POP :: Volume #8

#147: Incompetent wild with rage control plate

Chapter 1093 第1093章 Incompetent wild with rage control plate 无能狂怒的主宰槃 ...... …… Has a nightmare supremely, although shocks, but he eventually is not easy with it generation, the figure avoided the supreme attack in a flash. 至尊魇虽然震惊,但他终究不是易与之辈,身形一晃就躲开了至尊的袭击。 Looks at the look crazy supremeness, has a nightmare supremely startled and anger: Supreme, you insane inadequate?” 看着神色疯狂的至尊,至尊魇又惊又怒:“至尊,你疯了不成?” Right! The old ladies are even insane, was still controlled the plate to compel insanely!” Supreme does not have any delays, the hand is possessed by a demon to puncture turns, to had a nightmare to launch the ferocious attack again supremely. “没错!老娘就算疯,也是被主宰槃逼疯的!”至尊没有任何耽搁,手中魔刺一翻,再次向至尊魇发动了猛烈的进攻。 Has a nightmare supremely does not dare to talk too much again, deals with the supremeness that as if iron core must revolt wholly absorbed. 至尊魇不敢再多言,专心致志地应对起了似乎铁了心要造反的至尊。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Not far away, a elite demon soldier killed. 不远处,一支精锐魔兵杀了出来。 These demon soldier armor are dense, the vision is imposing, sends out dense fiendish qi that is having fought many battles to discipline all through, just appears then follows the stair direct impact on, killed well-trained to the Demon Palace guard. 这些魔兵铠甲森森,目光凛然,通身都散发着身经百战才能磨练出的森然煞气,甫一出现便顺着台阶直冲而上,训练有素地杀向了魔殿守卫。 These are the supreme subordinates, each is selective elite. 这些都是至尊的部属,每一个都是精挑细选出来的精英。 Supreme very clear, the rebellion is also good, the surrender, must demonstrate own value eventually, can the coming to a stop heel. 至尊十分清楚,造反也好,投诚也罢,终究还是要展现出自身的价值,才能站得稳脚跟。 This war, is her proof of allegiance, must play attractively. 这一战,便是她的投名状,必须打得漂亮。 A fierce battle before controlling Demon Palace launches. 一场恶战就此在主宰魔殿前展开。 While has a nightmare to be diverted supremely with the Demon Palace guards, in a Demon Palace corner demon column rear shadow, several forms quietly appear. 趁着至尊魇和魔殿守卫们被牵制住,魔殿角落一根魔柱后方的阴影中,几道身影悄然出现。 And together form top of the head dragon corner/horn, body draping a red band black dragon scale, is the Supreme Ming good brothers, Dragon Blood Great Commander. 其中一道身影头顶龙角,身披红黑色龙鳞,正是至尊冥的好兄弟,龙血大统领 His population are not many, only has three. 他身边人数不多,仅有三个。 And two is a female. They put on the style complicated, the design similar black long skirt, on the long skirt is embroidering the gorgeous silver pattern, fineness of very appearance, the flavors of some black widows. 其中两个是女子。她们穿着样式繁复,款式类似的黑色长裙,长裙上绣着华美的银色花纹,打扮的十分精致,有些黑寡妇的味道。 Looks maturer, another reveals young slightly, seems is pair of attractive two beautiful sisters is ordinary. 只是一个看起来更加成熟,另外一个稍显年轻,好似是一对漂亮的姐妹花一般。 Right. They are two Moon Nether Demon Tree king Taiming and Wang Ming who the Wang Shouzhe collection comes. 没错。她们就是王守哲收集而来的两株太阴冥魂树王太嫇和王嫇 And, on king Taiming the aura is obscure, the whole person as if with the dark energy in the air filling melts, for a body is common, she stands here, almost cannot feel her existence. 其中,王太嫇身上气息晦涩玄奥,整个人都仿佛跟空气中弥漫的黑暗能量融为了一体一般,要不是她本人就站在这里,几乎感受不到她的存在。 Obviously, some time passes, she who only missed the shooting has successfully broken through the threshold with the Life Source essence help of Wang Shouzhe, becomes 19th stage Demon God to plant. 很显然,这么一段时间过去,本就只差临门一脚的她已经成功在王守哲生命本源精华帮助下突破门槛,成为了一棵十九阶魔神植。 Behind two females is standing, is one wears gold/metal robe, body tall and strong man. 两女后方站着的,则是一位身披金袍,身躯魁梧强壮的男子。 