POP :: Volume #8

#145: The harvest is many! Continues to save the card in a hand

Chapter 1091 第1091章 The harvest is many! Continues to save the card in a hand 收获颇丰!继续积攒底牌 ...... …… With Wang Shouzhe was effective convincing that tentacle monster, several Immortal Emperor, the great wild goose, as well as that alien race female, relaxes slightly. 随着王守哲有效“说服”了那头触手怪物,几位仙帝,鸿,以及那位异族女子,都微微松了一口气。 This time great wild goose also restrained the aura. 此时的鸿也收敛了气息。 Did not have that terrifying power and influence on serve as contrast, he turned into that stature to be thin immediately, is drooping the ordinary old man appearance of facial features. 没有了那恐怖的威势衬托,他登时又变成了那副身材消瘦,耷拉着眉眼的平平无奇老者模样。 He flew high to pace, arrived at that tentacle monster body side, light opens the mouth: By the energetic mighty current transmission information, is very difficult to conduct the effective complex communication, I have means to make it learn our Immortal Spirit language rapidly.” 他凌空踱步,来到了那触手怪物身侧,淡淡开口:“单靠精神洪流传递信息,很难进行有效的复杂沟通,我有一种办法可以让它迅速学会我们仙灵界的语言。” hearing this, is even some Wang Shouzhe slightly surprise: „Does Senior really have such method?” 闻言,便是连王守哲都微微有些诧异:“前辈竟然还有如此手段?” Trivial vulture insect small technique, pours really unusually not.” The great wild goose smiled is pulling out a semblance to be plain, takes the form of Dao Book treasure. “区区雕虫小技,倒也没甚稀奇的。”鸿微笑着掏出了一部外表古朴厚重,形似道书宝物 Conveniently a finger/refers, that Dao Book then just like living had come general, float before the tentacle monster body. 随手一指,那部道书便宛若活过了来一般,悬浮到了触手怪物身前。 A variegated light shadow blooms from Dao Book, changes into the one after another dreamlike information mighty current to instill into to go to tentacle monster within the body. 道道斑斓光影自“道书”中绽放开来,化为一道道如梦似幻的信息洪流向触手怪物体内灌输而去。 The tentacle monster whisker twitched, as to hide, but moves to half actually seems like thinks that anything stiffened suddenly, finally does not dare to avoid obstinately, in same place met these information mighty currents stiffly. 触手怪物触须抽搐了一下,似乎想躲,但动到一半却又像是想到什么般蓦然僵住了,最后愣是没敢回避,僵在原地将这些信息洪流接了下来。 next moment, it painful whole body twisted, the stretched out vine tentacle shivers unceasingly, probably is bearing the improper pain. 下一刻,它就痛苦的全身扭曲了起来,伸出的藤蔓触手不断颤动,像是在承受着不该有的痛苦。 While this opportunity, the great wild goose slightly explained greatly: Long ago I went to some different world to search the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment the time, will always meet language barrier, therefore studied this Dao Book, but instilled into our language systems in a short time to other intelligent lives, with the aim of conducting the effective communication. However they meet from the beginning are not quite skilled, but must with digests.” 趁此机会,鸿大略解释了一下:“早年我去一些异界搜索掌界令碎片的时候,总是会遇到语言不通的时候,因此研究出了这一部道书,可短时间内将我们的语言体系灌输给其他智慧生灵,以便进行有效沟通。不过他们一开始会不太熟练,还得边用边消化。” This type instills into the knowledge using Dao Book in the way of inheritance directly, actually good method.” Wang Shouzhe eye one bright, this method , if using in our elementary education, can save the time that the children learn/study greatly, enabling them to absorb more knowledge in a short time.” “这种利用道书直接以传承的方式灌输知识,倒是个好方法。”王守哲眼睛一亮,“这手段若是用在咱们基础教育中,可以大大节约孩子们学习的时间,让他们可以在短时间内吸收更多的知识。” „The Shouzhe boy, you were individual ~ the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor hearing this corners of the mouth to pull out pulling out, the ill-humored say/way, „the education of your Wang Clan Clan School is abnormal enough, you are actually also thinking made them curl?” 