POP :: Volume #8

#136: Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor: I by the Shouzhe pit

Chapter 1082 第1082章 Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor: I by the Shouzhe pit 南明仙帝:我又被守哲坑了 ...... …… Luming park. 鹿鸣苑。 Shouzhe study room. 守哲书房。 As before is careless, somewhat does not have Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor of right occupation youth appearance, partly is lying down on the large round-backed wooden armchair comfortably, is sipping the Shengming (Life) new tea, the attitude is somewhat careless. 依旧是一副吊儿郎当,有些没正行青年模样的南明仙帝,正舒服地半躺在太师椅上,呷着生命新茶,态度有些漫不经心。 The sunlight sprinkles by the window mullion, on him on that bright red clothes exudes the intermittent colored glaze ray, such as the flame drags, recklessly however is high-profile. 阳光透过窗棂洒落,他身上那一袭鲜艳的红衣上泛起阵阵琉璃光芒,如火焰摇曳,肆意而张扬。 „The Shouzhe boy, this time the material that takes carry back from blood-color Demon Palace Dungeon. The first batch of materials have refined to complete according to the plan, the grand total refined five ten fourth grade Eternal Spirit Pill, Nine ten fourth grade Does not extinguish Spirit Pill, 30 ten fourth grade accumulated god Spirit Pill, The overall result is barely satisfactory.” 守哲小子,这一次从血色魔殿副本中拿回来的材料。第一批材料已经按计划炼制完成,总计炼制了五枚十四品【永恒神丹】、九枚十四品【不灭神丹】、三十枚十四品【蕴神神丹】,总体结果差强人意吧。” His tone seems very relaxed, but each pore of from head to toe, is passing stock actually quick boasts I, makes an effort to praise me empty boasting aura. 他的口吻显得十分轻松,但实则浑身上下的每一处毛细孔,都透着股“快夸我吧,使劲夸赞我吧”的浮夸气息。 The one side is invited along Wang Clan pill god Wang Shouye is burying the head, has not spoken. 一旁作陪的【王氏丹神】王守业埋着脑袋,没吭声。 He remembers clearly, after pill refining pill success rate surpasses the plan anticipated, the tail of Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor at the scene raises the space, threatened that must ask Wang Shouzhe that boy to be startled to explode the eyeball, at the scene does not admire full of admiration loudly shouted the father, his Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor refused to continue to hold the post of divine level Pill Refiner. 他清楚记得,当炼丹成丹率超过了计划预期后,南明仙帝的尾巴当场就扬到了天上去,扬言要叫王守哲那厮惊爆眼珠,不当场佩服的五体投地大呼爸爸,他南明仙帝就拒绝继续担任神级炼丹师 This typical is the technical big breakthrough, after forming the irreplaceable technical monopoly, starts to suppress the scene that his leader bluffs and blusters to the ordinary day. 这典型的就是技术大突破,形成了无可取代的技术垄断后,开始对平日里打压他的领导耀武扬威的场景。 Wang Shouye has not spoken , because this matter simply does not have him to meddle the leeway, moreover he believes, oneself Fourth Brother definitely has to deal with the Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor method. 王守业没有吭声,是因为这件事根本没他插手余地,而且他相信,自家四哥绝对有应对南明仙帝的手段。 Sure enough. 果不其然。 The Wang Shouzhe hear the Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor words, the expression is gradually serious. 王守哲听完南明仙帝的话,表情渐渐严肃。 He sets out slowly, grave incomparable toward Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor deep good a ritual: „The Shouzhe generation of World of Immortals trillion lives, thank politely Southern Ming(Brightness) your majesty graciousness of salvation.” 他缓缓起身,庄重无比的朝南明仙帝深深行了一礼:“守哲仙界亿万生灵,拜谢南明陛下的救世之恩。” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor a flurry, rushed to sit straight the body immediately, received the expression of empty boasting, the hollow laugh two said: Built up several pill, Shouzhe you must be so exaggerating not. Hurries to restrain some, restrains some.” 南明仙帝顿时一阵慌乱,赶忙坐直了身体,收起了浮夸的表情,干笑两声道:“就是炼了几枚丹而已,守哲你莫要如此夸张。赶紧收敛一些,收敛一些。” No, eternal Spirit Pill that your majesty refines, the coordinate say/way changes the essence version, may make many Pungka go against heaven's will in a half step Immortal Emperor boundary many years of powerhouse changes to assign/life, making their bloodline present the qualitative to change, assists by the Emperor Seal inheritance, but enhances to the full promotes the Immortal Emperor success ratio.” “不,陛下炼制的永恒神丹,配合道改精华版,可让诸多原本卡在半步仙帝境界多年的强者逆天改命,令他们血脉出现质的变化,佐以帝印传承,可最大限度提高晋升仙帝的成功率。” Wang Shouzhe shakes the head, the tone is serious. 