POP :: Volume #8

#149: „Capture” Wang Yinxuan love

...... …… In vine hut. 藤蔓小屋内。 Wang Yinxuan both hands hug after the brain, lies down on the hammock in hut. 王寅轩双手抱在脑后,躺在小屋内的吊床上。 The hammock swings slightly, his body also left Yaoyou shakes, the skirt-width passing over gently and swiftly air of long gown, such as willow leaf stroked the dike, good school of carefree. 吊床微微摇摆间,他的身体也随之左摇右晃,长袍的下摆掠过空气,就如柳叶拂堤,好一派悠闲自在。 This feeling, seemed returned to the cradle of young period. 这感觉,就好似回到了年幼时期的摇篮内。 What a pity, desire that Wang Yinxuan of this little while has not gone to sleep. His eyes blows off looks on the ceiling to linger to circle, has syngignoscism the colorful butterfly of light, fell into the heavy ponder. 可惜,这会儿的王寅轩一点都没有入睡的欲望。他两眼放空地望着天花板上萦绕盘旋,有着催眠作用的光之彩蝶,陷入了沉沉的思考。 star dust Princess that selects irritably the flesh, the beautiful eye pupil and the sharp ear figure and fair no flaw high, as well as that noble makings, the strong strength, all satisfied the aesthetic standards of Wang Yinxuan that two dimensions appropriately. 星尘公主那高挑火爆地身形、白皙无瑕的肌肤、明媚的眼眸、尖尖的耳朵,以及那高贵的气质,强大的实力,无一不恰如其分地满足了王寅轩那略带二次元的审美观。 However, such girl is not good to pursue. 不过,这样的女孩子可不好追。 Let alone, Wang Yinxuan has not really pursued the experience of girl, can't study the repertoires in these third-class chaotic vulgar novels? He had confirmed a moment ago, these repertoires have no function to star dust Princess probably. 更何况,王寅轩是真没有追女孩的经验,总不能学那些三流乱俗小说中的套路吧?况且刚才他已经验证过了,那些套路对星尘公主好像也没什么作用。 Right! 对了! Wang Yinxuan eye one bright, suddenly remembered oneself Anye Old Ancestor. 王寅轩眼睛一亮,忽然想起了自家安业老祖 That is in clan orthodox lineage the first foundation beginning, simultaneously married the two Commandery Princess life winner, definitely is in this expert. 那是家族嫡脉中第一个开创先河,同时娶了两位郡主的人生赢家,肯定是此中高手。 thoughts reach here, Wang Yinxuan promptly turns on the wrist watch, Anye Old Ancestor sent a pitiful seeking help information to oneself: Ancestor saves a life, how should I be able to pursue to star dust Princess? What special method do you have?” 一念及此,王寅轩立即打开腕表,给自家安业老祖发了一条可怜兮兮的求助信息:“老祖宗救命啊,我该怎么样才能追到星尘公主?您老人家有没有什么特别的手段?” Quick, he then received the reply of Anye Old Ancestor: „In love cannot think with method, you are together with the star dust well, treat with respect, all will success when conditions are ripe.” 很快,他便收到了安业老祖的回复:“谈恋爱可不能想着用手段,你就和星尘好好相处,以诚相待,一切都会水到渠成。” god damn is successful. 神特么水到渠成。 Wang Yinxuan looks right and left, could not see that oneself and star dust Princess has the successful sign. 王寅轩左看右看,也看不出自己和星尘公主有水到渠成的迹象。 He ponders over the moment, changed a seeking help object decisively. 他思忖片刻,果断换了一个求助对象。 He discovers oneself Great Grandfather Wang Fugui communication number, sent a same information to him, after all his Great Grandfather is also a fierce person, with marrying Immortal Dynasty and Demon Dynasty two Princess. 他找出自家太爷爷王富贵的通讯号,给他发了一条一样的信息,毕竟他太爷爷也是一位猛人,同娶仙朝魔朝两位公主 Quick, very cared that Wang Fugui of Great Grandson marriage important matter replied: I, although pays attention to your wedding very much, but is in love cannot worry, particularly cannot be extremely initiative, you only need to act with constraint slightly, the girl will pursue on own initiative your. Wants initially, I and your Great Grandmother they come.” 很快,十分关心重孙儿婚姻大事的王富贵就回复了过来:“我虽然很关注你的婚事,不过谈恋爱可不能着急,尤其是不能太过主动,你只需要稍微矜持一点,女孩子会主动追你的。想当初,我和你太奶奶她们就是这么过来的。” „......” “……” Wang Yinxuan silent speechless. 王寅轩一阵沉默无语。 What Versailles opinion is this? 这是什么凡尔赛言论? Wang Yinxuan understood, with clan these abnormal elders discussed how to pursue the girl, that is bringing contempt upon oneself. 