POP :: Volume #8

#134: My family Ancestral Grandfather crisp article repertoire

Chapter 1080 第1080章 My family Ancestral Grandfather crisp article repertoire 我家老祖爷爷的爽文套路 ...... …… Having a nightmare, are you have the opinion to this control?” The control plate swept had a nightmare supremely. “魇,你是对本主宰有意见?”主宰槃扫了至尊魇一眼。 Has a nightmare under supremely being too busy rickets the physique, hangs the eye to say seriously: Subordinate does not have the opinion, the subordinate receives an order!” 至尊魇忙不迭佝偻下身姿,垂目郑重道:“属下没有意见,属下领命!” Very good.” The attitude of control plate slightly relaxed several points, comforting said, had a nightmare, you were the subordinate who a control most trusted, the strength also dominate in supremely other above. this time, waited for this control to swallow Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace Some Immortal Spirit sources, the restoration, and even after exceeding the peak strength, will tidy up the deep that rebel.” “很好。”主宰槃的态度略缓和了几分,安抚道,“魇,你是本主宰最信任的属下,实力也凌驾于其它至尊之上。这一次,等本主宰吞噬了【颛顼神宫】中的部分仙灵界本源,恢复,乃至超越巅峰实力后,就会去收拾冥那个叛徒。” At the appointed time, this control will leave you blood-color inheritance, making you have the opportunity to become the Demon Race control.” “届时,本主宰会将血色传承留给你,让伱也有机会成为魔族主宰。” Has a nightmare supremely quickly thanks politely: Many thanks control gracious gift.” 至尊魇急忙拜谢:“多谢主宰恩赐。” paused, he remembers the control plate beforehand instruction, said hastily: Subordinate first goes Day Evil Spirit plate Brings.” 顿了一下,他想起主宰槃之前的吩咐,连忙又道:“属下先去将【天妖魔盘】取来。” Then, he then said goodbye to leave the main hall, went to the treasure house directly. 说罢,他便告辞离开大殿,径直去了宝库。 Quick, he received from the treasure house Day Evil Spirit plate, Then hurried back the control main hall. 很快,他就从宝库中领取了【天妖魔盘】,而后匆匆返回了主宰大殿。 Day Evil Spirit plate Was black disc shape demon item, the superficial seal cutting ancient Demon Race writing, the back was covering entirely the complicated mysterious black red pattern, is lending the strange and mysterious aura. 【天妖魔盘】是一个黑色的圆盘状魔器,表面篆刻着一枚枚古老的魔族文字,背面则布满了繁复玄奥的黑红色花纹,散发着诡异而神秘的气息。 Is obtaining Control plate After agreeing, had a nightmare supremely the start Day Evil Spirit plate. 在得到【主宰槃】的首肯之后,至尊魇启动了【天妖魔盘】。 This mysterious demon plate once by seal, but at this moment, it can be delivered from oppression finally. 这个神秘的魔盘一度被封印,但此刻,它终于得以重见天日。 With injection of supreme level strength, the strange pattern of demon plate surface instantaneous was bright. 随着至尊级力量的注入,魔盘表面的诡异花纹瞬间亮了。 next moment. 下一刻 one after another profound such as the quiet black ray of night blooms suddenly. 一道道深邃如夜的幽黑光芒蓦然绽放。 In this ray as if contains the indescribable terrifying power, the ray, surrounding Kong Jian (Space) seemed under the huge impact generally turbulent suddenly. 这光芒中仿佛蕴含着难以描述的恐怖力量,光芒所至,周围的空间就仿佛受到了剧烈的冲击一般蓦然动荡起来。 In turbulent Kong Jian (Space), strength of the powerful dark principle turn to well up, the impact, is resisting that terrifying power from day Evil Spirit plate. 动荡的空间中,有一股股强悍的黑暗法则之力翻涌而出,冲击,对抗着那股来自天妖魔盘的恐怖力量。 The under impact of strength and interweaves, the universe can secretly the mysterious veil seemed opened. 力量的冲击和交织下,宇宙暗能的神秘面纱都仿佛被揭开。 However, from the universe can secretly the instinct revolts, cannot resist eventually the strength impact from day Evil Spirit plate. 不过,来自宇宙暗能的本能反抗,终究还是没能抵挡住来自天妖魔盘的力量冲击。 Is centered on the demon plate, the ray rapid outward diffusion, short then formed a black vortex in a minute. 以魔盘为核心,光芒迅速向外扩散,短短片刻间便形成了一道黑色的漩涡。 This vortex is unstable. 这个漩涡并不稳定。 Its central distortion and contraction, formed a shape of funnel, as if broke down the realistic and unknown boundary, the link approached the remote universe deep place. 它的中心扭曲、收缩,形成了一个漏斗的形状,仿佛打破了现实与未知的界限,链接向了遥远的宇宙深处。 Suddenly. 忽而。 In the dignity was disclosing together the evil different sound conveys from the vortex deep place distantly, has the heavy echo, the night wind before like Daybreak is ordinary, bone-chilling cold and gloomy and cold, is passing an indescribable strangeness. 一道威严中透露着邪异的声音从漩涡深处遥遥传来,带着沉沉回响,如同破晓前的夜风一般,凛冽、阴冷,透着一种难以言喻的诡异。 Jie Jie Jie ~ ~ ~ plate, you set firm resolve finally, is willing with this control cooperation?” “桀桀桀~~~槃,你终于下定决心,愿意和本主宰合作了?” Short a few words, each phrase as if contains endless dark and evil, making in the person being able not help heart send coldly. 