POP :: Volume #8

#140: God error! Wang Shouzhe roaming Jiemen

...... …… Gongyang Ce such remarks, everyone's vision gazed at to approach Wang Liyao. 公羊策此言一出,所有人的目光都注视向了王璃瑶 Wang Liyao looks all around one around, tranquil say/way: everyone, in the Ancient God battlefield, be not thinking reaching the sky in a single bound. This to entire Immortal Spirit, is a long-term layout.” 王璃瑶环顾一圈四周,平静道:“诸位,在古神战场之中,千万别想着一步登天。这对整个仙灵界而言,乃是一次长远布局。” According to the meaning of my father and immortal commission is, we must strengthen the gateway, deals unknown danger that may has, rather than focuses on the current control plate completely.” “按照我父亲和仙委会的意思是,我们应当加强门户,应对有可能存在的未知危险,而非完全着眼于当前的主宰盘。” Unknown danger?” Gongyang Ce knits the brows slightly, „the meaning of Family Head Shouzhe is, outside the this time gate also has the danger?” “未知的危险?”公羊策微微皱眉,“守哲家主的意思是,这一次界门之外还有危险?” Perhaps has, perhaps no.” The Wang Liyao intonation sinks, the sound is very serious, „, but Demon Race the invasive species from outside world, our difficult insurance control plate not to have related the exterior Demon Race method. We are unable to guarantee control plate in despair, can resort to some non-conventional approaches.” “也许有,也许没有。”王璃瑶语调微沉,声音十分严肃,“但魔族本身就是来自外界的入侵物种,我们难保主宰盘没有联系外部魔族的手段。我们也无法保证主宰盘在绝望之际,会否动用一些非常规手段。” Participates in the people of hunting being clear when is the prey was forced into the hopeless situation, more cannot treat it lightly, not to mention the background like Demon Race is deeper, can straddle zones the tyrannical race of combat, god knows in their hands many cards in a hand are useless. 参与过狩猎的人都清楚,越是猎物被逼入绝境之际,越是不能掉以轻心,更别提是像魔族这样底蕴深厚,可以跨界作战的强横种族了,天知道他们手里还有多少底牌没用。 hearing this, the enthusiasm of Cloud Soaring Dao Palace people and joyful dissipated immediately, the respective expression also becomes especially dignified. 闻言,凌云道宫众人的热情和喜悦顿时消散了许多,各自的表情也变得格外凝重。 Because originally these in obtained the relaxed feeling that some advantages have to the demon strategy in recently, immediately dissipates, then became heavy. 原本那些因为最近在对魔战略中取得部分优势而产生的轻松感,顿时消散一空,转而又变得沉重了起来。 The Gongyang Ce pupil shrinks slightly, at once stretches, cannot bear sigh: „When young, I always feel to discuss the strategy, I do not lose to Family Head Shouzhe self-confidently. My luck was not good, finds fault supported the object, this chess missed one to lose to Family Head Shouzhe.” 公羊策瞳孔微微一缩,旋即又舒展开来,忍不住叹息道:“年轻之时,我总觉得论智谋,我自信不输给守哲家主。只是我运气不好,挑错了支持对象,这才棋差一着输给守哲家主。” But now, I even more think that oneself and Family Head Shouzhe disparity is really far, his vision and pattern, slightly, are far from the average man can compare, never rigidly adheres to a success and failure of city place, even looks farther ahead compared with many Immortal Emperor.” “但是现在,我愈发觉得自己守哲家主差距甚远,他的眼光、格局,还有远略,都远非常人能比,从不拘泥于一城一地的得失,甚至比诸多仙帝都看得更远。” Wang Liyao indifferent chuckle. 王璃瑶淡然轻笑。 She grows up in the father heel since childhood, naturally knew about the oneself father, but some too did not understand. 她从小在父亲脚跟边长大,对自己父亲自然是非常了解,但同时又有些不太了解。 Her father, always has a bewildered sense of insecurity. 她的父亲,总是有一种莫名其妙的不安全感。 This sense of insecurity, making her father always like providing for a rainy day, saves card in a hand one after another in the place that others cannot see silently, before looking like winters the small squirrel to go all out to store up the grain to be the same. 正是这份不安全感,让她父亲总是喜欢未雨绸缪,在别人看不到的地方默默地积攒一张又一张的底牌,就像是过冬前的小松鼠拼命囤积粮食一般。 One like the present. 一如眼下。 „The matter that we must handle, saves the strength step by step, the assistance immortal commission gradually the Ancient God battlefield development and use.” Wang Liyao said indifferently, „, but, has the short-term goal. this time, I brought Ancient God mang beginning of the universe Dao Water.” “我们要做的事情,就是一步步积攒实力,协助仙委会逐步将古神战场开发和利用起来。”