POP :: Volume #8

#139: Wang Clan goes to the Ancient God battlefield to clean up the trash

...... …… Strong automatic control trigs the mood when the supreme plaster, wants to interrogate again is clear. 就在至尊垩强自控制住情绪,再想质问清楚时。 Suddenly. 忽而。 The deep place of endless void sea, a powerful and terrifying energy sticks out suddenly suddenly, arrived nearby the supreme plaster and dark deep Lord Monarch at an astonishing speed. 无尽虚空海的深处,一股强大而恐怖的能量骤然暴起,随之以一种惊人的速度驾临到了至尊垩与暗冥主君附近。 That energy extreme speed condenses, changed to one to be tall in a flash, makings gloomy and cold and evil different Demon Race powerhouse. 那股能量极速凝聚,转瞬间就化作了一位身材高大,气质阴冷而邪异的魔族强者。 On him puts on a contour fierce heavy/thick demon armor, dreadful demon qi from fills the air, entire void will seem will dye the dense black color. 他身上穿着一身外形狰狞的厚重魔铠,滔天魔气自其中弥漫而出,将整个虚空都好似染成了森森墨色。 The eye pupil after helmet is exuding the dim light, is cruel and crazy. 头盔后的眼眸泛着幽光,残忍而疯狂。 This demon, is control plate subordinate four direct descendant supreme supreme wang. 此魔,正是主宰盘麾下四位嫡系至尊之一至尊尫。 His look cold and gloomy and evil different stared at a dark deep Lord Monarch, teased looks to the supreme plaster: Plaster, I have not thought, you also joined rebellion organization Bloody Daybreak unexpectedly.” 他眼神森冷而邪异的盯了一眼暗冥主君,又戏谑般的看向了至尊垩:“垩,我没想到,你竟然也加入了叛乱组织血色黎明。” Supreme wang.” In the supreme plaster look appeared the color of thick alert, I and Bloody Daybreak had nothing to do.” “至尊尫。”至尊垩眼神中浮现出了浓浓的戒备之色,“我和血色黎明无关。” Ok, you said there is nothing to do that to have nothing to do.” Supreme wang as if does not care about the supreme plaster, but observed closely dark deep Lord Monarch saying that „, but, under your trusted aide, did I carry off do not have the issue?” “行,你说无关那就无关。”至尊尫似乎并不在意至尊垩,而是盯住了暗冥主君道,“但是,你的这位心腹麾下,我带走没问题吧?” Snort!” Supreme plaster cold snort/hum, the tone does not show weakness, dark deep is my subordinate, I personally the self-modulation to investigate thoroughly the truth. How should handle, I can also control an Sir confession.” “哼!”至尊垩一声冷哼,语气毫不示弱,“暗冥是我的麾下,我会亲自调查清楚事情的真相。该如何处置,我也会给主宰大人一个交代。” Simply put, did not plan that handed over dark deep Lord Mr . 言下之意,就是不打算把暗冥主君交出来了。 „Do you investigate personally? Hehe the ~ supreme plaster, you really plan to betray the Sir, turns to Bloody Daybreak?” Supreme wang hearing this, in that crazy eye pupil jumped immediately projected strong fighting intent, you began although, this supreme did not mind that also caught you, one and belt/bring went back to give the control to punish.” “你亲自调查?呵呵~至尊垩,你是真的打算背叛大人,投靠血色黎明吗?”至尊尫闻言,那略带疯狂的眼眸中顿时迸射出了浓烈的战意,“你尽管动手,本至尊不介意把你也擒住,一并带回去交给主宰发落。” During the speeches, the dark energy of his whole body surges crazily, the aura starts to rise crazily. 说话间,他周身的黑暗能量疯狂涌动,气息开始疯狂上涨。 That must look at you to have this skill.” The supreme plaster pupil light is desolate, the figure also as if raised several points again, the whole body imposing manner rises suddenly. “那得看你有没有这本事了。”至尊垩眸光冷淡,身形也仿佛再次拔高了几分,周身气势暴涨。 The terrifying supreme pressure fills the air, bumps into void, shakes periphery void is shaking crazily. 恐怖的至尊威压弥漫开来,在虚空中相撞,震得周围的虚空都在疯狂震荡。 Lord!” 主上!” Shortly the supreme plaster and supreme wang must hit, dark deep Lord Monarch quickly blocked in front of the supreme plaster, hoarse-voiced impediment said: This matter is my oneself must decide there is nothing to do with you. For me, do not oppose with the control.” 眼看着至尊垩和至尊尫就要打起来,暗冥主君急忙拦在了至尊垩面前,声音嘶哑的阻止道:“这件事情是我自己得决定,和您无关。您千万别为了我,和主宰作对。” paused, he turns the head to look to supreme wang: Supreme wang, an demon works a demon to work as, I can follow you.” 顿了一下,他又转头看向至尊尫:“至尊尫,一魔做事一魔当,我可以跟你走。” Good, very good. So long as you solid coordinate, I will certainly not expand the scope of attack.” Supreme wang laughed several. “好,很好。只要你老实配合,我当然不会扩大打击面。”至尊尫大笑了几声。 Also, does not see him to have what movement, darkness is gloomy, like the substantive energy from his behind darkness, changed to a black fog chain turbulently, dark deep Lord Monarch will tie up. 随之,也不见他有什么动作,就有一股黑暗阴沉,有如实质般的能量自他身后的黑暗中汹涌而出,化作了一条黑雾般的链条,将暗冥主君捆住。 