He seems like roughly about 30 -year-old appearances, walks looks about complacently, seems has the imposing manner, in the top of the head withstand/top one pair to be similar to the antler majestic magnificent horn, at first sight goes, has 78 to be similar to the corner/horn of Dragon Blood top of the head, the color is purer, the style is also more magnificent. 他看起来约摸三十岁左右的样子,行走之间顾盼自雄,显得颇有气势,头顶上更是顶着一对如同鹿角般雄壮华丽的犄角,乍一看去,和龙血头顶的角有七八分相似,颜色却更加纯粹,样式也更为华丽。 This man, is one of the Wang Clan Consecrate, false Divine Dragon king Dalong. 这位男子,正是王氏供奉之一,伪神龙王大龙。 However, this time king Dalong cannot call it false Divine Dragon, but goes a step further, becomes a true Divine Dragon. 不过,此时的王大龙也已经不能称之为“伪神龙”了,而是更进一步,成为了一头真正的神龙。 When he gave oneself chose this image, Form Changing actually left behind a pair of dragon corner/horn tenaciously, to show the honored status of his Divine Dragon. 他给自己选择了这个形象,化形时却固执的留下了一对龙角,以彰显他神龙的尊贵身份。 Too ming Senior, big Senior Long, you open the Demon Palace front door in advance.” “太嫇前辈,大龙前辈,你们先行打开魔殿大门。” After examining a situation, Dragon Blood Great Commander then politely toward behind cups the hands. 查看了一下情况后,龙血大统领便客气地朝身后一拱手 Before king Taiming and king Dalong come, had known the overall scheme, at this moment does not delay, goes forward together, resisted the Demon Palace front door one on the left and other on the right. 王太嫇和王大龙来之前就已经知晓了全盘计划,此刻也不耽搁,一同上前,一左一右抵住了魔殿大门。 Flickers the time, the branches of windings appeared in king Taiming behind, king Dalong the body surface also started to have dense and numerous golden dragon scale to grow. 瞬时间,一根根缠绕的树枝就出现在了王太嫇身后,王大龙体表也开始有密密麻麻的金色龙鳞生长而出。 The terrifying aura fills the air. 恐怖的气息弥漫开来。 Although although the defense of Demon Palace front door is powerful, actually cannot withstand a tree dragon two Immortal Emperor level powerhouse to catch up together. 魔殿大门的防御虽然虽然强悍,却也顶不住一树一龙两位仙帝级强者共同发力。 In a flash, the Demon Palace front door was shoved open forcefully slowly. 转瞬间,魔殿大门就被强行缓缓推开。 Distant place with supreme battle has a nightmare to see this scene supremely, immediately startled and anger: „Who are you?! Dares to excel at rushing unexpectedly controls Demon Palace!” 远处正在和至尊交战的至尊魇见到这一幕,顿时又惊又怒:“你们是什么人?!竟然胆敢擅闯主宰魔殿!” He has a mind to go forward to prevent, was actually diverted supremely, leaps not to act radically, regarding this actually has no alternative. 他有心上前阻止,却被至尊牵制住了,根本腾不出手来,对此竟然莫可奈何。 Dragon Blood Great Commander notices supreme having a nightmare that side situation, does not cover-up simply, the direct clear and resonant voice shouted severely: Line does not change name to sit does not change surname, I am Supreme Ming brothers Dragon Blood. The control plate in vain is the control, the shame to Demon Race, selfish evil my brother. Today, my Dragon Blood comes to demand repayment for the brothers.” 龙血大统领注意到至尊魇那边的情况,干脆也不藏着掖着了,直接朗声厉喝道:“行不改名坐不改姓,我乃至尊冥的兄弟龙血。主宰槃枉为主宰,愧对魔族,自私自利害我兄弟。今天,我龙血是来为兄弟讨债的。” Then, Dragon Blood then no longer delays, with king Taiming, Wang Ming as well as king Dalong, rushed in defensive void control Demon Palace together. 说罢,龙血便不再耽搁,和王太嫇,王嫇以及王大龙,一同闯进了防守空虚的主宰魔殿 After entering controlled Demon Palace, everyone immediately separately acts. 进入了主宰魔殿后,大家立刻分头行动。 king Taiming and Wang Ming directly soar the Demon Palace center core, Dragon Blood and king Dalong rush to the treasure house. 王太嫇和王嫇直奔魔殿的中枢核心,龙血和王大龙则直闯宝库。 