POP :: Volume #8

#143: star dust Princess! Foreign land guest

...... …… Whisker monster does not dare to delay again, feared that drags too for a long time to bring in that only to be old monster. 触须怪物不敢再多耽搁,怕拖太久引来那只老怪物 It no longer hesitates, immediately begins to hunt. 它不再犹豫,立即动手捕猎。 In a twinkling. 霎时间。 The whisker monster ballooning comes, that the huge body inflated one time again, the innumerable tentacles elongate rapidly, just like inundating the Heavenly Water algae spreads crazily, wells up toward that deep blue light screen. 触须怪物鼓胀来开,那本就庞大的身躯再度膨胀了一倍有余,无数根触手迅速伸长,宛如漫天水藻般疯狂蔓延开来,朝着那湛蓝色的光幕涌去。 Rumbling!!” “轰轰轰!!” In the deafening bellow, these tentacle unceasing stamps strike, are brushing deep blue light screen. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声中,那些触手不断戳击,抽打着湛蓝色的光幕。 The deep blue light screen shivers immediately fiercely, surged the innumerable say/way ripple ripples, attack quite somewhat strenuous appearance that withstood whisker monster. 湛蓝光幕顿时剧烈颤动起来,激荡起了无数道波纹涟漪,一副承受触须怪物的进攻颇有些吃力的模样。 Seeing that. 见状。 In that tree Shenzhou bridge, wears the magnificent battle armor alien race Princess look to tie tight, the calm face ordered with the different world language: We cannot, whatever that monster breaks through the deep blue barrier, launches the attack full power.” 那艘树状神舟舰桥内,身穿华丽战甲的异族公主神色紧绷,沉着脸用异界语言下令道:“我们不能任由那怪物突破湛蓝屏障,全力发动进攻。” The voice falls. 话音一落。 The alien race in bridge goes into action immediately. 舰桥内的异族就立刻行动起来。 Under their operations and energy inductions, that tree Shenzhou imposing manner rises suddenly, blooms fiercely the one after another radiant green glow, these grew giant green fruits just like the branch tendrils vine on rapidly. 在他们的操纵和能量诱导下,那艘树状神舟气势暴涨,猛地绽放出一道道璀璨绿芒,那些宛如树枝般的枝枝蔓蔓上迅速长出了一枚枚巨大的绿色果实。 The epidermises of these fruits look very rough, covered entirely the uneven trace. 这些果实的表皮看起来非常粗糙,布满了凹凸不平的纹路。 However short in a minute, fruit then rapid mature, shoots to whisker monster like rounds of shell extreme speeds. 不过短短片刻间,果实便迅速成熟,如同一发发炮弹般极速向触须怪物射去。 The march ways of these fruits are also quite strange, they vanish suddenly baseless, next instant appeared outside deep blue crystal curtain, as if can world the shuttle inborn between Heavenly Abyss and reality is ordinary. 那些果实的行进方式也颇为古怪,它们骤然凭空消失,下一瞬就出现在了湛蓝晶幕外,仿佛天生就能在天渊与现实世界之间穿梭一般。 With the instance that the whisker contacts, these fruits look like the balloon instantaneous ballooning, then loudly explosion. 在与触须接触的瞬间,那些果实更是像气球般瞬间鼓胀,而后轰然爆炸。 ~! Rumbling ~ ~!!” ~!轰轰~~!!” The deafening bellow resounds through instantaneously void. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声瞬间响彻虚空。 A green glow jumps to shoot from the fruit, each contains the fearful explosion power, the ray institute , the innumerable vine whiskers were exploded in abundance break, change into the innumerable vine fragments four to splash. 道道绿芒自果实中迸射而出,每一道都蕴含着可怕的爆炸威力,光芒所及,无数藤蔓触须被炸得纷纷断裂,化为无数藤蔓碎片四下飞溅。 These fruits result in the explosion power is quite fierce, each, can bomb unexpectedly blows up dozens over a hundred large-scale whiskers. 这些果实得爆炸威力极为凶猛,每一颗,竟都能炸断炸毁数十上百的大型触须。 Under a round of salvo, is even the attack of whisker monster for a it stop, sends out shouts intermittently. 一轮齐射下,便是连触须怪物的进攻都为之一停顿,发出阵阵嘶吼。 But has not waited for the alien race in tree Shenzhou to be happy that whisker monster then vibrates fiercely, the position of whisker break wriggles crazily, the one after another black vine bud grows rapidly, during the short several breath the whisker grew, invested the attack condition. 