MR :: Volume #16

#1586: Final trap

What? Delays to appear strange for 20 years? Captain, did you speak this saying really or false? Did I misunderstand?” In Li Yang this moment sound disclosed that a shock, his some cannot believe before Yang Jian, words that spoke real. “什么?延缓灵异出现二十年?队长,你说这话到底是真的还是假的?我是不是听错了?”李阳此刻声音之中透露出一丝震惊,他有些不敢相信杨间之前说的话是真的。 Strange, since appear here world has not vanished, instead gets stronger and stronger, to did not have the means purely by individual had processed finally, I know that Yang Jian your strength was very powerful, but let vanish strange for 20 years, this only feared that cannot achieve.” Wang Yong said that does not believe. “灵异自从出现在这个世界上就没有消失过,反而愈演愈烈,到最后已经没办法单纯的靠个人去处理了,我知道杨间你的实力很强大,但是让灵异消失二十年,这只怕是做不到吧。”王勇表示不相信。 Huang Ziya said: „Is this matter leave alone reasonable, if really success?” 黄子雅说道:“别管这事情合不合理,万一真的成功了呢?” Yang Jian shows a faint smile, did not refute, then said: Once my experiment ended, goes into action immediately, you will see the effect when the time comes.” 杨间对此微微一笑,并不反驳,转而道:“一旦我的实验结束,就会立刻行动起来,到时候你们会看到效果的。” But, the matter in Yang Jian your hand must put temporarily, Liu Xiaoyu has the matter to look for you, should be outside presented quite thorny paranormal event, needs you to process.” Wang Shanshan says immediately. “不过,杨间你手中的事情要不要暂时放一放,刘小雨有事情找你,应该是外面出现了比较棘手的灵异事件,需要你处理。”王珊珊立刻说道。 Isn't paranormal event that outside which processing thorny? The matter that I must handle now is more important, you told Liu Xiaoyu, recently I will not process paranormal event.” Yang Jian shakes the head, rejected the duty. “外面哪件处理不了的灵异事件不棘手?我现在要做的事情更重要,你去告诉刘小雨,最近一段时间我都不会去处理灵异事件了。”杨间摇了摇头,拒绝了出任务。 Because the present experiment has entered at crucial moment, he does not want to stop. 因为现在的实验已经进入到了关键时候,他不想停下。 Moreover domestic most city Yang Jian transferred, had lived in the big situation stably, even if thorny paranormal event, he believes that will not have very tremendous impact, after all the headquarters have Wei Jing to use. 而且国内的大部分城市杨间都转了一圈,已经将大局势给稳定住了,即便是还有棘手的灵异事件,他相信也不会造成很大的影响,毕竟总部还有卫景可以用。 Good, I returned resisted her.” Wang Shanshan said: Then told him, matter that you are handling now?” “那好吧,那我就回拒了她。”王珊珊说道:“然后告诉他,你现在正在做的事情?” It doesn't matter, told her not to relate.” Yang Jian said. “无所谓,告诉她也没关系。”杨间说道。 Wang Shanshan nods, immediately takes telephone communication Liu Xiaoyu. 王珊珊点了点头,立刻就去拿电话联系刘小雨去了。 Yang Jian went down the building, simultaneously moved a body, then said: I go out for a walk, ventilate, for several days under my eyes had not united, hopes that all these are worth.” 杨间走下了楼,同时活动了一下身体,然后道:“我出去走走,透透气,这些天我连眼睛都没有合一下,希望这一切都是值得的。” Saying, him was leaving here slowly. 说着,他一个人慢悠悠的离开了这里。 He walks, Li Yang and the others cannot bear discuss, news that because they were really disclosed by Yang Jian shocking. 他一走,李阳等人又忍不住议论起来,因为他们实在是被杨间透露出来的消息给震惊到了。 Does a person plan to solve all paranormal event? 一个人就打算解决所有灵异事件 Regardless of how this wants is very unthinkable. 这无论怎么想都很匪夷所思。 A Yang Jian person walks in Guanjiang Community, he has no other ideas, pure relaxes, steals the laziness, he to does not think that just came out from blood pond Lipa, turns around and has problems. 