POP :: Volume #8

#138: Strategic puts in the Demon Race Savior

Chapter 1084 第1084章 Strategic puts in the Demon Race Savior 战略性投放魔族救世主 ...... …… Luming park. 鹿鸣苑。 Pavilion. 凉亭。 in the pavilion is suspending several deck chairs, by the deck chair small on several is also suspending the fruit tray and drink, obviously, here people lay down on the deck chair very much leisurely and carefree, is having the drink, is eating the fruit. 凉亭里摆着几张躺椅,躺椅旁的小几上还摆着果盘和饮料,很显然,这里原本有人悠闲地躺在躺椅上,喝着饮料,吃着水果。 But at this moment. 但此刻。 king Hanxia on deck chair actually sat straight the body, an eye stared at the phantom crystal curtain that the wrist watch is projecting stubbornly, in the attractive pupil glittered the scarlet ray, the color of anger is can be seen in speech and appearance. 躺椅上的王珺霞却坐直了身体,一双眼睛死死盯着腕表投射出来的虚影晶幕,漂亮的眸子中闪烁着猩红的光芒,愤怒之色溢于言表。 In the crystal curtain, a young handsome man to the lens, is confessing the oneself actions with an incomparably sincere attitude. 晶幕中,一位年轻俊朗的男子正对着镜头,用一种无比诚恳的态度忏悔着自己的所作所为。 That had the giant disturbance some time past, is stopped the studies Ji day to be positive by Luming Institute for the time being. 那正是前些时候闹出巨大风波,被鹿鸣学院暂且停掉学业的姬天阳。 That is a grade of interview program, Ji Tianyang reviewed the oneself actions in the program profoundly, to Chen Zilu, Yao Qinqi, Luming Institute Hospital, as well as clan apologizes sincerely, and expressed that oneself does that is expressing the oneself attitude, does not request the public to forgive, does not have the extravagant demands to return to Luming Institute. 那是一档采访节目,姬天阳在节目里深刻的检讨了自己的所作所为,对陈紫露、姚秦琪,鹿鸣学院院方,以及家族都诚恳道了歉,并表示自己这么做只是在表达自己的态度,不要求得到公众原谅,更是没有奢求能回鹿鸣学院。 Moreover he also said that starting today, he must recover the area most dangerous area, starts from the work of most foundation, made up for oneself diligently in the past frivolous with the damage that others caused. 而且他还表示,从今天开始,他要去光复区最危险的地区,从最基础的工作做起,努力弥补自己过去的轻浮与对他人造成的伤害。 Irritated me!” “气死我了!” king Hanxia heard half unable to listen, „” one switched off the crystal curtain, was mad again and again stamps the foot, beautiful hair turned into the purple, hiked up after behind. 王珺霞听到一半就听不下去了,“啪”一下关掉了晶幕,气得连连顿足,一头秀发都化成了紫色,在身后根根飘起。 He thought said like this, can make up for the mistake, makes up that purple reveal Elder Sister was harmed? I! Is which media washes the white interview that he does? this Young Lady this went to carry it!” “他以为这样说,就能弥补过错,弥补紫露姐姐受到的伤害了?我呸!是哪个媒体给他做的洗白采访?本小姐这就去端了它!” Including the mist, you must be angry not.” Makings gentle Chen Zilu sees that on the face reveals some, helpless the color, the gentle voice comforts her, person have the power of speech, must have the opportunity that the confession reforms. Since Ji Tianyang can realize that oneself mistake, to him to the World of Immortals society, is beneficial.” “珺霞,你莫要生气。”气质温婉的陈紫露见状,脸上流露出些许无奈之色,柔声安抚她,“人都有说话的权力,也得有忏悔改过的机会。姬天阳既然能认识到自己的错误,无论是对他还是对仙界社会,都是有益的。” I did not believe people like him to repent sincerely.” king Hanxia was mad the small mouth honk, „, purple reveal Elder Sister you were good, did not want others saying that what you letter/believed anything.” “我才不信他那种人会真心悔过。”王珺霞气得小嘴都嘟了起来,“还有,紫露姐姐你太善良了,不要人家说什么你就信什么。” king Hanxia attitude, is the general attitude of public opinion. 王珺霞的态度,也是舆论的普遍态度。 Washes the white interview regarding this, now many people are whooping, most of them receive the attitude of not trusting, few parts have the neutrality and attitude of wait and see, only then extremely a small number think that Ji Tianyang repenting attitude is good, Luming Institute should give him again an opportunity. 对于这篇洗白采访,现在很多人都在议论纷纷,其中绝大多数都是秉承着不信任的态度,少部分是持中立和观望态度,只有极少部分人认为姬天阳悔改态度良好,鹿鸣学院应该再给他一次机会。 Felt relieved including mist you, I will not be silly. Even if he repented sincerely, matter is impossible to return.” Chen Zilu smiled, showed the firm expression, „, because, I must accompany you am protecting world including the mist together, constructed happy Immortal Spirit in your mind together.” “珺霞伱放心,我不会那么傻的。哪怕他真心悔过,事情也不可能回到过去。”陈紫露嫣然一笑,露出了坚定的表情,“因为,我要陪着珺霞你一起守护世界,一起建设你心目中的美好仙灵界。” Un un, purple reveal Elder Sister you are really good.” king Hanxia the attractive eyes pupil bent the crescent moon, inside appeared the happy ray of twinkle star, I will certainly establish Immortal and Demon two clan peaceful coexistence Immortal Spirit.” “嗯嗯,紫露姐姐你真好。”王珺霞漂亮的眼眸弯成了月牙,里面浮现出了星星点点的幸福光芒,“我一定会建立一个仙魔两族和平共处的仙灵界。” Since childhood in Ancestral Grandfather Wang Shouzhe protects her who grows up, the happy feeling and security sense fill to the appearance that must overflow, she has not been discriminated because of oneself half of Demon Race bloodlines, oneself had also thought that this is normal. 