,你……你来是……” His stutter, somewhat could not speak. 他结结巴巴的,有些说不出话来。 Which is cool where to stay, do not add to the chaos to me.” Supreme yi stared at his one eyes ruthlessly, immediately turned around to look to Ji Tianyang and other numerous young rebels. “哪凉快哪呆着去,别给我添乱。”至尊嬟狠狠盯了他一眼,随即转身看向了姬天阳等一众小叛徒们。 „Is is, the yi treasure wife you are busy, you are optional.” Wang Yinxuan draws back immediately delightedly. “是是是,嬟宝老婆你忙,你随意。”王寅轩立刻笑逐颜开地退了下去。 Such a was stared by supreme yi, he was lived thoroughly, naturally was supreme yi said that anything was anything. 被至尊嬟这么一瞪,他算是彻底活了过来,自然是至尊嬟说什么就是什么。 So. 如此一幕。 Looks at everyone is dumbfounded. 看得现场所有人都是目瞪口呆。 Ji Tianyang and other numerous young rebels were look like encounter liked a sudden thunderclap general, one after another was pale, dumb as a wooden chicken, the whole body shivered. 姬天阳等一众小叛徒们更是像遭到了五雷轰顶一般,一个个脸色苍白,呆若木鸡,浑身颤抖不已。 What did they hear? What did they see? 他们听到了什么?他们见到了什么? If their eyes and ears have not had problems, this matter, left the big spectrum simply! 如果他们的眼睛和耳朵没出问题的话,这事儿,简直就是离了大谱! But our little friends, responded where is not better than to go them, one after another stares in a big way the eye, opened the mouth, probably experienced some powerful spiritual impact ordinary, the visible brain down, fell into the delay. 而我方的一众小伙伴们,反应也没比他们好到哪里去,一个个都是瞪大了眼睛,张大了嘴巴,像是经历了某种强烈的精神冲击一般,肉眼可见的大脑宕机,陷入呆滞。 Is gawking doing, hasn't heard the instruction of my family yi treasure?” Without the issue that most was worried about, Wang Yinxuan roused immediately, draws little friends to walk toward the , comes, along with me rolls to the nearby together is treating, do not disturb my wife to work.” “都愣着干什么,没听到我家嬟宝的吩咐吗?”没有了最担心的问题,王寅轩顿时就抖擞了起来,拉着一众小伙伴们就往边上走,“来来来,都随我一起滚到边上待着,别打扰我老婆做事。” Was dragging away one, king Hanxia awakens, points at the supreme yi stutter to ask Wang Yinxuan: „Is Wang Yinxuan , supreme yi, your old, the wife?” 被拖着走了一段,王珺霞才惊醒过来,指着至尊嬟结结巴巴地问王寅轩:“王寅轩,至,至尊嬟,是你的老,老婆?” This result, is challenging her brain hole limit simply. 这结果,简直就是在挑战她脑洞的极限。 Own fool did Elder Brother, really have a leg with famous supreme yi? 自家傻子哥哥,竟然和大名鼎鼎的至尊嬟有了一腿? No, playing was so big, the matter of this not leg, god knows has many legs. 不,嬉儿都那么大了,这绝不是有一腿的事儿了,天知道已经有了多少腿。 What your wife? Must call the sister-in-law.” Wang Yinxuan gave her one to explode the chestnut cocky, „before , was the Ancestral Grandfather request conceals this matter, therefore in clan a handful people know. Later we should not use again the hidden marriage. king Hanxia, you later saw my family yi treasure, should not be impolite.” “什么‘你的老婆’?要叫嫂子。”王寅轩得瑟地给了她一个爆栗,“之前是老祖爷爷要求隐瞒此事,所以家族内只有一小撮人知道。以后我们应该不用再隐婚了。王珺霞,你以后见了我家嬟宝,可别没大没小的。” What?” king Hanxia is startled and anger, I am your younger sister, am your I concealing the truth?” “什么?”王珺霞又惊又怒,“我可是你妹,你连我都瞒着?” This is the idea of Ancestral Grandfather, what matter closes my?” Wang Yinxuan shrugs to let go, stance that I am not a scapegoat, „is about, Ancestral Grandfather thought that you are too weak, is far-fetched.” “这是老祖爷爷的主意,关我啥事?”王寅轩耸肩摊手,一副我不背锅的架势,“大约是,老祖爷爷觉得你太幼稚,不靠谱。” king Hanxia been mad straight rolls the eyes, stamps one's foot again and again: Wang Yinxuan, you said, you said that some of your how many things are also hiding the truth from me?” 