王璃瑶淡然说道,“不过,也并非没有短期目标。这一次,我带来了古神娏的混元道水。” During the speeches, a Wang Liyao request, the say/way deep blue ray then lingers conveniently. 说话间,王璃瑶随手一托,道道湛蓝色的光芒便萦绕而起。 This ray such as the silk such as the wisp, such as the cool breeze is lithe, resembles the waterdrop to be heavy, is lending the mysterious aura. 这光芒如丝如缕,如清风般轻盈,又似水滴般沉重,散发着玄妙的气息。 , They then gather the agglomerate swiftly, congealed a semblance gruff Water Origin element, squirted a thigh that grasped Wang Liyao. 倏忽间,它们便汇聚成团,凝成了一具外表憨憨的水元素,“啪唧”一声抱住了王璃瑶的大腿。 Looks is rubbing beginning of the universe Dao Water of her thigh, among the Wang Liyao looks somewhat is slightly awkward, trampled it calmly far: Had beginning of the universe Dao Water, even if established relation in some sense with Ancient God mang, we when making mission, can pay attention to Ancient God mang the clue.” 看着正蹭她大腿的混元道水,王璃瑶神色间略有些尴尬,不动声色地将它踹远了一些:“有了混元道水,就算是和古神娏建立了某种意义上的联系,我们在做任务之余,可以多留意古神娏的线索。” Ancient God inheritance! 古神传承! This goal, aroused the expectation and enthusiasm of little friends. 这个目标,又是激起了小伙伴们的憧憬和热情。 If Cloud Soaring Dao Palace had the Ancient God inheritance, can politely call for truly Cloud Soaring Divine Palace This is a leap enhancement. 凌云道宫若是拥有了古神传承,就可以真正尊称为【凌云神宫】了,这将又是一个跨越式的增强。 Only had in the Wang Liyao heart to smile bitterly secretly. 唯有王璃瑶心中暗暗苦笑了一声。 She knows, this is mother looked mostly she rushes about the undertaking is too tired outside, gave her the inheritance of Ancient God mang simply. But mother her oneself, had tried to find out mostly slowly in these years the oneself say/way, had oneself to condense the idea of Emperor Seal. 她知道,这多半是母亲看她在外奔波创业太累,索性就将古神娏的传承都给了她。而母亲她自己,多半已经在这些年里慢慢摸索到了自己的道,有了自己凝聚帝印的想法。 This makes Wang Liyao many somewhat depressed. She went to the Holy Land route, wants to increase the background and asylum to clan. 这让王璃瑶多少有几分沮丧。原本她去走圣地路线,是想给家族增加底蕴和庇护的。 Has not actually thought, the clan development speed quickly is too too fierce, causing her unable to add on too big busy, can only catch up in behind tightly catches up slowly. 却不曾想,家族的发展速度太快太猛,导致她根本帮不上太大的忙,只能在后面紧赶慢赶。 Oh ~ ~ ~~ ****** ****** Same time. 同一时间段。 Demon Realm. 魔界 Control demon palace. 主宰魔殿。 The supreme plaster lowers the head to stand erect in the demon palace entrance, the figure was motionless, looks like an ancient times Demon God statue. 至尊垩低着头矗立在魔殿门口,身形一动不动,就像是一尊远古魔神雕像。 That appearance, does not know that actually he waited for how long here. 那模样,也不知他究竟在这里等了多久。 Finally. 终于。 The demon palace front door opens slowly, has a nightmare supremely goes out gradually. 魔殿大门缓缓打开,至尊魇缓步走出。 He deeply looked at a supreme plaster, the look is complex: Plaster, the control complied to see you.” 他深深地看了一眼至尊垩,眼神复杂莫名:“垩,主宰答应见你了。” Many thanks.” “多谢。” The supreme plaster nods to him grateful slightly, immediately the footsteps enter the control demon palace calm. 至尊垩感激地冲他微微颔首,随即脚步沉稳地走进主宰魔殿。 Had a nightmare to follow close on supremely stepped into the demon palace after that. 至尊魇紧跟其后踏入了魔殿。 Also, the giant and broad palace gate closes slowly. 随之,巨大而恢宏的殿门缓缓闭合。 Controls on the throne. 主宰宝座上。 The figure is huge, just like the ferocious beast control plate, somewhat sits on the throne careless, the eye pupil is profound, does not know that is thinking anything. 身形巨大,犹如凶兽的主宰盘,有些漫不经心地坐在宝座上,眼眸深邃,不知在想些什么。 But his side, but also leans to set up aura to be powerful, makings gloomy Demon Race is supreme, is supreme wang. 而他的身边,还侧立着一位气息强大,气质阴沉的魔族至尊,正是至尊尫。 The supreme plaster disregarded all, gradually before treading, lowers the head to salute: Plaster, pays a visit to control the Sir.” 至尊垩无视了一切,缓步踏前,低着头行礼:“垩,拜见主宰大人。” These days, he harbors intentions to think every day is says goodbye one side the control, but to today, saw the control plate truly, in his heart does not have the tiny bit happiness, instead felt the serious feeling. 