MR :: Volume #16

#1584: Receives and instructs and in the future

Leaves the time that we spend freely is not many, while me now temporarily stable strange circle situation this period of time, must find the way to solve the strange world invasion realistic problem, only then this can in the maximum degree reduce outside casualties, treating that otherwise the next strange attack, I am very difficult to be relieved here.” “留给我们挥霍的时间已经不多了,趁着我现在暂时稳定了灵异圈局势的这段时间,必须想办法解决灵异世界入侵现实的问题,只有这样才能最大程度上减少外面的伤亡,否则等下一次灵异来袭,我很难安心的待在这里。” Therefore, conducts in view of the attempt of this Yin-Yang road immediately.” “所以,针对这条阴阳路的尝试立刻进行。” stretch/open Xianguang, I to the present cannot affirm whether I can believe you, but could not have found several to have the qualifications to participate in this matter Ghost Controller now, therefore I am willing and you share some own secrets, hopes that do not disappoint me.” “张羡光,我到现在都不能肯定自己能否相信你,但是现在已经找不到几个有资格参与到这件事情当中的驭鬼者了,所以我还是愿意将自己的一些秘密和你分享,希望你不要让我失望。” Naturally, if you have other idea, I did not mind that buries you here.” “当然,倘若你有别的想法,我也不介意把你埋在这里。” After Yang Jian spoke these words, no matter how also stretch/open Xianguang thinks, he must start to begin immediately. 杨间说完了这番话之后,也不管张羡光怎么想,他立刻就要开始动手了。 Separates the reality and strange place with Ghost Territory, although this plan idea is good, the words that but really must achieve need to undergo the repeated proof, but the best way of proof to begin personally. 鬼域隔开现实和灵异之地,这个方案构思虽然不错,但是真要做到的话还是需要经过反复的论证,而论证的最好方式就是亲自动手。 Is good is long because of this Yin-Yang group enough, has the sufficient place to do the experiment to Yang Jian. 好在这条阴阳路足够长,有充足的地方给杨间做实验。 Immediately. 立刻。 The Yang Jian Ghost Eye overlay, five Ghost Territory spread, scarlet luminous covers on the Yin-Yang road, lets that Yin-Yang path change is somewhat unreal. 杨间鬼眼叠加,五层鬼域扩散开来,一片猩红的光亮笼罩在阴阳路上,让那条阴阳路变的有些虚幻起来。 This nearby does not have the ghost, I act as this laboratory technician.” stretch/open Xianguang walks toward that section of Yin-Yang road immediately. “这附近没有鬼,我来充当这个实验者吧。”张羡光立刻朝着那一段阴阳路走了过去。 Quick, his form disappears to disappear, but crossed the time without a while, he then took the Yin-Yang road, arrived at the strange world. 很快,他的身影消失不见了,但是过了没有一会儿的时间,他便走出了阴阳路,来到了灵异的世界。 Insufficiently, this degree of Ghost Territory can only block some Terror Rank insufficient ghosts . Moreover the time is also very limited, under that without the following strange strength maintains, your maintenance time to this section of Yin-Yang road are most is also one year, one year later the strange world will corrode thoroughly the influence that your piece of Ghost Territory will have.” “不够,这种程度的鬼域只能拦住一些恐怖级别不够的鬼,而且持续的时间也很有限,在没有后续灵异力量维持的情况之下,你对这一段阴阳路的维持时间最多也就是一年,一年之后灵异世界就会将你这片鬼域产生的影响彻底侵蚀掉。” stretch/open Xianguang review a say/way. 张羡光点评了一番道。 Therefore not only need maintain the influence that Ghost Territory has, but can also prevent the corrosion of strange world? So that's how it is.” Yang Jian hesitated, subsequently made the attempt again. “所以不仅是要维持鬼域产生的影响,还得阻挡灵异世界的侵蚀?原来如此。”杨间沉吟了起来,随后再次做出了尝试。 