王寅轩明白了,和家族这些变态长辈讨论怎么追女孩子,那就是在自取其辱。 Pursues the experience of girl? Does not exist. Was pursued also almost. 追女孩的经验?不存在的。被追还差不多。 Suddenly, Wang Yinxuan thinks oneself Younger Sister, hesitant, finally experimentally asked one: Old younger sister, to pursue your such status is quite noble, the powerful girl, how I should do am quite easy to succeed, what gift should give?” 忽然,王寅轩想到了自己妹妹,犹豫了一下,最后还是尝试性地问了一句:“老妹儿,要想追你们这样身份比较高贵,实力强大的女孩子,我应该怎么做才比较容易成功,应该送什么礼物?” „...... Wang Yinxuan, do you also really want to pursue star dust Princess?” “……王寅轩,你还真想追星尘公主?” However in a minute, king Hanxia the reply flung, the tone is impolite: Elder Brother, to be honest, I felt that you hope a little uncertainly. You must really like this, is not good trades one to pursue, I feel that in the star dust Princess ethnic group that several Elder are also good.” 不过片刻,王珺霞的回复就劈里啪啦甩了过来,语气一点都不客气:“哥,说实话,我感觉你希望有点渺茫。你要真喜欢这一款,不行换一个追,我觉着星尘公主族群里那几个长老也挺不错的。” Hehe ~ “呵呵~ Wang Yinxuan snorts contemptuously, an operation, temporarily first king Hanxia blacklisted three days. 王寅轩嗤之以鼻,一通操作,暂时先将王珺霞拉黑三天。 After stopping the moment, Wang Yinxuan thought that oneself needs struggles again. Then, he found Monarch white god child, asked the similar words. 停顿了片刻后,王寅轩觉得自己有必要再挣扎一下。然后,他找到了君皓神子,问了同样的话。 In his concept, Monarch white god child looks like an elder brother to be generally kind . Moreover the side will gather round girl one after another frequently, definitely has the different kind method. 在他概念里,君皓神子就像是个老大哥一般亲切,而且身边经常会围着一群又一群的女孩子,肯定有别样的手段。 „The Yinxuan boy, your called to ask to the expert.” Monarch white god child replied him very warmly, wants to make the girls like, first, you must lead, here suggested that you take the road of sword cultivator, leads and can hit. I send several postures to you, you estimate to study well.” 寅轩小子,你这叫问对专家了。”君皓神子十分热情的回复了他,“想让女孩子们喜欢,首先,你得帅,这边建议你走剑修之路,又帅又能打。我给你发几个姿势,你好好揣摩学习一下。” Then ding-dong ding-dong, Wang Yinxuan received big pile of souvenir photos, is Monarch white god child shows various graceful cool postures the appearance. 然后一阵“叮咚叮咚”,王寅轩收到了一大堆留影,都是君皓神子摆出各种帅酷姿势的模样。 And has to embrace the sword lowering the head side face, the look slightly reveals the vicissitudes low and deep. 其中有怀抱着剑低头侧颜,眼神略显沧桑幽沉的。 Also there is to shoulder the long sword, walks the lonely back in setting sun. 也有背负长剑,走在夕阳中的寂寥背影。 A sword refers to the day, haughty uninhibited feature article. 还有一剑指天,狂傲不羁的特写。 And the foot steps on flying sword, travels to the starry sky the natural picture. 以及脚踩飞剑,遨游星空的潇洒画面。 Wang Yinxuan felt that Monarch white god child truly a little said the truth, moreover these souvenir photos also truly very pat have the feeling. 王寅轩感觉君皓神子说得确实有点道理,而且这些留影也确实拍得挺有感觉的。 He decides to attempt, put out the oneself divine sword from storage ring. 他决定尝试一下,就从储物戒中拿出了自己的神剑。 That was a plain heavy/thick bronze-color long sword, the long sword surface somewhat is slightly motley, felt the traces left by time of Years place of setting. 那是一柄古朴厚重的青铜色长剑,长剑表面略有些斑驳,充满了岁月沉淀处的沧桑感。 This sword looks plainly plain, but the might is actually astonishing, its current condition, but is the divine object from the filthy one shape. 此剑看着质朴无华,可实则威力惊人,它目前的状况,不过是神物自秽的一种形态而已。 This sword named Cangwu divine sword, Wang Yinxuan completed branch mission a short time ago one Exterminates two tenth stage Demon God to plant After one of the obtained mission rewards. 此剑名为【苍梧神剑】,正是王寅轩前不久完成“支线任务”之一【清剿二十阶魔神植】后,得到的任务奖励之一。 In addition, he also obtained three ten fourth grade Spirit Pill, as well as a wisp Immortal Spirit source, Both will not give Ancestral Grandfather Wang Shouzhe to take away from now on, trades to him one pile of clan contribution points. 