MR :: Volume #16

#1588: Bleeding

Recovers the complete list mystically 神秘复苏完整目录 Although Yang Jian succeeds separated the Yin-Yang road, prevents to invade the reality strange, but wants to improve this plan also to need lots of efforts thoroughly. 杨间虽然成功的隔开了阴阳路,阻止灵异入侵现实,但是想要彻底完善这个计划还需要很多的努力。 stretch/open Xianguang proposed that a conception of Ghost Territory is very layer upon layer correct. 张羡光提出一层层鬼域的构想很正确。 Because of always one, this world on many one point of security. 因为每多一层,这个世界就多一分安全。 Therefore Yang Jian must as far as possible many establishes Ghost Territory on the Yin-Yang road, therefore this is a very huge project, consumption also very big. 所以杨间要尽可能多的在阴阳路上建立鬼域,因此这是一个非常庞大的工程,消耗也非常的大。 The following some time, Yang Jian and stretch/open Xianguang had not then gone out of this third to simulate the life then to realize. 接下来的一段时间内,杨间和张羡光便一直没有走出过这第三间模拟人生然后再实现出来。 It can be said that whenever new Ghost Territory presents time, is condensation of a wisdom and painstaking care. 可以说,每当一层新的鬼域出现的时候,都是一种智慧和心血的凝聚。 However construction new Ghost Territory simultaneously, Yang Jian and stretch/open Xianguang also encounters the strange phenomenon that some are unable to understand, these strange phenomena do not appear in the strange place, does not appear in the reality, but appears on this Yin-Yang road. 但是构建新的鬼域同时,杨间和张羡光也遭遇了一些无法理解的灵异现象,这些灵异现象并不是出现在灵异之地,也不是出现在现实之中,而是出现在这条阴阳路上。 Because two individuals can see the strange form to pace back and forth on the Yin-Yang road occasionally. 因为两个人偶尔能看见有诡异的身影在阴阳路上徘徊。 Whenever two individuals wants to process that thing time, the strange form actually disappears to disappear. 但是每当两个人想要处理那玩意的时候,诡异的身影却又消失不见了。 On Yin-Yang road possibly is pacing back and forth malicious ghost, or Yin-Yang road it is Ghost stretch/open Xianguang guesses like this. “阴阳路上可能徘徊着一只厉鬼,亦或者阴阳路本身就是一只鬼”张羡光这样猜测起来。 Yang Jian said: Yin-Yang road is strange and intermediate area of reality, you felt Ghost Territory that this and I construct is very similar? Has a possibility, before Yin-Yang road, is some Lane Ghost Controller comes out, for is prevents the strange world to invade the reality? We expanded this road along the footsteps of predecessor.” 杨间说道:“阴阳路是灵异和现实的缓冲地带,你有没有觉得这和我构建的鬼域很相似么?有没有一种可能,阴阳路以前也是某位驭鬼者出来的,为的就是阻止灵异世界入侵到现实?我们只是沿着前任的脚步拓宽了这条路而已。” stretch/open Xianguang hesitation little say/way: Perhaps your suspicion is reasonable, the Yin-Yang road is really a senior remains, was only afterward because of the strange corrosion, this road almost soon vanished, before this road was very perhaps wide, the width arrives isolates sufficiently strange most.” 张羡光沉吟少许道:“你的猜想有道理,也许阴阳路真的是一位前辈留下来的,只是后来因为灵异的侵蚀,这条路几乎快要消失了,以前这条路或许很宽,宽到足以隔绝大部分灵异。” This senior likely is the master in this room, after all this old house is also he remains, he used the own life to construct such a Yin-Yang road, under situation that in everyone did not know, is making the biggest contribution to the resistance strange.” Yang Jian speculated. “这个前辈很可能就是这间房间的主人,毕竟这栋古宅也是他留下来的,他用自己的生命构建了这么一条阴阳路,在所有人都不知道的情况之下,为对抗灵异做着最大的贡献。”杨间又推测了起来。 That form seems the ghost to be the same, occasionally appears, wanders in the Yin-Yang road last moment, then vanishes to disappear. 那道身影好似亡魂一般,偶尔出现,游荡在阴阳路上片刻,接着又消失不见了。 He understands, the owner of this Yin-Yang road had died, but retained once form strange, then accidentally appeared. 