POP :: Volume #8

#154: Appear! God beautiful jade Bang list 1st

...... …… In order to encourage supreme yi to walk toward the good road on, Wang Yinxuan sits respectfully, the whole face said seriously: „The yi treasure, please say.” 为了鼓励至尊嬟往好路上走,王寅轩正襟危坐,满脸严肃地说道:“嬟宝,请讲。” This is he move of Old Ancestor Shouzhe comprehending, the thick-skinned sweet-talking does not suffer a loss, the situation will not be in any case worse. 这是他从守哲老祖那边领悟来的招数,脸厚嘴甜不吃亏,反正情况也不会更坏了。 Let alone this time, their three acted unreasonably with reckless Lielie one in the past is not same, comprehended night of Golden Toad Dao Book properly. 何况这一次,他们三个和往常胡咧咧一通乱来不大一样,乃是正正经经参悟了一夜金蟾道书 But what is mysterious, not only Wang Yinxuan oneself harvests significantly, bloodline and cultivation base all have a big promotion, he can also feel, supreme yi and star dust Princess as if also had the obvious change, should also be many advantage. 而神奇的是,非但王寅轩自己收获匪浅,血脉修为俱有不小的提升,他也能感觉到,至尊嬟和星尘公主似乎也有了明显的变化,应该也是得了不少好处的。 Based on this, Wang Yinxuan thought that can reach out for a yard after taking an inch appropriately. 基于此,王寅轩觉得可以适当得寸进尺一番。 yi treasure? 嬟宝? The supreme yi beautiful curved eyebrows are light, as if too does not adapt to name some that this smelly is not concerned about face. 至尊嬟弯眉轻蹙,似乎对这臭不要脸的称呼有些不太适应。 But eventually, she has not expressed the opposition, but slightly crossed this name directly, the sound coldly low and deep said: Plan is very simple, Immortal Clan can surrender our Demon Race, when the time comes I can strive for you, assigns a stretch of Immortal Clan autonomous region to you, making you multiply to live.” 但终究,她也没提出反对,而是直接略过了这个称呼,声音低沉地冷冷道:“方案很简单,仙族可以投降我们魔族,到时候我可以替你们争取,给你们划出一片仙族自治区,让你们繁衍生息。” Her idea has fermented for several days, thought that oneself is capable of achieving all these. Since Immortal Clan can a Demon Race stroke of autonomous region, why in turn not? 她这个主意已经酝酿好几天了,觉得自己有能力做到这一切。既然仙族可以给魔族划自治区,反过来又为何不可以? Let alone under Demon Race, until now many dependency races. 何况魔族麾下,一直以来都是有许多附庸种族的。 Although Wang Yinxuan is somewhat stunned, has not refuted at the scene, but knits the brows slightly, made an appearance of ponder. 王寅轩虽然有些错愕,却没有当场反驳,而是微微皱眉,做出了一副沉思的模样。 Who would imagine. 岂料。 Wang Yinxuan has not spoken, star dust Princess actually does not comply. 王寅轩没说话,星尘公主却不答应了。 She is selecting the willow-leaf eyebrows: Demon Race cruel is unkind, has seriously destroys the World Extinguishing tendency. Once Immortal Clan gives up resisting, must be destroyed. When the time comes, the Immortal Clan population can leave behind 1% to be good. Supreme yi, since solves the problem, why can't be Demon Race surrender Immortal Clan? At least, Immortal Clan is speaks the race of etiquette morals and order, Demon Race will surrender the later day very is not bad.” 她挑着柳叶眉:“魔族残暴不仁,具有严重的毁灭世界倾向。一旦仙族放弃抵抗,必遭毁灭。到时候,仙族的人口能留下百分之一就不错了。至尊嬟,既然是解决问题,为何不能是魔族投降仙族?至少,仙族是讲礼仪道德和秩序的种族,魔族投降之后的日子不会特别差。” Hehe ~ supreme yi sneers, Demon Race and Immortal Clan matter, but also is not one's turn your vanquished country's Princess to interrupt.” “呵呵~”至尊嬟一声冷笑,“魔族仙族的事情,还轮不到你一个亡国公主插嘴。” Wang Yinxuan sees them to be in sharp opposition, is too busy to open the mouth to mediate: Since each other surrender cannot achieve for the time being, might as well change a mentality. We get rid of the control plate jointly, support the yi treasure high-rank, when controls, each other peaceful coexistence how?” 