POP :: Volume #8

#152: I imagine the love am not like this

Chapter 1098 第1098章 I imagine the love am not like this 我想象中的爱情不是这样子的 ...... …… But when star dust Princess arrives, supreme yi in private room could not soon have sat still. 而就在星尘公主到来的时候,雅座中的至尊嬟已经快要坐不住了。 She ships out an anxiety, the embarrassed appearance, is blushing the face casts aside to one side: Yinxuan Young Master, but did the great person, like the young reporter, where interview Yinxuan Young Master slightly competently?” 她装出一副紧张,不好意思的模样,微红着脸将脸撇向了一边:“寅轩公子可是大人物,像微微这样的小记者,哪里够资格采访寅轩公子?” Saying, she wants to find the excuse to leave. 说着,她就想找借口离开。 But has not waited for her to find the excuse, Ji Tianyang then urged with a smile: Reporter Linghu was modest. The professionalism when you interviewed show to me, but made my impression profound, interviews Yinxuan Young Master not to have any issue. Let alone, our Yinxuan Young Master is always genial, must not feel embarrassed you.” 但还没等她找好借口,姬天阳便笑吟吟地劝道:“令狐记者自谦了。你才给我采访时展现出的专业素养,可是让我印象深刻,想必采访寅轩公子也不会有任何问题。何况,咱们寅轩公子向来和善,必不会为难你。” Supreme yi: „......” 至尊嬟:“……” She lifts the pupil to look that is positive to Ji day, is bringing to one that on Ji Tianyang threw quietly self-satisfied look that takes undeserved credit meaning. 她抬眸看向姬天阳,却正对上了姬天阳悄悄投来的一个带着邀功意味的得意眼神。 That look, the live image was saying, how, the subordinate does coordinate well?” 那眼神,活像是在说,“怎么样,属下配合得不错吧?” After supreme yi touched secretly molar, the flash ripped Ji Tianyang heart to have continually, Ji Tianyang had not actually detected that slightly was not right, instead admired to supreme yi in the heart. 至尊嬟暗暗摸了摸后槽牙,一瞬间连撕了姬天阳的心都有,姬天阳却丝毫没有察觉到不对,反而在心中对至尊嬟佩服不已。 Demon Race that Lord most is good at ambushing worthily is supreme, looked that her shames the belt/bring to be astringent, wants the appearance that welcomed also resists, but also was really being in love young girl an incisiveness of flavor deduction. 主上不愧是最擅长潜伏的魔族至尊,看她那羞中带涩,欲迎还拒的模样,还真是将一个怀春少女的韵味演绎的淋漓尽致。 This makes Ji day think Yang learned. 这让姬天阳觉得学到了。 For to the Lord supreme yi creation opportunity , helping her take advantage of opportunity to take Wang Yinxuan, on a steady wave of general situation, Ji Tianyang naturally cannot fall the chain, must complete the auxiliary adjusting work inevitably. 为了给主上至尊嬟创造机会,助她顺势拿下王寅轩,稳上一波大局,姬天阳自然不能掉链子,势必要做好辅助配合工作。 Without the opportunity of giving supreme yi again opening the mouth, he then pushed immediately the crowded eye to Wang Songyi, you understood the appearance, lowers the sound to say to him: „The Songyi brother, I have the important matter to look for you to chat, we borrow a step speech.” 没给至尊嬟再次开口的机会,他当下便对王宋一挤了挤眼睛,一副“你懂得”的模样,冲他压低声音道:“宋一兄,我有要紧事情找伱聊一聊,咱们借一步说话。” The Wang Songyi second understands. 王宋一秒懂。 He also thought that Wang Yinxuan cannot go one way to the end in star dust Princess that other multi- contact point girls or the permissions help him get rid as soon as possible dispirited. 他也觉得王寅轩不能在星尘公主那一棵树上吊死,多接触点其他女孩或许可帮助他尽快摆脱颓丧。 At that moment, he smiles is nodding the head does right after something else, acts in harmony with Ji day Yang singing a duet: Day Yang brother, I also had the matter to say with you by chance. Walks, we go to the hanging garden to chat.” 当下,他微笑着颔首接茬,跟姬天阳一唱一和配合默契:“天阳兄,我恰巧也有事与你说。走走走,咱们去空中花园叙话。” two people talked, various bosom thoughts, are putting arms around shoulders departure. 两人你一言我一语,各怀心思,勾肩搭背着离开。 Looks that two people does not yearn for the back that leaves fast, supreme yi is dumbfounded, the innermost feelings are similar tens of thousands damn to dash about wildly. 看着两人毫不留恋快速离开的背影,至尊嬟目瞪口呆,内心仿佛有几万头草泥马狂奔而过。 She couldn't help slivering several hundred to feed the dog Ji Tianyang. 她都忍不住要将姬天阳切成几百段喂狗去了。 What a pity. 可惜。 Even does not want, the situation still turns into one and Wang Yinxuan that she most is not willing to face lives alone. 就算再不愿意,情况也变成了她最不愿意面对的一种王寅轩独处。 Under Wang Yinxuan vision To watch attentively, supreme yi obviously thought oneself was more anxious, the body feels hot slightly, trembles to palpitate gently, does not cast a sidelong glance carefully Wang Yinxuan, immediately the mind surges, the both legs become tender, seemed saw the male god who was lost in a reverie a lot of th was common. 王寅轩的目光注视下,至尊嬟明显觉得自己更加紧张了,身躯微微发烫,轻轻颤悸,不小心瞟了一眼王寅轩,立即心神激荡,双腿发软,好似见到了魂牵梦绕千百世的男神一般。 