可还没等树状神舟内的异族高兴,那头触须怪物便剧烈抖动起来,触须断裂的位置疯狂蠕动,一个个黑色的藤芽迅速生长,短短几个呼吸间触须就重新长了出来,重新投入了进攻状态。 What is more fearful, the break whisker that these four splash has not vanished unexpectedly. 更为可怕的是,那些四下飞溅的断裂触须竟然没有消失。 They after the stance of strange distortion shivered, unexpectedly changed to like leech monster, threw on that deep blue light screen in abundance. 它们以怪异扭曲的姿态颤抖了一阵后,竟然化作了一条条如同水蛭般的怪物,纷纷扑到了那湛蓝光幕上。 The innumerable hangnail capillarity claw open, unexpectedly is such as above the boston ivy general tight social climbing, seemingly stable incomparable. 无数倒刺般的毛细爪子张开,竟是如爬山虎一般紧紧攀附其上,看起来稳固无比。 Afterward, they find out the sharp mouth apparatus, pricked in the light screen ruthlessly, the greedy and crazy start absorbs these deep blue energies. 随后,它们纷纷探出尖锐口器,狠狠刺入了光幕之中,贪婪而疯狂的开始吸取那些湛蓝色的能量。 Suddenly, their like the leech body, then inflates fast at the visible speed, the aura also becomes stronger and stronger. 眨眼间,它们那如水蛭般的身躯,便以肉眼可见的速度快速膨胀起来,气息也变得越来越强。 So frightened and strange scene, making alien race simultaneously in tree Shenzhou suck in an cold air/Qi, the expression became is also frightened to fear. 如此惊悚而诡异的一幕,让树状神舟内的异族都齐齐倒抽了一口冷气,表情也变得惊惶恐惧起来。 This whisker monster, is too evil different, was too fearful! 这头触须怪物,实在太邪异,太可怕了! Suddenly, this monster in their horrors soared, to cross other lives directly, closely occupied in that made them ask for advice its terrifying strength, and destroyed their world Heavenly Monster control Under, arranged second. 一时间,这头怪物在他们心里的恐怖程度直线上升,直接越过了其他所有生灵,紧紧屈居于那曾经让他们领教过其恐怖实力,并且毁灭了他们世界的【天妖主宰】之下,排到了第二。 Star god on, actually we arrived at how terrifying world!” “星神在上,我们究竟来到了一个怎么样恐怖的世界!” They or handsome, or on the attractive cheek filled was terrified and anxious. 他们或英俊,或漂亮的脸蛋上充满了惶恐和不安。 The mother world downcast, the civilization was destroyed, had created the huge blow to them, was only the circumstance was critical at that time, they radically without enough time sorrowful, started escape under the direction of sacred object. 世界陷落,文明被毁灭,已经给他们造成了巨大的打击,只是当时情势危急,他们根本来不及悲痛,就在圣物的指引下开始了逃亡。 Experiences untold hardships, their shuttle space, arrived at this another side world with great difficulty, thinks that arrived at the place of hope, can multiply to live here. 历尽千辛万苦,他们好不容易穿梭空间,来到了这另外一方世界,原以为是来到了希望之地,可以在这里重新繁衍生息。 Actually does not want just to come, discovered that the this world environment terrifying to the pinnacle, did not suit them to survive completely. 却不曾想刚一进来,就发现这方世界的环境恐怖到了极致,完全不适合他们生存。 Not only so, their also bumped into this strength to achieve two tenth stage terrifying Demon God to plant! 非但如此,他们还一头撞见了这棵实力达到二十阶的恐怖魔神植! Depends on the direction of sacred object with great difficulty, Your Highness Princess led everyone to run into this deep blue refuge shelter reluctantly, unexpectedly was hard to resist the whisker monster step as before! 好不容易靠着圣物的指引,公主殿下勉强带领大家逃进了这片湛蓝色的避难所,居然依旧难以抵挡触须怪物的步伐! Sees this scene, that alien race Princess shut closing one's eyes, finally sets firm resolve, no longer hesitates. 见到这一幕,那位异族公主闭了闭眼,终于下定决心,不再犹豫。 Her joint slender finger grasps slightly, a then appears just like the deadwood general scepter in her palm. 她骨节纤长的手指微微一握,一柄宛如枯枝一般的权杖便出现在她掌心之中。 Strength of the fearful deathly stillness fills the air instantaneously in the bridge. 一股可怕的死寂之力瞬间在舰桥内弥漫开来。 The facial expressions on all alien race faces change, looks is complex to the look of that scepter. 所有异族人脸上的神情都是一变,望向那根权杖的眼神复杂无比。 In that look, some hopes, have the thick anxiety and dislike. 那眼神中,既有希冀,却也带着浓浓的不安和厌恶。 Ups and downs god stick!” “枯荣神杖!” This is the divine object in their clan, actually also bans the thing. 