POP :: Volume #8

#150: I was eaten wipe dry/does do not acknowledge mistakes only!

Chapter 1096 第1096章 I was eaten wipe dry/does do not acknowledge mistakes only! 我都被吃干抹净不认账了! ...... …… At the same time. 同一时间。 In hatred Prison Cage of supreme yi, Wang Yinxuan haunches the last reason, collapses to yell in the heart: System system, are you doing?” 至尊嬟的仇恨囚笼之中,王寅轩强撑起最后一丝理智,在心中崩溃大叫:“系统系统,你在干什么?” At this time, a system also response? 都这种时候了,系统怎么还一点反应都没有? Drop!” “滴!” The mechanical sound of system gets up. 系统的机械音响起。 Examines the host, is in some strange danger, the drop...... is examining the danger to originate, whether needs to start the contingency plan? Friendship prompt, this/should plan, once starts......” “检测到宿主,正处在某种诡异的危险之中,滴……正在检测危险来源,是否需要启动应急方案?友情提示,该方案一旦启动……” Start! Immediately starts!” “启动!立即启动!” Hears this familiar system prompt sound, Wang Yinxuan immediately such as hears Xianyin, did not wait for the prompt sound saying that was too busy in the heart shouts: Later bumps into similar situation, does not need me to agree, all immediately starts.” 听到这熟悉的系统提示音,王寅轩顿时如闻仙音,不等提示音说完就忙不迭在心中喊道:“以后碰到类似的情况,不用我同意,一律立即启动。” Desire servant anything, one hear was full of the evil flavor, absolutely is not the good deed. 欲望奴仆什么的,一听就充满了邪恶的味道,绝对不是什么好事。 He should not be controlled in people! 他才不要受控于人! Yes, the default host has learned about the related consequence. In the contingency plan start...... is transferring the reserve energy......” “是,默认宿主已知悉相关后果。应急方案启动中……正在调用储备能量……” The system prompt sound resounds again. 系统提示音再次响起。 Supreme yi does not know exchange between Wang Yinxuan and system, sees the Wang Yinxuan face to twist, seems is making intense struggling, she laughs to make noise: Little fellow, depending on your strength and will, wants to resist the corrosion of eye of desire, without doubt is dream of a fool.” 至尊嬟可不知道王寅轩和系统之间的交流,见王寅轩面孔扭曲,好似在做着强烈的挣扎,她不由嗤笑出声:“小家伙,凭你的实力和意志,想要抵抗住欲望之眼的侵蚀,无疑是痴人说梦。” I urged you continue the destiny arrangement honestly, became this supreme desire servant. If good of enough you performance, after waiting meets your desire to erupt, I did not mind that spiritually gives you comforting as the reward.” “我劝你还是老老实实的承接命运安排,成为本至尊的欲望奴仆。若是伱表现的够好,等会你欲望爆发之后,我不介意从精神上给予你一点安抚作为奖励。” On her face is hanging the smile of evil charm, the sound is illusory, as if enters the innermost soul, is provoking Wang Yinxuan soul. 她的脸上挂着邪魅的笑容,声音虚无缥缈,仿佛直入灵魂深处,撩拨着王寅轩神魂 During the speeches, the eye of desire stimulated to movement the pinnacle. 说话间,欲望之眼被催动到了极致。 kacha!” 咔嚓!” A clear explosive. 一声清脆的爆响。 The scarlet eyeball splits suddenly, does not have the principle strength that together may resist erupts suddenly, will put in order an eyeball to explode the powder loudly. 赤红的眼球骤然裂开,一道无可抵御的法则力量骤然爆发而出,将整颗眼球轰然炸成了粉末。 The strength of terrifying principle passed over gently and swiftly rapidly void, suddenly then covered Wang Yinxuan. 恐怖的法则之力飞速掠过虚空,眨眼间便笼罩了王寅轩 Supreme yi prepares to Wang Yinxuan fatally strikes, abyss that he draws in the desire. 至尊嬟准备给王寅轩致命的一击,将他拖入欲望的深渊。 Mother egg! Too evil, father cannot bear!” The Wang Yinxuan innermost feelings are shivering angry roaring, the goosebumps were braving. “妈蛋!太邪恶了,老子受不了!”王寅轩内心在颤抖着怒吼,鸡皮疙瘩都冒了出来。 Also in this flash. 也就在这一瞬间。 Bang!” “轰!” Wang Yinxuan soul shivers, a vastness, the obscure, deep, boundless invisible energy erupts loudly. 王寅轩神魂一阵颤抖,一股浩瀚,晦涩,深沉,磅礴的无形能量轰然爆发。 That is the energy in the system storing. 那是系统内贮存的能量。 The system itself/Ben in Wang Yinxuan soul is a Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment, has the subtle relation with the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command main bodies. 王寅轩神魂内的系统本就是掌界令的一块碎片,和掌界令本体之间存在着微妙的联系。 