POP :: Volume #8

#155: Shouzhe 8000 th birthday

...... …… Reaching of Wang Yinxuan, naturally caused a stir in World of Immortals, various group of media reported. 王寅轩的登顶,在仙界自然又是引起了一番轰动,各路媒体争相报道。 However, this is only a beginning. 然而,这只是一个开端。 After several days . 数日后。 God beautiful jade palace. 神瑛殿。 I am small and ordinary item spirit, by the request of Lord Zhuanxu Great Emperor, the protection in the god beautiful jade palace, has waited for arrival of Savior silently. However the time passes gradually, dark embezzles me unceasingly, entrains to the desperate abyss.” “我是一个小小而平凡的器灵,受主上颛顼大帝之托,一直默默守护在神瑛殿内,等待救世主的降临。然而时光荏苒,黑暗不断将我吞没,拽向绝望的深渊。” Nearly twittering the sound, is reverberating in the god beautiful jade palace together illusory. 一道虚无缥缈近乎呢喃的声音,在神瑛殿内回荡着。 Suddenly, this sound excited. 忽而,这声音激动了起来。 Until I ran into Your Highness Nana you, I know, originally, on world has up.” “直到我遇到了娜娜殿下您,我才知道,原来,世界上是有光的。” God beautiful jade item spirit transformed an illusory truthfully qualitative elf, rubbed in the Wang Jinna bosom, the sound was very reverent, was very affectionate. 神瑛器灵幻化成了一个虚幻又如实质的精灵,在王瑾娜的怀里蹭来蹭去,声音无比虔诚,无比亲昵。 An frost long hair, the top of the head ice Divine Dragon female Wang Jinna of ice crystal horn, is feeling hot by some face that item spirit rubs, could not bear work to lose far her: Few idle talk, hurry to break the record with the first prize to take me.” 一头冰霜长发,头顶着冰晶犄角的冰神龙女王瑾娜,都被器灵蹭的有些脸庞发烫,没忍住一把将她抓起丢远:“少废话,赶紧将我破纪录拿第一的奖品拿出来。” Respect obeys your highness decree.” “敬遵殿下旨意。” God beautiful jade item spirit is not angry, instead flattered several points. 神瑛器灵丝毫不生气,反而更加谄媚了几分。 Not far away. 不远处。 Runs over Wang Yinxuan and king who Hanxia brother and sister two observes to look at each other in blank dismay. 跑过来观战的王寅轩、王珺霞兄妹两个面面相觑。 The speed that this god beautiful jade item spirit loves another was also too fast, this several days, their two this was swept into the cold palace! 这神瑛器灵移情别恋的速度也太快了,这才几天啊,他们两个这就被扫入了冷宫! But, Wang Jinna how long favor cannot maintain. 可,王瑾娜的“恩宠”也没能维持多久。 After several days, in the god beautiful jade palace resounded god beautiful jade item spirit to sing the poem sound: „The great Immortal Emperor reincarnation, tens of millions years waiting, I welcomed your arrival finally, please accept your humble item spirit servant to extend the highest respect.” 数日后,神瑛殿内又响起了神瑛器灵唱诗般的声音:“伟大的仙帝转世啊,数千万年的等待,我终于迎来了您的降临,请接受您谦卑的器灵仆人致以最崇高的敬意。” Wang Youyue hehe two, turned around to carry off the first place prize, has not left behind few words. 王宥岳“呵呵”了两声,转身带走了榜首的奖品,没有留下只言片语。 Because he must leap a position to the father. 因为他要给爹腾个位置。 Soon. 不多时。 In the god beautiful jade palace resounded a god beautiful jade item spirit more exciting sound to resound: Your Highness Baosheng, you are mandate of heaven Son of Heaven, Zhuanxu Great Emperor successor......” 神瑛殿内响起了神瑛器灵更加激动的声音响起:“宝圣殿下,原来您才是真命天子,颛顼大帝的继承人……” Lingzhu (spirit bamboo) few Madam!” Quick, in the god beautiful jade palace resounded the sound of item spirit nearly call again, why please forgive my ignorance...... we small Immortal Spirit, can be born like you perfect the successor!” 灵竹夫人!”很快,神瑛殿内再次响起了器灵近乎呐喊的声音,“请原谅我的无知……为何咱们小小的仙灵界,能诞生像您这样完美无瑕的传人!” Actually, starts from Wang Baosheng, the immortal commission puts in five Immortal Emperor in god beautiful jade list prize pond to inherit Emperor Seal, had pulled out spatially! 其实,从王宝圣开始,仙委会放入神瑛榜奖池内的五枚仙帝传承帝印,就已经被掏空! When to Ying Lingzhu acted, let alone divine item, source of these god, rewarded in the pond that to save tens of millions years Primal Chaos Spirit Stone to pull out spatially, even also bankrupted more than 30,000...... 到了嬴灵竹出手时,别说神器,众神之源这些了,就连奖池内那积攒了数千万年的混沌灵石都已经被悉数掏空,甚至还倒欠了三万多枚…… After being one's turn Wang Fugui takes one, god beautiful jade item spirit has started chirp the sob: Did not have, did not have, I had pulled out to empty thoroughly......” 等轮到王富贵拿下第一后,神瑛器灵已经开始嘤嘤哭泣:“没有了,一颗都没有了,我已被彻底掏空了……” Wang Fugui comforting said: Might as well, you can first owe my prize, I urgently needing.” 