POP :: Volume #8

#156: Wang Clan sweeps away Zhuanxu Divine Palace

...... …… World of Immortals southern boundary. 仙界南境。 In if still stars world general ten thousand island northern heavens fringing fields. 在犹若星辰世界一般的万岛玄天边缘区域。 Vast boundless, is embellishing in void of innumerable galaxy ray, is moving like Zhuanxu Divine Palace that the bronze casts slowly. 浩渺无垠,点缀着无数星河光芒的虚空之中,如同青铜铸就的颛顼神宫正缓缓移动着。 The array ray covered entire Divine Palace, as if plated a light to it, looks from afar, it looked like from the time in shuttles back and forth to come, to feel an indescribable solid feel and traces left by time. 阵法的光芒笼罩了整座神宫,就仿佛给它镀了一层光,远远看去,它就像是自时光中穿梭而来,充满了一种难以言喻的厚重感和沧桑感。 Each bricks and stones in Divine Palace, as if are telling the innumerable stories. 神宫中的每一块砖石,都仿佛在诉说着无数故事。 In taking black for bottom color void complementing, its speed seems like not fast, even is somewhat slow, but this is only the misconception, its true speed is actually fast. 在以黑色为底色的虚空映衬下,它的速度看起来并不快,甚至于有些缓慢,但这都只是错觉,它的实际速度其实非常非常快。 More specifically, its moving way, was not the normal flight, but was more similar to the foreign land space crevice goes through in the proper space and, seemed like here, but actually, did not exist in the proper space completely. 或者,更确切的说,它的移动方式,并不是寻常飞行,而是更类似于在正常空间和异域空间的夹缝之中穿行,看似是在这里,但实则,并不完全存在于正常空间之中。 Until now, has a guess in World of Immortals. 一直以来,在仙界之中都有一种猜测。 Perhaps, only in Zhuanxu Divine Palace, that highest inheritance that belongs to Zhuanxu Great Emperor looks for the right successor, and after inheriting and controlled Zhuanxu Divine Palace, this Divine Palace will stop. 或许,只有当颛顼神宫中,那个属于颛顼大帝的最高传承寻找到合适的继承人,并继承和掌控了颛顼神宫之后,这座神宫才会停下来。 Naturally, this is only speculated, and is unable to confirm. 当然,这只是推测,并无法证实。 This little while, Zhuanxu Divine Palace has moved close to the position of World of Immortals Southern Territory edge. 这会儿,颛顼神宫已经移动到了靠近仙界南域边缘的位置。 Two Shenzhou navigates in the quiet void sea, with Zhuanxu Divine Palace partner line. 两艘神舟航行在静谧的虚空海中,与颛顼神宫伴行。 In Shenzhou. 神舟内。 In small room that a method was separated, god child Divine Maiden from all influence is penetrating the porthole, looks to palatial boundless Zhuanxu Divine Palace, the vision is fiery, the one after another mood surges, is ready to fight, is eager to try. 一套套被隔出的小房间内,来自各方势力的神子神女们正透过舷窗,看向巍峨磅礴的颛顼神宫,目光炯炯有神,一个个心情激荡,摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。 Since the god beautiful jade list has left a good name, until now 2,000-3,000 years had passed by, they and other this moment waited is too long. 自从神瑛榜留名以来,迄今为止已经2,000-3,000年过去了,他们等这一刻等太久了。 When with great difficulty at this moment, they are naturally impatient. 好不容易等到这一刻,他们自然已经迫不及待。 And in a suite. 其中一个套间内。 Several ages are similar, relational good several Wang Clan juniors are assemble. 几个年龄相仿,关系较好的几位王氏子弟正齐聚一堂。 And, in king Hanxia a pair of beautiful pupil is burning the blazing ray, opens mouth is the full chuuni aura: Wang Yinxuan, our this time compares, looked that who can obtain a better result in Zhuanxu Divine Palace.” 其中,王珺霞的一双美眸中燃烧着炽热的光芒,一张嘴便是满满的中二气息:“王寅轩,咱们这一次比一比,看谁能在颛顼神宫内获得更好的成绩。” In the previous god beautiful jade list, king Hanxia was pressed a head by a difference by Wang Yinxuan, this matter she always takes to heart, somewhat cannot walk. 上一次神瑛榜中,王珺霞以一名之差被王寅轩压了一头,这件事她始终耿耿于怀,迄今都有些走不出来。 Snort ~ weak.” “哼~幼稚。” Keeps two to cast aside the small beard, the makings were maturer than steadily the past many Wang Yinxuan white her eyes, routine returning resentment Younger Sister. 留着两撇小胡子,气质比过去成熟稳重了许多的王寅轩白了她一眼,习惯性的回怼了一下妹妹 However, his words saying, his expression actually quiet, the eyeground also shows some worried. 然而,他话说完,他的表情却沉寂了下来,眼底也透出些许担忧。 He according to the instruction of Ancestral Grandfather, kept in the yi treasure and star treasure the family/home, but is only this, the yi treasure will she lose heart to give up planning? 他根据老祖爷爷的吩咐,把嬟宝和星宝都留在了家里,但只是这样,嬟宝她就会死心放弃计划吗? If in her heart obsession does not extinguish, their husband and wife definitely will step onto to break off the opposition! 若是她心中执念不灭,他们夫妻双方必然会走上决裂对立! Although Wang Yinxuan to own Ancestral Grandfather incomparable trust, thinks that World of Immortals under the leadership of Ancestral Grandfather, can win and Demon Race war inevitably, even can remit the action of yi treasure. 尽管王寅轩对自家老祖爷爷无比信任,认为仙界老祖爷爷的带领下,必然能赢下和魔族的战争,甚至可以赦免嬟宝的行动。 