Under the system control, these energies in some mysterious way, collude with Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command of Immortal Spirit, skidded the this world authority. 在系统操控下,这些能量以某种神秘的方式,和仙灵界的掌界令勾连起来,撬动了这一方世界的权柄。 Mighty force beyond description covered Wang Yinxuan, not only resisted the strength of eye of that evil and strange corrosion desire, but also rebounded it. 难以形容的伟力笼罩了王寅轩,非但抵挡住了欲望之眼那一股邪恶而诡异的侵蚀之力,还将它反弹了回去。 This is Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command might. 这就是掌界令威能 Now Immortal Spirit Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command in Wang Shouzhe hand, after fusing the system part, complete has achieved 77%. 如今王守哲手中的仙灵掌界令,在融合了系统这一部分后,完整度已经达到了百分之七十七。 However, Wang Shouzhe after fusing the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment , the system part of peelings, parasited on Wang Yinxuan. 不过,王守哲在融合了掌界令碎片之后,又将系统这一部分剥离,重新寄生在了王寅轩身上。 On the one hand this is because, the system takes spirit that” in Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command nourishing leaves, is actually not in Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command had, fuses does not affect Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command complete, on the other hand, is because the system and Wang Yinxuan True Spirit the depth has bound, the peeling has the damage to anyone forcefully. 这一方面是因为,系统作为掌界令蕴养出的“灵”,其实并不是掌界令内原本就有的,融合不融合都不影响掌界令的完整度,另一方面,也是因为系统和王寅轩真灵早就已经深度绑定,强行剥离对谁都有损伤。 However, then, has very big advantage to Wang Yinxuan. 不过,如此一来,对王寅轩也是有很大好处的。 Although looks before does not have the difference, but the present system has the jurisdiction to transfer actually, amounts to 77% Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command lawful rights. 虽然看起来和之前没有差别,但实则现在的系统已经有权限可以调用,总计百分之七十七的掌界令权柄。 This also why the Wang Yinxuan system had the huge promotion, can issue about, control and other rank mission supremely, and can synthesize to reward Spirit Pill and divine item, Immortal Spirit source and other reasons of valuable resources. 这也是为何王寅轩的系统有了巨大的升级,可以发布关于至尊、主宰等级别任务,并且能合成奖励神丹神器,仙灵界本源等珍贵资源的原因。 At crucial moments, the Wang Yinxuan system may also apply to transfer the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command jurisdiction. 在关键时刻,王寅轩的系统也可申请调用掌界令权限。 In a twinkling. 说时迟,那时快。 Holds in the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command strength in addition, the system has completed the resistance and rebound. 掌界令的力量加持下,系统已完成了抵御和反弹。 Although the eye of desire is also a principle ability, but it is the principle of different world. 欲望之眼虽然也属于一种法则能力,但它属于异世界的法则。 In addition the eye of desire now is only a disposable item, is actually not able to control its strength as supreme yi of control completely. 再加上欲望之眼如今只是一件一次性道具,作为操控者的至尊嬟其实根本无法完全驾驭它的力量。 If no other factor disturbances, it naturally can also play certain role in Immortal Spirit. 若无其他因素干扰,它在仙灵界自然也能发挥一定作用。 However Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command is actually the principle of world manifests, naturally have the home advantage compared with the principle of different world. 然而掌界令却是本世界的法则体现,自然要比异世界的法则更有主场优势。 In the flash of Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command rebound desire principle. 就在掌界令反弹欲望法则的这一刹那。 The supreme yi pupil shrinks, felt not wonderful, immediately one step goes forward to grasp to Wang Yinxuan. 至尊嬟瞳孔一缩,感觉到了不妙,立即一步上前向王寅轩抓去。 But also in this flash. 而也就是在这一瞬间。 Is imprisoning Wang Yinxuan hatred Prison Cage, seemed ripped open an opening by an invisible strength. 禁锢着王寅轩的仇恨囚笼,仿佛被一道无形的力量撕开了一道口子。 The hand grasps miracle fragment, the stature is slender, appearance beautiful star dust Princess, one step strided in hated in Prison Cage. 