王守哲摇了摇头,语气郑重。 In addition, does not extinguish Spirit Pill, may preserve the Immortal Emperor life at crucial moments, raises the battlefield survival percentage, enhances the strength indirectly.” “此外,不灭神丹,可在关键时刻保住仙帝的命,提高战场存活率,算是间接提高战力。” As for accumulated god Spirit Pill, to being at Immortal Emperor of bottleneck period, as well as great wild goose Senior is good extremely. Has these 30 accumulated god Spirit Pill, any Immortal Emperor breakthrough shackles, great wild goose Senior gained a more further possibility, to my World of Immortals advantageous, perhaps will become the card in a hand that determines the final outcome finally.” “至于蕴神神丹,对处在瓶颈期的仙帝,以及鸿前辈都极有好处。有这三十枚蕴神神丹,无论是哪个仙帝突破桎梏,还是鸿前辈获取了更进一步的可能性,对我仙界而言都大为有利,或许就会成为最终决胜的底牌。” To Immortal Emperor, ten fourth grade Spirit Pill are also extremely luxurious and medicinal pill that difficult to ask, generally speaking will be is also injured also or some peculiar circumstances will take. 仙帝而言,十四品神丹也是极为奢侈而难求的丹药,一般而言也就是受伤亦或者一些特殊情况才会服用。 If daily cultivation, even twelfth grade medicinal pill already excessively luxurious. 若是日常修炼,则连十二品丹药都已经过分奢侈。 Calculates carefully knew, twelfth grade that feeds specially cultivation to use says spirit pill, the value usually in 20 mix about the spirit. 仔细算一下就知道了,一枚专供修炼用的十二品灵丹,价值通常在二十枚混灵左右。 Even if consumes one every month, one year must consume 240 to mix the spirit, in addition corresponding high-grade spirit rice, the meat and other consumptions, year after year next, this is an astronomically high terrifying disbursement. 哪怕每月消耗一枚,一年就得消耗两百四十枚混灵,再加上相应的高等级灵米,肉食等消耗,年复一年下,这便是一个天文数字般的恐怖支出。 Therefore, World of Immortals these poor Immortal Emperor current consumptions choose to take eleventh grade holy pill. A year of haustion expenditure, over 20 will usually not mix about the spirit. 因此,仙界这些贫穷的仙帝们日常消耗都选择服用十一品圣丹。一年的消耗性支出,通常都不会超过二十混灵左右。 As the matter stands, can guarantee the strength stable growth, before being insufficient continually, twice the Immortal Emperor great misfortune also crosses, but, will not consume greatly is too burdensome. 这样一来,既可以保证实力稳定增长,不至于连前两次仙帝大劫也渡不过,也不会消耗太大难以承担。 Even so, this to any Divine/God Palace and temple that has Immortal Emperor, as before is a quite serious burden. 但即便如此,这对任何一个拥有仙帝神宫、神殿而言,依旧是一个相当沉重的负担。 After all the Immortal Emperor life is long, even if according to every year consumes 20 to mix the spirit low consumption to calculate, in 1000 later, must consume 20,000 to mix the spirit. 毕竟仙帝寿元漫长,哪怕按照每年消耗二十混灵的低消耗来计算,一千年下来,也得消耗掉两万混灵。 This also merely is the current consumption, if adds the Superior Master sentiment contact again, supports the disciples and juniors wait/etc, will make the economy of Immortal Emperor even more be beset with problems. 这还仅仅是日常消耗,若是再加上人情往来,支援弟子和小辈们等等,会让仙帝们的经济愈发捉襟见肘。 So under the budget of rank, licks ten fourth grade accumulated god Spirit Pill is not good, sometimes to the crucial phase of breakthrough, not necessarily had ten fourth grade accumulated god Spirit Pill support even. 如此级别的预算下,连舔一口十四品蕴神神丹都不行,有时候即便到了突破的关键时期,也不一定就有十四品蕴神神丹支援。 Naturally, the World of Immortals situation in the past 1000000 years must be more miserable, even is not the issue that is rich, but no one can refine to obtain ten fourth grade Spirit Pill from the start, in ten fourth grade Spirit Pill accumulated god Spirit Pill of easiest refinement no one can refine. 当然,仙界近1000000年来的情况还要更惨,甚至都不是有没有钱的问题,而是压根没人能炼制得出十四品神丹,就连十四品神丹中最容易炼制的蕴神神丹都没人能炼制。 Until after Wang Shouzhe came World of Immortals, Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor refined successfully first ten fourth grade Spirit Pill under the assistance of Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command finally. 