他明白,这阴阳路的主人已经死了,只是灵异保留下了曾经的身影,然后偶然浮现了出来。 Yang Jian remembered once in that paper that in the Ghost Cabinet room discovers. 杨间想起了曾经在鬼橱的房间里发现的那张纸条。 On the paper left five words. 纸条上留下了五句话。 And the last few words are: I want to leave here. 其中最后一句话是:我想要离开这里。 Perhaps, for a long time is lonely, lonely pacing back and forth on this Yin-Yang road, that senior is unable to withstand such suffering, staying behind such information that therefore meets the pain. 也许,长时间孤独,寂寞的徘徊在这条阴阳路上,那个前辈也无法承受这样的折磨,所以才会痛苦的留下这样的信息。 However finally, this senior has not chosen three to give up as before, has not left this Yin-Yang road. 但是最后,这个前辈依旧没有选三放弃,也没有离开这条阴阳路。 Even to the present, such is worth the admiring person not staying behind the name, only left behind that three room to the later generation. 甚至到现在,这么一个值得钦佩的人连名字都没有留下,只给后人留下了那三间房。 Since the predecessor can pay to start out the Yin-Yang road with the life, then our calculate laboriously anything, continued to work, now opens four hells, but also insufficiently.” Yang Jian the spirit inspires later, worked again. “既然前人可以付出一切用命开出阴阳路,那么我们这点辛苦算的了什么,继续工作,现在才开了四层地狱,还不够。”杨间随后精神一振,再次工作了起来。 The time in a flash is one month. 时间一晃便是一个月。 A month of Yang Jian is working, the thing that because more needs to ponder in the future are more. 一个月的时间杨间都在工作,因为越往后需要思考的东西就越多。 As the strange world was isolated, Ghost Controller of outside strange circle had detected, that was the trend that paranormal event continually increased stopped, as paranormal event of some areas were processed, that stretch of area did not have unexpectedly newly strange appeared again. 随着灵异世界被隔绝,外面灵异圈的驭鬼者已经有所察觉了,那就是灵异事件不断增多的趋势止住了,而且随着一些地区的灵异事件被处理,那片地区居然没有新的灵异再出现了。 Such phenomenon appears in a place incessantly, many places happen. 这样的现象不止出现在一处地方,许多地方都有发生。 Beforehand paranormal event cannot process, a place front leg just solved paranormal event, the back leg also has new malicious ghost to appear, was blocked until that stretch of area, till falls to the enemy. 之前的灵异事件根本处理不完,一个地方前脚刚刚解决完一件灵异事件,后脚就又有新的厉鬼出现,直到那片地区被封锁,沦陷为止。 However now, such situation will be gone forever. 不过现在,这样的情况会一去不复返。 Cuts off source that presented strange, the ghost in reality, so long as were detained, processed, will then be getting fewer and fewer, strange occurrence that also has no until the final reality in again. 掐断了灵异出现的源头,现实之中的鬼只要被关押,处理了,那么就会越来越少,直到最后现实之中再也没有任何的灵异发生。 Naturally, so far, paranormal event in reality also has, the domestic situation also calculates, the overseas are more formidable, because the overseas were affected by big flood plan, in addition the king organizes the destruction, therefore paranormal event emerges one after another incessantly as before. 当然,目前为止,现实之中的灵异事件还有很多,国内情况还算好点,国外更利害,因为国外遭受了大洪水计划的影响,再加上国王组织覆灭,所以灵异事件依旧层出不穷。 Therefore the strange time wants to retreat, but also needs a long time. 因此灵异时代想要退去,还需要很长一段时间。 Yang Jian does not care regarding outside situation in wholly absorbed construction Ghost Territory. 杨间对于外面的情况不关心还是在专心致志的构建鬼域 A month of effort effect is very tangible. 一个月的努力效果还是很明显的。 He succeeds constructs the Ghost Territory world that a piece burnt unceasingly with the jack-o'-lantern. 他成功的用鬼火构建出了一片不断燃烧的鬼域世界。 Also the blood lake filled up the second Ghost Territory world. 也用血湖填满了第二个鬼域世界。 