手握“神迹碎片”,身材纤长,容貌绝美的星尘公主,一步跨入了仇恨囚笼之内。 She according to miracle fragment the direction comes. 她是根据“神迹碎片”的指引而来。 However, at present this scene lets her stunned. 然而,眼前这一幕却让她错愕不已。 She has not thought, should treat Wang Yinxuan in corridor timbo hut well unexpectedly here, but also such...... 她也没想到,本该好好待在走廊树藤小屋内的王寅轩居然会在这里,还被这么…… But she responds at once, one step treads, suddenly then blocks between Wang Yinxuan and that mysterious females who seem like the not like good person, plans to protect Wang Yinxuan. 但她旋即就反应了过来,一步踏出,眨眼便拦在了王寅轩和那个看起来不像好人的神秘女子之间,欲图护住王寅轩 But Wang Yinxuan that powerful incomparable clan Young Patriarch, once were the big deal in her side, star dust Princess did not think that oneself will have any good end. 王寅轩可是那个强大无比家族少族长,一旦在她身边出了大事,星尘公主不觉得自己会有什么好下场。 All happened in fast. 所有的一切都发生在电光石火之间。 Also charges into Wang Yinxuan in supreme yi, star dust Princess makes a move to stop at the same time, the eye of strength desire was also just rebounded. 也就在至尊嬟冲向王寅轩,星尘公主出手阻拦的同时,欲望之眼力量也刚好被反弹了回来。 Almost is the flash. 几乎是一瞬间。 star dust Princess and supreme yi felt simultaneously the body sinks, seems by an invisible and evil energy volume , the eye twists a while ago, the consciousness instantaneously is becoming is also lax and blurred. 星尘公主和至尊嬟同时感觉到身体一沉,好似被一股无形而邪恶的能量卷中,眼前一阵扭曲,意识也在瞬间变得涣散而迷离。 This is the strength of eye of principle desire was rebounded. 这是被反弹回来的欲望之眼法则之力。 star dust Princess just keeps off in the way that it rebounds, the nature and supreme yi backlashed by the strength of principle together, undertook the strength of half of backlash respectively. 星尘公主刚好挡在它反弹的路径上,自然和至尊嬟一起被法则之力反噬,各自承担了一半的反噬之力。 The strength of that evil filthy principle, lit their desire instantaneously, the desire more burns more blazing, causes the desire that a wave was hard to resist to erupt. 那一股邪秽法则之力,瞬间点燃了她们的欲望,欲望越燃越炽,造成了一波难以抵挡的欲望爆发。 First the corrosion that withstands the eye of desire, will definitely cause the desire to erupt, cannot shoulder the corrosion of principle, will perish in the desire of distortion, becomes the servant of opposite party. 第一次承受欲望之眼的侵蚀,必然会导致欲望爆发,扛不住法则的侵蚀,就会沉沦在扭曲的欲望之中,成为对方的奴仆。 However. 不过。 star dust Princess and supreme yi are the 19th stage top powerhouses, their willpower are very powerful, soul to defensive power also Yuanqiang that the principle corrodes in ordinary cultivator, in only undertook in the situation of strength of half of desire principle, has not perished thoroughly, but maintained a reason reluctantly. 星尘公主和至尊嬟都是十九阶的顶级强者,她们的意志力都十分强大,神魂对法则侵蚀的防御力也远强于普通修士,在仅承担了一半欲望法则之力的情况下,并没有彻底沉沦,而是勉强保持了一丝理智。 Even so, two females resist are also very difficult. 但即便如此,两女抵挡得也十分艰难。 Two principle strengths collide in within the body mutually, the supreme yi whole body is shivering, on the tender and delicate face also appeared to wipe strange bright red, the eyeground exudes the red light once for a while, looked very painful. 两股法则力量在体内相互碰撞,至尊嬟浑身都在颤抖,娇嫩的脸上也出现了一抹诡异的嫣红,眼底更是时不时就泛起红光,看起来很是痛苦。 Even so, she as before very difficult goes forward one step, depends to go toward Wang Yinxuan side, in the hand gathers one group of energies reluctantly, attempts before oneself perishes thoroughly, a palm of the hand claps dead Wang Yinxuan. 但即便如此,她依旧十分艰难的上前一步,往王寅轩身边靠去,手中勉强汇聚起一团能量,试图在自己彻底沉沦前,一巴掌拍死王寅轩 So, was equal to solving the crisis in disguised form. 如此,就等于变相解决了危机。 But how star dust can Princess such as her intent? 可星尘公主岂会如她意? Clear to see supreme yi is the preparation is disadvantageous to Wang Yinxuan, although she is also resisting the desire to erupt with hardship, the instinct goes forward as before one step, supported last pure brightness to knock down supreme yi. 