POP :: Volume #8

#146: Old ladies I instead! Rather kneels Wang Shouzhe

Chapter 1092 第1092章 Old ladies I instead! Rather kneels Wang Shouzhe 老娘我反了!宁愿去跪王守哲 ...... …… After some time . 一段时间之后。 Demon Realm. 魔界 Control city, northern territory. 主宰城,北域。 Good execution grounds. 行刑场。 The landmark construction as northern territory, this good execution grounds had existed many many years, here each bricks and stones already full drink/nurse wind and frost. 作为北域的地标性建筑,这座行刑场已经存在了许多许多年,这里的每一块砖石都已经饱饮了风霜。 Also does not know that seeped the blood, the bricks and stones surface was passing the stock vague dark red blood-color, dreary and cold and dreary, is passing stock inexplicable constraining. 也不知是不是沁透了鲜血,砖石表面透着股若有若无的暗红血色,萧瑟而凄冷,透着股莫名的压抑。 On the good execution grounds central execution stage, is standing erect pillars. 行刑场中央的行刑台上,竖立着一根根柱子。 These pillars are all over the body black red, imitate , if cast by the stench wicked blood, is sending out the Yin evil contamination, makes fearful aura that the person soul trembles. 那些柱子通体黑红,仿若由腥臭的恶血铸就,散发着阴邪污秽,令人灵魂发颤的可怕气息。 Images strange and cold and gloomy fearsome, actually lifelike monster carved completely the shaft, their canine sharp claws, resembled the insect non- insect, to resemble the beast non- beast, seemed is satanically makes people who nine quiet most deep places crawled appalling. 一只只形象诡异、森冷可怖,却又栩栩如生的怪物雕满了柱身,它们尖牙利爪、似虫非虫、似兽非兽,好似是九幽最深处爬出来的恶魔般让人让人毛骨悚然。 These thing of demon blaming, named Nine bite soul quiet strangely, Is one monster in perhaps Demon Race ancient culture. 这些魔怪之物,名为【九幽噬魂怪】,是魔族古老文化中的一种恐怕的怪物 In legend it takes the Demon Race soul as the food, but once some Demon Race soul were eaten by it, will perish forever and ever in monster within the body. 传说中它以魔族魂魄为食,而某个魔族的魂魄一旦被它吃掉,就会永生永世沉沦在怪物体内。 To higher Demon Race most important is the soul. 要知道,对高等魔族来说最重要的就是灵魂。 To powerful Demon Race of this rank, even if the mortal body were destroyed, so long as there is wisp of remaining soul to escape, has the opportunity resurrecting rebirth, but once nine was bitten the soul to swallow quiet strangely, that tiny bit escaping opportunity will not then have. 对这个等级的强大魔族来说,就算肉身被毁,只要有一缕残魂逃脱,就都有机会复活重生,可一旦被九幽噬魂怪吞噬,那便连一丝一毫的逃生机会都不会有。 Also is therefore, all Demon Race to nine bite the soul to have natural fear from innermost soul quiet strangely. 也是因此,所有魔族对九幽噬魂怪都有着发自灵魂深处的天然畏惧。 At this time. 此时。 These as if caught on the motley bloodstain pillar, above Demon Race were being bound, total quantity not under several hundred. 那些仿佛染上了斑驳血迹的柱子上,一个又一个魔族正被绑缚其上,总数量不下于数百个。 And, the forefront more than ten pillars are tying the arms the Demon Race physique varies, looks is these powerful Demon Race Great Commander rank powerhouses. 其中,最前面十多根柱子上绑着的魔族形体各异,一看就是那些实力强大的魔族大统领级别强者。 Forefront that the whole body is sending out the cold and gloomy black demon qi quiet shadow, under the supreme plaster the trusted aide loves dark deep Lord Monarch! 最前面那个,浑身散发着森冷黑色魔气的幽影,正是至尊垩麾下心腹爱将暗冥主君! Nine in column bite the soul to be strange quiet, was ordinary like the insect centipede, stretched out a row of symmetrical claw, dark deep Lord Monarch will embrace locks firmly on the shaft. 柱内的九幽噬魂怪,如同虫豸蜈蚣一般,伸出了一排对称的爪子,将暗冥主君搂抱般牢牢锁在柱身上。 This bit the soul strange claw deeply to prick his within the body state-of-art, but the mouth apparatus resisted the dark deep Lord Mr.'s head, dropped out the transparent stench liquid, seems suppressing the desire of swallowing its soul was ordinary. 这噬魂怪的爪子尖端深深刺入了他的体内,而口器则是抵住了暗冥主君的脑袋,滴出了透明腥臭的液体,仿佛在强忍着吞噬其魂魄的欲望一般。 This penalty, is Demon Race most ancient and cruel sentencing, will represent the Demon Race soul of receiving punishment to perish with the pain forever and ever. 这种刑罚,乃是魔族内部最古老而残忍的处刑,代表着受刑的魔族魂魄将会永生永世沉沦和痛苦。 Before executing the stage . 行刑台前。 The tall and powerfully built, black gray muscle is sturdy Great strength king Austere face, announced in the presence of everyone receives punishment the Demon Race indictment: These Demon Race rebels, are the rebel organize the Bloody Daybreak member. They abandoned the great control, abandoned the belief of Demon Race......” 身材魁梧,黑灰色肌肉粗壮的【巨力王】正肃着脸,当众宣布受刑魔族的罪状:“这些魔族叛徒,都是叛逆组织血色黎明的成员。