Today's action was very great, controls the elite demon soldier majority in Demon Palace to be arranged to execute around stage, this also caused to control the defensive extreme vacancy in Demon Palace, regarding this completely the action team comprised of the big shot is line of inadequate any hindrance, cut the melon to cut the vegetable/dish to tidy up. 今天的行动很宏大,主宰魔殿内的精锐魔兵大部分都被布置到了行刑台周围,这也导致主宰魔殿内的防守极度空缺,对于这支完全由大佬组成的行动队更是行不成任何阻碍,一通砍瓜切菜就收拾掉了。 Quick, the action team arrived in the respective target sector. 很快,行动队就抵达了各自的目标区域。 Before Demon Palace treasure house, king Dalong transformed dragon claw directly, the whole body muscle ballooning, a palm of the hand palm of the hand racket ruthlessly on the treasure house front door, was one disregards completely, strove to excel the appearance that rushed. 魔殿宝库前,王大龙直接幻化出了龙爪,浑身肌肉鼓胀,一巴掌一巴掌狠狠的拍在宝库大门上,完全是一副不管不顾,就要强闯的模样。 Although treasure house also some bans, but facing king Dalong of Divine Dragon rank, appears somewhat lacks the ability to do what one would like. 宝库虽然也有禁制,但是面对神龙级别的王大龙,显得有些力不从心。 In a while, the transparent black protects shield cuns (2.5 cm) to crack, the heavy/thick hard treasure house front door was patted by tearing into shreds forcefully. 没过多久,透明的黑色护盾就寸寸崩裂,厚重坚硬的宝库大门被硬生生的撕碎拍开。 They looked like the robber to break in the treasure house excitedly, looks at that dazzling various resources, was greedy the eyeball to stare. 他们就像是强盗般兴奋的冲入了宝库之内,看着那琳琅满目各种资源,馋得眼珠子都要瞪出来了。 The time press, they need to select the most valuable treasure resources. 时间紧迫,他们有必要挑最值钱的宝物资源。 Meanwhile, king Taiming and Wang Ming, killed Demon Palace Core Area. 与此同时,王太嫇和王嫇,也是一路杀到了魔殿核心区 Maps their view, is one big piece if still void quiet black Kong Jian (Space), in the ground covered entirely the complicated mysterious demon mark, impressively is one structure complicated giant demon! 映入她们眼帘的,是一大片犹若虚空般的幽黑空间,地面上布满了繁复玄奥的魔纹,赫然是一座结构繁复的巨型魔阵! In an demon center, wants huge black demon crystal compared with the mountain range calmly float. 在魔阵的中央,一枚比山峦还要巨大的黑色魔晶正静静地悬浮着。 Its whole body has the strength of involvement winding invisible principle, seems like stranded by the innumerable invisible chains firmly in this place is ordinary, is sending out deeply quiet cold, as if inexhaustible dark strength. 它周身有无形的法则之力勾连缠绕,就像是被无数根无形的锁链牢牢困在此地一般,散发着深沉幽冷,仿佛无穷无尽的黑暗力量。 Here, is the center of entire control city is , is also entire controls the Demon Palace energy core. 这里,就是整座主宰城的中枢所在,也是整个主宰魔殿的能源核心。 Demon is colluding under the antiquity demon lineage/vein situated in entire control city, the aura that under the magnanimous charm gathering, in black demon crystal releases may be called the terrifying. 魔阵勾连着位于整个主宰城下方的上古魔脉,海量的魔力汇聚之下,黑色魔晶中释放出的气息堪称恐怖。 Regarding the control plate, this is he biggest secret treasure, is always guarded by him personally, the supremeness of most trusted aide was not permitted arrival here. 对于主宰槃来说,这就是他最大的秘密宝物,向来由他亲自看守,连最为心腹的至尊都不被允许驾临此处。 Also is therefore, the control plate will little leave extremely controls Demon Palace. 也是因此,主宰槃极少会离开主宰魔殿 As for goes to battle outward, then this entire Controls Demon Palace Then controls the temporary palace of plate, naturally can also protect this treasure. 至于向外出征,那么这整座【主宰魔殿】便是主宰槃的行宫,自然也能护得住此宝。 Saw that demon crystal, king Taiming the eyes one shone, particularly after feeling that Hundun (Primal Chaos) but vast charm, the mind incomparably surged. 见到那颗魔晶,王太嫇的眼睛唰一下亮了,尤其是在感受到其中那混沌而浩瀚的魔力后,心神更是无比激荡。 