POP :: Volume #8

#133: Great person Shouzhe! The landlord family/home does not have the surplus grain

...... …… After several days . 数日后。 Shouzhe arrived at the northern heavens city's first restaurant fine jade light pavilion. 守哲来到了玄天城第一酒楼琼光阁。 This restaurant profits because of the rise of limitless Divine Palace a great deal, the passenger capacity of northern heavens city is raised sharply, the business of fine jade light pavilion therefore is also getting more and more prosperous, one table is difficult to subscribe. 这座酒楼因为无极神宫的崛起而受益良多,玄天城的客流量大幅提升,琼光阁的生意也因此越来越红火,一桌难订。 However, regarding new promote few lords Wang Shouzhe, the arrangement enters the highest level theater box is just the common matter. 然而,对于新晋的“少界主”王守哲来说,安排进入最顶级包厢只不过是寻常之事。 Places oneself in this theater box, as if places in the brilliant galaxy, overlooks outward, the scene of northern heavens city gets a panoramic view. That one after another city just like float in the in the air islands, palatial magnificent. 置身于这个包厢中,仿佛身处于绚烂的星河之中,向外俯瞰,玄天城的景象尽收眼底。那一座座城区犹如悬浮在空中的岛屿,巍峨壮观。 The family background from limitless Divine Palace Elder fine jade light pavilion Storekeeper, Lord naturally does not dare to have regarding Wang Shouzhe this few neglects slightly. 出身自无极神宫长老的琼光阁掌柜,对于王守哲这位少界主自然是不敢有丝毫怠慢。 He after was drawing up the food and flow of tonight banquet personally, then personally arrives at the theater box, to Wang Shouzhe reported respectfully reported the arrangement. 他在亲自拟定了今夜宴席的菜肴和流程后,便亲自来到包厢,向王守哲恭敬地禀报了安排。 Also told that the young male servant steeped in the pavilion the highest level tea, this withdrew from the theater box quietly, closes gently. 随之吩咐小厮沏上了阁内最顶级的茶水,这才悄然退出了包厢,轻轻地关上了门。 In the theater box, the light is gentle, the atmosphere is harmonious. 包厢内,灯光柔和,气氛融洽。 Wang Shouzhe and Yong'an Holy Sovereign sits to the seat, two people is drinking tea, the atmosphere is very harmonious. 王守哲雍安圣皇对席而坐,两人喝着茶,气氛很是和谐。 Today's Wang Shouzhe and past were different, as soon as he changed in the past the sluggish image, put on official profound warrior / black tortoise sturdy clothes, outside is wrapping a long gown. 今天的王守哲与往日有所不同,他一改往昔懒散的形象,穿上了正式的玄武劲装,外面套着一袭长袍。 This appearance makes him perform obviously the martial-looking air/Qi, as if returned to the high-spirited youthful days, was full of the vitality and energy. 这打扮让他尽显英武之气,仿佛回到了意气风发的青年时期,充满了朝气与活力。 But Yong'an Holy Sovereign also changes similarly, he changed in the ordinary day the style complicated, completely to reveal the ruler dignified black long gown, wore a simple azure long gown, when as if a dynasty returned to initially young, wholeheartedly the An Commandery Prince appearance of development big wilderness. 雍安圣皇也同样有所改变,他换下了平日里样式繁复、尽显帝皇威严的玄色长袍,穿上了一身简单的青色长袍,也仿佛一朝回到了当初年轻之时,一心开发大荒漠的安郡王模样。 Shouzhe ~ Yong'an Holy Sovereign is drinking dao tea, feels the distracting thoughts by the faint trace cool feeling baptism, the ideal condition elusive marvelous feeling, the tone is been filled with all sorts of feelings, remembers that initially in Qingluo Garrison, your I discussed all night, shares a bed, each other is discussing and giving free reign to the imagination the Great Qian future.” 守哲~雍安圣皇喝着道茶,感受着杂念被丝丝凉意洗礼,意境空灵的奇妙感觉,语气感慨万分,“记得当初在青萝卫,你我彻夜相谈,抵足而眠,彼此商议和畅想着大乾的未来。” Recalls, those images and scenes, seem still at present.” “回想起来,此情此景,好似犹在眼前。” To the initial our again powerful and unconstrained style, cannot imagine definitely, your my development, will be the Great Qian future, will achieve now the so vigorous scene.” “只是任凭当初的我们再天马行空,也决计想象不到,无论是你我的发展,还是大乾的未来,都会达到如今这般蓬勃的光景。” Wang Shouzhe was also the chuckle one, somewhat was slightly sigh with emotion: Yes, initially I and Your Highness Mingyuan have blown together the boasting, one by one realized.” 