POP :: Volume #8

#141: Saves world! From has the kid to start

Chapter 1087 第1087章 Saves world! From has the kid to start 拯救世界!从多生娃开始 ...... …… Wang Shouzhe and remote antiquity Immortal Emperor and present age great wild goose, three people sits in the same place, is drinking tea, is chatting, unknowingly then listened to Hong to talk about some Immortal Spirit history. 王守哲、太上仙帝以及当代鸿,三人坐在一块,喝着茶,聊着天,不知不觉便听鸿讲起了一些仙灵界的历史。 Naturally, mainly said to the Wang Shouzhe hear, these content remote antiquity Immortal Emperor several hundred thousand years have listened early. 当然,主要是讲给王守哲听,这些内容太上仙帝早几十万年就已经听过了。 Before first Immortal and Demon War, almost does not have the time concept.” Thin old man Great wild goose The tone vicissitudes relax, at that time, these Ancient God of our Immortal Spirit also compared the dwelling, the main life region is Heavenly Origin First Water and periphery.” “在第一次仙魔大战之前,几乎没有时间概念。”消瘦老者【鸿】的语气沧桑而舒缓,“那时候,咱们仙灵界的那些古神们也比较宅,主要生活区域就是天元始海以及周边。” Here Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) spirit qi full, has many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, new Ancient God that and powerful life, in addition, among heaven and earth naturally breeds over time were getting fewer and fewer, pours also reached a unique balance.” “这里先天灵气充盈,有着诸多的天材地宝,以及强大的生灵,再加上随着时间的流逝,天地间自然孕育出的新古神越来越少,倒也达成了一种独特的平衡。” „The Ancient God plate, was at that time in many Ancient God most powerful one, occupies most is approaching the spirit qi richest place of gate. Naturally, at that time here did not have the gate, some are only inexhaustible, thick as thick as pinnacle the sea of energy.” 古神盘,就是当时诸多古神中最强大的一个,占据着最靠近界门的这一块灵气最浓郁之地。当然,那时候这里还没有界门,有的只是无穷无尽,浓稠到极致的能量之海。” Wang Shouzhe hears to concentrate on. 王守哲听得专注。 The Ancient God time distance now is too remote, about that time record, only then few, he knows is also very limited. 古神的时代距离现在实在太遥远了,关于那时的记载只有寥寥几笔,他所知也十分有限。 It is said that ancient Divine Capital of that time is raises inborn, is naturally pregnant to live, is powerful because of the source, the life also often inundates looks to be fearful, is the inborn immortal plants, is entirely different from human of short life. 据说,那个时代的古神都是天生地养,自然孕生而出,因本源强大无比,寿元也往往漫长得可怕,都是天生的长生种,跟短寿的人类截然不同。 Even if imagines at will, he can also feel to leave, that should be hundred clans stands in great numbers, time of all flowers blooming together. 哪怕只是这么随意想象一下,他也能感觉出,那应该是一个百族林立,百花齐放的时代。 Such peaceful gentle atmosphere, has continued first Immortal and Demon War. At that time, ancient Demon Race in endless and huge domain Kong Jian (Space), discovered our Immortal Spirit, a ferocious war broke out.” “这样安宁平和的氛围,一直持续到了第一次仙魔大战。那时候,古魔族们在无尽而庞大的界域空间中,发现了咱们仙灵界,一场激烈的战争就此爆发。” War starts to handle to guard, then Ancient God were suffering many from the beginning. Is good because of the place of this distance gate recent core, is the domain of Ancient God plate, he first responded, blocked most powerhouse in ancient Demon Race depending on one's effort, this gave Ancient God other response times.” “战争开始得措不及防,当时的古神们在一开始吃了不少的亏。好在这片距离界门最近的核心之地,乃是古神盘的地盘,他第一时间反应了过来,凭一己之力挡住了古魔族中的最强者,这才给了其他古神反应的时间。” Later, scattered in Heavenly Origin First Water regional Ancient God, and powerful lives receive the Demon Race team that scatters to invade, responded, organized the allied armies under leadership of Ancient God plate, started to meet the approaching enemy ancient Demon Race in Heavenly Origin First Water.” “之后,原本散落在天元始海各地的古神,以及强大生灵们受到散落的魔族队伍侵扰,也纷纷反应了过来,在古神盘的率领下组织起了联军,开始在天元始海中迎击古魔族。” That war hits is the earth-shattering, the livelihood does not have the light, many Ancient God and powerful lives therefore fall from the sky, is very frigid, but a Ancient God side had the home advantage eventually, finally won the war. The Demon Race rout, the army returned to endless domain world.” “那场战争打得是天崩地裂,日月无光,许许多多的古神和强大生灵因此而陨落,十分惨烈,但终究还是古神一方占据了主场优势,最终赢下了战争。