Supreme plaster complexion Yin clear uncertain, unpredictable, has not intended to prevent eventually. 至尊垩的脸色阴晴不定,变幻莫测,终究还是没有出手阻止。 He is only the sinking sound said: Supreme wang, this matter, this supreme will seek an interview the control personally. Before then, hopes that you have the unnecessary movement.” 他只是沉声说道:“至尊尫,这件事情,本至尊会亲自去求见主宰。在此之前,希望你别有多余的动作。” Hehe ~ as you like then, but I urged you to make the best use of the time.” “呵呵~随你的便,不过我劝你抓紧时间。” Supreme wang indifferent smiling , the smile on face evil crafty, as if some are recklessly meaningful. 至尊尫无所谓的笑了笑,脸上的笑容邪诡肆意,似乎有些意味深长。 Then, his figure flashes, then led convict dark deep Lord Monarch to vanish in the endless void sea. 说罢,他身形一闪,便带着囚徒暗冥主君消失在了无尽虚空海中。 ****** ****** While Demon Race has the turmoil. 就在魔族内部发生动乱的同时。 Another side World of Immortals, actually presented one piece to be positive and progressive, prosperous situation. 另一边的仙界,却呈现出了一片积极向上,欣欣向荣的态势。 Regained the originally in World of Immortals Too deep demon area, Too quiet demon area, Too? Demon area, And after gradually recovered and controlled these three big regions, is equal to controlling of World of Immortals three big Heavenly River ancient deep pool Heavenly River Most basins. 仙界收复了原本的【太冥魔区】、【太幽魔区】、【太?魔区】,并逐渐光复和控制了这三大区域后,等于是控制住了仙界三大天河之一【古渊天河】的大部分流域。 But went to the upstream following ancient deep pool Heavenly River, arrives in once day source beginning sea, will then enter Ancient God battlefield Region. 而顺着古渊天河一路向上游而去,抵达曾经的天源始海,便会进入到【古神战场】区域。 Grasped this way, Immortal Clan then had reorganized and developed the Ancient God battlefield turning point. 掌握了这条路径,仙族便具备了重新整理和开发古神战场的契机。 At least, does not need to be worried about stirring up trouble and destruction of Demon Race army in a short time. 至少,在短期内无需担心魔族军队的滋扰和破坏。 Also is therefore, the immortal commission after the discussion, is determined to launch the Ancient God battlefield development plan, uses the extensive resource that in the Ancient God battlefield preserves, further promotes the development of World of Immortals. 也是因此,仙委会在经过讨论之后,才决意启动古神战场开发计划,将古神战场之中存留的丰富资源利用起来,进一步促进仙界的发展。 But at this time. 而此时。 As the earlier preparatory work of development plan is completed, the Ancient God battlefield development plan has announced to the public officially, and led to giant unrest in World of Immortals. 随着开发计划的前期筹备工作完成,古神战场开发计划已然正式对外公布,并在仙界之中引发了一股巨大的风潮。 Ancient God battlefield edge. 古神战场边缘。 Star light fallen, just like the glass fragments general shatter Heavenly Lake lakeside, a huge advanced base, peaceful float in void. 一片星光零落,宛如碎玻璃一般的破碎天湖湖畔,一座庞大的前进基地,正安安静静的悬浮在虚空之中。 The rays of innumerable signal light glitter in the base, the bright searchlight ray assigns the void, entire base unceasingly has been operating in good order. 无数信号灯的光芒在基地中闪烁,明亮的探照灯光芒不断划过虚空,整个基地都在井然有序地运行着。 In ray dim void, it looks like the lighthouse in sea level, directs direction that countless travelers are going forward. 在光芒黯淡的虚空中,它就像是海面上的灯塔,指引着无数旅人前进的方向。 This your presence enters the base, before for a long time starts to construct, but until was completed recently finally completely. 这座前进基地,从许久以前就开始建设,但直到最近才终于完全竣工。 It is human develops the Ancient God battlefield bridgehead, is the rear of all development teams, will provide the ample capacity for the development of entire Ancient God battlefield, commodity and other logistics in the support, and military force safeguard of certain extent. 它是人类开发古神战场的桥头堡,也是所有开发队伍的大后方,将为整个古神战场的开发提供运力,物资等后勤方面的支援,以及一定程度的武力保障。 By the base, is a new construction Ultra long-distance range Transmission Array. 基地旁边,是一座新建设的【超远距离传送阵】。 These years, as three Array Dao lord the unceasing rise of Array Dao aspect strength, ultra long-distance range Transmission Array array also had the improvement of certain extent, not only the stability greatly is enhanced, transmitted the distance to have increase of certain extent, using to be even more convenient. 这些年,随着三阵道阵道方面实力的不断提升,超远距离传送阵阵法又有了一定程度的改良,不仅稳定性大大增强,就连传送距离都有了一定程度的增加,使用起来愈发方便了。 