MR :: Volume #16

#1583: Yin-Yang road

Yang Jian and stretch/open Xianguang entered this three rooms together. 杨间和张羡光一起走进了这地三间房间。 Although in room dark piece, however under peeping at Ghost Eye, this darkness has almost no influence on him. 虽然房间内黑暗一片,但是在鬼眼的窥视之下,这片黑暗几乎对他没有任何的影响。 In his front, has a very special road, this road is not the strange formation, is the living person constructs seem like, just entered the room time, the road is very narrow, be only about four meters extend, as continues to proceed, the road was getting more and more wide. 在他的前面,存在着一条很特别的路,这条路并不是灵异形成的,倒像是活人修建而成的,刚进入房间的时候,路还很窄,只有四米左右宽,但是随着继续往前走,路越来越宽了。 The renewal does not have quickly- ball * window. 更新快无-弹*窗。 Arrived the final road no longer is the road, seem like a stretch of giant location. 到最后路已经不再是路了,倒像是一片巨大的场地。 Moreover the surrounding environment also had the huge change, time Yang Jian from the beginning also in room, as proceeds, the darkness gradually dissipates, at this time Yang Jian actually placed in a special place. 而且周围的环境也发生了巨大的变化,一开始的时候杨间还在屋子里,但是随着往前走,黑暗逐渐消散,这个时候杨间却身处于一个特殊的地点。 In his is one falls into the dark room behind, cannot see the end in his front the dim world, just like huge Ghost Territory to be the same. 在他的身后是一间陷入黑暗的房间,在他的前面则是看不到尽头的昏暗世界,犹如一个巨大的鬼域一样。 Yang Jian has not continued to proceed, but stopped the footsteps. 杨间没有继续往前走了,而是停下了脚步。 „The position that now we are is strange and intersection point of reality, if proceeds several, arrived in the strange world, in the future will draw back several steps to arrive in the real world, I estimated that this boundary only has about several meters . Moreover the position is different, the gap width is also different.” “现在我们所在的位置是灵异和现实的交汇处,如果往前走几步的话,就到了灵异世界,往后退几步的话就到了现实世界,我估算了一下,这条分界线只有几米左右,而且位置不同,间隙的宽度也不同。” Afterward he about looks, also has a road in his left and right, this road clear dividing line, has not only known that the left of road, the dim deathly stillness, is pacing back and forth the strange form, right luminous of road, indistinct can also see the city scene in reality. 随后他又左右看去,在他的左右两边也存在着一条路,这条路没有清晰的分界,只知道路的左边,昏暗死寂,徘徊着诡异的身影,路的右边一片光亮,隐约还能看到现实之中的城市景象。 Strange and realistic, light and darkness. 灵异和现实,光与暗。 This is a boundary unknown Yin-Yang road. 这是一条界限不明的阴阳路。 Moreover this road, as time in the past in striction gradually, was only this speed is very slow, but some places were quite special, some section of Yin-Yang road had vanished, the two persons world has connected one, this means that malicious ghost can enter in the reality following the connection point. 而且这条路随着时间的过去在渐渐的变窄,只是这种速度很慢,不过有些地方比较特殊,某一段的阴阳路已经消失了,两个世界已经交汇到了一起,这意味着厉鬼可以顺着交汇的点进入到了现实之中。 stretch/open Xianguang also swept looked, then said: This is the so-called situation, without the means prevents the emergence of strange time.” 张羨光也扫看了一圈,然后道:“这就是所谓的大势,没办法阻止灵异时代的出现。” Yes?” “是么?” Yang Jian next quarter Ghost Eye opens suddenly, later Ghost Territory one superimposes layer upon layer, red luminous illuminated the past along that Yin-Yang road instantaneously. 杨间下一刻鬼眼陡然睁开,随后鬼域一层层叠加,红色的光亮瞬间沿着那条阴阳路照了过去。 Covers along with the red light on the Yin-Yang road, some only tries to span the boundary, the ghost who enters the reality directly entered in the middle of Ghost Eye Ghost Territory, was successfully intercepted. 伴随着红光笼罩在阴阳路上,某只试图跨越界限,进入现实的鬼直接进入了鬼眼鬼域当中,被成功的拦截了下来。 Now do you feel?” Yang Jian asked later. “现在你觉得呢?”杨间随后问道。 Yang Jian said: After my Ghost Territory superimposes to the limit, can have the influence that a place continues, all smooth words, I can use the barrier that this constructs, prevents strange overwhelming majority, affects to weaken until my Ghost Territory, malicious ghost will start to break through my Ghost Territory blockade, the danger will arrive again.” 杨间说道:“当我的鬼域叠加到极限之后,可以对一处地方持续的造成影响,一切顺利的话,我可以利用这道构建成的屏障,将绝大部分灵异阻挡下来,直到我的鬼域影响变弱,厉鬼开始突破我的鬼域封锁,危险才会再次降临。” However at that time will be the malicious ghost revival time point next time.” “而那个时候就是下次厉鬼复苏的时间点。” Ends the strange time thoroughly? 彻底终结灵异时代? stretch/open Xianguang hears these words to be slightly astonished, he looks at Yang Jian to disclose inconceivable: „Are you cracking a joke? Even recovers strange cannot control, unexpectedly is thinking the thorough end strange time, must know malicious ghost does not have the means to kill, this means that strange will never vanish.” 张羡光听到这句话略显惊异,他看着杨间透露出一丝不可思议:“你这是在开玩笑么?