POP :: Volume #8

#135: System upgrade! „Warm” small family

Chapter 1081 第1081章 System upgrade! Warm small family 系统升级!“温馨”的小家庭 ...... …… Looks one fully were exciting vigor Younger Sister, Wang Yinxuan lifted under the wrist/skill, glanced the wrist watch say/way: Old younger sister, then also no attractive. According to the script, caused the public sentiment to be roused to action only, the public opinion rose from all directions, but our family/home Ancestral Grandfather can comply with the public opinion, dismissed Luming Institute Ji Tianyang and Yao Qinqi.” 看着自家满满都是兴奋劲的妹妹,王寅轩抬了下手腕,瞟了眼腕表道:“老妹,接下来也没啥好看的了。按照剧本,无外乎是引起了群情激奋,舆论四起,而咱们家老祖爷爷就可以顺应民意,将姬天阳和姚秦琪开除出鹿鸣学院。” By such a saying, king Hanxia was suddenly felt senselessly. 被这么一说,王珺霞顿觉无趣了起来。 She bared the Demoness fang to brother Wang Yinxuan: Play passes the ghost, you were too repugnant.” 她冲着老哥王寅轩龇了龇魔女獠牙:“剧透鬼,你太讨厌了。” Time was up.” Wang Yinxuan holds on king Hanxia, according to beforehand signal communications, the father and little mother comes back from the recovering area, this point should get small home, was supposing we had gone back to eat meal.” “时间差不多了。”王寅轩一把拉住王珺霞,“按照事先的通讯联络,老爹和小妈从光复区回来,这个点应该已经回到了小家,估摸着已经在等咱们回去吃饭了。” Good.” “好吧。” king Hanxia then sweeps not the quick mood, becomes delightedly is joyful, quite the appearance that anticipates and family member reunites. 王珺霞这才一扫不快情绪,重新变得欢欣愉悦起来,一副颇为期待和家人团聚的样子。 Queen of Pain Bai Yuxia and Wang Youyue, participated in Great Ming the demon area and other demon area of the recovering wars, the energy of then continuing also put into recovering in area extermination, development, construction and other mission. 痛苦女王白玉霞王宥岳,都参与了太冥魔区等魔区的光复战,而后续的精力也都投入了光复区的清剿、开拓、建设等任务之中。 Especially Queen of Pain. 尤其是痛苦女王 Her prime task draws in Demon Race various group of remnants of defeated troops, integrates, gets rid of the bad and retains the good, as well as enlightenment and training. Also so, may solve the recovering area to survive the Demon Race hidden danger, can strengthen the overall strength. 她的主要工作就是收拢魔族的各路残部,进行整合,去芜存菁,以及教化和训练。如此,既可解决光复区残存魔族的隐患,也能增强己方总体战力。 Now in three big recovering areas, Queen of Pain amounted to had drawn under more than 20 Great Commander levels, Demon Lord thousand, several tens of thousands of True Demon, as well as billions of Demon Race. 如今在三大光复区,痛苦女王总计已经收拢了二十多名大统领级麾下,魔主过千,数万真魔,以及数以亿计的魔族 But the prime task of Wang Youyue, is assists Queen of Pain to work. 王宥岳的主要工作,就是辅助痛苦女王进行工作。 As for Linglong Princess , then stayed in the Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city, the assistance Queen of Pain section conducts the purchase of commodity, the transportation, and sell and other work, the coordinated painful section and Wang Clan clan internal resources turnover, takes on the responsibility that the logistics always adjusted. 至于玲珑公主,则是留在了玄天城,协助痛苦女王部进行物资的购买,运输,以及出售等相关工作,协调痛苦部与王氏家族内部的资源进出,承担起了后勤总调的职责。 The family of three perform its own functions, pours also dry/does decent. 一家三口各司其职,倒也干的有模有样。 However is also therefore, the whole family gathers little leaves many, king Hanxia have not seen the father and mother for a long time. 不过也是因此,一家人聚少离多,王珺霞都已经有好久没有见过父亲和母亲了。 ...... …… Small after half of the day . 小半天后。 Situated in Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city Area East City, by Wang Clan real estate The investment, the Wang Clan construction work contracts construction the top layer of modernized synthesis giant building. 