这段时间来,他每天心心念念想着的就是再见主宰一面,但到了今天,真正见到了主宰盘,他心中却没有一丝一毫的高兴,反而充满了沉重感。 The eye pupil of control plate deeply is gazing at the supreme plaster. 主宰盘的眼眸深深地注视着至尊垩。 Long time later, he with being full of the dignified tone asked: Plaster, you had anything to say.” 良久之后,他才用充满威严的语气问道:“垩,你有什么要说的。” The supreme plaster slightly does to hesitate, said: Control, our Demon Race faced with internal disorder and foreign invasion, the subordinate feels now, we need to make some measures, the change so unfavorable situation.” 至尊垩略作沉吟,说道:“主宰,现在咱们魔族面临内忧外患的局面,属下觉得,咱们有必要做出一些措施,改变如此不利局面。” This little section has not ended, please the click next page continue to read the following splendid content! 本小章还未完,请点击下一页继续阅读后面精彩内容! Control plate pupil light gloomy and cold several points, sinking sound said: Said.” 主宰盘眸光阴冷了几分,沉声道:“讲。” The supreme plaster sincere said: Immortal Clan has an old saying, resists outside must secure within/inner, the subordinate feels some truth. Now jumps to hoist a flag supremely deeply, and established Bloody Daybreak to start the Demon Race civil strife, although crime not amnesty, some ideas that but he propagandized, was not necessarily unreasonable.” 至尊垩正色说道:“仙族有句古话,攘外须得安内,属下觉得有些道理。如今至尊冥跳出来扯旗,并成立了血色黎明掀起魔族内乱,虽然罪不可赦,但是他宣传的一些理念,未必没有道理。” Absurd!” “荒唐!” The control plate has not opened the mouth, nearby supreme wang then cannot bear to him glowers, cold Shengchi: Plaster, you meant, supreme deep not wrong, what is wrong controls the Sir?” 主宰盘还未曾开口,一旁的至尊尫便忍不住对他怒目而视,冷声斥道:“垩,你的意思是说,至尊冥没有错,错的是主宰大人?” wang!” The supreme plaster does not dread welcomed his vision to return stares the past, you were short to me label, I meant that the supreme deep rebellion must certainly exterminate, however his propaganda idea, being worth studying and reconsidering.” “尫!”至尊垩毫不畏惧的迎着他的目光回瞪过去,“你少给我扣帽子,我是说至尊冥叛乱肯定要剿灭,但是他的宣传理念,值得我们学习和反思。” Our Demon Race obviously is more powerful than so many Immortal Clan, why isn't actually able to eliminate Immortal Clan? That is because our Demon Race ideologically confused, belief heterogeneous, does the important matter, but the heavy personal gain, will often form the aspect that impedes to hold back mutually.” “咱们魔族明明比仙族强大那么多,却为何始终无法消灭仙族?那是因为我们魔族内部思想混乱,信仰驳杂,干大事而重私利,往往会形成互相掣肘拖后腿的局面。” Supreme wang hearing this, is actually sneers: Your words are very reasonable. Before, our Demon Race indeed issue numerous, we must reconsider well.” 至尊尫闻言,却是冷笑起来:“你的话很有道理。在之前,我们魔族内部的确问题重重,我们的确要好好反思。” Supreme plaster hearing this, look stunned. 至尊垩闻言一顿,眼神一阵错愕。 However has not waited for him to speak, supreme wang the look has continued frantically: That was extremely benevolent because of the great control, gave subordinate people too many freedoms, making many Demon Race multiply the improper ambition!” 然而还没等他说话,至尊尫就已经神色狂热地继续说了下去:“那是因为伟大的主宰太过仁慈,给与了麾下子民太多自由,让诸多魔族滋生出了不该有的野心!” Then, we need to eliminate the static with the blood and iron method, sets up the great control the prestige and will!” “接下来,我们有必要用铁血手段肃清杂音,重新树立起伟大主宰的威望与意志!” After this, Demon Race can only have, only this/should will, that is the will of great control!” “从此之后,魔族只能有,也只该有一个意志,那就是伟大主宰的意志!” The supreme plaster stared in a big way the eye, does not dare to believe: wang, you insane inadequate? Can you start the Demon Race civil strife thoroughly? Does that to make World of Immortals profit in vain?!” 至尊垩瞪大了眼睛,不敢置信:“尫,你疯了不成?你是要彻底掀起魔族内乱吗?这么做,岂不是白白让仙界占了便宜?!” Hehe ~ you have also said that resists outside must secure within/inner.” Supreme wang looks at him, sound ice-cold, in the tone was full of the mock, supreme deep rebellion, is not only the crisis, is the opportunity. At present controls the Sir to take back the authority, leading our Demon Race to come out of the difficult position the best time.” “呵呵~你也说过,攘外须得安内。”