王富贵安抚说道:“无妨,你可以先欠着我的奖品,我也不着急用。” After him, Wang Ning xi, Wang Shouye, Wang Luoqiu, Wang Luojing, Wang Lici, Wang Liyao, when the person enters the trial space one after another, first brushes one after another explodes. 在他之后,王宁曦,王守业,王珞秋,王珞静,王璃慈,王璃瑶,等人相继进入试炼空间,轮番将第一刷爆。 God beautiful jade item spirit from the young rich woman, falls to the enemy to all of a sudden be in debt 1 million mixes the spirit above debt ghost! 神瑛器灵从小富婆,一下子沦陷为负债百万混灵以上的欠债鬼! Afterward, Wang Anye received the historical total list's first stick with ease. 随后,王安业又是轻松接过了历史总榜第一的棒。 Could not withstand the debt god beautiful jade item spirit unable to stretch finally, collapse cried aloud: Gives you, gives you completely! From now on, the god beautiful jade palace and Trial Land, all turned over to your Wang Clan. Your Highness Anye, later you may probably take pity on me......” 不堪负债的神瑛器灵终于绷不住了,崩溃的哇哇大哭起来:“给你,全部给你!从今往后,神瑛殿和试炼之地,全归你们王氏了。安业殿下,以后您可要怜惜我……” Was this unable to pay debts with their assets, declares bankruptcy? 这就资不抵债,宣告破产了? By this time, World of Immortals high and low is one piece is tranquil. 到了这时候,仙界上下已然是一片平静了。 They from starting shock, revelry, to numb, again to numb, arrives at numbly...... the rapidness of transformation speed again and again, comes is not inferior compared with god beautiful jade item spirit. 他们从开始的震惊,狂欢,到麻木,再到麻木,再再再到麻木……转变速度之快,比起神瑛器灵来也毫不逊色。 Then. 尔后。 Wang Shouzhe, Liu Ruolan, as well as Old Ancestor Longyan, has come up the interlude. 王守哲,柳若蓝,以及珑烟老祖,也都上去过了过场。 They do not want to go to press out to do awkwardly thoroughly, god beautiful jade item spirit that even has to sell into servitude, but, must status enter Zhuanxu Divine Palace by Zhuanxu god child, must leave a good name in the list is good. 他们本不想去为难已被彻底榨干,甚至于不得不卖身的神瑛器灵,不过,要以“颛顼神子”身份进入颛顼神宫,还是得在榜上留名才行。 Even if goes through the motions. 哪怕只是走个过场。 As Wang Shouzhe their names appear in the first place of historical total list, World of Immortals that is quiet, boiled finally again. 而随着王守哲他们的名字出现在历史总榜的榜首,原本已经沉寂下来的仙界,终于再次沸腾了起来。 For these years, Wang Shouzhe this few Lord already in the World of Immortals accumulation huge prestige, solely is his name appears in the first place, lights the enthusiasm of World of Immortals people sufficiently. 这么多年来,王守哲这位少界主早已在仙界积累下了巨大的名望,单单是他的名字出现在榜首,就足以点燃仙界众人的热情。 Not to mention, his appearance, meanwhile means that these round brushes explodes the god beautiful jade list the trial, drops the curtain finally thoroughly. 更别提,他的出现,同时还意味着这一轮刷爆神瑛榜的试炼,也终于彻底落下帷幕。 In the historical total list, that dense and numerous one after another, is the personal name of this time, making everyone realize a matter clearly. 历史总榜上,那密密麻麻的一个个,属于这个时代的人名,让所有人都清晰地意识到了一件事。 An unprecedented big time, will soon approach. 一个史无前例的大时代,即将来临。 The mood of this ebullition, has spread Demon Realm. 这种沸腾的情绪,一直蔓延到了魔界 After Bloody Daybreak obtains the news, uses this matter to exaggerate the Immortal and Demon two clan peaceful coexistence policies wantonly, started one after another tide in Demon Realm. 血色黎明得到消息之后,利用此事大肆渲染仙魔两族和平共处方针,在魔界掀起了一波一波浪潮。 But the control plate, actually fell into strangely quietly, has not made any response, is dormant like one, prepares the beast of prey that starts fatally strikes at any time. 而主宰盘,却诡异地陷入了沉寂,没有对此做出任何回应,如同一头蛰伏起来,随时准备发动致命一击的猛兽。 The time, in this troubled passes fast. 时间,就在这纷纷扰扰中飞快流逝。 Until one day. 直到某一天。 World of Immortals northern territory. 仙界北域。 Void such as it comes to shake suddenly fiercely, during a huge space vortex, presented in two days among one was void. 虚空忽如其来地剧烈震荡起来,一个巨大的空间漩涡,出现在了两个天之间的一处虚空之中。 When the vortex diverges. 待漩涡散去。 Huge and grand Divine Palace appears towering during was void. 一座巨大而宏伟的神宫突兀地出现在了虚空之中。 That is one imitates palatial Divine Palace that if the bronze casts, is mystical and great, sends out the heterogeneity and sincerity that an endless time is precipitating all through. 那是一座仿若青铜铸就的巍峨神宫,神秘而伟岸,通身都散发着一股无尽光阴沉淀出的斑驳和厚重。 