从小在老祖爷爷王守哲呵护中长大的她,幸福感和安全感都是满到要溢出的样子,她从没有因为自己一半的魔族血统而受到过歧视,自己也觉得这样再正常不过。 However, as grows up day after day, she also realized slowly, oneself is only an exceptional case. 然而,随着日渐长大,她也慢慢意识到,自己只是一个特例。 Is Ancestral Grandfather as well as everyone Immortal Emperor Grandfather and protection of Immortal Emperor Elder Sister, makes her be able to be exempt from the censure, but in fact, most Immortal and Demon hybrids do not have she such good life. 老祖爷爷以及诸位仙帝爷爷仙帝姐姐的保护,才让她得以免受非议,但实际上,绝大多数的仙魔混血都没她这么好的命。 But creates all these, naturally is between the Immortal and Demon two clans as incompatible as fire and water overall situation. 而造成这一切的,自然是仙魔两族之间水火不容的整体局势。 After a considerable period of time, she also had some ideas actually gradually. 天长日久之下,她倒是也渐渐生出了些想法。 Said actually not has what sense of mission and so on, she thought purely oneself as the Wang Clan orthodox lineage eldest daughter, must a little lifelong goal, otherwise also really ignorant life? 倒不是说怀揣着什么使命感之类,她只是单纯觉得自己身为王氏嫡脉长女,总得有点人生目标,不然还真的浑浑噩噩过一生么? Since must have the goal, then the status of her Immortal and Demon two clan hybrids, are the best breakthrough points. 既然要有目标,那么她仙魔两族混血的身份,就是最好的切入点。 About this issue, she has also discussed with Ancestral Grandfather, Ancestral Grandfather also supports her idea and decision. 关于这个问题,她也已经和老祖爷爷谈过了,老祖爷爷也非常支持她的想法和决定。 ...... …… Same time. 同一时间段。 In Luming park study room. 鹿鸣苑书房内。 Wang Shouzhe also closed the wrist watch projection, sighs gently. 王守哲也是关闭了腕表投影,轻轻叹了一口气。 Although he it is expected that the matter will develop in this direction, however, when the matter approaches truly, the Wang Shouzhe innermost feelings somewhat regretted as before. 他虽然预计事情会往这个方向发展,然而,当事情真正来临时,王守哲的内心依旧有些惋惜。 In any event, Ji Tianyang are one of his students. 无论如何,姬天阳都算是他的学生之一。 this time suspends him, wants the opportunity that gives him one to engage in introspection truly essentially. 这一次将他停学,本质上也是想要给他一个真正自省的机会。 Only pitifully, present he, had been misled by supreme yi mostly. 只可惜,眼下的他,多半已经被至尊嬟蛊惑了。 If not his heart did not think that oneself has the mistake, hating the day to hate to hate the society, how could supreme does yi easily mislead him? 若非他内心根本不觉得自己有错,恨天恨地恨社会,至尊嬟又岂能轻易蛊惑到他? Family Head, you do not need to rebuke oneself.” The Wang Mei figure appears slowly. 家主,您也无需自责。”王梅的身形缓缓显现。 this time, she put on plain-colored to make Immortal Skirt, the forehead ignites a birthmark, the makings has the dust to be floating, chilly noble just like nine days of Divine Maiden. 这一次,她穿了一身素色的古制仙裙,眉心点着一颗红痣,气质出尘飘然,清冷高贵宛若九天神女 Resembles dresses up to be on good terms to gather for and this, her tone is also chilly indifferent, quiet: „The road of under foot, is oneself choose. Since he made the choice, makes him use another way to make the contribution to Immortal Clan.” 似是为了和这一身装扮相契合,她的语气也是清冷淡然,平静无波:“脚下的路,都是自己选的。既然他做出了选择,就让他用另外一种方式替仙族做贡献吧。” Un.” Wang Shouzhe nodded the head slightly, sipped tea, following, needed to conduct the strict monitoring to him in secret. In which criterion, your oneself assurance.” “嗯。”王守哲微微颔首,抿了一口茶,“接下来,需要暗中对他进行偏严格的监控。其中的尺度,你自己把握。” Family Head, Meimei understands.” 家主,梅梅明白。” Wang Mei nods receives an order, immediately retreats gradually backward, the form disappeared in the shadow of study room gradually. 王梅颔首领命,随即缓步向后退去,身影渐渐消失在了书房的阴影之中。 Now this condition, to the Ji day Yang monitoring, will not instead make supreme yi have the suspicion. 如今这状况,不对姬天阳监控,反而会令至尊嬟生出疑心。 But if all -around no dead angle monitoring, cannot do well will make supreme yi be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, will hesitate must Yang make the investment in Ji day again. 但若是全方位无死角监控,搞不好会令至尊嬟投鼠忌器,甚至会迟疑是不是要再在姬天阳身上做投入。 Therefore, acting bashful is important. 所以,度的拿捏非常重要。 This aspect, was the Wang Mei domain. 这方面,就是王梅的领域了。 ****** ****** Demon Realm. 魔界 Control city. 主宰城。 Transdimensional Corridor base. 超空间走廊基地。 A giant demon boat approaches shore slowly, seemingly ordinary Demon Race Great Commander along being bewitched wandering setting sail cabin, converged in stream of people that goes to control the city. 一座巨大的魔舟缓缓靠岸,一个看起来普普通通的魔族大统领顺着魔流离开船舱,汇入了前往主宰城的人流之中。 This seemingly ordinary Great Commander, is the supreme plaster disguises as. 这个看起来普普通通的大统领,乃是至尊垩假扮而成。 Immortal Clan observes the commitment, after he puts, he then masquerades, goes through many places, returned to the control city with great difficulty finally. 仙族信守承诺,将他放出来之后,他便乔装打扮,一路辗转,好不容易才终于回到了主宰城。 