POP :: Volume #8

#137: Wang Shouzhe is saving the card in a hand silently

Chapter 1083 第1083章 Wang Shouzhe is saving the card in a hand silently 王守哲正在默默积攒底牌 ...... …… two title Great Commander, could not bear looked one mutually, saw frightened, anger, alert and other mood from the opposite party look. 两位封号大统领,忍不住互相对望了一眼,均是从对方眼神中看到了惊悚、愤怒、戒备等情绪。 They retreat vigilantly backward, the sound feels fuzzy to feel cold: Supreme Ming , do you want to do?” 他们警惕地向后退去,声音发沉发冷:“至尊冥,你想干什么?” The projection of Supreme Ming is all smiles: „Do I want to do? I come certainly to offer advice to you. I have the means to help you rescue the supreme plaster.” 至尊冥的投影笑容满面:“我想干什么?呵,我当然是来给你们出主意的。我有办法帮你们救出至尊垩。” The dark deep Lord Monarch evil different pupil reduces suddenly, in the sound is difficult to cover is astonished and is unable believe: Supreme Ming , was you betrayed the great control, betrayed our Lord. Now actually runs over saying that this words, is actually your goal what?” 暗冥主君邪异的瞳孔骤然紧缩,声音中难掩讶异和无法置信:“至尊冥,是伱出卖了伟大的主宰,出卖了我们主上。现在却跑过来说这种话,你的目的究竟是什么?” My goal? Jie Jie Jie ~ ~ I want certainly to become next Demon Race to control, ended the Demon Race turbulence, making trillion Demon Race belong to the higher civilized sequence truly, has the true order, happy life! Let each Demon Race, lives has the dignity!” In the Supreme Ming eye pupil shines the blazing blood-color ray, rather than like the present, each other was full of the suspicion, viciously, indifferent and selfish!” “我的目的?桀桀桀~~我当然是想成为下一任魔族主宰,结束魔族的动荡,让亿万魔族真正归于高等文明序列,拥有真正的秩序,美好的生活!让每一个魔族,都活得有尊严!”至尊冥眼眸中亮起炽热的血色光芒,“而不是像现在这样,彼此充满了猜忌、狠毒、冷漠、自私!” In this regard, Supreme Ming and Dragon Blood have had many discussions and ponders. 关于这一点,至尊冥龙血有过诸多讨论和思考。 Said like his brothers Dragon Blood, our Demon Race has evolved the food chain peak, the civilization system still was so barbaric and backward. 诚如他的兄弟龙血所言,咱们魔族已经进化到了食物链顶端,文明体系却依旧如此野蛮和落后。 This solely is not because is rooted in the cruelty in Demon Race gene and vicious, selfish , because the Demon Race top layer and drives for ease of the rule governing, inaction in promotion of cultural and ethical progress. 这不单单是由于根植在魔族基因中的残暴、凶狠,还有自私,更是因为魔族的顶层为了便于统治和驱御,在精神文明建设上的不作为。 Right , to promote of cultural and ethical progress! 对,精神文明建设! Brother Dragon Blood believe that to make Demon Race get rid of the barbaric fate truly, needs to vigorously promote the construction of spiritual civilization, stands erect the belief for entire Demon Race and goal of civilization, in the meantime, the ideological education also grasps from the demon bastard. 龙血兄弟认为,要想让魔族真正摆脱野蛮的宿命,就需要狠抓精神文明的建设,为整个魔族竖立起文明的信仰和目标,同时,思想教育也得从魔崽子抓起。 Regarding this point, Supreme Ming did not approve at first, but was quick he to be convinced by Brother Dragon Blood. 对于这一点,至尊冥起先并不赞同,但是很快他就被龙血兄弟说服了。 The reason is very simple, Dragon Blood said, the deep big brother you wants to meet as an equal to the control plate, raises up a style bright belief flag, that flag must and belief of control plate distinguishes right from wrong, even is clearly opposite. 原因很简单,龙血说道,冥大哥您想和主宰槃分庭抗礼,就得重新竖起一杆风格鲜明的信仰大旗,那杆大旗须得和主宰槃的信仰泾渭分明,甚至是截然相反。 Put simply, the control plate is selfish, the deep big brother must advocate the stick together, the control plate is barbaric, the deep big brother must propose the civilization to be noble, the control plate advocates the confusion and oppression, then the deep big brother must raise the order and dignity. 简单而言,主宰槃自私冷漠,冥大哥就得提倡团结友爱,主宰槃野蛮残暴,冥大哥就得提文明高尚,主宰槃崇尚混乱与压迫,那么冥大哥就必须提秩序和尊严。 Dragon Blood and under gives an example by oneself. 龙血自己和麾下举例。 He thinks many Demon Race compatriots, there is loyally, belief and a unity, even is the civilization is friendly, many Demon Race are not wants to work as a selfish indifferent devil sincerely. 他认为很多魔族同胞们,也有忠诚、信仰、团结,甚至是文明友善,很多魔族并不是真心想要当个自私冷漠的恶魔。 