It stands erect during that piece is void, the naked eye looks at as if the tentacle to be possible , when but investigates with spiritual sense, actually felt that it seems located in the time deep place that is unable to touch, is unfathomed, is unable to enter. 它就矗立在那片虚空之中,肉眼看去仿佛触手可及,但当用神念探查之时,却又感觉它仿佛位于无法触及的时光深处,无法窥探,也无法进入。 Very under obviously, entire Divine Palace is in some invisible no qualitative principle strength to cover, seems like that situated in this void, the method that needs to correspond can actually enter. 很显然,整座神宫都处于某种无形无质的法则力量笼罩下,看似处于这片虚空,实则需要对应的方法才能进入其中。 This Divine Palace, is Zhuanxu Divine Palace. 这座神宫,便是颛顼神宫 Experienced for 760,000 years later, Zhuanxu Divine Palace slipped off her in a veil of mystery finally again, suddenly and logical appearance north World of Immortals boundary. 经历了七十六万年后,颛顼神宫终于再次褪下了她神秘的面纱,突然而又顺理成章的出现在了仙界北境。 The appearance of Zhuanxu Divine Palace, naturally caused the entire world stir. 颛顼神宫的出现,自然又是引起了全世界轰动。 Various group of media reported this matter, obtained to enter Zhuanxu Divine Palace qualifications young Heaven's Chosen, was ready to fight in abundance, prepared to go all out an appearance. 各路媒体纷纷报道此事,获得进入颛顼神宫资格的年轻天骄们,纷纷摩拳擦掌,一副准备大干一场的模样。 At this time. 这时。 Limitless Divine Palace. 无极神宫 Northern heavens city. 玄天城。 Somewhere the place of secret. 某处隐秘之地。 Puts on supreme yi of some aristocratic family Young Lady waistcoat again, with communication demon item adventure relation in control plate. 再次披上某世家小姐马甲的至尊嬟,用通讯魔器冒险联系上了主宰盘。 Very good! Supreme yi, you have not really disappointed this/Ben control.” Learned suddenly the good news, the control plate look that communication demon item projected shone instantaneously, just like the ferocious beast common face on also extremely rare showed the smile, praised in a tone with, your layout and plan, this control was very satisfactory. Then, according to planning to handle affairs!” “很好!至尊嬟,你果然没有让本主宰失望。”乍闻喜讯,通讯魔器投射出的主宰盘眼神瞬间亮了,宛如凶兽一般的脸上也极为难得的露出了笑容,语带夸赞,“你的布局和行动计划,本主宰十分满意。接下来,按照计划行事!” Many thanks control.” “多谢主宰。” Supreme yi is hanging the pupil, the complexion is quiet, as if cannot see likes the anger sadly. 至尊嬟垂着眸,面色平静无波,仿佛看不出悲欢喜怒。 Reviews the control plate at this moment, actually immerses in the excitement, in the sound passes to constrain the pinnacle shivering that but will soon release: This control this informs the Heavenly Monster control, making him prepare to act at any time. Bloody Daybreak, the great wild goose, you owes me, this time, this control must take back entirely!” 反观此刻的主宰盘,却是沉浸在激动之中,声音中透着压抑到极致而即将释放的颤抖:“本主宰这就通知天妖主宰,让他随时准备行动。血色黎明,鸿,你们欠我的,这一次,本主宰要统统收回!” When speaking of last few words, he just like the wild animal eye pupil in full is the ruthless offense. 说到最后一句话时,他宛如野兽般的眼眸中满是狠戾。 He and other this moment waited for a long time too is too long, this time, he must let Bloody Daybreak and great wild goose tasted him bear the pain! 他等这一刻等了太久太久,这一次,他也要让血色黎明和鸿尝一尝他曾经承受过的痛苦! Quick, both sides ended the contact. 很快,双方结束了联络。 The projection rapid dissipation of control plate in air. 主宰盘的投影迅速消散在了空气之中。 Supreme yi looks at this scene, the let fall view lifts slowly, mood of eyeground is somewhat low, the quiet complexion also slowly becomes gloomy, as if made very difficult choices. 至尊嬟看着这一幕,垂落的眼帘缓缓抬起,眼底的情绪似是有些低落,原本平静无波的脸色也缓缓变得阴郁起来,仿佛是做了一个十分艰难的取舍。 Also was several days later. 又是数日之后。 Northern heavens city. 玄天城。 Wang Yinxuan. 王寅轩家。 The time close to the midnight, out of the window moonlight is beautiful, in the window is actually brilliantly illuminated, just like daytime. 时间已经临近午夜,窗外月色明媚,窗内却是灯火通明,宛如白昼。 This is a modernized Daping level room, the pattern is insightful, the place is spacious, the sound-insulated effect is good, the housing is also very comfortable and convenient. 这是一座现代化的大平层居室,格局通透,地方宽敞,隔音效果良好,居住也十分舒适和方便。 In living room. 客厅里。 