My six Ghost Territory can stagnate shortly the surrounding all, as Ghost Eye closure this strange strength loses immediately, seven Ghost Territory restarts itself, eight Ghost Territory are the wide scope restarts, can achieve only affects for a long time surrounding only then fifth Ghost Territory.” “我的六层鬼域能短暂的停滞周围的一切,但是随着鬼眼的关闭这种灵异力量就会立刻失去,七层鬼域是重启自身,八层鬼域才是大范围重启,惟一能做到长时间影响周围的就只有第五层鬼域。” Then I only had the ninth Ghost Territory ability not too definite beforehand I not to try nine Ghost Territory, the present was the time.” “那么我就只剩下第九层鬼域的能力不太确定了之前的我并没有尝试过九层鬼域,现在是时候了。” By the present Yang Jian strength, opens ninth Ghost Territory absolutely not to have the issue, does not need to be worried about the malicious ghost revival issue. 以现在杨间的实力,开启第九层鬼域完全是没有问题的,不用担心厉鬼复苏的问题。 After all after controlling the public transportation and Ghost Blood, went to an unprecedented situation regarding the suppression of Ghost Eye. 毕竟驾驭了公交车和鬼血之后,对于鬼眼的压制已经达到了一种前所未有的地步。 Nearby stretch/open Xianguang saw that the Yang Jian ponder had not urged. 一旁的张羡光见到杨间沉思并没有催促。 He also wants through the observation, having a look at Yang Jian this approach to separate this Yin-Yang road, delays the strange world corrosion reality the time, although an attempt distance succeeded a moment ago is extremely remote, but attempts still to continue, now has not drawn the conclusion time. 他也想通过观察,看看杨间这种做法到底能不能隔开这条阴阳路,延缓灵异世界侵蚀现实的时间,虽然刚才一次尝试距离成功还太过遥远,但尝试还在继续,现在还不是下定论的时候。 Yang Jian slightly is not very long, quick, he acted again. 杨间并没有丝毫很久,很快,他再次行动了起来。 This Ghost Eye opens, the mutual overlay, flickered to superimpose ninth merely directly. 这一次鬼眼睁开,相互叠加,仅仅一瞬就直接叠加到了第九层。 Un?” At this moment, stretch/open Xianguang perceived that side Yang Jian had the different changes. “嗯?”这一刻,张羡光觉察到了杨间身边出现了不一样的变化。 He sees the Yang Jian surroundings to have the red light to emit, this red light condenses in one group has not proliferated, has not vanished, probably a gate, seems like a channel, does not know that is connecting what where, however crossed not for two seconds, that group of red light had the change, started to wriggle slightly. 他看见杨间的周围有红光冒出,这红光凝聚在一团既没有扩散,也没有消失,像是一道门,又像是一条通道,不知道连接着什么何处,然而过了没有两秒钟,那团红光有了变化,开始微微蠕动了起来。 The red light sways from side to side, finally changed to a person unexpectedly. 红光扭动,最后竟然化作了一个人。 This person whole body is red, appears some strange, however the look and height actually and Yang Jian is exactly the same, the strange aura that lends is also the same. 这个人浑身通红,显得有些诡异,然而相貌和身高却和杨间一模一样,就连散发出来的灵异气息也一样。 No. 不。 This person is Yang Jian. 这个人就是杨间 So that's how it is, is this ninth Ghost Territory? Disregarded all restraints of reality, shook off the fetter of time, takes the node by Ghost Eye, in the past and future received and instructed, how long but does not know to be able lie.” “原来如此,这就是第九层鬼域么?无视了现实的一切约束,挣脱了时间的束缚,以鬼眼作为节点,将过去和未来的自己接引了过来,只是不知道能停驻多长时间。” At this moment, that is all over the body scarlet, opened the mouth with the Yang Jian long exactly the same person, this tone also has the thinking mode is completely another Yang Jian. 此刻,那通体猩红,和杨间长的一模一样的人开口了,这种语气还有思维方式完全就是另外一个杨间 At is not the ghost who the strange change becomes. 根本不是灵异变化而成的鬼。 „Similar to the Meng little Dong's infinite invasion?” stretch/open Xianguang look dignified, has not thought that Yang Jian is also hiding so terrifying one unexpectedly. “类似于孟小董的无限入侵么?”张羡光神色凝重了起来,万万没有想到杨间居然还隐藏着如此恐怖的一手。 