短短一句话,每一个字眼都仿佛包含着无尽的黑暗与邪恶,让人情不自禁心中发寒。 The voice falls, black mist energies spew out from the vortex deep place. 话音落下,一股股黑色雾气般的能量从漩涡深处喷涌而出。 Storm of this energy in like night, swept across crazily to Demon Palace each corner, short then made the entire Demon Palace atmosphere change in a minute. 这能量如同黑夜中的暴风,疯狂席卷向了魔殿的每一个角落,短短片刻间便让整个魔殿的气氛为之一变。 In the dim black fog, dim phantom condenses the formation together slowly. 朦胧黑雾中,一道朦胧的虚影缓缓凝聚成型。 Obviously, this phantom is master of day of Evil Spirit plate, Heavenly Monster control. 很显然,这道虚影便是天妖魔盘的主人,【天妖主宰】。 That said that the phantom appearance is seemingly evil different and terrifying, the figure is indistinct, seems comprised of the innumerable black tentacles, these tentacle distortions and creeping motions, are lending the suffocating evil aura. 那道虚影的模样看起来邪异而恐怖,身形飘渺不定,仿佛是由无数黑色的触手组成,这些触手扭曲、蠕动,散发着令人窒息的邪恶气息。 Even if has a nightmare supremely this Demon Race top powerhouse, when seeing Heavenly Monster control projection, the innermost feelings of as before not being able to stop send coldly, seems faced with imminent disaster general, lowers the head does not dare to look straight ahead. 即便是至尊魇这种魔族顶级强者,在见到天妖主宰投影时,依旧止不住的内心发寒,仿佛大难临头一般,低着头不敢直视。 Sees this scene, the control plate on throne actually appears calm and indifferent, even the complexion has not changed. 见到这一幕,宝座上的主宰槃却显得沉稳和冷漠,连脸色都没变上一下。 The opens the mouth of his jar sound jar air/Qi, the sound is light: Heavenly Monster, Immortal Spirit is the dishes of control. However, reading in is in the Demon Race control share, divides your also no reason why not.” 他瓮声瓮气的开口,声音平淡:“天妖,仙灵界是本主宰的盘中餐。不过,念在同为魔族主宰份上,分你一口也未尝不可。” Jie Jie Jie ~ “桀桀桀~ Hears this saying, Heavenly Monster controls that to glittering in the dim light eye pupil is exuding the color of thick teasing: Happily saw very much your attitude transforms. However, evidently, your this time, in Immortal Spirit is unsophisticated that in the hand is suffering to be big.” 听到这话,天妖主宰那对闪烁着幽光的眼眸中泛起浓浓的戏谑之色:“很欣慰看到你的态度转变。不过,看样子,你这一次仙灵界土著手中吃的亏不小。” Snort!” The complexion of control plate suddenly becomes gloomy, this control does not have the patience, continued to accompany that crowd indigenous to play the trick of cat catch mouse. Heavenly Monster, your I can collaborate, quickly ended this game. I can accept your condition, pays the prices of 30% Immortal Spirit sources.” “哼!”主宰槃的脸色蓦然变得阴沉起来,“本主宰不过是没有耐心,继续陪那群土著玩猫捉老鼠的把戏了。天妖,你我可以联手,尽快结束这场游戏。我可以答应你的条件,付出30%仙灵界本源的代价。” 30%?” Chuckle that the Heavenly Monster control disdains, this offer is obsolete. this time, I want 50%.” “30%?”天妖主宰不屑的轻笑,“这个报价已经过时了。这一次,我要50%。” Control plate complexion one cold, gets angry the sound said: Heavenly Monster, you were too greedy.” 主宰槃脸色一寒,怒声道:“天妖,你太贪婪了。” Greedy? Jie Jie ~ is this for a while other for a while.” The Heavenly Monster control laughter moves fast, the attitude makes widely known willfully, plate, requesting reinforcements to have the attitude of requesting reinforcements. If you do not want, I can search for a Immortal Spirit sign slowly, at the worst on the flower 100,000 years, 200,000 years, or are long.” “贪婪?桀桀~不过是此一时彼一时而已。”天妖主宰笑声飘忽,态度恣意张扬,“槃,求援要有求援的态度。如果你不愿意,我可以慢慢搜寻仙灵界道标,大不了花上个十万年,二十万年,或者再长一点。” I can wait, does not know that you and others could not wait.” “我能等得起,就是不知道你等不等得起。” hearing this, the control plate eyeground chill in the air wins, in the look also caught the strong haze. 闻言,主宰槃眼底寒意愈胜,眼神中也染上了浓重的阴霾。 He is staring at Heavenly Monster control phantom stubbornly Yin, the complexion clear uncertain, seems waging the ferocious psychological struggle. 他死死盯着天妖主宰的虚影,脸色阴晴不定,仿佛是在进行激烈的心理斗争。 Crossed well long time, he cold sound said: Deal.” 过了好半晌,他才冷声说道:“成交。” But, I can only to you a close space and time sign, you need now in 300 years, takes the lead to arrive in this space and time sign, then waits for my signal.” “不过,我现在只能给你一个相近的时空道标,你需要在300年内,率先抵达这个时空道标,然后等待我的信号。” In this time my signal, will supplement the true Immortal Spirit way sign.” 这一次我的信号中,会附带真正的仙灵界界门道标。” When the time comes your I collaborate from outside with the inside, attacks the crossing the worlds gate at one fell swoop, conquers together with Huimie (Destruction) Immortal Spirit, divides equally the Immortal Spirit source.” “到时候你我里应外合,一举攻破界门,一起征服与毁灭仙灵界,平分仙灵界本源。” hearing this, a phantom silence of Heavenly Monster control. 