Ultra long-distance range Transmission Array scale many changes after improvement, the array structure is not exquisiter orderly, sends out exquisite feeling that an order is bringing. 改良后的超远距离传送阵规模没有多少变化,阵法结构却更加精巧有序,散发着一种秩序带来的优美之感。 The young lord, behind this chapter also has, please the click next page continue to read, behind is more splendid! 小主,这个章节后面还有哦,请点击下一页继续阅读,后面更精彩! Under void shine, the array ray that in that Transmission Array flows is gentle and stable, the twinkle star, glittering, makes people dazzling and intoxicating just like the morning star. 在虚空映照下,那传送阵内流淌的阵法光芒柔和而稳定,星星点点,闪闪烁烁,宛如晨星般让人目眩神迷。 In this time. 正在此时。 Transmission Array blooms to make a debut fiercely the radiant white ray. 传送阵猛地绽放出道道璀璨的白色光芒。 In the unusual Heavenly Abyss spatial warping phenomenon, ultra giant super crosses the boat to pass through the space vortex, appears slowly during this piece was void. 在奇特的天渊空间扭曲现象中,一艘超巨型的超级渡舟穿越空间漩涡,缓缓出现在了这片虚空之中。 This super crosses the boat to cross the boat also general super to be huger, is more stirring, the ray that in the base projects was camouflaged by it, cast the huge shadow in the ferry spot in Transmission Array edge. 这艘超级渡舟比一般的超级渡舟还要更加巨大,更加震撼人心,就连基地中投射出的光芒都被它遮蔽,在传送阵边缘的渡口上投下了巨大的阴影。 In this colossus loads, majority the commodity supplies that transports from World of Immortals. 这庞然大物之中装载的,大多数都是从仙界运输过来的物资补给。 Meanwhile, it also takes along was travelling by some explorations or the fights middle-and-small crosses the boat to come. 同时,它还捎带着搭乘了一些探索或战斗型的中小型渡舟过来。 They are the development teams that comes. 它们都是闻讯而来的开拓队。 Huge super crosses the boat slowly stop in the ferry spot, but the access panel opens, middle-and-small crosses the boat such as the young swallow to throw the forest to graze one after another, goes toward the anchoring point in all directions. 巨大的超级渡舟缓缓在渡口停稳,而舱盖打开,一艘又一艘中小型渡舟如乳燕投林般飞掠而出,朝着四面八方的停泊点而去。 The stream of people gushes out, in a structure toward the advanced base is broad, has in the Wang Clan modernistic transparent vault hall to well up. 紧接着,人流涌出,朝着前进基地内一座结构恢弘,颇具王氏现代风格的透明穹顶大厅内涌去。 This giant hall, named Ancient God comprehensive battlefield mission hall. 这座巨大的大厅,名为【古神战场综合任务大厅】。 At this time, in hall busy flow of people, a very lively appearance. 此时,大厅内人来人往,一副好不热闹的模样。 Five ten Number 4 registration mouths. 五十四号登记口。 An appearance approximate middle age, the makings are mature, is passing some dignified men, is going through the development team renewal procedure. 一位模样近似中年,气质成熟稳重,又透着些威严的男子,正在办理开拓队注册手续。 Registers in the mouth, the appearance is delightful, the strength achieves True Immortal Boundary Wang Hujiao, Is wearing a pretty appropriate customer service uniform/subdue, goes through the registration to him again. 登记口内,长相甜美,实力达到真仙境的【王瑚娇】,正穿着一身漂亮得体的客服制服,再给他办理登记注册手续。 Her sound has the orderliness clearly, seems has the patience extremely: Chen Tairan Senior hello. Because the Ancient God battlefield is the Immortal Spirit most dangerous region, even if has been cleaning up initially Safe area In conducts the development and explores mission, needs to face the suitable risk.” 她的声音清晰而有条理,显得极有耐心:“陈泰然前辈您好。因古神战场乃是仙灵界最危险的区域,哪怕是在初步清理过的【安全区】内进行开拓和探索任务,也需要面临相当的风险。” To develop the security of team, the immortal commission stipulated, requests to develop in the team applicant, at least has Chaos Origin Boundary cultivator, at least ten Great Principle Golden Immortal level strengths, as well as at least one Dao Boat.” “为了开拓队的安全,仙委会规定,要求开拓队申请方中,至少拥有一名混元境修士,至少十名大罗金仙级战力,以及至少一艘道舟。” Please provide the corresponding personnel registration roll, we will verify to the corresponding material that you provide. So long as the verification passes, then through your login request.” “请您提供相应的人员注册名单,我们会对您提供的相应资料进行审核。只要审核通过,便会通过您的注册请求。” Wang Hujiao is the Wang Clan parallel veins elite clansman, at present 3000 several hundred -year-old appearances. The ordinary parallel veins clansman like her, wanted to be difficult to True Immortal Boundary in this ages cultivation. 王瑚娇王氏直脉精英族人,目前三千几百岁的样子。原本像她这样的普通直脉族人,想要在这个年龄段修炼真仙境非常困难。 However her luck is for a lifetime good, in booth outstanding Elder Brother, Wang Yanjiao. 