POP :: Volume #8

#148: God beautiful jade opening! Few Family Head he is very busy

Chapter 1094 第1094章 God beautiful jade opening! Few Family Head he is very busy 神瑛开启!少家主他很忙 ...... …… Here is the immortal recent stage Demon Realm news particularly reported.” “这里是仙新台魔界新闻特别报道。” It is reported that the Demon Race control city was attacked by unidentified militant, the control plate mansion was ransacked, the loss was serious.” “据悉,魔族主宰城遭到了不明武装分子的袭击,主宰槃府邸被洗劫一空,损失惨重。” In the crystal curtain, pulls the pink clouds hair bun, the body puts on attractive Fairy of beautiful clothing immortal clothes, the report of clear pronunciation and mellow voice news manuscript, but also inserts some not to know scene picture, souvenir photo that once for a while where make wait/etc. 晶幕中,一位头挽彩云髻,身上穿着霓裳仙衣的漂亮仙子,正字正腔圆的报道着新闻稿件,还时不时插入一些不知从哪里弄来的现场图片、留影等等。 Side Fairy also sits one straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards bright eye, conducts the back to hang the young male anchor of long sword. 仙子身旁还坐着一位剑眉朗目,背上挂着柄长剑的年轻男主播。 The Fairy speaking voice stops, the male anchor then the connection disseminates news immediately: Demon Race revolts against the organization Bloody Daybreak Publishes to declare, claimed responsibility for this attack. Meanwhile, vice- leader Dragon Blood Great Commander urged that the general Demon Realm people must awaken, overthrows the tyranny of control plate together.” 仙子的说话声一停下,男主播便立刻接口播报:“魔族反抗组织【血色黎明】发表申明,宣称对此次袭击事件负责。同时,副首领龙血大统领呼吁广大魔界民众要觉醒起来,共同推翻主宰槃的暴政。” Immortal Clan attractive Fairy again connection: Demon Race first Lord butchers the plate publication severe statement, expressed cannot with the terrorist organization Bloody Daybreak The compromise, both sides do not have any to negotiate Kong Jian (Space), he Supreme Ming will shall be sentenced to the capital punishment Captain Bloody Daybreak personally.” 仙族漂亮仙子再次接口:“魔族领主宰槃发表严厉声明,表示坚决不会与恐怖组织【血色黎明】妥协,双方已经没有了任何谈判空间,他会亲手将血色黎明首领至尊冥处以极刑。” Male anchor: This control city attack, causing various Demon Realm area situations to be suddenly tense, the Bloody Daybreak radical faction and control conservative faction deploy troops one after another, has sign that anytime launches a Demon Race civil war. Regarding this, immortal commission official foreign spokesman King precious sword Appealed that both sides try hard to restrain the mood, avoids creating in Demon Race plunging the people into disaster, wanting both leaders to be able through the negotiations method solution difference.” 男主播:“此次主宰城袭击事件,导致魔界各区局势陡然紧张,血色黎明激进派和主宰保守派相继调兵遣将,随时有发动一场魔族内战的迹象。对此,仙委会官方对外发言人【王宝剑】呼吁双方努力克制情绪,避免造成魔族内部生灵涂炭的局面,希望双方首领能通过谈判的手段解决分歧。” In addition, this time the attack also involves to many details.” “除此之外,此番袭击事件还涉及到诸多细节。” In Demon Race the tribe group is missing repeatedly mystically, actually to have what inside story? Actually to control the plate dark under evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, does Bloody Daybreak frame by planting stolen goods on to shift blame? Please pay attention to the evening special column of our immortal new stage, special Family Guard leads you to explain the beginning to end of Demon Race civil strife.” 魔族部族群屡屡神秘失踪,究竟有何内情?究竟是主宰槃暗下黑手,还是血色黎明栽赃嫁祸?