一栋位于玄天东城,由【王氏房产】投资,王氏建工承揽建造的现代化综合巨型大厦的顶层。 The top layer is one set of ultra giant Daping level household, the family/home installs the style to have the Wang Clan modernization characteristics, is passing the convenience of life warmly, succinctly and everywhere, the giant window made the sunlight in living room quite abundant, made the field of vision very open. 顶层是一套超巨型大平层户型,家装风格都极具王氏现代化特色,温馨、简洁、又处处透着生活的便利,巨大的落地窗令客厅里的阳光极为充沛,同时也让视野变得十分开阔。 Different likes from the Wang Clan older generation in the landing dwelling, many Wang Clan young one generations, like this type modernized, neater bright, more convenient residence. 不同于王氏老一辈喜欢住在落地宅院内,有不少王氏年轻一代,更喜欢这种更加现代化,更加整洁明净,也更加便利的居所。 Such residence, various facilities often are also more perfect, enable to connect the internet in this inside person very much conveniently, no matter uses the communications network, watches the crystal curtain movie, plays requests high online game to the hardware, is very convenient. 这样的居所内部,各种设施也往往更加健全,让住在这里面的人可以很方便地连接上网,不管是使用通讯网络,观看晶幕影片,还是玩一些对硬件要求较高的网络游戏,都十分便利。 As for practicing, that did not fear. 至于修行,那也不怕。 spirit qi that first entire World of Immortals spirit qi full, in building bottom spirit vein gushes out, reassigns through array, may receive right of residence through the pipeline directly, will not delay cultivation. 一来是整个仙界本身灵气充盈,二来,大厦底部灵脉内涌出的灵气,通过阵法抽调,可通过管道直接入户,不会耽误修炼 Wang Youyue compared with old dwelling, likes such building, then at the foothold of Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city, will set up in this Wang Clan building. 王宥岳比起老宅,还是更喜欢这样的楼房,便将在玄天城的落脚点,设立在了这座王氏大厦内。 At this moment. 此刻。 In Daping level. 大平层内。 The small family of Wang Youyue family of five, is dining by table before the window. 王宥岳一家五口的小家庭,正在落地窗前的餐桌旁用餐。 On five people of front tables piles chock full, the assorted good food is dazzling, is giving off the attractive fragrance. 五人面前的餐桌上堆得满满当当,各色美食琳琅满目,正散发着诱人的香气。 These are not in their family/home the opening fire cooking, but is directly going that from the Hainan light pavilion called, was dodged by special-purpose flying carriage delivers, but. 这些并非他们家里开火烹饪,而是直接从琼光阁叫的外卖,由专用飞辇闪送而至。 Without the means that their family/home family of five, the preparing food level is very ordinary, moreover going of fine jade light pavilion the delicacy is also sumptuous and quickly, may prepare food more cost-effective than their oneself. 没办法,他们家一家五口,做饭水平都很一般,而且琼光阁的外卖又美味又丰盛又快捷,可比他们自己做饭划算多了。 The whole families gather together rarely, is chatting while eating the day. 一家人难得聚在一起,边吃边聊着天。 From the beginning Wang Youyue chatted in some interesting anecdotes of recovering area, but as if saw daughter king Hanxia is not interested in these, then a thread of conversation revolution, chatted her studies. 王宥岳一开始聊的还是在光复区的一些趣闻轶事,但见得女儿王珺霞似乎对这些并不怎么感兴趣,便话锋一转,聊起了她的学业。 Xia'er, your recent studies how? How hadn't so many years, graduated from Luming Institute? Wants the father to show the father love, makes up for a missed lesson to you?” 霞儿,你最近学业怎么样?怎么都那么多年了,还没从鹿鸣学院毕业?要不要爹爹展现一下父爱,给你补补课?” This saying exit|to speak, king Hanxia the face was black. 这话一出口,王珺霞的脸都黑了。 Own father also really likes loving to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points. 自家老爹还真是喜欢哪壶不开提哪壶。 She mumbled shrivelled the mouth: That is Ancestral Grandfather loves me, does not hate me to leave side him early. Did the father you, the Emperor Seal embryonic form comprehend actually recently? Wants me to help you consider in detail, after all my Immortal and Demon nine change Already nearly in the Emperor Seal embryonic form.” 