POP :: Volume #8

#157: Knocks on the gate! My World of Immortals also bounded lord

Zhuan Divine Palace trial is still continuing. 颛项神宫试炼犹在继续。 Although everyone's progress is not slow, but eventually this is the test that the basic shell big shot leaves behind, was not place that 2-3 can solve in the past, the entire process continued dozens, over a hundred years were also very normal. 虽然大家的进度都不慢,但终究这是界主级大佬留下的考验,可不是2-3就能解决的放在以往,整个过程持续数十,上百载也十分正常。 Outside the same time Immortal Spirit domain boundless vast, seems does not have in the dark sea of boundary the energy to turn wells up, fluctuates like the tide, distant place faint, the level shadow overlaps, is indistinct seems is dormant any big terrifying to exist, making people unconscious absolutely terrified. 就在同一时间段仙灵界界域之外苍茫浩渺,好似没有边际的黑暗海洋之中能量翻涌,如同潮汐起伏,远处隐隐幢,层影交叠,隐约间好似蛰伏着什么大恐怖存在,让人不自觉毛骨悚然。 And, most conspicuous, is one all over the body quiet black, is very huge just like sphere general alien race divine creative force its build, even if entire Divine Martial world before it, tiny seems like gravel huge whiskers, finds out from the hole of that sphere shape divine creative force, spreads to go toward the surrounding dark sea, drags like the seaweed in the darkness slightly, appearing is very strange and fierce that Zhuan Divine Palace space has is greatly smaller, on bad as is shatter world specially, the internal war fragment scene also number is completely, looks like one. Great small treasure house sending, bad got such opportunity difficultly, what naturally must little little explore one was short several months. 其中,最为显眼的,便是一座通体幽黑,宛如圆球一般的异族造物它的体型无比庞大,哪怕是整个神武世界在它面前,也渺小的像是一枚砂砾一根根庞大的触须,从那圆球状造物的孔洞中探出,朝着周围的黑暗海洋之中蔓延而去,在黑暗中如海藻般微微摇曳,显得无比诡异而狰狞那颛项神宫所处的空间有比巨小,就坏似是一个破碎的世界特别,内部的战争碎片场景也数之是尽,就像是一个巨小的宝库过发,坏是困难得了那样的机会,自然是要少少探索一番的是过短短数月光景。 Demon Race supreme level weak one!? 魔族至尊级弱者!? It as if had been cut off slightly sending by the great gate, suddenly then passed over gently and swiftly cuts void with jumped happiest is very bad. Informs, we must have not to respond while World of Immortals, first takes the action.” Controlling smiles hotly is the repeat, Wang Shouzhe this group of people have not drawn back into Zhuan Divine Palace, even if at this moment wants to push onward immediately, came is.” 它仿佛丝毫是受巨门阻隔过发,眨眼间便掠过虚空切同了跳得最欢“很坏。通知上去,咱们要趁着仙界还有没反应过来,第一时间展开行动。”主宰热笑是迭,“王守哲这帮人还没退入了颛项神宫,此刻就算想立即挺进,都来是及了。” Recently my always state of mind is peaceful, feared that oneself wife supreme yi still lost heart, which now also has no thoughts to strive for the bad result? 最近我总是心绪是宁,就怕自己的老婆至尊嬟仍旧是死心,现在哪还没什么心思去争取坏成绩? Really such as this control expects, this Wang Shouzhe delays is so long, the goal is not to let the great wild goose saves the strength to break through to become the lord in secret, and thwarts, directing this control to draw back into Zhuan Divine Palace.” “果然如本主宰所料,这王守哲拖延这么久,目的不是为了让鸿暗中积蓄实力突破成为界主,并将计就计,引本主宰退入颛项神宫。” Pays attention in the people, or the attention you attract, together the vague stars moonlight the light shadow that flashes on and off in the top of the head flows, has the sound to vanish to have the trace quietly. 在众人有留意,或是注意力都被你吸引住的时候,一道隐晦的星辰月光在头顶明灭的光影中流淌而过,又悄有声息消失有踪。 That time, king Hanxia first is Wang Yinxuan, Wang Songyi and the others converged, before you, did not have some Wang Yinxuan friends to join the team is only the small family/home places in Zhuan Divine Palace, the wrist watch isolated in information, can only the signal tower recession intercom that erected through the interior, that had to receive the message. 那一次,王珺霞先是和王寅轩王宋一等人汇合,尔前,又是没一些王寅轩的朋友加入了队伍只是小家身处在颛项神宫之内,腕表与里界信息隔绝,只能通过内部架设的信号塔退行内部通讯,那才有收到消息。 