眼见得至尊嬟似是准备对王寅轩不利,她虽也是在苦苦抵抗欲望爆发,依旧本能上前一步,强撑着最后一丝清明撞倒了至尊嬟。 Two females rolled immediately made one group. 两女顿时滚做了一团。 But then, they miss the time of last time directly fleeing, the body and mind was lit thoroughly, the reason was submerged by the desire. 可如此一来,她们均是错失了最后一次直接逃离的时机,身心彻底被点燃,理智被欲望淹没。 In hatred Prison Cage that closes up, in their eye pupils exuded the scarlet color, simultaneously was plunging Wang Yinxuan, started to practice fraud to him. 在重新合拢的仇恨囚笼内,她们眼眸中泛着猩红之色,齐齐扑向了王寅轩,开始对他上下其手起来。 Wang Yinxuan is panic-stricken immediately extremely, goes all out to struggle: You, do you want to do? Like this!” 王寅轩登时惊恐万分,拼命挣扎起来:“你们,你们要干什么?你们不要这样子!” System ~ System Save me!” “系统~系统~救命啊!” However system this time has not replied him, does not know that has not felt the fatal danger, the real energy exhausts, exhibited one like the dead snake general attitude. 然而系统这一次却并没有回答他,也不知是没感觉到致命危险,还是真的能量耗尽,摆出了一副如同死蛇一般的态度。 So, night of time passed by. 如此,一夜的时间过去了。 After a night, the strength of eye of desire burns finally completely, all desires fade, belonged to tranquilly. 一夜过后,欲望之眼的力量终于燃烧殆尽,所有的欲望都消褪一空,归于了平静。 Wang Yinxuan rolls up in the desire Prison Cage corner, the look is empty, the expression delay, the whole person seemed devastated a night of small seedling to fade generally da da by the squally shower. 王寅轩蜷缩在欲望囚笼的角落里,眼神空洞,表情呆滞,整个人就仿佛被狂风骤雨摧残了一夜的小树苗一般蔫耷耷的。 Do the family members, who understand? 家人们,谁懂啊? God knows, he that night experienced anything, actually to have finding it unbearable to recall how. Actually to give his young mind to have the big impact! 天知道,他这一夜都经历了什么,究竟有多么的不堪回首。究竟给他的年轻心灵造成了多大的冲击! He is only several thousand -year-old child ~! 他还是个才几千岁的孩子呀~! At this time. 这时候。 star dust Princess and supreme yi also sobered. 星尘公主和至尊嬟也清醒了过来。 They are unemotional, gets out of bed later not to have the throat, but was various show/unfolds methods changed the spare clothing to oneself. 她们俩都是面无表情,起床之后一声都没有吭,而是各展手段给自己换上了备用衣物。 When sets out, their vision in the midair to, in the eye pupil fill intense killing intent, as if among next instant butchered the opposite party to be the same on the strategic place. 起身时,她们的目光在半空中对上,眼眸中均是弥漫起一股强烈的杀意,仿佛下一瞬间就要冲上去宰了对方一般。 Absolutely did not have last night consciousness to be dim, the coordination with each other went on a punitive expedition against the Wang Yinxuan tacit understanding and friendly. 完全没有了昨晚意识朦胧间,互相配合征伐王寅轩的默契和“友好”。 Wang Yinxuan quickly grasps the meaning of something, quickly shouts: First waits! We are calm calmly, strokes well, actually to have anything to make the decision again.” 王寅轩一激灵,急忙喊道:“先等一下!咱们都冷静冷静,好好捋一捋,究竟发生了什么再做决定。” Wang Yinxuan hopeless oneself these words can have the big effect from the start, when is preparing to carry out one set of excuse. 原本王寅轩压根没指望自己这一句话能有多大的效果,正准备搬出一整套说辞时。 Two females are actually simultaneously. 两女却是齐齐一顿。 star dust Princess took back in the eye killing intent, lowered the head to say one well. 星尘公主收回了眼中杀意,低着头说了一声“好”。 Supreme yi also steps back inexplicably, turns to be excessive slightly, although anything had not said that but is for the time being no longer and star dust Princess is obviously hostile. 至尊嬟也莫名退后一步,微微扭过了头,虽然什么也没说,但显然是暂且不再和星尘公主敌对了。 Wang Yinxuan gawked, but as if has clearly to become aware at once. 王寅轩愣了一下,但旋即似乎有所明悟。 He could not attend to the wound spring sad autumn, immediately then changed the clothes, started to manage the general situation. 他也顾不上伤春悲秋了,当即便换上衣服,开始主持大局。 At his suggestion, everyone unanimously decides first from hating Prison Cage goes out, in order to avoid being moved by the scenery to recollect old feelings and emotions. 在他的建议下,大家一致决定先从仇恨囚笼中出去,以免触景生情。 