王寅轩见她们针锋相对,忙不迭开口打圆场:“既然彼此投降暂且做不到,不如换一个思路。咱们联手把主宰盘干掉,扶持嬟宝上位当主宰,彼此和平共处如何?” „It is not good!” Supreme yi complexion immediately cold, in the charming eye pupil exudes the anger, I will not betray the control absolutely.” “不行!”至尊嬟的脸色登时就冷了下来,妩媚的眼眸中泛起怒气,“我绝对不会背叛主宰。” Wang Yinxuan hearing this, some surprise, knit the brows slightly: According to me the information obtained from various types of information channels, the individuality of control plate is not much, to hand/subordinate not good, why the yi treasure are you also blindly devoted to him?” 王寅轩闻言,不禁有些诧异,微微皱眉道:“根据我从各种信息渠道获得的信息来看,主宰盘的个性并不怎么样,对手下也没多好,嬟宝你又何必对他愚忠呢?” A supreme yi silence, does not seem willing in -depth talk in this matter. 至尊嬟一阵沉默,似乎并不愿意在此事上深入交谈。 Wang Yinxuan has not demanded. 王寅轩没有强求。 He knows, the food takes stuttering, working to come step by step, he belongs to the two camp with supreme yi, is as incompatible as fire and water relations, today can chat calmly, is the historical breakthrough. 他知道,饭要一口口吃,做事情要一步一步来,他跟至尊嬟分属两个阵营,原本是水火不相容的关系,今天能心平气和的聊一聊,已经算是历史性突破了。 Immediately, he said to star dust Princess: Star treasure, or said you? Where your star this world is, who is also to the disaster that you cause?” 当即,他向星尘公主道:“星宝,要不说说你吧?你们星尘界是个什么地方,又是谁给你们造成的灾难?” Star treasure two characters, let star dust Princess are also stunned, but there is „a yi treasure two characters before, she also endured. “星宝”二字,让星尘公主也是一阵错愕,不过有“嬟宝”二字在前,她也忍了。 Regarding the situation in star this world, poured also does not have any cannot say. 至于说星尘界的情况,倒也没有什么不能说的。 Slightly hesitates, she then narrated the condition in star this world slowly. 略一沉吟,她便缓缓叙述起了星尘界的状况。 That naturally is piece of marvelous beautiful world. 那自然是一片奇妙美丽的世界 As race that naturally breeds, star dust clan everyone is the natural darling, although has the strong individual strength, but is not militant, instead temperate, the peace-loving, and loathes the behavior of cruel bloodthirsty extremely. 作为自然孕育出的种族,星尘一族的每一个人都是自然的宠儿,虽然有着强大的个体实力,但并不好战,反而性格温和,爱好和平,且极端厌恶残忍嗜杀的行为。 Also is therefore, under the rule of star dust clan, in various race most situations in star this world can the peaceful coexistence, the overall environment be very harmonious. 也是因此,在星尘族的统治下,星尘界的各种种族大部分情况下都能和平共处,总体大环境十分和谐。 Although there the civilization system, the manners and customs, are entirely different from World of Immortals, but through her description, can feel that as before that various races are together harmoniously, a school of prosperous feeling. 虽然那里无论是文明体系,风俗习惯,都与仙界迥然不同,但通过她的描述,依旧能感觉到那种各种族和谐相处,一派欣欣向荣的感觉。 Was saying to be saying, her then revealed the endless sadness and angry like the colored glaze eye pupil in: But, as the demon disaster arrives, all changed.” 说着说着,她那如琉璃般的眼眸中便流露出了无尽的悲伤和愤怒:“但是,随着魔灾到来,一切都变了。” Invades Demon Race of star this world, should not control plate.” Wang Yinxuan asked that star treasure you can say, what that Demon Race control called, what to be long?” “入侵星尘界的魔族,应该不是主宰盘这一支。”王寅轩问道,“星宝你能讲一讲,那位魔族主宰叫什么,长什么样吗?” Mentioned that Demon Race controls, in the eye pupil of star dust Princess hatred exuded the thick frightened color immediately: It is dark and evil, as if no main body, some as if innumerable dark whiskers, are very strange . Moreover the vitality is very powerful, seems is hard to kill!” 