她哼哼唧唧地瘪了瘪嘴:“那是老祖爷爷疼我,不舍得我这么早离开他身边。倒是爹爹您,最近帝印雏形参悟得怎么样了?要不要我帮您参详一下,毕竟我的【仙魔九变】已经近乎于帝印雏形了。” In this flash, the face of Wang Youyue was also black. 在这一瞬间,王宥岳的脸也黑了。 He refuted immediately ill-humoredly: My that is prepares to give up previous life Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) Emperor Seal, To take a new path based on this. This is not an easy matter, where so will be quick?” 他当即没好气的反驳道:“我那是准备放弃上一世的【武岳帝印】,想要在此基础上走出一条新路。这可不是件容易的事,哪会这么快?” Also, king Hanxia Immortal and Demon nine changed that to have one pile of Immortal Emperor to help, deduces such quickly, his where has this condition? 再说了,王珺霞的仙魔九变那是有一堆仙帝帮忙,才推演得这么快,他哪有这条件? Right, looked that you now is even more garrulous, can it be that to be in love in the school? Under you must polish the eye well, pays attention to distinguish scumbag man. Wants the father to give you to teach some anti- scumbag man methods?” “对了,看伱现在愈发伶牙俐齿,莫不是在学院里谈恋爱了吧?你可得好好擦亮下眼睛,注意分辨渣男。要不要爹爹给你传授些反渣男手段?” May knock it off these fellows of ~ on school, my looks does not glance. Also, others 2000 years old had not arrived, is a child!” king Hanxia digs up to draw a ninth grade rice depressed, cannot bear glances with Wang Yinxuan, actually Elder Brother, as the clan eighth position successor, must be married earlier. Also at least, must hurry to give in the family/home to live the ninth position successor to come out, otherwise later cultivation base is getting higher and higher, having a child was more difficult.” “可拉倒吧~就学院里的那些家伙们,我一个都看不上眼。再说了,人家两千岁都还没到,还是个孩子呢!”王珺霞郁闷地扒拉着九品道米饭,忍不住拿眼瞟向王寅轩,“倒是哥哥,身为家族第八顺位继承人,得早点谈婚论嫁。至少,也得赶紧给家里生个第九顺位继承人出来,不然以后修为越来越高,生孩子就更难了。” Is seeing a play Wang Yinxuan that eats meal, without expecting to burn down his head, the expression instantaneously is one stiff. 正在看戏吃饭的王寅轩,没料到一把火烧到他头上来,表情瞬间就是一僵。 His eyeball bone common revolution, shifts the topic immediately: Father, you and little mother's mission completion in recovering area are good, the system reward has sent, directly is one 13th grade Good Fortune God Pill.” 他眼珠子骨碌碌一转,立刻转移话题道:“爹,你和小妈在光复区的任务完成度不错,系统奖励已经发下来了,直接就是一枚【十三品造化神丹】。” This?” “就这?” A Wang Youyue brow wrinkle, somewhat shuts out: I and your little mother was busy at being so long in the recovering area, your mother also acted as the logistics like mad! Finally those years large-scale mission, reward this? I thought your broken system earlier the formatting.” 王宥岳眉头一皱,有些嫌弃:“我和你小妈在光复区忙了那么久,你母亲也拼死拼活充当后勤!结果那么些年来的大型任务,就奖励这个?我看你那破系统早点格式化好了。” Good Fortune God Pill is very certainly valuable, even if the price drops lower and lower, value several hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 造化神丹当然很值钱,哪怕价格一降再降,也值好几百混沌灵石 But Wang Youyue hand grasps heavy power now, but is directing huge Demon Race big khaki cloth indirectly, how to care about this? 可如今王宥岳“手握重权”,可是间接指挥着一支庞大的魔族大军呢,岂会在乎这个? At this time. 这时。 Queen of Pain Bai Yuxia stared Wang Youyue one: What were you busy at? Front has me to break through enemy lines, behind has Linglong (Exquisite) to assume personal command to coordinate. On recovering area these mission, are many your to be short of your one harmless.” 痛苦女王白玉霞瞪了王宥岳一眼:“你忙什么了?前面有我冲锋陷阵,后面有玲珑坐镇协调。