这是他们族中的神物,却也是禁物。 They have not thought that Princess leaves unexpectedly gave to take it. At this moment, in this hopeless situation, actually must seek a slim chance of survival by this ups and downs god stick. Their mood where can not be complex? 他们谁也没有想到,公主离开的时候居然把它给带上了。此时此刻,在这绝境之中,却偏偏又要靠这枯荣神杖来博取一线生机。他们的心情哪里能不复杂? The god stick in the hand, the strength of terrifying deathly stillness spreads toward the whole body following the palm, the look on alien race Princess face also one becomes pale, seems unable to control the strength of this terrifying deathly stillness. 神杖在手,恐怖的死寂之力顺着手掌朝周身蔓延开来,异族公主脸上的神色也一下变得苍白,似乎无法驾驭这股恐怖的死寂之力。 Is good, in she is even more pale, the scepter peak, wipes common the green bud under the strength of encirclement deathly stillness started the rapid-growth. 好在,就在她愈发苍白之际,权杖顶端,一抹原本在死寂之力环绕下毫不起眼的绿芽开始快速生长。 The tender leaf launches piece by piece, the strength of life is sending out the full of vitality floods into Princess within the body following the scepter. 片片嫩叶展开,一股散发着勃勃生机的生命之力顺着权杖涌入公主体内。 This chapter had not ended, please the click next page continue to read! 这章没有结束,请点击下一页继续阅读! Her complexion. 她的脸色一下好了许多。 Calming down, her look is solemn and respectful, the expression recited the ancient incantation gravely. 定了定神,她神色肃穆,表情庄重地吟唱起了古老的咒语。 As the one after another strange syllable puts out from her mouth, the aura of ups and downs god stick is getting stronger and stronger, that is contrary to the full ship vitality clearly, having terrifying deathly stillness aura the strength of principle to spread crazily. 随着一个个古怪的音节从她口中吐出,枯荣神杖的气息越来越强,那股与满船生机截然相反的,带着恐怖死寂气息的法则之力疯狂蔓延。 The aura of alien race Princess whole body rises suddenly crazily. 不知不觉间,异族公主周身的气息疯狂暴涨。 The terrifying energy has spread beside tree flying boat, then changed to one swiftly with alien race Princess exactly the same huge phantom, the white cloak flap flap fluttered, the silver long hair flew upwards, is sending out the unequalled powerful power and influence. 恐怖的能量一直蔓延到了树状飞舟之外,倏忽间便化作了一道与异族公主一模一样的巨大虚影,白色披风猎猎飘飞,银色长发飞扬,散发着无与伦比的强大威势。 Void, seems has the moonlight to sprinkle, her fine peerless face seemed also covered a halo, the makings become even more holy. 虚空中,好似有月光洒落,她那张精致绝伦的脸也仿佛被镀上了一层光晕,气质变得愈发圣洁。 Finally, the power and influence of ups and downs god stick increased the pinnacle, a giant gray light beam rumbled suddenly in the past! 终于,枯荣神杖的威势攀升到了极致,一道巨大的灰色光柱陡然轰了过去! Bang!! 轰!! The light beam shuttle space, crossed the deep blue light screen bang directly to that whisker monster, compressed shakes void periphery to the pinnacle terrifying power trembles, expresses buzz the cry that was unable to withstand the load intermittently. 光柱穿梭空间,直接越过湛蓝光幕轰向了那触须怪物,压缩到极致的恐怖力量震得周围虚空震颤,发出了阵阵不堪重负的嗡鸣。 Whisker monster shrinks suddenly, detected the whisker that the crisis, danced in the air all over the sky transfers the direction immediately, goes toward that say/way gray light beam interception. 触须怪物陡然一缩,察觉到了危机,满天飞舞的触须顿时调转方向,朝着那道灰色光柱拦截而去。 However, useless. 然而,没用。 The strength of deathly stillness in the gray light beam contains as if contains dying together is ordinary to the high principle, the terrifying is incomparable, the might is peerless, these extend, but black vine just a contact, then in abundance on the wane decayed, changes into the innumerable flying ashes to scatter diverges. 灰色光柱中蕴含的死寂之力就仿佛蕴含着死之一道的至高法则一般,恐怖无比,威力绝伦,那些延伸而出的黑色藤蔓刚一接触,便纷纷凋零腐朽,化为无数飞灰飘散散去。 The light beam place visited, the vine is on the wane, the vitality cuts off. 光柱所过之处,藤蔓凋零,生机断绝。 Only a blink, the gray light beam then passes through the innumerable vines, shelled above whisker monster that huge sphere body. 