The environment so, they have no recourse the road that took is not willing to take, will otherwise be swallowed by the environment! But Dragon Blood their these countryside comes Demon Race, has not received the influence and engaging in factional strife of Demon Realm environment, this can maintain wholeheartedness. 只是大环境如此,他们才迫不得已走上了不愿走的路,否则就会被大环境吞噬!而龙血他们这些“乡下来”的魔族,没有受到魔界大环境的影响和倾轧,这才能保持“赤诚之心”。 Supreme Ming felt Brother Dragon Blood said is very reasonable, at least, he wants to meet as an equal to the control plate, must have the sufficient degree of discrimination, can gather Demon Race that and unite, unites his subordinate. 至尊冥觉得龙血兄弟说的很有道理,至少,他想与主宰槃分庭抗礼,就必须拥有足够的区分度,将能汇聚和团结的魔族,团结到他的麾下。 Also is therefore, had that manifesto. 也是因此,才有了刚才的那一番宣言。 However Supreme Ming these words, fall on dark deep Lord Monarch and in blood king of Er, appears is so absurd and unbelievable. 然而至尊冥的这一番话,落在暗冥主君和鲜血之王耳中,却显得是那么的荒谬和难以置信。 two Great Commander felt that the thick conspiracy feeling, looked also filled the question as well as puzzled to the Supreme Ming look. 两个大统领感觉到了浓浓的阴谋感,看向至尊冥的眼神中也充满了质疑以及不解。 Suddenly, entire secret room silent. 一时间,整个密室都沉默了下来。 The atmosphere in air inexplicably somewhat awkward. 空气中的氛围莫名有些尴尬。 Good long time, king of Cai blood is hesitating the opens the mouth: Supreme Ming , we do not trust you.” 好半晌,鲜血之王才沉吟着开口:“至尊冥,我们不信任你。” „Do you have other roads to walk?” Supreme Ming laughed at one, perhaps, you can control the Demon Palace entrance howling several throats, having a look at the control plate to be willing to respond you. Also perhaps, you can betray your Lord, gives up the this time rescue directly.” “你们还有其他路可走么?”至尊冥嗤笑了一声,“或许,你们可以去主宰魔殿门口嚎几嗓子,看看主宰槃愿不愿意搭理你们。亦或许,你们可以背叛你们主上,直接放弃这一次营救行动。” The face distortion of dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king. 暗冥主君和鲜血之王的脸孔一阵扭曲。 They have an accident in the supreme plaster later have not defected look in addition turn supremely, to collect two Immortal Clan Emperor Seal so takes the trouble, to the supreme plaster naturally is extremely loyal. 他们在至尊垩出事之后没有反水另找至尊投靠,还为了凑齐两件仙族帝印如此费心,对至尊垩自然是极为忠心的。 Wants them to give up the rescue, how possibly? 要他们就此放弃营救行动,怎么可能? But looked that has a nightmare the meaning of supremely expressing, the control plate had not planned obviously helped them collect another Immortal Clan Emperor Seal, they were trivial two Great Commander, how can also? 可是看至尊魇表达出的意思,主宰槃显然没打算帮他们凑齐另一件仙族帝印,他们不过是区区两位大统领,又能如何? Difficult word silent fills the air in the secret room. 难言的沉默在密室中弥漫。 Crossed for a long time, dark deep Lord Monarch opens the mouth saying: Supreme Ming , how do you prepare to rescue our Lord?” 过了许久,暗冥主君才开口道:“至尊冥,你准备如何营救我们主上?” Jie Jie Jie, I appreciates your loyalty very much.” Supreme Ming praised one evilly with a smile, later said earnestly, the condition that Immortal Clan pledges is two Immortal Clan Emperor Seal inheritance, has a nightmare supremely has complied to exchange one to you. But I, already with Demon Race west line war zone Supreme ta Has had the relation, in his hand also has Immortal Clan Emperor Seal! However, the resources that the exchange uses, your oneself leaves.” “桀桀桀,我很欣赏你们的忠诚。”至尊冥邪笑着夸赞了一句,随后认真说道,“仙族开出的条件是两件仙族帝印传承,至尊魇已经答应兑换一件给你们。而我,已经和魔族西线战区的【至尊譶】有过联系,他手中也有一件仙族帝印!不过,交易所用的资源,得你们自己出。” two title Great Commander hearing this complexion one happy, in the gloomy look also exuded the light. 两位封号大统领闻言脸色一喜,原本暗淡的眼神中也重新泛起了光。 Dark deep Lord Monarch wants not to nod: We are under the authorization of Lord, can sell and transfer all his resources, please give us some time.” 暗冥主君想也不想就点了头:“我们已经得到主上的授权,可以出售和调用一切他的资源,请您给我们一些时间。” The king of blood, had not become confused actually excitedly, at heart reluctantly is also maintaining some vigilant. He presses down the mood, slightly somewhat looks at Supreme Ming vigilantly: That, does Sir Supreme Ming , what reward you want to obtain?” 倒是鲜血之王,没有被兴奋冲昏头脑,心里勉强还保持着一些警惕。