守哲小子,你就做个人吧~”太上仙帝闻言嘴角抽了抽,没好气道,“你们王氏族学的教育已经够变态了,你竟然还想着让他们更卷?” How is this possible?” The great wild goose had also heard obviously the Wang Clan Clan School pattern, cannot help laughing, „a Dao Book manufacture is not so easy not to mention, inside also can only some carrying/sustaining linguistries. What is most essential, the process of this information transmission the energetic will to receiver will have the big impact, needs very powerful spiritual sense by technique, the children may be unable to withstand.” “这怎么可能?”鸿显然也听说过王氏族学的模式,不禁哑然失笑,“如此一部道书制作不易且不说,里面也只能承载部分语言知识。最关键的是,这信息传输的过程会对接受者的精神意志产生较大的冲击,需要受术者拥有很强大的神念,孩子们可承受不起。” In the time of this speech, tentacle monster has completed the language to instill into passively. 就在这说话的功夫,触手怪物已经被动完成了语言灌输。 It raises up a vine tentacle, the tentacle grows state-of-art mouth apparatus that is similar at the tip to puncture, attempts to vibrate the mouth apparatus to use the Immortal Clan language opens the mouth: Lord, when do we complete the natal spirit plant contract?” 它竖起一根藤蔓触手,触手尖端生长出一个类似于尖刺的口器,尝试着震动口器用仙族语言开口:“主上,咱们什么时候完成本命灵植契约?” Its sound somewhat is gratingly incisive, and is not quite skilled, but has been able to communicate reluctantly. 它的声音有些尖锐刺耳,并且不太熟练,但已经能勉强沟通了。 natal spirit plant contract? 本命灵植契约? In Wang Shouzhe hearing this heart one suddenly. 王守哲闻言心中一突。 Although said that with his Life Source bloodline level becomes high, as if has been able to hold many natal spirit plant. 虽然说随着他的生命本源血脉层次变高,似乎已经可以容纳更多的本命灵植 But first, this first two tenth stage Demon God plants the strength to be extremely powerful, successfully gets along with very much difficultly. 但一来,这头二十阶魔神植实力太过强大,很难成功结契。 Secondly, its looks indeed knocks chen, is too evil, Wang Shouzhe does not want to tie natal spirit contract with it, to achieve degree of Shengming (Life) sharing. 二来嘛,它长得的确太磕碜,太邪恶,王守哲着实不想与它结本命灵契,以达到生命共享的程度。 After all once this type of natal spirit plant contract has, the relations between getting along with both sides, compared with becoming the husband and wife relations are to have no time to let much, even must be more intimate! 毕竟这种本命灵植契约一旦结下,结契者双方之间的关系,比起结为夫妻关系也是不遑多让,甚至要更加亲密! This situation, getting along with is naturally discrete. 这种情况,结契自然要谨慎。 However at present, Wang Shouzhe naturally cannot speak the truth directly, otherwise under this saved a loyalty unable to do well with great difficulty falls directly does not have. 不过眼下,王守哲自然不能直接说实话,不然这好不容易积攒下的一点忠诚度搞不好直接就降没了。 At that moment, he turns serious, said seriously: I thought that I need and you stress my idea. I am one pay great attention to the species equality, friendly affection unity Immortal Clan, I will fully respect your personality and future freedom, will not bind you with natal spirit contract forcefully for a lifetime.” 当下,他神色一正,严肃说道:“我觉得我有必要和伱强调一下我的理念。我是一个注重物种平等,友爱团结的仙族,我会充分尊重你的人格和未来的自由,不会拿本命灵契来强行绑定你一辈子。” „?” “?” Tentacle monster hear of faces are ignorant. 触手怪物听的一脸懵。 Wang Shouzhe each few words it as if understood, but each few words have not as if understood 王守哲的每一句话它似乎都听懂了,但似乎又每一句话都没听懂 Does not wait for it to respond, Wang Shouzhe also added with the grave sound: I when you are the friend and partner, even is a family member, everyone each other trusts, constructs the more glorious future together diligently.” 不等它反应过来,王守哲又用庄重的声音补充道:“我会当你是朋友和伙伴,甚至是亲人,大家彼此信任,一起努力建设更美好的未来。” Each other trust? Friends and partners and family member?” Hears this saying, tentacle monster as if somewhat touches, even there are several points to be moved. “彼此信任?朋友和伙伴和亲人?”听到这话,触手怪物似乎有些触动,甚至有了几分感动。 It just wants to comply, Wang Shouzhe is actually thread of conversation one revolution , to continue saying: Considering our two just knew, the trust has not completely established, makes some necessary protection is very fair, you said is right?” 它刚想答应下来,王守哲却是话锋一转,继续道:“不过考虑到咱们两个才刚刚认识,信任还未完全建立,做些有必要的防备也很合情合理,你说对不对?” Tentacle monster nods again and again: Fair.” 