至尊尫看着他,声音冰冷,语气中充满了讥诮,“至尊冥叛乱,既是危机,也是机会。眼下正是主宰大人收回权柄,带领我们魔族走出困境的最佳时机。” You were insane. You were really insane.” “你疯了。你真的疯了。” The supreme plaster looks at him, only thinks in the heart an icy coldness. 至尊垩看着他,只觉心中一阵冰凉。 He does not want to argue with supreme wang again, then looks to the control plate, bows saying: Controls the Sir. The independent will no doubt can achieve to strict enforcement of orders and bans, consciousness unification, but then, the risk is also huge.” 他不欲再与至尊尫争辩,转而看向主宰盘,躬身道:“主宰大人。独立意志固然可以做到令行禁止,意识统一,但如此一来,风险也同样巨大。” First, is easy to enter the erroneous zone, once controls the Sir your decision error, possibly leads the entire clan trend to perish! Secondly, eliminates all other different wills, our is Demon Race, the higher civilization?” “一来,是容易走入误区,一旦主宰大人您决策失误,就可能带领全族走向灭亡!二来,消灭一切其它不同意志,那我们魔族,还是高等文明吗?” He had a few words not saying that the entire clan can only have a will, then besides the control, what significance existences of other Demon Race also had? 他有一句话没有说,全族只能有一个意志,那除了主宰之外,其他魔族的存在又有什么意义? Plaster, I thought that you received supreme deep misleading. Evidently, you had accepted Bloody Daybreak that set!” Supreme wang is sneering the scold, „do you, want to betray to control the Sir?” “垩,我看你是受了至尊冥的蛊惑。看样子,你已经接受了血色黎明那一套!”至尊尫冷笑着斥骂,“你,是想背叛主宰大人吗?” You put *!” “你放*!” Supreme plaster crossbow extremely, but must say again, the control plate does not have the patience to listen to them to argue again, lifts the hand to depress the supreme plaster following words. 至尊垩弩极,还要再说,主宰盘却已经没有耐心再听他们争辩,抬手压下了至尊垩后面的话。 Plaster, this control knows that your loyalty, gives you now again an opportunity.” He looks to the supreme plaster, the pupil light is cold and gloomy, profound is passing faintly some crazily, you replace the work of wang, exterminates Bloody Daybreak thoroughly, the will and dignity of this control, passes through the control city, passes through entire Demon Race.” “垩,本主宰知道你的忠诚,现在再给你一次机会。”他看向至尊垩,眸光森冷,深邃中隐隐透着些疯狂,“你接替尫的工作,彻底清剿血色黎明,将本主宰的意志与威严,贯穿主宰城,贯穿整个魔族。” Controls the Sir!” The supreme plaster stared in a big way the eye unbelievable, the intonation was excited, like this did not may ~ I suggest to split up Bloody Daybreak, first comforted entire Demon Race in the conciliation method, set up the Demon Race glory and belief.” “主宰大人!”至尊垩难以置信地瞪大了眼睛,语调激动不已,“这样万万不可啊~我建议分化血色黎明,以怀柔手段先安抚整个魔族,重新树立魔族的荣耀与信仰。” Dissolute!” “放肆!” The control plate pats the arm rest fiercely, the vigorous anger just like the substantive suppression the supreme plaster, in the sound was passing crazily. 主宰盘猛地一拍扶手,蓬勃的怒意宛如实质般镇压住了至尊垩,声音里透着疯狂。 Do not think that this control does not know, your heart deep place is blaming me not to save you! Therefore you hate me, the innermost feelings favored the revolting thief to be deep!” “别以为本主宰不知道,你的内心深处在怪我不肯救你!所以你怨恨我,内心倾向了叛贼冥!” The supreme plaster was startled by his response jumped, looks to the control plate, the tone is difficult: Sir, I, I am unjust.” 至尊垩被他的反应骇了一跳,不由怔怔看向主宰盘,语气艰难无比:“大人,我,我冤枉。” Is unfair to you? Your subordinate how many joined Bloody Daybreak, needs this control to remind you?” Enduring patiently of control plate had reached the limit obviously, in the tone has the blunt vigorous anger, read in your past meritorious share, this control gave you again an opportunity. You all turned to revolting of Bloody Daybreak very to grasp in secret entirely the subordinate, sentenced to warn others against following a bad example publicly, this control trusted your loyalty!” “冤枉你?你的手下有多少加入了血色黎明,需要本主宰提醒你吗?”主宰盘的忍耐显然已经到了极限,语气中带着不加掩饰的蓬勃怒意,“念在你过去的功勋份上,本主宰再给你一个机会。你把麾下所有暗中投靠了血色黎明的叛贼统统抓起来,公开处刑以儆效尤,本主宰就信任你的忠诚!” Bang! 轰隆! The supreme plaster knee kneels down, difficult plea: Sought the control, gave them again an opportunity. Subordinate, the subordinate will convince them.” 