他强按下情绪,略有些警惕地看着至尊冥:“那么,至尊冥大人,您想得到什么报酬?” Reward? Jie Jie Jie ~ Supreme Ming shakes the head evilly with a smile, this matter, the itself/Ben was my pit the supreme plaster, was regarded as me to his compensation. In addition, I had said a moment ago, I must establish a unity and friendliness, has the higher Demon Race civilization of true order. This matter, considers me to be ideal, makes little friendly model ~ ~ “报酬?桀桀桀~至尊冥邪笑着摇头,“这件事情,本就是我坑了至尊垩,就当做是我对他的补偿了。此外,我刚才说过,我要建立一个团结、友善,拥有真正秩序的高等魔族文明。这件事,就当是我为了理想,做出一点点友善的表率~~ Then, Supreme Ming body of a distortion projection, changed to phantom to dissipate suddenly in the secret room. 说完,至尊冥的投影之躯一阵扭曲,蓦然化作虚影消散在了密室之中。 The dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king of look at each other in blank dismay. 暗冥主君和鲜血之王面面相觑。 They really a little do not do clearly, Supreme Ming this loses what temper, unexpectedly meets does not want the advantage to help to them on own initiative. 他俩实在是有点搞不明白,至尊冥这是发什么神经,居然会不要好处主动给他们帮忙。 What is always insufficient really to establish a that to unite, friendly, has the higher Demon Race civilization of true order? 总不至于是真的想建立一个那什么团结,友善,拥有真正秩序的高等魔族文明吧? Silent for a long time, they cannot want to understand, finally decides first to abandon the distracting thoughts not to do temporarily thinks, first retrieves critically Lord. 沉默了许久,他们都没能想明白,最终决定暂时先抛开杂念不做多想,还是先将主上救回最为紧要。 ****** ****** Same time. 同一时间段。 World of Immortals. 仙界 Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple. 武岳神殿。 In a scenery grand and beautiful mountain valley, several tenth grade spirit vein and eleventh grade spirit vein, gathered side immortal spirit qi breath extremely rich closing up god place. 在一处风景壮阔而绝美的山谷中,数条十品灵脉和一条十一品灵脉,汇聚出了一方仙灵气息极为浓郁的闭关神地。 This is by the World of Immortals first Array Master three Array Dao marriage go-betweens from fencing, the place of new generation closing up the Wang Anye auxiliary construction becomes. 这是由仙界第一阵法师阵道主亲自操刀,王安业辅助建造而成的新一代闭关之地。 In place of most core closing up, there is an exquisite pavilion. 在闭关之地最核心,有一栋精巧的楼阁。 This pavilion, is in the entire mountain valley the place of spirit qi gathering, place that is also most suitable to close up. 这座楼阁,便是整个山谷内灵气汇聚之地,也是最适合闭关的地方。 At this moment. 此刻。 In pavilion. 楼阁内。 Wears a clean vegetarian robe for Palace Lord Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord, is difficult to cover her Linglong (Exquisite), but mature tender body, as well as in that Ling Lieru snow cold Mei -like beautiful makings. 宫主霓璇道主身穿一袭干净素袍,却难掩她玲珑而成熟的娇躯,以及那一身凌冽如雪中寒梅般的绝美气质。 But at this moment, her on the chilly face was actually usually exuding the stock such as the small girl pure exciting ray, welcomed toward a sunlight big youth half step, the smile was cheerful: Teacher, how did you visit me?” 但此刻,她那张素来清冷的脸上却正泛着股如小女孩儿般的纯净兴奋光芒,朝着一位阳光高大的青年快步迎去,笑容欢快:“师尊,您怎么来探望我了?” This youth, is eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan the lineage/vein, the clan seventh position successor, Emperor Wu Yuexian is naturally reincarnated, as well as Wang Clan innumerable recreation and television work master Duke, Schoolmate Wang Youyue. 这位青年,自然就是王氏嫡长脉,家族第七顺位继承人,武岳仙帝转世,以及王氏无数文娱和影视作品的主人公,王宥岳同学了。 cough cough ~ 咳咳~ Wang Youyue slightly coughed awkwardly two. 王宥岳略显尴尬地咳嗽了两声。 Until now, he attitude some too does not adapt to Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord as before. 迄今为止,他依旧对霓璇道主的态度有些不太适应。 Crosses the face, avoided the Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord excessively earnest look, he then restrains the train of thought that shows a serious serious expression to say diligently: Recently Southern Ming(Brightness) your majesty refine some eternal Spirit Pill, as well as accumulated god Spirit Pill, I gave you to send one respectively. Perhaps, this can have the good auxiliary effect on your breakthrough.” 偏过脸,避开了霓璇道主过分热切眼神,他这才收敛住思绪,努力露出一副郑重严肃的表情说道:“最近南明陛下炼出了一些永恒神丹,以及蕴神神丹,我给你各自送来了一枚。也许,这对你的突破会有不错的辅助效果。” Saying, he pulls out the two jade box to hand over. 说着,他掏出两个玉盒递上。 Many thanks Teacher care.” “多谢师尊关心。” Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord received the jade box, happy looks like one to receive to admire the naive little girl of birthday present. 