MR :: Volume #16

#1587: Isolation

If the information on humanskin paper is the same. 人皮纸上的信息一样。 Experiment Yang Jian over the following several days has not made a bigger breakthrough, he blocked the deadline of Yin-Yang road as if to reach the limit, at most can maintain for 30 years, no matter how later Yang Jian superimposed Ghost Territory not to have the means to go beyond this deadline again, even the follow-up experiment was inferior one time one time. 接下来几天的实验杨间并没有取得更大的突破,他封锁阴阳路的期限似乎达到了极限,最多也只能维持三十年,之后不管杨间再怎么叠加鬼域始终都没有办法超过这个期限,甚至后续的实验一次不如一次。 stretch/open Xianguang also perceived that the issue was, understands Yang Jian Ghost Territory this was the upper limit, without the means increased again. 张羡光也觉察到了问题所在,明白了杨间鬼域这是达到了上限,没办法再增加了。 30 years also calculated well, I thought that this plan can start to carry out.” Although has not achieved such in estimate, however 30 years of peace was also precious. “三十年也算不错了,我觉得这个计划可以开始执行。”虽然没有达到预想中的那样,但是三十年的和平也弥足珍贵了。 If 30 years later Yang Jian returns alive, at the worst comes again one time. 如果三十年之后杨间活着的话,大不了再来一次。 I to the strange result always am quite pessimistic, I thought that either does not do, either achieves well, I want to turn one time this deadline again, 60 years, how do you look?” “我对灵异的结果从来都是比较悲观的,我觉得要么不做,要么就做到最好,我想把这个期限再翻一倍,六十年,你看怎么样?” Yang Jian silent. 杨间沉默了一下。 In the mind recalled the humanskin paper information. 脑海里回想起了人皮纸的信息。 In the middle of that Ghost Mirror really has such a with oneself similar malicious ghost? 那面鬼镜当中真的存在那么一只和自己相似的厉鬼么? He went still to pass the building directly. 他直接前往了尚通大厦。 In still passed in the top layer safe house in building, has at the same time Minguo Period dressing mirror. 在尚通大厦的顶层安全屋内,存在着一面民国时期更衣镜 This mirror is very special. 这面镜子很特别。 So long as leaves behind the own shadow above, then after you died, will resurrect in the middle of Ghost Mirror. 只要在上面留下自己的影子,那么等你死后就会在鬼镜当中复活。 Although you after resurrecting will turn into an average person, the memory will also stay at that time, however has such a to come opportunity to be in the strange circle very precious again a time. 虽然复活之后的你会变成一个普通人,记忆也会停留在当时,但是在灵异圈拥有这么一个重来一次的机会还是非常珍贵的。 Recollection initially. 回想当初。 Yang Jian indeed successful use Ghost Mirror resurrected, but accordingly, left some hidden dangers. 杨间的确成功的利用鬼镜复活了,但是相应的,也留下了一些隐患。 Yang Jian, you came, was what important matter.” 杨间,你来了,是不是出什么大事了。” In the office, Tong Qian is responsible for being on duty today, he saw that the Yang Jian hasty arrival also thinks anything, stands immediately., 办公室内,今天童倩负责值班,他见到杨间急冲冲的到来还以为有什么事情,立刻站了起来。, Originally is this, what recently have you treated in Guanjiang Community make to study, have what achievement?” Tong Qian curious asking. “原来是这样,最近你一直待在观江小区做着什么研究,有什么成果了么?”童倩好奇的问道。 Yang Jian said: Plan is mature, but also misses the last step, if successful, I can delay the time that the strange time presents, this deadline is 60 years.” 1 杨间说道:“计划已经成熟了,还差最后一步,如果成功的话,我可以延缓灵异时代出现的时间,这个期限是六十年。”一 60 years?” Tong Qian opened the eye instantaneously. “六十年?”童倩瞬间睁大了眼睛。 