POP :: Volume #8

#151: My Young Patriarch! Too difficult

Chapter 1097 第1097章 My Young Patriarch! Too difficult 少族长!太难了 ...... …… However, this time Wang Yinxuan starts somewhat hesitant, whether must tell the plum the matter from beginning to end Elder. 不过,此时的王寅轩开始有些犹豫,是否要将事情原原本本告诉梅长老 Big shot who although plum Elder manages the information, the informer are countless, investigating the ability is astonishing, but this matter, oneself said on own initiative, but also strange disgraced. 虽然梅长老是主掌情报的大佬,线人无数,调查能力惊人,但这种事,自己主动说出来,还怪丢人的。 However, has not waited for him to intertwine the result. 然而,还没等他纠结出结果。 Ding-dong!” “叮咚!” A particularly familiar system prompt sound resounds in his mind: Branch mission has renewed, asking the host to consult promptly.” 一声分外熟悉的系统提示音在他脑海中响起:“支线任务已更新,请宿主及时查阅。” System! 系统! The Wang Yinxuan eye stares, has not inquired new branch mission immediately, but somewhat had the system with the consciousness resentment indignantly: You do not feign death to make a sound now actually, where yesterday evening did you go to?” 王寅轩眼睛一瞪,却没有立即查询新的支线任务,而是有些气愤地用意识怼起了系统:“你现在倒是不装死吱声了,昨天晚上你去哪里了?” He thought of yesterday evening, was so distressed, the scene of being so distressed, could not bear one feel sad. 他一想到昨天晚上,叫天天不应,叫地地不灵的场面,就忍不住一阵心酸。 Ding-dong! Last night this system to rescue the host exhausted the store energy, temporarily fell into the dormancy, until just restored some, restarted.” System icy saying, asked the host to consult new mission promptly.” “叮咚!昨晚本系统为救宿主耗尽了储存能量,暂时陷入了休眠,直到刚刚才恢复些许,重新启动。”系统冷冰冰的说道,“请宿主及时查阅新任务。” Wang Yinxuan immediately speechless. 王寅轩登时一阵无语。 He suspected, the system is deceiving him, but he does not have the evidence. 他非常怀疑,系统是在糊弄他,可他没有证据。 Was still worried some little time, he examined the mission renewal condition honestly. 犹自气闷了好一会儿,他才老老实实查看起了任务的更新状态。 At this time, Wang Mei also received a news by chance, after glancing Wang Yinxuan one, hid one side to telephone. 这时,王梅也恰巧接到了一个消息,瞟了王寅轩一眼后,躲到一旁打电话去了。 Wang Yinxuan from sign red system mission, examined the two mission renewal. 王寅轩从标红的系统任务中,查看到了两个任务更新。 First, is the renewal of mission content. 第一个,是任务内容的更新。 ...... …… „The branch mission change described: You with supreme yi, produced a series of fetters events, in the you heart not only somewhat chuckled, and some man self-respect suffer the depression after setback. However as clan small Patriarch, you thought that oneself must buoy up, positively facing the accident of life.” “支线任务变更描述:你与至尊嬟之间,产生了一系列羁绊事件,伱心中既有些窃喜,又有些男人自尊心遭受挫折后的消沉。但是身为家族小小小族长,你觉得自己必须振作起来,积极面对人生的变故。” Based on this, the mission goal presents the change.” “基于此,任务目标出现变更。” You can choose to continue to continue the original mission goal, eliminates the threat of self-respect yi, can choose to sacrifice the oneself dignity and appearance, close to supreme yi, by gaining more information, and changes the present situation, is clan defeats the control plate to lay the cornerstone.” “你可以选择继续延续原任务目标,清除自尊嬟的威胁,也可以选择牺牲自己尊严和色相,靠近至尊嬟,以获取更多的情报,并改变现状,为家族战胜主宰槃奠定基石。” mission change reward: Ten fifth grade Spirit Pill * 1, high grade divine item * 1, Immortal Spirit source * 1 small bottle. 任务变更奖励:十五品神丹,上品神器,仙灵界本源小瓶。 ...... …… The Wang Yinxuan spirit inspires. 王寅轩精神一振。 This mission reward is the epic level strengthens ~ simply! 任务奖励简直是史诗级增强啊~ clan does not have ten fifth grade Spirit Pill now, does not have high grade divine item wait/etc, system reward, unexpectedly is extremely rare surpassed the clan treasure house. 要知道,家族现在还没有十五品神丹,也没有上品神器等等,系统这奖励,竟是极为难得的超过了家族宝库。 Waste firewood system finally powerful. 废柴系统总算给力了一回。 This to him also absolutely is a big pleasant surprise. 这对于他来说也绝对是一个大大的惊喜。 