霓璇道主接过玉盒,开心的就像是一个收到心仪生日礼物的天真小女孩。 Wang Youyue suppresses the impulsion that is turning around walks. 王宥岳强忍着掉头就走的冲动。 For clan mission, Ancestral Grandfather personally ordered, making him come this to act Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord attacks Immortal Emperor to encourage master, He really does not dare with the Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) meeting. 要不是为了家族任务,要不是老祖爷爷亲自下令,让他来这充当【霓璇道主冲击仙帝鼓励师】,他实在不敢和霓璇会面。 Teacher, I am very good, recently also had the big assurance to comprehending of road of Immortal Emperor. Took Qing Li Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) Emperor Seal, the feeling is somewhat guilty.” Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord speaking of behind, the mood somewhat is slightly low. 师尊,我很好,最近对仙帝之路的参悟也有了较大把握。就是占用了青璃武岳帝印,感觉有些愧疚。”霓璇道主说到后面,情绪略有些低落。 Until now, she wants to train next generation Emperor Wu Yuexian Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess , actually does not want to plan unable to keep up with the change. 一直以来,她都想将青璃神女培养成下一代武岳仙帝,却不曾想计划赶不上变化。 Considering the threat of control plate, the immortal commission consistent resolution, gives her sufficient resources to promote bloodline, and inherits Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) Emperor Seal, attacks Immortal Emperor boundary as soon as possible. 考虑到主宰槃的威胁,仙委会一致决议,给予她充足的资源提升血脉,并继承武岳帝印,尽快冲击仙帝境界 Before trading does, this strategic plan the chance of success is too low. 换做以前,这个战略部署成功几率太低。 However at this time is different in those days, ten fourth grade eternal Spirit Pill starts to have the output now, Wang Clan the say/way that inherits from Crystal Ancient Race changes, the say/way changes the essence version the medicament that promoted the bloodline aptitude, under the rooms on either side coordination, simply is the excellent partner who promotes the bloodline aptitude. 然而今时不同往日,现在十四品永恒神丹开始有了产量,还有王氏晶古族那边继承来的道改,道改精华版等提升血脉资质的药剂,两厢配合之下,简直就是提升血脉资质的绝佳搭档。 Under all sorts of conditions, original was impossible also to change to the possibility. 种种条件下,原本的不可能也化作了可能。 Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade), you are guilty, all these consider for the general situation, now leaves our time, could not have waited for the next generation to grow to Immortal Emperor.” The Wang Youyue patient persuasion, is acting as the moral encouragement master, „, let alone, Qing Li will have the oneself say/way, even without extra Emperor Seal, we can still try hard to make her bloodline aptitude promote to the few Lord ranks, so takes oneself the road of Immortal Emperor is not a problem.” 霓璇,你没必要愧疚,这一切都是为了大局着想,现在留给咱们的时间,已经等不到下一代成长至仙帝了。”王宥岳耐心劝说,充当着精神鼓励师,“何况,青璃也会有自己的道,即便没有额外帝印,咱们也可以努力让她的血脉资质提升到少界主级别,如此走出自己仙帝之路不成问题。” Once the bloodline aptitude achieves the few Lord ranks, after promoting into Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm, the bloodline awakening layer could then be on par with general Immortal Emperor, has this foundation, wants to take oneself the road of Immortal Emperor, will condense oneself Emperor Seal, the possibility greatly will naturally also enhance. 血脉资质一旦达到少界主级别,晋升入混元境后,血脉觉醒层数便已经可以与一般的仙帝比肩,有此基础,想要走出自己仙帝之路,凝聚出自己帝印,可能性自然也会大大提高。 Un, Teacher, I understand.” The Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord double pupil limpidly, said earnestly, Apprentice/Disciple will certainly not disappoint the expectation of Teacher, certainly will walk to pass Emperor Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) the road.” “嗯,师尊,我明白的。”霓璇道主双眸清澈,认真的说,“徒儿一定不会辜负师尊的期望,一定会走通武岳帝路。” Very good, I, that Master did not disturb you to close up.” Wang Youyue said goodbye to leave. “很好,那我,那为师就不打扰你闭关了。”王宥岳告辞离开。 