POP :: Volume #8

#144: Shouzhe subdues two tenth stage Demon God to plant

...... …… Saw this scene, Wang Liyao understood. 见到这一幕,王璃瑶明白了过来。 She referred to oneself, said: Wang Liyao.” 她指了指自己,说道:“王璃瑶。” Nearby Wang Yinxuan also followed the example, points at oneself to notify the name: Wang Yinxuan.” 一旁的王寅轩也有样学样,指着自己通报了姓名:“王寅轩。” After introducing oneself mutually one, the atmosphere was all of a sudden more harmonious. 互相自我介绍一番后,气氛一下子融洽了许多。 Afterward. 随后。 Through similar preliminary communication, in addition the energetic information transmission, the gesture of hand signal, each other understands and corrects error, quick, everyone was in the preliminary effective communication stage. 通过类似的初步沟通,再加上精神信息传输,手势的比划,彼此理解和纠错,很快,大家就进入了初步的有效沟通阶段。 Spent some times slightly, Wang Liyao made star dust Princess understand her meaning, hopes she displayed the influence on the deep blue light screen, tempted tentacle monster. 略微花费了些功夫,王璃瑶就让星尘公主明白了她意思,希望她对湛蓝光幕施展影响,将触手怪物引诱进来。 star dust Princess referred to outside deep blue light screen, the shaking the head continued proportion belt/bring of delimited, in addition the communication of energetic thought that indicated that this deep blue ray did not listen from the start her. 星尘公主指了指外面的湛蓝光幕,摇了摇头连比带划,再加上精神意念的沟通,表示这湛蓝光芒压根就不听她的。 Wang Liyao sees that hesitated slightly, then had the idea. 王璃瑶见状,略微沉吟了一下,便有了主意。 Ancient God mang has fallen from the sky, controls reads remnantly, or is other that the most of this deep blue light screen is she stays behind and Ancient God mang has the energetic will of relations, but any type, has the most profound relation with beginning of the universe Dao Water inevitably. 古神娏早已陨落,控制这道湛蓝光幕的多半是她留下的残念,亦或者是其他跟古神娏有关系的精神意志,但无论是哪种,和混元道水之间都势必存在着玄之又玄的联系。 She lifted the hand to summon beginning of the universe Dao Water, through beginning of the universe Dao Water and Ancient God mang natural induction, quick then made the contact with the deep blue light screen. 她抬手将混元道水召唤了出来,通过混元道水古神娏天然的感应,很快便与湛蓝光幕建立了联系。 Among next instant, the deep blue light screen swayed from side to side fiercely. 下一瞬间,湛蓝光幕剧烈扭动了起来。 The overlapping deep blue light shadow gathered to come, to converge from void the bridge of tree Shenzhou, condensed strange-looking female phantom before the people. 层层叠叠的湛蓝光影从虚空中汇聚而来,汇入到了树状神舟的舰桥之中,在众人面前凝聚成了一道长相奇特的女子虚影 That is a second half height the female who the long tail that resembles dragon Siyu, the upper part assumes the human female shape, the body surface is covering the glittering and translucent carving deep blue color scale, slender, but brings in the hand of scale, is grasping a trident gently. 那是一个下半身长着似龙似鱼的长长尾巴,上半身呈人类女子形态的女子,体表覆盖着晶莹剔透的湛蓝色鳞片,修长而带鳞片的手上,轻轻握着一根三叉戟。 At first sight goes, she blooms all through deep blue ray, in the light shadow as if there is water glare to flow, is lending the mysterious and mysterious aura. 乍一看去,她通身都绽放着湛蓝色的光芒,光影中仿佛有水光流淌,散发着神秘而玄奥的气息。 Especially that eye, is clear and bright, is ordinary just like the brightest gem. 尤其是那一双眼睛,更是澄澈而明亮,宛如最剔透的宝石一般。 Her look has swept from the people in tree Shenzhou, finally fell on beginning of the universe Dao Water. 她的眼神从树状神舟中的众人身上扫过,最后落在了混元道水身上。 Sees her, beginning of the universe Dao Water like running into mother of meeting again after a long separation, all of a sudden becomes incomparably excited, shortly will change to one group of pure water current, threw cheerfully. 见到她,混元道水就像遇到了久别重逢的母亲,一下子变得无比激动,顷刻间就化作了一团纯净的水流,欢快的扑了上去。 Wang Liyao understood all of a sudden. 王璃瑶一下子明白了。 This appearance unusual female, is famous Ancient God mang. 这位模样奇特的女子,正是大名鼎鼎的古神娏。 Beginning of the universe Dao Water around revolving that Ancient God mang non-stop, the entire group wave light is billowing, transfers while makes wū wū the sound unceasingly, seems after telling is meeting again after a long separation all sorts of words. 混元道水绕着古神娏不停的旋转,整团水波光潋滟的,一边转一边不断发出呜呜呜的声音,好似在诉说着久别重逢后的种种话语。 Not. 不多会儿。 phantom of Ancient God mang then cast on the vision Wang Liyao. 古神娏的虚影便将目光投到了王璃瑶身上。 In the eye pupil of her pure no flaw seems to be passing carefully examining, merely is one, makes Wang Liyao feel that seemed looked at an insight by her. 她纯净无瑕的眼眸中似乎透着审视,仅仅是一眼,就让王璃瑶感觉好似被她看了个通透。 Is good because of the Wang Liyao clear sensation, this vision and without any malicious intent, but Ancient God mang is not the evil god, then suppressed ill all sorts. 好在王璃瑶清楚的感知到,这道目光并没有恶意,而古神娏也不是什么邪神,便强忍住了种种不适。 Quick, in the eye pupil of Ancient God mang revealed the pleasant surprise, the appreciation, gratified wait/etc mood. 很快,古神娏的眼眸中就露出了惊喜,欣赏,欣慰等等情绪。 As if trillion years of waiting, finally result that waited for her to want. 仿佛是亿万年的等待,终于等来了她要的结果。 She has nothing hesitant, the body phantom rapid desalination, changed to one group of deep blue water current. 她没有任何犹豫,身体虚影迅速淡化,化作了一团湛蓝色的水流。 Water current also compared with beginning of the universe Dao Water big, seeming like especially is cleanly limpid, is correct strength of circulation the principle, as if contains in the universe the inexhaustible mystery to be the same , before seeming when the world's first took shape, at the beginning of heaven and earth birth, has existed in innate Divine Water in world. 