MR :: Volume #16

#1585: Unceasing experiment

Were many under the situation of two persons helper in the side, the experiment had very big progress. 在身边多了两个帮手的情况之下,实验有了很大的进展。 Ghost Eye Ghost Territory superimposes mutually, can always produce the unexpected results. 鬼眼鬼域相互叠加,总能产生出许多意想不到的效果。 The matter that Ghost Eye can handle is limited, but two Ghost Eye, three Ghost Eye mean that has the infinite possibility. 一只鬼眼能做的事情有限,但是两只鬼眼,三只鬼眼就意味着具备无限的可能。 zr. f , sx / c / om. zr。f,sx/c/om。 Opens 4th floor Ghost Territory on for example Yang Jian. 就比如杨间开启第四层鬼域 Four Ghost Territory are Ghost Territory that the jack-o'-lantern covers, later folds to make this jack-o'-lantern world with fifth Ghost Territory mutually go into hiding, if adds on sixth Ghost Territory again, then can make the jack-o'-lantern stay for a long time, does not dissipate immediately. 四层鬼域是鬼火笼罩的鬼域,随后和第五层鬼域相互叠就能让这片鬼火世界隐匿起来,倘若再加上第六层鬼域的话,那么就能让鬼火长时间停留,不会立刻消散。 If the similar truth adds on fourth Yang Jian Ghost Territory again, brand-new changes. 同样的道理如果再加上第四个杨间鬼域,又会有一个全新的变化。 This qualitative change, making Yang Jian oneself be surprised. 这种质变,让杨间本人都感到吃惊。 No matter what change, must first decide on the most basic plan, how that makes Ghost Territory affect the time of Yin-Yang road to achieve Yang Jian is very clear to need long to make anything, therefore he is not anxious, but is methodical toward this direction goes forward. “不管什么样的变化,首先要确定一条最基本的方案,那就是如何让鬼域影响阴阳路的时间达到最长”杨间很清楚自己需要做什么,所以他并不焦急,而是有条不紊朝着这个方向前进。 When Yang Jian continuously tries, crossed probably for nearly four hours. 杨间不断进行尝试的时候,大概过了近四个小时的时间。 stretch/open Xianguang was separated from the Yin-Yang road, turned back. 张羡光才脱离了阴阳路,折返了回来。 stretch/open Xianguang does not feel at this moment disgraced, instead is somewhat excited: I have tried that piece of Ghost Territory, the effect is very indeed good, even I do not have means difficulty-relief easily, moreover I estimate the time that this piece of Ghost Territory can continue at least am three years, but during the three years, the Ghost Territory strange strength will continue to be weaken, truly effective time estimation is two -and-a-half years.” 张羡光此刻并不觉得丢人,反而有些兴奋起来:“我尝试过那片鬼域,效果的确很好,即便是我也没办法轻易的脱困,而且我估算这片鬼域能持续的时间至少是三年,不过这三年期间,鬼域的灵异力量会持续减弱,真正有效的时间估计就是两年半。” Two -and-a-half years? The effect is evidently not much.” Yang Jian knits the brows. “才两年半?看样子效果并不怎么样。”杨间皱了皱眉。 Yang Jian said: This is two persons five Ghost Territory superimposes, if third, fourth? Whether can continue the extension of time? I am still testing, you look at that side.” 杨间说道:“这才是两个五层鬼域叠加,如果第三个,第四个呢?是否能继续延长时间?我还在进行实验,你看那边。” Said that he put out a hand to refer to front. 说完他伸手指了指前面。 On the front Yin-Yang road, has several, the red alley, each alley looks that similar is also in fact entirely different. 前面的阴阳路上,存在着好几节,红色的小路,每一条小路看着相似实际上却又截然不同。 This is the products under different experiment. 这是不同实验之下的产物。 After stepping into that section of alley, what situation will have who not to know, this need some people attempt personally, only then this can get an optimal answer. 只是踏进那段小路之后会发生什么样的情况谁也不知道,这需要有人亲自去尝试,只有这样才能得到一个最优的答案。 Because he had seen the successful possibility. 因为他已经看见了成功的可能了。 As times of experiment conduct, basic in less than very long time, can find that correct answer. 而且随着实验的一次次进行,根本用不了很长的时间,就能找到那个正确的答案。 Quick, strange time by temporary end. 很快,灵异时代就会被短暂的终结。 Even if ends for 20 years, this is a serious achievement. 哪怕只是终结二十年,这都是一个不得了的成果。 Let alone, later can also study Gui Tong, creates another possibility. 更别说,之后还能研究鬼童,创造另一种可能。 Saw the hope, had the road ahead, even if laborious stretch/open Xianguang feel worth again. 看见了希望,有了前路,即便是再辛苦张羡光都觉得值得。 Therefore present he, it may be said that is competitive. 所以现在的他,可谓是干劲十足。 