魔族溃败,大军逃回了无尽的界域世界之中。” However the Ancient God plate is also on the verge of death to fall from the sky in this war, the body changes to the gate, sealed up our Immortal Spirit foreign Kong Jian (Space) channel.” “而古神盘在这一战中也是濒死陨落,身体化作界门,封住了咱们仙灵界对外的空间通道。” War, although hard victory, Heavenly Origin First Water that but as the price, Ancient God is born and raised here also thorough disintegration under terrifying energy impact, during many fragment unceasingly outward diffusions, fluttering endless were void to Immortal Spirit, formed Heavenly Lake. But these Heavenly Lake also outlined spreads Heavenly River that wound to past, gradually bred one after another world and civilization.” “战争虽然惨胜,但作为代价,古神们生于斯长于斯的天元始海也在恐怖的能量冲击下彻底崩碎,很多碎片不断向外扩散,飘向了仙灵界无尽虚空之中,形成了一片又一片的天湖。而那些天湖也勾勒蔓延出了一条条蜿蜒流转的天河,逐渐孕育出了一个又一个的世界和文明。” Naturally, this time Heavenly Origin First Water remains as before a lot of energy substances. They fall in torrents outward at the same time, changing to three was huge and boundless, and ancient source Heavenly River that as if will never cease, and they are Ancient Deep Pool Heavenly River, Ancient Huai Heavenly River, And Gulung Heavenly River.” “当然,此时的天元始海依旧残留着大量的能量物质。它们向外倾泻的同时,化作了三条巨大而磅礴,且似乎永不停息的古老源头天河,分别是【古渊天河】、【古淮天河】、以及【古洛天河】。” However also this ancient three big Heavenly River, breeds the embryonic form of present World of Immortals environment, establishes condition that our Immortal Clan was born.” “而也正是这古老的三大天河,孕育出了现在仙界环境的雏形,奠定了咱们仙族诞生的条件。” At this point, Great wild goose Slightly makes paused, hints Wang Shouzhe to continue to pour tea. 说到这里,【鸿】略作停顿了一下,示意王守哲继续斟茶。 Wang Shouzhe attitude respectful pours out to serve tea, then asked with a smile: I heard that our Immortal Clan is Ancient God Wa The creation, does not know whether is true?” 王守哲态度恭敬的斟上茶,而后笑着问道:“我听说咱们仙族是【古神娲】创造,不知是否属实?” Creates not completely, should be training.” Great wild goose satisfied is sipping the tea, as if probably turned on a record player said generally, Ancient God Wa is next to one of the Ancient God plate powerful Ancient God, with the modern general standard, should be two tenth stage peaks exists. Present I, whose do not dare to mediate her to compare who even to be weak.” “也不完全是创造,应该算是培养。”鸿满意的呷着茶,仿佛像是被打开了话匣子一般道,“古神娲是仅次于古神盘的强大古神之一,用现代通用标准来说,应该是二十阶巅峰存在。唔,就算是现在的我,也不敢说和她比起来孰强孰弱。” She saw after the Ancient God plate falls from the sky, changed to the gate, in the heart the anxiety, was worried about Demon Race, if some day stages a comeback, World of Immortals is incapable of driving out them again. Therefore, she collected the sources of lots of god, and by species that a Immortal Spirit it has Ancient Human Race For the foundation, takes own bloodline strength as to direct, breeding trained first-generation Immortal Clan.” “她见到古神盘陨落后化作了界门,心中忧虑,担心魔族若是有朝一日卷土重来,仙界无力再将他们驱除。因此,她搜集了大量众神之源,并以仙灵界一种本身存在的物种【古人族】为基础,以自身血脉力量为引,孕育培养出了第一代仙族。” Immortal Clan that finally takes shape, has resembling of certain extent with Ancient God Wa, but they have is both feet, rather than snake tail.” “最终成型的仙族,和古神娲有一定程度的相像,只是他们拥有的是双足,而非蛇尾。” Wang Shouzhe nods understands clearly: Believes that Ancient God Wa chooses ancient Human Race, certainly because of their looks and some Ancient God Wa shapes, and multiplication ability is extremely strong.” 王守哲颔首了然:“相信古神娲选择古人族,一定是因为他们本身长得古神娲有些像,并且繁衍能力极强。” Right, the ancient Human Race multiplication ability is very fearful, so long as the environmental safety and food are abundant, quick can the life two, two live four...... to multiply rapidly an entire ethnic group.” This saying was not Hong said that but was the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor corners of the mouth holds the happy expression to say. “没错,古人族的繁衍能力十分可怕,只要环境安全、食物充沛,很快就能一生二,二生四……迅速繁衍出一整个族群。”这话并非是鸿说的,而是太上仙帝嘴角噙着笑意说出的。 