直至王守哲来了仙界之后,南明仙帝才终于在掌界令的辅助下炼制成功了第一枚十四品神丹 As for this time, is legacy that the blood-color control leaves behind is really rich, in addition has the beforehand successful experience scratch coat, Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor can gain in the experience rapidly, in such a short time mentions the present degree pill success rate. 至于这一次,实在是血色主宰留下的遗馈过于丰厚,再加上有之前的成功经验打底,南明仙帝才能迅速积累经验,在这么短的时间内将成丹率提到眼下的程度。 Now knows how things stand ten accumulated god Spirit Pill, moreover following will have the output, Immortal Emperor broke through itself also to have a higher hope. 现在一口气有了数十枚蕴神神丹,而且后续还会拥有产量,仙帝们突破自身也就有了更大希望。 Immortal Emperor are more powerful, was equivalent weakened Demon Race in disguised form. 仙帝们更强大,也就相当于变相削弱了魔族 Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor hears the Wang Shouzhe boasts so sincerely, is filled with comfortable at the same time, the innermost feelings had several points of ashamed feeling unexpectedly indistinctly. 南明仙帝听得王守哲夸得如此诚心实意,满心舒爽的同时,内心竟隐约生出了几分惭愧感。 In mystifying smelly temperament at Wang Shouzhe this ordinary day, for the World of Immortals safety and benefit, so gives precedence out of courtesy to him unexpectedly respectfully, this is the powerful sense of responsibility is clearly urging him to depress the temperament ~ 王守哲这种平日里阴阳怪气的臭脾气,为了仙界的安危和利益,竟然对他如此恭谦礼让,这分明就是强大的责任感在驱使他压下脾气啊~ His Southern Ming(Brightness) is solemn native Immortal Emperor, protecting the World of Immortals itself/Ben is his primary responsibility, this ideological consciousness unexpectedly might as well Wang Shouzhe? 南明乃是堂堂本土仙帝,守护仙界本就是他的主要责任,这思想觉悟竟还不如王守哲 This makes Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor secret ashamed, the look on face becomes seriously is also humble immediately. 这让南明仙帝暗暗羞愧不已,脸上的神色也顿时变得严肃谦逊起来。 This is the Immortal Emperor responsibility, Shouzhe does not need so.” “这都是本仙帝的责任,守哲不必如此。” Ponders thin, this first batch of medicinal pill refine, although succeeds, Kong Jian (Space) that but many can promote. After I go back, met with the Wang Clan technical personnel again, improves the pill refining simulator , to continue to optimize the pill refining flow, strives to achieve higher pill success rate!” “不过细细想来,这第一批丹药炼得虽然成功,但还有诸多可以提升的空间。我回去之后,再和王氏的技术人员开开会,改善一下炼丹模拟器,继续优化炼丹流程,争取达到更高的成丹率!” Had work Southern Ming(Brightness) your majesty.” Wang Shouzhe deeply bows with hands clasped again. “有劳南明陛下了。”王守哲再次深深一揖。 Protects World of Immortals, everybody has a responsibility. Let alone I am solemn Immortal Emperor, naturally is bounden.” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor starts some righteousness expressions to say. “保护仙界,人人有责。何况我乃堂堂仙帝,自然是义不容辞。”南明仙帝开始有些义正言辞道。 In view of this, that Shouzhe also has a matter to trouble Southern Ming(Brightness) your majesty.” Wang Shouzhe opens the mouth to say suddenly. “既如此,那守哲还有一桩事情要麻烦南明陛下。”王守哲忽而开口道。 „......” “……” The Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor expression stagnates, does not suddenly feel wonderfully. 南明仙帝表情一滞,顿觉不妙。 How he felt, oneself did seem was getting up the Wang Shouzhe wrap/sets? 他怎么感觉,自己好似又在不知不觉间上了王守哲的套? However, the atmosphere has contrasted in this, doesn't do right after something else seems to be inappropriate? 不过,气氛已经烘托到这份上了,不接茬似乎也不合适? Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor has the face stiff opens the mouth saying: So long as is related to the matter of World of Immortals safety, Shouzhe you open the mouth although.” 南明仙帝只好脸庞僵硬的开口道:“只要是事关仙界安危之事,守哲你尽管开口。” Wang Shouzhe without delay, lifts the hand to summon immediately: Wang Mei.” 王守哲二话不说,立即抬手呼唤:“王梅。” The black glow that among next instant, one group twists shines, the beautiful form rapid condenses in front of two people together. 下一瞬间,一团扭曲的黑芒亮起,一道婀娜的身影迅速在两人面前凝聚而成。 That is a rib lives the both wings, the top of the head horn, after first is raised curls upwards, and behind the buttocks has a bewitching female of tail. 那是一个肋生双翅,头顶犄角,前凸后翘,且屁股后面有一条尾巴的妖异女子。 