POP :: Volume #8

#142: Wang Anye arid dull life

...... …… However, Wang Shouzhe has not gotten up at this matter excessively pesters. 不过,王守哲并没有在这件事情上过多纠缠。 Even if decides to help the great wild goose Senior promotion lord, needs the long-term plan. Difficulty numerous, ten fifth grade Spirit Pill, are divine level Bloodline Improvement Fluid, is not the present can solve. 哪怕决定帮助鸿前辈晋升界主,也还需要长远规划。这其中难关重重,无论是十五品神丹,还是神级血脉改善液,都绝非眼下能解决的。 Therefore, Wang Shouzhe puts down this matter for the time being, then chatted this purpose in coming with Hong: Great wild goose Senior, you monitor the gate this period of time, has to notice whereabouts that two tenth stage Demon God plant?” 因此,王守哲将此事暂且搁下,转而和鸿聊起了此次来意:“鸿前辈,您这段时间监控界门,是否有留意到那株二十阶魔神植的行踪?” Demon God that he refers to plants, is several thousand years ago, when crape myrtle Immortal Emperor and Emperor Vast Sky Sword, and shy-high demon emperor three byte teams come the Ancient God battlefield exploration, that encounters doubtful Demon God from foreign land plants. 他指的魔神植,便是数千年前,紫薇仙帝昊天剑帝,以及重霄魔帝三位组队前来古神战场探索时,遭遇到的那株疑似来自异域的魔神植。 When 3 rd the Immortal Emperor big shot jointly and Demon God plants a war, escapes in a panic, wound that Wang Shouzhe treats for them. 当初三位仙帝大佬联手和魔神植一战,仓惶逃跑,还是王守哲替他们治的伤。 However, after that time, Wang Shouzhe paid attention to that Demon God to plant, hopes after and other World of Immortals strengths were more powerful, looked for the opportunity to plant to subdue that Demon God. 不过,从那一次后,王守哲就留意上了那株魔神植,希望等仙界实力再强大一些后,找机会将那株魔神植收服。 Even could not subdue, after that struck killed the material and Demon God to plant the core, sources of the god as well as it collected storing were the good things. 即便收服不了,那击杀后的材料、魔神植核心,以及它收集贮存的众神之源都是好东西。 hearing this, the great wild goose shakes the head slightly, is somewhat regrettable: „After before received Shouzhe your request, I have also been paying attention to the trend that Demon God planted. Comes the broken Tianyuan (Heavenly Origin) beginning sea to be extremely vast, various bad risk environment are exceptionally complex, may supply the place of hiding is too many. Secondly, that Demon God planted in previously that war also suffered a loss, is injured, the vigilant heart strengthen, the conduct also became mysteriously appears and disappears, was exceptionally sly.” 闻言,鸿微微摇头,有些遗憾:“之前收到守哲你的委托后,我也一直在留意那魔神植的动向。只是一来残破的天元始海太过辽阔,各种凶险环境异常复杂,可供躲藏之地太多。二来,那棵魔神植在先前那一战中也吃了亏,受了伤,警惕心变强,行事也变得神出鬼没,异常狡猾。” I go to its beforehand lair to investigate, discovered that it has moved from there. Later, I try to investigate, once discovered several times its whereabouts, wants to stop up it, was actually evaded by it.” “我去它之前的巢穴探查过,发现它已经搬离了那里。之后,我设法探查,曾经数次发现了它的行踪,想将其堵住,却都被它躲过了。” Wang Shouzhe brow slightly wrinkle. 王守哲眉头微皱。 Without thinking of that Demon God plants is very sly , really can look for Anye to come to search together? 没想到那株魔神植还挺狡猾的,难道,真的要找安业过来一起搜索? At this time, the great wild goose also mentioned another matter: In addition, recently my sensation, in a Ancient God battlefield hazardous environment, presented a unstable domain slit, felt that also had anything to rush. But the opposite party seems vigilant, when my past examination, the opposite party has disappeared does not see.” 此时,鸿又提及了另外一件事情:“此外,最近我感知到,古神战场一处危险环境中,又出现了一处不稳定的界域缝隙,感觉又有什么东西闯进来了。但对方似乎很警觉,等我过去查看时,对方已经消失不见。” I need for a long time the guarding gate, does not dare to leave arbitrarily is too long. Shouzhe you send people to pay attention much.” “我需要长期驻守界门,不敢擅自离开太久。