Quick. 很快。 Wang Clan Young Patriarch, different world Princess, Demon Race is supreme, sat on the sofa of luxurious single room, prepares to stroke the mentality, finding the way to solve the problem. 一个王氏少族长,一个异世界公主,一个魔族至尊,就在豪华单间的沙发上坐了下来,准备捋一捋思路,想办法解决问题。 During this process, star dust Princess has unable to bear several times looks secretly to Wang Yinxuan. 在此过程中,星尘公主有好几次忍不住偷偷看向王寅轩 She more looked that Wang Yinxuan more feels pleasing to the eyes, seems on him to send out some ray, deeply is attracting her. 她越看王寅轩越觉得顺眼,就好似他身上散发着某种光芒,深深地吸引着她。 Moreover she discovered why oneself does not know, becomes to Wang Yinxuan every action and every movement cares , when his chuckle, oneself will follow happily, when he knits the brows, oneself will follow uncomfortably, seems the mood to be controlled by him. 而且她发现,自己不知为何,对王寅轩的一举一动都变得十分在意,他轻笑时,自己会跟着高兴,他皱眉时,自己会跟着难受,好似情绪都已被他掌控。 The most important thing is, star dust Princess felt that oneself does not seem able to reject the proposition of Wang Yinxuan, any a few words that as if he spoke, oneself will comply unconditionally. 最重要的是,星尘公主感觉自己似乎无法拒绝王寅轩的提议,仿佛他说的任何一句话,自己都会无条件答应下来。 The powerhouse as 19th stage, her natural instinct knows that this is not right, inside has the major problem, moreover she felt that oneself seems also some strength of resistance, does not perish. 身为十九阶的强者,她当然本能知道这是不对劲的,里面有大问题,而且她感觉自己好似还有些抗争之力,并非完全沉沦。 In the minor matter, she indeed is unable to reject Wang Yinxuan, but if the important important matter, Wang Yinxuan so will not be perhaps strong to her influence. 在小事上,她的确无法拒绝王寅轩,但若是至关重要的大事,或许王寅轩对她的影响就不会这么强了。 This condition, has also manifested on supreme yi exactly the same. 这种状况,在至尊嬟身上也是一模一样有所体现。 This is also no wonder, after all this two is the 19th stage powerhouse, moreover only withstood the strength of half of desire principle, naturally cannot perish thoroughly. 这也是难怪,毕竟这两位都是十九阶的强者,而且仅承受了一半的欲望法则之力,自然不会彻底沉沦。 cough cough!” 咳咳!” Wang Yinxuan coughed two, he recalls, before the desire will erupt last night, the happened matter narrated. 王寅轩咳嗽了两声,他边回忆,边将昨晚欲望爆发前,发生的事情叙述了一遍。 Said. 说完。 He and star dust Princess, all cast on the vision supreme yi. 他和星尘公主,俱是将目光投到了至尊嬟身上。 But at this time, supreme yi also quite coordinates, the origin of eye of desire, the function, with last night attempt and accident, one by one made the explanation. 而此时,至尊嬟也是相当配合,将欲望之眼的来历,作用,和昨晚的企图和变故,都一一做了说明。 After one combs, three finally do to understand the cause and effect. 经过一番梳理后,三位终于搞明白了前因后果。 Suddenly, three people somewhat are silent. 一时间,三人都有些沉默。 Wang Yinxuan looks guilty to star dust Princess, the look is doping the gratitude: Many thanks Your Highness Princess rescues, blames me, because of my carelessly, implicated you.” 王寅轩看向星尘公主,眼神愧疚中又掺杂着感激:“多谢公主殿下相救,都怪我,都是因为我的不慎,才连累了你。” A simple apology and guilty expression, let in the star dust Princess heart immediately not cheerful and annoying sweeps spatially. 一句简单的道歉和愧疚的表达,登时让星尘公主心中的不愉和懊恼一扫空。 She felt that like eating the honey was ordinary, the innermost feelings fully are happy, even soul somewhat is graceful. 她感觉就像吃了蜜一般,内心满满都是幸福,连神魂都有些飘飘欲仙起来。 Suddenly, her sound put puts softly lightly: This does not close the Yinxuan Young Master matter. This is the evil consequence that hateful Demoness makes.” 一时间,她的声音都放柔放轻了:“这不关寅轩公子的事。这都是那位可恶魔女制造出来的恶果。” After saying these words, star dust Princess did not suddenly feel right, lowered the head does not speak. 说出这句话后,星尘公主顿觉不对劲,低头不语。 By her, as soon as reminded, Wang Yinxuan also remembered all these chief criminals, could not bear knit the brows to supreme yi to stare: Eldest sister, I and your what enmity what resentment? You want to make me turn into your desire servant unexpectedly.” 