POP :: Volume #8

#153: Golden Toad Dao Book! No lack of successors to conduct

...... …… What is my cultivation volume one!? 什么叫我修炼上卷!? What is finds time to teach star dust Princess and supreme yi the last volume!? 什么叫将下卷抽空教给星尘公主和至尊嬟!? Actually this is what cultivation technique!? 这究竟是一部什么样的功法!? The Wang Yinxuan full head is the question mark. 王寅轩满脑袋都是问号。 Moreover, Wang Yinxuan eventually is thin-skinned, not like Ancestral Grandfather such can naturally call them star and yi. 而且,王寅轩终究是脸皮薄,不像老祖爷爷那样可以如此自然地叫她们“星儿”和“嬟儿”。 However, although has mind filled with the doubts, but Wang Yinxuan trusts Ancestral Grandfather, without hesitating, on refining Golden Toad Dao Book, accepts the inheritance of Dao Book immediately. 不过,虽然满腹疑惑,但王寅轩老祖爷爷还是十分信任的,没有迟疑,立刻就炼化金蟾道书,接受了道书之传承。 In a twinkling, he understood the principle of this Golden Toad Dao Book. 霎时间,他就明白了这金蟾道书的原理。 This Dao Book, is such Dao Book! 道书,原来是这样的道书啊! He somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry immediately, under heart secret strange, Ancestral Grandfather is so upright the old-fashioned person, how also collection such Dao Book? 他顿时有些哭笑不得,心下不由暗暗奇怪,老祖爷爷那么刚正古板的人,怎么还收藏此等道书 The care wants to come, this Golden Toad Dao Book is Ancestral Grandfather picks mostly from some vestige, sees his Wang Yinxuan so condition, turns to look for the inheritance in him. 细细想来,这金蟾道书多半是老祖爷爷从某个遗迹中捡来的,见他王寅轩如此状况,才翻找出来传承于他。 But Golden Toad Dao Book effect, indeed gets quick results. 金蟾道书的效果,也的确立竿见影。 After cultivation Dao Book, his within the body that galloping moved restlessly, almost the brace exploded the strength of his meridians to be smoothed rapidly, transforms to be able by the energy that he absorbed. 修炼道书之后,他体内那股奔腾躁动,差点撑爆他经脉的力量迅速被抚平,转化成了能被他吸收的能量。 After the moment, he opens the eye, discovered with amazement the oneself bloodline aptitude, cultivation base, rose dramatically unexpectedly a section! 片刻后,他重新睁开眼睛,惊讶地发现自己血脉资质,修为,居然都暴增了一截! This cultivation technique may really extraordinary ~! 这个功法可真了不得~ Wang Yinxuan is pleasantly surprised. 王寅轩又惊又喜。 cultivation base to the Wang Yinxuan present situation, even if the aptitude is extremely high, the practicing speed also has become very slow, every time breaks through one usually to need to consume for several hundred years, this must be the aptitude is high enough, in resources also enough abundant situation. 要知道,修为到了王寅轩如今的地步,哪怕资质极高,修行速度也已经变得十分缓慢,每突破一层都往往需要消耗几百年时间,这还得是资质足够高,资源也足够充沛的情况下。 To have the so big progress in a short time, is not easy. 想要在短时间内拥有如此大的进步,可不容易。 When is joyful , the huge difficult problems were placed in front of him. Actually he must how do, can pass to star dust Princess and supreme yi the Dao Book last volume? 只是欣喜之余,又有一个巨大的难题摆在了在他面前。他究竟要怎么做,才能将道书下卷传给星尘公主和至尊嬟? This mission difficulty is really perhaps big. 任务的难度恐怕真不小。 First did not discuss regardless the issue of facial skin non- facial skin, must first find them. 抛开脸皮不脸皮的问题先不谈,首先还是得找到她们。 Just like the previous time, their matter flicked the sleeve, seemed vanishes in this world thoroughly. 和上次一样,她们事了拂衣去,好似彻底消失在了这个世间。 An enough several days scene, Wang Yinxuan leafed through entire ruled the world, encountered the innumerable supercilious looks and actions of driving away, had not found their two whereabouts. 足足好几日光景,王寅轩翻遍了整个君临天下,遭遇了无数白眼和驱赶,也未曾找到她们两个的下落。 But, he finally no longer rigid in seeking, then drank the stuffy coffee in the cafe, the expression filled was disconsolate and bitter and astringent. 