闻言,天妖主宰的虚影一阵沉默。 He gloomy and cold strange pupil light sized up the moment on the control plate, does not immediately know thought of anything, Jie Jie smiles unexpectedly strangely: Deal.” 他阴冷诡异的眸光在主宰槃身上打量了片刻,随即也不知道想到了什么,蓦地桀桀怪笑起来:“成交。” Good. This is a space and time sign.” “好。这是时空道标。” The control plate lifts the hand, one group of dark energies shoot to go toward the Heavenly Monster control illness/quick immediately, was lifted the hand to catch by the Heavenly Monster control. 主宰槃抬手,一团黑暗能量顿时朝天妖主宰疾射而去,被天妖主宰抬手接住。 Feels the information that in a dark energy wrapped, Heavenly Monster controls on the face of phantom to show the smile immediately. 感受了一番黑暗能量中包裹的信息,天妖主宰虚影的脸上顿时露出了笑容。 Control plate, I anticipated very much with day that you meet with, Jie Jie Jie ~ “主宰槃,我很期待与你会面的日子,桀桀桀~ The voice falls, phantom is then defeated and dispersed instantaneously, suddenly then changed to bunch of strange black fog to drill the vortex, subsequently vanished does not see. 话音落下,虚影便瞬间溃散,眨眼间便重新化作一团团诡异的黑雾重新钻回了漩涡,继而消失不见。 That Day Evil Spirit plate, Also restrained the vortex and black light rapidly, returned to the original appearance. 那块【天妖魔盘】,也迅速收敛了漩涡和黑光,回到了原本的样子。 Has a nightmare supremely catches it cautiously, again its seal, this somewhat terrified to controlling winding mountain road: Sir, by individuality of Heavenly Monster control, perhaps once the crossing the worlds gate, the arrival to Immortal Spirit,...... we are unable to restrain him suddenly.” 至尊魇小心翼翼地将它接住,再度将它封印,这才有些惶恐的对主宰槃道:“大人,以天妖主宰的个性,一旦突破界门,驾临到仙灵界,恐怕……咱们根本无法约束他。” Arrival? no no no, he will not have the opportunity to arrive Immortal Spirit.” The control plate full is on the face of haze reveals wipes to sneer, wants from exterior to penetrate the Immortal Spirit gate, is not an easy matter. This control said a moment ago, but wants to deceive him to collaborate from outside with the inside, attacks the gate movement with the aid of him, attracts the great wild goose, the World of Immortals main force, making them not dare to leave nearby the gate.” “驾临?不不不,他不会有机会驾临仙灵界的。”主宰槃满是阴霾的脸上露出一抹冷笑,“想从外部击穿仙灵界界门,可不是件容易的事情。本主宰刚才那么说,不过是想骗他里应外合,借助他进攻界门的动作,吸引住鸿,还有仙界的主力,让他们不敢离开界门附近。” When the time comes, this control can handle Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace event calmly, performs to attain all sorts of advantage, and draw support from some Immortal Spirit sources in Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace to restore to the peak strength, even goes a step further.” “到时候,本主宰就可以从容处理颛顼神宫事件,尽获其中种种好处,并借助颛顼神宫内的部分仙灵界本源恢复至巅峰实力,甚至更进一步。” At the appointed time, that revolting thief deep this Eminence may tidy up with ease.” “届时,那叛贼冥本座轻松就可收拾。” Later, this control can also wait for the opportunity to act, plays a coordination to fight with the great wild goose secretly, if can tidy up thoroughly Heavenly Monster, incorporates his subordinate to be good. Even if cannot kill him for a while, still at least can cause heavy losses to him, and his impediment in Jiemen beside. He gave up any idea of that bribes the Immortal Spirit half a point of this control.” “随后,本主宰还可以伺机而动,偷偷与鸿打一个配合战,若是能将天妖彻底收拾掉,收编他的部下就再好不过。即便一时弄不死他,也至少能重创他,并将其阻隔于界门之外。他休想染指本主宰的仙灵界半分。” These words, are control the plate to comfort subordinate trusted aide to use. 这番话,都是主宰槃安抚麾下心腹所用。 Otherwise, subordinate several big trusted aide demon hearts are fearful, is very likely to make the situation have the change outside expectation. 否则,麾下几大心腹魔心惶惶,极有可能令局势出现预料之外的变化。 After all outside the present the revolting thief is deep, is hoisting a flag to spread rumors and mislead the people, attempts to split up Demon Race. 毕竟现在外面还有一个叛贼冥,正在扯旗妖言惑众,企图分化魔族 These words get down, the effect indeed is also quite tangible. 这一番话下来,效果也的确相当明显。 Has a nightmare to know Dao Lord to butcher the plate supremely in having to plan to work, rather than blind emergency, seeking an impossibility, the innermost feelings were then steadfaster. 至尊魇知道主宰槃在有计划做事,而不是盲目应急,与虎谋皮,内心这才踏实了些。 He deliberated this plan in secret, discovered, although some risks, but indeed has the considerable feasibility. 他暗中推敲了一下这个计划,发现虽然有些风险,但的确有相当的可行性。 Has Demon Race to knock the gate, the intention invades Immortal Spirit, the great wild goose and World of Immortals main force is impossible to leave alone, defends the gate to become their only choices. 