Her figure in a flash, then some innumerable root hair delay slightly from her both legs, goes to that huge black demon crystal winding. 她身形微微一晃,便有无数根须从她的双腿延展开来,层层迭迭的向那颗巨大的黑色魔晶缠绕而去。 The quick, large number of root hair twined a demon crystal corner/horn. 很快,大量的根须就缠绕住了魔晶的一角。 Also, her root hair wriggles, fierce attracts, then some innumerable pure incomparable black charms flood into her within the body following the root hair. 随之,她根须蠕动,猛的一吸,便有无数纯净无比的黑色魔力顺着根须涌入她体内。 In a twinkling, king Taiming felt each leaf that whole body, each root hair is comfortable to stretch, the entire tree is graceful, the wholeheartedly is flooding an intense feeling of satisfaction. 霎时间,王太嫇感觉浑身的每一片叶子,每一条根须都舒服得舒展开来,整棵树飘飘欲仙,全身心都充斥着一种强烈的满足感。 She incomparably stimulated and stretched out more root hair greedily, the crazy absorption swallowed the energy in giant demon crystal. 她无比亢奋和贪婪地伸出了更多根须,疯狂吸收吞噬起了巨型魔晶中的能量。 The time press, she must make the best use of all time to absorb the energy, can absorb many to absorb many. 时间紧迫,她必须抓紧一切时间汲取能量,能汲取多少就汲取多少。 Moreover, she just promoted 19th stage Demon God to plant a short time ago, needs massive energies to supplement itself, consolidated foundation time, this big wave energy is the space falls the pie to her simply the excellent chance. 而且,她前不久才刚刚晋升十九阶魔神植,正是需要大量能量来补充自身,巩固根基的时候,这一大波能量对她来说简直就是天上掉馅饼的绝妙机缘。 oneself absorbs the energy at the same time, king Taiming has not forgotten to urge toward Wang Ming: „Is silly thing, you also staring doing?” 自己汲取能量的同时,王太嫇还不忘朝着王嫇催促道:“傻丫头,伱还愣着干什么?” hearing this, Wang Ming awakes the god who shocks from the mind to come finally, quickly also stretches out the root hair to extend to go, since crazy absorption these pure incomparable black energies. 闻言,王嫇终于从心灵震撼的恍惚中醒过神来,急忙也伸出根须延伸而去,疯狂吸收起了那些纯净无比的黑色能量。 At this time, giant demon crystal also as if felt the crisis, suddenly vibrated fiercely, entire controlled Demon Palace to start to shiver slightly. 这时候,巨型魔晶也仿佛感受到了危机,忽然剧烈抖动起来,连带得整座主宰魔殿都开始微微颤抖。 Outside Demon Palace. 魔殿外。 Notices the Demon Palace this unusual sound has a nightmare spiritual sense to sweep supremely, knows after having anything, immediately startled and anger, in the look full is unbelievable: How to dare?! How do you dare?” 注意到魔殿这不寻常动静的至尊魇神念一扫,知道发生了什么之后登时又惊又怒,眼神中满是难以置信:“怎么敢?!你们怎么敢?” This way, the entire control city will disintegrate. 这样下去,整座主宰城都会分崩离析。 What has not to dare?” Snorts contemptuously supremely, ridiculed naive that had a nightmare supremely, before you think now ? The control plate so perverse actions, later stand to revolt against his person to be only getting more and more.” “有什么不敢的?”至尊嗤之以鼻,嘲笑起了至尊魇的天真,“你以为现在还是以前吗?主宰槃如此倒行逆施,以后站起来反抗他的人只会越来越多。” The flash of also in this black demon crystal vibrating. 也就在这黑色魔晶震动的这一瞬间。 From control city extremely far void, is chasing down the Supreme Ming control plate suddenly one startled, looked at dumbly instantaneously same place. 距离主宰城极远的虚空中,正在追杀至尊冥的主宰槃猛然一惊,瞬间呆立在了原地。 That black demon crystal and between him has the soul relation, therefore just had the accident him to detect. 那颗黑色魔晶跟他之间是存在神魂联系的,因此刚一发生变故他这边就察觉到了。 This looks like basin cold water to be the same, the instantaneous pouring awoke his by the brain that hot blooded and hatred floods. 这就像是一盆凉水一般,瞬间浇醒了他那被热血和仇恨充斥的大脑。 „It is not good, fell into a trap.” “不好,中计了。” He wants to borrow this matter to plan Supreme Ming , eliminates this rebel. Has not thought that Supreme Ming thwarts unexpectedly, with the idea of luring the enemy out of his stronghod Immortal Clan habitually used. 