Also twisted the Ghost Territory distance, making a giant city in Ghost Territory world cover during the influence of Wang Family/prince pendulum clock. 还将鬼域的距离扭曲,让鬼域世界里的一座巨大的城市笼罩在了王家摆钟的影响之中。 Even still leaves behind a path in the Ghost Territory world, is connecting old house that buries stretch/open cave, but this Ghost Territory Yang Jian remains very behind, does not think to use earlier. 甚至还在鬼域世界里留下一条道路,连接着埋葬张洞的古宅,只是这一层鬼域杨间留在很后面,不想前期就使用出来。 When Yang Jian uses unceasingly Ghost Eye is strange, that only the eye that gains from Ghost Mirror, actually in the unceasing removing blood-color, the gradual start turned into an ordinary pale eyeball. 但是当杨间不断使用鬼眼灵异的时候,那只从鬼镜之中获取的眼睛,却在不断的褪去血色,逐渐的开始变成了一颗普通的惨白眼球。 This was the Ghost Mirror strange strength is expiring. 这是鬼镜的灵异力量在失效了。 Regarding such situation, Yang Jian does not feel the accident/surprise, even also thought that this ordinary severe Ghost Eye eyeball is a little above his anticipation, after all can use for a long time is not so easy. 对于这样的情况,杨间一点也不觉得意外,甚至还觉得这只普通的厉鬼眼睛有一点超乎他的意料,毕竟能使用这么久也不容易。 Yang Jian has not cared, but continues to work. 杨间也没有在意,而是继续工作。 Until 45 days of times, that eyeball removed the blood-color thoroughly, no longer has Ghost Eye was strange. 直到四十五天的时候,那颗眼珠才彻底褪去了血色,不再具备鬼眼的灵异了。 However at the same time, the nose of Yang Jian, the eye, ear place actually scarlet blood flow off. 不过与此同时,杨间的鼻子,眼睛,耳朵处却有一丝猩红的血液流下。 „Did I flow the nosebleed?” He touches the nose, the whole person gawked, some surprise. “我流鼻血了?”他摸了摸鼻子,整个人愣了一下,有些诧异。 By Yang Jian this body condition, is impossible to fall ill, cannot the energy flow nosebleed, not be more impossible to have the tired excessive situation. 杨间这种身体状态,根本就不可能生病,也不可能流鼻血,更加不可能出现劳累过度的情况。 Not a wonderful feeling well ups. 一种不妙的感觉涌上心头。 Yang Jian has not hesitated, immediately restarts itself, tries to eliminate this situation. 杨间没有迟疑,立刻重启自身,试图消除这种情况。 After restarting itself, the blood vanishes to disappear. 重启自身之后,血液消失不见了。 When Yang Jian withdraws from later of restarting, his nosebleed actually class/flow were more. 但是当杨间退出重启的之后,他的鼻血却流的更多了。 Yang Jian, you how?” stretch/open Xianguang sees this to walk to ask immediately. 杨间,你怎么了?”张羡光见此立刻走过来问道。 Has such situation, only then one type explained that my strange strength in the imbalance, Ghost Blood does not have other strange strengths in means balanced body.” “出现这样的情况,只有一种解释我的灵异力量在失衡,鬼血已经没办法平衡身体内的其他灵异力量了。” Yang Jian said: All roots are this eye create.” 杨间说道:“一切的根源都是这只眼睛造成的。” He put out a hand to the arm is grasping a pale eyeball his forcefully from the flesh to buckle. 他伸手对着胳膊一抓一只惨白的眼球被他硬生生的从血肉之中扣了出来。 Even if he stripped forcefully from the body this eyeball, but his bleeding has not stopped as before. 但是即便是他强行将这只眼球从身体上剥离出去了,可是他的流血依旧没有停下。 „Did the humanskin paper trap bury here? This ordinary Ghost Eye strange strength is not enough to break my balanced, but superimposed above Ghost Eye that was different, it forecast I will use Ghost Territory crazily, therefore by the strange strength of this eye, let online of Ghost Eye by the little breakthrough, until finally the Ghost Eye radical recovery.” The Yang Jian look is still tranquil. 人皮纸的陷阱就埋在了这里么?这一只普通鬼眼的灵异力量不足以打破我自身的平衡,但是叠加在了鬼眼之上那就不一样了,它是预测到了我会疯狂的使用鬼域,所以借由这只眼睛的灵异力量,让鬼眼的上线被一点点的突破,直到最后鬼眼彻底复苏。”杨间神色依旧平静。 