王珺霞被气的直翻白眼,连连跳脚:“王寅轩,你说,你说,你还有多少事情瞒着我?” Hehe, that may be many, you later will understand slowly.” Wang Yinxuan showed a wrapped in a shroud of obscurity expression, „a mature man, will definitely have many excavation not secrets.” “嘿嘿,那可就多了,你以后会慢慢懂的。”王寅轩露出了一副神秘莫测的表情,“一个成熟的男人,肯定会有许多挖掘不尽的秘密。” „!” “切!” king Hanxia shows the whites of the eyes to him ruthlessly, no longer manages him, but looked to the new sister-in-law, no, was the old sister-in-law of new understanding...... the preparation static looked at her to perform. 王珺霞冲他狠狠翻了个白眼,不再理他,而是看向了新嫂子,不,是新认识的老嫂子……准备静静的看她表演。 At this time. 这时。 Ji Tianyang people also recover gradually. 姬天阳的一众人也渐渐回过神来。 And loves as trusted aide Ji day looks deathly pale Yang, the tone is trembling: Lord, Lord...... we made a mistake, we should not beat Yinxuan Young Master.” 其中作为“心腹爱将”的姬天阳脸色惨白,语气颤巍巍的:“主,主上……我们错了,我们不应该殴打寅轩公子的。” This time was we are wrong.” “这次是我们都错了。” Several other rebel little friends also such as the chicken pecking meter/rice nod again and again. 其余几位叛徒小伙伴也都如小鸡啄米般连连点头。 Actually, they although at this moment frightens the whole body to be stiff, the soul trembles to palpitate, but also thought that from the bottom of the heart is unjust with aggrievedly. 其实,他们此刻虽然吓得浑身僵硬,灵魂颤悸,可也是打心底里觉得冤枉和憋屈。 Lord, you want to play anything to play with Yinxuan Young Master good, thinks that how hi is also your matters, but do not involve us ~! 主上啊,您想和寅轩公子玩什么游戏都行,想怎么嗨也都是你们的事儿,可您别牵连我们呀~! You make a sound ahead of time, making us a little guard also good, we can when all cannot see! 您老提前吱个声,让我们有点防备也行啊,我们可以全当看不见的! This matter gives noisily...... 这事给闹的…… Snort! You, not necessarily do not have the means of livelihood honestly.” Supreme yi cold snort/hum, then wields conveniently, one after another demon qi then condenses the bunch, such as the rope snake tied up rebel little friends one by one, formed the posture of tying hands. “哼!你们老实一点,未必就没有活路。”至尊嬟冷哼一声,而后随手一挥,一道道魔气便凝聚成束,如绳蛇般将叛徒小伙伴们一一捆住,形成了五花大绑的姿势。 And, end of demon qi rope snake, but also forced in their mouths, making them all shut up. 其中,魔气绳蛇的尾端,还塞进了他们嘴里,让他们悉数闭嘴。 Wū wū!” “呜呜!” Ji Tianyang pain struggled. 姬天阳痛苦的挣扎了一下。 Although he thought that oneself erupts the full power, must be able to work loose, but he does not dare to revolt from the start. 虽然他觉得自己爆发全力,应当能挣脱开来,可他压根就不敢有所反抗。 Cracks a joke, supreme front plays any detailed work in Demon Race, is bringing about own destruction. 开玩笑,在一位魔族至尊面前玩任何花活,都是在自寻死路。 Until this time, Ji Tianyang also really somewhat admired his nominal eldest child Wang Yinxuan, this was the skill that anything went against heaven's will, even Demon Race can soak the seat of honor unexpectedly supremely...... 直至此时,姬天阳还真有些佩服他名义上的老大王寅轩了,这是什么逆天的本事,竟然连魔族至尊都能泡上手…… Listens to the tone, as if also had the kid? 听口气,似乎还生了娃? His Ji Tianyang also thinks that was an attractive pretty boy, but compared with Wang Yinxuan, simply was the trash. 他姬天阳也自认为是个有魅力的小白脸了,可是和王寅轩一比,简直就是渣渣。 Processes all these, supreme yi pulled out a token. 处理完这一切,至尊嬟又掏出了一块令牌。 The token like black ink, the aura that lends is jet black powerful and deep, is obscure and mysterious, as if contains the heaven and earth highest good to be the same. 令牌漆黑如墨,散发出的气息强大而深沉,晦涩而玄妙,仿佛蕴含着天地至理一般。 This is one Control summon command. 这是一枚【主宰召唤令】。 Even in Demon Race, this is the incomparably precious thing, refining the price is enormous. 即便是在魔族,这都是无比珍贵之物,炼制起来代价极大。 