他原本想借用此事算计至尊冥,清除这个叛徒。万万没想到至尊冥竟然将计就计,用出了仙族惯用的调虎离山之计。 That giant demon crystal is very to him precious and important, is their primitive Demon Realm one of the several source demon crystal. 那巨型魔晶对他而言无比珍贵和重要,乃是他们原始魔界的数枚本源魔晶之一。 Even, is continually the birth of higher Demon Race, cannot withdraw the relations with that several source demon crystal. 甚至乎,便是连高等魔族的诞生,都和那几枚本源魔晶脱不开关系。 Meanwhile, this also in a big way concerns he secret one. 同时,这也关乎到他最大的秘密之一。 Almost was the flash, the control plate made the resolution. 几乎是一瞬间,主宰槃就作出了决断。 His both hands rip, ripped a huge opening Dark Void Realm, preparation shuttle Dark Void Realm, turned back in order to help friendly forces to control Demon Palace. 他双手一撕,将黑暗虚界撕出了一个巨大的口子,准备穿梭黑暗虚界,回援主宰魔殿 this time missed struck to kill the Supreme Ming golden opportunity, no doubt was a pity, but later always returned can find the opportunity. 这一次错失了击杀至尊冥的大好时机,固然非常可惜,但以后总归还能找到机会的。 But that Demon Race source demon crystal actually makes no mistake, otherwise may not only be controls the city avalanche is so simple. 而那颗魔族本源魔晶却不容有失,否则可不仅仅是主宰城崩塌那么简单。 However, but also without and other figure submerges Dark Void Realm, had not just run away in Supreme Ming of stampede suddenly. 然而,还没等他的身形没入黑暗虚界,刚刚还在狼狈逃窜的至尊冥就忽然不逃了。 On his face had the joyful smile, tears corners of the mouth Jie Jie to smile strangely: Control plate, you want to pursue me to pursue me, thinks that does not pursue does not pursue, what me did you regard?” 他的脸上出现了愉悦至极的笑容,扯开嘴角桀桀怪笑起来:“主宰槃,你想追我就追我,想不追就不追,你把我当成什么了?” The voice falls, the Supreme Ming forehead but actually vertical blood-color crystal core power and influence rises suddenly. 话音一落,至尊冥额头倒竖的血色晶核威势暴涨。 Suddenly, that stood and waited for a long time the blood-color flags in void then as if to receive the stimulation to be the same, dragged crazily. 瞬息间,那一杆杆伫立在虚空之中的血色旌旗便仿佛受到了刺激一般,疯狂摇曳起来。 The terrifying blood-color energy fills the air, shortly the neighbor void sea will dye piece of Xuehai (Blood Sea), the innumerable blood-color resentful souls like tidal rushed to the control plate. 恐怖的血色能量弥漫开来,顷刻间就将附近的虚空海染成了一片血海,无数血色怨魂如同潮水般涌向了主宰槃。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 That say/way was controlled the Dark Void Realm opening that the plate tears also to be intervened by energy, presented the radical distortion. 那道被主宰槃撕扯出的黑暗虚界口子也受到了能量干扰,出现了剧烈的扭曲。 So effect, although will not pose any threat to the control plate, can actually disturb his normal return. 如此效果,虽然不会对主宰槃造成任何威胁,却能干扰他的正常回归。 If controls the plate to step into Dark Void Realm in this time, although will not have what danger, where will actually refer to being transmitted erratically. 如果主宰槃在此时踏入黑暗虚界,虽然不会有什么危险,却指不定会被传送到什么地方。 Seeing that the control plate complexion is pale, dreadful anger ascends in the heart suddenly, the anger said with a smile extremely: Okay good ~! Supreme Ming , you are bringing about own destruction!” 见状,主宰槃脸色铁青,一股滔天怒意骤然在心中升腾而起,怒极而笑道:“好好好~!至尊冥,你这是在自寻死路!” Under the violent anger, the aura of control plate whole body is wild, lifted the hand to launch the most ferocious attack to Supreme Ming . 暴怒之下,主宰槃周身的气息都狂暴起来,抬手就对至尊冥发动了最猛烈的进攻。 At present, he is not in no mood to pester with Supreme Ming , only wants to strike to kill him fast, is good to hurry to support to control Demon Palace. 