MR :: Volume #16

#1581: Hopes

Although Miao Xiaoshan hears the news that Yang Jian regained consciousness again from Zhang Wei there a while ago, but really meets, is especially excited, because he over six months has not seen Yang Jian. She also intended to inquire before, but obtains is actually Yang Jian already the news that dies. 虽然前阵子苗小善张伟那里听到了杨间再次苏醒的消息,可是真见了面,还是格外的激动,因为他已经半年多没有看见杨间了。她之前也有意打听,可是得到的却是杨间已死的消息。 However now innermost feelings worried vanished entirely. 不过现在内心的很多担忧都通通消失了。 You, fortunately?” Although the innermost feelings many words want to say that but Miao Xiaoshan also asked such a finally kindly. “你,还好么?”内心虽然有许多话想说,但是最后苗小善也只是关切地问出了这么一句。 Yang Jian returns said that not, but is not bad. You also know, people like me can live to be good, this time I plan to return to headquarters, passed by here, comes specially, has a look at you, sees all your normally, I also felt relieved.” 杨间回道,“不算好,但也不算差。你也知道,我这类人能活下来就不错了,这次我打算回总部一趟,路过这里,特意过来,看看你,见到你一切正常,我也就放心了。” I am very here safe, will not have what danger, you do not need to be worried about me.” Miao Xiaoshan said in a soft voice. “我在这里很安全,不会有什么危险,你不需要担心我。”苗小善轻声说道。 You should care about itself.” Yang Jian has not returned to him, but then said: Recently was also writing a book?” “你应该更关心一下自己。”杨间没有回他,而是转而道:“最近还在写书么?” Yes, is about to finish, missed a result. However the result I have not thought.” Miao Xiaoshan said. “是的,已经快写完了,就差一个结局了。不过结局我还没有想好。”苗小善说道。 Yang Jian asked that result was unimportant, I want to know probably what said was what story?” 杨间问道,“结局不重要,我想知道大概讲的是一个什么故事?” Miao Xiaoshan just wants to say. 苗小善刚想说。 Finally, Yang Jian actually changes the mind immediately, considers as finished, did this story say does not have the meaning? Waited for you to finish made me look again.” 结果,杨间却又立刻改变了主意,“算了,这个故事说出来就没有意思了?还是等你写完了再让我看吧。” Good.” Miao Xiaoshang nods. “好。”苗小尚点了点头。 I hope that result happily, after all this world was too brutal and despaired, I think that a happy story-telling session makes one yearn.” Yang Jian said. “不过我希望结局美好一点,毕竟这个世界太残酷和绝望了,我想一个美好的故事会让人向往一些。”杨间说道。 I also thought that the result should very be happy,” Miao Xiaoshan showed a smile. “我也觉得结局应该会很美好,”苗小善露出了一个微笑。 Does not know when you can finish, I anticipated very much, but I have the matter later, cannot treat is too long, next time, will meet next time, I lead you to go to stroll everywhere, look at this world, perhaps is very helpful to your writing.” “也不知道你什么时候能够写完,我很期待,不过我待会儿还有事,不能待太久,下次吧,下次见面的时候,我带你去四处逛一逛,看一看这个世界,也许对你的写作很有帮助。” Yang Jian has not chosen three to wait for a long time here, he and Miao Xiaoshan also chatted a while, in others with room greets, confessed after something, finally then a person left alone. 杨间并没有选三在这里久待,他和苗小善又聊了一会儿,也和屋子里的其他人打了招呼,交代了一些事情之后,最后便独自一个人离开了。 Everyone gazes after Yang Jian to leave, because they know, next time will meet does not know was, perhaps several months later, perhaps several years later, perhaps for a lifetime, after Yang Jian left the Miao Xiaoshan dwelling, then went to the headquarters directly. 所有人目送杨间离开,因为他们知道,下次见面就不知道是什么时候了,也许几个月后,也许几年之后,也许一辈子,杨间离开了苗小善住处之后便直接前往了总部。 The strange time, the headquarters even more deteriorated. One with the fight of king organization, ruined headquarters too many top Ghost Controller, is unable to recover to the present headquarters. Even was in the situation that is untenable, did not have the foreign enemy, can the headquarters be able to preserve, is an issue. 灵异时代,总部越发的衰败了。一场和国王组织的战斗,葬送了总部太多的顶尖驭鬼者,到现在的总部一蹶不振。甚至都到了难以维系的地步了,要不是没有了外敌,总部能不能保得住,都是一个问题。 The arrival of Yang Jian, attracts the headquarters everyone's attention immediately. Meanwhile, one also convenes regarding the Yang Jian conference immediately. 杨间的到来,立刻就吸引了总部所有人的注意。同时,一场围绕杨间的会议也立刻召开了。 On the board, Yang Jian sees is completely the strange faces, no is familiar, having Vice-Minister Wang Guoqiang is also the understanding, thus it can be seen. The personnel in headquarters also experienced several batch of replacements. 