So long as the distance is not too far, for example is so far Divine Martial world to World of Immortals, uses this control summon command, can open a space channel that goes nonstop to the control demon palace, making Demon Race control the arrival. 只要距离不是太远,例如神武世界仙界那么远,使用这枚主宰召唤令,便可打开一个直通主宰魔殿的空间通道,让魔族主宰驾临。 Sees this thing, the nerve of people tightens immediately, one after another becomes incomparably anxious. 看到这玩意,众人的神经顿时绷紧,一个个都变得无比紧张。 However supreme yi has not started the control summon command, but pulls out a black ball. After instilling into the energy, the black ball front space is slightly turbulent, phantom of control plate then appears baseless. 不过至尊嬟并没有启动主宰召唤令,而是掏出来一个黑球。灌输能量之后,黑球前方的空间微微动荡,主宰槃的虚影便凭空浮现而出。 That figure is huge and dignified, even if only has phantom merely, being mad the field is the terrifying is still incomparable. 那身形庞大而威严,哪怕仅仅只有一个虚影,气场依旧是恐怖无比。 In this flash, Wang Yinxuan and king Hanxia, Wang Songyi, Wang Jinna and the others, are almost tense air/Qi unable to breathe, as if phantom of does not have any energy, resulted in the incomparably tremendous pressure on them. 在这一瞬间,王寅轩、王珺霞、王宋一王瑾娜等人,均是紧张得气都差点喘不过来,仿佛一个没有任何能量的虚影,都对他们造成了无比巨大的压力。 Their instinct wants to escape, actually chooses to believe Wang Yinxuan, Wang Clan closely related wife who also believes the Ancestral Grandfather approval. 他们本能的想夺路而逃,却都选择相信王寅轩,也相信老祖爷爷认可的王氏嫡媳妇儿。 In the midair, control plate that huge phantom as if can completely understand that this space is ordinary, the vision sweeps away the audience cold and gloomy. 半空中,主宰槃那庞大的虚影仿佛能看透这片空间一般,目光森冷地横扫全场。 He has not cared about scene these ants, the vision fell on supreme yi and control summon finally makes, extremely rare gentle commended: Supreme yi, your this time does well, immediately starts the control summon command very much, this control must arrive Zhuanxu Divine Palace impatiently.” 他也没在意现场这些蝼蚁们,目光最终落在了至尊嬟和主宰召唤令上,极为难得的平和赞许道:“至尊嬟,你这一次做得很好,立即启动主宰召唤令,本主宰已迫不及待要驾临颛顼神宫了。” Has seen the control.” Supreme yi deep good a ritual, the intonation was somewhat deep, before beginning, I wants to ask you to listen to my word.” “见过主宰。”至尊嬟深深行了一礼,语调有些深沉,“在动手之前,我想请您听我一言。” The control plate complexion sinks, in the heart has one hot tempered and impatient anger cannot contain the ascension. 主宰槃面色一沉,心中有一股暴躁而不耐烦的怒意遏制不住升腾而起。 However, he forced to repress the mood: Said!” 然而,他还是强制按捺住了情绪:“讲!” After all, now controls the summon command in the supreme yi hand, he is impossible to interfere with and action of control supreme yi with communication. 毕竟,现在主宰召唤令在至尊嬟手中,他凭着通信器也不可能干涉和控制至尊嬟的行动。 Control, king guard, Old Ancestor Shouzhe always foolproof plan. He plans for several thousand years, arrangement in Zhuanxu Divine Palace cannot be simple. I summoned even you, your chance perhaps still less than 30%.” The supreme yi sound is light, I suggested that you give up this action, but I can discuss with Old Ancestor Shouzhe, puts you and is willing to follow your Demon Race to leave Immortal Spirit together, but I will also follow you to go to foreign land world to develop the new territory together.” “主宰,王守,守哲老祖向来算无遗策。他谋划数千年,颛顼神宫内的布置绝不会简单。我就算把您召唤过来,您的赢面恐怕也不足30%。”至尊嬟声音平淡,“我建议您放弃此次行动,而我会和守哲老祖商议,放您和愿意追随您的魔族一起离开仙灵界,而我也会追随您一起去异域世界开拓新的领地。” Also, do not want to use the subsequent hand who hidden, these young rebels had all been controlled by me, they cannot turn the storm.” “还有,你也别想动用隐藏的后手,这些小叛徒们已悉数被我控制,他们翻不起风浪来的。” Is listening to these words. 听着这些话。 