守哲你派人多多留意一下。” Although the domain channel lived by the gate seal, because of existence of domain channel, this surrounding space is unstable, often will present some unstable domain slit. 界域通道虽然被界门封印住了,但因着界域通道的存在,这周围的空间并不稳定,时常会出现一些不稳定的界域缝隙。 After a considerable period of time, will have some different world lifeform to flee in all directions unavoidably through the domain slit. These different world demon creature in Ancient God battlefield come. 天长日久之下,难免会有一些异界生物通过界域缝隙流窜过来。古神战场上的那些异世界魔物就是这么来的。 Is good because, these domain slits are unstable, too strong or the too weak lifeform is unable from passes, the powerhouse of Lord rank cannot come, overall also in controllable range. 好在,这些界域缝隙并不稳定,太强或者太弱的生物都无法从其中通过,界主级别的强者更是过不来,总体还在可控范围内。 Wang Shouzhe nods to comply: Does not have the issue. Currently the advanced base of Ancient God battlefield has three Immortal Emperor to be stationed medium and long-term. My this after past, request three Immortal Emperor pay attention much.” 王守哲颔首答应下来:“没问题。目前古神战场的前进基地中长期有三位仙帝驻扎。我这次过去后,就委托三位仙帝多多留意。” ****** ****** Same time. 同一时间段。 Ancient God battlefield. 古神战场。 A stretch of distance advanced base is far, map labelling for the space of third-level risk area. 一片距离前进基地较远,地图标注为三级危险区域的空间之中。 Is sending out the yellow and black ray all over the body, still resembles is covering a layer upon layer diamond rock crosses the boat void, peacefully roaming drag in this region. 一艘通体散发着玄黄光芒,犹似覆盖着一层层金刚岩石的虚空渡舟,正安静地在这片区域内游曳。 This crosses the boat, World of Immortals famous divine level crosses of boats Heavy mountain Shenzhou. 这艘渡舟,正是仙界大名鼎鼎的神级渡舟之一【重岳神舟】。 At present the World of Immortals item refining craft, and deficiencies of various divine level materials, can produce at most 【A level crosses boat. 以目前仙界炼器工艺,以及各种神级材料的匮乏,至多也就是能生产【道级渡舟】。 Even so, is not every Chaos Origin Boundary cultivator can have Dao Boat, only then some relatively wealthy Dao Lord and influence, have the ample force to provide for Dao Boat. 但即便如此,也不是每个混元境修士都能拥有道舟,只有一些相对富裕的道主和势力,才有余力供养道舟 For example Absolute Beginning Dao Palace, has one Absolute Beginning Dao Boat. 例如太初道宫,就拥有一艘【太初道舟】。 This is because Dao Boat needs to consume massive spirit stone during use, usually also needs to conduct maintains daily, if in the hand the fund is not very abundant, raises the expenditure of Dao Boat to become a serious burden. 这是因为道舟在使用过程中需要消耗大量灵石,平时还需要进行日常养护,若是手中资金不够充裕,养道舟的开支会成为一个沉重的负担。 But Shenzhou, although the refinement method has not been lost, but, too for a long time too long has not refined for various reasons. 而神舟,虽然炼制方法并没有失传,但由于种种原因,已经太久太久没有炼制过了。 Present World of Immortals, as long as related to Shenzhou, was the major top influences inherits to come from the ancient times . Moreover the volume was not big, mostly was similar to the form of shuttle boat. 如今的仙界,但凡涉及到神舟,都是各大顶尖势力从古代继承而来,而且体积都不算大,大多都是类似于穿梭舟的形式。 This heavy mountain Shenzhou, is Shenzhou that the Wu Yue temple is the continuation. 这艘重岳神舟,便是武岳神殿代代相传的神舟。 At this moment. 此刻。 Bridge ship position of heavy mountain Shenzhou. 重岳神舟的桥舰位置。 Approximately two people is high, seems the tree that carves by the colored colored glaze becomes to stretch the branches and leaves, the graceful treasure light (Baoguang) lingering whole body, during the branches and leaves collisions sends out intermittently just like the jade collision dingdong resounding. 