This difficulty, does not need to raise. 这一路的艰辛,自不必提。 At present, is looking at present this palatial boundless control city territory, his look can not help somewhat absent-minded. 眼下,望着眼前这巍峨磅礴的主宰城一域,他的神色情不自禁有些恍惚。 He has not thought, oneself some day can also live is returning to control the city. 他没想到,自己有朝一日还能活着回到主宰城。 Here all are so familiar, is looking at all these, he only thinks that oneself difficult value all the way, innermost feelings all sorts is disturbed and anxious, belongs to this moment is peaceful and tranquil. 这里的一切是如此熟悉,望着这一切,他只觉自己一路上的艰辛都值了,内心的种种忐忑和不安,也在这一刻归于安宁和平静。 Thank controls the Sir.” “感谢主宰大人。” The supreme plaster muttered devotionally in a low voice, in the heart was very grateful. 至尊垩虔诚地低声喃喃自语,心中无比感激。 this time, controlled the Sir to decide offers the big strength to redeem him, otherwise, his supreme plaster was decidedly impossible to be put quickly. 这一次,主宰大人定是出了大力气将他赎回,否则,他至尊垩断然不可能这么快就被放了回来。 He not thinks the report, can only respond with many loyalty, hopes that can return to under the Sir as soon as possible, for his follow closely and wait upon. 他无以为报,只能报以更多的忠诚,希望能尽快回归大人麾下,替他鞍前马后 Lord!” 主上!” Dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king of two title Great Commander noticed the supreme plaster by far, was somewhat scruple, some cannot determine welcomed. 暗冥主君和鲜血之王两位封号大统领远远注意到了至尊垩,有些迟疑,又有些不敢确定的迎了上来。 Previously through related ahead of time, they know that the supreme plaster will come back when this time, in this waited for Lord to be many. 先前通过提前联系,他们知道至尊垩会在这时候回来,早在此守候主上多时了。 Although the supreme plaster has masqueraded, but the dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king of were too familiar with him, when he walks the stance, the aura that on him lends, made them feel a familiarity. 至尊垩虽然乔装打扮过,但暗冥主君和鲜血之王对他太熟悉了,无论是他行走时的姿态,还是他身上散发出的气息,都让他们感觉到了一种熟悉感。 This Great Commander, seems their Lord supreme plasters. 这位“大统领”,似乎就是他们的主上至尊垩。 Dark deep, blood.” The supreme plaster smiles gently, approaches to pat their shoulders, this period of time, was laborious your two.” “暗冥,鲜血。”至尊垩轻轻笑了笑,主动上前拍了拍他们肩膀,“这段时间,辛苦你们两个了。” Has not admitted mistakes, is really Lord! 没有认错,果然是主上 two title Great Commander feels relieved immediately, on the face is pleasantly surprised and excited: Isn't laborious, Lord can return safely, is to we biggest awarding.” 两位封号大统领顿时如释重负,脸上皆是惊喜和激动:“不辛苦不辛苦,主上能安全回归,已是对我们最大的褒奖。” Your loyalty and meritorious services, this supreme engrave on one's memory, certainly will reward you well.” The supreme plaster saw that they are also very happy, did not praise them parsimoniously. “你们的忠诚和功勋,本至尊都铭记于心,一定会好好奖赏你们。”至尊垩见到他们也很开心,毫不吝啬地将他们夸奖了一番。 paused, he remembered the proper business: But, I must first control Demon Palace now, first to controlling the Sir reported on activities, second needs to thank the Sir to intend to save me well. Dark deep, you prepare carriage.” 顿了一下,他又想起了正事:“不过,现在我要先去主宰魔殿一趟,一来是向主宰大人述职,二来是需要好好感谢大人出手救我。暗冥,你去准备车辇。” Who would imagine. 岂料。 The dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king of hear this saying actually looked at one mutually, stops same place in has not moved, in the look is completely awkward and starts to speak but hesitates. 听到这话的暗冥主君和鲜血之王却是互相望了一眼,停在原地没有动弹,眼神中满是尴尬和欲言又止。 Supreme plaster brow slightly wrinkle: Dark deep, did the blood, have an accident?” 至尊垩眉头微皱:“暗冥,鲜血,出什么事了?” Lord, Lord...... I, we do not dare to say.” two title Great Commander buried lowered the head, the sound was somewhat afraid. “主,主上……我,我们不敢说。”两位封号大统领埋低了脑袋,声音有些心虚。 What had not to dare to say?” The supreme plaster turns serious, sent out some dignity, „when was met misfortune supremely, do some people feel embarrassed you? You can count on that this has returned supremely, has anything to put in great inconvenience to me to help you vent anger.” “有什么不敢说的?”至尊垩神色一正,散发出了些许威严,“是不是本至尊落难时,有人为难你们了?你们放心,本至尊已经回归,有什么委屈我帮你们出气。” Most harsh fact that he can imagine, is under this two trusted aide when to save him, sells industry and other resources encountered problem-making, received a big grievance. 他能想象到的最恶劣情况,便是这两位心腹麾下为了救他,出售产业等资源时遭到了刁难,受了不小的委屈。 Lord.” Dark deep Lord Monarch clenches teeth, finally sets firm resolve, the arrange/cloth an isolation barrier, then pulled down the sound explanation conveniently, we were selected to put in great inconvenience are the minor matters, but, but...... acts to redeem you, is not that great exists......, but is, but is Sir Supreme Ming .” 主上。”暗冥主君咬了咬牙,终于下定了决心,随手布了一道隔绝屏障,而后压低了声音解释,“我们受点委屈都是小事,只是,只是……出面将您赎回的,并非是那位伟大的存在……而是,而是至尊冥大人。” Supreme Ming ?” 