水流也就比混元道水大了一圈,看起来却格外清澈干净,其中有道道法则之力流转,仿佛蕴含着宇宙中无穷无尽的奥秘一般,又好似那混沌初开之前,天地诞生之初,就已经存在于世间的先天神水 Visits it, Wang Liyao has bright becoming aware suddenly. 看着它,王璃瑶忽有明悟。 This is the Grand Dao of Immortal Spirit water source, is all water line of cultivation technique sources. 这便是仙灵界水之大道的本源,是一切水行功法的源头。 Therefore. 因此。 The group of innate Divine Water when Ancient God mang changes, she packages, Wang Liyao has not revolted, but accepts with pleasure. 古神娏化作的这团先天神水,将她包裹住的时候,王璃瑶并没有反抗,而是欣然接受。 In this flash. 在这一刹那。 Wang Liyao only thought that the sensibility of Grand Dao of various water come in waves, all sorts of thoughts just like that rivers and streams to flow in backward general, broke in her Spirit Platform Purple Mansion. 王璃瑶只觉得各种水之大道的感悟纷沓而至,种种念头犹如那江河倒灌一般,冲入了她的灵台紫府之中。 Meanwhile, strange pictures also such as the souvenir photo fragment appears in her mind generally. 与此同时,一幕幕奇异的画面也如留影片段一般出现在她脑海。 And, has innate Divine Water gradually birth spirit wisdom, changes to mang the scene. 其中,有先天神水逐渐诞生灵智,化作娏的场景。 Also there is Ancient God mang to follow the Ancient God plate to resist the scene of Demon Race invasion. 也有古神娏追随古神盘抵御魔族入侵的场景。 Has Ancient God mang through sources of the god, breeds ancient Mangzu the process. 更有古神娏通过众神之源,孕育出古娏族的过程。 In that last war, her children fall from the sky in abundance, during the grief and indignation despairs, she draws the scene that Demon Race is perishing together supremely. 还有那最后一场大战中,她的孩子们纷纷陨落,悲愤绝望之中,她拉着一位魔族至尊同归于尽的场景。 The these scenes scene seems to be weeping and complaining, is very vivid, is very clear, making Wang Liyao feel that oneself looks like the shuttle space and time, appeared in that time, witnessing those scenes was ordinary. 这一幕幕场景如泣如诉,无比生动,也无比清晰,让王璃瑶感觉自己就像是穿梭时空,出现在了那个时代,亲眼目睹了那一幕幕一般。 Wang Liyao does not dare to neglect, quickly abandons the distracting thoughts. 王璃瑶不敢有所怠慢,急忙摒弃杂念。 Driven by consciousness, plain and most profound Dao Book, from her Spirit Platform Purple Mansion slowly float. 在意识的驱动下,一本古朴而玄之又玄的道书,从她的灵台紫府中缓缓悬浮而出。 This Dao Book named Too slightly Sword Sovereign Dao Book, Is pure sword cultivator kind of Dao Book. 这部道书名为【太微剑皇道书】,原本是一部纯粹的剑修道书 However after Wang Liyao inherited too slightly Sword Sovereign Dao Book, integrates in which own Origin Water sensibility unceasingly, the Origin Water sensibility that after a considerable period of time, in Dao Book contains are getting more and more, fuses with the say/way of original sword intent mutually, gradually has just like evolved one to be partial to in Shuijian to flow Dao Book, with Wang Liyao own conjunction also even higher. 不过王璃瑶继承了太微剑皇道书之后,不断将自身的元水感悟融入其中,天长日久之下,道书中蕴含的元水感悟越来越多,与原本的剑意之道相互融合,俨然已经逐渐衍化成了一本偏向于水剑流道书,与王璃瑶自身的契合度也愈发的高。 At this time, Wang Liyao takes itself as the medium and bridge, the Grand Dao of principle sensibility that inexhaustible water will then transmit from innate Divine Water, integrated too in slightly Sword Sovereign Dao Book. 此时,王璃瑶以自身为媒介和桥梁,将那从先天神水中传递来的无穷无尽的水之大道法则感悟,融入进了太微剑皇道书之中。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Appearance plain heavy/thick too slightly Sword Sovereign Dao Book, seems unable to withstand the load to vibrate general fiercely, seems like been ordinary by the small white bloom that the violent storm consulted rubs, was delicate and no use, seems in the carrying/sustaining it should not withstanding the heaviness of life. 模样古朴厚重的太微剑皇道书,就仿佛不堪重负一般剧烈抖动起来,看起来就像是正被狂风暴雨磋磨的小白花一般,柔弱而无助,好似在承载着它原不该承受的生命之重。 This little section has not ended, please the click next page continue to read the following splendid content! 本小章还未完,请点击下一页继续阅读后面精彩内容! Is good because of Grand Dao of water, is tenacious and gentle, and Grand Dao of not like fire like that violent cruel. 好在水之大道,坚韧而柔和,并不像火之大道那般猛烈残暴。 In dual coordination of Wang Liyao and under innate Divine Water, too slightly Sword Sovereign Dao Book, although shivers very fiercely, will seem like may not withstand to urge momentarily again general by the life, actually withstood all eventually reluctantly. 王璃瑶和先天神水的双重配合下,太微剑皇道书虽然颤抖得非常剧烈,看起来像是随时会被生命不可承受之重催垮一般,却终究是勉强承受住了一切。 It plain heavy/thick semblance constantly changes, wipes clear deep blue radiance to appear in the Dao Book surface, changed to wipe the mysterious say/way mark, and gradually became more and more, more and more complicated. 不知不觉间,它古朴厚重的外表不断变化起来,一抹晶莹的湛蓝光华出现在道书表面,化作了一抹抹玄奥的道纹,并逐渐变得越来越多,越来越繁复。 But with instilling into of principle sensibility, in the eye pupil of Wang Liyao also exuded to wipe deep blue radiance, clearly like water, clear only like colored glaze, making forgetting of person seeing vulgar. 而随着法则感悟的灌输,王璃瑶的眼眸中也泛起了一抹湛蓝色的光华,澄澈如水,澄净如琉璃,让人见之忘俗。 How long has not known. 不知过了多久。 After all subside, the Dao Book appearance has changed greatly. 当一切平息下来后,道书模样已经大改。 Its contour seemed like before was finer than much, the color of back cover also turned like sea water blue, had above the mysterious complicated deep blue color mark spread, is lending dignified boundless atmosphere the Grand Dao of aura of water. 它的外形看起来比之前精致了不少,封底的颜色也变成了如海水般的蓝,有玄奥繁复的湛蓝色道纹蔓延其上,散发着威严磅礴大气的水之大道气息。 The principle aura that fills, left compared with before did not know little. 那弥漫出的法则气息,比起之前强出了不知几许。 But originally swift and fierce heavy/thick too slightly Sword Sovereign sword intent aura, was compressed in the corner, occupied 12 tenths appearance merely. 