不过她一辈子运气不错,摊上了一个优秀的哥哥,王宴骄 But the Wang Yanjiao this whole life biggest pride, had the Crystal 5 reincarnation Wang Songyi. Flies with the Wang Songyi belt/bring, the Wang Yanjiao families benefit. 王宴骄这辈子最大的骄傲,是生出了晶五转世【王宋一】。凭着王宋一的带飞,王宴骄一大家子都获益匪浅。 Returning to the proper topic. 言归正传。 That calm middle-aged man hearing this named Chen Tairan, on face not slightly accidental/surprised. 那位叫陈泰然的沉稳中年男子闻言,脸上没有丝毫意外。 He smiles to Wang Hujiao politely, said: „Before we come the Ancient God battlefield, already, since Immortal newly publishes On knew concrete development team registration requirement, these are our materials.” 他客气地向王瑚娇笑了笑,说道:“我们来古神战场前,已经从【仙新刊】上得知了具体的开拓队注册条件,这些是我们的资料。” During speeches, his polite handing over one pack of thick materials. 说话间,他客气的递上了一叠厚厚的资料。 Wang Hujiao received the material, slightly an inspection, then skilled will register the material to input in the crystal brain, simultaneously checks with Chen Tairan one by one: Registering clan is purple light day Chen Clan, the development team registers artificially Chen Jin wins, cultivation base is Chaos Origin Boundary three layers, the development team registers the member is Chen Tairan, Chen Ziqiong...... The development team name is Purple light Chen Clan.” 王瑚娇接过资料,略一检查,便熟练的将注册资料输入到了晶脑之中,同时与陈泰然一一核对:“注册家族为紫霞天陈氏,开拓队注册人为【陈进胜】,修为混元境三层,开拓队注册成员是【陈泰然】、【陈紫琼】……开拓队名字为【紫霞陈氏】。” Quick, all material verifications are unmistakable. 很快,所有资料审核无误。 Wang Hujiao handed over to give back to Chen Tairan cover Haozhang the registration proof: Congratulates Chen Senior, expensive/noble clan Purple light Chen Clan The development team has registered successfully. At present develops the team rank is first-level, can only choose corresponding first-level mission, and conducts the exploration and development in the first-level region.” 王瑚娇将盖好章的注册证明递还给了陈泰然:“恭喜陈前辈,贵家族的【紫霞陈氏】开拓队已经注册成功。目前开拓队等级为一级,只能选择相应的一级任务,并在一级区域内进行探索和开拓。” Many thanks...... Hujiao Young Lady.” Chen Tairan has taken the registration proof, confirmed a Wang Hujiao tag, expresses gratitude grateful. “多谢……瑚娇小姐。”陈泰然拿过注册证明,确认了一下王瑚娇的胸牌,感激地道了声谢。 Then, he and no longer disturbs, left quickly served the counter. 说完,他并不再打扰,快步离开了服务柜台。 Wang Hujiao smiles is nodding the head the response. 王瑚娇微笑着颔首回应。 Waits for front position to come out spatially, she then pressed under served the conclusion button , in the hall broadcast to resound: Invited No. 378 waiting, enters No. 54 registration mouth to go through the renewal procedure.” 等面前的位置空出来,她便摁了下服务结束按钮,随之,大厅内广播响起:“有请378号等候者,进入54号登记口办理注册手续。” The broadcast sound falls, immediately then the middle-aged person took the number plate to set out, before arriving at No. 54 registration mouth . 广播声落下,当即便有一个中年人拿着号牌起身,走到了54号登记口前。 Wang Hujiao enters in the next reception work immediately. 王瑚娇立刻进入了下一个接待工作中。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Chen Tairan who leaves the registration mouth, across like the tidal crowd, entered the hall to wait for the rest area. 离开登记口的陈泰然,也穿过如同潮水般的人群,进入到了大厅等候休息区。 The big rest area corner, an appearance dignified old man is sitting well on the sofa. His surroundings also encircled an age size and sex, actually the imposing manner uncommon clansman. 偌大的休息区一角,一位模样威严的老者正端坐在沙发上。他的周围还围了一圈年龄大小和性别不等,却都气势不凡的族人。 Chen Tairan walks up, said with a smile: Enters wins Old Ancestor, our Purple light Chen Clan The development team registered successfully. From now on, can receive the Ancient God battlefield to develop mission.” 陈泰然走上前去,笑着说道:“进胜老祖,咱们的【紫霞陈氏】开拓队注册成功了。从现在开始,就可以领取古神战场开拓任务了。” Such remarks, that dignified old men and clansmen show felt relieved the smile. 此言一出,那位威严老者和族人们都露出了如释重负般的笑容。 Ancient God battlefield. 古神战场。 This was once nearly belonged to half step Immortal Emperor and risk area of Immortal Emperor rank powerhouse specially, like them Ordinary say/way clan, Simply does not have the qualifications and strength bribes. 这可是曾经近乎专属于半步仙帝仙帝级别强者的危险区域,像他们这样的【普通道族】,是根本没有资格和实力染指的。 However now, the immortal commission built the advanced base in the Ancient God battlefield, and after eliminating the most dangers of peripheral region, the folk influence like them also had the qualifications that comes to develop finally. 