However, accordingly, this mission difficulty was also very big. 不过,相应的,这任务难度也忒大了。 He feared the sacrifice dignity and appearance actually not, but was worried about two points: 他倒不是怕牺牲尊严和色相,只是担心两点: First, which him now supreme yi is not clear, wants to sacrifice not to know where looks for her. Second, feared that just depended on the past, supreme yi pats him on a palm of the hand. 第一,现在至尊嬟在哪他都不清楚,想牺牲也不知去哪找她。第二,就怕刚靠过去,至尊嬟就一巴掌拍死他。 Shakes the head, he no longer thinks this matter, but is second mission that examined just to renew. 摇了摇头,他不再想这件事,而是查看起了刚刚更新的第二个任务 ...... …… „The branch mission change described: Star dust Princess from different world, is a destiny erroneous girl, will be very likely to become the Wang Clan powerful ally in the future. Because had a series of stories with you, produces fetters that cannot be described, making her walk in the three-road junction. You as Wang Clan small Young Patriarch, have the responsibility and save the unfavorable situation voluntarily, making her choose firmly, regains the confidence. Note: In the star dust Princess hand has the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment doubtful. What course to follow of destiny, all in you in an instant.” “支线任务变更描述:来自异世界的星尘公主,是一位命运多舛的女孩,原本未来极有可能会成为王氏强大的盟友。但因为和你发生了一系列的故事,产生了不可描述的羁绊,让她行走在了三岔路口。你作为王氏小小少族长,有责任和义务挽回不利局面,让她坚定选择,重拾信心。备注:星尘公主手中疑似拥有掌界令碎片。命运的何去何从,全在你一念之间。” mission change reward: Ten fifth grade Spirit Pill * 1, high grade divine item * 1, Immortal Spirit source * 1 small bottle. 任务变更奖励:十五品神丹,上品神器,仙灵界本源小瓶。 ...... …… This mission reward also is very overbearing ~ is the difficulty is really big. 任务奖励同样很霸道啊~就是难度着实不小。 Wang Yinxuan somewhat looked at the eyeball to be straight. 王寅轩看得眼珠子都有些直了。 Really worthily is the system after promotion, was no comparison between them with that trash system initially seriously. 真不愧是升级后的系统,跟当初那个垃圾系统当真不可同日而语。 Wait! 等等! Wang Yinxuan stares suddenly, doubts asked with the consciousness: System, you last night were not the down? How now to know, I and star dust Princess and between supreme yi, do have the fetters that cannot be described?” 王寅轩忽而一愣,疑惑的用意识问道:“系统,你昨晚不是宕机的吗?现在又怎么会知道,我和星尘公主与至尊嬟之间,发生了不可描述的羁绊?” System silent moment, replied icily: Last night to save you, this system began using the contingency plan, transfers the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command jurisdiction. The related consequence, I have provided the relief explanation, but was broken by you impatiently......” 系统沉默了片刻,冷冰冰回答:“昨晚为了救你,本系统启用了应急方案,调用掌界令的权限。相关后果,我已提供了免责说明,但被你迫不及待打断……” „......” “……” Wang Yinxuan is also a silence. 王寅轩也是一阵沉默。 How he also has a headache about oneself to report this matter with Ancestral Grandfather...... the result, from the start did not need him to report. 他还头疼自己该如何跟老祖爷爷汇报此事呢……结果,压根就不用他汇报了。 He naturally knows, the system call Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command jurisdiction, must alarm Ancestral Grandfather, is not quite clear, when the attention of Ancestral Grandfather ended. 他自然知道,系统调用掌界令权限,是不可能不惊动老祖爷爷的,就是不太清楚,老祖爷爷的关注是何时结束的。 Also blamed last night situation being extremely chaotic, he did not have the time not to have the opportunity to revolve from the start, unexpectedly has not noticed including such important matter. 也怪昨晚的情况太过混乱,他压根就没时间也没机会细思,居然连这么重要的事情都没注意到。 Also is in this time. 也正在此时。 Wang Mei met the communication to come back. 王梅接完通讯回来了。 She shot under the sound to refer, haunched the barrier, is drinking the chilly liquor, sized up Wang Yinxuan by the look of difference. 