Her sends out rich demon qi, the appearance is also differing enormously with the human female, the five senses are not fine, may synthesize appears beautiful and bewitching and charming, is passing the stock not being able to say attracting feeling. 她身上散发着浓郁的魔气,长相也与人类女子相差极大,五官更是算不上精致,可综合起来却显得妖冶而妩媚,透着股说不出的魅惑感。 Supreme yi?” “至尊嬟?” The Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor pupil shrinks, had a scare. 南明仙帝瞳孔一缩,被吓了一跳。 He lived was so long, under four with the control plate big supreme has also had to do, naturally had certain understanding regarding the semblance image of supreme yi. 他活了那么久,和主宰槃麾下四大至尊也是打过交道的,对于至尊嬟的外表形象自然有一定了解。 Isn't this beautiful form, supreme yi? 这道婀娜的身影,可不就是至尊嬟么? However flickers merely, he was rapid from the shock calm. 不过仅仅是一瞬,他就迅速从震惊中冷静了下来。 Because he discovered, this female and supreme yi, although looks very similar, but aura that lends, the strength that the whole body surges, has to have the essential difference, seems in the imitation supreme yi image. 因为他发现,这女子和至尊嬟虽然看起来非常相似,但无论是散发出的气息,还是周身涌动的力量,有存在着本质的区别,好似就只是在模仿至尊嬟的形象。 Moreover, Wang Shouzhe also called her name Wang Mei a moment ago. 而且,刚才王守哲也叫了她的名字王梅 Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor has naturally heard this name. 南明仙帝自然听说过这个名字。 It is said that this Wang Mei is under the Wang Shouzhe top intelligence head, at the beginning of Wang Clan rises is left and right arms of Wang Shouzhe, aimed in the action of Supreme Ming before , had once performed many meritorious services. 据说,这个“王梅”是王守哲麾下的头号情报头子,在王氏崛起之初便是王守哲的左膀右臂,在之前针对至尊冥的行动中,也曾立下过不少功勋。 Concubine body Wang Mei, pays a visit Southern Ming(Brightness) your majesty, pays a visit Sir Family Head.” Wang Mei with having voice attracting, chilly saluting opens the mouth, quite somewhat abstinence Demoness flavor. “妾身王梅,拜见南明陛下,拜见家主大人。”王梅用极具魅惑性的嗓音,清清冷冷的行礼开口,颇有几分禁欲魔女的味道。 To be honest. 说实话。 Even if Wang Shouzhe sees this image, cannot bear the pupil shrink, feels some scalp tingles. 即便是王守哲见得她这番形象,也是忍不住瞳孔一缩,感觉有些头皮发麻。 Under him this legend level Family Guard, as if also had the marvelous change and hobby. 他麾下这位传奇级家将,似乎又有了奇妙的变化和嗜好。 Present she, that changed technique to span the level of face-painting, went out of oneself exceedingly high Grand Dao/Avenue using the Demon Race crystal core. 现在的她,那一手变化之术早就已经跨越了化妆术的层次,利用魔族晶核走出了自己的通天大道 ~ “呵~ Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor takes a look at Wang Mei, looked at Wang Shouzhe, in the look was full of the meaningful flavor, seemed was saying, originally the hobby of Shouzhe your boy was very widespread ~ 南明仙帝瞅了瞅王梅,又看了看王守哲,眼神中充满了意味深长的味道,好似在说,原来守哲你小子的爱好还挺广泛啊~ Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor side pill refining big shot Wang Shouye sees this scene, buried the head lowly. 南明仙帝身旁的炼丹大佬王守业见到这一幕,不禁将脑袋埋得更低了。 He drank tea silently, makes me not to dare to manage, ostrich stance that also cannot think. 他默默地喝茶,作出了一种我不敢管,也不敢想的鸵鸟姿态。 Wang Shouzhe deeply inspires, removes the chaotic distracting thoughts, then serious opens the mouth: Wang Mei, you explained a lower limb with your majesty by.” 王守哲深吸了一口气,将纷乱杂念排除,而后严肃开口:“王梅,伱与陛下解释一下缘由。” Yes, Sir Family Head.” “是,家主大人。” Wang Mei eye pupil Youyou , collected good a ritual, this shifted to Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor, started to explain: Your majesty, recently, I perceived that has an undercurrent to surge in World of Immortals. Therefore, then begins to investigate in secret.” 王梅眼眸幽幽,敛敛行了一礼,这才转向南明仙帝,开始解释:“陛下,最近一段时间,我觉察到有一股暗潮在仙界涌动。因此,便暗中展开调查。” Investigates in the process, I with its clashed again and again. In the contest process, I discovered that opposite secret big shot should be supreme yi. However, she is good at hiding the identity extremely, the action is quite slick, until now, I cannot account for the least bit to be cheap.” “调查过程中,我几次三番和其发生了碰撞。在较量过程中,我发现对面的幕后大佬应该就是至尊嬟。然而,她极为擅长隐藏身份,行动极为油滑,迄今为止,我都没能占到半点便宜。” At this point, in the Wang Mei look revealed wiped the exciting color, as if was oneself runs into a hard to deal with opponent to be happy finally. 说到这里,王梅的眼神中露出了一抹兴奋之色,仿佛在为自己终于遇到一个难缠的对手而高兴。 