提到那位魔族主宰,星尘公主仇恨的眼眸中顿时泛起了浓浓的恐惧之色:“它黑暗而邪恶,仿佛没有本体,又仿佛有无数根黑暗触须,十分诡异,而且生命力十分强大,好似难以杀死!” Heavenly Monster control?” Supreme yi selected the eyebrow, in the eye pupil as if passed over gently and swiftly wipes the difference. 天妖主宰?”至尊嬟挑了挑眉,眼眸中似乎掠过一抹异样。 „The yi treasure knew that Demon Race does control?” Wang Yinxuan came the spirit, pursues asks. “嬟宝认识那位魔族主宰?”王寅轩来了精神,追问道。 Did not know. But I know about his information.” Speaking of the Heavenly Monster control, the supreme yi pupil contracted slightly, the eyeground exuded to wipe to dread the color, I had understood when Immortal Spirit history, second Immortal and Demon War, three Demon Race control storm Immortal Spirit, respectively controlled be the blood-color control, the chaos control and Gui Xie.” “不认识。但我知道一些关于他的信息。”提起天妖主宰,至尊嬟瞳孔微微收缩,眼底泛起一抹忌惮之色,“我了解过仙灵界的历史,第二次仙魔大战时,共有三位魔族主宰强袭仙灵界,分别为血色主宰、混沌主宰、妫燮主宰。” Do three Demon Race control attack Immortal Spirit jointly?! 三位魔族主宰联手攻打仙灵界?! Hears this saying, the star dust Princess pupil to stare perfectly round, such as in the colored glaze eye pupil shocks with completely unbelievable. 听得这话,星尘公主眸子瞪得滚圆,如琉璃般的眼眸中满是震撼和难以置信。 The Demon Race control has the multi- terrifying she to ask for advice. She still remembers when the demon disaster arrives at pain and despair. 魔族主宰有多恐怖她可是领教过的。她至今都仍记得魔灾降临时的痛苦和绝望。 Attacks their star this world, only Demon Race controls, then has made them be annihilated. 要知道,进攻她们星尘界的,仅有一位魔族主宰,便已令她们全军覆没。 A Demon Race control is so terrifying, three Demon Race control collaborate, she light/only thinks, then has felt absolutely terrified. Too fearful! 一个魔族主宰就已经如此恐怖了,三个魔族主宰联手,她光是想想,便已经觉得毛骨悚然。太可怕了! After experiencing that fearful demon disaster, Immortal Spirit can also survive unexpectedly until now!? 在经历过那么可怕的魔灾之后,仙灵界竟然还能存活迄今!? Blood-color control needless saying that has sunk the dormancy in the Ancient God battlefield. Recently was dug, becomes the Bloody Daybreak cornerstone.” The supreme yi sinking sound said, „the second chaos control, is the control crystal core predecessor that we control to inherit. As for the Heavenly Monster control, inherits the heritage that Gui Xie controlled it is said.” “血色主宰自不必说,一直沉眠于古神战场之中。最近被挖了出来,成为了血色黎明的基石。”至尊嬟沉声说道,“第二位混沌主宰,便是我们主宰继承的主宰晶核前身。至于天妖主宰,据说就是继承了妫燮主宰的遗产。” Suddenly, a Wang Yinxuan slightly brow wrinkle: „The yi treasure, you do not grow up in Immortal Spirit? How to recognize the Heavenly Monster control? Difficult to be inadequate, your Demon Realm and does Demon Race have the relation?” 忽而,王寅轩微微眉头一皱:“嬟宝,你不是在仙灵界长大的么?怎么会认得天妖主宰?难不成,你们魔界和外界的魔族还有联系?” The supreme yi complexion sinks immediately: „Are you prying the information?” 至尊嬟面色顿时一沉:“你在刺探情报?” I chatted casually, looks for the outlet.” Wang Yinxuan shift topic, „, our three leave Immortal Spirit simply, goes to the Beyond-Territory world traveling. After all settle down, comes back. So, we did not use for the camp different and pain.” “我就是随便聊一聊,找一找出路。”王寅轩转移话题,“要不,咱们三个索性离开仙灵界,去域外世界旅游。等一切尘埃落定后再回来。如此,咱们就不用为了阵营不同而痛苦了。” In his heart ponders secretly, oneself is an insignificant Great Principle boundary, even if the bloodline aptitude, wants to build Immortal Emperor now still tens of thousands years later, if can exchange pieces to exchange supreme yi, that was cost-effective. 他心中暗忖,自己就是一个无足轻重的大罗境,就算如今血脉资质上来了,想要修成仙帝也得好几万年后,若是能兑子兑掉至尊嬟,那就再划算不过了。 As for the sacrifice, he was not afraid. 