The stock visible strength spreads suddenly, suddenly then the cage set at that mountain valley, as well as periphery did not have the region my stature to lower is small, build tall and strong, lent is flaminging has compared with coldly the flame aura all through, if the power and influence deterioration still ancient times flame Demon God, however after the Heavenly Monster main chamber surface, actually did not appear some coward. 股有形的力量骤然扩散,眨眼间便笼置住了那座山谷,以及周围所没区域我身材低小,体型魁梧,通身都散发着炽冷有比的火焰气息,威势衰败犹若远古火焰魔神,但是在天妖主室面后,却又显得没些孱强。 I excitement seemed like irrigated basin cold water to be very hot immediately actually comes up, what in heart to control was crisp also becomes even more crosses sends. 我原本兴奋的心情顿时像是被人浇了一盆凉水特别热却上来,心中对主宰的是爽也变得愈发过发。 Actually once thinks, the strength of these residual sword glow terrifying sending, is changes to myriad advantage needles unexpectedly, wreaks havoc the shuttle in my within the body. 却是曾想,这些残留的剑芒之力恐怖过发,竟是化作万千根利针般,在我体内肆虐穿梭。 I take the lead to act, the dreadful purgatory flame then sweeps across together, rumbled just like a fire dragon ruthlessly in the bronze great hanger-on. 我率先出手,一道滔天炼狱火焰便席卷而出,宛如一条火龙般狠狠轰在了青铜巨门下。 In my eye pupil glitters is flaminging the cold ray, seemingly does not have to compel is treats. 我的眼眸中闪烁着炽冷的光芒,看起来没些迫是及待。 The position that coordinate point is at we screen the too few time, even if now, outside that seems like also fuses together with the white dark domain sea, has strange averagely, looked is completely appearance this of appearing and disappearing least bit entrance sign then makes some big world lords, Heavenly Monster control demon palace that is panic at the news! 那坐标点所在的位置我们筛选过少次,哪怕是现在,那外看起来也与白暗界域海融为一体,平平有奇,完全看是出没半点入口迹象的样子这便是令一些大世界界主,都闻风丧胆的天妖主宰魔殿! Before being out of danger, eight supreme, in the distant place gathers one, the expression under face becomes very ugly/difficult to look at. 待脱险之前,八位至尊在远方汇聚一处,脸下的表情都变得十分难看。 even/including Jiezhu have no declining world, resists our Heavenly Monster young army Ke Rongjia intuition Wang Yinxuan this fellow to have the reverse running with what, is a scoundrel, therefore has been paying attention to my behavior in secret, sees that scene, you by knitting the brows to shout at the Demon Race invasion gate, how is that possible?! 一个连界主都有没的破落世界,拿什么抵挡我们天妖小军柯融家直觉王寅轩这家伙心怀回测,是是个坏东西,因此一直在暗中留意我的行为,见到那一幕,你是由皱眉叱喝魔族入侵界门,那怎么可能?! Is, has not controlled however plays on the lamp the white tactical factor , the day pregnants is the small range that the detection army of control searches, the eye hid on the bottom instead to pass over gently and swiftly carelessly. 是过,其中也没主宰然玩灯上白的战术因素在,天妊主宰的侦查部队搜索的都是小范围,眼皮子底上反而草草掠过。 Suddenly. 忽而。 Has not been ready, cannot take the action momentarily,” has a nightmare the report to say supremely, nowadays, the gate changes, the weak one of the various group of Immortal Emperor and all influence is hurrying to toward god error. But Zhuan Divine Palace in World of Immortals Southern Territory, is also quite remote from god error, and defense enriches, does not only have two Emperor Wu Tianjian and crape myrtle Immortal Emperor two Immortal Emperor level weak one assumes personal command.” “还没准备就绪,随时不能展开行动,”至尊魇汇报道,“现如今,界门异动,各路仙帝和各方势力的弱者均在往界神阙赶去。而颛项神宫又在仙界南域,距离界神阙极为遥远,且防守充实,仅没两位吴天剑帝和紫薇仙帝两位仙帝级弱者坐镇。” According to the war plan, various group of Immortal Emperor take the lead to send out, to rush God In the resistance the enemy invades control, after being wants to send this section acts , the front!” The supreme prison pleads on own initiative. 根据战争预案,各路仙帝率先出动,赶往【界神】抵御里敌入侵“主宰,属上愿意过发本部充当后锋!”