请关注我们仙新台的晚间特别栏目,专家将带你解读魔族内乱的始末。” The reportage on crystal curtain just ended, the hotel room adduction looked the person who news could not actually have controlled the anger again. 晶幕上的新闻报道刚刚结束,酒店房间内收看新闻的人却已经再也控制不住怒气。 Waste! Why supreme does wang and have a nightmare supremely eats? Unexpectedly made one kill to control Demon Palace!” “废物!至尊尫和至尊魇是干什么吃的?居然让人杀进了主宰魔殿!” Supreme Ming is damn, dares to plan the attack to control Demon Palace!” 至尊冥更是该死,竟敢策划袭击主宰魔殿!” She pinched tightly the teacup in hand, the sound is ice-cold, in the depressing intonation seemed contained the boundless anger. 她捏紧了手中的茶杯,声音冰冷无比,压抑的语调中好似蕴含了无边怒气。 A out-of-control, the teacup in hand crumb by kacha. 一个失控,手中的茶杯就被“咔嚓嚓”捏碎。 This is stature tall Tiao, the makings extremely outstanding beautiful woman. 这是一位身材高窕,气质极为出众的美女。 She wears now the World of Immortals very popular professional attire, seemingly mature, but intellectuality, just like young promising occupation female cultivator. 她穿着现在仙界十分流行的职业装,看上去成熟而知性,活脱脱一位年轻有为的职业女修 This beautiful woman, is the ambush in World of Immortals Supreme yi. 这位美女,正是潜伏在仙界的【至尊嬟】。 For safety, in her surface practices or lives and Immortal Clan female cultivator has no difference, only occasionally and control plate secret one-way contact. 为了安全起见,她表面上无论是修行还是生活都和仙族女修没什么区别,只偶尔和主宰槃秘密单线联系。 But the control plate is obviously impossible to tell her the matter of Demon Realm all affairs big or small completely, most times receive the information that she gives. 而主宰槃明显不可能事无巨细地将魔界发生的事情全部告诉她,多数时候都只是接收她传递的信息而已。 Therefore, supreme yi responded regarding the Demon Realm information news quite lags, like controlling Demon Palace was hit by the attack the big matter, she can only pass unexpectedly Immortal new stage Waits for the World of Immortals media to know. 因此,至尊嬟对于魔界的情报消息反应相当滞后,像主宰魔殿遭受袭击这样的大事情,她竟然只能通过【仙新台】等仙界媒体来得知。 However, supreme yi gets angry even again, is still beyond control regarding the situation in control city, lacks the ability to do what one would like. 不过,至尊嬟就算再怒,对于主宰城的局势也是鞭长莫及,力不从心。 Matter that at present she can handle only, completes oneself this mission, lays the foundation of victory for the plan of great control. 眼下她唯一能做的事情,就是做好自己这份任务,为伟大主宰的计划奠定胜利的基础。 So long as plans successfully, Bloody Daybreak is the clumsy mischief-doer, Supreme Ming is also only after autumn grasshopper, jumped to stumble several days. 只要计划成功,血色黎明不过就是跳梁小丑,至尊冥也只是秋后的蚂蚱,蹦跶不了几天。 Quick, she adjusted the mood, in the eye pupil appeared the firm mood. 很快,她就调整好了情绪,眼眸中浮现出了坚定的情绪。 At this time. 这时候。 In immortal new stage the manuscript paper of anchor's turned one page hand, starts to report the next news. 仙新台的主播将手中的稿纸翻了一页,又开始播报起下一条新闻。 The Fairy female anchor broadcasts the report with the neat delightful sound: 200 years ago makes noisily Ji Tianyang incident, Leaves now again following. Declared Ji day that must thoroughly rectify misdeeds entered Yang Immortal duplicate/restores area The floor work, these for 200 years he sinks the mind, has been doing the most foundation actually effective work diligently.” 仙子女主播用清爽甜美的声音播报道:“两百年前闹得沸沸扬扬的【姬天阳事件】,如今再出后续。