Wang Yinxuan snort/hum song, is packing the room and baggage, is listening to news broadcast in crystal stone screen: Immortal commission has dispatched several Immortal Emperor, goes Zhuanxu Divine Palace to fight the skirmish, is qualified for Divine Palace young Heaven's Chosen also already by the notice and organization, prepares to capture/raid Zhuanxu Divine Palace Dungeon at any time......” 王寅轩正哼着小曲儿,边收拾着屋子和行李,边听着晶石屏幕中的新闻播报:“仙委会已派遣数名仙帝,前去颛顼神宫打前哨战,有资格进入神宫年轻天骄们也已经被通知和组织起来,随时准备攻略颛顼神宫副本……” Wang Yinxuan naturally also in the Dungeon quota, and has received the notice, naturally needs to do the corresponding preparatory work. 王寅轩当然也在副本名额之中,并且已经接到通知,自然需要做相应的准备工作。 Suddenly. 忽而。 The obscure space fluctuation passed over gently and swiftly together. 一道晦涩的空间波动掠过。 Among next instant, a Immortal Clan aristocratic family Young Lady appearance, seems like immortal qi floating supreme yi, appeared in front of Wang Yinxuan. 下一瞬间,一副仙族世家小姐打扮,看起来仙气飘飘的至尊嬟,出现在了王寅轩面前。 She looks at Wang Yinxuan, the expression starts to speak but hesitates, in the look seems passing some contradictions. 她看着王寅轩,表情欲言又止,眼神里仿佛透着些矛盾。 Wang Yinxuan had a scare from the beginning, packs the baggage stiffly the movement, but quick belonged to tranquilly. 王寅轩一开始被吓了一跳,收拾行李的动作都僵了一下,但很快就归于了平静。 Although sees supreme yi each time is the different shapes, actually many waistcoats he has not made clear her until now, but profoundly exchanged the number of times to be many, he has been able to distinguish her aura. 虽然每次见到至尊嬟都是不同形态,他迄今为止都没搞清楚她究竟有多少个马甲,可深入交流次数多了,他已能一眼分辨出她的气息。 Moreover, how long the shape of supreme yi cannot maintain, once enters to the exchange condition, supreme yi will return to the main body condition surely. 而且,至尊嬟的这种形态也维持不住多久,一旦进入到交流状态,至尊嬟必定会回归本体状态。 Wang Yinxuan took a look at supreme yi, then calm looking all around, seeks for the star dust Princess trail. 王寅轩瞅了一眼至尊嬟,然后淡定的环顾四周,寻找起星尘公主的踪迹来。 hidden dragon, in ten must have young phoenix. 正所谓卧龙一出,十步之内必有凤雏 The past experience told Wang Yinxuan, once supreme yi appeared, star dust Princess is not naturally far. 以往的经验告诉王寅轩,一旦至尊嬟出现,星尘公主自然就不远了。 Sure enough. 果不其然。 The dim ray shines together, star dust Princess as if treads the moonlight to come, colored glaze look tranquil swept the eye environment. 一道朦胧的光芒亮起,星尘公主仿佛踏着月光飘然而至,琉璃般的眼神平静的扫了眼周围环境。 A Wang Yinxuan face I know to be able like this expression. 王寅轩一脸“我就知道会这样”的表情。 He has not done to understand, actually star dust Princess is monitoring oneself, observed closely supreme yi, in brief, she will not make them have the opportunity to be together absolutely alone. 他至今都没搞明白,星尘公主究竟是在监视自己,还是盯住了至尊嬟,总之,她绝对不会让他们有机会单独相处。 Saw this scene, Wang Yinxuan gave up in the hand the manual labor, opened the door, quiet lying down to bed on. 见到这一幕,王寅轩放弃了手中活计,打开房门,平静无波的躺到了大床上。 Two female familiar houses followed the room. 两女熟门熟路地跟着进了房间。 Supreme yi transforms the main body appearance, slightly is pressed the eyebrow, the sound is trembling: Wang Yinxuan, are you doing? This time, I had the matter and you said that...... star dust, are you doing?” 至尊嬟重新幻化成本体模样,微蹙着眉,声音发颤:“王寅轩,你这是在干什么?这次来,我是有事情和你说……星尘,你在干什么?” Then, did not have then. 然后,就没有然后了。 Until the next day, in this Daping level is in utter confusion, a battlefield piece in confusion. 直至翌日,这个大平层内凌乱不堪,战场一片狼藉。 That night, was too crazy. 这一夜,太疯狂了。 Battle-trained Wang Yinxuan felt continually somewhat cannot endure. 连久经战场的王寅轩都感觉有些吃不消。 If in the past were the same, everyone cleaned up the aftermath silently. 如往常一样,大家默默收拾起了残局。 star dust Princess changes to the chilly tender and beautiful appearance, is preparing routinely goes lightly, surprise discovery supreme yi as if no movement. 星尘公主重新化作清冷娇艳的模样,正准备习惯性的翩然而去,却诧异地发现至尊嬟似乎没有动作。 Her movement paused, frowned to ponder slightly flickered, then gives up the plan of departure for the time being, one side fell back on observes silently. 动作一顿,微微蹙眉思考了一瞬,便暂且放弃了离开的打算,退到一旁默默观察。 Supreme yi looks at Wang Yinxuan, that pair just also glanced the crossflow, in the eye pupil of charming being puzzled person this moment look is deep: You do not want to know, I so will be why loyal in controlling the plate?” 