眼下,他已经没心情跟至尊冥纠缠了,只想快速将他击杀,好赶紧回去支援主宰魔殿 However, what making the control plate not think, no longer conceals the strength Supreme Ming all of a sudden becomes very hard to deal with, various strange methods appear one after another, constrained him unexpectedly. 然而,让主宰槃万万没想到的是,不再掩饰实力的至尊冥一下子变得非常难缠,各种诡异的手段接连出现,竟是生生拖住了他。 This makes his complexion all of a sudden very ugly/difficult to look at. 这让他的脸色一下子变得十分难看。 This did not say that Supreme Ming had all of a sudden can with the strength that he was on par with, the method that but the opposite party protected oneself were too many, wants to chop to kill him to be absolutely impossible quickly. 这并非是说至尊冥一下子拥有了能与他比肩的实力,只是对方自保的手段太多,想要快速击杀他已绝无可能。 Clearly, Supreme Ming was chased down a moment ago hid the strength. 很明显,至尊冥刚才被追杀的时候隐藏了实力。 Waited erupts in the present this moment full power, will control the plate to tow in this place. 等的就是在现在这一刻全力爆发,将主宰槃拖在此地。 Realizes this point, the control plate becomes even more manic, shells Supreme Ming unceasingly, no longer the pursue strikes to kill, but seeks to be separated from the battlefield opportunity diligently. 意识到这一点,主宰槃变得愈发狂躁,不断轰击至尊冥,也不再追求击杀,而是努力寻求脱离战场的机会。 But Supreme Ming is also sly, does not spell with the control plate hardly, but depends upon the blood-color deep strength shuttle to walk randomly unceasingly, really could not run away, depends on the blood river to shoulder hardly strikes. 至尊冥也非常狡猾,绝不和主宰槃硬拼,而是不断依靠血色冥力穿梭游走,实在跑不掉了,就靠着血河硬扛一击。 But he is always diverting the control plate diligently, once discovered that he has the intention that is separated from the battlefield goes all out to disturb. 但他始终在努力牵制主宰槃,一旦发现他有脱离战场的意图就拼命干扰。 The control plate more hits is hot tempered, on the face the expression is much cloudier. 主宰槃越打越是暴躁,脸上表情阴沉得可怕。 In the surrounding endless void sea, the control plate angry roaring sound reverberates continuously. 周围的无尽虚空海中,主宰槃愤怒的咆哮声接连不断地回荡开来。 At this time. 此时。 Controls the place of Demon Palace core. 主宰魔殿核心之处。 Strength slightly bad Wang Ming after one attracts crazily, the black energy in within the body absorption is saturated. 实力稍差的王嫇在一顿狂吸之后,体内吸收的黑色能量已经饱和。 She looked like has the buffet to eat to support generally, the entire tree appeared some dispiriteds, these tree roots that behind stretched out could not receive. 她就像是吃自助餐吃撑了一般,整棵树都显得有些萎靡,就连背后伸出的那些树根都收不回去了。 This time she only hates the oneself appetite is too young, was far less than that has promoted king Taiming who Demon God plants. 此时的她只恨自己胃口太小,远不如已经晋升魔神植的王太嫇。 However, facing the so chance of a lifetime, Wang Ming, even if has eaten to support, must pack to carry off. 不过,面对如此千载难逢的机会,王嫇就算已经吃撑了,也要打包带走。 She pulled out several to prepare the good black Kong Jian (Space) cloth sack, in which Creation Crystal but actually, in king Taiming with the rhizome distorted, but under drill bit help, drilled some fragments packs to carry off from that giant demon crystal diligently. 她掏出几个早就准备好的黑色空间布袋,将其中的创世水晶都倒了出来,在王太嫇用根茎变形而出的钻头帮助下,从那颗巨型魔晶上努力钻出一些碎屑打包带走。 Because there is a powerful seal, therefore, even king Taiming, still can only achieve this step. 因有强力封印之故,即便是王太嫇,也只能做到这一步了。 Regarding carries off this black demon crystal entire pack, by their present strengths, is impossible to achieve. 至于说把这颗黑色魔晶整个打包带走,以她们如今的实力,则是根本不可能做到。 But at this time. 而这时候。 Dragon Blood Great Commander and king in Dalong treasure house are also packing crazily. 宝库中的龙血大统领和王大龙也在疯狂打包。 