她弹了下响指,重新撑起屏障,然后喝着清冽的甘梅酒,以异样的眼神打量起了王寅轩 That look, seems expressing, our family/home small Young Patriarch was big, will also very play ~ 那眼神,仿佛是在表达,我们家小小少族长大了,还挺会玩啊~ Wang Yinxuan looked at absolutely terrifiedly by her, silent some little time, had not borne slightly asks low voice: Plum Elder Sister, how my does mission process? I am too young, I do not understand ~ 王寅轩被她看得毛骨悚然,沉默了好一会儿,才没忍住小小声问道:“梅姐姐,我的任务怎么处理?我年龄太小,我不懂啊~ Hehe ~ Wang Mei smiled, the tone teased, this matter you asked that I was also useless, I have not been in love properly, particularly did not have simultaneously and two person has discussed.” “呵呵~王梅笑了,语气调侃,“这事儿你问我也没用,我又没正经谈过恋爱,尤其是没有同时和两个人谈过。” Wang Yinxuan is speechless. 王寅轩无语。 My this cannot be is in love properly...... 我这也不能算是正经谈恋爱啊…… Notices embarrassed of junior, Wang Mei has not continued to laugh at him but actually, then comforting made a suggestion to him: You do not need too to be worried. According to the description repertoire in little transcript, at this time, your one should only attempt something he sure he will successful, do not pay a visit to collect. The moderation treats, will have the favorable turn.” 注意到小辈的窘迫,王梅倒也没有继续笑话他,转而安抚性地给他提了个建议:“你也不用太担心。根据小抄本中的描绘套路,这种时候,你一动不如一静,千万不要上杆子凑上去。平常心对待,自会出现转机。” Suddenly, Wang Yinxuan is perplexed, actually also nods secretly. 一时间,王寅轩不明所以,却也暗暗点头。 ****** ****** Short several days shake. 短短数日晃而过。 For these days, Wang Yinxuan performance unusual honest, did not go to find the person to drink, but looked for the room nest, brushed the third-class romance play, killed the time. 这几天,王寅轩表现的异常老实,也不出去找人喝酒了,而是找了个房间窝着,刷刷三流言情剧,消磨时间。 This day. 这日。 Rules the world hotel high level. 君临天下酒店高层。 In the hotel, repairs in the refined cafe. 一处开在酒店内部,装修雅致的咖啡馆中。 The crest of wave was just recently abundant, accepted Ji day of media positive energy interview to be positive repeatedly, as well as Wang Clan outstanding parallel veins juniors Wang Songyi, is sitting to the seat, is drinking the coffee, is boasting mutually. 最近风头正盛,屡屡接受媒体正能量采访的姬天阳,以及王氏优秀直脉子弟王宋一,正对席而坐,喝着咖啡,互吹着牛皮。 Must say this cafe, at first spreads from Divine Martial world, because of has the market in high-grade aristocratic family, these years have been all the rage in World of Immortals, various cafes also opened everywhere. 要说这咖啡馆,最初还是从神武世界流传过来的,因在高等级世家之中颇有市场,这些年早已在仙界风靡开来,各色各样的咖啡馆也开了满地。 Rules world hotel the cafe, is World of Immortals crest of wave most abundant chain cafe comes the coffee now the franchise store. 君临天下酒店内部的这一处咖啡馆,便是仙界如今风头最盛的连锁咖啡馆君来咖啡的加盟店。 The cafe internal environment is quiet, all seats were separated the one after another private room, between the private room and private room have certain gap, the middle has plants the great distance green, has certain privacy. 咖啡馆内部环境静谧,所有座位被分隔成了一个个雅座,雅座和雅座之间有一定的间隔,中间有绿植相隔,具备一定的私密性。 At this moment, Ji Tianyang and Wang Songyi then sit in a private room. 此刻,姬天阳和王宋一便坐在其中的一个雅座里。 Day Yang brother, you can acting boldly regardless of one's safety stand to strive to turn the tide at crucial moment, rescued so many innocent people, indicates the courage and wisdom.” Wang Songyi kept a serious look, looked that was full of the meaning of admiration to the Ji day Yang look, Songyi admired, admire.” “天阳兄,你能在关键时候奋不顾身站出来力挽狂澜,营救了那么多无辜民众,足见胆魄和智慧。”王宋一表情严肃,看向姬天阳的眼神中充满了敬佩之意,“宋一佩服,佩服。” Where where, I on its meeting, trade to be the Songyi brother, or other school scholars, bump into such situation, will also not sit by and do nothing.” Ji Tianyang is somewhat embarrassed, some ashamed say/way, said, these are unable to make up for my previous error the eventuality, thanks politely Sir Dean to be willing to give me a starting with a clean slate opportunity.” “哪里哪里,我就是恰逢其会而已,换做宋一兄,或是学院其它学子,碰到这样的情况,想必同样不会坐视不理。”