但是现在,仙委会在古神战场打造了前进基地,并清除了周边区域的大部分危险后,像他们这样的民间势力也终于有了前来开拓的资格。 These have been cleaned up by the Immortal Emperor level powerhouse, the quite safe region, develops the harvest is quite certainly small relatively normally. 那些已经由仙帝级强者清理过,相对比较安全的区域,正常开拓收获当然会比较小。 But here is the Ancient God battlefield, what matter may happen, if the luck is excellent, picked divine item in the safe area? 但这里是古神战场,什么事情都有可能发生,万一运气极好,在安全区捡到了神器呢? The young lord, behind this chapter also has, please the click next page continue to read, behind is more splendid! 小主,这个章节后面还有哦,请点击下一页继续阅读,后面更精彩! Can that entire clan soar? 那岂不是全族都要腾飞? Dignified old man, Chaos Origin Boundary three layers cultivation base Enters wins Old Ancestor Thinks of the future innumerable possibilities, is somewhat full of enthusiasm: How do we receive mission? Also needs to line up again?” 威严老者,混元境三层修为的【进胜老祖】想到未来的无数可能性,也是有些兴致勃勃:“那咱们怎么接取任务?还需要再去排队吗?” Does not need.” Chen Clan Family Head Chen Tairan hearing this, put out a crystal curtain plate to say immediately, we register the development team, can receive corresponding first-level mission in the official platform directly.” “不需要。”陈氏家主陈泰然闻言,立即拿出了一个晶幕平板道,“咱们已经是注册开拓团队,可以在官方平台直接领取相应的一级任务。” During the speeches, he then entered the official platform, chose received mission. 说话间,他便进入了官方平台,选择了接取任务 Then, the mission list of full screen jumped, tallies Purple light Chen Clan First-level mission of development team. 然后,满屏幕的任务列表跳了出来,都是符合【紫霞陈氏】开拓队的一级任务 Chen Tairan even/including chose/point several next page, found that first-level mission seems general inexhaustible, then chose examination details casually. 陈泰然连点了几次下一页,发现一级任务仿佛无穷无尽一般,便随便选了一个查看详情。 ...... …… First-level mission serial number: YJ 一级任务编号:YJ mission type: Exploration 任务类型:探索型 mission goal: Please go to the following coordinates area coverage to explore, labels resources and draws up the corresponding map. 任务目标:请前往如下坐标区域范围内进行探索,标注资源点并绘制出相应地图。 mission deadline: Ten years. 任务期限:十年。 mission reward: The foundation rewards 100 contribution points, and appraises the result according to the mission actual situation, conducts the extra contribution points reward. 任务奖励:基础奖励100点贡献值,并根据任务实际情况对结果进行评估,进行额外贡献值奖励。 100 contribution points? 100点贡献值 The Chen Clan people are the complexion one happy. 陈氏众人均是脸色一喜。 Only is small exploration mission, the start is 100 contributions. It is said that this in resources exchange list, exchangeable 100 Immortal Spirit Stone, or Primal Chaos Spirit Stone! 光是一个小小的探索任务,起步便是100点贡献。据说,这在资源兑换列表中,可兑换100枚仙灵石,或是一枚混沌灵石 Regarding their purple light Chen Clan like this ordinary say/way clan, this is a quite considerable contribution points income. In the exploration process will also possibly have other harvest not to mention. 对于他们紫霞陈氏这样的普通道族来说,这已经是一笔相当可观的贡献点收入了。更别提探索过程中还可能会有别的收获了。 Then, Chen Tairan examined many mission continuously, discovered that the mission type are various, has fight mission, transport mission, construction mission and support, detection mission wait wait/etc. etc., divided very carefully. 然后,陈泰然又是连续查看了多个任务,发现任务种类各种各样,有战斗型任务、运输型任务、建设型任务、支援型、侦查型任务等等等等,划分得非常细致。 And, in view of fight mission of this first-level development team, usually does not involve the Chaos Origin Boundary rank the danger. 其中,针对这种一级开拓队的战斗任务,通常都不涉及混元境级别的危险。 Only if many first-level development teams form a team, qualifies for second-level mission. 除非多个一级开拓队进行组队,才有资格领取二级任务 These mission rewards are very rich ~ a Chen Clan clansman to collect in Chen Tairan look at the crystal curtain plate behind, the tone is excited, luckily the purple reveal specially reports the news to us, making in the clan probably form the Ancient God battlefield development team.” “这些任务奖励都很丰厚啊~”一个陈氏族人凑在陈泰然身后看着晶幕平板,语气兴奋,“幸亏紫露专门发消息给咱们,让族里一定要组建古神战场开拓队。” One speaking of the purple reveal, the complexion of Chen Clan clansmen somewhat is for a while strange, is not only gratified, is somewhat proud, during is only this minute/share is proud, brings some to worry faintly. 一说到紫露,陈氏族人们的脸色一时都有些古怪,既是欣慰,又是有些引以为傲,只是这分骄傲之中,隐隐还带着些许担忧。 