无奈之下,他终于不再执着于寻找,转而在咖啡厅里喝起了闷咖啡,表情充满了惆怅和苦涩。 Women ~! 女人呐~ Yinxuan Young Master.” 寅轩公子。” At this time, Ji Tianyang appeared opposite of him, the elegant bearing toward his ritual, the smile sunlight on face was temperate, lets in the person heart comfortable: Several days do not see, Young Master peace and good health?” 这时,姬天阳出现在了他对面,风度翩翩地朝他一礼,脸上的笑容阳光而温和,让人心中舒泰:“数日不见,公子可安康?” Originally is the day of Yang brother. Please sit down.” “原来是天阳兄。请坐。” Wang Yinxuan eventually is top aristocratic family Young Patriarch, even if in heart depressed, in the deportment cannot pick up the slight mistake. 王寅轩终究是顶级世家少族长,哪怕心中苦闷,仪态上也挑不出丝毫的错。 He returns a courtesy politely, similarly is with the sunlight polite smile, and helped him order one cup of coffee. 他客气地回礼,同样报以阳光般的礼貌微笑,并帮他点了一杯咖啡。 Ji Tianyang takes a seat joyfully, is drinking the coffee, resembles careless smiling of: Yinxuan does Young Master seem like some concerns?” 姬天阳欣然落座,喝着咖啡,状似漫不经心的笑了笑:“寅轩公子似乎有些心事?” Wang Yinxuan looked at Ji Tianyang one eyes, slightly one hesitant, immediately is considering asking: Day Yang brother, days before interviewed your Reporter Linghu, your can days once contact with her?” 王寅轩看了姬天阳一眼,微微一犹豫,随即斟酌着问道:“天阳兄,前几日采访你的令狐记者,你这几日可曾和她联系过?” Ji Tianyang does intentionally to be astonished however: „After previous interview, I have not seen Reporter Linghu. What's wrong, Yinxuan can Young Master look for her? I can help you relate.” 姬天阳故作讶然:“上次采访之后,我就没见过令狐记者了。怎么,寅轩公子要找她?我可以帮你联系一下。” Does not use, does not use.” Wang Yinxuan disappointed shaking the head. “不用了,不用了。”王寅轩失望的摇头。 He knows that mostly is the supreme yi waistcoat, after the status of waistcoat was revealed that has abandoned mostly. 他知道那多半是至尊嬟的马甲,在马甲的身份被揭穿后,多半早已弃用。 These days Wang Yinxuan inquired in every way, had confirmed that that Reporter Linghu after that is late then disappears does not see, has not appeared again. 这几日王寅轩多方打听,也早已确认,那位令狐记者在那晚之后便消失不见,再也没出现过了。 Wang Yinxuan this appearance, Ji Tianyang watches, actually smiles at heart. 王寅轩这副模样,姬天阳看在眼里,却笑在心里。 After his observation and estimation, has almost been able to determine, Lord has stretched out the evil clutches to Wang Yinxuan, has gotten up the method. 经过他这一番观察和揣摩,几乎已经可以确定,主上已经对王寅轩伸出过了魔爪,上过了手段。 Takes a look at this Wang Yinxuan to be out of sorts to go down in the world, the appearance of being at a loss, the Lord method may really be the fairy measures not. 瞧瞧这王寅轩失神落魄,六神无主的模样,主上的手段可真是神鬼莫测。 Ji Tianyang puts aside this topic for the time being, serious saying: Yinxuan Young Master, follows your footsteps below hope, to expel Demon Race together, construction happy World of Immortals tries hard.” 姬天阳暂且撇开这话题,严肃的说道:“寅轩公子,在下希望追随您的脚步,一起为驱逐魔族,建设美好仙界而努力。” About this matter, Songyi has raised with me.” Listens to him to bring up this topic, the Wang Yinxuan expression also becomes serious, „before day Yang brother , although because of young frivolous, has made a mistake, but my family Ancestral Grandfather had approved you, the passing matter should also uncover. To me, hopes that can create the enterprise with the day Yang brother together.” “关于此事,宋一已经与我提过。”听他提起这个话题,王寅轩的表情也变得严肃起来,“天阳兄之前虽因年少轻狂,犯过错误,但我家老祖爷爷都已经重新认可了你,过往之事也该揭过了。就我个人而言,也希望能与天阳兄一起共创事业。” Ji Tianyang at present one bright, quickly sets out, salutes gravely: Day pays a visit Lord Yang.” 姬天阳眼前一亮,急忙起身,庄重行礼:“天阳拜见主上。” Wang Yinxuan was busy at setting out to support him, said with a smile lightly: Later was the brothers. However, the name of Lord is listening somewhat irritably, you called me Young Master ok.” 