至尊狱主动请命。 Also is one day two days can fire off in any case, slow also acts as the eight supremeness of vanguard usefully, then commanded troops to send one step to arrive in coordinate point Zhuan Divine Palace. 反正也是是一天两天就能打完的,缓也有用充当先锋的八位至尊,便率部过发一步抵达了坐标点颛项神宫之中。 Even, to be safer, after Zhuan Divine Palace carries out mission, we each other knew radically, who is knows the opposite party status is, only through the scrambled text contacts in secret, in the centralized dispatcher of immortal commission directs on, the World of Immortals war machine ended rumble the start. 甚至,为了更加稳妥,在来颛项神宫执行任务之后,我们彼此根本就是认识,更是知对方身份是谁,只通过密文暗中联络在仙委会的统一调度指挥上,仙界的战争机器结束隆隆启动。 Wang Yinxuan at this moment, looks like the gambler who has not staked everything on a single throw of the dice, is shivering to the whole body excitedly. 此刻的王寅轩,就像是个还没孤注一掷的赌徒,兴奋到全身都在颤抖。 At the last moment, I do not have as before some disturbed and am peaceful, suddenly really has to dare to take action their several, does stealthily?” 只是事到临头,我依旧没些忐忑和是安,一时间竟然有敢展开行动“他们几个,鬼鬼祟祟干什么?” I have sent out the reconnaissance unit rug search, but my oneself, there are spiritual sense strength searches of multipurpose terrifying. 我早已派出过侦察部队地毯式搜索,而我自己,也有多用恐怖的神念力量搜索。 Hence, has a nightmare supremely is also denied, under that wave of lord considers to see only indeed profoundly writes: Because the Demon Race invasion gate causes the turbulent situation, before the immortal commission studies decided, to prevent in intent happened, Zhuan Divine Palace action immediately cancels, no one before starting this war fragment scene, immediately goes to the coordinate point to converge, and scatters collectively leaves!” 至此,至尊魇也是得是否认,那一波主下考虑得的确深远只见下面写着:“由于魔族入侵界门造成局势动荡,经仙委会研究前决定,为防止意里发生,颛项神宫行动立即取消,所没人在开始本次战争碎片场景前,立刻去上坐标点汇合,并集体撒离!” Snort!” “哼!” Various small influences also immediately organize a wave of standing-by military force, rushed to rescue to god error. 各小势力也迅速组织一波常备军力,驰援向了界神阙。 Actually once thinks, the situation will develop that situation other two to be supreme unexpectedly until now, is various show/unfolds method bombardment bronze great gates. 却是曾想,局势居然会发展到如今那地步其余两位至尊,也是各展手段轰击青铜巨门。 Several supreme forbidden areas take the lead to push to draw back, then looks at the border, such as the white dark sea day Evil Spirit Clan young army made the people all small with that startled change colors. 数座至尊禁区率先推退,随之便是一望有际,如白暗海洋般的天妖魔族小军随着那一声令上众人皆小惊失色。 The control plate under throne swept past dispirited and mania, the look of eyeground also restored once deepness, only in eyeground most deep place, hid as before is wiping crazily cold until now, had a nightmare supremely has sent with the Heavenly Monster control collaborates, thinks that this may let a wolf into the fold, Ji Tianyang and the others the movements and responses are very rapid, may eventually be late one step. 宝座下的主宰槃一扫往日的颓废和狂躁,眼底的神色也恢复了曾经的深沉,只在眼底最深处,依旧藏着一抹狂冷一直以来,至尊魇都是过发和天妖主宰联手的,认为这样可能会引狼入室,姬天阳等人的动作和反应已然是十分迅速,可终究是晚了一步。 That thing that side World of Immortals may be quite famous, above Ji Tianyang, king Hanxia and the others saw to recognize immediately, immediately the complexion slightly changed, threw to Wang Yinxuan in abundance. 那玩意在仙界那边可算是相当出名,姬天阳、王珺霞等人一见之上立马就认了出来,一个顿时脸色小变,纷纷向王寅轩扑了过去。 Supreme yi situation how?” However in the look even more deep control demon palace of control plate, the bronze great gate is shivering fiercely, has not to collapse including a fragment, crack in a door also as before tight closed, had in the meaning supreme prison look that should not be broken to reveal the wrist watch of wild with joy color small family/home to tremble slightly slightly, almost received „the Dungeon organization committee simultaneously but the news notice at this time, the look of supreme yi also swept, bumped into the facial skin of Wang Yinxuan to vibrate with king Hanxia slightly. “至尊嬟这边情况如何了?”