而原本凌厉厚重的太微剑皇剑意气息,则是被压缩到了角落里,仅仅占到了一两成的模样。 But it has not dared to resist, can only receive to be wronged silently, after all the innate Divine Water inheritance of Ancient God mang, the position standard may be higher than a big truncation it. 可它还不敢抵抗,只能默默地承受着委屈,毕竟古神娏的先天神水传承,位格可比它高一大截。 The Wang Liyao complexion quiet like the water, the intention moves, then received Dao Book, the deep blue ray in eye pupil also abated rapidly. 王璃瑶面色沉静如水,心念一动,便收起了道书,眼眸中的湛蓝光芒也随之迅速消退。 She has not inherited the inheritance of Ancient God mang at the scene. 她并没有当场继承古神娏的传承。 First the time does not permit. 一来是时间不允许。 Secondly, is once inherited the inheritance of Ancient God mang, after accepting the inheritance to bring the washing marrow that cuts down the wool, will thoroughly get Ancient God mang the brand mark, is unable to weed out the wool from the god beautiful jade list again. 二来,则是一旦继承了古神娏的传承,接受了传承带来的洗髓伐毛之后,就会彻底打上古神娏的烙印,无法再从神瑛榜里薅羊毛了。 However, at present so, she, although has not inherited the inheritance of Ancient God mang, but has been able to control that deep blue light screen initially, can have the operation leeway. 不过,眼下这般,她虽然还没继承古神娏的传承,但已经能初步掌控那湛蓝光幕,可以有操作余地了。 She puts out a hand to trace beginning of the universe Dao Water, comforting somewhat was somewhat sad and excited it, immediately the look looks all around for a week, won the approval of star dust Princess, then according to designs the good plan to start to handle affairs beforehand. 她伸手摸了摸混元道水,安抚了一下有些悲伤又有些激动的它,随即眼神环顾一周,征得了星尘公主的同意,便按照事先设计好的计划开始行事。 The deep blue light screen that outside tree Shenzhou, blocked the sky has swung to collapse under brushing of tentacle monster. 树状神舟外,原本遮天蔽日的湛蓝光幕已经在触手怪物的抽打下摇摇欲崩。 At this moment. 此刻。 It like cannot withstand again general, the disintegration, changes to the innumerable deep blue fragments in broken bits to draw in loudly inward. 它就像再也承受不住一般,轰然崩碎,随之化作无数细碎的湛蓝碎片向内收拢。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 After tree Shenzhou and heavy mountain Shenzhou look like two are frightened, fall into the desperate fish, struggles is rolling up to seek livehood inward. 树状神舟和重岳神舟就像是两条受惊之后陷入绝望的鱼儿,挣扎着向内蜷缩求生。 Reviews tentacle monster, actually smelled the hungry wolf of meat taste to be the same probably, all of a sudden became incomparably excited. 反观触手怪物,却像是嗅到了肉味的饿狼一般,一下子变得无比兴奋。 A its huge body pressure, the innumerable tentacle dance, extend to forward fiercely forward suddenly unceasingly, grasps toward that two Shenzhou. 它巨大的身躯猛地向前一压,无数触手骤然狂舞,不断延伸向前,朝那两艘神舟抓去。 Two Shenzhou looks like the fawn that is frightened to dash about wildly to scurry about generally, runs is running is starting to run away separatedly. 两艘神舟就像是受了惊的小鹿一般狂奔乱窜,跑着跑着就开始分开逃遁。 So the scene, stimulated the tentacle monster hunting for natural disposition , to continue to press in forward, does not prepare to let off. 如此场面,更是激发了触手怪物的捕猎本性,继续向前压进,一个都不准备放过。 During the short more than ten breath, tentacle monster had then intruded originally by the range that in the deep blue light screen packages. 短短十几个呼吸间,触手怪物便已经闯入了原本被湛蓝光幕包裹的范围之内。 That like the seaweed tentacle dance, almost must hold that two Shenzhou all over the sky. 那一根根如同海藻般的触手满天狂舞,几乎就要将那两艘神舟抓住。 In this critical moment. 就在这紧要关头。 The thorough disintegration, had changed to the deep blue light screens of innumerable fragment, lived suddenly. 原本已经彻底崩碎,化作了无数碎片的湛蓝光幕,忽而又活了过来。 It inflates rapidly, stretches, then changed into one in a flash like the vault of heaven vast boundless giant curtain, the tentacle monster package. 它迅速膨胀,舒展开来,转瞬间便化为了一副如同苍穹般浩瀚无边的巨型帷幕,将触手怪物包裹在内。 Tentacle monster fierce one startled, the intuition felt is not right. 触手怪物猛的一惊,直觉感受到了不对劲。 Its this moment sense of crisis that recently suffered a loss repeatedly raised suddenly, immediately gave up the action of attack, body fierce shrank, a tentacle took back, protects it just like the great ball main body. 最近屡屡吃亏的它此刻危机感骤然升起,立即放弃了进攻的行动,将身体猛的一缩,根根触手收回,护住了它宛如巨球般的本体。 Simultaneously the entire spherical body contracts unceasingly inward changes is small, is increasing own matter density. 同时整个球状身躯不断向内收缩变小,增加着自身的物质密度。 During several breath, its build reduced several times, is entraining the long flame tail like the falling from the sky stars, from inside to outside to deep blue light screen ruthlessly hits. 几个呼吸间,它的体型就缩小了数倍,如同陨落星辰般拽着长长的焰尾,从内而外向湛蓝光幕狠狠的撞去。 But has not waited for it to run upon the deep blue light screen. 可还没等它撞上湛蓝光幕。 In that heavy mountain Shenzhou , the invisible obscure and powerful strengths emerged. 那艘重岳神舟之内,又有一道无形晦涩又强大的力量涌现了出来。 That strength expands the surface by the point, the rapid outward diffusion, the energy cover crossed tentacle monster in a flash, crossed the deep blue light screen, later stays outside the deep blue light screen not far away, like a prisoner's cage, locked tentacle monster firmly. 那股力量以点扩面,迅速向外扩散,能量罩子转瞬越过了触手怪物,越过了湛蓝光幕,随后停留在湛蓝光幕外不远处,如同一个囚笼般,将触手怪物牢牢锁在了其中。 Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage. 仙帝囚笼。 This is Wang Anye trump card, has set up the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage of great merit in the battlefield. 这便是王安业的杀手锏,已经在战场上立过大功的仙帝囚笼。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” But at this time. 