A while ago the bitter experience of purple reveal in Luming Institute, made noisily, how can everyone not worry? 前段时间紫露在鹿鸣学院内的遭遇,闹得沸沸扬扬,大家如何能不担忧? At this time. 这时。 The sound that not far away flatters resounds: Enters wins the brother, did you also come the Ancient God battlefield?” 不远处一个略带讨好的声音响起:“进胜兄,你们也来古神战场了?” hearing this, Chen Clan people turn head to look, sees not far away one crowd more than ten to be an expert personally, what is the head is a hair white white old man. 闻言,陈氏一众人扭头看去,就见不远处一群十多个人正在行来,其中为首的是一位头发皓白的老者。 Seeing is they, the complexion of Chen Clan people becomes some cold Chen immediately, in the look obviously were many some hostilities. 见是他们,陈氏众人的脸色顿时都变得有些冷沉,眼神中明显多了些敌意。 Purple light Ji Clan! 紫霞姬氏 Was purple light day Chen Clan and Ji Clan, the relations are good, some domains have the cooperation, even also maintained marrying of certain extent. 原本同属紫霞天的陈氏姬氏,彼此之间关系还算不错,部分领域也有合作,甚至还保持了一定程度的联姻。 However with Chen Zilu and Ji Tianyang incident, the relations between two clan fell the freezing point rapidly. 然而随着陈紫露和姬天阳事件的发生,两个家族间的关系飞速降到了冰点。 Entering of Chen Clan wins Old Ancestor, is the complexion Yin wanting water drop: Originally is Ji Clan jade porch Old Ancestor. Snort, expensive/noble clan we do not dare to seek friendships.” 陈氏的进胜老祖,更是脸色阴的要滴水:“原来是姬氏的玉轩老祖。哼,贵家族我们可不敢高攀。” The overall strength, Chen Clan must plan actually high, currently has two Chaos Origin Boundary cultivator to complete to take turn. 总体实力而言,陈氏实则要更高一筹,目前有两个混元境修士在完成交替。 But Ji Clan, then only has Chaos Origin Boundary Old Ancestor. 姬氏,则只有一个混元境老祖 Strict, Ji Clan somewhat sought friendships. 严格来说,姬氏本就有些高攀了。 Initially is willing to let the two junior in the same place, looked that Ji Tianyang oneself comparison made every effort to succeed, to Chen Zilu also quite. 当初愿意让两个小辈在一起,还是看姬天阳自己比较争气,对陈紫露也相当好。 But the following matter, lets the Chen Clan high and low simultaneously indignation, said is mistaken, is becoming to the Ji Clan impression bad. 可后面的事情,却让陈氏上下齐齐愤慨,直呼看走了眼,连带着对姬氏的观感也变得糟糕起来。 Now although two clans are also hostile toward in that mutually, but met also is very difficult the good complexion. 如今两族虽说还不到相互仇视那份上,但见面也很难有好脸色了。 Hears to win the Old Ancestor words, the Ji Clan jade porch Old Ancestor complexion is slightly awkward. 听到进胜老祖的话,姬氏的玉轩老祖脸色略显尴尬。 He just wants to say anything. 他刚想说什么。 Suddenly, above the hall transparent vault, is attractive and unique, packages the giant battleship momentum in radiant Golden Light to graze impressively. 忽而,大厅透明的穹顶上方,一艘样式新颖,包裹在璀璨金光中的巨型战舰声势赫然地飞掠而过。 It behind, but also follows more than ten Dao Boat, as well as various dense and numerous battleships. 其身后,还跟着十多艘艘道舟,以及密密麻麻的各种战舰。 That ray is really dazzling, the momentum is really also astonishing, almost all people raised the head to see this scene, saw symbol that on these battleships inscribed magnificent brilliant, is sending out the sacred ray colored glaze color flame. 那光芒实在耀眼,声势也实在惊人,几乎所有人都抬头看到了这一幕,也看到了那些战舰上铭刻的标志一朵瑰丽绚烂,散发着神圣光芒的琉璃色火焰。 This was......” purple light Chen Clan Family Head Chen Tairan stares in a big way the eye, exhaled the sound unrestrainedly lowly, this was the greatly comfortable day Colored glaze flame bodhisattva Wang Luoqiu Colored glaze flame fleet.” “这是……”紫霞陈氏家主陈泰然瞪大了眼睛,情不自禁地低呼出声,“这是大自在天【琉焰佛子】王珞秋的【琉焰舰队】。” Now World of Immortals is not strange to the colored glaze flame bodhisattva. 如今仙界对琉焰佛子可不陌生。 This bodhisattva comes Holy Territory Changning Wang Clan, is few lord the Wang Shouzhe same generation of Peerless character. 这位佛子出身圣域长宁王氏,是和少界主王守哲同一辈的绝世人物。 It is said that she initially was World of Immortals that and present Azure Emperor Divine Palace generation of Palace Lord Wang Zong'an come together, after arriving in World of Immortals, then directly soared the greatly comfortable day to go, and quick obtained greatly comfortable day approval, becomes greatly comfortable day present age bodhisattva. 据说,她当初是和如今的青帝神宫宫主王宗安一起来的仙界,抵达仙界之后便直奔大自在天而去,并很快就得到了大自在天的认可,成为了大自在天的当代佛子。 