Such a small meeting time, they some most valuable that treasure will have swept across, remaining is some quantities is mostly big, moreover material that cannot carry off. 这么一小会功夫,他们已经将最值钱的那部分宝物席卷一空,剩下的大都是些量大,而且带不走的材料。 Completes all these, they have not then planned to remain again. 做完这一切,他们便也没打算再多留。 Calculates that the time is up, although the Supreme Ming present strength grows many, may not have the means to control the plate to tow heaven barren and earth old. 算算时间已经差不多了,至尊冥如今的实力虽然增长许多,可也没办法将主宰槃拖到天荒地老 Here when for a long time is more dangerous, once were controlled the plate to stop up, dies without the burial ground inevitably. 在这里待的越久就越危险,一旦被主宰槃堵个正着,必然是死无葬身之地。 Just like Wang Ming, they also kept in some Creation Crystal the treasure house, acts as the exchange goods, by this showed that oneself is not the thief and robber. 王嫇一样,他们也将一些创世水晶留在了宝库之中,算是充当交换物品,以此证明自己并非小偷和强盗。 After completing all these, Dragon Blood Great Commander and king Dalong have not yearned, escaped with the quickest speed crazily controlled Demon Palace. 做完这一切后,龙血大统领与王大龙没有丝毫留恋,用最快的速度疯狂逃出了主宰魔殿 Almost is at the same time, they noticed that king Taiming Wang Ming this ran to the Nether Soul Tree sisters similarly fast. 几乎是与此同时,他们看到王太嫇王嫇这对冥魂树姐妹同样飞快跑了出来。 Everyone without delay, flees immediately controls Demon Palace, later shuttle Dark Void Realm, unceasingly awfully does not resemble fled from the control city. 大家二话不说,立即逃离主宰魔殿,随后又不断穿梭黑暗虚界,不要命似的逃离了主宰城。 In this process. 在这过程中。 Supreme also retreats fighting, while has a nightmare without the heart of prolonging contact supremely, leading subordinate soldiers to run away fast. 至尊也是且战且退,趁着至尊魇无恋战之心,带着麾下儿郎们快速逃走。 But another side, receives the message supreme wang, does not have the mood of coping with the supreme plaster. 而另外一边,收到消息的至尊尫,也早就没了对付至尊垩的心情。 The supreme plaster also takes advantage of this good opportunity, is separated from the battlefield to disappear without a trace rapidly. 至尊垩也趁此良机,迅速脱离战场不知去向。 In endless void sea. 无尽虚空海中。 Bang!” “轰!” The control plate bang of acting crazy exploded blood-color flags great array finally again. 发飙的主宰槃终于再度轰爆了血色旌旗大阵 Experienced personally wound Supreme Ming this little while also to reach the limit, could not shoulder again, great array one broken changes to blood fog escaping light to fly to flee immediately together, started the crazy shuttle in Dark Void Realm to escape. 身受创伤的至尊冥这会儿也到了极限,再也扛不住了,大阵一破就立刻化作一道血雾遁光飞窜而出,开始在黑暗虚界中疯狂穿梭逃跑。 The control plate has not pursued. 主宰槃没有追击。 After all Supreme Ming flies the escaping speed to be extremely quick under the assistance of blood-color control crystal core, even if can catch up, still expenditure a lot of time. 毕竟至尊冥在血色主宰晶核的辅助下飞遁速度极快,就算能追上,也得花费不少时间。 Moreover now this situation, definitely controls black demon crystal in Demon Palace to be most important. Once pursues, if bumped into anything to ambush again troubles. 而且如今这情况,肯定还是主宰魔殿中的黑色魔晶最重要。一旦追出去,万一再碰上什么埋伏就麻烦了。 But without disturbance, the control plate ripped open Dark Void Realm finally smoothly, the huge body bridges over the slit, returned to control in Demon Palace. 而在没有了干扰的情况下,主宰槃终于顺利撕开了黑暗虚界,巨大的身躯跨过缝隙,回到了主宰魔殿之中。 He first went to core hub. 他第一时间就去了核心枢纽处。 Saw that the giant demon crystal luster is slightly gloomy, from head to toe was drilled many eyelets, experiences suffering the devastation, in confusion an appearance, in the heart of control plate leapt the dreadful anger instantaneously. 看到巨型魔晶色泽略显暗淡,浑身上下被钻出了许多小孔,一副受尽蹂躏,狼藉一片的模样,主宰槃的心中瞬间腾起了滔天怒意。 