王守哲也是轻笑了一声,略有些感慨:“是啊,当初我与明远殿下一起吹过的牛皮,都一一实现了。” Your Highness Mingyuan, as if drew the past two people, returned to struggle initially together the day that. 一句“明远殿下”,仿佛又将两人拉到了过去,回到了当初一起奋斗的日子。 Also, two people was verbose, said was past occurrence amusing thing. 随之,两人又是絮絮叨叨了一番,讲的都是当年一起发生的趣事儿。 Not many moments. 不多片刻。 The surrounding of Hainan light pavilion hears a clear melodious phoenix cry sound. 琼光阁的外围传来一阵清脆悠扬的凤鸣声。 First seven color variegated giant colorful phoenix cut the expansive sky. 一头七彩斑斓的巨型彩凤划破长空。 Its physique bridges over that to wind gracefully variegated Heavenly River, just like dances lightly in the radiant star light, the Phoenix feather is sparkling seven color rays, just like the horizon most brilliant sunset glow. 它身姿优雅地跨过那条蜿蜒斑斓的天河,宛如在璀璨的星光中翩翩起舞,凤凰的羽毛闪耀着七彩光芒,犹如天边最绚烂的晚霞。 colorful phoenix behind, is pulling void floating flying carriage. 彩凤的身后,拉扯着一辆浮空飞辇 It is carved by the pitch-black divine wood all over the body carefully, lends a plain and honored aura. The common position, marking of limitless Divine Palace was being carved exquisitely, is exposing unknowingly honored. 它通体由乌黑神木精心雕琢而成,散发出一种古朴而尊贵的气息。在不起眼位置,无极神宫的标识被精巧地雕刻出来,不经意间展露着尊贵。 Many diners who dine in the Hainan light pavilion, was attracted in abundance by this scene. 诸多在琼光阁中用餐的食客们,纷纷被这一幕吸引住了。 Having the status is honored, the experienced Chaos Origin Boundary diner shouted lowly: This is limitless Divine Palace phoenix Elder, only then Palace Lord in the formal occasion, or will greet the honored guest talent to use!” 有身份尊贵,见多识广的混元境食客低呼说:“这是无极神宫的凤长老,只有宫主在正式场合,或是迎接尊贵客人才会动用!” Various discussions, keep coming in a steady stream. 各种议论,纷沓而起。 In countless guests fill with under the curious vision gaze, colorful phoenix flying carriage fell in the platform in fine jade light pavilion finally steadily. 在无数客人满怀好奇的目光注视下,彩凤飞辇终于稳稳地落在了琼光阁的平台上。 . 紧接着。 The carriage gate opens lightly, several are entirely different, makings actually very outstanding female from inside one after another. 辇门轻启,几位风格迥异,气质却都十分出众的女子从里面鱼贯而出。 And a female who wears radiance circulation magnificent dress, is limitless Divine Palace generation of Palace Lord star billows Divine Maiden. 其中一位身着光华流转华服的女子,正是无极神宫宫主星澜神女 This status is quite honored, in the immortal commission also has the great person in space, at this moment actually with other females together, crowds around gently in an oval face, the willow-leaf eyebrows, the makings such as the female of water and side solemn atmosphere. 这位身份极为尊贵,仙委会中也有一席之地的大人物,此刻却和其他女子一起,簇拥在一位鹅蛋脸,柳叶眉,气质温婉如水、端庄大气的女子身边。 This female Wang Clan big woman Liu Ruolan. 这位女子正是王氏大妇柳若蓝 Her skin color at this moment is ruddy, the facial expression is excellent, does not know is well satisfied after shopping, because recently also had the understanding and progress of deeper level on Golden Toad Dao Book. 此刻的她肤色红润,气色极好,也不知道是购物后的心满意足,还是因为最近又在金蟾道书上有了更深层次的理解与进步。 But star billows Divine Maiden spoke softly side Liu Ruolan, during the expressions, disclosed faintly several points flattered meaning: Elder Sister Ruolan, you may be really insightful. A moment ago that Ice blue cloud Shang, Is Star vault of heaven Ice blue cloud trace/strand who Lan Clan produces weaves, in top clothing Grandmaster blue no clothes Senior by its clan designs cutting out personally, truly is in the world unique.” 而星澜神女柳若蓝身边轻声细语,言辞之间,隐隐透露出了几分讨好意味:“若蓝姐姐,您可真有眼光。