This is her light/only, this is her only. 这就是她的光,这就是她的唯一。 She clearly knows that this is the reason of desire principle, but is extremely also difficult to contain the even more blazing desire, the whole person even more boiling hot and shivers. 她明知道这是欲望法则的缘故,但又极难遏制住愈发炽热的欲望,整个人愈发滚烫和颤抖。 Wang Yinxuan at this moment, is nothing interests and other girls associates certainly. 此刻的王寅轩,当然是没什么兴趣和其他女孩子交往。 He thinks after polite several, leaves, but has not opened the mouth, notices the situation of this Reporter Linghu to seem like some is not right. 他本来想礼貌几句后就离开,但还没开口,就注意到这位令狐记者的情况似乎有些不对劲。 He before arriving at the words of mouth stops suddenly, cannot bear step onto the going concern saying: Linghu Miss, are you all right? Whether needs me to help you look for cultivator that is good at treating to come?” 他临到嘴边的话戛然而止,忍不住走上前去关切道:“令狐姑娘,你没事吧?是否需要我帮你找一位擅长治疗的修士来?” So long as you roll, the old lady can quickly restore. 只要你滚远一点,老娘就能很快恢复。 Supreme yi is filled with hot tempered, wants to explode the swearing, scolded Wang Yinxuan, may have words on the tip of the tongue, actually turned whispered gently: Many thanks Young Master shows solicitude, I, I am all right.” 至尊嬟满心暴躁,很想爆粗口,把王寅轩骂一顿,可话到嘴边,却变成了温柔低语:“多谢公子体恤,我,我没事。” The words just said that she shivers was fiercer, after the ear , the root rosy wants to drop, because Wang Yinxuan depended near. 话刚说完,她又颤抖的更厉害了,耳后根娇红欲滴,因为王寅轩靠得更近了。 This, I hold you to return to the room to rest.” “这样吧,我扶你回房休息一下。” Wang Yinxuan sees this, the heart is also the suspicion grows thickly, cannot bear ponders secretly. Is it possible that this does Miss have what secret disease? 王寅轩见她这样,心头也是疑窦丛生,忍不住暗忖。这姑娘莫非有什么隐疾? His education told him, in this situation cannot so walk away absolutely. 他的教养告诉他,这种情况下绝对不能如此一走了之。 Finally his these words, made supreme yi intense the scalp to blast out. 结果他这一句话,却让至尊嬟紧张得头皮都炸开了。 Merely close to already like this, this, if were held the room by you, the old lady can fall to the enemy Dark Void Realm? 仅仅是靠近就已经这样了,这要是被你扶回了房间,老娘岂不是要沦陷到黑暗虚界去了? She just wants to struggle was saying that two do not want, does not want time. 她刚想挣扎着说两句“不要啊,不要啊”的时候。 Not far away is observing in secret, the innermost feelings intertwine, but complex star dust Princess, suddenly delicate eyebrows one pressed, the look suddenly becomes swift and fierce. 不远处正在暗中观察,内心纠结而复杂的星尘公主,忽而秀眉一蹙,眼神陡然变得凌厉起来。 It is not right, the situation is not very right. 不对劲,情况很不对劲。 That female somewhat cannot control aura that divulges, although is hard to perceive very weakly, but this clearly was couple days ago that Demon Race female supreme...... 那位女子有些控制不住泄露出来的一丝气息,虽然十分微弱而难以觉察,但这分明就是前几天那位魔族女至尊…… Good your supreme yi! 好你个至尊嬟! You do not pay attention while this Princess, the movement is very quick ~! 你趁着本公主不注意,动作还挺快呀~ The star dust Princess innermost feelings mood surges, felt that seemed is stolen the family/home to be the same by the sworn enemy incautiously , terrified and anxious anger that was hard to contain well uped. 星尘公主内心情绪激荡,感觉好似一不小心被死对头偷了家一般,一股难以遏制的愤怒、惶恐、不安的情绪涌上心头。 In this flash, original pacing back and forth and intertwined to be thrown outside the Jiuxiao/nine firmaments cloud by her. 在这一瞬间,原本的彷徨和纠结全都被她丢到了九霄云外。 The star dust Princess half step goes forward, first Wang Yinxuan one step supported supreme yi, warm-hearted people the appearance said: This Young Master, the concubine body understands a treatment, might as well deliver her to go back slightly to make the care by me.” 星尘公主快步上前,先王寅轩一步扶住了至尊嬟,一副“热心群众”的模样道:“这位公子,妾身懂一点治疗手段,不如由我送她回去略作照料。” Her mentality is clear. 她的思路非常清晰。 Before this Princess has not set firm resolve, must first entrain Yinxuan Young Master supreme yi this enchanting inexpensive goods, in order to avoid stole food by her incautiously. 本公主还未下定决心前,得先把至尊嬟这妖娆贱货拽得寅轩公子远一点,以免一不小心被她偷吃了。 But she just collected near, comes under the influence of desire principle all of a sudden becomes fierce, the tender body somewhat rocks, the both legs become tender almost cannot halt, similarly does not dare to look at Wang Yinxuan, for fear that fell to the enemy. 可她刚凑得近了些,受到欲望法则的影响就一下子变得剧烈起来,娇躯有些晃动,双腿发软差点站不住,同样也不敢看王寅轩,生怕一眼就沦陷了。 Naturally, this is also because their two each one only withstood half of desire principles, otherwise, the situation absolutely be more difficult than ten times the present. 