宣称要痛改前非的姬天阳进入了【仙复区】底层工作,这两百年来他沉下心灵,一直努力做着最基础却有效的工作。” Soon before, Demon Race remnants of defeated troops attacked the Immortal Clan area, Ji Tianyang is calm in time of danger, the scattered people, organizing various influences on resist, finally successfully defused the crisis, saved at least ten million/countless the people.” “不久之前,一支魔族残部突袭了仙族聚集区,姬天阳临危不乱,疏散民众,组织各势力进行抵抗,最终成功化解了危机,拯救了至少千万民众。” The back hangs the male anchor connection of sword: Crisis, although solves, but Ji Tianyang actually therefore is seriously injured, even soul is nearly defeated and dispersed. Therefore the magnanimous act, Ji Tianyang obtained the extensive recognition of World of Immortals public opinion, thinks that he wants to protect Immortal Clan does not attend to Life and Death, this is the principle of righteousness. Many Man of insight said that the person always has making mistakes time, person who so long as he is willing to make one usefully to Immortal Clan, when the young uninhibited behavior is then worth forgiving.” 背后挂剑的男主播接口:“危机虽然解决,但姬天阳却因此身受重伤,连神魂都险些溃散。因此义举,姬天阳获得了仙界舆论的广泛认可,认为他愿意为了守护仙族不顾生死,此为大义。不少有识之士表示,人总有犯错的时候,但只要他愿意做一个对仙族有用的人,年轻之时的不羁行为便值得原谅。” During this period, Luming Institute Dean Wang Shouzhe also expressed to this matter sincere attention, and sends people to take to return to Luming Institute Ji Tianyang, treats for him personally.” “在此期间,鹿鸣学院院长王守哲也对此事表示了深切关注,并派人将姬天阳接回鹿鸣学院,亲自为他治疗。” According to my stage reporter interviewed, king Dean indicated, knew can improve mistakenly greatest, he believes that oneself student Ji Tianyang, tempering of this sequences of events perhaps instead were a good deed, he anticipated that the student Ji Tianyang future road can walk smoothly, obtained a higher achievement.” “根据我台记者采访,王院长表示,‘知错能改善莫大焉’,他相信自己的学生姬天阳,这一系列事件的磨砺或许反而是一桩好事,他期待学生姬天阳未来的路会走得更加顺畅,获得更高的成就。” Supreme yi heard this report, the corners of the mouth to outline to wipe the happy expression. 至尊嬟听得这则报道,嘴角勾勒出了一抹笑意。 The board game piece of her meticulous arrangements, has arrived evidently initially. 看样子她精心安排的棋子,已经初步到位了。 Afterward. 随后。 The immortal new stage reported several current event news one after another, the development of what Ancient God battlefield had the initial result, massive folk teams harvest wait/etc many. 仙新台又陆续播报了几则时事新闻,什么古神战场的开拓有了初步成效,大量民间团队收获颇丰等等。 In addition, Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace event of World of Immortals high and low very attention. 此外,还有仙界上下都十分关注的颛顼神宫事件。 The immortal commission indicated, Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace has the sign that leaves the domain band, may arrive the World of Immortals range momentarily. 仙委会表示,颛顼神宫已经有离开界域夹层的迹象,随时可能会驾临仙界范围。 Because Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace also has the reason of item spirit operation, it will only reveal true colors in the Immortal Clan control area. 因颛顼神宫内部还有器灵运作的缘故,它只会在仙族控制区现形。 Will soon open based on Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace Dungeon, the competition of god beautiful jade list trial also unprecedented is intense, many youth Heaven's Chosen converge the Taihao day.” “基于颛顼神宫副本即将开启,神瑛榜试炼的竞争也前所未有的激烈起来,诸多青年天骄纷纷云集太昊天。” At present, my stage has established the special column Gathering together god beautiful jade, The interested audience please pay attention to the special column. Now, we first look at on -the-spot coverage.” “目前,我台已建立专题栏目【荟萃神瑛】,有兴趣的观众请关注专题栏目。