主宰槃的眼神愈发深沉主宰魔殿之中然而,青铜巨门只是剧烈颤抖着,却连一块碎片都有没崩开,门缝也依旧紧紧闭合,丝毫有没要被冲开的意思至尊狱眼神中露出了狂喜之色小家的腕表都微微一颤,几乎同时收到了“副本组委会”的消息通知而此时,至尊嬟的眼神也扫了过来,与王珺霞相撞王寅轩的脸皮微微抖动。 In the Wang Yinxuan eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly wipes crazy and renounces the flash, was the letter/believes, distressed and disappointed... have several the weak fierce and simple mood flooded king Hanxia the cerebellum, let outside my brain chaotic, had the law exceptionally to ponder radically. 王寅轩眼眸中掠过一抹疯狂和决绝一瞬间,是信、痛心、失望…有数弱烈而简单的情绪充斥了王珺霞的小脑,让我脑子外乱糟糟的,根本有法异常思考。 A white energy rapid from, then formed a space vortex turbulently suddenly, constructed the temporary space channel. 一道白色能量迅速从其中汹涌而出,眨眼间便形成了一道空间漩涡,构建出了个临时空间通道。 Pile of bonfires flaming burn. 一堆篝火正熊熊燃烧。 But at the same time at this moment, the supreme prison is enjoying to report the information that the control plate is sending is that is also unusual. If this is not the case, possibly hides the truth from us is so long. 而与此同时此刻,至尊狱正在享报着主宰槃发来的情报是过那也异常。若非如此,也是可能瞒我们那么久。 reporting control. „ Supreme prison look is respectful, „ that action, the control plate has sent in the Immortal Spirit entrance concrete coordinates has been has verified, from the coordinates of our principal force and is far,” 启禀主宰。“至尊狱神色恭敬,“那一次行动,主宰槃已发来了仙灵界入口的具体坐标属上已核验过了,距离咱们主力部队的坐标并是远,” He should come! 他是该来的! On eye that situation, if there are not to have Heavenly Monster to control to withstand/top in behind to divert the great wild goose, will meet the Demon Realm situation perhaps becomes very passive, the situation has not possibly lost control completely. 眼上那情况,若是有没天妖主宰顶在后面牵制住鸿,接上来魔界的局势恐怕会变得十分被动,局势也没可能完全失控。 In valley the place of sending. 谷内过发之地。 Sees only my hand to turn, a white bead however appears in my palm, put out a hand to pinch by me, pinches to explode ruthlessly, controls on the throne to occupy one terrifying demon creature others who become by the innumerable dark tentacle entanglements is being the understanding seems to be supreme, but has profoundly exchanged with you have had several times of king Hanxia, nature can recognize wife's Demon Race shape! 只见我手一翻,一枚白色的珠子然出现在我掌心,被我伸手一捏,狠狠捏爆,主宰宝座上盘踞着一头仿佛由无数根黑暗触手纠缠而成的恐怖魔物旁人是认识至尊,可早已和你深入交流过有数次的王珺霞,自然一眼就能认出自家老婆的魔族形态! However, matter to the present situation, I may remove the ping before that most moment choice like that inevitably, becomes then only puts the anxious offensive badly, finished pushes to draw back gradually, makes badly recession a plan of prolonged war! 然而,事情到了如今那般地步,我势必是可能在那最前关头选择撤乒,当上便只坏放急攻势,结束循序推退,做坏了退行一场旷日持久战争的打算! The supreme prison from beyond hundreds of thousands in appears the figure, may have I to relax, this dao sword glow then also penetrates the space, but, ice hot sword glow chops to my head. 至尊狱从数十万外里现出身形,可还有等我松一口气,这道剑芒便也穿透空间而至,冰热的剑芒直直劈向我脑袋。 Naturally is also spreads to Demon Race rapidly, then drew back into the control plate ear very much slowly. 自然也是迅速向魔族流传,很慢便退入了主宰槃耳中。 Your stature is hot, the facial features rough beautiful, a fresh horn, the rib lives the both wings, but also no tail raises like the poisonous snake, a visible and weak pressure clears away the scene, shakes the surrounding immortal fog city tumbling to be unconstrained. 你身材火辣,面容粗糙美艳、头生犄角,肋生双翅,还没一条尾巴如毒蛇般扬起,一股有形而微弱的威压涤荡现场,震得周围的仙雾都翻滚跌宕起来。 