除此之外,他还得到了三枚十四品神丹,以及一缕【仙灵界本源】,不过后两者都给老祖爷爷王守哲收走了,换给他一堆家族贡献值 Wang Yinxuan grasps the Cangwu divine sword, is imitating Monarch white elder brother's posture. 王寅轩手握苍梧神剑,模仿着君皓老大哥的姿势。 He assumed each posture, in the heart felt silently, suddenly felt thick sense of shame unchecked floating the heart. 他将每个姿势都摆了一遍,心中默默的感受了一下,顿觉一股浓浓的羞耻感不可遏制的浮上心头。 It is not good, this was too ashamed, my oneself this closes cannot pass. 不行不行,这太羞耻了,我连自己这一关都过不去。 Wang Yinxuan immediately gave up the say/way of sword cultivator. 王寅轩立即放弃了剑修之道。 This road, person who leaves has talent goes to ~ 这条路,还是留给更有天赋的人去走吧~ He turned in the relation list of oneself turned, finally turned the object World of Immortals famous flower two generations that can seek help, crown prince hou. 他在自己的联系列表里翻了又翻,终于又翻到了一个可以求助的对象仙界有名的花二代,太子犼。 Although he with crown prince hou is not too ripe, but each other has also seen repeatedly, and kept the contact way mutually. 虽然他跟太子犼不是太熟,但彼此也见过多次,并且互留了联络方式。 The inquiry sends. 询问发过去。 Quick, crown prince hou gave him to reply: Pursues girl's method? Isn't this rich on the line? You make an effort to put up the cash, if she does not move, definitely is insufficient many, the way of you pound or pounding is not very ingenious. In your family rich, suits this path.” 很快,太子犼就给了他回复:“追女孩子的手段?这不是有钱就行吗?你使劲砸钱,她要是不动心,肯定是你砸的不够多,或者砸的方式不够巧妙。你家里有钱,就适合走这路子。” Right, or ok, you ask ten thousand day Demon Palace albizzia julibrissin Demon Sect headquarters again. The profound female bead effect that they produce is good, but can also raise the conception rate.” “对了,要不行,你再问问万化天魔宫的合欢魔宗总部。他们出产的玄牝珠效果不错,还能提高受孕率。” Puts up the cash? 砸钱? Wang Yinxuan frowns. 王寅轩皱起眉头。 He thought that this too did not respect the oneself love, but the profound female bead he was very actually ripe, before his father and little mother white jade red clouds did not cherish on, once bought many profound female beads to attempt diligently. 他觉得这太不尊重自己的爱情了,不过玄牝珠他倒是很熟,之前他父亲和小妈白玉霞一直怀不上,就曾买过多枚玄牝珠努力尝试。 His Younger Sister king Hanxia comes. 妹妹王珺霞就是这么来的。 Then, he and star dust Princess race also has the isolation, in the future this thing will be essential. Must first look for the albizzia julibrissin sect headquarters, or Extreme Happiness does God Sovereign buy spare? 说起来,他和星尘公主的种族也有隔离,未来这东西必不可少。要不要先找合欢宗总部,或是极乐神皇买一枚备用? Wang Yinxuan such as silently is calculating. 王寅轩如是默默的盘算着。 ****** ****** At the same time. 同一时间。 In opposite room, supreme yi transforms the beautiful woman who becomes is also lost in thought that collects focuses on the pupil silently is calculating anything. 对面的房间内,至尊嬟幻化而成的美女也陷入了沉思,敛着眼眸默默的盘算着什么。 Status that she currently uses, is orthodox second daughter that was born in the ordinary Holy Clan family, oneself aptitude and resources are very common, actually closes right up against itself to try hard and fight, becomes an outstanding Eight Trigrams (gossip) column professional reporter, these years the popularity is also higher and higher. 她目前使用的身份,是一个出生于普通圣族家庭的嫡次女,自身资质和资源都很一般,却靠着自身努力和打拼,成为了一名出色的八卦栏目职业记者,这些年来知名度也是越来越高。 This status is suitable she. Had covering up of this status, she spies on everywhere, all parties inquired the collection information, even was the secret follows closely, will not bring in the suspicion. 这身份非常适合她。有了这层身份的遮掩,她无论是四处窥探,还是各方打听收集情报,甚至是秘密盯梢,都不会引来怀疑。 When dog young, for great control is right, this does not knock chen. 当狗仔嘛,为了伟大的主宰对不对,这不磕碜。 Let alone when now enjoys a good reputation in entire World of Immortals media king Wang Baoguang, young also depends on, when the dog young builds up. 何况现在享誉整个仙界的传媒大王王宝光,年轻之时也是靠着当狗仔起家的。 