现在,咱们先看一个现场采访。” With near of more and more day of Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace arrival, float in void sea god beautiful jade palace, has changed tens of millions years quiet and beautiful and loneliness, becomes extremely busy. 随着颛顼神宫降临之日的越来越近,悬浮于虚空海的神瑛殿,早就已经一改数千万年来的清幽和寂寥,变得热闹非凡。 Nearby the plain solemn and respectful bronze-color god beautiful jade palace, does not know when made a giant sphere hotel building newly-built. 古朴肃穆的青铜色神瑛殿一旁,不知何时新建造出了一座巨大的球形酒店式建筑物。 It float one side of god beautiful jade palace, the surface extends the one after another air corridor, goes nonstop to the square outside god beautiful jade palace, the part even can pass through the god beautiful jade palace directly. 它悬浮在神瑛殿一侧,表面延伸出一道道空中走廊,直通神瑛殿外的广场,部分甚至能直接通到神瑛殿内部。 Another side of sphere hotel, but also constructs a very big void sea harbor, in the harbor has to cross the boat to pass in and out unceasingly, seems exceptionally busy. 球形酒店的另一侧,还建有一个非常大的虚空海港口,港口内不断有渡舟进进出出,显得异常繁忙。 This restaurant named Rules the world, Is famous Monarch white God Child/Seed Builds the industry of operation. 这座酒楼名为【君临天下】,是大名鼎鼎的【君皓神子】打造运营的产业。 Depends on heat degree that in Shenying the list increases unceasingly, Monarch white God Child/Seed is centered on the god beautiful jade palace created the god beautiful jade list attached industry chain, including the lodging and sending and picking up, traveling wait/etc derivation industries, these years earns is full. 依托于神瑛榜不断攀升的热度,君皓神子以神瑛殿为核心打造了神瑛榜附属产业链,包括住宿、接送,旅游等等衍生产业,这些年下来赚得是盆满钵满。 Benefits from the dividend of historical development, the core industry of Monarch white God Child/Seed Rules the world The chain restaurant, has spread over a wide area entire World of Immortals now, even the Ancient God battlefield advanced base, has its restaurant semicolon. 得益于时代发展的红利,君皓神子的核心产业【君临天下】连锁酒楼,如今已经开遍了整个仙界,甚至连古神战场前进基地,都有其酒楼分号。 This also causes originally not Taifu Yu Monarch white God Child/Seed, becomes the young list of the richest member, and is better on the path of money-making great undertaking is farther. 这也使得原本不太富裕的君皓神子,一跃成为了年轻富豪榜成员,并在赚钱大业的道路上越行越远。 At this moment. 此刻。 Rules the world In great hall. 【君临天下】大堂内。 Chen Zilu just fired off the god beautiful jade list, returns to the restaurant great hall through the porch continually, was stopped up by a group of reporter all round, interviews equipment dense and numerous arriving to her mouth. 陈紫露刚打完神瑛榜,通过连廊回到酒楼大堂,便被一大群记者团团堵住,采访设备密密麻麻的抵到了她的嘴边。 Purple reveal Fairy, can discuss that your time enters historical total list 98, the present age list 37 feelings?” “紫露仙子,能谈一谈你此次杀入历史总榜九十八名,当代榜三十七位的感想吗?” „When purple reveal Young Lady, you brushed the list a moment ago, you thought that was the oneself optimum condition? Is your present bloodline aptitude Divine Maiden fourth grade intermediate stage? Has a more further idea?” “紫露小姐,您刚才刷榜时,您觉得是自己最佳状态了吗?您现在的血脉资质已经是神女丁等中段了吗?