至尊冥?” The pupil of supreme plaster shrinks fiercely, stunned and severe staring to subordinate trusted aide, after the moment, he interrogated, what's the matter?” 至尊垩的瞳孔猛地一缩,错愕而严厉的盯向了麾下心腹,片刻后,他才质问,“怎么回事?” The dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king, start you to say my one, clarified cause and effect one by one of matter. 暗冥主君和鲜血之王,开始你一言我一句,将事情的前因后果一一讲明。 End, the king of blood also said in a low voice: Lord, if not for the deep Sir lends a hand to assist, this, this time......!” 末了,鲜血之王还低声说:“主上,若不是冥大人出手相助,这,这一次……唉!” From beginning to end, the supreme plaster has not broken them, but with their recounted, his complexion is actually more and more gloomy, the look is also getting more and more dim. 从头到尾,至尊垩都没有打断他们,但随着他们的述说,他的脸色却是越来越阴沉,眼神也越来越黯淡。 Lord, this time that great existence, was really excessive. In blood-color Demon Palace, Lord you......” dark deep Lord Monarch starts to complain resentfully. 主上,这一次那位伟大的存在,真的是太过份了。在血色魔殿中,要不是主上您……”暗冥主君开始忿忿不平地抱怨。 Be quiet!” “住嘴!” The supreme plaster interrupted his words sternly, the complexion is very gloomy: Great control Sir, is you can discuss absurdly?” 至尊垩厉声打断了他的话,脸色无比阴沉:“伟大的主宰大人,也是你们能妄议的?” two title Great Commander keeps silent immediately, lowers the head does not dare to speak again. 两位封号大统领登时噤若寒蝉,低着头不敢再说话。 The supreme plaster looked at their one eyes, has not scolded again. 至尊垩看了他俩一眼,也没再骂。 Hesitated the good after long time, his complexion belongs to gradually tranquilly: Controls the Sir to overlook the overall situation, he does, definitely has his reason. Dark deep, you prepare carriage, this must go to report on activities to the Sir supremely.” 沉吟了好半晌后,他的脸色才渐渐归于平静:“主宰大人俯瞰全局,他那么做,肯定有他的原因。暗冥,你准备车辇,本至尊要去向大人述职。” Yes, Lord.” “是,主上。” Dark deep Lord Monarch their two does not dare to talk too much again, prepared carriage honestly. 暗冥主君他们两个不敢再多言,老老实实准备了车辇 After quite a while . 半天后。 Before controlling Demon Palace . 主宰魔殿前。 Changes into the supreme image the plaster, respectful standing before Demon Palace, seems to be waiting for anything. 重新化为至尊形象的垩,恭恭敬敬的站立在魔殿前,似乎在等候着什么。 After the moment . 片刻后。 With under four big supreme one for control has a nightmare supremely, goes out from Demon Palace, complexion tranquil saying: Plaster, controls the therapy critical moment, does not facilitate to listen to you to report on activities. Your this came back is also laborious, first went back to rest well.” 同为主宰麾下四大至尊之一的至尊魇,从魔殿中走出,面色平静的说道:“垩,主宰正在疗伤的关键时刻,并不方便听你述职。你这一路回来也辛苦了,先回去好好休息。” The supreme plaster is too busy to go forward, said in a low voice: Having a nightmare brothers, my safe, does not need to rest. Since the Sir in the therapy critical period, I do not disturb also should. However, at present the situation is bad, otherwise you for my circular, I hope again for controlling the Sir makes anything, no matter what mission I accept.” 至尊垩忙不迭上前,低声道:“魇兄弟,我这一路平平安安,也无需休息。既然大人在疗伤关键期,我不打扰也应该的。不过,眼下局势恶劣,要不然你再替我通传一下,我希望替主宰大人做点什么,不管什么任务我都接受。” Has a nightmare supremely hearing this, deeply looked at a supreme plaster, probably wants to say anything, finally actually still shook the head: I have asked for you, the Sir makes you go back to rest well.” 至尊魇闻言,深深看了一眼至尊垩,像是想说什么,最后却仍是摇了摇头:“我已经替你问过了,大人让你回去好好休息。” The supreme plaster body shakes slightly, finally nods: I understood, many thanks having a nightmare brothers.” 至尊垩身躯微微一震,终于还是颔首:“我明白了,多谢魇兄弟。” Saying, his backing up several steps, is turning around to leave later controlled Demon Palace. 说着,他倒退数步,随后转身离开了主宰魔殿 Looks back that he goes far away, has a nightmare supremely shakes the head secretly, in the heart cannot bear sigh. 看着他远去的背影,至尊魇暗暗摇头,心中忍不住叹了一口气。 ****** ****** Time points pasts. 时间一点点过去。 The supreme plaster self-cultivation some time after the mansion, then every day insisted that controls Demon Palace to have a look at the situation. 至尊垩在府邸内修身养性了一段时间后,便每天坚持去主宰魔殿看看情况。 However, the control plate seems at the crucial phase of closing up therapy, without responding to his any interview. 然而,主宰槃似乎处在了闭关疗伤的关键时期,没有回应过他任何一次的求见。 Such day, has repeated quite long some time. 这样的日子,一直重复了好长一段时间。 On this day. 这一天。 If in the past were the same, the supreme plaster turns over to again disappointedly. 如往常一样,至尊垩再一次失望而归。 However, gone back on the way, his heart does not have the reason somewhat worriedly, does not want to return home Di Residence, then changed simply, changed to ordinary Demon Race of Demon Lord level, entered in an ordinary restaurant to drink a young wine casually, relaxed. 不过,回去的途中,他内心却没来由得有些烦闷,不想就这么回府邸宅着,便索性摇身一变,化作了一个魔主级的普通魔族,随便进了一家普通的酒楼内喝点小酒,散散心。 