When the this time god beautiful jade gathers together, all troops well up toward the god beautiful jade palace, she ambushes long time ago, in ruled in the world hotel, besides collection information, wants to look to have what Peerless good opportunity. 这一次神瑛荟萃之际,各方人马都朝着神瑛殿涌来,她自是早早就潜伏在了君临天下酒店之内,除了收集情报之外,也是想找一找有没有什么绝世良机。 Now, Peerless good opportunity already. 现在,绝世良机已至。 this time, supreme yi submerged World of Immortals to carry out mission, the control plate also granted her most precious object 【The eye of desire. 这一次,至尊嬟潜入仙界执行任务,主宰盘还赐予了她一件至宝【欲望之眼】。 This treasure came from foreign land world super powerhouse Desire control. 这件宝物来自于一位异域世界的超级强者【欲望主宰】。 The desire control, is even Demon Race thought that the evil abnormal terrifying exists. He almost controlled entire world, all lives become his desire servant. 欲望主宰,是一个连魔族都觉得邪恶变态的恐怖存在。他几乎控制了一整个世界,所有生灵都成为了他欲望的奴仆。 However even so, he cannot escape going on a punitive expedition against of Demon Race. 不过即便如此,他也没能逃得过魔族的征伐。 In the chaos control and Gui Xie control jointly , the desire control changed to the material and treasure, but that world was also ransacked, even the source has not left behind one. 在混沌主宰和妫燮主宰联手下,欲望主宰化作了材料和宝物,而那个世界也被洗劫一空,连本源都没留下一丝。 The desire control was known as Ten thousand demons, The eye of desire is the desire controls a core eye, the time and way of if using are appropriate, even can control Immortal Emperor with the eye of desire. 欲望主宰又号称【万眼之魔】,欲望之眼是欲望主宰身上的一只核心眼睛,若是使用的时机和方式得当,甚至能用欲望之眼控制一个仙帝 Once releases completely the strength in eye of desire, that Immortal Emperor will come under the influence of desire principle, will regard as the goddess to the mind her from the body, becomes she most loyal licking dog, the desire servant. 一旦将欲望之眼中的力量全部释放出来,那位仙帝会受到欲望法则的影响,从身体到心灵都会将她视作女神,成为她最忠诚的舔狗,欲望的奴仆。 Moreover, in bystander opinion, he just turned into a frantic licking dog, from the desire of soul instinct, will not have any controlled trace. 而且,在外人看来,他只不过是变成了一个狂热的舔狗,是发自灵魂本能的欲望,不会有任何被操控的痕迹。 Its rarest place also lies in this. 它最难得之处也在于此。 Once uses successfully, even Immortal Emperor face to face, is unable to detect any difference. 一旦使用成功,就算是仙帝当面,也无法察觉出任何异样。 But general soul control method, no doubt simple effective, is actually not able to hide the truth from the Immortal Emperor informer. 而一般的灵魂操控手段,固然简单有效,却无法瞒过仙帝的耳目。 Only pitifully, the desire control has died, separated the eye of desire from him naturally becomes did not have a duckweed, water without a source, inside energy and principle strength, once exhausted is unable to supplement again. 只可惜,欲望主宰已死,从他身上分离出的欲望之眼自然也就成了无根之萍,无源之水,里面的能量和法则力量一旦耗尽就无法再补充。 Therefore, the eye of each core desire can only use one time, but the control plate the eye of desire inheritance came from chaos control that side, only has three merely. 因此,每一枚核心欲望之眼都只能使用一次,而主宰盘从混沌主宰那边“继承”来的欲望之眼,也仅仅只有三枚。 Until now, was only left over last. 时至今日,更是只剩下了最后一枚。 If not this mission is critical, perhaps the control plate has not hated to take the consumption. 若非此次任务非常紧要,主宰盘恐怕还舍不得拿出来消耗。 About the eye of this desire, supreme yi has had many tentative plans, for example the design holds some Immortal Emperor, turns into licking of dog love him with the eye of desire, but similar plan implements the difficulty to be enormous. 关于这一枚欲望之眼,至尊嬟有过多种设想,例如设计抓住某个仙帝,用欲望之眼将他变成“爱之舔狗”,但类似的计划实施起来难度极大。 If trades to make these god child Divine Maiden, the operation was actually simple, but the value does not match, always thought that a little owes. 若是换做那些神子神女,操作倒是简单了,但价值不匹配,总觉得有点亏。 In addition, supreme yi has also considered Wang Clan some orthodox lineage core adult males, but these had the orthodox lineage adult males of right of inheritance to have the respective marriage, there are heir. 