至尊嬟看着王寅轩,那双刚刚还眼波横流,妩媚惑人的眼眸中此刻神色深沉:“你不是想知道,我为何会如此忠诚于主宰盘么?” The Wang Yinxuan spirit inspires, immediately gets tea ready pot coffee on own initiative, the entertainment they sat down in the sofa area. 王寅轩精神一振,立刻主动沏好了一壶咖啡,招待她们在沙发区坐下。 He did not ask on own initiative, but is patient waiting supreme yi told. 他也不主动问,而是耐心等待至尊嬟讲述。 This coffee is the Wang Clan top coffee, after generations of improvements, through the ninth grade spirit vein planter, stimulates the effect of awaking brain also to it same rank spirit tea be more outstanding. 这咖啡是王氏顶级咖啡,经过一代代改良,通过九品灵脉种植而成,提神醒脑的效果比之同等级灵茶还要更优秀。 Supreme yi drank half cup of coffee, this raised some spirits, was saying with a hoarse low and deep voice slowly: This matter, must 1.2 million years ago mentioned.” 至尊嬟喝了半杯咖啡,这才提起了些精神,用略带着一丝沙哑低沉的嗓音徐徐说道:“此事,要从一百二十万年前说起。” At that time, the control plate discovered, when the fashion calculates the young present age great wild goose, as if in planning what conspiracy, then the layout prevents at the same time, plans to eliminate the great wild goose one time, gets out of the relapse entanglements of their lineage, forever never recurring trouble.” “那时,主宰盘发现当时尚算年轻的当代鸿,似乎在谋划着什么阴谋,便布局阻挡的同时,欲图一次性消灭鸿,摆脱他们这一脉的反复纠缠,永绝后患。” The Wang Yinxuan slight nod, this phase of history he generally also knows. 王寅轩微微点头,这段历史他大致也知道。 Since the initial generation Lord great wild goose will control the plate causes heavy losses, the lineage that he leaves behind for generations and control plate entanglement continuous, for does not make the control plate have the restoration peak opportunity. 自从初代界主鸿将主宰盘重创之后,他留下的这一脉世世代代和主宰盘纠缠不休,为的就是不让主宰盘有复原巅峰的机会。 Stands in the standpoint of control plate, was been naturally bad by the nausea. 站在主宰盘的立场上,自然是被恶心坏了。 The initial Lord great wild goose harmed his severe wound almost to fall from the sky, he had hated extremely, but he has not thought that the lineage disciple who the great wild goose left behind, each generation devoted to unexpectedly weakening him, insisted so many years never changed course after making a vow, were haunted by the ghost simply. 当初的界主鸿害他重伤差点陨落,他本就已经恨极,可他万万没想到,鸿留下的这一脉弟子,居然每一代都致力于削弱他,坚持了这么多年都矢志不渝,简直阴魂不散。 But 1.2 million years ago that time plans, the present age great wild goose found his Ancestral Grandfather initial generation True Spirit, plans to put in Immortal Spirit Ancestral Grandfather the event. 而一百二十万年前那次谋划,正是当代鸿找到他老祖爷爷初代真灵,欲图将老祖爷爷投放进仙灵界的事件。 However because Demon Race makes a move to obstruct, the present age great wild goose also raised World of Immortals and Demon Realm war. 不过因为魔族出手阻扰,当代鸿还掀起了仙界魔界的战争。 And, limitless Divine Palace limitless Immortal Emperor, Azure Emperor Divine Palace Azure Emperor, fell from the sky during that resistance, caused the limitless Divine Palace domain to be invaded thoroughly, has deteriorated to his Ancestral Grandfather comes World of Immortals. 其中,无极神宫的无极仙帝,青帝神宫青帝,都是陨落在了那一次的对抗之中,也导致了无极神宫地盘彻底被侵占,一直衰败至他老祖爷爷仙界 In that resistance, even, the reincarnation reincarnation of his Ancestral Grandfather True Spirit also made the mistake, caused to postpone for about 1.2 million years, and lost the system......, but his Wang Yinxuan True Spirit, was lucky obtained the system. 在那场对抗中,甚至,他老祖爷爷真灵的投胎转世也出现了失误,导致延后了将近一百二十万年,且丢失了系统……而他王寅轩真灵,则是幸运的得到了系统。 However, that historical distance now is very remote, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor has traded the two crops, the detail process, Wang Yinxuan is not quite clear. 不过,那段历史距离现在已经十分久远了,就连太上仙帝都已经换了两茬,细节过程,王寅轩并不太清楚。 My mother arrive in person plays, as well as another Demon Race supreme supreme chi, falls from the sky in that resistance.” The supreme yi sound is low and deep, said according to Demon Race Senior, my mother arrive in person plays, died under the sneak attack of great wild goose, soul entirely to extinguish. Was controls the plate to put together the injury to aggravate repelled the great wild goose, snatched my mother's supreme crystal core.” “我的母亲至尊嬉,以及另一位魔族至尊至尊魑,都是陨落在那一场对抗中。”