它们背弃了伟大主宰,背弃了魔族的信仰……” His sound, resounds through like the morning bell executes around stage, such as the heavy hammer beats a drum the reverberation in each heart of surrounding Demon Race. 他的声音,如同晨钟般响彻行刑台周围,如重锤击鼓般回荡在每一个围观魔族的心头。 Executed around stage to encircle completely dense piece of Demon Race. 行刑台周围围满了黑压压一片的魔族 These Demon Race manners vary, some are collecting in the same place, talked in whispers, the low voice discussion, reviled is executing these Demon Race rebels on stage, was somewhat silent, calmly looks at this scene, eyeground divine light was obscure, does not know that is thinking anything. 这些魔族神态各异,有些正凑在一块,窃窃私语,小声议论,唾骂着行刑台上的这些魔族叛徒,也有些沉默不语,正静静看着这一幕,眼底神光晦涩,也不知在想些什么。 However, so long as is not a blind person, can look, surrounded in Demon Race as if to have an invisible strength to ferment, formed extremely depressing aura. 然而,只要不是瞎子,就能看得出来,围观魔族之中似乎有股无形的力量在酝酿,形成了一股极其压抑的气息。 Even if these fully-armed, stands in executing the Demon Race guard before stage, can feel that to be getting stronger and stronger, probably is more and more substantive pressure and danger. 哪怕是那些全副武装,站在行刑台前的魔族守卫,都能感受到那股越来越强,越来越像是实质般的压力与危险。 But executing stage, is conducting methodically at the same time of executing the flow. 而就在行刑台这边,正有条不紊地进行着行刑流程的同时。 Executes the stage distant place. 行刑台远处。 Has both the Demon Race atmosphere and Immortal Clan is exquisite, in style very special float tower. 一栋兼具魔族大气和仙族精巧,风格十分特殊的悬浮楼台中。 Under control plate four big supreme one, series Lord butchers the Personal Guard Demon Race powerhouse Supreme wang, Somewhat sluggish by sitting on spacious seat. 主宰槃麾下四大至尊之一,统领主亲卫魔族强者【至尊尫】,正有些懒散的靠坐在宽大的座椅上。 In his hand holds one cup of luster dark red tea, somewhat careless blows float in the surface, if still the eyeball scarlet sphere, then sipped one gently, the movement was leisure, filled the lordliness arrogance and gracefulness. 他手中捧着一杯色泽暗红的茶,有些漫不经心的吹了吹悬浮在表面,犹若眼珠子般的猩红圆球,而后轻轻呷了一口,动作慢条斯理,充满了贵族式的傲慢和优雅。 The tea entrance, he narrowed the eye slightly, on the face showed the satisfied expression. 茶水入口,他微微眯了眯眼,脸上露出了惬意的表情。 This Demon Race and Immortal Clan pestered for approximately 20 million years. 这一支魔族仙族纠缠了约两千万年了。 In fact besides the control plate, other Demon Race all in the Demon Race descendant who in Immortal Spirit is born. 事实上除了主宰槃之外,其余魔族全都是在仙灵界中诞生的魔族后裔。 Said that exaggerating, overwhelming majority Demon Race ancestor 18 generations are born in Immortal Spirit. 说夸张一点,绝大部分魔族的祖宗十八代都是在仙灵界中诞生的。 , This Demon Race also came under the influence in Immortal Clan aspects naturally inevitably, for example architectural style, for example some habits and customs, for example language style and glossary, even some aesthetic routines wait wait/etc. etc.. 自然而然的,这支魔族也就不可避免的受到了仙族方方面面的影响,例如建筑风格,例如部分生活习惯,例如语言风格和词汇,甚至还有部分审美习惯等等等等。 Drinking tea, is one of the influences receiving. 喝茶,便是受到的影响之一。 However Demon Race tea, there is a oneself unique style. 不过魔族的茶,也有自己独特的风格。 For example these shapes living the scarlet eyeball thing, is called Scarlet blood fruit. 例如那些像活着的猩红眼珠子般的东西,叫做【赤血果】。 It is from the scarlet hematogen demon tree, slow-growing, needs to experience the long time from blossoming to the result, but after picking fruit, needs to pass through a series of complicated crafts, can make this precious incomparable scarlet blood fruit-tea. 它产自赤血母魔树,生长缓慢,从开花到结果需要经历漫长的时间,而在摘得果实之后,又需要经过一系列繁复的工艺,才能制成这珍贵无比的赤血果茶。 The scarlet blood fruit-tea has the strong Demon Race mortal body, maintains the energy the unique effect, was welcome by Demon Race in broadly. 赤血果茶有壮大魔族肉身,维持精力的独特效果,广受魔族内部欢迎。 The extreme grade scarlet blood fruit that especially the scarlet Blood Demon tree of half step supreme level produces, most precious, ordinary Demon Race smells unable to smell radically. 尤其是半步至尊级的赤血魔树生产出来的极品赤血果,最为珍贵,普通魔族根本嗅都嗅不起。 At this time. 此时。 Supreme wang leisure drinking tea, the vision penetration window mullion, looks at the distant place to execute the scene before stage, the look ponders, seems anticipating a good play. 至尊尫正慢悠悠的喝着茶,目光穿透窗棂,看着远处行刑台前的场景,眼神玩味,仿佛在期待着一场好戏。 