王寅轩忙起身扶住了他,轻笑道:“以后就是自家兄弟了。不过,主上的称呼听着有些别扭,你还是称呼我‘公子’好了。” Yes, Young Master.” Ji Tianyang respectful say/way. “是,公子。”姬天阳恭敬道。 Since the day Yang brother became my brother, I must express.” Wang Yinxuan asked him to take a seat with a smile, „, but, I do not know that the day of Yang brother lacked anything, for a while did not have the clue, was inferior that your oneself said.” “既然天阳兄成了我兄弟,我总得表示表示。”王寅轩笑着请他入座,“不过,我也不知天阳兄缺什么,一时没有头绪,不如你自己说说。” This......” Ji day Yang somewhat are not hesitant good to open the mouth. “这……”姬天阳有些犹豫不好开口。 Brothers who create the enterprise together, what hospitable air/Qi also there is?” Wang Yinxuan beckons with the hand with a smile, „, I asked you to handle matters, so will not be polite.” “都是一起共创事业的兄弟了,又有什么好客气的?”王寅轩笑着摆手,“以后我请你办事,可不会如此客气。” In view of this, was positive impolite on that day.” Ji Tianyang lifted the hand to seal up the two people space, this pulled out sources of the small bottle god cautiously, had the request to Wang Yinxuan, day Yang thinks invited Young Master, helped exchange a say/way to change the essence version.” “既如此,那天阳就不客气了。”姬天阳抬手封闭了两人所处的空间,这才小心翼翼地掏出了一小瓶众神之源,向王寅轩提出了请求,“天阳想请公子,帮忙兑换一支道改精华版。” Wang Yinxuan received looked, immediately is surprised. 王寅轩接过一看,顿时惊讶不已。 On this small bottle, feared that must have the sources of hundred drops of god. 就这一小瓶,怕是得有百滴众神之源。 He cannot bear looked is positive curiously to Ji day: Day Yang brother from where lane the source of such precious god?” 他忍不住好奇地看向姬天阳:“天阳兄从何处弄来如此之多珍贵的众神之源?” Ji day Yang Zao is prepared, in the hearing this heart, does not explain methodically: Our Ji Clan also formed the development team in the Ancient God battlefield advanced base. In explores in mission one time, obtained the sources of some gods luck.” 姬天阳早有准备,闻言心中也不慌,有条不紊地解释道:“我们姬氏古神战场前进基地也组建了开拓队。在一次探索任务中,幸运得到了些许众神之源。” This luck may be really good.” Wang Yinxuan nods slightly. “这运气可真不错。”王寅轩微微颔首。 Even in the Ancient God battlefield, sources of the god is still the extremely precious commodity, was rarer in the edge surrounding region, Ji Clan can obtain such a small bottle, the luck may be called goes against heaven's will. 即使在古神战场中,众神之源也是极为珍贵的物资,在边缘外围区域就更少见了,姬氏能得到这么一小瓶,运气堪称逆天。 Say/Way changes the essence version is the extremely valuable strategic resource, our Wang Clan usually does not exchange outward, only then some Immortal Emperor big shot opens the mouth, cannot push the face to exchange some occasionally, moreover usually is hundred drops exchanges one.” Wang Yinxuan said truthfully, I can help you exchange one, and asked my Ancestral Grandfather to act for your Dharma Protector one time. Even if the latter I gave your congratulatory gift.” “道改精华版是极为珍贵的战略性资源,我们王氏通常不对外兑换,只有一些仙帝大佬开口,推不过情面才偶尔兑换一些,而且通常都是百滴兑换一支。”王寅轩如实说道,“我可以帮你兑换一支,并且请我老祖爷爷出手为你护法一次。后者就算是我给你的贺礼了。” Many thanks Young Master helps.” Ji Tianyang facial expression is excited, is very grateful. “多谢公子成全。”姬天阳神情激动,十分感激。 But Shouzhe Dean now few lords, can please move his making a move nature to be personally very few. 守哲院长现在可是少界主,能请动他亲自出手者自然少之又少。 But the say/way changes essence version grade of heaven and earth most precious object likely, although the effect goes against heaven's will, but is not the god child of Great Principle boundary can withstand. 而像道改精华版这等天地至宝虽然功效逆天,但绝非大罗境的神子能够承受。 Normally, he can only , after promoting Chaos Origin Boundary, can use. 正常情况下,他就只能等到晋升混元境之后才能使用。 