就光复区那些任务,多你一个少你一个都无伤大雅。” Right.” Linglong Princess also gives the son to support unconditionally, stares Wang Youyue saying that son gives you mission, that is urges you to progress. Let alone, this Good Fortune God Pill itself/Ben is the extra premium, you are the mission contribution lead a lot, but also requests so many?” “没错。”玲珑公主也无条件给儿子撑腰,瞪着王宥岳道,“儿子给你任务,那是督促你上进。何况,这造化神丹本就是额外奖励的,你是任务贡献又没少领,还要求那么多?” Wang Youyue by the two wife collection fire, was not made the sound instantaneously, starts to puff and blow to eat to eat the vegetable/dish earnestly. 王宥岳两个老婆集火,瞬间就不作声了,开始埋头吭哧吭哧地扒饭吃菜。 Hehe the ~ father, are you shut out mission to reward lowly?” Wang Yinxuan has not been angry actually, instead seized the opportunity, hehe gathers up to go with a smile, recently my system and Ancestral Grandfather Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fused, underwent some time system upgrade, now changed may be big.” “嘿嘿~爹,原来你是嫌弃任务奖励低啊?”王寅轩倒是没生气,反而逮住了机会,嘿嘿笑着凑上前去,“最近我的系统和老祖爷爷掌界令融合了一下,经过了一段时间的系统升级,现在变化可大了。” Can big?” Wang Youyue curls the lip, somewhat disdains, is difficult to be inadequate, but can also reward divine item and ten fourth grade Spirit Pill to be inadequate?” “能有多大?”王宥岳撇了撇嘴,有些不屑,“难不成,还能奖励神器、十四品神丹不成?” divine item? Hehe, whom is the father you dirtying? Here has mission, the reward is ten fifth grade medicinal pill and half step basic shell equipment, as well as part Immortal Spirit source!” A Wang Yinxuan face said cocky. 神器?呵呵,老爹你在埋汰谁呢?我这里有个任务,奖励是十五品丹药半步界主级装备,以及一部分【仙灵界本源】!”王寅轩一脸得瑟的说。 What? 什么? Let alone this Wang Youyue, is even Queen of Pain Bai Yuxia shocks incomparably: Xuan'er, is your boasting blew big! Your system is together the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment refinement, where can have such wonderful effectiveness? These treasure that you said that but will covet the heart movement including the basic shell powerhouse treasure.” 这一下别说王宥岳了,便是连痛苦女王白玉霞都震惊无比:“轩儿,你这牛皮吹得是不是太大了!你的系统不过是一块掌界令碎片炼制而成,哪能有如此神效?你说的那些宝物,可是连界主级强者都会觊觎心动的宝物。” Wang Yinxuan guessed correctly very early in the morning they can be this response, immediately hehe smiled, lifts the hand to move the mission list on wrist watch, selected uppermost mission, after the screenshot, sent to the family small group: Everyone has a look together, is my Wang Yinxuan is boasting.” 王寅轩一早猜到他们会是这反应,当即呵呵一笑,抬手就将腕表上的任务列表调了出来,选中最上面的一个任务,截图后发到了家庭小群里:“大家一起看看,是不是我王寅轩在吹牛皮。” The whole families lift the wrist/skill, looked to the screenshots in crowd of news. 一家人纷纷抬起手腕,看向了群消息中的截图。 Sees only in the mission details to write: 只见任务详情上写着: ...... …… Main line mission one: 主线任务一: Is seriously battered Control plate, Decides will not give up. He rolls up in the lair, calmly licks to lick the wound, in the heart is deliberating on the plan of Huimie (Destruction) World of Immortals. How can there be under the compound nest to end the egg, the World of Immortals destruction, clan what save? “遭受重创的【主宰槃】,定不会善罢甘休。他蜷缩在巢穴中,静静地舔舐着伤口,心中酝酿着毁灭仙界的计划。正所谓覆巢之下焉有完卵,仙界覆灭,家族何存? You as clan eighth generation of successors, felt the thick sense of crisis. 你作为家族第八代继承人,感受到了浓浓的危机感。 You consider for a long time, decides to urge your father organization manpower, who strikes the first blow has the advantage, gets rid of the control plate, extinguishes the crisis before the landslide. ” 你思量许久,决定敦促你的父亲组织人手,先下手为强,干掉主宰槃,将危机消弭于山崩之前。” mission reward: Random ten fifth grade medicinal pill * 3, the half step basic shell equips * 1, the part Immortal Spirit source. 任务奖励:随机十五品丹药,半步界主级装备,部分【仙灵界本源】。 ...... …… After looking . 看完之后。 During the whole families fell into were silent. 