Then in the World of Immortals recovering war, she is drawing the Holy Territory Buddhism influence, as well as in greatly comfortable day some Buddhism influences, two unify, group a fleet, with colored glaze flame name. 而后在仙界光复战中,她拉着圣域佛门势力,以及大自在天中的部分佛门势力,两相结合,组了一支舰队,冠以“琉焰”之名。 In the later recovering war, colored glaze flame fleet captured the huge merit. 在之后的光复战中,“琉焰舰队”斩获了巨大功劳。 It is reported that the greatly comfortable Buddha is quite satisfied with the colored glaze flame bodhisattva, once clearly expressed to want her to regard as the Legacy strong desire. 据传,大自在佛祖对琉焰佛子极为满意,曾经明确表达出想要将她视作衣钵的强烈意愿。 However, the colored glaze flame bodhisattva interest lacks actually. She as to go out of the oneself say/way. 不过,琉焰佛子对此倒是兴趣缺缺。她似乎更想走出自己的道。 In addition, the colored glaze flame bodhisattva strongest individual score, is duel Demon Race Great Commander wins it. 除此之外,琉焰佛子最强的个人战绩,便是单挑一个魔族大统领而胜之。 This chapter had not ended, please the click next page continue to read! 这章没有结束,请点击下一页继续阅读! Depending on this war, she becomes many World of Immortals youngster idol. 凭此一战,她成为了不少仙界年轻人的偶像。 Her fans even believe, now the colored glaze flame bodhisattva is not right in the position of god beautiful jade list, she must be completely capable of entering the historical total list first ten! 她的拥趸们甚至认为,如今琉焰佛子在神瑛榜的名次不对劲,她应当完全有能力进入历史总榜前十! So man of the hour also came the Ancient God battlefield unexpectedly, suddenly, in the hall various discussions are unceasing, particularly many years ago outstanding talent, are familiar with colored glaze flame bodhisattva Wang Luoqiu all sorts of passing facts. 如此风云人物居然也来了古神战场,一时间,大厅内各种议论声不断,尤其是很多年前俊杰们,更是对琉焰佛子王珞秋的种种过往事迹如数家珍。 Colored glaze flame fleet also came the Ancient God battlefield, evidently immortal commission's development strength to Ancient God battlefield, far ultra anticipation ~ Chen Tairan is also very sigh with emotion, does not know that this colored glaze flame fleet, is several levels of development teams, can meet several levels of mission?” “琉焰舰队也来了古神战场,看样子仙委会对古神战场的开发力度,远超预期啊~”陈泰然也是十分感慨,“也不知这琉焰舰队,属于几级开拓队,能接几级任务?” Although he is unable to determine, actually also knows one newly established Purple light Chen Clan The development team , compared with others is a small mixed fish. 尽管他无法确定,却也知道自家刚成立的【紫霞陈氏】开拓队,和人家相比就是条小杂鱼。 But the people are not sigh with emotion. 可众人还未感慨完。 Sees another huge fleet, follows close on the colored glaze flame fleet to roll by sky over the vault, invested harbor area of distant place. 就见得另外一支庞大的舰队,紧跟着琉焰舰队驶过穹顶上空,投入了远方的港口区。 This fleet overall style deviation is dark, many Dao Boat styles and common Dao Boat are different, the contour is somewhat similar to the fierce insect clan, looks at very not affable appearance. 这支舰队总体风格偏向黑暗阴沉,很多道舟的风格与寻常道舟迥异,外形有些类似于狰狞的虫族,一看就很不好惹的样子。 This is the imaginary Gu God female Wang Luojing insect sovereign fleet.” “这是幻蛊神王珞静的虫皇舰队。” The scene some people recognized the origin of this fleet immediately, called out in alarm at the scene. 现场立即有人认出了这支舰队的来历,当场就惊呼了起来。 In hearsay has the place of colored glaze flame fleet, has the insect sovereign fleet to appear and disappear, the hearsay has not really deceived people.” “传闻中有琉焰舰队的地方,就有虫皇舰队出没,传闻果然没有骗人。” The people of some familiar insect sovereign fleets, to the imaginary Gu God female origin, the origin of insect sovereign fleet are also clear, they are drawing the peripheral crowd, exciting start popular knowledge. 一些熟知虫皇舰队的人,同样对幻蛊神女的来历,虫皇舰队的由来清清楚楚,他们拉着周边的人群,兴奋的开始普及知识。 Any imaginary Gu God female leads the World of Immortals insect to cultivate/repair the unrest, many wandering cultivator insect masters, governing insect master clan conformed with, formed the alliance, resolving to establish Insect sovereign temple, Making governing insect master lineage also one of the World of Immortals mainstreams. 什么幻蛊神女引领仙界虫修风潮,将诸多散修虫师,御虫师家族都整合了起来,形成了联盟,立志要建立【虫皇神殿】,让御虫师一脉也成为仙界主流之一。 For example, the imaginary Gu God female is raising the multi-thread very fierce insect clan again it is said that even can a person form an army! 