Wants the beneficial occupancy, besides Shouzhe Dean special bloodline Dharma Protector, is even the Immortal Emperor big shot is then helpless. 想要提前使用,除了守哲院长的特殊血脉护法之外,便是连仙帝大佬都无能为力。 Might as well, the day Yang brother you are my follower, but I do not lack clan contribution points.” Beckoning with the hand of Wang Yinxuan does not care about muddily. “无妨,天阳兄你可是我的追随者,而我也不太缺家族贡献值。”王寅轩浑不在意的摆了摆手。 Has his small Young Patriarch here, Ancestral Grandfather does not need to run to act personally Dharma Protector, only needs to make the tie with systems among palm, energy transfer on line, is not takes time. 有他这个小小少族长在这里,老祖爷爷也不用亲自跑来出手护法,只需要通过掌界令和系统间的纽带,将能量传输过来就行,也不算费事。 In Wang Yinxuan and Ji Tianyang, this frequented each other between new promote Lord and new promote followers, when harmony happiness. 就在王寅轩和姬天阳,这对新晋主上和新晋追随者之间你来我往,其乐融融之时。 Suddenly. 忽而。 Outside the cafe enters one group of graceful bearing outstanding females. 咖啡厅外走进一群风姿卓绝的女子。 And is of head looks young, the semblance was still the young girl appearance, but the look was beautiful, among the steps is passing one invincibly just like powerful self-confident. 其中为首的那位看着年龄不大,外表仍是少女模样,可相貌绝美,步履间透着一股宛若无敌般的强大自信。 Wang Clan present age orthodox lineage eldest daughter king Hanxia who this female, just rushed to the god beautiful jade palace. 此女,正是刚刚赶到神瑛殿的王氏当代嫡长女王珺霞。 king Yin......” “王寅……” Sees Wang Yinxuan from afar, king Hanxia puts out a hand to greet, result greeting has not fired off, her smile then solidified on the face. 远远看到王寅轩,王珺霞就伸手想要打招呼,结果招呼还没打完,她的笑容便凝固在了脸上。 She is staring Wang Yinxuan side Ji Tianyang, the tone is bad: This can scumbag man, how here?” 她瞪着王寅轩身旁的姬天阳,语气不善:“这渣男,怎么会在这里?” king Hanxia, you want the opens the mouth to slander others not.” Wang Yinxuan stared her one eyes, Ji day is positive, but my follower.” “王珺霞,你莫要张口就污蔑他人。”王寅轩瞪了她一眼,“姬天阳可是我的追随者。” Follower?!” king Hanxia air/Qi not to hit one, a pair of beautiful pupil stared the circle unbelievable, was good your Wang Yinxuan! this Young Lady just under crossed the boat, heard that you received the sentiment wound, wants to comfort you, making you feel the warmth of family member. Now, hehe...... good ~ you to receive this scumbag man to be the follower unexpectedly!” “追随者?!”王珺霞气不打一处来,一双美眸都难以置信地瞪圆了,“好你个王寅轩本小姐刚下渡舟,就听说你受了情伤,本想来安慰安慰你,让你感受一下家人的温暖。现在,呵呵……好哇~你竟然收了这个渣男做追随者!” Matter of Sir, child manage less.” “大人的事情,小孩子少管。” Wang Yinxuan knits the brows slightly. 王寅轩微微皱眉。 He felt that oneself had too many love pain recently, was all of a sudden maturer, even if so impolite facing king Hanxia, accusation of boasting, mentality also as before steady calm. 他感觉自己最近吃了太多爱情的苦,一下子成熟了许多,哪怕面对王珺霞这么没大没小,咋咋呼呼的指责,心态也依旧平稳淡定。 After speaking thoughtlessly dirtied oneself Younger Sister one, he looked that is positive to Ji day, face belt/bring apology: Day Yang brother, you must haggle over with my Younger Sister not, she is an innocent child.” 随口埋汰了自己妹妹一句后,他又看向姬天阳,脸带歉意:“天阳兄,你莫要和我妹妹计较,她就是个不懂事的孩子。” Wang Yinxuan! You said that who is the innocent child?! I had broken through the Great Principle boundary recently.” king Hanxia been mad is not good, immediately makes threatening gestures, comes, on us the arena disputes.” 王寅轩!你说谁是不懂事的孩子?!我最近可是已经突破到了大罗境。”王珺霞被气的不行,立刻张牙舞爪起来,“来来来,咱们上擂台较量较量。” Including mist Young Lady, you do not impulse.” Sees king Hanxia air/Qi this, nearby Chen Zilu quickly persuaded, Ji day has used his practical action to start with a clean slate Yang, even Shouzhe Dean allowed him to return to the front gate wall. I thought that Yinxuan Young Master receives him to work as the follower, absolutely does not have the issue.” “珺霞小姐,你千万别冲动。”