But does not wait for him to be surprised, Yang Jian had actually opened the front door of safe house, found Ghost Mirror directly. 可是不等他惊讶,杨间却已经打开了安全屋的大门,直接找到了鬼镜 Ghost Mirror was covered by a black cloth, light that in the room nothing can reflect, this can avoid Ghost Mirror strange spreads accidentally/surprisingly. 鬼镜被一块黑布遮盖,房间里没有任何可以反射的光,这样可以避免鬼镜的灵异意外扩散出去。 No matter what happened, before I have not come out, do not open the door, to come.” Yang Jian urged later. “不管发生什么事情,我没有出来之前不要打开门,也不要让人进来。”杨间随后叮嘱道。 Yang Jian nods, then closes, later opened this black cloth. 杨间点了点头,然后关上了门,随后揭开了这块黑布。 Behind the black cloth is a smooth mirror, but on the mirror has a crack, making this mirror appear some to be not complete. 黑布后面是一面光滑的镜子,只是镜子上存在着一条裂缝,让这面镜子显得有些不怎么完整。 Yang Jian stands in front of this mirror, however his form has not appeared on the mirror. 杨间站在这镜子前面,然而他的身影却并没有出现在镜子上。 This is natural. 这是自然的。 Because resurrects person not to have the means to leave behind the shadow with Ghost Mirror on the mirror a time again. 因为用鬼镜复活过一次的人是没办法再在镜子上留下影子的。 Afterward, Yang Jian lifted the hand slowly, touches Ghost Mirror. 随后,杨间缓缓的抬起了手,触碰鬼镜 Ghost Mirror is the same like the water surface, exuded ripples unexpectedly slightly, later his palm submerged in the middle of Ghost Mirror unexpectedly. 鬼镜就如同水面一样,竟微微泛起了一丝涟漪,随后他的手掌竟然没入了鬼镜当中。 Inside of mirror is jet black, probably hell. 镜子的里面漆黑深邃,像是地狱。 Really can go.” Yang Jian entered in the middle of Ghost Mirror later. “果然还是可以进去。”杨间随后走进了鬼镜当中。 However next quarter. 但是下一刻。 In mirror stretched out the innumerable only gloomy and cold terrifying severe Ghost Hands palms, grabs Yang Jian, wants to entrain into the dark deep place. 镜子里面的就伸出了无数只阴冷恐怖的厉鬼手掌,抓着杨间,想要拽入黑暗深处。 Yang Jian actually does not dread, his Ghost Eye opens suddenly, the instantaneous piece of gloomy jack-o'-lantern wreaks havoc in Ghost Mirror, immediately that only gloomy and cold palm lighting . Moreover the jack-o'-lantern spreads unceasingly, even gave the ignition many malicious ghost directly. 杨间却是一点都不畏惧,他鬼眼陡然睁开,瞬间一片阴森的鬼火在鬼镜之中肆虐,立刻将那一只只阴冷的手掌给点燃了,而且鬼火不断蔓延,甚至直接将不少厉鬼都给点燃了。 Strange squeal, sound reverberations of various strange. 怪异的尖叫声,还有各种诡异的声响回荡。 These terrifying palms immediately neat received, later one by one braves the flame the form to run in the jet black mirror world from head to foot back and forth. 这些恐怖的手掌立刻齐刷刷的收了回去,随后一个个混身冒着火光的身影在漆黑的镜子世界里来回奔走。 However in the middle of the jack-o'-lantern of this combustion, the form had not actually been lit. 但是在这片燃烧的鬼火当中,却有一个身影并没有被点燃。 That person stands in the middle of the jack-o'-lantern, the body is somewhat unreal, as if placed oneself in Ghost Territory the jack-o'-lantern isolating. 那个人站在鬼火当中,身体有些虚幻,仿佛置身于鬼域之内将鬼火给隔绝开来了。 Yang Jian detected that anything, looks immediately in the direction that person's shadow is. 杨间察觉到了什么,立刻朝着那个人影所在的方向看去。 At this time, he saw an appearance, the height and exactly the same person facial expression was empty, pale standing was motionless there. 这个时候,他看见了一个长相,身高和自己一模一样的人神情空洞,脸色苍白的站在那里一动不动。 Found, I keep in the middle of the Ghost Mirror shadow.” Yang Jian walks immediately. “找到了,我留在鬼镜当中的影子。”