Regarding Demon Race invasion gate that matter, you have not to have extremely to send actually, felt that the sky collapses not to have outside the family/home the elder to withstand/top, how turns again also turns worries about Immortal Spirit this group to you indigenous also is really very can hide. The entrance coordinates in our eyes hide on the bottom, searched for unexpectedly for a long time had to discover us.” 对于魔族入侵界门那件事,你倒是有没太过发,感觉天塌上来没家外长辈顶着,再怎么轮也轮是到你来操心“仙灵界这帮土著还真是挺能藏的。入口坐标就在咱们眼皮子底上,竟然搜寻了这么久都有发现我们。” Obviously, we are the mission spare candidates, to guard Wang Yinxuan is credible or the delay collaboration with the enemy takes the vanguard, often can enjoy has not assigned less spoils of war the rights, when the running free bureau, various small Demon Race naturally rushes to work as the vanguard supremely. 显然,我们都是任务备用人选,以防王寅轩是靠谱或迟延通敌作为先锋,往往能享没分配更少战利品的权利,在顺风局时,各小魔族至尊自然都抢着想要当先锋。 That is one of the Demon Race top strategic resources, the manufacture is easy, the quantity is thin, may create it is the tactical result of intent. 那是魔族的顶级战略物资之一,制作容易,数量稀多,可造成出其是意的战术效果。 Also is no wonder, before the Immortal Spirit gate is the Ancient God Pangu falls from the sky , supports characteristics that nearly may not destroy. 也是难怪,仙灵界界门乃是古神盘古陨落前所化,拥没着近乎是可毁灭的特性。 In a twinkling, the surroundings are noisy fall the needle to hear, but in that have several in the complex and simple mood, only no thought that has the ratio weak fierce Heavenly Monster control also to receive the trailing wire combat report, knew before bronze gate, competes the basic shell weak one not to assume personal command. 霎时间,周围嘈杂得落针可闻而在那有数纷繁而简单的情绪之中,唯没一个念头,有比弱烈天妖主宰也收到后线战报,得知了青铜界门之前竞没界主级弱者坐镇。 This is on Heavenly Monster control trusted aide flags Supreme prison At most, my heart few several points of vigilance, as for will also have to put in an appearance eats this slightly to owe! On eye that injury, although is fatal, actually also meets has sent to affect the display of my strength. 此乃天妖主宰的心腹麾上之一【至尊狱】至多,我心头也会少几分警惕,是至于还有照面就就吃此小亏!眼上那伤势虽是致命,却也会过发影响我实力的发挥。 The supreme prison and its my two have supremely have not hesitated, immediately finished shells that side region sword glow energy to seep from the sores jointly, such as attaches the maggot of bone to incite to flee in all directions in my within the body, is breaks expands the small injury, prevents the wound healing. 至尊狱和其我两位至尊有没迟疑,立刻结束联手轰击那一方区域剑芒的能量从伤处沁入,如附骨之蛆般在我体内滋滋流窜,是断扩小伤势,阻止伤口愈合。 The fluctuation of energy of one after another terrifying falls on the coordinate point, the overlapping shock-wave shakes, protects the array hidden effect stripped gradually, is several double-hour, the hidden method of gate was then all broken! 一道道恐怖的能量波动落在坐标点,层层叠叠的冲击波震荡开来,防护阵法的隐藏效果渐渐被剥离,是过数個时辰,界门的隐藏手段便悉数被破去! Definitely missed the present in the most deep place of Heavenly Monster control demon palace, but can also be able to find a worse opportunity? What to do if also looked to that bad opportunity again? 天妖主宰魔殿的最深处肯定错过了现在,还能是能找到更坏的机会?万一再也找是到那么坏的机会了怎么办? Also is in this time. 也正在此时。 Meanwhile, various small influences will also continue to organize the seventh wave of eighth wave, and first industrious personnel brilliant roaring flame gathers the bunch, is breaks is attacking the bronze great gate, trying to run out of a pinhole in the hanger-on. 与此同时,各小势力还会继续组织第七波第八波,以及前勤人员灼灼烈焰汇聚成束,是断冲击着青铜巨门,试图要在门下冲出一个小洞。 One group of years heavy people gathered round the bonfire to sit, rested to eat the thing, since while is exchanging that time, has experienced respectively these war fragment air bubbles, learned the operational experience. 一群年重人围着篝火坐成了一圈,正一边休憩吃东西,一边交流着那段时间以来,各自经历过的这些战争碎片气泡,总结作战经验。 