见王珺霞气成这样,一旁的陈紫露急忙劝说,“姬天阳已经用他的实际行动改过自新,连守哲院长都允许他重归门墙了。我觉得寅轩公子收他当追随者,完全没有问题。” Purple reveal Elder Sister, you also for that scumbag man speech.” The cheek that king Hanxia air/Qi roused, in a pair of beautiful pupil full was the anger, I thought that you were hoodwinked the eye by his honeyed words. scumbag man is scumbag man, how to wash does not wash cleanly.” “紫露姐姐,你还替那渣男说话。”王珺霞气的腮帮子都鼓了起来,一双美眸中满是怒火,“我看你们都是被他的花言巧语蒙蔽了眼睛。渣男就是渣男,怎么洗都洗不干净。” Although Ji Tianyang superficial work almost does not have the flaw, but her intuition told her, this Ji Tianyang absolutely was not a good thing, gave her feeling to look like a poisonous snake of camouflage, Yin sad, but she did not have the substantive evidence unfortunately. 虽然姬天阳表面功夫做得几乎毫无破绽,但她的直觉告诉她,这姬天阳绝对不是个好东西,给她的感觉就像是一条伪装的毒蛇,阴恻恻的,可她偏又没实质证据。 Has a dangerous fellow to squat near own fool Elder Brother, is not good, what to do if harmed fool Elder Brother? 有那么个危险家伙蹲在自家傻子哥哥边上,一个不好,万一害了傻子哥哥怎么办? thoughts reach here, king Hanxia stares Wang Yinxuan saying: Wang Yinxuan, was inferior that we make a bet ~ we looked that whose follower is fierce, takes the god beautiful jade list rank as the standard, being situated high is the victory. Who won can put forward a condition to the opposite party.” 一念及此,王珺霞又瞪着王寅轩道:“王寅轩,不如咱们来打个赌呗~咱们就看谁的追随者厉害,以神瑛榜排行为标准,排行高者为胜。谁赢了就可以向对方提一个条件。” Wang Yinxuan stared her one eyes ill-humoredly: king Hanxia, can you should not be so weak? I am not in no mood to accompany you to cross each family now.” 王寅轩没好气的瞪了她一眼:“王珺霞,你能不能不要这么幼稚?我现在没心情陪你过家家。” Snort! That settled.” “哼!那就这么说定了。” king Hanxia snort/hum, had not given the opportunity of Wang Yinxuan rejection tenderly from the start. 王珺霞娇蛮地哼了一声,压根没给王寅轩拒绝的机会。 Although air/Qi does not want to manage him, but this eventually is her elder brother, even if he with silly son of landlord family/home is far-fetched, she must think the means this poisonous snake that is good at camouflaging, expels from fool Elder Brother. 虽然气的不想理他,但这终究是她哥,哪怕他跟个地主家的傻儿子似的不靠谱,她也得想办法将这条善于伪装的毒蛇,从傻子哥哥身边赶走。 A few words saying, she turned around to get Chen Zilu to leave natural. 一句话说罢,她转身就领着陈紫露潇洒离开了。 Wang Yinxuan wants to reject even, did not have the opportunity of opening the mouth. 王寅轩就算想拒绝,也没了开口的机会。 After king Hanxia walks, Wang Yinxuan somewhat looked that is positive reluctantly to Ji day, apologized for Younger Sister: Day Yang brother, my Younger Sister is pampered since childhood since childhood, the temperament is somewhat lawless. I apologized for her, you must haggle over with her not.” 等王珺霞走后,王寅轩有些无奈地看向姬天阳,替妹妹道歉道:“天阳兄,我那妹妹从小娇生惯养,脾气有些无法无天。我替她道个歉,你莫要与她计较。” What words is Young Master this?” Ji Tianyang smiles bitterly, „before this is me , the mistake that oneself violates, has the view is also fair to me including mist Young Lady, how will I blame her?” 公子这是什么话?”姬天阳苦笑,“这都是我以前自己犯下的错,珺霞小姐对我有看法也合情合理,我又怎么会怪她?” Wang Yinxuan also helpless sighing. 王寅轩也无奈的叹了口气。 The time is after several days. 时间又是过了几天。 For serveral days, as caught up with the person in god beautiful jade palace to be getting more and more, the god beautiful jade list was getting more and more lively, had almost peerless Heaven's Chosen to crop up every day, became the person with newly acquired wealth in list, the new favorite of media. 这些天,随着赶来神瑛殿的人越来越多,神瑛榜越来越热闹,几乎每天都有绝代天骄冒出头,成为榜单上的新贵,媒体的新宠。 