至尊嬟声音低沉,“根据魔族前辈们说,我母亲至尊嬉,是死在了鸿的偷袭下,神魂俱灭。是主宰盘拼着伤势加重击退了鸿,抢回了我母亲的至尊晶核。” At that time I also very young, the strength is also small and weak, is controls the plate to meet me to the control demon palace, fosters to grow up me personally, and granted me the supreme crystal core that my mother left behind.” “那时候我还十分年幼,实力也非常弱小,是主宰盘将我接至主宰魔殿,亲自将我抚养长大,并将我母亲留下的至尊晶核赐予了我。” The Wang Yinxuan brow selects slightly: Wait! The event that supreme chi and Azure Emperor perish together I know. However about plays...... I not to hear supremely great wild goose Senior does strike to kill her?” 王寅轩眉头微微一挑:“等等!至尊魑和青帝同归于尽的事件我知道。但是关于至尊嬉……我没听说过鸿前辈将她击杀啊?” Hehe ~ resembles great wild goose that and other generations of seeking fame, how to make public to the world dirty trick the matter of sneak attack? Let alone, that his plan is defeated, not only died two Immortal Emperor, oneself is also injured, but also causes the entire World of Immortals strength to reduce greatly, pressed on step by step by our Demon Race. His where will also tell the truth?” “呵呵~似鸿那等沽名钓誉之辈,岂会将卑劣手段的偷袭之事公诸于众?何况,那一次他的谋划十分失败,非但死了两个仙帝,自己也受了伤,还导致整个仙界实力大减,被我们魔族步步紧逼。他哪里还会说真话?” I guess, he definitely said is the control sneak attacks him, causes him injured.” “我猜,他肯定说是主宰偷袭他,才导致他受伤。” Supreme yi sneers constantly, obviously is very high to hatred of great wild goose. 至尊嬟冷笑不迭,显然对鸿的仇恨度很高。 This...... 这个…… Wang Yinxuan opens mouth, finally anything had not said. 王寅轩张了张嘴,最后还是啥也没说。 He does not know the inside story, is not indeed good to issue the commentary. 他不知内情,也的确不好发表评论。 However, will control plate that temper, put together the supreme crystal core that the wound is snatching to play again supremely unexpectedly? How does he listen is not so far-fetched? 不过,就主宰盘那性子,居然还会拼着伤重抢回至尊嬉的至尊晶核?他怎么听着这么不靠谱呢? He thought that oneself needs said with Ancestral Grandfather this matter well, always thought this matter has the issue. 他觉得自己有必要把这件事跟老祖爷爷好好说道说道,总觉得这事儿有问题。 However...... 不过…… The Wang Yinxuan train of thought revolves rapidly, where suddenly the feeling has is not right. 王寅轩思绪飞转间,忽然感觉有哪里不对。 Wait!” His eye pupil stares unexpectedly in a big way, among the looks is difficult to cover the shock, 1.2 million years ago, you very young? The yi treasure...... you determined that hasn't made a mistake the oneself age?” “等等!”他的眼眸蓦地瞪大,神色间难掩震惊,“一百二十万年前,你十分年幼?嬟宝……你确定没搞错自己的年龄?” The complexion of supreme yi was not quite immediately good. 至尊嬟的脸色顿时不太好了。 She takes a look at Wang Yinxuan, the look was saying spookily: Our Demon Race evolution degree, must surpass Immortal Clan, the life is also longer. My this year age stage, is similar to your crape myrtle Immortal Emperor.” 她瞅着王寅轩,眼神幽幽地说道:“我们魔族的进化程度,本就要超过仙族,寿元也更长。我这年龄阶段,也就和你们的紫薇仙帝差不多。” That was also old, crape myrtle Immortal Emperor probably also over three hundred thousand years? 那也年龄不小了,紫薇仙帝好像也超过三十万岁了吧? My Wang Yinxuan is only several thousand years old ~ 王寅轩才几千岁啊~ Wang Yinxuan whispered low voice. 王寅轩小声嘀咕了一句。 Nearby star dust Princess wants to say anything, the hearing this look stagnated, cannot bear will also shrink shrinking in the future. 一旁的星尘公主本想说些什么,闻言神色一滞,忍不住也往后缩了缩。 The reason does not have him, their star dust clan, is the longevity that becomes famous plants. 原因无他,她们星尘一族,也是出了名的长寿种。 Supreme yi starts to speak but hesitates, sets out to say eventually: I and you said so many, wants to tell you, this supreme will not betray the control absolutely. Wang Yinxuan, the both sides power gap is too big, the opportunity that you have not won, might as well surrender as early as possible, or may avoid the giant casualties.” 至尊嬟欲言又止,终究还是起身道:“我和你说那么多,就是想告诉你,本至尊绝对不会背叛主宰。王寅轩,双方实力差距太大,你们没有赢的机会,不如趁早投降,或可免遭巨大伤亡。” „The yi treasure, I felt, you surrender earlier quite well.” Wang Yinxuan is the whole face is also sincere, you morning a surrender, we can also soon realize the Immortal and Demon two clan peaceful coexistence.” “嬟宝,我觉得,还是你早点投降比较好。”王寅轩也是满脸真挚,“你早一点投降,咱们也可以早日实现仙魔两族和平共处。” Snort!” “哼!” The supreme yi complexion sinks, without turning the head turns around, left a Wang Yinxuan back. 