Supreme yi.” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor thinks of her, in the look also revealed dreaded the color, the sound somewhat feels fuzzy, what she represented controls the will of plate, once took the action, often will bring a giant disaster to World of Immortals. Wang Mei, you determined that is supreme yi in the behind-the-scenes activity?” “至尊嬟。”南明仙帝想到她,眼神中也是露出了忌惮之色,声音有些发沉,“她代表的是主宰槃的意志,一旦展开行动,往往就会给仙界带来一场巨大的灾难。王梅,你确定是至尊嬟在幕后行动?” Cannot determine completely, the style of but based on the opposite party in the action demonstrating, the surreptitious method, as well as to the judgment of situation, the opposite is the possibility of supreme yi is extremely high.” Wang Mei Youyou coldly said. “不敢完全确定,但基于对方在行动中展现出来的行事风格,诡魅手段,以及对局势的判断,对面是至尊嬟的可能性极高。”王梅幽幽冷冷地说道。 Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor silent nod. 南明仙帝沉默点头。 The control plate suffered that big, deciding is not possible to give up, sending out supreme yi is also reasonable. 主宰槃吃了那么大的亏,定是不可能善罢甘休的,派出至尊嬟也在情理之中。 this time, presented Ji Tianyang incident by chance.” Wang Mei continues saying that „, therefore, I and clan discussed in secret, adds fuel to the flames the matter, takes advantage of opportunity expels Luming Institute Ji Tianyang temporarily. Hopes takes this as the bait, making supreme yi that is good at poisoning people's minds make a move.” 这一次,恰巧出现了姬天阳事件。”王梅又继续说道,“因此,我与家族暗中商议,将事情推波助澜一番,顺势将姬天阳暂时逐出鹿鸣学院。希望以此为诱饵,让擅长蛊惑人心的至尊嬟出手。” Ji day Yang event?” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor knits the brows. “姬天阳事件?”南明仙帝皱眉。 He is busy with pill refining this period of time, obviously has not paid attention to the immortal to newly publish with the public opinion. 他这段时间忙于炼丹,显然没怎么关注仙新刊和舆论。 Sees that Wang Mei explained the cause and effect of this event simply slightly, then also added: Is deceitful because of the supreme yi natural disposition, if I play a trick intentionally, the opposite party is very likely to smell from the traces exceptionally. But Ji Tianyang incident is the sudden outbreak, the process allow nature to take its course, and no one for trace of operation.” 见状,王梅干脆将此事件的前因后果略微解释了一番,而后又补充道:“因至尊嬟生性狡诈多疑,若是我故意设局,对方极有可能从蛛丝马迹中嗅出异常。而姬天阳事件乃是突发状况,过程都是顺其自然,其中并无人为操作的痕迹。” Superficially, this is Family Head loves including mist Young Lady, has the doting parent mentality, this played a trick to teach low grade line of dishonorable secretly, could not actually have been the dismissal standard Ji day to be positive.” “从表面上看,这就是家主疼爱珺霞小姐,有护犊子心态,这才暗暗设局教训了一下品行不端,却还达不到开除标准的姬天阳。” No matter how said, Ji Tianyang are an inner courtyard scholar who has the Quasi God Child/Seed aptitude, regarding supreme yi is a rare opportunity, she will have the big probability to attempt. “不管怎么说,姬天阳都是一个拥有准神子资质的内院学子,对于至尊嬟而言是一个难得的机会,她有较大概率会进行尝试。 Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor becomes aware suddenly: I understood. You adroitly guide action according to circumstances, became the bait thunderbolt packing. That following? You are the preparation make me make a move, capture that supreme yi that bites the hook?” 南明仙帝恍然所悟:“我明白了。你们是因势利导,将一个突发事件包装成了诱饵。那接下来呢?你们是准备让我出手,抓获那个咬钩的至尊嬟?” „It is not true.” Wang Mei shakes the head, the tone is chilly, first, supreme yi, even if makes a move to mislead Ji Tianyang, still definitely is the caution and care, has the enormous probability, what making a move is only her projection or under. We not possible through biting the movement of bait, attacks supreme yi directly this Venerable/main body.” “并非如此。”王梅摇头,语气清冷,“第一,至尊嬟就算出手蛊惑姬天阳,也肯定是万般谨慎小心,有极大概率,出手的只是她的投影或麾下。我们不可能通过咬饵的动作,直接进攻至尊嬟的本尊。” Second, had a bursty bait with great difficulty, naturally needs to use well. We can through observe Ji Tianyang action in secret, the jet braking have supreme yi the goal. Also can through misleading Ji Tianyang, gives the false message to supreme yi, to achieve our strategic goals.” “第二,好不容易有了一个突发性诱饵,自然需要好好利用。我们可以通过暗中观察姬天阳的行动,反推出至尊嬟的目的。