Under the assistance of Wang Yinxuan, Wang Shouzhe remote sheltered Ji Tianyang to take the say/way to change the essence version, completed the commitment. 王寅轩的辅助下,王守哲隔空庇护了姬天阳服用道改精华版,完成了承诺。 However this time, Wang Clan also calculates that gained much. After all the say/way changes the essence version only to need the sources of 30 drops of god to synthesize, but Ji Tianyang gives, has 100 drops. 不过这一次,王氏也算赚了不少。毕竟道改精华版只需三十滴众神之源就能合成,而姬天阳给出的,却足足有一百滴。 But Ji Tianyang, after absorbing the say/way changes the essence version, obviously felt the huge promotion of bloodline aptitude. bloodline just broke through that little while, his even oneself as if already the feeling of unmatched in the world. 而姬天阳,在吸收完道改精华版之后,也明显感觉到了血脉资质的巨大提升。血脉刚突破那会儿,他甚至有一种自己仿佛已经天下无敌的感觉。 This naturally is the misconception. 这自然是错觉。 However, the promotion of the battle efficiency and potential is actually. 不过,战斗力和潜力的提升却是实打实的。 Excited, Ji Tianyang contacted Lord supreme yi finally again in secret. 兴奋之下,姬天阳终于再一次暗中联络了主上至尊嬟。 The communication method that because in World of Immortals the person uses now, the related technology grasps in the Wang Clan hand, never flows out, they are unable to obtain. 因如今仙界中人使用的通讯手段,相关技术都掌握在王氏手中,从不外流,他们也无从获得。 Therefore, even they, the daily contact still can only use the wrist watch that Wang Clan produces. 因此,即便是他们,日常联络也只能使用王氏出产的腕表。 In order to hide the whereabouts, they can only with hiding the password in daily expense often/common language, each other netting position. 为了隐藏行踪,他们只能用隐藏在日用常语中的密码,彼此沟通联络位置。 As before is in a cafe. 依旧是咖啡厅中。 Ji Tianyang is slightly petite with a stature, the makings actually gentle moving Immortal Clan female sits facing each other to drink the coffee. 姬天阳与一位身材略显娇小,气质却温婉动人的仙族女子对坐喝着咖啡。 In isolating barrier, Ji Tianyang reported a recent work progress and good news to the waistcoat of this supreme yi. 在隔绝屏障之中,姬天阳向这个至尊嬟的马甲汇报了一番最近的工作进展和喜讯。 Listens, this petite Immortal Clan female nods the commendation: Good that you make, after waiting for the matter to become, I can one and to the great control for you ask higher authorities.” 听完,这位身材娇小的仙族女子颔首称赞:“你做的不错,等事成之后,我会一并向伟大的主宰为你请功。” Many thanks Lord.” Ji Tianyang feels grateful passes message, later he takes undeserved credit whispering passes on the sound said, Lord, the subordinate also arranged a gift for you.” “多谢主上。”姬天阳感激传音,随后他又邀功般的低语传音道,“主上,属下还为您安排了一个礼物。” Gift? 礼物? Petite Immortal Clan female slightly surprise. 娇小仙族女子微微诧异。 Is speaking, the Wang Yinxuan figure penetration isolation barrier walked, surges wave ripples. 正说话间,王寅轩的身形穿透隔绝屏障走了进来,激荡起一阵水波般的涟漪。 His vision surprise looked at a Ji day Yang and that petite Immortal Clan female: Day Yang brother? This is......?” 他目光诧异的看了一眼姬天阳和那娇小仙族女子:“天阳兄?请问这位是……?” Ji Tianyang slightly awkward saying with a smile: Yinxuan Young Master, is sorry. I bumped into from the fellow villager a moment ago to win Ruyan Miss, chatted two.” 姬天阳略显尴尬的笑道:“寅轩公子,抱歉抱歉。我刚才碰到了来自同乡的【嬴如烟】姑娘,不免多聊了两句。” In this flash. 在这一瞬间。 The innermost feelings of supreme yi are the collapse, her facial expression nearly loses control at the scene. 至尊嬟的内心是崩溃的,她的面部表情险些当场失控。 Did Wang Yinxuan, how see Wang Yinxuan? 王寅轩,怎么又见到了王寅轩 This seems Ji Tianyang specially arranges. Ji Tianyang worked as the two-sided 25 young, betrayed her to Wang Yinxuan? 这似乎还是姬天阳特意安排的。难道,姬天阳当了双面二五仔,将她出卖给了王寅轩 When the supreme yi mentality almost collapses, Ji Tianyang vague passes message sound, resounds in her ear bank: Lord, you have given on Wang Yinxuan successfully a class, now strikes while the iron is hot, takes his good opportunity thoroughly. So, our important matter may become. You do not need to worry, I designed especially this time met by chance, the middle did not have the trap certainly.” 