至尊垩膝盖跪倒在地,艰难的求情:“求主宰,再给他们一次机会。属下,属下会说服他们。” Snort! You had really drawn out the revolting heart.” “哼!你果然已经起了叛心。” In the eye pupil of control plate passed over gently and swiftly wipes the murderous intention, the internal energy of whole body boils slightly, a wild and powerful energy has been fermenting, as if prepares to execute a captured offender on the spot the supreme plaster at any time. 主宰盘的眼眸中掠过一抹杀机,周身的气机微微沸腾,一股狂暴而强大的能量已经在酝酿,似乎随时准备将至尊垩就地正法。 The supreme plaster naturally felt this murderous intention, the heart deep place emerged immediately intermittently desperate. 至尊垩自然感受到了这股杀机,内心深处顿时涌现出了阵阵绝望。 Can his supreme plaster cherish hatred in this today? 难道,他至尊垩今天就要饮恨于此了吗? He has not died in the battlefield, has not died in Immortal Clan, instead can die in control? 他没死在战场上,没死在仙族手里,反而要死在主宰手里吗? At this time. 这时。 Had not spoken has a nightmare supremely goes forward suddenly one step, lowered the head the plea saying: Controls the Sir, the supreme plaster is obvious to your loyalty, he is the individuality is straightforward, for a while cannot make a turn.” 一直未吭声的至尊魇忽然上前一步,低着头求情说:“主宰大人,至尊垩对您的忠诚有目共睹,他不过是个性耿直,一时转不过弯来。” Actually steps into the control demon palace from the today's supreme plaster, he knows that the supreme plaster Tianjue (Heaven's End) will not have the good end now, but hesitate after several times, he could not bear open the mouth to seek the sentiment. 其实从今天至尊垩踏入主宰魔殿时,他就知道至尊垩今天绝不会有好下场,但几次犹豫之后,他还是没忍住开口求了情。 Control plate deep looked at one to have a nightmare supremely, in the pupil seemed to be the look of difference to surge, but finally, he received killing intent slowly. 主宰盘深深的看了一眼至尊魇,眸中似有异样的神色涌动,但最终,他还是缓缓收起了杀意 This chapter had not ended, please the click next page continue to read! 这章没有结束,请点击下一页继续阅读! Since there are to have a nightmare for you asks favor, read in your past meritorious service, this control does not kill you for the time being! However, the capital crime may exempt, the suffering is difficult to escape, starting today, you enter the abyss demon prison to engage in introspection oneself well, the prison term 10,000 years!” “既然有魇替你求情,念在你以往功勋上,本主宰暂且不杀你!不过,死罪可免,活罪难逃,从今天开始,你就进深渊魔狱好好反省自己,刑期一万年!” Abyss demon prison! 深渊魔狱! The supreme plaster pupil shrinks, the eyeground exudes to wipe alarmed and afraid. 至尊垩瞳孔一缩,眼底泛起一抹惊惧。 He silent flickered, anything had not said eventually, hangs the pupil to collect the state of mind, said slowly: Subordinate receives an order.” 他沉默了一瞬,终究还是什么也没说,垂眸敛下心绪,缓缓道:“属下领命。” ****** ****** As before is the same time. 依旧是同一时间段。 The Ancient God battlefield is deepest, the position of most core. 古神战场最深,最核心的位置。 Here, normal world space and Endless Heaven Abyss space, since interwines, distinguishes right from wrong. 在这里,正常世界的空间和无尽天渊空间,既是交织在一起,又是泾渭分明。 Two different level spaces, as if had changed to the liquid, is centered on a core to select, slowly revolving. 两种不同层级的空间,仿佛已经化作了液体,以一个核心点为中心,缓缓旋转着。 From the outward appearance vision, looked like the black and white two types of liquids to interweave an incomparably huge vortex, the outside world of vortex, extended unceasingly outward becomes pale, until vanishing did not see. 从外观视觉上,就像是黑白两种液体交织成了一个无比巨大的漩涡,漩涡的外界,不断向外延伸变淡,直至消失不见。 In the most core place of vortex, is standing erect broadly grand, the void floating city that black and white interweaves. 就在漩涡的最核心处,矗立着一座恢宏壮阔,黑白交织的浮空城池。 This city contour is unadorned, seeming like the vicissitudes is motley, as if not know that experienced many Years baptism. 这城池外形古拙,看起来沧桑而斑驳,仿佛不知经历了多少岁月的洗礼。 In the central location of void floating city, is towering an ancient bronze-color great gate. 浮空城池的中心位置,耸立着一座古老的青铜色巨门。 It is very big, is very generous, under the space key role of distortion, the bronze great gate as if there is infinite high and infinite width, infinite thick physical criterion. 