有外界魔族叩击界门,意图入侵仙灵界,鸿和仙界主力不可能放任不管,去守界门就成了他们唯一的选择。 Otherwise, once called Heavenly Monster to control the army to break in Immortal Spirit, definitely will cause Immortal Spirit Huimie (Destruction). 否则,一旦叫天妖主宰大军冲入仙灵界,必然会导致仙灵毁灭 But then, that side Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace presents the protection to be void, became the inevitable result. 而如此一来,颛顼神宫那边出现防护空虚,也就成了必然结果。 Even the Immortal Clan insight is keen, perceived that Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace crisis, gave up this time allowing the Immortal Clan young elites to enter Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace opportunity, avoided the World of Immortals young elite catching the whole lot in a dragnet, will make Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace fall to control in the big person hand. 即便仙族洞察力敏锐,觉察到了颛顼神宫的危机,放弃这一次仙族年轻精英们进入颛顼神宫的机会,避免了仙界年轻精英被一网打尽,却会令颛顼神宫落入主宰大人手中。 Sir, has the possibility emergence, the Heavenly Monster control does not defer to the plan attack gate situation?” Has a nightmare to think it over supremely, felt that the only risk was also this, then made noise the inquiry saying that after all the Heavenly Monster control, for cunning was always famous viciously.” “大人,有没有可能性出现,天妖主宰不按照计划进攻界门的情况?”至尊魇思来想去,感觉唯一的风险也就是这个了,便出声询问道,“毕竟天妖主宰,向来以诡诈狠毒著称。” The control plate eye pupil flashed several, cold sound said: Your worry not Wudao (Tyrannical) principle. This control will let the Heavenly Monster attack gate ahead of time, if he is motionless, this control is then motionless, rather lets go the this time Zhuanxu Divine/God Palace opportunity.” 主宰槃眼眸闪动了几下,冷声道:“你的顾虑不无道理。本主宰会提前让天妖进攻界门,他若不动,本主宰便不动,宁愿放弃这一次颛顼神宫的机会。” After eating owes oversized, he now quite experience teaching attitudes. 吃过大亏之后,他如今颇有一副吃一堑长一智的态度。 If really arrived at this step......” his pupil color to be cloudy, in the tone also caught the meaning of thick withering, this control did not mind that took totally gives up Immortal Spirit for the price, turned the head to collaborate with Immortal Clan, kills Heavenly Monster that perfidious hidden danger, received his heritage.” “若是真到了这一步……”他眸色阴沉,语气中也染上了浓浓的肃杀之意,“本主宰也不介意以彻底放弃仙灵界为代价,转头与仙族联手,弄死天妖那个背信弃义的隐患,接收他的遗产。” Hence, has a nightmare supremely relaxes thoroughly. 至此,至尊魇才彻底松了一口气。 Controls the plan of Sir this time is quite safe evidently. 看样子主宰大人这一次的计划颇为稳妥。 Immediately, he then carried out Sir's order and arrangement. 当即,他便去执行起大人的命令与安排了。 ****** ****** Same time. 同一时间段。 Luming Institute. 鹿鸣学院。 Outer court. 外院。 In short time, in Wang Shouzhe painstakingly planning, Luming Institute has developed for the World of Immortals first school. 短短时间内,在王守哲的“苦心经营”下,鹿鸣学院已经发展为了仙界第一学院。 With the unceasing increased enrollment of school, the school has been divided into the inner courtyard and outer court now. 随着学院的不断扩招,学院现在已经分成了内院和外院。 The admittance threshold of inner courtyard is extremely high, must in not inherit Dao Book Before the bloodline awakening degree achieves the Dao Seed/Son fourth grade rank. 内院的入学门槛极高,必须在未曾继承【道书】前,血脉觉醒程度就达到道子丁等级别。 Such rank student, will start in the future is Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm intermediate stage cultivator. 此等级别学生,未来起步就是一个混元境中期修士 If obtains the good achievements in the studying process, or the school issues obtains the good achievements in various mission or the evaluations and athletics that makes persistent efforts to go a step further again, in the future will be to then achieve Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm late stage, will be the peak has the possibility. 若是在求学过程中获得好成绩,或是在学院发布的各种任务或者评选、竞技中获得好成绩,再接再厉再进一步,未来便是达到混元境后期,甚至是巅峰都有可能。 The admittance condition of outer court slightly is more loose, but must achieve after at least inherits Holy Picture, the bloodline level reaches the Holy Child second grade level. 外院的入学条件则略微宽松些,但起码也得达到继承完圣图后,血脉层次达到圣子乙等的水准。 Such cultivator, if the destiny is enough, in the future will have the opportunity to inherit Dao Book, becomes Dao Lord. 这样的修士,若是气运足够,未来也是有机会继承道书,成为道主的。 However, admittance threshold of Luming Institute, although is high, but cultivator, once strides in this, was another side heaven and earth, personal connection, various opportunities and choices that faced, will go far beyond the outside world. 