杨间一个人行走在观江小区内,他没什么其他的想法,就是单纯的放松一下,偷一下懒,他可不想自己刚从血池里爬出来,转身又出什么问题。 Ghost Controller has the limit, regardless of again how perfect, finally must be worried that the strange strength overuse the situation, instead Gui Tong this special existence, can not need to be worried about this issue, only pitifully, Gui Tong only then, if can in batches the manufacture, but also really can put down the present strange circle.” 驭鬼者到底还是有极限的,无论再怎么完美,最后还得担心灵异力量使用过度的情况,反而鬼童这种特殊的存在,可以不用担心这个问题,只可惜,鬼童就只有一个,如果能够批量制作的话,还真能扫平现在的灵异圈。” In his mind is thinking like this. 他脑海里这样想着。 Is walking, Yang Jian arrived at the middle of community gradually. 走着走着,杨间渐渐来到了小区的中间。 Here has many people to take a walk, is the residents in community, when he appears many people neat looked, in the eye has the curiosity, there is an excitement, the awe, the residents of many people recognized the Yang Jian identity obviously. 这里有很多人散步,都是小区内的居民,不过当他出现的时候不少人都齐刷刷的看了过来,眼中有好奇,也有激动,还有敬畏,显然有不少人的居民都认出了杨间的身份。 Chief Yang.” Some person of bold greeting. 杨总。”有人大胆的打了个招呼。 Also some people passed by side Yang Jian time did not say a word, appeared very anxious. 也有人路过杨间身边的时候一言不发,显得十分的紧张。 However also some people feel to feel at ease. 不过也有人觉得心安。 Because Yang Jian represents this community unable to present paranormal event in this community, housing that can feel relieved. 因为杨间在这个小区就代表着这个小区不会出现灵异事件,可以放心的居住。 Yang Jian feels these differences the vision, without electing three to continue to stop over, but transferred one volume to leave. 杨间感受到这些异样的眼光,没有选三继续逗遛,而是转了一卷就离开了。 An inexplicable barrier feeling makes him realize, oneself cannot integrate among the average person. 一种莫名的隔阂感让他意识到,自己是融入不了普通人当中的。 After resting a while, Yang Jian felt oneself go back to work is quite good, but he has not gone back that third room, but returned to the own dwelling. 休息了一会儿之后,杨间觉得自己还是回去工作比较好,只是他并没有回去那第三间房,而是返回了自己的住处。 Five story-high little building, this moment nobody left. 一栋五层高的小楼,此刻空无一人。 Because of Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin in the native place, has not come back. 因为江艳张丽琴还在老家,并没有回来。 A Yang Jian person sits on the sofa alone, then fished out humanskin paper silently. 杨间独自一个人坐在沙发上,然后默默的摸出了一张人皮纸 This humanskin paper followed he for a long time, although has wanted to kill itself through various methods, but pitifully, has not succeeded to this humanskin paper finally, particularly now this stage, humanskin paper does not have the successful possibility. 这张人皮纸跟着他许久了,虽然一直想通过各种方法害死自己,但可惜,到最后这张人皮纸也没有成功,尤其是现在这个阶段,人皮纸更加没有成功的可能了。 I must find quickly the method prevents the strange time arrived, but I succeeded after completing all these, I will definitely think the means to dismember you, then forever buries.” “我很快就要找到方法阻止灵异时代的降临了,不过等我成功的做完这一切之后我肯定会想办法把你肢解,然后永远的掩埋起来。” He in a low voice is light the language, is communicating with humanskin paper: You have the last opportunity, helping me complete all these ahead of schedule, I can preserve you.” 他低声轻语,在和人皮纸沟通:“你还有最后一个机会,帮助我提早完成这一切,我可以把你保存下来。” On humanskin paper does not have the handwriting to reappear, does not seem to want to disclose again any information came out. 人皮纸上没有字迹浮现出来,似乎不想再透露任何信息出来了。 Yang Jian is not disappointed, can he also holds the attitude of trying, look walk shortcut anything, after all attempt slowly spends the time very much. 