一棵大约两人多高,好似由彩色琉璃雕琢而成的树正舒展着枝叶,盈盈宝光萦绕周身,枝叶碰撞间发出阵阵宛如玉石碰撞般的“叮当”脆响。 By the slit of branches and leaves, can see indistinctly, different color fruits, are growing among the branches and leaves fast, expands rapidly. 透过枝叶的缝隙,可以隐约看到,一枚枚不同颜色的果实,正在枝叶间飞快生长,迅速膨大。 Under the tree, Wang Anye of elegant bearing white clothing Young Master appearance is sitting on the comfortable direction chair, sweeps these fruits once for a while, while is bored to death and tree is chatting: Baocai, what is your dream?” 树下,一袭风度翩翩白衣公子模样的王安业正坐在舒适的指挥椅上,一边时不时扫一眼那些果实,一边百无聊赖地和树聊着天:“宝财,你的梦想是什么?” Dream?” “梦想?” Mentioned by name Seven Colored Colored Glaze Treasure Gathering Tree Wang Baocai shook the tree trunk, more than ten fruits were exposed immediately in the place. 被点名的七彩琉璃聚宝树王宝财抖了抖树身,十多颗果子顿时被抖落在地。 Does not wait for the person to pick, the peel of these fruits then split, tumbled out something from inside Gulu. 不等人捡拾,那些果子的果皮便自行裂开,从里面咕噜噜的滚出了一些东西。 These thing very heterogeneous, some rays are dim, looks on no value, but also some seems like treasure light (Baoguang) to be graceful, not common grade. 那些“东西”十分驳杂,有些光芒黯淡,一看就没什么价值,但也有一些看起来宝光盈盈,不似凡品 For example, the chaos spirit ore of including fist size, approximately may truncate slivers 78 to mix the spirit appearance. 譬如,其中有一颗拳头般大小的混沌灵矿,大约可削切成七八枚混灵的模样。 A lance point of section of disruption, the lance point hot glow is swift and fierce, looks is some beginning of the universe dao item fragment. 还有一截碎裂的枪尖,枪尖火芒凌厉,一看就是某件混元道器的碎片。 A scrap black wood/blockhead, the wood/blockhead luster is quite deep, is sending out the suffocating pressure indistinctly. 还有一小块黑色的木头,木头色泽极为深沉,隐隐约约散发着令人窒息的威压。 This chapter had not ended, please the click next page continue to read! 这章没有结束,请点击下一页继续阅读! Anye Great Grandfather, my dream is treasure that every day has unable to pick.” The Wang Baocai sound is lively, in the tone is passing the stock obvious joyfulness. 安业太爷爷,我的梦想就是每天都有捡不完的宝物。”王宝财声音轻快,语气中透着股显而易见的愉悦。 Since Divine Martial Heavenly Ruin was levelled, he has not cleaned up trash for a long time. Although in Endless Heaven Abyss also some treasure, but inside space is too big, the treasure density is too low, absolutely does not have the sense of achievement of present. 自从神武天墟被填平之后,他就好久没这么捡过“垃圾”了。无尽天渊里虽然也有一些宝物,但里面空间太大,宝物密度太低,完全没有眼下的这种成就感。 Looks these treasure that in the fruit starts out, he felt oneself was thick truthfully the qualitative Good luck in making money, As if increased one section. 看着果实中开出的这些宝物,他就感觉自己本就浓如实质的【财气】,仿佛又增加了一截。 During the speeches, he lets fall just like the branch that the colored glaze carved, pokes not far away to depend on the wall, raises good-looking youth who the basket is in a daze. 说话间,他宛如琉璃雕琢的树枝垂落,戳了戳不远处正靠着墙壁,提着篮子发呆的俊俏青年。 Small porch, small porch are you staring doing? Picked up ~ ~ saying that a bit faster to me treasure picked anything.” “小轩子,小轩子你愣着干什么?快点把宝物都捡起了~~给我说说都捡了什么。” Came, came.” “来了,来了。” Wang Yinxuan recovers, holds the basket to go forward worn out, ground that each article or treasure, or the thing of trash straightened up, appraisal while worn out singing sound. 王寅轩回过神来,有气无力地提着篮子上前,将地上那一件件或是宝物,或是垃圾的东西都拾掇了起来,一边鉴定一边有气无力的唱声。 Say/Way level storage ring of breakage.” “破损的道级储物戒一枚。” Source of condensed god.” “凝聚的众神之源一丝。” Doubtful Rainbow Garments Dao Clothes fragment arrange/cloth.” “疑似霓裳道衣的碎片布一块。” Chaos spirit ore.” “混沌灵矿一块。” Chaos spirit ore two!” “混沌灵矿两块!” Well? Complete Demon Race Great Commander crystal core.” “咦?