MR :: Volume #16

#1580: Returns to the headquarters

Just-received news, Yang Jian must come to the headquarters. “刚刚收到的消息,杨间要来总部了”。 Several days later, an important news spreads, sits Wang Guoqiang in office slightly is at this moment pleasantly surprised: This news confirmation?” 几天之后,一条重要的消息传出,坐在办公室内的王国强此刻略显惊喜:“这消息确认了么?” Is information that Yang Jian sends on own initiative, did not make a mistake absolutely. His cell phone number was to encrypt, each information was monitored strictly, did not have made a mistake the possibility, a subordinate returned earnestly said. 杨间主动发来的信息,绝对错不了。他的手机号码是加密过了的,每一条信息都受到严格的监控,不存在弄错了的可能,一位下属认真地回道。 Very good, so many days passed by. He must come to the headquarters finally. I have been waiting for him.” “很好,这么多天过去了。他总算是要来总部了。我一直在等他。” Wang Guoqiang cannot bear stand up at this moment, on his face revealed several points of happy expression. 王国强此刻忍不住站起身来,他脸上露出了几分喜色。 Although Yang Jian regained consciousness for a long time, the strange circle also knew his existence, but Yang Jian travelled for pleasure in the whole country for serveral days, simply does not have the means to locate his position. Only knows that Yang Jian passes through a city every time, paranormal event of city will vanish. 虽然杨间苏醒了许久,灵异圈也都知道了他的存在,但是这些天来杨间在全国各地游历,根本没办法确定他的位置。只知道杨间每途经一座城市,一座城市的灵异事件就会消失。 Although the situation is getting better unceasingly ; However Wang Guoqiang is also very clear, wants the thorough restoration order, but also needs the Yang Jian stand to lead Ghost Controller of headquarters, or is the strength of conformity entire strange circle is also good. However Yang Jian does not come to the headquarters, many plans and plans do not have the means to implement. 尽管形势在不断好转;但是王国强也很清楚,想要彻底的恢复秩序,还需要杨间站出来引领总部的驭鬼者,亦或者是整合整个灵异圈的力量才行。但是杨间不来总部,很多计划和方案都没办法实行。 At present, Yang Jian is willing to come finally, how can Wang Guoqiang not be happy? Beforehand Wei Jing return, solved urgent matter. Processed many paranormal event, lets this city returned to the peace again time. If Yang Jian is really willing to make anything, in the future the situation will be perhaps less optimistic, but during will not fall into despairs. In Wang Guoqiang heart secretly thought/passage. 眼下,杨间终于肯来了,王国强怎么能不高兴?之前的卫景回归,也解决了燃眉之急。处理了不少的灵异事件,让这座城市再次回到了和平的时候。如果杨间真的愿意做点什么的话,未来形势或许不容乐观,但也绝不会陷入绝望之中。王国强心中暗道。 After all only then Yang Jian can requisition remaining Captain, can provide lodging these crazy Ghost Controller. 毕竟只有杨间才能征调剩下的队长,管得住那些疯狂的驭鬼者 Prepares this time conference content, waits for Yang Jian to arrive, immediately holds the headquarters conference. Afterward he issued the order. 准备这次的会议内容,等杨间到来,立刻召开总部会议。随后他下达了命令。 Meanwhile, Yang Jian has arrived at the city that the headquarters were. Before he goes to the headquarters , some private affairs need to process. Therefore ahead of time arrived. 与此同时,杨间已经来到了总部所在的这座城市。只是他去总部之前还有一些私事需要去处理。所以提前来到了。 Quick, he entered in a community, finally stopped the footsteps before a splendid villa in community. 很快,他走进了一个小区里,最后在小区内的一栋富丽堂皇的别墅前停下了脚步。 Yang Jian still remembers, before this villa is, Friend Circle He Tianxiong gives to him, but was passed by him afterward to Miao Xiaoshan that studied here. But this time he comes here goal is to see this old schoolmate. 杨间还记得,这栋别墅是以前朋友圈贺天雄送给他的,不过后来被他转送给了在这里读书的苗小善。而这次他来这里的目的就是为了见见这位老同学。 