During the speeches, he is taking a look at Wang Shouzhe by a look of faint smile, as if, if has referred to anything. 说话间,他以一种似笑非笑的眼神瞅着王守哲,仿佛在若有所指些什么。 Clearly, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor has to see ethnic group huge quantity of clan, in fact in World of Immortals the Wang Clan of ethnic group scale everywhere that is bigger. 很明显,太上仙帝并非没有见过族群数量庞大的家族,事实上仙界内族群规模比王氏大的比比皆是。 However, he lived the big several hundred thousand years, actually sees two to be 5000-year-old for the first time child, can multiply unexpectedly a that huge ethnic group. 但是,他活了大几十万年,却还是第一次见到两个5000多岁的“孩子”,竟然能繁衍出那么庞大的一个族群。 The chuckle that hehe ~ Wang Shouzhe thinks little, „was your majesty envying my generation after generation?” “呵呵~王守哲不以为意的轻笑了一声,“陛下是在羡慕我那些子子孙孙们么?” ...... 呃…… Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor the expression stagnates immediately, the mouth moves and closes, is incapable of refuting unexpectedly completely. 太上仙帝顿时表情一滞,嘴巴动了动又闭上,竟是完全无力反驳。 In the Wang Shouzhe generation after generation, the outstanding candidate were too many, even carries one to come out is not simple every so often casually, not to mention these are very more abnormal, frequently is fearful existence of forcing with generation. 王守哲的子子孙孙们中,优秀者实在太多了,甚至很多时候随便拎一个出来都不简单,更别提那些特别变态的,动辄就是力压同代的可怕存在。 It looks like young orthodox lineage eldest daughter of Wang Clan new generation king Hanxia, Simultaneously had bloodline of Immortal and Demon two clans, the potential might be considered as goes against heaven's will! 就像是王氏新一代的年轻嫡长女【王珺霞】,同时具备了仙魔两族的血脉,潜力堪称是逆天! By potential that she displays now, in the future has very big probability to depend on oneself to take the road of lord. 以她如今表现出来的潜质,未来有很大概率能靠着自己走出界主之路。 Isn't this grade of potential, how enviable? 这等潜力,如何不让人羡慕? Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor is envies the envy to hate, on the one hand cannot bear king Hanxia regards the treasure, on the one hand often cannot bear sighs with emotion in secret, if including the mist is his remote antiquity bloodline descendant, even if made him fall from the sky now immediately the value. 太上仙帝更是羡慕嫉妒恨,一方面忍不住将王珺霞当成宝贝疙瘩,一方面也时常忍不住私下里感慨,若是珺霞是他太上的血脉后裔,就算是让他现在立即陨落都值了。 Facing this scene, the great wild goose is also very satisfied smiled, even more thought that makes the reincarnation to be reincarnated from the foreign land Wang Shouzhe, is his life wisest choice. 面对这一幕,鸿也是很满意的笑了起来,愈发觉得将王守哲从异域弄来投胎转世,是他这一生最明智的选择。 Life Source bloodline talent . 生命本源血脉天赋,果然了得。 Saves Immortal Spirit, really should from live the optimum methods of child-rearing to start. 拯救仙灵界,果然应该从多生优育开始。 He clears throat , to continue saying: In first-generation Immortal Clan that Ancient God Wa creates has many powerhouses, Zhuanxu is strongest one. late stage, he inherited Ancient God Wa's Legacy, and carried forward it, founded World of Immortals, established Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace, trained many Immortal Emperor.” 他清了清嗓子,继续说道:“古神娲创造出来的第一代仙族之中有许多强者,其中颛顼是最强的一位。后期,他更是继承了古神娲的衣钵,并将其发扬光大,创建了仙界,建立了颛顼神宫,培养出了诸多仙帝。” However Zhuanxu, because of this all sorts of merits, becomes at that time the Immortal Clan supreme leader, known as Zhuanxu Great Emperor.” “而颛顼,也因这种种功绩,成为了当时仙族的最高领袖,史称【颛顼大帝】。” That is a phase of very remote history, historical data losing that because several wars cause, the disparate record inherited, a lot of contents are fuzzy. Now most people think that Zhuanxu was antiquity Immortal Emperor, but actually, according to the research of my lineage many Old Ancestor, thinks Zhuanxu Great Emperor most peak time, should have the Immortal Emperor level strength incessantly.” “那是一段非常久远的历史,因为多次战争导致的史料遗失,只有零星的记载传承了下来,很多内容已经非常模糊。