除此之外,至尊嬟还考虑过王氏的一些嫡脉核心男丁,可那些拥有继承权的嫡脉男丁都已经有了各自的婚姻,也有了子嗣。 By their situations, if turns into her licking dog suddenly, even if the exam cannot find out the control trace, the behavior could not convince logically, was easy to arouse suspicion. 以他们的情况,如果突然之间变成她的舔狗,就算检查不出操控痕迹,行为逻辑上也说不通,容易引起怀疑。 Most appropriate, is the position is high enough, but unmarried, best is the love has not even discussed youngster. 最合适的,还是身份地位足够高,但未婚,最好是连恋爱都没谈过的年轻人 Now she saw Wang Yinxuan, felt all of a sudden the opportunity came. 如今她看到了王寅轩,一下子感觉机会来了。 Wang Yinxuan is eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan the lineage/vein successor, the status is honored, what is rare is his also un- marriage and having child, even the love has not discussed. 王寅轩王氏嫡长脉继承人,身份尊贵,难得的是他还未结婚生子,甚至连恋爱都没谈过。 Moreover he is pursuing that what star dust Princess at present, if rebuffed in star dust Princess that dejected under switches into her person to embrace , is very fair. 而且他目前正在追求那个什么星尘公主,若是在星尘公主那碰了一鼻子灰,心灰意冷下转投入她人怀抱,也是十分合情合理。 Even if he reveals unknowingly some frantically to oneself, moves , then always follows, does not calculate that oversteps the limit specially. 即便他不经意间对自己露出些狂热,动则言听计从,也不算特别出格。 After all, many people usually look very sanely, is very calm, once is in love the intelligence quotient to plummet, seemed like with trading person. This situation, is named love brain. 毕竟,有不少人平时看着很理智,很冷静,一旦谈起恋爱来智商就直线下降,看起来就跟换了一个人似的。这种情况,俗称“恋爱脑”。 Supreme yi is very elegant to the status of oneself arrangement, the family background is somewhat low, but the appearance and ability are very outstanding, Wang Clan even to her status some veiled criticism, but can accept finally mostly. 至尊嬟给自己安排的这个身份十分考究,出身偏低,但容貌和能力都十分出众,王氏就算对她的身份有些微词,但最后多半是能接受的。 Then, even if she ambushed Wang Clan thoroughly, was good to the important matter of following control plate extremely. 如此一来,她就算是彻底潜伏进了王氏,对接下来主宰盘的大计极有好处。 After one hesitates and consideration, supreme yi sets firm resolve. 一番沉吟和考量之后,至尊嬟下定了决心。 ****** ****** In timbo hut. 树藤小屋里。 Wang Yinxuan was still pondering strategy that pursues the girl. 王寅轩还在思考着追女孩子的策略。 Suddenly. 忽而。 He slightly absent-minded, the head is at present murky, the ear bank also transmits intermittently, if has gentle talking during sleep that resembles not to have, the gentle as feather, is provoking his mind slightly. 他眼前微微一阵恍惚,脑袋昏昏沉沉的,耳畔也传来阵阵若有似无的温柔呓语,轻柔似羽毛,微微撩拨着他的心神。 Dim within, he received anything to inpel probably general, turned over/stood up the hammock, left the vine hut, arrived at facing each other swayingly, pressed down the doorbell gently. 朦朦胧胧间,他像是受到了什么感召一般,翻身下了吊床,离开藤蔓小屋,晃晃悠悠地来到了对门,轻轻按下了门铃。 kacha! 咔嚓 The door opens. 房门打开。 Has the pretty face, the proud stature, decisive supreme yi appears in the entrance. 拥有漂亮脸蛋,傲人身材,气质干练的至尊嬟出现在门口。 However, is different from beforehand or the violent anger or planning, her corner of the eye of this time hangs, the water used tearful look seeks help looks at Wang Yinxuan, looks somewhat miserable: Young Master, the lamp in my room went bad, now is quite black, I quite feared.” 不过,不同于之前的或暴怒或算计,此时的她眼角微垂,用水汪汪的眼神求助般的看着王寅轩,看起来有些楚楚可怜:“公子,我屋里的灯坏了,现在好黑,我好怕。” She behind a piece jet black deep, is peaceful including a sound not to have, seems abyss world that is treats people to bite. 她身后一片漆黑深沉,安静得连一丝声音都没有,好似是待人而噬的深渊世界 Here, she only dares to use some simple and harmless abilities, realizes some not complex goal, the process was also naturally more tortuous. 在这里,她只敢用一些简单而无害的能力,来实现一些不复杂的目的,过程自然也就曲折了些。 