有没有更进一步的想法?” Chen Zilu Fairy, some large number of rumors, said that you used Ji Tianyang incident to seek the public to sympathize initially, climbed up remote antiquity Immortal Emperor tall branch, what view does your rumor have?” “陈紫露仙子,有相当一部分传言,说您当初利用了姬天阳事件博取公众同情,借此攀上了太上仙帝高枝,您对此传言有什么看法?” Ji day returned to Luming Institute Yang recently, how do you see?” “姬天阳最近重返鹿鸣学院,您对此怎么看?” Similar situation Chen Zilu these years do not know that have experienced many times, even if were stopped up suddenly, even issue each one more than the last of interviewers is incisive, on her face still always has feel alienated not to lose the polite the smile. 类似的情况陈紫露这些年已不知经历过多少次,就算乍然被堵,就算采访者们的问题一个比一个尖锐,她的脸上也始终带着疏离而不失礼貌的笑容。 Was inquired about past matter, her look is still also confident, not salty does not deal with the interview with the official repertoire pale. 被问及当年的事情,她的神色也依旧坦然,不咸不淡地用官方套路应对采访。 Present she has not been in the past the daughter of first wife of that small track clan, as remote antiquity Immortal Emperor personal inheritance disciple, as well as king Hanxia the Young Lady follower, she has become pivotal the key man in the entire World of Immortals range, speaking incorrectly a few words, possibly bring in the public opinion disturbance. 如今的她早已经不是当年那个小小道族的嫡女,作为太上仙帝亲传弟子,以及王珺霞小姐的追随者,她早已成为在整个仙界范围内都举足轻重的关键人物,说错一句话,就可能引来舆论风波。 At this time, noticed here Eastern summer Xue of situation also to welcome fast, protected Chen Zilu after behind, stopped and deals with various group of reporters for her, and escorted in her the spirit energy ladder. 这时候,注意到这边情况的东方夏雪也飞快迎了过来,将陈紫露护在身后,替她阻挡和应付起了各路记者,并将她一路护送到了灵能梯中。 So many years pass by, the Eastern summer snow appearance as before, makings had actually had the tremendous changes, from naive pure small Miss, turned into one astutely capable, versatile or well-rounded person who can proficiently deal with any situation. 这么多年过去,东方夏雪容貌依旧,一身的气质却已然发生了翻天覆地的变化,从一个天真单纯的小姑娘,变成了一个精明干练,能熟练应对任何情况的多面手。 With the spirit energy ladder closure, starts the extreme speed to increase upwardly, the Eastern summer snow somewhat tight nerve relaxed slightly. 随着灵能梯关闭,开始极速向上攀升,东方夏雪略微有些紧绷的神经才放松了下来。 These reporters were too annoying. Purple reveal Elder Sister, are you all right?” “那些记者太烦人了。紫露姐姐,您没事吧?” The vision that she somewhat worries about slightly falls on Chen Zilu, in the pupil light seems the small star of worship and respect is flashing. 她略微有些担忧的目光落在陈紫露身上,眸光中似有崇拜和敬仰的小星星在闪动。 Obviously, she regarded as the oneself idol Chen Zilu. 十分显然,她将陈紫露视作了自己偶像。 Chen Zilu however smiles shallowly: All right, I have been used. The summer snow you, followed I to juggle actually this period of time laboriously.” 陈紫露浅然一笑:“没事的,我已经习惯了。倒是夏雪你,这段时间跟着我忙里忙外辛苦了。” „It is not laborious, is not laborious.” Eastern summer Xue quickly beckons with the hand, can following purple reveal Elder Sister work, my whole body was full of the working zeal.” “不辛苦,不辛苦。”东方夏雪急忙摆手,“能跟着紫露姐姐做事,我浑身都充满了干劲。” Her pupil is bright, in the heart ponders secretly. 她眸光闪闪,心中暗忖。 I am the purple reveal Elder Sister follower, but purple reveal Elder Sister including the mist Young Lady follower, but including mist Young Lady is Wang Clan present age orthodox lineage eldest daughter, rounds up, I was also the king Dean person. 我是紫露姐姐的追随者,而紫露姐姐是珺霞小姐的追随者,而珺霞小姐又是王氏当代嫡长女,四舍五入一下,我也算是王院长的人了。 During the speeches, the spirit energy ladder stopped again. two people got down the spirit energy ladder, then entered in one set of luxury suite. 说话间,灵能梯再次停了下来。