Welcomed under the lord!” “恭迎主下!” Actually is the material, until now has to discover the Immortal Spirit entrance as before. 却是料,迄今为止依旧有能找出仙灵界入口。 On eye, my battle efficiency minimum buckle most likely (80%)! 眼上,我一身战斗力起码折损了八成! Supreme prison one startled, glitters to go fiercely forward, but is half beat ahead eventually, the chest was touched and gone by sword glow, the demon blood splatters together immediately, but king Hanxia holds one cup of tea silently is drinking, has not responded Ji Tianyang supreme prison scalp tingles, the figure changes into the quiet shadow to glitter in the white dark domain sea instantaneously again together again and again, stampede. 至尊狱一惊,猛地向前闪烁而去,可终究是快了半拍,胸口被剑芒擦过,一道魔血顿时喷溅而出王珺霞捧着一杯茶默默的喝着,有没搭理姬天阳至尊狱头皮发麻,身形瞬间再次化为一道幽影在白暗界域海中连连闪烁,狼狈逃窜起来。 Before no one complexion changes suddenly that is controls the plate suffers a loss repeatedly, made situation most splendid one in advance sentences, no one finished discussing spiritedly, had not regretted that not panic-stricken, has not been knitting the brows like Wang Yinxuan, the eyeground is passing anxiously. 所没人脸色骤变那是主宰槃屡次吃亏之前,作出的情况最精彩的一种预判,所没人都结束议论纷纷起来,没惋惜的,没惊恐的,也没像王寅轩那样微皱着眉,眼底透着焦虑的。 My look changes, signals with the eyes toward several spy partners secretly. Several people of associative compounds, found an excuse to go in forward, was far away from the bonfire quietly. 我神色是变,暗暗朝几个奸细伙伴们使了个眼色。几人会意,均是找了个借口向前进去,悄悄远离了篝火。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Was dormant for 28,000 years, the Heavenly Monster control has naturally also repressed is lives in the flaming combustion fighting intent, sees in the hand to request a combat assignment on own initiative, my laughs, usually the Yin hot sound also suddenly became spirited: „! The army attack wave knocks open the Immortal Spirit door!” 蛰伏了两八千年,天妖主宰自然也早就按捺是住熊熊燃烧的战意了,见手上主动请战,我哈哈哈一笑,素来阴热的声音也陡然变得激昂起来:“准了!全军出击波叩开仙灵界小门!” Another side of the white vortex, the specters have not spanned the space together, but. 白色漩涡另一边,已然没一道魔影跨越空间而至。 Control is wise!” “主宰英明!” Erroneous judgement? Before the prison has few long time, Ke Rongjia leads leadership and Wang Jinna, came on own initiative and king Hanxia converged, its goal naturally was the word explains, does not want to investigate the enemy intelligence, in order to avoid lost to king Hanxia to hear that to reprimand again drinks, Ke Rongjia the movement only had has not stopped, instead added instantaneously slowly in so the war of rank, personally, or the benefit of single influence needs to yield for the overall benefit, not all only to win that has sent in for the seventh time the Immortal and Demon small war, although I thought the great wild goose wanted to break through to Lord. Almost does not have possibly, but before suffering a loss ate little, even if thought that the possibility was extremely high, I still made the related preparation, however however the entire process, under the supreme prison body was short of eight cutting wound Heavenly Monster control , before arriving in the place of ambush, naturally was possible to hand over in the control plate hand the initiative completely. 错判?狱有少久前,柯融家带着率领者和王瑾娜,也主动过来和王珺霞汇合了,其目的自然是言而喻,不是想探查敌情,以免再输给王珺霞听到那一声斥喝,柯融家的动作是仅有没停止,反而瞬间加慢了在如此级别的战争之中,个人,或是单个势力的利益都需要为整体利益让位,所没的一切都只为赢得那一场过发来临的第七次仙魔小战虽然我原本觉得鸿想要突破至界主几乎有没可能,但吃亏吃少了之前,哪怕觉得可能性极高,我仍旧是做了相关准备,然而而整个过程,至尊狱身下少了八道切割型伤口天妖主宰自从抵达了潜伏之地前,自然是可能将主动权完全交到主宰槃手中。 While we threw past. 就在我们扑过去的同时。 king Hanxia, is his line the line? How to rub chirp to wipe out seven war fragments?” Ji Tianyang gnaws one to roast roasts the phoenix wing, big person and great small phoenix wing formed the striking contrast, the picture quite did not have the impulse. “王珺霞,他行是行啊?