Hundred years? Although the goal is a little high, but not necessarily not possibly.” stretch/open Xianguang the corners of the mouth showed a smile “百年么?虽然目标有点高,但是未必没有可能。”张羡光嘴角露出了一丝微笑 Later he has not then wasted the time again, walks toward the second section of alley again, but in process of walk, surrounding ray change, several stretch/open Xianguang forms appear, finally everyone walks toward the different roads respectively. 之后他便没有再浪费时间了,再次朝着第二段小路走去,而在行走的过程之中,周围的光线变化,又有好几个张羡光的身影显现出来,最后每个人分别朝着不同的路走去。 At this moment, stretch/open Xianguang was also earnest, he must spell to go all-out, and in the shortest time achieves the goal. 这一刻,张羡光也认真了,他要拼尽全力,并且在最短的时间内完成目标。 Yang Jian also opens nine Ghost Territory again, called third, fourth, and even sixth. 杨间也再开九层鬼域,唤来了第三个,第四,乃至第六个自己。 Although six are not the limit, but the current experiment, the change of Ghost Territory could not have used seventh Ghost Eye Ghost Territory, that is all. 虽然六个自己不是极限,可目前的实验来看,鬼域的变化还用不到第七只鬼眼鬼域,仅此而已。 Seven Yang Jian, five stretch/open Xianguang starts to work again in addition earnestly. 七个杨间,再加上五个张羡光开始埋头工作。 The strange circle cannot collect the right helper, then themselves depend upon himself. 灵异圈凑不出合适的帮手,那么他们就自己依靠自己。 This section of road, can maintain for five years, but is insufficient.” “这一段路,能够维持五年,但是还是不够。” zr. f , sx / c / om. zr。f,sx/c/om。 Here good, I judge the duration to be able at least eight years.” “这里不错,我判断持续时间能至少八年。” „The combustion of jack-o'-lantern advances in the middle of Ghost Territory indeed to increase the Ghost Territory risk, thus better stop malicious ghost enters the real world, simultaneously the jack-o'-lantern takes malicious ghost as the firewood combustion, has the possibility of a long time having, is worth researching.” “鬼火的燃烧加进鬼域当中的确可以增加鬼域的危险性,从而更好的阻拦厉鬼进入现实世界,同时鬼火以厉鬼为薪柴燃烧,也具备长时间存在的可能,值得研究。” Three Ghost Territory superimpose, that road can maintain the astonishing 20 years, this is a huge progress.” “三个鬼域叠加,那条路能维持惊人的二十年,这是一个巨大的进步。” Each stretch/open Xianguang takes that section of red alley to bring the different news. 每一个张羡光走出那段红色的小路都能带来不一样的消息。 Moreover each news some unprecedented progress, this lets Yang Jian and stretch/open Xianguang two individuals is very excited. 而且每个消息都有一些突破性的进展,这让杨间和张羡光两个人都很兴奋。 Will also record regarding information Yang Jian of all road sections, no matter the information is useful. 对于所有路段的信息杨间也都会记录下来,不管信息有没有用。 Can maintain for 20 years? Very good, that toward this direction attempts.” Yang Jian that other were called heard such a news also to understand how then should do. “能维持二十年?很好,那就沿着这个方向进行尝试。”其他被唤来的杨间听到这么一个消息也明白了接下来该怎么做了。 The experiment continues. 实验继续进行。 On this Yin-Yang road left many Ghost Territory traces, the appearance of each trace means that Yang Jian goes a step further from the success. 这条阴阳路上留下了许多鬼域的痕迹,每一段痕迹的出现都意味着杨间距离成功更进一步。 With the past of time. 随着时间的过去。 Yang Jian also found another issue to be, that is he uses second who nine Ghost Territory bring unable to treat in the world of reality, but are most can maintain for eight hours, eight hours arrives, dissipates immediately. 杨间也找到了另外一个问题所在,那就是他动用九层鬼域带来的第二个自己并不能一直待在现实的世界当中,而是最多能维持八个小时的时间,八个小时的时间一到,就会立刻消散。 In addition, the use of strange strength will not reduce the lie reality the time, this is a good news. 除此之外,灵异力量的使用并不会缩短停驻现实的时间,这算是一个好消息。 Therefore, each eight hours, Yang Jian has needed to open nine Ghost Territory one times, makes others appear. 因此,每过八个小时,杨间都需要重新开启九层鬼域一次,重新让其他的人出现。 Conscientiously made matter time always past quick. 认真做一件事情时间总是过去的很快。 In an instant, had passed enough five days. 一转眼,已经过去了足足五天的时间。 At this time, outside the third room, Wang Shanshan somewhat could not repress, wanted nosing. 这个时候,第三间房间外,王珊珊有些按耐不住了,想要走进去查探情况。 