Just before leaving, his paused, supplemented one: Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade), you remember that in breakthrough, reports the news to invite my Ancestral Grandfather Dharma Protector. His Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command, can change the Heavenly Dao principle to a certain extent, making the Earth Department principle of this world clearer, to a certain extent reduces comprehends the difficulty, but raises the success ratio that you break through indirectly.” 临走,他顿了一下,又补充了一句:“霓璇,你记得在突破的时候,发消息请我老祖爷爷护法。他的掌界令,可以在一定程度上改变天道法则,让这一方世界土系法则变得更加清晰,在一定程度上降低参悟难度,可间接提高你突破的成功率。” Many thanks Teacher care.” Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord nods layer on layer/heavily, I will not forget to seek help Family Head Shouzhe.” “多谢师尊关心。”霓璇道主重重点头,“我不会忘记求助守哲家主的。” Quick, Wang Youyue slightly somewhat distressed departure. 很快,王宥岳就略有些狼狈的离开了。 ****** ****** Meanwhile. 同时。 In Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace. 青帝神宫之中。 The scene and Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple slightly has similar. 场景与武岳神殿略有类似。 A Wang Clan Young Patriarch Wang Zong'an azure clothes, the physique is tall and straight, impressive appearance, is sitting to the seat with famous half step Immortal Emperor Venus Dao Lord, the drinking tea theory said. 王氏少族长王宗安一袭青衣,身姿挺拔,器宇轩昂,正在与大名鼎鼎的半步仙帝长庚道主对席而坐,品茗论道。 Tea that on the stone table in the small pot boils, naturally is Tree of Life Wang Changsheng a number of new tea. 石桌上小壶内烹的茶,自然是生命之树王长生的一批新茶。 This is a number of best tender tender tea-leaves, once were soaked boils, then air/Qi of rich Shengming (Life) fills the air. 这还是一批最好的嫩芽茶,一经泡煮,便有一股浓郁的生命之气弥漫开来。 Drinks one, then has to wash the marrow to cut down the wool, even Shengming (Life) factor as if young some feelings. 喝上一口,便有洗髓伐毛,连生命因子都仿佛年轻了些许的感觉。 Thank Family Head Shouzhe, thank Shengming (Life) God Tree Senior.” Venus Dao Lord mood is quite joyful, my Venus will decide will not disappoint everyone, will attack the road of Immortal Emperor diligently.” “感谢守哲家主,感谢生命神树前辈。”长庚道主心情颇为愉悦,“我长庚定不会辜负大家,努力冲击仙帝之路。” paused, he also somewhat said apologetically: But, is inherited the Azure Emperor inheritance by me, eventually some shame to Young Patriarch, as well as Family Head Shouzhe.” 顿了一下,他又有些歉然道:“不过,由我继承青帝传承,终究还是有些愧对少族长,以及守哲家主。” In the original plan, the Azure Emperor inheritance leaves Wang Shouzhe, if Shouzhe does not want, then Wang Zong'an is the second position successor! If Zong'an does not want, that naturally was one's turn Xuanyuan huang huang God Child/Seed. 在原有的计划中,青帝传承是留给王守哲的,如果守哲不要,那么王宗安便是第二顺位继承人!若是宗安不要,那自然就轮到了轩辕楻神子 How to turn, seems not one's turn his Venus. 怎么轮,似乎都轮不到他长庚。 Even Venus this whole life has not thought is inherited the Azure Emperor inheritance by oneself. 甚至乎长庚这辈子就没想过由自己来继承青帝传承。 Venus Senior does not need to rebuke oneself.” Wang Zong'an is drinking the Shengming (Life) god tea calm, first, this is the joint decision of immortal commission, this is the proposal that my father oneself proposes.” “长庚前辈无需自责。”王宗安淡定地喝着生命神茶,“一来,这是仙委会的共同决定,二来,这本就是我父亲自己提的提案。” You could rest assured that my father's present bloodline aptitude has achieved few to advocate fourth grade intermediate stage, even resulted in the Azure Emperor inheritance, still promotes a wavelet bloodline aptitude. To be honest, he somewhat cannot have a liking for Wood Department Grand Dao/Avenue...... to want oneself to walk Life Source Grand Dao/Avenue now.” “您放心,我父亲如今的血脉资质已然达到少界主丁等中段,就算得了青帝传承,也不过是提升一小波血脉资质而已。说实话,他现在有些看不上木系大道……想要自己生命本源大道。” Venus Dao Lord the expression stagnates immediately, said ill-humoredly: Be that as it may, the truth is also such truth. However Family Head Shouzhe behavior, always some suspicion the feelings of wife who shared husband's poverty.” 长庚道主顿时表情一滞,没好气说:“话虽如此,道理也是这么个道理。不过守哲家主行为,总有些嫌糟糠之妻的感觉。” Wang Zong'an smiles. 王宗安莞尔一笑。 Thinks indeed is also, oneself father since Long Spring secret art Starts, Azure Sovereign Dao Book End, cultivation is Wood Department lineage cultivation technique, moreover these in fact are cultivation technique that the Azure Emperor inheritance evolves. 