姬天阳有些不好意思,又有些惭愧道,“说起来,这些都无法弥补我先前过失的万一,也拜谢院长大人愿意给我一次改过自新的机会。” Person non- saints and sages, who can not have.” Wang Songyi said with a smile, each setback that right that our Old Ancestor Shouzhe said that you experience, will become the nutrient of growth, so long as completes each matter steadfastly, is successful.” “人非圣贤,孰能无过。”王宋一笑着说道,“我们守哲老祖说的对,你经历的每一项挫折,都会成为成长的养分,只要踏踏实实做好每一件事,就是成功的。” Oh ~ said, initial I was extremely eager for quick success and immediate gain, will be hoodwinked the innermost feelings by the desire, for a while line of bad missteps walked the shortcut.” Ji Tianyang spoke of the past events is also filled with all sorts of feelings, after that Life and Death, I also wants to understand many things suddenly. However, like our child of this small clan birth, sometimes really difficult. Really envies the Songyi brother, comes Wang Clan, the sequence goes near, this god beautiful jade list trial, deciding to be among the best, Yiming is astonishing!” “唉~说起来,当初的我就是太过急功近利,才会被欲望蒙蔽内心,一时行差踏错走了捷径。”姬天阳提起往事也是感慨万分,“经过那场生死,我也是忽然想明白了很多事。不过,像我们这种小家族出生的孩子,有时候是真的难。真羡慕宋一兄,出身王氏,序列靠前,此次神瑛榜试炼,定能名列前茅,一鸣惊人!” As the Wang Clan juniors, there is a difficulty of Wang Clan juniors.” Wang Songyi shakes the head the forced smile, day Yang brother you do not know, clan the involution far ultra bystander imagines, by me, according to the old debt the clan debt, is not knowing that until now lord knows when can pay off.” “身为王氏子弟,也有王氏子弟的难处。”王宋一摇头苦笑,“天阳兄你是不知道,家族之内卷远超外人想象,就以我而言,时至今日依旧欠着家族一屁股债,不知猴年马月才能还清。” „It is not easy ~ we not to support easily.” Ji Tianyang one and appearance of his very altogether sentiment. “不容易啊~咱们都挺不容易。”姬天阳一副与他十分共情的模样。 After crossed claim one painstakingly, the relations between two people as if were also intimate. 相互诉了一番苦之后,两人之间的关系也仿佛亲近了许多。 These days, Ji Tianyang and Wang Songyi become friends with, is naturally intentional. 这段时间来,姬天阳与王宋一结交,自然是有意为之。 Seeing the crucial moment was similar, on Ji Tianyang face revealed the color of feeling embarrassed: „The Songyi brother, the little brother has my presumptuous request, does not know , said does not work as to say.” 见得火候差不多了,姬天阳脸上露出了为难之色:“宋一兄,小弟有一个不情之请,不知当讲不当讲。” Day Yang brother but said might as well, in the Songyi area of competence, naturally can help , then help/gang.” Wang Songyi said frank. “天阳兄但讲无妨,在宋一能力范围内,自然是能帮则帮。”王宋一爽朗说道。 Little brother is indebted Sir Dean the graciousness of Save me, in the heart guilty, is the grateful, deep sleep/felt is hard to return.” Ji Tianyang considers was saying, I want to know Yinxuan Young Master, becomes his follower , helping a Young Master achievement enterprise, calculates that repays the graciousness of Dean indirectly.” “小弟承蒙院长大人救命之恩,心中既是愧疚,又是感激,深觉难以回报。”姬天阳斟酌着说道,“我想结识一番寅轩公子,成为他的追随者,助公子成就一番事业,也算间接报答院长之恩。” The Ji Tianyang present potential and strength are not bad, will make an enterprise also quite to have the achievement alone, the situation, he will so want to follow Wang Yinxuan unexpectedly, indeed was from falling the status. 姬天阳现在的潜力和实力都不差,独自做一番事业也会颇有成就,如此情况,他居然想要追随王寅轩,的确算是自降身份了。 Follower?” Wang Songyi is somewhat astonished slightly however, could not bear persuade one, why was day Yang brother this? Our Old Ancestor Shouzhe to your friendship, looks at your Jackie Chan's teachers and students friendship, to not give the eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein looks for the follower.” “追随者?”王宋一微微有些讶然,忍不住劝说了一句,“天阳兄这是何必呢?我们守哲老祖对你的情谊,是望你成龙的师生情谊,并非是为了给嫡长脉找追随者。” „The Songyi brother, the little brother intention has decided that looks to help.” Ji Tianyang kept a serious look, a being full of gratitude appearance. 宋一兄,小弟心意已决,望成全。”姬天阳表情严肃,一副知恩图报的模样。 Good, I looked for the opportunity and Yinxuan say.” Wang Songyi has a look at his attitude to be really firm, this nods assent, you must have the preparation, Yinxuan that boy always the weary, when you his follower, feared that must take the trouble the admonishment, urging him to be upward.” “好吧,我找机会与寅轩说一说。”