不过,鹿鸣学院的入学门槛虽高,可修士一旦跨入这门,便是另外一方天地了,无论是拥有的人脉,还是面临的各种机会和选择,都将远远超过外界。 But these, will let enter here student to have compared with more possibilities. 而这些,也会让进入这里的学生拥有比外界更多的可能性。 Even has the outer court student to display during the school many outstandingly, after gaining enough school grades, was granted the bloodline improvement medicament, reaches the sky in a single bound to enter to the case of inner courtyard. 甚至不乏有外院学生在学校期间表现非常优异,在获取足够学分后,被赐予血脉改善药剂,一步登天进入到内院的案例。 Also does not lack the inner courtyard student, the promotion is Quasi God Child/Seed or true God Child/Seed, becomes the legend of Dean disciple. 也不缺内院学生,晋升为准神子或是真正的神子,成为院长门徒的传奇故事。 Also is therefore, nowadays, entire World of Immortals almost all clan and influences, were sharpening the head deliver toward Luming Institute the young disciple or the clansman, even does not hesitate to ask Grandfather to consider the paternal grandmother, draws the method to walk the relations. 也是因此,现如今,整个仙界几乎所有的家族和势力,都在削尖了脑袋将年轻弟子或族人往鹿鸣学院送,甚至不惜求爷爷告奶奶,拉门路走关系。 After all world of some people, have the relations and favor, even Wang Shouzhe is unable to place oneself beyond the worldly wisdom. 毕竟有人的世界,就有关系和人情,连王守哲都无法置身于人情世故之外。 On this day. 这一日。 Then some people are going through the motions. 便有人在走后门。 Luming Institute outer court recruiting office. 鹿鸣学院外院招生办。 In office. 办公室里。 Wang Liyao personal inheritance big disciple Dongfang Aoshi, being all smile said toward male cups the hands: Valuable word brother, my family summer Xue matter, many thanks you.” 王璃瑶亲传大弟子东方傲世,满脸堆笑的朝着一位男子拱手道:“宝言兄,我家夏雪的事情,多谢您了。” Wang Clan parallel veins clansman king Baoyan does not dare to pull rank, returns a courtesy hastily: proud Shixiong was overly courteous ~ you ask for it a gasser outer court student, said nothing of summer snow Miss fully to meet the condition, then did not tally, must make her tally.” 王氏直脉族人王宝言不敢托大,连忙回礼:“傲世兄多礼了~您开口要加塞一个外院学生,慢说夏雪姑娘完全符合条件了,便是不符合,也得让她符合。” Cracking a joke. 开玩笑。 At present but this Liyao Old Ancestor personal inheritance big disciple, and for this matter, Liyao Old Ancestor also added his good friend on communication beforehand, reports the news to greet to him, how this matter naturally must handle. 眼前这位可是自家璃瑶老祖亲传大弟子,而且为了这事,璃瑶老祖还事先在通讯器上加了他好友,给他发消息打了招呼,这事自然怎么都得办好。 Moreover, this Eastern summer snow or the Divine Martial world Changning Dongfang Clan family background, has the standard Changning Garrison education to grow up since childhood, has a good class origin and performance, knowing the whole story, the cultural test is also completely qualified. 而且,这东方夏雪还是神武世界长宁东方氏出身,从小接受标准的长宁卫教育长大,根正苗红,知根知底,文化考试也是完全合格。 Saying, king Baoyan looked to Dongfang Aoshi side small Miss, said benignly: Summer snow Miss, your admission procedure has handled, from now on you were the student in Luming Institute outer court. Today, you first walk at will in the school, is familiar.” 说着,王宝言看向了东方傲世身边的姑娘,和颜悦色道:“夏雪姑娘,你的入学手续已经办好,从现在开始你就是鹿鸣学院外院的学生了。今天,你先在学院内随意走走,熟悉熟悉。” Many thanks the treasure said Old Ancestor.” Eastern summer Xue responded cleverly. “多谢宝言老祖。”东方夏雪乖巧的回应。 During the speeches, then there is the staff called by king Baoyan, leading Eastern summer Xue to leave the office, toward the school. 说话间,便有工作人员被王宝言叫了进来,带着东方夏雪离开了办公室,往学院里去了。 But Dongfang Aoshi stays in the office, continued to remain with king Baoyan chatted several, suggested after oneself remembered this favor, this felt relieved to depart. 东方傲世则留在办公室里,继续留与王宝言闲聊了几句,暗示自己记下了这个人情后,这才放心离去。 But at this time. 而这时候。 Another side Eastern summer Xue, the mood is joyful, step lithe strolling in she yearned for a long time Luming Institute. 另一边的东方夏雪,已经心情愉悦,步履轻盈的漫步在了她向往已久的鹿鸣学院之中。 Here is her ideal Holy Land, is she vainly hoped for place that starts. 这里是她理想的圣地,是她梦想开始的地方。 So long as thinks oneself must learn/study in the future here, the life, she feels happily incomparable, from head to toe seemed full of the working zeal. 只要一想到自己未来就要在这里学习,生活,她就感觉幸福无比,浑身上下仿佛都充满了干劲。 Is strolling. 正闲逛间。 Suddenly. 忽而。 In the pavilion in not far away heard the intermittent clamoring sound. 不远处的一座凉亭内传来了阵阵喧哗声。 