它无比高大,又无比宽厚,在扭曲的空间核心作用下,青铜巨门仿佛拥有无穷高、无穷宽,又无穷厚的物理尺度。 Before ancient bronze great gate, sitting cross-legged to sit one to be slender, somewhat thin old man. 古老青铜巨门前,盘腿坐着一位身材颀长,又有些消瘦的老者。 On him wears a simple white robe, view slightly whole, being entirely still, the whole person as if fell into the deathly stillness to be common, with this Fangcheng pond and bronze great gate, fused a whole. 他身上穿着一身朴素的白袍,眼帘微阖,纹丝不动,整个人仿佛陷入了死寂一般,与这一方城池、青铜巨门,融合成了一个整体。 At first sight goes, he looks like the bronze great hanger-on wipes the white quiet shadow, tiny, but the negligible, the wind will blow will disperse with the wind, will not leave the slight trace. 乍一看去,他就像是青铜巨门下的一抹白色幽影,渺小而微末,风一吹就会随风而散,不留丝毫痕迹。 This old man, naturally is the great wild goose. 这老者,自然便是鸿。 Since the first-generation great wild goose, great wild goose from generation to generation has defended before this bronze great gate, only if appears is related to the entire World of Immortals big event, otherwise almost never leaves. 自第一代鸿以来,一代又一代的鸿就守在这青铜巨门之前,除非出现事关整个仙界的大事件,否则几乎从不离开。 Lonely and lonely is here theme. 孤独和寂寥就是这里的主旋律。 The time, as if must pass here flies, closes one's eyes, opens eyes, silent permits was dozens over a hundred years passes once in a while. 就连时间,在这里都仿佛要流逝得更快一些,一闭眼,一睁眼间,无声无息间或许就是几十上百年过去了。 Suddenly. 忽然。 A semblance assumes the streamline, extremely attractive flying boat drove into this city, broke the loneliness of this city. 一艘外表呈流线型,极为好看的飞舟驶入了这座城池,打破了这一城的寂寥。 flying boat passed over gently and swiftly from the city, flew in front of the bronze front door directly, then falls slowly. 飞舟从城池上空掠过,径直飞到了青铜大门前面,而后缓缓落下。 In flying boat. 飞舟内。 Flies a old man, a combination of youth. 飞出来一位老者,一位青年的组合。 In which old man wide robe long wide sleeve, the beard and hair is all white, glowing with health, if still the extra mundane deity is ordinary. 其中的老者宽袍广袖,须发皆白,红光满面,犹若世外神仙一般。 Another side young men is a white clothing, the elegant bearing, cool breeze of makings in the forests, are mild and genial, remind the bamboo shadow to dance, loosen big wave is intermittent. 另一边的青年男子则是一袭白衣,风度翩翩,一身的气质宛若林间清风,温润而和煦,让人联想到竹影婆娑,松涛阵阵。 Grazes, his loose white robe drags with the wind, added several points of free and easy to him, next life recluse who quite somewhat idle cloud wild crane, outside will look for the friend condition. 飞掠间,他那一身宽松的白袍随风摇曳,又给他平添了几分洒脱,颇有几分闲云野鹤,来世外寻访友人的隐士之态。 This two, naturally is World of Immortals first, no, second expert remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, as well as few lord Wang Shouzhe. 两位,自然便是仙界第一,不,第二高手太上仙帝,以及少界主王守哲了。 Detected that their nearness, just like falling into the deathly stillness thin old man opened the eye slowly, on the face reveals wiped the light happy expression: Shouzhe, this God error Does the scenery, make you be greatly disappointed?” 察觉到他们的靠近,宛如陷入死寂的消瘦老者缓缓睁开眼睛,脸上露出了一抹淡淡笑意:“守哲啊,这【界神阙】的风光,是不是让你大失所望啊?” Wang Shouzhe looked all around, smiled saying with a smile: Except for was more magnificent, the vicissitudes, indeed had nothing attractively.” 王守哲环顾四周,笑了笑道:“除了壮观了一些,沧桑了一些,的确没啥好看的。” I said early, this god error name is of pleasant to hear, is actually a miserable bored place.” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor said, „is really Shouzhe must come to have a look, I push someone take on a difficult job to be invited along.” “我早说了,这界神阙名字好听,实则是个凄苦无聊之地。”太上仙帝笑着说,“实在是守哲非要过来看看,我才勉为其难作陪一番。” Wanted me saying that Shouzhe you did worry? When you become the lord, you must guard sooner or later for a long time in God error, Protects our Immortal Spirit gate. When the time comes, what you are many are the time watches here view.” “要我说,守哲你着什么急呢?等你成为界主,你迟早也要长期驻守在【界神阙】,守护咱们的仙灵界界门。到时候,你多的是时间观赏这里的景致。” Was saying to be saying, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor also teased Wang Shouzhe one. 