而这时候。 The radiant flame tail has delimited void, tentacle monster hit finally ruthlessly on the deep blue light screen, hit the deep blue light screen shakes ruthlessly. 璀璨的焰尾划过虚空,触手怪物终于狠狠地撞在了湛蓝光幕上,将湛蓝光幕撞得狠狠一震。 Under terrifying impact impact, a corner cannot support, suddenly disintegration. 恐怖的撞击力冲击下,其中一片角落支撑不住,骤然崩碎。 Tentacle monster seizes the opportunity immediately, looked like a speeding along soccer to crack-up the glass to run away. 触手怪物立刻抓住机会,就像是一个飞驰足球撞碎玻璃般逃窜了出去。 But it actually cannot flee the scene. 可它却没能逃离现场。 By a deep blue light screen hindrance, before its potential, flushing had been weakened most likely, already no longer from the beginning crazy fierce. 被湛蓝光幕一阻,它的前冲之势已经被削弱了十之八九,早已不复一开始的狂猛。 After being separated from deep blue light screen, it to/clashes not far, was shot by the barrier of Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage ruthlessly, returned in the deep blue light screen. 在脱离湛蓝光幕之后,它冲出去没多远,就被仙帝囚笼的壁垒狠狠弹了回来,重新回到了湛蓝光幕之内。 But flows the wave like the water deep blue light screen, is the rapid healing, seals up tentacle monster again. 而流波如水般的湛蓝光幕,则是迅速愈合,再次封住触手怪物 Wang Youyue and the others rejoiced ahead of time prepares at the same time, has started to summon the Immortal Emperor support, and transmitted the corresponding coordinates to supply Immortal Emperor to transmit. 王宥岳等人庆幸提前准备的同时,也早就开始召唤仙帝支援,并传递了相应坐标以供仙帝传送。 Here is not too far from the Immortal Clan advanced base, still at safe area range. By the energy of Immortal Emperor, could not require how much time to be able across the Heavenly Abyss world space to arrive the scene. 此处距离仙族的前进基地并不算太远,尚处在安全区范围。以仙帝之能,要不了多少时间就能穿过天渊世界空间驾临现场。 But has been ready three big Immortal Emperor, naturally is the earliest possible time responds. 而早就做好准备的三大仙帝,自然是第一时间响应。 This chapter had not ended, please the click next page continue to read! 这章没有结束,请点击下一页继续阅读! In a twinkling. 霎时间。 Beside the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage, three direction different coordinates places, the space twisted rapidly, as if has what powerful incomparable strength to tear forcefully general. 仙帝囚笼之外,三个方向不同的坐标处,空间迅速扭曲了起来,就仿佛有什么强大无匹的力量在强行撕扯一般。 However the time of moment, the space was torn the one after another crack, at once Huawei three space vortex that is lending the terrifying aura, unclearly, but can also see the black hole of vortex core place, obviously to lead to other places. 不过片刻的功夫,空间就被撕扯出了一道道裂纹,旋即华为了三个散发着恐怖气息的空间漩涡,隐隐然,还能见到漩涡核心处的黑色孔洞,显然是通向其他地方。 Sees this scene, tentacle monster was more anxious. 见得这一幕,触手怪物更加焦急了。 Its whole body black qi rises suddenly, the innumerable tentacles attack crazily, tries various ways to try to flee unceasingly, actually throughout blocks by the resilience extremely strong deep blue light screen and Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage. 它浑身黑气暴涨,无数触手疯狂出击,不断尝试各种方式试图逃离,却始终被恢复能力极强的湛蓝光幕和仙帝囚笼挡住。 At this time this scenery, even if it wants to leave from Heavenly Abyss world, is absolutely impossible. 此时此景,哪怕它想要从天渊世界中离开,也绝无可能。 It is not it does not think, but was it has attempted to enter in the light screen with the shuttle way, has not actually succeeded. 不是它不想,而是它早就尝试过用穿梭方式进入光幕之内,却没有成功。 The deep blue light screen or the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage, have the isolation function to the Heavenly Abyss world shuttle transmission, under the rooms on either side coordination, complements each other. 无论是湛蓝光幕还是仙帝囚笼,都对天渊世界穿梭传送有着隔绝作用,两厢配合下,更是相得益彰。 Fell into tentacle monster in hopeless situation, as if during also fell into was demented. It no longer attempts to escape, then starts to attack tree Shenzhou and heavy mountain Shenzhou crazily. 陷入了绝境之中的触手怪物,仿佛也陷入了癫狂之中。它不再尝试逃脱,转而开始疯狂进攻树状神舟和重岳神舟。 But under at this time tree Shenzhou was also ready, the energy surged to bloom the aquamarine barrier. But heavy mountain Shenzhou also seized the chance to launch the defense, around Shenzhou covered a brown light shield. 但此时树状神舟也做好了准备,能量涌动下绽放出了碧绿色的屏障。而重岳神舟也趁机展开防御,神舟周围蒙上了一圈土黄色的光盾。 They is stampede, is resisting crazy whipping of tentacle monster with hardship, although the appearance is quite distressed, is actually steady, but is not chaotic. 它们边是狼狈逃窜,边是苦苦抵挡着触手怪物的疯狂拍打,虽然模样相当狼狈,却是稳而不乱。 Now we do not need to revolt, so long as insisted that can win all. 现在我方无需反抗,只要坚持住就能赢得一切。 In two Shenzhou insists with hardship. 就在两艘神舟苦苦坚持之时。 In that three transmission vortex presented three Immortal Emperor forms indistinctly. 那三个传送漩涡中隐隐绰绰的出现了三位仙帝的身影。 First Immortal Emperor, she wears the beautiful clothing immortal clothes, beautiful hair pulls high, the makings are beautiful, among the feature circulations is actually dignified full, is of crape myrtle Immortal Emperor World of Immortals Dinghai props. 第一位仙帝,她身穿霓裳仙衣,一头秀发高高挽起,气质美艳动人,眉目流转间却是威严十足,正是仙界定海支柱之一紫薇仙帝 That Immortal Emperor that in the middle vortex presents, his semblance assumes the middle-aged man appearance, the stature tall and straight military might, the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards bright eye, clears away in his side just like sword intent of essence, as if can cut broken a heaven and earth universe sword. 中间漩涡中出现的那一位仙帝,他外表呈中年男子模样,身材挺拔威武,剑眉朗目,宛若实质的剑意在他身边涤荡,仿佛能将天地宇宙一剑斩碎。 