Wang Shanshan, suppresses your curious, Captain and stretch/open Xianguang will enter in that room naturally not to have problems jointly, if the human hair lived what accident/surprise, at this time the ghost had come out from that room, until now did not have malicious ghost to walk, this means the situation in room during the control of Captain.” 王珊珊,压制住你内心的好奇,队长和张羡光联手走进了那间房间里自然是不会出问题的,如果真发生了什么意外的话,这个时候鬼已经从那间房间里出来了,到现在为止都没有厉鬼走出来,这意味着房间里的情况都在队长的掌控之中。” Continues patient waiting, I believe that will have the good news.” “继续耐心的等候吧,我相信会有好消息的。” The Li Yang sound passed from a red coffin, he prevented the Wang Shanshan curiosity. 李阳的声音从一口红色的棺材里传了出来,他阻止了王珊珊的好奇心。 Yang Jian has vanished for five days.” Wang Shanshan returned to such a lightly. 杨间已经消失五天了。”王珊珊只是平淡的回了这么一句。 Wang Shanshan also said: I am not pure, because wants to have a look curiously, but was Liu Xiaoyu has called me, now has the important matter to need Yang Jian to process.” 王珊珊又道:“我并不是单纯的因为好奇想要进去看看,而是刘小雨已经打电话给我了,现在有重要的事情需要杨间来处理。” Captain transferred, how many paranormal event processed did not know, couldn't this five days of time, that side the headquarters have withstood?” In the Li Yang tone disclosed that several points are discontented. 队长才转了一圈,处理了不知道多少灵异事件,这才五天时间,总部那边就已经顶不住了么?”李阳语气之中透露出几分不满。 Huang Ziya in nearby coffin said: Headquarters what situation, you are not do not know, in this crucial point, where also has something with person, Captain that before that one by one lived was not missing, was non-stop dispatching, comes across the matter naturally to look for Yang Jian, Yang Jian was also laborious, must search for the means of solution strange time, as well as to go to stabilize the situation, the real plan broke out, when two persons did use?” 旁边一口棺材里的黄子雅道:“总部什么情况,你不是不知道,这个节骨眼上,哪里还有什么可以用的人,之前那个一个个活下来的队长不是失踪,就是不停调遣,遇到事情自然就来找杨间了,杨间也是辛苦,既要去寻找解决灵异时代的办法,又要去稳定局势,真打算把人劈开,一个当两个用么?” „Compared with outside matter, I felt the matter that Yang Jian handles now is more important.” Wang Yong's voice also conveys from the coffin. “和外面的事情比起来,我觉得杨间现在做的事情更重要。”王勇的声音也从棺材里传来。 Wait, some probably people must come out.” “等等,好像有人要出来了。” Suddenly. 忽的。 The Wang Shanshan look moves, hearing sound of footsteps had to be far and near, gradually comes out from that dark room, immediately looks askance to look. 王珊珊神色一动,听到了一个脚步声有远而近,渐渐的从那黑暗的房间里出来,当即侧目看去。 Simultaneously Gui Tong does not know when stops over in the side is guarding against the emergence of danger. 同时鬼童不知道什么时候逗遛在身边防备着危险的出现。 Experiment must continue, but allowed that I rest in midway, the remaining things troubled everyone.” Yang Jian went out of the room at this moment slowly, he work distribution to second, third Yang Jian, is will start to be loaf as for oneself. “实验还得继续,不过容许我中途休息一下,剩下的事情就麻烦各位了。”杨间此刻缓缓的走出了房间,他将工作分配给了第二个,第三个杨间,至于自己则是开始偷懒。 The uninterrupted work, his many was a little for successive five days tired. 连续五天不间断的工作,他多少有点累了。 After all each he needs to open nine Ghost Territory time, if not rest, he will be worried about the own condition to have problems this way. 毕竟每一次他都需要开启九层鬼域,如果不休息一下的话,他担心这样下去的话自己的状态又会出问题。 Yang Jian, you came out finally, is inside all right?” Wang Shanshan stares at him to ask. 杨间,你总算出来了,里面没事吧?”王珊珊盯着他问道。 Not only does not have the matter, instead I had found the method that a postponement strange time arrived, from the current achievement, I have been able to continue 30 years of peace, but this deadline has not met requirements in my mind, therefore also needs to continue to attempt.” “非但没有事,反而我已经找到了一个延缓灵异时代降临的方法,从目前的成果来看,我已经能够延续三十年的和平,不过这个期限还没有达到我心目中的要求,所以还需要继续尝试。” Yang Jian extended a waist, felt that the body had turned into the corpse, especially stiff. 杨间伸了一下腰,感觉身体已经变成了尸体,格外的僵硬。 zr. f , sx / c / om. zr。f,sx/c/om。
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