杨间也不失望,他也只是抱着试一试的态度,看看能不能走个捷径什么的,毕竟慢慢的尝试很费时间。 Rejection? Then was a pity very much, you lost the last opportunity.” “拒绝么?那么很可惜,你失去了最后一个机会了。” His moment under foot emits the bloody water, simultaneously the red long spear/gun searched from the bloody water slowly. 他此刻脚下冒出血水,同时红色的长枪从血水之中缓缓的探了出来。 Yang Jian holds the red long spear/gun, immediately the plan this humanskin paper thorough dismemberment, then sinks to the blood lake scattered, after all present he does not need to depend upon this thing, was the time and this human skin makes one to mediate. 杨间一把抓住红色的长枪,立刻就打算将这张人皮纸彻底的肢解,然后再分散沉入血湖之中,毕竟现在的他已经不需要依靠这个东西了,也是时候和这张人皮做一个了断了。 However at this time, humanskin paper actually appears immediately the black handwriting of distortion, as if accepted the request of beforehand Yang Jian, planned that received exchange for a existing opportunity with the important information. 然而就在这个时候,人皮纸却立刻浮现出了扭曲的黑色字迹,似乎答应了之前杨间的要求,打算用重要的信息来换取一个存在的机会。 I called Yang Jian, when you saw these words I have died I at this moment to look for the method that the postponement strange time arrived, after I opened ninth Ghost Eye Ghost Territory, I found a feasible plan, through unceasing overlay Ghost Territory, can delay the strange world invasion realistic speed.” “我叫杨间,当你看到这句话的时候我已经死了此刻的我正在寻找延缓灵异时代降临的方法,在我开启第九层的鬼眼鬼域之后,我找到了一个可行的方案,通过不断的叠加鬼域,能延缓灵异世界入侵现实的速度。” Under the unceasing experiment, I have been able to delay to invade strange for 20 years, but this is not my limit.” “在不断实验之下,我已经能延缓灵异入侵二十年了,但这并不是我的极限。” Also after several days of research, had the progress, this I can extend this deadline to 30 years time.” “又经过了几天的研究,有了进展,这一次我能将这个期限延长到三十年。” 30 years of deadline as if reached my limit, how regardless of afterward I studied again do not have the means to exceed this boundary, because of many Ghost Territory overlay, not only could not produce the good results, because instead Ghost Territory constructed complex, causing Ghost Territory to collapse.” “三十年的期限似乎达到了我的极限,后来的我无论再怎么研究都始终没有办法超过这个界限,因为过多的鬼域叠加,非但产生不了好的效果,反而因为鬼域构建复杂,导致鬼域崩溃。” I realized, should my issue, my Ghost Eye reach the limit, only if I were increased by my Ghost Eye strange, otherwise I can only achieve this.” “我意识到了,应该我自身的问题,我的鬼眼达到了极限,除非我让自身的鬼眼灵异增加,不然的话我只能做到这一步了。” The information on humanskin paper starts unceasing emitting. 人皮纸上的信息开始不断的冒出。 30 years?” Yang Jian frowns at this moment slightly. “三十年?”杨间此刻微微皱起了眉头。 This time is not long, but is also good, may be away from the request also difference that oneself hope is very far. 这个时间不算长,但也还行,可距离自己所希望的要求还差的很远。 30 years of insufficient, at least 50 years.” Yang Jian said in a low voice, although he wants to open hundred years of peace, but this is also only thinks that can achieve half of him is also well satisfied. “三十年不够,至少得五十年。”杨间低声道,虽然他想开百年和平,不过这也只是想想罢了,能做到一半他也算是心满意足了。 Information that since you disclosed that as if also knows how to increase the Ghost Eye strange strength the method?” “不过从你透露的信息来看,似乎还知道如何增加鬼眼灵异力量的方法?” He felt like that this perhaps is a humanskin paper trap, present Yang Jian is not worried about the trap, was only worried that the method is useless. 他隐约觉得这或许是人皮纸的一个陷阱,不过现在的杨间并不担心陷阱,只担心方法没用。 