至于牺牲,他并不害怕。 For the final victory of Immortal Spirit, his Wang Yinxuan must withstand every night the day of music and song at risk of life. 为了仙灵界的最终胜利,他王寅轩拼死也要承受住夜夜笙歌的日子。 The supreme yi eye pupil moves slightly, seems somewhat excited, but is quick shaking the head of she strengthens: Everyone camp is different, is respectively depending on the method. However, after destruction Immortal Clan, I can Wang Clan keep together the habitat to you.” 至尊嬟眼眸微动,似乎有些心动,但很快她就坚定的摇了摇头:“大家阵营不同,还是各凭手段。不过,覆灭了仙族之后,我可以给你们王氏留一块栖息之地。” That respectively depending on method.” The Wang Yinxuan chuckle, we eliminated the control plate and his lackey, I also keep together the habitat to the yi treasure and your descendants.” “那就各凭手段。”王寅轩轻笑,“等我们消灭了主宰盘和他的爪牙,我也会给嬟宝和你的族裔留一块栖息之地。” „Are you so why self-confident?” “你为何如此自信?” Why are you so also self-confident? Your Demon Race has what unknown, powerful card in a hand?” “你又为何如此自信?难道你们魔族有什么不为人知,强大的底牌?” After a dialogue, as if reached the silent impass. 一番对话后,似乎陷入了沉默的僵局。 Supreme yi also as if perceived the secret probe of Wang Yinxuan. Immediately, she is not willing to treat, departure that coldly again. 至尊嬟也似乎觉察到了王寅轩的暗暗试探。当即,她不愿再多待,冷冷的离开。 She walks, star dust Princess escapes ran away, that immediately also resembles feared appearance that very much alone and Wang Yinxuan is together. 她一走,星尘公主立刻逃也似的跑掉了,一副很怕单独和王寅轩相处的模样。 However, this Wang Yinxuan is actually very tranquil. 不过,这次王寅轩倒是十分平静。 Under this harvest no small matter, the control plate is wounded repeatedly, really the energy, has any powerful card in a hand mostly. 此次收获非同小可,主宰盘屡屡受创下,竟然还有如此底气,多半是还有什么强大的底牌。 Immediately, he dialed the Ancestor communication, with the intelligence information that the body traded, one by one report/give report will give Old Ancestor. 当即,他拨通了老祖宗的通讯,将用身体换来的情报信息,一一禀报给了老祖 Wang Shouzhe naturally praised his several, exhorts him to make persistent efforts. 王守哲自然是夸了他几句,嘱咐他再接再厉。 The war is about to begin, many information on many odds of success. 大战在即,多一点情报就多一份胜算。 Wang Yinxuan won the praise , is highly encouraged. 王寅轩得了夸奖,也是备受鼓舞。 Long is so big, he is the first time felt the matter that oneself handles is so important, is so meaningful, the whole person was similar to hits the chicken blood to be generally stimulated. 长这么大,他还是头一次感觉到自己做的事情是如此重要,如此有意义,整个人就如同打了鸡血一般亢奋。 He decides to look, then must find the opportunity to sacrifice oneself, is clan obtains by illegal purchase more information. 他决定看,接下来要找机会多牺牲一下自己,为家族套取更多情报。 If can flicker to rebel supreme yi, that was perfect. 若是能将至尊嬟忽悠到反叛,那就完美了。 ****** ****** The time passes, is some time passes by. 时间流逝,又是一小段时间过去。 In god beautiful jade palace. 神瑛殿内。 During one cheers intermittently, Ji Tianyang the ejection from the trial space, historical total list ranking also had the radical change. 在一阵阵欢呼之中,姬天阳从试炼空间之中弹射而出,历史总榜排名随之发生了剧烈变化。 Tenth! 第十! Since this has been the god beautiful jade list modern times, is born for the first time historical total list first ten youth outstanding talent. 这是神瑛榜近代以来,第一次诞生出历史总榜前十的青年俊杰 God child second grade! 神子乙等 This is be only the bloodline level achieves god child second grade, great honor that can capture. This has not inherited Emperor Seal the result under situation. 这是只有血脉层次达到神子乙等,才能斩获的殊荣。这还是未曾继承帝印的情况下的成绩。 