刚才那条【冰蓝云裳】,乃是【星穹天】蓝氏出产的冰蓝云丝织造而出,又由其族内的顶级制衣大师蓝无衣前辈亲手设计裁剪而成,真正是世上独一无二。” The Liu Ruolan willow eyebrows select, on the face reveals some happy mood: Heard that Lan Clan only raised two 17th Stage ice spiders, consumes the millenniums to deliver material of one set of women's clothing. this time depending on the star billows Younger Sister reputation, the Lan Clan shop is all willing to give up what one treasures, meets me to respect Younger Sister several glasses of inferior wine, thanked your well.” 柳若蓝柳眉微挑,脸上流露出些许高兴的情绪:“听说蓝氏仅豢养了两头十七阶的冰蛛,耗费千年才能产出一套衣裙的材料。这一次全凭星澜妹妹的名头,蓝氏店铺才肯割爱,一会我多敬妹妹几杯水酒,好好感谢你一番。” During the conversations, everyone woman of quality's bearing exposes with nothing left. 言谈间,大家贵妇的气度展露无遗。 But in Liu Ruolan another side Yun Tiange, in the heart actually sneers secretly. 而在柳若蓝另外一侧的妘天歌,心中却是暗暗冷笑。 This star billows Divine Maiden also takes big over 1000 years old compared with Shouzhe Ruolan obviously, actually every time is Elder Sister Ruolan, to flatter, is the face of limitless Divine Palace does not want seriously. 这星澜神女明明比守哲若蓝还要大一千多岁,却开口闭口都是“若蓝姐姐”,为了拍马屁,当真是无极神宫的脸都不要了。 However, Yun Tiange is not the simple character, immediately frank saying with a smile: Younger Sister Ruolan originally makings unparalleled, is joined to this set of ice blue cloud Shang, Shouzhe that boy fan has't can the soul inversion? Oh ~ envies the Wang Shouzhe good fortune seriously quite.” 不过,妘天歌也不是什么简单人物,当即爽朗的笑道:“若蓝妹妹本就气质无双,配上这套冰蓝云裳,还不将守哲那厮迷得神魂颠倒?唉~当真好生羡慕王守哲的福分。” As Gongye Qingrui after Great Qian Saint, cultivation base and status were inferior that the star billows and Yun Tiange, cannot crush into the Liu Ruolan side position from the start, can only join to chat in the position of surrounding slightly diligently: Initially I when Qingluo Garrison saw Ruolan for the first time, felt Younger Sister Ruolan was extraordinary, is passing faintly expensively not, seemed Divine Maiden of space to descend to earth generally. Now, may verify me to guess thoroughly initially.” 作为大乾圣后的公冶清蕊,修为和身份均不如星澜和妘天歌,压根挤不进柳若蓝身边的位置,只能在稍外围的位置努力加入聊天:“当初我在青萝卫第一次见到若蓝时,就感觉若蓝妹妹的气质非凡,隐隐透着贵不可言,好似天上的神女下凡了一般。现在,可彻底印证了我当初的猜测。” Obviously, Yun Tiange and Gongye Qingrui know the Madam route, so long as the Ruolan opens the mouth, that side Wang Shouzhe naturally said. 十分显然,妘天歌公冶清蕊都知道走夫人路线,只要若蓝开口,王守哲那边自然好说。 However, Liu Ruolan since 16 years old when Wang Clan big woman, must assist Wang Shouzhe to wield the inner apartments, as well as to go to battle as the clan main force once for a while, naturally is not the common character. 不过,柳若蓝十六岁起就当王氏大妇了,既要辅佐王守哲执掌内宅,又要时不时作为家族主力出战,自然不是寻常人物。 Her beautiful pupil looks about, one by one deals, is not only not arrogant, is not excessively warm, socializes among several females, a word answered, was the expression is appropriate, is watertight. 她美眸顾盼,一一应对,既不倨傲,又不过度热情,周旋于几女之间,一言一答,都是言辞得体,滴水不漏。 Among chatting and laughing, the females then entered the theater box, converged with Wang Shouzhe and the others. 说说笑笑间,众女便进入了包厢,和王守哲等人汇合。 The atmosphere of evening banquet is also the warm feelings, did not discuss the official business, narrated was the former friendship, an entire journey guests and hosts having a good time meteorology. 晚宴的气氛也是十分热络,不谈公事,叙的都是旧情,全程一副宾主尽欢的气象。 After eating to the heart's content, removes the remnant thick soup, steeped the good tea. 酒足饭饱之后,撤下残羹,重新沏上了好茶。 At this time. 这时。 Yong'an Holy Sovereign said by the chatting tone: Shouzhe, Demon Race suffers setbacks now in your hands again and again, that control plate decides will not give up. Does not know that what strange plan ingenious plan your this time did prepare to deal?” 雍安圣皇才以闲聊的口吻说道:“守哲,现在魔族在你手中几次三番受挫,那个主宰槃定不会善罢甘休。不知你这一次又准备了什么奇谋妙计来应对?” He also wants to probe a next future situation, considered whether must incline toward World of Immortals the Great Qian main force development direction. 