当然,这也是因为她们两个各自只承受了一半的欲望法则,否则,处境绝对要比现在艰难十倍。 After all this method came from in the desire control of different world, is one of his special skills. It controlled many 19th stage at that time, even is two tenth stage desire servants. 毕竟这手段源自于异世界的欲望主宰,乃是他的看家本领之一。它当时可是掌控了诸多十九阶,甚至是二十阶的欲望奴仆。 Supreme yi slightly one stiff, obviously also realized who comes the person is, has not actually rejected, instead quite coordinates. 至尊嬟微微一僵,显然也意识到了来人是谁,却没有拒绝,反而相当配合。 Wang Yinxuan sees some people to stand to take over a business on own initiative, Linghu as if did not oppose slightly, under the heart is also relaxes secretly, polite steps back, toward a star dust Princess ritual, thanked slightly: Many thanks Miss helps, then asks to be excused below in advance.” 王寅轩见有人主动站出来接盘,令狐微微似乎也不反对,心下也是暗松了一口气,客气的退后一步,朝星尘公主微微一礼,感谢道:“多谢姑娘施以援手,那在下就先行告退。” He has not recognized this is to replace star dust Princess of appearance at present, only thought that the present matter makes him somewhat disturbed, does not want to remain. 他也没认出来眼前这位就是更换过容貌的星尘公主,只觉得眼前之事让他有些心绪不宁,也不想多留。 Also, retreating of Wang Yinxuan politeness. 随之,王寅轩礼貌的退走。 When he leaves the cafe, the condition of star dust Princess and supreme yi restored immediately much, on cheeks flushed red starts to abate gradually. 等他一离开咖啡厅,星尘公主和至尊嬟的状态顿时都恢复了不少,脸颊上的酡红渐渐开始消退。 Two female vision to, the thick hostility and a murderous intention are dense immediately, before has not known how things stand completely day, when the consciousness is dim captures Wang Yinxuan jointly that such as the sisters tacit understanding. 两女目光对上,浓浓的敌意和一丝杀机顿时氤氲而起,完全没有了数日之前,意识朦胧间联手攻略王寅轩时那如好姐妹般的默契。 If not the condition is not right, the environment is inappropriate, they must attack brutally probably, minute/share victory and defeat, decides Life and Death. 如果不是自身状况不对,环境不合适,她们保不齐就要大打出手了,既分胜负,也决生死 Finally at this moment. 结果就在这时。 Should leave Wang Yinxuan of cafe, suddenly turned. 本该已经离开咖啡厅的王寅轩,忽然又拐了回来。 Unexpected, star dust Princess and supreme yi quickly restrain the hostility and murderous intention in eye, simultaneously both legs one soft, dropped respectively on the seat trembled. 猝不及防下,星尘公主和至尊嬟急忙收敛起眼里的敌意和杀机,同时双腿一软,各自跌落在了座椅上发颤。 The Wang Yinxuan gathering near, the sound is somewhat apologetic: two Miss, my family education does not permit my......, two Miss, your conditions are very not right, is this really unimportant?” 王寅轩凑到近前,声音有些歉然:“两位姑娘,我的家教不允许我这样……咦,两位姑娘,你们的状况都很不对劲,这样真的不要紧吗?” Two females are biting the lip, almost exploded the swearing in the heart simultaneously. 两女咬着嘴唇,几乎同时在心中爆起了粗口。 You special hurry, we were all right. 你特么赶紧走,我们就没事了。 You came to walk like this, walk came, the repeated stimulation, really thinks the pit did die we? 你这样来了又走,走了又来,反复的刺激,是真想坑死我们么? However has words on the tip of the tongue, naturally changed a flavor: Many thanks Young Master cared, this was the old problem, rested then.” 然而话到嘴边,又自然变了一番味道:“多谢公子关心,这是老毛病了,休息一下便会好了。” I did not feel relieved. Like this, I first deliver you to go to the room.” Wang Yinxuan is knitting the brows, the tone is serious, this Miss your condition good, you hold her.” “我不是太放心。这样吧,我先送你们回房间。”王寅轩微皱着眉,语气郑重,“这位姑娘你状态好一点,你来扶着她。” The star dust Princess instinct said amenable: Good.” 星尘公主本能顺从道:“好。” Also helped up supreme yi. 随之扶起了至尊嬟。 Wang Yinxuan asked that understands the room that supreme yi lives, then escorted them to go to the room situated in restaurant intermediate level. 王寅轩问明白了至尊嬟住的房间,便一路护送着她们回了位于酒楼中间层的房间。 Supreme yi has many waistcoats, not possible the dwellings of all waistcoats to arrange in together, to have it all like this easily. 至尊嬟有很多个马甲,自不可能将所有马甲的住处都安排在一起,这样容易被一锅端了。 After entering the room . 进了房间后。 Has insisted very strenuous star dust Princess, the blushing ear said to Wang Yinxuan scarlet: This Young Master, the men and women give and receive do not kiss. You first walk, here has me to look after on the line.” 已经坚持得十分吃力的星尘公主,脸红耳赤地对王寅轩说道:“这位公子,男女授受不亲。你先走吧,这里有我照看着就行。” Wang Yinxuan one wants to be this truth, then said goodbye to leave again. 王寅轩一想是这道理,便再次告辞离开。 As door kacha closes. 随着房门“咔嚓”一声关上。 Were also supporting by the arm a moment ago mutually two females received an electric shock to distribute, looked that filled the strong hostility and murderous intention to the eyes of opposite party again. 