触手怪物连连点头:“合情合理。” You apportion my wisp of soul, takes care for me. Moreover I in your soul, will implant together the Life Source brand mark.” After Wang Shouzhe set requirement, also comforted it to say rapidly, you did not need to worry, after we trusted established, I will return your soul, will relieve the Life Source brand mark, this was only a safeguard of foundation.” “你分给我一缕神魂,供我保管。另外我会在你神魂之中,种入一道生命本源烙印。”王守哲提出要求后,又迅速安抚它道,“不过你不用担心,等咱们信任建立起来后,我会归还你神魂,也会解除生命本源烙印,这只是一种基础的保障。” The tentacle monster instinct thought where has anything is not right, but is the atmosphere is probably proper, it selected the tentacle blurry, agrees. 触手怪物本能觉得哪里有什么不对,但大概是气氛过于到位,它迷迷糊糊地就点了点触手,表示同意。 Afterward Wang Shouzhe is comforting it, makes it open wide soul, integrated the Life Source brand mark, as well as took wisp of soul. 随后王守哲边是安抚着它,边让它敞开神魂,融入了生命本源烙印,以及取走了一缕神魂 The entire process is very smooth. 整个过程十分顺利。 Waits to complete all these, Wang Shouzhe then modest saying with a smile: Very good, from now on, we were the close friend and partner, each other held to be locked in a stalemate, achieved the same goal together. In this process, I will help you as far as possible, helping you find to break through the opportunities of two eleventh stage thresholds.” 等做完这一切,王守哲这才温和的笑道:“很好,从现在开始,咱们就是亲密的朋友和伙伴了,彼此相扶相持,一起完成共同的目标。在这过程中,我会尽可能的帮你,帮助你找到突破二十一阶门槛的机会。” Tentacle monster also had several points to lose with the doubt, may hear Wang Shouzhe this commitment, the haze of his heart vanishes into thin air immediately, raises up the tentacle fiercely, vision brilliant is staring at Wang Shouzhe, the tone is incisive and excited: Real? Real? Will you really help me break through two eleventh stage?” 原本触手怪物还存有几分失落和狐疑,可听得王守哲这一句承诺,他心头的阴霾顿时烟消云散,猛地竖起触手,“目光灼灼”地盯着王守哲,语气尖锐而兴奋:“真的吗?真的吗?你真的会帮我突破二十一阶?” That is natural, we are the close friend and never-ending partner.” Wang Shouzhe proficiently drew the pie, the expression is filling was serious and earnest. “那是当然,我们是亲密的朋友和不离不弃的伙伴。”王守哲熟练地画着大饼,表情充满了严肃和认真。 This is big and cake of circle, eaten tentacle monster felt the feeling of satisfaction from the body to soul. 这个又大又圆的饼,吃的触手怪物从身体到神魂都充满了满足感。 It could not bear think in the heart, gives free reign to the imagination the future. 它忍不住在心中浮想联翩,畅想起了未来。 Partner and family member who has Life Source, my Selles is really naturally happy, two eleventh stage future may the time ~ 有一个拥有生命本源的伙伴和亲人,我艾瑟莱雅・自然真幸福,二十一阶的未来可期啊~ So this scene, looked several Immortal Emperor and great wild goose Senior is dumbfounded. 如此这一幕,看的几位仙帝和鸿前辈都是目瞪口呆。 Does Wang Shouzhe flicker Demon God to plant really? 王守哲这么忽悠魔神植真的好吗? Moreover this tone and are the tune, sounding so familiar-sounding? 而且这种语气和腔调,听起来怎么这么耳熟? This type of cake, had they as if also eaten? 这种饼,他们似乎也曾经吃过? Moreover eats is very fragrant. 而且还吃的挺香。 However they also understand, Wang Shouzhe can flicker this Demon God to plant, the reasons are various. 不过他们也明白,王守哲之所以能忽悠住这头魔神植,原因是多方面的。 At the same time, naturally is because this Demon God plants is not the social lifeform. The relations that because it no doubt hunts for frequently, in hunting for and on escaping experience richly, is sly, in social that in has to do with human does not have too to experience, purely is also somewhat fair. 一方面,自然是因为这棵魔神植本就不是社会性生物。它固然因为经常捕猎的关系,在捕猎和逃跑上经验丰富,非常狡猾,但是在和“人”打交道的社交这一块上却没有太多经验,有些单纯也合情合理。 In addition, Shouzhe gives that he plants to say the Life Source brand mark, because of the both sides power gap big reason, supported also to maintain the millenniums. 除此之外,守哲给他种的那道生命本源烙印,因为双方实力差距较大的缘故,撑死了也就能维持千年。 this only millennium brand mark, plants to Demon God is somewhat superficial, conflicting the heart is not naturally heavy. 这区区千年的烙印,对魔神植来说有些不痛不痒,抵触心自然也就没那么重。 Furthermore, Wang Shouzhe is Life Source bloodline, regarding various spirit plant, itself has the natural strong attraction. 