只一眨眼,灰色光柱便穿过无数藤蔓,轰击到了触须怪物那巨大的球形身躯之上。 next moment, the gray ray enters the water dizzy to dye just like the ink, in whisker monster crazy spread. 下一刻,灰色的光芒宛如墨汁入水般晕染开来,在触须怪物身上疯狂蔓延。 However short in a minute, in whisker monster that huge body was corroded a giant incomparable hole, the innumerable black salts flutter, even can see behind whisker monster void indistinctly. 不过短短片刻间,触须怪物那庞大的身躯上就被侵蚀出了一个巨大无比的洞,无数黑灰飘飞间,甚至能隐约看到触须怪物背后的虚空。 Whisker monster eats under the pain, the whole body convulsion, the innumerable tentacles roll up crazily, but the pain the sad and shrill shouting sound penetrating is void. 触须怪物吃痛之下,全身痉挛,无数触手疯狂蜷缩,痛苦而凄厉的嘶吼声响彻虚空。 Sees that the alien race person in tree flying boat bridge the spirit inspires immediately. Has some temper bracelet, even could not bear exude the cheers. 见状,树状飞舟舰桥内的异族人顿时精神一振。有个别性子跳脱的,甚至忍不住发出了欢呼声。 On the face of alien race Princess also showed the smile. 异族公主的脸上也露出了笑容。 The air/Qi of deathly stillness in the hand the ups and downs god stick sends out makes her whole body uncomfortable, that move found time she over half of strengths a moment ago, so long as can cause heavy losses to the enemy, the solution present crisis, is then worth. 手中枯荣神杖散发出的死寂之气让她浑身不舒服,刚才那一招更是抽空了她超过一半的力量,但只要能重创敌人,解决眼前的危机,便是值得的。 However, how long but also without them to be happy. 然而,还没等他们开心多久。 On whisker monster then surged intermittent deep gloomy black light, wells up crazily toward these gray rays. 触须怪物身上便涌起了阵阵深沉晦暗的黑光,疯狂朝着那些灰色光芒涌去。 The moment time, the gray ray then successor feels weak, was scattered little. 片刻功夫,灰色光芒便后继乏力,被一点点驱散。 On in whisker monster that large cave/hole also has the black vine bud to surge, starts to grow fast, filled that large cave/hole rapidly. 触须怪物身上的那个大洞内也有黑色的藤芽涌动,开始飞快生长,迅速填补起了那个大洞。 Saw, crosses one again, that large cave/hole will then heal. 眼看着,再过一阵,那个大洞便会愈合。 How can?!” “怎么会?!” Notices this point, the alien race people in tree flying boat revealed the desperate color immediately again. 注意到这一点,树状飞舟内的异族人们顿时再次露出了绝望之色。 On the alien race Princess face is also difficult to cover startled, in the heart is the pain is more incomparable, cannot bear look that whisker monster is out of sorts. 就连异族公主脸上也难掩惊慌,心中更是痛苦无比,忍不住看着那棵触须怪物怔怔失神。 Can't the father sovereign, our clan escape seriously? 父皇,难道咱们一族就当真逃不过去了吗? This escapes, they used energy untold hardships to escape finally here , aren't God this slim chance of survival really willing to remain to them? 这一路逃亡,他们费劲了千辛万苦才终于逃到这里,难道,老天爷真的连这一线生机都不愿意给他们留吗? Is good because, although in alien race people heart startled desperate, but the mood can also stand firm reluctantly. 好在,异族人们心中虽然惊慌绝望,但情绪勉强还稳得住。 Only because of this first two tenth stage terrifying Demon God plants, although is quite powerful, but it does not seem good at creating the huge lethality instantaneously. 只因这头二十阶的恐怖魔神植虽然极为强大,但是它似乎并不擅长瞬间造成巨大杀伤力。 Therefore, a short time next may be unable to break through the deep blue light screen completely. 因此,一时片刻下可能无法完全攻破湛蓝光幕。 This was also only slightly the matter that was worth rejoicing. 这也算是唯一一件稍微值得庆幸的事情了。 However, this fact is also actually desperate, because all alien race people were clear, as the time passes by, the deep blue light screen will break sooner or later, when the time comes result can be imagined. 然而,这个事实其实同样令人绝望,因为所有异族人都清楚,随着时间过去,湛蓝光幕迟早会破,到时候的结局可想而知。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In situation that in many alien race people and whisker monster have not detected, camouflages the drift fragment the small-scale unmanned detection boat, had approached this region quietly. 