他也想试探一下未来的局势,考虑是否要将大乾的主力发展方向往仙界倾斜。 Strange plan ingenious plan?” Wang Shouzhe is laughing in spite of trying not to shaking the head, is resisting Demon Realm strategically, I have no ingenious plan greatly, does not have the plan excessively to use strange.” “奇谋妙计?”王守哲失笑着摇头,“在对抗魔界的大战略上,我并没有什么妙计,也没打算过度用‘奇’。” What?” Yong'an Holy Sovereign knits the brows slightly, that Shouzhe, how do you prepare to deal with Demon Race?” “什么?”雍安圣皇微微皱眉,“那守哲,你准备如何应对魔族?” Your Highness Mingyuan, strange plan type of thing, with can indeed harvest the effect for the first time, but cannot again and again uses, otherwise a move carelessly, then may lose loses everything.” Wang Shouzhe smiles with sincerity, you must forget not, what we most excel is what?” 明远殿下,奇谋这种东西,第一次用的确能收获奇效,但不能一而再,再而三的去使用,否则一招不慎,便有可能输得倾家荡产。”王守哲坦然一笑,“你莫要忘记,咱们最擅长的是什么?” Yong'an Holy Sovereign slightly one hesitant, is suddenly enlighted: „The meaning of Shouzhe is, must be primarily as before growing strong oneself, so long as unceasingly become powerful, these fierce enemies will once turn into the range chicken earthenware dog eventually.” 雍安圣皇略一犹豫,便恍然大悟:“守哲的意思是,依旧应当以发展壮大自身为主,只要自身不断变得强大,曾经那些凶猛的敌人终究会变成土鸡瓦狗。” In this flickers, Yong'an Holy Sovereign thought. 在这一瞬,雍安圣皇想到了很多。 He thinks Western Jin and Southern Qin allied armies threaten the border, thinks the war of Demon Territory, thinks named destroys Great Commander a fellow. 他想到了西晋南秦联军压境,想到了魔域之战,更是想到了一个叫做“毁灭大统领”的家伙。 That destroys Great Commander not to hesitate hundred million but from afar, runs upon the growth expanded Holy Territory after finally, a water splash has not splashed, was annihilated. 那个毁灭大统领不惜亿万里迢迢而至,结果撞上了发育壮大后的圣域,连个水花都没溅出来,就全军覆没了。 Is listening to the dialogue of two people, Yun Tiange is also somewhat absent-minded and sobs. 听着两人的对话,妘天歌也是有些恍惚和唏嘘。 Yes ~ Wang Shouzhe this boy most excels, does not accumulate the strength covertly, does the growth expand in secret? 是啊~王守哲这厮最擅长的,可不就是偷偷摸摸积累实力,暗中发育壮大么? Then is about 5000, Wang Clan depends on this to go down in the world small clan from one, developed one to have the few Lord top clans, to the cold climate, cannot stop Wang Clan the potential of rise...... 这才不过五千年的时间,王氏就靠着这一手从一个落魄小家族,发展成了一个拥有少界主的顶尖氏族,任凭外界风刀霜剑,都不能阻拦王氏的崛起之势…… Not long, her Cold Moon Immortal Dynasty is also powerful Immortal Dynasty that Wang Clan looks up to continually cannot reach. At that time, he entered Holy Territory initially, she was also after a period of time the bodyguard to him ~ 曾几何时,她的寒月仙朝也是王氏连仰望都够不着的强大仙朝。那时候,他初入圣域,她还屁颠屁颠给他做过一段时间保镖呢~ Finally now, is one's turn her Yun Tiange to look up to him, pats the Ruolan horse buttocks. 结果现在,就轮到她妘天歌去仰望他,去拍若蓝马屁了。 Naturally, is occupying the Wang Clan development, present Cold Moon Immortal Dynasty also had only had the tremendous changes, the rise speed fast, believes that could not need several thousand years, can become Cold Moon Divine Dynasty! 当然,占着王氏发展的光,如今的寒月仙朝也已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,崛起速度飞快,相信要不了数千年,就能成为寒月神朝 But, the Cold Moon Immortal Dynasty rise speed is not so able even as before by far compared with the Wang Clan development speed. 可即便如此,寒月仙朝的崛起速度依旧远远无法和王氏的发展速度相比。 Since we have the advantage, naturally must drag into our rhythms the enemy, then beats the enemy with the advantage.” Saying that Wang Shouzhe is calm and composed even in press of work, my strategic concept, as before is the Tahira drift. But now, the control plate is seriously battered, Demon Race will also be turbulent, best time that we grow strong.” “既然咱们有优势,自然要将敌人拉入咱们的节奏,然后用优势去击败敌人。”王守哲好整以暇的说道,“我的战略思想,依旧是种田平推流。