王宋一看看他的态度实在坚决,这才点头同意,“不过你要有心理准备,寅轩那小子向来惫懒,你当他追随者,怕是得费心规劝,督促他向上。” Day is positive.” Ji Tianyang attitude is with deep veneration grave. “天阳义不容辞。”姬天阳的态度肃然而庄重。 The proper business chatted, two people also chatted several, Wang Songyi drank up the coffee, then said goodbye departs in a hurry, seemed a very busy appearance. 正事聊完,两人又闲扯了几句,王宋一喝完咖啡,便告别匆匆离去,好似一副很繁忙的样子。 But the expression on Ji Tianyang face throughout confident tranquil, drinking up coffee after silently, prepares to depart. 而姬天阳脸上的表情始终坦然平静,默默的喝完咖啡后,也准备离去。 In this time. 正在此时。 Incense stick|Fragrant wind floats. 一袭香风飘来。 An appearance fashion, the female of bright eyes and white teeth does not know when walked, sat opposite of him lightly, the smile introduced oneself brightly to him: Day Yang Young Master, I am Current politics report Special reporter Linghu, made slightly before with you, makes one to visit especially. This is my press card.” 一位打扮时尚,明眸皓齿的女子不知何时走了过来,翩然坐到了他对面,笑容灿烂地向他自我介绍道:“天阳公子,我是【时政报】的特约记者‘令狐微微’,之前和您约好了,做一个特访。这是我的记者证。” Then, she advanced in front of the press card Ji Tianyang. 说罢,她将记者证推到了姬天阳面前。 When Ji Tianyang casting a sidelong glance press card, sees that not conspicuous secret marks, the expression enforced several points slightly, immediately nods says with a smile: Ok, our starts.” 姬天阳瞟了一眼记者证,看到那不显眼的暗记时,表情微微严肃了几分,随即颔首笑道:“可以,咱们这就开始。” Saying, he ordered two cups of coffee on own initiative. 说着,他主动点了两杯咖啡。 After Linghu took the coffee slightly, offered a sacrifice to Holy Item by a very obvious movement, made an isolation barrier, provided a peaceful interview environment. 令狐微微拿了咖啡后,以一个很明显的动作祭出了一件圣器,制造出了一个隔绝屏障,营造出了一个安静的采访环境。 This interviews the standard configuration of reporter, in order to can also conduct the quite private interview in the place of noise unvexed. 这是很多采访记者的标配,以便在喧闹之处也能不受干扰地进行较为私密的采访。 Suddenly, Ji Tianyang only thinks that an invisible strength covered the private room, two people as if placed oneself in another side Kong Jian (Space), with surroundings other isolated thoroughly. 一时间,姬天阳只觉一股无形的力量笼罩住了雅座,两人仿佛置身于了另外一方空间之中,与周围的其他一切都彻底隔绝了开来。 Obviously, this is not small Holy Item can achieve. 显然,这绝非一件小小圣器能够做到。 Ji Tianyang eyeground exudes zealously, austere the face is saluting upon meeting to opposite female hastily: Day Yang see Lord.” 姬天阳的眼底泛起热忱,连忙肃着脸向对面的女子见礼:“天阳见过主上。” He had not asked that this way is safe. If the insufficient security, his discrete and secret Lord does not meet decisively his. 他没有问这种方式安不安全。若是不够安全,他这位谨慎而隐秘的主上是断然不会见他的。 Is anxious, considers is chatting.” Linghu look is slightly calm, your side, the Dao Lord level powerhouse is staring in secret, partly protects the nature of half surveillance mostly.” “无需紧张,就当是在闲聊。”“令狐微微”神色淡定,“你的身边,有一位道主级强者在暗中盯着,多半是半保护半监视的性质。” Planned many years of supreme yi in World of Immortals, the nature trained many waistcoats to oneself. 仙界谋划了多年的至尊嬟,自然给自己培养了很多个马甲。 And has to participate in the god beautiful jade list, there is a reporter who interviewed, the idler of watching the fun, the light was the reporter status waistcoat, prepared several. 其中有来参加神瑛榜的,也有来采访的记者,还有看热闹的闲人,光是记者身份的马甲,都准备了好几个。 Has achieved the supreme rank regarding the strength supreme yi, the fluctuation figure appearance is a very simple matter, only if Immortal Emperor face to face, otherwise is very difficult to detect the flaw. 对于实力已然达到至尊级别的至尊嬟来说,变幻身形容貌都是一件很简单的事情,除非仙帝当面,不然很难察觉出破绽。 Even under the accident/surprise, some waistcoat falls, trading one is. 就算意外之下,某一个马甲掉落,换一个便是。 Ji Tianyang nods slightly, obviously is expected: Has Dao Lord to follow to monitor in secret, is fair. Otherwise, I must consider whether oneself exposed.” 