However, the fight same place, among the couples has the huge fissure inevitably, the relations were impossible to return to the past again, will play sadly also definitely sad. 但是,战斗一起,夫妻之间必然产生巨大的裂痕,关系也不可能再回到从前,嬉儿也肯定会伤心难过。 yi treasure yi treasure ~ in the Wang Yinxuan heart sighed lightly, could not bear the secret pray. “嬟宝啊嬟宝~”王寅轩心中轻叹,忍不住暗暗祈祷。 You may probably treat ten million/countless at home, do not mix this matter. 你可千万要待在家里,别掺和这件事儿。 „!” “啪啪!” The Wang Songyi look sweeps, then noticed the Wang Yinxuan difference, put out a hand to pat the shoulder of Wang Yinxuan gently, without the speech, in the look has the comfort. 王宋一眼神一扫,便注意到了王寅轩的异样,伸手轻轻拍了拍王寅轩的肩膀,没有说话,眼神中却带着安慰。 Meanwhile. 同时。 In Shenzhou in another room, Ji Tianyang just and 56 young men and women treat in the same place. 神舟内另外一个房间内,姬天阳正和五六名年轻男女们待在一起。 And one is to come from remote antiquity Divine Palace young outstanding talent. 其中一位是来自太上神宫年轻俊杰 He puts on one anxiously just like the white long gown of remote antiquity Divine Palace uniform/subdue, the complexion is passing anxiously: „Didn't day Yang eldest child, have a chapter of news to present Lord?” 他穿着一袭宛如太上神宫制服的白色长袍,脸色不安中透着焦急:“天阳老大,到现在主上还没回消息吗?” These youth men and women, naturally are in these years, supreme yi and her spy team develop the Immortal Clan rebel who trains in secret. 这些青年男女们,自然都是这些年里,至尊嬟和她的奸细团队暗中发展培养出来的仙族叛徒。 They have from the big influence, there is from a powerful say/way clan. 他们有来自大势力的,也有来自强盛道族的。 Is the mind presents the huge flaw, the mentality twists, resents the world and detests mundane affairs, misleads by supreme yi and her team in secret. 均是心灵出现巨大破绽,心态扭曲,愤世嫉俗,被至尊嬟和她的团队暗中蛊惑的。 Naturally, the rebel who they mislead the development continues these, is only as a result of the Wang Clan reason, World of Immortals these years involution is quite serious, should have opportunity young Heaven's Chosen to be squeezed out Zhuanxu Divine Palace Dungeon list. 当然,她们蛊惑发展的叛徒远不止这些,只是由于王氏的缘故,仙界这些年来内卷极为严重,很多原本该有机会的年轻天骄都被挤出了颛顼神宫副本名单。 You can count on that.” The look on Ji Tianyang face is actually confidently tranquil, a very calm appearance, Lord has the arrangement of Lord, we wait for patiently are.” “你们放心。”姬天阳脸上的神色倒是平静坦然,一副十分镇定的模样,“主上自有主上的安排,咱们耐心等待便是。” Although in his heart actually is also burning with impatience, but he as the core figures in these people, must be able to stabilize the aspect at this moment. 尽管他心中其实也是心急如焚,但此刻他作为这些人中的核心人物,必须要能稳住局面。 Since had turned to Demon Race in secret, once exposes, dies without the burial ground inevitably, is naturally filled with hope that Demon Race can obtain wins finally. 既然已暗中投靠了魔族,一旦暴露,必然是死无葬身之地,自然是满心希望魔族能够获得最终胜利。 In some sense, these Immortal Clan rebels even want to win compared with supreme yi, because supreme yi also has the escape route, they do not have any escape route. 从某种意义上来说,这些仙族叛徒甚至比至尊嬟更想赢,因为至尊嬟还有退路,他们却早已没有了任何退路。 Suddenly. 忽而。 Ji Tianyang wrist watch buzz, received a useless trash advertizing info. 姬天阳的腕表“嗡”的一声,收到了一条无用的垃圾广告信息。 Ji Tianyang looked down one, suddenly look one bright, examined carefully. This is he agrees the good contact way with Lord, the surface looks is the trash advertisement, so long as in fact has the scrambled text special explanation way, can obtain the effective information. 姬天阳低头看了一眼,忽然眼神一亮,细细看了起来。这是他跟主上约定好的联络方式,表面看是垃圾广告,实际上只要有密文特殊解读方式,就能获得有效信息。 After the moment, he explains the information, the look on face is even more joyful: Lord reply. She makes all our according to planning to handle affairs.” 片刻后,他解读完信息,脸上的神色愈发欣喜:“主上回信了。她让我们一切按照计划行事。” Thank God, to the track pursue continually pats Zhuanxu Divine Palace transmission news, the immortal commission and communication division have continued in Zhuanxu Divine Palace direction of advance delivery signal relaying equipment along the way, enabling everyone's wrist watch since then also to have the signal. 谢天谢地,为了持续跟踪追拍颛顼神宫传递消息,仙委会和通讯司一直持续在颛顼神宫前进方向的沿途投放信号中继设备,使得大家的腕表迄今还有信号。 Otherwise if, he must with the Lord contact, fear that be much more troublesome than the present. 如若不然,他要和主上联络,怕是要比现在麻烦得多。 With his saying one, the complexion of people on the scene relaxed immediately, in eye anxious and anxious also diverges in abundance, as if had the pillar all of a sudden. 随着他这话一出,在场众人的脸色顿时都舒缓了下来,眼里的焦急和不安也纷纷散去,仿佛一下子有了主心骨。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Wang Yinxuan Daping level master bedroom. 