If there are Emperor Seal in addition to hold, bloodline goes a step further, after Chaos Origin Boundary, theoretically has the qualifications to accept the Lord inheritance, was the nominal few lord! 若是有帝印加持,血脉更进一步,到了混元境后理论上已有资格接受界主传承,算是名义上的准少界主了! Looks ranking that in the god beautiful jade list rises suddenly, is listening to periphery the deafening cheers, Ji Tianyang innermost feelings are stimulated. 看着神瑛榜上暴涨的排名,听着周围震耳欲聋的欢呼声,姬天阳内心亢奋无比。 Really is the say/way changes the essence version worthily, making his bloodline obtain the tremendous changes. 真不愧是道改精华版,让他的血脉得到了翻天覆地的变化。 Congratulates the day of Yang brother.” “恭喜天阳兄。” Wang Yinxuan and Wang Songyi, is goes forward to congratulate. 王寅轩王宋一,也是上前恭贺。 Where where, compared with Yinxuan Young Master and Songyi brother, my trivial result was considered as what?” Under the flashing light, Ji Tianyang attitude is very humble, a mild-mannered and cultivated stance. “哪里哪里,比起寅轩公子宋一兄,我这区区成绩算得了什么?”闪光灯下,姬天阳的态度十分谦逊,一副温文尔雅的姿态。 In fact also indeed so. 事实上也的确如此。 As we all know, the Wang Clan internal sequence core members near the top have not caught up in the god beautiful jade list, to other Heaven's Chosen many showing opportunities. 所有人都知道,王氏内部序列靠前的核心成员都还未在神瑛榜上发力,为的是给其他天骄多一点展现的机会。 After all, Wang Clan these core members, just killed being enthralled beautiful jade list long ago time has been able to enter the historical list ranking very position near the top, without truth so many years does not resettle. 毕竟,王氏那些核心成员,早些年刚杀入神瑛榜的时候就已经能够杀入历史榜单排名很靠前的位置了,没道理这么多年都不挪窝。 On many media has the expert to analyze, thinks that Wang Clan these clan core members do not act already, once acts, will meet Yiming to be astonishing inevitably. 许多媒体上都有专家分析,认为王氏那些家族核心成员不出手则已,一旦出手,势必会一鸣惊人。 Now has the media to forecast, some Wang Clan actually many people can kill being enthralled beautiful jade list first ten. 现在已经有媒体在预测,王氏究竟有多少人能杀入神瑛榜前十。 The view that at present, the populace comparison can approve is the minimum over five people, but also has individually crazed, thinks the minimum over ten people. 目前而言,大众比较能认可的说法是起码五人以上,但也有个别丧心病狂的,认为起码十人以上。 Naturally, no matter how everyone guesses, the matter is recognized, that is few lord Wang Shouzhe, can capture first mostly. 当然,不管大家怎么猜,有一件事却是公认的,那就是少界主王守哲,多半能斩获第一。 Also is therefore, although this moment Ji Tianyang reputation big chirp, but no one believes as before, he can place on a par with Wang Clan that several highest level core members. 也是因此,虽然此刻姬天阳名声大噪,但依旧没有人认为,他能跟王氏那几个最顶级的核心成员相提并论。 „!” “嘁!” The distant place, in the crowds, king Hanxia the star pupil contains ones anger, on the fine face wrote all over refusing to accept. 远处,围观群众中,王珺霞星眸含怒,精致的脸上写满了不服。 Does not depend on the say/way that our family/home produces to change the essence version, what good cocky has? Purple reveal Elder Sister, we also find the way to make one to you.” “不就是靠着我们家出产的道改精华版么,有什么好嘚瑟的?紫露姐姐,咱们也想办法给你弄一支。” Including mist Young Lady, Ji Tianyang, is favorable for our Immortal Clan, we are not worthwhile for this vitality/angry.” The Chen Zilu that big resentment, has not instead persuaded king Hanxia to say actually, „, let alone I heard, his say/way changes the essence version with source of exchange that the god clan obtains. In my hand may not have this grade of resources to bring the exchange. You may not act unreasonably, feel embarrassed oneself clan.” “珺霞小姐,姬天阳强一点,对咱们仙族也有利,咱们犯不着为这生气。”陈紫露倒是没那么大怨气,反而劝说王珺霞道,“何况我听说,他的道改精华版是用家族得到的众神之源兑换而来。