Ghost Blood is unable to resist public transportation strange at the same time suppresses Ghost Eye that will recover again, therefore Ghost Blood in little in body by platoon, therefore I will bleed suddenly . Moreover the speed of the reduction of Ghost Blood, I recovering will be getting more and more fast, finally is ordinary like the avalanche , is beyond control.” 鬼血无法对抗公交车灵异的同时再来压制将复苏的鬼眼,所以鬼血才在一点点的被排里出身体,因此我才会突然流血,而且随着鬼血的减少,我复苏的速度会越来越快,最后如同雪崩一般,再也无法控制。” At this moment, he started to analyze his situation, understood all these what's the matter. 此刻,他开始分析起了自身的情况,明白过来了这一切到底是怎么回事。 „Can your condition solve?” stretch/open Xianguang saw that Yang Jian makes noise the inquiry to say at this moment silent again. “你这种状态能解决么?”张羡光见到杨间此刻沉默不语再次出声询问道。 Yang Jian pondered the moment, then threw on that pale eye the Yin-Yang road later, finally the eyeball rolled does not know that vanished to enter that matter Ghost Territory. 3 杨间思考了片刻,然后将那颗惨白的眼睛随后丢到了阴阳路上,最后眼球滚动不知道消失进入了那层鬼域当中。三 Could not solve, this was malicious ghost in view of my conspiracy, so long as I were determined to complete this plan, my fell into a trap, my appearance is equal to starting the life countdown now, wanted to restore again is almost the not possible matter, if were in my body other strange recovery, I can through restarting add on the strange pendulum clock, entered restarts the condition infinitely, returned directly for a month ago, changed the own situation.” “解决不了,这是一个厉鬼针对我的阴谋,只要我执意要完成这个计划,我就会中计,现在我这个样子等于进入了生命倒计时,想要再恢复过来几乎是不可能的事情了,如果是我身体里别的灵异复苏,我可以通过重启加上灵异摆钟,进入无限重启状态,直接回到一个多月前,改变自己的情况。” „ The only Ghost Eye recovery cannot achieve, because I restart also to need to use the Ghost Eye strange strength, but will do this will only intensify the deterioration of situation “唯独鬼眼复苏做不到,因为我重启也需要用到鬼眼的灵异力量,而这样做只会加剧情况的恶化 After opening, he from took out one package of traditional Chinese medicines. 打开之后他从其中取出了一包中药。 stretch/open Xianguang saw this to stare. 张羡光见此不由愣了一下。 He knows that this medicine kit, is the medicine shop old person Zhang Bohua's strange goods, has not thought that finally unexpectedly will appear in Yang Jian body. 他知道这个药箱,是药铺老人张伯华的灵异物品,没想到最后居然会出现在杨间身上 Yang Jian has not hesitated ate up one package of traditional Chinese medicines directly. 杨间没有迟疑直接吃下了一包中药。 Quick, this package of strange traditional Chinese medicine played the role, his nosebleed stopped, the condition as if came back. 很快,这包诡异的中药发挥了作用,他的鼻血止住了,状态似乎又回来了。 stretch/open Xianguang is silent, he knows, this traditional Chinese medicine can only continue the life shortly, the time arrives, the strange recovery will be more ominous than before, is thing that under the situation of only then having no way out can use. 张羡光沉默不语,他知道,这中药只能短暂续命,时间一到,灵异复苏会比之前更凶,是只有走投无路的情况之下才会使用的东西。 This point, Yang Jian should also know. 这一点,杨间应该也知道。 He should know that the own situation was very of bad, already the situation arriving at was unable to reverse, therefore wants to extend the time that limit arrived, completes matter that some want to handle, but the first plan was not his end point, he has considered the second plan mostly, otherwise not so tranquil.” Opens in envy Guangxin to think secretly. “他应该知道自己的情况很糟糕了,已经到达了无法逆转的地步,所以想延长那个极限到来的时间,完成一些自己想做的事情,不过第一步计划绝不是他的终点,他多半已经考虑到了第二步计划,否则不会如此的平静。”张羡光心中暗暗想到。 Because he does not believe that Yang Jian such No. 1 character so optional on the wane. 因为他不相信,杨间这么一号人物会如此随意的凋零。
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