如今大多数人都认为颛顼乃是上古仙帝,但其实,根据我这一脉多位老祖的考证,认为颛顼大帝最巅峰的时候,应该不止有仙帝级实力。” Particularly after inheriting Ancient God Wa's Legacy, before second Immortal and Demon War, his strength must make a big breakthrough, achieved the Lord strength.” “尤其是在继承古神娲的衣钵之后,第二次仙魔大战之前,他的实力应当有一次大的突破,达到了界主实力。” But also in this period, Demon Race stages a comeback, even came enough three Demon Race to control one time, and they are Blood-color control, Hundun (Primal Chaos) control And Gui Xie controls.” The great wild goose deeply sighs, „the strength, has so gone far beyond then World of Immortals.” “但也正是在这时期,魔族卷土重来,甚至一次性来了足足三位魔族主宰,分别是【血色主宰】、【混沌主宰】以及【妫燮主宰】。”鸿深深地叹了一口气,“如此力量,已经远远超过了当时的仙界。” Wang Shouzhe hears here, cannot bear knit the brows, sighed with emotion one gently: We cope with a disabled control plate to be cautious now. Zhuanxu Great Emperor one against three, is indeed difficult, good on is good should prepare because of this time, and Immortal Spirit had the gate, is can keep off reluctantly.” 王守哲听到这里,也忍不住皱起了眉,轻轻感慨了一句:“咱们现在对付一个残废的主宰槃都如履薄冰。颛顼大帝以一敌三,的确非常困难,好就好在这一次应该有所准备,并且仙灵界有了界门,算是勉强能挡一挡。” Naturally, besides Zhuanxu Great Emperor, then World of Immortals should have is equivalent to eight tribulation Immortal Emperor much, nine tribulation the Immortal Emperor top powerhouse, the overall strength is tyrannical, allied armies that otherwise is impossible to block three big control. 当然,除了颛顼大帝之外,当时的仙界应该还有不少相当于八劫仙帝,九劫仙帝的顶尖强者,整体实力非常强横,否则根本不可能挡住三大主宰的联军。 The great wild goose nods said: Right, moreover at that time besides Ancient God Wa, other Ancient God also created many powerful races, for example Crystal clan, mang clan, Many powerful the Divine Dragon, god phoenix wait/etc Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) races help one another. Therefore, that weaponry hits, although frigid, finally actually defended reluctantly, and also the most powerful blood-color control will tempt in the gate, kills in Heavenly Origin First Water.” 鸿颔首道:“没错,而且那时候除了古神娲外,其余古神也创造出了不少强大的种族,例如【晶族】、【娏族】,还有不少强大的神龙、神凰等等先天种族相助。因此,那一场仗打得虽然惨烈,最后却还是勉强守住了,并且还将最为强大的血色主宰引诱到了界门之内,击毙于天元始海之中。” However the Hundun (Primal Chaos) control and Gui Xie control, similarly also caused heavy losses, is dragging the remnant body and routed troop returned to endless domain Kong Jian (Space), temporarily does not have the ability to counter-attack again World of Immortals.” “而混沌主宰和妫燮主宰,同样也被重创,拖着残躯和溃兵逃回了无尽界域空间之中,暂时没有能力再反扑仙界。” But similarly, World of Immortals also paid the incomparably heavy price, Ancient God mang falls from the sky thoroughly, but her mang clan Also is the loss completely. Many Divine Dragon god phoenix blood dye broken Heavenly Origin First Water, many Immortal Emperor also fell from the sky.” “但同样,仙界也付出了无比沉痛的代价,古神娏彻底陨落,而她的【娏族】也是损失殆尽。诸多神龙神凰都血染残破的天元始海,诸多仙帝也先后陨落。” The most important thing is, Zhuanxu Great Emperor also falls from the sky in this war, the entire Immortal Spirit also therefore vitality damages severely.” “最重要的是,颛顼大帝也在这场大战中陨落,整个仙灵界也因此元气大伤。” Also starting from that time, the god beautiful jade list renovated, Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace started to take for 700,000 years as the cycle period, arrived World of Immortals one time each cycle, to supply Zhuanxu Great Emperor to choose the successor.” “也是从那个时候开始,神瑛榜重新刷新,颛顼神宫就开始以七十万年为循环周期,每个周期重新驾临仙界一次,以供颛顼大帝挑选传人。” But second Immortal and Demon War hit frigidly, but Immortal Spirit most resources had been consumed, the fault/chasm of cultural and strength was serious, the following talent was also getting more and more on the wane. Arrived the present, has not appeared as before can make the Zhuanxu Great Emperor satisfied successor.” “但是第二次仙魔大战打得太惨烈了,而仙灵界大部分资源都已经被消耗,文化和实力的断层都非常严重,后续的人才也越来越凋零。以至于到现在,依旧未曾出现能令颛顼大帝满意的传人。” At this point. 说到这里。 Present age Great wild goose Sound, the leaning pupil, the look slightly looks suddenly strangely to Wang Shouzhe: Shouzhe ~ I am old. I thought that we can determine ahead of time inherits the relations, once you promote Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm smoothly, I then great wild goose lineage the Lord inheritance gives you.” 