王寅轩的大平层主卧内。 Slender, ear slightly sharp star dust Princess, look slightly complex looks at supreme yi, sighed: yi Elder Sister, why bother is your? Why to mix in this matter again? Even if you do not love dearly Husband, you must for playing think that makes when the time comes, what to do plays?” 身材修长,耳朵微尖的星尘公主,眼神略显复杂的看着至尊嬟,叹息道:“嬟姐姐,你这又是何苦呢?何必再掺和进这件事情里?你就算不心疼夫君,你也要替嬉儿想一想啊,到时候闹起来,嬉儿怎么办?” Supreme yi closed the wrist watch, the pupil light let fall, the complexion was quiet: I, if rejects the implementation plan, the control plate is not willing to give up inevitably. He will begin using the alternative scheme surely, kicks to be eliminated me, changes players the control plan for the aftermath. When the time comes, my initiative did not have.” 至尊嬟关闭了腕表,眸光垂落,脸色平静无波:“我若拒绝执行计划,主宰盘必然不肯善罢甘休。他定会启用备用方案,将我踢出局,换人接管后续计划。到时候,我连主动权都没了。” The eye of star dust Princess shone: Originally was I misunderstands. How then yi Elder Sister you do prepare to do?” 星尘公主的眼睛亮了起来:“原来是我误会了。那么嬟姐姐你准备怎么做?” I in the plan final moment, will advise against the control to arrive at Zhuanxu Divine Palace, if not successful, directly destroys the this time action.” In the supreme yi eye pupil revealed wiped the guilty color, was only, the control lost the this time expectation for a long time golden opportunity, although will not have the fatal crisis, will actually definitely fall into very difficult predicament......” “我会在计划最后关头,劝阻主宰降临颛顼神宫,若不成,就直接破坏掉这一次行动。”至尊嬟眼眸中露出了一抹愧疚之色,“只是,主宰失去了这一次期望已久的绝佳机会,虽不会有致命危机,却必然会陷入十分艰难的困局……” Latter half a word she has not said that that is she has decided to return to Demon Race afterward, supreme jointly discussed with several other, requested and World of Immortals talks, coerces to persuade the control to leave Immortal Spirit together, went to other border areas to seek the outlet in addition. 后半句她没有说出来,那就是她已经决定事后返回魔族,和其他几位至尊联合商议,请求和仙界对话,裹挟说动主宰一起离开仙灵界,去其他界域另谋出路。 This is the best solution that she can think. 这已是她能想到的最好解决方案。 star dust Princess slightly hesitates, access road/simply said: Good. I go with you together, provide against contingencies.” 星尘公主略一沉吟,便道:“好。我跟你一起去,以防万一。” Supreme yi slightly one hesitant, has not prevented. 至尊嬟略一犹豫,到底没有阻止。 First, this star dust Princess tracing method is wrapped in a shroud of obscurity, her these years have never thrown off her successfully. If she insisted that must follow oneself, oneself wants to block cannot block. 一来,这星尘公主的追踪手段神秘莫测,她这些年来从未成功甩掉过她。她如果坚持要跟着自己,自己想拦也拦不住。 Secondly, the militant friendship of several thousand years of altogether onset and retreat, making them have deep sisters sentiment. 二来,数千年共进退的战斗情谊,让她们在不知不觉间结下了很深的姐妹情。 ****** ****** Meanwhile. 同时。 Ten thousand island northern heavens edges. 万岛玄天边缘。 Void. 虚空之中。 Two Shenzhou is close to Zhuanxu Divine Palace slowly, until arriving in beyond invisible barrier. 两艘神舟缓缓接近颛顼神宫,直至抵达无形屏障之外。 In a flash, the Zhuanxu Divine Palace internal energy surges, the glow overflows, entire Divine Palace as if lived all of a sudden. 只是一瞬间,颛顼神宫内部能量涌动,辉光四溢,整座神宫仿佛一下子活了过来。 Together clear lively female sound, resounds in void outside Shenzhou: „Are you this time participate in World of Immortals outstanding talent of Zhuanxu trial? That anything few lord Wang Shouzhe, you come out to speak with me.” 一道清亮又活泼的女音,在神舟外的虚空中响起:“你们是此次来参加颛顼试炼的仙界俊杰吧?那个什么少界主王守哲,你出来和我说话。” In that sound , seems to be passing stock dissatisfaction faintly. 那声音中,似乎隐隐还透着股不满情绪。 Obviously, master of this sound, is this Zhuanxu Divine Palace item spirit. 很显然,这声音的主人,便是这颛顼神宫器灵 As the item spirit sound falls, in void outside Shenzhou has the energy to gather crazily, suddenly, manifest physically phantom then appears together during was void. 随着器灵的声音落下,神舟外的虚空中有能量疯狂汇聚,眨眼间,一道凝若实质的虚影便出现在了虚空之中。 That is together the youth person's shadow. 那是一道青年人影。 As soon as he raids the white clothing, elegant, the smile on face is polite like the spring breeze: Wang Shouzhe has seen Zhuanxu item spirit.” 他一袭白衣,丰神俊朗,脸上的笑容如春风般温文和煦:“王守哲见过颛顼器灵。” Snort, how do you come is so late?” Zhuanxu item spirit tone discontented dirties, this how long? 100 years, I must move onto the Demon Realm turf again late, at the appointed time can only hide the figure, escaped into the foreign land.” “哼,你们怎么来这么晚?”颛顼器灵语气不满的埋汰起来,“这都多久了?