想想的确也是,自家父亲从【长春诀】开始,到【青皇道书】终结,修炼的一直是木系一脉功法,而且这些事实上都是青帝传承衍化出来的功法 But Azure Emperor this lineage cultivation technique, in fact also reluctantly agreeing with his father's bloodline, in fact and has no addition function to father's Life Source bloodline. 青帝一脉功法,事实上也只是勉强契合他父亲的血脉而已,对父亲的生命本源血脉实际上并没有什么加成作用。 Now he must walk true Life Source Grand Dao/Avenue, becomes Immortal Emperor with that Grand Dao/Avenue, has his oneself consideration. 现在他要走真正的生命本源大道,用那条大道仙帝,也是有他自己考量的。 Venus Dao Lord sees Wang Zong'an to smile, cast aside a lower jaw: Family Head Shouzhe shuts out the Azure Emperor inheritance, how many minute/share of truth has his, but Young Patriarch you? But you pure Wood Department bloodline, how I felt that you also a little do shut out?” 长庚道主见得王宗安笑,不由更是撇了一下嘴:“守哲家主嫌弃青帝传承,有他几分道理,可少族长你呢?你可是纯正的木系血脉,我怎么感觉你也有点嫌弃?” Wang Zong'an sipped tea, said leisurely: Wood Department together, not just a Azure Emperor way? My Wang Zong'an as clan Young Patriarch, the father is the future Immortal Spirit lord, backs on so the mountain, in the future mixes few to advocate bloodline is not a problem. I think that oneself does walk oneself Wood Department Grand Dao/Avenue is not good?” 王宗安呷了一口茶,慢条斯理道:“木系一道,又并非只有青帝一途?我王宗安身为家族少族长,父亲又是未来仙灵界界主,背靠如此大山,未来混个少界主血脉不成问题。我想自己自己木系大道不行么?” „...... Line! Naturally ok.” “……行!当然行。” Venus Dao Lord is speechless, can only stare his one eyes, but cannot bear at once sighed one lightly: „ Actually I understand, you and Family Head Shouzhe show this attitude, wants to let I do not have the burden withstand these to present. 长庚道主无话可说,只能瞪了他一眼,但旋即又忍不住轻叹了一声:“其实我明白,你和守哲家主表现出这种态度,是想让我没有负担的承受这些馈赠。 Venus Senior do not want is too many, in fact was I and fathers does not want to work as the milk again.” Wang Zong'an said with a smile lightly, whom when this Azure Emperor, loved when who went.” “长庚前辈别想太多了,事实上是我和父亲都不想再当奶了。”王宗安轻笑道,“这青帝,爱谁当谁当去。” I! Milk? Didn't the milk have the human rights?” Venus Dao Lord ridicules saying that on Wang Shouzhe that Life Source talent, how to walk oneself Grand Dao/Avenue again, to put it bluntly is a milk, at most is a rank higher milk!” “我呸!奶怎么了?奶就没人权了吗?”长庚道主笑骂道,“就王守哲生命本源天赋,再怎么走自己大道,说穿了还是个奶,至多是个级别更高的奶而已!” Now Holy Territory some recreation works, and game project has been popular in World of Immortals, a Wang Zong'an saying milk, Venus Dao Lord naturally understands that is what meaning. 现在圣域的一些文娱作品,以及游戏项目早就已经在仙界流行开来了,王宗安一说“奶”,长庚道主自然明白是什么意思。 Ok, that Venus Senior on quite cultivation.” Wang Zong'an sets out with a smile, my resources delivered, moral encouragement also finished, mission also completed.” “行,那长庚前辈就好生修炼。”王宗安笑着起身,“我资源送到了,精神鼓励也结束了,任务也完成了。” Goes to go, when your said goodbye me next time, must call one Venus your majesty!” Venus Dao Lord beckons with the hand with a smile. “去吧去吧,等你下一次再见我,就要叫一声‘长庚陛下’了!”长庚道主笑着摆摆手。 ****** ****** Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace. 无极神宫 The core closes up the place. 核心闭关地点。 Front daylight Dao Lord looks at float that radiant Immortal Emperor Emperor Seal, is moved to tears: Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Emperor Seal, my daylight has a dream has not thought, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Emperor Seal will return quickly.” 辰光道主看着面前悬浮着的那枚璀璨的仙帝帝印,激动得老泪纵横:“无极帝印,我辰光做梦都没想到,无极帝印会这么快回归。” star billows Divine Maiden chuckle, the expression is also quite excited: I have not thought that so will be smooth. Originally our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Emperor Seal, continuously in supreme having a nightmare hand!” 星澜神女轻笑一声,表情也相当激动:“我也没想到会如此顺利。原来咱们的无极帝印,一直在至尊魇手中!” this time, after capturing supreme plaster, making him use two Immortal Emperor Emperor Seal to redeem the freedom, but was idles one, made an arrangement. 这一次,在抓获至尊垩后,令他用两件仙帝帝印来赎回自由,不过是闲来一笔,多做一手布置。 After all, World of Immortals here supreme crystal core has several, kills the supreme plaster with it directly, might as well trade Immortal Emperor Emperor Seal with him. 