也可以通过误导姬天阳,给至尊嬟传递假消息,以达到我们的战略目的。” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor nods slightly: This is a good plan. Then, at present situation how? Supreme does yi have makes a move to mislead Ji Tianyang in secret?” 南明仙帝微微颔首:“这是一个不错的计划。那么,目前情况如何?至尊嬟有没有暗中出手蛊惑姬天阳?” At present was unable to determine. For discrete, we have not regulated to Ji day Yang Jinhang in secret, to guard sensitive oversuspicious supreme yi to perceive that is not right, gives up acting in midway.” Wang Mei said indifferently, „, but, we can through Ji Tianyang following program of action, analyze whether he received misleading.” “目前还无法确定。出于谨慎考虑,我们并没有对姬天阳进行暗中监管,以防敏感多疑的至尊嬟觉察出不对劲,中途放弃行动。”王梅淡然说道,“不过,我们可以通过姬天阳后续的行动方针,判断他是否受到了蛊惑。” Education Committee will not have proposed that immediately dismisses Ji Tianyang, but suspends his studies, waiting findings. Then, supposed that Ji Tianyang was misled, he will certainly find the way to wash white oneself, will reverse the public opinion, to achieve to return to the goal of school.” “教委会并没有提出立即开除姬天阳,而是暂停他的学业,等待调查结果。那么,假设姬天阳受到蛊惑,他一定会想办法洗白自己,甚至会扭转舆论,以达到重归学院的目的。” After all, was dismissed Ji day Yang can/but not too many values of Luming Institute.” “毕竟,一个被开除出鹿鸣学院的姬天阳可没太多价值。” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor continues to nod: Is reasonable. However, Wang Mei you inform this matter specially, is what needs this Immortal Emperor to make?” 南明仙帝继续点头:“有道理。不过,王梅你特意将此事告知,是需本仙帝做什么?” When I have the need, the assistance I act, execution or protection, or surveillance and other mission.” Wang Mei statement requirements unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “在我有需要之时,协助我行动,执行或保护,或监视等任务。”王梅毫不客气的提出要求。 This, this Immortal Emperor very busy......” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor suddenly feels big. “这个,本仙帝很忙的……”南明仙帝顿觉头大。 Wang Shouzhe deeply bows with hands clasped to him, said: Your majesty, is related to the World of Immortals safety, had the work you.” 王守哲又对他深深一揖,道:“陛下,事关仙界安危,有劳您了。” Good...... this mission I met.” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor only thought that today goes out has not read the almanac, was caught the recruit by Wang Shouzhe like this. “好吧……这任务我接了。”南明仙帝只觉得今天出门没看黄历,就这样被王守哲逮了壮丁。 Wait...... 等等…… Today Luming Institute, probably Wang Shouye proposition. 今天来鹿鸣学院,好像是王守业提议的。 thoughts reach here, Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor stared to Wang Shouye. 一念及此,南明仙帝瞪向了王守业 Then, Wang Shouye seems anything not to detect general , to continue to lower the head to drink tea. 然后,王守业好似什么都没察觉一般,继续低头喝茶。 I hehe!” “我呵呵!” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor then responded thoroughly. 南明仙帝这下是彻底反应了过来。 Originally is not the oneself luck is not good, but from beginning to end by Wang Shouzhe loading into frame. 原来不是自己运气不好,而是从头到尾都被王守哲给装进框里了。 ****** ****** Control city. 主宰城。 Controls Demon Palace. 主宰魔殿 The thick dark demon can fill the air in entire Demon Palace, making the entire Demon Palace ray as if gloomily is deep. 浓稠的黑暗魔能弥漫在整个魔殿之中,让整个魔殿的光线都仿佛变得晦暗深沉起来。 The Demon Palace deep place, the giant and magnificent throne is palatial just like the mountain. 魔殿深处,巨大而华丽的宝座宛如高山般巍峨。 The control plate is sitting above the high throne, both eyes slightly whole, figure half cover in the light, half submerge the darkness, is sending out terrifying aura that lets the person palpitation. 主宰槃正坐在高高的宝座之上,双目微阖,身形一半笼罩在光明之中,一半没入黑暗,散发着让人心悸的恐怖气息。 In the short time, the control plate as if restored many vigors. 短短时间内,主宰槃似乎恢复了不少精气神。 He opens the demon eye slowly, toward relaxing the hands the vertical supremeness has a nightmare said benignly: Has a nightmare, good that your this time mission completes. However, the light is that several small Demon Race ethnic groups may be insufficient, this control need are more! You need as soon as possible the arranged next batch of sacrificial offerings!” 他缓缓睁开魔眼,向着垂手而立的至尊魇和颜悦色道:“魇,你这一次任务完成的不错。不过,光是那几个小小的魔族族群可不够,本主宰还需要更多!