The anger, climbed up the face of control plate bit by bit. 怒意,一点一滴攀上了主宰槃的脸庞。 Hears finally, the control plate anger smiles extremely, the expression on face has become very fearful: Old Ancestor Shouzhe? Good, good, good! Supreme yi, supreme yi, you really betrayed this control! Laughable, laughable, bloodline of rebel is really incredible!” 听到最后,主宰槃怒极而笑,脸上的表情已然变得十分可怕:“守哲老祖?好,好,好!至尊嬟啊,至尊嬟,你果然是背叛了本主宰!可笑,可笑,叛徒的血脉果真不可信!” First half a word, supreme yi is unemotional, after may hear half a word, her complexion one changed: Control, what do you mean?” 前半句,至尊嬟还面无表情,可听到后半句,她的脸色一下变了:“主宰,您是什么意思?” What do you mean? Naturally was said that you with played that cheap demon to be the same supremely, was an inborn rebel.” In the control plate phantom look is completely crazy, teases and ridicules. “什么意思?当然是说你和至尊嬉那贱魔一样,是个天生的叛徒。”主宰槃虚影眼神中满是疯狂、戏谑和嘲弄。 How possibly?” The supreme yi expression is stunned, in the look full is unbelievable, you did not say, my mother is a quilt Great wild goose Killed, you revenge for her is also injured?” “怎么可能?”至尊嬟表情错愕,眼神中满是难以置信,“你不是说,我的母亲是被【鸿】杀死的吗,你为她报仇时还受了伤?” Yes? That control is deceives probably your.” In the control plate gloomy sound is passing the ridicule, real situation is, in the past played that cheap demon to ignore my trust and training supremely unexpectedly, gangs up with limitless Immortal Emperor in secret, plans to plot a rebellion. What a pity, she failed, therefore was swallowed by this control one! Your mother's soul and flesh, but also is really the delicacy ~ “是么?那本主宰大概是骗你的。”主宰槃阴沉的声音中透着嘲弄,“真实情况是,当年至尊嬉那贱魔竟然罔顾我的信任和培养,暗中和无极仙帝勾勾搭搭,欲图谋反。可惜,她失败了,所以被本主宰一口吞了!啧啧啧,你母亲的灵魂和血肉,还真是美味啊~” What!?” “什么!?” Learns suddenly so startled day sad news, supreme yi such as was hit hard, the complexion becomes incomparably pale, the brain is also blank. 乍闻如此惊天噩耗,至尊嬟如遭重击,脸色变得无比苍白,大脑也是一片空白。 She staggered to back up several steps, the whole person became creakies, as if next moment will unable to support gets down but actually. 她踉跄倒退了几步,整个人都变得摇摇欲坠起来,仿佛下一刻就会支撑不住倒下去。 Wang Yinxuan is loves dearly is anxious, quickly goes forward to support the wife, the supple body comfort said: „The yi treasure, left the clever trick of control plate that old dog, he stimulated you intentionally, was disgusting you. Quite lets your temper tantrum, induces your crumb control summon command to summon to revenge him.” 王寅轩又是心疼又是焦急,急忙上前扶住老婆,柔身安慰道:“嬟宝,别中了主宰槃那老狗的诡计,他就是故意刺激你,恶心你。好让你情绪失控,诱导你捏碎主宰召唤令将他召过来报仇。” Then, Wang Yinxuan to shift supreme yi attention, is opens toward the control plate unexpectedly directly spurts: „Does your old dog, what ability remote bark randomly is? You have the skill to crawl, how making your family Yinxuan Grandfather teach you to make the demon well.” 说罢,王寅轩为了转移至尊嬟注意力,竟是直接朝着主宰槃开喷:“你这条老狗,隔空乱吠算什么能耐?你有本事就爬过来,让你家寅轩爷爷好好教教你怎么做魔。” Jie Jie Jie ~ the Wang Clan puppy, you have to plant on the crumb control summon command, this control this comes, no matter what you rub.” The control plate anger smiles extremely, unexpectedly was directly with the Wang Yinxuan resentment, as if also wants to enrage Wang Yinxuan. “桀桀桀~王氏小狗,你有种就捏碎主宰召唤令,本主宰这就过来任你揉搓。”主宰槃怒极而笑,竟是直接跟王寅轩怼了起来,似乎也想激怒王寅轩 You, when I am silly ~ you have the skill your oneself to crawl, no skill do not compel.” Wang Yinxuan continues to spurt, tries to stir muddily the situation. “你当我傻啊~你有本事你自己爬过来,没本事就别逼逼。”王寅轩继续开喷,试图将局势搅浑。 