再晚一百年,我就要进入魔界地盘,到时就只能隐藏身形,遁入异域了。” Zhuanxu Divine Palace way has been circulating, via World of Immortals, opened the Zhuanxu trial not to have the big dozens times every 760000 years 100 times. 颛顼神宫的路径一直在循环,每隔760000年途经一次仙界,开启颛顼试炼没有一百次也有大几十次了。 But so many smelting trials, Zhuanxu item spirit bumps into the dragging sickness so odd fellow for the first time. Doesn't he wait for Divine Palace to leave the World of Immortals range to open the trial simply at that moment again? 可这么多次试炼,颛顼器灵还是第一次碰上拖延症如此离谱的家伙。他怎么不干脆等神宫离开仙界范围那一刻再开启试炼? Moreover this time, Zhuanxu item spirit obtains the trial list from god beautiful jade item spirit, till the last time god beautiful jade trial, is only the aptitude potential in god child first grade above, was over 20, many have achieved the few Lord ranks. 而且这一次,颛顼器灵早就从神瑛器灵那边得到了试炼名单,截止到最后一次神瑛试炼,光是资质潜力在神子甲等以上者,就超过了二十位,还有好多个已经达到了少界主级别。 This batch of trialist quality, before without doubt thorough steamroll, all time. 这批试炼者的质量,无疑彻底碾压了之前所有的时代。 Regarding this, Zhuanxu item spirit naturally waits, wants to see this crowd impatiently go against heaven's will the rookies, hopes that some people can inherit Zhuanxu Divine Palace thoroughly, making it finish roaming about, forever kept World of Immortals. 对此,颛顼器灵自然是翘首以盼,迫不及待想要见一见这群逆天新人们,希望有人能彻底继承颛顼神宫,让它结束流浪,永远留在仙界 Has not actually thought, this first-grade, she waited unexpectedly for 2,000-3,000 years. 却不曾想,这一等,她居然足足等了2,000-3,000年。 You have a look at me, the waited hair was white!” “你看看我,等的头发都白了!” Sees Wang Shouzhe to come, Zhuanxu Divine Palace item spirit also appeared the figure in void. 王守哲现身,颛顼神宫器灵也在虚空中显现出了身形。 That is a strange young girl, a color rich Zhuanxu time ancient system long skirt, but also made into the white the hair especially, protested. 那是一个古灵精怪的少女,一身色彩浓艳的颛顼时代古制长裙,还特地把头发弄成了白色,以示抗议。 Wang Shouzhe nods with a smile, but had not explained that but turns head to say slightly: Anye, you accompany Zhuanxu Elder Sister to speak.” 王守哲含笑颔首,但没有解释,只是微微扭头道:“安业,你去陪颛顼姐姐说说话。” Also. 随之。 Wang Anye also condensed phantom in void, first toward Wang Shouzhe good a ritual, this went forward to chitchat with Zhuanxu item spirit. 王安业也在虚空中凝聚出了一道虚影,先是朝王守哲行了一礼,这才上前与颛顼器灵攀谈了起来。 In tea Kung Fu, dissatisfaction on Zhuanxu item spirit face vanishes into thin air, after half quarter, she becomes lights up with pleasure, called with Wang Anye Elder Sister Younger Brother very intimate. 没过盏茶功夫,颛顼器灵脸上的不满情绪就烟消云散,半刻钟后,她就变得喜笑颜开,跟王安业姐姐弟弟叫的十分亲热。 Wang Anye saw to comfort Zhuanxu item spirit mood, then took advantage of opportunity saying: Zhuanxu Elder Sister, you looked at this time not early, whether we can advanced Divine Palace speak again.” 王安业见安抚住了颛顼器灵的情绪,便顺势说道:“颛顼姐姐,您看这时间也不早了,咱们是否可以先进神宫再说话。” Ok, we start the flow.” “行,那咱们就开始流程。” Zhuanxu item spirit it can be said that always follows to her Younger Brother Anye, very complies refreshedly, later in according to the custom inspected to enter the personnel. 颛顼器灵对她的安业弟弟可以说是言听计从,十分爽快地就答应下来,随后按照规矩检查起了入内人员。 These through the god beautiful jade list trial, obtained youth talent who enters Zhuanxu Divine Palace qualifications. 这些都是通过神瑛榜试炼,获得了进入颛顼神宫资格的青年才俊。 However, stemming from all sorts of consideration, may have two Immortal Emperor to escort them to enter Zhuanxu Divine Palace. 不过,出于种种考量,可有两位仙帝护送他们进入颛顼神宫 Immortal Emperor that the this time Zhuanxu trial, is responsible for escorting, is Emperor Vast Sky Sword and crape myrtle Immortal Emperor. 这一次颛顼试炼,负责护送的仙帝,乃是昊天剑帝和紫薇仙帝 After a flow . 一通流程之后。 Two Shenzhou passed through the invisible barrier, entered the Zhuanxu Divine Palace respective space. 两艘神舟穿过了无形屏障,进入了颛顼神宫所属的空间。 From the outside, Zhuanxu Divine Palace is only palatial Divine Palace, the interior actually seems like completely independent world, the inner space is huge, inside immortal fog is dim, is ordinary like the fairyland. 从外面看,颛顼神宫就只是一座巍峨的神宫,内部却像是一个完全独立的世界,内部空间非常巨大,里面一片仙雾朦胧,如同仙境一般。 The remote immortal fog isolated the spying on vision and spiritual sense, visibles faintly a giant temple, is situated in the fog. 渺渺仙雾隔绝了目光和神念的窥探,隐约可见一座巨大的神殿,坐落在云雾之中。 At this time, Zhuanxu item spirit said: I believe that you have learned about the trial rule, but according to the flow, I will tell.” 