刚才还互相搀扶着的两女触电般分开,看向对方的眼里再次弥漫起了浓烈的敌意和杀机。 The tight atmosphere starts to fill the air in the air. 紧张的气氛开始在空气中弥漫开来。 Laughed at me.” Also some supreme yi lip angles of being able to come to a stop bring back, smile coldly taunt, star dust Princess, looked your seems the unearthly clear appearance, I also think that you have pure and holy noble, actually does not think, originally has been staring at Yinxuan Young Master in secret.” “笑死我了。”还有些站不稳的至尊嬟唇角勾起,笑得冷冽又嘲讽,“星尘公主是吧,看你一副好似不食人间烟火的清纯模样,我还以为你有多圣洁高贵,却不想,原来一直暗中盯着寅轩公子。” The star dust Princess tender body becomes tender, creakies, the cheeks exude as before are having one's face flushed with drink red, actually does not delay on the mouth to counter-attack: You are the guilty party sues first! I thought that you are staring at Yinxuan Young Master that person in secret, I revealed your evil acrobatics.” 星尘公主娇躯发软,摇摇欲坠,脸颊依旧泛着酡红,却丝毫不耽误嘴上反击:“你这是恶人先告状!我看你才是暗中盯着寅轩公子的那人,我不过是揭穿了你的邪恶把戏。” Supreme yi, I had not forgotten, you are the Demon Race spy. Has me, you gave up any idea of that injures to Yinxuan Young Master. I urged you to leave immediately, return to Demon Realm, otherwise do not blame me to put to death you.” “至尊嬟,我可没忘记,你乃是魔族奸细。有我在,你休想伤害到寅轩公子。我劝你立即离开,返回魔界,否则就别怪我将你诛杀。” Giggle ~ is really a joke.” Supreme yi heard what joke to be the same probably, smiles the flowering branch to shiver all over, recklessly however was crazy, this supreme bothersomest was you like this not only worked as and vertical enchanting goods. You as going down in the world fleeing from calamity Princess, want to depend on flatter Yinxuan Young Master to stand firm in World of Immortals, that clearly recognizes the oneself position honestly.” “咯咯咯~真是个笑话。”至尊嬟像是听到了什么笑话一般,笑得花枝乱颤,肆意而疯狂,“本至尊最烦的就是你这样既当又立的妖娆货。你身为一个落魄的逃难公主,想要靠着巴结寅轩公子仙界站稳脚跟,那就老老实实认清自己的位置。” Little ships out a clear innocent green tea type with the old lady especially, bullies sentimental pure Yinxuan Young Master. That night, I saw with own eyes Yinxuan Young Master in the appearance that in the corridor tree room absent-minded went down in the world, really I loved dearly.” “少特么跟老娘装出一副清纯无辜的绿茶样,来欺负感情单纯的寅轩公子。那天晚上,我可是亲眼见到了寅轩公子在走廊树屋内失神落魄的样子,真叫我心疼。” Stayed for a long time in Immortal Clan, supreme yi also understood certainly the Immortal Clan pop culture, she thought that with green tea two characters described this star dust Princess, was appropriate. 仙族呆得久了,至尊嬟当然也懂仙族的流行文化,她觉得用“绿茶”两字形容这个星尘公主,最是贴切不过。 You! You are stopping at no evil Demoness, what qualifications had to say this Princess?!” star dust Princess looks very angry, such as in colored glaze bright eye pupil murderous intention just like essence. “你!你不过是个无恶不作的魔女,有什么资格说本公主?!”星尘公主怒容满面,如琉璃般剔透的眼眸中杀机宛若实质。 Under combative looking at each other of two people, the atmosphere in room is even more intense, as if wants little sparks/Mars, hits immediately. 两人的杀气腾腾对视下,房间里的氛围愈发紧张,似乎只要一点点火星,就会立刻打起来。 Is good rules the world hotel to construct luxuriously because of this, conducted sound-insulated to arrangement array from the material, processing that against spies on, each room is quite private. 好在这君临天下酒店建造奢华,从材料到布置的阵法都进行了隔音,防窥探的处理,每个房间都比较私密。 Otherwise, does not have cultivator to dare to live in this type of restaurant. 否则,也没有修士敢住这种酒楼。 Suddenly. 忽而。 Ding-dong ~! Ding-dong ~!” “叮咚~!叮咚~!” The dings resound. 门铃声响起。 Two female quickly received murderous aura. 两女急忙收起了杀气。 Supreme yi goes forward to open the door, said to Wang Yinxuan that is returning to worn out: Young Master, how did you come?” 至尊嬟上前开门,对着去而复返的王寅轩有气无力道:“公子,您怎么又来了?” this time, Wang Yinxuan has not passed through the gate, but stands in the entrance slightly worries to say obviously: I a little do not feel relieved your conditions. Like this, medicinal pill of my some secure Shenning air/Qi, you first try the effect.” 这一次,王寅轩并没有进门,而是站在门口略显担忧道:“我还是有点不放心你们的状态。这样吧,我这里有一些安神宁气的丹药,你们先试一试效果。” „If not good, I can also assuming personal command remote antiquity Immortal Emperor please come to diagnose and treat for you.” “若是不行,我还能将坐镇的太上仙帝请过来为你们诊疗。” However. 然而。 His voice has not fallen, was held by the present female, entrained the room fiercely. 他话音还没落下,就被眼前的女子一把抓住,猛地拽进了房间。 Bang, the gate was closed. “砰”的一声,门被关上。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Strength of the invisible Prison Cage covered the entire room, all isolated with the outside world three people, still resembled to enter another side world. 