再者,王守哲乃是生命本源血脉,对于各种灵植,本身就拥有着天然的强吸引力。 Therefore this set of thing is seemingly simple, others are actually not able to duplicate mostly. 因此这套东西看似简单,旁人却多半无法复制。 At this time, nearby star dust Princess also exchanges with great wild goose Senior. 此时,一旁的星尘公主也与鸿前辈交流起来。 Gesticulates although can also exchange, but was too troublesome, once will become related to the quite complex content very difficult, she also hopes that will obtain the language to instill into. 比比划划虽然也能交流,但太麻烦了,一旦涉及到比较复杂的内容就会变得十分艰难,她同样希望得到语言灌输。 Great wild goose Senior has not declined, similarly instilled into to her with language Dao Book. 鸿前辈并没有推辞,同样用语言道书给她灌输了一遍。 After a pain, star dust Princess had a good command of the Immortal Spirit language initially. 一阵痛苦之后,星尘公主初步掌握了仙灵界语言。 Suddenly, her pupil light swept brightly to all around, in the look filled the exchange desire. 一时间,她眸光熠熠地扫向四周,眼神中满了交流欲望。 That appearance, looked like one to learn the new skill, wanted to practice a student impatiently. 那模样,就像是一个学会了新技能,迫不及待地想要实践一番的学生。 But during this process, Wang Shouzhe attention as before on tentacle monster. 而在此过程中,王守哲的注意力依旧在触手怪物身上。 Through with its exchange, and research of oneself, Wang Shouzhe can determine its essentially plant, but has some animal characteristics. 通过与它的交流,以及自己的研究,王守哲能确定它本质上还是植物,但拥有部分动物特性。 Moreover the thing that it excels are quite many, has the Heavenly Abyss Kong Jian (Space) transmission, twines and brushes, the fission subfield, regeneration and energy to swallow, puppet wait/etc, almost is the special skill. 而且它擅长的东西相当多,有天渊空间传送,缠绕、抽打、分裂子体、再生、能量吞噬、傀儡化等等,几乎全都是特殊技能。 It can be said that besides lacking explosive force strong destructive skill, it almost does not have the shortcoming, synthesizing the combat capability is extremely powerful. 可以说,除了缺乏爆发力强的杀伤性技能外,它几乎没有缺点,综合战斗能力相当强悍。 This is the ability that Wang Shouzhe needs now. 这正是王守哲现在需要的能力。 If must say that also has what flaw, probably is, it is not production spirit plant. 如果一定要说还有什么缺陷的话,大概就是,它并不是生产性灵植 In brief, its not like Moon Nether Demon Tree, Shengming (Life) God Tree wait/etc, can produce effect marvelous spirit tea, spirit fruit and other products. 简而言之,它不像太阴冥魂树,生命神树等等,可以生产出效果奇妙的灵茶灵果等产物。 Cannot cut a tentacle from it, treats as the boat-fruited sterculia to make tea to drink? 总不能从它身上切一段触手,当做胖大海泡茶喝吧? Fries the fragrant-flowered garlic the tentacle in the shape complementary form, obtains some marvelous functions? 或者将触手炒韭菜以形补形,获得一些奇妙功用? However considering that its lets the evil contour of person scalp tingles, it is estimated that even some marvelous functions, no one is still willing to attempt. 不过考虑到它那让人头皮发麻的邪恶外形,估计就算有些奇妙作用,也没人愿意尝试。 Right, but also without asking your name, as well as from which world?” Wang Shouzhe abandoned in the heart forcefully the distracting thoughts, shifted the topic. “对了,还没问你名字,以及来自哪个世界?”王守哲强行抛开了心中杂念,转移了话题。 Tentacle monster replied honestly: My name was Selles nature. I am our world nature female gods, is born in Hundun (Primal Chaos), has the lofty position.” 触手怪物老实回答道:“我叫艾瑟莱雅・自然。我是我们的世界的自然母神,诞生于混沌之中,拥有崇高的地位。” Naturally female god? Ai Selai?” “自然母神?艾瑟莱雅?” This reply, naturally is to make Wang Shouzhe and the others, look askance stunned. 这个回答,自然是让王守哲等人错愕不已,纷纷侧目。 This unexpectedly is a female consciousness!!? 这竟然还是一个女性的意识!!? Makes person scalp tingles seriously, is somewhat hard to accept. 当真是令人头皮发麻,有些难以接受。 However thinks carefully, is actually also fair, after all, most plants in the choice of sexuality consciousness, are quite easy to favor the female. 不过仔细想想,其实也合情合理,毕竟,多数植物在性别意识的选择上,都比较容易倾向雌性。 „The Selles elegant this name......” the Wang Shouzhe brow jumps, thought that this name extremely play, considered was saying, „, or did in Rome as Rome does to trade a style, is called king Dachu What's wrong? This on behalf of our Wang Clan family member's name.” “艾瑟莱雅这名字……”王守哲眉头微跳,觉得这名字太过出戏,斟酌着说,“要不入乡随俗换个风格,叫做【王大触】如何?