完整的魔族大统领晶核一枚。” ...... …… These things, if fell in the ordinary development team hand, even if only one, were the huge harvest that was worth congratulating. 这些东西,若是落在了普通开拓队手中,哪怕仅有一件,都是值得庆贺的大丰收。 Time from the beginning, facing this valuable everywhere trash, Wang Yinxuan is also quite excited and excited. 一开始的时候,面对这满地的值钱“垃圾”,王寅轩也是相当兴奋和激动的。 He is tidying up each trash beamingly and buoyant, depends on the system to appraise its origin and value, the feeling overflowing full chest of getting rich. 他神采奕奕的收拾着每一件垃圾,靠着系统鉴定其来历和价值,发财的感觉溢满胸膛。 Cleans up the trash to get rich, the efficiency or interest, far exceed his system. 捡垃圾发财,无论是效率还是趣味度,都远超他的系统。 May be short a half year of time, he from excitedly becomes numb, again from numbly becomes bored, finally from turns into the feeling of the present quickly feeling nauseated bored. 可不过是短短半年时光,他就从兴奋变得麻木,再从麻木变得无聊,最后更是从无聊变成了如今快要吐的感觉。 But Treasure Gathering Tree Wang Baocai actually always enjoys, regardless of cleans up how much trash, as is always remaining the positive open optimism. 但偏偏聚宝树王宝财却对此始终乐此不疲,无论捡多少垃圾,都一如既往的保持着乐观积极开朗的情绪。 Naturally, depending on Treasure Gathering Tree, he definitely cannot achieve this degree. 当然,光凭聚宝树,他肯定是做不到这种程度的。 Only then Wang Anye operates the blind box in the one side help, can greatly enhance delivers. 只有王安业在一旁帮忙开盲盒,才能大幅度提高产出。 Now the Wang Anye learned is also loaf, but condenses that moment of ingestion in Treasure Gathering Tree, he hand gives the destiny according to the tree trunk. 只是现在王安业也学会偷懒了,只是在聚宝树凝聚摄取的那一刻,他才手按树干赋予气运。 As for following, all lost to Wang Yinxuan processing simply. 至于后续,干脆全丢给王寅轩处理了。 At this time. 此时。 Listens to Wang Yinxuan to sing the report, Wang Baocai is even more excited, the mouth continuously to shout got rich got rich, simultaneously has not forgotten to closely examine Wang Anye curiously: Anye Great Grandfather, what is your dream?” 听着王寅轩唱报,王宝财愈发兴奋,嘴里不住喊着“发财了发财了”,同时还没忘了好奇地追问王安业:“安业太爷爷,您的梦想是什么?” My dream?” “我的梦想?” Wang Anye hearing this, the pupil light somewhat is suddenly vacant. 王安业闻言,眸光忽而有些茫然。 When he remembered the oneself youngster, goes to the group hero to uphold justice everywhere, when youngster, saw that the sea sunrise palpitates understandingly, comprehends sword intent. 他想起了自己少年之时,到处去行侠仗义,少年之时,看到大海日出就会心有悸动,领悟出剑意 These palpitate, with passing of Years, as on the shoulder the heavy responsibility rampart is heavier, had been worn down little completely. 只是这些悸动,随着岁月的流逝,随着肩膀上沉甸甸的责任越垒越重,已经一点点被消磨殆尽。 Long time later, Wang Anye spat foul air: My dream is the world peace, vainly hoped for that this Ancient God battlefield, is finally together garbage dump that I pick, after this, did not need to clean up the trash again.” 良久之后,王安业才吐了一口浊气:“我的梦想是世界和平,也梦想这古神战场,是我捡的最后一块垃圾场,从此之后,不用再捡垃圾了。” Wang Baocai did not understand very much. 王宝财对此很不理解。 In this world, how won't some people like cleaning up the trash? 这世上,怎么会有人不喜欢捡垃圾呢? He twisted the tree neck to think good long while, has not pondered over to understand, poked Wang Yinxuan simply: Small porch, what is your dream?” 他拧着树脖子想了好半天,也没琢磨明白,索性戳了戳王寅轩:“小轩子,你的梦想是什么?” Wang Yinxuan takes inventory numbly this wave of harvest, drawing in according to groups in nearby valuable box, hearing this actually fell into the thinking. 王寅轩麻木地将这一波的收获清点完毕,分门别类的收拢在一旁的宝箱内,闻言却是陷入了思索。 My dream? According to truth, I as the clan successor, and has the system, my dream should saves clan, powerful clan, and saves entire world while convenient.” “我的梦想?