Controls the summon command in any case in the wife hand, the control plate could not come from the start, spurts spurted, can he also bite oneself? 反正主宰召唤令在老婆手中,主宰槃压根就过不来,喷就喷了,他还能咬自己啊? Actually, he also in the protracted time, waits for the instruction of Ancestral Grandfather now. If Ancestral Grandfather really has the exhaustive arrangement and trap, had confidence that kills the control plate, that finds the way to stir up him to come. 其实,他现在也是在拖延时间,等老祖爷爷的指示。如果老祖爷爷真有详尽的布置和陷阱,有把握弄死主宰槃,那就想办法激他过来。 Otherwise, that light/only spurted finished up. 反之,那光喷就完事儿了。 However, in the Wang Yinxuan heart actually also somewhat worried faintly. The wives said a moment ago here had to arrange and trap, the control plate is actually thinking with all one's heart, his arrangement to the oneself also had the self-confidence mostly, feared that will not cope. 不过,王寅轩心里面其实也隐隐有些担忧。刚才老婆都说了这边有布置和陷阱,主宰槃却还是一门心思想着过来,多半他对自己的布置也有自信,怕是不会好对付。 A person of control frequents each other to spurt mutually, looks presents others is dumbfounded. 一人一主宰就这么你来我往互喷起来,看得在场其他人都是目瞪口呆。 Suddenly. 忽而。 The control plate spurts words of person, as if finally waited till some time to be the same, on the face enraged the hot tempered mood to receive, the look suddenly became fierce, sent out a series of appalling grinning fiendishly: Jie Jie Jie ~, since your puppy invited sincerely, that control came to be able you, you may not escape.” 主宰槃喷人的话语一顿,仿佛终于等到了某个时机一般,脸上激怒暴躁的情绪一收,神色陡然变得狰狞起来,发出了一连串让人毛骨悚然的狞笑:“桀桀桀~既然你这条小狗诚心相邀,那本主宰就过来会会你,你可千万别逃跑。” The voice falls. 话音一落。 Canyon not far away, suddenly has the fluctuation of energy of terrifying to erupt loudly. 峡谷不远处,忽然有恐怖的能量波动轰然爆发。 In the sky, a huge space vortex forms rapidly, the vortex center full is the deep deep and quiet black, just like connecting the endless abyss is ordinary, appalling. 天空之中,一道巨大的空间漩涡飞速形成,漩涡中心满是深沉幽邃的黑,宛如连通着无尽深渊一般,让人毛骨悚然。 „It is not good!” The supreme yi complexion changes again, some people started the control to recruit the command!” “不好!”至尊嬟脸色再次大变,“有人启动了主宰征召令!” Obviously, the control plate in had prepared the subsequent hand in secret ahead of time, spurts with Wang Yinxuan mutually also to attract the attention of people, for begins using the subsequent hand while this opportunity, the start control recruits the command. 很显然,主宰槃早就在暗中提前备了后手,跟王寅轩互喷也是为了吸引众人的注意力,为的趁这机会启用后手,启动主宰征召令。 To understand this point, the complexion of supreme yi immediately becomes extremely ugly/difficult to look at. 想明白这一点,至尊嬟的脸色顿时变得极其难看。 Also at this time. 也就是在这时。 Two giant evil clutches stretch out from the vortex, rips outward, tore the vortex space instantaneously expanded, the control plate that ominous severe unparalleled head, as the Jie Jie strange laughter searched from the vortex together: Supreme yi, hasn't the Wang Clan puppy, you thought?” 两只巨大的魔爪从漩涡中伸出,往外一撕,瞬间将漩涡空间撕扯得扩大了一圈,主宰槃那凶厉无比的脑袋,随着一道桀桀怪笑声从漩涡内探了过来:“至尊嬟,王氏小狗,你们没想到吧?” This control had suspected that supreme yi that cheap demon is not right, how to keep in the subsequent hand her vision?” “本主宰早就怀疑至尊嬟那贱魔不对劲了,岂会将后手留在她视线范围内?” Sees this scene, Wang Yinxuan direct was scared. 见到这一幕,王寅轩直接傻眼了。 Big brother, we were away from the Internet civilization to spurt to finish up mutually, did you also really follow the telephone line to crawl? 大哥,咱们隔着网络文明互喷一下就完事了,您老还真顺着电话线爬过来了啊? It is necessary is so hot tempered? 有必要这么暴躁吗? ...... ……
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