Lord, our traps, are the arrangement was extremely obvious? I worried that supreme plaster that fellow does not dare to appear.” Serves side supreme wang, face scarlet Demon Race Great Commander is knitting the brows, slightly somewhat worried that whispered in a low voice. 主上,咱们这个陷阱,是不是布置的太过明显了?我担心至尊垩那家伙根本不敢出现。”一位侍奉在至尊尫身旁,脸庞赤红的魔族大统领微皱着眉,略有些担忧地低声嘀咕。 Can defend in supreme wang side Great Commander at crucial moments, is not the ordinary person. 能在关键时刻守在至尊尫身旁的大统领,自不是等闲之辈。 This face is red, within the body as if contains fearful flame aura Great Commander, named Scarlet face ghost king, Is the entire Demon Race illustrious half step supreme level powerhouse. 这位脸庞赤红,体内似乎蕴含着可怕火焰气息的大统领,名为【赤脸鬼王】,乃是整个魔族都赫赫有名的半步至尊级强者。 Then is supreme wang wants to tidy up him one-on-one, must spend a hands and feet well, even a move carelessly, but may also be escaped by the opposite party. 便是至尊尫想要单对单收拾他,也得好好费一番手脚,甚至一招不慎,还有可能被对方逃掉。 Obviously how?” The supreme wang corners of the mouth raked out wiped smile evilly, I was intentionally to look at this am a trap. Supreme plaster that fellow, usually did not flaunt that oneself is loyal to Lord, cherishes about subordinate brothers?” “明显又如何?”至尊尫嘴角勾出了一抹邪笑,“我就是要故意让人看出来这是个陷阱。至尊垩那家伙,不素来标榜自己主上忠诚,对麾下兄弟爱护么?” This supreme today is to look, actually he will give up the brothers for Lord, will give up Lord for the brothers!” “本至尊今天就是要看一看,他究竟会为了主上放弃兄弟,还是会为了兄弟放弃主上!” Scarlet face ghost king Dunji revealed one being suddenly enlighted the appearance, flattered to acclaim repeatedly: Lord is wise. This is an open intrigue. If he does not come, we punish one as a warning to others, to Bloody Daybreak and a supreme plaster sever attack.” 赤脸鬼王顿即露出了一副“恍然大悟”的模样,谄媚地连声赞叹:“主上英明。这就是一个阳谋。如果他不来,那咱们就杀鸡儆猴,给血色黎明和至尊垩一个沉痛的打击。” If he comes, that walks into a trap!” “如果他来,那就是自投罗网!” Supreme wang continues to drink tea, said indifferently: Great Lord worries about the former friendship eventually, is somewhat tenderhearted. Our these are the subordinate, naturally must share sorrow to help overcome difficulties for Lord.” 至尊尫继续喝着茶,淡然道:“伟大的主上终究还是顾念旧情,有些心软。咱们这些做手下的,自然要替主上分忧解难。” Lord is wise.” 主上英明。” Scarlet face ghost king Zaici exhibited the attitude of feeling a heartfelt admiration. 赤脸鬼王再次摆出了心悦诚服的态度。 During speeches. 说话间。 Before executing the stage, the great strength king has read out the indictment. 行刑台前,巨力王已经将罪状宣读完毕。 His complexion looked seriously to dark deep Lord Monarch, the sinking sound said: Dark deep, my Lord prepares again to you for the last time the opportunity. So long as you confessed that all partners, and to the great control confession, forgives your life! Otherwise, the you soul will perish forever in nine bites soul strange within the body quiet, always the pain can not turn over/stand up.” 他脸色严肃地看向了暗冥主君,沉声说道:“暗冥,我家主上准备再给你最后一次机会。只要你招供出所有同伙,并向伟大的主宰忏悔,就饶你一命!否则,伱的魂魄将永远沉沦在九幽噬魂怪体内,永世痛苦不得翻身。” The dark deep Lord Mr.'s eye pupil lifts, looked at a great strength king indifferently, the clear and resonant voice said: „The Hundun (Primal Chaos) darkness will pass finally, the blood-color daybreak will certainly arrive.” 暗冥主君的眼眸微抬,冷漠的看了一眼巨力王,朗声说道:“混沌的黑暗终会过去,血色的黎明必将到来。” The group demon spirit that hearing this, on behind these pillars these follow to receive punishment inspires, was follows to recite the similar slogan loudly. 闻言,后面那些柱子上那些跟着受刑的群魔精神一振,也是跟着高声吟唱起了同样的口号。 Suddenly, the group demon stirs up indignantly, builds a big momentum unexpectedly. 一时间,群魔激慨,竟是营造出了不小的声势。 Surrounds crowd of demons immediately in an uproar. 围观群魔顿时一片哗然。 Hundun (Primal Chaos) refers certainly to the control plate. He has declared, oneself obtained the inheritance of Hundun (Primal Chaos) control, is fulfilling the Hundun (Primal Chaos) control the last words. 混沌当然指的是主宰槃。他一直宣称,自己是得到了混沌主宰的传承,是在履行混沌主宰的遗命。 But Bloody Daybreak, naturally refers to obtains the blood-color to control legacy Supreme Ming . 血色黎明,自然是指的得到血色主宰遗馈至尊冥 Dark deep Lord Monarch their saying, translating are, the time of control plate will pass by finally, will be controlled the time of successor Supreme Ming rule to will certainly arrive by the blood-color. 暗冥主君他们这话,翻译过来就是,主宰槃的时代终会过去,由血色主宰继承者至尊冥统治的时代必将到来。 Great strength king complexion changes suddenly, immediately drinks severely: Executes!” 