In the Demon Race culture, did not have restaurant concept. 魔族的文化中,原本是没有酒楼这种概念的。 However, Demon Race and Immortal Clan of Immortal Spirit confronted do not know that many ten thousand years, the unceasing war, infiltrated unceasingly mutually, actually, had come under the Immortal Clan drastic effect in a subtle way. 然而,仙灵界的魔族仙族对峙了不知多少万年,不断战争,不断相互渗透,实则,早就已经在潜移默化中受到了仙族巨大的影响。 Including the control city, including some architectural styles, and way of life, is the product under this influencing subtly. 包括主宰城,包括部分建筑风格,以及生活的方式,都是这种潜移默化下的产物。 This change happened unknowingly, when notices, then has become a part of Demon Race life. 这种改变都是在不经意间发生的,在注意到的时候,便已经成为了魔族生活的一部分。 Looked for the facing the street window seat casually, supreme plaster careless drinking, is watching the fun the extraordinary street, feels periphery is being full of the noise of life breath, worried innermost feelings gradually tranquil. 随便找了个临街的窗口座位,至尊垩漫不经心的喝着酒,看着热闹非凡的街道,感受着周围充满生活气息的喧嚣,烦闷的内心渐渐平静了下来。 Suddenly, not far away separated several tables of Demon Race diners of seemed like drinks, the mood was somewhat intense, discussion gradually big. 忽而,不远处隔了几桌的魔族食客似乎是喝了点酒,情绪有些激烈,议论声渐渐大了起来。 The tone of Demon Race diner armor is somewhat angry: I thought that the plaster Sir this time was too suffering, I am really unworthy for him.” 魔族食客甲的语气有些愤慨:“我觉得垩大人这次太委屈了,我真替他不值。” Demon Race diner B also echoes was saying: No matter how said, the plaster Sir also has the merit, was so pushed aside unexpectedly.” 魔族食客乙也是附和着说道:“不管怎么说,垩大人也是有功劳的,竟然被如此排挤。” Also, is some keeps sighing, during the expressions is airing a grievance for the supreme plaster. 随之,又是一些长吁短叹,言辞间都是在替至尊垩鸣不平。 The supreme plaster listens to listen, the brow wrinkles gradually. 至尊垩听着听着,眉头渐渐皱起。 Some are this people giving oneself to incur reproach for somebody intentionally? 这是有人故意在给自己上眼药? It is not right. 不对。 When he comes the restaurant, these diners have drunk on the present seat. Moreover his this time comes the behavior of restaurant, is only exuberant, but for the accidental action, and no one knows. 他来酒楼时,这些食客就已经在现在的座位上喝酒了。而且他这一次来酒楼的行为,也只是率性而为的偶然行动,并没有人知道。 In fact, this morning when he goes out controls Demon Palace, oneself does not know that oneself will come to the tavern to drink, or which tavern goes. Even, he before simply not the custom that came to the small tavern to drink to find relief! 事实上,今早他出门去主宰魔殿时,自己都不知道自己会来酒馆喝酒,或是去哪个酒馆。甚至乎,他以前根本没有来小酒馆喝酒解闷的习惯! Even if others have a mind to plan, is impossible. 旁人就算是有心算计,也绝不可能。 The brow of supreme plaster wrinkled tightly. 至尊垩的眉头皱得更紧了。 Currently outside really has many similar public opinions? Some people spread these public opinions outside intentionally, and formed the public opinion unrest? 难道,现在外面真的有很多类似的舆论?是有人故意在外面散布这些舆论,并且形成了舆论风潮? However, the surroundings diner discussed that also and not only matter about supreme plaster. 不过,周围食客议论的,也并不仅仅是关于至尊垩的事情。 Quick, some diners cut into other topic. 很快,又有食客切入另外话题。 Right, have you heard? Recently many tribe did not know to have an accident, was missing completely mystically.” “对了,你听说过没有?最近有好多个部族也不知出了什么事,全部神秘失踪了。” Such big matter, how can I not hear? It is said that these tribe are one night vanishes suddenly, beforehand does not have the least bit trace and indication.” “这么大的事情,我怎么会没听说?据说,那些部族都是一夜之间忽然消失的,事先没有半点痕迹和征兆。” This matter I looked that most likely (80%) are Immortal Clan does.” “这事儿我看八成是仙族干的。” Immortal Clan where has such ability? Many missing tribe, near control city. But here Demon Race center, Immortal Clan, if has this ability, forced one's way into early, which also meets......” 仙族哪有这样的能耐?不少失踪的部族,都是在主宰城附近。这儿可是魔族腹地,仙族要是有这能耐,早打进来了,哪儿还会……” Oh ~ good was good, little said several. Now the situation is a little chaotic, everyone is careful, treats as far as possible in the control city, do not go to the neighboring region.” “唉~行了行了,少说几句。现在局势有点乱,大家都小心点吧,尽可能待在主宰城中,不要去周边地区。” A series of discussions, hearing the supreme plaster heart anxiety to increase. 一连串的议论声,听得至尊垩心头疑虑大增。 Under this matter he also listens to mention indistinctly, is only, he overwhelming majority energy on oneself, thinks that now is only a case, moreover this kind of matter does not turn over to him to manage, many have not paid attention. 这件事情他隐约也听麾下提及过,只是,他现在绝大部分精力都在自己身上,以为只是个例,而且此类事情也不归他管,就并没有多加关注。 The supreme plaster has not thought, some time passes, the matter of tribe collective missing has not only subsided, instead situation of getting stronger and stronger. 只是至尊垩没想到,一段时间过去,部族集体失踪之事不仅没有平息,反而还有愈演愈烈的态势。 It seems like that this matter feared before not having him, thinks is so simple. 