姬天阳微微颔首,显然对此早有所料:“有道主在暗中相随监视,也是合情合理。否则,我就要考虑自己是否暴露了。” He did not fear that waistcoat Linghu of oneself and supreme yi meets in this slightly, will bring in the suspicion. 他也不怕自己和至尊嬟的马甲令狐微微在此见面,会引来怀疑。 Sometimes, the whereabouts is stealthy, instead is easier to annoy the person to suspect. 有的时候,行踪鬼鬼祟祟,反而更容易惹人疑心。 These days he almost some reporters interviewed every day, will vigorously develop the personal connection, exhibited a being positive and progressive appearance. Linghu slightly, but is one in many interviewers. 这段时间来他几乎每天都有记者采访,也会努力发展人脉,摆出一副积极向上的模样。令狐微微,不过是许许多多个采访者中的一个而已。 Moreover, Linghu has also made an appointment slightly to his interview, even before meeting, he does not know Linghu status slightly. 而且,令狐微微对他的采访也是早就预约好的,甚至于在见面之前,连他都不知道令狐微微的身份。 Under this type of lamp black situation, instead is safer. 这种灯下黑的情况,反而更加保险。 This time sees you, requested on you, brought sources of the small bottle god to you.” Supreme yi calm saying, I believe, by your discretion, should think plan that covers the origin. Hopes your this time can shine the brilliance in the god beautiful jade list greatly, pushes in Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace admittance is!” “此次见你,是应你请求,给你带来了一小瓶众神之源。”至尊嬟淡定的说道,“我相信,以你的谨慎,应该已经想好了掩盖来源的方案。希望你这一次能在神瑛榜上大放光彩,挤入颛顼神宫的准入名列!” Among next instant, Ji Tianyang felt that the oneself pocket sinks slightly, inside had/left a small bottle. 下一瞬间,姬天阳就感觉自己口袋微微一沉,里面多出了一个小瓶子。 He the heart blazing immediately, actually represses forcefully excitedly, does intentionally nods calmly said: I have invited the clan Old Ancestor coordination, said that attains in the Ancient God battlefield luck.” 他当下心头一炽,却还是强行按捺住激动,故作镇定地颔首说道:“我已请家族老祖配合,说是在古神战场运气所获。” paused, he supplemented that the report said: In addition, the subordinate is still planning the status of Wang Yinxuan follower, wants to take this to enter the Wang Clan central area as the stair, is the Lord important matter lays a sturdier foundation.” 顿了一下,他又补充汇报道:“除此之外,属下还在谋划王寅轩追随者的身份,想以此为台阶打入王氏核心圈,为主上大计奠定更牢靠的基础。” Wang Yinxuan? 王寅轩 This unexpected name, lets a supreme yi innermost feelings irritation immediately. 这个意料之外的名字,顿时让至尊嬟内心一阵烦躁。 This several days she far away from ruling the world hotel, to avoid having the contact with Wang Yinxuan again, was affected by him. 这数日她远离君临天下酒店,正是为了避免与王寅轩再有接触,受他影响。 But she has not really thought, returns to one to rule the world hotel rarely, unexpectedly will also hear this name from Ji day Yang Zuili. 可她实在是没想到,难得回一趟君临天下酒店,居然还会从姬天阳嘴里听到这个名字。 The mood that she is with great difficulty tranquil, somewhat is suddenly chaotic. 她好不容易平静下来的心情,忽而又有些乱。 Lord?” 主上?” Sees supreme yi not to answer, Ji Tianyang felt indistinctly some are not right. 见至尊嬟不答,姬天阳隐约感觉有些不对。 His mood sensation to others was usually keen, he can feel that supreme yi somewhat seems to be agitated, responded indistinct some are not right, but really cannot comprehend is where is not actually right. 他对别人的情绪感知素来敏锐,他能感觉到至尊嬟似乎有些烦躁,反应隐约有些不对劲,但又实在搞不懂究竟是哪里不对。 Perhaps, is the insurgency of Demon Race control city, making Lord feel vexed. 或许,是魔族主宰城的叛乱事件,让主上感觉糟心。 He slightly hesitates, instead showed the self-confident smile: Lord does not need to worry that Bloody Daybreak rebels. I believe, under plan of Lord, we decided however can assist to control to win greatly wins finally. Then, Lord will certainly the first trusted aide who becomes to control greatly.” 他略一沉吟,反而露出了自信笑容:“主上无需担忧血色黎明作乱。我相信,在主上的谋划下,咱们定然能协助伟大主宰赢得最终胜利。如此一来,主上必将一跃成为伟大主宰的第一心腹。” Cracks a joke, his Ji Tianyang has pressed all chips on Lord, how to allow the failure? 