而现在,主宰槃受重创,魔族内部也将动荡,正是咱们发展壮大的最佳时机。” Yong'an Holy Sovereign understands immediately, sincere say/way: In view of this, I support Shouzhe whole-heartedly, the center of gravity entire shift to integral development.” 雍安圣皇顿时心领神会,正色道:“既如此,那我就全力以赴支持守哲,将重心全转移至整体发展上。” Our Cold Moon Holy Dynasty, will support Shouzhe steadfastly.” Yun Tiange is also the solemn statement. “我们寒月圣朝,也会坚定不移支持守哲。”妘天歌也是郑重表态。 However, she at once beautiful pupil light road for grain shipment: But, Shouzhe you may result in support our commodity ~ particularly Say/Way changes, I want are not many, five enough!” 不过,她旋即美眸轻转道:“不过,守哲你可得多支援一下我们物资啊~尤其是【道改】,我要的不多,五支就够!” Right, I also want Say/Way changes, Also takes five.” Yong'an Holy Sovereign also proposed the demand immediately, then eager looks at Wang Shouzhe, you did not give I I depend on your not to go back the appearance. “没错,我也要【道改】,也要五支。”雍安圣皇也立即提出需求,然后眼巴巴的看着王守哲,一副“你不给我我就赖你这不回去了”的样子。 Hehe ~ you may really dare to open the mouth.” Wang Shouzhe ill-humored is staring their two, „a say/way changes, if used, can perhaps create a true god child to come out. Can your present stage recast really? The positions of how many Immortal Emperor in the family/home has to wait for the person to inherit?” “呵呵~你们可真敢开口。”王守哲没好气的瞪着他们两个,“一支道改若是用好了,或许就能造就出一位真正的神子出来。你们现阶段要那么多道改作甚?家里有多少仙帝之位等着人继承吗?” Yong'an Holy Sovereign thinks little saying: Words cannot say. Will which family/home dislike the god child to be many? The aptitude enough high words, without the Immortal Emperor inheritance, can still reach even in the future with ease half step Immortal Emperor. The base number were many, which god child luck bursting cannot do well has, depended on oneself to break through Immortal Emperor?” 雍安圣皇不以为意道:“话可不能这么说。谁家会嫌神子多啊?资质够高的话,就算没有仙帝传承,未来也轻轻松松就能登顶半步仙帝。基数多了,搞不好就有哪个神子运气爆棚,靠着自己突破仙帝了呢?” Regarding their tricks, in the Wang Shouzhe heart some expectations, naturally cannot be unprepared early. 对于他们的伎俩,王守哲心中早有预料,自然不会毫无准备。 I can the uniform two say/way from clan change to give you , does not have mostly.” Afterward, does not need they to oppose, on the Wang Shouzhe face also reveals a helpless appearance, „the spoils of war of this time blood sex fiend palace, most ownerships are the immortal commission, and by the immortal commission unified distribution, are many I unable to take.” “我可以从家族中匀两支道改给你们,一家一支,多半支都没有。”随后,不待他们反对,王守哲脸上也是露出一副无奈的模样,“这一次血色魔殿的战利品,大部分的归属权都属于仙委会,并且由仙委会统一分配,再多我也拿不出来。” Yong'an Holy Sovereign and Yun Tiange looked at one mutually, is in the heart secretly rejoices. 雍安圣皇妘天歌互望了一眼,均是心中暗喜。 Shouzhe quite thought of the former friendship eventually. 守哲终究还是颇念旧情的。 They think, can weed out some Immortal Transformation Essence Version to be good from the Shouzhe hand, weeds out a say/way to change unexpectedly unexpectedly, this too value ~ 原本他们以为,能从守哲手中薅些仙改精华版就不错了,没成想竟然薅来一支道改,这一趟太值了~ Saw their appearance so, Wang Shouzhe supplemented one with a smile: But, you have the opportunity of having multi-channel changes.” 见得他们这般模样,王守哲又笑着补充了一句:“不过,你们也不是没有获得更多道改的机会。” Now World of Immortals is in the high-speed developing area, then the recovering area still had massive constructions and development demands, quick will have new mission to put.” “现在仙界正处于高速发展区,接下来光复区仍旧有大量的建设与开拓需求,很快又会有新的任务放出来。” Moreover, the development plan of Ancient God battlefield edge area has also made a final decision, the immortal commission has started to make the preparation, quick will have the related news to put. When the time comes the development of Ancient God battlefield edge area can adopt and recover area similar pattern, outsources in the mission way.” “另外,古神战场边缘区域的发展计划也已经敲定,仙委会已经开始做前期准备,很快就会有相关消息放出来。