当代【鸿】声音一顿,忽而侧眸,眼神略显怪异地看向王守哲:“守哲~我已经老了。我觉得咱们可以提前确定一下传承关系,一旦你顺利晋升混元境,我便将鸿这一脉的界主传承给你。” With your aptitude, can certainly carry forward it, remounts the position of lord.” “以你的资质,一定能将其发扬光大,重登界主之位。” This......” Wang Shouzhe takes a look at the face of great wild goose vicissitudes, revealed did not lose the polite the smile, many thanks thinking highly of great wild goose Senior. However, Shouzhe from Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm also early, after waiting till Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm, we again discuss this matter.” “这个……”王守哲瞅瞅鸿沧桑的老脸,露出了不失礼貌的笑容,“多谢鸿前辈的器重。不过,守哲距离混元境还早,等到了混元境后,咱们再谈这事儿。” Actually before today, Wang Shouzhe felt inherits the great wild goose the Lord inheritance issue is not big, after waiting to inherit at most, then thinks the means and oneself Life Source talent fuses this, to bring into full play the oneself bloodline advantage. 其实在今天之前,王守哲觉得继承鸿的界主传承问题不大,至多等继承完后,再想办法将这条道和自己生命本源天赋相融合,以充分发挥自己血脉优势。 However, today sees Great wild goose The Senior so miserable guard gate, in his heart started somewhat to back down. 然而,今天看到【鸿】前辈如此凄苦的看守界门,他心中就开始有些打退堂鼓了。 His Wang Shouzhe does not think oneself mixed for a lifetime, to old is the guarding the door old man. 王守哲可不想自己混了一辈子,到老了就是个看门老头。 However Wang Shouzhe such remarks, the great wild goose somewhat was anxious: Shouzhe, you does not think that Zhuanxu does inherit compared with us? I speak the truth with you, our first generation Hong ancestor, But comprehended from the gate Ancient God plate legacy, and with the core that the Ancient God plate leaves behind, refined the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command non- world talent.” 然而王守哲此言一出,鸿却有些急了:“守哲,伱不会认为颛顼传承就比咱们强吧?我跟你说实话,咱们第一代【鸿祖】,可是从界门中参悟出了【古神盘】的遗馈,并用古神盘遗留的核心,炼制出了掌界令的不世天才。” You think to look, Zhuanxu inherited Ancient God Wa lineage lord, but we, but inherited the Ancient God plate lord lineage! From the rank, stronger compared with Zhuanxu lineage.” “你想想看,颛顼不过是继承了古神一脉的界主,而咱们,可是继承了古神盘的界主一脉!从排位上,就比颛顼一脉要强。” He tries to compel the standard to convince Wang Shouzhe. 他试图以逼格来说服王守哲 Who would imagine, Wang Shouzhe under one hear, in the heart sprouted for several points to draw back intent. 岂料,王守哲一听之下,心中更是萌生了几分退意。 Cracks a joke, after Zhuanxu Great Emperor dies, changed to the Halley's Comet turning circle circle of super version at most, at least can also have a look everywhere. 开玩笑,人家颛顼大帝死后,顶多就是化作了超级版的哈雷彗星转圈圈,至少还能到处看看。 But Ancient God plate lineage, did not change to the gate, turned into the guarding the door old man. 古神盘这一脉,不是化作了界门,就是变成了看门老头。 Great wild goose Senior.” Wang Shouzhe coughed two, said seriously, this matter is not anxious, is not anxious, we first said the third Immortal and Demon War matter.” “鸿前辈。”王守哲咳嗽了两声,郑重说道,“这事不急,不急,咱们还是先说说第三次仙魔大战的事情吧。” bloodline has this point advantage, can have more options. 血脉强就是有这一点好处,可以有更多的选择权。 Otherwise, after Wang Shouzhe was really hard to imagine oneself and Liu Ruolan old, relied on one another to snuggle up to look at the scene of front door together. 否则,王守哲真的难以想象自己柳若蓝老了之后,一起相依相偎看大门的场景。 The great wild goose long time, is taking a look at Wang Shouzhe some eye Divine Capital Youyou silent. 鸿沉默良久,瞅着王守哲的眼神都有些幽幽的。 However he also knows, oneself cannot compel Wang Shouzhe to obey. 不过他也知道,自己也不能逼王守哲就范。 It is not really good, when the time comes chooses a successor from the Wang Clan descendant. 着实不行,到时候就从王氏后裔中挑选一个继承人。 After thinking through this point, the frame of mind of great wild goose then along, continued saying: Before third Immortal and Demon War, World of Immortals, although the resources are deficient, the talent is on the wane, the heritage of because of Zhuanxu Great Emperor leaving, was still is born many strong influences. For example, god clan Xuanyuan Clan, Tianyuan (Heavenly Origin) Divine/God Palace wait/etc! However the biggest problem is, Immortal Clan has not been born the next generation lord.” 