按照道理,我身为家族继承人,并且身怀系统,我的梦想应该是拯救家族,强大家族,并且顺带拯救全世界。” But...... in Ancestral Grandfather and family/home the elders, completed...... Wang Yinxuan to say these is saying, the expression became depressed, this made me ponder some philosophical questions. Significance that I have where? What is my mission?” “但是……老祖爷爷和家里长辈们,把这些都做完了……”王寅轩说着说着,表情就变得苦闷起来,“这让我不禁思考起一些哲学问题。我存在的意义在哪里?我的使命又是什么?” He finishes speaking. 他话音刚落。 Hears a female voice of pleasant to hear to resound in not far away: The significance that you have is living to the old lady well, little tosses about some not to have. Your mission is to hurry to marry a wife, is old and small, is wealthy and poor, attractive or is unattractive, what is casual good. Then hurries to give me to live a grandson, is passed from generation to generation for your Old Wang eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein.” 就听得一个好听的女子声音在不远处响起:“你存在的意义是给老娘好好活着,少折腾那些有的没的。你的使命是赶紧娶个老婆,年纪大和小,富裕和贫穷,漂亮或不漂亮,随便什么样的都行。然后赶紧给我生个孙子,替你老王家嫡长脉传宗接代。” Wang Yinxuan hearing this shrank the neck, actually a character does not dare to refute obstinately. 王寅轩闻言缩了缩脖子,却愣是一个字都没敢反驳。 This sound he may be too familiar, is on his my mother the Sir. 这声音他可太熟悉了,正是他家母上大人。 During the speeches, Linglong Princess had entered in the bridge. 说话间,玲珑公主已经走进了舰桥内。 Because situated in the Ancient God battlefield, is possibly facing the fight at any time, she has not worn usually these complicated magnificent women's clothing, but is sturdy clothes, the outermost wrapped silver soft armor, lining her physique is beautiful, valiant. 因着处于古神战场之中,随时可能面临战斗,她并没有穿平时那些繁复华丽的衣裙,而是一身劲装,最外面套了件银色软甲,衬得她身姿婀娜,英姿飒爽。 After ill-humored daily dirtied son several, she showed the gentle and respectful smile to Wang Anye and Wang Baocai: Anye Old Ancestor, Baocai Grandfather, this arrived at the meals and snacks, we rest today, hurry first to eat meal.” 没好气的日常埋汰了儿子几句后,她对着王安业王宝财露出了温柔而恭敬的笑容:“安业老祖,宝财爷爷,这都到饭点了,咱们今天就歇一歇,赶紧先吃饭吧。” Properly speaking, Linglong Princess Husband is Wang Youyue, is only smaller than Baocai a generation. However when according to the this world aristocratic family custom, after the female gets married obeys the husband, calls the husband's household member, the rank that usually following son said. 按理说,玲珑公主夫君王宥岳,仅比宝财小一辈。不过按照这方世界世家的规矩,女子出嫁从夫后,称呼夫家成员时,通常都是跟着儿子的辈分叫的。 Therefore, when Liu Ruolan called the Wang Shouzhe brothers, generally was name uncle, but when name Wang Shouzhe sisters, was sister-in-law/little aunt or aunt. 因此,柳若蓝称呼王守哲的兄弟们时,一般都是称呼“叔叔”,而称呼王守哲姐妹时,都是“小姑”或“大姑”。 Under greeting of Linglong Princess , quick, everyone gathered in the restaurant, Seven Colored Colored Glaze Treasure Gathering Tree Wang Baocai also changed into the person, went to the restaurant together. 玲珑公主的招呼下,很快,大家伙儿就都聚到了餐厅内,就连七彩琉璃聚宝树王宝财也化为人身,一块儿去了餐厅。 This little section has not ended, please the click next page continue to read the following splendid content! 本小章还未完,请点击下一页继续阅读后面精彩内容! Today on own initiative what goes to the kitchen is Wang Youyue. What as main food was one just caught wild 17th Stage that Void Kun whale. 今天主动下厨的是王宥岳。作为主要食材的是一头刚捕获的野生十七阶【虚空鲲鲸】。 Properly speaking, in the Kun achievement the Ancient God Kun bloodline descendant, the intelligence quotient is not low, even if dyed void whale bloodline mixed, intelligence also this/should good. 按理说,鲲作为上古神血脉后裔,智商并不低,哪怕是杂染了虚空鲸血脉,智力也该不错。 