到时候古神战场边缘区域的开发会采取和光复区类似的模式,以任务的方式外包。” Your Highness Mingyuan and Tiange (heavenly song) may focus on these two, so long as receives mission and completion from the immortal commission, then can obtain the corresponding contribution, from being correct to change and other resources to be for the exchange.” 明远殿下和天歌陛下可将注意力集中在这两处,只要从仙委会接取任务并完成,便能获得相应贡献,其中自有道改等资源可供兑换。” Wang Shouzhe several words, disclosed some inside information that only then the immortal members knew. 王守哲几句话,却透露出了一些只有仙委会成员才知道的内部消息。 hearing this, Yong'an and Yun Tiange are the great happiness. 闻言,雍安妘天歌均是大喜。 They were know this news the value, the feeling may in the future the time. 他们自是知道这消息的价值,感觉未来更加可期了。 Side, Liu Ruolan also supplemented one: Your Highness Mingyuan, Tiange (heavenly song) Elder Sister, the immortal commission this time also poured into many resources in the god beautiful jade list, if prepares quite, tries to gain more outstanding ranking, similarly can obtain the resources.” 旁边,柳若蓝也补充了一句:“明远殿下,天歌姐姐,仙委会这次在神瑛榜中也是注入了不少资源,若是好生准备一番,设法获取更优秀的排名,同样能获得资源。” Regarding this point, two people seems to have no confidence. 对于这一点,两人似乎都没什么信心。 And in the Yong'an family/home does not have too fierce Great Principle Golden Immortal, but Yun Tiange was age exceeding the allowed figure. Her successor Suiyun Crown Princess, is unable compared with these god child Divine Maiden. 其中雍安家里没有太厉害的大罗金仙,而妘天歌则是年龄超标了。她的继承者绥云皇太女,也是无法和那些神子神女们相比。 Especially in god beautiful jade list final moment, Wang Clan these core talents will also participate surely, under the so ferocious competition, wants to gain good ranking difficult such as to ascend to heaven again. 尤其是在神瑛榜这最后关头,王氏的那些核心天才们必定也会参与进去,再如此激烈的竞争之下,想获取一个不错的排名难如登天。 Wang Shouzhe as if saw their anxiety, said with a smile again: You can count on that for the original stock of better weeding out god beautiful jade list, our Wang Clan main force will first hold troops, when everyone weeded out us on again, so, conformed to the maximum benefit.” 王守哲仿佛看出了他们的疑虑,再次笑道:“你们放心,为了更好的薅神瑛榜的原有库存,我们王氏主力会先按兵不动,等大家薅完了我们再上,如此,才符合利益最大化。” In the god beautiful jade list has massive Primal Chaos Spirit Stone stocks, at this time does not weed out to expand entire Immortal Clan, but when also waits? 神瑛榜中拥有大量混沌灵石库存,此时不薅出来壮大整个仙族,还等什么时候? Let alone, the history of god beautiful jade list first ten have the extra stock reward. 更何况,神瑛榜的历史前十都还有额外的库存奖励。 He made a veiled attack before looks for god beautiful jade item spirit to inquire, these rewards may be the good things, even he is greedy. If possible, he must certainly all brush these stock rewards. 他之前旁敲侧击地找神瑛器灵打听过,那些奖励可都是好东西,连他都眼馋。可能的话,他肯定是要把那些库存奖励全刷出来的。 Heard the Wang Shouzhe words, the eye of Yong'an and Yun Tiange shines. 听到王守哲的话,雍安妘天歌的眼睛都亮了。 Perhaps, their this time really can weed out one wave from the god beautiful jade list. 或许,他们这一次真能从神瑛榜中薅上一波。 ****** ****** Same time. 同一时间段。 Demon Realm. 魔界 Control demon palace. 主宰魔殿。 Control plate pupil light cold and gloomy sitting on the throne, the pupil color is deep, cannot see the expression. 主宰槃眸光森冷的坐在宝座上,眸色深沉,看不出表情。 Under throne side, Has a nightmare supremely Is lowering the head respectful sound report/give report: Supreme deep that fellow recently appeared in Ancient Huai Heavenly River The basin, publicized him to obtain the blood-color control inheritance everywhere, tried to win over and split up our Demon Race. According to the secret agent incoming telegram, some Demon Race were misled by it, has been ready to make trouble.” 宝座侧下方,【至尊魇】正低着头恭声禀报:“至尊冥那家伙最近出现在了【古淮天河】流域,四处宣扬他获得了血色主宰传承,试图拉拢和分化咱们魔族。