毕竟,仙界这边至尊晶核已经有好几颗了,与其直接杀死至尊垩,不如用他来换仙帝帝印 Actually does not think, this Emperor Seal that takes the lead to be traded, unexpectedly is the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace losing treasure. 却不想,这率先被换回来的一件帝印,居然是无极神宫的遗宝。 This to Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, naturally is the huge celebration. 这对无极神宫而言,自然是天大的喜事。 Star billows, you inherited......” daylight Dao Lord previously to attempt, promoted the way of Immortal Emperor by no Emperor Seal condition. “星澜,要不,还是你来继承……”辰光道主先前一直在尝试,以无帝印的状态晋升仙帝之途。 However he was inferior eventually past Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign like that has experienced too many tribulations and difficult positions, the latter opens up territory even pioneer/monarch earth, founded the Holy Territory embryonic form, and deep sleep until now. 不过他终究不如当年的始天神皇那般,经历过太多的磨难和困境,后者甚至于开疆辟土,创建了圣域的雏形,并沉睡迄今。 On the background, by the state of mind, by the boldness, Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign wins in him. 论底蕴,论心境,论魄力,始天神皇都胜于他。 To depend upon the comprehension of oneself to principle to condense Emperor Seal, is not an easy matter, even daylight Dao Lord diligently, the opportunity still is still again uncertain. 想要依靠自己对法则的领悟凝聚帝印,可不是一件容易的事情,即便辰光道主再努力,机会也依旧非常渺茫。 Teacher, had Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Emperor Seal, in addition dramatic rise of your bloodline talent, you break through the Immortal Emperor probability to increase dramatically.” star billows Divine Maiden smiles, said, I have a dream want Immortal Emperor level Teacher to cover, like this I do not need to undertake the too heavy burden/shoulder pole, this time finally had the hope.” 师尊,有了无极帝印,再加上您血脉天赋的飙升,您突破仙帝的几率已经大幅增加。”星澜神女嫣然一笑,“说起来,我做梦都想要有一个仙帝师尊罩着,这样我就无需承担太重的担子了,这一次总算有了希望。” „......” Daylight Dao Lord silent long time, nodded finally layer on layer/heavily, good, later this Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace heavy burden, Master shoulders.” “……”辰光道主沉默了良久,终于重重点头,“好,以后这无极神宫的重担,为师来扛。” ****** ****** Holy Territory. 圣域 Wang Clan Number 2 forbidden area( original Crystal 5 forbidden area). 王氏二号禁区(原晶五禁区)。 This forbidden area falls into the Wang Clan hand already for a long time, after many transformations, here has changed now greatly, spirit qi also becomes extremely rich. 这座禁区落入王氏手中已经许久,经过多番改造,如今这里早已大变样,灵气也变得极为浓郁。 At this moment. 此刻。 In Number 2 forbidden area. 二号禁区内。 Wang Clan Wang Lilong Eldest Young Lady is grasping a black whip, fine( severe) god drum( drinks) to a false Divine Dragon urges( scolded): king Dalong, you ate our family/home so many materials, this Young Lady the precious Divine Dragon precious pearl lends you continually.” 王氏王璃珑大小姐正手持一条黑色的鞭子,冲着一条伪神龙精(厉)神(声)鼓(喝)励(骂):“王大龙,你吃了我们家那么多材料,本小姐更是连珍贵的神龙宝珠都借给你了。” You, if dares to idle again, does not rush to the 19th stage level, looked that this Young Lady does not cramp to skin you turns into the material!” “你要是再敢懈怠,冲不上十九阶的层次,看本小姐不把你抽筋扒皮变成材料!” Something has been done deliberately king Dalong also very eats this set, he is excited the whole body to shiver, roars to stir up the high Longyin (Dragon Chant/Cry) sound intermittently: Lilong Eldest Young Lady, my king Dalong inadequate Divine Dragon, later changes name to the king loach! aowu aowu ~ 偏生王大龙还挺吃这一套,他激动得浑身都在颤抖,吼出阵阵激亢的龙吟声:“璃珑大小姐,我王大龙不成神龙,以后就改名王泥鳅!嗷呜嗷呜~ ****** ****** Wang Clan Number 3 restricted area( original Great Ming restricted area). 王氏三号禁地(原太冥禁地)。 demon qi was once dense, the Great Ming forbidden area of deep evil strength incomparable full, has been transformed gathering of beautifully dressed people now, the place of Immortal Spirit the green willow tree create shaded, went at first sight, almost could not find once trace again. 曾经魔气森森,冥邪之力无比充盈的太冥禁区,如今早已被改造成了花团锦簇,绿柳成荫的仙灵之地,乍一看去,几乎再也找不到曾经的痕迹。 Only has the forbidden area core place, that huge Moon Nether Demon Tree still luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, one such as in the past. 