Fierce cultivation technique and ability she naturally has, but once she displays to Wang Yinxuan, is very likely inspiring to rule the world internal guard mechanism. 厉害的功法和能力她自然是有,可一旦她对王寅轩施展,就极有可能引动君临天下内部的守卫机制。 She almost can determine, the present god beautiful jade palace and rules Tianxia Restaurant, at least Immortal Emperor is guarding in secret. 她几乎可以确定,如今的神瑛殿和君临天下酒楼这边,至少有一位仙帝在暗中镇守。 But that star dust Princess that the opposite lives, also not easy with it generation. 而对面住的那位星尘公主,也绝非易与之辈。 Once the sound is too big, alarmed these to exist, she must clamp the tail to escape. 一旦动静太大,惊动了这些存在,她就得夹着尾巴逃跑了。 „Was lamp bad?” Wang Yinxuan slightly revealed on the face of delay to pass over gently and swiftly wipes confusedly, the instinct said, I helped you call the security, making the worker cultivate/repair.” “灯坏了?”王寅轩略显呆滞的脸上掠过一抹迷茫,本能说道,“我帮你叫保安,让工人过来修。” Supreme yi stares slightly. 至尊嬟微微一愣。 Is this Wang Yinxuan instinct deals? 这就是王寅轩的本能应对? Young Master, others have reported the service, but is somewhat afraid now, can you come to accompany my?” Supreme yi continues to maintain the pitiful tone, in the beautiful pupil the water glare surges, pretty. 公子,人家已经申报了维修,只是现在有些害怕,您能不能进来陪我一下?”至尊嬟继续维持着可怜兮兮的语气,美眸中水光涌动,楚楚动人。 This, is the this solitary one male widow, not quite good in the evening......?” The Wang Yinxuan innermost feelings struggle, the instinct responded, „, I accompanied your a while in this entrance.” “这,晚上孤男寡女,不太好吧……?”王寅轩内心挣扎,本能回应,“要不,我就在这门口陪你一会儿。” Supreme yi: „......” 至尊嬟:“……” Quarter, you come to accompany my quarter of an hour time.” Supreme yi continues to plead, Young Master, asked you.” “一刻钟,您就进来陪我一刻钟时间。”至尊嬟继续恳求,“公子,求求你了。” Good............” Wang Yinxuan slightly to struggle, finally complies. “好……吧……”王寅轩略挣扎了一下,终于答应。 His instinct felt, this is at the mediation good deed. 他本能感觉,这是在做好人好事。 Many thanks Young Master helps one another.” Supreme yi slightly relaxes, expresses gratitude hastily grateful, is sideways to make way, asking Wang Yinxuan to enter the room. “多谢公子相助。”至尊嬟略松一口气,连忙感激地道了声谢,而后侧身让开,请王寅轩进屋。 Wang Yinxuan walked blurry. 王寅轩迷迷糊糊走了进去。 kacha, the door was closed. 咔嚓”一声,房门被关上。 Wang Yinxuan the instinct thought immediately is not quite a little right, hurried opens the mouth: Miss, you close to do......” 王寅轩顿时本能觉得有点不太对劲,急忙开口:“姑娘,你关门做……” But his words have not said, held on the hand by supreme yi. 可他的话还未说完,就被至尊嬟拉住了手。 She entrains Wang Yinxuan to step forward forward one step, immediately seemed penetrates an invisible water curtain to be the same, entered another side space. 她拽着王寅轩向前跨出一步,顿时好似穿透了一道无形的水幕一般,进入了另外一方空间。 This was supreme yi already prepare space along. 这是至尊嬟早就布置好的随身空间。 In the restaurant, the part to the environment request high guest, launches the space to live in the hotel room along inside and is not infrequent. 在酒楼内,部分对居住环境要求较高的客人,在酒店房间内部展开随身空间住里面的并不在少数。 Like Wang Shouzhe, is away from home, which restaurant lives, opens the room actually to occupy a position, finally lives in his along space in the yard of that gathering of beautifully dressed people. 就像王守哲,出门在外,无论是住在哪个酒楼,开房间其实都只是占个位置而已,最后都还是住在他随身空间内那栋花团锦簇的小院内。 Moreover, the space will isolate to spy on with the spiritual sense detection along outward, to protect the master privacy. 而且,随身空间都会对外隔绝窥探和神念侦查,以保护主人的隐私。 The Wang Yinxuan confused degree was not high, one hauled in supreme yi space along, the spirit one tight, immediately then awakened from the dim fuzzy consciousness, loses the sound said: Miss, do you do?” 王寅轩被迷惑的程度本就不算高,一被拉进至尊嬟的随身空间,精神一紧,顿时便从朦胧模糊的意识中惊醒了过来,失声道:“姑娘,你这是干什么?” Subconscious, he also thinks that this Miss, is sees his looks to be good-looking, conspires. 下意识的,他还以为这个姑娘,是见他长得俊俏,图谋不轨。 Naturally, in fact, the opposite party indeed is conspiring. 