杨间立刻走了过去。 The ghost as if also saw Yang Jian, at this moment studies the Yang Jian appearance step stiff front surface to walk unexpectedly. 那鬼似乎也看见了杨间,此刻竟学着杨间的样子步伐僵硬的迎面走来。 As more nearness of two individuals, the ghost and Yang Jian movement more looks like, the body also as if changes flexible, without before was so stiff. 而且随着两个人的越靠近,鬼和杨间的动作就越像,身体也似乎变的灵活了起来,没有之前那么僵硬了。 On Yang Jian this moment forehead opened Ghost Eye to disregard the surrounding darkness. 杨间此刻额头上睁开了鬼眼无视周围的黑暗。 But later, that Ghost the flesh on forehead was also torn, scarlet Ghost Eye revealed. 可是随后,那只鬼的额头上的血肉也被撕裂开来,一只猩红的鬼眼显露了出来。 All seem duplicating Yang Jian. 一切似乎都在复制杨间 This is strange of Ghost Mirror, not this Ghost has. 这是鬼镜的灵异,并不是这只鬼本身具备的。 A person of ghost approaches rapidly. 一人一鬼迅速的靠近。 Afterward Yang Jian stopped the footsteps, but the ghost also followed to stop the footsteps, among them the distance only had the one pace. 随后杨间停下了脚步,而鬼也跟着停下了脚步,他们之间的距离仅有一步之遥。 Is this eye?” Yang Jian lifts the hand later, puts out a hand to grasp to the forehead of malicious ghost. “就是这只眼睛么?”杨间随后抬起手,伸手就对着厉鬼的脑门抓去。 malicious ghost also lifts the ice-cold arm to grasp to Yang Jian. 厉鬼同样也抬起冰冷的胳膊抓向杨间 The palm of Yang Jian passed through the forehead of malicious ghost, took down that scarlet eyeball forcefully, but malicious ghost tried to attack the hand actually direct distortion break of Yang Jian. 杨间的手掌贯穿了厉鬼的脑门,硬生生的取下了那颗猩红的眼珠子,但是厉鬼试图袭击杨间的手却直接扭曲断裂了。 Without your matter.” “没你的事了。” Yang Jian lifted the foot to kick this malicious ghost directly, later brought this to be possible the eyeball to go out of Ghost Mirror. 杨间抬脚直接将这厉鬼踢飞了出去,随后带着这可眼珠子走出了鬼镜 After he leaves Ghost Mirror, that Ghost Eye in hand actually remains, has not therefore vanished. 当他离开鬼镜之后,手中的那颗鬼眼却依旧存在,并没有因此消失。 This is only an eye of ordinary malicious ghost, but after Ghost Mirror covers strange, actually the success imitated my Ghost Eye to be strange, I can control the eye of this malicious ghost shortly, latter went to this strange strength, then has not had problems before this eye I must complete the beforehand plan.” “这只是一只普通厉鬼的眼睛,但是经过鬼镜的灵异覆盖之后,却成功模仿出了我的鬼眼灵异,我可以短暂的驾驭这支厉鬼的眼睛,后去这份灵异力量,然后趁着这只眼睛没有出问题之前我要完成之前的计划。” In the Yang Jian heart understood. 杨间心中明白了。 Since has arrived this step, then have no reason to flinch. 既然都已经走到这一步,那么没有理由退缩。 Where buries as for the humanskin paper trap, he has had no free time to care now, so long as planned successfully on the line. 至于人皮纸的陷阱埋在什么地方,他现在已经没空关心了,只要计划成功就行了。 Immediately starts to take action.” “立刻开始行动。” Yang Jian carried off Ghost Mirror, opened the door of safe house, then looked at one Tong Qian one, his whole person then disappears to disappear. 杨间带走了鬼镜,打开了安全屋的门,然后看了一眼童倩一眼,紧接着他整个人便消失不见了。 Tong Qian understood Yang Jian that look. 童倩明白了杨间那个眼神。 This was must start to implement the plan. 这是要开始实行计划了。 Do not be defeated.” In the Tong Qian heart thinks silently. “千万不要失败啊。”童倩心中默默想到。 Yang Jian returned to Guanjiang Community rapidly, entered that third room again. 杨间迅速的返回了观江小区,再次进入了那第三间房。 