说着说着,太上仙帝还调侃了王守哲一句。 I am the few Lord positions, gives the remote antiquity your majesty.” Wang Shouzhe shakes the head with a smile, I, although dwelling, does not like going out, but to becoming a guarding the door old man has no interest.” “那我还是将少界主的位置,让给太上陛下吧。”王守哲笑着摇头,“我虽然宅,又不爱出门,但是对成为一个看门老头没啥兴趣。” Does not need remote antiquity Immortal Emperor to refute, Wang Shouzhe has then fallen gently light in front of the great wild goose, then wields conveniently, the surroundings then presented the furniture and tea set, canteen wait/etc utensils. 不待太上仙帝反驳,王守哲便已然轻飘飘落在了鸿面前,而后随手一挥,周围便出现了桌椅、茶具,水壶等等器物。 He sits down after the tea table, starts to boil water to make tea on own initiative, and looked at a great wild goose behind that ancient and motley broad bronze great gate: This gate, after is the Ancient God plate dies, turns into? However, how I see this not like am the body......” 他在茶桌后坐下,主动开始烧水烹茶,并看了一眼鸿身后那古老而斑驳的恢宏青铜巨门:“这界门,就是古神盘死后化成的?不过,我怎么看这都不像是躯体所化啊……” Haha Shouzhe you have not to know.” “哈哈~守哲你有所不知。” The great wild goose also no longer sat cross-legged at this time, but set out to sit on the Wang Shouzhe body side chair. 鸿这时候也不再盘坐,而是起身坐到了王守哲身侧的椅子上。 He received the life new tea from Wang Shouzhe, sipped one, felt life aura in internal organs by the freshness that lingers, this talent and sound give him to explain: Ancient God and our Immortal Clan shape is different.” 他从王守哲手里接过生命新茶,呷了一口,感受了一番内腑被生命气息萦绕的清爽感,这才和声给他解释:“古神们和咱们仙族的形态并不一样。” Ancient times these Ancient God of period, majority actually in the energy environment of ultra-high density was naturally pregnant fresh spirit, part was the energy, some simply were the innate divine object. For example Ancient God mang, is then pregnant to live from one group of innate Divine Water , a birth is grasping the water together to high principle.” “远古时期的那些古神,大部分其实都是在超高浓度的能量环境之中自然孕生的‘灵’,其中一部分乃是能量所化,有一些干脆就是先天神物所化。譬如古神娏,便是自一团先天神水之中孕生而出,一出生便掌握着水之一道的至高法则。” However Ancient God plate, what represented when is our Immortal Spirit parting heaven and earth, some hardest that materials, after he dies, changes to the bronze great gate to be very normal.” “而古神盘,代表的是咱们仙灵开天辟地时,其中最坚硬的那部分物质,他死后化作青铜巨门十分正常。” Wang Shouzhe nods slightly, along with handing over one cup of tea to remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, said with a smile unguardedly: Such big bronze great gate, if brings to refine divine item, does not know how many can refine? If refines treasure it, can be battered to death all of a sudden supremely and so on?” 王守哲微微颔首,随手递了一杯茶给太上仙帝,信口笑道:“这么大一座青铜巨门,要是拿来炼制神器,不知可炼制多少把了?若是将其炼制成一件宝物,能不能一下子砸死至尊之类?” This little section has not ended, please the click next page continue to read the following splendid content! 本小章还未完,请点击下一页继续阅读后面精彩内容! Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor received the tea, stared his one eyes ill-humoredly: What do you think? This is the remains of Ancient God plate.” 太上仙帝接过茶,没好气的瞪了他一眼:“你想什么呢?这可是古神盘的遗体。” You must know, initially when first Immortal and Demon War, if not plate Senior coordinates, organizing massive Ancient God to defend the invasion of massive ancient times Demon Race, our World of Immortals did not have at that time.” “你要知道,当初第一次仙魔大战之时,如果不是盘前辈牵头,组织起大量古神守住了大量远古魔族的入侵,咱们仙界当时就没了。” Pitifully he consumed excessive Source Strength when the fight, finally ancient times Demon Race drove out, his also strength uses up to perish. Finally the moment, he puts together the completely final one breath to change to the gate the body, this domain channel to seal/confer Zhen, this gives the opportunity that we Immortal Clan multiplication lived thoroughly.” “可惜他在战斗中消耗了过量本源之力,最终远古魔族被驱除之时,他也力竭而亡。