想通了此点后,鸿的心气这才顺了,继续说道:“在第三次仙魔大战之前,仙界虽然资源匮乏,人才凋零,但因着颛顼大帝留下的遗产,仍是诞生出了不少强大的势力。例如,神族轩辕氏,天元神宫等等!然而最大的问题是,仙族始终未曾诞生出下一代界主。” „When only fortunately, third Immortal and Demon War, only involved Demon Race to control, controls the plate. When this control plate, is second Immortal and Demon War retreats Hundun (Primal Chaos) control The descendant, he does not know that inherited the inheritance of Hundun (Primal Chaos) control, usurps the throne on. In brief, that time control plate very young, quite receives Demon Race to support.” “唯一值得庆幸的是,第三次仙魔大战时,只牵扯了一个魔族主宰,就是主宰槃。这个主宰槃,就是第二次仙魔大战时溃逃的【混沌主宰】的后裔,他不知是继承了混沌主宰的传承,还是篡位而上。总之,那时候的主宰槃非常年轻,也颇受魔族拥戴。” But, because us does not have the lord to guard, under engages in fierce battle for a long time, finally was controlled the plate to break through the gate defense, successfully invaded Immortal Spirit. From this, created the Immortal and Demon two Patriarch periods' turf wars. From the short-term campaign, turned into the long-term campaign thoroughly, moreover our World of Immortals was being pressed that side of hitting.” “不过,也正是因为咱们这边没有界主镇守,长期鏖战之下,终于还是被主宰槃突破了界门防御,成功入侵了仙灵界。由此,也造成了仙魔族长期的地盘争夺战。从短期战役,彻底变成了长期战役,而且我们仙界是被摁着打的那一方。” At this point, the expression of great wild goose has become very heavy. 说到这里,鸿的表情已经变得十分沉重。 paused. 顿了一下 He continues saying: „When end of third Immortal and Demon War, Immortal Spirit almost must thoroughly Demon Race seizes, our great wild goose Old Ancestor appears, strives to turn the tide, and organized counter-attacking, started one by one to recapture by the domain that Demon Race seized.” 他才继续说道:“就在第三次仙魔大战末期,仙灵界几乎要彻底被魔族占领时,咱们鸿老祖横空出世,力挽狂澜,并且组织起了反攻,开始一一夺回被魔族占领的地盘。” This is fourth Immortal and Demon War.” “这便是第四次仙魔大战。” End of fourth Immortal and Demon War, the Immortal and Demon two war more and more superheating, last wars, great wild goose Old Ancestor spells to go all-out, abundant and result of control plate perishing together. What a pity, the luck is not good, the critical moment was controlled the plate to escape by the remaining soul condition.” “第四次仙魔大战末期,仙魔两界的战争越来越白热化,最后一场大战,鸿老祖拼尽全力,才博了个与主宰槃同归于尽的结果。可惜,运气不好,关键时刻还是被主宰槃以残魂状态逃掉了。” But, to control plate then condition, wants to restore to require the long time, therefore, the Immortal and Demon two clans had not the Lord aspect simultaneously, this had afterward mutual confrontation, as well as long seesaw battle.” “不过,以主宰槃当时的状态,想要恢复需要漫长的时间,也因此,仙魔两族同时出现了没有界主的局面,这才有了后来的相互对峙,以及漫长的拉锯战。” At this point, the tone of great wild goose becomes even more sigh with emotion. 说到这里,鸿的语气变得愈发感慨。 More understands the World of Immortals history, more can feel that Immortal Clan can survive the present is difficult, even, to a certain extent, it can be said that a miracle. 越是了解仙界历史,越能感觉到仙族能生存到现在是何等艰难,甚至,从某种程度上,可以说是一个奇迹。 In the turbulent period of that history, as long as the Immortal Clan luck is slightly worse, has the possibility thorough destruction. 那一次次历史的动荡期中,但凡仙族的运气稍差一些,都有可能彻底覆灭。 Did not get off the subject, said recent fourth Immortal and Demon War. When controlled the plate to run away the condition to be slightly better at that time, perhaps restored to be quicker, World of Immortals does not have now. 不说远的,就说最近的第四次仙魔大战。但凡当时主宰槃逃走时的状态稍微好一些,恢复快一些,或许仙界现在就已经没了。 Drinks tea, the great wild goose adjusted a state of mind secretly, this continues saying: Also, the time arrived at the modern times in a flash. The control plate depends on long rest, gradually restores the body, gained part of strengths. The expansion action of Demon Race starts again, but we generations of great wild geese, cannot break through to the lord, can only depend on generations of relays, to controlling the plate forms the diversion, and with it test of strength, seizes all opportunities to weaken him, slows the restoration of his strength, this forces the Immortal and Demon two conditions, maintains the present.” 