He, naturally is Emperor Vast Sky Sword, World of Immortals first sword cultivator. 他,自然是昊天剑帝,仙界第一剑修 The third appearance, is a stature slightly fat, fair-skinned fatty. 第三个出现的,则是一位身材微胖,皮肤白皙的胖子。 He wears a spacious and simple Buddha robe, the head is bare, the expression on face is temperate and buddhist image is dignified, in the makings has one not say free and easy with Free and Unfettered. 他身穿一袭宽大而朴素的佛袍,脑袋光秃秃的,脸上的表情温和而又宝相庄严,气质中却带着一股说不出的洒脱和逍遥 This fatty, is the World of Immortals first Buddha greatly comfortable Buddha. 这胖子,正是仙界第一佛祖大自在佛祖。 Three big Immortal Emperor level powerhouses just appear, will then focus on simultaneously on tentacle monster. 三大仙帝级强者甫一出现,便同时将注意力集中在了触手怪物身上。 The invisible pressure that their whole body sends out, as well as that following dangerous aura, making the movement of tentacle monster attack fierce stagnates, immediately becomes crazier, like venting to attack tree Shenzhou and heavy mountain Shenzhou crazily. 他们周身散发出的无形威压,以及那随之而来的危险气息,让触手怪物攻击的动作猛的一滞,随即却变得更加疯狂起来,如同发泄般疯狂攻击起了树状神舟和重岳神舟。 Three Immortal Emperor level powerhouses see that also does not dare to delay. 三位仙帝级强者见状,也不敢耽搁。 They melted oneself the body of Immortal Emperor instantaneously obviously, then passed through the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage and deep blue light screen rapidly, the middle has not received any stop. 他们瞬间显化出了自己仙帝之躯,而后迅速穿过了仙帝囚笼和湛蓝光幕,中间未受到任何阻拦。 Also, three Immortal Emperor attack jointly, quick hit that tentacle monster to give up attack tree Shenzhou and heavy mountain Shenzhou, the anger shouts was entering the defense counter-attack condition. 随之,三仙帝联手出击,很快就打得那触手怪物放弃了进攻树状神舟和重岳神舟,愤怒嘶吼着进入了防御反击状态。 A war launches in the deep blue light screen and Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage. 一场大战在湛蓝光幕和仙帝囚笼内部展开。 Tentacle monster as if fell into crazily, under one against three can hidden suppress three Immortal Emperor unexpectedly faintly. 触手怪物似乎陷入了疯狂,以一敌三下竟然能隐隐隐压制住三位仙帝 At this time, two Shenzhou does not dare to stay in the battle area again, then had no time to take into consideration when tentacle monster, moved to the light screen the edge area to avoid quietly. 这时候,两艘神舟不敢再在交战区呆着,便趁着触手怪物无暇顾及之时,悄悄驶向光幕的边缘区域躲避。 Only has that star dust Princess not to draw back instead enters, the direct hand-held ups and downs god stick joined during the fight. 唯有那个星尘公主不退反进,直接手持枯荣神杖加入到了战斗之中。 During sees is only void, wears her hand-held ups and downs god stick of magnificent armor, from time to time erupts the strength of powerful dying out, creates the strong lethality to whisker monster, from time to time waves to bloom the one after another green ray, gives strength that three Immortal Emperor treatments restore. 只见虚空之中,身穿华丽铠甲的她手持枯荣神杖,时而爆发出强大的寂灭之力,对触须怪物造成强大的杀伤力,时而挥手绽放出一道道绿色光芒,给予三位仙帝治疗恢复的力量。 She unexpectedly is also the Immortal Emperor level strength, moreover can hit to be able the milk, the strength cannot be underestimated seriously. 她竟然也是仙帝级战力,而且还能打能奶,实力当真不容小觑。 So by four dozens of situations, shoulders tentacle monster reluctantly, both sides were in a state of deadlock suddenly. 如此以四打一的情况下,算是勉强扛住了触手怪物,双方一时间陷入僵持状态。 However, three Immortal Emperor are actually not anxious. 不过,三位仙帝倒是不急。 Because in combat process. 因为在战斗过程中。 Three Immortal Emperor have related on the great wild goose through their ways. 三位仙帝早已通过他们的方式联系上了鸿。 In a while. 没过多久。 Beside the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage, then the spatial warping fluctuates. 仙帝囚笼之外,便又有一处空间扭曲波动起来。 However in a minute, a huge space vortex then appears during was void, volume or imposing manner, far ultra a moment ago three big Immortal Emperor transmission vortex. 不过片刻,一个巨大的空间漩涡便出现在了虚空之中,无论是体积还是气势,都远超刚才三大仙帝的传送漩涡。 Saw this scene, tentacle monster almost fell into desperately. 见到这一幕,触手怪物几乎陷入了绝望。 The aura that although divulges are not many, even so, it can also distinguish, in that transmission vortex passes on, clearly is that fearful human form old monster aura! 尽管泄露出的气息还不多,但即便如此,它也能分辩出来,那传送漩涡之中传出来的,分明是那可怕的人形老怪物气息! Even if one-on-one, tentacle monster thought that oneself is not that old monster opponent, let alone is now this condition? 哪怕是单对单,触手怪物都觉得自己远不是那老怪物的对手,何况乎是现在这种状况? The people said the one who runs over the camel is the last straw, where that but this comes to is the straw? Simply is a mountain! 人都说压死骆驼的是最后一根稻草,可这来的哪里是稻草?简直就是一座大山! However, the reality is brutal throughout, not because certain lifeform desperate wills will change. 然而,现实始终是残酷的,并不会因为某些生物绝望的意志而有所改变。 Quick, a great wild goose of Park pure white robe is then shouldering both hands, such as the leisurely strolling idle courtyard stepped forward the transmission vortex. 很快,一身朴素白袍的鸿便背负着双手,如信步闲庭般跨出了传送漩涡。 His figure as always thin, in the look also has the stock the vicissitudes and exhausted that as before is hard to conceal, at first sight goes, as if ordinary, only has that pressure, is boundless and vast, swift and fierce terrifying to frightening. 他的身形一如既往地消瘦,眼神中也依旧带着股难以掩饰的沧桑和疲惫,乍一看去,似乎平平无奇,唯有那一身的威压,磅礴而浩瀚,凌厉恐怖到让人心惊。 In him behind, but also following remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, as well as was protected Wang Shouzhe that transmits together by him. 