在诸多异族人和触须怪物都没有察觉的情况下,一些伪装成漂流碎片的小型无人侦查舟,已经悄无声息地靠近了这一片区域。 The energy impact that because the fight has is powerful, most small-scale unmanned detection boats just approached, was destroyed by the warring parties accidentally, actually also the part survived by luck. 由于战斗产生的能量冲击过于强大,多数小型无人侦查舟刚一靠近,就被交战双方无意中摧毁,却也有一部分侥幸存活了下来。 The picture information that they will catch transforms the special energy signal, fed in the fleet of not far away by the Endless Heaven Abyss space. 它们将捕捉到的画面信息转化成特殊的能量信号,透过无尽天渊空间传回了不远处的舰队中。 Same time. 同一时间段。 In the bridge of heavy mountain Shenzhou, Wang Yinxuan is staring the vine that in front total information projection is dancing in the air all over the sky dumbfoundedly, the looking askance expression that on the face is unable to look straight ahead completely: What this special is what evil monster? Is this Ancestral Grandfather two tenth stage Demon God that wants to subdue plants?” 重岳神舟的舰桥中,王寅轩正瞠目结舌地瞪着面前全息投影中满天飞舞的藤蔓,脸上满是无法直视的侧目表情:“这特么的是什么邪恶怪物?这就是老祖爷爷想要收服的二十阶魔神植么?” In Immortal Spirit the species is numerous and diverse, has the evil powerful species many, but this tentacle monster, is obviously challenging the Wang Yinxuan sane value. 仙灵界中物种繁杂,其中也不乏有邪恶强大的物种,但是这头触手怪物,明显是在挑战王寅轩的理智值了。 Also, what ghost is that tree Shenzhou? I have not seen this style Shenzhou...... also to have that phantom huge woman, sharp-eared sharp, how to see that probably a little looks familiar?” “还有,那株树状神舟是什么鬼?我从来没有见过这种风格的神舟……还有那个虚影巨大化的女人,耳朵尖尖的,怎么看着好像有点眼熟?” The Wang Yinxuan mouth whispered, an appearance that seemed has not seen the world, particularly when mentioned that female, was the eyes shines, seemed saw any extraordinary thing was common. 王寅轩嘴里嘀嘀咕咕,一副好似没有见过世面的样子,尤其是提及那个女子时,更是双眼放光,好似见到了什么了不得的东西一般。 Sees his, projects the Wang Liyao look that meets to be helpless the oneself total information, the look actually did not fall on that say/way deep blue light screen voluntarily, the brow was slightly pressed: My beginning of the universe Dao Water is very intense to that say/way deep blue light screen response, is that light screen related with Ancient God mang?” 见他这样,将自己全息投影过来开会的王璃瑶神色无奈,眼神却不自觉地落在了那道湛蓝光幕上,眉头微微蹙起:“我的混元道水对那道湛蓝光幕反应很激烈,难道那光幕和古神娏有关?” The young lord, behind this chapter also has, please the click next page continue to read, behind is more splendid! 小主,这个章节后面还有哦,请点击下一页继续阅读,后面更精彩! What do we also wait for?” Some Wang Yinxuan exciting say/way, we inform advanced base three Immortal Emperor immediately, asking them to encircle that whisker monster.” “那咱们还等什么?”王寅轩有些兴奋道,“咱们立即通知前进基地三位仙帝,请他们来围剿那头触须怪物。” Wait.” “等等。” Wang Youyue hurried to block him, immediately stared a son ill-humoredly: „Before set off, I listened to crape myrtle Immortal Emperor saying that after that first two tenth stage Demon God planted previous time suffers a loss, becomes very sly, once bumps into the danger to run away immediately, previous great wild goose Senior stopped up it not to succeed several times.” 王宥岳赶紧拦住了他,随即没好气的瞪了一眼儿子:“出发之前我听紫薇仙帝说过,那头二十阶魔神植上次吃了亏之后变得十分狡猾,一旦碰到危险就会立即逃遁,先前鸿前辈几次堵它都未成功。” In this Ancient God battlefield does not compare other place, the sound that three Immortal Emperor tearing spaces transmit will be very inevitably big, once alarmed the opposite party, immediately what to do if it does run away? When the time comes, perhaps in a short time wants to stop up it to be difficult again.” “这古神战场内不比别的地方,三位仙帝撕裂空间传送过来的动静势必很大,一旦惊动了对方,万一它立即逃遁怎么办?