两人下了灵能梯,便进入了一套豪华套间内。 Arrived here, entered personal Kong Jian (Space) truly. 到了这里,才算是真正进入了私人空间 Eastern summer Xue kept oneself here wrist watch to hand over Chen Zilu: Purple reveal Elder Sister, contacts with your person this period of time, I already one by one record, hit the list to finish the congratulatory telegram that the later earliest possible time sent in you much, congratulated you to enter historical total list 97.” 东方夏雪将陈紫露留在自己这里的腕表递了过去:“紫露姐姐,这段时间联系您的人,我都已经一一记录,其中不少都是在您打榜结束之后第一时间发来的贺电,祝贺您进入历史总榜九十七名。” Right, Monarch white God Child/Seed sent in the congratulatory telegram to you a moment ago, after saying to be you, will enjoy is ruling the world free food and lodging the right, but, the coordination sends the friend circle.” “对了,刚才君皓神子给您发来贺电,说是您以后将享有在君临天下免费吃住的权利,不过,得配合发个朋友圈。” Chen Zilu smiles. 陈紫露莞尔一笑。 Monarch white God Child/Seed this keen business sense actually more and more fine. 君皓神子这生意经倒是越来越精了。 However, invitation summer Xue of her coordination patted the immortal qi floating souvenir photo to her, and coordinates the souvenir photos of some restaurant internal and external, edited one to send the friend circle. 不过,她还是十分配合的请夏雪给她拍了个仙气飘飘的留影,并配合一些酒楼内外部的留影,编辑一番发了个朋友圈。 Because of past that matter, she has been very high in the young God Child/Seed Divine Maiden popularity, her friend encircles is attention is also numerous. Now sends such a friend circle, was hits to represent the advertisement for Monarch white God Child/Seed. 因为当年那件事情,她在年轻神子神女们之中知名度一直都很高,她的朋友圈也是关注者众多。如今发这么一个朋友圈,也算是替君皓神子打了个代言广告。 The friends encircled just sent out, Monarch white God Child/Seed retransmitted this friend circle on the earliest possible time, and was joined to the message: God beautiful jade gathers together, Rules the world Accompanies your magnificent life, congratulates purple reveal Younger Sister to reach first hundred.” 朋友圈刚一发出,君皓神子就第一时间就转发了这条朋友圈,并配上了广告词:“神瑛荟萃,【君临天下】伴您辉煌人生,祝贺紫露妹妹登顶前百。” Then. 然后。 Monarch white God Child/Seed friend encircles under the advertisement, presented massive messages. 君皓神子朋友圈广告下面,就出现了大量留言。 And Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess said: Monarch white Elder Brother, where doesn't you have the sword cultivator flavor my once that Monarch white Elder Brother to go to now more and more?” 其中青璃神女说:“君皓哥哥,伱现在越来越没有剑修的味道了我曾经的那个君皓哥哥去哪里了?” Then, one group of people express the opinion under the Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess message. 然后,又有一堆人在青璃神女留言下发表意见。 Monarch white God Child/Seed is also paying attention to the friend to encircle the situation obviously, almost the second returns: My Qing Li Younger Sister ~ the person must grow up, must learn to accept the reality the brutality, I cannot be the same with my Teacher, mixed several hundred thousand years also such, even Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor cannot raise.” 君皓神子显然也正在关注朋友圈情况,几乎秒回:“我的青璃妹妹啊~人总要长大,要学会接受现实的残酷,我不能和我师尊一样,混了几十万岁也就那样,连紫薇仙帝都养不起。” However in a minute, Emperor Vast Sky Sword message appeared under this reply: Hehe ~ you give this Immortal Emperor to wait......” 不过片刻,昊天剑帝的留言就出现在了这一条回复下面:“呵呵~你给本仙帝等着……” This message harvested a series of point to praise rapidly. 这条留言迅速收获了一连串的点赞。 