就在至尊嬟心态差点崩溃的时候,姬天阳若有若无的传音声,在她耳畔响起:“主上,您已成功给王寅轩上了一课,现在正是趁热打铁,彻底拿下他的良机。如此,咱们大计可成矣。您无需担心,我特地设计了此次偶遇,中间绝无陷阱。” In his sound is passing a taking undeserved credit flavor that is hard to conceal. 他的声音中透着一股难以掩饰的邀功味道。 What is a qualified subordinate? 什么叫一个合格的属下? That must understand to watch a person's every mood, must have the subjective initiative, can be a qualified subordinate. 那必须得懂得察言观色,得有主观能动性,才能算得上是一个合格的属下。 Which leader, will like the subordinate who dials one group to move? 哪个领导,会喜欢拨一拨才动一动的属下? However heard this saying supreme yi actually brain to explode. 然而听到这话的至尊嬟却脑子都要炸了。 Her innermost feelings full are numb Mapi. 她的内心满是麻麻批。 Ji Tianyang your son of a bitch, you determined that doesn't work in the manual supremely? You determined that isn't betraying was supreme? 姬天阳你这狗东西,你确定不是在教本至尊做事?你确定不是在出卖本至尊? Then good. 这下好了。 Also sent off a waistcoat of careful design training. 又送走了一个精心设计培养的马甲。 What a pity, even if in her heart has many bad languages to scold, meets Wang Yinxuan this matter is still a foregone conclusion, even if she present wants to run still late. 可惜,就算她心中有再多的脏话要骂,遇见王寅轩这事儿也已经成了定局,她就算现在想跑也晚了。 As Wang Yinxuan approaches, the condition of supreme yi rapid is not right, the cheeks start the flushed, the both legs start to tremble. 随着王寅轩靠近,至尊嬟的状态迅速不对劲了起来,脸颊开始潮红,双腿开始打颤。 „!” “得嘞!” Under Ji Tianyang watches a person's every mood, as if felt the Lord satisfactory attitude and action. 姬天阳察颜观色下,似乎感受到了主上的满意态度和行动力。 He quickly gave a pretext sets out: Oh no, I had a critical matter to delay. Yinxuan Young Master, you entertain a Xialao Township for me such as smoke Fairy.” 他急忙借口起身:“糟糕,我有一桩紧要事情耽搁了。寅轩公子,您替我招待一下老乡如烟仙子。” Saying, does not need both sides to agree, he looks like gust to depart in a hurry, deep concealed merit and name. 说着,也不待双方同意,他就像是一阵风般匆匆离去,深藏功与名。 After Ji Tianyang disappears, supreme yi this petite body sets out tremblingly: Yinxuan Young Master, the concubine body also has the urgent matter, in advance asks to be excused.” 等到姬天阳消失后,至尊嬟这具娇小身体颤巍巍起身:“寅轩公子,妾身也有急事,先行告退。” However, does not wait for her to leave the private room. 然而,不等她离开雅座。 Wang Yinxuan put out a hand to block her, the brow selected: You spend completely the method, makes me in this way, walked?” 王寅轩就伸手拦住了她,眉头一挑:“你费尽手段,通过这种方式约我,就这么走了?” Different from the previous time, has Wang Yinxuan that has experienced one time, sees familiar this condition change, almost the flash recognized. 不同于上一次,已经有过一次经验的王寅轩,见到她这熟悉的“病情”变化,几乎第一瞬间就认了出来。 This mostly is supreme yi! 这多半就是至尊嬟! Who made you?! 谁约你了?! The innermost feelings of supreme yi explode. 至尊嬟的内心都是炸的。 She does not want to explain, only wants to hurry to leave the scene. 她不想解释,只想赶紧离开现场。 Who would imagine, Wang Yinxuan actually not to the opportunity that she leaves, grabs her hand, looks like an overbearing president to draw her to walk in some direction: I have the matter to ask you to chat. Our issues must be solved.” 岂料,王寅轩却不给她离开的机会,一把抓住她的手,就像是个霸道总裁般拉着她往某个方向走去:“我有事要找你聊一聊。我们的问题必须解决。” Pitiful supreme yi, only lives to obtain to struggle several strengths, under glare of the public eye, seems pair of a young lover of quarrelling, yielded with a show of reluctance is dragged into the spirit energy ladder, to the top Wang Yinxuan oneself room. 