看来,这件事怕是没有他之前想的那么简单。 He slightly does to hesitate, the secret decision makes a move to trace this matter. 他略作沉吟,暗暗决定出手去追查一下此事。 Is pondering over. 正思忖间。 Suddenly. 忽而。 The restaurant entrance clamored suddenly. 酒楼门口忽然喧哗起来。 . 紧接着。 Tall and powerfully built Demon Race Great Commander, is leading a elite team, crashed in the restaurant in a threatening manner. 一位身材魁梧的魔族大统领,率领着一支精锐队伍,气势汹汹地冲进了酒楼。 Just passing through the gate, these elite demon soldiers dispersed rapidly, control the entire restaurant. 刚一进门,那些精锐魔兵就迅速散开,控制住了整个酒楼。 Lead Demon Race Great Commander is cold the face, reprimanded loudly drinks: We receive the lead, has Bloody Daybreak The insurgent, circulates the rumor here, discussed High Venerable absurdly, tried to subvert the control city! Comes the person, takes away them entirely.” 领头的魔族大统领冷着脸,大声斥喝:“我们接到线报,有【血色黎明】的叛乱分子,在这里散布谣言,妄议尊上,试图颠覆主宰城!来人,把他们统统带走。” Yes!” “是!” Orders, one crowd of Demon Race elite close in immediately, presses the diners of all discussion supreme plasters in private but actually, and on ban. 一声令下,一群魔族精锐立即一拥而上,将所有私下讨论至尊垩的食客们纷纷摁倒,并上了禁制。 These diners smell there is something wrong, the going all out hissing yells in abundance: Now controls city many places to discuss, is not only then do we, why catch us? We are not the Bloody Daybreak people!” 那些食客们见势不妙,纷纷拼命嘶声喊叫:“现在主宰城很多地方都在议论,又不是只有我们,凭什么抓我们?我们不是血色黎明的人!” Jie Jie ~ that Demon Race Great Commander laughs, „are you Bloody Daybreak insurgents, after grasping, didn't understand?” “桀桀~”那魔族大统领嗤笑,“你们是不是血色黎明的叛乱分子,等抓回去后不就明白了?” Near window. 窗边。 The supreme plaster looks at this scene, the brow has tightened. 至尊垩看着这一幕,眉头已经紧锁。 This Demon Race Great Commander he recognizes, is four big supreme one Supreme wang Subordinate right arm Great strength king. 这位魔族大统领他认得,是四大至尊之一的【至尊尫】麾下的得力干将【巨力王】。 But supreme wang, the itself/Ben controls subordinate Captain Personal Guard. 而至尊尫,本就是主宰麾下的亲卫首领。 As for Bloody Daybreak...... 至于血色黎明…… The supreme plaster is somewhat vacant. 至尊垩有些茫然。 He this period of time is 2.1, to the information and information does not care and cares. 他这段时间一直是两点一线,对外界的信息和情报也不怎么关心和在意。 However, he felt that these diners are the ordinary diners, should very unable to touch on slightly with revolting. 不过,他感觉这些食客都是普通食客,应该和叛贼沾不上边。 Immediately. 当即。 The supreme plaster sets out slowly, vast and dignified supreme aura gushed out, fills the air in the entire restaurant. 至尊垩缓缓起身,一股浩瀚而威严的至尊气息喷薄而出,弥漫在了整座酒楼内。 His indifferent To watch attentively great strength kingly way: „When great strength, others were ate meal discussed several low voice, if this must grasp, ending that big Demon Race, you grasped?” 他淡然注视着巨力王道:“巨力,人家不过是吃饭时小声议论了几句,如果这都要抓,偌大的魔族,你抓的完吗?” This...... supreme plaster!? You how here?” The Great Commander great strength king was frightened backed up several steps, looked that is uncertain to some look doubt of supreme plaster. “这……至尊垩!?你怎么在这里?”大统领巨力王被吓得倒退了几步,看向至尊垩的眼神有些狐疑不定。 This supreme drinks here, does not want to see unexpectedly accidentally/surprisingly you are disrupting the order of control city carelessly.” The supreme plaster coldly said, put, this investigates this matter supremely.” “本至尊不过是在这里喝酒,不想竟是意外看到你在胡乱破坏主宰城的秩序。”至尊垩冷冷道,“把人放了,本至尊来调查这件事情。” hearing this, great strength king Mouguang flashes, gets back one's composure from the shock rapidly. 闻言,巨力王眸光一闪,迅速从震惊中回神。 He shipped out a respectful appearance, lowers the head saying: Supreme plaster Sir, the villain presents my Lord order conduct, but Lord, is presents the order of great control to exterminate Bloody Daybreak.” 他装出了一副恭敬的模样,低头道:“至尊垩大人,小人是奉我主上命令行事,而主上,也是奉伟大主宰的命令清剿血色黎明。” You, if has what opinion, can go to raise with the great control, but also please do not hinder the villain to carry out the official business again!” “您若有什么意见,可以去和伟大主宰提,还请你不要再妨碍小人执行公务!” Then, the great strength king then wields the hand, the sinking sound ordered: „These Bloody Daybreak counter- thieves, takes away completely!” 说完,巨力王便将手一挥,沉声下令:“将这些血色黎明的反贼,全部带走!” Quick, these Demon Race elite Personal Guard, send under custody the Demon Race diner of seizing to leave rapidly. 很快,那些魔族精锐亲卫,就押送着抓捕的魔族食客迅速离开。 Just before leaving before, the great strength king also deeply looked at a supreme plaster. 临走之前,巨力王还深深地看了一眼至尊垩。 The supreme plaster eye pupil moves slightly, has not actually intended to prevent eventually. 至尊垩眼眸微动,却终究没有出手阻止。 Quick, left the great strength kings of restaurant to lead the numerous to mount a shuttle of Demon Race style to cross the boat, to in the air sped away to go. 很快,离开酒楼的巨力王就率众登上了一艘魔族风格的穿梭渡舟,向空中疾驰而去。 