巨力王脸色骤变,当即一声厉喝:“行刑!” His voice falls, in these pillars is correct a black flame to ascend immediately, swallows to go to the numerous demons of receiving punishment. 他话音一落,那些柱子中顿时有道道黑焰升腾而起,向受刑的众魔吞噬而去。 Meanwhile, on the pillar that just like nine of living creature bites the soul to be strange quiet, shrinks the claw fiercely, the fierce mouth apparatus must pierce the receiving punishment numerous demons the souls. 同时,柱子上那宛若活物的九幽噬魂怪,也将爪子猛地一缩,狰狞口器就要刺穿受刑众魔的魂魄。 But also in this flash. 但也就是在这一瞬间。 Surrounded in crowd of demons to stick out suddenly suddenly drank greatly: Bloody Daybreak will certainly arrive! Begins!” 围观群魔中骤然暴起了巨喝:“血色黎明必将到来!动手!” During the speeches, the whole body is burning together the scarlet brilliance, condensed powerful Demon Race that became then from executing the stage just like the blood jumped, lifted conveniently, everywhere Xuehai (Blood Sea) tore comes void, changes to the dreadful monstrous waves toward great strength king Pai in the past! 说话间,一道浑身燃烧着猩红光焰,宛如鲜血凝聚而成的强大魔族便已经从行刑台下跳了上来,随手一抬,漫天血海撕裂虚空汹涌而来,化作滔天巨浪朝着巨力王拍了过去! This powerful Demon Race, impressively is the king of blood! 这位强大的魔族,赫然是鲜血之王! Another trusted aide trusted subordinate of supreme plaster. 至尊垩的另外一个心腹亲信。 Meanwhile, surrounds in crowd of demons, crowds of Demon Race also jumped in abundance, is shouting the slogan, sticks out suddenly the speed, looked like tidal shattered the guard, rushed executed the stage, the bang exploded these pillars, saved the companions of receiving punishment, then bound the companion who these were being rescued to run away crazily outward. 与此同时,围观群魔之中,一群群魔族也纷纷跳了出来,喊着口号,暴起速度,就像是潮水般冲垮了守卫,冲上了行刑台,轰爆了那些柱子,救下了受刑的同伴们,然后裹着那些被营救出来的同伴疯狂向外逃窜。 On stand of keeping aloof. 高高在上的看台上。 Supreme wang was still leisure drinking tea, was seemingly unhurriedly, whatever the under situation were chaotic, did not see is slightly irritable. 至尊尫仍是慢悠悠的喝着茶,看起来不慌不忙,任凭下方局势再混乱,也不见丝毫急躁。 Really is one group of idiots.” His look is tranquil, during the tone brings all completely to grasp serene, scarlet face, according to the plan begins.” “果然是一群蠢货。”他神色平静,语气中带着一种一切尽在掌握之中的风轻云淡,“赤脸,按计划动手。” Yes, Lord.” “是,主上。” The scarlet face ghost Wangju corner/horn one, revealed cruel grinning fiendishly. 赤脸鬼王嘴角一咧,露出了一个残忍的狞笑。 next moment, he then changed to the torrential scarlet flame to have the tower, led to ambush in nearby ambusher, encircled the Bloody Daybreak person. 下一刻,他便化作滔滔赤焰出了楼台,率领着早已经埋伏在附近的伏兵,将血色黎明的人团团围住。 These ambushers, are control under the plate Personal Guard, is commanded by supreme wang, naturally is entire Demon Realm peak elite! 这些伏兵,都是主宰槃麾下亲卫,由至尊尫统帅,自然是全魔界最顶尖的精锐! But Bloody Daybreak these Demon Race, although half step supreme level the king of blood is very indeed strong, but other Demon Race quantities, although are many, actually good and evil intermingled, but must take care of receiving punishment brothers who these save. 血色黎明那些魔族,虽然半步至尊级的鲜血之王的确很强,但其余魔族数量虽多,却良莠不齐,还要照顾那些救下来的受刑兄弟们。 The overall strength, missed compared with these elite Personal Guard of control plate is not a tiny bit. 总体实力,比起主宰槃的这些精锐亲卫差了不是一星半点。 Moreover this executes the stage nearby arrangement to have demon, limits method that all Kong Jian (Space) ran away, only if the strength achieves the half step supreme rank, otherwise wants to rip open Kong Jian (Space) to escape difficultly such as to ascend to heaven. 而且这行刑台附近布置有魔阵,限制了所有空间逃遁的手段,除非实力达到半步至尊级别,否则想要撕开空间逃跑都难如登天。 Kills to me! Does not remain!” “给我杀!一个不留!” Huge flame ugly face that scarlet face ghost king Xingfen bellowing, melts fierce fearsome, is sending out the torrential demon prestige. 赤脸鬼王兴奋的大吼,化出的巨大火焰鬼脸狰狞可怖,散发着滔滔魔威。 As his voice falls. 随着他话音落下。 Immediately more than ten Bloody Daybreak Demon Race are controlled elite Personal Guard to strike to kill, even the soul was sealed up by nearby demon, cannot escape. 立刻就有十多个血色黎明魔族被主宰精锐亲卫击杀,连魂魄都被附近的魔阵封住,逃脱不出。 The so bad situation, unsurprisingly, Bloody Daybreak these people will soon be annihilated, the kings of blood are impossible to escape. 如此恶劣局势,不出意外,血色黎明那些人用不了多久就会全军覆没,连鲜血之王都不可能逃得出去。 At this important moment. 就在此关键时刻。 Profound such as sigh Youyou of deep pool resounds. 一声深邃如渊的叹息声幽幽响起。 Among next instant. 下一瞬间。 Supreme plaster that big like mountain, wears the body of heavy/thick demon armor to appear, in executed sky over. 