会议桌上,杨间看见的全部都是陌生面孔,没有一个是熟悉的,只有副部长王国强还算是认识,由此可见。总部的人员也是经历了好几批的更换。 Together Cao Yanhua, Wang Xiaoming, Shen Liang, Zhao Jianguo and others have disappeared. Unknowingly, present Yang Jian also became one of the headquarters qualifications oldest several people. 一起的曹延华、王晓明、沈良赵建国等一批人早就消失了。不知不觉,现在的杨间也成了总部资历最老的几个人之一了。 Yang Jian, this time you can come to the headquarters is very really essential, you transferred outside. Should have an understanding of the present situation. I here , not many idle talk, I only want to know how the headquarters then should do, Wang Guoqiang inquired earnestly. 杨间,这次你能来总部真的很关键,你在外面转了一圈。应该对现在的形势有一个了解。我在这里,也不多废话了,我只想知道总部接下来该怎么做,王国强非常认真的询问。 You prepared this time conference unexpectedly, then definitely also prepared the plan, you might as well first said, Yang Jian not anxiously reply, but asked. 你们竟然准备了这次的会议,那么肯定也准备好了方案,你们不妨先说说,杨间没有急着回答,而是反问道。 Wang Guoqiang is impolite, said directly: The good plan also needs the person to carry out, before this is, Professor Wang said. Facing present this situation. The headquarters indeed prepared several plans, but needs your support. 王国强也不客气,直接道:再好的方案也需要人去执行,这是以前王教授说的。面对现在这种情况。总部的确是准备了几个方案,但是都需要你的支持。 Staff set out to take up a document to read immediately. 一个工作人员立刻起身拿起一份文件念了起来。 „The first plan, is to need Yang Dui you to convene remaining Captain, is headed by several Captain, reconstructs the Ghost Controller squad, divides the region again, making the Ghost Controller squad be responsible for paranormal event in each region.” “第一个方案,是需要杨队你将剩下的队长召集起来,然后以几位队长为首,重建驭鬼者小队,再重新划分区域,让驭鬼者小队负责每一个区域内的灵异事件。” „The second plan, then has Yang Dui to act, summoned that Ghost Controller joins the headquarters, restores the strength of headquarters, then implements the head plan again.” “第二个方案,则是有杨队出面,号召驭鬼者加入总部,重新恢复总部的实力,然后再次实行负责人计划。” „The third plan......” “第三个方案……” Yang Jian interrupted his words: Ok, do not say, your plan I knew, is some consolidates the situation temporarily, the plan of not goinging to the roots of the problem, these plan plans to me all are the trash.” 杨间打断了他的话:“行了,不要说了,你的计划我都知道了,全是一些暂时稳固局势,治标不治本的方案,这些方案计划对我来说全是垃圾。” On the board many people were completely silent. 会议桌上不少人全部沉默了。 Wang Guoqiang said: This is the optimal plan at present.” 王国强说道:“这已经是目前最优的方案了。” You made a mistake, your plans are unable to solve paranormal event, is only thinking the rapid stable situation, ignores totally the following influence. My truth told you, now is not malicious ghost just recovered the time, but entered the strange time comprehensively. Controls this world no longer is the living person, but is malicious ghost, if you are so naive, I will withdraw from the headquarters today.” Yang Jian knocked the table, earnest and serious saying. 你弄错了,你的这些方案根本无法解决灵异事件,只想着迅速的稳定局势,全然不顾后续的影响。我实话告诉你,现在不是厉鬼刚刚复苏的时候,而是全面进入了灵异时代。“主宰这个世界的不再是活人,而是厉鬼,如果你还这么天真,我今天就会退出总部。”杨间敲了敲桌子,认真又严肃的说道。 This saying, everyone complexion immediately suddenly changes. The destructiveness of Yang Jian this saying to people are nothing less than big. Now the headquarters can maintain all because of Yang Jian also, if Yang Jian withdraws, so long as this news passes on, remaining Captain, as well as many heads will follow to resign immediately. 这话一出,所有人脸色顿时骤然一变。杨间这话对众人的杀伤性不可谓不大。现在总部能维系全是因为杨间还在,如果杨间退出,这个消息只要传出去,剩下的队长,以及许多负责人立马就会跟着辞职。 Wang Guoqiang at this moment not startled, as before calm asking: What idea then Yang Jian you do have?” So long as is favorable for the situation, the headquarters will support unconditionally, incessantly is the headquarters, other branches full power will also coordinate. 王国强此刻没有惊慌,依旧冷静的问道:“那么杨间你有什么想法?”只要对局势有利,总部会无条件支持,不止是总部,其他的分部也会全力配合。 These pleasantries do not say.” Yang Jian waves saying: Now everybody feels insecure, everyone is thinking the self-preservation. Your wish makes all Ghost Controller continue to work oneself to death as before already is not possible, now the Ghost Controller position does not compare before, the headquarters deteriorate now, not only the situation compels, is because the time changed reason.” “这些客套话就不要说了。”