这代表着我们王氏亲人的名字。” king Dachu? Family member's name? 王大触?亲人的名字? Tentacle monster has not conflicted, instead also seems somewhat happy, immediately complied happily. 触手怪物对此没有抵触,反而还显得有些高兴,当即愉快的答应了下来。 Afterward, king big touched then starts to mention the oneself pitiful destiny verbosely, what their world by Huimie (Destruction), it ran very difficultly, escaped this world, thinks peaceful found a place to hide therapy. 随后,王大触便开始絮絮叨叨地说起了自己悲惨的命运,什么它们的世界毁灭了,它十分艰难跑了出来,逃到了这方世界,原本就想安安静静的找个地方躲起来疗伤。 The result is not hit by this group of people today, will be is chased down by that human form old monster tomorrow, can not peaceful, it can only take risk to hunt, hopes that can obtain a stronger strength to be out of the danger, and there is an opportunity to go back to revenge. 结果不是今天被这群人打,就是明天被那头人形老怪物追杀,不得安宁下,它只能冒险出来狩猎,希望能获得更强的力量摆脱危险,并且有机会回去报仇。 These narrated, listened nearby star dust Princess is dumbfounded, in the beautiful pupil filled surprisedly. 这一番叙说,听的一旁的星尘公主一愣一愣的,美眸中充满了惊讶。 Then, is its destiny same as them? 这么说来,它的命运岂不是和她们一样? She has not thought, unexpectedly tentacle monster of this devils, is a country family perishes small pitiful. 她万万没想到,这头凶神恶煞的触手怪物,竟然也是一个国破家亡的小可怜。 Under has same problem, hostility of star dust Princess to king Dachu dissipated. 同病相怜下,星尘公主对王大触的敌意都消散了许多。 The Wang Shouzhe expression also becomes serious, patted its tentacle to say seriously: I had said a moment ago, we are the friend and partner, is a family member. When we solved the Immortal Spirit crisis, after growing to two eleventh stage, goes to your world to help you revenge.” 王守哲的表情也变得严肃起来,郑重地拍了拍它的触手道:“我刚才说过,我们是朋友和伙伴,也是亲人。等咱们解决了仙灵界的危机,成长到二十一阶后,就去你的世界帮你报仇。” king big touches hearing this, immediately was excited the whole body tentacle to wave, the excitement can be seen in speech and appearance, the loyalty was upward the wind, even started to rub Wang Shouzhe with the tentacle on own initiative. 王大触闻言,登时激动得浑身的触手都舞动了起来,激动之情溢于言表,忠诚度又是噌噌噌往上飙,甚至开始主动用触手蹭起王守哲来。 Also, it looked at around one, thought that the oneself image and big fellow is incompatible. For better integration big family, king big the sense of touch must need to change the oneself image. 随之,它又看了一下四周,觉得自己的形象和大家伙格格不入。为了更好的融入大家庭,王大触觉得有必要改变一下自己形象。 It inquired: If I turn into the person of lifeform, what template reference should by be more attractive?” 它提问说:“如果我变成人型生物,该以什么样的模板参考会更好看?” This wants Form Changing. 这是要化形了。 As the powerful lifeform of two tenth stage, king Dachu the body has fused together with the strength of principle, turned situated in the energy the shape between lifeform and principle lifeform, naturally can Form Changing. 作为二十阶的强大生物,王大触的身躯早已和法则之力融为一体,变成了介于能量生物和法则生物之间的形态,自然是可以化形的。 Just, beforehand it simply does not have the Form Changing demand, this continuously by original form shape activity. 只不过,以前的它根本没有化形的需求,这才一直以原形形态活动。 Hears king Dachu the words, Emperor Vast Sky Sword who had not spoken very physique, just wants to volunteer services, when near opens the mouth actually jammed. 听到王大触的话,一直未曾吭声的昊天剑帝挺了挺身姿,刚想毛遂自荐一下,临开口时却卡壳了。 Because he awakens suddenly, this king Dachu is a female. 因为他忽然醒悟过来,这个王大触是个女性。 paused, he then with gentle, but the magnetic sound said: You refer to Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor, or that star dust Princess is good.” 顿了顿,他便用柔和而有磁性的声音说道:“你参考紫薇仙帝,或是那个星尘公主都不错。” king Dachu takes a look at Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor, looked at star dust Princess, seemed somewhat feels embarrassed and struggles, crossed well long time, it was determined saying: Defers to her to come.” 