在他身后,还跟着太上仙帝,以及被他护住一起传送过来的王守哲 Hehe Shouzhe your luck is really good, just said that wants to catch this Demon God to plant, then some people surrounded to you.” “呵呵~守哲你运气真不错,刚说想要捕获这头魔神植,便有人给你困住了。” This chapter had not ended, please the click next page continue to read! 这章没有结束,请点击下一页继续阅读! Just an appearance, the great wild goose noticed the scene in Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage, then could not bear the chuckle. 刚一到场,鸿注意到仙帝囚笼内的景象,便忍不住轻笑了起来。 Wang Shouzhe hangs the eye to look, only swept that tentacle monster, could not bear regardless the vision, the scalp somewhat tingled with numbness slightly. 王守哲垂目望去,只扫了一眼那头触手怪物,就忍不住撇开了目光,头皮微微有些发麻。 This clown was rather more excessive ~ 这丑得未免过份了些~ Although has also penetrated crape myrtle Immortal Emperor, knows this Demon God planted the general image, in the heart has also made many psychological constructions, when saw clearly, discovered that the reality was much more brutal than the imagination. 虽然也早就透过紫薇仙帝,知道了这魔神植大概的形象,心中也做过了许多心理建设,可真切见到时,才发现现实比想象要残酷得多。 It is not only ugly, but also passes the stock to be very dreadful, incomparably evil feeling. 它不但丑,还透着股无比猥琐,无比邪恶的感觉。 Said that this Demon God plants compared with the control plate, is more like this world ultimate big villain. 这么说吧,这魔神植比起主宰盘来,更像是本世界的终极大反派。 However the words also said that this fellow appearance turns over to evilly evilly, but the strength is also quite good. 不过话又说了回来,这家伙模样邪恶归邪恶,可实力也相当不俗。 By one dozen of four situations, has not so dropped the wind unexpectedly. 如此以一打四的情况下,竟然还不落下风。 Emperor Vast Sky Sword and crape myrtle Immortal Emperor may not be new promote Immortal Emperor, the strength of greatly comfortable Buddha and that mysterious female is quite not weak, at least strove to excel compared with just promotion beginning day Immortal Emperor on a big truncation. 要知道,昊天剑帝和紫薇仙帝可都不是新晋仙帝,大自在佛祖和那神秘女子的实力也相当不弱,至少都比刚晋升的始天仙帝要强上一大截。 Four Immortal Emperor level powerhouses collaborate, the battle efficiency from is not four beginning day Immortal Emperor Immortal Emperor like that may compare jointly. 仙帝级强者联手,战斗力自也不是四个始天仙帝那般的仙帝联手可比。 Only this point can judge, perhaps that tentacle monster is not common two tenth stage Demon God plants, is very likely to be equivalent to seven tribulations or eight tribulations the Immortal Emperor appearance. 单凭这一点就可以判断,那触手怪物恐怕不是寻常的二十阶魔神植,极有可能相当于七劫或八劫仙帝的样子。 No wonder previous great wild goose Senior three make a move several times personally, cannot detain it. 难怪先前鸿前辈几次亲自三番出手,都留不住它。 Naturally, the Wang Shouzhe unstated criticism turns over to the unstated criticism, shuts out to turn over to shut out, should subdue it to subdue. 当然,王守哲腹诽归腹诽,嫌弃归嫌弃,该收服它还是要收服的。 World of Immortals lacks the high-end Immortal Emperor level strength now ~ 仙界现在太缺高端的仙帝级战力了~ At present, Wang Shouzhe has not negotiated with that tentacle monster immediately, but approaches great wild goose cups the hands, polite say/way: Also asked great wild goose Senior to continue to intend to suppress.” 只是眼下,王守哲并没有马上与那触手怪物谈判,而是向鸿一拱手,客气道:“还请鸿前辈继续出手镇压。” Like this type natural disposition fierce and brutal , seems old monster Demon God plants, does not compel the true hopeless situation not to subdue it easily. 像这种本性凶暴,又仿佛是老怪物魔神植,不把它逼到真正的绝境可不容易收服。 Okay good.” “好好好。” The great wild goose also has nothing to decline, natural laughed, then the figure in a flash, entered in the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage. 鸿也没有任何推辞,潇洒的大笑了一声,便身形一晃,进入了仙帝囚笼之中。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 His wrist/skill turns, a slender sword then appeared in his palm, as his wrist/skill shook, startled day sword light, launched the suppression -type attack to tentacle monster instantaneously vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 他手腕一翻,一柄修长的剑便出现在了他掌心之中,随着他手腕一抖,惊天剑光瞬间纵横而出,对触手怪物展开了镇压式的打击。 Subdues this two tenth stage Demon God to plant regarding Shouzhe, the great wild goose is also glad to see him succeed. 对于守哲收服这棵二十阶魔神植,鸿也是乐见其成的。 If Shouzhe really can successfully subdue, to entire World of Immortals is huge good, can reduce tremendous pressure on his great wild goose shoulder. 守哲真能成功收服,对整个仙界来说都是巨大的利好,也能减轻他鸿肩膀上的巨大压力。 But remote antiquity Immortal Emperor plunders outside the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage, simultaneously is protecting Wang Shouzhe, to prevent eventuality. 而太上仙帝则是在仙帝囚笼外掠阵,同时护着王守哲,以防止万一。 Under the direction of Wang Shouzhe, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor protected him to enter heavy mountain Shenzhou, with just from tree Shenzhou Wang Liyao and Wang Yinxuan, as well as Wang Youyue in heavy Yue Shenzhou and the others completed meeting. 王守哲的指挥下,太上仙帝护着他进入了重岳神舟,与刚刚从树状神舟中回来的王璃瑶王寅轩,以及原本在重岳神舟中的王宥岳等人完成了会合。 Has seen the father.” “见过爹爹。” Has seen Great Grandfather.” “见过太爷爷。” Has seen Ancestral Grandfather.” “见过老祖爷爷。” Facing juniors regards, on the face of Wang Shouzhe has such as the spring breeze is blowing the light smile, one by one to nod the head the response. 面对小辈们一声声的问候,王守哲的脸上带着如春风拂面般的淡淡笑容,一一颔首回应。 Only has when seeing Wang Yinxuan, ill-humored knitting the brows head, appears seems for several points to shut out. 唯有在见到王寅轩时,才没好气的皱了皱眉头,显得似有几分嫌弃。 However, this uncomfortable quick shifted from him, falls on Wang Youyue. 