到时候,恐怕短时间内再想堵住它就难了。” Linglong Princess thought that this saying in the principle, offered advice to say in the one side: Heard that the Anye Old Ancestor Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage, may surround Immortal Emperor in a short time, does not know that can surround the powerful lifeform of two tenth stage?” 玲珑公主觉得这话在理,在一旁出主意说:“听说安业老祖仙帝囚笼,可短时间内困住仙帝,不知能不能困住二十阶的强大生物?” Did not say.” Wang Anye knits the brows slightly, Immortal Emperor breaks open the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage to require a lot of time, in addition must has many same step powerhouses to conduct the harassment control, can surround Immortal Emperor....... We have not made the test as for these two tenth stage species, is not quite good to estimate, but wants to come, it breaks open the time that the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage spends, inevitably be much shorter than common Immortal Emperor.” “不好说。”王安业微微皱眉,“仙帝破开仙帝囚笼需要不少时间,尚且须得有多位同阶强者进行骚扰控制,才能困住仙帝。至于这二十阶物种……咱们也没做过测试,不太好估算,但想来,它破开仙帝囚笼所花的时间,势必要比寻常仙帝短得多。” In addition, to that monster, I am uncertain can without alarming its surrounds it. Feared that us one begins, it will detect immediately right, then does not escape.” “此外,对上那头怪物,我并无把握能在不惊动它的情况下将它困住。就怕咱们这边一动手,它就会立即察觉不对,而后逃跑。” Wang Liyao slightly ponders over, immediately said: That only then takes risk first to tempt behind the deep blue light screen the opposite party, the wild energy shield after taking advantage of light screen starts the Immortal Emperor prisoner's cage, and summoned three big Immortal Emperor to transmit simultaneously. Then, under the double checks, the opposite party got out of trouble the possibility that escaped greatly to reduce.” 王璃瑶略一琢磨,随即说道:“那就只有冒险先将对方引诱进湛蓝光幕后面,借着光幕后的狂暴能量掩护启动仙帝囚笼,并同时召唤三大仙帝传送过来。如此一来,双重保险下,对方脱困逃跑的可能性就大大降低了。” However this plan also has certain risk. 不过这个方案也有一定风险。 That whisker monster strength terrifying, once startled got angry it, will withstand the enormous danger as them of bait. 那头触须怪物实力恐怖,一旦惊怒了它,作为诱饵的他们将承受极大的危险。 We strength centralized in heavy mountain Shenzhou. Although the attack ability of this Shenzhou is obviously insufficient, but the defensive power is powerful, common Immortal Emperor wants to break must fee/spent many hands and feet, even if plants facing two tenth stage Demon God, we can still insist some time, supported three big Immortal Emperor to transmit sufficiently.” “那咱们就将战力集中在重岳神舟之中。这艘神舟的进攻能力虽显不足,但防御力非常强大,寻常仙帝想要打破须得费不少手脚,就算面对二十阶魔神植,咱们也能坚持一小段时间,足以撑到三大仙帝传送过来了。” The people you said my one, quick will plan to determine. 众人你一言我一句,很快就将计划确定了。 Slightly after making a preparation . 略作一番准备后。 Other battleship quiet evacuations, left behind one alone Heavy mountain Shenzhou. 其余战舰悄无声息撤离,独留下了一艘【重岳神舟】。 Shenzhou ships out the appearance that rash to/clashes forward. 神舟装出一副莽莽撞撞向前冲的样子。 Quick, before it , the momentum of flushing suddenly stagnates, as if discovered some extraordinary terrorist incidents, the first response transfers the bow unexpectedly, drilled into the Heavenly Abyss space to start to travel. 很快,它前冲的势头就忽的一滞,似乎发现了一些了不得的恐怖事件,竟然第一反应就是调转船头,钻入了天渊空间开始跑路。 But at this time. 而这时候。 That is whipping the deep blue light screen whisker monster, discovered heavy mountain Shenzhou. 那头正在拍打湛蓝光幕的触须怪物,也是发现了重岳神舟。 It that recently suffered a loss repeatedly now becomes exceptionally sensitive and vigilant, a discovery was just unusual, the movement then stagnated slightly, instinct had a mood that wanted to escape to be separated from. 最近屡屡吃亏的它如今变得异常敏感和警惕,刚一发现异常,动作便是微微一滞,本能的生出一股想要逃跑脱离的情绪。 However, the present prey is extremely attractive, it really does not hate to give up, then could not bear and has one also to observe again, if really had the danger to run again not the late thought. 