stretch/open Xianguang has not left, he is only tranquil standing looks at the distant place on the Yin-Yang road, seems thinking, has seems to be observing that strange world. 张羡光并没有离开,他只是平静的站在阴阳路上看着远方,似乎在思索,有似乎在观察那片灵异世界。 Second Ghost Eye?” stretch/open Xianguang looked at one to ask. “第二只鬼眼?”张羡光看了一眼问道。 Yang Jian said: „It is not, is false, does not know how long the above strange strength can maintain, therefore I must start to plan immediately,” 杨间道:“不是,是假的,不知道上面的灵异力量能维持多久,所以我要立刻开始进行计划,” Good.” stretch/open Xianguang deeply inspires, was calmed down by oneself. “好。”张羡光深吸了一口气,让自己冷静下来。 Can succeed, looks today. 能否成功,就看今天的了。 Yang Jian not hesitant, in palm in the middle of that only scarlet eye drilling into flesh slowly. 杨间没有犹豫,手掌之中那只猩红的眼睛缓缓的钻入血肉当中。 An exceptionally strange strength appears, this strange strength and Ghost Eye are similar, but compares with true Ghost Eye actually sees somewhat trivial. 一种异常的灵异力量出现,这种灵异力量和鬼眼类似,不过和真正的鬼眼比起来却显得有些微不足道。 Even but if the Ghost Eye strength increases one, through various overlay, can achieve several times, even dozens times of effects. 但哪怕鬼眼力量增加一份,通过各种叠加,也能达到几倍,甚至几十倍的效果。 Why this is also on humanskin paper forecast, after Yang Jian gained this eye, can make 30 years of deadline turn a time of reason again. 这也是为什么人皮纸上预测,杨间获取了这只眼睛之后能让三十年期限再翻一倍的原因了。 I understand, but we do not have other chose three, succeeds at present.” “我明白,但是我们已经没有别的选三了,成功就在眼前。” Yang Jian said, his Ghost Eye opened again. 杨间说完,他的鬼眼再次睁开了。 This time Ghost Eye seemed to be more scarlet than before, moreover opening was ninth Ghost Territory. 这次的鬼眼似乎比之前更为猩红一些,而且一开启便是第九层鬼域 He alone does not have the means to be successful, needs to call the helper. 他一个人是没办法成功的,需要唤来帮手。 With the past of time, the whole body braved the red light Yang Jian to appear one after another, they took the node by Ghost Eye, called from the unknown past future, must the lie eight hours in this world. 随着时间的过去,一个接着一个浑身冒着红光的杨间出现,他们以鬼眼作为节点,从未知的过去未来唤了过来,要在这个世上停驻八个小时。 „Did plan start?” “计划开始了么?” Ghost Eye increased strange, now should be able to break 30 years of limit.” 鬼眼的灵异增加了,现在应该能打破三十年的极限了。” Rubbish, immediately starts to take action, separates the Yin-Yang road.” “不要废话了,立刻开始行动,隔开阴阳路。” After one by one Yang Jian appears, they divide the work to be clear, immediately the coordination with each other acts. 一个个杨间出现之后,他们分工明确,立刻就相互配合行动了起来。 With the Ghost Territory overlay one after another, scarlet and straight luminous appeared on the Yin-Yang road. 伴随着一道又一道的鬼域叠加,一条猩红而又笔直的光亮出现在了阴阳路上。 strange alley incarnadine, later this red light is hard to imagine the speed that to go toward the distant place photo by one, the suddenly time, this red light has vanished in an eye of institute merely can distant place. 诡异的小路被染红,随后这道红光以一个难以想象的速度朝着远处照去,仅仅眨眼的时间,这道红光就已经消失在了目所能及的远处。 However quick. 但是很快。 Whole body scarlet Yang Jian actually came across the difficult problem, on the Yin-Yang road has the node that some are unable to overstep. 浑身猩红的杨间却遇到了难题,阴阳路上存在着一些无法逾越的节点。 First encounters is a giant cemetery. 首先遭遇的便是一片巨大的坟场。 