可怜的至尊嬟,只生得出挣扎几下的力气,就在众目睽睽之下,好似一对吵架的小情侣般,半推半就地被拉入了灵能梯,一路到了顶层王寅轩自己的房间内。 However. 然而。 Also without and other Wang Yinxuan closed, star dust Princess like wipes the spirit appeared silently spookily in the entrance, the look looks at Wang Yinxuan. 还没等王寅轩关门,星尘公主就像一抹幽灵般无声无息出现在了门口,眼神幽幽的看着王寅轩 That look, seems some hidden bitterness and angry, seemed looking a pair steals food not to lead the oneself bad men and women. 那眼神,好似有些幽怨和恼怒,仿佛是在看一对偷吃不带自己的坏男女。 „!” “得了!” Wang Yinxuan laughs at one, in the heart is the air/Qi wants to smile: Could not find either, either looks is a pair, both of you will also very play.” 王寅轩嗤笑一声,心中又是气又是想笑:“要么一个都找不到,要么一找就是一双,你们俩还挺会玩。” Wang Yinxuan like little Tyrant always, holds on star dust Princess, entrains in her crosses the threshold. 王寅轩如同小霸总般,一把拉住星尘公主,将她也拽入门内。 Bang! 砰! The gate was closed. 门被关上。 Then, quick did not have then. 然后,很快就没有然后了。 Also is long one night passes. 又是漫长的一夜过去。 Next morning. 第二天清晨。 Under shining of dawn, Wang Yinxuan lies down on the bed face up, looks at the eye no longer cavity and vacant of ceiling, instead fell into during the deep reconsideration. 在晨曦的照耀下,王寅轩仰面躺在大床上,看着天花板的眼睛不再空洞和茫然,反而是陷入了深深的反思之中。 Last night oneself repeatedly stressed must chat well, but why developed in the unhealthy relations rapidly? 昨晚自己明明一再强调要好好谈谈,可为何又迅速发展到了不健康的关系上? When doesn't start healthily? 什么时候开始不健康的? Right! From the beginning fortunately, two females normal outbreak, but when he puts out Golden Toad Dao Book that Ancestor hands down, lets them after the way of order starts to comprehend the second half volume, suddenly the style is not right. 对了!一开始还好,俩女都只是正常“发病”,可当他拿出老祖宗传下的金蟾道书,以命令的方式让她们开始参悟下半卷后,忽然画风就不对劲了。 At this time. 这时。 star dust Princess and supreme yi two females also awoke, is very tacit start puts on clothes silently, obviously is a preparation quickly flees the stance of crime scene. 星尘公主和至尊嬟两女也睡醒了,又是很默契的开始默默穿衣,显然是一副准备迅速逃离案发现场的架势。 Halts.” Wang Yinxuan gets back one's composure, quickly prevents two females, we must discuss well, cannot always like this.” “都站住。”王寅轩回神,急忙阻止两女,“咱们还是得好好谈一谈,不能老是这样子。” If this time whatever they walked, which corner it is estimated that will hide to, wants to look cannot think. Then crosses several days, intends or has no intention again to bump into the same place, starts the next samsara. 如果这一次任由她们走了,估计又会躲到哪个角落里面去,想找也想不到。然后过个几天,再有意或无意碰到一起,又开始下一个轮回。 What person my Wang Yinxuan did this regard? 这把我王寅轩当成什么人了? Hears the Wang Yinxuan words, two female movements stop slightly, the look is some twinkles, seems not willing to face the present aspect, the instinct wants to run away. 听到王寅轩的话,两女动作微微停顿,眼神皆是有些闪烁,似乎不太愿意面对眼前的局面,本能的就想逃走。 cough cough!” 咳咳!” Wang Yinxuan coughs hastily two, said seriously: Now the sage time, while everyone, us chats sanely well, solves the problem.” 王寅轩连忙咳嗽两声,严肃道:“现在正是贤者时间,趁着大家理智都在,咱们好好聊一聊,解决解决问题。” His heart is also helpless sighed. 他心头也是无奈叹息。 Wang Clan so many people are in love to marry the wife for generations, does not have one to look like him to discuss is so odd! 王氏祖祖辈辈那么多人谈恋爱娶老婆,就没有一个像他谈的这么离谱的! hearing this, supreme yi lowers the head to take a look to him, the low and deep hoarse sound coldly said: I have a solution, are you willing to listen?” 闻言,至尊嬟低头瞅向他,略带低沉沙哑的声音冷冷说道:“我有一个解决方案,你愿意听吗?” Wang Yinxuan heart one happy. 王寅轩心头一喜。 The plot development started to be separated from the circulation finally! So long as there is a change, is good to change. 剧情发展总算开始脱离循环了!只要有变化,就是好变化。 ...... ……
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