据密探来报,有部分魔族受其蛊惑,已经蠢蠢欲动。” How this matter handles, but also please control the Sir to show.” “此事如何处置,还请主宰大人示下。” As one of the World of Immortals three big Heavenly River, ancient Huai Heavenly River in the present World of Immortals west, that side similarly is the Immortal and Demon two war zones, mainly by the big comfortable day and ten thousand day of Demon Palace Buddhist, as well as remote antiquity Divine Palace wait/etc. was responsible for guarding. 作为仙界三大天河之一,古淮天河在如今仙界的西面,那边同样是仙魔两界的战区,主要由佛家的大自在天、万化天魔宫,以及太上神宫等负责驻守。 Supreme deep, good! Very good!” “至尊冥,好!很好!” The deep eyeground red light twinkle of control plate, rich murderous intention like essence. 主宰槃的深沉的眼底红光闪烁,浓郁的杀机有如实质。 He almost wants to kill immediately, hits to explode the dog head of supreme deep that rebel directly. 他几乎想立即杀过去,直接打爆至尊冥那叛徒的狗头。 What a pity, he cannot. 可惜,他并不能。 Before blood sex fiend palace that matter, his injury is far from restoring in peak condition. 在血色魔殿那件事之前,他的伤势就远没有恢复到巅峰状态。 But the blood sex fiend palace was bent down, he suffered the huge wound again, although now reluctantly was long the arm, after by massive Creation Crystal wounded the wound seems like that also healed. 而血色魔殿被伏,他又再次遭受了巨大的创伤,现在虽然勉强长回了胳膊,被大量创世水晶炸伤后的伤口看似也愈合了。 But the actual situation is, his situation was still very bad. 可实际情况是,他的情况仍是十分糟糕。 As the control, his life level has almost arrived at the universe peak, in the universe few had to exist to injure to him, if injured, wants rapidly to restore to be difficult. 身为主宰,他的生命层级几乎已经到了宇宙巅峰,宇宙中鲜少有存在能伤到他,但一旦受伤,想要快速恢复就非常困难。 At least, in lacking situation of same rank energy support, restoring is not rapid. 至少,在缺乏同等级别能量支持的情况下,恢复就没有那么迅速。 Especially the control plate had not replied on the vitality, this time is in the wound adds the wound, before can be used to maintain life and top resources that speed up restoring, has exhausted. 尤其主宰槃原本就元气未复,此次更是伤上加伤,之前能用来保命和加快恢复的顶级资源,也早就耗尽了。 Only if. 除非。 The control plate can in a short time, swallow the massive vitality exuberant race, can speed up restoring. 主宰槃能在短期内,吞噬大量生命力旺盛的种族,才能加快恢复。 But now, may swallow for him massively, either is Immortal Clan, either is Demon Race, either, was only left over these wild ethnic groups again! 而现在,可供他大量吞噬的,要么是仙族,要么是魔族,再要么,就只剩下那些野生族群了! But these wild ethnic groups are loose and weak, even existence of 17th Stage is very few, swallows them, looks like swallows up the sun-dried shelled shrimp greatly, resulting in the huge volume is good. 但那些野生族群又散又弱,连十七阶的存在都少之又少,吞噬他们,就像是巨鲸吞虾米,得海量才行。 In fact, the control plate is so in secret dry, otherwise, how will his beforehand injury restore such rapidness? 实际上,主宰槃早就暗中那么干了,否则,他之前的伤势岂会恢复得如此之快? But by his present injury condition, was still not the security. 但以他如今的伤势状况,仍旧算不上安全。 Moreover, if he dares to look supremely deep, cannot do well to step on the Immortal Clan trap again! 而且,若是他敢去找至尊冥,搞不好会再次踩进仙族的陷阱! Controls the Sir, wants subordinate and other two is supreme, goes to tidy up jointly supremely deep?” Had a nightmare supremely as if saw the difficulty of control plate, cautious asking. “主宰大人,要不要属下和其他两位至尊,联手前去收拾至尊冥?”至尊魇仿佛看出了主宰槃的难处,小心翼翼的问道。 Snort , to continue to give Immortal Clan to deliver the vegetable/dish?” The control plate tone is cold and gloomy, this puts beforehand, this control can process.” “哼,去继续给仙族送菜么?”主宰槃语气森冷,“此事先放一放,本主宰会处理的。” Yes, Sir.” Has a nightmare supremely paused, hesitated was mentioning another matter, „the matter...... the subordinate has not known , said does not work as to say.” “是,大人。”至尊魇顿了一下,又犹豫着说起了另一件事,“还有一桩事情……属下不知当讲不当讲。” Said.” The control plate returns indifferently said. “说。”主宰槃冷漠回道。 