This cemetery passed through the realistic and strange world, stretches across on the Yin-Yang road, is impossible more to pass directly, because in the cemetery is burying many malicious ghost, terrifying strange will disturb Ghost Territory. 这片坟场贯穿了现实和灵异世界,横跨在阴阳路上,根本不可能直接越过去,因为坟场之中埋葬着许多厉鬼,恐怖的灵异会干扰鬼域 Good.” Other red Yang Jian respond immediately. “好。”其他的红色杨间立刻回应。 Afterward, red light invasion reality. 随后,红光入侵现实。 But sky over sea city's Fu Shou Yuan, along with red light emergence suddenly, this nearby road, the construction vanished in this world together unexpectedly directly, simultaneously Fu Shou Yuan also started rapidly changed blurred, finally also disappeared baseless, finally only left behind a stretch of giant open area. 而在大海市的福寿园上空,伴随着一道红光突的出现,这附近的公路,建筑竟直接消失在了这个世界上,同时福寿园也开始迅速的变的模糊起来,最后也凭空不见了,最后只留下了一片巨大的空地。 Luckily nearby this had been blocked, without the living person approaches, otherwise does not know that many people will be involved. 幸亏这附近已经被封锁了,没有活人靠近,不然的话不知道多少人会被卷入其中。 However connection realistic and strange place, not only the Luo thousand cemeteries, Yang Jian also met many such places. 然而连接现实和灵异之地的并不只是罗千的坟场,杨间还遇到了许多这样的地方。 For example the greatly original city also has such a place. 比如大原市也存在着这么一处地方。 That is the position of ghost street. 那是鬼街的位置。 The ghost street stretches across strange and place of reality similarly, blocked the Yin-Yang road, but after red light invasion reality, ghost street also radical disappearance. 鬼街同样横跨灵异和现实之地,挡住了阴阳路,但是红光入侵现实之后,鬼街也彻底的消失了。 The new peaceful old town, what Yiner sees the red light that in the sky that emerged out of thin air. 新的太平古镇,何银儿看见了天空上那凭空出现的红光。 The Yang Jian method is very useful, through strips part of realities forcefully, widens the range of Yin-Yang road, separating to be strange and realistic. 杨间的方法很有用,通过强行剥离一部分现实,扩大阴阳路的范围,隔开灵异和现实。 At this moment, red light fast shuttle in the strange world, for the first time presently in reality. 此刻,红光快速的穿梭于灵异世界,乍现于现实之中。 With the emergence of this unusual phenomenon, the terrifying strange place starts to vanish to disappear baseless, these strange places had not been erased, but pure was separated with Ghost Territory by Yang Jian, making in the middle of reality people unable to contact. 伴随着这种奇特现象的出现,许多恐怖的灵异之地开始凭空消失不见了,那些灵异之地没有被抹除,只是单纯的被杨间鬼域隔开了,让现实当中的人无法接触。 The red light seemed like in this world upper pocket, finally returned to the zero point, all then returned to normal. 红光像是在这个世界上兜了一圈,最后又回到了原点,一切便又恢复了平静。 When Yang Jian calls clone to gather, a rousing good news to bring. 杨间唤来的分身聚拢,一个让人兴奋的好消息带来了。 Isolates the strange 60 years of plans, successfully completed very much.” “隔绝灵异六十年的计划,很顺利的完成了。” No, this is only the first defense line, Yang Jian, you do not think that depends on your defense line to block the strange world to try to invade in the middle of the reality ghost?” stretch/open Xianguang had not become confused the mind by the temporary joy, he is very calm, because he must for Yang Jian plans investigates Quebu to leak. “不,这只是第一道防线,杨间,你不会认为就凭你一道防线就能拦住灵异世界所有试图入侵现实当中的鬼吧?”张羡光没有被暂时的喜悦冲昏头脑,他很冷静,因为他要为杨间的计划查缺补漏。 