我手上可没有这等资源能拿来兑换。您可千万别乱来,为难自己家族。” king Hanxia knows certainly, the say/way changes the essence version to be very precious, is the clan core member does not want. 王珺霞当然知道,道改精华版无比珍贵,便是家族核心成员也不是想要就有的。 She wants to apply to change the essence version for Chen Zilu directly, is an absolutely impossible matter. 她想为陈紫露直接申请道改精华版,是一桩绝无可能的事情。 However, she changes mind thinks: Purple reveal isn't Elder Sister remote antiquity Grandfather personal inheritance disciple? Heard that remote antiquity Grandfather got rich in the Ancient God battlefield some time past, cannot see the oneself disciple to be bullied no matter also?” 不过,她转念一想:“紫露姐姐不是太上爷爷亲传弟子么?听说太上爷爷前些时候在古神战场发了财,总不能见自己弟子被欺负也不管吧?” Quick, king Hanxia then related on remote antiquity Immortal Emperor. 很快,王珺霞便联系上了太上仙帝 After one sells moe to sway back and forth, complying of remote antiquity Immortal Emperor extremely meat pain, has sources of the small bottle god, exchanges a say/way to change the essence version for Chen Zilu. 在一番卖萌打滚之后,太上仙帝极为肉痛的答应,出一小瓶众神之源,为陈紫露兑换一支道改精华版。 Naturally, mainly because also Chen Zilu this/Ben is his personal inheritance disciple, invests many does not owe. 当然,主要还因为陈紫露本就是他老人家的亲传弟子,投入多一点也不亏。 Also is some time passes. 又是一小段时间过去。 Again Chen Zilu who in the god beautiful jade palace the scoring an upset flash news, was just squeezed out the historical total list, entered the total list unexpectedly all of a sudden first ten, arrived at 11 th Ji day Yang Ji. 神瑛殿中再爆冷门大新闻,刚被挤出历史总榜的陈紫露,竟然一下子杀入了总榜前十,把姬天阳挤到了第十一位。 To this result, Wang Yinxuan only said two character weakly. 对此结果,王寅轩只说了两个“幼稚”。 However because of this matter, was also lighting the god beautiful jade list thoroughly. 不过也正因此事,彻底点燃了神瑛榜。 Various group of Heaven's Chosen responded, erupted various result unceasingly, some people entered the historical total list unceasingly, some people kicked out unceasingly, the god beautiful jade list trial was in the superheating stage. 各路天骄纷纷响应,不断爆发出各种成绩,不断有人进入历史总榜,又不断有人被踢出去,神瑛榜试炼进入白热化阶段。 After hit one lively, suddenly has the news to spread, Wang Clan present age orthodox lineage eldest daughter king Hanxia, must be out to attend the god beautiful jade list trial! 就这么热热闹闹地打了一阵之后,忽然有消息传出,王氏当代嫡长女王珺霞,要下场参加神瑛榜试炼! This news, entire World of Immortals exploded instantaneously. 这消息一出,整个仙界瞬间炸了。 This is in recent years, the Wang Clan core member of first fate, by this news stimulation, the heat degree of god beautiful jade list was achieved the unprecedented altitude immediately. 这可是近些年来,第一位下场的王氏核心成员,被这消息一刺激,神瑛榜的热度顿时达到了前所未有的高度。 king Hanxia as Wang Clan present age orthodox lineage eldest daughter, is remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, Southern Ming Immortal Emperor one's favorite, she must attend the god beautiful jade list trial, naturally brought in the innumerable attention. 王珺霞身为王氏当代嫡长女,又是太上仙帝,南明仙帝的心头肉,她要参加神瑛榜试炼,自然是引来了无数关注。 Officially that day that she attended the trial, in the god beautiful jade palace was filled ate the melon people, the media, as well as from the media, seemed entire World of Immortals, even that side Demon Realm is even paying attention to this trial. 她正式参加试炼的那一天,神瑛殿内挤满了吃瓜群众,媒体,以及自媒体们,仿佛是整个仙界,甚至是连魔界那边都在关注这一场试炼。 The opinions and analyses of various guess ranking are also on the noise dust, the first three parties and first five parties each other were unyielding, how but regardless of to struggle, no one guesses that she could not hit first five. 