这时,颛顼器灵说道:“我相信你们已经知悉试炼规则,但是根据流程,我还是会讲述一遍。” Concentrates on with the god beautiful jade list trial individual military force and potential is different, the Zhuanxu trial for the purpose of choosing to have the talent of the leadership and commanding troops operational capacity, the test direction stresses on disposition, will, strategy, control, luck wait/etc aspects, according to everyone the performance in entire trial will make grading in view of each single item, finally compiles a synthesis to grade.” “和神瑛榜试炼专注于个人武力与潜力不同,颛顼试炼旨在挑选出拥有领导能力和领兵作战能力的人才,考验的方向更加侧重于心性、意志、智谋、统御、运气等等方面,会根据各位在整场试炼中的表现针对每个单项做出评分,最后汇总成一个综合评分。” Naturally, ranking of god beautiful jade list trial, will take the reference, includes final grading and approval.” “当然,神瑛榜试炼的排名,也会作为参考,计入最后的评分与认可度。” „The goals of your trial, only then one, that is arrives in that within the given time float Zhuanxu Divine Palace in immortal fog, completes the punch-.” “你们这次试炼的目标只有一个,那就是在规定的时间内抵达那座悬浮在仙雾内的颛顼神宫,完成打卡。” In journey, you will meet the war fragment scene to block the way randomly, needs to consciousness to enter the battlefield to complete the combat.” “路途中,你们会随机遇到战争碎片场景拦路,需要以意识进入战场完成作战。” In the fragment scene, your individual strengths completely duplicate/restores will be carved. Naturally, weapon might of divine item rank will definitely have a buckle.” “在碎片场景内,你们的个人实力将会被完全复刻。当然,神器级别的武器威能肯定会有所折损。” Fragment scene difficulty varies, the success entry then can be separated from the fragment. The entry failure, can be separated from the fragment similarly, but grades to reduce.” “碎片场景难度不一,成功通关便能从碎片中脱离。通关失败,同样可以脱离碎片,但评分会降低。” The flow of Zhuanxu Divine Palace trial is each time same, many god child Divine Maiden natures on the scene had long known the rule, even so, they hear as before very earnestly. 每次颛顼神宫试炼的流程都是一样的,在场的诸多神子神女们自然早就都知道了规则,但即便如此,他们依旧听得十分认真。 At the same time, they also want to confirm that a trial rule does have the change, on the other hand, naturally also wants to keep a good impression in front of Zhuanxu item spirit. 一方面,他们也想确认一下试炼规则有没有变动,另一方面,自然也是想在颛顼器灵面前留个好印象。 But Zhuanxu item spirit, said in Balla Balla a big pile, completed the established flow, then made the best use of the time to start the inspection directly. 而颛顼器灵,在巴拉巴拉说了一大堆,完成了既定流程,便直接抓紧时间开启了考核。 Light beam one after another shines in Shenzhou, young outstanding talent one after another then vanished in the light beam instantaneously, put in this side huge world randomly. 一道一道的光束在神舟内亮起,一位一位的年轻俊杰便瞬间消失在了光柱之中,被随机投放进了这一方巨大的世界之内。 Luck not good, put in directly in the world edge area, according to the rule goes to the Divine Palace journey, will bump into more war fragment scene, the difficulty nature is big. 运气不好者,直接被投放在了世界边缘区域,根据规则前往神宫路途中,将会碰到更多的战争碎片场景,难度自然不小。 If the luck is good, may appear near Divine Palace directly, walks two steps to arrive in the destination. 倘若运气好的,有可能直接出现在神宫附近,走两步就能抵达目的地。 Naturally, participates in more war fragment scene also having the advantage. 当然,参与更多的战争碎片场景也不是没有好处。 After all, all in this Zhuanxu Divine Palace world space under the monitor of item spirit, the performance in war fragment scene will also naturally be recorded, the success entry scene are many enough, in related grading will have certain advantage. 毕竟,这颛顼神宫世界空间内的一切都在器灵的监测之下,在战争碎片场景内的表现自然也会被记录下来,成功通关场景够多,相关评分上会有一定优势。 Meanwhile, every time goes through customs a war scene fragment, will have the rich reward. The fragment of entry are more, rewarding are more. 同时,每通关一个战争场景碎片,都会有丰厚的奖励。通关的碎片越多,奖励越多。 Before these participants, can inherit probability actually very low of Immortal Emperor rank inheritance truly, majority are actually rushing to the reward. 以前那些参与者,真正能继承到仙帝级别传承的概率其实非常之低,大多数其实都是奔着奖励而来。 Wang Clan female Army God Wang Yingxuan only felt in a flash, then places at present in dim dense fog. 王氏军神王璎璇只感觉眼前一晃,便身处在了一片朦胧迷雾之中。 She is looking into not near Divine Palace, does not worry to overtake, but searched a war fragment scene in the nearby. 她眺望着不远不近的神宫,也不着急赶过去,而是在附近搜索了一下战争碎片场景。 Shortly, she then saw a giant transparent air bubble, in air bubble faintly visible battlefield trace, as if there is army to slaughter! 没多久,她便见到了一个巨大的透明气泡,气泡内隐约可见战场痕迹,其中似乎有军队在厮杀! She only approached slightly, the transparent air bubble then felt that probably her existence, inflated instantaneously, covers Wang Yingxuan. 她只稍稍靠近了一些,透明气泡便像是感觉到了她的存在,瞬间膨胀,将王璎璇笼罩在内。 Wang Yingxuan a flower, then appears in one again at present in the battlefield of fierce battle. 王璎璇再次眼前一花,便出现在了一处正在激烈交战的战场之中。 This is a space channel base, Immortal Clan and Demon Race is slaughtering frigidly, robs this strategic point. 