一家人都陷入了沉默之中。 Long time later, Wang Youyue the facial skin twitches looks to Wang Yinxuan: Hehe does ~ who strikes the first blow has the advantage, get rid of the control plate? Did the son, you think highly of your father?” 良久之后,王宥岳才脸皮抽搐地看向王寅轩:“呵呵~先下手为强,干掉主宰槃?儿子,你是不是太看得起你爹了?” „Didn't this ask you to organize the manpower?” Wang Yinxuan has looked at mission to list, this little while displays quite calm free, in any case this main line mission, does not worry for a while, you can first apply for mission, when the time comes hangs mission to your name under.” “这不是叫你组织人手么?”王寅轩早就看过任务列表了,这会儿表现得相当淡定自若,“反正这种主线任务,也不着急一时,你可以先申领任务,到时候将任务挂到你名下。” Be that as it may, but this reward may be really rich enough!” The Queen of Pain Bai Yuxia tone is sigh with emotion, particularly last of reward Immortal Spirit source, That should be our Immortal Spirit most precious commodity, concerns Immortal Spirit basis whether to have! Even if the Demon Race control, regarding this goes after like ducks.” “话虽如此,但是这奖励可真够丰厚!”痛苦女王白玉霞语气感慨,“尤其是奖励的最后一项【仙灵界本源】,那应该是咱们仙灵界最珍贵的物资了,是关乎到仙灵界能否存在的根本!哪怕是魔族主宰,对此都趋之若鹜。” Reward, although is good, but can we be first more practical, point(s) simple mission.” Wang Youyue thinks of control plate big. “奖励虽好,但咱们能不能先实际些,来点简单的任务。”王宥岳一想到主宰槃就头大。 previous life or this life, that is admires fearful existence. Let alone got rid of him, the light lived from his hand, is the difficulty of nightmare rank. 无论是前世还是今生,那都是高山仰止般的可怕存在。别说干掉他了,光是从他手里活下来,都已经是噩梦级别的难度了。 Simple mission? Has, naturally has.” Wang Yinxuan nods looking pensive, later the screenshot several mission lost into the small family group. “简单的任务?有,当然有。”王寅轩若有所思般颔首,随后又截图了几个任务丢入了小家庭群里。 ...... …… Branch mission 1: 支线任务一: Demon Race eyes covetously, Immortal Clan is in imminent danger, clan is facing the unprecedented crisis. 魔族虎视眈眈,仙族岌岌可危,家族面临着前所未有的危机。 In order to protect clan, as you of clan eighth position successor, decides to urge your father, eliminates left and right arms of control plate Supreme wang, Tempered the Demon Race effective strength. 为了守护家族,身为家族第八顺位继承人的你,决定敦促你的父亲,消灭主宰槃的左膀右臂【至尊尫】,削弱魔族有生力量。 Reward: Ten fourth grade Spirit Pill * 3, a divine item , Immortal Spirit source( some). 奖励:十四品神丹,神器一柄,仙灵界本源(些许)。 ...... …… This mission...... as if rewards also well ~ 任务……似乎奖励也不错啊~ But, eliminates supreme wang? This controls under plate one of the four big trusted aides! 可是,消灭至尊尫?这可是主宰槃麾下的四大心腹之一! This is also mission that difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 这也是个难如登天的任务 Branch mission 2, branch mission 3, waits for...... each branch mission, corresponds to eliminate a supremeness, either is four big supreme one, either is assumes a side the supremeness! 还有支线任务二,支线任务三,等等等等……每一个支线任务,都对应消灭一位至尊,要么是四大至尊之一,要么是坐镇一方的至尊! This inside only slightly a little different branch mission, supreme one about four big trusted aide Supreme yi mission. 这里面唯一一个稍微有点不同的支线任务,是关于四大心腹至尊之一【至尊嬟】的任务 The mission description indicated, this is female Demon Race is supreme, could trade one type to complete the way. 任务描述表示,这是一个女性魔族至尊,或许可以换一种完成方式。 Sees this mission description, the Wang Youyue face was black. 见到这种任务描述,王宥岳脸都黑了。 What him did this broken system regard? 这破系统把他当成什么了? Also could trade one type to complete way, what way changes into? This clearly in connotation oneself! 还“或许可以换一种完成方式”,换成什么方式?这分明是在内涵自己 Except for this, that row may be called terrifying branch mission smooth , is to make Wang Youyue feel scalp tingles. 