各种猜测排名的言论和分析也是喧嚣尘上,其中前三党和前五党彼此争执不下,但无论怎么争,都没有人猜她打不进前五。 Under is a focus of public attention. 万众瞩目之下。 king Hanxia cuts the melon to cut the vegetable/dish in god beautiful jade trial among the roads, sweeps away all obstacles. 王珺霞在神瑛试炼中一路砍瓜切菜,所向披靡。 When she was separated from the trial space, when enters the settlement time, has expected god beautiful jade item spirit to the result is excited simply must have tears streaming down the face: Including mist Young Lady, you are my light! You are my only! The rise of our Zhuanxu Divine Palace depended on you.” 等她脱离了试炼空间,进入结算时间时,对结果已经有所预料的神瑛器灵激动得简直要泪流满面:“珺霞小姐,您就是我的光!您就是我的唯一!咱们颛顼神宫的崛起就靠您了。” While the item spirit voice drops. 就在器灵的话音落下的同时。 1000 several million years have not changed god beautiful jade list history total list's first, moved finally! 已经一千几百万年没有变动过的神瑛榜历史总榜第一名,终于动了! In the sharp shake of ranking tablet, until now controlled the first lord great wild goose position to dropping one firmly, him everyone pushed under downward! 在排名碑的剧烈震荡中,一直以来牢牢把控第一的界主“鸿”名次向下降了一位,同时也将他下方的所有人都往下推了一名! But in the he first position, presented another name king Hanxia. 而他原本第一的位置上,出现了另一个名字王珺霞。 Historical total list first! 历史总榜第一! This unexpected result, as the explosion information short spread in a minute entire World of Immortals. 这个出乎预料的结果,随着爆炸般的信息短短片刻间就蔓延了整个仙界 The entire World of Immortals common people burst with joy. 整个仙界的百姓都为之沸腾。 Indeed. 诚然。 Everyone thinks that this is an unprecedented time, the god beautiful jade list's first will definitely have the change, but no one has thought that young took the lead to take the historical total list including mist Young Lady unexpectedly first! 所有人都认为这是一个前所未有的时代,神瑛榜第一肯定会有变化,但谁也没有想到,年幼的珺霞小姐居然率先拿下了历史总榜第一! But this time king Hanxia, attained the total list's first to have the reward that smoothly. 而此时的王珺霞,也顺利拿到了总榜第一该有的奖励。 The specific content of reward is: The 20 ten thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, 300 drops of god source, 1 wisp of Immortal Spirit source and divine item 1 , 1 Emperor Seal inherits. 奖励的具体内容为:20万混沌灵石、300滴众神之源、一缕仙灵界本源、神器一柄,一枚帝印传承。 This is an incomparably rich reward, any of takes, makes most World of Immortals powerhouses sufficiently crazy. 这是一笔无比丰厚的奖励,其中的任何一项拿出去,都足以让绝大多数仙界强者为之疯狂。 Naturally, these rewards, only then front these partially are god beautiful jade list's reward, because the historical list front row change are too few, source and the Immortal Spirit source the god, as well as divine item has not consumed completely. 当然,这些奖励只有前面那些部分是神瑛榜本身的奖励,因为历史榜单的前列变化太少,众神之源和仙灵界本源,以及神器还未消耗殆尽。 As for finally that Emperor Seal inheritance, that is the prize that the immortal commission puts, be only the historical total list's first can obtain this prize, and currently only has five merely. 至于最后那一项帝印传承,那是仙委会投放进去的奖品,只有历史总榜第一才能获得此奖品,且目前仅仅只有五件。 However, according to the Wang Clan hitting list rule, these resources actually also relays merely in king Hanxia the hand, finally is captured and assigned by the clan unification, but she will obtain the corresponding contribution points reward. 不过,根据王氏内部的打榜规则,这些资源其实也仅仅是在王珺霞手中转一圈而已,最后还是得由家族统一收缴和分配,而她则是会获得相应的贡献值奖励。 Even so. 但即便如此。 king Hanxia also cocky, provoked Wang Yinxuan as before directly at the scene: Elder Brother, comes, brushes first Younger Sister to take a look to you.” 