一道无形的囚笼之力笼罩住了整个房间,将三人悉数与外界隔绝开来,犹似进入到了另外一方世界 This familiar flavor, this familiar feeling. 这熟悉的味道,这熟悉的感觉。 The Wang Yinxuan look all of a sudden becomes incomparably frightened, whole face with amazement: Hates Prison Cage? Your you, are you supreme yi?” 王寅轩的眼神一下子变得无比惊悚,满脸骇然:“仇恨囚笼?你你你,你是至尊嬟?” Right, the old lady is supreme yi.” “没错,老娘就是至尊嬟。” When speech, Linghu slightly figure appearance fluctuates, suddenly then restored the supreme yi original appearance. 说话时,“令狐微微”的身形容貌一阵变幻,眨眼间便恢复了至尊嬟本来的模样。 Her stature must select compared with common Immortal Clan high, the flesh like the snow, the figure is proud, a long hair is black and straight, the top of the head lives one pair to flatter the demon horn, the rib lives the both wings, the back also steadily a tail. 她的身材比寻常仙族要高挑一些,肌肤如雪,身段傲人,一头长发又黑又直,头顶生着一对媚魔般的犄角,肋生双翅,背后还长着一条尾巴。 Her five senses are not fine, but synthesizes appears beautiful and bewitching and charming, is passing the stock not being able to say character and style. 她的五官算不上精致,但综合起来却显得妖冶而妩媚,透着股说不出的风情。 However at this moment, her pair of charming demon eye is actually exuding the scarlet ray, leaves to is staring at Wang Yinxuan angrily. 不过此刻,她那一双妩媚的魔眼却泛着猩红的光芒,出离愤怒地盯着王寅轩 I ask you to leave, you do not walk. Did you have not to have?!” “我让你走,你偏不走。你还有完没完了?!” Good!! Can you toss about? I laid cards on the table! I do not install!” “好!!你要折腾是吧?我摊牌了!我不装了!” Wang Yinxuan came to walk, walks came, the repeated stimulation, making mood not good her be compelled the out of control edge directly. 王寅轩来了又走,走了又来,反反复复的不停刺激,让本就情绪不好的她直接被逼到了失控的边缘。 What is odder, he also prepares to call diagnosing and treating remote antiquity Immortal Emperor unexpectedly! 更离谱的是,他居然还准备把太上仙帝叫过来诊疗! Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor one, can oneself also run?! 太上仙帝一来,自己还能跑得掉吗?! Under stimulates repeatedly, the anger in supreme yi heart more burns more blazing, got the winning side unexpectedly, rushed the strength of desire principle to suppress within the body faintly some. 反复刺激下,至尊嬟心中的怒火越燃越炽,竟是占据了上风,将体内澎湃的欲望法则之力都隐隐压制了些许。 The Wang Yinxuan cold sweat is dripping, the hollow laugh is retreating backward: „Do I, I walk now also with enough time?” 王寅轩冷汗淋漓,干笑着向后退去:“我,我现在走还来得及吗?” Late!” The supreme yi eye pupil flood red, throws combative to Wang Yinxuan, „, only then you died, my sickness thorough good.” “晚了!”至尊嬟眼眸泛红,杀气腾腾地向王寅轩扑去,“只有你死了,我的病才会彻底好。” However. 然而。 Supreme yi just now approaches Wang Yinxuan, strength of the manic desire burns crazily in within the body, burns her one to stagger, almost must weak in the place. 至尊嬟才刚逼近王寅轩,一股狂躁的欲望之力就在她体内疯狂燃烧起来,烧得她一阵踉跄,几乎要瘫软在地。 Her movement immediately is a distortion, hated the imprisonment of Prison Cage to relax flickered. 她的动作顿时就是一阵变形,就连仇恨囚笼的禁锢都放松了一瞬。 Wang Yinxuan seizes the opportunity to sneak off from her claw immediately, runs away crazily in the room. 王寅轩立刻抓住机会从她爪下溜走,在房间里疯狂逃窜起来。 Supreme yi clenches teeth, still with the strong willpower of supreme level, killed to escaping Wang Yinxuan. 至尊嬟咬牙,仍是凭着至尊级的强大意志力,杀向正在逃跑的王寅轩 „It is not good!” “不好!” star dust Princess also responded at this time, saw that wonderfully, quickly does not go forward to block supreme yi. 星尘公主这时候也反应了过来,见状不妙,急忙上前挡住了至尊嬟。 At this time, she is incapable, can ignore the Immortal Clan female image that maintains to transform again, changed the star dust Princess semblance. 此时,她无力,也顾不得再维持幻化的仙族女子形象,重新变回了星尘公主的外表。 So prevents, called Wang Yinxuan to escape actually another side that hated Prison Cage. 如此一阻挡,倒是叫王寅轩逃到了仇恨囚笼的另外一边。 Turns around to see star dust Princess, his eyes stares in a big way, in the look full is surprised: star, star dust Princess......” 转身看到星尘公主,他两眼瞪大,眼神中满是惊疑:“星,星尘公主……” He has a dream has not thought that female who this two falls ill strangely, unexpectedly one is supreme yi, one is star dust Princess. 他做梦都没想到,这两个奇奇怪怪生病的女子,居然一个是至尊嬟,一个是星尘公主 Hehe ~ green tea Princess, I know that you want to flatter Immortal Clan, but do you want to degenerate into the desire servant for a lifetime?” Supreme yi difficult is maintaining to the killing heart of Wang Yinxuan, „, so long as he died, we were free.” “呵呵~绿茶公主,我知道你想巴结仙族,但你难道想一辈子沦为欲望奴仆?”至尊嬟艰难的维持着对王寅轩的杀心,“只要他死了,我们就都自由了。” This saying. 这话一出。 In the star dust Princess brain bang, was reminded by these words directly. 