Who would imagine, crosses the boat not to fly nearby Heavenly River, then causes trouble suddenly. 岂料,渡舟还未飞到天河附近,便陡然生变。 Several originally in the shuttle boat of normal speed insert suddenly horizontally, but, disregards crosses the boat to hit to stop great strength king that Demon Race directly. 数艘原本在正常行驶的穿梭舟忽然横插而至,不管不顾地径直将巨力王那艘魔族渡舟撞停。 Under the fierce energy impact, that Demon Race crossed the boat to be hit torn to pieces directly. Nearby Heavenly River under the sharp energy shake, was being attacked to twist like the colored ribbon. 剧烈能量冲击下,那艘魔族渡舟直接被撞了个支离破碎。就连附近的天河都在剧烈的能量震荡下,被冲击得如同彩带般扭曲了起来。 Crosses Demon Race in boat elite to maintain life, abandons a ship to plunge into Kong Jian (Space). 渡舟内的魔族精锐为了保命,纷纷弃船跳入空间之中。 However in the meantime. 然而就在此时。 The Demon Race powerhouse who one crowd wears the blood-color mask ran out suddenly, washed out these Demon Race elite Personal Guard. 一群戴着血色面具的魔族强者骤然冲出,冲散了那些魔族精锐亲卫 Also has the two expert to act, jointly drove back the great strength king. 同时还有两位高手出手,联合逼退了巨力王。 Other these blood-color masks while chaotic begin rapidly, steal the Demon Race diner who these were arrested, then removed into only in the crossing boat of one by one survival rapidly. 其余那些血色面具则是趁乱迅速动手,劫走了那些被捕的魔族食客,而后迅速撤入了唯一一艘幸存的渡舟之中。 The people succeed in obtaining, cross the boat then to fly to flee immediately, has fled Heavenly River at the extreme speed, ran into the dark and endless void sea like lightning. 人一到手,渡舟便立刻飞窜而出,以极速窜过天河,闪电般逃进了黑暗而无尽的虚空海中。 The entire process happened extremely fast, all blood-color masks display are orderly, well-trained, as if has premeditated general. 整个过程发生得极为快速,所有血色面具都表现得忙而不乱,训练有素,就仿佛是早就有所预谋一般。 The great strength king was mad results in the eye to be red, roared in void unceasingly angrily, actually can only look that crossed the tail light that the boat vanished to have no alternative. 巨力王被气得眼睛都红了,在虚空中不断愤怒咆哮,却只能看着那渡舟消失的尾光无可奈何。 His that Demon Race crosses the boat to be crashed, is unable to pursue the fleeing criminal. 他的那艘魔族渡舟已被撞毁,根本无法追逐逃犯。 However. 然而。 These run into dark void Demon Race to cross the boat, not with enough time happy. 那些逃入黑暗虚空中的魔族渡舟,还未来得及高兴。 Crosses in void of boat front, the shadow was then spacious presented huge specters. 渡舟前方的虚空中,便影绰间出现了一尊巨大的魔影。 He stands erect in void, is been palatial and big by the figure that the armor covers, is sending out the endless supreme prestige. 他矗立在虚空之中,被铠甲笼罩的身形巍峨而高大,散发着无尽的至尊之威。 Supreme plaster! 至尊垩! At this important moment, is the supreme plaster acts unexpectedly, stops the crossing boat that Bloody Daybreak ran away. 在此关键时刻,竟是至尊垩出手,阻拦住了血色黎明逃窜的渡舟。 Sees only him to wield conveniently, then the giant evil clutches emerge out of thin air, grasped distantly to crossed the boat, demon prestige illustrious, if still the Heavenly Dao principle arrived. 只见他随手一挥,便有一只巨大的魔爪凭空出现,遥遥抓向了渡舟,魔威赫赫,犹若天道法则降临。 In this time. 正在此时。 Crosses in the boat to wear the Demon Race form of blood-color mask to glitter together. 渡舟中有一道戴着血色面具的魔族身影闪烁出来。 Huge of his figure in void, the whole body is lingering similarly unceasingly gloomy phantom, seems like a power and influence good appearance. 他的身形在虚空中同样不断地巨大化,周身萦绕着层层迭迭的阴沉虚影,看起来一副威势不俗的模样。 However, compared with a supreme plaster of side overlord level, he as if also missed much. 不过,比起一方霸主级的至尊垩而言,他似乎还差了不少。 Bang!” “轰!” The fierce shock-wave shakes in void. 剧烈的冲击波在虚空中震荡开来。 That blood-color mask phantom met a supreme plaster claw hardly, gloomy phantom sways immediately fiercely, almost must unable to maintain the appearance of huge body. 那血色面具虚影硬接了至尊垩一爪,阴沉虚影顿时剧烈摇晃起来,几乎要维持不住庞大身躯的模样。 Is good because , the crossing boat after his substitute person won the time eventually. 好在,他终究替身后的渡舟争取到了时间。 In a supreme plaster figure that flash, that Demon Race crosses the boat to erupt the energy instantaneously, during entered Kong Jian (Space) to shuttle back and forth, vanished in a flash same place. 就在至尊垩身形一顿的那一瞬间,那艘魔族渡舟瞬间爆发能量,进入到了空间穿梭之中,转瞬间消失在了原地。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 That blood-color mask Demon Race does not dare again and supreme plaster upfront shoulders hardly, strikes will then change to together gloomy phantom from now on immediately, very keenly and flees fast crazily to the distant place. 那血色面具魔族不敢再和至尊垩正面硬扛,一击过后便立即化作一道阴暗虚影,非常灵敏而快速地向远处狂遁逃走。 He shuttle Kong Jian (Space), walks randomly in the energy storm from time to time from time to time, appears a powerful appearance. 他时而穿梭空间,时而游走在能量风暴之中,显现出一副实力非常强大的样子。 What a pity his opponent is the supreme plaster. 可惜他的对手是至尊垩。 Regardless how he organizes the booklet to flash in the void sea, cannot escape the palm of supreme plaster, once for a while will come under the attack of supreme plaster. 