Meng little Dong's such ability which Ghost Controller body the overlay is a qualitative change, but this similar ability appears in Yang Jian body now, this to others simply is a nightmare. 孟小董这样的能力不论是叠加在哪个驭鬼者身上都是一种质变,可现在这种类似的能力却出现在了杨间身上,这对其他人而言简直就是一场噩梦。 As nine Ghost Territory continue to maintain, the second Yang Jian side presented one group of red light, this group of red light change, third Yang Jian appeared unexpectedly again. 然而随着九层鬼域继续维持,第二个杨间的身边又出现了一团红光,这团红光变化,第三个杨间竟再次出现了。 Yang Jian this moment vision moves slightly: „The first person was used nine Ghost Territory to bring by me, but the second person has not actually related with me, after he is the first person opens nine Ghost Territory, brings and so on 杨间此刻目光微动:“第一个人是被我用九层鬼域带来的,但是第二个人却和我并没有关系,他是第一个人开启九层鬼域后带来的以此类推” Afterward Regiment 3 red light appears. 随后第三团红光出现。 At this time Yang Jian closed Ghost Eye, no longer opened ninth Ghost Territory. 这个时候杨间闭上了鬼眼,不再开启第九层鬼域 Immediately. 立刻。 The red light that Regiment 3 presented starts to dissipate, finally disappears thoroughly, the third person of not successful invasion in reality. 第三团原本出现的红光开始消散,最后彻底不见了,第三人并未成功的入侵到现实中来。 Realistic I receive and instruct the anchor point that others present, if I have problems, others are impossible to succeed to invade, therefore I open the person who the ninth Ghost Territory time is longer to receive and instruct more, is not excellent are more, receives and instructs the speed that the next person presents to be slower.” Yang Jian understood all issues after this attempt. “现实的我才是接引其他人出现的锚点,如果我出了问题,其他人就不可能成功入侵过来,所以我开启第九层鬼域的时间越长能接引来的人就越多,不过人越多,接引下一个人出现的速度就越慢。”杨间经过这次尝试又明白了一切问题。 Although he no longer opens ninth Ghost Territory now, but second Yang Jian, third Yang Jian has not actually dissipated, their body is still scarlet a piece, obviously Ghost Eye is strange is maintaining, makes them stay in this world forcefully. 虽然现在他不再开启第九层鬼域了,但是第二个杨间,第三个杨间却并未消散,他们身上依旧猩红一片,显然鬼眼的灵异在维系着,强行让他们停留在这个世界上。 Does not know how long time this stay can be. 只是不知道这种停留会是多久的时间。 Yang Jian said: This enough, is only an attempt, in less than so many people, after I found the method, I will try to reach the limit, then separates the Yin-Yang road in one vigorous effort.” 杨间说道:“这样就够了,只是一个尝试,用不了那么多人,等我找到方法之后我会试图达到极限,然后一鼓作气隔开阴阳路。” Also right, but the attempt words are not worth going all out.” Opens envy Guangdian to nod: But, the population increases in several situations, the matter that can handle is also very limited, cannot play the decisive role.” “也对,只是尝试的话不值得那么拼命。”张羡光点点头:“不过,人数增加几个的情况下,能做的事情也很有限,起不到决定性的作用。” To others perhaps is so, but that was to me different, my Ghost Territory can connect mutually, mutual overlay, if only I alone most superimposes to ninth, such that such as you saw a moment ago, I used ninth Ghost Territory to bring second, third, but after second Ghost Eye appeared, then means that my Ghost Territory can also have the new change.” 1 “对别人而言或许是如此,但是对我而言那就不一样了,我的鬼域是可以相互交汇,相互叠加的,如果只是我一个人的话最多就叠加到第九层,就如刚才你看到的那样,我动用了第九层鬼域带来了第二,第三个自己,但当第二只鬼眼出现之后,那么就意味着我的鬼域还能有新的变化。”一 Yang Jian Ghost Eye opens once again, this he looked time to nearby. 杨间鬼眼又一次睁开,这一次他看向了旁边一个自己。 Another person also opened Ghost Eye, as if knows the respective meaning. 