王大触瞅了瞅紫薇仙帝,又看了一眼星尘公主,看起来似乎有些为难和挣扎,过了好半晌,它才下定决心道:“就按照她来吧。” Afterward, king big touches the sphere -type body and whisker one sways from side to side, starts to transform in the human form direction gradually. 随后,王大触圆球式的身体和触须一阵扭动,渐渐开始往人形方向幻化。 Although star dust Princess the innermost feelings somewhat dislike, actually could not bear the physique, the subconsciousness showed a happier figure , the corners of the mouth held to wipe the beautiful smile, so as to avoid king big touched according to the tiger picture cat is inadequate, tarnished her image. 星尘公主虽然内心有些膈应,却还是忍不住挺了挺身姿,下意识展现出了更美好的身段,同时嘴角噙起一抹绝美的笑容,免得那王大触照虎画猫不成,玷污了她的形象。 So, let numerous Immortal Emperor and Wang Shouzhe somewhat anticipated. 如此一幕,让众仙帝王守哲都有些期待了起来。 king big touched the beforehand image is too ugly, if can become attractively, everyone psychologically receptivity also high many. 王大触之前的形象太丑恶了,若是能变得漂亮些,大家从心理上接受程度也会高不少。 When, king Dachu did not complete Form Changing very much diligently. 不多会儿,王大触很努力的完成了化形 Appears before the people, is a skin color is dark, the whole body meat toot toot the female fatty, the arm terminal is not the finger of common person, but is the evil different and creamy tentacles, appears the alternative, but terrifying. 出现在众人面前的,是一个肤色黝黑,浑身肉嘟嘟的女性胖子,手臂末端不是寻常人的手指,而是一根根邪异而滑腻的触手,显得另类而恐怖。 The people see that stares dumbfounded. 众人见状,都是瞠目结舌。 This this, does this image really come out according to star dust Princess Form Changing? Was where they blind this tentacle had is not right strangely? 这这这,这形象真的是照着星尘公主化形出来的?是他们瞎了还是这触手怪有哪里不对劲? king big touches oneself actually, did not think completely where has the issue. 倒是王大触自己,完全不觉得哪里有问题。 She wielded the light screen to illuminate conveniently together, carefully examined a oneself new image, the expression on face was very satisfactory: This image is good, very perfect human form.” 她随手挥出一道光幕照了一下,审视了一下自己的新形象,脸上的表情很是满意:“这形象不错,很完美的人形。” The star dust Princess eyes delay, the whole body shivers, seemed is divided several hundred heavenly thunders to be the same continually, seeming like the whole person was not quite good. 星尘公主双眼呆滞,浑身颤抖,就好似被连劈了数百道天雷一般,看起来整个人都不太好了。 Wang Shouzhe was also the corners of the mouth pulls out slightly, hesitates flickered, tactful opens the mouth: Touches greatly, can say your mental state simply?” 王守哲也是嘴角微微一抽,迟疑了一瞬,才委婉开口:“大触,能简单说一说你的心理状况吗?” king Dachu swept star dust Princess dumb as a wooden chicken, takes a look at the expressions of others, cannot bear heave a deep sigh: Oh ~ ~ I have made contribution toward her standard Form Changing, is only the innermost feelings as before somewhat small resistance. Because her looks was too ugly, whole body thin squish, is not clear. Moreover looks lacks the energy reserve, the fight hits the ability weakly is not good.” 王大触扫了一眼呆若木鸡的星尘公主,又瞅瞅其他人的表情,忍不住摇头叹息:“唉~~我已经尽力往她那个标准化形了,只是内心依旧有些小小的抗拒。因为她长得太丑了,浑身瘦了吧唧,一点都不圆润。而且一看就缺乏能量储备,抗击打能力弱的不行。” Therefore, I got rid of the bad and retained the good her image, finally harvested good outside. You have a look at my meat fat, anti- punches? Looked is the energy reserve is sufficient, not affable appearance.” “所以,我就将她的形象去芜存菁了一下,结果收获了一个不错的外边。你们看看我这身肉膘,多么抗揍?一看就是能量储备充足,不好惹的模样。” These tentacles, had both the usability and artistry, was flexibly easier-to-use than your fingers.” “还有这些触手,兼具了实用性和美观性,比你们的手指灵活好用多了。” This flash, the star dust Princess whole person becomes ignorant, seemed is polluted generally, in brain piece of Hundun (Primal Chaos). 这一瞬间,星尘公主整个人都变得浑浑噩噩,好似被污染了一般,大脑中一片混沌 Wang Shouzhe was also shocked, hollow laugh a sound said: Ok, touches you happily good greatly.” 王守哲也是被震慑到了,干笑了一声道:“行吧,大触你高兴就好。” According to the truth, subdues first two tenth stage Demon God to plant, should be very happy that but he always feels some mourning. 按照道理,收服一头二十阶魔神植,应该挺高兴的,可他总觉得有些丧。 