然而,眼前的猎物太过诱人,它实在舍不得放弃,便忍不住又生出了一股还想再观察观察,若是真有危险再跑也不迟的念头。 Two mood pester mutually, making it be hard to make a decision suddenly. 两股情绪相互纠缠,让它一时间难以决断。 Really what makes whisker monster not think, the opposite party as if also discovered it, unexpectedly is very smooth, the speed very travelled quickly, running is that without hesitation. 只是让触须怪物着实没想到的是,对方似乎也同时发现了它,然后居然很顺畅的,速度贼快的跑路了,跑得是那么毫不犹豫。 Whisker monster stares slightly, immediately in heart all hesitant and puzzled will vanish into thin air shortly, split dozens tentacles to pursue like lightning. 触须怪物微微一愣,随即心中所有的犹豫和纠结都顷刻间烟消云散,闪电般分裂出数十根触手追了过去。 That tentacle spreads crazily, suddenly then drilled into Endless Heaven Abyss, pursued heavy mountain Shenzhou at a quicker speed. 那根根触手疯狂蔓延,眨眼间便钻入了无尽天渊,以更快的速度追逐起了重岳神舟。 In nature world is so, who first travels, often is representing weak and does not have the energy. 在自然世界就是如此,谁先跑路,往往就代表着自身弱和没底气。 If in that Shenzhou has the powerhouse to assume personal command, where also as for running is so neat? 若那艘神舟中有强者坐镇,哪里还至于跑这么干脆利落? Moreover after tentacle monster is also afraid this ship runs away, will draw on big group of reinforcements, does that make the matter more troublesome? 而且触手怪物也害怕这艘船跑掉后,会招来一大堆援军,那岂不是让事情变得更麻烦? Under the innumerable vine pursuit, heavy mountain Shenzhou somewhat seems to be flurried, some appearances of being able choose the exact way because of flurry, in Endless Heaven Abyss runs away, unexpectedly astrayed in one group of black thick fog, was some time-comsuming to escape. 无数藤蔓追击之下,重岳神舟似乎有些慌乱,有些慌不择路的样子,在无尽天渊之中逃遁时,竟然误入了一团黑色的浓雾中,费了些功夫才逃出。 Also therefore, was besieged and pursued unexpectedly by that dozens tentacles. 也正是因此,竟然被那数十根触手围追上了。 That dozens tentacles changed to build slightly small tentacles to be strange immediately, encircled toward heavy mountain Shenzhou kills to go. 那数十根触手顿时化作了一只只体型略小的触手怪,朝着重岳神舟围杀而去。 Heavy Yue Shenzhou stampede, under that dozens tentacle strange chases, was compelled to approach to the tentacle monster main body little, seems one is forced into the prey of dead end, goes all out to struggle in the predicament, actually could not escape the established destiny. 重岳神舟狼狈逃窜,在那数十只触手怪的追逐下,被逼着一点点向触手怪物本体靠近,仿佛是一头被逼入穷途末路的猎物,在困局中拼命挣扎,却仍是逃不脱既定的命运。 Saw that Shenzhou must be close to the tentacle strange main body, heavy mountain Shenzhou as if burst out the last fighting spirit, unexpectedly a direction revolution, has rushed to several small tentacle strange interception actually, crashed in the deep blue light screen. 眼看着神舟就要接近触手怪本体,重岳神舟似乎迸发出了最后一丝斗志,居然方向一转,硬是闯过了几只小触手怪的拦截,一头冲进了湛蓝光幕之中。 During this process, tree Shenzhou also detected that here situation, sent out many explosion fruits to support again and again with for heavy mountain Shenzhou of horizon reducing person. 在此过程中,树状神舟也察觉到了这边的情况,连连发出了不少爆炸果实来支援同为天涯沦落人的重岳神舟。 Also was lucky so, heavy Yue Shenzhou withdraws so to be smooth. 也多亏了如此,重岳神舟脱身才如此顺利。 The deep blue light screen as if also the bitter experience with affectionate mountain Shenzhou, without the stop, making heavy mountain Shenzhou smoothly enter. 湛蓝光幕似乎也同情重岳神舟的遭遇,没有阻拦,让重岳神舟顺利进入。 Jie Jie Jie!” “桀桀桀!” Sees this scene, whisker monster does not get angry counter- happily. 见到这一幕,触须怪物不怒反喜。 In that huge sphere body sends out the intermittent information raging tide, seems is ridiculing the stupidity of heavy mountain Shenzhou, seems in self-satisfied oneself sieged the prey in the deep blue light screen, then it only needed to shiver that tortoiseshell, can enjoy the good food. 