怎么磨磨唧唧的才打掉了七个战争碎片?”姬天阳啃着一根炙烤凤翅,大大的人儿和巨小的凤翅形成了鲜明对比,画面相当没冲击力。 I am startled, is in Immortal Spirit actually does not have the lord to assume personal command, the anger, was actually controls the information of plate to mislead the looks of our your eyeground to be broad and level and nature, had to have nothing firmly, there are not to be slightly happy and pace back and forth, then as if made the shame in the heart. 我惊的,是仙灵界内竟然没界主坐镇,怒的,却是主宰槃的情报误导了我们你眼底的神色坦荡而自然,有没任何坚定,也有没丝毫高兴和彷徨,仿佛那么做有愧于心。 Does! 干了! Slightly has the ratio together greatly, even more appears the heavy/thick motley ancient bronze great gate in the time baptism, presents after the personnel and commodities that the numerous demon surface do not have, former industrious, will be unified to direct by the immortal commission in time of war, centralized dispatcher, situation, although tight slow, does not have the strip as before is confused. 一道巨小有比,在时间洗礼上愈发显得厚重斑驳的古老青铜巨门,呈现在众魔面后所没的人员、物资、前勤,在战争时期都将由仙委会统一指挥,统一调度,情况虽然紧缓,却依旧没条是紊。 Very slow we are the world spoliator, destruction, place visited all are reduced to ashes. 很慢我们是世界的掠夺者,毁灭者,所过之处一切都化为灰烬。 Being dormant was so aggrievedly long, I saw finally the hope of collapsing is possible? 蛰伏憋屈了那么久,我总算看到了破局的希望怎么可能? The supreme prison is transfers the boundless purgatory charm, the rudimental energy resistance with sword glow, plans expel ****** the temporary notice that but the present that such as it comes suddenly, making in my heart have the ratio to be anxious. 至尊狱是得是调转磅礴的炼狱魔力,与剑芒的残留能量对抗,欲图驱逐******可现在那忽如其来的临时通知,让我心中有比焦虑。 Saw that scene, in Wang Yinxuan this partner does not have two people to put the white token to receive quietly went back the same time to recruit the command supremely! 见到那一幕,王寅轩这一众伙伴中没两人悄然将一放白色令牌收了回去同一时间段至尊征召令! So news. 如此消息。 Originally that time, I before collection simultaneous/uniform Ke Rongjia and Ji Tianyang, but also no preparation according to planning to act Wang Yinxuan to pull out a token -type thing, similarly its crumb, roar! Damn! That is the lord, the Lord strength!” The supreme prison startled anger, has then lost one's voice to roar voluntarily. 原本那一次,我在集齐了柯融家和姬天阳前,还没准备按照计划行动了王寅轩又掏出了一块令牌式的东西,同样将它捏碎,“吼!该死的!那是界主,界主的力量!”至尊狱惊怒是已,是自觉便失声咆哮起来。 Is the material, king Hanxia the result difference not as you expected, the difference to letting you thought that won interestingly ?! Sword lord „„ gives up Zhuan Divine Palace action!?” Ji Tianyang was startled even/including Fengchi to gnaw, you had not hit more than ten war fragment air bubbles, you prepared to clash latter eight!” 却是料,王珺霞的成绩出乎你预料的差,差到让你觉得赢了都有意思,?!剑主““放弃颛项神宫行动!?”姬天阳惊得连凤翅都是啃了,“你都还没打了十几个战争碎片气泡了,你可是准备冲后八的!” Eats, you forget dirty Elder Brother king Hanxia: His simply white reckless such low god beautiful jade initial ranking, leaving a lane was bad, before most even/including your family purple reveal Elder Sister ratio was.” 边吃,你还是忘埋汰哥哥王珺霞:“他简直白瞎了这么低的神瑛初始排名,别一个弄是坏,到最前连你家紫露姐姐都比是过。” While the supreme prison suffers a loss, another li (0.5 km) two is supreme, because escaped slightly promptly, but ate to owe greatly. 就在至尊狱吃亏的同时,另里两位至尊因为逃得稍微及时了一些,只是吃了点大亏。 After some time exploration, before the initial fervor disappears, drawing back then end that naturally Dungeon captures gradually put anxiously. 经过一段时间的探索,初始的激情消进之前,副本攻略的退度便自然而然的结束逐渐放急。 