杨间挥了挥手道:“现在人人自危,人人想着自保。你们想要让所有的驭鬼者继续和以前一样卖命已经是不可能的了,现在驭鬼者的地位可不比以前,总部现在衰败,不只是形势所迫,也是因为时代变了的缘故。” The desperate time, wants to count on that Ghost Controller works to the average person, sounding is a laughable matter. Before just recovered strange, situation also not chaotic, Ghost Controller can also awe the headquarters according to the inertia thought that is the present turbulent emergence, the headquarters in a moment is one. You look, besides Wei Jing, which Captain the headquarters can also transfer?” 绝望的时代,想要指望驭鬼者给普通人打工,听起来就是一件可笑的事情。之前灵异刚刚复苏,局势还没有乱,驭鬼者依照惯性思维还能敬畏总部,可是现在动荡出现,总部说话就是一个屁。“你看,除了卫景之外,总部还能调动哪个队长?” Even if I stand the headquarters unconditionally, some strange circle people will not sell my face, was those words, the Captain time finished, the time of headquarters also ended, old one set of method is now useless, now wants the situation to be stable, only had a method. “即便是我无条件站在总部这边,灵异圈也不会有人卖我面子,还是那句话,队长时代结束了,总部的时代也结束了,旧的一套玩法现在已经没用了,现在想要形势稳定,就只有一个方法”。 Yang Jian stretched out a finger, is staring at Wang Guoqiang. 杨间伸出了一根手指,然后盯着王国强。 What method?” Wang Guoqiang inquired earnestly. Makes malicious ghost no longer appear.” Yang Jian saying slowly. “什么方法?”王国强认真地询问道。“让厉鬼不再出现。”杨间缓缓的说道。 „Can't this matter...... achieve?” Although Wang Guoqiang also wants to achieve this goal, but the reality suspends here, he felt that this is the not possible matter. “这事情……做不到吧?”虽然王国强也想实现这个目标,但是现实摆在这里,他感觉这是不可能的事情。 Yang Jian said: This matter I will do, does not need you to worry, only now the headquarters can do is thinking after not having paranormal event, should make anything, after all you besides this matter, other cannot help.” 杨间说道:“这件事情我会去做,不用你们操心,现在总部唯一能做的就是想着没有灵异事件之后该做些什么,毕竟你们除了这件事情之外,其他的也帮不上忙。” Yang Jian, you have the big assurance,” Wang Guoqiang is trying asking. 杨间,你有多大的把握,”王国强尝试着问道。 Does not know, does not need to know, so long as there is an opportunity to attempt, my a little idea, you wanted my news on the line.” Yang Jian said. “不知道,也不需要知道,只要有机会就去尝试,我有点想法了,你们只要等我消息就行了。”杨间说道。 Wang Guoqiang did not say a word immediately. Immediately has other staff unable to bear ask: Yang doesn't Dui, what our do?” 王国强顿时一言不发。顿时有其他工作人员忍不住问道:“杨队,那我们就什么都不做么?” Yang Jian looked at one, shakes the head saying: „The strange time, what have your group of average people been able to make? Which is willing to work oneself to death to process paranormal event person to the headquarters to idle? Now as long as the headquarters can pull out an individual hand I immediately to say a moment ago words apology.” 杨间看了一眼,摇头道:“都已经灵异时代了,你们这群普通人又能做什么?愿意给总部卖命处理灵异事件的人哪个是闲着的?现在总部但凡能抽出一个人手我立刻为刚才说的话道歉。” Others were again silent. Yang Jian said right, the present headquarters are completely an average person, Wei Jing that no Ghost Controller, came back before is also rushing about everywhere, processes paranormal event. 其他人再次沉默了起来。杨间说的没错,现在的总部全部都是普通人,没有一位驭鬼者,之前回来的卫景也在到处奔波,处理灵异事件 Ghost Controller headquarters reduce this, indeed did not need that too had greatly. I know that you want to make anything, I can only have one to the advice that you offer.” 一个驭鬼者总部沦落成这样,的确没有太大存在的必要了。“不过我知道你们很想做点什么,我能给你们出的主意就只有一个。” Yang Jian stood from the seat at this moment. Others looked again to him, Yang Jian tranquil saying: Bets all in my body, I will shoulder all, personally end strange time.” Everyone shocks and surprise immediately looks at him, seemed shocked by his breadth of spirit. Yang Jian continues saying: Before that you only need to look that I was good, because this time will not be late, after all the person in this world and others was too long.” 杨间此刻从座位上站了起来。其他人再次看向了他,杨间平静的说道:“把一切都赌在我身上,我会扛下一切,亲手终结灵异时代。”所有人顿时震惊而又诧异的看着他,似乎被他这种气魄所震慑。杨间继续说道:“在那之前,你们只需要看着我就行了,因为这个时间来的不会很晚,毕竟这世界的人等不了太久。” However I come here goal, to tell you, in the future will be hopeful.” “而我来这里的目的,就只是为了告诉你们,未来还有希望。”
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