In the villa is pasting the gold foil everywhere. Inside also has the safe house. Does not have the ghost who the living person consciousness to be very difficult in the short time to invade, this will mean the person here to compared with others security, even if the entire city had paranormal event, the probability of when here fortunately surviving still will be very high. 别墅内到处都贴着金箔。里面还有安全屋。没有活人意识的鬼很难在短时内入侵进去,这意味住在这里的人会比其他人要更加的安全,即便是整座城市都发生了灵异事件,待在这里幸存下来的概率也很高。 You are very intelligent, knows that hides in Miao Xiaoshan here to come. Yang Jian said. “你还挺聪明的,知道躲到苗小善这里来”。杨间说道。 To the average person, the place that Miao Xiaoshan lived in indeed could have been a very safe place. Now wants to construct a safe house is not easy. Besides the gold price rises high. Also could buy very much difficultly again. The rich men also can only find the way to go to these to have the city of head to live. 对普通人而言,苗小善住的这地方的确已经算得上是一处非常安全的地方了。现在想要修建一栋安全屋可不容易。除了黄金价格涨得太高之外。也很难再买得到了。有钱人也只能想办法去那些有负责人的城市住着。 Here your one person?” Afterward, he looked all around, felt the aura of many living person. “这里就你一个人么?”随后,他又环顾了一圈,感受到了不少活人的气息。 Shangguan Yun said: „It is not, here was occupied by very many people, has the Miao Xiaoshan schoolmate, other relatives.” 上官云道:“不是,这里住了挺多人的,有苗小善的同学,还有其他的亲戚。” He counted probably, unexpectedly has more than 20 individuals. 他大概数了一下,居然有二十多个人。 This villa is big enough, but also really does not stay so many people. Thigh Elder Brother, do not mind, we live temporarily here, will not be absolutely long, will not spoil this house. You looked that we have to clean up every day, even the wall has to polish...” 要不是这栋别墅够大,还真住不下这么多人。“腿哥,你别介意,我们只是暂时住在这里,绝对不会长住,而且也不会弄坏这栋房子。你看我们每天都有打扫卫生,连墙壁都有擦干净…” Afterward, Shangguan Yun also explained hastily. 随后,上官云又连忙解释了起来。 He also knows, such a large crowd is admitted to here is not good. After all this house belongs to Yang Jian, even Miao Xiaoshan still temporarily resides, although said that gave Miao Xiaoshan, but if is not tactful, was tidied up by Yang Jian is also not the matter of a few words. 他也知道,这么一大群人住进这里不好。毕竟这栋房子是属于杨间的,即便是苗小善也是暂住,虽然说是送给了苗小善,可若是不识趣,被杨间收拾还不是一句话的事。 One group of people live here, is very lively. Miao Xiaoshan will not be at least lonely. Yang Jian tranquil saying. “一群人住在这里,挺热闹的。至少苗小善不会孤单”。杨间平静的说道。 Shangguan Yun hear of such saying, relax immediately. 上官云听这么一说,顿时松了口气。 Obviously, Yang Jian does not mind this matter. 很显然,杨间并不介意这件事情。 Yang Jian also said: Actually had lived, that maintains well, which day corrupt money does not want blowing the gold on wall, that prevents the thing of strange invasion, relates your lives. 杨间又道:“不过竟然已经住了,那就好好维护,不要哪天贪钱把墙壁上的黄金给刮下来,那是阻挡灵异入侵的玩意,关系你们的生命”。 Understood, clear, although I do not understand so many, but this knows.” Shangguan Yun hurried say/way. “明白,明白,我虽然不懂那么多,但是这点还是知道的。”上官云急忙道。 Yang Jian said: Person were many, having several idiots is also normal, in the safe house has a number of gold that I leave behind, which place leaked came, to go to take to snack to allay hunger on. The Miao Xiaoshan ear is soft, the heart good being able to provide lodging person, you helps laboriously.” 杨间说道:“人多了,出几个蠢货也正常,安全屋里有我留下的一批黄金,哪个地方漏了就来,去就去拿点补上。苗小善耳根子软,心善管不住人,你就帮个忙辛苦一点。” I do not think her to have an accident, your cousin ruthless time suppresses.” Then, he does not know where from fished out a golden pistol, then stopper to the hand of Shangguan Yun. “我不想她出事,你这个大表哥该狠的时候就狠一点。”说完,他不知道从哪摸出了一把金色的手枪,然后塞到了上官云的手中。 Thigh Elder Brother, this, this is......” Shangguan Yun is looking at the spear/gun in hand, immediately was startled jumped. 腿哥,这,这是……”上官云看着手中的枪,顿时惊了一跳。 