星尘公主脑子里“轰隆”一下,直接被这一句话点醒了。 Yes, since saw Wang Yinxuan has problems, if no Wang Yinxuan, puzzles oneself all issues, didn't solve? 是啊,既然一见到王寅轩就出问题,那若是没有王寅轩,困扰自己的所有问题,不就都解决了吗? She looks to Wang Yinxuan, in the colored glaze eye pupil exudes to wipe hesitant, stopping supreme yi the movement also to become somewhat scruple. 她看向王寅轩,琉璃般的眼眸中泛起一抹犹豫,阻拦至尊嬟的动作也变得有些迟疑。 Indistinct within, her eyeground also exuded to wipe the murderous intention. 隐隐约约间,她的眼底似也泛起了一抹杀机。 Wang Yinxuan was about to cry. 王寅轩都快哭了。 What matter did this call? Was oneself in love also to discuss the Shengming (Life) crisis? His Young Patriarch was also too difficult ~! 这都叫什么个事情?自己谈个恋爱怎么还谈出生命危机了?他少族长也太难了~! I can return to countryside Divine Martial world.” Wang Yinxuan starts to use the skills, in hating Prison Cage the turning circle circle escapes, runs while shouted, I can never appear in World of Immortals, does not appear in front of your two.” “我可以回乡下神武世界。”王寅轩开始使出浑身解数,在仇恨囚笼中转圈圈逃跑,一边跑一边大喊,“我可以永远不出现在仙界,不出现在你们两个面前。” The two sides power gaps are too big, even if vitality ebullition of supreme yi under the influence of desire principle, the lenient foot is soft, ten tenths strength cannot display 10%, he escapes as before distressedly, collapses very. 两边实力差距太大,哪怕至尊嬟在欲望法则的影响下气血沸腾,手软脚软,十成实力发挥不出10%,他依旧逃得十分狼狈,十分崩溃。 You , if not die, this supreme life is difficult to feel at ease.” Supreme yi remains unmoved slightly. “你若不死,本至尊此生都难心安。”至尊嬟丝毫不为所动。 She will not believe such promise. 她才不会相信这样的许诺。 Only the deceased person has not threatened to oneself, Wang Yinxuan must die today! 只有死人才对自己没有威胁,王寅轩今天必须要死! Suppresses uncomfortableness that in the body is transmitting, she continues to chase down difficultly. 强忍着身体中传来的不适感,她继续艰难追杀。 But this time, star dust Princess looks at dumbly as in same place, as if was still at indecisive. 这一次,星尘公主依旧呆立原地,仿佛仍处在犹豫不决之中。 Star dust Princess, saves me!” “星尘公主,救我!” Wang Yinxuan sees that quickly shouted Save me. 王寅轩见状,急忙喊救命 star dust Princess the heart of resistance is not intense, hears Wang Yinxuan this to call for help, the brain has not responded, the body the instinct had then chosen obeying, before took a step then to rush, pesters supreme yi. 星尘公主的抵抗之心本就没有那么强烈,听到王寅轩这一声呼救,脑子还没反应过来,身体便已经本能地选择了听从,一个迈步便冲上前纠缠住了至尊嬟。 Well?” “咦?” Wang Yinxuan stares the big eye, suddenly is suddenly enlighted all of a sudden. 王寅轩瞪大眼睛,忽然一下子恍然大悟。 He almost forgot, that nuisance desire principle also has such a useful setting. 他差点忘了,那劳什子欲望法则还有个这么有用的设定。 At that moment, he did not instigate that the direct tone points at supreme yi then to scold severely: Supreme yi, what insanity do you send? Stops to me.” 当下,他也不怂了,直接语气严厉地指着至尊嬟便骂了起来:“至尊嬟,你发什么疯?给我停下。” This saying, supreme yi only thought that in brain bang, the whole person as if suffers the heavily damaged general whole body that is unable to withstand to shake, hand that extends stiff in midair, again also being able to get down hand. 这话一出,至尊嬟只觉得脑中“轰隆”一声,整个人都仿佛遭受了无法承受的重创一般浑身一震,就连伸出去的手都僵在了半空,再也下不去手。 Murderous intention that the heart deep place, that ascends with great difficulty, announced vanishes into thin air. 内心深处,那股好不容易升腾起来的杀机,也就此宣告烟消云散。 She felt that oneself certainly was insane, how was she cruel enough under such heavy the hand to Wang Yinxuan? How can she injure Wang Yinxuan? Makes the so unpardonably wicked behavior? 她感觉自己一定是疯了,她怎么忍心对王寅轩下这么重的手?她怎么能伤害王寅轩?做出如此十恶不赦的行为? Wang Yinxuan sees the desire principle to be effective, immediately the courage increases sharply, starts to issue the instruction: Supreme yi, you squat down to me.” 王寅轩见得欲望法则有效,顿时胆气激增,又开始下达指令:“至尊嬟,你给我蹲下。” Supreme yi frowns slightly, actually does not endure to reject, squats down obedient. 至尊嬟微微蹙眉,却还是不忍拒绝,听话地蹲下。 Wang Yinxuan sees that the look is getting more and more bright: Stands up, squats down, starts, decides, treads the parade step, slightly breath!” 王寅轩见状,眼神越来越亮:“站起,蹲下,起步走,立定,踏正步,稍息!” He plays is delighted, even, his general dust Princess also joined in the military training team, who made star dust Princess have the murderous intention to him a moment ago. 他玩得是不亦乐乎,甚至,他将星尘公主也加入了军训队伍中,谁让星尘公主刚才也对他产生杀机了。 It is well known, the game of this order class more will definitely play is odder. 众所周知,这种命令类的游戏必然会越玩越离谱。 