这是一处空间通道基地,仙族魔族正在惨烈厮杀,抢夺这处战略要地。 General, you try to find the solution quickly!” Subordinate assistant whole body is bathed in blood, looks to her look full is anxious, „the Demon Race offensive is getting stronger and stronger, our No. 3870 space nodes were about unable to defend.” “将军,您快想想办法吧!”麾下副手浑身浴血,看向她的眼神中满是焦急,“魔族的攻势越来越强,我们的3870号空间节点快守不住了。” Well? Is the opening a commander?!” Wang Yingxuan eye one bright, at once immediately is excited. “咦?开局就是指挥官?!”王璎璇眼睛一亮,旋即立刻兴奋了起来。 The commander is good ~ 指挥官好啊~ She most fears is the opening must start from the soldier, that must waste not to know how much time. 她最怕的就是开局要从小兵做起,那得浪费掉不知多少时间。 Since the opening is a commander, that this is her home game ~! 既然开局就是指挥官,那这就是她的主场啊~! In the front god beautiful jade list trial, the overall performance of Wang Yingxuan is quite ordinary, even clan has not made her clash the total list first. 在前面神瑛榜试炼中,王璎璇的总体表现比较一般,甚至家族都没让她去冲总榜第一。 The reason does not have it. 原因无它。 Because of the cultivation cultivation technique reason, she on individual valor/military skills, has been separated from the clan frontline now gradually. Now in clan has the potential and battle efficiencies of many junior is higher than her. 因为修炼功法的缘故,她在个人武勇上,如今已经渐渐脱离了家族一线。如今家族中有不少小辈的潜力和战斗力都比她高。 But the battlefield was different. 但战场就不同了。 In the battlefield, most can display the situation of war Dao Book powerful role, is her war Dao Book home game. 战场上,是最能发挥出战争道书强大作用的场合,也是她战争道书的主场。 Army has, then, listening to me to direct......” “全军都有,接下来,听我指挥……” The Wang Yingxuan look sinks to congeal, the vision passed over gently and swiftly in the war fast, only the moment then grasped the aspect, entered the direction condition, starts to control the war. 王璎璇眼神沉凝,目光在战局上飞快掠过,只片刻便掌握了局面,进入了指挥状态,开始掌控战局。 Under her direction, Immortal Clan here situation was stood firm quickly, resists Demon Race attack one after another, finally, she even also directs the remnants of defeated troops, instead killed the Demon Race commander. 在她的指挥下,仙族这边的局势很快就被稳住,阻挡住了魔族一波又一波的进攻,最后,她甚至还指挥残部,反杀了魔族的指挥官。 Ding-dong!” “叮咚!” Zhuanxu item spirit sound resounds. 颛顼器灵的声音响起。 Congratulates Your Highness Yingxuan, you completed war fragment scene 【No. 3870 space node protection war, Achieved the magnificent achievement, the battlefield appraisal is the sss level. You will obtain the following reward, Dao Book * 1, half step divine item * 1, Primal Chaos Spirit Stone * 3000, source of * 3 drop god......” “恭喜璎璇殿下,你完成了战争碎片场景【3870号空间节点守护战】,取得了辉煌的成就,战场评价为sss级。您将获得如下奖励,道书,半步神器,混沌灵石,众神之源滴……” A series of rich rewards, showed the Wang Yingxuan outstanding command capability. 一连串丰厚的奖励,彰显了王璎璇杰出的指挥能力。 Here all war fragment scenes, are in second Immortal and Demon War has had really the war scenes, moreover each scene is against the wind the bureau, needs to participate in trialist breaking it diligently. 这里所有的战争碎片场景,都是第二次仙魔大战中真实发生过的战争场景,而且每一个场景都是逆风局,需要参与试炼者努力破之。 It is said that the highest reward will even have divine item, Emperor Seal, even is the Immortal Spirit source. 据说,最高奖励甚至会有神器,帝印,甚至是仙灵界本源。 Resulted in the reward, covers the air bubble of Wang Yingxuan whole body also to blast open like the soap bubble quietly, vanishes without a trace. 得了奖励,笼罩住王璎璇全身的气泡也随之如肥皂泡般悄然炸裂,消失得无影无踪。 Wang Yingxuan fighting intent has not dispersed, immediately then searched for the next war fragment scene full of enthusiasm. 王璎璇身上战意未散,当即便兴致勃勃地搜寻起了下一个战争碎片场景。 Looks at her such, obviously was hits to become addicted. 看她那样子,显然是打上瘾了。 But besides Wang Yingxuan, other Wang Clan clansmen also met the battlefield fragment scene one after another, performance is also quite good. 而除了王璎璇外,其余王氏族人陆陆续续也遇到了战场碎片场景,表现的也都相当不俗。 And in a war fragment scene. 其中一处战争碎片场景之中。 Wang Lici is changing to the whole body to send out the giant of terrifying wild aura, is carrying the incomparably giant hammer, pushes to the front to fascinated , the place visited demon tide collapses, flees vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 王璃慈正化作浑身散发着恐怖蛮荒气息的巨人,拎着把无比巨大的锤子,一马当先冲入魔阵之中,所过之处魔潮崩溃,纵横披靡。 Unit Immortal Clan morale inspires greatly, quick reversed the losing battle. 仙族士气大振,很快就扭转了败局。 Another battlefield fragment scene. 另外一处战场碎片场景。 The Wang Luoqiu whole body is sending out golden Fokuang, the Immortal Clan Vanguard Battalion soldiers centered on all her have golden glow, becomes heroic fearless, the mortal body endures compared with fighting war-god Buddha, entire Vanguard Battalion just like sharp arrow to penetrate the Demon Race battleline. 