被她一提醒,王寅轩也想起了这一切的罪魁祸首,忍不住皱眉向至尊嬟瞪去:“大姐,我和你什么仇什么怨?你竟然想让我变成你的欲望奴仆。” So words of complaint, listen in the supreme yi ear, seems the mountain range avalanche, the dark cloud capping, lets the mood that her innermost feelings unchecked to have painfully and rebuke oneself guilty: Sorry, all these are my mistake, please punish me.” 如此一句抱怨的话,听在至尊嬟耳朵中,就好似山峦崩塌,乌云压顶,让她的内心不可遏制的生出了痛苦和愧疚自责的情绪:“对不起,这一切都是我的错,请你责罚我吧。” Wang Yinxuan speechless, wants to scold both strengths not to have immediately, has saying: Considers as finished, you first said, at present this situation, but also there is a means solution?” 王寅轩顿时一阵无语,想骂两句的力气都没了,只好说道:“算了算了,你先说说,眼下这种情况,还有没有办法解?” Wang Yinxuan is one has also had the complete Wang Clan Clan School education eventually, three view very Young Patriarch. 王寅轩终究也是一个接受过完整王氏族学教育,三观很正的少族长 Although he wants to pursue star dust Princess, the way of but through so evilly twisting obtains her, even is controls her mood and mind, eventually is not Righteous Path. 虽然他想追求星尘公主,但是通过如此邪恶扭曲的方式得到她,甚至是操控她的情绪和心灵,终究不是正道 Naturally, he must acknowledge, in his heart has that some secretly rejoicing of working, but also is that some, arrives at the noble in his heart. 当然,他得承认,他心中却是有那么一些些得逞的暗喜,但也就是那么一些些而已,抵不过他心中的浩然正气。 Hears this saying, supreme yi one was silent. 听得这话,至尊嬟一下沉默了。 Crossed some little time, she shakes the head slowly: It is said is irreversible is unsolvable, but, if can promote to two eleventh stage...... perhaps, possibly...... I not am quite clear.” 过了好一会儿,她才缓缓摇头:“据说是不可逆不可解,不过,如果能晋升到二十一阶……或许,可能……我也不太清楚。” In star dust Princess heart imposing. 星尘公主心中一片凛然。 The good luck is good, she withstood the strength of half of desire principle merely, otherwise...... 还好运气不错,她仅仅是承受了一半的欲望法则之力,否则…… At this time. 这时。 The reason told her, she cannot again and Wang Yinxuan was together, will otherwise definitely be deeper and deeper. Because Wang Yinxuan, so long as one spoke to her, she simply did not have the means to ponder sanely. 理智告诉她,她不能再和王寅轩相处了,否则肯定会越陷越深。因为王寅轩只要一跟她说话,她就根本没办法理智思考。 Immediately, she stood difficultly, said: Yinxuan Young Master, can I first go to the room to rest?” 当即,她艰难地站了起来,说道:“寅轩公子,我能不能先回房间休息?” Wang Yinxuan hurried nod: Goes to go, I turn head seek help Ancestral Grandfather, if there is means to untie looks for you again.” 王寅轩急忙点头:“去吧去吧,我回头求助一下老祖爷爷,若有办法解开再找你。” Many thanks Yinxuan Young Master.” star dust Princess relaxes, the expression on face also becomes joyful. “多谢寅轩公子。”星尘公主松了一口气,脸上的表情也变得愉悦起来。 She departed in a hurry, went to opposite oneself room, then sneaked in Kong Jian (Space) to lick to lick the wound along silently. 她匆匆离去,回了对面自己的房间,而后就钻进随身空间内默默舔舐伤口去了。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Supreme yi also rips open Kong Jian (Space) immediately, escapes to go in a hurry. 至尊嬟也是立即撕开空间,匆匆远遁而去。 Her reason also told her, cannot treat again, must be far away from Wang Yinxuan, can slow down this influence. 她的理智也告诉她,不能再待下去了,必须远离王寅轩,才能减缓这种影响。 Quick, two females in tandem, disappeared thoroughly. 很快,两女一前一后,都彻底消失了。 Wang Yinxuan took a look at the empty luxurious single room, in the heart is ascending immediately a thick sense of being lost and lonely. 王寅轩瞅着空荡荡的豪华单间,心中顿时升腾起了一股浓浓的失落感。 He can feel clearly, their subconsciouses resist him in the instinct, evades him, looking like regards as the violently poisonous thing to be the same him. 他能清楚的感觉到,她们的潜意识在本能地抵抗他,逃避他,就像是将他视作剧毒之物一般。 He does not matter regarding supreme yi, but he knows, in star dust Princess this little while heart to him definitely is also vigilant extremely, can hide many hides far. 对于至尊嬟他无所谓,但他知道,星尘公主这会儿心中对他肯定也是警惕万分,能躲多远就躲多远。 This makes in his heart somewhat uncomfortable and does not abandon. 