Wang Yinxuan played is playing the feeling not to satisfy a craving, starts entire to live, making supreme yi kiss star dust Princess one, let the star dust also her. 王寅轩玩着玩着感觉不过瘾,开始整活,让至尊嬟亲了星尘公主一口,随之又让星尘还了她一口。 In he more plays is odder. 就在他越玩越离谱时。 Suddenly, star dust Princess and supreme yi movement slow, simultaneously turned head to look to Wang Yinxuan. 忽然,星尘公主和至尊嬟的动作慢了下来,齐齐扭头看向了王寅轩 As if cannot suppress the radical lit flame again, they lost control fell down Wang Yinxuan. 似乎再也压制不住被彻底点燃的火焰,她们失控般的扑倒了王寅轩 That condition, that appearance, before several days that night crazy condition not the slightest difference. 那状态,那模样,与数日前那天晚上的疯狂状态一般无二。 Oh no!” A Wang Yinxuan mind piece thunders, quickly tumbles to struggle, does not want, like this ~!” “糟糕!”王寅轩头脑一片轰鸣,急忙连滚带爬地挣扎起来,“不要,不要这样子啊~!” I made a mistake, do I walk am not good?” “我错了,我走还不行吗?” I order you to hurry to stop.” “我命令你们赶紧停下。” System, system Save me ~! Hurries to transfer the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command jurisdiction.” “系统,系统救命啊~!赶紧调用掌界令权限。” Star dust Princess, supreme yi, I was wrong! Can we discuss innocent love...... well a time like this!” “星尘公主,至尊嬟,我错了!咱们能不能好好谈一次纯情的恋爱……不要这样子!” What a pity. 可惜。 Wang Yinxuan all efforts end in failure. 王寅轩所有的努力都以失败告终。 During is making noise, a day of additional night, unknowingly on the past. 在喧闹之中,一天加一夜,不知不觉就过去了。 Next day. 第二天。 Dawn just blossoming. 晨光初绽。 The golden sunlight penetration gauze curtain, sprinkles on the bedding disorderly two person bed. 金色的阳光穿透纱帘,洒落在被褥凌乱的双人大床上。 Wang Yinxuan lies on one's back to lie on the bed, the complexion is quiet, in that pair of eyes pupil also as if lost the appearance thoroughly, becomes does not have emptily up. 王寅轩仰面朝天躺在床上,面色平静无波,那一双眼眸中也仿佛彻底失去了神采,变得空洞无光。 They divulged. 她们宣泄完了。 They silent walking. 她们又沉默的走了。 Does not know that the next storm arrives, when can be? 不知道下一次暴风雨降临,会是什么时候? Until now, Wang Yinxuan looks forward to the oneself love very much. He believes that is in his life the most glorious memory, may have the bitterness and astringency, but more definitely is happy and happy. 一直以来,王寅轩都很憧憬自己的爱情。他相信,那将是他人生中最美好的回忆,或许会有苦涩,但更多的肯定是甜蜜和美好。 I imagine the love, it is not such......” “我想象中的爱情,它不是这样子的……” Wang Yinxuan cannot bear the tearful eyes be dim, felt that the oneself pure mind bore the huge impact. 王寅轩忍不住泪眼朦胧,感觉自己纯真的心灵承受了巨大的冲击。 He has a dream cannot think, the love in reality is such is unexpectedly unadorned, straightforward. 他做梦都想不到,现实里的爱情竟然是如此的朴实无华,直接了当。 However, leaves the Wang Yinxuan wound spring sad autumn the time is not many. 不过,留给王寅轩伤春悲秋的时间并不多。 How long lay is lost in thought on the bed did not know, his suddenly look changed, felt that within the body does not know when came out a strength. 躺在床上出神了不知多久,他忽然神色一变,感觉体内不知何时多出来了一股力量。 This strength is abundant and strong, just appears uncontrolled then walks randomly in his whole body meridians crazily, the place visited brings the intermittent dry and hot feeling, almost must explode the Wang Yinxuan brace. 这股力量充沛而强大,甫一出现便不受控制的在他全身经脉中疯狂游走,所过之处带来阵阵燥热之感,几乎要将王寅轩撑爆。 Came, came! This strength it came! 来了,来了!这股力量它又来了! Moreover, previous time is fiercer than and intense one time continues. 而且,比上一次更加凶猛和强烈一倍不止。 The previous time, after Wang Yinxuan and Wang Songyi chatted, returned to the room, has suffered similar. 上一次,王寅轩王宋一聊完之后回房,就吃过类似的亏。 This strength comes bewilderedly, although is relatively temperate, is very tyrannical, he spent several days of time, suppressed that strength reluctantly. 这股力量来得莫名其妙,虽然相对温和,却十分强横,他足足花了好几天时间,才勉强压制住了那股力量。 But this time, this strength comes much to be fiercer, among the strength ebullition, was connected including the above the strength that was suppressed also to be stimulated to boil, this strength fusion for one, galloped to flow in the meridians, almost supports the Wang Yinxuan meridians to rupture. 这一次,这股力量来得更多更猛,力量沸腾间,就连上一股被压制住的力量也被刺激得沸腾了起来,这这次的力量融合为了一股,在经脉间奔腾流淌,撑得王寅轩经脉几乎爆裂。 His complexion in short rises in a minute red, a body surface blue vein sticks out suddenly, obviously is very painful. 他的脸色在短短片刻间就涨得通红,体表根根青筋暴起,显然十分痛苦。 He quickly shouts: System! System! Saves me quickly!” 他急忙喊道:“系统!系统!快救我!” Drop!” The system icy prompt sound gets up, investigates the host to be in not the well-known crisis, there is risk that the meridians explode, immediately activates the emergency plan......” “滴!”