Extra extra, today Immortal newly publishes On, published inner courtyard student Ji Tianyang unexpectedly brilliance deeds.” “号外号外,今天的【仙新刊】上,竟然刊登了内院学生姬天阳的‘光辉事迹’。” What brilliance deeds?” “什么光辉事迹?” Contributing author who haha the ~ immortal newly publishes Princess does not want, wrote a column to Ji Tianyang unexpectedly, praised him to rise to endure humiliation, the method, handed over a girlfriend to mix Quasi God Child/Seed, handed over the two girlfriend to mix God Child/Seed, this made several girlfriends again, can arrive at few lords probably, displaced Dean.” “哈哈~仙新刊的特约作者‘公主不要’,竟然给姬天阳写了一篇专栏,夸他为了崛起忍辱负重,手段了得,交一个女友可混到准神子,交两个女友能混到神子,这再多交几个女朋友,保不齐就能到少界主,将院长取而代之了。” „, This column I also looked, Does not want Teacher The style is quite sharp, full text each few words are referring to the classics, the article praises, said that who what family members understand, this is our model, making him feel inferior, but also proposed that the person of high ideals may imitate......” “啧啧,这专栏我也看了,【不要老师】的文笔好生犀利,全文每一句话都在引经据典,通篇都是赞誉,说什么家人们谁懂啊,这就是吾辈楷模,令他自惭形秽,还倡议有志之士可效仿之……” This Princess does not want, but the big writer, had written many classics crisp articles, for example most classical Immortal heavy series. 这位“公主不要”可是位大作家,曾经写出过诸多经典爽文,例如最经典的【仙重系列】。 Meanwhile, he is one of the treasure light (Baoguang) media group shareholders. 同时,他还是宝光传媒集团的股东之一。 In present World of Immortals, man of the hour that he deserves. 在如今的仙界,他可是当之无愧的风云人物。 Wonderful ~ too wonderful ~ this simply is the typical dissemination case.” Some student look shines, during the spoken languages full is to Princess does not want the respect, „, if not want Teacher to stand in the moral high ground, accuses the criticism to the Ji day Yang behavior, although will also arouse few people resonance, but the dissemination effect and sensational effects so will not be absolutely strong.” “妙啊~太妙了~这简直是个典型的传播案例。”某个学生眼神放光,言语间满是对“公主不要”的崇敬,“如果不要老师站在道德制高点,对姬天阳的行为加以指责批评,虽然也会引起一部分人共鸣,但传播效果和轰动效应绝对不会如此强。” On the contrary is present this, article words of accusation, topic, dissemination has not had.” “反倒是如今这样,通篇没有一句指责的话,话题度,传播度却都有了。” Then Ji Tianyang may be becomes famous thoroughly. ~ immortal newly publishes the headline ~ this may rush to the god beautiful jade present age list first hundred to cause a stir in thousand times compared with him, ten thousand times!” “这下姬天阳可算是彻底出名了。啧啧~仙新刊头条啊~这可比他冲上神瑛当代榜前百轰动了千倍,万倍!” Eastern summer Xue arrives by that pavilion following the sound, looks at inside chock full student, listens discussion that is hearing unceasingly, is somewhat perplexed. 东方夏雪循声走到那座凉亭旁,看着里面满满当当的学生,听着里面不断传来的议论声,有些不明所以。 But when she took an immortal to newly publish, carefully after reading a column, the climate is shivering from the soul, stomach intermittent counter- acid. 可当她拿了份仙新刊,仔细读了一遍专栏后,顿时气得从灵魂都在颤抖,胃部阵阵反酸。 Too disgusting ~ this this lifetime has not seen the man of such shattering dregs. 太恶心了~她这辈子就没见过这么坏掉渣的男人。 In she prepares to newly publish toward the immortal on spits two, when to express standpoint. 就在她准备往仙新刊上啐两口,以表达一下立场时。 Suddenly, the distant place transmits slightly somewhat exciting shouting: Everyone comes to see quickly ~ Ji Tianyang and Yao Qinqi quarrelled in the back side of the mountain.” 忽而,远处传来一声略有些兴奋的大喊:“大家快来看啊~姬天阳和姚秦琪在后山吵架了。” As this said. 随着这一声吆喝。 The students change to together the rainbow light in abundance, plundered to surround to the back side of the mountain. 众学生纷纷化作一道虹光,掠向后山围观去了。 Eastern summer Xue enters a school first day, ate the so big melon, immediately could not repress flaming combustion the heart of Eight Trigrams (gossip), immediately changes to escaping light to follow close on to go, mixed in the student group of Eight Trigrams (gossip). 东方夏雪入学第一天,就吃到了如此大瓜,顿时也按捺不住熊熊燃烧的八卦之心,立刻化作遁光紧跟而去,混入了八卦的学生群之中。 At this moment. 此刻。 Back side of the mountain. 后山。 Ji day of semblance elegant bearing is positive, is really exchanging flattery and favors with Yao Qinqi. 外表风度翩翩的姬天阳,果然正在和姚秦琪拉拉扯扯。 He as if lost sanely general, the blue vein of palm stuck out suddenly slightly, is drawing Yao Qinqi sorrow sound said: Qin Qi, the immortal newly published talks nonsense. I do not have, I am not that person, I really love about you.” 他仿佛失去了理智一般,手掌的青筋微微暴起,拉着姚秦琪哀声道:“秦琪,仙新刊都是瞎说的。我没有,我不是那种人,我对你是真爱。” Ji day is positive, you give me to drop, I and you have no relations!” Yao Qinqi complexion red white, struggled furiously, planned to pretend non-involvement the appearance of relations with Ji Tianyang. “姬天阳,你给我放手,我和你没有任何关系!”姚秦琪脸色一阵红一阵白,奋力挣扎,一副欲图和姬天阳撇清关系的模样。 