至尊嬟脸色一沉,头也不回地转过身去,留给了王寅轩一个背影。 In view of this, today was we for the last time, later depending on the method, the life and death do not discuss respectively!” “既如此,今天就是咱们最后一次了,之后各凭手段,生死勿论!” Among next instant, supreme yi vanishes does not see. 下一瞬间,至尊嬟消失不见。 But star dust Princess, one hesitates after slightly, vanishes does not see. 而星尘公主,微微一犹豫后,也是消失不见。 „......” “呃……” Takes a look the place that she is vanishing, Wang Yinxuan then somewhat tastes. 瞅着她消失的地方,王寅轩这下有些回过味来了。 Why the yi treasure displayed last night that crazily...... decided to come to bid farewell. 为何嬟宝昨晚表现那么疯狂……原来是打定主意前来诀别。 Suddenly, his heart is moved. 一时间,他内心怅然若失。 Love taste ~ why so bitter. 爱情的滋味啊~为何那么苦。 Three days later. 三天后。 As before is in the Wang Yinxuan Daping level, in the crystal stone screen is issuing the breaking news: According to this latest news, by the World of Immortals northern void cold wind violent influence, Zhuanxu Divine Palace was planned is deferred until three years later, the details please examine the immortal commission official platform......” 依旧是王寅轩的大平层内,晶石屏幕内发布着最新新闻:“据本台最新消息,受仙界北部虚空冷风暴影响,颛顼神宫计划推迟到三年后,详情请查看仙委会官方平台……” Is packing the thing Wang Yinxuan movement paused, the expression is very speechless. 正收拾东西的王寅轩动作一顿,表情十分无语。 What void cold wind violent, but can also postpone Zhuanxu Divine Palace plan? Even if must find the excuse, this excuse was still rather perfunctory? 什么样的虚空冷风暴,还能推迟颛顼神宫计划?就算要找借口,这借口未免也太敷衍了吧? But at this time, he naturally also received the news that the action postponed. 而这时候,他自然也是接到了行动推迟的消息。 But with the dissemination of this news, naturally, is fermenting the forthcoming storm, was pressed forcefully, all the undercurrents of surging also subside. 而随着这消息的传播,自然而然,一场正在酝酿即将爆发的风暴,就这么被硬生生被压了下去,所有涌动的暗流也随之平息。 Time in a flash. 时间一晃。 Three years in a flash. 三年时间转瞬即至。 Major media, starts to report that Zhuanxu Divine Palace development plan, will give free reign to the imagination all sorts of glorious future. 各大媒体,又开始纷纷报道颛顼神宫开拓计划,畅想起了种种美好的未来。 Storm that was constrained, started intensely, energy as if ultra previous time of implication. 被压抑下去的风暴,又开始激烈了起来,蕴含的能量似乎更超上次。 In Wang Yinxuan Daping level. 王寅轩的大平层内。 The dawn splashes by the window curtains in the room, reflects the full room glow, actually inexplicable supreme yi loneliness of somewhat back complementing: Wang Yinxuan, last night really last time. From now on we depending on the method, the life and death let us not discuss respectively!!” 晨曦透过窗帘泼洒在屋内,映得满室辉光,却莫名将至尊嬟的背影映衬的有些寂寥:“王寅轩,昨夜真的是最后一次了。从今往后咱们各凭手段,生死勿论!!” Puts on Wang Yinxuan that the person character drags to pursue from the kitchen: yi treasure, or finished eating the breakfast to walk again?” 穿着人字拖的王寅轩从厨房追了出来:“嬟宝,要不吃完早餐再走?” Bang!” “砰!” The gate was closed, supreme yi vanishes does not see, in air only other her discontented cold pshaws. 门被关上,至尊嬟消失不见,空气中只余下她不满的冷哼声。 By the table, star dust Princess hesitant, on the face worried completely, followed to vanish. 餐桌旁,星尘公主犹豫了一下,脸庞上满是担忧,跟上消失了。 Wang Yinxuan went to the crystal stone screen the vision silently. 王寅轩将目光默默地投向了晶石屏幕。 At this time, on the crystal curtain a news just finished, starts to broadcast the next news: Studies the final resolution after the immortal commission, explores Zhuanxu Divine Palace Dungeon rashly, may result in the resource...... for better development Zhuanxu Divine Palace, formulated to the god child's hundred years of strengthened training program, the details please glance over the immortal commission official platform......” 这时,晶幕上一则新闻刚好播完,开始播下一则新闻:“经仙委会研究最终决议,贸然探索颛顼神宫副本,可能会造成资源浪费……为了更好的开发颛顼神宫,制定了对神子的百年强化训练计划,详情请浏览仙委会官方平台……” Wang Yinxuan anything had not said, starts to arrange the tableware silently. 王寅轩什么也没说,默默开始布置碗筷。 Not. 不多会儿。 Supreme yi and star dust Princess returned in the Wang Yinxuan Daping level. Everyone each other has not spoken, starts to have the breakfast silently. 至尊嬟和星尘公主重新回到了王寅轩的大平层内。大家彼此都没有说话,默默开始吃早餐。 Also hundred years later...... 