MR :: Volume #16

#1582: Enters the third gate

After Yang Jian leaves the headquarters, then no longer travelled for pleasure each city, he felt oneself have observed was similar, an embryonic form of heart deep place plan also appeared gradually. 杨间离开总部之后,便不再去游历各个城市了,他觉得自己已经观察的差不多了,内心深处一个计划的雏形也渐渐浮现。 All start from Dachang City, all should also finish from Dachang City.” “一切从大昌市开始,一切也应该从大昌市结束。” Yang Jian had such a idea to return to Dachang City. 杨间带着这样的一个想法返回了大昌市 However at this moment. 然而此刻。 In Dachang City Guanjiang Community outside is actually standing a person, this person as if treated here already for several days, the person who however enters the community has not actually paid attention, as if this person does not exist, or this person exists, but most people cannot see. 大昌市观江小区的外却站着一个人,这个人似乎在这里待了已经好几天了,然而许多进入小区的人却并没有留意,仿佛这个人根本就不存在,亦或者这个人存在,只是绝大部分人看不见而已。 Until Yang Jian appears, this strange phenomenon breaks. 直到杨间出现,这种古怪的现象才打破。 Yang Jian also detected that existence of that person, he stopped the footsteps in front of community. 杨间也察觉到了那个人的存在,他在小区门前停了脚步。 Since previous time puts after the ghost dream world you we had not met again, but also thinks that you feared I haul in you dream again, does not dare to make an appearance, has not thought that this time you came stretch/open Xianguang.” “自从上次把你从鬼梦世界里放出来之后我们就再也没有见过面了,还以为你怕我再次把你拉进梦中,不敢露面,没想到这次你还是来了张羡光。” He is staring at that person in not far away. 他盯着不远处的那个人。 That person roughly about 30, gentle, seems like a teacher, very difficult to contact with Ghost Controller, the resident least bit that even if the surroundings passed by cannot detect the danger of this person. 那个人约莫三十左右,文质彬彬,看上去像是一位老师,很难和驭鬼者联系起来,即便是周围路过的居民也半点察觉不到此人的危险。 The people who however are old a number of strange circles understand stretch/open Xianguang the fearfulness. 但是老一批灵异圈的人都明白张羡光的可怕。 stretch/open Xianguang shows a faint smile: My plan has implemented successfully, Arcadia looks like a seed, when the world turned into the desperate fertile soil, this seed germination result, but I must do observes, as well as protects this seed is not destroyed.” 张羡光微微一笑:“我的计划已经实行成功了,桃花源就像是一颗种子,当世界变成了绝望的沃土时,这颗种子就会发芽结果,而我要做的就是观察,以及呵护这颗种子不被破坏。” Yang Jian, after you recovered woke up, travelled for pleasure the nation, should very clear present this world turn into what appearance, this was not common malicious ghost revival is so simple, but was the strange place had connected with the reality, in the face of such tide, individual strength saw that trivial.” 杨间,你复苏醒来之后游历了全国,应该很清楚现在这个世界变成了什么样子,这不是寻常的厉鬼复苏那么简单,而是灵异之地已经和现实交汇了,在这样的浪潮面前,个人的力量显得那么微不足道。” He is in front of Yang Jian not to have the half a point to conceal even, spoke frankly regarding the own idea. 他即便是当着杨间的面也没有半分隐瞒,对于自己的想法直言不讳。 Yang Jian said: My also plan, you , if interested might as well listens.” 杨间说道:“我也有一个计划,你如果感兴趣的话不妨听一听。” stretch/open Xianguang follows, two individuals is maintaining a subtle distance, as if has several points of vigilance to the opposite party. 张羡光紧随其后,两个人保持着一种微妙的距离,似乎都对对方有着几分警惕。 Top Ghost Controller of Minguo time through various methods, hindered the strange corroded reality, maintained for dozens years, even nearly hundred years of peace, until now, this peace was broken, I do not think that our generation are more outstanding than the previous generation person.” 民国时代的顶尖驭鬼者通过各种方法,阻碍了灵异侵蚀现实,维持了几十年,甚至近百年的和平,直到现在,这个和平才被打破,我不认为我们这一代人就比上一代人优秀。” Very sober cognition, you continue.” stretch/open Xianguang slightly nodded. “很清醒的认知,你继续。”张羡光微微点了点头。 With previous time compares, present Yang Jian was maturer, was calmer and brilliant, will also be very clear regarding control as well as to the future ponder of situation. 和上次比起来,现在的杨间更成熟了,也更冷静和睿智了,对于形势的把控以及对未来的思考也很清晰。 He thought that such dialogue is meaningful, rather than comes up to shout that with the youth same hits to shout "kill". 