除了这个,那一排溜堪称恐怖的支线任务,也是让王宥岳感觉头皮发麻。 He suspected that this is Ancestral Grandfather is being up to mischief, is doing him intentionally. 他怀疑这是老祖爷爷在搞鬼,是故意在搞他。 However luckily, these mission are not every is the nightmare difficulties, part of branch mission difficulty, although is very big, but the good and evil can be completed hopefully. 不过幸好,这些任务也不是每一个都是噩梦难度,其中还是有一部分支线任务的难度虽然很大,但好歹有希望可以完成。 For example branch mission: 例如其中一个支线任务: Rises for clan, please urge your father, making him the god beautiful jade history list first. 为了家族崛起,请敦促你的父亲,让他成为神瑛历史榜第一。 If lets him and Ancestral Grandfather, Ancestral Grandmother and the others struggle first, that naturally is difficult such as to ascend to heaven, but Ancestral Grandfather and Ancestral Grandmother haven't they hit the god beautiful jade list? 要是让他和老祖爷爷,老祖奶奶等人去争第一,那自然是难如登天,但老祖爷爷老祖奶奶他们不是还没打神瑛榜呢吗? Definitely can wait for him first to take first, other clan rare and beautiful flowers participate again. 完全可以等他先拿了第一,其余家族奇葩再参与。 mission only requests him in any case with first, had not said that must make him treat in the first position. 反正任务只要求他拿第一,又没说要让他一直待在第一的位置上。 Therefore, this mission can meet. 因此,这个任务可以接。 In addition, urged your father, became few lords!” Urged your father, condensed the Emperor Seal embryonic form, returned to the road of Immortal Emperor!” Waits for several mission, can receive, moreover reward not poor. 此外,还有“敦促你的父亲,成为少界主!”“敦促你的父亲,重新凝聚帝印雏形,重归仙帝之路!”等几个任务,统统都可以接下,而且奖励不菲。 Using temporarily as is his Wang Youyue in the development process, the supplementary receives wave of mission to reward. 权当是他王宥岳在成长过程中,附带收一波任务奖励。 In addition, Queen of Pain Bai Yuxia indicated, eliminates Ancient God battlefield that two tenth stage Demon God to plant mission also to meet. 除此之外,痛苦女王白玉霞表示,消灭古神战场那株二十阶魔神任务也能接一下。 That Demon God plants, although common supreme is in a big way stronger than one to plan, but that eventually is wild monster all alone. 那株魔神植虽然比寻常至尊都强一大筹,但那终究是无依无靠的一株野怪 Wang Youyue can definitely receive mission, then organizes to exterminate two tenth stage Demon God to plant. 王宥岳完全可以接下任务,然后组织清剿二十阶魔神植。 The clear to see father pain was joyful receives all branch and main line mission, Wang Yinxuan beamed with joy immediately, makes the posture that cheered: Father, please diligently, striving let me soon wear the god attire well, leading the god to favor.” 眼见得老爹痛并快乐着接下了所有的支线、主线任务,王寅轩顿时眉开眼笑,作出了鼓励加油的姿势:“爹,请您好好努力,争取让我早日穿神装,带神宠。” Wang Youyue ill-humored white son eyes: Your father tries hard a point for the son also no. However, when you also diligently, strive to get married diligently earlier, re-focus in the oneself son.” 王宥岳没好气的白了儿子一眼:“你爹为了儿子努力一点也没什么。不过,你什么时候也努力努力,争取早点成亲,将注意力转移到自己儿子身上。” This...... hehe ~ “这个……呵呵~ Wang Yinxuan embarrassed smiled two, will shift the topic. 王寅轩尬笑了两声,正要转移话题。 Seized opportunity Linglong Princess with great difficulty actually not to him the opportunity, pulled out the dull crystal curtain like lightning, delimits above one: Xuan'er, comes, this for mother for being on intimate terms object who you collect, has everything expected to find to Divine/God Palace Miss from Dao Sect.” 好不容易逮住了机会的玲珑公主却没给他机会,闪电般掏出了个平板晶幕,在上面一阵划拉:“轩儿,来来来,这都是为娘替你搜集的相亲对象,从道宗神宫姑娘应有尽有。” The Wang Yinxuan expression stiffens. 王寅轩表情僵住。 king Hanxia takes a look at this scene, made up a blade taking pleasure in others' misfortunes: Aunt, Elder Brother he shuts out the weak girl, likes the mature female.” 