又百年后…… Also 300 years later. 又三百年后。 Supreme yi had changed the home clothing, goes out silently. However this time, her idle talk had not said. 至尊嬟早就换下了居家服装,默默出门。不过这次,她一句废话都没有说。 Wang Yinxuan has not spoken, but is holding a hand of little girl, gazes after her back to leave. 王寅轩也没有说话,而是拉着一个小女孩的手,目送着她的背影离开。 Father, where does mother want to go to?” “爸爸,妈妈要去哪里?” Young king Peixi, is winking a pair such as the cat clear innocent eye, weak asking. 年幼的王佩嬉,眨着一双如猫儿般清纯无辜的眼睛,弱弱的问道。 Oh!” “唉!” Obviously mature, but also studied Wang Fugui to keep two to cast aside Wang Yinxuan of small beard not to reply, but deeply sighed. 明显成熟了许多,还学王富贵留了两撇小胡子的王寅轩没有回答,只是深深叹了口气。 Puts on star dust Princess of sleeping robe to walk to go forward gradually, by the loose sleeping robe, visibles faintly her lower abdomen to stick out slightly. 穿着睡袍的星尘公主缓步走上前,透过宽松的睡袍,隐约可见她小腹微微隆起。 She touches king Peixi the head, the gentle voice comforts her: Plays do not fear, your mother passed for two days to come back.” 她摸了摸王佩嬉的脑袋,柔声安抚她:“嬉儿别怕,你妈妈过两天就回来了。” Year after year, hundred years of duplicate/restores hundred years, the time in passes repeatedly fast. 年复一年,百年复百年,时间就这么在反反复复中飞快流逝。 Will soon welcome the 8000 th birthday to Wang Shouzhe. 一直到王守哲即将迎来8000大寿。 Because of the Wang Shouzhe birthday, entire World of Immortals will be extremely busy this period of time, all kinds of news emerge one after another incessantly. 因着王守哲将至,这段时间整个仙界都热闹非凡,各种各样的新闻层出不穷。 As before is in the Wang Yinxuan Daping level. 依旧是王寅轩的大平层内。 News disseminating news for several thousand years, most contents were recounting that all sorts of changes and growth of World of Immortals, as well as develops all sorts of results of Ancient God battlefield. 新闻数千年如一日的播报,大部分内容都是在述说仙界的种种变化和成长,以及开拓古神战场的种种成效。 Meanwhile, left the Demon Realm common people to place report a half hour in abyss of suffering, for example Bloody Daybreak launched the fierce attack, a lot of domains seized wait/etc! 同时,也留给了魔界百姓身处在水深火热之中的报道半小时,例如血色黎明又发动了猛烈攻势,抢占了多少多少地盘等等! kacha! 咔嚓 The gate was opened. 门被打开。 A stature is quite slenderly handsome, if the eye the young man of stars, leads the wife and child entered the Daping level. 一位身材修长极为俊朗,眼若星辰的年轻男子,带着老婆和孩子进了大平层。 This young man, is Wang Clan ninth generation of orthodox lineage successor king Huanxing. 年轻男子,正是王氏第九代嫡脉继承人王寰星。 But child who his side follows, is Wang Clan tenth generation of orthodox lineage successor king great achievements. 而他身边跟着的孩子,则是王氏第十代嫡脉继承人王宏业。 The mother of king great achievement, then came from crape myrtle Divine Palace Young Palace Lord secure Jun Divine Maiden. 王宏业的母亲,则是来自紫薇神宫少宫主安筠神女 Although secure Jun Divine Maiden the age is bigger than king Huanxing, but king Huanxing obviously is much more credible than his father. 安筠神女虽然年龄比王寰星大许多,但王寰星显然比他爹要靠谱得多。 Passing through the gate, king Huanxing looked that to supreme yi that is busy at work in the kitchen, said with a smile: yi mother, my father? Was not makes, gave the Ancestor congratulations 8000 th birthday together? How aren't others at home?” 一进门,王寰星就看向了正在厨房忙活的至尊嬟,笑道:“嬟娘,我爹呢?不是约好了,一起去给老祖宗庆贺8000大寿么?他人怎么不在家?” Hears this saying, took an egg supreme yi that prepared to hit to be shocked all of a sudden, this detected where had is not right. 听到这话,拿了颗蛋正准备打的至尊嬟一下子愣住了,这才恍惚间察觉到了有哪里不对劲。 As if, several days have not seen Wang Yinxuan. 似乎,有好几天没见到王寅轩了。 Suddenly. 忽而。 News platform center disseminates news: After several thousand years of slow movement, Zhuanxu Divine Palace the boundary from World of Immortals has moved south World of Immortals the boundary. The experts declared, 100 years, Zhuanxu Divine Palace will conclude this time the travel of World of Immortals...... the next appearance, is 760,000 years later.” 新闻台中播报:“经过数千年的缓慢移动,颛顼神宫已从仙界北境移动到了仙界南境。专家宣称,不出一百年时间,颛顼神宫就会结束这一次仙界之旅……下一次出现,就是七十六万年后了。” Oh no! Fell into a trap!” “糟糕!中计了!” The supreme yi pupil light sinks, look all of a sudden dignified. 至尊嬟眸光一沉,眼神一下子凝重了起来。 ...... ……
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