Only slightly the one who makes him feel joyful, perhaps in the future will control the plate to lose compared with him. 唯一让他稍感欣喜的是,也许未来主宰槃会比他更丧。 Is good because of quickly, the news from treasure daughter Wang Liyao saved old father Wang Shouzhe. 好在很快,来自宝贝女儿王璃瑶的消息就拯救了老父亲王守哲 She had entered this piece of chaotic Heavenly Lake core place, and after exploring Ancient God mang to fall from the sky rapidly the vestige. 她已经进入了这一片混乱天湖的核心处,并且迅速探索到了古神娏陨落后的遗迹。 After an exploration and reorganization, the harvest is many. 一番探索和整理之后,收获颇丰。 And is most valuable, naturally is that together Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Divine Water. 其中最值钱的,当然要数那一道先天神水 That say/way deep blue light screen is one of the Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Divine Water methods, but according to the different scenes, the different methods, this will strengthen the Wang Liyao battle efficiency without doubt enormously. 那道湛蓝光幕便是先天神水的手段之一,而根据不同场景,还有不同手段,这无疑将极大增强王璃瑶的战斗力。 In addition, Ancient God mang also left behind sources of massive Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, Primal Chaos Crystal and god, these resource commodities are the important nutrient that a powerhouse grows to need. 除此之外,古神娏还留下了大量的混沌灵石混沌结晶以及众神之源,这些资源性物资都是一众强者成长所需的重要养分。 But the one who most made Wang Shouzhe be interested, the core place of vestige, had on eleventh grade Water Department unexpectedly the Ancient God lineage/vein. 而最令王守哲感兴趣的是,遗迹的核心处,居然有一条十一品水系古神脉。 In the god lineage/vein is growing mature ten fifth grade wonder drug Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Hundun (Primal Chaos) god lotus. 神脉中生长着一株成熟的十五品神药先天混沌神莲】。 So the wonder drug of rank, looking over entire World of Immortals is quite rare. 如此级别的神药,纵观整个仙界都极为罕见。 But Wang Shouzhe had it, in the future will have the opportunity oneself catalysis to cultivate ten fifth grade Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Hundun (Primal Chaos) god lotuses. 王守哲拥有了它,未来就有机会自己催化培植十五品先天混沌神莲。 Naturally this must wait for his bloodline to walk again upward, otherwise catalyzes the speed too to be really slow. 当然这得等他血脉再往上走走,否则催化起来速度着实太慢。 Naturally, wants Ancient God mang the heritage, does not have the condition. 当然,想要得到古神娏的遗产,也并非完全没有条件。 The Water Department crystal core that after Ancient God mang leaves behind one pile of mang clans died, leaves behind, hopes that asked the later generation to find the mang clan descendant, propped up them. 古神娏留下了一堆娏族死后留下的水系晶核,希望请后人找到娏族后裔,将她们重新扶植起来。 Regarding this point, Wang Liyao also accepts with pleasure. 对于这一点,王璃瑶也是欣然接受。 Because of her clear remembering, in being away from Shattered Territory not far void, the doubtful mang clan descendant's race is surviving. 因为她清楚的记得,就在距离破灭之域不远的虚空中,就有一支疑似娏族后裔的种族生存着。 Their leaders called dark blue billows Queen, in the past Wang Lixian also sold the bulb frequently to them, to receive in exchange rich resources. 她们的首领叫沧澜女王,当年王璃仙还经常卖玻璃球给她们,以换取丰厚的资源。 After processing heritage that Ancient God mang stays behind. 处理完古神娏留下的遗产后。 Three Immortal Emperor and Wang Clan people, then bring the foreign land to come nova dust Princess they, advanced the Immortal Clan advanced base. 三位仙帝王氏众人,便带着异域来客星尘公主她们,先行去了仙族的前进基地。 But Wang Shouzhe, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, as well as great wild goose Senior, then continues the thorough Ancient God battlefield, goes to king Dachu the secret lair. 王守哲,太上仙帝,以及鸿前辈,则是继续深入古神战场,前往王大触的秘密巢穴。 Based on everyone is the partner, friend and family member's relations, king big touches the property in lair, Wang Shouzhe naturally also has the duty to help it take inventory. 基于大家是伙伴、朋友、亲人的关系,那王大触巢穴中的财产,王守哲自然也有义务帮它清点一下。 king Dachu the secret lair is small Kong Jian (Space) that shatter Kong Jian (Space) rebuilds, hides in a piece of chaotic Kong Jian (Space) quite covert Kong Jian (Space) crevice. 