开玩笑,他姬天阳已经将所有筹码都压在了主上身上,怎么会容许失败? That is natural.” “那是自然。” Hears this saying, in the eye pupil of supreme yi also passed over gently and swiftly wipes the devout color: Bloody Daybreak is the clumsy mischief-doer, our plans are most important. Good that Ji Tianyang, your matter manages, this supreme future will certainly support you to become Immortal Emperor.” 听得这话,至尊嬟的眼眸中也掠过一抹虔诚之色:“血色黎明不过就是跳梁小丑而已,咱们的计划才是最至关重要的。姬天阳,你的事情办的不错,本至尊未来必将扶持你成为仙帝。” Many thanks Lord.” Ji Tianyang must the promise, the heart also be fiery. “多谢主上。”姬天阳得了许诺,心头也是一阵火热。 However is in this time. 然而正在此时。 , Has two people across isolating Kong Jian (Space) suddenly, before arriving at the coffee table . 忽的,有两人穿过隔绝空间,走到了咖啡桌前。 Wang Yinxuan that Wang Songyi that just departed, as well as he draws. 正是刚刚才离去的王宋一,以及他拉来的王寅轩 Ji Tianyang and supreme yi are one startled, quickly restrains the difference, returned to the appearance of normal interview. 姬天阳和至尊嬟都是一惊,急忙收敛异样,回归了正常采访的模样。 Ji Tianyang ships out one to go to return to the surprise appearance to Wang Songyi, will ask. 姬天阳装出一副对王宋一去而复返十分诧异的模样,正要开口询问。 Wang Songyi actually looks all around, one step is first astonished however opens the mouth: I said that looked at the day of Yang brother a moment ago the fuzzy piece, originally is isolates Kong Jian (Space) to interview. Excuse me, disturbed.” 王宋一却环顾四周,先一步讶然开口:“我说刚才瞧天阳兄这边模糊一片,原来是隔绝空间在采访。不好意思,打扰打扰了。” Might as well, is an ordinary interview.” Ji Tianyang expressed with a smile are not related, then looked around Wang Yinxuan, „the Songyi brother, was your?” “无妨无妨,就是一次普通采访。”姬天阳笑着表示没关系,转而将目光投向了一旁的王寅轩,“宋一兄,您这是?” He looked that has the surprise to the Wang Yinxuan pupil light, as if really does not know him. 他看向王寅轩的眸光中带着诧异,似乎真的不认识他。 Day Yang brother did not say that wants, when Yinxuan follower?” Wang Songyi said with a smile, coincidentally, I bumped into Yinxuan before the spirit energy ladder, is thinking might as well hit at a later date day, drew to introduce him to you simply.” “天阳兄不是说要当寅轩的追随者么?”王宋一笑道,“刚巧,我在灵能梯前碰到了寅轩,便想着择日不如撞日,索性将他拉来介绍给你。” Such quick? 这么快的吗? Is this Wang Clan speed in legend? 这就是传说中的王氏速度吗? Ji Tianyang did shock good simply? 姬天阳简直惊呆了好不好? More surprised naturally was supreme yi. 更吃惊的当然是至尊嬟了。 Although she changed an appearance and waistcoat, but the effect of eye of desire not because she changed the waistcoat to weaken. 她虽然换了一副模样和马甲,但欲望之眼的效果可不会因为她换了马甲就有所削弱。 Sees Wang Yinxuan, her heart unchecked start plop plop jumps madly, seems a being in love young girl, suddenly met by chance the male god in mind to be the same, the spirit tied tight, the whole body was not comfortable. 一见到王寅轩,她的心脏就不可遏制的开始“扑通扑通”乱跳,就好似一个怀春的少女,忽然偶遇了心目中的男神一般,精神紧绷,浑身不自在。 She is controlling the expression strongly, lowers the head does not dare to look at Wang Yinxuan, feared that looked did not hate to move out of the way the eye. 她竭力控制着表情,低着头不敢看王寅轩,就怕一看就舍不得挪开眼睛了。 cough cough ~ 咳咳~” Ji Tianyang responded, set out to salute to Wang Yinxuan hastily, the smalltalk several, gave both sides to introduce later with a smile: This is Reporter Linghu, is chatting the danger to erupt that matter with me.” 姬天阳反应过来,连忙起身向王寅轩行礼,客套了几句,随后笑着给双方介绍:“这位是令狐记者,正在和我聊危难爆发那件事。” Reporter Linghu, this is Wang Clan Wang Songyi, that Wang Clan Young Patriarch Wang Yinxuan. This two may be the extraordinary young hero, Reporter Linghu might as well take advantage of this opportunity, interviewed their deeds.” “令狐记者,这位是王氏王宋一,那位正是王氏少族长王寅轩。这两位可都是了不起的年轻英雄,令狐记者不如趁此机会,采访一下他们的事迹。” Gets a sudden inspiration in Ji day Yang looks like, this is the chance of a lifetime. 在姬天阳灵机一动看来,这是个千载难逢的机会。 If Lord this waistcoat status, can, establishes the relations by the non- driving way and Wang Yinxuan, was wonderful. 若是主上这马甲身份,能在无意间,以非主动的方式和王寅轩搭上关系,就再妙不过了。 