However this void Kun whale, does not know that is never and civilized world has contacted, or was too big in Ancient God battlefield such environment bad place survival pressure, comes up on crazy attack heavy mountain Shenzhou, is unable to communicate and negotiate, full is the unruly fierce wild nature. 但是这头虚空鲲鲸,不知道是不是从未和文明世界接触过,亦或是在古神战场这样环境恶劣的地方生存压力太大了,一上来就疯狂的进攻重岳神舟,无法沟通和谈判,满满都是桀骜凶猛的野性。 Therefore, everyone can only give up subduing it, goes back to take to the idea of Zongkun training, has been achieved the half step supreme rank Queen of Pain to intend him to kill by the strength, received small world that carried along with the ship, acts to store up grain. 因此,大家伙儿只能放弃将它收服,回去带给宗鲲调教的想法,由实力已经达到半步至尊级别的痛苦女王出手将其打死,收入了随船携带的小世界中,充当储备粮食。 The Kun whale fat is plentiful, after cutting the next bulk, places in the dao item level oven slightly to roast, is the fat overflows fragrant, after scattering some salts and spices, is the excellent delicacy. 鲲鲸油脂丰满,切下一大块后,放在道器级烤炉内稍稍一烤,便是脂香四溢,撒上些盐和香料后,便是绝佳美味。 The whole families the table, are having a ninth grade rice, is eating the Kun whale meat, assists by some spirit vegetable again, the taste is full. 一家人就着餐桌,吃着九品道米饭,吃着鲲鲸肉,再佐以一些灵蔬,滋味满满。 However, everyone strength is different, appetite size naturally also different. 不过,大家实力不同,胃口大小自然也不同。 And Queen of Pain eats many, almost got rid of half of complete food. But Wang Yinxuan actually performance the appetite of average person was likely ordinary, eats several to eat motionless. This is in food the reason of energy extremely full. 其中痛苦女王吃得最多,几乎干掉了全部食物的一半。而王寅轩却表现的像个普通人的食量一般,吃几口就吃不动了。这是食物中能量太过充盈的缘故。 After the food . 饭后。 Wang Yinxuan helps tidy up the table and bowl on own initiative has. 王寅轩主动帮忙收拾餐桌和碗具。 this time goes out makes dangerous mission, therefore has not led what servant, anything is the family members is assigning doing. 这一次出门是做危险任务的,因此没带什么仆役,什么事情都是家人们分配着干。 But other elders, then makes pot tea, starts to drink tea the digestion. 而其他长辈,则是煮上一壶茶,开始喝茶消食。 this time mission is Wang Youyue meets, the goal is to come the Ancient God battlefield strolls everywhere, can look meet that two tenth stage Demon God to plant, completes clan and system double material mission. 这一次任务王宥岳接的,目的是来古神战场四处逛逛,看看能不能遇到那棵二十阶魔神植,完成一下家族和系统双料任务 However, they do not dare to rush to the distance advanced base too far place. 不过,他们并不敢跑到距离前进基地太远的地方。 In the current range, once encounters the danger, three in advanced base take turns on duty Immortal Emperor to support promptly, even if really met that two tenth stage Demon God to plant did not fear, but if were far, that was a different matter. 在目前的范围内,一旦遭遇到危险,前进基地中的三位轮值仙帝可以及时进行支援,就算真遇上了那棵二十阶魔神植也不怕,但若是远了,那就是另外一回事了。 As for inviting Wang Anye and Wang Baocai forms a team together, that is also the idea of Wang Youyue. 至于请王安业王宝财一起组队,那也是王宥岳的主意。 After all, Anye Old Ancestor, but in clan recognized destiny his father, has Anye Old Ancestor in the words, found the possibility that two tenth stage Demon God plant the clue mostly. 毕竟,安业老祖可是族内公认的“气运他爹”,有安业老祖在的话,找到二十阶魔神植线索的可能性就大多了。 Moreover Anye Old Ancestor also excels at the trapped/sleepy enemy and sword array, the overall strength is not bad compared with Queen of Pain white jade red clouds. 而且安业老祖还擅长困敌和剑阵,整体战力比起痛苦女王白玉霞都不差。 In everyone chatted. 就在大家聊天之时。 Suddenly, heavy mountain Shenzhou item spirit reminded: Fleet entered the reconnaissance scope. However the opposite party fleet has marking of advanced base, should be the oneself person.” 忽而,重岳神舟器灵提醒道:“有一支舰队进入了侦查范围。不过对方舰队有前进基地的标识,应该是自己人。” oneself person? Relates, who look is.” 自己人?