This thing breaks a prohibition, I come to here to have a look at Miao Xiaoshan to walk, a lot wait for me to be done, later not necessarily can look after her promptly. You have experienced paranormal event, the psychological quality is better than the average person, you manage you is quite appropriate.” Yang Jian said. 这玩意可是违禁的,“我来这里看看苗小善就走,还有很多事情等着我去做,以后不一定能及时关照她。你经历过灵异事件,心理素质比普通人好,你来管你比较合适。”杨间说道。 Shangguan Yun is looking at the spear/gun in hand, looked at Yang Jian, somewhat hesitates. 上官云看着手中的枪,又看了看杨间,有些犹豫起来。 You can reject, but the opportunity only has one time.” Yang Jian also said. “你可以拒绝,不过机会只有一次。”杨间又说道。 Shangguan Yun is clenching teeth to say immediately: I understood, Thigh Elder Brother, here gives me, I will manage well here, protects the good cousin, if who does the destruction, I will not be concerned about somebody's feelings. 上官云当即咬着牙道:“我明白了,腿哥,这里就交给我吧,我会管好这里,保护好表妹的,谁要是搞破坏,我不会讲情面的”。 He also knows, now the paranormal event frequency leaves, many places started chaotic, wanted to defend such a big safe house, cannot all count on others to look, also suppressed. 他也知道,现在灵异事件频出,很多地方都开始混乱了,想要守着这么大的一栋安全屋,不能全指望别人关照,也得自己狠起来。 In safe house besides gold, a number at sixes and sevens assets. Miao Xiaoshan estimated that also places there not to go, yourself look at processing, guarantees your riches and honor not to have the issue for a lifetime.” Yang Jian said. “安全屋里除了黄金之外,还有一批乱七八糟的资产。苗小善估计也只是放在那里没去动,你自己看着处理,保你一辈子富贵是没问题的。”杨间说道。 These are Thigh Elder Brother have cousin's thing, where can I take?” Shangguan Yun quickly resists. “那些都是腿哥还有表妹的东西,我哪能拿?”上官云急忙推拒。 Yang Jian said: „The words that taking, is not acting unreasonably, cannot all spend in any case, moreover Miao Xiaoshan is not suitable to work, she later wants to be point the matter that likes handling also to need money to support.” 杨间说道:“拿着吧,不乱来的话,反正也花不完,而且苗小善也不适合出去工作,她以后想做一点自己喜欢做的事情也需要钱去支持。” I understood.” Shangguan Yun nods. At this moment, he felt that own this cousin is very happy. Has looking after of this Yang Jian, can be worry-free for a lifetime. “我懂了。”上官云点了点头。这一刻,他感觉自己这个表妹真的很幸福。有这个杨间的关照,一辈子都可以无忧无虑。 But Yang Jian wants him to do. Works as a role of steward. However return also especially rich. 杨间要他做的。就是当好一个管家的角色。不过回报也格外的丰厚。 Shangguan Yun is at heart clear, therefore also accepted this work. After all Miao Xiaoshan is not a bystander, Shangguan Yun, are you chatting with whom?” At this time the female goes downstairs, this female seemed like about 40, was quite genial. 上官云心里清楚,所以也接受了这份工作。毕竟苗小善又不是外人,“上官云,你在和谁聊天呢?”这个时候有一个女子下了楼,这个女子看上去四十左右,比较和善。 Aunt, was Yang Jian came, I am chatting with Yang Jian,” Shangguan Yun hurried received the pistol, then said. “姨,是杨间来了,我在和杨间聊天呢,”上官云急忙将手枪收了起来,然后道。 This middle-aged female and Miao Xiaoshan are somewhat similar, should be the Miao Xiaoshan mother. 这个中年女子和苗小善有几分相似,应该是苗小善的母亲了。 Is Yang Jian,” this middle-aged female sees Yang Jian, is somewhat excited, somewhat anxious helpless, saw probably what great person is the same, seems very cautious. “是杨间啊,”这个中年女子见到杨间,有些激动,也有些紧张的不知所措,像是见到了什么大人物一样,显得很是拘谨。 Xiaoshan, Yang Jian came, comes out quickly.” She quickly shouted one. 小善,杨间来了,快出来。”她急忙喊了一句。 Quick, others in room heard the sound, walked in abundance, Miao Xiaoshan also wore the pajamas quickly to go out of the room. 很快,屋子里的其他人听到了动静,纷纷走了出来,苗小善也穿着睡衣急急忙忙地走出了房间。 He sees Yang Jian time, immediately is startled, in the eye socket has the tears to spin. 他看见杨间的时候,立刻怔住了,眼眶里有泪水打转。
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