唯有禁区核心处,那棵巨大的太阴冥魂树仍旧枝繁叶茂,一如往昔。 At this moment. 此刻。 The giant Moon Nether Demon Tree tree trunk and branch shiver slightly, because the delightful voice is excited, even already some transpositions: Lord, many thanks you send the sources of so many gods to me personally, but also time and time again, irrigates me with Life Source personally, nourishes my ~ ~ wū wū ~ ~ others to be moved does not know that should say anything.” 巨大的太阴冥魂树树干和枝条微微颤抖,甜美的嗓音因为过于激动,甚至都已经有些变调:“主上,多谢您亲自给我送来那么多众神之源,还一次又一次,亲自用生命本源灌溉我,滋养我~~呜呜~~人家都感动得不知道该说什么了。” By the Moon Nether Demon Tree sky, Wang Shouzhe clothes sleeve of white robe drags, whole body spirit light winds around, such as immortal like god. 太阴冥魂树旁的天空中,一袭白袍的王守哲衣袂摇曳,周身灵光缭绕,如仙如神。 His corners of the mouth hold the smile, is dancing gently Moon Nether Demon Tree, the sound is temperate, in the tone brings encouragement: Too ming, you must diligently, strive soon to digest sources and Life Source the god well, achievement 19th stage Demon God plant. Then, you can protect me. When the time comes, we travel to the starry sky together, goes out to explore and travel together.” 他嘴角噙着笑容,轻轻婆娑着太阴冥魂树,声音温和,语气中带着鼓励:“太嫇,你要好好努力,争取早日消化掉众神之源和生命本源,成就十九阶魔神植。然后,你就可以保护我了。到时候,我们一起遨游星空,一起出去探索和旅游。” You know that you are I most trust, spirit plant that also most anticipates.” “你知道的,你是我最信任,也最期待的灵植。” hearing this, Moon Nether Demon Tree only thinks that a warm current well ups, the from head to toe flash filled the power. 闻言,太阴冥魂树只觉一股暖流涌上心头,浑身上下一瞬间充满了动力。 Her sound also shortly becomes incomparably spirited: Lord felt relieved. My king Taiming will certainly not disappoint the Lord expectation.” 她的声音也顷刻间变得无比激昂:“主上放心。我王太嫇一定不会辜负主上期望的。” She must try hard, becomes under Lord first Demon God to plant diligently. 她要努力,努力成为主上麾下第一魔神植。 Accompanies his together wanderer, explores together, travels together! 陪他一起闯荡,一起探索,一起旅游! However. 然而。 Perhaps was hit Moon Nether Demon Tree of chicken blood unable to think absolutely. 被打了鸡血的太阴冥魂树恐怕万万想不到。 Shortly after leaves from the Wang Clan Number 3 forbidden area, Wang Shouzhe through surpassing returned to Divine Martial world away Transmission Array, and entered the Shengming (Life) forbidden area. 在从王氏三号禁区离开之后不久,王守哲就通过超距传送阵回到了神武世界,并且进入了生命禁区。 Then, similar dialogue appears again. 而后,类似的对话再次出现。 The Shengming (Life) old tree that obstructed toweringly day is shivering the giant tree trunk, took an oath with the old sound: Lord, my Wang Changsheng decides does not disappoint you to my expectation, will use the sources of these gods well, will use your Life Source supplies time and time again.” 参天遮日的生命古树颤抖着巨大的树干,用苍老的声音赌咒发誓:“主上,我王长生定不辜负您对我的期望,会好好利用这些众神之源,也会利用好您一次又一次的生命本源供给。” Immortal, I most favored you. You must strive soon to become the 19th stage Shengming (Life) god to plant, when the time comes we go to the Ancient God battlefield together, travels to the starry sky, explores unknown world together, protects World of Immortals together.” “长生,我最看好你了。你要争取早日成为十九阶生命神植,到时候咱们一起去古神战场,遨游星空,一起探索未知的世界,一起守护仙界。” Yes, Lord.” “是,主上。” Encouraged Tree of Life Wang Changsheng, the feeling whole body is the full positive energy power. 受到鼓励的生命之树王长生,感觉浑身都是满满的正能量动力。 He must try hard, becomes under Lord the first god to plant diligently, will not lose to Moon Nether Demon Tree. 他要努力,努力成为主上麾下第一神植,坚决不会输给太阴冥魂树 Then accompanies master to explore together, protects World of Immortals together. 然后陪着主人一起探索,一起守护仙界 Similar situation, in fact and incessantly at present these. 类似的情况,实际上并不止眼前这些。 If as expected, how long could not want, the World of Immortals Immortal Emperor level strength quantity will then welcome a wave of blowout -type eruption. 不出意外的话,要不了多久,仙界仙帝级战力数量便将会迎来一波井喷式的爆发。 Wang Shouzhe always has no strange plan clever trick, some save card in a hand one after another silently. 王守哲向来没有什么奇谋诡计,有的只是默默地积攒一张又一张的底牌。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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