另外一个人也睁开了鬼眼,彼此之间似乎都知道各自的意思。 two individuals Ghost Territory used again. 两个人鬼域再次使用了出来。 This two red light connect, this on behalf of respective five Ghost Territory. 这一次两道红光交汇,这代表着各自的五层鬼域 Merely in a flash, present that section of Yin-Yang road vanishes to disappear immediately, displacing is actually the road that a red light spreads. 仅仅一瞬间,眼前的那一段阴阳路就立刻消失不见了,取而代之的却是一条红光铺成的路。 That road is seemingly close, in fact actually gives people a very remote feeling, so long as if stepped that road not to come back again. 那条路看似近在咫尺,实际上却给人一种非常遥远的感觉,似乎只要一踏上那条路就再也回不来了。 stretch/open Xianguang has not actually dreaded, he is trying the past immediately. 张羨光却没有畏惧,他立刻就尝试着走了过去。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 His form disappears in immediately same place, has not appeared in the reality, has not appeared in the strange world, but lost directly on this strange track. 他的身影立刻就消失在了原地,既没有出现在现实之中,也没有出现在灵异世界,而是直接迷失在了这一段诡异的小道上。 Road that Ghost Territory forms, even present Yang Jian does not have the means completely to understand. 那条鬼域形成的路,即便是现在的杨间也没办法完全理解。 Because this is two persons five Ghost Territory connects the formation mutually, what results as for will produce, no one knows, because Yang Jian is also the first attempt. 因为这是两个五层鬼域相互交汇形成的,至于会产生什么样的效果,没有人知道,因为杨间也是第一次尝试。 Yang Jian is waiting for at this moment peacefully. 杨间此刻安静的等待着。 He is waiting for stretch/open Xianguang coming back, second side waiting, 他既在等待张羡光的回来,也在等待旁边第二个, Third own vanishes. 第三个自己的消失。 Because Yang Jian needs to know the accurate time, thus facilitates various oneself following attempts. 因为杨间需要知道准确的时间,从而方便自己接下来的各种尝试。 However waited for enough one hour. 然而等了足足一个小时。 stretch/open Xianguang has not actually come back, nearby two persons red Yang Jian has not vanished. 张羡光却还没有回来,旁边的两个红色的杨间也没有消失。 With in Baishui Town different, I use five Ghost Territory with another, is only the connection, is not the overlay, therefore in being able to achieve beforehand imagination so-called ten Ghost Territory situation, even if, the change that this connection still has is to be so inconceivable, the person of stretch/open Xianguang such strength, was stranded into one hour does not have the means to come out, common malicious ghost enters only feared that will be stranded a long time.” “和在白水镇的时候不一样,我和另外一个自己用出五层鬼域,只是交汇,并不是叠加,因此达不到之前想象中所谓十层鬼域的地步,可即便如此,这种交汇产生的变化也是难以想象的,张羡光这样实力的人,被困入其中一个多小时都没办法出来,寻常的厉鬼进入其中只怕会被困更长时间。” Yang Jian is satisfied to the result that these attempts time. 杨间对这一次尝试的结果感到满意。 I want to know , if using the strange strength recklessly, can shorten the time of lie in this world?” Third Yang Jian gave an idea. “我想要知道如果肆意使用灵异力量,会不会缩短停驻在这个世界上的时间?”第三个杨间提出了一个想法。 two individuals chatted unexpectedly. 两个人竟聊了起来。 This makes true Yang Jian feel a little strange. 这让真正的杨间感到有点怪异。 As if, did not have anything matter. 似乎,没自己什么事情了。 They can the independent thinking, the independent action, not need to worry from the start. 他们能独立思考,独立行动,压根不需要操心。 However this is also good, will be at least many from now on the two persons helper, moreover with own ability same helper. 不过这样也挺好的,至少从现在开始自己多了两个帮手,而且还是和自己能力一样的帮手。 Is having this intent.” The second Yang Jian nod agreed. “正有此意。”第二个杨间点头表示认同。
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