当然,实际上,对方的确在图谋不轨。 Supreme yi has not spoken, turns head to look fiercely to Wang Yinxuan, in the eye pupil has the obscure ray to flash through. 至尊嬟没有说话,猛地扭头看向王寅轩,眼眸中有暗光闪过。 Buzz. “嗡”的一声。 A Wang Yinxuan soul stabbing pain, feels immediately dizzily. 王寅轩神魂一阵刺痛,顿时感觉天旋地转。 The surrounding space barrier is a distortion, the one after another invisible fluctuation is also affecting the Wang Yinxuan sense, making his from head to toe unable to move, seemed is imprisoned in this side small space. 周围的空间壁垒也是一阵扭曲,一道道无形的波动影响着王寅轩的感官,让他浑身上下动弹不得,好似被囚禁在了这方小空间内。 Meanwhile, his heart deep place turned uncontrolled surged intermittently manic and blazing, mood of hatred. 同时,他的心底深处不受控制地翻涌起了阵阵狂躁、炽热,仇恨的情绪。 In fact. 事实上。 The demon art direction that supreme yi walks, the part also and desire and misleads to touch on slightly, but she is far from the desire control being like that powerful, can willful completely control others with no trace. 至尊嬟走的魔功方向,部分也和欲望和蛊惑沾边,只是她远没有欲望主宰那般强大,可以不留痕迹地恣意完全控制他人。 Therefore, what supreme yi often walks misleads the route, moreover usually takes shouldering the method of hatred desire in his person heart to mainly mislead. 因此,至尊嬟往往走的是蛊惑路线,而且通常是以挑起他人心中的仇恨欲望为主要蛊惑手段。 Pitiful little fellow, entered my hatred prisoner's cage, may not have that to leave easily.” Saw caught the prey, supreme yi did not install delicately, on the face revealed wiped smile recklessly, was enchanting and dangerous. “可怜的小家伙,进入了我的仇恨囚笼,可没那么容易能离开。”见得捕获了猎物,至尊嬟也不装柔弱了,脸上露出了一抹肆意的笑容,妖娆而危险。 „Do you, you want to do?” Although Wang Yinxuan manic anxious, but sane is very sober, not by too the influence of hatred. “你,你想干什么?”王寅轩虽然狂躁不安,可理智却十分清醒,也没有受太多仇恨情绪的影响。 After all Wang Yinxuan birth eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan the lineage/vein, crossed from infancy to maturity smoothly, the habitat also filled warmly, entire was a silly son of cheerful landlord family/home, where will have the mood of what bitter in suffering and deep in hatred? 毕竟王寅轩出生王氏嫡长脉,从小到大都过得顺风顺水,生长环境也是充满了温馨,整个就是一个乐呵呵的地主家的傻儿子,哪会有什么苦大仇深的情绪? What does he hate? Hates cartoon author who oneself pursues pigeon? 他恨啥?恨自己追的漫画作者又鸽了么? You could rest assured that I want to make you fall in love with me, falls in love with me crazily, becomes my desire servant.” “你放心,我就是想让你爱上我,疯狂的爱上我,成为我的欲望奴仆。” Supreme yi palm one, in the clear snow white palm then had/left an eyeball of fist size much. 至尊嬟手掌一摊,晶莹雪白的掌心中便多出了一枚拳头大小的眼球。 This eyeball is all over the body red, the eyeball center has one to wipe like setting upright the pupil general blood red, beautiful incomparable, sometimes opens sometimes gathers, is ordinary just like the living creature, appears the ghosts and demons, but evil different. 这眼球通体赤红,眼球中央有一抹如同竖瞳一般的血红色,妖艳无比,时开时合,宛如活物一般,显得鬼魅而邪异。 That is 【The eye of desire. 这就是【欲望之眼】。 Supreme yi that wiped the blood red to aim at Wang Yinxuan, its stimulation of movement. 至尊嬟将那一抹血红色对准了王寅轩,将其催动。 An obscure and invisible fluctuation of energy in the eye fills the air from the desire immediately, covers to go to Wang Yinxuan. 一股晦涩而无形的能量波动顿时自欲望之眼内弥漫而出,向王寅轩笼罩而去。 Wang Yinxuan thought immediately a head bang, the line of sight also becomes twists. 王寅轩顿时觉得脑袋一轰,视线也变得扭曲起来。 In his heart, the inexplicable mood live gradually , he felt present female, as if becomes in his mind the perfect busy goddess, he has an intense impulsion, wants to pay all for her, satisfies all her desires. 他的心中,有一股莫名的情绪渐渐生起,不知不觉间,他感觉眼前的这位女子,仿佛成为了他心目中完美无暇的女神,他有种强烈的冲动,想要为她付出一切,满足她的一切愿望。 Isn't this licking dog mood in third-class little transcript? 