Supreme plaster by the Immortal Clan captive, he is hoped through the exchange of condition, redeems oneself.” The sound that has a nightmare supremely did not lower several points voluntarily, spoke the demand of supreme plaster. “至尊垩被仙族俘虏,他希望通过条件的交换,来赎回自己。”至尊魇的声音不自觉放低了几分,将至尊垩的需求讲了一遍。 Two do Emperor Seal inherit?” The control plate anger smiles extremely, that idiot management is disadvantageous, almost died this control pit did not say that unexpectedly also surrender Immortal Clan! Now unexpectedly also wants to support the enemy with Emperor Seal!?” “两件帝印传承?”主宰槃怒极而笑,“那个蠢货办事不利,差点将本主宰坑死就不说了,竟然还投降仙族!现在居然还想用帝印资敌!?” This control even suspects now, he is the supreme Ming Yi type, had turned to Immortal Clan in secret.” “本主宰现在甚至怀疑,他是不是和至尊冥一样,早已经暗中投靠了仙族。” „A dynasty was nipped ten years to fear well rope by the snake, after being carried punctured one wave, now the wild with rage control plate, looked that who seems like the rebel. 正所谓“一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳”,被背刺了一波之后,现在狂怒至极的主宰槃,看谁都像是叛徒。 Supreme having a nightmare heart one cold, quickly said: Subordinate this declined the subordinate of supreme plaster.” 至尊魇心头一凛,急忙说道:“那属下这就去回绝至尊垩的下属。” Slow!” The control plate stops , the sinking sound said, you told the subordinate of plaster, making them wait for patiently, this control will rescue personally the plaster.” “慢着!”主宰槃叫停,又沉声说,“你告诉垩的下属,让他们耐心等待,本主宰会亲手将垩救回来。” Yes, Sir.” Has a nightmare to lower the head supremely, does not dare again the many words. “是,大人。”至尊魇低着头,不敢再多话。 paused. 顿了一下 That cold and gloomy and terrifying pupil of control plate, as if from sinking to congeal wakes up, icy saying: Goes to the treasure house, Day Evil Spirit plate Brings.” 主宰槃的那森冷又恐怖的眸子,仿佛从沉凝中醒来,冷冰冰的说道:“去宝库中,将【天妖魔盘】拿来。” Day Evil Spirit plate? 妖魔盘? The supreme having a nightmare demon body shakes, only thinks that the scalp somewhat tingles with numbness faintly, an alarmed and afraid feeling fills the air instantaneously in the heart. 至尊魇魔躯一震,只觉头皮隐隐有些发麻,一股惊惧的感觉瞬间在心中弥漫开来。 Sir, is your must contact the Heavenly Monster control? This, this...... you must think that ~ he is anxious, in the sound is difficult to cover the fear, „, once the Heavenly Monster control arrives this side universe, we...... we......” “大人,您这是要联络天妖主宰?这,这……您要三思啊~”他语气急切,声音中难掩恐惧,“一旦天妖主宰驾临这方宇宙,那咱们……咱们……” Hehe ~ this control knows fairly well.” The control plate coldly said that this matter, although has certain risk, but things have gotten to this point, we do not have the choice.” “呵呵~本主宰心中有数。”主宰槃冷冷道,“此事虽有一定风险,但事已至此,我们已经没有选择的余地了。” Let alone, so long as good of use, Heavenly Monster also is just a blade in my hand.” “何况,只要利用的好,天妖也只不过是我手中的一柄刀而已。” Has a nightmare to see the control plate to seem like the intention supremely to decide, although in the heart still filled alarmed and afraid and worried, actually does not dare to defy, can only nod to receive an order: Yes, Sir.” 至尊魇见得主宰槃似乎心意已决,虽然心中仍是充满了惊惧和担忧,却不敢违抗,只能点头领命:“是,大人。” In his heart sighed, felt that after controlling this time to be planned the heavy losses, has become somewhat nervous and crazy. 他心中叹息一声,感觉主宰这一次被算计重创后,已经变得有些神经质和疯狂了。 At this time, he remembered a Immortal Clan idiom, is called acting out of desperation! 这时,他想起了一句仙族的成语,叫做“狗急跳墙”! But has a nightmare not to sigh supremely. 可至尊魇还未叹息完毕。 Also hears the ice-cold sound of control plate to resound: Chooses some and supreme deep, Supreme You has the Demon Race tribe of connection, gathers them, gives this control the coordinates again.” 又听得主宰槃的冰冷声音响起:“挑选一些和至尊冥,至尊幽有关联的魔族部落,将他们聚集起来,再将坐标给本主宰。” What?” “什么?” Has a nightmare the back to send supremely immediately coolly. 至尊魇顿时背脊发凉。 ...... ……
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