至尊垩那高大如岳,身披厚重魔铠的身躯出现在了行刑台上空。 As the supreme level powerhouse, his strength has the steamroll advantage in front of these elite Personal Guard, just appears, the unequalled terrifying pressure then takes him to proliferate as the center of circle, shortly will suppress this piece of Kong Jian (Space). 作为至尊级强者,他的实力在那些精锐亲卫面前有着碾压性的优势,甫一出现,无与伦比的恐怖威压便以他为圆心扩散开来,顷刻间镇压了这片空间 Merely one fist, he drove back the great strength king who besieges the king of blood, a foot, he drove back the scarlet face ghost king again, immediately the sinking sound deep Lord Monarch they said to behind blood king of and dark: Blood, I block them, you lead the brothers first to walk.” 仅仅一拳,他就逼退了围攻鲜血之王的巨力王,再一脚,他又逼退了赤脸鬼王,随即沉声向身后的鲜血之王和暗冥主君他们道:“鲜血,我挡住他们,你带兄弟们先走。” Yes, Lord.” “是,主上。” The king of blood sees the supreme plaster, first is astonished, immediately during actually fell into was wild with joy. 鲜血之王见到至尊垩,先是惊愕,随即却是陷入了狂喜之中。 The never expected that critical moment, Lord stood their brothers. 没想到关键时刻,主上还是站在了他们兄弟们这边。 However, the king of blood also knows, now is not the sensational time, immediately then organizes the Bloody Daybreak brothers to start to break through. 不过,鲜血之王也知道,现在不是煽情的时刻,当即便组织血色黎明的兄弟们开始突围。 Jie Jie Jie!” “桀桀桀!” At this moment, a sinister and vicious, but the demented laughing sound gets up. 就在这时,一阵阴鸷而癫狂的大笑声响起。 A Kong Jian (Space) fluctuation, supreme wang held the figure of teacup to appear in the sky. 紧接着,空间一阵波动,至尊尫捧着茶杯的身形出现在了天空之中。 He looks at another side supreme plaster distantly, smiles while sighed: Plaster, you disappointed Lord eventually!” 他遥遥看着另一边的至尊垩,边笑边叹息:“垩,你终究还是辜负了主上!” Since this period of time, should enter the supreme plaster that the abyss demon prison subjects to a penalty to repeatedly delay the set off date, supreme wang knows that he will certainly step on this trap. 这段时间以来,原本应该进入深渊魔狱受罚的至尊垩将出发的日期一拖再拖,至尊尫就知道他一定会踩这个陷阱。 wang! I only want to save my brother.” The supreme plaster complexion solemn sinking sound said, I can lead them to leave, will be responsible for restraining them, later will not mix the Bloody Daybreak matter.” “尫!我只想救走我的兄弟。”至尊垩面色冷峻的沉声道,“我会带他们离开,也会负责约束他们,以后绝不会掺和血色黎明的事情。” Naive! Today, your do not want to walk.” “天真!今天,你们一个都别想走。” Supreme wang sneered, the teacup in hand vanished instantaneously the trace, immediately the hand lifted, the black lance was condensed together, shortly will pierce Dark Void Realm, attacked to kill to go to the supreme plaster. 至尊尫冷笑了一声,手里的茶杯瞬间消失了踪影,随即手一抬,一道黑色长矛就被凝聚了出来,顷刻间刺穿黑暗虚界,向至尊垩攻杀而去。 The supreme plaster quickly resists. 至尊垩急忙抵挡。 Bang!” “轰!” The terrifying energy shock-wave erupts suddenly, toward sweeps away in all directions recklessly, the strength slightly is bad Demon Race to be shaken almost at the scene collapses. 恐怖的能量冲击波骤然爆发,向着四面八方肆意横扫,实力稍差些的魔族被震得几乎当场崩溃。 The complexion of supreme plaster saw the pinnacle immediately difficultly. 至尊垩的脸色顿时难看到了极致。 He quickly moved sideways to graze, leaves executed nearby stage, so as to avoid the demon came out incurably, instead caused them to be killed by shock by the complementary waves. 他急忙闪身飞掠,离开了行刑台附近,免得魔没救出来,反而导致他们都被余波震死。 But how supreme will wang let off him? Naturally is pursues tightly on. 但至尊尫岂会放过他?自然是紧追而上。 As the supreme plaster was diverted by supreme wang, the Bloody Daybreak rescuers beset with a crisis in immediately again, the one after another rescuer was killed, soul by an demon detention. 随着至尊垩被至尊尪牵制住,血色黎明的救援者们顿时再次陷入了危机之中,一个又一个的救援者被杀死,魂魄被魔阵拘禁。 Sees this one, supreme wang smiles even more demented: Desperate! Crazy! This is the fate of betrayal great control!” 见此一幕,至尊尫笑得愈发癫狂:“绝望吧!疯狂吧!这就是背叛伟大主宰的下场!” However. 然而。 His voice just now falls, the gloomy and cold sound then resounds in not far away together. 他的话音才刚落下,一道阴冷的声音便在不远处响起。 „The wang boy, your tone may be really big. Our Bloody Daybreak, will not give up any brothers. The blood, you first walk!” “尫小子,你的口气可真不小。我们血色黎明,不会放弃任何一个兄弟。鲜血,你们先走!” Supreme wang turns head suddenly, this discovered, Supreme Ming does not know unexpectedly when appears, in executed above in stage sky. 至尊尪骤然扭头,这才发现,至尊冥竟不知何时出现在了行刑台上方的天空之中。 