这让他心中有些难受和不舍。 Oh!” “唉!” Wang Yinxuan heaves a deep sigh. 王寅轩摇头叹息。 „, My Wang Yinxuan has not tasted the love the sweetness, this must eat the love the pain.” “没想到,我王寅轩还没尝到爱情的甜,这就要吃爱情的苦了。” Also exactly in this time. 也恰在此时。 The Wang Yinxuan wrist watch trembles gently. 王寅轩的腕表轻轻一颤。 He looked at one, is clan good later generation and good brothers Schoolmate Wang Songyi to send in the news, said that has rushed has ruled the world hotel, asked where he is. 他看了一眼,是家族的好后辈兼好兄弟王宋一同学发来消息,说是已经赶到了君临天下酒店,问他在哪。 The Wang Yinxuan spirit inspires, the look also shone all of a sudden, as if ran into the liberator. 王寅轩精神一振,眼神也一下子亮了起来,就仿佛遇到了救星。 He gives Wang Songyi to return to a news immediately. 他立刻给王宋一回了一条消息。 After the quarter of an hour . 一刻钟后。 In the bar in hotel. 酒店的酒吧内。 Wang Yinxuan and Wang Songyi meet smoothly. 王寅轩王宋一顺利碰头。 Many years pass by, Wang Songyi appearance as before young, as before is handsome like that on were solitarily many a calm and calm bearing, seeming like more reliable than the past. 多年过去,王宋一的模样依旧年轻,依旧是那般的英俊,只身上多了一股沉稳和从容的气度,看起来比以往更加可靠了。 He stared Wang Yinxuan ill-humoredly: Sir Young Patriarch, this early morning you make me accompany you to drink, hasn't your head gone bad? Your spirit, how so low and deep dispirited? Was attacked by what?” 他没好气的瞪了一眼王寅轩:“少族长大人,这大清早的你就让我来陪你喝酒,你脑袋没坏吧?还有你的精神,怎么如此低沉萎靡?受什么打击了?” If in the past, Wang Songyi said him, he had rebutted with sarcasm, but this little while, he could not mention slightly energetic, lost the eyebrow da eye place to lie on the bar, is holding appreciatively the wine glass, the eyes were empty and blurred: Brothers, you said about the love, is the body important or the soul to be actually important? My innermost feelings feel a void now.” 要是以往,王宋一这么说他,他早就反唇相讥了,但这会儿,他却提不起丝毫精神,丧眉耷眼地趴在吧台上,把玩着酒杯,双眼空洞而迷离:“兄弟,你说关于爱情,究竟是身体重要还是灵魂重要?我的内心现在感觉一片空虚。” The eye of Wang Songyi stared straight: Not?! Who did you last night and act unreasonably? Wang Yinxuan, I warned you, you were eldest son of legal wife clan the lineage/vein, you may not probably act unreasonably!” 王宋一的眼睛都瞪直了:“不是吧?!你昨晚和谁乱来了?王寅轩,我警告你,你可是家族嫡长脉,你可千万不能乱来!” Although two people the rank differs very in a big way, but creates a disturbance from long to slightly big, had regarded as the brothers each other, has not placed in the rank disparity the heart. 两人虽然辈分相差很大,但打打闹闹地从小长到大,早就互相将对方视作了兄弟,也没将辈分差距放在心中。 Now this rules in the world hotel attractive Miss to be innumerable, Wang Songyi feared that Wang Yinxuan this fool got down the wrap/sets, after a period of time, having ulterior motives Miss, hug the child to look for Old Ancestor Shouzhe to uphold the justice. 现在这君临天下酒店内漂亮姑娘无数,王宋一就怕王寅轩这个傻子被人下了套,过一段时间,就有一个心怀叵测的姑娘,抱着孩子去找守哲老祖主持公道。 Really has this situation, Wang Yinxuan feared that will be killed. 真出现这种情况,王寅轩怕是会被打死。 You could rest assured that the matter that you said is unlikely.” Wang Yinxuan quickly beckons with the hand, matter is not you imagines such.” “你放心,你说的事情是不可能发生的。”王寅轩急忙摆手,“事情也不是你想象中的那样。” This is good. I feared that your fool makes the foolish matter.” Wang Songyi then relaxes secretly, said, „, listens to my suggestion, do not pursue that star dust Princess, hurrying makes in the family/home arrange being on intimate terms, marries a Immortal Clan my good wife.” “这就好。我就怕你这傻子做傻事。”王宋一这才暗松一口气,紧接着说,“还有,听我的建议,千万别追那个星尘公主了,赶紧让家里安排相亲,娶一个仙族贤妻。” He felt, Wang Yinxuan this fool is rebuffed that side star dust Princess mostly, this is demoralized. 他觉得,王寅轩这傻子多半是在星尘公主那边碰了一鼻子灰,这才意志消沉。 Oh ~ love, you may really make me have a headache.” The Wang Yinxuan expression is somewhat painful, „, but, without the love marriage, I will not accept.” “唉~爱情呐,你可真让我头疼。”