The column that the immortal newly publishes passes on noisily, she has naturally also looked. 仙新刊上的专栏传得沸沸扬扬,她自然也早就看过了。 In fact, continued she to see, her family member also saw. 事实上,不止她看到了,她家里人也看到了。 The present immortal newly publishes is the entire World of Immortals synchronization release, perhaps Ji Tianyang matter has spread over in entire World of Immortals now. 要知道,如今的仙新刊是全仙界同步发行的,姬天阳的事如今恐怕已经在整个仙界都传遍了。 Before soon, her received the pass on message of clan first Old Ancestor. 就在不久之前,她收到了家族第一老祖的传讯。 That is powerful half step Immortal Emperor, he flies into a rage angrily rebuked Yao Qinqi, said that does not draw a line immediately with Ji Tianyang, expels clan her thoroughly! 那是一位强大的半步仙帝,他暴跳如雷的将姚秦琪怒斥了一通,说是不立刻与姬天阳划清界限,就将她彻底逐出家族 Yao Qinqi knew in the heart oneself, if lost the asylum of clan, perhaps a additional bad reputation, will get sucked into the mire again for a lifetime. Whatever she is arrogant and willful hundred times, does not dare disobedient clan first Old Ancestor! 姚秦琪心知自己若是失去了家族的庇护,再加一身臭名,恐怕一辈子都会深陷泥潭。任凭她再骄纵百倍,也不敢忤逆家族第一老祖 Let alone, the present Ji day Yang reputation is greatly notorious, who and he will touch on slightly will meet with a disaster, simply did not have the least bit value, she will not yearn for again. 何况,现在的姬天阳名声大臭,谁和他沾点边都会遭殃,根本没有半点价值了,她自不会再留恋。 But this time Ji day is positive, as if grabbed the Save me straw, entrained Yao Qinqi not to put stubbornly: Qin did Qi, you forget among us the pledge of eternal love? You can explain to your Ancestor, I even can marry into the wife's household your Yao Clan!” 可此时的姬天阳,却仿佛抓住了根救命稻草般,死死拽着姚秦琪不放:“秦琪,难道你忘了我们之间的山盟海誓?你可以向你老祖宗解释,我甚至可以入赘你们姚氏!” Ji day is positive, I that was hoodwinked by you before.” Yao Qinqi angrily rebuked sternly, wanted to get rid of him diligently, „, if I knew you early am this person, I look straight at will not look at your, you did not drop, does not take it ill me is not impolite.” “姬天阳,我之前那都是被你蒙蔽了。”姚秦琪厉声怒斥,努力想要摆脱他,“如果我早知你是这种人,我连正眼都不会瞧你一下,你再不放手,就休怪我不客气了。” Your this cheap person.” Ji Tianyang listens to her so malicious talk to quarrel, the anger smiles extremely, initially you went all out to entice me, you must step on Chen Zilu under the foot, at my how meeting your working as!” “你这个贱人。”姬天阳听她如此恶言相向,不禁怒极而笑,“当初要不是你拼命勾引我,要不是你非要将陈紫露踩在脚底下,我又怎么会上你的当!” „Do you, you dare to scold me?” Yao Qinqi felt that oneself was insane. “你,你敢骂我?”姚秦琪感觉自己要疯了。 How scolded you? Your this cheap person, all these are the ghosts who you do, you want me dead now, my drawing you are dying together!” Ji Tianyang lost the sane appearance. “骂你又如何?你这贱人,这一切都是你搞出来的鬼,你现在要我死,我就拉着你一起死!”姬天阳一副失去了理智的样子。 When their bitter verbal exchange, uncovers the ins and outs mutually. 就在他们互相斥骂,互揭老底之时。 Eating the melon people is actually hears excitedly especially. Originally also has such story, that this Yao Qinqi was really not innocent ~ 吃瓜群众们却是听得格外的兴奋。原来其中还有这样的故事,那这个姚秦琪还真是一点都不无辜啊~ This pair, now simply in dog-eat-dog, each other one mouth dog wool. 这一对,现在简直就是在狗咬狗,彼此都一嘴狗毛。 Distant place. 远处。 Wang Yinxuan, Wang Songyi and king Hanxia, as well as Wang Jinna and other Wang Clan elites is hiding in a common corner, a rows of stand, is eating the melon of scene. 王寅轩王宋一、王珺霞,以及王瑾娜等四个王氏精英正躲在一个不起眼的角落里,排排站,吃着现场的瓜。 And is most excited, naturally was king Hanxia. 其中最兴奋的,自然要数王珺霞了。 She is brandishing the fist excitedly, rising the small cheek is glowing red, had the Demon Race characteristics point sharp small fang to be long including one pair: Bites ~! Continues to nip! The damn scumbag man dregs female, asking you to bully purple reveal Elder Sister! Called you and this Young Lady opposes!” 她兴奋地挥舞着拳头,涨得小脸蛋都红彤彤的,连一对具有魔族特色的尖尖小獠牙都长出来了:“咬~!继续咬!该死的渣男渣女,叫你们欺负紫露姐姐!叫你们和本小姐作对!” When excited, she has not forgotten to praise Elder Brother: Wang Yinxuan, this time many thanks you! I have not thought that your also a little ability, turn head I give you to introduce the girlfriend unexpectedly. My friend may be many, each attractive in their own right selects as you like.” 兴奋之余,她还不忘夸赞哥哥:“王寅轩,这一次多谢你了!我没想到你竟然还有点能耐,回头我给你介绍女朋友。我朋友可多了,燕瘦环肥随你挑。” Called Elder Brother!” Wang Yinxuan knocked her small head ill-humoredly, does not understand to respect the elderly and take good care of the young, I send you to the ancestral hall to implement the family discipline.” “叫哥哥!”