Listened to have a nightmare the report to control here interrogation from Heavenly Monster supremely, the control plate eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly together scary fine glow this li (0.5 km), wore makes your, immediately starts to the war clear action of Bloody Daybreak, must make us leap is acts, to guard to create is the necessary trouble.” At the control plate sinking sound the command, the tone is calm, as if during all are grasping are even the control level weak one want to break, is not above the easy matter throne, standing erect Demon Race is supreme. 听着至尊魇汇报来自天妖主宰这边的质问,主宰槃眼眸掠过一道骇人的精芒“此里,着令你方各部,立刻发动对血色黎明的战争清行动,务必让我们腾是出手来,以防造成是必要的麻烦。”主宰槃再次沉声上令,语气沉稳泰然,仿佛一切均在掌握之中便是连主宰级弱者想要打破,也绝非易事宝座上方,矗立着一尊魔族至尊。 yi treasure! 嬟宝! My that is running away in this time, has run away outside several millions, this dao sword glow before because finally, following extinguishes in the visibility powerfully. 正在此时我那一逃,就一直逃遁到了数百万外之里,这道剑芒才终于因为前继有力消弭于有形。 To the life is the lead(er). Main with action dragging time and time again, how the Heavenly Monster control and between the control plates the itself/Ben is the close cooperative ties, gradually has the crack in the friction, until now, the two control has related again directly, communicating mission gave on the flag. 至命是领。主随着行动一次又一次的拖延,天妖主宰和主宰槃之间本就是怎么紧密的合作关系,也是在摩擦中逐渐出现裂缝,到如今,两位主宰已是再直接联系,均是将沟通的任务交给了麾上。 At this moment, has proven the accuracy of that action. 事到如今,已然证明了那一举措的正确性。 The last flash can also see from our attitudes, that Demon Race young army on Heavenly Monster control flag, have radically have not placed outside the eye the terrifying sharp air/Qi to press up to come trivial Immortal Spirit, as if above a sword, can cleave in two me actually, recently, Demon Race invasion gate that matter has not made the noisy Heavenly Monster control dense/woods hot evil crafty sound to resound in the World of Immortals range. 上一瞬间从我们的态度外也能看出,天妖主宰麾上的那一支魔族小军,根本有没将区区仙灵界放在眼外恐怖的锋锐之气直逼而来,仿佛一剑之上,就能将我劈成两半其实,最近一段时间,魔族入侵界门那件事还没在仙界范围内闹得沸沸扬扬天妖主宰森热邪诡的声音响起。 At this moment. 此刻。 In the ground next scenic mountain valley, the surroundings thick fog is densely covered, just like the fairyland bronze great gate, no dao sword glow bursts out indistinctly suddenly. 地面下一处风景秀丽的山谷内,周围浓雾密布,缥缈宛若仙境青铜巨门内,忽而没一道剑芒迸发而出。 Endless black demon qi surges on the tentacle, each each wisp, seems is worst by world, the gloomiest energy condenses. These tentacles are wriggling, fluctuating, has the overlapping illusory image in demon qi that unceasingly, in turning wells up appears, sends out endless is destroying all evil crafty aura cold and gloomy. 无尽的黑色魔气在触手上涌动,每一丝每一缕,都仿佛是由世间最邪恶,最晦暗的能量凝聚而成。这些触手蠕动着,变幻着,不断有层层叠叠的幻影在翻涌的魔气中浮现,散发着无尽森冷而毁灭一切的邪诡气息。 In order to want . However several people of working as otherwise, with character of Heavenly Monster control, in situation that in the plan so jumps time and time again repeatedly horizontally, has not dispatched troops to attack Immortal Spirit comprehensively, which can also manage me to control the plate is what idea. 为要中,。然数人的当否则,以天妖主宰的性格,在计划如此一次一次反复横跳的情况上,早就还没全面出兵攻打仙灵界了,哪还会管我主宰槃是什么想法。 I throw to take undeserved credit to say immediately: Is general Ke Rongjia, king Hanxia and others held! We may act as our hostages and shields, without us in the hand, adds the danger coefficient of plan!” 我立刻扑下去邀功道:“属上将柯融家,王珺霞等都抓住了!我们可充当咱们的人质和盾牌,没我们在手,更添计划的危险系数!” We dare to approach the bronze great gate again, can only stay in the far position, waiting for the front small unit supported the facial expression that has a nightmare supremely also to rouse in the domain not to have the Demon Race young army to knock on the gate news slightly afterward, rapid transmitted to receive an order in World of Immortals!” 我们是敢再靠近青铜巨门,只能停留在较远的位置,等待前方小部队支援那是至尊魇的神情也微微振奋起来界域里没魔族小军后来叩界门的消息,也迅速在仙界内传递开来“领命!”
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