After all, is purely meeting by chance under coincidence like, is most not easily suspected. 毕竟,像这样纯属巧合之下的偶遇,是最不容易被怀疑的了。 So, Lord can also have big operation Kong Jian (Space), to soon the future important matter lay the victory foundation that lays. 如此,主上也可以有很大的操作空间,为不久将来的大计奠定更加夯实的胜利基础。 As for Lord, mostly is also similar idea. 至于主上,多半也是类似想法。 Had not seen that her blushes tenderly shy, the double pupil cannot bear including the spring in secret to the appearance that Wang Yinxuan glances, this has clearly started instantaneously enticed the pattern. 没看到她一副娇赧害羞,双眸含春又忍不住暗中向王寅轩瞟去的模样,这分明是已经瞬间启动了勾引模式。 By the Lord ability, definitely has the detailed message source, assured Wang Clan Young Patriarch Wang Yinxuan good this. 主上的能耐,肯定有详细情报来源,笃定王氏少族长王寅轩就好这一口。 Worthily is Lord, seized the opportunity to enter the condition instantaneously. 不愧是主上,逮住机会瞬间就进入了状态。 He could not have borne be secretly self-satisfied in the heart. 他已经忍不住在心中暗暗得意起来。 Lord acts personally, Wang Yinxuan feared that is doomed ~ ~ 主上亲自出手,王寅轩怕是在劫难逃啊~~ ****** ****** But also while them falls into the strange atmosphere. 而也就是在他们这边陷入诡异气氛的同时。 Cafe entrance. 咖啡馆门口。 Puts on light-green plain Immortal Skirt, seemingly keenly intelligent handsome Immortal Clan Miss enters floating. 一位穿着浅绿色古朴仙裙,看起来灵慧秀雅的仙族姑娘飘然而入。 At the entrance lie a meeting, seemed like induced slightly, her then goal walks in inside explicitly. 在门口略微停驻了一会,似乎是感应了一番,她便目标明确地朝着里面的雅间走去。 This Immortal Clan Miss, is star dust Princess fluctuates. 这位仙族姑娘,乃是星尘公主变幻而成。 Out of some secret thoughts, she does not hope that some people know oneself in this, but regarding a powerhouse of Immortal Emperor rank, the fluctuation contour is not the difficult matter, the fluctuation appearance journey also became choice naturally. 出于某种隐秘的心思,她并不希望有人知道自己在这,而对于一位仙帝级别的强者来说,变幻外形并不是什么难事,变幻模样出行也就成了自然而然的选择。 This short several days, are in the star dust Princess life has experienced one of the longest several days. 这短短数日,是星尘公主人生中经历过的最漫长的数日之一。 The number during the day, various chaotic thoughts stream, finally slightly was until now tranquil. 数日间,各种纷乱的念头纷至沓来,直至今日才总算略微平静了些。 However, the chaotic state of mind just straightened out, she then fell into another inexplicable mood. 然而,纷乱的心绪才刚刚理顺,她便又陷入了另一种莫名情绪之中。 Because she discovered, these, Wang Yinxuan has not come to look for her on the unexpectedly, to her has not sent, even if a news, this made the mood that she slightly was with great difficulty tranquil seethe again. 因为她发现,这几日,王寅轩竟然没来找她,更是没有给她发哪怕是一条消息,这让她好容易略微平静下来的心情再次翻腾了起来。 This may really fear him to come, feared that he does not come, feared that he acts unreasonably. 这可真是怕他来,又怕他不来,更怕他乱来。 With this mood, she decides to trade a status secretly, depends on between the miracle fragment and Wang Yinxuan the inexplicable induction and relation, comes to see his one eyes secretly. 在此心情下,她才决定暗暗换个身份,靠着神迹碎片和王寅轩之间莫名的感应和联系,偷偷来看他一眼。 The cafe is not big, trivial Holy Item could not be cut off a spiritual sense investigation of Immortal Emperor level powerhouse, quick, star dust Princess discovered the Wang Yinxuan form. 咖啡馆不大,区区圣器也根本阻隔不了一位仙帝级强者的神念探查,很快,星尘公主就发现了王寅轩的身影。 Her footsteps immediately are. 她的脚步登时就是一顿。 originally thought, these days Wang Yinxuan must be in deep remorse, must be very sad. 原本以为,这几日的王寅轩应当处在深深的自责之中,情绪也应当十分低落。 However, Wang Yinxuan at this moment is having a face bright smile, with cheeks slightly red Immortal Clan Miss warm greeting, seems like very happy appearance. 然而,此刻的王寅轩却正带着一脸灿烂的笑容,和一个脸颊微红的仙族姑娘热情的打着招呼,看上去十分开心的样子。 This lets the star dust Princess instantaneous delay, an inexplicable mood well ups. 这让星尘公主瞬间呆滞,一股莫名情绪涌上心头。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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