联系一下,看看是谁。” The Wang Youyue spirit buoys up slightly. 王宥岳精神微微一振作。 Here is the third-level risk area, the commonplace development team does not have the qualifications to come, can come, mostly is various Highway God child Divine Maiden, team that or the Wang Clan clansman organizes. 这里是三级危险区域,等闲开拓队是没有资格前来的,能来的,多半都是各路神子神女,或是王氏族人组织的队伍。 Shenzhou item spirit receives an order with the opposite party communicates. 神舟器灵领命与对方沟通。 Quick, the item spirit sound resounds again: Is the Cloud Soaring Dao Palace development team. Young Lady Wang Liyao requested and us talks over the telephone.” 很快,器灵的声音就再次响起:“是凌云道宫的开拓队。王璃瑶小姐请求和咱们通话。” Is Liyao Old Ancestor!” “是璃瑶老祖!” Wang Youyue and Wang Yinxuan and the others stood all of a sudden. 王宥岳王寅轩等人都一下子站了起来。 Then even Wang Anye, in the eye pupil revealed the color of pleasant surprise: Has not thought that big Ancient God battlefield exploration region, we can also meet Grandaunt Liyao.” 便是连王安业,眼眸中都露出了惊喜之色:“没想到偌大的古神战场探索区域,咱们还能遇到璃瑶姑奶奶。” Quick, both sides on having contact. 很快,双方就取得了联系。 In the communication knew, Grandaunt Liyao is following beginning of the universe Dao Water and relation induction of Ancient God mang, traced to search for here. 沟通中得知,璃瑶姑奶奶是跟着混元道水古神娏的联系感应,一路追踪搜寻到了这边。 Then, two teams are not accidental/surprised, starts to merge to form a team. 然后,两支队伍毫无意外的,开始合并组队。 ****** ****** Meanwhile. 同时。 Nearby energy wild Heavenly Lake. 一处能量狂暴的天湖附近。 A semblance is the aquamarine, the contour still resembles a tree, seems like quite somewhat strange Shenzhou, is changing to the light rainbow to go all out to run away together. 一艘外表呈碧绿色,外形犹似一棵树,看起来颇有些古怪的神舟,正化作一道光虹拼命逃遁。 But it not far away, closely is decorating one group of black great shades behind. 而其身后不远处,正紧紧缀着一团黑色的巨影。 That black great shadow covered the rear area of tree Shenzhou, is pursuing Shenzhou, prevented its all escape routes, seeming like was actually at a moderate pace, seemed is experiences the hunter of old say/way to be the same, locked the prey, is actually not killing it anxiously. 那黑色巨影笼罩住了树状神舟的后方,追逐着神舟,阻挡住了它一切的退路,看起来却是不紧不慢,就好似是经验老道的猎人一般,锁定了猎物,却并不急着将其杀死。 Carefully looked that black great shadow contour looked like a giant spheroid, the spheroid surface extends the innumerable vine tentacles, dragged in void high-profile, is sending out billowing demon might, the seemingly ominous offense was incomparable. 仔细一看,那黑色的巨影外形酷似一个巨大的球体,球体表面延伸出了无数藤蔓般的触手,在虚空中张扬摇曳,散发着滔天魔威,看起来凶戾无比。 During the chases, in the black great shadow was to send out the tyrannical incomparable thought fluctuation, welled up toward that tree Shenzhou in: Escaping ~ you continue to escape ~ front that group of Heavenly Lake energies are wild, after you go, how long cannot keep.” 追逐间,黑色巨影之中更是散发出了强横无比的意念波动,朝着那树状神舟之中涌去:“逃啊~你继续逃啊~前面那一团天湖能量狂暴,你进去后根本藏不住多久。” In fact, if it whole-heartedly, opposite that Shenzhou that has the foreign land world aura cannot escape is so far. 实际上,它若是全力以赴的话,对面那艘带有异域世界气息的神舟根本逃不出这么远。 However, in its heart has the deep scruples, was worried about oneself, once the movement is too big, might bring to the attention of that terrifying old monster, when the time comes was big on the trouble. 不过,它心中却有着深深的顾忌,担心自己一旦动作太大,就有可能会引起那个恐怖老怪物的注意,到时候就麻烦大了。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Tree Shenzhou bridge ship place. 树状神舟桥舰处。 One crowd is slender, grows the humanoid lifeform of sharp ear to feel thought fluctuation that outside transmits, the one after another complexion becomes is not quite attractive. 