他觉得这样的对话才有意义,而不是上来就和愣头青一样喊打喊杀。 Yang Jian said: If chooses your plan, hides in the Ghost Painting world, that without doubt is thorough gives up regaining the peace the opportunity, pinched out the hope of end strange time.” 杨间说道:“如果选择你的计划,躲进鬼画世界里,那无疑是彻底的放弃恢复和平的机会,同时也掐灭了终结灵异时代的希望。” Afterward, his footsteps stop, then stubbornly stares at stretch/open Xianguang to look. 随后,他脚步一停,然后死死的盯着张羡光看。 Did not have the strange this terrifying hotbed, does not have the means to breed the light of that hope, everyone will wait for death in the Ghost Painting world slowly, with it so, whatever might as well paranormal event wreaks havoc, everyone struggles to seek livehood in this desperate world, at least such future will have an opportunity.” “没有了灵异这张恐怖的温床,是没办法孕育出那份希望的光,所有人都会在鬼画世界里慢慢等死,与其如此,还不如任由灵异事件肆虐,所有人在这个绝望的世界里挣扎求生,至少这样未来还有一丝机会。” Therefore, your Arcadia plan root was wrong.” “所以,你的桃花源计划根就错了。” Died in the false peace slowly, feels better in the desperate reality struggles to seek livehood, if everyone votes, I thought that approves of the person who I plan at least to have 90%.” stretch/open Xianguang opens the mouth to say. “在虚假的和平之中慢慢死去,也好过在绝望的现实之中挣扎求生,如果所有人都投票的话,我觉得赞同我计划的人至少有90%。”张羡光开口道。 You will see quickly.” Yang Jian continues. “你很快就会看到。”杨间继续走着。 Quick. 很快。 two individuals arrived at behind Guanjiang Community, before an independent house . 两个人来到了观江小区后面,一栋单独的房屋前。 stretch/open Xianguang follows. 张羡光紧随其后。 In the courtyard, is placing nine coffins, seven red, two black, in three red coffins is lying down the Yang Jian three teammates, they do not have the means to leave Ghost Coffin, it is estimated that will take a long time in inside. 院子里,摆放着九口棺材,有七口红色,两口黑色,其中三口红色棺材里躺着杨间的三位队友,他们没办法离开鬼棺,估计会在里面带上很长一段时间。 „Is Captain, you?” The Li Yang sound resounds from the coffin. 队长,是你么?”李阳的声音从棺材里响起。 Is I.” The Yang Jian response said. “是我。”杨间回应道。 Captain, you behind also the person, very strange aura, who is he?” Li Yang later dignified asking. 队长,你身后还有一个人,很陌生的气息,他是谁?”李阳随后又凝重的问道。 Yang Jian said: stretch/open Xianguang.” 杨间道:“张羡光。” „, Captain you did not bring such a dangerous character unexpectedly.” “不是吧,队长你居然把这么一个危险的人物带来了。” The Huang Ziya sound spreads, she is very astonished, although she has not seen stretch/open Xianguang, but usually and Li Yang chatted also knows such No. 1 character. 黄子雅的声音传出,她很惊异,虽然她没见过张羡光,但是平时和李阳聊天也知道这么一号人物。 stretch/open Xianguang looked at these Ghost Coffin, is saying with a smile: You took by force the coffin shop, unexpectedly all moved so many Ghost Coffin, you were really that recklessly the unseemly behavior.” 7 张羡光看了一眼那些鬼棺,笑着道:“你是打劫了棺材铺吧,居然把这么多鬼棺全部搬过来了,你果然还是那么肆意妄为。”七 Makes the best use of things, these coffins place the coffin shop also to waste.” Yang Jian along with tastes. “物尽其用罢了,这些棺材放在棺材铺也浪费。”杨间随口道。 Yang Jian led stretch/open Xianguang to arrive at 2nd floor. 杨间带着张羡光来到了二楼 2nd floor has three rooms, two rooms are using, but only three rooms are the blocked states, had not been opened. 二楼有三间房间,其中两间房间在使用,但是唯独地三间房间是封锁状态,从没被开启过。 Yang Jian put out a hand to place on the front door of third room. 杨间伸手放在了第三间房间的大门上。 With the strange corrosion, the camouflage on door starts rapid disappearance, then revealed the original appearance. 随着灵异的侵蚀,房门上的伪装开始迅速的消失,然后露出了本来的样子。 This unexpectedly is the gate that a leaf of gold builds becomes. 这竟是一扇黄金打造而成的门。 „Did you affirm?” stretch/open Xianguang vision twinkle. “你就那么肯定?”张羡光目光闪烁。 Yang Jian said: Naturally.” 杨间道:“当然。” Afterward, he lifted the hand is fist numerous pounding on this leaf of yellow golden gate. 随后,他抬手就是一拳重重的砸在了这扇黄金门上面。 The leaves that the powerful strength, knocks were directly hollow, seems to be following to vibrate together with the entire house. 强大的力量,敲的这扇们直接凹陷了下去,连同着整栋房子似乎都跟着震动了一下。 The Yang Jian slight hesitation, he today do not open this third door. 杨间没有丝毫的犹豫,他今天要打开这第三扇门了。 