那巨大的球形身躯内散发出阵阵信息狂潮,好似在嘲笑重岳神舟的愚蠢,又好似是在得意自己将猎物们都围困在了湛蓝光幕之中,接下来它只需要敲碎那个乌龟壳,就能享用美食了。 But at this time. 而这时候。 Light screen another heavy mountain Shenzhou and tree Shenzhou have converged smoothly. 光幕另一头的重岳神舟与树状神舟已经顺利汇合。 both sides did not know completely, after the convergence, naturally is the preparation communicates in advance, so as to avoid when the time comes situation unclear, each other dragged opposite party. 双方完全不认识,汇合之后自然是准备先行沟通一番,免得到时候情况不明下,彼此扯了对方的后腿。 The young lord, behind this chapter also has, please the click next page continue to read, behind is more splendid! 小主,这个章节后面还有哦,请点击下一页继续阅读,后面更精彩! Is good because of having the initiative support of tree Shenzhou before, both sides can determine that at least each other relatively friendly attitude, this also had the precondition of communication exchange. 好在有树状神舟的主动支援在前,双方起码能确定彼此相对友善的态度,这也就有了沟通交流的先决条件。 If tree Shenzhou watched critically a moment ago, the situation perhaps was another appearance. 若是刚才树状神舟冷眼旁观,情况恐怕就是另一番模样了。 However after both sides probe slightly was communicating one, then discovered that the both sides language and writing is completely different, even is not a system. 然而双方略微试探着沟通了一番后,便发现双方语言文字完全不同,甚至都不是一个体系的。 Is good because of everyone is the high-grade species, the psychic force is powerful, can conduct the information transmission through the thought that conducts the communication of consciousness level. 好在大家都是高等级物种,精神力强悍,可以通过意念进行信息传递,进行意识层面的沟通。 Although this degree of consciousness communication, can only each other transmit the general will, is unable the too accurate expression, but can communicate finally. 虽然这种程度的意识沟通,只能彼此传递大概意志,无法太精准的表达,但总算是可以沟通的。 After both sides consciousness with frequent contact the level communicated several times, I facilitate to send out Wang Yinxuan that Wang Liyao and joined voluntarily, through the way of space transmission, directly entered in the bridge of tree Shenzhou. 双方你来我往地意识层次沟通了几次后,我方便派出了王璃瑶和主动请缨的王寅轩,通过空间传送的方式,直接进入到了树状神舟的舰桥内。 Wang Yinxuan entered the opposite party bridge strongly, the attention in that ear slightly sharp, stature tall Tiao, on magnificent armor female who if still walked from two dimensions. 王寅轩一进入对方舰桥,注意力就集中在了那位耳朵微尖,身材高窕,犹若是从二次元中走出来的华丽盔甲女子身上。 This this, this also looked like! 这这这,这也太像了! Collected near, he was the discovery, this Miss contour characteristics exceptionally were not only similar to Little Xue, the appearance and Little Xue had 67 to be similar at least. 凑得近了,他更是发现,这位姑娘不仅外形特征跟小雪异常相似,就连容貌都和小雪起码有六七分相似。 Wang Liyao to Little Xue is also very familiar, the short distance saw this alien race Princess appearance cannot help but dazed, in the heart could not bear whisper slightly. 王璃瑶小雪也是非常熟悉的,近距离见到这异族公主的模样也不由得微微愣神了一下,心中忍不住嘀咕起来。 In Wang Clan ten big unsolved mysteries „can the riddle of Family Head first love, untie in this? 难道说,王氏十大未解之谜中的“家主初恋之谜”,就要在此解开了? Actually the father is, what place met this unusual and attractive race? 只是,父亲究竟是在什么时候,什么地点遇到了这个奇特而漂亮的种族? Is it possible that is the father in the reincarnation before Divine Martial world, extra reincarnation rebirth experience? 莫非,是父亲在转世在神武世界之前,还有额外的转世重生经历? Wears alien race Princess of magnificent armor naturally not to know curved in their heart to circle, sees them to arrive, on her face shows a temperate smile, said with the clear sound and unusual pronunciation: Arter Liz star dust.” 身穿华丽盔甲的异族公主自然不知道他们心中的弯弯绕,见他们到来,她脸上露出一个温和的笑容,用清亮的声音和奇特的发音说道:“贝阿特丽斯・星尘。” Then referred to oneself, the meaning expression is very clear. 然后指了指自己,意思表达十分清楚。 ...... ……
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