Compared with the past, his whole body demon armor at this moment changed into the deep dark-red, has not been twining the scarlet blood light from wisp of demon qi that in the demon armor fills the air, dreadful blood-color dense , the power and influence that he sends out all through also compared left did not know many. 与过去相比,此刻的他全身魔铠都化为了深沉的暗红色,自魔铠中弥漫出的没一缕魔气之中都缠绕着猩红的血光,滔天血色氤氲下,他通身散发出的威势也比原本强出了不知多少。 Sees only him to wield conveniently. 只见他随手一挥。 In the sky, the blood-color river crosses together immediately, but , the blood-color filled the void sea of trim trim, gloom that these Heavenly River complement. 天空之中,一道血色长河当即横贯而至,血色弥漫了整片整片的虚空海,将那些天河都映衬的黯淡无光。 The terrifying power and influence surges in the blood-color river, is ordinary just like the difficult situation, making the trim void sea tremble. 恐怖的威势在血色长河中涌动,宛如惊涛骇浪一般,让整片虚空海都为之颤栗。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 A huge blood-color vortex, will put in order to execute the stage and neighbor embezzles. 一道巨大的血色漩涡,将整座行刑台和附近都吞没。 Under the king's of blood direction, all Bloody Daybreak Demon Race quickly build the brothers who were saved, joined to enter in the blood-color vortex, then all vanished to disappear in a flash. 在鲜血之王的指挥下,所有血色黎明魔族都急忙架起了被救下的兄弟们,纷纷投身进入了血色漩涡之中,而后转瞬间便全都消失不见了。 But including great strength king, scarlet face ghost king control elite Personal Guard, was diverted by the energy of blood-color vortex, does not dare to pursue that terrifying in the blood-color vortex. 而包括巨力王,赤脸鬼王在内的主宰精锐亲卫们,则是被血色漩涡的能量牵制,根本不敢追进那恐怖的血色漩涡之中。 Was seeing with own eyes Supreme Ming acts, saved the Bloody Daybreak people, obviously was early in a planned way. 眼见着至尊冥一出手,就将血色黎明的人都救走了,显然是早有计划。 Supreme wang is not accidental/surprised, instead smiled excitedly: Supreme Ming , your idiot, really the expectation of great control, you came finally.” 至尊尫却毫无意外,反而笑得更加兴奋了起来:“至尊冥,你个蠢货,果然不出伟大主宰的预料,你终于还是来了。” His voice has not fallen. 他话音还未落下。 This side Demon Territory void sea then dramatic turmoil. 这一方魔域的虚空海便剧烈动荡起来。 A pair of great hand finds out from void, then rips ruthlessly, ripped a huge opening in void unexpectedly. 一双巨手从虚空中探出,而后狠狠一撕,竟生生在虚空中撕出了一道巨大的口子。 Control plate that is sending out the terrifying power and influence huge body advantage of terrain across that big opening, the arrival, but. 紧接着,主宰槃那散发着恐怖威势的庞然身形便穿过那大口子,驾临而至。 His that spans just like the ferocious beast figure in void, mountain-like, the terrifying control pressure fills the air, the trim as if cannot withstand to shake void slightly. 他那宛如凶兽般的身形横亘在虚空之中,如山如岳,恐怖的主宰威压弥漫开来,整片虚空都仿佛承受不住般微微震荡起来。 Notices that blood-color river, his racket, then pats that blood-color river conveniently extinguishes in invisible, immediately the vision passed was observing closely Supreme Ming indifferently: Your stupidity and courage are really the matches.” 注意到那血色长河,他随手一拍,便将那血色长河拍得消弭于无形之间,随即目光透着冷漠地盯住了至尊冥:“你的愚蠢和勇气真是匹配。” During speeches, incomparable terrifying, but the powerful aura, goes to the Supreme Ming suppression. 说话间,无比恐怖而强大的气息,向至尊冥镇压而去。 Without a doubt, these executes a trap, aims at is not the ordinary Bloody Daybreak member, similarly is not the supreme plaster. 毫无疑问,这一场行刑台陷阱,针对的根本不是普通的血色黎明成员,同样也不是至尊垩。 From beginning to end, the goal of control plate is Supreme Ming ! 从头至尾,主宰槃的目标都是至尊冥 He does not even hesitate to get angry with the supreme plaster, does not hesitate to pretend injured too heavily, has no time to care about radically the appearance, and displays after repeatedly aims at Immortal Clan, again tidies up the clumsy mischief-doer Supreme Ming appearance. 他甚至不惜和至尊垩翻脸,也不惜一直假装受伤太重,根本无暇顾及外界的模样,并一再表现出一副针对完仙族后,再来收拾跳梁小丑至尊冥的样子。 Let Supreme Ming feel to have an opportunity. 至尊冥觉得有机可乘。 Actually, resists outside first secure within/inner, this Immortal Clan truth is correct. 其实,攘外先安内,这句仙族道理再正确不过。 When the control plate is unable to tolerate oneself and Immortal Clan fight tooth and nail, Supreme Ming in behind holds back. 主宰槃无法容忍自己仙族去搏命时,还有一个至尊冥在后面拖后腿。 this time, Supreme Ming , since swallows the bait to come, do not want to live departure! 这一次,至尊冥既然上钩现身,就别想活着离开! Under the so terrifying pressure, the Supreme Ming whole body shakes, as if entire body was crashed, the complexion also changes, shows the expression that does not dare to believe: „Does your strength, how possibly recover is so quick? Did you really swallow massive Demon Race?” 