王大触的秘密巢穴乃是一处破碎空间改建出来的小空间,藏在一片混乱空间内部的一个相当隐蔽的空间夹缝之中。 In king Dachu the lair, 19th stage Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast acts as the little brother, Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast also one crowd of Heavenly Abyss Demon Fiend acts as the goon, was a good small influence. 在王大触的巢穴中,还有一只十九阶灾变兽充当小弟,灾变兽还有一群天渊魔煞充当打手,算是一只不错的小势力了。 However king Dachu lair chaotic, entire looks like a garbage dump. 不过王大触的巢穴内部乱糟糟的,整个就像是一个垃圾场。 Demon God plants king Dachu, is little brother Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast, obviously cannot clean up, therefore Wang Shouzhe in line with helping the mentality, cleaned up king Dachu the lair well, cleaned up many Hundun (Primal Chaos) resources, the mineral and wreckage, as well as sources of the god. 无论是魔神植王大触,还是小弟灾变兽,显然都不太会打扫卫生,因此王守哲本着帮忙的心态,好好清理了一下王大触的巢穴,从中清理出了不少混沌资源,矿物、残骸,以及众神之源。 Even, they also turned out Immortal Emperor Emperor Seal from the garbage heap, a Demon Race supreme crystal core, as well as quantity many Dao Book and Holy Picture, Demon Race Great Commander crystal core, Demon Lord crystal core, as well as ferocious beast crystal core and valuable wreckage wait/etc. 甚至,他们还从垃圾堆里翻出了一枚仙帝帝印,一枚魔族至尊的晶核,以及数量不少的道书圣图,魔族大统领晶核,魔主晶核,以及凶兽的晶核和值钱的残骸等等。 Is ready to fight when remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, prepares to divide wave of ultra fat spoils of war excitedly. 就在太上仙帝摩拳擦掌,兴奋地准备分一波超肥的战利品时。 Wang Shouzhe actually looks at him to say by the look of difference: Remote antiquity Senior, who the friend, partner and family member's resources, will be regarded as the spoils of war to carve up?” 王守哲却以异样的眼神看着他道:“太上前辈,谁会把朋友、伙伴、亲人的资源,当做是战利品瓜分?” „......” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor stared in a big way the eye stunned, took a look to Wang Shouzhe. “呃……”太上仙帝错愕地瞪大了眼睛,直直瞅向王守哲 After long time, he is actually speechless, is unable to refute. 半晌后,他却是无话可说,无法反驳。 Now but king Dachu Wang Clan Demon God plants, how can this snatch? 现在王大触可是王氏魔神植,这怎么能抢? Remote antiquity Senior, our eyes must look, after waiting to tidy up Demon Race, the foreign land has broad heaven and earth wait/etc. we to explore.” The Wang Shouzhe comfort said. “太上前辈,咱们眼睛要看远一点,等收拾完魔族之后,异域自有广阔的天地等我们探索。”王守哲安慰道。 However, Wang Shouzhe has not treated unjustly everyone Immortal Emperor eventually , indicating the massive harvests of source of this wave of god, the synthesis Say/Way changes, Say/Way changes essence version After will first supply to everyone help Immortal Emperor. 不过,王守哲也终究没有亏待诸位仙帝,表示这一波众神之源的大量收获,合成【道改】、【道改精华版】后,会优先供应给诸位帮忙的仙帝 In addition, Wang Shouzhe will also wrap a big red packet respectively, to everyone Immortal Emperor and great wild goose Senior. 除此之外,王守哲也会分别包一份大红包,给诸位仙帝和鸿前辈 As for king Dachu these resources, at the suggestion of Wang Shouzhe, will all exchange Wang Clan contribution points. 至于王大触的这些资源,在王守哲的建议下,将会悉数兑换成王氏贡献值 This is large amount of contribution points. 这将会是一笔巨额贡献值 But king Dachu with these clan contribution points, may receive in exchange for all resources in clan, including the Wang Shouzhe Life Source essence. 而王大触用这些家族贡献值,可换取家族内的一切资源,包括王守哲生命本源精华。 That is it promotes two eleventh stage essential resources. 那可是它晋升二十一阶的关键资源。 So finally, is happy. 如此结果,算是皆大欢喜。 But after harvesting this resources, Wang Clan day after day tense resources crisis, obtained the initial resolution. 而收获了这一笔资源之后,王氏日渐紧张的资源危机,也算是得到了初步解决。 This also made the Wang Shouzhe slightly somewhat tight mentality relax much, had the confidence and control plate breaks off the wrist/skill. 这也让王守哲原本略有些紧绷的心态松弛了不少,更有信心和主宰槃掰掰手腕了。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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