不过,这份不爽很快就从他身上转移,落到了王宥岳身上。 He stared Wang Youyue ruthlessly. 他狠狠地瞪了一眼王宥岳 Wang Youyue draws in wife Linglong Princess and Queen of Pain hastily, is smiling bitterly pitiful the explanation: Ancestral Grandfather, this does not close our couple three matters, we completely have been urging the marriage.” 王宥岳连忙拉上老婆玲珑公主痛苦女王,可怜兮兮地苦笑着解释:“老祖爷爷,这不关我们夫妻三个的事儿,我们已经在尽力催婚了。” Mr. and Mrs. Wang Youyue fully realizes the oneself Ancestor temperament, regardless of which junior dares to delay at the wedding, some complexion will not look, particularly treats eldest son of legal wife lineage, is so. 王宥岳夫妇深知自己老祖宗的脾气,无论哪个小辈敢在婚事上耽搁,都不会有好脸色看,尤其是对待嫡长一脉,更是如此。 Moreover, if which family/home son is not willing to become the one's own kid, will also implicate his parents, together by the Ancestor supercilious look. 而且,谁家儿子若是不肯成亲生娃,还会连累到他父母,一块儿受老祖宗白眼。 Therefore, should fling the pot to fling to the son, Linglong Princess and Queen of Pain, indicated that again and again did utmost. 因此,该给儿子甩锅还是得甩,玲珑公主痛苦女王,也都连连表示竭尽全力了。 Wang Shouzhe complexion then slightly slow, the tone urged them to say seriously: Youyue, Yuxia, exquisite, you continue to grasp that brat. It is not really good, that defers to the clan tradition, the life of parents, the matchmaker's word.” 王守哲的脸色这才稍缓,语气严肃地叮嘱他们道:“宥岳,玉霞,玲珑,你们继续抓紧那臭小子。着实不行,那就按照家族传统,父母之命,媒妁之言。” In family/home the wives of many clansman, is in the clan package of assignments, is his Wang Shouzhe and Liu Ruolan wedding, in the past was also Old Ancestor Longyan monopolizes. 家里很多族人的媳妇,都是族内“包分配”的,便是他王守哲柳若蓝的婚事,当年也是珑烟老祖一手包办的。 Wang Youyue oneself, he and Linglong Princess wedding are also when exquisite Palace Lord set newly-born, these years also same crossed happy. 就连王宥岳自己,他和玲珑公主的婚事也是在玲珑宫主刚出生的时候就定下的,这些年来也一样过得和和美美。 Obviously the arranged marriage is is not completely far-fetched. 可见包办婚姻也不是全然不靠谱。 Naturally, Wang Shouzhe is very enlightened, if the small couple real personality of does not gather, cannot locate to go together, finally cannot become, he will not probably collect goes together. 当然,王守哲还是很开明的,要是小夫妻俩真的性格不合,处不到一块儿去,最后没能成,他也不会非得把人凑一块儿去。 But, old evades like Wang Yinxuan is absolutely incorrect. 但,像王寅轩这样老这么逃避是绝对不行的。 Yes, Ancestor.” “是,老祖宗。” Wang Youyue, Linglong Princess , Queen of Pain complied immediately honestly. 王宥岳,玲珑公主,还有痛苦女王当即老老实实答应了下来。 Gives them again many several courage, they do not dare disobedient Ancestor at this matter, to display at this moment exceptionally clever. 再给他们多几个胆子,他们也不敢在这种事情上忤逆老祖宗,是以此刻表现得异常乖觉。 Sees that nearby Wang Yinxuan handsome face was thorough immediately. 见状,一旁的王寅轩俊脸顿时彻底垮了。 If evidently, he could not find the girlfriend again, clan must guarantee the assignment. 看样子,他要是再找不到女朋友,家族就要包分配了。 My love ~! 我的爱情呀~ In his heart uneasy at the same time, the look actually could not help and glances to the battlefield, that attractive and powerful Star dust Princess, The small heart and liver beat ruthlessly several. 他心中惴惴不安的同时,眼神却是情不自禁又瞟向了战场之中,那漂亮又强大的【星尘公主】,小心肝不由狠狠地跳动了几下。 At this time, Wang Shouzhe after urging Mr. and Mrs. Wang Youyue three people, gives up exerting pressure on Wang Yinxuan for the time being. 这时候,王守哲在叮嘱过王宥岳夫妻三人之后,也暂且放弃了施压王寅轩 He also chatted several with Anye Liyao, cared their recent situation, this attention will put that to have on the alien race female of Immortal Emperor strength thoroughly. 他又和安业璃瑶闲聊了几句,关心了一下他们的近况,这才将注意力彻底放到了那拥有仙帝战力的异族女子身上。 Previously he has noticed, the fearfulness that the appearance of this alien race female looked familiar, he has not seen this model at least in Immortal Spirit. 先前他就已经注意到了,这异族女子的模样眼熟的可怕,至少在仙灵界他没见过这式样的。 This chapter had not ended, please the click next page continue to read! 这章没有结束,请点击下一页继续阅读! Sees that Wang Yinxuan rushes to gather up to go, with tone that flatters, mentioned the cause and effect with Ancestor. 见状,王寅轩赶忙凑上前去,用略带讨好的语气,和老祖宗说起了前因后果。 Ancestor, through the preliminary communication, we have been able basically to determine, this named star dust Princess the female, must came from different world outside Immortal Spirit.” 老祖宗,通过初步沟通,我们已经能基本确定,这位叫做‘星尘公主’的女子,应当是来自仙灵界之外的异世界。” Really came from different world. 果然是来自异界 Wang Shouzhe nods slightly. 王守哲微微颔首。 This before great wild goose Senior detected in the domain slit that sneaks across, at that time great wild goose Senior felt the intruder who should be they. 想必这就是从鸿前辈之前察觉到的界域缝隙中偷渡过来的,当时鸿前辈感觉到的闯入者应该就是他们。 Evidently, intensifies the construction and restore effort of Ancient God battlefield, is really imminent. Otherwise these foreign land races so pass in and out, but also when really Immortal Spirit did not have the gateway. 看样子,加大古神战场的建设和修复力度,果然已经迫在眉睫。否则这些异域种族如此进进出出,还真当仙灵界没有门户了。 In Wang Shouzhe and clansman chatted. 就在王守哲和族人聊天之时。 The fight has become with joining of great wild goose Senior very frigid. 外界的战斗随着鸿前辈的加入已经变得十分惨烈。 The comprehensive strength had been hit by tentacle monster of steamroll is completely badly-damaged, the whisker and tissue of wreckage break dances in the air everywhere, a pitiful battle loss appearance. 综合战力完全被碾压的触手怪物已经被打得残破不堪,断裂的触须和身体组织残骸到处飞舞,一副凄惨战损模样。 Whatever its resilience is strong, was so devastated. 任凭它恢复能力再强,也遭不住如此蹂躏。 