在如此恐怖的威压下,至尊冥浑身一震,仿佛整个身躯都被压垮了,脸色也是大变,露出了不敢置信的表情:“你的力量,怎么可能恢复那么快?难道,你真的吞噬了大量魔族?” At this point, he seemed responded suddenly, opened the mouth suddenly: Supreme plaster, we escape separately!” 说到这里,他好似忽然反应了过来,猛然开口:“至尊垩,咱们分头逃跑!” next instant. 下一瞬 Supreme Ming wields, blood-color flags then flutter, camouflaged the trim void sea and day territory again. 至尊冥手一挥,一面面血色旌旗便飘荡而起,再次遮蔽住了整片虚空海和天域。 In the flags, some innumerable blood-color phantom gush out like surging tides, goes toward the control plate turbulently. 旌旗之中,有无数血色虚影如潮水般涌出,朝着主宰槃汹涌而去。 Meanwhile, the Supreme Ming right hand lifts, a blood sex fiend blade then appeared in his palm, but the forehead position of demon armor on him, the blood-color crystal core appeared, still resembled but actually vertical third eye. 与此同时,至尊冥右手一抬,一柄血色魔刃便出现在了他的掌心之中,而在他身上魔铠的额头位置,更是有一枚血色晶核浮现而出,犹似倒竖的第三只眼。 His power and influence all through, rises suddenly in this moment suddenly. 他通身的威势,也在这一刻骤然暴涨。 With the aid of the strength of blood-color control crystal core, his whole body courage vigor erupts, changes into the blood light to fly to escape fiercely together, shuttle Dark Void Realm, the extreme speed runs away to the distant place. 借助血色主宰晶核的力量,他周身血气爆发,猛地化为一道血光飞遁而出,穿梭黑暗虚界,极速向远处逃遁。 „Can you escape?” “你逃得掉吗?” The control plate snorts contemptuously, rips open Dark Void Realm again, pursued to Supreme Ming . 主宰槃嗤之以鼻,再次撕开黑暗虚界,追向了至尊冥 So pursues escapes, two demons had/left the huge control city range quickly. 如此一追一逃,两魔很快就出了巨大的主宰城范围。 Supreme Ming was stopped up again and again, actually with the energy and evil crafty method that the blood-color control crystal core provides, slippery hand escaped. 至尊冥几次三番被堵住,却都凭着血色主宰晶核提供的能量和邪诡的手段,滑不溜手的逃了出去。 Before attacked Immortal Clan jointly, created three control of second Immortal and Demon War, was the blood-color control and Hundun (Primal Chaos) control, as well as Gui Xie controls respectively, took the lead was the blood-color control, its strength strove to excel other two to control . Moreover the method was numerous, was very hard to kill! 之前联手攻打仙族,造成第二次仙魔大战的三位主宰,分别是血色主宰、混沌主宰、以及妫燮主宰,其中领头的便是血色主宰,其实力要强过其他两位主宰,而且手段众多,十分难以杀死! But the predecessor Hundun (Primal Chaos) control of control plate, is partial in breaking skill with strength strength, the strength also is very certainly intrepid. May discuss the method of escaping and maintaining life, is not as good compared with other two control. 而主宰槃的前身混沌主宰,则是偏向于以力破巧的力量型,实力当然也很强悍。可论起逃跑和保命的手段,比起其他两位主宰要差一些。 Naturally, is only slightly is relatively worse. 当然,只是相对稍差一些。 On having the upfront battle efficiency, the Hundun (Primal Chaos) control controls compared with Gui Xie also plans. 论起正面战斗力,混沌主宰比妫燮主宰还强一筹。 Also because of this all sorts of reasons, Supreme Ming can depend on the assistance of blood-color control crystal core, very distressed running away some time. 也正是因着这种种原因,至尊冥才能靠着血色主宰晶核的辅助,非常狼狈的逃遁一段时间。 Because the both sides power gap is big, even if controls the plate is not a heyday, will catch up with him sooner or later, kills him thoroughly! 但因为双方实力差距较大,哪怕主宰槃并非全盛时期,也迟早会追上他,将他彻底杀死! But at this time. 而这时候。 Executes in another fight of sky, the supreme plaster sees the Bloody Daybreak members to be rescued by Supreme Ming , immediately also no longer and supreme wang entanglement, starts fights while draws back, toward being far away from the direction of control city retreats. 行刑台上空的另外一场战斗中,至尊垩见得血色黎明的成员都被至尊冥救走,当即也不再和至尊尫纠缠,开始边战边退,朝着远离主宰城的方向退去。 While the battlefield leaves control city more and more far. 就在战场离主宰城越来越远的同时。 The stature charming and beautiful female Demon Race form, is stepping on the void sea together, before falling to control Demon Palace, floating. 一道身材娇娆的女性魔族身影,踩着虚空海,飘然落到了主宰魔殿之前。 Her demon armor is frivolous and magnificent, the not like common demon armor covers the whole body like that instead revealed the creamy-white flesh, making her figure seem like even more slender moving, stirs up the person daydream in close succession. 她身上的魔铠轻薄而华丽,不像一般的魔铠那般笼罩全身,反而露出了大片大片奶白色的肌肤,让她的身形看起来愈发窈窕动人,惹得人遐思联翩。 