However this anger just now ascends half, he suddenly discovered some things of looking familiar. 然而这怒意才刚升腾起一半,他就忽然发现了一些眼熟的东西。 That is some attractive and giant white crystals, they lie down under giant demon crystal, the surface is lingering some white rays, the ray seems to be getting bigger and bigger. 那是一些漂亮而巨大的白色水晶,它们躺在巨型魔晶下面,表面萦绕着一些白色光芒,光芒似乎正在越扩越大。 „It is not good! Must explode.” “不好!要爆了。” The impression of control plate to this thing was too profound, is almost seeing these white lights the flash, he thump, quickly moves sideways to go, suppresses the white crystal that these will soon explode with the demon body, to protect that precious incomparable Demon Race source demon crystal. 主宰槃对这玩意的印象实在太深刻了,几乎是在看到那些白光的一瞬间,他心里就咯噔一下,急忙闪身而去,用魔躯压住了那些即将爆炸的白色水晶,以护住那颗珍贵无比的魔族本源魔晶 Also in this flash. 也就在这一瞬间。 Together depressed crack resounds loudly, the control plate entire demon body was exploded upwardly withstand/top, the body turned surface, reveals was exploded rottenly fierce chest, inside flesh twists unceasingly, the appearance is horrible to look. 一道沉闷的炸响轰然响起,主宰槃整个魔躯被炸得向上顶了一下,身体翻了个面儿,露出被炸烂了的狰狞胸口,里面血肉不断扭曲,模样惨不忍睹。 The grief and indignation wild with rage howling, shakes greatly entire controls Demon Palace to tremble continuous. 悲愤狂怒的吼叫声,震得整个主宰魔殿巨颤不休。 Also fortunately he is the body of control, in addition the quantity also far inferior previous times of these white crystals many, explodes rottenly the chest merely. 也亏得他是主宰之躯,再加上这些白色水晶的数量也远不及上次多,才仅仅是炸烂了胸口。 However, this also makes him restore many injuries to aggravate with great difficulty again, almost returned to cut off the condition after arm initially. 不过,这也使得他好不容易恢复许多的伤势再度加重,几乎是回到了当初被斩断手臂后的状态。 Takes the enormous risk, swallowed so many Demon Race flesh laboriously, restored an injury with great difficulty, this exploded almost makes his dynasty return to the pre-liberation. 冒着巨大风险,辛辛苦苦吞噬了那么多魔族血肉,好不容易才恢复了一点伤势,这一炸差点就让他一朝回到解放前。 He just wants to curse angrily Supreme Ming , vents the mood. 他刚想怒骂至尊冥,宣泄一下情绪。 Suddenly. 忽而。 Also is explosive sound is controlling the Demon Palace deep place to resound, shakes unceasingly controls Demon Palace to shiver, several want to crash. 又是一声爆炸声在主宰魔殿深处响起,震得主宰魔殿不断颤抖,几欲崩塌。 That is...... 那是…… The direction of treasure house!? 宝库的方向!? Supreme Ming !” The control plate eye was red, the giant roaring sound almost resounded through the entire control city, this control will certainly hold you, making your soul suffer greatly, forever and ever will imprison!” 至尊冥!”主宰槃眼睛都红了,巨大的咆哮声几乎响彻了整座主宰城,“本主宰一定会抓住你,让你的神魂受尽折磨,永生永世囚禁!” The entire control city felt the anger of great control, suddenly, all sounds vanished without the trace, the entire city one fell into the deathly stillness. 整座主宰城都感受到了伟大主宰的愤怒,一时间,所有声音都消失无踪,整座城一下陷入了死寂。 Naturally, in some sense, this is also one type incompetent wild with rage. 当然,某种意义上来说,这也算是一种无能狂怒。 Controls outside Demon Palace, is taking medicine has a nightmare to hear this roaring sound that therapy supremely, steps paused, the obscure eyeground look is difficult to be bright. 主宰魔殿外,正服药疗伤的至尊魇听到这咆哮声,脚步一顿,晦涩的眼底神色难明。 He silent good long time, deeply to sigh. 他默然了好半晌,才深深叹了一口气。 After eating such big owed one time, the control will be perhaps crazier with unscrupulous. Why does not know, his heart has an intense anxiety faintly. 吃了这么大一次亏后,主宰恐怕会更加疯狂和肆无忌惮了。不知为何,他心底隐隐有种强烈的不安。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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