王寅轩的表情有些痛苦,“不过,没有爱情的婚姻,我是坚决不会接受的。” As you like then, so long as you insisted, naturally can have Ancestor to tidy up your.” Wang Songyi sees his mood to change for the better, then sets out to say goodbye, you drink slowly, I must prepare the god beautiful jade list trial, has no free time to accompany you to feel spring sad autumn here. You are Young Patriarch, is systematic, naturally does not lack the resources, I and you may different ~ ~ I probably rush about for the reality.” “随你便,只要你坚持,自然会有老祖宗来收拾你的。”王宋一见他情绪好转,便起身告了辞,“你慢慢喝,我还要准备神瑛榜试炼,没空在这里陪你感春悲秋。你是少族长,又有系统,自然不缺资源,我和你可不同~~我得为现实奔波。” Saying, Wang Songyi is vanishing in the bar. 说着,王宋一就消失在了酒吧内。 Your this does not have the loyalty thing! You do not understand my depressed, but also Balla Balla scolded me, as soon as passed.” Wang Yinxuan air/Qi drank big liquor, was foul-mouthed. “你这没义气的东西!你都不了解我内心的苦闷,还巴拉巴拉骂我一通。”王寅轩气的喝了一大口酒,骂骂咧咧起来。 At this time. 这时。 An appearance fine aristocratic family female, carried the wine glass to sit side Wang Yinxuan, smiled: What concern this Young Master has probably, might as well drink one cup together?” 一位打扮精致的世家女子,端着酒杯坐到了王寅轩身旁,浅浅一笑:“这位公子好像有什么心事,不如一起喝一杯?” Wang Yinxuan just wants to walk her politeness. 王寅轩刚想将她礼貌请走。 Suddenly. 忽而。 In his heart one tight, felt that this sound seems familiar. 他心中一紧,感觉这声音似乎十分熟悉。 Unexpectedly, his body shook, remembered a person, could not bear swallow a saliva, looked anxiously to this female: You, no, are you...... Mei?” 蓦地,他身体一震,想起了一个人,忍不住咽了口口水,略带紧张地看向这女子:“你,不,您是……梅老?” „!” “啪!” The voice falls, on his head was enjoyed to explode the chestnut. 话音一落,他脑袋上就被赏了个爆栗。 The ear bank also resounded that female to measure the geodesy sneering sound Yin: Wang Yinxuan, you give this Elder to speak well.” 耳畔也响起了那女子阴测测地冷笑声:“王寅轩,你给本长老好好说话。” Wang Yinxuan quickly shows the smile of flattering: Plum Elder Sister, how did you come?” 王寅轩急忙露出了略带讨好的笑容:“梅姐姐,您怎么来了?” As the clan successor, Wang Yinxuan knows certainly that this Elder Wang Mei, is mysterious and powerful in clan, is even Zong'an Old Ancestor, Anye Old Ancestor, seeing her was polite, even somewhat will dread. 身为家族继承人,王寅轩当然知道这位“王梅长老”,在家族中是何等神秘而强大,便是连宗安老祖,安业老祖,见了她都是客客气气的,甚至会有几分畏惧。 Suddenly, an invisible energy covered their two people, isolated the sound and spying on. 忽而,一股无形的能量笼罩住了他们两人,隔绝了外界的声音和窥探。 The Wang Mei sound is light and indistinct, passing the stock is mystical: I in mission of execution resistance supreme yi, I have obtained some clues now, that supreme yi possibly ambushes in ruling the world hotel.” 王梅的声音轻而飘渺,透着股神秘:“我一直在执行对抗至尊嬟的任务,现在我得到一些线索,那位至尊嬟可能就潜伏在君临天下酒店之中。” Supreme yi? 至尊嬟? Wang Yinxuan stares, at once thinks last night crazy, in the heart the unstated criticism got up. 王寅轩一愣,旋即想到了昨夜的疯狂,心中不由腹诽起来。 What is possible ambush, she in ruling the world hotel is treating. 什么叫“可能”潜伏,她就是在君临天下酒店里待着呢。 That supreme yi is very sly, I very difficult to clutch her.” Wang Mei explained in a low voice, „after sees Young Patriarch you, I suddenly had a plan. If Young Patriarch you are willing to sacrifice, makes the bait, tempts that self-respect yi to start to you, my here must catch her to be easier. You could rest assured that my here will ask Immortal Emperor to look after the entire process, will not make you be in danger in truly.” “那位至尊嬟十分狡猾,我很难将她揪出来。”王梅低声解释,“不过看到少族长你后,我忽然有了个计划。若是少族长你愿意牺牲一番,做一下诱饵,引诱那个自尊嬟对你下手,我这边要抓她就会容易许多。你放心,我这边会请仙帝照看全过程,不会让你真正陷入危险之中。” Wang Yinxuan immediately speechless. 王寅轩顿时一阵无语。 Plum Elder Sister, are you come was too late? 姐姐,你是不是来的太晚了? Also lets me, when bait ~ I had been eaten wipe dry/does do not acknowledge mistakes only! 还让我当诱饵呢~我都已经被吃干抹净不认账了! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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