王珞秋周身散发着金色佛光,以她为中心的仙族先锋营士卒个个身染金芒,变得英勇无畏,肉身堪比斗战神佛,整个先锋营犹如一支利箭般穿透了魔族阵线。 In another war fragment scene, Wang Luojing is leading her insect clan army, shouldered the Demon Race main force directly. Forefront front, innumerable insect clans and Demon Race like meat grinder unceasing casualties, but rear area, there are continuous insect clan armies to gallop but. 又一个战争碎片场景之中,王珞静率领着她的虫族大军,正面扛住了魔族主力。战线最前端,无数虫族和魔族如同绞肉机般不断伤亡,而后方,又有源源不断的虫族大军正在驰骋而至。 In addition, Monarch white god child also places in the war. 此外,君皓神子也身处战争之中。 Unceasing random walk of his figure in the battlefield, the sword potential swift and fierce overbearing does not lose natural, selects these Demon Race military officers to assassinate specially, a sword getting down brilliance Nine Provinces. 他的身形在战场中不断的游走,剑势凌厉霸道又不失潇洒,专挑那些魔族将领刺杀,一剑下去光耀九州。 Wang Anye not to mention. 王安业就更别提了。 His execution immortal sword array is most suitable to be used one to many, in enough four divine item take under the management of array eye, myriad flying sword shuttle back and forth to strangle to death in the battlefield, is harvesting the Demon Race head/number of people group by group. 他的诛仙剑阵最适合用来一对多,在足足四柄神器作为阵眼的主持下,万千飞剑在战场中穿梭绞杀,收割着一批又一批的魔族人头。 In addition, Wang Zong'an and his natal spirit plant Longevity Tree formed the defense line, gives the Immortal Clan officers to treat in the rear area continuously, turned around the situation gradually. 除此之外,王宗安和他的本命灵植长生树结成了防线,在后方源源不断给仙族将士们治疗,渐渐也扭转了战局。 But the Wang Liyao water sword class/flow, Wang Ning xi ice power-driven device armor, crown prince hou changes to golden hair hou to batter and so on scenes in the battlefield, made one one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 王璃瑶的水剑流,王宁曦的冰火机甲,太子犼化作金毛犼在战场上横冲直撞等等场景,也都令人热血沸腾。 Other group of troops display are also very shocking, the entry war fragment scene, is harvesting various rewards, although the speed speed varies, actually goes to Zhuanxu Divine Palace firmly. 其余各路人马表现也均是十分惊艳,一路通关战争碎片场景,收获着各种奖励,虽然速度快慢不一,却都坚定地向颛顼神宫而去。 The these scenes scene, looks at Zhuanxu item spirit to be excited, almost couldn't help screaming. 这一幕幕的场面,看得颛顼器灵激动万分,几乎忍不住要尖叫了。 Too exciting ~! Really, my Immortal Clan rose finally! 太刺激了~!果然,我仙族终于崛起了! She as if has been able to foresee Immortal Clan to grow, expels Demon Race thoroughly, and counter- killed to the scene of foreign land Demon Race supreme headquarters. 她仿佛已经能预见到仙族成长起来,彻底将魔族驱逐,并反杀向异域魔族大本营的场景了。 ****** ****** Same time. 同一时间段。 In control demon palace. 主宰魔殿之中。 The control sits cross-legged on the throne, the giant overwhelming power, just like the Peerless ferocious beast body no longer in those days the appearance, seemed somewhat depressed. 主宰盘坐在宝座上,巨大威猛,宛如绝世凶兽般的身躯不复往日神采,显得有些消沉。 Under the stair, has a nightmare supremely is lowering the head, reports the newest situation of just compiling low voice, was anything such and such and presents the rebel army, Bloody Daybreak started several riots wait/etc. 台阶下,至尊魇正低着头,小声汇报着刚刚汇总过来的最新情况,都是什么某某地又出现了叛军,血色黎明又发动了几次暴乱等等。 In these several thousand years, the control plate has held troops, to give Zhuanxu Divine Palace plans to prepare, for this reason, is never willing to focus on processing Bloody Daybreak, feared that Immortal Clan attacked the Bloody Daybreak time to take Zhuanxu Divine Palace while oneself quietly, making him fall short. 在这数千年内,主宰盘一直按兵不动,就是为了给颛顼神宫计划做准备,为此,也始终不肯集中力量去处理血色黎明,就怕仙族自己攻打血色黎明的时机悄悄把颛顼神宫拿下了,让他功亏一篑。 But is also therefore, gave the Bloody Daybreak development time, making Bloody Daybreak make a name gradually. 但也是因此,给了血色黎明发展时间,让血色黎明渐渐成了气候。 Until now, by situation that nearly in Weida did not fall. 到如今,以近乎于尾大不掉的地步。 This makes the control plate innermost feelings even more manic, the situation of temper tantrum becomes more and more common. 这让主宰盘内心愈发狂躁,情绪失控的情况变得越来越常见。 Also is now therefore, has a nightmare supremely sees right in front of one control plate report matter the time, the innermost feelings are also uneasy, for fear that annoyed the disaster carelessly. 也是因此,至尊魇如今面见主宰盘汇报事情的时候,内心也是忐忑不安,生怕一个不慎就惹来了灾祸。 Listens to the report, the aura of control plate is even more cloudy, sound also even more ice-cold: That side Heavenly Monster control, situation how?” 