王珺霞也依旧嘚瑟不已,直接当场挑衅起了王寅轩:“哥,来来来,刷个第一给你妹妹瞅瞅。” These days, their brother and sister two may be on the bar, thought that oneself is the Savior of name brand, the lead of destiny, naturally is who refuses to accept anyone. 这段时间来,他们兄妹两个可算是杠上了,都觉得自己才是正牌的救世主,天命之主角,自然是谁都不服谁。 The Wang Yinxuan hearing this brow selects. 王寅轩闻言眉头一挑。 He felt words that oneself hits now, the result is mostly similar to king Hanxia, has not won her assurance that steadily, as soon as plans! 他感觉自己现在打的话,成绩多半和王珺霞差不多,没有稳赢她一筹的把握! However person who his Wang Yinxuan also has the card in a hand, naturally cannot instigate. 不过他王寅轩也是有底牌的人,自然不会怂。 Immediately, his unperturbed indicated: Three days. I recuperate the condition, three days later participates in god beautiful jade Bang test to practice.” 当即,他老神在在地表示:“三天。我调养一下状态,三天后就来参加神瑛榜试练。” Un? What medicine that in Wang Yinxuan this bottle gourd sells, should deliberately not delay the time? 嗯?王寅轩这葫芦里卖的什么药,该不会是在故意拖延时间吧? king Hanxia selects the eyebrow, some doubt sized up Wang Yinxuan several. 王珺霞挑眉,有些狐疑地打量了王寅轩几眼。 Brother and sister two takes eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan lineage/vein generation of only two two children, the resources that from infancy to maturity enjoys naturally are best, cultivation to this rank, the resources that should use has used, aptitude anything naturally also mentioned the limit. 兄妹两个作为王氏嫡长脉这一代唯二的两个孩子,从小到大享受的资源自然都是最好的,修炼到这个级别,该用的资源早就都用过了,资质什么的自然也是提到了极限。 Although she not too also missed oneself section of Wang Yinxuan clearly, why the bloodline aptitude can gradually tie her, but she does not believe from the start, only three days of time, oneself fool Elder Brother can go against the day. 虽然她不太清楚原本还差自己一截的王寅轩,为何血脉资质能逐渐追平她,但她压根不信,区区三天时间,自家傻子哥哥就能逆了天。 At that moment, she then complied refreshedly: Ok! Three days three days! I must have a look at you but actually three days later what can adjust!” 当下,她便爽快应了:“行!三天就三天!我倒要看看你三天后能调整成什么样!” Three days later. 三天之后。 Similarly under being a focus of public attention. 同样在万众瞩目之下。 Depends on the oneself laborious effort, enhanced Wang Yinxuan of wave of bloodline and strength makes a great show of one's talents in the god beautiful jade list trial, shows the shocking strength, finally the forcing king Hanxia a head, had not really covered the hot total list position ranked the first to rob her. 靠着自己辛苦努力,提升了一波血脉和实力的王寅轩在神瑛榜试炼中锋芒毕露,展现出了让人惊艳的实力,最后果然力压了王珺霞一头,将她还没捂热的总榜排名第一的位置抢走了。 king Hanxia was trampled directly second. 王珺霞直接被踹到了第二。 This result, god beautiful jade item spirit holds Wang Yinxuan to shed bitter tears immediately. 这结果一出,神瑛器灵顿时抱着王寅轩痛哭流涕。 My Immortal Clan must rise ~ my Immortal Clan wants greatly rise ~ this is unprecedented prosperous times, later Zhuanxu Divine Palace depended on Yinxuan Young Master! 仙族要崛起啊~我仙族要大兴啊~这是一个前所未有的盛世,以后颛顼神宫就靠寅轩公子了! item spirit completely seemed to have forgotten three days ago king Hanxia, put into the bosom of Wang Yinxuan happily. 器灵似乎已经完全忘记了三天前的王珺霞,开开心心投入了王寅轩的怀抱。 king Hanxia sees this result, is dumbfounded. 王珺霞见到这结果,也是目瞪口呆。 This, is this possible? 这,这怎么可能? Difficult to be inadequate, oneself Ancestral Grandfather regards men as superior to women, Elder Brother made up for a missed lesson to the fool covertly? 难不成,自家老祖爷爷重男轻女,偷偷摸摸给傻子哥哥补课了? ...... ……
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