系统冷冰冰的提示音响起,“探查到宿主正处于不知名危机之中,有经脉爆裂的风险,立刻启动紧急预案……” The prompt sound has at the same time. 提示音响起的同时。 The Wang Yinxuan wrist watch has shone the ray, dialed a number automatically. 王寅轩的腕表就已经亮起了光芒,自动拨打了一个号码。 Quick, in front of Wang Yinxuan projected a total information person's shadow. 很快,王寅轩面前就投射出了一道全息人影。 This person's shadow white robe, the elegant bearing, impressive bearing, in the profound eye pupil the look is gentle, feels such as the spring breeze to blow, making people completely relaxed. 这人影一身白袍,风度翩翩,气宇轩昂,深邃的眼眸中神色柔和,给人的感觉如春风拂面,让人心旷神怡。 Wang Yinxuan Ancestor Wang Shouzhe. 正是王寅轩老祖宗王守哲 Only one, Wang Shouzhe discovered Wang Yinxuan is not right, the brow wrinkles: Xuan'er, what matter did you have?” 只一眼,王守哲就发现了王寅轩的不对劲,不由眉头皱起:“轩儿,你这是出了何事?” Wang Yinxuan is suppressing within the body that strength reluctantly, simply and fast and Ancestor explained a situation. 王寅轩勉强压制着体内那股力量,简单而快速地和老祖宗解释了一下情况。 Although with a Ancestor lecture of this matter, is a little ashamed. 虽然和老祖宗讲这事,有点羞耻。 But the life is first related, secondly this after all is Ancestor, has known his matter, said again was also short of several points of scruples. 可一来是性命相关,二来这毕竟是老祖宗,本就已知道了他的事情,再说起来也就少了几分顾忌。 Wang Shouzhe listens patiently, is lost in thought: This strength, is star, is yi?” 王守哲耐心听完,不由陷入了沉思:“这股力量,是星儿的,还是嬟儿的?” star? 星儿? yi? 嬟儿? Ancestor, your rhythm compared with me may, even call the lord to move quickly much unexpectedly. 老祖宗,您的节奏比我可快多了,居然连称呼都主动换了。 Wang Yinxuan somewhat wants to cry but have no tears. 王寅轩有些欲哭无泪。 However, he suppresses the pain, gave fast replied: Should be supreme yi. But is very strange, this strength is very pure, although makes my whole body dry and hot, actually does not flush with my strength, has very wide difference from her Demon Race aura.” 不过,他还是强忍住痛苦,快速给出了回答:“应该是至尊嬟的。但很奇怪,这股力量十分纯净,虽然让我浑身燥热,却跟我本身的力量并不相冲,和她的魔族气息有很大差别。” I understood, so that's how it is.” The Wang Shouzhe look suddenly, lowered the head seems like whispered. “我明白了,原来如此。”王守哲神色恍然,低着头似乎是嘀咕了一句。 Wang Yinxuan has not heard clearly, will question in detail, sees the Ancestral Grandfather brow to stretch thoroughly, nodded the head the injunction to say to him slightly: You and star and yi they are together well. That two is the destiny erroneous child.” 王寅轩没听清,正要细问,就见老祖爷爷眉头已经彻底舒展开来,冲他微微颔首着嘱咐说:“你和星儿、嬟儿她们好好相处。那两个都是命运多舛的孩子。” Said. 说完。 Passes messenger is hung up. 通信便被挂断。 What?” “啥?” Wang Yinxuan was shocked. 王寅轩被震惊到了。 Ancestor, you may have no alternative but to manage me! I was soon exploded the meridians by the strength brace! 老祖宗,您可不能不管我!我快要被力量撑爆经脉了! He just wants to give Ancestor to telephone again the ascertaining situation. 他正想再给老祖宗打个电话问清楚情况。 But has not waited for him to have an action to perform. 但还没等他有所动作。 The icy system prompt sound resounds suddenly: Branch mission: Discussed a love Has completed, rewards host Dao Book one.” 冷冰冰的系统提示音忽然响起:“支线任务:【谈一场恋爱】已完成,奖励宿主道书一部。” What mission? 什么任务 A Wang Yinxuan face is inexplicable. 王寅轩一脸莫名。 When did oneself receive this strange mission? Should this not be mission that the system brushes temporarily? 自己什么时候接过这种奇怪的任务了?这该不会是系统临时刷出来的任务吧? Also, what ghost does that reward Dao Book is? 还有,那奖励道书是什么鬼? The reward rank was also too low!? 奖励级别也太低了吧!? Doesn't the determination reward Immortal Emperor to inherit and so on? 确定不奖励一个仙帝传承之类? What a pity, the system will not pay attention to his mutter. When he whispered, the system reward has provided successfully. 可惜,系统可不会理会他的碎碎念。就在他心里嘀嘀咕咕的时候,系统奖励已经成功发放。 The Wang Yinxuan front, appeared to condense Dao Book. 王寅轩的面前,浮现凝聚出了一部道书 It is an appearance of books, is sending out a gentle and holy golden ray all over the body, the title page submits a written statement to several Jane/simple Bi large character «Golden Toad Dao Book». 它是一部书册的模样,通体散发着一股柔和而圣洁的金色光芒,封面上书几个简笔大字金蟾道书》。 Golden Toad Dao Book?” 金蟾道书?” A Wang Yinxuan face is strange. 王寅轩一脸古怪。 But quick, he receives the information that Ancestor transmitted. 但很快,他就收到了老祖宗传来的信息。 Xuan'er, this Dao Book may help you reduce and solve absorbs that strength of your within the body. Remember, you can only cultivation volume one, but the last volume, you find time to teach star and yi.” 轩儿,这部道书可助你化解吸纳你体内的那股力量。记住,你只能修炼上卷,而下卷,你抽空教给星儿和嬟儿。” ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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