一群身材修长,长着尖尖耳朵的类人型生物感觉到外面传来的意念波动,一个个脸色都变得不太好看。 They look to a middle kind of person female, with one type clear delightful, the voice intonation actually says with the Immortal Spirit entirely different language. 他们纷纷看向中间的一位类人女子,用一种清脆悦耳,语音语调却与仙灵界截然不同的语言开口说道。 Your Highness Princess, we cannot enter in that group wild Heavenly Lake. We go out to block that fearful monster, you seize the chance to hurry to run away!” 公主殿下,我们不能进入那团狂暴的天湖中。我们出去拦住那头可怕怪物,您趁机赶紧逃走!” Was encircled by the same clan in the central kind of person female facial features is beautiful, fine like picture, silver-gray beautiful hair hangs loose on the shoulder, beautiful does not result in this world. 被同族们围在中央的类人女子眉眼秀丽,精致如画,一头银灰色的秀发披散在肩膀上,美得不似凡尘。 The armor that on her puts on is also fine gorgeous, is ordinary just like the artware. 就连她身上穿的铠甲也是精致华美,宛如艺术品一般。 The young lord, behind this chapter also has, please the click next page continue to read, behind is more splendid! 小主,这个章节后面还有哦,请点击下一页继续阅读,后面更精彩! That carefully designed curve is graceful, gently beautiful, shows incisively her figure advantage, appearing the beautiful leg is slender, after first is raised curls upwards, the stature is exceptionally irritable. 那经过精心设计的曲线优雅,柔美,将她的身形优势展现得淋漓尽致,显得美腿修长,前凸后翘,身材异常火爆。 Actually let the person not make clear this for the armor of protecting oneself, for decorating own ornament. 让人搞不清楚这究竟是用于护身的铠甲,还是一件用于修饰自身的装饰品。 So vivid, if there is a Wang Clan clansman to present, will decide will be startled. 如此形象,若是有王氏族人在场,定会大吃一惊。 Because of the appearance and makings of this female, has 67 to be an excellent likeness with clan item spirit Little Xue unexpectedly, but the stature proportion does not have Little Xue to be like that exaggerating. 因为这女子的长相和气质,竟与家族器灵小雪有六七分神似,只是身材比例没有小雪那般夸张。 Her complexion is solemn, puts out the sound of syllable is clear and gently beautiful: Our homelands had been thoroughly destroyed by the Heavenly Monster control, the great father sovereign also to protect us died in battle void. You are my final clansman, is our clan final hope!” 她面色冷峻,吐出音节的声音却是清脆而柔美:“我们的家园已经被天妖主宰彻底摧毁,伟大的父皇也已经为了守护我们而战死虚空。你们已经是我最后的族人,是我们一族最后的希望!” My inspiration told me, in that woof berserk Heavenly Lake, as if had aura that can prevent that monster.” “我的灵感告诉我,那一汪狂暴天湖中,似乎有可以阻挡那头怪物的气息。” As her decision falls. 随着她的决定落下。 Tree Shenzhou threw into wild Heavenly Lake. 树状神舟一头扎进了狂暴天湖之中。 Suddenly, in that wild Heavenly Lake bloomed a deep blue radiant ray, a vast and powerful aura ascension, prevented that whisker monster figure. 忽而,那狂暴天湖之中绽放出了一道湛蓝色的璀璨光芒,一股浩瀚而强大的气息升腾而起,阻挡住了那触须怪物的身形。 Whisker monster first stares, but is wild with joy at once. 触须怪物先是一愣,可旋即却狂喜起来。 Quite pure, good huge energy! 好精纯,好庞大的能量! If it can absorb this energy, in addition swallows to absorb that tree Shenzhou, the strength can definitely rise dramatically one to plan in a big way. 如果它能吸收这股能量,再加上吞噬吸收那树状神舟,实力肯定能飙升一大筹。 When the time comes, when meets that hateful human form old monster again, who punches who did not say! 到时候,再遇到那个可恶的人形老怪物时,谁揍谁就不好说了! The whisker monster feeling today was the oneself lucky day, probably originally only then a beautiful woman surrendered, finally turned into two all of a sudden! 触须怪物感觉今天就是自己的幸运日,就好像本就只有一个美女投怀送抱,结果一下子变成了两个 In a twinkling, whisker monster was more excited, like seaweed that one group of whiskers jump. 霎时间,触须怪物更加兴奋了,如同一团触须跳跃的海藻。 ...... ……
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