连复苏的灵异都控制不住,居然想着彻底终结灵异时代,要知道厉鬼是没办法杀死的,这意味着灵异永远不会消失。” Yang Jian said: „ Good, the person has the limit, therefore I had not counted on that Ghost Controller can achieve this point, I plans to ferment one personally specially exists to achieve this goal, this special existence, is not only not a person, is not a ghost, is not Ghost Controller, but is brand-new existence, this brand-new existence actually and must have the normal living person consciousness, infinite strange strength, as well as long life span. 杨间说道:“不错,人是有极限的,因此我并没有指望驭鬼者能做到这一点,我打算亲手酝酿出一个特殊的存在来完成这个目标,这个特殊的存在,既不是人,也不是鬼,更加不是驭鬼者,而是一个全新的存在,这个全新的存在却又必须得具备正常的活人意识,无限的灵异力量,以及漫长的寿命。 The renewal does not have quickly- ball * window. 更新快无-弹*窗。 So long as succeeds, even if this exists to only have one, then the strange time will also end.” “只要成功,哪怕这个存在只有一个,那么灵异时代也会结束。” stretch/open Xianguang listened to the Yang Jian words to feel a shock at this moment. 张羡光听完杨间的话此刻已经感到了一丝震惊。 Came in a moment ago this room time, you should see a child, you thought that what existence that child is?” Yang Jian opens the mouth to say. “刚才进来这间房间的时候,你应该看见了一个小孩,你觉得那个小孩是一个什么样的存在?”杨间开口道。 stretch/open Xianguang the mind appeared instantaneously the Gui Tong form, he says immediately: I have observed that child, it is not a person, is not a ghost, is not Ghost Controller, but is similar to Ghost Slave one thing, but also has the strange strength that is inconceivable, does brand-new in your mouth exist is it that refers to?” 张羡光脑海瞬间浮现出了鬼童的身影,他立刻道:“我观察过那个小孩,它不是人,也不是鬼,更加不是驭鬼者,而是类似于鬼奴一样的东西,但却又具备难以想象的灵异力量,你口中的全新存在指的就是它?” Next quarter. 下一刻。 A whole body gloomy and cold, wears the shroud, the eye does not have the pupil, sent out the strange child of red light to emerge out of thin air slightly unexpectedly like this in two individuals at present. 一个浑身阴冷,穿着寿衣,眼睛没有瞳孔,微微散发着红光的诡异小孩竟这样凭空出现在了两个人的眼前。 You looked, it is very obedient, this indicated that it is better than many of control malicious ghost, moreover it has the potential of end strange time.” “你看,它很听话,这表明它比厉鬼好控制的多,而且它具备终结灵异时代的潜力。” Yang Jian also shouted several Gui Tong later continuously. 杨间随后又连续喊了几声鬼童 After each, the surroundings had Gui Tong to reappear immediately, periphery the time of short moment had 67 Gui Tong. 每一声过后,周围都有一个鬼童立刻浮现了出来,短短片刻的时间周围就有六七个鬼童了。 Moreover each Gui Tong is exactly the same, has the same strange strength. 而且每一个鬼童都一模一样,也都具备相同的灵异力量。 Is so special and potential huge existence, how you make.” stretch/open Xianguang is staring at that 67 Gui Tong, at this moment he indeed saw the possibility of end strange time. “如此特殊而又潜力巨大的存在,你是怎么弄出来的。”张羡光盯着那六七个鬼童,这一刻他的的确确看见了终结灵异时代的可能。 Yang Jian said: „Not a replicable accident/surprise.” 杨间说道:“一个不可复制的意外。” Even present he does not have the means to cause second Gui Tong. 即便是现在的他也没办法重新弄出第二个鬼童 stretch/open envy the luminous spot the nod, has not then asked again. 张羡光点了点头,便没有再问了。 However he had actually understood, Yang Jian had gone out this essential first step, so long as continues along the following road, his plan really may succeed, not only a naive idea. 不过他却已经明白了,杨间已经走出了这关键的第一步,只要沿着后续的路继续走下去的话,他的计划是真的有可能成功,并不只是一个天真的想法。 Your plan really surpassed my imagination, shocking.” At this moment, stretch/open Xianguang subdues by Yang Jian the courage and wisdom and boldness. “你的计划真是超过了我的想象,让人震惊。”这一刻,张羡光被杨间的这种胆识和魄力所折服。 But, you have the direction, why can think of every means to delay the emergence of strange time? Compared with the end strange time, matter not slightly significance that you make now.” “不过,你都已经有了方向,那么为什么要去费尽心思延缓灵异时代的出现?与终结灵异时代比起来,你现在做的事情没有丝毫意义。” His idea is like medicine shop old person Zhang Bohua, thought that Yang Jian should not pay attention to the strange time, should wholly-absorbed trains Gui Tong, so long as succeeds, then present's some losses are not worth mentioning. 他的想法和药铺老人张伯华一样,觉得杨间不应该去理会灵异时代,应该专心的去培养鬼童,只要成功,那么现在的一些损失根本不值一提。 stretch/open Xianguang smiles immediately: Your anything planned evidently, such being the case, that also waited for anything, started to implement, where if there is needs me to help, I can assist you.” 张羨光顿时一笑:“看样子你什么都计划好了,既然如此,那还等什么,开始实行吧,如果有什么地方需要我帮忙的,我可以协助你。” He now in the future attracting, even is willing temporarily to give up Arcadia that Yang Jian described planning. 他现在被杨间所描述的未来给吸引了,甚至愿意暂时的放弃桃花源计划。 The renewal does not have quickly- ball * window. 更新快无-弹*窗。 In the face of this general situation, other gratitude and grudges can put down. 在这种大局面前,一些个人的恩怨是可以放下的。
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