听完汇报,主宰盘的气息愈发阴沉,声音也愈发冰冷:“天妖主宰那边,情况如何了?” Zhuanxu Divine Palace Dungeon repeatedly delays, the attack Immortal Spirit gate incident that the control plate and Heavenly Monster control draws up, naturally must follow capriciously. 颛顼神宫副本一拖再拖,主宰盘和天妖主宰拟定的进攻仙灵界界门一事,自然也得跟着反复无常。 The first 1-2 times, the Heavenly Monster control can also endure, as repeatedly increase of number of times, as the time more drags more to tow the long time, mood also even more manic, recent contact of Heavenly Monster control time, had issued the ultimatum, must control the plate to hand over the Immortal Spirit true void coordinates. 头1-2,天妖主宰还能忍,可随着反复次数的增多,随着时间越拖越拖久,天妖主宰的情绪也愈发狂躁,最近一次联络的时候,已经下了最后通牒,要主宰盘交出仙灵界真正的虚空坐标。 Otherwise, Heavenly Monster controls the army to retreat directly, no longer manages this matters. 否则,天妖主宰大军将直接撤退,不再管这一摊事儿。 The supreme having a nightmare complexion somewhat is also ugly, replied in a low voice: Has done everything possible to comfort, but the Heavenly Monster control is only willing to wait for our ten years as before again.” 至尊魇脸色也有些难看,低声回答道:“手下已经想尽办法安抚,但天妖主宰依旧只肯再等我们十年。” Snort! That scoundrel! The solemn control, this patience does not even have unexpectedly, does not know that what the general situation is.” Control plate complexion Yin clear uncertain, the mood is gradually hot tempered. “哼!那个混账!堂堂主宰,居然连这点耐心都没有,不知大局是何物。”主宰盘脸色阴晴不定,情绪渐渐暴躁。 In fact, in suffering a loss time and time again, control plate own patience has also consumed completely, if not for put the complete gambling stake in Zhuanxu Divine Palace plan, he wants to dispatch troops with Bloody Daybreak as well as World of Immortals launches the bloody battle. 事实上,在一次又一次的吃亏之中,主宰盘自身的耐心也早就消耗殆尽,若不是将全部赌注都押在了颛顼神宫计划上,他都想出兵和血色黎明以及仙界展开血战了。 Is becomes the defeat, sees the true facts in the battlefield directly. 是成是败,直接在战场上见真章。 Has a nightmare to see the control plate even more to be as if hot tempered supremely, quickly ejected a good news: Control, supreme yi just contacted with me, World of Immortals opened Zhuanxu Divine Palace Dungeon.” 至尊魇见主宰盘似乎愈发暴躁,急忙抛出了一个好消息:“主宰,至尊嬟刚刚联系了我,仙界开启了颛顼神宫副本。” As control plate is not even more happy, has a nightmare supremely has become the majordomo, assumes full responsibility of many worrying matters, and contact of supreme yi, has turned over him. 随着主宰盘情绪愈发不好,至尊魇已经成为了大管家,包揽诸多烦心事,就连和至尊嬟的联络,也已经移交给了他。 Without the means that was really deceived too multiple. 没办法,实在是被骗了太多次了。 Who would imagine. 岂料。 Control plate one hear of this saying, the look instantaneous was black, the anger exclaimed: How many times, is this how many times? Supreme yi that waste, this matter cannot even handle, I that take seriously her in vain.” 主宰盘一听这话,神色瞬间黑了,怒吼道:“多少次,这已经是多少次了?至尊嬟那个废物,连这点事都办不好,枉我那么重视她。” The deafening angry roaring sound in controlling the demon palace reverberates, shakes the entire control demon palace to shiver slightly. 震耳欲聋的怒吼声在主宰魔殿中回荡,震得整座主宰魔殿都在微微颤抖。 Had a nightmare to know Dao Lord to butcher this supremely is misunderstood, explained busily: Subordinate has conducted the confirmation through oneself intelligence network, this time should real. Wang Shouzhe they had entered Zhuanxu Divine Palace.” 至尊魇知道主宰这是误会了,忙解释:“属下已经通过自身情报网进行了确认,这一次应该是真的。王守哲他们已经进入了颛顼神宫。” As Zhuanxu Divine Palace plan postpones time and time again, the control plate naturally not possible to place on all hopes supreme yi, therefore, then had all sorts of subsequent hand layouts. 随着颛顼神宫计划一次又一次延后,主宰盘自然不可能将所有希望都放在至尊嬟身上,因此,便有了种种后手布局。 Such remarks. 此言一出。 The control plate is startled fiercely, seems does not dare to believe looked that to has a nightmare supremely. 主宰盘猛地一怔,好似不敢置信般看向至尊魇。 Has a nightmare supremely nods hastily, repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of news. 至尊魇连忙点头,再次确认了消息的真实性。 Ha ~ good!! Finally when this day!!!” “哈哈哈哈哈~好!!终于等到这一天了!!!” The control plate look explodes brightly, on the face the dark expression vanished without the trace instantaneously, entire Demon Capital becomes excited, starts crazy smiling, smiled the face to twist. 主宰盘眼神爆亮,脸上原本黑沉沉的表情瞬间消失无踪,整个魔都变得兴奋起来,开始疯狂的笑,笑得脸庞都扭曲了。 Many years ~! He controls the plate for the general situation, endured many years! 多少年了~!他主宰盘为了大局,忍了多少年了! He and others is this opportunity! 他等的就是这个机会! Can make him overturn thoroughly, reverses all disadvantageous opportunities! 一个可以令他彻底翻盘,扭转所有不利的机会! ...... ……
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