你需要尽快安排下一批祭品!” In the supreme having a nightmare heart trembles slightly, felt an unprecedented cool feeling. 至尊魇心中微微一颤,感觉到了一股前所未有的凉意。 Although previous control plate also vicious overbearing, does not care to be the servant life, in addition but cannot make to swallow massive Demon Race to restore own act, after all to a certain extent, entire Demon Realm Demon Race is his people. 以前的主宰槃虽然也凶狠霸道,并不怎么在意属下人性命,但尚且做不出吞噬大量魔族来恢复自身的行径,毕竟从某种程度上而言,整个魔界魔族都算是他的子民。 However now, he does not have to have scruples slightly. 但是现在,他却已经没有了丝毫顾忌。 However, things have gotten to this point, has a nightmare supremely does not have the means. 不过,事已至此,至尊魇也是毫无办法。 He can only sigh in the heart gently, later braces oneself said respectfully: Yes, Sir. However, but also please give me some time, after all now with Supreme Ming related tribe, intends to hide itself, subordinate need time search.” 他只能在心中轻轻一叹,随后硬着头皮恭敬道:“是,大人。不过,还请您给我一些时间,毕竟现在很多与至尊冥相关的部族,都有意隐藏自身,属下需要时间搜寻。” Supreme Ming tribe could not find, can look for Supreme You, can look supremely!” The control plate somewhat discontented reprimanding sound said, time at present, leaves our time is not many, so long as this control can complete the plan, the big sacrifice was also worth.” 至尊冥部族找不到,可以找至尊幽的,也可以找至尊的!”主宰槃有些不满的斥声道,“时机就在眼前,留给我们的时间不多了,只要本主宰能完成计划,再大的牺牲也值得。” Yes, the control, the subordinate can as soon as possible.” Has a nightmare supremely, helpless receives an order, then withdrew rapidly controlled Demon Palace. “是,主宰,属下一定会尽快。”至尊魇无奈领命,然后飞速退出了主宰魔殿 However, he does not have immediately to carry out mission. 不过,他没有立即去执行任务 But was first first returned to supreme mansion of oneself in control city. 而是第一时间先回了自己在主宰城的至尊府邸。 Supreme having a nightmare mansion entrance. 至尊魇府邸门口。 In nearby corner, two Demon Race Great Commander is depending to sit under the lower part of wall, lowering the head, the look is deeply worried and anxious. 旁边的角落里,两位魔族大统领正靠坐在墙根下,低着头,神色焦灼而忧虑。 These two Demon Race Great Commander appearances look quite distressed, the complexion is also quite disappointing, seems like has not to eat a long time, had a good sleep, at first sight goes, such as stray cur is ordinary. 这俩魔族大统领的模样看起来相当狼狈,脸色也相当差劲,似乎是有很长一段时间没有吃好,睡好了,乍一看去,就如丧家之犬一般。 At this time. 这时。 Is being drawn by two Demon Dragon flying carriage circles from the sky, fell on the mansion entrance slowly. 一辆由两头魔龙拉着的飞辇从天空中盘旋而下,徐徐落在了府邸门口。 two Demon Race Great Commander sees that immediately flies to flee, breaks through numerous stops that the mansion entrance guarded, rushed had a nightmare in front of supremely flying carriage. 两位魔族大统领见状,立刻飞窜而出,突破了府邸门口守卫的重重阻拦,冲到了至尊魇飞辇面前。 Supreme having a nightmare Sir, the Sir listened to us to speak two words.” two Demon Race Great Commander whole face anxious shouting. “至尊魇大人,大人听我们说两句话。”两位魔族大统领满脸焦急的喊道。 Dissolute! You dare to alarm my master.” “放肆!你们竟敢惊扰我家主人。” The mansion guards have a big shock, closes in hastily, plans to carry off that two Demon Race Great Commander. 府邸守卫们大惊失色,连忙一拥而上,欲图将那两个魔族大统领拉走。 At this time. 此时。 Had a nightmare supremely has recognized this two Demon Race Great Commander. 至尊魇早已经认出了这两个魔族大统领 They are his colleague Supreme plaster Under second trusted aide, Dark deep Lord Monarch, 【The king of blood, Is two powerful title Great Commander. 他们是他同僚【至尊垩】的心腹麾下之二,【暗冥主君】、【鲜血之王】,是两位强大的封号大统领 Has a nightmare to beckon with the hand supremely, ordered desolately toward the entrance guard: Draws back.” 至尊魇摆了摆手,冷淡地朝门口守卫下令道:“都退下吧。” Yes, master.” “是,主人。” The mansion guard acts simultaneously, then retreats amenable in abundance, only left behind the dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king. 府邸守卫动作齐齐一顿,而后顺从地纷纷退去,只留下了暗冥主君和鲜血之王。 Dark deep Lord Monarch was too busy toward has a nightmare supremely good a ritual, inquired submissively: Having a nightmare Sir, previously you promised our brothers, grants to the great control request Immortal Clan Emperor Seal, How redeemed our Lord matter?” 