On humanskin paper the information continues to emit: I changed the research direction, starts to seek to increase the Ghost Eye strange strength the method, thus breaks through 30 years of deadline the limit.” 人皮纸上信息继续冒出:“我改变了研究的方向,开始寻找增加鬼眼灵异力量的方法,从而突破三十年期限的极限。” If opens tenth Ghost Territory, then represents Ghost Eye to recover, when the time comes my body strange imbalance, will die of malicious ghost revival surely.” “如果开启第十层鬼域,那么代表着鬼眼复苏,到时候我身体灵异失衡,必定会死于厉鬼复苏。” I must look for other methods.” “我要寻找其他的方法。” Fortunately, I found a method, that is forgotten strange goods Ghost Mirror.” “幸运的是,我找到了一个方法,那是一件被遗忘的灵异物品鬼镜。” Ghost Mirror. 鬼镜 The black large character that two persons twists is especially striking, seems reminding Yang Jian do not forget Ghost Mirror. 两个扭曲的黑色大字格外醒目,似乎在提醒着杨间千万不要忘记了鬼镜 The Yang Jian look concentrates, is very calm, but static looks. 杨间神色一凝,十分冷静,只是静静的看下去。 The information on humanskin paper appears again: Remembers me for the first time , when Dachang City hangs oneself the suicide, although I succeed resurrected through Ghost Mirror, but actually also left the hidden danger, has malicious ghost in that Ghost Mirror, I who that malicious ghost is only going to replace the reality, however was actually defeated, but the ghost had imitated my head successfully, the look and I am exactly the same.” 人皮纸上的信息再次浮现:“记得第一次我在大昌市上吊自杀的时候,我虽然成功的通过鬼镜复活了,但却也留下了隐患,在那个鬼镜之中存在着一只厉鬼,那只厉鬼原本将要取代现实的我,然而却失败了,可是鬼已经成功模仿了我的脑袋,相貌和我一模一样。” At that time on my head still has Ghost Eye, then in the middle of Ghost Mirror that Ghost whether also imitated the Ghost Eye strange strength?” “当时我的脑袋上还存在着鬼眼,那么鬼镜当中的那只鬼是否也模仿了鬼眼的灵异力量呢?” Found that Ghost, perhaps I can have second Ghost Eye shortly, even if that only Ghost Eye is only the strange strength that Ghost Mirror imitates, may also be able to increase my Ghost Eye to be strange shortly.” “找到那只鬼,或许我能短暂的拥有第二只鬼眼,哪怕那只鬼眼只是鬼镜模仿出来的灵异力量,可也能短暂增加我的鬼眼灵异。” I entered in Ghost Mirror, found that Ghost, that found that eye.” “我进入了鬼镜之中,找到了那只鬼,那找到了那只眼睛。” I had pair of complete Ghost Eye, my plan can start.” “我拥有了一双完整的鬼眼,我的计划可以开始了。” My experiment achieved the unprecedented progress, the time that Ghost Territory that I superimpose, can maintain turned one time, was the astonishing 60 years, in other words, my plan, once starts, I can bring 60 years of peace to this world.” “我的实验达到了突破性的进展,我叠加的鬼域,能维持的时间翻了一倍,达到了惊人的六十年,也就是说,我的计划一旦开始,我能给这个世界带来六十年的和平。” The day, I started plan “那一天,我开始了计划” I succeeded, the strange time was delayed successfully the entire 60 years.” “我成功了,灵异时代被成功延缓了整整六十年。” The humanskin paper stops suddenly information to this. 人皮纸的信息到此戛然而止。 The Yang Jian eye narrows the eyes slightly: In Ghost Mirror still has one with my appearance exactly the same ghost? That does Ghost have Ghost Eye? Although is only Ghost Eye that imitates strange, but as if actually does not hinder the short use.” 杨间眼睛微微一眯:“鬼镜之中还存在着一只和我长相一模一样的鬼?那只鬼也存在一只鬼眼?虽然只是灵异模仿出来的鬼眼,但似乎却并不妨碍短暂的使用。” It seems like this was humanskin paper to the last trap that I set up.” “看来这是人皮纸给我设下的最后一个陷阱了。” The feeling of his instinct, this inside has the pit, but he does not know where humanskin paper buries the trap. 他本能的感觉到,这里面有坑,只是他不知道人皮纸将陷阱埋在哪里。
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