Even if by Immortal Clan aesthetic, her appearance is also extremely charming enchanting. 哪怕以仙族审美来看,她的容貌也是极其妩媚妖娆。 Before controlling Demon Palace, has a nightmare supremely is leading one crowd of elite Personal Guard, protects like the sculpture generally is controlling Demon Palace, the vision is vigilant, the look is imposing. 主宰魔殿前,至尊魇正率领着一群精锐亲卫,如同雕塑一般守护着主宰魔殿,目光警惕,神色凛然。 Sees this female Demon Race, supreme having a nightmare brow slightly one tight, in the look raised for several points to be vigilant immediately: Supreme, do you come to here to do?” 见到这女性魔族,至尊魇眉头微微一紧,眼神中顿时升起了几分警惕:“至尊,你来这里干什么?” This comes to here supremely, naturally to pay a visit control.” Split supremely beautifully smiles, reveals Immortal and Demon two clans to think the beautiful smile. “本至尊来这里,当然是为了拜见主宰。”至尊绽妍一笑,露出了一个仙魔两族都会认为绝美的笑容。 Snort ~ I urged you not to do the matter.” Has a nightmare cold Shengnu to say supremely, I did not believe you not to induce to some time ago fluctuation of energy. You have what words, after control return, asked.” “哼~我劝你别搞事情。”至尊魇冷声怒道,“我不信你没感应到不久前的能量波动。你有什么话,等主宰回归后再来问。” No, I must ask now.” The supreme red lip brings back, smiles the evil charm even more, I must ask the control plate, when my demon area and Immortal Clan war too, how many support requirement letters did I send? Finally? Now my demon body too had turned into the Immortal Clan recovering two areas!” “不,我现在就要问。”至尊红唇勾起,笑得愈发邪魅,“我要问问主宰槃,当我的太魔区和仙族战争时,我发出了多少道求援信?结果呢?现在我的太魔躯早已经变成了仙族的光复二区!” Has a nightmare to suppress the anger to say supremely: This matter I have informed you, the control has the consideration of control, you must take the larger situation into account. Later the domain, wanted certainly big several times compared with once demon area too! You must learn to wait for patiently.” 至尊魇强忍着怒意道:“这事我早就告知过你了,主宰有主宰的考量,你要以大局为重。以后你的地盘,肯定比曾经的太魔区要大数倍!你要学会耐心等待。” Good! I listened your, my anything did not manage, I in patient waiting general situation.” Somewhat smiles supremely crazily crazy. “好!我听你的了,我什么都不管,我在耐心等待大局。”至尊笑得有些痴狂。 With a smile, her suddenly pupil light one cold, the tone becomes coldly is also severe: I asked you, I had three tribe to be missing bewilderedly completely, what's the matter? And one, is my blood relation tribe.” 笑着笑着,她忽然眸光一冷,语气也变得冷厉起来:“那我问你,我有三支部族莫名其妙全部失踪了,是怎么回事?其中一支,还是我的血亲部族。” Has a nightmare the complexion to be stunned supremely immediately, sinking sound said: This not possible......” 至尊魇顿时脸色愕然,沉声道:“这不可能……” But his words have not fallen, the complexion changed, as if thought of other possibilities. 可他话还未落下,脸色就变了,似乎想到了其他可能性。 These days, because he advises and delays repeatedly, controls Pan said that oneself restored these strengths already enough, did not need to look again. 这段时间,因为他屡屡劝阻和拖延,主宰槃表示自己恢复了这些实力已经够了,不用再找了。 His innermost feelings, but also comforted for this reason some. 他的内心,还为此宽慰了些许。 However now looks like...... controls the plate not to ask him to handle matters again! 但是现在看来……只是主宰槃没有再找他办事而已! Supreme wang! 至尊尫! Only then that lunatic, meets anything to disregard. 只有那个疯子,才会什么都不管不顾。 Sees his complexion to fluctuate supremely erratically, immediately chuckled, smiles somewhat frigidly: I had not believed! After all this matter is done somewhat secret, but I have no evidence.” 至尊见得他脸色变幻不定,当即咯咯咯笑了起来,笑得有些惨烈:“原本我还不信!毕竟这件事情做的有些隐秘,而我没有任何证据。” But...... I believe now!” “但是现在……我信了!” „!” “唰!” The supreme body vanished in same place. 至尊的身躯消失在了原地。 Among next instant, she appeared in had a nightmare supremely behind, the terrifying supreme level power and influence erupted loudly, the demon punctured to puncture together fiercely to him. 下一瞬间,她出现在了至尊魇身后,恐怖的至尊级威势轰然爆发,一道魔刺猛地向他刺去。 On her charming beautiful face this moment expression twisted, the smile is insolent, in the sound brings crazy and frigidity of staking everything on a single throw of the dice. 她那张原本妩媚绝美的脸上此刻表情扭曲,笑容张狂,声音中带着孤注一掷的疯狂和惨烈。 Old lady I instead!” “老娘我反了!” Even if kneels to lick Wang Shouzhe, when his maidservant!” “就算去跪舔王守哲,当他的侍女!” I must make the control plate that falls insanely pay the price!” “我也要让那疯掉的主宰槃付出代价!” ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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