这不是三流小抄本中的舔狗情绪吗? „It is not good!” “不好!” In the Wang Yinxuan heart one thump, the residual reason makes him one alert, felt that oneself got sucked probably in a huge trouble. 王寅轩心中一咯噔,残留的理智让他一下警醒起来,感觉自己像是深陷在了一个巨大的麻烦中。 ****** ****** Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In opposite luxurious single room. 对面豪华单间中。 Similarly is in a launching space along. 同样是一片展开的随身空间中。 Compares in the opposite along space darkness and deepness, this space wanted the world of the living to be many along, in the space the sunlight shone, was refreshing and luxuriant, all flowers bloomed together, too beautiful to behold. 相比于对面随身空间的黑暗和深沉,这片随身空间就要阳间得多了,空间中阳光普照,草木葱茏,百花齐放,美不胜收。 The space midpoint, is one completely by one living tree room that the big tree growth becomes, rough is mixing with fine, has to plant very unique natural flavor. 空间正中央,是一座完全由一棵活着的大树生长而成的树屋,粗犷中夹杂着精致,有种十分独特的自然韵味。 Sets up the room entrance. 树屋门口。 The star dust Princess look sits desolately, in a vine naturally grows in the rattan chair that becomes, the fingertip dances gently has the unusual fragment of pattern together unadornedly. 星尘公主神色落寞地坐在一张藤蔓自然生长而成的藤椅之中,指尖轻轻婆娑着一块古拙而拥有花纹的奇特碎片。 Her line of sight falls on the fragment in hand, the look somewhat is empty and blurred, mouth twittering the sound will be as if light the wind to blow will dissipate: Father sovereign, I have acted according to Miracle fragment The destiny direction, arrived at this side unusual world.” 她的视线落在手中的碎片上,眼神却有些空洞而迷离,就连嘴里的呢喃声都轻得仿佛风一吹就会消散:“父皇,我已根据【神迹碎片】的命运指引,来到了这方奇特的世界。” Actually I should how do, can revenge for you, was innumerable dead clansman revenges?” “我究竟该怎么做,才能为您报仇,为无数死去的族人儿报仇?” Often so long as thinks destroys their world fellow is how powerful and fearful, she then felt that the whole body is trembling to palpitate. 每每只要一想到毁灭她们世界的家伙是多么强大和可怕,她便感觉全身都在颤悸。 That is one in her soul, smouldering fear. 那是一股驻留在她神魂之中,挥之不去的恐惧。 Before the clansman, she never dares to display this fear, only has in this absolutely private tree room, she can unload the atrium completely, reveals these deeply to bury in the heart frail and paces back and forth. 在族人面前,她从不敢把这份恐惧表现出来,也唯有在这绝对私密的树屋之中,她才能完全卸下心房,流露出这些深埋在心底的脆弱和彷徨。 Perhaps, I should accept the pursue of Wang Yinxuan.” star dust Princess passed over gently and swiftly like the colored glaze clear eye pupil in wipes hesitant and struggles, in a low voice twittering, he is an incomparably powerful clan successor, perhaps he will help me.” “或许,我应该接受王寅轩的追求。”星尘公主如琉璃般澄澈的眼眸中掠过一抹犹豫和挣扎,低声呢喃,“他是一个无比强大家族的继承人,也许他会帮助我。” star dust wasn't Princess a fool, what the Wang Yinxuan behavior represents her how to be able? 星尘公主并不是傻子,王寅轩的行为代表了什么她岂会不懂? Even if grew she who before under the father sovereign protects does not understand, but the country family perishes after now, has to roam about her thoughts and living under subjugation more sensitive than it past, how unable to understand? 即便以前生长在父皇呵护下的她不懂,但现在国破家亡后,不得不流浪和寄人篱下的她心思比之从前敏感了许多,岂会还看不懂? Father sovereign, actually should I how do?” “父皇,我究竟该怎么做?” Falls into star dust Princess paces back and forth, look pain when twittering. 就在星尘公主陷入彷徨,眼神痛苦的呢喃时。 Suddenly, in her hand Miracle fragment Shivered slightly, then starts becomes hot. 忽而,她手中的【神迹碎片】微微颤动了起来,然后开始变得烫手起来。 In the fragment, is correct saying that Golden Light bursts out. 碎片中,更是有道道金光迸发而出。 Also appears together, is more and more powerful, more and more mysterious principle aura. 随之一起出现的,是越来越强盛,也越来越玄妙的法则气息。 Is this...... the father sovereign is directing to me? 这是……父皇在给我指引? The star dust Princess pupil shrinks slightly, but she responds at once. 星尘公主瞳孔微微一缩,但旋即她就反应了过来。 This is not right. 这不对劲。 Has the issue. 有问题。 ...... ……
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