再例如,据说幻蛊神女豢养着多头非常厉害的虫族,甚至可以一人成军! Therefore, do not look that the insect sovereign fleet overall scale must be smaller than the colored glaze flame fleet, the population also wants on few many, however its true strength, is not absolutely worse than the colored glaze flame fleet, similarly has performed the huge meritorious service in the World of Immortals recovering war. 因此,别看虫皇舰队整体规模要小于琉焰舰队,人数也要少上不少,然而其真正的战力,绝对不比琉焰舰队差,同样在仙界光复战中立下过巨大功勋。 But these have not ended. 可这些还没完。 As the insect sovereign fleet passed by, the renowned fleets entered the advanced base one after another. 随着虫皇舰队路过,一支又一支声名赫赫的舰队相继进入了前进基地。 These fleets, each has a benchmark character, the start is some temple Divine Palace god child Divine Maiden and so on, has the prominent prestigious powerhouse in entire World of Immortals. 这些舰队,每一支都有一位标杆性的人物,起步都是某个神殿神宫的神子神女之类,在整个仙界都有着显赫声望的强者。 In these fleets. 在这些舰队中。 Was paid attention to fleet Wang Yingxuan to lead broadly Saint altogether pledge regiment. 还有一支广受人关注舰队王璎璇率领的【圣共盟军团】。 This team, is in the fleet extremely rare regular army regiment, the scale is also hugest, but, under leadership of Wang Yingxuan, the regular army instead can display the maximum strength. 这支队伍,乃是舰队之中极为罕见的正规军军团,规模也最为庞大,不过,在王璎璇的率领下,正规军反而能发挥出最大的战力。 In addition, the Cloud Soaring fleet that Wang Liyao leads is extremely also well-known. 除此之外,王璃瑶率领的凌云舰队也极受瞩目。 This is few Lord eldest daughter's fleet. 这可是少界主的长女的舰队。 The few Lord eldest daughter in this legend is mystical, usually the conduct low key, ranking in god beautiful jade list seemed like not high, however it in the duel process, has killed the 17th Stage enemy it is said directly! 这位传说中的少界主长女非常神秘,平素行事低调,在神瑛榜上的排名看起来也不高,然而据说其在单挑过程中,直接干掉过十七阶敌人! This makes countless people guess, perhaps Wang Liyao also has the god beautiful jade list history list first ten levels. 这让无数人纷纷猜测,王璃瑶或许也拥有神瑛榜历史榜前十的水准。 At this time. 此时。 As Cloud Soaring Dao Boat of flagship, has surpassed the 5000-year-old Wang Liyao vision to be solemn and calm, is overlooking the Ancient God battlefield advanced base slightly. 作为旗舰的凌云道舟中,已经超过了5000岁的王璃瑶目光冷峻而沉着,微微俯瞰着古神战场的前进基地。 In her body side, is crowding around many makings outstanding young outstanding talent. 在她身侧,簇拥着不少气质卓绝的年轻俊杰 In their pupil light is surging the exciting ray, obviously is interested in the development of Ancient God battlefield extremely. 他们眸光中都涌动着兴奋的光芒,显然对古神战场的开发都极感兴趣。 Because of everyone knows, the Ancient God battlefield as one of the entire Immortal Spirit ultimate Dungeon, what top heavenly materials and earthly treasures inside has, picks the Dao Book possibility is also big conveniently. 因为谁都知道,古神战场作为整个仙灵界的终极副本之一,里面什么样的顶尖天材地宝都有,随手捡到道书的可能性也不小。 This to all of them, is the chance of a lifetime. 这对他们所有人来说,都是千载难逢的机会。 And, what follows close on the Wang Liyao body side is one is slender, elegant bearing, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards bright goal young Young Master. 其中,紧跟在王璃瑶身侧的是一位身材颀长,风度翩翩,剑眉朗目的年轻公子 He seems maturer than Wang Liyao , the makings between foreheads are very calm. 他看起来要比王璃瑶成熟不少,眉宇间的气质很是沉稳。 He looks to Wang Liyao, bows to inquire slightly: Young Lady Liyao, the competition of this time is a little as if big. Does not know that side Family Head Shouzhe, there is an extra prompt?” 他看向王璃瑶,微微躬身询问道:“璃瑶小姐,这一次的竞争似乎有点大。不知守哲家主那边,有没有额外的提示?” This young Young Master, once participated in Emperor Child Struggle Gongyang Ce Young Master Ce with Wang Shouzhe in the past. 这位年轻公子,正是当年曾和王守哲一起参与帝子之争公羊策策公子 Initially, after Wang Shouzhe had the absolute quality advantage, has not felt embarrassed Gongyang Ce, mainly considered that his moral behavior comparison went through, the abilities in various aspects were also good, leave behind him, can Wang Liyao keep a good helper to the daughter. 当初,王守哲取得了绝对性优势后,并没有为难公羊策,主要还是考虑到他本身人品比较过关,各方面的能力也都不错,留下他,可以给女儿王璃瑶留一个不错的帮手。 Then, Gongyang Ce after competing with Holy Child is defeated, then sets one's mind at ease assists Wang Liyao actively, now has passed through becomes Wang Liyao one left and right arms, and is also praises in World of Immortals, was called God child plan. 而后,公羊策在竞争圣子失败后,便沉下心来积极辅佐王璃瑶,如今早已经成为了王璃瑶的左膀右臂之一,并且在仙界也算是扬了名,被人称之为【神子策】。 ...... ……
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