最后关头,他拼尽最后一口气将身体化作界门,将这处界域通道彻底封镇,这才给了咱们仙族繁衍生息的机会。” Haha, Shouzhe such idea was not first.” The great wild goose has not cared about these actually, but also explained with a smile, heard second-generation Immortal Spirit Lord Zhuanxu Senior, has the gate to refine the idea of treasure, only pitifully, in any event refining gate.” “哈哈,守哲这样的想法也不是第一个了。”鸿倒是没在意这些,还笑着解释了一句,“听说第二代仙灵界界主颛顼前辈,就有过将界门炼成宝物的想法,只可惜,无论如何都炼化不了界门。” Indeed is also. If can easily refine treasure, how can also be able to block the Demon Race army?” Wang Shouzhe chuckle , the somewhat curious say/way, right, great wild goose Senior, you defended 1 million years of gate in this from all sides, may once meet has had some existence, knocks on our Immortal Spirit gate?” “的确也是。若是能轻易炼制成宝物,又如何能挡得住魔族大军?”王守哲轻笑了一声,又有几分好奇道,“对了,鸿前辈,您在此前前后后守了一百万年界门,可曾遇到过有某种存在,叩咱们仙灵界界门?” Mentioned this matter. 一提到这事。 The expression of great wild goose enforced several points immediately: Can truly the life that wanders outside the domain, each is very powerful, at least is the Immortal Emperor ranks! However, outside the domain is quite spacious, hundred thousand years was also not necessarily have the life to pass by our gate, even if passed by, will basically still run away in fear by the gate pressure aura.” 鸿的表情顿时严肃了几分:“能真正在界域之外游荡的生灵,每一个都很强大,至少都是仙帝级别!不过,界域之外极为空旷,十万载也未必会有生灵路过咱们界门,即便路过,基本也会被界门的威压气息吓跑。” At this point, the great wild goose slightly hesitates , to continue saying: About 800,000 years ago, there is a doubtful basic shell unusual powerful life to pass by, did not know is out of curiosity, was other factors, it knocked on some time gate. I was afraid at that time, only dares to protect the gate not to dare firmly accordingly, it saw unable to knock on afterward, left.” 说到这里,鸿略一沉吟,继续道:“大约八十万年前,有过一头疑似界主级的异常强大生灵路过,不知是出于好奇,还是其他因素,它叩了一段时间界门。我当时害怕极了,只敢牢牢护住界门不敢应声,它后来见叩不开,就走掉了。” Pitifully.” A Wang Shouzhe face regretted, „, if our strength is more powerful, can put it to come in...... I not to eat the basic shell ferocious beast meat ~ “可惜了。”王守哲一脸惋惜,“如果咱们实力再强大一些,就能放它进来……我还没吃过界主级的凶兽肉呢~” „......” Great wild goose serious expression stiffens quickly, looked that becomes to the Wang Shouzhe expression strange. “……”鸿严肃的表情倏地僵住,看向王守哲的表情都变得诡异起来。 Spoke a joke.” Wang Shouzhe smiles, „my rare far away from common custom, does not need to install Family Head and Dean sign surface again , before your two elder, this bracelet 12, relaxes, affable affable pressure.” “说个笑话而已。”王守哲一笑,“我这难得远离世俗,不用再装家主院长的牌面,又是在在你们两个长辈面前,这才跳脱一二,散散心,舒缓舒缓压力。” Actually, I over 5000 years old am, am a child, the pressure on shoulder is heavy.” “其实,我才五千多岁,还是个孩子呢,肩膀上的压力就沉甸甸的。” Haha ~ this but actually is also.” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor also responded at this time, could not bear ridicule one, Shouzhe your oneself did not say that you more than 5000, we clearly know that your with foot origin, perhaps also really thinks that which old monster reincarnation you were.” “哈哈~这倒也是。”太上仙帝这时也反应了过来,忍不住笑骂了一声,“守哲自己不说你才五千多,咱们又清楚知道你的跟脚来历,恐怕还真会以为你是哪个老怪物转世。” The great wild goose also smiles, feels relaxed saying: „The basic shell void life is not good to cope, is the Ancient God plate, Zhuanxu Great Emperor and great wild goose, their three bumped into, one-on-one not possible to take the opposite party. If three dozens one, may remain actually under.” 鸿也是一笑,释然道:“界主级虚空生灵可不好对付,便是古神盘、颛顼大帝、鸿,他们三个碰上了,单对单也不可能将对方拿下。如果三打一,倒是有可能留得下。” Then mentioned, to eat the basic shell ferocious beast meat, we at least can have three lords?” Wang Shouzhe slightly hesitates, „, our goals must put high.” “那么说来,要想吃界主级的凶兽肉,咱们至少得有三个界主?”王守哲略一沉吟,“果然,咱们的目标还得放高一点。” The great wild goose was again silent. 鸿再次沉默了。 Those images and scenes, he some unexpectedly minutes/shares is not clear for a while, Shouzhe this is also saying the joke affable pressure, took seriously? 此情此景,他一时竟有些分不清楚,守哲这是又在说笑话舒缓压力呢,还是当真了? ...... ……
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