I think that wants the malicious ghost perfect isolation, Ghost Territory is together insufficient, best to come several, after there is malicious ghost broke through your first Ghost Territory, will fall into the middle of your second Ghost Territory, rather than directly enters the reality, only by doing so, 60 years is meaningful, otherwise your blockade is not very perfect, once for a while will also have terrifying malicious ghost to appear.” “我认为想要将厉鬼完美的隔绝,一道鬼域是不够的,最好是多来几道,当有厉鬼突破了你第一道鬼域之后,就会陷入你的第二道鬼域当中,而不是直接进入现实,只有这样,六十年的时间才有意义,不然你的封锁不够完美,时不时的还会有恐怖的厉鬼出现。” Moreover each Ghost Territory has a node, you must think how is good to hide this node, this can achieve absolutely safe.” “而且每个鬼域都存在一个节点,你必须想好如何隐藏这个节点,这样才能做到万无一失。” Right that you said that the Ghost Territory blockade is not very together perfect, there is malicious ghost to break through the blockade to enter the reality forcefully the possibility, I not only need block several, but must increase some dangers in the middle of Ghost Territory, prevents the advance of malicious ghost, I increase the jack-o'-lantern in Ghost Territory, builds one completely Ghost Territory that is covered by the jack-o'-lantern, any will enter this piece of Ghost Territory ghost to be burnt by the jack-o'-lantern, will then increase the blood lake, will make a Ghost Territory world that will be formed by the blood lake, even some strange thing can also use, for example the pendulum clock of Wang Family/prince old house, for example Ghost Mirror, ghost scissors “你说的对,一道鬼域封锁不够完美,还是有厉鬼强行突破封锁进入现实的可能,我不但要多封锁几道,而且还要在鬼域当中添加一些危险,来阻挡厉鬼的前进,我在鬼域之中添加鬼火,打造一个完全由鬼火笼罩的鬼域,任何进入这片鬼域的鬼都会被鬼火燃烧,然后再添加血湖,弄一个由血湖形成的鬼域世界,甚至连一些灵异之物也可以利用起来,比如王家古宅的摆钟,比如鬼镜,鬼剪刀” „, Is layer by layer ordinary just like the hell, dies of suffocation malicious ghost to enter the reality thoroughly the road.” “一层又一层,宛如地狱一般,彻底堵死厉鬼进入现实的路。” „If needed, my can give you to make you open a hell the blade again.” “要是需要的话,我的这把刀可以送给你让你再开一层地狱。” In stretch/open Xianguang the hand presents a rusty stain stained strange broadsword unexpectedly, he does not have slight clinging, lost directly, fell on the Yin-Yang road. 张羨光手中蓦地出现一柄锈迹斑斑的诡异大刀,他没有丝毫的贪恋,直接丢了出去,落在了阴阳路上。 Opens the hell, can you support?” stretch/open Xianguang knits the brows slightly. “开十八层地狱,你撑得住么?”张羡光微微皱了皱眉。 Must know that Ghost Controller has the limit, even if the Yang Jian such top expert, so unscrupulous use this degree of strange strength, must withstand certain price. 要知道驭鬼者是有极限的,哪怕是杨间这样顶尖的高手,如此肆无忌惮的使用这种程度的灵异力量,也得承受一定的代价。 My present condition is very good, should not have the issue, if I do not feel right, immediately stops the action on the line.” Yang Jian above, he has not hesitated little, then replied. “我现在的状态很好,应该没问题,如果我感觉不对,立刻停下行动就行了。”杨间没有上头,他沉吟少许,然后才回答。 stretch/open envy luminous spot nod: Also right, that starts to take action.” 张羡光点了点头:“也对,那就开始行动吧。” Yang Jian no longer talks too much, starts to prepare the say/way defense line to plan. 杨间不再多言,开始准备第道防线计划。 Because must increase other strange strengths in Ghost Territory, therefore cannot be careless, must really design is good. 因为要在鬼域之中添加其他灵异力量,所以不能马虎,必须真的设计才行。
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