王寅轩没好气的敲了一下她的小脑袋,“再不懂得尊老爱幼,我就送你去宗祠执行家法。” Said, he is actually somewhat helpless. 这么说的时候,他心里却是有些无奈。 He can say these ideas, is Ancestral Grandfather leaves? When Ancestral Grandfather also really loves including the mist girl, oneself takes constant care of many affairs of sate, has not forgotten to oneself once once...... the great-grandson daughter to supply ideas, to her with winning. 他能说这些主意,都是老祖爷爷出的么?老祖爷爷还真是疼爱珺霞丫头,自己日理万机之余,还不忘给自家曾曾曾……曾孙女儿出谋划策,给她拿赢。 In a big hurry quickly! Elder Brother you entered to the next volume quickly, this Young Lady must watch the next good play impatiently.” king Hanxia boasts, does not have the patient appearance very much. “快快快!哥哥你快进到下一集,本小姐已经迫不及待要看下一出好戏了。”王珺霞咋咋呼呼的,很没耐心的样子。 As spare lead Wang Yinxuan, sees the Younger Sister little darling to call him Elder Brother very much rarely, in the heart also enjoys, immediately a ball sound refers, was about to enter one volume. 身为备用主角之一的王寅轩,很难得见妹妹乖乖叫他“哥哥”,心中也是十分受用,当即一弹响指,快进了一集。 Distant place. 远处。 Also one group of students shouted. 又有一群学生喊了起来。 Extra extra, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor declared to the outside receives Chen Zilu In order to close personal inheritance disciple, and indicated that must support her to attack the god beautiful jade list high sequence.” “号外号外,太上仙帝对外宣称收【陈紫露】为关门亲传弟子,且表示要支持她冲击神瑛榜高序列。” What?” “什么?” This news, looks like the startling thunderclap simply crack, was startled the intermittent screams. 这个消息,简直就像是惊雷般炸响,惊起了阵阵惊呼声。 Ji Tianyang and Yao Qinqi is not noisy, all was the whole face shock and does not dare to believe. 连姬天阳和姚秦琪都不吵了,俱是满脸震惊和不敢置信。 Distant place. 远处。 The startled great wild goose delimits Potian (Break Heaven) to be spatial together. 一道惊鸿划破天空。 Chen Zilu foot steps on Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) dao sword to break open the cloud layer, from sky lightly. 陈紫露脚踩着一柄混元道剑破开云层,从天空中翩然而过。 Under the sunlight, on her on that magnificent beautiful clothing feather robe as if there is colored ray to flow, drags with the wind refracts makes a debut a halo, is seemingly too beautiful to behold. 阳光下,她身上那一袭华丽的霓裳羽衣上仿佛有彩色光芒流淌,随风摇曳间折射出道道光晕,看起来美不胜收。 Her body, there is a clear ray twinkle, making her seem like seems wearing one dim and reserved treasure light (Baoguang) is not ordinary, performs bloodline to enter, the appearance that cannot collect obviously greatly. 就连她的身上,也有晶莹的光芒闪烁,让她看起来仿佛身披着一层朦胧而未曾内敛的宝光一般,尽显一副血脉大进,收束不住的模样。 With compared with, her whole person at this moment looked like reborn a while ago generally, if the whole body makings still Divine Maiden arrived, indistinctly like fog, elegantly beautiful such as frost. 跟前段时间相比,此刻的她整个人就像是脱胎换骨了一般,浑身气质犹若神女降临,缥缈如云雾,冷艳如冰霜。 She has not stopped over, but really passed by general, comes trippingly, goes floating, only stayed behind in the people eyeground wiped the incomparably shocking color. 她没有逗留,只是真的路过一般,翩然而至,又飘然而去,只在众人眼底留下了一抹无比惊艳的色彩。 An numerous ate the melon students to grow up the mouth, sends out murmur that intermittent had not experienced. 一众吃瓜学生们纷纷长大了嘴巴,发出了阵阵没见识的赞叹声。 Ji Tianyang saw this scene, the face actually stiffens thoroughly. 姬天阳见到这一幕,脸却是彻底僵住了。 Like the substantive regret mood, is attacking him strongly like surging tides, lets his complexion azure one, white, just like turning into the palette was ordinary. 浓烈如实质般的懊悔情绪,如潮水般冲击着他,让他的脸色青一阵,白一阵,宛如变成了调色盘一般。 But Yao Qinqi complexion was also difficult to see the pinnacle, bit the lip not to know in the drop blood. 而姚秦琪的脸色也难看到了极致,咬得嘴唇都在滴血而不自知。 Sees this scene. 见得这一幕 king Hanxia looked like the Great Xia day to eat the ice cream to be the same, crisp to the foot, the whole person was from the beginning floating the desire immortal. 王珺霞就像是大夏天吃了冰激凌一般,从头爽到了脚,整个人都飘然欲仙。 She could not bear laugh: Then to the people, dares to oppose with this Young Lady, is this fate.” 她没忍住哈哈大笑起来:“那对狗男女,敢和本小姐作对,就是这下场。” But Wang Yinxuan smiles bitterly in secret. 王寅轩则是暗中苦笑。 This familiar repertoire, this full regards the feeling, how to see seems like the contents in these crisp article little transcript. 这熟悉的套路,这满满的既视感,怎么看都像是那些爽文小抄本中的内容。 Difficult to be inadequate, oneself does Ancestral Grandfather also like looking at little transcript in secret? 难不成,自家老祖爷爷私底下也爱看小抄本 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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