无论他怎么在虚空海中腾挪折闪,都逃不过至尊垩的手掌心,时不时的就会遭到至尊垩的打击。 After burning a joss stick . 一炷香后。 Kong Jian (Space) solidifies and collapse fiercely, subsequently the disintegration became the innumerable Kong Jian (Space) fragments. 一处空间猛地凝固和塌缩,继而崩碎成了无数空间碎片。 The blood-color mask Demon Race figure drops from the Kong Jian (Space) fragment, flew upside down the quite long distance to stop in Kong Jian (Space) reluctantly, float in empty/sky. 血色面具魔族的身形从空间碎片中跌落而出,在空间中倒飞了好长一段距离才勉强停了下来,悬浮于空。 At this moment, his appearance already very distressed, was even the blood-color mask on face broke half. 此时此刻,他的模样已经十分狼狈,便是连脸上的血色面具都破碎了一半。 You cannot escape, the little darling and I return to......” the figure of supreme plaster to pass through from the innumerable Kong Jian (Space) fragments, appeared before him slowly in void. “你逃不掉的,乖乖和我回……”至尊垩的身形自无数空间碎片中穿过,缓缓出现在了他面前的虚空之中。 However. 然而。 But words saying half, the expression on supreme plaster face then solidified at the scene. 可话才说了一半,至尊垩脸上的表情便凝固在了当场。 He is shocked incomparably looks after that blood-color mask, half face that reveals: Dark deep, how can be you?!” 他震惊无比地看着那血色面具后露出的半张脸:“暗冥,怎么会是你?!” Right, that blood-color mask Demon Race, is under of a dark deep Lord Monarch supreme plaster trusted aides. 没错,那血色面具魔族,正是至尊垩的心腹麾下之一暗冥主君。 cough cough!” 咳咳!” The dark deep Lord Monarch mouth ka being bewitched blood, took off almost the blood-color mask of disruption, in the smile passed is being bitter and astringent and helpless: Lord, the subordinate does not know that in this mission, will run into you unexpectedly.” 暗冥主君嘴里咔着魔血,摘下了几近碎裂的血色面具,笑容中透着苦涩和无奈:“主上,属下也不知道这个任务中,竟然会遇到您。” Seeing is really he, the look of supreme plaster becomes extremely complex, has the shock, not to believe that question and anger , more complex mood. 见真是他,至尊垩的眼神变得极为复杂,有震惊、不信、质疑、愤怒,还有更多,更复杂的情绪。 Crossed more than ten breaths, he restrains the mood of eyeground, the calm face spouted a series of doubts: Bloody Daybreak? You turned to Supreme Ming !? Why? He uses my security, coerced you!?” 足足过了十几息,他才收敛住眼底的情绪,沉着脸喷出了一连串的疑惑:“血色黎明?你投靠了至尊冥!?为什么?是不是他用我的安全,要挟了你!?” No, the deep Sir has not coerced me.” Dark deep Lord Monarch shut closing one's eyes, the mood in the eye pupil surging belonged to gradually tranquilly, was only I believes, the idea of deep Sir was right, was I am willing to join Bloody Daybreak.” “不,冥大人没有要挟我。”暗冥主君闭了闭眼,眼眸中激荡的情绪渐渐归于平静,“只是我认为,冥大人的理念是对的,是我心甘情愿加入了血色黎明。” Recalled initially, he and Supreme Ming subordinate contact, but for received in exchange that Immortal Clan Emperor Seal with the help of Supreme Ming , during day after day contact, by the Bloody Daybreak internal unity, the friendly affection, was actually helped the atmosphere of cooperation move mutually, approved their idea wholeheartedly. 回想起当初,他和至尊冥的手下接触,不过是为了在至尊冥的帮助下换回那枚仙族帝印,却在日复一日的接触之中,被血色黎明内部的团结,友爱,互帮互助的氛围所打动,真心诚意地认可了他们的理念。 Lord, I really believe, our Demon Race cannot, the control plate he be this way insane!” 主上,我是真的认为,我们魔族不能再这样下去了,主宰槃他疯了!” You stop talking to me!” “你给我住口!” The supreme plaster look gets angry, the entire demon got angry the pinnacle, the giant demon body is shivering slightly: Another blood-color leader who acted a moment ago, is the blood!?” 至尊垩眼神冒火,整个魔怒到了极致,就连巨大的魔躯都在微微颤抖:“刚才行动的另外一个血色首领,是不是鲜血!?” No wonder, when he intended to intercept this group of Bloody Daybreak members a moment ago, discovered that takes the lead that two Demon Race demon art to be very familiar, as if under dark deep and blood with him looks like very much. 难怪,他刚才出手拦截这群血色黎明成员时,发现领头那两个魔族魔功很熟悉,似乎和他麾下的暗冥和鲜血很像。 However, he had not gone to the association toward that aspect a moment ago from the start. 不过,他刚才压根就没有往那方面去联想。 After all Demon Race, deep was the blood department is very common demon art school, the merit magical form sea went, dark deep and blood was the subordinate who he most trusted, otherwise solely will not make them control the city to deliver a letter initially. 毕竟魔族内部,冥系和血系都是很常见的魔功流派,功法相似的海了去了,暗冥和鲜血又是他最信任的手下,否则当初也不会单单让他们俩会主宰城送信。 The supreme plaster has a dream cannot think, oneself most trusts, most has a high opinion, is almost he now in despair, may be called the two trusted aide subordinate of mind pillar/backbone, actually Shuangshuang/pair betrayed him! 只是至尊垩做梦都想不到,自己最信任,最倚重,几乎是他如今绝望之际,堪称心灵支柱的两位心腹手下,竟然双双背叛了他! In this flash, the supreme plaster felt that the oneself mood crashed thoroughly. 在这一瞬间,至尊垩感觉自己的情绪彻底崩塌了。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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