喝了口茶,鸿暗暗调整了一番心绪,这才继续道:“随之,时间一晃就来到了近代。主宰槃靠着漫长的蛰伏,逐渐恢复身躯,获取了一部分实力。魔族的扩张行动再次开始,而我们一代代的鸿,始终未能突破至界主,只能靠着一代代接力,对主宰槃形成牵制,并与之角力,抓住所有机会削弱他,拖慢他实力的恢复,这才勉强将仙魔两界的状况,维持到了现在。” The great wild goose takes generations of relays , because nine plundered Immortal Emperor is not usually able to pass the tenth tribulation, therefore limit life mostly not over 100 seven hundred thousand years. 鸿之所以要一代代接力,是因为九劫仙帝通常无法度过第十劫,因此极限寿元多半不超过一百七十万岁 This life seems like already very long, but compared with the basic shell control plate, actually was still seems short. 这寿元看起来已经十分漫长,但跟界主级的主宰槃相比,却仍是显得过于短暂。 At this point, the great wild goose smiled: I in the great wild goose Old Ancestor inheritor, am not considered as that strongest that is actually luck best one. I when searching for Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command, met Shouzhe previous life in the foreign land. Therefore, contacted Immortal Emperor, the arrange/cloth got down such a general situation!” 说到这里,鸿又笑了起来:“我在鸿老祖的传承人中,并不算是最强的那个,却是运气最好的一位。我在搜寻掌界令时,在异域遇到了守哲前世。因此,联络仙帝,布下了这么一个大局!” Mentioned this, the great wild goose could not bear start to persuade: Shouzhe, you looked that we have the fate and origin, this or becomes masters and disciples to relate, always thought where seems has not the right place.” 一提到这个,鸿又忍不住开始劝说:“守哲啊,你看咱们如此有缘分和渊源,这要不成为个师徒关系,总觉得好似哪里有不对劲的地方。” cough cough! That......” Wang Shouzhe coughed, changed the topic, proposed, great wild goose Senior felt, your oneself promotion Lord how?” 咳咳!那个……”王守哲咳嗽了一声,又是岔开了话题,提议道,“鸿前辈觉得,您自己晋升界主如何?” „Do I promote the lord?” Great wild goose stunned, suspected that Wang Shouzhe is taking oneself to make fun. “我晋升界主?”鸿一阵错愕,怀疑王守哲是不是在拿自己开涮。 He stared at Wang Shouzhe to look at the long time, finally discovered that Wang Shouzhe was unexpectedly earnest, this is frowning to ponder over, immediately shook the head slowly. 他盯着王守哲看了半晌,结果发现王守哲居然是认真的,这才皱着眉头思忖起来,随即缓缓摇头。 Difficult, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. My bloodline level is too low, even after inherited a series of Lord inheritance, the bloodline aptitude is also God Child/Seed first grade! Can cultivation to nine tribulation Immortal Emperor reluctantly, depends on many resources supplies that World of Immortals pushes, as well as nearby gate spirit qi rich region advantage.” “难,难如登天。我的血脉层级太低,哪怕是继承了一系列界主传承后,血脉资质也不过是神子甲等!勉强能修炼到九劫仙帝,还是靠着仙界挤出来的诸多资源供应,以及界门附近灵气浓郁的区域优势。” Only if there are ten fifth grade aptitude to improve medicinal pill, or your emerges to be able from the Bloodline Improvement Fluid technology of crystal clan technology to go a step further, makes God changes fluid, Otherwise, by my present cultivation base and bloodline, wants to break through to below first stage segment Nanru ascends to heaven.” “除非拥有十五品的资质改善丹药,或者你们那脱胎自晶族技术的血脉改善液技术能更进一步,制造出【神改液】,否则,以我现在的修为血脉,想突破到下一阶段难如登天。” Moreover even the aptitude attained a designated standard, wants successfully to break through, perhaps must use ten fifth grade assistance Breakthrough Pill medicines, as well as assistance of Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command!” “而且就算资质达标了,想要成功突破,或许还得用上十五品的辅助突破丹药,以及掌界令的辅助!” Even all conditions are completely prepared, the probability of breakthrough failure remains. After all, the obsolete present 100 sixty have long live, leaves my time is not many.” “就算所有条件全部齐备,突破失败的概率也仍然存在。毕竟,老朽现在已经一百六十几万岁了,留给我的时间已经不多了。” Wang Shouzhe patient is listening. 王守哲耐心的听着。 The worry of great wild goose Senior is very reasonable, but he felt the condition, although is somewhat harsh, not necessarily does not have the opportunity. 鸿前辈的顾虑很有道理,但他觉得条件虽然有些苛刻,却未必就没有机会。 Now is responsible for attacking Immortal Emperor half step Immortal Emperor, is actually also facing the similar difficult position. 