王珺霞瞅到这一幕,幸灾乐祸地补了一刀:“大娘,哥哥他十分嫌弃幼稚的女孩,喜欢成熟些的女性。” Is maturer?” Linglong Princess takes a look at Wang Yinxuan looking pensive, immediately has probably clearly to become aware, delimited to pull up the plate again, was the maturity that Xuan'er, you liked actually mature? 4000-year-old? 5000-year-old?” “成熟些?”玲珑公主若有所思地瞅了瞅王寅轩,随即像是有所明悟,再次划拉起了平板,“轩儿,你喜欢的成熟度究竟是多成熟?4000岁的?5000岁的?” Mature words, vegetarian dawn Divine Maiden is good.” Wang Youyue helps the staff officer in the one side, in numerous Divine Maiden, she is old, the individuality is gentle, always has the acting of big Elder Sister.” “成熟的话,素昕神女不错。”王宥岳在一旁帮忙参谋,“在一众神女中,她年龄偏大,个性温柔,向来有大姐姐的担当。” Wang Yinxuan heard this eye to stare in a big way, was too busy to shake the head: Do not draw the red string randomly, I had not felt about vegetarian dawn Divine Maiden that.” 王寅轩听到这眼睛都瞪大了,忙不迭摇头:“你们千万别乱拉红线,我对素昕神女那款没有感觉。” Vegetarian isn't dawn good? 素昕都不行? Three guardians looked at each other in blank dismay, immediately thought the issue somewhat seemed to be serious. 三位家长面面相觑了一番,顿时觉得问题似乎有些严重了。 After Linglong Princess pondered over the moment, gathers the dull crystal curtain: All right, looks to you for mother again, we focus on the Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm level, half step Immortal Emperor...... wait/etc...... the son, won't you like Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor that?” 玲珑公主思忖了片刻后,将平板晶幕一合:“没事,为娘再给你找找,咱们将目标放到混元境级,半步仙帝……等等……儿子,你不会喜欢紫薇仙帝那一款吧?” Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor? How you do not raise supreme yi!” Wang Yinxuan air/Qi ruthlessly shows the whites of the eyes, I thought that you left worried blindly, the fate that should come will come throughout.” 紫薇仙帝?你们咋不提至尊嬟呢!”王寅轩气得狠狠翻了个白眼,“我觉得你们别瞎操心了,该来的缘分始终会来。” Supreme yi?” Queen of Pain Bai Yuxia looking pensive, as if also is not actually unacceptable, I heard that during supreme yi is controls under the plate four big to be supreme, specifically is responsible for the information network the supremeness, she is good at camouflaging technique extremely, perhaps now has found the way to submerge World of Immortals!” “至尊嬟?”倒是痛苦女王白玉霞若有所思,“似乎也并非不能接受,我听说至尊嬟是主宰槃麾下四大至尊之中,专门负责情报网络的至尊,她又极为擅长伪装之术,说不定现在已经想办法潜入仙界了!” „......” The Wang Yinxuan back sends coolly. “……”王寅轩后背发凉。 He was speaks thoughtlessly a saying, can be so scary? 他就是随口一说啊,要不要这么吓人? Suddenly, his wrist watch trembles, lowers the head looked, discovered in the branch mission list had/left branch mission. 忽而,他腕表一颤,低头一看,才发现支线任务列表中又多出了一个支线任务 Branch mission 29: 支线任务29: After the control plate causes heavy losses, will decide will be unwilling, plans to destruction World of Immortals. Under this scene, you think suddenly excels at the information and sneaks supreme yi that she has the possibility secret to submerge World of Immortals extremely. 主宰槃重创之后,定会心有不甘,欲图覆灭仙界。在此情景下,你忽而想到了擅长情报和潜入的至尊嬟,她已经极有可能秘密潜入了仙界 An undercurrent surges in World of Immortals, regarding this, you feel extremely anxious, in the heart raised the thick sense of crisis. 一股暗潮在仙界涌动,对此,你深感忧虑,心中升起了浓浓的危机感。 After a consideration, you are determined to urge your father, the organization manpower to uncover supreme yi, spoils her sneaking plan. 一番思量之后,你决意督促你的父亲,组织人手揪出至尊嬟,破坏她的潜入计划。 mission reward: Ten fourth grade Spirit Pill * 3, a divine item , Immortal Spirit source( some). 任务奖励:十四品神丹,神器一柄,仙灵界本源(些许)。 So renovates mission immediately, looks at Wang Yinxuan is dumbfounded. 如此即时刷新任务,将王寅轩看得是一愣一愣的。 