Finally, was devastated miserably tentacle monster cannot insist again, the one after another energetic information mighty current spreads just like the unconstrained mighty waves crazily: Old monster, do not hit ~ do not hit! The surrender, I am willing to surrender!” 终于,被蹂躏惨了的触手怪物再也坚持不住,一道道精神信息洪流宛如跌宕的波涛般疯狂传出:“老怪物,别打了~别打了!投降,我愿意投降!” Great wild goose Senior stops slightly, seems seeking information the opinion of Wang Shouzhe. 鸿前辈稍稍住手,仿佛在征询王守哲的意见。 At this time. 这时。 The Wang Shouzhe sound resounds in the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage overlapping, along with energetic information transmission: Asked great wild goose Senior to continue to hit. Tentacle monster looks was too ugly, kills to draw in the material to directly good.” 王守哲的声音在仙帝囚笼内层层叠叠响起,伴随着精神信息传递:“请鸿前辈继续打。触手怪物长得太丑了,还是直接打死收拢材料为佳。” What?” “啥?” The tentacle monster whole body shakes, thought that the body and mind suffered the heavy losses. 触手怪物浑身一震,觉得身心都受到了重创。 Ugly point? Did the ugly point violate superstitiously?! In our world, this Demon God plants is also extraordinary existence, who saw did not pay homage to? 丑一点怎么了?丑一点就犯天条了?!在我们那个世界,本魔神植也是了不得的存在,谁见了不膜拜? Also, by the aesthetic standard that this Demon God planted, your human-form monster called uglily! oneself this obviously is the overwhelming power, aggressive! 再说了,以本魔神植的审美观,你们这些人形怪才叫丑陋!自己这明明就是威猛,霸气! The great wild goose is understanding immediately, hehe smiles calmly, then continued to intensify the output effort. 鸿当即会意,不动声色地“呵呵”一笑,而后继续加大了输出力度。 Tentacle monster cannot attend to again the aesthetic appreciation of unstated criticism Wang Shouzhe, is thrown into confusion to resist hastily furiously, seizes all opportunities to restore furiously, simultaneously begs for mercy furiously, attempt let Wang Shouzhe and great wild goose forgave him. 触手怪物顾不得再腹诽王守哲的审美,连忙又手忙脚乱地奋力抵挡起来,抓住所有机会奋力恢复,同时奋力求饶,试图让王守哲和鸿饶了他。 Time points pasts. 时间一点点过去。 When tentacle monster thought that oneself has come to the verge of death, loses the possibility of survival thoroughly, but that young the dignified sound then again resounds. 就在触手怪物觉得自己已经濒临死亡,彻底失去生存的可能时,那个年轻而威严的声音便再次响起。 Spreads with it together, is the one after another energetic information: Great wild goose Senior, as well as everyone Senior, and first stops.” 与之一同传出的,是一道道精神信息:“鸿前辈,以及诸位前辈且先住手。” I think suddenly, as a species, the ugly point also has the right of going on living. Our Immortal Clan is the civilized race, can take absolutely not strangely by the appearance. I and it discussed again.” “我忽然想到,身为一个物种,丑一点也有活下去的权利。咱们仙族乃是文明种族,断不能以貌取怪。我和它再谈一下。” This information mighty current has swept, tentacle monster also caught. 这信息洪流扫过,触手怪物也同样捕捉到了。 It was moved the whole body to tremble immediately, feeling such as hears Xianyin. 它顿时被感动得浑身直颤,感觉如闻仙音。 That is dawn in hopeless situation. 那是绝境之中的一道曙光。 Seemed grabs the last straw to grasp to be the same, it is brandishing the whisker immediately, gave the information furiously: You said right, although I was ugly, but I was very good. I surrender, I am willing to surrender!” 就好似是抓住了最后一根救命稻草一般,它立刻挥舞着触须,奋力传递起了信息:“你说得对,我虽然丑了点,可我很善良。我投降,我愿意投降!” Flash that the voice drops. 话音落下的一瞬间。 Filled with the life aura the green glow to drop from the clouds together, falls in its badly-damaged body. 一道充满生命气息的绿芒从天而降,落在了它残破不堪的身躯上。 The tentacle monster whole body shakes, only thought that the broken body instantaneously fills up by a warm and comfortable feeling. 触手怪物浑身一震,只觉得残破的身躯瞬间被一股温暖而舒适的感觉填满。 It seems is in its dry life, by drop on a drop of origin of life. 就好似是它干涸的生命中,被滴上了一滴生命之源。 Under nourishing of this strength, the part that its body damages, start can slowly restore, the whisker of being cut off also drilled the shoot. 在这股力量的滋养下,它身躯破损的部分,开始得以缓慢恢复,断掉的触须也重新钻出了嫩芽。 This, this is Life Source Strength! 这,这是生命本源之力 Although is very small and weak, but this indeed is Life Source Strength. 尽管还很弱小,但这的的确确就是生命本源之力 Tentacle monster was excited the whole body shock again and again immediately, as if comes across the most inconceivable matter to be the same. 触手怪物登时激动得浑身剧震连连,仿佛遇到了最不可思议的事情一般。 Demon God as two tenth stage plant, it regarding the understanding and earnestly seeking of Life Source, far exceeds other low rank plants. 身为二十阶魔神植,它对于生命本源的理解和渴求,远超过其它低阶植物。 This may concern it whether to stride in practices below first stage section! 这可关乎到它能否跨入修行的下一阶段! So from the hopeless situation to the dawn, again from the dawn to wild with joy, making the last resistance of tentacle monster innermost feelings also vanish into thin air. 如此从绝境到曙光,再从曙光到狂喜,让触手怪物内心的最后一丝抵抗也烟消云散。 At this moment, in his head, only then a few words are reverberating overlapping, for a very long time. 此时此刻,他脑袋里只有一句话在层层叠叠回荡,久久不息。 Wants, I want.” “愿意,我愿意。” It seems like feared that Wang Shouzhe does not believe that it wishes one could to hold up whole body all tentacles to increase the credibility. 似乎是怕王守哲不信,它恨不得举起全身所有的触手来增加可信度。 Sees that Wang Shouzhe also showed the gratified smile. 见状,王守哲也露出了欣慰的笑容。 Subdued this first two tenth stage Demon God to plant finally. In the future, has it, oneself here may increase a big card in a hand. 总算收服了这头二十阶魔神植。往后,有它在,自己这边可就增加了一大张底牌。 We hope when the time comes can control a plate big pleasant surprise. 希望到时候能给主宰盘一个大大的惊喜。 ...... ……
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