But no one replies in behind, seems waiting response that looks at Monarch white God Child/Seed. 但没有一个人在后面回复,似乎都在等着看君皓神子的反应。 Is unfair to Teacher, was I am wrong.” Monarch white God Child/Seed fast, polite shield Emperor Vast Sky Sword. “对不起师尊,是我错了。”君皓神子飞快的,礼貌性的屏蔽了昊天剑帝。 The busybodies who surround in secret are overjoyed immediately, many people even after the flour dim sum wax. 暗中围观的好事者们顿时乐不可支,不少人甚至在后面点了根蜡。 Because is an acquaintance, basically is a good friend , this friend encircled even more to live it up, one group of people regarded the chat group to chat him unexpectedly generally. 由于都是熟人,相互之间基本都是好友,不知不觉间,这条朋友圈就愈发热闹了起来,一群人竟是把他当成了聊天群一般聊了起来。 Obviously, everyone paid attention to the god beautiful jade list recently, even many people had finished other work on hand, in catching up on road, this one after another is so active. 十分显然,最近大家伙儿都十分关注神瑛榜,甚至有不少人已经结束了手头的其他工作,在赶来的路上了,这才一个个都如此活跃。 At this time. 这时候。 Named few Family Head he was very busy ID braved suddenly, left a message to say in behind: Monarch white big brother, I had arrived at your hotel. Rules the world god beautiful jade branch store Immortal Emperor suite Keeps two to me, I met mission of entertainment foreign land ambassador. Oh ~ was really is difficult I.” 一个叫做“少家主他很忙”的ID忽然冒了出来,在后面留言道:“君皓大哥,我已经到了你的酒店。君临天下神瑛分店的【仙帝套间】给我留两个,我接了个招待异域大使的任务。哎哟~真是难死我了。” Quick, some people under leaves a message: Yinxuan boy, you in reception star dust Princess?” 很快,就有人在下方留言:“寅轩小子,你是在接待星尘公主吗?” Hehe ~ that must ~ haven't you seen? After he meets mission, sent the friend circle, sent when the waiting shuttle boat, launched in salvos several...... to send one in the Taihao day ferry a moment ago, each friend encircled must be joined to the star dust Princess souvenir photo......” “嘿嘿~那必须是啊~你们没看到吗?他接完任务后就发了朋友圈,在等待穿梭舟时又发了个,在太昊天摆渡时连发了几个……刚才又发了一个,每个朋友圈都必须配上星尘公主的留影……” Monarch white God Child/Seed is still paying attention to the friend circle obviously, quick gave the Wang Yinxuan reply: God beautiful jade branch store recent person were too many, already not the unnecessary room. Words that you or shut out, I share with you my oneself that wrap/sets, that is a luxurious single room, you make to put up with suddenly.” 君皓神子显然还在关注朋友圈,很快就给了王寅轩回复:“神瑛分店最近人太多了,已经没有多余的房间了。你要不嫌弃的话,我把我自己那套匀给你,那是个豪华单间,你就将就一下。” End, he also matched inexpensively dá dá you to understand expression. 末尾,他还配个了贱哒哒的“你懂得”表情。 Monarch white big brother you are really tasteful, this favor I remembered.” Wang Yinxuan also had double meaning, replied an understanding clearly expression. “君皓大哥您真讲究,这个人情我记下了。”王寅轩也是一语双关,回复了一个了然的表情。 Then, Wang Yinxuan acts according to the instruction of Monarch white God Child/Seed, brings to bind solid, but also wore sunglasses Arter Liz star dust Princess, rode the sightseeing ladder to arrive outside the top suite. 然后,王寅轩就根据君皓神子的指示,带着裹得严严实实,还戴了一副墨镜的【贝阿特丽斯・星尘】公主,乘坐观光梯抵达了顶层的套房外。 Star dust Your Highness Princess.” But the Wang Yinxuan politeness explained all regrettably, situation you also saw, now entire rules the world, remaining this rooms.” “星尘公主殿下。”王寅轩礼貌而无不遗憾地解释,“情况您也看到了,现在整个君临天下,就剩下这一个房间了。” star dust Princess untied the camouflage, takes off the sunglasses, revealing was very fine and natural solemn appearance. 星尘公主解开了伪装,摘下墨镜,露出了无比精致又大方端庄的容颜。 