This supreme won't yi, really submerge World of Immortals? 这至尊嬟,不会是真的潜入了仙界吧? ****** ****** But eats meal when the Wang Yinxuan whole family harmony happiness, meets mission, another side, the disturbance in Luming Institute is still continuing. 而就在王寅轩一家人其乐融融地吃饭,接任务时,另一边,鹿鸣学院中的风波犹在继续。 Really such as the prediction of Wang Yinxuan is ordinary, Ji Tianyang and matter of Yao Qinqi, is fermenting at the extremely quick speed, and caused the huge public opinion vortex. 果然如王寅轩的预言一般,姬天阳和姚秦琪之事,以极快的速度发酵着,并引起了巨大的舆论漩涡。 Regarding this, after Luming Institute Education Committee will discuss, decided first to suspend Ji Tianyang and Yao Qinqi curriculum, making them leave the school for the time being, the waiting matter investigation must come to light, but also their pureness. 对此,鹿鸣学院教委会商议过后,决定先暂停姬天阳和姚秦琪的课程,让他们暂且离开学院,等待事情调查得水落石出,还他们一个清白。 So the news, to Ji Tianyang without doubt is a bolt from the blue. 如此消息,对姬天阳而言无疑是个晴天霹雳。 If his surface the dying embers, just like the good-for-nothing to leave Luming Institute. 他面若死灰,犹如行尸走肉般离开了鹿鸣学院。 However his brain is, why? Why is this? 然而他满脑子都是,为什么?这都是为什么? Damn Chen Zilu, no, all these are the things that damn king Hanxia makes. 该死的陈紫露,不,这一切都是那该死的王珺霞弄出来的事情。 She depends the family background unparalleled, run amok in Luming Institute. oneself is an unimportant person, but in the spoken language offended her, actually her aiming , the casualness carried out Immortal newly publishes, Carried out remote antiquity Immortal Emperor to vent anger for her. 她仗着家世无双,在鹿鸣学院内横行无忌自己不过是个小人物,只是言语中得罪了她,却惨遭她的针对,随随便便就搬出了【仙新刊】,搬出了太上仙帝为她出气。 Ended, all ended. 完了,一切都完了。 Big World of Immortals, feared that did not have his place of taking shelter. 偌大的仙界,怕是没有了他的容身之处。 He felt that oneself looks like by king Hanxia is been ordinary along with the ants that the foot is run over and dies, the qualifications of even revolting against do not have. 他感觉自己就像是被王珺霞随脚碾死的蝼蚁一般,连反抗的资格都没有。 Ji Tianyang is filled with resentfully, despairs. 姬天阳满心愤懑,又无比绝望。 Ignorant within, how long also has not known. 浑浑噩噩间,也不知过了多久。 Suddenly, a female voice that is full to attract, resounds in his mind: „Do you hate Wang Shouzhe?” 忽而,一个充满魅惑的女子声音,在他脑海中响起:“你恨王守哲吗?” This sound Youyou is remote, does not distinguish the whence, actually enters the soul. 这声音幽幽渺渺,不辨来处,却直入心魂。 What? 什么? Ji Tianyang comes instantaneously soberly, only thinks the whole body to be stiff, in heart icy cold. 姬天阳瞬间清醒过来,只觉全身僵硬,心中冰凉。 Hates Wang Shouzhe? 王守哲 No, he does not dare to hate! That is the solemn few lord. 不,他不敢恨!那可是堂堂少界主。 However next instant, dreadful hatred then ascends in his chest cavity. 然而下一瞬,一股滔天恨意便在他胸腔中升腾而起。 Hates, he naturally must hate Wang Shouzhe! 恨,他当然要恨王守哲 Without his toleration and supporting, how king Hanxia also possibly is so overbearingly arbitrary, how possibly the ridicule grinds his all hopes. 没有他的纵容和撑腰,王珺霞又怎么可能如此蛮横霸道,怎么可能讥笑般的碾碎他一切的希望。 Giggle ~ “咯咯咯~ But that attracts the sound that bewitching as if to satisfy his response, in the sound filled joyfully. 那个魅惑而妖异的声音仿佛十分满意他的反应,声音中充满了愉悦。 youngster, I have felt your intention.” 年轻人,我已经感受到了你的心意。” I can you strength, enabling you to avenge a grievance. king Hanxia, Chen Zilu, is as for Wang Shouzhe and remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, steps on ruthlessly under the foot.” “我可以给你力量,让你可以报仇雪恨。把王珺霞,陈紫露,乃至于王守哲和太上仙帝,都狠狠地踩在脚底下。” ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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