Also is a fist pounds. 又是一拳砸下去。 The heavy/thick golden front door is hollow, a faint trace slit gradual reveals. 厚重的金色大门再次凹陷,一丝丝缝隙逐渐的显露出来。 Yang Jian, are you pulling down the house?” 杨间,你这是在拆房子么?” At this time, in the next room, Wang Shanshan looked pale walked, she stood on the corridor looks at Yang Jian, after all such big sound she was impossible to pretend not to hear. 这个时候,隔壁房间里,王珊珊面色苍白的走了出来,她站在走廊上看着杨间,毕竟这么大的动静她不可能装作没听见。 This leaves behind often transmit some strange sounds, moreover recently the sound was getting more and more obvious, I have monitored in the next door for several days, words that you must open the door careful.” The Wang Shanshan tone is desolate, does not forget to remind. “这扇们后面时常传来一些诡异的动静,而且最近动静越来越明显了,我这些天一直在隔壁监听,你要开门的话得小心一点。”王珊珊语气冷淡,不忘提醒道。 Yang Jian returns said: I know that is the ghost is trying to arrive at the reality through this leaves, but this is very solid, the ghost strange strength is unable to affect the gold, they do not have the means easily to come out, can only make some superficial moves.” 杨间回道:“我知道,那是鬼在试图通过这扇们来到现实,不过这门很结实,鬼的灵异力量无法影响黄金,它们没办法轻易出来,只能弄出一些不痛不痒的动静。” „Do you also want to open the door?” Some Wang Shanshan doubts. “那你还要开门?”王珊珊有些疑惑。 Wang Shanshan nods, fell back on the one side slowly, simultaneously her gloomy and cold strange child appears quietly, this child skin is pale, wears the shroud, is stepping on the embroidered shoes, is crooked the head to open flood red eye to peep at stretch/open Xianguang a slightly, seems looking at delicious food. 王珊珊点了点头,缓缓的退到了一旁,同时她的身边一个阴冷诡异的小孩悄然浮现,这个小孩皮肤苍白,穿着寿衣,踩着绣花鞋,歪着脑袋睁着一双微微泛红的眼睛窥视着张羡光,似乎在看一份可口的食物。 This little thing, is not a ghost, is not some Ghost Controller strange product, moreover you have 78 to be similar to Yang Jian, is your Ghost Slave? No, does not look like, is more special than Ghost Slave.” stretch/open Xianguang is also staring at Gui Tong to look, and very earnest research. “这小东西,不是鬼,也不是驭鬼者某种灵异的产物,而且和杨间你有七八分相似,是你的鬼奴?不,不太像,比鬼奴还要特殊。”张羡光也在盯着鬼童看,并且非常认真的研究。 Bang!” “砰!” Also is one after several other bangs. 又是接连几声巨响。 Yang Jian forcefully this leaves breaking open. 杨间硬生生的将这扇们给砸开了。 The heavy/thick front door falls to the ground loudly. 厚重的大门轰然落地。 In room jet black piece, later this darkness just like the thick fog to proliferate generally toward outside, gloomy and cold and infiltrates the person, as if must corrode the surrounding all. Package 房间里面漆黑一片,随后这片黑暗犹如浓雾一般朝着外面扩散出来,阴冷而又渗人,仿佛要侵蚀掉周围的一切。包 The Yang Jian surface ends the expression, he proceeded to step one step. 杨间面完表情,他只是往前迈了一步。 The darkness draws back the powder immediately, all fearful strange phenomena also stop suddenly. 黑暗立刻退散,一切可怕的灵异现象也戛然而止。 As if, Yang Jian is the gate that a leaf is unable to overstep, can hinder any strange nearness. 仿佛,杨间就是一扇无法逾越的门,可以阻碍任何灵异的靠近。 Walks.” “走吧。” In word jet black room. 词漆黑的房间内。 stretch/open Xianguang showed a faint smile, took back the vision, no longer studied Gui Tong, but follows Yang Jian to walk in this room immediately. 张羡光微微一笑,收回了目光,不再研究鬼童了而是立刻跟着杨间走了了这间房间里。 Approaches the darkness, stretch/open Xianguang the body by visible speed rapid disappearance, finally can only hear the intermittent sound of footsteps that he hears. 只是一靠近黑暗,张羡光的身躯就以一个肉眼可见的速度迅速的消失,最后只能听到他传来的阵阵脚步声。 After two individuals walks, then disappears quickly. 两个人走进去之后,很快便不见了。 What is strange, with entry of two individuals. 只是奇怪的是,随着两个人的进入。 The darkness in this third room has the trend of gradually diverging, simultaneously inside situation also visualization had/left a point slightly. 这第三间房间里的黑暗却有了渐渐散去的趋势,同时里面的情况也略微显形出了一点。 In that room, as if anything does not have, only then a special road, that road from outside to inside is getting more and more wide, finally has extended the dark deep place. 那间房间里,似乎什么都没有,只有一条特别的路,那条路从外到里越来越宽,最后一直延伸到了黑暗深处。
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