She looks at Wang Yinxuan, winks a pair of pure busy eye pupil to inquire: Can't try to find the solution again?” 她看着王寅轩,眨着一双纯洁无暇的眼眸询问道:“就不能再想想办法了?” Monarch white big brother the last set will have given us, was not good to go to trouble him again.” On the Wang Yinxuan face brings slightly obviously reluctantly, the reasonable smile, has not actually related, your highness tired was laborious, first hurries to rest.” “君皓大哥已将最后一套让给咱们了,不好再去麻烦他了。”王寅轩脸上带着略显无奈,却又通情达理的笑容,“没关系的,殿下一路劳累辛苦了,先赶紧休息去。” You?” star dust Princess somewhat hesitates. “那你呢?”星尘公主有些犹豫。 This top layer corridor is also very spacious and peaceful, I make to put up with here suddenly, happen to can also look at a gate for Your Highness Princess.” A Wang Yinxuan face sincere. “这顶层走廊也挺宽敞和安静的,我就在这里将就一下,正好也可以替公主殿下看个门。”王寅轩一脸正色。 This how?” star dust Princess shakes the head immediately, you are also noble clan Young Patriarch, I cannot make you lie down in the corridor suffering rest. Is away from home, always has inconvenient. Like this, you put in great inconvenience, rests my room.” “这怎么可以?”星尘公主顿时摇头,“你也是高贵家族少族长,我不能就这么让你委屈地躺在走廊里休息。出门在外,总有不便。这样吧,你就委屈一下,睡我的屋子。” Became! 成了! Wang Yinxuan heart inside villain wielded under the fist ruthlessly, sends out one Jie Jie Jie strange laughter. 王寅轩心里面的小人儿狠狠挥了下拳头,发出一阵“桀桀桀”的怪笑声。 Really, repertoire thing does not fear old, easy-to-use on line! 果然,套路这东西不怕老,好用就行! Prepares to put on airs when him, expressed the attitude of honorable gentleman again, about star dust Princess looked, pulled out an aquamarine seed suddenly, lost toward the corridor on. 就在他准备装模作样,再表达一下正人君子的态度时,星尘公主左右看了看,忽而掏出了一颗碧绿色的种子,就这么往走廊上一丢。 That aquamarine seed is against the wind long, suddenly changed into sturdy vines. 那碧绿种子迎风即长,眨眼间就化为了一根根粗壮的藤蔓。 Then, vine growth while pesters mutually, interweaves mutually, quick turned into one almost to fill up half corridor Fujiya. 而后,藤蔓一边生长一边相互纠缠,相互交织,很快就变成了一间几乎填满半个走廊的藤屋。 Although this Fujiya appearance is strange, but that interweaving way, actually showed an inexplicable fineness and gracefulness closely, has the fairy tale -type aesthetic sense. 这藤屋模样虽然怪异,但那细细密密地交织方式,却又透出了一股莫名的精致和优雅,有种童话式的美感。 This, is this room of Your Highness Princess?” Wang Yinxuan stares dumbfounded. “啊这,这就是公主殿下的屋子?”王寅轩瞠目结舌。 Yes. This is a temporary hut that I most like.” The star dust Princess doubt looks at him, what issue has?” “是啊。这是我最喜欢的一间临时小屋。”星尘公主狐疑地看着他,“有什么问题吗?” Does not have the issue.” Wang Yinxuan wants to cry but have no tears. “没有问题。”王寅轩欲哭无泪。 That, good night.” The star dust Princess politeness salutes, then entered the room directly, the convenient door closes. “那么,晚安。”星尘公主礼貌行礼,而后径直进了房间,顺手将门关上。 Oh ~ Wang Yinxuan deeply sighed, then drilled into the vine hut reluctantly. “唉~王寅轩深深叹了口气,而后无奈地钻入了藤蔓小屋。 This time Wang Yinxuan has not noticed, opposite in corridor that suite, the pair of attractive and deep eye pupil, is penetrating the unidirectional cat eye in gate to watch for outward. 这时的王寅轩并没有注意到,走廊对面的那间套房内,有一双漂亮而深沉的眼眸,正透过门上的单向猫眼向外窥伺。 that scene on corridor, entire Tribe entered in To watch attentively of this eye a moment ago. 刚才发生在走廊上的那一幕,全部落入了这双眼睛的注视之中。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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