暗冥主君忙不迭朝至尊魇行了一礼,低声下气询问:“魇大人,先前您答应我们兄弟,向伟大的主宰请求赐予【仙族帝印】,赎回我们主上的事情如何了?” Has a nightmare supremely the knitting the brows head, desolate: Great control has responded, he will intend to retrieve personally Plaster. You go back, patient waiting!” 至尊魇皱了皱眉头,语气略显冷淡:“伟大的主宰已经回应,他会亲自出手救回【垩】。你们回去吧,耐心等待!” Dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king of hearing this, look at each other in blank dismay immediately. 暗冥主君和鲜血之王闻言,顿时面面相觑。 Although some ominous premonition, has been possible to face so the result, they somewhat are actually caught off guard as before. 虽然已经有了不祥预感,可面对如此结果,他们却依旧是有些措手不及。 The king of blood is too busy to flatter saying: Having a nightmare Sir, our Lord holds our brothers to sell out some assets, collected some resources, hopes that can receive in exchange for one in your Immortal Clan Emperor Seal, You watch this matter......” 鲜血之王忙不迭讨好道:“魇大人,我们主上已经托我们兄弟卖掉了些资产,凑了些资源,希望能在您这换取一件【仙族帝印】,您看这件事情……” Redeeming condition that although Immortal Clan pledges, is two Immortal Clan Emperor Seal, but since now cannot count on the control plate, then also can only back off. 虽然仙族开出的赎回条件,是两件仙族帝印,可现在既然指望不上主宰槃,便也只能退而求其次了。 If can first attain Immortal Clan Emperor Seal, perhaps then other additional resources, can chat the condition with Immortal Clan. 若是能先拿到一件仙族帝印,再加其他资源,或许还能和仙族谈谈条件。 Moreover, before they with had had a nightmare to contact supremely, he agrees selling. 而且,之前他们已经与至尊魇接触过,他表示同意出让。 Had a nightmare supremely hesitated slightly the moment, this nodded the head slightly: Ok, you go back to wait, I will send people to send Immortal Clan Emperor Seal.” 至尊魇略微沉吟了片刻,这才微微颔首:“可以,你们回去等着,我会派人送来仙族帝印。” Many thanks having a nightmare Sir, many thanks having a nightmare Sir.” “多谢魇大人,多谢魇大人。” Dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king of thank politely hastily, does not dare to disturb to have a nightmare again supremely, rushes to retreat. 暗冥主君和鲜血之王连忙拜谢,也不敢再打扰至尊魇,赶忙退去。 When they return to the dark deep Lord Mr.'s mansion, after entering in the secret room, the trusted aide of this two supreme plaster will love, the complexion immediately became incomparably embarrassed. 等他们一路回到暗冥主君的府邸,进入密室中后,这两位至尊垩的心腹爱将,脸色顿时变得无比难堪了起来。 Perhaps Emperor Seal, Immortal Clan does not recognize, we must raise other resources.” “一件帝印,仙族恐怕不认啊,我们得多筹措点其他资源。” Snort! Hateful ~, if our Lord did not remind the control plate at that time......” “哼!可恶啊~若是我们主上当时不提醒主宰槃……” Blood, keeps silent!” “鲜血,噤声!” Having anything is good to keep silent, I am unworthy for Lord.” “有什么好噤声的,我就是替主上不值。” In dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king of Manxin are resentful. 就在暗冥主君和鲜血之王满心愤懑之时。 Suddenly, a Yin narrow sound resounds in the secret room: Jie Jie Jie ~ ~ ~ you understand plate that old dog now brutal and cool thin?” 忽而,一个阴仄仄的声音在密室中响起:“桀桀桀~~~你们现在懂得槃那老狗的无情和凉薄了吧?” What demon?” “什么魔?” The two title Great Commander complexion changes, spiritual consciousness instantaneous investigation. 两位封号大统领脸色一变,神识瞬间探查而出。 However, but also without them investigated anything, the specters have then taken the lead to condense the formation in the secret room together. 不过,还没等他们探查出什么,一道魔影便已经率先在密室中凝聚成型。 That form covers in the heavy/thick demon armor all through, only reveals a pair of deep deep and quiet demon eye, the aura that the rich Great Ming evil strength lingering whole body, lends is quiet cold and dangerous. 那身影通身笼罩在厚重的魔铠之中,只露出一双深沉幽邃的魔眼,浓郁的太冥邪力萦绕周身,散发出的气息幽冷而危险。 Impressively is the projection of Supreme Ming ! 赫然是至尊冥的投影! On his sinister and vicious solemn face this moment expression is joyful, the smile is bright: Your two, is actually loyal and devoted to plaster that fellow. However, I do not envy the plaster, because under me also has the loyal not two brothers.” 他阴鸷冷峻的脸上此刻表情愉悦,笑容灿烂:“你们两个,倒是对垩那家伙忠心耿耿。不过,我并不羡慕垩,因为我麾下也有忠心不二的兄弟。” Supreme Ming !” 至尊冥!” The dark deep Lord Monarch and blood king, simultaneously held breath cold air. 暗冥主君和鲜血之王,齐齐倒吸了一口凉气。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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