如今一些负责冲击仙帝半步仙帝,其实也面临着同样的困境。 To let their bloodline aptitude breakthrough shackles, enters the next level, must pay to be equivalent to youngster at least several times, even is ten times of resources. 要想让他们的血脉资质突破桎梏,进入下一个层次,就得付出相当于年轻人们至少数倍,甚至是十倍的资源。 But at the same time, they have the old cultivation base high advantage, once to the resources, can make the breakthrough fully in a short time, becoming to invest the effective high-end strength of combat directly. 但与此同时,他们也有年龄大修为高的优势,一旦给足了资源,在短期内就能实现突破,成为能够直接投入作战的有效高端战力。 This invests the advantage that youngster does not have. 这是投资年轻人所不具备的优势。 Therefore, invests more effective friend young one generation, making them have a stronger potential and hope, is eager for quick success and immediate gain, does not hesitate to waste some resources, inclines toward the older generation on the resources, in order to forms the battle efficiency in a short time, becomes one the issue that warrants consideration. 因此,是投资更有效率的朋友年轻一代,让他们拥有更强的潜力和希望,还是急功近利一些,不惜浪费一些资源,将资源往老一辈身上倾斜,以求在短期内形成战斗力,就成为了一个非常值得思考的问题。 Although did not have the evidence, but the Wang Shouzhe innermost feelings can feel indistinctly, has been planning anything in the control plate of bearing patiently inevitably in secret. 尽管还没有证据,但王守哲内心隐约能感觉到,一直在隐忍的主宰槃必然是在暗中谋划着什么。 Will he of acting out of desperation, what make? 狗急跳墙的他,会做出些什么? Perhaps, fifth Immortal and Demon War at present. 也许,第五次仙魔大战就在眼前。 Also the sense of insecurity that because the Wang Shouzhe innermost feelings always linger, he will guide the immortal commission to conduct the resolution, more resources will first incline to the older generation. 也正是因为王守哲内心始终萦绕的不安全感,他才会引导仙委会进行决议,将更多的资源先倾斜向老一辈。 It is precisely for this reason. 也正因如此。 Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor often teased, says now Immortal commission Sounds very of pleasant to hear, as long as the big decision was decided by the voting, however actually is actually Wang Shouzhe practice of "what I say goes", so-called voting is a fig leaf. 南明仙帝才时常调侃,说现在的【仙委会】听起来很好听,但凡大决策都由投票决定,然而实则却是王守哲一言堂,所谓“投票”不过就是块遮羞布而已。 Indeed has the difficulty, but is worth wrestling.” The Wang Shouzhe hesitation moment, this, I urge Southern Ming(Brightness) again your majesty, asking him to manage to research and develop ten fifth grade medicinal pill with a sense of urgency. As for divine level Bloodline Improvement Fluid, I will also urge that clan conducts the research and development.” “的确有难度,但还是值得搏一搏。”王守哲沉吟片刻,“这样吧,我再催一催南明陛下,请他抓紧主持研发十五品丹药。至于神级血脉改善液,我也会催促家族进行研发。” Once succeeds, our World of Immortals can be many in a short time a true lord, will be good to the future general situation extremely.” “一旦成功,咱们仙界就能在短期内多出一位真正的界主,对未来大局极有好处。” By Wang Shouzhe present bloodline aptitude potential, even all are very smooth , to promote the Immortal Emperor rank still to consume at least for several tens of thousands of years, not to mention impact lord! 王守哲现在的血脉资质潜力,即便一切都十分顺利,晋升仙帝级别起码也得消耗数万年时间,更别提冲击界主了! Even if all smooth, it is estimated that can also 1 million bring computations. 哪怕一切顺利,估计也得以百万载来计算。 To the entire World of Immortals history, hundred ten thousand years is not long, may to live 5000-year-old Wang Shouzhe, that was extremely remote. 对整个仙界历史而言,百万载并不漫长,可对才活了5000岁的王守哲而言,那太过遥远了。 The most important thing is, once pushes the position of upper boundary lord great wild goose Senior, that World of Immortals will not lack in the future sees Sir of front door. 最重要的是,一旦将鸿前辈推上界主之位,那仙界未来就不缺看大门的大爷了。 At least, in 2-3 ten million years will not lack. 至少,2-3千万年内不会缺。 Wang Shouzhe does not think that oneself looks at the front door, similarly does not hope that the oneself children stay behind come to see the front door. 王守哲不想自己看大门,同样也不希望自己的孩子们留下来看大门。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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